东三积体电子LED test report_Osram




硬件模块单元测试报告编制: 日期:审核: 日期: 批准: 日期:目录目录 (1)第一章概述 (3)1.1目的和范围 (3)1.2测试概述 (3)第二章测试资源及环境 (4)2.1 硬件配置 (4)2.2 测试设备清单 (4)2.3 测试环境 (4)2.4 测试方式 (4)第三章测试数据 (6)3.1 主控板测试 (6)3.1.1短路测试 (6)3.1.2直流电压、纹波测试 (6)3.1.3接口通讯信号测试 (8)主控板与按键板打印部分 (8)主控板与核心板 (8)主控板与液晶屏 (8)主控板与触摸屏 (9)主控板与感光板 (10)主控板对按键板指示灯部分检测信号 (10)主控板与WIFI板 (10)3.1.4充电测试 (11)3.1.5电源转换效率测试 (11) 5V电源转换效率测试 (11) +8V电源转换效率测试 (13)3.1.6 DC_DC带负载测试 (14)3.2 按键板测试 (15)3.2.1短路测试 (15)3.2.2直流电压、纹波测试 (15)3.2.3接口通讯信号测试 (15) 按键板与打印机 (15)第一章概述1.1目的和范围本文描述H3硬件模块的测试方法和步骤, 本方案的来源是《H3硬件总体需求》和《H3硬件总体方案》适用范围是:1.2测试概述在硬件模块测试阶段, 测试人员根据细化后的方案进行集成测试, 测试的重点是接口, 主要包括以下几个方面:1.各个板卡接口和测试点电压纹波测试2.控制/检测信号逻辑状态分析第二章测试资源及环境2.1 硬件配置2.3 测试环境环境温度: 0-55℃;大气压力: 700hPa~1060hPa;相对湿度:15% ~ 95%, 非凝2.4 测试方式内部测试第三章测试数据3.1 主控板测试3.1.1短路测试3.1.3接口通讯信号测试3.1.3.1主控板与按键板打印部分3.1.3.2主控板与核心板3.1.3.3主控板与液晶屏3.1.3.4主控板与触摸屏3.1.3.5主控板与感光板3.1.3.8主控板与WIFI板3.1.4充电测试使用电源交流100~240Vac 50Hz/60Hz 使用内置锂电池 12.6V/2600mA3.1.6 DC_DC带负载测试3.2 按键板测试3.2.1短路测试3.2.3接口通讯信号测试3.2.3.1 按键板与打印机。


表 4 显示端口
表 5 所示为其他端口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 DUMMYR[3:1] 电阻测量管脚,正常情况下悬空。 DUMMYL[3:1] DUMMY 无用管脚,悬空即可。 V0/V63 O 伽玛电压镜像管脚。 VDD3DUM O 内部与 VDD3 接在一起。
表 2 系统接口
表3为 Symbol MDP MDN MSP MSN GPIO[9:0] (DB[17:8]) S_CSB(DB [7])
MDDI 管脚作用。 I/O 功能描述 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O 总体输入输出,如果在 MDDI 中没有用 GPIO 的话,这些管 脚应该置地。 O 子屏幕驱动 IC 片选信号。 低电平时说明子屏幕驱动 IC 可用,高电平时说明子屏幕驱动
表 1 电源接口
如表 2 所示为系统接口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 S_PB I 选择 CPU 接口模式,低电平时为并行接口,高电平时为串行 接口。 MDDI_E I 选择 MDDI 接口,低电平时 MDDI 接口不可用,高电平时 N MDDI 接口可用。 ID_MIB I 选择 CPU 种类, 低电平为 intel 80 系列 CPU, 高电平为 motorola 68 系列 CPU,如果 S_PB 是高电平,该端口为 ID 设置端口。 CSB I 片选信号,低电平芯片可用,高电平芯片不可用。 RS I 寄存器选择管脚。 低电平时,指令/状态,高电平时为指令参数/RAM 数据。 不用时需与 VDD3 接在一起。 RW_WR I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 B/SCL RW 68 系列 读写选择,低电平写,高电平读。 WRB 80 系列 写选通作用,在上升沿捕获数据。 SCL 串行接口 时钟同步信号。 E_RDB I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 E 68 系列 读写操作使能端。 RDB 80 系列 读选通作用,低电平时读出数据。 选择串行模式时,将此端口接在 VDD3 上。 SDI I 串行接口的数据输入接口,在 SCL 上升沿捕捉到输入数据,

测试报告 Test Report

测试报告 Test Report

SGS Taiwan Ltd.
Chemical-Taipei 33 WuChyuan Road, Wuku Industrial Zone, Taipei County, Taiwan /
t + 886 (02)2299 3279 f + 886 (02)2299 3237
Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)
測試報告 Test Report
號碼(No.) : CE/2010/62637
日期(Date) : 2010/06/21
頁數(Page) : 2 of 7 *CE/2010/62637*
Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested. This test report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This Test Report is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf or available on request and accessible at /terms_and_conditions.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this Test Report is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

osram LED+PCB线路板测试标准

osram LED+PCB线路板测试标准

发行号:性能说明发行日期:图一 2.2白光检测条件和标准见图三与图四,如图三电源DC输出端并图三接万用表,调整好电压至标准2.35V,见图二按LED正负极方向通电检测(芯片发出微光为OK;芯片不亮为NG,作好标识)。


图五承认:确认一:确认二:作成:陈世海PCB板号:226D105,LUW CCQDP-KULQ-5C8E-1白光LED通电检测方法。


三、维修:见附页OSRAM LED灯珠+PCB 线路板维修图二与PCB方向二、检测流程:(操作人员必须配带防静电手圈作业)2.1红光检测条件和标准见图一与图二,如图一电源DC输出端接万用表,调整好电压至标准1.50V,见图二按LED正负极方向通电检测(芯片发出微光为OK;芯片不亮为NG,作好标识)。

OSRAM LED灯珠+PCB 线路板检测标准与维修JT-226D105用恒流恒压电源,恒压限流检测 年 月 日PCB板号:226D105,LRCPDP-HZKX-1红光LED通电检测方法。


1.2数显万能表一台(型号:FLUKE 15B),测出LED正负极性(经测试,此红/蓝/白LED封装有缺口方向均为负极)。

此为通电测试点, 缺口方向为 贴装时需统一LED 负极附:OSRAM LED灯珠+PCB 线路板维修方法一、以上检测如有NG,按以下步骤检查与维修:a、LED有无贴装反向。





ECS052R5 - 4/2008
OPTOTRONIC LED Power Supplies (DC Output)
Item Number
Nominal Input Voltage
Nominal Input Current (Amps)
5.87 lbs/carton
10-24V DC input
1-10VDC Control
Dimensions: Overall: 3.15" L x 1.58" W x 0.87" H Mounting: 2.85"
*Wiring: Connectors only
120V AC line input
(No leads provided). Use solid or
tinned AWG 18 copper wire only
Dimmable Power Supply OT 9/10-24/350 DIM E

350 mA

Voltage Power Supply
*Wiring: Leads only (6" 18AWG)
Black (L)
White (N)
Purple (+)
Black (-)
System Life / Warranty
Products are covered by our LED

UN38.3 Test Report(1)

UN38.3 Test Report(1)

APPLICATION FOR LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVEOn Behalf ofShenzhen Xuxing Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd.Li-ion BatteryModel: A1, X8Prepared For : Shenzhen Xuxing Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd.14I,Block A, Huaqiang Plaza, No.1019Huaqiang North Road, Futian District,Shenzhen,ChinaPrepared By : Most Technology Service Co., Ltd.No. 5, 2nd Langshan Road, North District, Hi-techIndustrial Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen,Guangdong, ChinaTEL : 0755 – 86170306FAX : 0755 – 86170310Date of receipt of test item : January 13, 2011Report Reference Number : SZSTS110103EU______ST/SG/AC.10/11Rev.5 Section 38.3Clause Requirement- Test Result - Remark Verdict38.3 Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries P 38.3.1 Purpose PThis section presents the procedures to be followedfor the classification of Lithium metal and lithium ioncells and batteries.P 38.3.2 Scope P Lithium metal and lithium ion cells and batteries whichdiffer from a tested type by:Pa) For primary cells and batteries, a change of morethan 0.1 g or 20% by mass, whichever is greater, tothe cathode, to the anode, or to the electrolyte.Nb) For rechargeable cells and batteries, a change inwatt-hours of more than 20% or an increase in voltageof more than 20%.Pc) A change that would materially affect the testresults. Shall be considered a new type and shall besubjected to the required test.P38.3.2.2 I For the purposes of classification, the followingdefinitions apply:P38.3.3 When a cell or battery type is to be tested underthis sub-section, the number and condition ofcells and batteries of each type to be tested are asfollows: Tests 1 to 5 must beconducted in sequence onthe same battery,Pa) When testing primary cells and batteries undertests 1 to 5, the following shall be tested:N Ten cells in undischarged states, N Ten cells in fully discharged states, N Four small batteries in undischarged states, N Four small batteries in fully discharged states, N Four large batteries in undischarged states N Four large batteries in fully discharged states N b) when testing rechargeable cells and batteries undertests 1 to 5 the following shall be tested:P Ten cells at first cycle, in fully charged states, N Four small batteries at first cycle, in fully chargedstates.P Four small batteries 50 cycle ending in fully chargedstates.P Two large batteries at first cycle, in fully chargedstates. N Two large batteries 25 cycle ending in fully chargedstates.NClause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______c) When testing primary and rechargeable cells under test 6(Impact), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:PFor primary cells, five cells in undischarged states and five cells in fully discharged statesPFor component cells of primary batteries, Five cells in undischarged states and five cells in fully discharged states.NFor rechargeable cells, five cells at first cycle at 50% of the design rated capacity,N For components cells of rechargeable batteries, five cells at first cycle at 50% of the design rated capacity.PFor prismatic cells, ten test cells are required instead of the five described above, so that the procedure can be carried out on five cells along the longitudinal axes and, separately, five cells along the other axes. In every case, the test cell is only subjected to one impacPd) When testing rechargeable batteries under test 7(Overcharge), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:PFour small batteries at first cycle, in fully charged states.P Four small batteries after 50 cycles ending in fully charged states.P Two large batteries at first cycle, in fully charged states,N Two large batteries after 25 cycles ending in fully charged states.Ne) When testing primary and rechargeable cells under test 8(Forced Discharge), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:The requirement is not applicable to test batteries. N Ten primary cells in fully discharged states N Ten rechargeable cells, at first cycle in fully discharged statesN Ten rechargeable cells after 50 cycles ending in fullydischarged statesNf) when testing a battery assembly in which the aggregate lithium content of all anodes, when fully charged, is not more than 500g, or in the case of a lithium ion battery, with a watt-hour rating of not more than 6200 Watt-hoursNClause Requirement- Test Result - Remark Verdict______38.3.4 ProcedurePTest 1 to 5 must be conducted in sequence on the same cell or battery.P Test 6 and 8 should be conducted using not otherwisetested cells or batteriesPTest 7 may be conducted using undamaged batteriespreviously used in tests 1 to 5 for purposes of testing on cycled batteriesP38.3.4.1 Test 1: Altitude Simulation P Purpose P This test simulates air transport under low-pressureconditions.-- Test procedureP stored at a pressure 11.6 kPa -- ambient temperature (20 ± 5).℃ 24℃ -- Stored times( ≥ 6 hours) 8 hours. -- RequirementCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is nomass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged statesNo mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. Battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltageimmediately prior to this procedure.PMass M of Test Battery (g)OCV (V) Group No.M1 (beforet he test) M2 (after the test)MassLoss limit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%)01 21.223g 21.223g0.00%3.861 3.861 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00%3.867 3.867 100.0%03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00%3.866 3.866 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, infully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.862 3.862 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00%3.865 3.865 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00%3.854 3.854 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00%3.860 3.860 100.0% Group B (after fiftycycles ending in fullycharged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8673.867100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Li-ion Battery had passed altitude simulation test. Test 2: Thermal Test P Purpose P This test assesses cell and battery seal integrity andinternal electrical connections. The test is conducted using rapid and extreme temperature changes.P38. Test procedurePTest temperature and stored hours 1) 75℃, ≥6h 2) -40℃, ≥6h-- The maximum time intervalBetween test temperature extremes is 30 minutes. --Test timesrepeated 10 times -- After which all test cells and batteries are to be storedfor 24 hours at ambient temperature (20±5℃)24℃ -- For large cells and batteries the duration of exposure tothe test temperature extremes should be at least 12 hours.Small batteryN RequirementCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is nomass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged statesNo mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. Battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltageimmediately prior to this procedure.PMass M of Test Battery (g)OCV (V) Group No. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00%3.861 3.835 99.33%02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00%3.867 3.854 99.66% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.866 3.845 99.46% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.862 3.836 99.33% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00%3.865 3.842 99.40% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00%3.854 3.836 99.53% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00%3.860 3.837 99.40% Group B (after fiftycycles ending in fullycharged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8673.85399.64%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Li-ion Battery had passed thermal test. Test 3: Vibration P PurposePThis test simulates vibration during transport..P Test procedure PCells and batteries are firmly secured to the platform of the vibration machine without distorting the cells insuch a manner as to faithfully transmit the vibration.-- The vibration shall be a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmicP Duration 15min -- Frequency range 7Hz... ..200Hz.....7Hz -- Amplitude 0.8mm -- This cycle shall be repeated 12 times for a total of 3 hours for each of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell.-- Requirement PCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states No mass loss, no leakage,no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. PMass M of Test Battery (g) OCV (V)GroupNo. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00% 3.835 3.835 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00% 3.854 3.854 100.0% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.845 3.845 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00% 3.842 3.842 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00% 3.837 3.837 100.0% Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8533.853100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed vibration test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.4 Test 4: Shock P PurposePThis test simulates vibration during transport..P Test procedurePTest cells and batteries shall be secured to the testing machine by means of a rigid mount which will support all mounting surfaces of each test battery.This is small batteries. -- a half-sine shock of peak acceleration 150 g P Pulse duration 6ms -- the positive direction followed three times shocks --Each cell or battery shall be subjected to three shocks in the positive direction followed by three shocks in the negative direction of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell or battery for a total of18 shocks.-- Requirement PCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states No mass loss, no leakage,no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. PMass M of Test Battery (g) OCV (V)GroupNo. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00% 3.835 3.835 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00% 3.854 3.854 100.0% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.845 3.845 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00% 3.842 3.842 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00% 3.837 3.837 100.0% Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8533.853100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed shock test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.5 Test 5: External Short Circuit P PurposePThis test simulates an external short circuit. P Test procedurePThe cell or battery to be tested shall be temperature stabilized so that its external case temperature reaches 55℃--Short circuit condition with a total External resistance of less than 0.1ohm--The cell or battery must be observed for a further six hours for the test to be concluded.--This short circuit condition is continued for at least one hour after the cell or battery external case temperature has returned to 55℃-- RequirementPCells and batteries meet this requirement if theirexternal temperature does not exceed 170℃ and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours of this test. Battery externaltemperature does notexceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPGroupNo.External Highest Temperature(℃)Criteria Result0155.6℃ P 02 55.5℃ P 03 55.7℃ P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 55.9℃ P 05 55.6℃ P 06 55.7℃ P 07 55.8℃ P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states) 0855.9℃Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPAmbient temperature: 23℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed external short circuit test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.6 Test 6: ImpactThe test sample Component cell of chargeable batteries. P PurposePThis test simulates an impact. P Test procedureP - Dropped height 61±2.5cm, -- - mass9.1Kg -- - diameter bar 15.8mm --- Impact position:Prismatic cell is to be impacted with its longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the 15.8 mm diameter curved surface lying across the centre of the test sample, Prismatic cell is also to be rotated 90 degrees around its longitudinal axis so that both the wide and narrow sides will be subjected to the impact.--A coin or button cell is to be impacted with the flat surface of the sample parallel to the flat surface and the 15.8 mm diameter curved surface lying across its centre. RequirementPCells and batteries meet this requirement if theirexternal temperature does not exceed 170℃ andthere is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours of this test.Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there isno disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPGroup No. ExternalHighestTemperature(℃)Criteria Result0178.2℃ P 02 76.3℃ P 03 79.4℃ P 04 80.6℃ P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)05 78.5℃ P 0648.3℃ P 07 47.6℃ P 08 50.3℃ P 09 48.6℃ P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fullycharged states) 1047.9℃Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPAmbient temperature: 23℃Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed Impact test. Test 7: OverchargeP PurposePThis test evaluates the ability of a rechargeable battery to withstand an overcharge condition.P Test procedurePThe charge current2×900=1800mA, Twice the manufacturer'srecommended maximum continuous charge current--The minimum voltage of the test:--a) The minimum voltage of the test (Themanufacturer ’s recommended charge voltage is not more than 18V).2×4.2=8.4V, the lesser of two times the maximum charge voltage of the battery or 22V,-- Ambient temperature. 24℃ -- The duration of the test.24 hours RequirementPRechargeable batteries meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the testThere is no disassemblyand no fire within seven days of the test.PGroupNo. CriteriaResult 01P 02 P 03 P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 P 05 P 06 P 07 P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states) 08There is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the test.P Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed overcharge test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.8 Test 8: Forced discharge N PurposeNThis test evaluates the ability of a primary or a rechargeable cell to withstand a forced discharge condition.-- Test procedureNEach cell shall be forced discharged at ambient temperature by connecting it in series with a 12 V DC, power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer.NThe specified discharge current is to be obtained by connecting a resistive load of the appropriate size and rating in series with the test cell, Each cell shall be forced discharged for a time interval (in hours) equal to its rated capacity divided by the initial test current (in ampere)N38. RequirementNPrimary or rechargeable cells meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the test.NPHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT。


Length (MOL)
Test Method,
Regulation or
Program Evaluatedto
Tests to
Test Limit per Regulation
or Program Requirement
Program Evaluatedto
Tests to
Test Limit per Regulation
or Program Requirement
Efficiency or
Limit Level
Integral LED
Lamps Eligibility
Criteria -Version
certification hasbeen verified
Packaging Requirement
Test Method,
Regulation or
Limit Level
Requirements for
Integral LED
Lamps Eligibility
Criteria -Version

LED 驱动电源测试报告模板

LED 驱动电源测试报告模板
Pcb A
安全要求GB19510.1或IEC 61347-2-13
Must be checked
Must be tested!
Plastic housing
Plastic housing
GB17625.1----电磁兼容限值谐波电流发射限值(设备每相输入电流镇≤16 A)
< 5V after 1sec.


4.1.1 输入工作电压范围...............................................................................................................................5 4.1.2 输入启动电压范围...............................................................................................................................5 4.1.3 输入电流...............................................................................................................................................5 4.1.4 输入端反灌杂音电流峰峰值...............................................................................................................5 4.1.5 输入瞬态冲击电流...............................................................................................................................6 4.2 输出特性参数.....................................................................................



LED显示屏基本知识及计算方法一、LED显示屏基础知识2二、LED显示屏的分类4三、怎样选购LED全彩显示屏的规格5四、LED显示屏各项参数的概念7五、控制 LED 亮度的方法:10六、LED屏的各种计算方法:11七、LED显示屏常用安装方式15八、LED显示屏的控制系统16九、LED显示屏大小的计算方式17一、LED显示屏基础知识1.LED及LED显示屏1)什么是LED在某些半导体材料的 PN 结中,注入的少数载流子及多数载流子复合时会把多余的能量以光的形式释放出来,从而把电能直接转换为光能。

PN 结加反向电压,少数载流子难以注入,故不发光。

这种利用注入式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称 LED (全拼:light emitting diode)。

LED 的发光颜色和发光效率及制作 LED 的材料和工艺有关,目前广泛使用的有红、绿、蓝(R、G、B)三种。

由于 LED 工作电压低(仅 1.5-3V ),能主动发光且有一定亮度,亮度又能用电压(或电流)调节,本身又耐冲击、抗振动、寿命长(10万小时),所以在大型的显示设备中,目前尚无其他的显示方式及 LED 显示方式匹敌。

把红色和绿色的 LED 放在一起作为一个象素制作的显示屏叫双色屏或彩色屏;把红、绿、蓝三种 LED 管放在一起作为一个象素的显示屏叫三色屏或全彩屏。

制作室内 LED 显示屏的象素尺寸一般是 2-10 毫米,常常采用把几种能产生不同基色的 LED 管芯封装成一体,室外 LED显示屏的象素尺寸多为 12-26 毫米,每个象素由若干个各种单色 LED 组成,常见的成品称象素筒,双色象素筒一般由 3 红 2 绿组成,三色象素筒用 2 红 1 绿 1 兰组成。

无论用 LED 制作单色、双色或三色屏,欲显示图象需要构成象素的每个 LED 的发光亮度都必须能调节,其调节的精细程度就是显示屏的灰度等级。




LED检验报告一、报告背景随着互联网的不断发展,智能家居、智能办公等领域的发展越来越快速,而LED(Light Emitting Diode,发光二极管)作为一种高效节能、寿命长的照明产品受到了越来越多的关注和应用。





2.光性能指标:使用光谱仪测试了LED的亮度、颜色温度和色彩准确度,测试结果如下:- 亮度:LED的亮度为XXXcd,符合亮度指标要求。








3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association



光信息专业实验报告:LED 特性及光度测量实验摘要:本实验目的在于了解发光二极管的发光机理、光学特性与电学特性,掌握其测试方法。

通过设计简单的测试装置,并对发光二极管进行V -I 特性曲线、P-I 特性曲线的测量,以此研究探讨LED 发光器件的发光特性,加深对于发光二极管的理解。

关键词:发光二极管,V -I 特性,P -I 特性,光度【实验用具】LED (若干种类)、精密数显直流稳流稳压电源、积分球(Φ=30cm )、多功能光度计、通用标准光源、光功率计、直尺、万用表、导线等。

【实验原理】LED 是英文light emitting diode (发光二极管)的缩写,它属于固态光源,其基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,起到保护内部芯线的作用(如图1)。

常规的发光二极管芯片的结构如图2所示,主要分为衬底,外延层(图2中的N型氮化镓,铝镓铟磷有源区和P 型氮化镓),透明接触层,P 型与N 型电极、钝化层几部分。

图2、常规InGaN / 蓝宝石LED 芯片剖面图发光二极管的核心部分是由p 型半导体和n 型半导体组成的晶片,在p 型半导体和n 型半导体之间有一个过渡层,称为p-n 结。

跨过此p -n 结,电子从n 型材料扩散到p)区,而空穴则从p 型材料扩散到n 区,如右面的图3(a)所示。


当外加一足够高的直流电压V,且p 型材料接正极,n型材料接负极时,电子和空穴将克服在p-n结处的势垒,分别流向p 区和n 区。




16-216 SMD LED 数据手册说明书

16-216 SMD LED 数据手册说明书

16-216/T3D-AQ1R2TY/3TFeatures․Package in 8mm tape on 7〞diameter reel.․Compatible with automatic placement equipment.․Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflowsolder process.․Mono-color type.․Pb-free.․The product itself will remain within RoHScompliant version.Description․The 16-216 SMD LED is much smaller than lead frame type components, thus enable smaller board size, higher packing density,reduced storage space and finally smaller equipment to be obtained.․Besides, lightweight makes them ideal for miniature applications. etc. Applications․Backlighting in dashboard and switch.․Telecommunication: indicator and backlighting intelephone and fax.․Flat backlight for LCD, switch and symbol.․General use.InGaN Pure White Yellow DiffusedReverse Voltage V R 5 VForward Current I F25 mAPeak Forward Current(Duty 1/10 @1KHz)I FP100 mAPower Dissipation Pd110 mW Operating Temperature T opr-40 ~ +85 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +90 ℃Electrostatic Discharge ESD HBM150 VSoldering Temperature T sol Reflow Soldering : 260 ℃for 10 sec. Hand Soldering : 350 ℃for 3 sec.Luminous Intensity Iv 72 ----- 180 mcdI F=5mA Viewing Angle 2θ1/2----- 130 ----- degForward Voltage V F 2.6 ---- 3.0 VReverse Current I R----- ----- 50 μA V R=5VNote:1. Tolerance of Luminous Intensity: ±11%2. Tolerance of Forward Voltage: ±0.05VBin Range of Luminous IntensityQ1 72 90 mcd I F =5mAQ2 90 112 R1 112 140 R2140180Bin Range Of Luminous Voltage28 2.6 2.7 mcd I F =5mA29 2.7 2.8 30 2.8 2.9 312.93.0Note:1. Tolerance of Luminous Intensity: ±11%2. Tolerance of Forward Voltage: ±0.05VA10.274 0.226 I F =5mA0.274 0.258 0.294 0.286 0.294 0.254 20.274 0.258 0.274 0.291 0.294 0.319 0.294 0.286 30.294 0.254 0.294 0.286 0.314 0.315 0.314 0.282 40.294 0.286 0.294 0.319 0.314 0.347 0.314 0.315 50.314 0.282 0.314 0.315 0.334 0.343 0.334 0.311 60.314 0.315 0.314 0.347 0.334 0.376 0.3340.343Notes:1.The C.I.E. 1931 chromaticity diagram ( Tolerance ±0.01 ).2.The products are sensitive to static electricity and care must be fully taken when handling products.Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics CurvesR e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y )(%4002505075100500600700800Spectrum DistributionWavelength λ (nm)Ta=25°CR e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y (%)Forward Current vs.Forward VoltageTa=25°CF o r w a r d C u r r e n t I (m A )F F Forward Voltage V (V)Forward Current Luminous Intensity vs.Ta=25°CR e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y %)( Luminous Intensity vs.Ambient TemperatureForward Current I (mA) F Radiation DiagramTa=25°CForward Current Derating CurveAmbient Temperature Ta (°C)Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)F o r w a r d C u r r e n tI (m A )FPackage DimensionSuggested pad dimension is just for reference only. Please modify the pad dimension based on individual need. Note: Tolerances unless mentioned ±0.1mm. Unit = mmMoisture Resistant Packing MaterialsLabel Explanation‧CPN: Customer ’s Product Number ‧P/N: Product Number ‧QTY: Packing Quantity‧CAT: Luminous Intensity Rank ‧HUE: Chromaticity Coordinates ‧REF: Forward Voltage Rank ‧LOT No: Lot NumberReel DimensionsNote: The tolerances unless mentioned is ±0.1mm ,Unit = mmCarrier Tape Dimensions: Loaded quantity 3000 PCS per reelPrecautions For Use1. Over-current-proofCustomer must apply resistors for protection, otherwise slight voltage shift will cause bigcurrent change ( Burn out will happen ).2. Storage2.1 Do not open moisture proof bag before the products are ready to use.2.2 Before opening the package: The LEDs should be kept at 30℃or less and 90%RH or less.2.3 After opening the package: The LED's floor life is 1 year under 30℃or less and 60% RH or less.If unused LEDs remain, it should be stored in moisture proof packages.2.4 If the moisture absorbent material (silica gel) has faded away or the LEDs have exceeded theBaking treatment : 603.3 When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating.3.4 After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.4.Soldering IronEach terminal is to go to the tip of soldering iron temperature less than 350℃for 3 seconds within once in less than the soldering iron capacity 25W. Leave two seconds and more intervals, and do soldering of each terminal. Be careful because the damage of the product is often started at the time of the hand solder.5.RepairingRepair should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used (as below figure). It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDsApplication RestrictionsHigh reliability applications such as military/aerospace, automotive safety/security systems,and medical equipment may require different product. If you have any concerns, please contact Everlight before using this product in your application. This specification guarantees the quality and performance of the product as an individual component. Do not use this product beyond the specification described in this document.。







【内容】1. 欧司朗检测报告的作用与意义1.1 规范产品质量标准检测报告是欧司朗对产品进行全面检测的结果总结,它详细记载了产品的物理性能、安全性和可靠性。



1.2 提高产品信任度和可靠性欧司朗检测报告作为一种权威机构的验证,能够为消费者提供产品可信度和可靠性的保证。




1.3 强调可持续发展和环境保护检测报告还能够突出欧司朗关注可持续发展和环境保护的承诺。



2. 欧司朗合格证的重要性与应用2.1 品质保证的有力证明合格证是欧司朗保证产品质量的重要文档,它证明了产品经过一系列严格的检测和测试,符合相关的法规和标准。

























LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测报告1. 引言LED显示屏在现代生活中得到了广泛的应用,其高亮度、节能环保、长寿命等特点,使其成为了室内外广告、公共信息发布、体育场馆秩序维护等领域的首选设备。



2. LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测的意义和目的LED显示屏作为一种电子设备,其内部存在着各种复杂的电路和组件。




3. LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测的方法和工具LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测通常采用加速度传感器和数据采集设备进行。




4. LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测报告的内容和结论根据LED显示屏加速度均方根值检测所得到的数据和分析结果,LED 显示屏加速度均方根值检测报告应包含详细的检测数据、分析结论和建议措施。




Z 为三刺激值,l1,l2,l3 分别对应三种芯片三刺激值之和,k1,k2,k3 分别对应 RGB 三种芯片,为待求系数比例。
组 单 芯 片 光 源 ,选 择 其 中
种 合 成 指 定 色 度 光 源 ,共 可 得 到
C3 6
光 源 ,去 掉 合 成 比 例
中有负值的组数,可得到 RAC、RYC、RYB、RGC、RGB、AYC、AYB、AGC、AGB 和 ACB 共十种组合 LED(合成各
究 辐 射 发 光 效 率 (LER),中 间 视 觉 效 率 (MER),生 理 辐 射 效 率 (CER)等 性 能 的 变 化 范 围 ,为 光 谱 优 化 提 供 理 论 基 础 。 从
6 组在色度图上分布相对均匀的单芯片 LED 光源光谱中,选择其中 3 组进行组合,合成 2000 K,3000 K,4000 K,5000 K
Yao Qi
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University ,Shenzhen, Guangdong 518061, China
Abstract Three- chips of light emitting diodes (LEDs) are flexible in spectrum composition, and the whole performance is easy to control. Through studying the range of luminous efficacy of radiation (LER), mesopic efficacy of radiation (MER) and circadian efficacy of radiation (CER) based on various combinations of threechips of LEDs, basic theories for spectrum optimization are provided. Three chips from six groups of single chip LED are chosen, which uniformly distributed on the chromatic diagram to fabricate three- chips of LED at different color temperatures of 2000 K, 3000 K, 4000 K, 5000 K and 6000 K. ηLER , S/P ratio and acv value are calculated, and ranges of corresponding characters are achieved. Results show that ranges of corresponding ηLER , S/P ratio and acv value are large, respectively reach 0.4, 0.6 and over 0.4. Overall trends conform to former studies, high color temperature leads to high S/P ratio and acv value. But low color temperature LEDs may also reach moderately high S/P ratio and acv value, and high color temperature LEDs may also reach moderately low S/P ratio and acv value. Spectrum optimization of three-chips of LEDs effectively helps improving performance. Key words spectroscopy; correlated color temperature; luminous efficacy of radiation; mesopic efficacy of radiation; circadian efficacy of radiation OCIS codes 330.1690; 300.6170; 330.1730
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