

Mogao caves敦煌莫高窟英文介绍

Mogao caves敦煌莫高窟英文介绍
number of manuscripts as well as the finest paintings and textiles for a 丝绸
fee. Concerned that the remaining manuscripts might be lost, others 费用 persuaded the Ministry of Education to recover the rest of the
officials,but no one cares about him.
Words of Wang's discovery drew the attention of a joint British/Indian group led by Hungarian archaeologist Aurel
匈牙利 [ˌɑrkɪˈɑlədʒɪst] 考古学家 Stein who was on an archaeological expedition in the area in 1907 [ˌɛkspɪˈdɪʃən] 考察队
Aurel Stein 斯坦因
Stein negotiated with Wang to allow him to remove a significant 谈判
Some of the cБайду номын сангаасves had by then been blocked by sand, and Wang set
about clearing away the sand and made an attempt at repairing the site.
In one such cave, on 25 June 1900, Wang discovered a walled up area



The significance of world cultural heritage
The Mogao Grottoes are recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World Heritage site This design is not only a recognition of the cultural value of the caves, but also an acknowledgement of their significance in world history and culture
The caves are located in the Dangtu desert, which is a unique ecosystem and a protected area, providing a backlog of sand Dunes and mountains
The Historical Background of Mogao Grottoes
The Inheritance of Chinese Culture
The Mogao Grottoes are not only a repository of Buddhist culture, but also an important part of traditional Chinese culture The caves contain a wealth of images and texts that reflect the traditional values and beliefs of the Chinese people, including Filial Piety, respect for Elders, Loyalty, righteousness and Benevolence


Located in the Gobi Desert in northwestern China, the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang are a cluster of over 500 caves and temples.
The site is situated on the Silk Road, a key trade route connecting China with Central Asia and Europe.
In the development of murals, different regions and cultures have created their unique styles and techniques.
The murals of the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang are one of the most representative and valuable cultural relics in China, which have a history of more than 1,000 years.
In addition, the murals also use a variety of materials, including gold, silver, lapis lazuli, malachite, ivory, and other precious materials, to create a luxurious and exquisite artistic effect.
The murals are painted with a variety of techniques, including painting, carving, and stucco, and are very realistic and vivid in expression.



The Eastern louvre Museum(东方卢 浮宫), DunHuang Caves (敦煌莫高窟)is one of the most important cultural relics in China.
DunHuang Caves is also famous for its beautiful painted murals (壁画) and clayey sculptures(泥质彩塑)in the world.
Commercial Street
City square
Night piece
Pigeon soup (鸽子煲)
donkey noodles (驴肉黄面)
fried noodles (炒拉面)
Lamb and mutton soup (羊杂割)
浆right desert Ming Chu
Mogao Caves are the nation key cultural relic preservation organ, is named Thousand Budd has Cave, is situated west the Gansu Corridor end Dunhuang, is world famous by the fine mural and the cast. existing cavern 735, the mural45,000 square meter, argillaceous painted sculpture 2,415, are in the world the extant scale is biggest, the content richest Buddhism art place. Since the modern times had discovered the Buddhist scrip tureshole, in had 50,000 ancient times cultural relics, and grew specially to study the Buddhist scriptures hole ancient book and Dunhuang art discipline - Dunhuang studies.



• After the Tang Dynasty, the site went into a gradual decline , and construction of new caves ceased entirely after the Yuan Dynasty. Islam(伊斯兰教) had conquered much of Central Asia, and the Silk Road declined in importance when trading via sea-routes began to dominate Chinese trade with the outside world
The mural commemorating(纪念)victory of Zhang Yichao over the Tibetans
Cave 156
Cave 61, Five Dynasties.
Wife of Dunhuang ruler Cao Yanlu
Cave 409, Western Xia
Chinese elementsand became gradually sinicized (中国化)
Early murals showed a strong Indian and Central Asian influence in the painting techniques used
• A distinct Dunhuang style (截然不同的的敦 煌风格)however began to emerge(浮现)
•The Mogao Caves extant cavern 735, divides into the north and south two areas.South the area is Mogao Caves' main body, is engaged in the religious activities for the clergy the place, some 487 caverns, have the mural or make an idol.North the area has 248 caverns, in which only then 5 existence murals or makes an idol (冥想)But after other all is the place that the clergy leads a pious life (僧侣修行)


42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不Leabharlann 与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬

26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索

27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克

28、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 ——马 克罗维 乌斯

29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克

30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以废除 法律。 ——塞·约翰逊
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹



月牙之形千古如旧、 恶境之地清流成泉、 沙山之中不淹于沙、 古潭老鱼食之不老。
There is a strange phenomenon, because the relationship between the terrain when the wind blows, the sand is not blowing down the mountain, but it flows from the foot of the mountain to the top, so the sand will never bury the Crescent Moon Spring, known as the desert wonders.
• 1910年藏经洞中的劫余写经,大部分运至北京,交京师图书馆收藏。
• 1911年日本人橘瑞超和吉川小一郎从王道士处,掠走约600件经卷. • 1914年俄国人奥尔登堡又从敦煌拿走一批经卷写本,并进行洞窟测绘, 还盗走了第263窟的壁画。 • 1924年美国人华尔纳用特制的化学胶液,粘揭盗走莫高窟壁画26块。 他们都以少量的银元,带走了大量的中国的灿烂文化。
Crescent Moon Spring has three treasures: iron back fish, colored sand and seven grass.There is a Legend that eating iron back fish and seven grass together can live forever. Rob kenaf flowers ,surviving at south Crescent Moon Spring, is unique and the only health herbs.



➢ 千百年来,以敦煌为中心的丝绸之路上,上演着一幕幕大戏。那些生于斯长于斯的 先民们,没有这般快捷,他们只能用脚步丈量大地,用这种极为缓慢的步伐征服世 界。然而,任何的艰难险阻,任何的高山大河,都挡不住先民们的脚步。
敦煌自古就是一个多民族聚居的 家园,各民族在此长期和平共处、 友好往来,共同塑造了丰富多彩、 绚烂多姿的文化。
敦煌民间剪纸历史悠久,在藏经洞就有唐代时 期剪纸作品的发现。这项技艺的特色在于它作品 的式样、构图、创新、以及工艺的完成过程。我们 平常会看到春节时候剪窗花、灯花、婚庆场合用 到的喜花,都是来自传统敦煌民间剪纸艺术。敦 煌民间剪纸艺人可谓心灵手巧,且创作形式追 求创新,结合敦煌浓厚的壁画历史文化内涵, 剪纸艺人们巧妙地将壁画里的飞天等形象融合 在方寸间的纸张上。
各族人民在这里定居下来,繁衍 生息,如繁星点缀在广袤大地之 上,他们的宗教信仰、风俗文化保 留了下来。
各民族之间虽然会发生冲突乃至战 争,但和平共处、友好往来是主流, 诸民族、部落间的流动、贸易、交流、 融合,使得中西文明得以交汇。
敦煌彩塑技艺是甘肃省古老的地方传统雕塑工 艺。敦煌彩塑是敦煌石窟的主体。因敦煌石窟是 开凿在砾岩上,因此多为木架结构。在人工制作 成的木架上束以苇草,草外敷粗泥,再敷细泥, 压紧抹光,再施白粉,最后彩绘。始自十六国, 历经北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐、五代、宋、回鹘、西 夏、元直到清代,尚存彩塑3000多身,其中圆 雕2000多身,浮塑1000余身。其保存古代彩 塑之多,历时之长,技艺之精,为世界所罕见。



Dun Huang is one of the most important cultural relics in China. Mogao Grottoes (莫 高窟) is also famous for its beautiful painted murals (壁画) and sculptures in the world.
As a national , historical , famous city of China , Dun Huang is worth for people from all over the world visiting , including Mogao Grottoes (莫高窟), Mingsha mountain(鸣沙山) and Crescent Moon Spring(月牙 泉).
Crescent Moon Spring(月牙泉) ——the eye of the desert
The end
Thanks !
The beautiful city
——Dun Huang
Dun Huang
Dun Huang is located in
the northwest of China,
in Gansu Province.
It is more than 1000
kilometers far from Lan
Zhou to Dun Huang . it
will take you abou 10
hours from Lan Zhou to
Dun Huang.


• The original wooden buildings outside the grottoes are connected by corridors and plank paths, and most of them are now out of existence.
Mura。 ls
• As for reflecting social life, they can be seen everywhere. • In the murals of Dunhuang Grottoes, there are all aspects of
social life, such as weddings and funerals, life and death, clothing, food, housing and transportation. Also, even many details of life, such as brushing teeth, washing face, going to the toilet, fighting and so on, are fully reflected in the murals.
Present situation
Pre。sent situation——destraction
• Mogao Grottoes have been little known since the Yuan Dynasty, and they have been preserved for hundreds of years. However, since the discovery of the Sutra cave, it has attracted many explorers. They have obtained a large number of precious ancient books and murals at a very low price, and transported them out of China or scattered among the people. It seriously damaged the integrity of the Mogao Grottoes and Dunhuang art.

敦煌Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

敦煌Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

• •
记陈纪专林若得对工里队又上《残煌破完由敦勒术菩盗代 剥胶敦方该毕 华 载万石著窟经一和作同,组》在卷写坏全于煌博博萨走壁 离布煌部校业 尔 这里窟《考》件官。行并织。中。本。破保盗物物像第画、莫片,主福于美 纳 次所佛万察,敦府因做邀一 国其《另碎护割馆馆等 精 高敷用任格哈国 ,( 考著教佛。后煌的当释北个 漫旅妙外,技剥)(, 品、窟于涂。艺佛探 第壁有 术大险 察《壁峡 转写阻地读京 年长行法,人术离。今入窟 情西画一 到本止民汉大人 的记莲还为的的华转藏彩余 画粘 博学家 的 塑 月 古录华购地失壁尔藏福 幅等 表着年物,。 况行研所年安《,众文学 。日究九发西大只的碑陈考,道为经得造败画纳赛格供,窟、层剂初馆曾早 记》世表榆般购反铭万察他 》敦成,,在克艺养并唐 ,的到东任年 ) 335 321 329 323 320 10 Langdon Warner 1881—1955

敦煌的自然风光同样毫不逊色:沙漠奇观鸣沙山和月牙泉,澄黄 的沙山和清澈的泉水相互依存,延续千年不变,景色奇异迷人;阳关 及玉门关虽只余下断壁残垣,置身其间,却仍能隐隐感受到边关的铁 马金戈之气,使人不得不慨叹历史的沉重和苍凉。
莫高窟 在今甘肃省敦煌市中心东南25公里的鸣沙 山东麓的断崖上,创建于前秦建元二年(366),历经北凉、 北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐、五代、宋、西夏、元等朝 代相继凿建,到唐时已有1000余窟龛,经历代坍塌毁损, 现存洞窟492个,保存着历代彩塑2400多身, 壁画4.5万余平方米,唐宋木构窟檐5座。
乘 象 入 胎
五 百 罗 汉 成 佛
西 方 净 士 变 一 角

莫高窟 英文介绍(图文)

莫高窟 英文介绍(图文)
Group 6:
“You must come to the Mogao Grottoes once in your life.”
Let’s enjoy some of the corners
Mogao Grottoes is located in Dunhuang(敦煌) at the western end of the Hexi Corridor(河西走廊),
2,415 painted clay sculptures(泥质彩塑). It is the largest and richest Buddhist art site in
the world.
Who was the first person to build the grotto?
was the Buddha's will, so he opened the first grotto on the cliff of SanWei mountain.
Every cave in the Mogao Grottoes is also alive
we can know the social style of that time, at the same time, Buddhism seems to lay out in
Historical Value: Understand the situation of ancient economic life, the buddhist thought and belief and the process of The Chineseization of Buddhism, etc.



你是一名导游介绍一下敦煌英语作文Dunhuang is a famous historical and cultural city in China. 敦煌是中国著名的历史文化名城。

It is located in Gansu province, at the crossroads of the ancient Silk Road. 它位于甘肃省,在古丝绸之路的交汇处。

Dunhuang is well-known for the Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes. 敦煌以莫高窟闻名,又称千佛洞。

The Mogao Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and house a large collection of Buddhist art spanning over a thousand years. 莫高窟是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,内藏有跨越千年的大量佛教艺术作品。

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Mogao Caves is the exquisite murals and sculptures that adorn the cave walls. 莫高窟最迷人的一面是装饰在洞窟壁上的精美壁画和雕塑。

These artworks depict a wide range of subjects, including Buddhist deities, heavenly beings, and scenes from daily life during different dynasties. 这些艺术作品描绘了各种主题,包括佛教神明、天神和不同朝代的日常生活场景。

Visitors to the Mogao Caves are often amazed by the intricate details and vibrant colors of these ancient artworks. 来到莫高窟的游客经常为这些古代艺术作品的复杂细节和绚丽色彩而感到惊叹。



build a cave here.
• The story is also found in other sources, such as in inscriptions(碑文) on a stele(石碑) in cave 332, an earlier date of 353 AD however was given in another document .He was later joined by a second monk Faliang (法良), and the site gradually grew, by the time of the Northern Liang(北凉) a small community of monks had formed at the site.
敦煌石窟中国甘肃敦煌 一带的石窟总称。包括 敦煌莫高窟、西千佛洞、 榆林窟、东千佛洞及肃 北蒙古族自治县五个庙 石窟等
• The first caves were dug out 366 AD as places of Buddhist meditation and worship.
• The caves were cut into the side of a cliff ( 悬崖;绝壁) which is close to two kilometers long. At its height during the Tang Dynasty, there were more than a thousands caves, but over time, many of the caves were lost, including the earliest caves



敦煌介绍作文素材英文英文:Dunhuang, located in Gansu Province, China, is a famous tourist destination known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. It is home to the world-renowned Mogao Caves, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contain thousands of Buddhist statues and murals dating back to the 4th century.In addition to the Mogao Caves, Dunhuang also boasts the Crescent Lake and Singing Sand Dunes, two natural wonders that are not to be missed. The Crescent Lake is a crescent-shaped oasis in the middle of the desert, while the Singing Sand Dunes are a series of sand dunes that produce a singing sound when the wind blows.Apart from the cultural and natural attractions, Dunhuang is also famous for its Silk Road history. It was an important stop on the ancient Silk Road, which was anetwork of trade routes connecting China to the Mediterranean world. Visitors can explore the Dunhuang Museum and the Yumen Pass, both of which offer a glimpse into the history and culture of the Silk Road.Overall, Dunhuang is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Chinese culture, history, and natural beauty.中文:敦煌位于中国甘肃省,是一个以丰富的文化遗产和自然美景而闻名的旅游胜地。

敦煌英文介绍 Dunhuang

敦煌英文介绍 Dunhuang

敦煌英文介绍DunhuangThe national, historical city of Dunhuang is a renowned tourist city famous for the Mogao Caves. It is situated in the common boundary of Gansu Province, Qinghai Province and Xinjiang Province. Dunhuang, long ago referred to as 'Sha Zhou' (beautiful desert oasis), was the hub of middle and eastern silk routes in ancient times. The city landmark is an attractive statue, the idea of which comes from the mural in Mogao Caves, a shrine to the culture and arts of Dunhuang. From Mt.Qilian in the south, Mt. Mazong in the north and desert from east to west, the landform of Dunhuang City is a declining basin-plain from west to northeast, high in the north and south, and low in the middle. The western cities of China, especially those in the desert, are known for their sandstorms, so tourists should protect themselves with glasses, hats and gauze kerchiefs, etc.In ancient times, Dunhuang was the center of trade between China and its western neighbors. At that time, it was the most westerly frontier military garrison in China. With the flourishing of trade along the Silk Road, Dunhuang was prompted to become the most open area in international trade in Chinese history. It provided the only accesswestward for the Chinese Empire and eastward for western nationalities. Today, as a reminder of this historical area, we are left with the Mogao Caves, Yangguan Pass, Yumenguan Pass and many wonderful Chinese poems depicting the time. Although what remains of the two Passes are crumbling walls, one can still experience the atmosphere of that time while visiting in person.Today, Dunhuang is a typical tourist city, clean and beautiful. Because of its splendid stone caves, tourism has become an indispensable industry to Dunhuang City. Surrounding establishments include various classes of hotels and restaurants for your choosing. As well, tourism personnel are knowledgeable and well trained these days. For a western city in China, it has become more accesible for people to come and go as they please. Transportation is much more efficient, ensuring that your wonderful trip runs smoothly. May to September is the best time to visit, so be sure to plan your trip during these months. Including Dunhuang City in your tour is a decision you won't regret!Dunhuang City, an obvious pearl on the Silk Road, opens her arms to welcome tourists from all over the world.The first recorded history of Dunhuang, a vital station along the legendary Silk Road, was related by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. – 220). However, modern archaeological findings trace the region's history as far back as the Xia Dynasty (21st – 16th century B.C.). During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties over the next 1,400 years, the area was inhabited by three nomadic tribes—the Qiang, Wusun and Yuezhi (Rouzhi). At the end of the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C. – 206 B.C.), the Yuezhi conquered the other two tribes and occupied the entire Hexi Corridor. This corridor (also called Gansu Corridor) was the primary segment of the ancient Silk Road. Later, the Hun (or Xiongnu) armies vanquished the Yuezhi and established dominance here during the early Han Dynasty. From the early seventh century B.C., Chinese kingdoms built walls along their northern frontiers to defend themselves against the warlike Huns. During the Han Dynasty, the most ambitious Great Wall project to date was begun with four systems of fortification spanning from Dunhuang in the west all the way to the Korean peninsula in the east.Dunhuang's importance as a military fortress led to its becoming a prefecture in 177 B.C. concurrently, construction of the Yumenguan Pass and Yangguan Pass to the west of Dunhuang opened a new trade route between the central plains (Hexi) and the states in Xi Yu (literally the western regions, referring to most parts of Xinjiang and part ofcentral Asia) namely the noted Silk Road. As more and more immigrants from the central plains settled here, Dunhuang gradually became a prosperous agricultural base as well as the key military installation on the Han's border frontier. For the next several centuries, Dunhuang served as one of China's most important military, political and economic centers.Commercial development in the Han Dynasty was soon accompanied by the growth of religion. The arrival of Confucianism initially and later Taoism and Buddhism would play an important role in Dunhuang's development. During this period, however, political turbulence prevailed as five different regimes rules the region. At this time Buddhism began to gain a strong foothold and its earliest grottoes were built in the nearby Magao Caves. In the ensuing years, the Silk Road flourished as the popularity of Buddhism increased. More Buddhist writings and music were brought to Dunhuang with the encouragement of the Sui (561 – 618) and Tang (618 – 907) Dynasties, more and more local people began to embrace Buddhism.The Tang continued its dominance of the region fending off military attacks including a defeat of the Tufan (the ancestors of Tibetans). Dunhuang and the Hexi Corridor would remain vital military fortresses. During this time, the art, ideas and cultures of other civilizations such as Greece, India, and central and western Asia were imported into Dunhuang.Eminent Buddhist monks continued to come here to carry forward their dharma. The Magao Caves, the greatest example of Buddhist cultural significance, continued to house religious statuary and frescoes in its grottoes.In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127 – 1279), warfare in the region became more frequent and commerce was gradually shifting from land to sea routes. This resulted in Dunhuang gradually losing its national stature as the economic gateway to the western regions. During the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) nomadic Mongolian tribes occupied the region. After the Mongolian occupation, Islamic tribes conquered the region in 1516. This event marked the end of the centuries-long presence of Buddhism in Dunhuang. Much Buddhist art and religious relics destroyed although some reconstructed works were salvaged in the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). While Dunhuang never regained its commercial and military status, it does remain a premier tourist destination largelybecause of the peerless Magao Caves.。

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首先请大家听一小段音乐,先想象一下这是哪里?这是哪里呢?你们会想到什么?是的,敦煌,2 那里有飞天、骆驼、莫高窟、沙漠。




3 敦煌位于古代中国通往西域、中亚和欧洲的交通要道——丝绸之路上是我国古代丝绸之路上的著名重镇。




4 敦煌,不久前简称为”沙洲“(美丽的沙漠绿洲),中部和东部在古代的丝绸之路的枢纽。




6 敦煌有一些著名的景点值得参观,如莫高窟,月牙泉;相呼应的沙山,雅丹地貌、西千佛洞,西湖自然保护区,阳关、玉门关、敦煌影视城等。


9 莫高窟是全国重点文物保护单位,被命名为千佛洞,位于西部的甘肃走廊结束敦煌,是世界著名的精美的壁画和中投。


近代以来发现了的佛教以古代息tureshole,有50,000古代文物,增长了专门研究佛经洞古书籍和敦煌艺术的学科- 敦煌学。

10 因此,莫高窟又被成为东方罗浮宫,敦煌石窟在中国最重要的文化遗迹之一。

















1213 14 15彩塑彩塑为敦煌艺术的主体,有佛像、菩萨像、弟子像以及天王、金刚、力士、神等。




17 18 19壁画艺术石窟壁画富丽多彩,各种各样的佛经故事,山川景物,亭台楼阁等建筑画、山水画、花卉图案、飞天佛像以及当时劳动人民进行生产的各种场面等,是十六国至清代1500多年的民俗风貌和历史变迁的艺术再现,雄伟瑰丽。



2021 飞天佛教中飞天是乾闼婆和紧那罗。








22 这些是飞天的壁画和舞蹈,看到飞天大家能像起哪个舞蹈?《千手观音》、《飞天》,(视频2 ,3)看完感觉怎么样?很美丽吧。





24 下面大家看一下莫高窟目前被破坏的情况: 莫高窟在元代以后已很鲜为人知,几百年里基本保存了原貌。
















28 鸣沙山位距城南五公里,因沙动成响而得名。




远远望去,峰峦起伏,如斧,奇妙的风光,壮丽!29 鸣沙像龙,躺在敦煌南部。


它可以像金黄色,柔软如丝,一如娴静的年轻女孩,美丽的凤凰!30 鸣沙山有两个奇特之处:人若从山顶下滑,脚下的沙子会呜呜作响;白天人们爬沙山留下的脚印,第二天竟会痕迹全无。




31 32近年随着旅游事业的蓬勃发展,敦煌政府地对风景区采取了各种建设和保护措施,使其面貌大为改观,同时还开展了沙疗、涌滑沙、滑翔跳伞,骑驼遨游等沙漠娱乐项目,使游人趣味盎然,络绎不绝。

33 月牙泉。

34 月牙泉风景区,在鸣沙山下,位于敦煌以南5公里。



35 月牙泉古称沙井,俗名药泉,自汉朝起即为“敦煌八景”之一,得名“月泉晓澈”。




历代文人学士对这一独特的山泉地貌,沙漠奇观称赞不已. 36 鸣沙山月牙泉融入艺术景观的莫高窟,形成“最好”在敦煌南部城市成为旅游胜地,是有吸引力的,不仅对中国而且人们从世界。

37 月牙泉有四奇:月牙之形千古如旧、恶境之地清流成泉、沙山之中不淹于沙、古潭老鱼食之不老。


39 有一个奇怪的现象,由于之间的关系地形时,风吹沙,是吹不下山,但它从山上,所以沙子永远埋葬月牙泉,称为沙漠奇观。

40 月牙泉有三宝:铁背鱼、五色沙、七星草,鸣沙山的沙子有红、黄、绿、白、黑五种颜色。

传说铁背鱼和七星草一起吃可以长生不老!月牙泉南岸的小花罗布红麻是泉边独特而唯一的保健中草药41 下面介绍敦煌其他的风景,这是玉门关风景区,大家都听过这首诗。


42 大家听一下这首歌,想想接下来要说的景点是哪里?(音乐2 )是的,这是阳关,这是阳关博物馆。


44 下面是一些其他的名胜:白马塔,睡佛,渥洼池、汉长城、三危山45 这是敦煌雅丹国家地质公园,又叫魔鬼城,是目前亚洲规模最大、地质形态发育最成熟、最具观赏价值的雅丹地貌群落。




46 47 48 这是敦煌西湖十景,西湖风景区是国家级自然保护区。

49 这是我家乡近年来的新面貌赛龙舟、党河风情线、敦月公路(市区到月牙泉的公路)、南湖小墅(富裕家庭修建的小别墅)50胡杨林、冬雪(冬天的雾凇)、反弹琵琶、喷泉51 胡杨林风景(一到秋天树叶都变黄了,金灿灿的,非常迷人的景色)52 --55敦煌夜景56 敦煌奇石57 敦煌舞蹈58 特色水果:敦煌由于夏季日照时间长,昼夜温差大盛产各种香甜美味的瓜果葡萄,常见的水果有:李广杏、哈密瓜、鸣沙大枣、紫胭桃、阳关葡萄59 李广杏、鸣沙大枣、香水梨、金皇后、无核白葡萄60 还有各种干果:葡萄干、杏脯、锁阳、桃脯、杏脯、杏干等。
