U3 Reading【高中英语课文教案】

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the lotus the bristlecone pine tree the Victoria lily
4 It can cover a large area. 5 It is called the longevity tree in China.
the banyan tree the gingko tree
a. is used for building?
b. produces grains?
c. is similar to the water lily?
Look at the pictures and read the first sentences of each paragraph on the next page.
Important sentences
1. …there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so…… of which the pads the pads of which It has a long white root, in which there are many holes. where
Read through the transcript quickly and find the names of the plants which match the descriptions on the left in the table below.
1 In Asia, parts of it are often eaten. 2 It is one of the oldest of all trees. 3 It can have very large flowers.
3. How large can the leaves of the Victoria lily grow to
be? _______________________________________________ The leaves of the Victoria lily can grow to be more than two metres ______________wide. 4. What colour are the Victoria lily’s flowers?
2. Its pads are more than two metres wide and its white or purple flowers can grow as large as 45 centimetres across. across在此处为副词,解释为“从一边到另一边,宽”; 可以替换为:flowers can grow as large as 45 centimetres in width. across 还能作介词,表示横越。 go across the park. He ran across the street. cross 作动词,表示越过,横过,渡过。 She crossed the street with her hand up. Don’t cross. The light is red.
3. In Asian countries, lotus roots and seeds are often cooked and served in meals. serve 此处为及物动词,表示端出、提供(食物) Now, we serve the second course, Sir. 现在,我们上第二道菜,先生。
5. The roots of the banyan tree can plant themselves and grow bark. T 6Biblioteka Baidu There are no gingko trees left in China. F 7. The gingko tree is the oldest tree in the world. F 8. The oldest bristlecone pine tree is more than forty centuries old. T 9. All the plants mentioned in the transcript grow in China. F
……that is the reason why they are known as… for which 1. 他写了一本名字我已经忘记的书。 He’s written a book ____________ I’ve forgotten.
2. I remember the day __________ the heatwave started 3. This is the place ___________ we used to live.
tree cover? The largest banyan tree covers an area ________________________________ larger than a football pitch. ___________________________ 8. Which plant can look like a forest of small trees? ______________________________________ The banyan tree can look like a forest of small trees.
Para. 1:
Para. 2:
Para. 3:
Pare. 4:
See whether these statements are true or false. For true statements circle T, and for false statements circle F.
1. Both the Victoria lily and the lotus are flowering plants. T 2. The lotus has many holes in its purple root. F 3. Eating lotus seeds and roots is very popular in Europe. F 4. The banyan tree can be found all over the world. F
Answer these questions using the information in the transcript. Write complete sentences in the blanks.
1. Where does a huge Victoria lily grow? ________________________________ A huge Victoria lily grows in Hangzhou. 2. On which part of the Victoria lily can people stand? ________________________________ People can stand on its pads.
6. Where can the largest banyan tree be found?
___________________________________ The largest banyan tree can be found in India.
7. How large an area does the largest banyan
9. What was recently discovered in Hebei
Province? How old is it?
A gingko tree which is around 2, 800 years old _____________________________________________ has recently been discovered in Hebei Province. __________________________________ 10. What type of tree can be found in Nevada? How old is it? A bristlecone pine tree in Nevada is ________________________________ more than 4, 600 years old. ___________________________________
Find the topic sentence and examples in each paragraph. This is a Victoria lily, the largest kind of water lily in the world. The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is such a plant. The banyan tree is an interesting tree with many roots growing down from its branches. Many gingko trees have been around for more than 1, 000 years.
Hamburgers should be served when they’re still hot. serve 作及物动词还能表示为…服务,工作,效力 serve God / the country / that company serve 也可作不及物动词,表示效力,服役,如 serve in the military 在军队中服役 She serves as a clerk in a city bank.
____________________________________ The Victoria lily’s flowers are white or purple. 5. Which part of the lotus can be eaten? People can eat the roots and seeds of the lotus. _____________________________________
Module 2
Unit 3 Plants
What do you know about…?
Match the names and photos of these plants in Asia.
Answer the following questions.
Which of the plants above
Look at the pictures and read the first sentence of each paragraph on the next page. 1. Where are water lilies found floating in China? ( b) A. In the sea B. In ponds C. In swimming pools 2. What can we do with some flowering plants? ( a) A. Eat them B. Smell them C. Sell them 3. Which tree has roots which grow down from its branches? ( a) A. The banyan tree B. The gingko tree C. The bristlecone tree 4. Where was an old gingko tree found? ( c) A. In America B. In Shanghai C. In Hebei Province