西南大学大作业(1113)《遗传学》大作业 A答案
学生作业分级标准表1. 引言本文档旨在制定学生作业分级标准表,以便对学生的作业进行评级和反馈。
2. 评级标准以下是学生作业分级标准的具体要求:2.1 优秀(A级)- 作业内容完全准确,充分展现了对所学知识的理解。
- 独立思考并提供了深入见解。
- 结构清晰,逻辑性强,表达流畅。
- 创造性地应用所学知识解决问题。
2.2 良好(B级)- 作业内容准确,能够正确回答问题。
- 对所学知识有一定的理解。
- 文章结构较为清晰,表达流畅。
- 提供了一些独立思考的见解。
2.3 合格(C级)- 作业内容基本正确,但可能有一些错误或遗漏。
- 对所学知识有一定了解,但理解不够深入。
- 文章结构较为简单,表达较为普通。
2.4 不合格(D级)- 作业内容有较多的错误或遗漏。
- 对所学知识理解不全面。
- 文章结构混乱,表达不清晰。
2.5 未完成(E级)- 作业未完成或内容严重不符要求。
- 对所学知识理解不足。
- 文章结构混乱,表达模糊。
3. 使用方法教师在评估学生作业时,可以根据上述评级标准对作业进行评估,并给予相应的等级。
4. 结论学生作业分级标准表是一种简单且容易理解的评估工具,可以帮助教师对学生作业进行准确评估和有效反馈。
1 单选题为保证电气化铁路沿线有关人员人身安全,防止触电伤亡事故,特制订()。
BA 《高速铁路牵引变电所运行检修规则》B 《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则》C 《高速铁路牵引变电所安全工作规则》D 《铁路技术管理规章》2 单选题新建电气化铁路在牵引供电设备送电前()天,建设单位应将送电日期通告铁路沿线路内外各有关单位。
BA 10B 15C 20D 253 单选题电气化铁路相关作业人员()至少进行一次安全考试,考试合格后,方准参加作业。
CA 每月B 每半年C 每年D 每两年4 单选题为保证人身安全,除牵引供电专业人员按规定作业外,任何人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等须与回流线、架空地线、保护线保持()以上距离,距离不足时,牵引供电设备须停电。
AA 1mB 2mC 3mD 4m5 单选题电气化铁路区段,具有升降、伸缩、移动平台等功能的机械设备进行施工、装卸等作业时,作业范围与牵引供电设备高压带电部分须保持()以上的距离。
BA 1mB 2mC 3mD 4m6 单选题发现牵引供电设备断线及其部件损坏,或发现牵引供电设备上挂有线头、绳索、塑料布或脱落搭接等异物,均不得与之接触,应立即通知附近车站,在牵引供电设备检修人员到达未采取措施以前,任何人员均应距已断线索或异物处所()以外。
BA 5B 10C 15D 207 单选题距牵引供电设备支柱及牵引供电设备带电部分( )范围以内具备接入综合接地条件的金属结构应纳入综合接地系统;不能接入综合接地系统的金属结构须装设接地装置,接地电阻一般不大于( )。
AA "5m,10Ω"B "10m,5Ω"C "4m,8Ω"D "8m,4Ω"8 单选题站内和行人较多的地段,牵引供电设备支柱在距轨面( )高处均要设白底黑字“高压危险”并有红色闪电符号的警示标志。
CA 1.5mB 2mC 2.5mD 3m9 单选题防护栅网安设“( )”标志,警示标志由供电设备管理单位制作安装。
财务会计课程作业_A一单选题1. 某增值税一般纳税企业本期购入一批商品,进货价格为100万元,增值税进项税额为17万元。
87.757010075本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答: 70标准答案: 752. 强调某一企业各期提供的会计信息应当采用一致的会计政策,不得随意变更的会计核算质量要求的是()。
可靠性相关性可比性可理解性本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 4.0用户解答:可比性标准答案:可比性3. 小规模纳税企业购入原材料取得的增值税专用发票上注明:货款20 000元,增值税3 400元,在购入材料的过程中另支付运杂费600元。
24 00020 60020 54023 400本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答: 20 540标准答案: 24 0004. 甲公司和A公司均为M集团内的子公司,2007年1月1日,甲公司以1 400万元购入A公司60%的普通股权,并准备长期持有,甲公司同时支付相关税费10万元。
A公司2007年1月1日的所有者权益账面价值总额为2 000万元,可辨认净资产的公允价值为2 500万元。
1 4001 4101 2001 500本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答: 1 400标准答案: 1 2005. 在同一控制下的企业合并中,合并方取得的净资产账面价值与支付的合并对价账面价值(或发行股份面值总额)的差额,正确的会计处理应当是()。
确认为商誉调整资本公积计入营业外收入计入营业外支出本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答:确认为商誉标准答案:调整资本公积6. 下列经济业务会影响营业利润的是()固定资产的清理损益固定资产减值损失的计提无形资产所有权的转让损益政府补贴本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答:无形资产所有权的转让损益标准答案:固定资产减值损失的计提7. 以下项目中,不属于期间费用的是()制造费用管理费用营业费用财务费用本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答:财务费用标准答案:制造费用8. 企业按照辞退计划条款的规定,合理预计并确认辞退福利产生的应付职工薪酬并确认为负债,同时全部计入的科目为()生产成本管理费用制造费用营业外支出本题分值: 4.0用户得分: 0.0用户解答:制造费用标准答案:管理费用9. 企业购入或支付土地出让金取得的土地使用权,在已经开发或建造自用项目的,通常作为()科目核算。
2017秋春兰大课程作业答案---单项选择题反映一个组织系统(如项目管理班子)中各子系统之间和各元素(如各工作部门)之间的组织关系的图,称为A: 项目结构图B: 合同结构图C: 工作流程图D: 项目组织结构图单项选择题为确保建设工程合同的合法性,应由律师核实,才可对外确认。
其原因是A: 合同必须有第三方认证B: 有可能合同内容含有违反法律的条款C: 合同必须有律师认证D: 律师能保证公正性单项选择题竣工决算是由参与建设单位的项目法人机构即( )编制的,反映项目总体的投资效果及工程的终结造价A: 项目业主B: 某建设单位C: 所有建设单位D: 监理机构单项选择题风险识别是要确定在工程项目实施中( ),这些风险可能会对工程项目产生什么影响,并将这些风险及其特性归档A: 存在哪些风险B: 这些风险大小排序C: 如何应对风险D: 风险发生的概率单项选择题施工图对应的勘察阶段是A: 踏勘B: 初测C: 定测D: 补充定测单项选择题不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,反映了工程风险管理的A: 组合理论B: 客观概率理论C: 主观概率理论D: 集合理论单项选择题下面哪项不是可行性研究报告的内容A: 市场需求预测B: 建设条件与选址C: 施工进度计划D: 投资估算与资金规划单项选择题组织是影响一个系统目标实现的主要因素,除此以外,还有A: 资金与技术B: 材料和设备C: 人的因素和生产与管理的方法与工具D: 管理水平与经验单项选择题合同谈判的主要内容不包括A: 工程的内容和范围确实认B: 合同价格条款、合同价风格整条款C: 施工组织计划D: 合同款支付方式的条款单项选择题风险是指在给定情况下和特定时间内,那些可能发生的结果之间的差异,说明A: 差异越大则风险越大B: 不利事件发生确实定性越大,风险越大C: 信息越完备详细,风险越大D: 差异越小风险越大判断高投资高风险是工程项目的特点判断做好设计阶段的投资控制工作对实现项目投资目标有着决定性的意义判断工程竣工验收工作由建设工程主管部门负责组织实施。
答:电话号码=[校内电话号码|校外电话号码]校内电话号码=非零数字+3位数字校外电话号码=[本市号码|外地号码]本市号码=数字零+8位数字外地号码=数字零+3位数字+8位数字非零数字=[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]数字零=03位数字=3{数字}38位数字=非零数字+7位数字7位数字=7{数字}7数字=[0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]其中,[ ]意思是或,从校内电话号码或校外电话号码中选择一个;{ }表示重复,两边的数字表示重复次数的下限和上限;=意思是定义为;+意思是和,连接两个分量。
1. While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, ____ is very useful nowfor me.itwhichthatwhat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: which2. This ten-dollar hat is now ____ for five dollars.at saleon salein salewith sale本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: on sale3. A man is being questioned in relation to the ________ murder last night advisedattendedattemptedadmitted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: attempted4. The student ___much brighter than he had first appeared.providedimprovedprovedused本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: proved5. Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United Statesand Europe well before 1900.were conductedwere conducteinghad been conductedis conducted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: had been conducted6. 1. Scientists say that many factors ________ changes in the weather.bring outbring abouttake intotake about本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: bring about7. She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.has been doingis doinghas donedid本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: has been doing8. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work.He needs _______ day. otherthe otherthe thirda third本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: a third9. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, ____ shown in the Fourth AssessmentReport (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC),becauseaswhilewhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as10. Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!I havehave II diddid I本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I11. Mrs. Brown, who has recently been ___general manager of our company, is one ofthe most capable women I have ever worked with.namedappointedassignedallocated本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: appointed12. Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided intotwenty-four parts, ______ a part.four hourstwo hourshalf an hourone hour本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: one hour13. How can he _____ if he is not _____?listen,hearinghear, listeningbe listening, heardbe hearing, listened to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: hear, listening14. The next time I buy a TV set, I’m going to buy one with a larger _______. frontscreenpartmenu本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: screen15. _______late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.To sleepSleepingSleepHaving slept本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: To sleep16. This product is _______ to change without notice. despiteevilsubjectcrust本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: subject17. Would he have seen you if you hadn’t _______ to him? intendedwavedexpresseddebt本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: waved18. This teacher is famous for _____ strictly.markedmarksmarkingmark本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: marking19. ___ with the size of the whole earth , the biggest ocean does not seem big atallCompareWhen comparingComparingWhen compared本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: When compared20. From the dates ____ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty. having been markedwas markedmarkedhad marked本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: marked二判断题1. After you learned by yourself, you can get the proper health care without thedoctor’s help错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. Heredity is not the only thing that 1influences our color.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. The most notable brandy is made in France错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对4. The man found his umbrella the next day错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. 2. Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in manycountries, brandy is most notable in the form of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine错对本题分值: 4.0标准答案:错1. I have ________ awake all night thinking of them.layslainlaidlying本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lain2. Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United Statesand Europe well before 1900.were conductedwere conducteinghad been conductedis conducted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: had been conducted3. This ten-dollar hat is now ____ for five dollars.at saleon salein salewith sale本题分值: 4.0标准答案: on sale4. The book was written _____ for the young children.finallyexclusivelyrepeatedlyalternatively本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: exclusively5. Six ____ten people in Beijing have seen the movie Titanicoutout offout ofout to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: out of6. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, ____ shown in the Fourth AssessmentReport (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC),becauseaswhilewhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as7. Did you sleep well last night? Maybe many people will answer: No. In fact, inthe world about one in three people do not have good sleep. ____ you say you do not have good sleep, it means waking early and not getting back to sleep, often interrupted short period of sleep, or hours of wakefulness.WhileIn caseIfAs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: If8. She has two words in her given name instead of just one ______ mine.aswithtolike本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: like9. A: What is that money for? B: This money ______ to children for good luck by theirparents or other senior people.is givengivesgiven本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is given10. Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! _____ This is not the endof the world.Good luckCheer upGo aheadNo problem本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Cheer up11. It’s ___dangerous to go to sleep without turning off the gas.extremelyoriginallyshortlyoccasionally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: extremely12. We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.to seeseehave seen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: see13. Turn on the blender _____________ 2 minutes.inforatto本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: for14. Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _______himself to the Chinese customs.adoptadjustadaptaccept本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: adapt15. This is the point where a new day ______.lastsbeginsbreaks本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: begins16. That is _______ behavior and nobody likes it.whistlestructuralselfishfur本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: selfish17. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures_____ in your mind instead of before your eyes.formforminghaving formedto form本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: forming18. ____ hard I tried, I couldn’t catch up with him.No matter how muchAlthoughNo matter howAs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: No matter how19. Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ___ we radicallychange way we live.butalthoughunlesslest本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: unless20. The teacher is busy ____the exam now.making up formaking upmaking up ofmaking for本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: making up of二判断题1. The most notable brandy is made in France错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. Sometimes people decide that being tan is better than being pale. Sometimes theydecide the opposite.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. 2. Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in manycountries, brandy is most notable in the form of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. The man found his umbrella the next day错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对5. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and storedin metal containers to mellow.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. Children need many things, but ___they need attention.in allfor allabove allafter all本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: above all2. Tom ___himself ___to have got the medal.considered…luckilyproved…luckilyconsidered…luckyquestioned…luckily本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:considered…lucky3. Would he have seen you if you hadn’t _______ to him?intendedexpresseddebt本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: waved4. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a _______. messagelettersentencenotice本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: message5. It’s ___dangerous to go to sleep without turning off the gas.extremelyoriginallyshortlyoccasionally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: extremely6. A: What is that money for? B: This money ______ to children for good luck by theirparents or other senior people.is givengavegiven本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is given7. The student ___much brighter than he had first appeared. providedimprovedprovedused本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: proved8. I have ________ awake all night thinking of them.layslainlaidlying本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lain9. We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house. to seeseehave seen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: see10. Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! _____ This is not the endof the world.Good luckCheer upGo aheadNo problem本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Cheer up11. He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very wellput together.notingnotedto notehaving noted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: noting12. When you go across the line, you change your calendar one ______ day, back orahead.allmorefullless本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: full13. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which hastraveled from one hand to ____ driven by the curious nature.the otherssome othersanotherothers本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: another14. How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin oflanguage is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing likemusic and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar. The origin of language isa legend handed down from the pasta matter that is hidden or secreta question difficult to answera problem not yet solved本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: a problem not yet solved15. Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ___ we radicallychange way we live.butalthoughunlesslest本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: unless16. Generation gap means that parents have old-fashioned _____ while the young havethe opposite.spendingvaluescostworth本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: values17. The next time I buy a TV set, I’m going to buy one with a larger _______. frontscreenpartmenu本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: screen18. When they move to the south, much of their furniture had to be _____.left overleft forleft behindleft to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: left behind19. The book is not very easy ___.for readingto readingto readat reading本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: for reading20. She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.has been doingis doinghas donedid本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: has been doing二判断题1. Brandy can only be produced in France.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and storedin metal containers to mellow.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. The man found his umbrella the next day错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对4. 2. Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in manycountries, brandy is most notable in the form of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. At last the man found his umbrella.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对1. When she saw the strange and funny person, she ___.couldn’t help to laughcouldn’t help laughingcouldn’t help laughcouldn’t help but laugh本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:couldn’t help laughing2. The committee acted _____ the suggestions the expert made.onupasfor本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: on3. We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.to seeseeseeinghave seen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: see4. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures_____ in your mind instead of before your eyes.formforminghaving formedto form本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: forming5. The teacher is busy ____the exam now.making up formaking upmaking up ofmaking for本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: making up of6. Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!I havehave II diddid I本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I7. A: What is that money for? B: This money ______ to children for good luck by theirparents or other senior people.is givengivesgavegiven本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is given8. ____ hard I tried, I couldn’t catch up with him.No matter how muchAlthoughNo matter howAs本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: No matter how9. The tower has been rebuilt so that it looks as it ___during the 12th century. couldused to bewasdid本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: used to be10. Where is the morning paper?– I ____for you at once.getam gettingto getwill get本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will get11. He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very wellput together.notingnotedto notehaving noted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: noting12. How can he _____ if he is not _____?listen,hearinghear, listeningbe listening, heardbe hearing, listened to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: hear, listening13. Mrs. Wu told me that her sister_____.left about two hours beforewould leave about two hours beforehas left about two hours agohad left about two hours before本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: had left about two hours before14. Would you mind changing seats with me? ____.Yes, you canOf course, I like toNo, I don't mindCertainly, please do本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: No, I don't mind15. I’m sorry I’m busy now. You’d better ask ______ for help. anyone elsesomeone elsesomeone otheranyone other本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: someone else16. They talked and laughed ______ their trip.inonatto本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: on17. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, ____ shown in the Fourth AssessmentReport (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC),becauseaswhilewhen本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as18. The severe rainstorm has____ the farm.damageddestroyedruineddepressed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: ruined19. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which hastraveled from one hand to ____ driven by the curious nature.the otherssome othersanotherothers本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: another20. _______late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.To sleepSleepingSleepHaving slept本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: To sleep二判断题1. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and storedin metal containers to mellow.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. Some old people love their cats or dogs as much as a human friend.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对3. The man found his umbrella the next day错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对4. Brandy can only be produced in France.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. Ordinary people can afford to race their own horses. 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错1. ____, it is Bell who invented the telephone.it is knownas we knowas us knowas know本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: as we know2. Thanks for __________meinvitationinvitingto invite本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: inviting3. .I started my teaching career at the school. That was more than twenty years ago,and I ______ there ever since.have beenwashasam本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: have been4. This teacher is famous for _____ strictly.markedmarksmarkingmark本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: marking5. Generation gap means that parents have old-fashioned _____ while the young havethe opposite.valuescostworth本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: values6. The severe rainstorm has____ the farm.damageddestroyedruineddepressed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: ruined7. When she saw the strange and funny person, she ___. couldn’t help to laughcouldn’t help laughingcouldn’t help laughcouldn’t help but laugh本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: cou ldn’t help laughing8. This ten-dollar hat is now ____ for five dollars. at salein salewith sale本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: on sale9. This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.have been gonehave gonewenthave going本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: have gone10. While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, ____ is very usefulnow for me.itwhichthatwhat本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: which11. A man is being questioned in relation to the ________ murder last night advisedattemptedadmitted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: attempted12. The book was written _____ for the young children.finallyexclusivelyrepeatedlyalternatively本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: exclusively13. It’s ___dangerous to go to sleep without turning off the gas. extremelyoriginallyshortlyoccasionally本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: extremely14. Where is the morning paper?– I ____for you at once.getam gettingwill get本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will get15. I have ________ awake all night thinking of them. layslainlaidlying本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: lain16. This product is _______ to change without notice. despiteevilsubjectcrust本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: subject17. It has been my _______ to meet with this accident. journalreductionaffect本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: fate18. The tower has been rebuilt so that it looks as it ___during the 12th century. couldused to bewasdid本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: used to be19. How can he _____ if he is not _____?listen,hearinghear, listeningbe listening, heardbe hearing, listened to本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: hear, listening20. Mrs. Brown, who has recently been ___general manager of our company, is one ofthe most capable women I have ever worked with.namedappointedassignedallocated本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: appointed二判断题1. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and storedin metal containers to mellow.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错2. After you learned by yourself, you can get the proper health care without thedoctor’s help错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Sometimes people decide that being tan is better than being pale. Sometimes theydecide the opposite.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对4. 2. Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in manycountries, brandy is most notable in the form of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. Many aspects of our lives affect our health. one of these is food.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对1. Stars are so far away that they are ______ spots of light when seen from the earth. nothing more asnothing more thannothing much asno more as本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: nothing more than2. He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very wellput together.notingto notehaving noted本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: noting3. .I started my teaching career at the school. That was more than twenty years ago,and I ______ there ever since.have beenwashasam本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: have been4. A: What is that money for? B: This money ______ to children for good luck by theirparents or other senior people.is givengivesgavegiven本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: is given5. ______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.atinbetween本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: before6. The book was written _____ for the young children. finallyexclusivelyrepeatedlyalternatively本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: exclusively7. The severe rainstorm has____ the farm.damageddestroyedruineddepressed本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: ruined8. When she saw the strange and funny person, she ___. couldn’t help to laughcouldn’t help laughingcouldn’t help laughcouldn’t help but laugh本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:couldn’t help laughing9. From the dates ____ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty. having been markedwas markedmarkedhad marked本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: marked10. The committee acted _____ the suggestions the expert made.onupasfor本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: on11. Thanks for __________meinvitationinviteinvitingto invite本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: inviting12. Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ___ we radicallychange way we live.butalthoughunlesslest本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: unless13. This is the point where a new day ______.lastsbeginsfollowsbreaks本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: begins14. Mrs. Wu told me that her sister_____.left about two hours beforewould leave about two hours beforehas left about two hours agohad left about two hours before本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: had left about two hours before15. This product is _______ to change without notice.despiteevilsubjectcrust本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: subject16. Mrs. Brown, who has recently been ___general manager of our company, is one ofthe most capable women I have ever worked with.namedappointedassignedallocated本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: appointed17. Children need many things, but ___they need attention.in allfor allabove allafter all本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: above all18. Where is the morning paper?– I ____for you at once.getam gettingto getwill get本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: will get19. Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!I havehave II diddid I本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: did I20. Hello, may I talk to the director now? ______.Sorry, he is busy at the momentNo, you can'tSorry, you can'tI don't know本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: Sorry, he is busy at the moment二判断题1. Sometimes people decide that being tan is better than being pale. Sometimes theydecide the opposite.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对2. We usually don’t judge race from the color of the skin错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错3. Heredity is not the only thing that 1influences our color.错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错4. With the help of the doctor, you needn’t bear the responsibility for your ownhealth错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:错5. The man found his umbrella the next day 错对本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:对。
2023科学作业本A答案八年级上册浙教版第一章:物质的组成和结构1. 原子结构和元素周期表在本章中,我们将学习物质的组成和结构的基本概念。
1.1 原子的结构原子的结构包括质子、中子和电子。
1.2 元素周期表元素周期表是按原子序数递增的方式排列元素的表格。
2. 原子的化学性质和物质的分类本章将重点介绍原子的化学性质和物质的分类方法。
2.1 原子的化学性质原子的化学性质主要包括元素的化学反应性、易溶性和氧化性。
2.2 物质的分类根据物质的组成和性质,可以将物质分为纯物质和混合物。
第二章:物质的变化和性质1. 物质变化的基本概念本章将介绍物质变化的基本概念,包括物质的物理变化和化学变化,以及变化过程中的能量变化。
1.1 物理变化和化学变化物质变化可以分为物理变化和化学变化。
1.2 能量变化在物质变化过程中,能量可能会发生变化。
2. 物质的性质和性质的分类本章将继续讨论物质的性质和性质的分类。
一单选题1. 经济法调整的组织内部经济关系是一些组织内部重要的纵向和横向经济关系全部内部经济关系国家对企业的内部经济管理关系授权组织对企业的经济管理关系本题分值: 4.0用户得分:0.0用户解答:授权组织对企业的经济管理关系标准答案:一些组织内部重要的纵向和横向经济关系2. 专利人通过邮寄方式提交专利申请文件的,其申请日为专科同收到专利申请文件之日申请文件寄出的邮戳日申请文件寄到的邮戳日专利人拟定的申请文件之日本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:申请文件寄出的邮戳日3. 春运期间,某省国有公路客运公司为缓解短途客运压力,在客运高峰到来前五天,宣布提高票价50%。
请判断下列观点哪个不正确?()A.违反了《反不正当竞争法》,属于公用企业滥用优势地位的不正当竞争行为B.违反了《消费者权益保护法》,侵犯了消费者的公平交易权C.不违反《消费者权益保护法》,乘客可以不乘坐该公司的客车或者上车后与之讨价还价D.因为没有举行听证会,违反了《价格法》本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: C.不违反《消费者权益保护法》,乘客可以不乘坐该公司的客车或者上车后与之讨价还价4. 房地产的调整对象中,因房屋产权而形成转让、抵押和租赁关系的是城市土地管理关系城市房屋管理关系城市土地财产经营关系房屋财产经营关系本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:房屋财产经营关系5. 个人独资企业的特征不包括:()。
A.投资主体为一个自然人B.由投资人单独进行管理C.具备法人资格D.投资者以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: C.具备法人资格6. 经济法特有的责任形式不包括()。
A.惩罚性赔偿责任B.补偿性赔偿责任C.结构控制D.行为禁止本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: B.补偿性赔偿责任7. 下列行为不违法的是()A.以内定中奖人员的方式进行有奖销售B.利用有奖销售的手段推销商品C.抽奖式的有奖销售,最高奖的金额超过5000元的D.谎称有奖而进行有奖销售本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案: B.利用有奖销售的手段推销商品8. 只可能成为经济法律关系的参加者而不可能作为民法或行政法的主体是国家机关企业和其他社会组织企业的内部组织和有关人员农户、个体经营户和公民本题分值: 4.0用户未作答标准答案:企业的内部组织和有关人员9. 甲以个人财产设立一独资企业,后甲病故,其妻和其子女(均已满18岁)都明确表示不愿继承该企业,该企业只得解散。
江苏省射阳县2018届⾼三英语作业(A)(15)江苏省射阳县2018届⾼三英语作业(A)(15)(时态语态专练)⼀.⽤所给动词的正确形式填空1. So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research.I ________(allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.2. Truly elegant chopsticks might _______(make) of gold and silver with Chinese characters.3. The giant panda________ (love) by people throughout the world.4. I _______(read) half of the English novel,and I'll try to finish it at the weekend. 5.As you go through this book,you________(find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.6. It was raining lightly when I ________(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.7. This cycle ________ (go) day after day:The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures.8. To my delight,I ________(choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.9. He had wild black hair flecked with gray and________(wear) a pink shirt and silk slippers.10. Then he________(hide) behind a tree and waited.11. Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries,I________(live) in the heart of the city.12. She also________(believe) in healthy diet. And she requires us to have regular meals.⼆.单句改错(每⼩题1处错误)1. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are using forcooking.________2. It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to wait outside.________3. Some classmates suggest we should go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.________4. Both Dad and I planned to do something on Mother's Day.We get up early in the morning.________5. When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.________6. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.________7. Tony was scared and begun to cry.__ ______8. My mum makes the best biscuits in the world,so I decide to ask her for help.Mum taught me some basic steps of baking.________9. As I tell you last time,I made three new friends here.________10.Today I've got wonderful news to tell you. I had been offered a job at a company in England for my good performance.________11. To everyone in the world,money was a sensitive topic.________12.I wept and said I do want to do my best but I just couldn't concentrate.________ 13. One evening,a man visited me and after a while,he inquires about my studies.________14. But as I grow up,I gradually started to become self-centered last year.________三、语法填空My best friend Kaiya is like me.She 1.________(remind) me of myself.In the past,I 2.________(be) never confident because of my appearance.People always laughed at my weight,my height,my hairstyle,etc.At that time,I was the shortest student in my class.I started getting depressed. However,someone told me something that I will always remember.It was in March.Surrounded by a group of girls who 3.________ (point) at me and laughed at me,I couldn't help crying.The tears rolled down my face like a rushing river.To my surprise,someone lifted my head up and wiped the tears from my eyes.I then knew it was our English teacher,Miss Li. She said.“You 4.________(be) perfect the way you are. You should never change or hate yourself. People5.________(accept) you for who you6.________.But if you cannot accept yourself,then how will other people accept you?” I7.________(inspire) by her words.Over the past few months,I8.________(learn) that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws.Now I have wonderful friends who9.________(love) me for who I am.Now,seeing Kaiya cry,I decide to tell her the same thing Miss Li 10.________(tell) me.四、单项选择1.Marty __ really hard on his book and he thinks he’ll have finished it by Friday. A.worked B.has been working C.had worked D.has worked2. He must have sensed that I ________ him.He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?”A.would look at B.looked at C.was looking at D.am looking at 3.—Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment.—All right.I ________ him later.A.will call B.have called C.call D.will be calling4.Always __ in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly. A.to keep B.to have kept C.keep D.have kept5. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 ______ off at 18∶20.A. takesB. tookC. will be takenD. has taken6. The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She before.A. hasn’t flownB. didn’t flyC. hadn’t flownD. wasn’t flying7. My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He ______ there for a few months and then went to America.A. workedB. would workC. would be workingD. has been working8. -- Your job ______ open for your return.-- Thanks.A. will be keptB. will keepC. had keptD. had been kept9. --- ______ you ______ him around the museum yet?---Yes. We had a great time there.A. Have; shownB. Do; showC. Had; shownD. Did; show10. --- I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.--- Impossible. She ______ TV with me in my home then.A. watchedB. had watchedC. would watchD. was watching11. The flowers were so lovely that they ______ in no time.A. soldB. had been soldC. were soldD. would sell12. -- What’s that noise?-- Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.A. was testedB. will be testedC. is being testedD. has been tested13. In a room above the store,where a party _____, some workers were busily setting the table.A. was to be heldB. has been heldC. will be heldD. is being held14. --- I have got a headache.--- No wonder. You ______ in front of that computer too long.A. workB. are workingC. have been workingD. worked15. Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts. The plane ______.A. takes offB. is taking offC. has taken offD. took off16. John,a friend of mine,who got married only last week,spent $ 3,000 more than he ______ for the wedding.A. will planB. has plannedC. would planD. had planned17. --- Did you see a man in black pass by just now?--- No, sir. I ______ a newspaper.A. readB. was readingC. would readD. am reading18. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ______ there several years ago.A. are goingB. had beenC. wentD. have been19. --- Have you got any job offers?--- No. I ______.A.waitedB. had been waitingC. have waitedD. am waiting20. When you are home, give a call to let me know you ______ safely.A. are arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive21. --- Tommy is planning to buy a car.--- I know. By next month, he _______ enough for a used one.A. saves B .saved C. will save D. will have saved22. --- That must have been a long trip.--- Yeah, it ______ us a whole week to get there.A. takesB. has takenC. tookD. was taking23. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she ______ there.A. had been lyingB. has been lyingC. was lyingD. has lain24. Planning so far ahead no sense---so many things will have changed by next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made25. The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four fifths of the tickets _______ .A. was bookedB. had been bookedC. were bookedD. have been booked26. According to the art dealer, the painting ______to go for at least a million dollars.A. is expectedB. expectsC. expectedD. is expecting27. A new cinema_______ here. They hope to finish it next month.A.will be built B.is built C.has been built D.is being built28. Hundreds of jobs______ if the factory closes.A.lose B.will be lost C.are lost D.will lose29. ---How are the team playing?---They are playing well, but one of them _________hurt.A.gotB. getsC. areD. were参考答案⼀:1.was allowed 2.be made 3.is loved 4.have read 5.will find 6.arrived 7.goes 8.was chosen 1.was wearing 2.hid 4.lived 5.believes⼆:/doc/2073283150e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364fc.html ing→used 2.had→have 3.thought→think 4.get→g ot 5.think→thought 6.去掉been 7.begun→began8.decide→decided9.tell→told 10.had→have11.was→is12.第⼀个do→did 13.inquires→inquired14.grow→grew三:1. reminds 2.was 3.pointed 4.are5.will accept 6.are 7.was inspired 8.have learned(learnt) 9.love 10.told 四:1-20 B C A C A/CAAAD/CCAC B/DBCDB/。
七年级上册科学作业本a答案 (2)
七年级上册科学作业本A答案第一章:生物的科学探究1.1 生物的特点和分类(1)生物是指具有生命的所有事物,包括动物、植物、细菌等。
1.2 生物界的多样性1.种群:指生活在一定地理范围内、构成一个相对稳定的群体的个体总和。
1.3 生物的生长与发育1.生长:生物经历一段时间内的体形量的增加和形态结构的发育,称为生长。
第二章:生物与环境2.1 生物对环境的依赖1.生物对环境的依赖:生物需要从环境中获取氧气、水、食物等物质和能量,同时也需要合适的温度、光照等环境条件。
2.2 生物与环境的适应1.生物的适应性:生物在漫长的进化过程中,逐渐适应了不同的环境条件。
2.3 生物与环境的保护1.生物多样性保护:保护物种多样性,维护生态平衡。
第三章:植物的科学探究3.1 植物的种子1.种子:植物繁殖的一种方式,它包含了植物的胚珠、胚乳和种皮。
3.2 植物的根和茎1.根的结构:根的结构包括主根、侧根和根毛等。
Unit 1 科学思维方式及实验方法1. 必要工具和实验小组成员- 必要工具:可变电阻、导线、电池、电流表、连接线- 实验小组成员:A、B、C、D四位同学2. 电路图的绘制- 实验结果:- 测量结果:电流大小:0.3A;电压:1.5V- 电路图:将电源与可变电阻、电流表、导线依次连接即可3. 符号的绘制- 平衡:用两根平行线表示- 不平衡:用不平行的两根线表示Unit 2 物质的性质及分类1. 物质分类- 分类标准:物质的化学和物理性质- 实例:将“水”归类为无色、无味、透明的液态物质,同时它的分子组成是两个氢原子和一个氧原子2. 物质的性质- 物质的化学性质:指物质在发生化学反应时的变化- 物质的物理性质:指物质在不发生化学反应的条件下所表现出来的性质3. 物质的理化变化- 物理变化:只改变物质的外观,不改变其化学性质和分子组成,如水的凝固和汽化- 化学变化:改变物质的分子组成和化学性质,如燃烧和腐烂Unit 3 纯净物质和混合物1. 纯净物质和混合物的区别- 纯净物质:组成单一,具有一定的化学性质,无需分离就单独使用- 混合物:由两种或两种以上的纯净物质混合而成,可以通过物理手段将其分离2. 分离混合物的方法- 过滤法:根据物质的大小和形状差异,通过过滤网或滤纸将固体和液体分离- 蒸发法:根据物质的沸点差异,将液体蒸发得到固体- 凝固法:根据物质的冰点差异,将液体冷却得到固体- 沉淀法:通过调节溶液的饱和度,使固体物质转化为沉淀,然后将其分离3. 理顺思路- 确定混合物的组成- 选择合适的分离方法- 进行实验检验和确认Unit 4 空气1. 理解空气的组成- 空气由氧气、氮气、水蒸气等多种气体组成2. 空气的传导性和导电性- 空气是一种较差的传热介质,热传导困难- 空气是较好的绝缘体,不导电3. 空气污染- 空气污染的来源:工业废气、车辆尾气和农业活动等- 空气污染对人类的健康和环境的影响Unit 5 水1. 水的凝固和汽化过程- 凝固过程:水从液态转变为固态,分子间距离减小,排列更加紧密- 汽化过程:水从液态转变为气态,分子间距离增大,摆动范围加大2. 水的保护和利用- 水的保护:禁止乱倒废水、减少用水、做好水资源的合理利用- 水的利用:用于生活、工业和农业生产等方面以上是七年级上册科学作业本A的答案。
七年级上册科学作业本A1. 实验:测量长度实验目的:通过测量不同物体的长度,掌握测量长度的方法。
实验结果:•书桌的长度为120 cm•手臂的长度为42 cm•铅笔的长度为18 cm实验结论:通过测量不同物体的长度,我们可以使用直尺、尺子和尺针这些工具来准确地测量长度。
在实验中,我们发现书桌的长度是120 cm,自己手臂的长度是42 cm,铅笔的长度是18 cm。
2. 观察:观察不同材料的透明度观察目的:通过观察不同材料的透明度,认识材料的性质和用途。
3. 实践:制作简单的电路实践目的:通过制作简单的电路,了解电路的组成和工作原理。
七年级上册科学作业本a答案 (2)
七年级上册科学作业本A答案第一章:生物多样性与适应性1.1 我们与动植物1.人和动物的共同特征有哪些?–呼吸–运动–保护身体–摄取食物–消化食物2.人类和其他动物的不同之处在哪里?–智力水平–语言能力 -使用工具的能力–社会行为1.2 动植物的亲缘关系1.动植物的分类有哪些层次?–界–门–纲–目–科–属–种2.你知道植物的分类吗?请简要说明。
–有细胞核和细胞壁的单细胞植物–无细胞核但有细胞壁的蓝藻–有细胞核但无细胞壁的原始藻类–有细胞核但无细胞壁的真核藻类–裸子植物和被子植物1.3 动植物的适应环境和生活方式1.什么是生活方式?动植物的生活方式有哪些?举例说明。
1.4 生物多样性与我们的生活1.什么是生物多样性?为什么需要保护生物多样性?–生物多样性指的是地球上各类生物的多样性。
第二章:地球运动2.1 地球的形状和运动1.地球是什么形状的?为什么地球被称为“蓝色的星球”?–地球呈近乎椭球形,略扁球状。
1. 特种设备基础知识:包括特种设备的分类、结构、工作原理、安全操作规程等。
2. 特种设备安全事故案例:需要了解事故的成因、后果及预防措施。
3. 特种设备的操作技能:必须熟练掌握设备的启动、停止、调试、维护等操作,并在操作过程中注意特种设备的安全性能指标,如压力、温度、流量等,及时采取措施防止超标。
4. 特种设备安全检查能力:需要具备特种设备安全检查的能力,包括日常检查、定期检查、季节性检查等。
5. 特种设备事故的处置方法:需要掌握事故的判断、报警、疏散、救援等处置方法,在事故处置过程中,要注意自身安全,采取措施防止事故扩大。
6. 特种设备安全管理法律法规:必须了解《特种设备安全法》、《特种设备安全监察条例》等法律法规,在特种设备的操作过程中,要遵守相关法律法规,加强特种设备安全管理。
7. 特种设备安全管理制度:需要了解特种设备安全管理制度、特种设备安全操作规程等,在特种设备的操作过程中,要严格执行相关制度,加强特种设备安全管理。
8. 特种设备安全文化:需要了解特种设备安全意识、安全教育、安全宣传等安全文化,在特种设备的操作过程中,要树立安全第一的思想,加强特种设备安全文化建设。
1. 力和运动在这个单元中,学生将学习什么是力、力的作用效果,以及运动和力的关系。
2. 光光作为一种电磁波,有许多有趣的特性。
3. 声音声音是一种机械波,也有许多独特的性质。
4. 热热作为一种能量的形式,也是科学中的重要概念之一。
5. 分子和原子本单元将引入分子和原子的概念,以及它们在物质性质中的作用。
6. 组织和器官这个单元主要围绕生物的组织和器官展开。
三、作业本的特点和使用方法1. 循序渐进七年级上册科学作业本A的课程内容和难度是逐步提升的。
2. 真实实践作业本不仅仅是静态的知识点的呈现,还包含了一些实验操作、观察和记录。
第⼆章第三节⽣物体的结构层次(⼀)答案 1、(1)a→c→d→b (2)c染⾊体 (3)不会细胞会不断⽣长并长成与原细胞⼀样⼤⼩ 2、形态结构功能细胞分化 3、分裂⽣长分化 4、(1)分裂增加 (2)分化不同组织分裂 5、形态结构功能 6、保护组织营养组织输导组织机械组织保护作⽤制造和储存营养物质运输功能⽀撑和保护作⽤ 7、(1)刺激兴奋 (2)上⽪ (3)⾎液软⾻肌腱 (4)肌⾁肌⾁收缩和舒张,产⽣运动 8、A 9、B 10、(1)上⽪组织结缔组织肌⾁组织神经组织 (2)表⽪真⽪⽪下组织 (3)真⽪ (4)真⽪痛觉神经末梢⽴⽑肌 11、(1)增⼤ 第⼆章第三节⽣物体的结构层次(⼆)答案 1、多种⼀定功能胃、肠、眼、根、茎、叶等 2、花、果实、种⼦ 3、消化、呼吸、循环、泌尿、⽣殖、神经、运动、内分泌等系统 4、(1)保护 (2)输导 (3)营养 (4)器官它由多种组织构成,并具有⼀定的功能 5、从左到右,从上到下:唾液腺⾷道胃腺肠腺胰腺肝脏⼤肠 6、细胞→组织→器官→植物细胞→组织→器官→系统→⼈体 7、神经系统内分泌系统 8、把⾷物磨碎品尝不同的味道暂时储存⾷物,进⾏初步消化消化⾷物并吸收营养物质吸收⾷物残渣中的⽔分 9、细胞:细菌、草履⾍ 组织:分⽣组织、动物⽪肤的表⽪ 器官:肺、胃、茎 系统:⼈体全⾝的⾻骼与肌⾁ 个体:草履⾍、细菌、企鹅、桃树 10、(1)果⽪对果实内部有保护作⽤吗? (2)果⽪对果实内部有保护作⽤ (3)果⽪的完整性 (4)没有设计对照实验取⼀个果⽪完整的苹果,封⼊塑料袋,与装有被划破果⽪的苹果的塑料袋同时放⼊恒温箱中 第⼆章第四节常见的动物(⼀)答案 1、某些特征相似关系 2、形态结构⽣活习性亲缘关系界、门、纲、⽬、科、属、种种分类地位从属关系 3、略 4-7DDCB 8、(1)多近少 (2)草履⾍斑马 (3)纲、门、界 (4)动物界脊索动物门 第⼆章第四节常见的动物(⼆)答案 1-4DDDB 5、(1)D (2)B 6、(1)爬⾏ (2)胎⽣ 7、鱼类:鳃 两栖类:幼体⽔⽣,成体陆⽣变温 爬⾏类:鳞⽚或甲体内受精,卵⽣,卵有卵壳 鸟类:被⽻⽑恒温 哺乳类:胎⽣,哺乳 8、C。
高中数学 1斜率作业 A必修2 试题
※ 卜人入州八九几市潮王学校学习新知1直线的倾斜角2直线的斜率3直线的斜率公式※ 典例探究【例1】直线的倾斜角,求直线的斜率:〔1〕︒=30α〔2〕︒=45α〔3〕65πα= 〔4〕32πα=〔5〕︒=135α〔6〕2=α【例2】根据斜率求倾斜角:〔1〕当1,____,(2)_____kk αα==== 【例3】直线l 的倾斜角为α,且1312cos =α,那么此直线的斜率为 【例4】〔1〕当且仅当m 为何值时,经过两点)3,1(),6,(m B m A -的直线的斜率为12 (2)假设三点)4,()0,4()8,0(--m C B A 一共线,务实数m 的值。
【例5】(1)点A〔2,3〕,B〔3,2〕,过P(0,-2)的直线与线段AB总有公一共点,求直线l 的斜率的范围。
(2)点A〔-2,3〕,B〔3,2〕,过P(0,-2)的直线与线段AB总有公一共点,求直线l 的斜率的范围。
※ 当堂稳固1倾斜角是过原点和)32,2(的直线倾斜角2倍的直线的斜率是2假设直线AB 的斜率为2,将直线绕点A 按逆时针方向旋转︒45后,所得直线的斜率是为3当且仅当m=时,经过两点)12,(),2,(--mm B m A 的直线的倾斜角为 60 4〔1〕假设直线l 的倾斜角取值范围为2[,],33ππ那么斜率的取值范围是〔2〕假设直线l 的斜率的取值范围是[-,那么其倾斜角的取值范围是※ 课后作业1. 直线l 的倾斜角为30度,那么其斜率为2.直线l 的斜率为-1,那么其倾斜角为3.以下3〔1〕假设直线的倾斜角为α,那么此直线的斜率为tan α,〔2〕假设直线的倾斜角为α,那么α的取值范围为(0,)π; 〔3〕任意一条直线都有倾斜角,但不是每一条直线都有斜率4.三点A 〔0,a 〕,B(2,3),C(4,5a)一共线,那么a=,该直线斜率为5设直线的倾斜角为α,假设3sin 5α=,求此直线的斜率 6.A(x,0),B 〔2,3〕,且直线AB 的倾斜角为060,求直线AB 的斜率和x 的值。
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作业A:一、单项选择题1、如果要把常量327存入变量a中,a不能定义的类型是哪一个?()A)int B)char C)long D)float2、若x 为unsigned int 型变量,则执行下列语句后x值为()x = 65535;printf(“%d\n”,x);A)65535 B)1 C)无定值D)-13、有以下程序main(){int a=1,b=2,m=0,n=0,k;k=(n=b>a)||(m=a<b);printf(″%d,%d\n″,k,m);}程序运行后的输出结果是()A)0,0 B) 0,1 C)1,0 D)1,14、在C语言中,如果下面的变量都是int类型,则输出的结果是()。
sum=pad=5; pAd=sum + + ,pAd + +, + + pAd;printf("%d\n",pad);A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) 45、以下程序的输出结果是()。
main(){ int a=4,b=5,c=0,d;d=!a&&!b||!c;printf("%d\n",d);}A)1 B)0 C)非0的数D)-16、当执行以下程序段时()。
A)auto或static B)extern或registerC)auto或extern D)extern或static8、定义全局变量时,若变量的的存储类别缺省,则默认的存储类型是()。
A)auto B)registerC)extern D)static9、已知:int a, x; 则正确的赋值语句是()。
A)a=(a[1]+a{2})/2; B)a*=*a+1;C)a=(x=1, x++, x+2); D)a="good";10、已知:int a, *p=&a; 则下列函数调用中错误的是()。
A)scanf("%d", &a); B)scanf("%d", p);C)printf("%d", a); D)printf("%d", p);11、下述程序的输出结果是()。
#include <stdio.h>void main( ){ struct complex{ int x ;int y;} cnum[2]={1,3,2,7};printf(“%d”, cnum[0].y/cnum[0].x*cnum[1].x) ;}A)0 B)1 C)3 D)612、下述程序的输出结果是()。
#include <stdio.h>void main( ){ union{ unsigned char c ;unsigned int i[4];}z ;z.i[0]=0x39 ;z.i[1]=0x36;printf(“%c”,z.c);}A)6 B)9 C)0 D)313、下述关于C语言文件操作的结论中,()是正确的。
main(){ char ch[3][4]={"123","456","78"},*p[3];int i;for (i=0;i<3;i++)p[i]=ch[i];for (i=0;i<3;i++)printf("%s",p[i]); }A)123456780 B)123 456 780 C) 12345678 D) 14715、对于所定义的二维数组a[2][3],元素a[1][2]是数组的第( )个元素。
A)3 B)4 C)5 D)6二、判断题1、赋值运算符的优先级低于关系运算符()。
7、若有说明:static int a[3][4];,则数组a中各数组元素可在程序的编译阶段得到初值0()。
12、在一个C程序中,所有要使用的变量和要调用的函数都必须在main( )函数中定义()。
三、写出下面各程序的运行结果1、#include<stdio.h>main ( ){int i=0, j=0, k=0, m;for (m=0; m<4; m++)switch (m){case 0: i=m++;case 1: j=m++;case 2: k=m++;case 3: m++;}printf(“\n%d, %d, %d, %d”, i, j, k, m);}2、#include<stdio.h>main ( ){int i=1;while (i<=15)if (++i% 3!=2)continue;elseprintf(“%d”, i);}3、#include<stdio.h>add1(int a[ ], int n){ int i;for(i =0;i<n;i++) a[i]++;} main(){ static int array[ ]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int j;add1(array,10);for(j=0;j<10;j++)printf(“%d”,array[j]);}4、union data{ long w;float x;int y;char z;} beta;main( ){ beta.w=123456;beta.y=888;beta.x=3.14;beta.z=’x’;printf(“%c”,beta.y);}5、# include <string.h>typedef struct student{char name[10];long sno;float score;}STU;main( ){STU a={"zhangsan",2001,95},b={"Shangxian",2002,90},c={"Anhua",2003,95},d,*p=&d;d=a;if(strcmp(,)>0) d=b;if(strcmp(,)>0) d=c;printf("%ld%s\n",d.sno,p->name);}四、程序填空1、以下程序是从键盘上输入若干个学生的成绩,统计并输出最高成绩和最低成绩,当输入负数时结束输入,请将缺省语句填上。
main ( ){float x, amax, amin;scanf (“%f”, &x);amax=x; amin=x;while ( ①){if ( ②) amax =x;if ( ③) amin =x;scanf (“%f”, &x);}printf(“amax=%f, amin=%f\n”, amax, amin);}2、下面的程序是用指针来交换两个数据,请将缺省语句填上。
void exchange( int *p ,int *q){ int t;t=*p; *p=*q; *q=t;}main(){ int a,b,*x,*y;a=10;b=20;x=&a;①②printf(“%d %d\n”,*x, *y);}五、程序设计题有10个学生,每个学生的数据包括学号、姓名、3门课的成绩,从键盘输入10个学生数据,要求打印出3门课总平均成绩,以及最高分的学生的数据(包括学号、姓名、3门课的成绩、平均分数。
2、用自定义函数和数组求n个数的平均值,并用主函数调用参考答案:一、单项选择题1、B2、D3、C4、C5、A6、A7、D8、C9、C10、D11、D 12、B 13、B 14、C 15、D二、判断题(√)2、(×)3、(√)4、(×)5、(×)6、√)7、(√)8、(√)9、(√)10、(√)11、(×)12、(×)13、(√)14、(√)15、(√)三、写出程序的运行结果1、答案是:0,1,2,52、答案是:2 5 8 11 143、答案是:123456789104、答案是:x5、答案是:2002Shangxian四、程序填空1、答案是:①x>=0 ②x>amax ③x<amin2、答案:①y=&b; ②exchange(x,y);五、程序设计题1、参考答案:#define N 10struct student{ char num[6];char name[8];int score[4];float ave;} stu[N];main(){ int i,j,max,maxi,sum;float average;/*输入*/for ( i=0; i<N; i++){ printf(“\nInput scores of student %d,\n”,i+1);printf(“No.:”);scanf(“%s”,stu[i].num);printf(“name:”);scanf(“%s”,stu[i].name);for(j=0;j<3;j++){ printf(“score %d:”,j+i);scanf(“%d”,&stu[i].score[j]);}}/*计算*/average=0;max=0;maxi=0;for(i=0; i<N; i++){ sum=0;for(j=0; j<a; j++)sum+=stu[i].score[j];stu[i].avr=sum/3.0;average+=stu[i].avr;if (sum>max){ max=sum;maxi=i;}}average/=N;/*打印*/printf(“NO. name score1 score2 score3 average\n”);for(i=0; i<N; i++){ printf(“%s%10s”, stu[i].num , stu[i].name);for(j=0; j<3; j++)printf(“%9d”,stu[i].score[j]);printf(“%8.2f\n”,stu[i].avr);}printf(“average=%6.2f\n”,average);printf(“The highest score is : %s, score total: %d”, stu[maxi].name,max);}2、参考答案:float average( float a[ ], int n){ float aver=0;int j;for(j=0;j<n;j++)aver=aver+a[j];aver=aver/n;return aver;}main(){ float x[10],y;int j;for(j=0;j<10;j++)scanf(“%f”,&x[j]);y=average(x,10);printf(“aver=%.2f\n”,y);}。