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00 送花/扔蛋

281. 桨oar

282. 桨柄loom

283. 桨手坐板thwart

284. 橹scull

285. 撑篙pole

286. 锚anchor

287. 船首中锚stem anchor

288. 首锚bower

289. 小锚kedge anchor

290. 三爪锚triple fluke anchor

291. 四爪锚garpnel

292. 无杆锚stockless anchor

293. 有杆锚stocked anchor

294. 整体锚solid anchor

295. 轻便小锚portable anchor

296. 锚干anchor shank

297. 锚嘴anchor bill

298. 抛锚anchorage

299. 起锚weigh anchor

300. 起锚机windlass

301. 铰盘capstan

302. 链chain

303. 锚链孔hawse-hole

304. 链缠的锚foul anchor

305. 船首缆headfast

306. 缆绳rigging

307. 大索hawser

308. 纤维绳cordage

309. 钢缆seven by nineteen cable

310. 绳索一股strand

311. 一卷绳索fake

312. 活套索lasso

313. 撇缆heaving line

314. 应急帆jury rig

315. 浮筒卸扣buoy shackle

316. 系索栓belaying pin

317. 系缆桩bollard

318. 防撞prevention of collision 319. 碰垫fender

320. 船梯gangway ladder

321. 可折叠梯folding ladder 322. 软梯rope ladder

323. 踏板treadle

324. 跳板gangplank

325. 舷梯gangway

326. 起重机crane

327. 浮吊floating crane

328. 升降机elevator

329. 吊杆derrick

330. 单饼铁滑车gin block

331. 滑轮pulley

332. 吊货网兜cargo net

333. 装货loading

334. 卸货unloading

335. 信号塔semaphore

336. 灯塔beacon

337. 信号灯signal light

338. 探照灯search light

339. 锚标anchor-buoy

340. 系泊浮筒mooring buoy 341. 圆筒浮标cylindroid buoy 342. 声纳浮标sonar buoy

343. 发光浮标luminous buoy 344. 船长captain

345. 小船船长skipper

346. 艇长coxswain

347. 大副chief mate ; first mate 348. 二副second mate

349. 助理二副junior second officer 350. 领航员navigator

351. 领港员harbour pilot

352. 轮机长chief engineer

353. 大管轮first engineer

354. 舵手helmsman

355. 报务员wireless operator 356. 船员crew

357. 走私船员barrator

358. 押解船员prizecrew

359. 管事steward

360. 事务长purser

361. 押运员supercargo

362. 理货员tally man

363. 值班员watch keeper

364. 实习生cadet

365. 水手长serang ; boatswain

366. 老水手shell back

367. 水手sailor

368. 印度水手lascar

369. 见习船员landsman

370. 船工boatman

371. 渡船工人ferryman

372. 摇橹人sculler

373. 桨手oarsman

374. 救生员lifeguard

375. 潜水员diver

376. 生火工fireman

377. 实习生火工apprentice fireman 378. 添煤stoking

379. 加油refuel

380. 机械员mechanic

381. 船员名单list of crew

382. 乘客名单list of passenger

383. 舱单manifest

384. 装卸工人stevedore

385. 码头工人longshoreman

386. 脚夫lumper

387. 海盗pirate

388. 码头骗子land shark

389. 导航astronomical navigation 390. 天文导航astronomical navigation 391. 地文导航geo-navigation

392. 测星导航navigation by stars 393. 立标becacon

394. 内河航行inland navigation 395. 海洋航行ocean navigation 396. 航海历nautical almanac

397. 海图室chart room

398. 海图marine chart

399. 海图比例尺chart scale

400. 传统航线customary route

401. 指定航线advertised route

402. 适航性seaworthiness

403. 航行时间表sailing list(schedule) 404. 公海open sea ; high seas

405. 航海日志log-book
