【绝对有用绝对原创】【 模拟联合国】 立场文件 范文 AIMUN 【MUN】 【毒品问题】 毒品立场
Delegate: Yang Yiyuan , Liu FengSchool: Shandong Economic UniversityCountry: Islamic Republic of PakistanCommittee: General AssemblyTopic A: Global Drug ControlDrug abuse has been a serious problem in the world for a long period of time. Although international efforts have been made to solve the issue, a satisfied result is still yet to be reached. The illicit drug cultivation, trafficking and selling led to large amount of crime and even fed the terrorist groups that threaten the piece of the world. Drug abuse is not only an evil to individuals but also a disaster to societies.Drug cultivation owns a long history in Pakistan. Drug trade has resulted in a series of social problems. As a country that has a weak infrastructure of economy, Pakistan would get lethal effect by drugs in ecomomy, politics and even national security. Pakistan has taken sharp pains to cut down on the drug related crimes and is willing to cooperate with nations that have the same ambitions to eradicate drug abuse within the framework of the United Nations.The United Nations has taken great concerns on drug related problems. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic substances and the 1988 Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances are 3 basic conventions of international drug control system that played important roles in interdicting drug abuse. Confronted with the problems of lacking drug supervision, Pakistan has taken a series of practical actions:ANF endeavored to disseminate information on the disadvantages of drug trafficking which helps reduce the number of drug addicts from 3,000,000 in 1993 to 1,500,000 in recent time.Pakistan also has put in 2.8 billion rupee to help addicts get cured and prohibit drug smuggle. In future , Pakistan will try to take following measures to control drugs:1 To ask for help of international societies to provide a viable crop alternative to opium farmers.2 To increase law enforcement, Pakistan will execute drug related arrests and crop seizures.3 To propagate knowledge on drugs to citizens and increase the publicity on penalties for drug smugglers.4 To hold talks with other nations to build up a strandard procedure that can facilitate authorized drugs’trade and prevent the unauthorized ones.5 To force the military control of the borders especially the one between Pakistan and Afganistan.Pakistan has realized the severity of drug problems, but the government firmly believe that with the continous endeavors of the world, the problems will be settled satisfactorily. Pakistan sincerely hope that the United Nations can pass some feasible resolutions that can make contribution to the world’s piece and development.。
1. 条约,法律条文,决议案等斜43;(缩写) Security Council (SC)
3. 国家+动词单数第三人称 We+动词复数形式 !!!绝对不可以说“I believe……”
Sample Position Paper讲解
4.对未来的展望 (本国将采取的措 施+呼吁他国或国 际组织怎么样+客 套话结题)
措施详细程度 The UK will continue promoting financing aid and technicians
The UK will continue promoting financing aid and technicians with the purpose of making sure that IAEA have the necessary resources to maintain its effectiveness of safeguards. sss
3.百分百纯酱油国家: 突出联合国以及相关国际组织采取的措施和行动,结合实际说明自 己国家对这些国际组织所采取的措施的态度。
• • • •
一篇好的立场文件? 1.措施的详细程度 2.措施的提出要有依据 3.句子之间适当的逻辑连接
Position Paper的逻辑构架
1.开题(两三句话) 2.本国措施(国内层面 3.国际组织的措 4.对未来的展望 Pay attention! 立场文件没有所谓固定格式,只要能够在 本国总体立场 +国际层面) 施 (本国将采取的措 正式、简洁、准确的前提下,做到逻辑清晰,立场明确, 施+呼吁他国或国 就很好了 际组织怎么样+客 套话结题) 可以引用的资料:
·草案的实质部分 ·列举解决问题的措施和建议 ·每个条款以动词开头,以分号结尾 ·要有逻辑顺序
Draft Resolution
·每条款只能包含一个建议或想法 ·若条款需多加解释,在该条款下分条逐一说明, 格式如上,先以英文字母标注,再用罗马数字 ·最后条款以句号总结 ·每一条款均以动词开头(英语以第三人称单数 式),以分号结尾,以斜体或下划线标出
草案标题 • 委员会 committee • 议题 topic
Draft Resolution
• 决议草案编号(由主席团编号) • 起草国 sponsor(s)、 • 附议国 signatory (-ies)名单
Draft Resolution
草案正文 • 草案是一个完整的句子 • 由两个部分组成 序言条款 (preambulatory clauses) 行动性条款 (operative clauses)
• (三)对于一份被印发全场的非友好修正案,代表 们将有一分钟时间阅读,之后该份非友好修正案 的起草国将自动获得一分钟的时间介绍该份非友 好修正案; • (四)对于一份友好修正案,会议指导将以宣读的 方式将其直接加入决议草案; • (五)在对所有需要进行介绍的文件自动介绍时间 结束后,该份文件是否被继续讨论,取决于是否 有相应的有主持核心磋商被通过。
Position Paper
• 语言官方正式,言简意赅(可以参考一些官方的表 态) • 真正提出一些站在自己国家立场上的有特色的观点, 注重角色扮演,包括外交风格,避免泛泛而谈 • 不需过于详细的数据列举(人口,资源,GDP……) • 结构清晰,条理分明,每段内容不宜太多,最多不 宜超过6-7行,全文约在A4纸一页稍多
1. 立场文件(取材2009 年北大模联)Delegate:YangYI,Yuanmeng HUANGSchool:ShanghaiNo.3GirlsHighSchoolCountry:TuvaluCommittee:UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgram(UNEP)TopicA:ExploitationofNaturalResourcesinAntarcticWith increasing discoveries made and technologies developed, the exploitation of Antarctica has become an international hot-spot. Our exporation of Antarctica has never ceased---we aresimply eager to step on to that mysterious, yet, sacred white land covered with snow all-year-longto do researches or to carry out further exploitation.Many countries have built up scientific stations on this continent, and have gradually madetheir dreams come true. Thanks to the constant efforts of the international community, we have already made facts like “there are more than 220 sorts of mineral resources in Antarctic” and “the amount of reserved flammable ice beneath the ice sheet is the sum of all the fossil fuels all over theworld, which could replace coal and petroleum as a new environment- friendly energy resource”come true.So now, the importance and the necessity of peaceful and rational exploitation of these resources have gradually emerged. And Tuvalu firmly believes that should these resources be used properly, they would be evangel to all those suffering from the energy crisis.1One important ally of Tuvalu, the UK, has claimed 100 Esq. Sea territories near the Antarctica, which incurred many disputes from the countries near the Antarctica. Not only UK though, many other countries(such as Chile, Argentina, France, Norway) have claimed territories in Antarctica as well. Russian Federation even dispatched, 153 times, scientific groups to Antarctica to do research,discover and built basements!However, the territorial conflicts in Antarctic is not simply about territory itself; it is alsoabout showing off certain countries' power. Now, there are many treaties and protocols dealing with this issue, but few of them are effective. And the poor Antarctic Treaty, can only be regarded as a byproduct of the cold war, which froze many droids in Antarctic, and forbid the exploitation inAntarctica and the territory claims. Yet, it is very clear that not all of these items are rational. Tuvalu supports the exploitation of Antarctic resources, and we believe that Antarctica belongs to the entire human race, which, of course, includes us Tuvalu.2Tuvalu is we hope to participate the inner conferences of the related countries to get more benefits for our citizens. Therefore, Tuvalu suggests that the international community hold discussions based on the Svalbard Treaty, 1925 to exploit Antarctic resources, protect its environment, and, as well, to pay less attention to military and economic concerns.Also as one of the least developed countries in the world, we have extremely limited capabilityfor thorough exploitation: We will simply use the resources of Antarctica to meet domestic needs. The exploitation of the Antarctic is a mainstream trend of our time. So, Tuvalu suggests all countries be united, to together figure out a rational, environment-friendly and sustainable way to exploit Antarctic and to protect it. Tuvalu is willing to cooperate with other developed alliancesuchas Australia, Japan and UK during this UNEP conference to sign related joint communiqué to help1 /bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=281&page=2&star=12 /view/2732.htm大家一起来模联东北一狂人著18our alliances and Tuvalu ourselves to benefit from all that we can.Above all, Tuvalu suggests:1. Considering that great profits can and can only be achieved underInternational Treaties, Tuvalu urges the UN to ameliorate all international treatiessuch as the Antarctic Treaty and United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,discuss the documents of scientific share of the polar area, take the polar area intothe jurisdiction of the United Nations, and welcome all states to carry out scientific explorations.2. Urges all states to explore the resources shared by all mankind properly, inrespect of the international laws and the protection of the environment, andannounce all the scientific achievements beneficial to everyone.3. Protects the benefits of all developing countries on the controversial issue,and thinks developing countries should cooperate with developed ones and shouldn'tbe sated aside in the intense competition in exploiting Antarctic natural resources.4. As for energy, we suggest that every country find and invent new energy withgreat exertion, and we hope that the human race could get rid of the rely on fossilresources as soon as possible.5. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, theapplication of the extension of the application of the continental shelf seabedsovereignty under article 76, and all states should hand in the relating applicationand information to UN.6. In expectation of relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea, all exploration and researches must be under the framework in thetreaty.Tuvalu is faces a huge problem that we will all soon be facing: Global Warming. This effect causes the elevation of sea level, and as a result our citizens have to migrate to survive. So we hopethat all countries will protect the environment of Antarctic area while exploring it.Tuvalu suggests that, in order to reach the consensus of certain laws and decisions, we should have further discussion on this topic. Antarctic belongs to all livings, including the citizens of Tuvalu. Tuvalu hopes that our citizens could find a new place to live in Antarctic zone by a resolution of UNEP. Tuvalu appeals every country to be united in elaborating new international laws in order to establish and maintain a new order in the exploration of Antarctic resources. Tuvalu will, of course, very much appreciates international assistance. Again, we insists that Antarctic belongs to the entire human race, and we hope all countries could cooperate with each other on these issues. And Tuvalu hopes all countries could pay more attention to environment protection when making the exploitation projects. Tuvalu has been devoted to promoting peacefuland efficient discussions among all the countries related to these issues to protect the collective benefits from the hegemonies. From now on, we will pay close attention to the progress of this conference, and we expect the UNEP to be efficient, effective, and function-enlarged.2. 工作文件(取材2008 年复旦模联)WorkingPaperSample(1)Committee: International Fishery Committee大家一起来模联东北一狂人著19Topic: Global fishery and managementSponsor: Panama, Guatemala, NigaruaguaAs countries with prospering fishing industry, also as countries that pay great attention tothe maintainance of biodiversity, we strive to solve negative effects brought about during fishery process. One of the major problems is bycatch.A vivid definition of bycatching:Imagine you are a the old man in Old Man and the Sea, and you want to catch someshrimp for lunch. If when you trawl up your net, except for the poor shrimps you want,there is also a dinasour struggling in the net, then you have just BY-CAUGHT: catchingsomething you do not intend to catch.Howseriousisby-catch?According to the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, in the Gulf of Mexico, three pounds of bycatch are caught for every pound of shrimp that goes to market. Accordingto the Worldwide Fund for Nature, in the Gulf of Thailand it can be 14 pounds of bycatchper pound of shrimp. Bycatch is often discarded dead or dying by the time it is returned tothe sea. Trawl nets in general, and shrimp trawls in particular, have been identified as sources of mortality for species of concern, including cetaceans. Sea turtles, alreadycritically endangered, have been killed by the thousands in shrimp trawl nets.Howtoreduceby-catch?To reduce bycatch, we propose ways as follows:1. We recommand the "bycatch reduction device" (BRD) and the Nordmore grate thathelp fish escape from shrimp nets.2. We encourage trawlers to outfit their nets with trap-door "Turtle excluder device," or TEDs, to let sea turtles escape.3. As the size selectivity of trawl nets is often controlled by the size of the openings in thenet, especially in the "cod end", the larger the size of the openings, the more easily small fish can escape, so we support the use of appropriately larger sizes of openings.4. We appeal to further carry out the development and testing of modifications to fishing gear to improve selectivity and decrease impact, which is called "conservation engineering."DISCARDS, form a major part of the bycatch of a fishing operation. Discards are theportion of a catch of fish which is not retained on board during commercial fishing operations and is returned, often dead or dying, to the sea. Discarding impacts on the大家一起来模联东北一狂人著20environment in two ways; firstly, through increased mortality to target and non-target species, particularly at juvenile life-history stages, and secondly, through alteration of food webs by supplying increased levels of food to scavenging organisms on the sea floor, and to sea birds.So, in addition to efforts to reduce the amount of bycatch caught in nets, we also appeal to implement programs to effectively utilize bycatch species, rather than throwing the fish back into the ocean. One such use of bycatch is the formulation of fish hydrolysate that can be used as a soil amendment in organic agriculture.WorkingPaperSample(2)Committee: International Fishery CommitteeTopic : some solutions summarySponsors: Uruguay ,Guatemala ,Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua, Brazil, Costa RicaThe following is summary of the common views of Latin Americancountries aboveOverfishing Solutions SummaryA.Raiseawarenessusingfollowingways1. Build morality education by public propagandas2. Build professional education to fishermen by science knowledgepopularizationEnhancepoormanagement3. reduce fishing capacity by restricting large-amount fishing to levels that marine system can sustain.4. Prohibit catching little fishes to allow over-exploited fish populations to recover.5. Raise artificial baby fishes6. Prohibit catching endangered and valuable fishes, by demarcatingno-fishing areas, to ensure the biodiversity.7. set restrictions on commercial fishing8. establish specific legislation to restrict overfishing; establish heavy legislation to ensure the conduction of management9. improve supervision system10.urges the local government to work on the issues efficiently and transparentlyBy-catching Solutions Summary1. Each relevant government definites the by-catching quota , based on each country’s ocean resource. And the quota should be ratified by UN.2. Modify the fishing instruments to reduce unwanted catch. For example: outfit nets with trap-door to let turtles escape in shrimp catching;大家一起来模联东北一狂人著21control the size of the nets’ openings.3. Restrict fishing capacity, for example,1 ton or 1000 heads, no matter what are your target fishes.4. Effectively utilize by-catching fishes, rather than throwing themback into the sea. Because by-catching is inevitable and the majority of the returned by-catching fishes are dead or dying.Solutions to El Nino impacts on fisheryBackgroundEl Nino causes heavy decline of fish production, resulting in the enormous economic losses of these countries, whose GDP consists a large proportion of fishery.Solutions1. utilize the previously mentioned monitoring system in working paper1.3 to forecast more effectively El Nino phenomenon2. compensate for the loss brought about by El Ninoa. modifications of annual fishery investment, according to the estimation from the monitoring systemb. humanitarian aids to disaster-struck countries are indispensable. BiodiversityBackgroundBiodiversity is a resource with enormous potential, both for intellectual and e conomic purposes and as an instrument for a country’s development. Each species (of course including fishes)plays a role in nature, andinteracts with other species and its environment. So biodiversity is worth concerning by every country.Solutions1. Set up international oceanic gene pool and enhance cooperation among associations.2. Encourage responsible countries to establish relevant laws for the conservation and sustainable use of oceanic bio-diversity.3. improve social participation by publicizing4. appeals for cooperation on bio-diversity technology and management expertise3. 决议草案Draft Resolution 1.1Committee:GeneralAssemblyTopic:ReportoftheCommitteeonRelationswiththeHostCountry大家一起来模联东北一狂人著22Sponsors:Argentina,Germany,Japan,SouthAfrica,TheUnitedStatesofAmericaSignatories:Azerbaijan,Brazil,Bangladesh,Barbados,Croatia,Denmark,Greece,Hungary,Italy,Jamaica,Zimbabwe,etc.The General Assembly,Having considered the report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country,Recalling article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Convention on the privilegesand immunities of the United Nations, the agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations and the responsibility of the host country,Recalling also that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971, the Committee should consider, and advise the host country on, issues arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations,Recognizing that effective measures should continue to be taken by the competent authorities of the host country, in particular to prevent any acts violating the security of missions and the safety of their personnel,1. Endorses the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country contained in paragraph 86 of its report;2. Considers that the maintenance of appropriate conditions for the normal work of the delegations and the missions accredited to the United Nations and the observance of their privileges and immunities,which is and issue of great importance, are in the interest of the United Nations and allMember States, and requests the host country to continue to solve, trough negotiations, problems that might arise and to take all measures necessary to prevent any interference with the functioningof missions; and urges the host country to continue to take appropriate action, such as trainingof police, security, customs and border control officers, with a view to maintaining respect for diplomatic privileges and immunities and if violations occur to ensure that such cases are properly investigated and remedied, in accordance with applicable law;3. Notes the problems experienced by some permanent missions in connection with the implementationof the Parking Programme for Diplomatic Vehicles and shall remain seized of the matter,with a view to continuing to maintain the proper implementation of the Parking Programme in a manner that is fair, non-discriminatory, effective and therefore consistent with international law, and also notes the decision of the Committee to conduct another review of the implementation of the Programme during the sixty-first session of the General Assembly and, subject to its outcome, will proceed accordingly;大家一起来模联东北一狂人著234. Requests the host country to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions, notes that during the reporting period some travel restrictions previously imposed by the host country on staffof certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities were removed, and,in this regard, notes the positions of affected States as reflected in the report of the Committee, of the Secretary General and of the host country;6. Notes that a number of delegations have requested shortening the time frame applied by the hostcountry for issuance of entry visas to representatives of Member States, since this time frame posesdifficulties for the full-fledged participation of Member States in United Nations meetings;7. Expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the host country, and hopes that the issues raised at the meetings of the Committee will continue to be resolved in a spirit of cooperation and inaccordance with international law;8. Affirms the importance of the Committee in being in a position to fulfill its mandate and meet on a short notice to deal with urgent and important matters concerning the relations between the United Nations and the host country, and in that connection requests the Secretariat and the Committeeon Conferences to accord priority to requests of the Committee on the Relations with theHost Country for conference-servicing facilities for meetings of that Committee that must be held while the General Assembly and its main committees are meeting, without prejudice to the requirementof those bodies and on an "as available" basis;9. Requests the Secretary General to remain actively engaged in all aspects of the relations of the United Nations with the host country.4. 修正案(取材2008 年复旦模联)FriendlyAmendmenttoDraftResolution1.1(Sample)Sponsor: Peru, Ecuador, PanamaSignatories: U.S.A., Japan, San Marino, South Africa, Panama, Guinea-Bissau, Greece.In the point ”El Nino”, Peru and some of the South America countries would like to modifications the item (a) in point 2:Change the sentence “Modifications of a nnual fishery investment, according to the estimation fromthe monitoring system.” into “Modifications of annual domestic industry investment, according tothe estimation from the monitoring system.”5. 危机文件Draft Directive 4.1Committee: Executive Council of Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Sponsors: United Kingdom, USASignatories: Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Italy24The OPCW,1. Requests the governments of India and Pakistan to fully cooperate with the OPCW in the following:a. Find our the modus operandi of the terrorist groups; such as JeM in acquiring chemical materials;b. Allowing full-fledged inspections of the region of Kashmir, where chemical materials are suspected to have been tested.2. Urges cooperation among security and intelligence related bodies to prevent terrorist attacks that involve chemical agents.。
代表: 代表:张宇飞 学校: 学校:闵行中学 国家: 国家:厄里特尼亚 委员会: 委员会:联合国经济和社会发展理事会 议题: 议题:金融危机后的国际合作 最近,世界被金融危机的阴影所笼罩,随之而来的便是大批人员的失业.而全球性 的失业会引起很多社会问题及部分国家的政局动荡,失业的大批出现会增加犯罪,影 响社会安定,甚至索马里海盗猖獗的背后也有高失业率的阴影.因此,金融危机所带 来的挑战是不容忽视的. 随着金融风暴的席卷,非洲地区国家也面临着前所未有的挑战.如今,世界经济进 入萧条期,作为非洲发展动力之一的出口将大幅减少;此外,有些迹象表明发达国家 正在考虑减少对非洲援助.而此些事件将导致非洲整体经济发展的速度下降甚至恶化. 厄里特尼亚认为,金融危机是一场世界性灾难,要想真正摆脱危机,加强国际间的 金融合作是至关重要的.世界各国应密切关注国际经济形势的变化,以更加积极的态 度,参与到缓解金融危机的国际合作中来.并希望世界各国可以把国际合作的顺利进 行放在最重要的位置,不要放弃并增大对非洲的援助,尽自己最大努力把金融危机的 损失减到最小. 对于金融风暴,世界各国已在两次金融峰会上就合作应对国际金融危机,加强金融 监管,推进国际金融体系改革等问题达成一系列共识,并纷纷提出稳定金融的举措. 不可否认,这些行动在目前国际经济发展中已经初见成效. 厄里特尼亚认为,要想把金融危机的损失减到最小,需要发达国家和发展中国家的 共同努力:
�Байду номын сангаас
D. 序言性条款以动词 序言性条款以动词ING形式单词开头,首词斜体,段落逗号结尾 形式单词开头, 形式单词开头 首词斜体, E. 行动性条款主要列举具体举措建议(每一个举措一句话) 行动性条款主要列举具体举措建议(每一个举措一句话) F. 要有逻辑顺序(内在逻辑顺序以 ,2,3;A,B,C;a,b,c ……分清 要有逻辑顺序(内在逻辑顺序以1, , ; ; 分清 局次) 局次) G. 行动性条款以动词第三人称单数单词开头,首词斜体,段落分号 行动性条款以动词第三人称单数单词开头,首词斜体, 结尾 H. 最后条款以句号结尾 4. 小帖士 . A. 附议一份DR不代表赞同其观点,附议一份DR只表示你所代表的 附议一份 不代表赞同其观点,附议一份 只表示你所代表的 不代表赞同其观点 国家认为此DR有讨论的必要 国家认为此 有讨论的必要 B. DR要求语法准确,语言流畅,用词用句官方正式 要求语法准确, 要求语法准确 语言流畅, C. 条款要能解决大多数争端
立场文件范例代表:*** *** *** ***国家:厄里特尼亚委员会:联合国经济和社会发展理事会议题:金融危机后的国际合作最近,世界被金融危机的阴影所笼罩,随之而来的便是大批人员的失业。
模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。
语言方面通常会经过点名后加入主发言名单(Speaker's list)→有组织核心磋商(Moderated Caucus)→自由磋商(Unmoderated Caucus)→主发言名单(Speaker's list)这样一个循环,关于议题(topic)中某一问题不断深入的进行交流讨论。
书面文件通常会经过立场文件(Position Paper)→工作文件(Working Paper)→决议案草案(Draft Resolution)→修正案(Amendment)→决议案(Resolution)的一个单向流程。
Position Paper(在正式PP中不用写出来)Delegate: XXXSchool: XXXXXCountry: United KingdomCommittee: ECOSOCTopic A: International Migration(如果有两个议题,则会在大会上先投票选择什么议题再进行磋商。
模联(MUN)规则流程、文件写作全教程A.立场文件(Positon Paper)立场文件(简称PP)就是在会前写的表达自己国家在这个议题上的立场报告。
2.格式:(1)开头左上角写以下内容:代表姓名(delegates)代表来自的学校名(school)国家名(country)所在委员会(committee)议题(topic)(2)然后空一两行接着写正文就可以了3. 正文通常内容:1第一部分:简要陈述议题,并说明代表国认为该议题对于整个国际社会所具有的重要性。
B.会议流程1.点名(Roll Call):主席助理会按国家名字的第一个英文字母的顺序依次点,被点到的国家举国家牌(Placard)答“present(到)”。
多数票分为两种:2/3 多数(英文two-thirds majority)和简单多数(又名50%多数,英文是simple majority)。
To: All staff。
From: [Your name]Subject: Changes to company policy。
Date: [Today’s date]Dear all,。
I am writing to inform you of some changes to the company policy that will be implemented from next month. These changes will affect all employees and it is important that you are aware of them.Firstly, we will be introducing a new dress code policy. This means that all employees are expected to dress in a professional manner when they are at work. This includes wearing appropriate attire such as suits, dresses, andsmart casual clothing. Please refer to the new policy document for further details.Secondly, there will be a change to the company’s working hours. From next month, all employees will be required to work an additional hour each day. This meansthat the new working hours will be from 9am to 6pm. This change has been made to ensure that we can provide a better service to our clients.Finally, there will be a new policy regarding the useof company equipment. All employees are reminded that company equipment should only be used for work-related purposes. Any personal use of company equipment is strictly prohibited.Please take the time to read the new policy documents carefully and ensure that you understand the changes thatare being made. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to your manager.Thank you for your cooperation.Best regards,。
Memo的组成部分1、Heading Segment标题部分DATE:(complete and current date)当下的时间SUBJECT:(what the memo is about,highlighted in some way)memo 的主题留意事项:要使用正确的全名和职位名称来称呼memo的阅读者。
例如,“Clothes”就太过于空泛,“Fall Clothes Line Promotion”就能让人一目了然,了解这篇memo的主题。
2、Opening Segment开篇部分Memo的首段通常是用来表明这篇memo的目的,包括memo的目的、简要的背景、问题以及详细的任务安排介绍。
你可以用一段或者几句话来阐述背景和问题,但通常使用一句话的开头部分来解释背景就足够了,例如:“Through market research and analysis…”4、Task Segment任务部分一篇memo的关键部分之一就是对任务的陈述。
假如行动是被要求的,你的任务陈述部分应当用类似这样的句子开头:“You asked that I look at…”假如你想解释你的意图,可以这样说:“To determine the best method of promoting the new fall line,I will….”留意任务陈述部分只需包含决策者需要的信息,同时要让人信任的确有问题存在。
模联立场文件范文背景介绍模拟联合国(Model United Nations,简称MUN)是一种模拟联合国会议的活动,旨在通过模拟联合国会议的形式,让参与者了解国际关系、国际法、国际组织等方面的知识,提高参与者的辩论能力、协商能力和领导能力。
MUN所有文件写作指导以及范文(PP,WP,DR,SC)模联会议之立场文件(Position paper)立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。
为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。
Country: CanadaCommittee:Topic A:[1]简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为这个议题对于其本国家以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。
Global WarmingThere is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree celsius). The warmest since the mid 1800’s was the 1990s. The hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003.全球变暖毫无疑问,地球正在变暖。
The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century’s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. If the ice caps melt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. Monuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including New York City. 联合国关于气候变化项目小组指出,全球气温将上升3-9度,由本世纪结束飞轮海 - 足有极地的所有,但融化。
第一部分: 标题 立场文件的标题必须按要求列出:
Country School
国家名称(全称) 学校名称
Font Size Style
字体为 New Times Roma 10 or 12 注意斜体和加粗
代表国家 代表学校 委员会名称 注意斜体和加粗
纲领性文件 对议题的初步分析 指出问题的现状 分析问题的影响
International Tobacco and Narcotics Control
The Republic of Guatemala is party to the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1972 Protocol amending the Single Convention, the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Drug Convention and recognizes international tobacco and narcotics control warrants improvement and continued vigilance. Maintaining strict border regulation is paramount to a continued decrease in the amount of illicitly transported substances. Drugs erode the social fabric of a country by destroying an individual’s ability to reason, act logically, and exist independently of addiction. Drug smuggling profits are used to finance terror operations including governmental corruption, murder, and intimidation which all pose a tangible threat to national security.
模拟联合国作文怎么写英语Introduction:The Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation of the United Nations where students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations agenda. Writing an essay for MUN requires a deep understanding of the assigned country's stance, the issue at hand, and the ability to present a well-structured argument. This essay will guide you through the process of writing a compelling MUN essay in English.1. Understanding the Assignment:Begin by thoroughly reading the background guide provided for your assigned country and the specific topic. Understand the key issues, historical context, and the country'sposition on the matter.2. Research:Conduct extensive research on the topic. Look for official documents, speeches, and statements made by the country's representatives to the UN. This will help you align your essay with the country's actual policies and perspectives.3. Outline the Structure:Organize your thoughts and create an outline. A typical MUN essay should include:- Introduction: State the issue and your country's position.- Background: Provide context and explain the significance of the issue.- Arguments: Present your country's arguments, backed by evidence and examples.- Solutions: Propose solutions or policies that your country supports.- Conclusion: Summarize your country's stance andreiterate the importance of the issue.4. Writing the Introduction:Start with a strong introduction that clearly states the topic and your country's viewpoint. This sets the tone for the rest of the essay.5. Developing the Background:Provide a brief history of the issue, highlighting key events and developments. This section should demonstrate your understanding of the topic and its relevance to your assigned country.6. Presenting Arguments:Use this section to detail your country's arguments. Each argument should be clear, concise, and supported by evidence. Be sure to cite your sources to enhance credibility.7. Proposing Solutions:Offer solutions that align with your country's interests and values. These should be realistic and actionable, showing that your country is committed to addressing the issue.8. Concluding the Essay:End with a strong conclusion that reinforces yourcountry's stance and the importance of the issue. You may also include a call to action for other nations to join in the effort.9. Proofreading and Editing:Carefully proofread your essay for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are logically presented and that your essay flows well.10. Formatting and Citations:Adhere to the formatting guidelines provided by your MUN conference. Properly cite all sources using a consistent citation style.Conclusion:Writing a Model United Nations essay is an opportunity to engage with complex global issues and to advocate for your assigned country's interests. By following these steps, you can craft a well-argued, informative, and persuasive essay that contributes to the MUN debate.。
模拟联合国英语小作文模板Title: Model United Nations English Short Essay Template。
Introduction:Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations where students take on the role of delegates from different countries and debate on various global issues. It is an educational experience that allows students to learn about international relations, diplomacy, and the United Nations itself. In this essay, we will discuss the structure and format of a typical MUN conference and provide a template for writing a short essay on the topic.Structure of a Model United Nations Conference:A typical MUN conference is organized by a group of students or a school, and it usually involves students fromdifferent schools and countries. The conference begins with an opening ceremony, during which the Secretary-General and other key organizers give speeches to welcome the delegates. After the opening ceremony, the delegates are divided into different committees, such as the General Assembly,Security Council, and various specialized agencies. Each committee is assigned specific topics to debate and resolutions to draft.During the committee sessions, delegates engage in debates, negotiations, and lobbying to address the issuesat hand. They work together to draft resolutions that propose solutions to the problems being discussed. The conference concludes with a closing ceremony, during which the resolutions are voted on and awards are given to outstanding delegates and delegations.Template for Writing a Short Essay on Model United Nations:1. Introduction:Start with a brief introduction to MUN and its significance in educating students about global issues and diplomacy.Mention the purpose of the essay and provide an overview of the points to be discussed.2. Background Information:Provide some background information about the United Nations and its role in addressing global challenges.Explain the concept of MUN and its objectives in simulating the UN.3. Personal Experience:Share your personal experience of participating in a Model United Nations conference.Discuss the country or committee you represented and the topics you debated.4. Skills Developed:Highlight the skills and knowledge you gained from participating in MUN, such as public speaking, negotiation, research, and teamwork.Discuss how these skills are valuable for your personal and academic development.5. Impact on Global Awareness:Explain how MUN has influenced your understanding of global issues and the role of international organizationsin addressing them.Discuss the importance of promoting global awareness and cooperation among young people.6. Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.Emphasize the value of MUN in promoting global citizenship and fostering a deeper understanding of international relations.Conclusion:Model United Nations is an invaluable educational tool that enables students to learn about international diplomacy, global issues, and the United Nations. By participating in MUN conferences, students develop essential skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. The template provided in this essay can serve as a guide for writing a short essay on the topic, and it can be adapted to suit different perspectives and experiences. Overall, MUN plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of global citizens and leaders.。
MUN 文件书写 (中英文)
•Friendly Amendment •Unfriendly Amendment 20% •Unfriendly---Vote after the close of the debate and vote on items •No amendment for unfriendly amendment
•Change the word “immediately” to “gradually” in operative clauses, No. 6. •Delete the operative clause No. 7. •Add as the final operative clause: Decides to remain seized of the matter.
•Make it easy and clear, avoid grammar mistakes •No document can solve problems all •Don't mark the number •No distribution without director's permission •No withdraw after permission
MUN中的文件写作 Files W源自iting in MUNMUN 中的文件
• 背景材料Background Guide • 立场文件Position Paper • 工作文件Working Paper • 决议草案Draft Resolution • 修正案Amendment • 决议Resolution
•Sponsors------totally agree on the DR, sign DR once • no rights to raise any amendment to its DR
mun规则.txt 《通用教程》根据《泛珠江三角洲模拟联合国通用流程与规则公约》写成,可视为等同于《公约》所言之“通用规则”,即《公约》第七章第七条第一款所述者,但有相左之处以《公约》所述者为准。
序言性条款的例句●回顾2005 年11 月30 日大会关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响和为饱经战祸的阿富汗的和平、正常状态及重建提供紧急国际援助的第60/32A 和B 号决议,特别是提及妇女和儿童状况的内容,又回顾安全理事会关于阿富汗局势的2005 年3 月24 日第1589(2005)号决议和2006 年2 月15 日第1659 (2006)号决议,以及关于妇女与和平与安全问题的2000 年10 月31 日第1325 (2000)号决议,还回顾2005 年7 月21 日经济及社会理事会关于阿富汗妇女和儿童状况的第2005/8 号决议,……●回顾其2000 年7 月28 日第2000/27 号决议,其中重申各国包括通过统计培训努力建设统计能力的重要性以及国际上在这方面对发胀中国家和经济转型国家提供有效支持的重要性,进一步回顾其2005 年7 月22 日第2005/13 号决议,其中注意到2010 年人口和住房普查对满足各国际会议和首脑会议,包括前年首脑会议的后续行动的数据需要至关重要。
●申明许多发挥在发展中国家和经济转型期国家由于没有开展加强和维持统计能力的协调努力,很难有效监视国家及国际商定目标,包括、千年发展目标的进展情况,……●赞扬联合国塞拉利昂综合办事处(联塞综合办)为塞拉利昂冲突后复原及该国的和平、安全等发展作出宝贵贡献,……●采取行动确保订立公正而明确的程序,便于将个人和实体列入制裁名单和将其从名单中删除,以及给予人道主义豁免,……●认识到非洲发展新伙伴的优先事项如同《联合国千年宣言》之间的联系,其中国际社会承诺满足非洲的特别需求,以及需要实现国际商定的发展目标,包括《千年宣言》中列出的目标,……●授权从2007 年1 月1 日至2 月15 日联刚特派团当前任务到期之日,将联刚特派团的兵力增加值916 名军事人员,以便目前在联步行动任务规定下核定的步兵营和军医院继续编入联刚特派团,并表示打算根据秘书长即将提出的建议,在2 月15 日之前进一步研究这个问题,以确保联刚特派团有足够的能力履行任务;……●呼吁加速制定和执行驻地协调员综合问题框架以及驻地协调员考绩工具和程序;……●呼吁各会员国加紧努力强国家统计能力,以便编制可靠和及时的统计和指标,检测:(一)国家发展政策和战略;(二)履行承诺和实现国家、区域和国际各级所有发展目标的情况;……●谴责在武装冲突局势中故意攻击新闻记者,媒体专业人员和相关人员的行为,并呼吁所有当事方终止这种做法;……●决定于2006 年6 月16 日取消人权委员会,……●要求占领国以色列全面遵守《世界人权宣言》各项规定和原则、1907 年10 月18 日《海牙第四公约》所附加条例和1949 年8 月12 日《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》,以保护巴勒斯坦妇女及其家人的权利;……●提示委员会鼓励会员国提供列入综合名单的提名;……●就此强调必须加强卫生部门人道主义反应能力,并呼吁联合国相关实体和所有国家就此进行合作;……●鼓励会员国继续努力进行备灾和减少灾害风险的工作,并鼓励国际社会和联合国相关实体在各自任务授权范围内支持各国在这方面的努力;……。
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Keep it simple: Communicate strongly 简洁明了(调研提炼) 简洁明了(调研提炼)
and effectively
Make it official: The more formal it is, the more convincing it looks. 官方正式(相关引用) 官方正式(相关引用) Get organized: Overall structure is logical and clear. 结构清晰 Speech! Speech! A good position paper makes a great introductory
在原文中包括三个议题分别的立场文件,这里只节选了一个议题。 在原文中包括三个议题分别的立场文件,这里只节选了一个议题。
第一部分: 第一部分: 标题 立场文件的标题必须按要求列出: 立场文件的标题必须按要求列出:
Country School Committee
国家名称(全称) 国家名称(全称) 学校名称 委员会名称
文件的写作 NPUMUN Team
流程: 流程:
依据 Background Guide,会前调研 , 写position paper(会前递交给主席团) (会前递交给主席团) 上会: 做 表达国家观点, 上会 1.做Speech——表达国家观点,了解其他国家的观点 表达国家观点 2.caucus——与其他国家进一步磋商 与其他国家进一步磋商 3. 形成 形成working paper——代表们在进行游说和结盟之后,在 代表们在进行游说和结盟之后, 代表们在进行游说和结盟之后 各自立场文件的基础上,综合他国立场和要求, 各自立场文件的基础上,综合他国立场和要求,草拟出的针对某一问 题的看法和观点, 题的看法和观点,以及解决方法 4.递交 递交draft resolution/report——对工作文件进行格式和内容 递交 对工作文件进行格式和内容 上的加工和完善,成为draft resolution/report,递交给主席团,主 上的加工和完善,成为 ,递交给主席团, 席团通过并编号 (5.提出 提出amendment——对draft resolution/report进行补充、 进行补充、 提出 对 进行补充 修订) 修订 6. 投票通过 投票通过resolution/report——draft resolution /report的 的 最终形式
与议题有关的国家概况、历史 一两句话 一两句话) 与议题有关的国家概况、历史(一两句话 ——(引子) (引子)
• How the issue affects your country; 相关事件对本国的影响 • Your country’s policies and actions with respect to the issue ’ and your country’s justification for them; ’ 本国的政策和提出这些政策的理由 理由, 本国的政策和提出这些政策的理由,这些政策落实情况和效果 列出具体的政策、超越GUIDE,对问题有深入思考、分析、总结 列出具体的政策、超越 ,对问题有深入思考、分析、 • •
内容要求 2
Conventions and resolutions that your country has signed or
ratified; 本国已经签署的协议和决议
UN actions that your country supported or opposed;
Font Size Style
字体为 New Times Roma 10 or 12 注意斜体和加粗
代表国家 代表学校 委员会名称 注意斜体和加粗
Delegation from The Republic of Guatemala
Represented by University of -------
speech. During debate, a good position paper will also help you to
stick to your country’s policies. 利于演讲 Read and reread: Leave time to edit your position paper. Ask yourself if the organization of the paper makes sense and double-check your
Font Size Style Letter Grammar
字体为 Times New Roman 10 or 12 注意斜体和加粗 注意大小写 注意单复数
议题 本国参加的组织 原则性立场 注意大小写
The issue before the Economic and Social Council Plenary is International Tobacco and Narcotics Control. The Republic of Guatemala is involved in such institutions as the World Health Organization, the Rio Group, and the Organization of American States. Guatemala supports the implementation of national development plans with the involvement and support of the international community while affirming our commitment to addressing the following issue:
Position Paper for the Economic and Social Council Plenary
第二部分: 第二部分: 概括性立场 立场文件的首段必须按要求列出: 立场文件的首段必须按要求列出:
Issue Basis Organization
议题(全称) 议题(全称) 原则性立场 相关组织
Quotes from your country’s leaders about the issue; ’
引用领导人的观点(一两句话) 引用领导人的观点(一两句话)
Statistics to back up your country’s position on the issue; ’
Grammar Sample
议题 注意斜体
纲领性文件 对议题的初步分析 指出问题的现状 分析问题的影响
International Tobacco and Narcotics Control The Republic of Guatemala is party to the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1972 Protocol amending the Single Convention, the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Drug Convention and recognizes international tobacco and narcotics control warrants improvement and continued vigilance. Maintaining strict border regulation is paramount to a continued decrease in the amount of illicitly transported substances. Drugs erode the social fabric of a country by destroying an individual’s ability to reason, act logically, and exist independently of addiction. Drug smuggling profits are used to finance terror operations including governmental corruption, murder, and intimidation which all pose a tangible threat to national security.
spelling and grammar.
Sample Position Paper 实例分析
Format Content Clauses Grammar
格式 内容 句型 语法
A sample position paper from University of Idaho 声明: 声明: 该例文节选自Idaho大学立场文件 大学立场文件 该例文节选自
Position paper
Working paper
Draft Resolution
MUN中的文件 中的文件: 中的文件
背景材料Background Guide 背景材料 立场文件Position Paper 立场文件 工作文件Working Paper 工作文件 决议草案Draft Resolution 决议草案 修正案Amendment 修正案 决议Resolution 决议
拟写立场文件 Position Paper
培训内容: 培训内容: 格式要求
内容要求 实 例 分 析
内容要求 1
• A brief
introduction to your country and its history concerning the topic and committee;