MRT Richardson–Lucy Algorithm With Total Variation Regularization for 3D Confocal Microscope De







1. 创建一个距离列表distances,用于保存起始节点到各个节点的最短距离,初始值为无穷大(表示未知路径)。

2. 创建一个前驱列表predecessors,用于保存路径上每个节点

3. 将起始节点的距离设置为0,即distances[start_node] = 0。

4. 选择距离最短且未被访问的节点作为当前节点。

5. 更新当前节点到邻居节点的距离,如果新的距离比原来的距离小,则更新距离和前驱节点。

6. 标记当前节点为已访问。

7. 重复步骤4-6直到所有节点都被访问。

8. 根据distances和predecessors构建最短路径。




richardson 公式

richardson 公式

richardson 公式摘要:Richardson 公式概述及应用场景1.Richardson 公式简介2.公式推导与含义3.应用场景及实例4.与其他预测模型对比5.局限性与改进方向正文:Richardson 公式是一种用于预测随机变量大于等于某个阈值概率的统计模型。


本文将对Richardson 公式进行详细介绍,包括其推导、含义、应用场景以及局限性与改进方向。

1.Richardson 公式简介Richardson 公式,又称Richardson 插值公式,是由英国数学家Lewis Fry Richardson 在1910 年提出的。

公式如下:P(X ≥ k) = 1 / (1 + b * (log(k) - log(θ)))其中,P(X ≥ k) 表示随机变量X 大于等于k 的概率;k 为阈值;θ 为最小概率,即P(X ≥ θ) = 1;b 为比例系数,可通过拟合数据求得。

2.公式推导与含义Richardson 公式的推导过程较为复杂,这里不再详细展开。

但从公式中可以看出,它与logistic 函数有一定的相似性。

logistic 函数常用于概率论中的Sigmoid 函数,用于描述随机变量在某个阈值附近的概率变化。

Richardson 公式则将这种概率变化推广到了任意阈值上,从而可以用于预测随机变量大于等于某个阈值的概率。

3.应用场景及实例Richardson 公式在许多领域都有广泛的应用,如气象学、生物学、金融学等。


我们可以先收集历史数据,计算出各种降雨阈值(如1mm、5mm、10mm 等)对应的降雨概率。

然后利用Richardson 公式,根据当前气象数据预测未来一周内各种降雨阈值的概率。

4.与其他预测模型对比Richardson 公式具有一定的局限性,如对数据质量要求较高,预测精度受限等。



思考题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
第一部分 基础知识
2 在学习本篇的内容时,我们建议读者不必一次将这些数学内容全部消化。先浏览 一下这部分的各章,看看它们包含哪些内容,然后直接去读集中谈算法的章节。在阅 读这些章节时,如果需要对算法分析中所用到的数学工具有个更好的理解的话,再回 过头来看这部分。当然,读者也可顺序地学习这几章,以便很好地掌握有关的数学技 巧。 本篇各章的内容安排如下: • 第一章介绍本书将用到的算法分析和设计的框架。 • 第二章精确定义了几种渐近记号,其目的是使读者采用的记号与本书中的一致, 而不在于向读者介绍新的数学概念。 • 第三章给出了对和式求值和限界的方法,这在算法分析中是常常会遇到的。 • 第四章将给出求解递归式的几种方法。我们已在第一章中用这些方法分析了合并 排序,后面还将多次用到它们。一种有效的技术是“主方法”,它可被用来解决 分治算法中出现的递归式。第四章的大部分内容花在证明主方法的正确性,读者 若不感兴趣可以略过。 • 第五章包含了有关集合、关系、函数、图和树的基本定义和记号。这一章还给出 了这些数学对象的一些基本性质。如果读者已学过离散数学课程,则可以略过这 部分内容。 • 第六章首先介绍计数的基本原则,即排列和组合等内容。这一章的其余部分包含 基本概率的定义和性质。
求和公式和性质 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 线性性质 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 算术级数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 几何级数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 调和级数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 积分级数与微分级数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 套迭级数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 积 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 数学归纳法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 对项的限界 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 分解和式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 积分近似公式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45



1. "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" by Mary L. Boas (《物理科学中的数学方法》)
2. "Mathematical Methods for Physicists" by George B. Arfken and Hans J. Weber (《物理学家的数学方法》)
3. "Mathematical Physics" by Robert G. Brown (《数学物理学》)
4. "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers" by Carl M. Bender and Steven A. Orszag (《科学家和工程师的
5. "Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" by Ken Riley, Michael Hobson, and Stephen Bence (《物理学和工程学



ZH AO Bo ZH ANG e he g, NG u n No e m a e e l r i a g r t , W ns n DI H a . v l i g d b u rng l o ihm s d n ba e o Ri h r s n Lu y Co p t r c a do - c. m ue
M a p a tr ae ic sdI c o ss e sn be aa ees o c iv te bet e u . p r na rs l d mo t e p a mees r dsuse . h o e ra o a l p m tr t ah e e h s r t r r sRs Ex e me tl e ut e ns a i s r t
n tb e i r v me t r n iy b u r d i a e sn h s meh d o a l mp o e n s f o s lr e m g s u i g t i t o . o
Ke r s mae rs rt n d bur g R c ado —u y R y wo d :i g et a o ;elri ; ih rsnL c ( L)a o tm; a a o i n l rh G i M p gi n
铃 效应的有效性 , 同时它很好地保 留了图像 细节 , 对含有 噪声的模 糊 图像也有很好 的复原效果 。 关键 词 : 图像 复原 ; 去模糊 ; i ado . uy R 算法; Rc rsnL c ( L) h 增益 图 DOI1 . 7  ̄i n1 0 .3 1 0 1 4 0 文章编号 :0 28 3 (0 1 3 .0 10 文献标识码 : 中图分类号 :P 9 . :03 8 .s . 28 3 . 1. . 1 7 s 0 2 30 1 0 .3 12 1 )40 0 .4 A T 31 4




该书由美国斯坦福大学计算机科学教授及机器学习专家Charles Isbell和Michael Littman编写,它涵盖了先进的计算机技术、算法,以及利用搜索引擎,谷歌等分析数据的实用方法,旨在帮助技术从业者以及学习者更好地运用计算机科学来逐步解决实际问题。





- 1 -。



牛顿法(英文:Newton's method),又称为牛顿-拉夫森法(英文:Newton-Raphson method),是一种求解实数域和复数域方程的近似方法。


起源牛顿法最初由艾萨克·牛顿在《流数法》(Method of Fluxions,1671年完成,在牛顿去世后的1736年公开发表)中提出。

约瑟夫·鲍易也曾于1690年在Analysis Aequationum中提出此方法。































richardson-lucy 公式

richardson-lucy 公式

Richardson-Lucy 公式,又称为最小均方重建算法(Richardson-Lucy algorithm),是一种在图像处理中常用的盲复原算法。

1. 背景介绍图像复原是数字图像处理领域中的重要问题之一,指的是从经过退化的图像中还原出原始图像的过程。



Richardson-Lucy 公式便是这一领域中被广泛应用的一种方法。

2. 算法原理Richardson-Lucy 公式是一种迭代算法,通过不断迭代更新图像的估计值,使其逐渐逼近原始图像。

其数学表达式如下:\[ \hat{f}^{(k+1)}(x) = \hat{f}^{(k)}(x) \cdot \frac{\sum_{y}\frac{g(y)}{\hat{f}^{(k)}(y)} \cdot h(x-y)}{\sum_{z}\frac{g(z)}{\hat{f}^{(k)}(z)} \cdot \sum_{y}h(z-y)} \]其中,\( \hat{f}^{(k)}(x) \) 是第 k 次迭代后的图像估计值,g(x) 和h(x) 分别代表原始退化图像和点扩展函数,x 为图像的像素坐标。

3. 算法流程Richardson-Lucy 公式的算法流程如下:- 初始化:将估计值\( \hat{f}^{(0)} \)设为退化图像g,设定迭代次数k和收敛阈值ε;- 迭代更新:根据公式进行 k 次迭代更新,直到满足收敛条件;- 输出结果:输出最终估计值\( \hat{f}^{(k)} \)作为复原图像。

4. 算法特点Richardson-Lucy 公式作为盲复原算法,具有以下特点:- 优点:适用于多种图像退化模型,鲁棒性较好,能够有效抑制噪声;- 缺点:对退化过程的要求较高,需要事先对图像退化过程进行建模。

5. 应用领域Richardson-Lucy 公式广泛应用于天文学、医学影像等领域。



国外计算机科学教材系列有很多,这里列举一些广泛使用和备受推崇的系列教材,它们涵盖了计算机科学的各个领域和层次:1. **《计算机科学导论》系列**(Introduction to Computer Science Series):- 作者:Thomas H. Cormen、Charles E. Leiserson、Ronald L. Rivest、Clifford Stein - 描述:这个系列主要以《算法导论》(Introduction to Algorithms)为代表,是计算机科学领域的经典之一,涵盖了算法、数据结构、计算复杂性等核心概念。

2. **《计算机组成与设计》系列**(Computer Organization and Design Series):- 作者:David A. Patterson、John L. Hennessy- 描述:该系列包括了多个版本的教材,覆盖了计算机体系结构、数字逻辑、指令集架构等内容,适用于硬件和低级编程领域的学习。

3. **《人工智能:一种现代方法》系列**(Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Series):- 作者:Stuart Russell、Peter Norvig- 描述:这个系列的核心书籍是《人工智能:一种现代方法》(Artificial Intelligence:A Modern Approach),涵盖了人工智能的基本概念、算法和方法。

4. **《计算机图形学》系列**(Computer Graphics Series):- 作者:James D. Foley、Andries van Dam、Steven K. Feiner、John F. Hughes - 描述:这个系列包括了多个版本的教材,涵盖了计算机图形学的基本原理、算法和技术。

5. **《操作系统概念》系列**(Operating System Concepts Series):- 作者:Abraham Silberschatz、Peter B. Galvin、Greg Gagne- 描述:该系列教材介绍了操作系统的基本概念、设计和实现,是操作系统课程的经典教材之一。


a g rt m. e p o e i ol e v a r g lr meho o e a a i g t e i u ln ie i t e o i n l LR t r tv r c s n n u s mp e lo i h Th r blm s s v d i e u a t d f r s p r tn he r sd a o s n h r gi a i a i e p o e s a d No s b a ld e
C n o r t rn fr NS T d man lc l e h o h o or l ind n i n to . o aaiee p r na r s l h w teag r h a o t ul a s m( C ) o i o a n i b r o dc r a o e os gme d C mp rt x ei tl e ut s o lo i m c n eT o g et i h v me s h t
[ sr c]A nw u yRi ad o( R ma ers rt nag rh spo oe oaodten i mpict npo l o eoiia L Abtat e L c — c rsnL )i g et ai loi m i rp sdt v i h os a l ai rbe fh r nl R h o o t e i f o m t g
用 不 同的 复 原策 略 。根 据 小 波 变换 域采 用 的复 原 策 略 不 同 , 小 波 域 图 像 复 原 又 分 为 小 波 域 迭代 正 则 化 图像 复 原 方法 l和 J
过程 中的噪声残差 ,并采用非下采样 轮廓波变换域局部邻域相关性 方法对 噪声进行处理 ,从而弥补原 L R算法噪声存在的缺 陷。对 比实验 结果表 明,该算法复原视觉效果 良好。



























其迭代公式可以表示为:\[ J(\Delta X) = F(X_k) + \frac{dF(X_k)}{dX}\Delta X = 0 \]其中,J是雅可比矩阵,ΔX表示解的修正量,F(Xk)表示当前迭代点的方程组的值,dF(Xk)/dX表示F(Xk)的导数。





```java// Java程序实现牛顿拉夫逊迭代法的极坐标潮流计算public class PolarNewtonRaphson {// 节点导纳矩阵private Complex[][] admittanceMatrix;// 节点功率不平衡方程private Complex[] powerMismatchEquation;// 节点电压private Complex[] voltage;// 迭代阈值private double threshold;// 构造函数public PolarNewtonRaphson(Complex[][] admittanceMatrix, Complex[] powerMismatchEquation, Complex[] voltage, double threshold) {this.admittanceMatrix = admittanceMatrix;this.powerMismatchEquation = powerMismatchEquation; this.voltage = voltage;this.threshold = threshold;}// 牛顿拉夫逊迭代法public void calculate() {while (true) {// 计算雅可比矩阵Complex[][] jacobianMatrix = calculateJacobianMatrix(); // 计算方程组的值Complex[] fX = calculateFX();// 解线性方程组Complex[] deltaV = solveLinearEquations(jacobianMatrix, fX);// 更新节点电压for (int i = 0; i < voltage.length; i++) {voltage[i] = voltage[i].add(deltaV[i]);}// 判断是否满足收敛条件if (isConverged(deltaV)) {break;}}}// 计算雅可比矩阵private Complex[][] calculateJacobianMatrix() {// 省略具体实现}// 计算方程组的值private Complex[] calculateFX() {// 省略具体实现}// 解线性方程组private Complex[] solveLinearEquations(Complex[][] jacobianMatrix, Complex[] fX) {// 省略具体实现}// 判断是否满足收敛条件private boolean isConverged(Complex[] deltaV) { // 省略具体实现}}// 主程序public class M本人n {public static void m本人n(String[] args) {// 构建节点导纳矩阵、节点功率不平衡方程和节点电压// 省略具体实现// 创建极坐标潮流计算对象PolarNewtonRaphson polarNewtonRaphson = new PolarNewtonRaphson(admittanceMatrix, powerMismatchEquation, voltage, 0.0001);// 计算节点电压和相角polarNewtonRaphson.calculate();}}```在这个简单的Java程序中,我们使用了复数类Complex来表示节点电压、导纳矩阵和功率不平衡方程,通过迭代的方式计算得到节点电压和相角的解。



用c语言实现牛顿拉夫逊迭代法如何用C语言实现牛顿拉弗森迭代法[引言]牛顿拉弗森迭代法(Newton-Raphson method),又称为牛顿迭代法,是一种求解方程根的数值方法。




设方程的根为x0,代入方程得到曲线上的一个点(x0, f(x0))。

假设方程在x0附近可导,那么我们可以得到曲线在点(x0, f(x0))处的切线方程,即通过(x0, f(x0))和斜率f'(x0)得到切线的方程。



具体迭代公式为:x_(n+1) = x_n - f(x_n) / f'(x_n)其中,x_n是第n次迭代得到的近似解,f(x_n)是方程在x_n处的函数值,f'(x_n)是方程在x_n处的导数值。



步骤1:导入所需的头文件和函数声明c#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>double f(double x); 定义方程的函数表达式double f_derivative(double x); 定义方程的导数函数表达式步骤2:实现方程和导数函数cdouble f(double x) {实现方程的函数表达式return x * x - 9;}double f_derivative(double x) {实现方程的导数函数表达式return 2 * x;}步骤3:实现牛顿拉弗森迭代法cdouble newton_raphson_method(double x0, double epsilon) { double x = x0;double difference = epsilon + 1; 初始化差值,使其大于预设的误差范围while (difference > epsilon) {double f_x = f(x);double f_derivative_x = f_derivative(x);x = x - f_x / f_derivative_x;difference = fabs(f(x));}return x;}步骤4:调用牛顿拉弗森迭代法求解方程cint main() {double x0 = 4; 初始值double epsilon = 0.0001; 误差范围double root = newton_raphson_method(x0, epsilon);printf("方程的近似根为:%lf\n", root);return 0;}[总结]通过以上步骤,我们可以使用C语言实现牛顿拉弗森迭代法来求解给定方程的根。

隐含波动率 牛顿法

隐含波动率 牛顿法













leetcode 牛顿法解方程

leetcode 牛顿法解方程

leetcode 牛顿法解方程牛顿法(Newton's Method)是一种用于求解方程的数值计算方法,也称为牛顿-拉弗森方法(Newton-Raphson Method)。



这道问题是“Solve the Equation”,即解方程。




方程的格式为ax + b = cx + d,其中a、b、c、d均为整数,且a、b、c、d在-1000和1000之间。


解题思路:1. 首先,我们需要将方程分为左右两部分,分别表示为等号左边的表达式和等号右边的表达式。

2. 然后,对两部分的表达式分别进行求和,得到x的系数和常数项。

3. 使用牛顿法求解方程,迭代计算x的值,直到收敛到解。

4. 最后,将x的值代入方程中,验证方程的解是否正确。

下面是一种使用Python实现牛顿法解方程的示例代码:```pythondef solveEquation(equation: str) -> str:def evaluate(expression):if not expression:return 0, 0if expression[0] in '+-':expression = '0' + expressionterms = expression.replace('+', ' +').replace('-', ' -').split() x_coefficient = constant = 0for term in terms:if 'x' in term:if term == 'x' or term == '+x':x_coefficient += 1elif term == '-x':x_coefficient -= 1else:x_coefficient += int(term[:-1])else:constant += int(term)return x_coefficient, constantdef derivative(expression):x_coefficient, constant = evaluate(expression)return x_coefficientleft_expression, right_expression = equation.split('=')f = lambda x: evaluate(left_expression)[0] - evaluate(right_expression)[0] + derivative(left_expression) * x - derivative(right_expression) * xdf = lambda x: derivative(left_expression) - derivative(right_expression)x = 0while True:x_prev = xx = x_prev - f(x_prev) / df(x_prev)if abs(x - x_prev) < 1e-6:breakx = round(x)x_coefficient, constant = evaluate(left_expression)if x == 0 and constant == 0:return "Infinite solutions"if x == 0 and constant != 0:return "No solution"return "x=" + str((evaluate(right_expression)[1] - constant) // x)# 测试equation = "2x+3x-6x+3=-2x+8-3x"result = solveEquation(equation)print(result) # x=1```通过以上代码示例,我们可以看到,使用牛顿法解方程的基本思路是将方程转化为一个函数,然后对函数的导数进行迭代求解,直到收敛到解。

richardson lucy算法原理

richardson lucy算法原理

richardson lucy算法原理Richardson-Lucy算法是一种常用于图像恢复和图像重建的迭代算法。








算法的步骤如下:1. 初始化估计图像。


2. 迭代更新图像估计值。



3. 终止条件判断。



4. 重复步骤2和步骤3,直到满足终止条件。













它是由Edward V. Richardson在1977年提出的,被广泛应用于计算机图形学领域。




































1. 简介摩根斯顿算法最早由John Pople和Walter Kohn在1960年代提出,它是一种基于密度泛函理论(DFT)的方法。



2. 算法原理摩根斯顿算法首先将分子中所有原子的核和电子构成一个总体系,然后将总体系划分为两个部分:核部分和电子部分。









3. 近似方法为了简化计算过程,摩根斯顿算法引入了一些近似方法。






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Richardson–Lucy Algorithm With Total Variation Regularization for3D Confocal Microscope Deconvolution NICOLAS DEY,1LAURE BLANC-FERAUD,1*CHRISTOPHE ZIMMER,2PASCAL ROUX,3ZVI KAM,4JEAN-CHRISTOPHE OLIVO-MARIN,2AND JOSIANE ZERUBIA11Ariana Group,INRIA/I3S,2004route des Lucioles–BP93,06902Sophia Antipolis,France2Quantitative Image Analysis Group,Institut Pasteur,25–28rue du Dr.Roux,75015Paris,France3Dynamic Imaging Platform,Institut Pasteur,25–28rue du Dr.Roux,75015Paris,France4Department of Molecular Cell Biology,Weizmann Institute of Science,Rehovot,Israel76100KEY WORDS image deconvolution;total variation regularization;Poisson noise;fluorescence confocal microscopyABSTRACT Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a powerful and popular technique for3D imaging of biological specimens.Although confocal microscopy images are much sharper than standard epifluorescence ones,they are still degraded by residual out-of-focus light and by Poisson noise due to photon-limited detection.Several deconvolution methods have been proposed to reduce these degradations,including the Richardson–Lucy iterative algorithm,which computes maximum likelihood estimation adapted to Poisson statistics.As this algorithm tends to amplify noise,regu-larization constraints based on some prior knowledge on the data have to be applied to stabilize the solution.Here,we propose to combine the Richardson–Lucy algorithm with a regularization con-straint based on Total Variation,which suppresses unstable oscillations while preserving object edges.We show on simulated and real images that this constraint improves the deconvolution results as compared with the unregularized Richardson–Lucy algorithm,both visually and quanti-tatively.Microsc.Res.Tech.69:260–266,2006.V C2006Wiley-Liss,Inc.INTRODUCTIONThe confocal laser scanning microscope(CLSM)is an opticalfluorescence microscope that uses a laser to scan and image point-by-point a sample in3D,and where a pinhole is used to reject most out-of-focus light.The ability of the CLSM to image optical sections explains its widespread use in biological research. Nevertheless,the quality of confocal microscopy images still suffers from two basic physical limitations. First,out-of-focus blur due to the diffraction-limited nature of the optics remains substantial,even though it is reduced compared to epifluorescence microscopy. Second,the confocal pinhole drastically reduces the amount of light detected by the photomultiplier,lead-ing to Poisson noise.The images produced by the CLSM can therefore benefit from postprocessing by deconvolution methods designed to reduce blur and noise.Several deconvolution methods have been proposed for3D microscopy.In wide-field microscopy,Agard and Sedat(1983)and many others achieved out-of-focus deblurring by constrained iterative deconvolution.For confocal images,Tikhonov–Miller inversefilter(van Kempen et al.,1997),Carrington(van Kempen and van Vliet,2000a)and Richardson–Lucy(RL)algo-rithms(Lucy,1974;Richardson,1972)have also been applied.The latter has been used extensively in astro-physical or microscopic imaging(van Kempen et al., 1997),and is of particular interest for confocal micros-copy,because it is adapted to Poisson noise.An impor-tant drawback of RL deconvolution,however,is that it does not converge to the solution because the noise is amplified after a small number of iterations.This sen-sitivity to noise can be avoided with the help of regula-rization constraints,leading to much improved results. van Kempen et al.have applied a RL algorithm using energy-based regularization to biological images(van Kempen and van Vliet,2000a).The term based on the Tikhonov–Miller expression suppresses noise amplifi-cation,but it has the drawback to smooth edges.In this study,we propose to use the total variation (TV)as a regularization term.The main advantages of the TV are that it preserves the edges in the image and smoothes homogeneous areas.It has been proposed for 2D optical gray level image restoration in Rudin et al. (1992).This kind of nonlinear image restoration has been extensively used in image processing inverse problems,for the last10years,and has generated mathematical studies on the Bounded Variation(BV) function space(Ambrosio et al.,2000).In this study,we propose to apply this nonlinear regularization to the deconvolution of3D confocal microscopy images.Con-sidering the statistical Poisson nature of the noise,this leads to a RL algorithm with nonlinear regularization. The paper is organized as follows.Thefirst section presents the image formation model,by describing the point spread function and the noise distribution.In the second section,wefirst recall the RL algorithm in*Correspondence to:Laure Blanc-Feraud,Ariana Group,INRIA/I3S,2004 route des Lucioles–BP93,06902Sophia Antipolis,France.E-mail:Laure.Blanc_Feraud@sophia.inria.frContract grant sponsors:INRIA ARC De´MiTri,P2R Franco-Israeli Program. Received28July2005;accepted in revised form13October2005DOI10.1002/jemt.20294Published online in Wiley InterScience().V C2006WILEY-LISS,INC.MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE69:260–266(2006)the context of microscope imaging,and then describe the nonlinear TV regularized RL algorithm.Next,we present the results of the proposed algorithm on syn-thetic and real data,and compare them with the stand-ard algorithm without regularization,both in terms of visual image quality and a numerical criterion.The last section concludes the paper.IMAGE FORMATION MODELThe image formation can be modeled with the Point Spread Function(PSF)and the statistical distribution of the detection noise.Such a general model can be written as:i¼}ðoÃhÞð1Þwhere i is the observed(measured)image,o is the object we want to retrieve(corresponding to the distri-bution offluorescent markers inside the specimen),h is the PSF,and}models the noise distribution.NoiseIn a confocal microscope,a pinhole is used to reject most out-of focus light.The amount of light reaching the detector is therefore low,and the noise statistics is well described by a Poisson process.The distribution of i at point s,i(s),knowing(oÃh)(s),is a Poisson distri-bution of the parameter(oÃh)(s):PðiðsÞ=ðoÃhÞðsÞÞ¼½ðoÃhÞðsÞ iðsÞeÀðoÃhÞðsÞiðsÞ!ð2ÞAssuming that the noise is spatially uncorrelated,the statistics of the observed image i,knowing the object o, (and the PSF h which is considered here as a parame-ter)is the likelihood distribution given by:Pði=oÞ¼Ys e S ½ðoÃhÞðsÞ iðsÞeÀðoÃhÞðsÞiðsÞ!!ð3Þwhere s is the coordinate of a3D voxel and S is the total set of voxel coordinates in the imaged volume.Confocal Point Spread FunctionUnder the assumptions of a translation invariant PSF,incoherent imaging,and monochromatic light (excitation and emission),we use a well-known image formation model of the CLSM,which has been pro-posed by van Kempen and van Vliet(1999),and is derived from Sheppard and Cogswell(1990).For a defocusing Z,the3D PSF(Sheppard and Cogswell, 1990)is given by:hðX;Y;ZÞ¼j A RðX;YÞÃ^P k emðX;Y;ZÞj23j^P k exðX;Y;ZÞj2ð4Þwhere k ex and k em are the excitation and emission wavelengths,respectively.The pinhole(Born and Wolf, 1999;Goodman,1996)is represented by A R(X,Y),and ^Pk is the2D Fourier transform of the pupil function P k given by:P kðU;V;ZÞ¼P qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiU2þV2pe2i p k WðU;V;ZÞð5ÞHere W(U,V,Z)¼12Z(1Àcos2a)is the aberration phase derived from Goodman(1996).It gives a measure of the wavefront path difference between a focused and a defo-cused beam(Born and Wolf,1999;Stokseth,1969).q¼NA2kis the lateral cutoff frequency,and NA¼n o sin a the numerical aperture,which is related to the cone of light collected by the objective and the immersion medium re-fractive index n o.The model takes into account thefinite size of the pinhole,which is used for the image acquisi-tion.This PSF model will be used both for the creation of the simulated images and for the deconvolution.In van Kempen and van Vliet(1999)and van Kempen and van Vliet,(2000a),the authors use an image forma-tion model for confocal microscopy,which is slightly dif-ferent from Eq.(1):namely i¼q(oÃhþb),where b models the background signal.In a previous work(Dey et al.,2004a,b),we showed that the use of a background term in the model is not necessary if a well suited regu-larization term is included.In fact,it happens that using a background model is equivalent to imposing a support constraint to regularize the solution.We also showed that when using a regularization term,no im-provement is reached by adding the background term, and that it is therefore not needed.CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY IMAGEDECONVOLUTIONThe Multiplicative RL AlgorithmThe RL algorithmfinds o from the observation i, knowing the PSF h,by maximizing the likelihood dis-tribution(Eq.(3))with respect to o.The RL algorithm can be derived by using the Expectation–Maximization (EM)algorithm(Dempster et al.,1977),or by minimiz-ing the functionalÀlog p(i|o),using a multiplicative type algorithm.Let us briefly describe the second approach.MinimizingÀlog p(i|o)is equivalent to mini-mizing J1(o)given by:J1ðoÞ¼XsðÀiðsÞlog½ðoÃhÞðsÞ þðoÃhÞðsÞÞð6ÞSince the functional J1(o)is convex in o,searching for a minimum is equivalent to searching for a zero of the gradient of J1(o)which results in solvingiðsÞðo kÃhÞðsÞÃhðÀsÞ¼1ð7ÞLet o k(s)be the estimate of o at iteration k.Then one iteration of a multiplicative gradient type algorithm (for more details see Lucy(1974)and Richardson1972) or Appendix C of Dey et al.(2004a))is given by:o kþ1ðsÞ¼iðsÞðo kÃhÞðsÞÃhðÀsÞo kðsÞð8Þ261TOTAL VARIATION BASED DECONVOLUTIONwhich defines one iteration of the RL algorithm.An important property of this scheme is that it ensures nonnegativity if thefirst estimate(here taken as the measured3D image,scaled by a value equal to the mean of the image stack)is nonnegative.However, because the inversion problem is ill-posed and the Max-imum Likelihood(ML)estimator is nonregularized,the solution given by Eq.(8)when k?þ?consists of noise only,because of noise amplification.To obtain good results,the algorithm is stopped before the noise is amplified.In order to improve the trade-off between a good deconvolution with sharp edges and noise amplifi-cation,we propose to regularize the solution by mini-mizing its TV.Total Variation RegularizationIn a Bayesian approach,a regularization is obtained by Maximizing the a posteriori distribution(MAP esti-mator)P(o/i)¼P(i/o)3P(o)/P(i)with a suitable a priori distribution P(o).Tikhonov–Miller(TM)(van Kempen and van Vliet,1999;van Kempen and van Vliet,2000b)regularization is the most popular algo-rithm in3D image deconvolution.TM regularization is designed to avoid noise amplification by smoothing, causing smear of the object Monvel et al., (2003)used a RL algorithm with maximum entropy regularization.This regularization gives better re-sults than that of TM regularization,in the sense that the edges are less smoothed.However,the trade-off between good regularization with a good reduction of the noise,and edge preservation still exists.This compromise can be improved by using wavelet coeffi-cient thresholding,as proposed by de Monvel et al. (2003).Here,we introduce an other a priori constraint on the object by adding to the energy J1,a regularization term J reg,defined by the TV of the solution o as in Rudin et al.(1992):J regðoÞ¼k TVXsjr oðsÞjð9ÞThe total functional to be minimized is then:J1ðoÞþJ regðoÞ¼XsðÀiðsÞlog½ðoÃhÞðsÞþðoÃhÞðsÞÞþk TVXs jr oðsÞjð10ÞUsing the L1norm over!o rather than the L2norm as in TM regularization(van Kempen and van Vliet, 2000b)allows to recover a smooth solution with sharp edges.It can be shown(Rudin et al.,1992)that the smoothing process introduced by J reg acts only in the direction tangential to the image level lines and not in the orthogonal direction,so that edges are preserved. The derivative of J reg with respect to o is a nonlinearterm@@o J reg¼Àk TV divr ojr o jwhere div stands for thedivergence.We minimize Eq.(10)using the multiplica-tive gradient-based algorithm(or equivalently by using EM algorithm for the penalized criterion of Eq.(10)),and we adopt an explicit scheme,as in Green (1990),defined by:o kþ1ðsÞ¼iðsÞðo kÃhÞðsÞÃhðÀsÞ3o kðsÞ1Àk TV div r okðsÞjr okðsÞjð11ÞNumerically we noticed that the regularization param-eter k TV should be neither too small nor too large:if k TV<10À6,RL is dominated by the data model;if k TV $1,RL is dominated by the regularization term.For larger k TV,the denominator of Eq.(8)can become zero or negative.This must be avoided because small de-nominators create points of very high intensity,which are amplified at each iteration.A negative value vio-lates the nonnegativity constraint.We use a param-eter k TV¼0.002for computations,and iterations are stopped at convergence,defined when the relative dif-ference between two images is less than a threshold (10À5in the experiments presented below).RESULTSEvaluation CriteriaIn the following,we report results on three synthetic (simulated)objects and two types of real specimens.To quantify the quality of the deconvolution we used the I-divergence criterion,which is the best measure in the presence of a nonnegativity constraint(Csisza´e´r,1991). The I-divergence between two3D images A and B is defined by:I A;B¼Xs e SA s lnA sB sÀðA sÀB sÞð12ÞThe I-divergence is nonsymmetric,i.e.,I A,B=I B,A.In the experiments with synthetic data,image A is the known undegraded initial image(the one we want to retrieve)and image B is the restored one.The I-diver-gence then quantifies the difference between the ideal image and the reconstructed one.Ideally,a perfect deconvolution should end with I-divergence equal to zero.This numerical criterion cannot be computed on results from real data because the undegraded object is not known.In order to display the visual quality,we present cross sections of the objects before and after deconvolu-tion with the RL algorithm and with the TV regular-ized RL algorithm.Results on Synthetic DataWe show results on three different synthetic objects, shown in Figures1–3(column a).These objects are artificially blurred and corrupted by Poisson noise using the image formation model described in the sec-tion of image formation model.The resulting degraded images are shown in Figures1–3(column b).Deconvo-lution results of the degraded images using standard RL are shown in Figures1–3(column c).For standard RL,we used the number of iterations that achieves minimum I-divergence.The deconvolution results262N.DEY ET AL.using RL with TV regularization (RL–TV)are shown in Figures 1–3(column d).The first simulated object is a full cylinder (Fig.1a).It is a single object,presenting no corner (except at the top and bottom)and which is homogeneous (there are only two intensity values:the background and the cylinder).Figure 1c shows the result of the deconvolution using the standard RL algorithm:in lateral and axial views there is still some blur,and intensity oscillation artifacts are clearly apparent.The RL–TV algorithm greatly improves the results (Fig.1d):the cylinder is sharp (the edges are sharp in lateral and axial views)and there are no intensity oscillations (see the corresponding in-tensity profile in Figure 6a).The axial view shows that the heights of the deconvolved cylinder (Fig.1d)and of the initial cylinder (Fig.1a)are similar.The final I-divergence is 0.766for standard RL and 0.220for RL–TV ,resulting in a more than 3-fold improvement.Figure 2a presents another 3D synthetic image com-posed of five geometrical shapes.These are more com-plex objects with corners and homogeneous regions of different intensity levels.The deconvolution result,with standard RL,is shown in Figure 2c.The different shapes are still blurred and appear thinner than before degradations.Many intensity oscillations appear inside the shapes.All of these artifacts are avoided when using the RL–TV algorithm (Fig.2d):all shapes are sharp,the thickness is preserved,and there are no more intensity oscillations (see the intensity profile in Fig.6b).The cross-section displays a slight effect of rounding corners.In the axial view,the borders are not perfectly sharp.Nevertheless,the final I-divergence is 0.691for the pro-posed method,which represents nearly a 2-fold im-provement compared with standard RL (1.365).In Figure 3a,we present a 3D synthetic object com-bining texture and fine structures.The object is inho-mogeneous and the fine structure exhibits sharp tran-sitions.The degradation (Fig.3b)is sufficiently strong to almost hide these details.The deconvolution ob-tained with standard RL still shows strong axial blur.With RL–TV ,this blur is almost completely removed,and the fine structures are discernable again.However,a drawback of TV regularization is apparent on the XY section:a stair-casing effect.It is due to thenonderiv-Fig.1.Deconvolution of a binary cylinder.(a )the original 3D syn-thetic image;(b )the same image,degraded by blur and Poisson noise according to the image formation model;(c )deconvolution by stand-ard RL (I-divergence is 0.766);(d )deconvolution by RL–TV with k TV ¼0.002(I-divergence is 0.220).The top row shows the lateral (XY )section through the center of the image stack.The bottom row shows the axial (YZ )section corresponding to the dotted line shown in (a).The image size is 1283128364with voxel size 30330350nm in X ,Y ,and Z.Fig.2.Deconvolution of a composite image.(a )original image;(b )degraded by blur and Poisson noise;(c )deconvolved with standard RL;(d )deconvolved with RL–TV.The objects exhibit different inten-sities:255for the cylinder,221for the annulus,170for the cross,102for the triangle,238and 102for the two bars,10for the background.Final I-divergence is 1.365for standard RL (c )and 0.691for RL–TV with k TV ¼0.002(d ).The size of the stack is 1283128364with voxel size 30330350nm in X ,Y ,and Z .263TOTAL VARIATION BASED DECONVOLUTIONability of the absolute value in zero,and appears mainly in parts of the image which contain oscillations of small amplitudes,as textures.The intensity profiles in Figure 6c do not show significant differences be-tween standard RL and RL–TV results.Final I-diver-gence is 0.462for standard RL and 0.404for RL–TV ,which is an improvement by 12.6%.Results on Real DataTo evaluate the performances of our method on real data,we chose two types of objects,beads and shells,whose size and shape are well characterized and which can therefore be used as bona fide references.Thebeads are FocalCheck TM F-24634(Molecular Probes)fluorescent microspheres,with a diameter of 6l m.The shells are 15l m in diameter,with a fluorescent layer of thickness between 0.5and 0.7l m.The fluorescence excitation wavelength is k ex ¼488nm;the emission wavelength is k em ¼520nm;the pinhole size was set to 1Airy unit;in object space,the XY dimension of each voxel was 89nm and the Z dimension 230nm.The microscope was a Zeiss LSM 510,equipped with an immersion oil Apochromat 633with numerical aper-ture NA ¼1.4objective,and an internal magnification of 3.33.Image acquisition was performed using the Zeiss Visionsoftware.Fig.3.Deconvolution of a textured image with fine structure.(a )original image;(b )degraded by blur and Poisson noise;(c )deconvolved with standard RL;(d )deconvolved with RL–TV.Final I-divergence is 0.462for standard RL (c )and 0.404for RL–TV with k TV ¼0.002(d ).Note that axial blur is much reduced with RL–TV compared to RL.The image size is 1283128332.Fig.4.Deconvolution of a spherical shell image.(a )shows the raw image,(b )the result of standard RL deconvolution,(c )the result of RL–TV deconvolution,with k TV ¼0.002.RL–TV deconvolution allows a better estimate of the shell thickness than RL (see text).The image size is 25632563128with voxel size 893893230nm in X ,Y ,andZ .First row represents the central XY image,and second line the cen-tral axial section of this stack corresponding to the dotted line.There is no resampling to obtain the same scale in X ,Y ,and Z ,only a resiz-ing of the image.264N.DEY ET AL.Fig.5.Deconvolution of a bead cluster image.(a )original image;(b )deconvolved with standard RL;(c )deconvolved with RL–TV .The result of RL deconvolution (b )presents a high level of noise and the axial view shows oscillation artifacts.These degradations are much reduced with RL–TV deconvolution (k TV ¼0.005).The stack size is 25632563128with voxels of size 893893230nm.Fig.6.Intensity profiles of four test images.In each panel,the dashed curve corresponds to images deconvolved with standard RL,and the solid curve corresponds to images deconvolved with RL–TV.(a )intensity profile of the synthetic cylinder image (Fig.1);(b )profile of the synthetic composite image (Fig.2);(c )profile of the textured synthetic object with fine structure (Fig.3).The profile corresponds to a section in the middle of the object;(d )profile of the real spherical shell image (Fig.4).We show only a profile through the right part of the shell.Note that RL–TV deconvolution produces a sharper profile than standard RL.Values on the horizontal axes are in microns.265TOTAL VARIATION BASED DECONVOLUTIONThe results of applying the deconvolution algorithm to a spherical shell image are shown in Figure4.The improvements achieved with RL–TV are a better local-ization of the borders and a better estimation of the shell thickness.In Figure6d,we show a zoom of the in-tensity profiles through the right portion of the shell image deconvolved with standard RL and RL–TV. These profiles can be used to estimate the thickness of the shell.On the raw image data(Fig.4a),we mea-sured a shell thickness of0.93l m,which is larger than the true thickness;on the result of RL deconvolution (Fig.4b),the measured thickness is0.26l m,which is too small.The thickness measured using RL–TV deconvolution(Fig.4c),is0.40l m and thus also too small,but this value lies closer to the real thickness (between0.5and0.7l m).We also tested the proposed deconvolution algorithm on a cluster of beads of diameter6l m(Fig.5).For the deconvolution with RL–TV,we used a regularization parameter k TV¼0.005.The improvement of RL–TV deconvolution compared to standard RL can be appre-ciated in Figure5c,as most of the blur has been removed,and the artifacts produced by standard RL deconvolution(visible in the X–Z view of Fig.5b)are no longer present.CONCLUSIONIn this paper,we have presented a new deconvolu-tion approach for3D confocal microscopy.It is based on the RL algorithm that is regularized using the TV.RL with no regularization suffers from unstable noise amplification.Many authors have proposed to regula-rize the energy using different functionals.Tikhonov–Miller functional is often used,but it over-smoothes the edges of objects in the image.We have proposed to use a regularization term based on Total Variation, which is non quadratic and does not smooth edges.We have presented results on simulated and real data that demonstrate,both in qualitative and in quantitative terms,the advantage of the RL–TV algorithm over its nonregularized version.REFERENCESAgard D,Sedat J.1983.Three-dimensional architecture of a polytene nucleus.Nature302:676–681.Ambrosio L,Fusco N,Pallara D.2000.Functions of bounded variation and free discontinuity problems.Oxford:Oxford University Press. 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