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名称 Prerequisite programmes on food safety for design and manufacture of food packaging 食品食品包装包装包装设计设计设计和和生产生产的的食品食品安全安全安全前提方前提方前提方案案 Contents

目录 Foreword 前言、

Introduction 介绍

1.Scope 范围

2.Normative references 规范性引用文件

3 Terms and definitions 术语和定义

4 Establishments 建筑物/厂房

4.1 General requirements 总要求

4.2 Environment 环境

4.3 Locations of establishments 厂房位置

5 Layout and workspace 厂房和工作场所布局

5.1 General requirements 总要求

5.2 Internal design, layout and traffic patterns 内部设计、布局和运输方式

5.3 Internal structures and fittings 内部结构和设施

5.4 Equipment 设备

5.5 Temporary/mobile structures 临时/移动结构

5.6 Storage Utilities 仓储设施

6.1 General requirements 总要求

6.2 Water supply 供水

6.3 Air quality and ventilation 空气质量和通风

6.4 Compressed air and other gases 压缩气体和其他气体

6.5 Lighting 照明

7 Waste 废弃物

7.1 General requirements 总要求

7.2 Containers for waste 盛放废弃物的容器

7.3 Waste management and removal 废弃物管理和清除

7.4 Drains and drainage 排水沟和排水

8 Equipment suitability and maintenance 设备适宜性和维护

8.1 General requirements 总要求

8.2 Hygienic design 设计卫生

8.3 Food packaging contact surfaces 食品包装接触面

8.4 Testing and monitoring 测试和监视设备

8.5 Preventive and corrective maintenance 预防性和纠正性维护

9 Purchased materials and services 材料和服务采购

9.1 General requirements 总要求

9.2 Selection and management of suppliers 供应商的选择和管理

9.3 Incoming raw materials 进料要求

10 Contamination and migration 污染和迁移

10.1 General requirements 总要求

10.2 Microbiological contamination 微生物性污染

10.3 Physical contamination 物理性污染

10.4 Chemical contamination 化学性污染

10.5 Chemical migration 化学性迁移

10.6 Allergen management 过敏原管理

11 Cleaning 清洗

11.1 General requirements 总要求

11.2 Cleaning agents and tools 清洗剂和清洗工具

11.3 Cleaning programmes 清洗方案

11.4 Monitoring cleaning programme effectiveness 监视清洗方案的监视

12 Pest control 虫害控制

12.1 General requirements 总要求

12.2 Pest control programmes 虫害控制方案

12.3 Preventing access 防止虫害进入

12.4 Harbourage and infestations 虫害藏匿地和出没处

12.5 Monitoring and detection 监视和探测

12.6 Eradication 根除虫害

13 Personnel hygiene and facilities 个人卫生与设施

13.1 General requirements 总要求

13.2 Personnel hygiene facilities and toilets 人员卫生设施和洗手间

13.3 Staff canteens and designated eating areas 员工餐厅和指定用餐区域13.4 Workwear and protective clothing 工作服和防护服

13.5 Illness and injuries 疾病和伤害

13.6 Personal cleanliness 个人清洁

13.7 Personal behaviour 个人行为举止

14 Rework 返工

14.1 General requirements 总要求

14.2 Storage, identification and traceability 贮存、标识和可追溯性

14.3 Rework usage 返工产品使用

15 Withdrawal procedures 撤回程序

15.1 General requirements 总要求
