跨文化商务沟通 Chapter 5
1 、□头语言沟通的跨文化差异
(1)直接与婉转 美国人说话直截了当,开门见山;中国则喜 欢拐弯抹角,犹抱琵琶半遮面;在说话婉转上, 日本人可能比中国人有过之而无不及。 比如:拒绝别人的要求,一般来说美国人 如果不喜欢,就直接说 “不”;而中国人通常 会说 “让我考虑考虑”。美国人若不理解中国 人的说话方式,会以为那人真的要考虑考虑了, 过两天说不定又会问:“考虑得怎么样了” 日本人不愿直接说"不"字,所以要表达"不" 的意思就要借助各种各样有创意的手法。
另一个文化差异表现在说话的合理过 程与方式。当两个人属于不同文化类型时, 彼此的对话方式就可能出现问题。 例如:美国人和日本人对“沉默”的理解 非常不同。
当两个来自不同文化背景的人谈话时, 往往容易产生误解。 分析以下案例,用以下对话来看一些误解 产生在哪里?用跨文化理论来分析为什么 会产生这样的误解?
(1)关键的单位是个人。在大多数个人主义文化中, 目标就是培养起具有责任感的公民, 这些公民应当能够为个人的问题承担起相应的责 任。 (2) 空间和隐私都很重要。由于个人主义文化重 视个人自由,与集体主义文化相比,大多数个人 主义文化需要更大的物理空间和更高的隐私要求。 例如,美国人就非常重视个人隐私,他们甚至 把这一点写人了法律之中;美国宪法第四条修正案 保障了所有公民都有权使自己的身体、住所、文 件和私人财产,免受不合理的授查和强占。无论 在商务环境下,还是在个人环境下,对于隐私的 要求都是显而易见的。
(1)关键的单位是群体。在集体主义文化中,人们把自己看 做某个与他人密切联系的网络中的一分子。个体只是某个 强大的、有凝聚力的单位 (家庭、宗族、职业、企业、宗 教)中的一个组成部分:这个单位在个体的一生中提供着保 护和支持,而个体也要为此付出自己的忠诚。 (2)空间和隐私都没有关系重要。通常,与重视个人主义的 文化相比,集体主义文化所需的空间要少得多。毕竟,如 果你所在的群体对你而言是非常重要的,你可能就会非常 想要与这个群体的成员们在物理上保持亲密接触。 (3)沟通是直觉式的、复杂的和根据印象进行的。在集体主 义文化中,明确且直接的沟通并不很重要。 (4)商业是相互关联的、相互协作的。大多数集体主义文化 认为,是关系而不是合同促成了结果。
(1)斜排式或缩行式(Indented Form)
这种排列要求信头、结束语、签名和发信人姓名都靠右或偏右, 而封内地址和称呼则靠左边。如果以上任一要素要分行排列时, 后行要比前行缩进两到三个英文字母;正文每段开始要缩进五个 英文字母。每段之间空一行。该形式讲究匀称美观,是传统的排 列模式,目前只有部分英国人喜欢使用。
写信 礼仪
发信 礼仪
收信 礼仪
复信 要求
1.信的开头 和结尾
2.信封 3.措辞要求 4.书写要求 5.行文要求
1.折叠要求 2.装入要求 3.附件要求 4.邮资要求
1.尊重保密 和自由权利
2.拆信要求 3.保存要求
1.尽快回复 2.回复问题、 说明原因
注意问题: 电子邮件同样需要注意措辞。 不要“惹火”收件人。如果使用含有敌意的词句或者批
第三节 称呼礼仪
称呼,指的是人们交谈时所使用的用以表示彼此 关系的名称。有时,它也叫做“称谓”。在涉外交往 中,称呼的运用与对待交往对象的态度直接有关,对 此千万不要马虎大意,随心所欲。由于各国、各民族 语言不同,风格习惯各异,因而在称呼上差别很大, 如果称呼错了,不但会使对方不高兴,甚至还会闹出 笑话来。在比较正式的社交场合,对别人称呼不得当, 就显得有失礼貌,有时甚至对自己与他人的交际相处 带来不利影响。现在一般社交礼仪中的称呼逐渐趋向 简单化,但也更注重亲切与尊重。在商务交往中,应 重点掌握公众称谓和国际交往中的称谓。
优点及 缺点
1.无需见面 2.速度快捷 3.具有掩饰作用
1.浪费时间 2.沟通易出现障碍 3.产生假象
1 跨文化商务沟通的意义
2 跨文化商务沟通的挑战
3 如何提高跨文化商务沟通能力
• A trillion in the U.S. is a billion in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, and South American countries
Education, Inc. *
Language Diversity Problems
• Diversity of dialects and accents within a language (The U.S. has over 140 languages and dialects; in 14 percent of homes a native language other than English is spoken.)
Slang Expressions
• asleep at the switch: inattentive • back off: moderate one’s stand or
speed if driving • blockbuster: great success • cutthroat: harsh • eat one’s words: retract • garbage: nonsense • get off the ground: start successfully • have someone’s number: know the
跨文化交际(UNIT 5) PPT
Supplement: Verbal Communication
Verbal communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.
Supplement: Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Styles (p179-183) : Direct / Indirect Self-enhancement / Self-effacement Elaborate / Exacting / Succinct Personal / Contextual Instrumental / Affective
Review of Unit 4
1. What is the relationship between language and culture according to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
2. Translate the following terms: housewarming disinterested Mind one’s p’s and q’s A nine days wonder 红糖 红茶 眼红 青天
Intercultural Communication
Unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication
Warm Up
▪ Please read the story on page 156. What may have been the factors contributing to the failure of the presentation? What can we learn from the story?
商务沟通 chapter 5
Mary Ellen Guffey, Essentials of Business Communication, 7e
Chapter 5, Slide 10
Instead of this To clean the printer, you should do the following. First, you should disconnect the power cord. Then you open the front cover, and the printer area should be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth.
Date April 3 City Toledo Speaker Troy Lee Erin Win
May 20 Detroit
Mary Ellen Guffey, Essentials of Business Communication,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ7e
Chapter 5, Slide 12
Within Sentences
Instead of this At our Web site We let you compare cash prices. You can research the best financing. You can learn about leasing. Try this At our Web site you can do the following: Compare cash prices. Research the best financing. Learn about leasing.
Analyzing Structure
c. Social class and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.
2. Symptoms of culture shock
a. physical symptoms
over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin eruptions
文化休克是人们对于另一种不熟悉的文化环境 的心理反应。通俗地说,一个人从一地迁移到 另一地,原来自己熟悉的一套符号、习俗、行 为模式、社会关系、价值观念等被另一套新的 自己不熟悉的符号、习俗、行为模式、社会关 系、价值观念所替代,因而在心理上产生焦虑, 在情绪上不安定,甚至沮丧。在严重的情况下, 会产生各种心理和生理方面的疾病。最严重的 甚至会患精神病或者自杀。这就是文化休克。
The same Westerner who 6 month earlier walked away from the street vendor in anger, now confidently enters a Chinese hotel ready to bargain for a reduction in the foreigners’ room rate.
研究目标- 理解跨文化商业沟通的概念和重要性- 掌握不同文化之间的沟通差异和挑战- 培养跨文化交际能力,包括口头和书面沟通- 研究使用各种跨文化工具和技巧以便有效地进行商务沟通- 分析并解决跨文化商业沟通中的问题和冲突- 培养在国际商务环境中的合作与协调能力课程内容1. 跨文化商业沟通的概念和背景- 跨文化商业沟通的定义和重要性- 全球化对商业沟通的影响- 跨文化沟通的挑战和机遇2. 跨文化沟通的理论框架- 文化维度理论和模型- 高/低上下文文化的比较- 跨文化沟通的文化差异和误解3. 跨文化商务礼仪- 不同文化下的商业礼仪和俗- 跨文化社交和商务智慧4. 口头和书面沟通技巧- 跨文化口语交际技巧- 跨文化商业写作和邮件沟通5. 跨文化合作与团队管理- 跨文化利益冲突和问题解决- 跨文化团队合作的挑战和有效管理6. 跨文化商务谈判- 谈判理论和策略- 跨文化商务谈判的技巧和注意事项教学方法- 讲座与讨论- 小组讨论与案例分析- 角色扮演和实践演练- 个人和小组项目- 作业和实践任务- 课堂互动和辩论评估方式- 课堂参与度:20%- 个人和小组项目:30%- 期中考试:20%- 期末考试:30%参考资料- 《跨文化交际》- 张明主编- 《跨文化商务沟通指南》- 罗贝尔·吉斯勒尔著- 《跨文化谈判与决策》- Raymond Cohen著以上是《跨文化商业沟通》课程教学大纲的概要内容。
跨文化商务沟通161Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication
Unit 5Nonverbal CommunicationIBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGObectivesI. What is nonverbal communication II. Nonverbal communication and culture III. Functions of nonverbal communication IV. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication V. Nonverbal communication: guidelines andlimitations VI. Categories of Nonverbal CommunicationIBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGIBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGI. Defining nonverbal communication• 1. Nonverbal communication involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.• 2. Nonverbal messages may be both intentional and unintentional.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGII. Nonverbal communication and culture • 1. Much of our nonverbal behavior, likeculture, tends to be elusive, spontaneous, and frequently beyond our awareness.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANG• 2. Culture is all-pervasive, multidimensional, and boundless; it is everywhere and in everything. The same is true of nonverbal behavior.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANG• 3. Another parallel between culture and nonverbal behavior is that both need to be learned.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANG• 4. Studying nonverbal behavior can lead to the discovery of a culture's underlying attitudes and values. It can also assist us in isolating our own ethnocentrism.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGIII. Functions of nonverbal communication • To repeat, complement, substitute for averbal action, regulate, and contradict a communication event.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGIV. The importance of nonverbal communication• 1.We make important judgments and decisions about others based on their non-verbal behavior.• 2. We use the actions of others to learn about their affective or emotional states.• 3. Many of our nonverbal actions are not easily controlled consciously.• 4. Nonverbal communication is important to the study of intercultural communication because a great deal of nonverbal behavior speaks a universal language.IBC COURSEWARE OF EDWARD ZHANGV. Nonverbal communication: guidelines and limitations1.It is important to remember that we are all more than our culture.2. In nonverbal communication, we often make differences more important than they should be.3. Nonverbal actions seldom occur in isolation.IBC COURSEWARE OFVI. Categories of Nonverbal Communication•1. Those primarily produced by the body: appearance, movements (kinesics), facial expressions, eye contact, touch.•2. Those the individual combines with the setting: space, time, and silence.IBC COURSEWARE OF2. Body movement (kinesics)•posture•gesturesIBC COURSEWARE OF3. Facial Expressions4. Eye contact and gaze5. TouchIBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFhe/she is ready to move at any time. his/her feelings, trying to calm down.•How Body Communicates, from head to toesIBC COURSEWARE OFHEAD-Nodding the head-“Yes”in most societies-“No”in some parts of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Turkey•Tossing the head backward–“yes”in Thailand, the Philippines, India, LaosIBC COURSEWARE OFFACE IBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFEYES*Eye contacts-Encouraged in America, Canada, Europe-Rude in most Asian countries and in Africa*Winking eye-Sharing secret in America and Europe-flirtatious gesture in other countries*Closed eyes-bored or sleepy in America-“I’m listening and concentrating.”in Japan, Thailand, ChinaIBC COURSEWARE OFEars*Ear grasp-“I’m sorry.”in parts of India*Cupping the ear-“I can’t hear you.”in all societies*Pulling ear-“You are in my heart”for Navajo IndiansIBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFLIPS AND MOUTHCheeks*Cheek screw-gesture of praise -Italy-“That’s crazy.”Germany*Cheek stroke-“pretty, attractive, success”most EuropeIBC COURSEWARE OFTHE LIP POINTING*Kiss. In parts of Asia, kissing is considered an intimate sexual act and not permissible in public, even as a social greeting.IBC COURSEWARE OFTHE LIP POINTING •Finger tip kiss. In France, it conveys several messages, “That’s good!”“That’s great!”“That’s beautiful!.”IBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFTHE LIP POINTING*Open mouth. Any display of the open mouth is considered very rude in mostcountries.Fingers*The “O.K.”signal. (the thumb and forefinger form a circle) means*“fine,”or “O.K.”in most cultures,*“zero”or “worthless”in some parts ofEurope*“money”in Japan*an insult in Greece, Brazil, Italy, Turkey,Russia and some other countriesIBC COURSEWARE OFFingers*Pointing.*Pointing with the index finger iscommon in North America andEurope.*But it is considered impolite inJapan and China where theyfavor using the whole open hand.*Malaysians prefer pointing withthe thumb.IBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFHands*Of all the body parts, thehands are probably used most for communicating non-verbally.*Hand waves are used for greetings, beckoning, orfarewells.Hands*The Italian“good-bye”wave can be interpreted by Americans as the gesture of “come here.”*The American “good-bye”wave can be interpreted in many parts of Europe and Latin America as the signal for “no.”IBC COURSEWARE OFHands*Handshaking is a form of greeting in most Western cultures.*In the Middle East, a gentlegrip is appropriate.*In most Asian cultures, a gentlegrip and an avoidance of directeye contact is appropriate.IBC COURSEWARE OFHands*Right hand. The right hand has special significance in many societies. In certain countries in the Middle East and in Asia, it is best to present business cards or gifts, or to pass dishes of food, to get an attention, using only the right hand or both. *Left hand is considered unclean in much of the Middle East and in parts of Indonesia.IBC COURSEWARE OFHands*Clapping hands.*Russians and Chinese may use applause to greet someone.*In many central and eastern Europe,audience frequently clap in rhythm.IBC COURSEWARE OFNose*Holding the nose-“Something smells bad.”universal *Nose tap-“It’s confidential.”England-“Watch out!”or "Be careful.”ItalyIBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFNose*Pointing to nose-“It ’s me.”China*Blowing nose-In most Asian countries , blowing the nose at social gathering is ‘disgusting.’Arms*Some cultures, like the Italians, use thearms freely. Others, like the Japanese,are more reserved; it is considered impolite to gesticulate with broadmovements of the arms.*Folding arms are interpreted by somesocial observers as a form of excluding self, “I am taking a defensive posture,”or“I disagree with what I am hearing.”IBC COURSEWARE OF*Arms akimbo. In many cultures, thisstance signals aggression, resistance, impatience, or even anger.*Arms behind back, hands grasped is a sign of ease and control.*Arms in front, hands grasped, common practice in most Asian countries, is a sign of mutual respect for others.IBC COURSEWARE OFIBC COURSEWARE OFLegs & Feet*In Asia, do not point with your toes.*In Asia and some European countries, putting feet up on a desk or any other piece of furniture is very disrespectful.*Sitting cross-legged, while common in North America and some European countries, is very impolite in other parts of the world.IBC COURSEWARE OFCase Study•Study the following three cases and explain what messages smiles and laughter usually convey.IBC COURSEWARE OFCase Study1. In a Chinese classroom a girl was asked to answer a question. She stood up and smiled, without making any sound.2. When an American is parking his bicycle and the bicycle accidentally fall over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and is quite angered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh.3. In the dining room, when an American drops a plate quite by accident and feels bad, and Chinese onlookers laugh, compounding his discomfort and causing anger and bad feelingIBC COURSEWARE OFSmile and laughter•Smile and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment.•In case A, the girl smiled to cover her embarrassment resulting from not being able to answer the question.•In case B and C, the laughter is not at the person or his misfortune –whether he is aIBC COURSEWARE OFSmile and laughter foreigner or a Chinese. It can convey a number of feelings: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing’such things can happen to any of us.IBC COURSEWARE OFSpace and Distance •Space includes the personal space and territoriality.•Animals and human beings both stake out to defend their territories.•The territorial invasion of a country may lead to the declaration of war. But people as individuals may not be so pugnacious (好斗的).• A more tangible form of communication between people is the use and control of space.IBC COURSEWARE OFNorth Americans’distance habit0~45cm:intimate lovers and family members45~80cm:friends (personal distance)130~300cm:acquaintances (social distance)>270cm:public space, not belong to oneself Behind:strangers speaking from behind are allowed to stand much more nearer.IBC COURSEWARE OFSpace and Distance•Personal spaceEdward T. Hall suggests that “each person has around him an invisible bubble of space which expands and contracts depending on his relationship to those around him, his emotional state, and the activity he is performing.”Based on his observations of North Americans, Hall developed four categories of distance in human interactions:IBC COURSEWARE OF•(1) Intimate distance: ranging from body contact to 18 inches, this distance is used for personal contact, comforting, and protecting.** 一英寸=2.54厘米IBC COURSEWARE OF•(2) Personal distance: from 18 inches to 4 feet, depending on the closeness of the relationship, in this distancing mode people have an visible “space bubble”separating themselves from others.** 1英尺(ft)=0.3048米(m)IBC COURSEWARE OF•(3) Social distance: from 4 to 12 feet, this distance is used by acquaintances and strangers in business meetings and classrooms.IBC COURSEWARE OF。
关键词:声音,面部表情,手势,空间距离Nonverbal munication barriers in cross-cultural municationAbstractLanguage is the most direct form of affection, but language is not the only way of expression. The language in interpersonal munication and business munication is of great significance. Nonverbal emotional expression is through voice, facial expressions, gestures, as well as the space distance and so on for munication. Sometimes, in the munication, language transfer is not necessarily the most accurate information, the most true inner thoughts, but we can understand each other's mood through nonverbal forms and their inner thoughts, countermeasures to thinking, to establish friendly business relations.In international business munication, due to the different nationalities have different cultures, an obscure action may cause the misunderstanding of the other party, causing the failure of the business munication, therefore, in business munication, we must not ignore the importance of nonverbal. To pay more attention to their own expression in munication, movement and sound quality, also should pay attention to the other person's facial expression, forms, etc., can get information, and each other's ideas. Know thy enemy. Can ever victorious, so we should study from the culture of nonverbal munication and need to be aware of the importance of cultural differences. To promote the establishment of business relations.Key Words: voice, facial expressions, gestures, space distance目录第1章绪论I I I1.1研究背景 11.2研究意义 11.3研究容 11.4论文组织 1 第2章非语言沟通中的声音品质 22.1声音速度 22.2声音音调 22.3声音补白 22.3声音质量 2 第3章非语言沟通中的面部表情33.1目光的接触 (3)3.2嘴部的表达 (3)3.2.1微笑 (3)3.2.2抿嘴巴 (3)3.2.3咬嘴唇 (4)3.3鼻子的情感表达 (4)第4章非语言沟通中的空间距离54.1公共距离 (5)4.2社交距离 (5)4.3私人距离 (5)4.4亲密距离 (5)第5章非语言沟通中的手势 (6)5.1见面问候 (6)5.2竖手指 (6)5.3打招呼 (6)结论7 参考文献8辞9第1章绪论1.1 研究背景在跨文化商务沟通中,非语言的因素会造成沟通障碍,在此情况下,并不利于建立双方合作伙伴关系,在此我们将做详细分析。
❖ 四大文明古国之一的印度有着鲜明的民族特 色
➢ 官僚主义 ➢ 等级制度——印度自古就有很森严的等级制
度,而且这种与生俱来的等级地位不能像在 中国一样通过考取功名之类的方式得到改变。
第一节 跨文化沟通概述
❖ “地球村”已不再单单是一个概念性的名 词,转瞬间已成为人们生活的一部分,跨 文化沟通也随之成为人们需要面对的问题。
❖ 文化:一个群体所共有的价值观和行为准 则的体系。
❖ 个人空间意识——阿拉伯地区个人距离较小。
❖ 时间观念——在海湾地区,耐心是个重要的 美德。
❖ 宴请——吃饭时,一定要吃很多,以表示你 的感激之情。
❖ 风俗——和其他穆斯林文化一样,左手被认 为是不洁的。吃饭或者给阿拉伯人递东西时, 通常只用右手。
❖ 生意第一
❖ 平等意识和个人主义
❖ 语言和习俗——很少有美国人的外语非常流 利。所以如果你的英语水平不好,就得雇佣 一名翻译,因为别想指望他们会说很好的中 文。
❖ 谈判风格——干脆利落、不兜圈子
Cultural Differences
Silent language /hidden demension: Invisible nonverbal
snapping fingers to call a waiter
Germany/Sweden/China: a sign of rudeness and poor maners
(2) Gestures– point to objects and people
US: ok
Asia: rude
Nodding the head
In north America: up and down: I agree
timely in time in good time at the stated time perfect timing at the appointed time
Space Language
Body distance and body touch Body bubbles
Interpersonal relationship
(1) Posture
deep in thinking or in the blues
attentive and interested
absent-minded or lacking interest
US: confortable, friendly
Arab/ Thailand: the sole should never be pointed in the direction of another person.
• 高语境和低语境的语言 • 语言的多样性 • 数字语言 • 非正式与可选择的语言 • 语言互动的形式 • 线性的和非线性的语言 • 词汇等价 • 寓言和谚语 • 谈话禁忌 • 语言的性质 • 翻译问题 • 使用口译员 • 主方语言 • 思维方式 • 语言和文化相互影响
社会语言学–涉及语言方面的社会影响 和文化差异。人们会通过口音、措辞 和单词用法显示出阶级差别。
• 方言-是与一个国家特定地区相关的非正式单 词和短语。
• y’all (you all ,你将),pop (soda,苏打) 等都是方言。
5. 4 非正式与可选择的语言
• 婉言-是使用较含蓄的语言表达各种强烈的、难 以启齿的话语。这需要使用委婉的手法处理忌讳 的词语。
• 例子:老年人
• 行话-是用于特殊群体专门的术语。
• “既然可以利用时间,为什么要荒废时间?” (Why kill time when one can employ it?) (法国)
• “不义之财必散。”(Wealth which comes in at the door unjustly, goes out at the windows.)(埃及)
• 非线性语言 • 循环的。 • 传统导向的。 • 主观性的。 • 像汉语这种非线性语言,把时间看做循环的,把季节看 做永远重复的模式。
5. 7 词汇等价
• 由于语言会受到文化各个方面的影响,用一 种语言精确地翻译另一种语言的所有单词是 不可能的。
• 存在很多词汇不等价的情况,包括由语言习 惯的等价、语法习惯的等价、经验习惯的等 价以及概念等价造成的问题。
• 例子: 比特。
GBS191.新媒体时代的跨文化商务沟通 跨文化商务沟通课后答案
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5.2.2 Ethnocentrism
Parenting style and Interpersonal networking.
Ethnocentrism, which is, negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standard of one’s own culture.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
• Picture 5
Picture 5 shows different interpersonal relationship Chinese tend to hold a circular social network, thus every dot in the network would have relation with the others, which makes the interpersonal network is pretty intricate. American’s interpersonal networking is relatively simple and straightforward.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
• Picture 2
Picture 2 shows that Chinese and American display contrary social styles Chinese tend to socialize with each other in the same group Americans adore socializing with each other in isolated small groups
Last but not the least, we will explain the strategies for intercultural adaption.
5.1 Defining Intercultural Conflicts
• Cultural conflicts are difficult to resolve as parties to the conflict have different beliefs. Cultural conflicts intensify when those differences become reflected in politics, particularly on a macro level.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
• Picture 4
Unique Chinese national policy of “only child” : one family only has one child, which makes the children as the center of the whole family but different in America.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
• Picture 3.
Picture 3: Power Distance Chinese regard the leader as a very dominating role. in U.S. everyone is born equal, so does the leader, the only difference between a leader and a subordinate is the different duty for them.
Picture 1 illustrates the different views on individuality in Chinese and American perception. American culture: individualism Chinese culture: collectivism
This kind of perception can easily lead to culture conflicts and makes people refuse to be tolerate to the culture diversity of world
5.2.2 Ethnocentrism
5.2 Stemming Causes of Intercultural Conflicts
People in different cultures may want to maintain their cultural identity and just keep the world as a salad bowl.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
Different living environments stimulate people to view the world differently, and these accumulated views on the world mound into shared tradition, customs and then shape the specific culture of a specific group of people.
CHAPTER 5 Intercultural Shock and Culture Adaption
Learning Objectives
Defining intercultural conflicts Understand the causes of intercultural conflicts Understand the culture shock and processes of acculturation Recognize the different modes of acculturation: assimilation ,
Please look at the following five pictures and explain the different aspects affected by cultural differences.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
• Picture 1
integration, separation/ segregation and marginalization Master the stages of intercultural adaption --- U curve and W
curve Perceive culture conflict management strategies and achieve
“A fish out of water” is a popular saying used to express someone who is living in a new culture.
5.3 Defining Culture Shock
The reasons for culture shock can be various: Firstly, the anxiety resulting from losing all our familiar signs. Secondly, the subconscious cures which make what we are
Parenting style and Interpersonal networking.
The other extreme of ethnocentrism is cultural relativism.
It is the idea that a person's beliefs and activities should be understood based on that person's own culture. It involves the view that all cultures are of equal value and the values and behaviors of a culture can only be judged using that culture as a frame of reference.
Cultural Conflict
We will define cultural conflicts at first; and then stem the cause of it;
Moreover, we will explain a typical phenomenon caused by culture conflict: the culture shock, and how to resolve this problem: intercultural adaption / acculturation.
5.3 Defining Culture Shock
According to wikipedia’s definition, culture shock was first introduced by the anthropologist Oberg in 1954, it refers to an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own.
5.2.1 Cultural Differences
All the five pictures illustrate the cultural differences between China and U.S.
They cover the aspects of Individualism vs. Collectivism ; Parenting style and Interpersonal networking.