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A. Please say a few words about yourself.
B. Interpret/Translate orally the following.

a liner (tramp) 班轮
make fast 带牢、挽牢
MOB Man Overboard 人员落水
acute appendicitis 阑尾炎
freeboard 干舷
OBO ship 油散矿三用船
ship’s draft 吃水
Dead slow astern 微速后退
day room 船上娱乐室
French fries 炸薯条
bulk carrier 散货船
hard-a-port 左满舵
liferaft 救生筏
do monkey business 滑头生意
infectious disease 传染病
Wharf rat 码头小偷
Yellow book 健康检疫证
Bulk cargo 散货
Post office 邮局
Television advertisement
Jack staff 船首旗杆
Immigration officer 检疫官员
Funnel 船上烟囱
high summer 盛夏
be under the weather不舒服
Oil tanker 油轮
General cargo 杂货
Anchor missing 走锚
Morning rush hour 早高峰
The Far East 远东
Hull 船身
Waterline 吃水线
Freshwater 淡水
Fuel oil 燃油
Starboard side 右舷
Ensign 船尾旗杆
Engine room 机舱
Diesel oil 柴油
Pork chop 猪排
tramps 货船
draft 吃水
waterline 吃水线
Baking oven 烤箱
messroom 船上餐厅
electronic chart 电子海图
stand by engine 备车
OS 一水
GPS 全球定位系统
casino 赌场
gas tanker 天然气船
duty-free shop 免税店
full ahead 全速前进
eye rinse station 洗眼站
anchor 锚
explosion 爆炸
chandler 供应商
pork chop 猪排
downtown 市中心
Deck cadet 甲板实习生
Dish washer 洗碗机
Science fiction 科幻小说
The blazing sun 大太阳
Zebra crossing 人行道
Assembly station 集合站
Teddy Bear 泰迪小熊
jay-walking 乱穿马路
gale warning 大风警报
beef steak 牛排
Messroom 船上餐厅
Under a lucky star 幸运的
Full ahead 全速前进
An eye for an eye 以牙还牙
overcast 阴天
Welcome on board 欢迎上船
Keep watches 值班
Escape route 逃生路线
Supermarket 超市
French fries 炸薯条
in port 在港口
man overboard 人员落水
ice warning 病情警报
zebra crossing 斑马线
seafood 海鲜
power-driven vessel 动力船
anchor 锚
standby engine 备车
do grocery shopping 采购
comedy 喜剧
三副 third officer
干舷 freeboard
洗衣房 laundry
传染病 infectious disease
市中心 city center/downtown
甲板实习生 deck cadet
保安员 ship security officer
左满舵 hard-a-portside
高血压 hypertension
试穿 try it on
引水员 pilot
水手长 bosun
船上医务室 hospital/sick bay
头疼 headache
盥洗室 restroom
下中国象棋 playing Chinese chess
海鲜 seafood
台风 typhoon/hurricane
海员之家 seamen’s home
海图室 chart room/house
中途停靠港 port of call
吃烧烤 have a barbecue
活该 deserve it
价目表 price list
戒烟 quit/give up smoking
玩扑克牌 playing cards
早高峰时段 morning rush hour
天气预报 weather forecast

正舵 midships
夫妻老婆店 mom-and-pop store
海盗 pirate
阵雨 shower
检疫官 quarantine officer
润滑油 lube oil
发高烧 have a fever
冰情警报 ice warning
弃船abandon ship
厨房 galley
滚装船 ro-ro ship
医务室 hospital
少云 cloudy
搁浅 grounding
人员落水 man overboard
烤箱 bake oven
赌场 casino
班轮 liner
驾驶台 bridge
首楼 forecastle
雷暴 thunderstorm
海关 custums
螺旋桨 propeller
货舱 hold/tank
干舷 freeboard
下国际象棋 playing chess
旅行社 travel agency
露天甲板 weather deck
情人节 Valentine’s Day
散货 bulk cargo
船上厨房 galley
原油 crude oil
代理 agent
工头 foreman
引水员 pilot
食品搅拌机 mixture
天气预报 weather forecast
水手长 bosun
港口国检察官 Port State Control Officer
大雾警报 fog warning
旅行社 travel agency
迷路 lose one’s way
副船长 staff captain
太平洋 the Pacific Ocean
满舵 hard-a-starboard/port
海员俱乐部 seamen’s club
方便食品 fast food
船上厨房 galley
舵工 helmsman
安全帽 hard hat
特大型超市 hypermarket
节食 go on a diet
木匠 carpenter
口罩 mask
在操舵 on the wheel
船上的烟囱 funnel
中国的武侠小说 Chinese Gongfu Story
海图室 chart room/house
水手长 bosun
护目镜 safety goggles
听音乐 listen to music

C.Answer the following briefly.
1. Please explain “bulkhead”.
Bulkheads are the vertical plates in the ship hull.
2. What time does the 1st Watch start?
3. What shall we do when our ship is involve in the head-on situation with another ship?
Both ships should turn starboard so that they pass each other on their portsides.
4. How many meters is a nautical mile?
1.852 kilometers
5. The Suez Canal joins two seas. What are the two seas?
It joins Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea.
6. What is a tanker (a tank)?
A tanker is a vessel which carries liquid cargo.
A tank is a hatch which contains liquid cargo.
7. What does “TEU” mean in shipping?
Twenty-foot-Equivalent Unit
8. What is the meaning of short-sea trade? How short is it?
Short-sea trade refers to the trade between European countries or trade between China to its neighboring countries, such as Korea and Japan.
9. Besides the Suez Canal, there are two other famous canals in the world. What are they?
The Panama Canal, the Kiel Canal
10. What are the first things we shall do when offering medical first-aid?
Get a general view of the situation.
Remove the victim from danger or remove danger from the victim.
Prevent the victim from bleeding.
Prevent the victim from shocking.
Prevent the victim from further injury.
11. We divide the outside surface of ship’s side into three parts for paining. What are they?
Topside, boot-topping and bottom
12. Deck department is a very busy group. What is it responsible for?

k department is responsible for navigation, cargo handling, maintenance and life-saving equipments.
13. Tell us the names of the oceans on Earth. Which one is the largest (smallest)?
The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest.
14. What does “navigation” mean?/What is the job of the pilot/staff captain?
“Navigation” in Latin means directing or moving a ship.
The job of a pilot is to help the captain navigate the ship safely into and out of the port.
Staff captain takes care of the seafarers’ daily life.
15. What do you do if you are told to do some dangerous job on board?
Wear relevant safety equipments or clothes. Follow the safety practice codes and be careful.
16. Do you like making friends? Where are they now?

17. Do you learn English very hard? Why?
Yes, because English is very important to a seaman. It is the working language on board a ship.
18. What do you do when you are in difficulties?

19. Say something about containership.

20. What are the three types of rope used on board?
Natural fiber rope, synthetic rope and wire rope
21. What kind of character are you of?
I am outgoing/ reserved/ easygoing/ serious…
22. Do you like the weather here? What is the weather like in your hometown?
No, I don’t. The weather in Shanghai is wet and sultry. The weather in my hometown is…
23. Why do you want to be a seaman?
That’s because I like sea. I will have the opportunity to travel around the world and I can make a lot of money.
24. Say something about the manning of deck department.
The chief/ second/ third officer, bosun, carpenter, OS, AB and deck cadet,
25. What is a liner/tramp?
A liner is a vessel which carries cargoes or passengers with fixed timetable, regular routes and fixed price.
A tramp is a vessel which carries cargoes to ports it is required.
26. Which subject do you like best? Why do you say so?

27. What do you do when you are in bad mood?

28. Have you got a hobby? What is it?

29. Give the names of mooring lines.
Head line, forward/ aft breast line, backspring forward/ aft, stern line
30. What is the difference between a passenger liner and a cruise ship?
A passenger liner is an ordinary vessel which carries passengers from port to port.
A cruise ship is more luxury. The accommodation on the ship is much better. It is equipped with swimming pool, casino and restaurants. It’s just like a moving five-star hotel.
31. What is a merchant ship?
A merchant ship is a vessel which is hired to carry cargoes from port to port.
32. According to the ways they are operated, merchant ships are divided into three kinds. Please tell what they are.
Liner, tramp and specialized vessel
33. Who is in charge of Life-saving equipment?
The third officer
34. What are the three basic types of ropes?

35. What does general cargo mean?
Ordinary cargoes of various types
36. What does an OBO ship mean?
Oil, Bulk

and Ore ship
37. What does the Second Officer do on board ship?
He is responsible for looking after all the navigation equipments and keeping the ship on course.
38. In the head-on situation the two vessels involved should each normally alter course to which side to avoid collision?
The usually alter course to starboard side so as to pass each other on their portsides.
39. What are liners?

40. Please list at least two examples of natural fiber ropes.
Manila rope, hemp rope, sisal rope, cotton rope, coir rope
41. What is the responsibility of the Carpenter?
He is responsible for sounding the tanks and bilges.
42. There are three coatings while doing painting. What are they?
Metal primer, undercoat and topcoat
43. Judging from the distances a ship travels, we can divide ships into three kinds. What are they?
Coaster, short-sea vessel, deep-sea vessel
44. In the six watches, what is the watch for 0800-1200 called?
Forenoon watch
45. Nowadays on board ship we will find two kinds of charts. What are they?
Paper chart and electronic chart
46. What is the main job for the carpenter on board?

47. What do we call the person who works at the wheel?
48. Do you happen to know the colors of the sidelights?
Red for the portside and green for the starboard
49. How do we define “draft”?
Draft is the distance between the ship’s bottom and waterline.
50. What do you do if you find you don’t understand your captain though he is speaking English?
Ask him to speak slowly or to spell the word, make gestures, use body language or draw pictures
51. How many main parts are there in a normal weather report?
Weather forecast, synopsis, gale/ fog/ ice warning.
52. What is the ship which is employed to carry several thousand cars?
Pure Car Carrier/PCC or Ro-Ro ship
53. Please explain “infectious disease”.
Infectious disease is a disease which is communicable. It may transmit among people or between animals and human beings through food, water, air and so on.
54. The canal is good and useful, but not every ship can transit a canal. Why?
Some vessels are too big to get through the canal.
55. How do you understand the importance of English ability for seamen?
English is the working language on board, it is very important. To a seaman, no English no job.
56. It is 4 pm. Who is the OOW on the bridge?
The chief officer
57. Tell us some of the common injuries we might meet with on board?
Eye/feet injuries, a finger cut, broken arm/ leg, burning injury
58. What is an OBO?

59. We say the chronometer is needed in navigation. What is it?
It’s a very accurate clock.
60. What do you do if you find the food on board your ship is not to your taste?

61. Please explain “infectious disease”.

62. Do you like to join a liner? Why?
Yes, it is very clean and it runs with regular route and fixed timetable. So my life will be regular, I will be able to get on shore from time to time.
/No, I want to t

ravel around the world and visit as many cities as possible, but a liner is operated with regular route. I don’t think that fits me.
63. What is cement wash made up of?
It’s made up of cement powder and water.
64. When do you wear safety shoes?
Whenever I work on decks, I must wear safety shoes in order to protect my feet from being injured.
65. Please explain “bulk cargo”.
Bulk cargo is cargo that carried in loose.
66. Please give examples of specialized vessels.
PCC/ Reefers/LNG Carriers
67. What do you find in the ship’s engine room?
Main engine, auxiliary engine and machines
68. When do we have to wear safety goggles?
We must wear safety goggles while we are doing works which involve risks of eye injuries such as wielding and blust shotting.
69. Do you know the full name of radar?
Radio And Distance Ranging
70. A duty-free store. What is it?

71. What does “IMO” stand for?
International Maritime Organization
72. Please explain “hepatitis”.
It’s a serious disease which attacks one’s liver.
73. On which side does a ship usually overtake another?
Either side
74. What is a tramp?

75. What is the difference between a lifeboat and liferaft?
A lifeboat is equipped with a motor, it’s a power-driven boat.
But a liferaft isn’t.
76. Name some navigational instruments O/B vessel.
Sextant, echo sounder, sonar system, radar system, Loran C navigator
77. What is a hack saw used for?
A hack saw is used to saw metal.
78. What’s a messroom?
A messroom is the place where all the ratings have their meals.
79. Which subject do you like best? Why?

80. What’s advantage of containerization?
Less time for cargo handling, easier stowage and reduce cost
81. Where do you usually go shopping?
I usually go shopping at supermarket, hypermarket, shopping mall, department store and duty-free shops.
82. Name some equipment in a life-boat.
Oars, sails, boat hooks, first-aid-kid, buckets…
83. What do you do if you are in bad mood?

84. Tell us the names of the oceans on the earth.

85. Where can you find the paint O/B vessel?
In the paint locker on forecastle
86. What’s the duty of 3rd officer?
He is responsible for life-saving equipments.
87. What do you do if your shipmates are not friendly to you?

88. What’s an oil tanker?
Oil tanker is a vessel which carries oil.
89. What’s rush hour?
Rush hour is the period of time that traffic is busy.
90. When is Chinese Valentine’s Day?
July 7th in Chinese Lunar Calendar
D.Answer the following in detail.
1.Please explain the types of ropes and their different uses in shipping.
Natural fiber rope, synthetic rope and wire rope
All of them can be used for mooring and cargo handling.
Polypropylene rope can be used for log lines and halyards as it has the highest melting point.
Wire rope can be used for standing rigging as well.
2.Suppose you are in a foreign sea port. It is getting dark. You find you have l

ost your way and there is nobody in sight. What will you do now?
Walk towards the lights, try to find a telephone and call the agent. Ask for his advice or ask him to pick you up.
3.What will you do if you find your foreign shipmates are not friendly to you?

4.Please explain ship types.
Page 75 Exercise

5.The four steps in doing preparations for painting
Page 131 Exercise (6)

6.What are the advantages/disadvantages of containerization?
Page 107 Exercise (7)

7.Do you think drinking alcohol helps to relieve stress? Please give the reason.

8.In today’s China, do you think money can buy us love?Please give your reasons.

9.How much do you know about table manners?
Western people use knife and fork when having dinners, the knife for the right hand and the fork for the left. People have their own share of food.
Chinese people use chopsticks while eating. They usually share all the food together.
10.What would you do with the money when you become rich?
If I had money, I would…

11.What risks do you think eating seafood may bring about?
There will be risks of vomiting, diarrhea, hepatitis A or other disease caused by the contaminated seafood.
12.Why do you like to be a seaman? What do you think of the ocean?

13.Why is maintenance work much needed on board a ship?
Maintenance work is needed on board to prevent the ship from damage effects and rusting

14.Do you know some safe working practices on board a ship?
Choose fit and suitable clothes for working.
Wear safety goggles while handling chemicals, grinding, drilling and so on.
Remove any oil falling on deck ASAP.
Wear safety hat in Engine room
Wear ear muffs when required to do work in high noise level spaces.
15.What are the three basic ways merchant ships can operate?
Liner, tramp and specialized vessel.

16.Please describe ship types and the cargoes they carry.

17.Please describe safe working habit to protect your personal safety.

18.What’s the duty of Deck Department?
