苏州研工科技-7寸高亮度液晶屏 阳光下可视




1. General Description
The KSN420VN03-A03 is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Light Emitting Diode (LED) b ac k l i g ht s ys t em . T he m a t r i x em p l o ys a - S i T h i n F i lm T r an s is t or a s t he a c t i v e e l em en t . It is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 41.92 inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot. Therefore, it can present a palette of more than 16.7M(true) colors. It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.



灯管类型: CCFL 灯管数量: 2 pcs 灯管形状: 直条 灯管寿命: 10000(最小值)(小时) 单一灯管电压: 380±40V 单一灯管电流: 3.0/6.5/7.0mA (Min./Typ./Max.) 灯管工作频率: 30/70KHz(Min./Max.) 灯管启动电压: 950/1100V(Max.)(Ta=+25/-10℃) 灯管总功率: 5.0/5.9W(Typ.Max.) 接口类型: Connector 接口品牌: JST 接口型号: BHR-02(8.0)VS-1N 接口脚距: 8.0mm 接口数量: 2 pcs 接口脚数: 2 pins 接口定义: BLL-2PINS-HL 背光电路: 无
面板尺寸: 7.0(英寸) 点分辨率: 480(RGB)×234 宽 高 比: 16:9(宽:高) 像素排列: RGB Vertical Stripe 像素间距: 0.324×0.375 mm (横*竖) 面板重量: 285±20g 表面处理: 雾面 显示区域: 155.52×87.75 mm (横*竖) 外观尺寸: 173.0×106.0 mm (横*竖) 外观尺寸: 14.7 (Typ.) mm (厚度) 触 摸 屏: 无
显示模式: TN,常白显示,透射式 面板亮度: 300cd/㎡ (Typ.) 对 比 度: 60:1(Min.)(透射) 显示颜色: 全色 响应时间: 30/50 (Typ.)(Tr/Td) 可视角度: 65/65/40/65 (Typ.)(CR≥5) (左/右/上/下) 最佳视角: 6 o'clock 白色色度: X:0.313; Y:0.329
基本信息 结构特征
光学特性 电子特性 信号接口
面板品牌: 夏普 面板型号: LQ070T5BG01 面板类型: a-Si TFT-LCD 应用产品: 可视门铃、数码相框 工作温度: 0~65℃ 存储温度: -25~70℃ RoHS遵从: None RoHS 显著特征: 上/下,左/右翻转显示;宽屏;表面雾面N: Embedded T-CON



迈睿·智能LED 台灯使用说明书感谢您选用迈睿智能LED 台灯,使用前请仔细阅读本说明。

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1. 产品名称:智能LED 台灯2. 产品型号:MRT-05-023. 产品特点·使用高质量LED 光源,无频闪、无眩光、使用寿命长。





4. 结构图图4.1 台灯结构图a 光感应窗口开关b 控制按键,c LCD 屏d 探测距离档位开关e 工作模式开关f 适配器接口g 电池盒5. 主要规格参数5.1 光源功率:4W ,整机功率:6W 。

5.2 液晶显示屏:59 mm *33mm(L*W),黑底蓝字(台灯点亮时) 5.3 台灯最高亮度:≥700lux ,守候亮度:≥70lux 5.4 最低功耗:<0.5W 5.5 色温:4500K 。

5.6 显色指数:≥805.6 供电方式:LCD 显示屏用两节7号电池供电,台灯用适配器(输入100~240Vac ,输出15Vdc )供电6. 首次使用6.1 显示屏初始化:电池盒内装入两节7号干电池后,自动播放10秒开机音乐,10秒后进入LCD 显示屏主界面。

6.2 开机自检:台灯通过适配器接入电源后,进入如下自检过程:台灯全亮10秒后关闭,进入待机状态。


7. 工作模式7.1 探测距离选择拨动探测距离档位开关d ,可选择如下三档探测距离:1:0.8m-1.8m 3:2.0m-3.5m 2:探测距离介于1和3之间。

7.2 工作模式选择拨动工作模式开关e ,可选择如下三种工作模式:ON :台灯常亮 OFF :台灯关闭 AUTO :台灯进入智能工作模式,详见7.3。

可攜式投影機 V300X V260X V230X V260 V230 使用手冊说明书

可攜式投影機 V300X V260X V230X V260 V230 使用手冊说明书
2011 年 1 月第一版
DLP 和 BrilliantColor 是 Texas Instruments (德州儀器有限公司)的商標。 IBM 爲 International Business Machines Corporation (國際商業機器公司)的商標或註冊商標。 Macintosh, Mac OS X 和 PowerBook 爲 Apple Inc. (蘋果公司)在美國和其他國家註冊的商標。 Microsoft、Windows、Windows Vista、Internet Explorer、 .NET Framework 和 PowerPoint 爲 Microsoft Corporation (微軟公司)在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標。 MicroSaver 爲 ACCO 品牌的一個分公司 Kensington Computer Products Group 的註冊商標。 Virtual Remote Tool (虛擬遙控工具)使用 WinI2C/DDC library, © Nicomsoft Ltd。 HDMI、HDMI 標誌和 High-Definition Multimedia Interface 爲 HDMI Licensing LLC.的商標或註冊商標。
切勿讓紙夾和紙屑等異物掉入投影機內。切勿試圖找回可能掉入投影機內的任何物品。切勿將鐵絲或者螺絲起子 等金屬物體插入投影機內。若發現有物體掉入投影機內部,須立即斷開電源,然後委託有維修資格的維修服務人 員取出物體。 切勿在投影機上面放置任何物體。 雷雨天不要觸摸電源插頭。此舉可能引起電擊或者火災。 投影機規定操作電源爲 200-240 伏特 50/60 赫茲交流電。在使用投影機之前,須確認所用電源是否符合本投影機 要求。 切勿在投影機啓動狀態下窺視鏡頭。此舉會導致眼睛嚴重受傷。

JHD 新品介绍(7寸TFT控制方案)9-25

JHD 新品介绍(7寸TFT控制方案)9-25

3.2, 背光驱动电路
3.2.1 内置背光驱动IC,实现恒流驱动,延长背光寿命. 3.2.2 背光开关可控:客户可根据自身需要实现背光的开关控制. 3.2.3 背光亮度可调:带PWM调节功能,客户只需对PWM寄存器设置相应的参数即 能灵活实现背光的PWM亮度调节功能.
给用户的标准 TFT接口
产品背面有控制板:提供给用户的有标准TFT驱动接口 和USB接口,用户可选其中任何一种来驱动
SD/TF卡 槽
3.6 触摸屏驱动
3.6.1 内置四线电阻触摸屏驱动电路,可根据用户的需求来选择是否增加此部分电路。 3.6.2 最高支持12 bit ADC,能满足大部分四线电阻触摸屏的精度.
1.1 7寸TFT+TFT控制器+MCU(可选)架构 ,可以满足客户端灵活选择相应的驱动方案; 1.2. MCU内置USB驱动,支持USB2.0协议,向下兼容; 1.3. 预留32PIN标准的TFT MCU驱动接口,支持I8080和M6800时序; 1.4. 可灵活选择电源:外部电源或USB供电,如果选择 外部电源, 有+5V和+3.3V可供选择; 1.5. 内部已经集成LCD所有驱动电压,无需客户设计升压电路, 用户只需提供LCD控制器所需的信号就能正常驱动点亮TFT屏; 1.6. 背光驱动电压可选内部产生也可用户自己提供; 1.7. 内部集成通用SD卡作为存储媒介,可满足用户大容量存储; 1.8. 预留触摸屏驱动电路,可根据用户需求增加触摸屏驱动电路; 1.9. 可用于工控及其它终端显示领域。



( ) Preliminary Specification ( v ) Final SpecificationModule 24.0” Color TFT-LCD Model NameKSN240SN01-A01Customer Date Approved by Note: This Specification is subject to changewithout notice.Content1HANDLING PRECKSNTIONS (4)2GENERAL DESCRIPTION (5)2.1.Display Characteristics (5)2.2.Optical Characteristics (6)3FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (10)4ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (11)4.1.TFT LCD Module (11)4.2.Backlight Unit (11)4.3.Absolute Ratings of Environment (11)5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (13)5.1.TFT LCD Module (13)5.1.1.Power Specification (13)5.1.2.Signal Electrical Characteristics (14)5.2.Backlight Unit (16)6SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS (17)6.1Pixel Format Definition (17)6.2Input Data Format Definition (17)6.3Signal Description (18)6.4Timing Characteristics (20)6.5Timing Diagram (21)6.6Power ON/OFF Sequence (22)7CONNECTOR AND PIN ASSIGNMENT (23)7.1TFT LCD Module (23)7.1.1Pin Assignment (23)7.2LED Connector on Backlight Unit (24)7.2.1LED Pin assignment (24)7.2.2LED Mating housing dimension (25)8RELIABILITY TEST (26)9SHIPPING LABEL (27)10MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS (28)11PACKING SPECIFICATION (29)11.1Packing Flow (29)Records of RevisionVersion and Date Page Old description New Description Remark 1.0 First version release1 Handling Precautions1)Since front polarizer is easily damaged, pay attention not to scratch it.2)Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3)Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration or spots.4)When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or other soft cloth.5)Since the panel is made of glass, it may break or crack if dropped or bumped on hard surface.6)Since CMOS LSI is used in this module, take care of static electricity and insure human earthwhen handling.7)Do not open or modify the Module Assembly.8)Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any directions.9)In case if a Module has to be put back into the packing container slot after once it was taken outfrom the container, do not press the center of LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10)At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nor tilt theInterface Connector of the TFT Module.11)After installation of the TFT Module into an enclosure, do not twist nor bend the TFT Moduleeven momentary. At designing the enclosure, it should be taken into consideration that no bending/twisting forces are applied to the TFT Module from outside. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.12)Small amount of materials having no flammability grade is used in the LCD module. The LCDmodule should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13)Avoid touching COF position while doing mechanical design.14)While storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary:Store modules in a dark place. Do not expose them to sunlight or fluorescent light.Keep the temperature between 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.2 General DescriptionThis specification applies to the 24 inch-FHD color a-Si TFT-LCD Module KSN240SN01-A01. The display supports the FHD - 1920(H) x 1080(V) screen format and 16.7M colors (RGB 6-bit + Hi-FRC data). The light source of this TFT-LCD module is W-LED. All input signals are 2-channel LVDS interface and this module doesn’t contain a driver for backlight.2.1. Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25°C condition:Items Unit SpecificationScreen Diagonal [mm] 609.7 (24.0”)Active Area [mm] 531.36 (H) x 298.89 (V)Pixels H x V 1920(x3) x 1080Pixel Pitch [um] 276.75 (per one triad) ×276.75Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical StripeDisplay Mode TN Mode, Normally WhiteWhite Luminance ( Center ) [cd/m2]1000 cd/m2 (Typ.)Contrast Ratio 1000 (Typ.)Optical Response Time [msec] 5ms (Typ., on/off)Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] + 5.0 VPower Consumption (VDD line + LED line) [Watt]17.55wattWeight [g] 1885gPhysical Size [mm] 556.0 (W) x 323.2 (H) x 11.5(D) (Typ.) Electrical Interface Dual channel LVDSSupport Color 16.7M colors (RGB 6-bit + Hi_FRC) Surface Treatment Anti-Glare, 3HTemperature RangeOperating Storage (Shipping) [°C][°C]0 to +50-20 to +60RoHS Compliance RoHS Compliance TCO Compliance TCO 6.0 Compliance2.2. Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25°C:ItemUnitConditions Min.Typ. Max. NoteHorizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 75 75 85 85 - - Vertical (Up)CR = 10 (Down) 70 70 80 80 -Horizontal (Right) CR = 5 (Left) 75 75 88 88 - Viewing Angle[degree]Vertical (Up)CR = 5 (Down)70 70 85 85 -2Contrast RatioNormal Direction 600 1000 3 Rising Time (TrR)- 3.5 5.7 Falling Time (TrF) - 1.5 2.3 Response Time[msec]Rising + Falling - 5 8 4Red x 0.615 0.645 0.675 Red y0.302 0.332 0.362 Green x 0.285 0.315 0.345 Green y 0.589 0.619 0.649 Blue x 0.121 0.151 0.181 Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE)Blue y0.035 0.065 0.095 White x 0.2830.313 0.343Color Coordinates (CIE) White White y0.2990.329 0.359 5 Central Luminance [cd/m2]900 1100 - 6 Luminance Uniformity [%] 7580- 7 Crosstalk (in 60Hz) [%] 1.5 8 FlickerdB-209Note 1: Measurement MethodThe LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 30 minutes to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring (at surface 35°C). In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement should be executed after lighting Backlight for 30 minutes in a stable, windless and dark room.Note 2: Definition of Viewing Angle measured by ELDIM (EZContrast 88)Viewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio ≧10, at the screen center, over a 180°horizontal and 180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as follows; 90° (θ) horizontal left and right and 90° (Φ) vertical, high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated about its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.Note 3: Contrast Ratio measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 4: Definition of Response time measured by Westar TRD-100AThe output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “Full Black” to “Full White” (rising time, T rR ), and from “Full White” to “Full Black” (falling time, T rF ), respectively. The response time is interval between the 10% and 90% (1 frame at 60 Hz) of amplitudes.T rRrF Algorithm:┃Gray Level A – Gray Level B ┃≧16, then the average gray to gray response time is 2 ms,(F= 60 Hz).Note 5: Color Chromaticity and Coordinates (CIE) measured by TOPCON SR-3 Note 6: Central Luminance measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 7: Luminance Uniformity of these 9 points defined as below and measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 8: Crosstalk defined as below and measured by TOPCON SR-3CT = | YB – YA | / YA × 100 (%)WhereYA = Luminance of measured location without gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2)YB = Luminance of measured location with gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2)Note 9: Test Pattern Sub-checker Pattern measured by TOPCON SR-3R G B R G B R G B R G B R G B R G BMethod: Record dBV & DC value with TRD-100Gray Level = L127Gray Level = L0 Amplitude3 Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 24.0 inch Color TFT-LCD Module:4 Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings of the module are listed as follows: 4.1. TFT LCD Module4.2. Backlight UnitItemSymbol Min Max Unit Conditions IRLED1IRLED2 IRLED3 LED orward CurrentIRLED4 0 150 [mA]Note 1,2,5 100% dutyIPLED1IPLED2 IPLED3 LED Forward CurrentIPLED4- 210[mA]Note 1,2,5 10% duty @100HzLED forward Voltage variation(per string variation)Vf- 1.8 [Volt]Note 1,24.3. Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItemSymbol Min. Max. Unit Conditions Operating Temperature TOP 0 +50 [°C] Note 3Glass Surface Temperature (Operation)TGS 0 +65 [°C] Note3 Note4 Operation Humidity HOP 5 90 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -20 +60 [°C] Storage HumidityHST590[%RH]Note 3Note 1: With in Ta (25°C)Note 2: Permanent damage to the device may occur if exceeding maximum values Note 3: Temperature and relative humidity range are shown as the below figure.1. 90% RH Max ( Ta ≦39°C)2. Max wet-bulb temperature at 39°C or less. ( Ta 39°C)3. No condensation Note 4: Function Judged onlyNote 5: IRLED1,2,3,4 and IPLED1,2,3,4 define as per strings LED current.ItemSymbol Min Max Unit Conditions Logic/LCD DriveVDD-0.36.0[Volt]Note 1, 2Operating Range Storage Range5 Electrical Characteristics5.1. TFT LCD Module 5.1.1. Power SpecificationInput power specifications are listed as follows:Note 1: Measurement Conditions:The duration of rising time of power input is 470 us.Symbol Description Min Typ. Max Unit ConditionsVDDLogic/LCD DriveVoltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 [Volt] +/-10%-0.650.78[A]VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern at 60 HzIDD1Input Current- 0.8 0.96 [A] VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern at 75 Hz -3.253.9[Watt]VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern at 60 HzPDD1VDD Power-4 4.8 [Watt] VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern at 75 Hz IRush Inrush Current - - 3 [A]Note 1VDDrpAllowable Logic/LCD Drive Ripple Voltage--500[mV] p-p VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern at 75 Hz5.1.2. Signal Electrical Characteristics(1) DC Characteristics of each signal are as following:Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units ConditionsV TH Differential Input HighThreshold - +100[mV]V CM= 1.2VNote1V TL Differential Input LowThreshold -100 -[mV]V CM = 1.2VNote 1│V ID│Input DifferentialVoltage 100 - 600[mV] Note 1V CMDifferential InputCommon Mode Voltage+1.0 +1.2 +1.5[V]V TH-V TL = 200MV (max)Note1Note 1:LVDS Signal Waveform(2) AC CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionMin Max UnitsConditionsF DEV Maximum deviation of input clock frequency during SSC- ± 3 % F MODMaximum modulation frequency of input clock during SSC-200KHzF F min < Spread Spectrum>Time5.2. Backlight UnitParameter guideline for LED driving is under stable conditions at 25°C (Room Temperature): Symbol Description Min.Typ. Max. Unit NoteIRLED LED Operation Current - 120 130 [mA]Note 1VLB Light Bar Operation Voltage(for reference)- 29.7 32.4 [Volt] Note 2PBLU BLU Power Consumption (for reference)- 14.3 16.3 [Watt]Note 3LTLED LED Life Time (Typical) 30,000- - [Hour]Note 4Each module consists of 36 pcs LED ( 4 strings x 9 pcs / string )Note 1: The specified current is 100% duty of LED chip input current, IRLED1,2,3,4 define as per strings LED current. Note 2: The value showed is one string operation voltage.Note 3:PBLU= VLB *( IRLED1+IRLED2+IRLED3+IRLED4)Note 4: Definition of life time: Brightness becomes to 50% of its original value. The minimum life time of LED unit is on the condition of IRLED = 120mA and 25±2°C (Room Temperature).6 Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format DefinitionFollowing figure shows the relationship between the input signals and LCD pixel format.6.2 Input Data Format DefinitionNote 1: R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSB O = “Odd Pixel Data” E = “Even Pixel Data”6.3 Signal DescriptionPIN #SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION1RxO0-Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)2RxO0+Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)3RxO1-Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)4RxO1+Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)5RxO2-Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data, DSPTMG) 6RxO2+Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data, DSPTMG) 7GND Power Ground8RxOCLK-Negative LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)9RxOCLK+Positive LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)10RxO3-Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)11RxO3+Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)12RxE0-Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)13RxE0+Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)14GND Power Ground15RxE1-Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)16RxE1+Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)17GND Power Ground18RxE2-Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)19RxE2+Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)20RxECLK-Negative LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)21RxECLK+Positive LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)22RxE3-Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)23RxE3+Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)24GND Power Ground25NC No connection (for KSN test only. Do not connect)26NC No connection (for KSN test only. Do not connect)27NC No connection (for KSN test only. Do not connect)28VDD Power +5V29VDD Power +5V30VDD Power +5VNote 1: Input signals of odd and even clock shall be the same timing.6.4 Timing CharacteristicsThe input signal timing specifications are shown as the following tableSignalItemSymbolMinTypMaxUnitPeriod Tv 1092 1130 1818 Th Active Tdisp(v) 1080 1080 1080 Th Vertical SectionBlanking Tblk(v) 12 50 738 Th Period Th 1034 1050 1100 Tclk Active Tdisp(h) 960 960 960 Tclk Horizontal SectionBlanking Tblk(h) 74 90 140 Tclk Period Tclk 10.6 14.0 17.7 Ns Clock Frequency Freq 56.5 71.2 94 MHz Frame rate Frame rate VFreq 50 60 76 Hz Hsync FrequencyHsync FrequencyHFreq556891KHzNote 1: DE mode only6.5 Timing DiagramLineLinePixel 7Invalid DataPixel Pixel M-32Tdisp(h)Pixel 1Pixel Pixel Invalid Data6M-2M-1RGB DataXPixel DEPixel Pixel CLKN3LineLine32Tdisp(v)Pixel RGB Data (Odd)RGB Data (Even)Line8MPixel M pixelM-4Invalid DataThTvPixel NTclkPixel M-5Invalid Data4Pixel 5Invalid Data12Pixel Invalid Data1DE4Pixel 119LineN L i n eTblk(h)10Pixel Pixel YTblk(v)M-1Pixel Pixel MPixel M-3M-2Pixel Pixel Pixel 14Pixel 3Pixel 2M-4Pixel Pixel M-5M-6Pixel M-7Pixel Th6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence are as follows. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Power Sequence TimingValueParameterMin.Typ.Max.UnitT1 0.5 - 10 [ms] T2 0 - 50[ms] T3 500 - - [ms] T4 100 - - [ms] T5 0 - 50 [ms] Note1,2 T6 0 - 100 [ms] Note1,2 T71000--[ms]Note1 : Recommend setting T5 = 0ms to avoid electronic noise when VDD is off.Note2 : During T5 and T6 period , please keep the level of input LVDS signals with Hi-Z state.Power Supply VDDLVDS SignalBacklight On7 Connector and Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT LCD ModuleConnector Name / Designation Interface Connector / Interface CardManufacturer P-TWO STMType Part Number MSCKT2407P30HB (STM) AL230F-K0S1D-P (P-TWO)Mating Housing Part Number FI-X30HL (Locked Type)7.1.1 Pin AssignmentPin# Signal Name Pin# Signal Name1 RxO0-2 RxO0+3 RxO1-4 RxO1+5 RxO2-6 RxO2+7 GND 8 RxOCLKIN-9 RxOCLKIN+ 10 RxO3-11 RxO3+ 12 RxE0-13 RxE0+ 14 GND15 RxE1- 16 RxE1+17 GND 18 RxE2-19 RxE2+ 20 RxECLKIN-21 RxECLKIN+ 22 RxE3-23 RxE3+ 24 GND25 NC(for KSN test only. Do notconnect)26 NC(for KSN test only. Do notconnect)27 NC(for KSN test only. Do notconnect)28 VDD29 VDD 30 VDD7.2 LED Connector on Backlight UnitThis connector is mounted on LED light bar.Connector Name / Designation Light Bar ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.Type Part Number 3707K-S06N-21 (BLACK) (Locking Type, Wire Harness)7.2.1 LED Pin assignmentPin# Signal Name1 IRLED1 (current out)2 IRLED2 (current out)3 VLED (voltage in)4 VLED (voltage in)5 IRLED3 (current out)6 IRLED4 (current out)LED Connector Dimension=H=××××=DVPitch(0.1)25,.49.7mmunit5.67.2.2 LED Mating housing dimension8 Reliability TestEnvironment test conditions are listed as following table.Note 1: The TFT-LCD module will not sustain damage after being subjected to 100 cycles of rapid temperature change.A cycle of rapid temperature change consists of varying the temperature from -20°C to 60°C, and back again. Power is not applied during the test. After temperature cycling, the unit is placed in normal room ambient for at least 4 hours before power on.Note 2: EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Certain performance degradation allowed:No data lostSelf-recoverableNo hardware failures9 Shipping LabelThe label on the panel is shown as below:10Mechanical Characteristicsdocument version 1.0 2811 Packing Specification 11.1 Packing Flow11.2 Pallet and Shipment InformationNote 1: Estimated value which is subject to change based on real measured data.。

友达全视角7寸工业液晶屏-G070VVN01.2 工控屏

友达全视角7寸工业液晶屏-G070VVN01.2 工控屏

LCD液晶屏: 友达全视角7寸工业液晶屏-G070VVN01.2 工控屏品牌友达(AUO)面板型号G070VVN01.2工作温度-20 ~70°C存储温度-30 ~ 80°C作业湿度5-95 (%RH)保存湿度5-95 (%RH)当前生产状态量产中液晶屏尺寸7英寸点分辨率800(RGB)*480(WXGA)像素密度133PPI像素排列RGB垂直条状宽高比15:9(宽:高)点间距0.0635*0.1905mm(横*竖)像素间距0.1905*0.1905mm(横*竖)液晶屏重量143g(Typ.)表面处理雾面,Hard Coating(3H)显示区域152.4*91.44mm(横*竖)可视区域154.2*93.2mm(横*竖)外观尺寸164.55*104.71mm(横*竖)外观尺寸8.5(Max.) mm (厚度)触摸屏带触摸屏(投射电容屏)显示模式MVA,常黑显示,透射式液晶屏亮度600cd/m2 (Typ.)对比度1500:1 (Typ.) (透射)显示颜色262K/16.2M (6-bit / 6-bit + FRC)显示色域70%NTSC(CIE1931)响应时间10/25(Typ.)(Tr/Td)(ms)可视角度80/80/80/80 (Typ.)(CR≥10) (左/右/上/下) 最佳视角全视角白色色度X:0.311; Y:0.328白场变动 1.25 (Max.)(9 points)灯管位置侧入式光源光源类型WLED灯管数量7S2P灯管形状阵列灯管数量 4 strings光源寿命30K(Min.)(小时)单灯电压22.4/25.2V(Typ./Max.)单灯电流120mA(Typ.)灯管功率总耗 2.69/3.03W (Typ./Max.)背光电路无信号大类TTL信号小类Parallel RGB(1 ch, 6/8-bit)面板电压 3.3V (Typ.)面板电流160/197mA (Typ./Max)面板功率528/650mW(Typ./Max)接口类型端子接口脚距 1.25 mm接口数量 1 pcs接口脚数20 pins●补充说明:以上资料仅供参考,如有某项不准确,可以联系我们客服提供产品的规格资料,产品均以pdf规格为准。



外观颜色 机箱 面板 外观尺寸 工作温度 工作湿度 电源电压 通讯方式 主控器 最优识别距离 最大识别⻆度 语音对讲
香槟金 1.5mm钣金喷塑工艺 防眩光AG玻璃 380*344*1500mm -25℃〜70℃ ≤95%,无凝露 AC220V±10%50Hz TCP/IP通讯 ⻋牌识别控制器+无刷道闸控制器 3~5M ⻋牌与⻋道夹⻆≤45° 对讲距离≤1米
富士智能 ,成立于2004年 ,是智能出入口管理设备供 应商 、出入口管理系统解决方案提供商 ,智慧生态 环境 解 决方案专业供应商。
富 士 智 能,坚 持 以 人 为 本 、以 质 量 求 生 存 、以 服 务 创 市 场的信念,⻓期致力于智慧社区、智慧写字楼、智慧商业综 合体 、智慧景区、智慧园区 、智慧 校园 等 智慧生态 环境建 设 ,持续为数十万场景守好⻔ 、把好关 、收好费 ,已经成为 出入口智能管理和智慧城市生态环境建设的重要实践者、 推动者和引领者。
306 mm
230 mm
w w w. f u j i c a . c o m . c n
采用高强度新合金科技材料打造,无惧岁月洗礼,品质坚若磐石 17英寸LCD高亮触摸屏可显示停⻋时⻓、收费信息等,闲时可播放 广 告 或物管通知,为物业增值创收的同时提高管理效率 全方位出入方式:动态二维码、⻋牌识别等多种出入方式,安全、高效、 顺畅通行 多样化缴费形式:支持使用微信/支付宝/聚合码等扫码( 主扫/被扫)缴 费出场,支持使用现金缴费出场,可通过微信扫码找零 支持电子发票 一键问询:⻋主可通过远程协助按钮一键发起远程服务请求,与服务中 心进行双向语音通话,迅速获取人性化服务 远程对讲:支持服务中心主动远程连接现场,为⻋主提供协助服务 ,从 而打造无人值守的工作环境,彻底取代值守岗亭,降低人力成本 具备出色的系统稳定性、扩展性及实用性,适用于各种高端停⻋场

Source 智能中控 7寸 使用说明书

Source 智能中控 7寸 使用说明书

MGWSIPD-LK.18 Source 智能中控 7寸使用说明书产品概述Source 智能中控 7寸是一款带语音控制的智能中控面板。





支持多台Source 智能中控同时使用,具备主从网关功能,语音控制支持就近唤醒控制。



Source 智能中控 7寸Source_Buspro底座Source_KNX底座Source_Zigbee底座01底座功能可选配的底座共有3款:Source_Zigbee底座、Source_Buspro底座、Source_KNX底座。

02Source 智能中控 7寸面板尺寸图 - 侧面 部件图 - 顶部扬声器 部件图 - 底部扬声器TF卡卡槽 螺丝孔 Reset键 温湿度传感器麦克风 手动拨片尺寸图 - 正面03部件图 - 背面(带金属支架)Source_Zigbee底座Source_KNX底座尺寸图 - 侧面 尺寸图 - 正面 部件图 - 背面交流电输继电器回路尺寸图 - 侧面 尺寸图 - 正面部件图 - 背面交流电输继电器回路Source_Buspro底座尺寸图 - 侧面 尺寸图 - 正面 部件图 - 背面交流电输继电器回路04产品信息05安装说明安装前,关闭总电源,确认线路没有带电。




③①②注意:• 如果只配置1个底座,安装在卡位1。

• 如果配置2个底座,分别安装在卡位1、卡位2。

• 现场如果有网线,请连接至卡位1的底座。



Note (1) The ranges of temperature and relative humidity are shown in the graph below. 90% RH Max. (The temperature of Ta shall be over 39℃.) The maximum temperature of wet–bulb shall be less than 39℃. No condensation
mm mm mm Note(1) g
Weight | A - B | ≤ Horizontal Spec | C - D | ≤ Vertical Spec
NOTE (1) Measure the figure for Black Matrix shift to be recorded on the spec. with referring to the drawings.
General Information
High contrast ratio & aperture ratio with the wide color SPVA(Patterned Vertical Align) mode Wide viewing angle (±178°) High speed response (with DCC circuit) Wide UXGA (1,920 x 1,080 pixels, 16:9) Edge LED (Light Emitted Diode) BLU 2D : 2ch LVDS 10bit Input interface 3D : 2ch LVDS 10bit Input interface The interface (2pixel/clock) of LVDS serial interface Items



Product ( ) Product Information ( ) Preliminary Specification ( √ ) Approval SpecificationAny modification of Spec isCUSTOMER G/A Customers DATE OF ISSUE12/27Customer Approval & FeedbackApproved byPrepared byLCD Sales & Marketing Team KINSOON Product Specificationroduct Information) Preliminary Specification ) Approval Specification Any modification of Spec is not allowed without SDC’s permission G/A Customers MODEL NO. 12/27/2012EXTENSION CODECustomer Approval & Feedback12/27/201212/27/2012Display Co., LtdSpecification not allowed without SDC’s permission K SN550SN02-A 02Table of ContentsREVISION HISTORY …………………………………………………………………………………………………GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...…………………………………………………………………………………………1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS 1.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS1.3 THE OTHERS ABSOLUTE RATINGS2. APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR DID(DIGITAL INFORMATION DISPLAY)3. OPTICAL CHARATERISTICS ……………………………………………………………………………………4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 TFT LCD MODULE …………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2 BACK LIGHT UNIT ……………………………………………………………………………………4.3 CONDITION & SPECIFICATION OF CONVERTER’S INPUT5. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT 5.1 INPUT SIGNAL & POWER 5.2 CONFIGUARATION OF INPUT PIN OF CONVERTER 5.3 THE POWER SEQUENCE FOR INPUTTING TO THE CONVERTER 5.4 LVDS INTERFACE ………………………………………………………………………………………5.5 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS AND GRAY SCALE6. INTERFACE TIMING 6.1 TIMING PARAMETERS (DE ONLY MODE) 6.2 TIMING DIAGRAMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL (DE ONLY MODE) 6.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF INPUT DATA OF LVDS6.4 THE SEQUENCE OF POWER ON AND OFF OUTLINE DIMENSION ………………………………………7. RELIABILITY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………8. PACKING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………9. MARKINGS & OTHERS …….…………………………………………………………………………………10. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS ………………………………………………………1.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS ………………………………………………………………ABSOLUTE RATINGS ………………………………………………………………2. APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR DID(DIGITAL INFORMATION DISPLAY) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………ISTICS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CONDITION & SPECIFICATION OF CONVERTER’S INPUT ……………………………………. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT .1 INPUT SIGNAL & POWER …………………………………………………………………………CONFIGUARATION OF INPUT PIN OF CONVERTER …………………………………………THE POWER SEQUENCE FOR INPUTTING TO THE CONVERTER …………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS AND GRAY SCALE …………………………….1 TIMING PARAMETERS (DE ONLY MODE) …………………………………………………….2 TIMING DIAGRAMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL (DE ONLY MODE) ………………………….3 CHARACTERISTICS OF INPUT DATA OF LVDS ……………………………………………….4 THE SEQUENCE OF POWER ON AND OFF ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 ………………………………………………………… 6 …………………………………………………………………. 7 ………………………………………………………………….7 ……………….…….. 8 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9 ………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13 ……………………………………13 …………………………………………………………………………... 14 ………………………… 16 ………………................. 16 ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 ……………………………..18 ……………………………………………………..... 19 …………………………... 20 …………………………………………………. 21 …………………………………………………….....23 ........................................................ 24 ........................................................................................................................... 26 ............................................................................................................................... 27 ................................................................................................... 28 .. (29)REVISION HISTORYDate. Rev.No. Page 12/27/2012 000 all Revision Description First issuedDESCRIPTIONThis model uses a display PBA and BLU(Back light Unit) Ass’y. This display up to 16.7 Million colors with the wide viewing angle of 89° or higher in all directions.FEATURESHigh contrast ratio & aperture ratio with the wide color gamut SVA(Super Vertical Align) mode Wide viewing angle (±178°) High speed responseFHD(1920X1080) resolution (16:9) Edge LED(Light Emitted Diode) BLU RoHS compliance (Pb-free) Low power consumption DE(Data Enable) mode2 Channel LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface The interface (2pixel/clock) of LVDS serial interface Landscape / Portrait type compatible High Tni Liquid Crystal (85°C)APPLICATIONSDigital Information Display (DID) High Definition Public MonitorGENERAL INFORMATIONItems Active Display area Switching ComponentsModule Size Weight Display colors Number of pixels Pixel Arrangement Display Mode Surface Treatment Luminance of WhiteGENERAL DESCRIPTIONliquid crystal display (LCD) that uses amorphous silicon TFT(Thin Film Transistor) as switching components. This model is composed of a TFT LCD panel, a driver circuit, and . 55.0” Million colors with the wide viewing angle of 89° or higher in all directions.with the wide color gamut Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface The interface (2pixel/clock) of LVDS serial interface Portrait type compatible GENERAL INFORMATIONSpecification 1209.6(H) X 680.4(V) a-Si TFT active matrix 1242.2(H) x 713.0(V)10.8(D) 15,200 16.7M (8bits-True) 1,920 x 1,080 RGB Vertical stripe Normally Black Haze 44% / 3H1500(Typ)FT(Thin switching components. This model is composed of a TFT LCD panel, a driver circuit, and ass’y KIT of source 0” model has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) can Million colors with the wide viewing angle of 89° or higher in all directions. Unit NoteTypTyp g Typ Color Pixel 16:9Anti-Glarecd/m 2MECHANICAL INFORMATIONItemMin.ModuleSizeHorizontal (H) 1241Vertical (V) 712.0Depth (D) 9.8BezelOpenHorizontal (H)Vertical (V)BlackMatrixShiftHorizontal (H)Vertical (V)WeightNote (1) Measure the figure for Black- | A - B | Horizontal Spec- | C - D | Vertical SpecNote (2) Measure point of DepthMECHANICAL INFORMATIONMin. Typ. Max. Unit1241.2 1242.2 1243.2 mm712.0 713.0 714.0 mm9.8 10.8 12.8 mm- 1216.6 -mm-687.4 -mm-- 2.0 mm-- 2.0 mm- 15,200 16,200 glack Matrix shift to be recorded on the spec. with referring to the drawings Horizontal SpecNoteMinimum Depth (2)(1)to be recorded on the spec. with referring to the drawings.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSNote (1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. a. 90 % RH Max. (Ta ≤ 39 °C) b. Relative Humidity is 90% c. No condensationNote (2) 11ms half sine wave, one time for Note (3) 10-300 Hz, Sweep rate 10min, 30min for X,Y,Z axis Note (4) The fixture for the test of the vibration and shock, which holds the module to be tested shall be hard and rigid in order for the module not to be twisted or bent by the fixture.Note (5) Definition of Test pointItemStorage temperature Operation Temperature Humidity of storage Operating humidity Glass surface Temperature (Operation)Center T UniformityShock ( non-operating ) Vibration (non-operating)1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ABSOLUTE RATINGSNote (1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. (Ta ≤ 39 °C) or less. (Ta > 39 °C) ave, one time for X, ±Y, ±Z axis.min, 30min for X,Y,Z axis.rigid in order for the module not to be twisted or bent by the fixture.Symbol Min. Max. Unit T STG -20 65 T OPR 0 50 H SUR 5 90 %RH H OPR 20 90 %RH T CENTER 0 50 T- 10 Snop(X,Y) - 30 Snop(Z) - 30 V nop-1.5) The fixture for the test of the vibration and shock, which holds the module to be tested shall be hardUnit Note °C (1) °C (1) %RH %RH °C°C G (2), (4) G(3), (4)1.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS(1) TFT LCD MODULENote (1) Within Ta (25 ± 2 °C )(2) The permanent damage or defect to the device may occur if the panel is operated at the figure set, which exceeds a limit of maximum value stated in the former spec.limited to the conditions described above under normal(2) BACKLIGHT UNIT1.3 The Others Absolute RatingsSTATIC ELECTRICITY PRESSURE RSISTANCEItemSymbolInput Supply Voltage / ConverterVccItemCONTACT DISCHARGEAIR DISCHARGELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGSThe permanent damage or defect to the device may occur if the panel is operated at the figure set, of maximum value stated in the former spec. The functional operation should be limited to the conditions described above under normal operating conditions.The Others Absolute RatingsSTATIC ELECTRICITY PRESSURE RSISTANCEMin.Typ. Max.22 24 26 Symbol150pF, 330Ω, ± 10kV, 200points, 1 time/point150pF, 330Ω, ± 20kV, 200points, 1 time/point The permanent damage or defect to the device may occur if the panel is operated at the figure set, The functional operation should be operating conditions. UnitNoteVMin.OperatingOperating2. APPLICATION INFORMATION FORA DID’s screen may display the sudden image such as an image To extend the lifetime and optimize a function of module, the below conditions are required.2.1 Normal operating condition a. Temperature: 20 ±15°C b. Humidity: 55 ±20 %c. Display pattern: Moving image or image, which2.2 The operating conditions when the module is opera condition.a. Ambient condition-It is recommended to set the DID up in the well b. The function of power off and screen saver -The function of periodical power in the long-term.2.3 Operating conditions to prevent t the static image in the long a. The proper operating time: Under b. The moving image shall be inserted between the static displays periodically. -The refresh time for liquid crystal is needed.c. The periodic changing of background color and character’s color(image)-Use the different color for background and character (image) respectively.-Change colors periodically.d. Avoid combining the color for background with the color luminance.2.4 Only the lifetime of DID stated in this spec is guaranteed if the DID is used under the proper operating conditions.PPLICATION INFORMATION FOR DID (Digital Information Display)s screen may display the sudden image such as an image retention.To extend the lifetime and optimize a function of module, the below-mentioned operating Normal operating conditionc. Display pattern: Moving image or image, which switches regularly.Note) The sudden image on the screen can be displayed after the static image is shown in the long The operating conditions when the module is operated under the It is recommended to set the DID up in the well-ventilated place. b. The function of power off and screen saver The function of periodical power-off or a screen saver is needed when the static imag ons to prevent the sudden display resulted from long-term.proper operating time: Under 20 hours a day.b. The moving image shall be inserted between the static displays periodically. crystal is needed.c. The periodic changing of background color and character’s color(image) Use the different color for background and character (image) respectively.d. Avoid combining the color for background with the color for character, which has a largely different Note (1) Abnormal condition means all operating condition except normal operating condition.Note (2) The moving image or black pattern is strongly recommended as a screen saver.operating conditions.retention.mentioned operating Note) The sudden image on the screen can be displayed after the static image is shown in the long-term. ted under the abnormal off or a screen saver is needed when the static image is displayed he sudden display resulted from displayingfor character, which has a largely different Note (1) Abnormal condition means all operating condition except normal operating condition. Note (2) The moving image or black pattern is strongly recommended as a screen saver.lifetime of DID stated in this spec is guaranteed if the DID is used under3. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe optical characteristics should be setting.Measuring equipment : TOPCON RD-Item Symbol Condition Contrast Ratio C/R Response timeG-to-G (AVG)T g Luminance of White(At the center of screen)Y L Color Chromaticity (CIE 1931)RedR XR Y GreenG XG Y BlueB X B Y WhiteW XW YColor Gamut - Color temperature- Viewing AngleHor.θL θRVer.θU θD Brightness Uniformity(9 Point)B uni* Ta = 25OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSmeasured in a dark room or the space surrounded by the similar ambient -80S, SR-3, ELDIM EZ-Contrast Ta(25± 2 °C)ConditionMin. Typ. Max. Unit - 3000 4000 - - -816 msec -1300 1500-Normal φ = 0 θ = 0 Viewing AngleTYP. -0.030.640 TYP +0.030.3300.3000.605 0.150 0.060 0.280 0.290- 67 70 - -- 10000 - CR ≥ 1079 89 - Degree 7989 -79 89 - 7989 - ---25.0* Ta = 25 ± 2 °C, VDD = 3.3V, fv=60Hz, fDCLK = 148.5MHz, IF =100% duty * If =600mA (each String 150mA), VF=126.2the space surrounded by the similar ambient Unit Note - (1) SR-3 msec (3) RD-80S cd/m 2(4) SR-3-(5), (6) SR-3% (5) SR-3KDegree(6)SR-3 EZ-Contrast%(2) SR-3, VDD = 3.3V, fv=60Hz, fDCLK = 148.5MHz, IF =100% duty150mA), VF=126.2 V (4 LED String)Notice (a) Setup for test equipmentThe measurement should be executed in a measured in the center of screen.The environment condition : Ta = 25 ± 2 °CNote (1) Definition of contrast ratio (C/R): The Ratio of max. gray (Gmax) & min.Note (4) Definition of brightness uniformity at 9 points ( Test pattern : Full white )Note (3) Definition of Response timeG-to-G : Average response time between the whole gray scale to the whole gray scale.The measurement should be executed in a stable, windless and dark room between measured in the center of screen.nvironment condition : Ta = 25 ± 2 °Ccontrast ratio (C/R)Ratio of max. gray (Gmax) & min. gray (Gmin) at the center point C R G G/maxmin =Gmax : Luminance in all white pixelsGmin : Luminance in all black pixels.brightness uniformity at 9 points ( Test pattern : Full white ) Buni B B B =∗−100(max min)Bmax : Maximum brightnessBmin : Minimum brightness: Sume of Tr, TfG : Average response time between the whole gray scale to the whole gray scale.H : Horizontal Length of Active Area V : Vertical height of Active Area stable, windless and dark room between 40min and 60min after lighting the backlight at the given temperature for stabilization of the backlight. This should beof the panel.G : Average response time between the whole gray scale to the whole gray scale. H : Horizontal Length of Active Area V : Vertical height of Active AreaNote (4) Definition of Luminance of White : Luminance of white at center point ⑤ Note (5) Definition of Color Chromaticity (CIE 1931)Color coordinate of Red, Green, Blue & White at center point ⑤Note (6) Definition of Viewing Angle : Viewing angle range (C/R ≥ 10)4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS4.1 TFT LCD MODULEThe connector to transmit a display data and a timing signal should be connected. Ta = 25 ± 2 °C Item Voltage of Power Supply Current of Power Supply (a) Black (b) White (c) N-Pattern fV fH Fdclk IRUSH IDD Symbol VDD Min. 10.8 48 54 118.8 Typ. 12.0 670 1630 1560 60 67.5 148.5 Max. 13.2 820 2005 1925 62 69.75 153.5 5.0 Hz kHz MHz A (4) mA (2), (3) Unit V Note (1)Vsync Frequency Hsync Frequency Main Frequency Rush CurrentNote (1) The ripple voltage should be controlled under 10% of VDD. Note (2) fV=60Hz, fDCLK=148.5MHz, MHz, VDD=12.0V, DC Current. Note (3) The pattern for checking the power dissipation (LCD module only). only) a) Black Pattern b) White Pattern c) N-Pattern PatternNote (4) Conditions for measurement4.2 BACK LIGHT UNITItem Operating Life Time Min. Typ. 50,000 Max. Unit Hour Note (1)Note (1) It is defined as the time to take until the brightness reduces to 50% of its original value. [Operating condition : Ta = 25± 2 2 °C ]℃4.3 CONDITION ONDITION & SPECIFICATION OF CONVERTER’S S INPUTSpecifications Items Input Voltage Inrush Current (*2) Output Current (*1) Converter On/Off Control Symbol Conditions Min. Vin Vin = 24.0V dim =Max Vin = 22.0~26.0V dim =Max Enable ENA VA_DIM A_DIM DA_DIM(Duty)Unit Typ. 24 Max. 26 VNote22Ta=25±2 °C Normal Mode Note (2),(3) After 1 hour Warm-up, @1string -Inrush--8.5AILED143 2.4 -0.3 0 20150 -157 5.5 0.8 3.3 100 -mAmeanDisable VIN = 24V VIN = 24V VA_DIM= 3.3V VIN = 24V VA_DIM= 0VV V % %Note (1) All data was approved after running 120 minutes. (2) Inrush is measured within BLU on 10ms after leaving the BLU as it is at least 1hr or more at room temperatu erature(25°C ) (3) Additional Appendix for Input current at room temperature (25°C)℃℃ItemsSymbolConditions onditions Vin=24V, Dim=MaxSpecifications Min. Typ Max. 7.2 6.9 7.4 7.1Unit Amean AmeanNote Overshoot Current After Turn-on Saturation current after 1hr agingInput Current Iovershoot (Normal Mode) Isaturation5. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT5.1 INPUT SIGNAL & POWERConnector : FI-RE51S-HF-J (JAE)PIN No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 LVDS Signal LVDS Clock GND R Rx1[D]N Rx1[D]P No Connection No Connection GND R Rx2[A]N GND R Rx1CLK_N R Rx1CLK_P LVDS Signal Description VDD (12V) VDD (12V) VDD (12V) VDD (12V) VDD (12V) No Connection GND GND GND R Rx1[A]N Rx1[A]P Rx1[B]N Rx1[B]P R Rx1[C]N Rx1[C]P PIN No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 LVDS Signal LVDS Clock GND Rx2[D]N Rx2[D]P No Connection No Connection GND No Connection No Connection No Connection No Connection No Connection LVDS_SEL No Connection No Connection No Connection Note(1) No Connection No Connection No Connection Note(2) Note(1) GND Rx2CLK_N Rx2CLK_P LVDS Signal Description Rx2[A]P Rx2[B]N Rx2[B]P Rx2[C]N Rx2[C]PNote (1) No Connection : These pins are only used for KINSOON internal purpose. Note (2) LVDS Option : High(3.3V) Normal NS LVDS format Low(GND or N.C) N.C JEIDA LVDS format Sequence : On = VDD(T1) ≥ LVDS Option ≥ Interface Signal(T2) Off = Interface Signal(T3) ≥ LVDS Option ≥ VDDNote (3) LVDS Connectora. All GND pins should be connected together and also be connected to the LCD’s LCD s metal chassis. b. All power input pins should be connected together. c. All N.C pins should be separated from other signal or power.5.2 CONFIGUARATION OF INPUT PIN OF CONVERTERInput Connector Model No. : 22022WR 22022WR-H14B2 (YEONHO) Pin No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 12 13 14 SYMBOL Vin GND NC ENA A_DIM Pin Configuration(FUNCTION) Power Supply DC 24V Ground No connection Converter on/off Control signal Analog Dimming Control Signal No ConnectionNote) Pin 14 must ust be disconnected from signal5.3 3 THE POWER SEQUENCE FOR INPUTTING TO THE CONVERTER5.4 LVDS INTERFACE- LVDS Receiver : Tcon(Merged) - Data Format (JEIDA & Normal) Default LVDS Option : JEIDALVDS OPTION( input : pin9 ) : IF THIS PIN : LOW (GND or N/C) → JEIDA LVDS FORMAT OTHERWISE : HIGH (3.3V) → NORMAL NS LVDS FORMATLVDS pin TxIN/RxOUT0 TxIN/RxOUT1 TxIN/RxOUT2 TxOUT/RxIN0 TxIN/RxOUT3 TxIN/RxOUT4 TxIN/RxOUT6 TxIN/RxOUT7 TxIN/RxOUT8 TxIN/RxOUT9 TxIN/RxOUT12 TxOUT/RxIN1 TxIN/RxOUT13 TxIN/RxOUT14 TxIN/RxOUT15 TxIN/RxOUT18 TxIN/RxOUT19 TxIN/RxOUT20 TxIN/RxOUT21 TxOUT/RxIN2 TxIN/RxOUT22 TxIN/RxOUT24 TxIN/RxOUT25 TxIN/RxOUT26 TxIN/RxOUT27 TxIN/RxOUT5 TxIN/RxOUT10 TxOUT/RxIN3 TxIN/RxOUT11 TxIN/RxOUT16 TxIN/RxOUT17 TxIN/RxOUT23JEIDA -DATA R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 HSYNC VSYNC DEN R0 R1 G0 G1 B0 B1 RESERVEDVESA -DATA R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 HSYNC VSYNC DEN R6 R7 G6 G7 B6 B7 RESERVED5.5 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS AND GRAY SCALEDATA SIGNAL COLOR DISPLAY (8bit) R0 BLACK BLUE GREEN BASIC COLOR CYAN RED MAGENTA YELLOW WHITE BLACK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 DARK ↑ 0 : : 1 0 RED BLACK 1 0 0 DARK ↑ 0 : : 0 0 GREEN BLACK 0 0 0 DARK ↑ 0 : : 0 0 BLUE 0 R1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 R2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 RED R3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 R4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 R5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 R6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 R7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 G0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 1 0 : : 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 G1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 GREEN G2 G3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 G4 G5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 G7 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 B0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 1 0 : : 1 0 1 B1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 B2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 BLUE B3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 B4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 B5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 B7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 R0 R1 R2 R3~ R252 R253 R254 R255 G0 G1 G2 G3~ G252 G253 G254 G255 B0 B1 B2 B3~ B252 B253 B254 B255 GRAY SCALE LEVELGRAY SCALE OF RED↓ LIGHTGRAY SCALE OF GREEN↓ LIGHTGRAY SCALE OF BLUE↓ LIGHTNote) Definition of Gray Rn : Red Gray, Gn : Green Gray, Bn : Blue Gray(n = Gray Level) Input Signal : 0 = Low Level Voltage, 1 = High Level Voltage6. INTERFACE TERFACE TIMING6.1 TIMING PARAMETERS (DE ONLY MODE)SIGNAL Clock Hsync Vsync Term for the vertical display Term for the horizontal display Active display period Total vertical Active display period Total Horizontal Frequency ITEM SYMBOL 1/TC FH FV TVD TV THD TH MIN. 118.8 54 48 1100 2090 TYP. 148.5 67.5 60 1080 1125 1920 2200 MAX. 153.5 69.75 62 1158 2350 Unit MHz KHz Hz Lines Lines Clocks clocks NOTE -Note) The signals of Hsync and Vsync must be inputted even though this T-con T con is operated at DE mode. (1) Test est Point: TTL controls signal and CLK at LVDS Tx at the input terminal of system. (2) Internal VDD = 3.3V (3) The spread spectrum - The limit of spread spectrum's range of SET in which which the LCD module is assembled should be within ± 3 % - Frequency for modulation : 30~ 300KHz6.2 2 TIMING DIAGRAMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL (DE ONLY MODE)6.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF INPUT DATA OF LVDS(1) Specification for DCITEMSupply voltage for IO Supply voltage in the core Color depthInput voltage at the common mode Input voltage for differential(2) Specification for ACITEMFrequency for input clock (=1/T)Period of output clockPosition of input dataFIN=85MHZ FIN=78MHZ FIN=75MHZ Position of input dataFIN=85MHZ FIN=78MHZ FIN=75MHZ Lock timeDuty ratio of Rx’s clock for output3 CHARACTERISTICS OF INPUT DATA OF LVDSSYMBOL Min. Typ. VDD33_LVDS 3.0 3.3VDD12_LVDS1.1 1.28 Input voltage at the common modeV CM 0.3|V ID |100350SYMBOL Min. Typ. Max.Frequency for input clock (=1/T)FIN 25 - t RCP11.11 - FIN=85MHZt RSRM - - +400FIN=78MHZ - - +450FIN=75MHZ - - +500FIN=85MHZt RSLM -400 - FIN=78MHZ -450 - FIN=75MHZ-500 - t RPLL - - Duty ratio of Rx’s clock for output T duty 4550Max. UNIT 3.6 V 1.3 V Bit 1.8 V 600mVMax. UNIT 90 MHz 40 ns+400 ps+450 +500 - ps- - 100 usec 55%* LVDS Channel to Channel Skew(T-chskw) in Multiple LVDS ChannelsNote : DE should be synchronized with DE per each LVDS Channel and T chskw) in Multiple LVDS ChannelsNote : DE should be synchronized with DE per each LVDS Channel and T-chskw < 16* LVDS Clock Periodchskw < 16* LVDS Clock Period6.4 THE SEQUENCE OF POWER ON AND OFFTiming RemarksT1 The time, during which the T2 The change for of signal started coming in.T3 The change for time, during which the valid data of signal starts leaving out until the V starts falling below 90%.T4 The time, during which the V T5 The time, during which the signal of BLU starts rising beyond 50%.T 6- The inputted V DD computed with referring to the former mentioned value. - The method to apply the voltage to the lamp within the range, which the LCD operates. is turned on before the LCD is operated or the power of LCD is turned off befor the abnormal display on the screen may be shown momentarily. - Please keep the level of input signal low or keep the level below 10%.- The value shall be measured after the module has been fully discharged between the period, which the power is turned on and the period, which the power is turned off like the T4 timing. flashed if the interface signal remains floated when the above4 THE SEQUENCE OF POWER ON AND OFForder to turn the power on and off should be changed to the order as shown in the diagram below. The time, during which the level of V DD is rising from 10% to 90%.e for time, during which the V DD of signal started coming in.starts falling below 90%., during which the V DD starts falling below 10% to restart the Windows.time, during which the signal of BLU starts rising beyond 50%.The time, during which the signal of BLU starts falling below 50%.’s value for supply voltage, BLU, and signal to the external system of the module shall be with referring to the former mentioned value.The method to apply the voltage to the lamp within the range, which the LCD operates. turned on before the LCD is operated or the power of LCD is turned off before the back the abnormal display on the screen may be shown momentarily. Please keep the level of input signal low or keep the level of impedance high when the value of V The value shall be measured after the module has been fully discharged between the period, which the power is turned on and the period, which the power is turned off like the T4 timing. The backlight flashed if the interface signal remains floated when the above-mentioned signal becomes invalid. To prevent the product from being latched up or the DC in the LCD module from starting an operation, the order to turn the power on and off should be changed to the order as shown in the diagram below.is rising from 10% to 90%. starts rising beyond 90% until the valid data time, during which the valid data of signal starts leaving out until the V DD starts falling below 10% to restart the Windows. time, during which the signal of BLU starts rising beyond 50%. The time, during which the signal of BLU starts falling below 50%.’s value for supply voltage, BLU, and signal to the external system of the module shall be The method to apply the voltage to the lamp within the range, which the LCD operates. When the back-light e the back-light is turned off, of impedance high when the value of V DD is The value shall be measured after the module has been fully discharged between the period, which the The backlight may be mentioned signal becomes invalid.。

X-Ray 检测设备介绍

X-Ray 检测设备介绍
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
浙江华立仪表集团 美特科技(苏州)有限公司 江苏阿现特传感器有限公司 鸿正电子(昆山)有限公司
昆山柏特电子 合肥鑫铭科技 苏州马克立亨智能科技电子 扬州高强电子 无锡路通视信网络公司
MLK-X2000S MLK-X3000 MLK-X2000S MLK-X1000 MLK-X3000 MLK-X3000 MLK-X2000S MLK-X1000 MLK-X1000
SMT SMT SMT 服务器主板 太阳能电站 半导体元件 SMT 手机电路板 SMT
MLK-X2000S MLK-X3000 MLK-X1000 MLK-X2000S MLK-X2000S MLK-X2000S MLK-X3000 MLK-X2000S MLK-X2000S MLK-X3000
图象接收器 图象接收器倾斜
MLK-X2000 480*450mm 450*480mm
100mm 2.5mm 10kg 480*450*150mm 5轴 100mm/s <3um 3um 50mm铝板 12级 300倍(几何倍率50倍) 100KV 200uA 封闭式油冷微焦斑光管 FOCUS=5um 200CCD+II相机 Max70° 辐射值≤1usv

研工(KinSoon)15.6寸户外高亮液晶屏 KSN156XN01-A01规格书

研工(KinSoon)15.6寸户外高亮液晶屏 KSN156XN01-A01规格书

Luminance, White Power Consumption Display Operating Mode Surface Treatment BFR / PVC / As Free
User connector
AVCC, AVDD VGH, VGL, GMA GIP CLKs, DSC Source Driver (Bottom Bent)
Power Input Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Ambient Humidity Storage Humidity
Note : 1. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be 39C Max, and no condensation of water.
15.6” HD TFT LCD
SUPPLIER Kinsoon Electronic Technology Co., Ltd *MODEL Suffix KSN156XN01
*When you obtain standard approval, please use the above model name without suffix
LVDS 1port
Timing Control Block
40 Pin
Pixel Pitch Pixel Format Color Depth Weight RoHS Comply Ver. 0.0

苏州研工科技-32寸高亮度液晶屏 阳光下可视

苏州研工科技-32寸高亮度液晶屏 阳光下可视

CMOS Interface
Input Low Threshold Voltage Backlight Power Consumption Life Time
VDC Watt
Note : 1. The ripple voltage should be controlled under 10% of VCC (1) VDD = 12.0V (2) Fv = 60Hz (3) FCLK = 80 Mhz (typ.), 86Mhz (max) (4) Temperature = 25
Note 2 : Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39
℃ and No condensation.
℃℃ , the wet bulb temperature must not exceed 39 Note 3: Surface temperature is measured at 50℃ Dry condition
Suzhou KINSOON Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
Page 3 / 31
KSN315YP01-A03 Product Specification Rev. 0.2
1. General ion
This specification applies to the 31.5 inch Color TFT-LCD Module KSN315YP01-A03. This LCD module has a TFT active matrix type liquid crystal panel 1,920 x 1080 pixels, and diagonal size of 31.5 inch. This module supports 1,920 x 1080 mode. Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the brightness of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot. The KSN315YP01-A03 has been designed to apply the 10-bit 2 channel LVDS interface method. It is intended to support displays where high brightness, wide viewing angle, high color saturation, and high color depth are very important.



Power Supply Voltage Storage temperatuቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe
Glass surface temperature (Operation) Center T. Uniformity
GND-0.5 -20
0 -
13.2 65
50 10
V ℃
℃ ℃
(1) (2)
Doc. No
4 / 28
1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
If the condition exceeds maximum ratings, it can cause malfunction or unrecoverable damage to the device. Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit Note
Note (1) Ta= 25 ± 2 °C (2) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. a. 90 % RH Max. (Ta ≤ 39 °C) b. Relative Humidity is 90% or less. (Ta > 39 °C) c. No condensation (3) If panels are under low temperature(below 0 °C) or high humidity(over 35%) storage condition Panels should be left 4hours in room temperature without operation and with 8-hour aging before normal operation.



Product Specification
Record of revisions
Revision No.
0.0 0.1
Revision Date
Oct. 04. 2010 Dec. 01. 2010
4 6 8 19 25 26, 27 Preliminary Specifications
0.2 0.3
Dec. 06. 2010 Jan. 19. 2011
14 14 19
Jan. 28. 2011
4, 6 7 19 26
Feb. 14. 2011
4, 6 19
0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
Mar. 31. 2011 Apr. 06. 2011 Apr. 21. 2011 Apr. 29. 2011
Source driver circuit
S1 S1920
LVDS pair #1 LVDS CN1 pair #2 (30pin)
Timing controller
(1920×RGB×1200 pixels) Power circuit block VLed (4ch)



3u 0 m@3 m / u LS 8 m@2 r / u u LS n
20 0 mm 或 3 0 0 mm
掩摸 J 寸 ( t l Sz ) Re c ie ie
6ic nh
◆ 高精度 温 度控 制能 , J实 高能 鲢曝 光条 件下 的稳 定生产
SE M E始终关注客户需求和产业技术趋势 , 秉持极致服务 、 精益求精的态度 , 全天候 、 全方位 、 全身心地
光 直接 测量
套 刎精度 ( v r y O el ) a ≤0 u .r 4n 斯套划精 度( o beS e el ) ≤ 1 t D u l-i r y d Ov a .i 5m
熊深 f e t f o u) D pho c s F
舴 片 尺 、 Wae Di tr j ( f a e ) r me
常 用 的 金 凸块 ( oI u 、焊 料 凸 块 ( o t G h B m1) S he r
B mp) 铜柱 ( opr , 及品 级封 装 ( u 、 C pe・ 以 ) WI P)
的重 新 再布 线 层 ( D 等 进 封 装 _ 艺 ; R I) l 通过 选 配 背 面 对 准 模 块 ,还 ¨ 以 适 用 _ 1 V 和 主要 性能 指标 : . 『 j )F 二3 一 S
SB 0 S 5 0系列 步进 投 影 光 刎 机 基 T允进 的 步 :
进 光 刻 机平 台技 术 , 用 人视 场 、 焦 深 、 产 率 采 大 高 性能 的全折射式投 影物镜 ,l广 f 进封装 、 百 u c允 f】 ME SN MS制 造 领域 ,适川 于 Fi h/一 M /E l C i r艺中 p ,
S 5 0系列步进投影光刻机 S 0 B


Revision No
Revision Date
July. 31. 2012
First Draft, Preliminary Specifications
Ver. 0.0
JULY. 31. 2012
3 / 35
KSN290YP01-A02 Liquid Crystal Display
29” Wide Full HD TFT LCD
*When you obtain standard approval, please use the above model name without suffix
Power Circuit Block
CN3 (6Pin)
Backlight Assembly (LED)
General Features
Active Screen Size Outline Dimension Pixel Pitch Pixel Format Color Depth Luminance, White Viewing Angle (CR>10) Power Consumption Weight Display Operating Mode Surface Treatment Ver. 0.0 29 inches (73.025cm) diagonal (Aspect ratio 21:9) 694.4(H) x 308.9(V) x 17(D, Top : 11.1) mm (Typ.) 0.0876(H) mm x RGB x 0.2628(V) mm 2560 horizontal x 1080 vertical Pixels, RGB stripe arrangement 8-bit, 16,777,216 colors












理研光幕的工作原理理研光幕的工作原理可以简单分为以下几个步骤:1.背光源:理研光幕采用了背光源,通常是LED(Light EmittingDiode)。











苏州新亚科技有限公司 NA3540-3 汉立分体式温控器使用说明书(V3.10)

苏州新亚科技有限公司 NA3540-3 汉立分体式温控器使用说明书(V3.10)









☞多种机组工作模式:主板可以设置成多种运行模式:1.单温区单机组连续运行模式2.单温区单机组间断运行模式3.双温区单机组连续运行模式4.单温区双机组连续运行模式5.双温区双机组连续运行模式6.双温区双机组间断运行模式主要技术指标:温度显示范围: -45~120︒C温度设置范围: -45~120︒C电流显示范围:压缩机:0~80A,精度±0.5A电流设定范围:压缩机:1~80A电源电压 : 可用DC12V 15W 或配AC220 14V变压器使用环境:温度-10℃~50℃,湿度≤85%,无凝露,无腐蚀。

输出触点容量: 8A/250VAC温度传感器: NTC R25=5kΩ,B(25/50)=3470K高压力传感器: 4-20ma, -1-34 bar低压力传感器: 4-20ma, -1-15 bar电导率传感器: 4-20ma, 0-100 uS/cm执行标准:Q/320585 XYK 01操作指南☝操作面板:按键说明☐菜单选项上移,参数设置值递增,告警信息查询上滚动❑菜单选项下移,参数设置值递减,告警信息查询下滚动长按3秒进入主菜单设置ESC 主页面左移,菜单选项退出,参数设置退出SET 子菜单设置进入,参数设定确认,长按2秒快捷设置温度ON/OFF 长按5S切换开关机,关机状态指示灯闪烁☝告警说明:告警时“告警显示区”显示告警及具体告警内容,告警并显示当前告警数量器从告警状态恢复到正常状态。

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□ ■
Preliminary Specification Final Specification 7.0 Inch Color TFT-LCD Module KSN070YP01-A03源自Module Model Name
Approved by
Grace Hung
Checked & Approved by
Prepared by
Mask Tsai
Note: This Specification is subject to change without notice.
General Display Business Division /Suzhou KINSOON Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
KSN070YP01-A03 Ver. 1.7 2/25
Record of Revision
Version 0.0 0.1 Revise Date Page 2013/3/27 2013/4/8 5 20 5 6 11 16 1.0 2013/08/19 21 Old description First draft of preliminary specification. Revise 2.2 Display Characteristics Add 8. Mechanical Characteristics Typical Power Consumption : 2688mW Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE 1931) : TBD Contrast Ratio : TBD (min.) VDD Current/VDD Power : TBD Modify Power on sequence : Add internal power SN Lable: K070I A03 V0 Packing information Max. capacity: 45 pieces TFT-LCD module per carton 21 Max. weight: 13.0 kg per carton Outside dimension of carton: 600(L)mm* 353(W)mm* 210(H)mm Pallet : 1230(L)mm* 1110(W)mm* 135(H)mm 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2013/8/27 2013/8/28 2013/9/9 2013/10/17 2013/10/29 21 10 21 All 21 6 10 11 1.6 2013/2/14 17 Enlarge 9.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) Update 4.1 Absolute Ratings of Driving Condition Modify 9.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) Modify module name from KSN070YP01 to KSN070YP01- A03 Modify 9.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) Modify 2.3 Optical Characteristics - White Luminance Modify 4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment Modify 5.1 TFT-LCD Driving Condition (add VDD power consumption in standby mode) Modify 6.6.1 Digital Signal Timing Characteristic (add DE,VSD,HSD setup time and hold time) Modify 7. Reliability Test Criteria - Thermal Shock 80 Modify 9.3 Palletizing sequence Modify Symbol from VLED to ILED 70
5. Electrical Characteristics . ................................................. 11
5.1 TFT-LCD Driving Condition . . .......................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Backlight Unit Driving Condition . . .................................................................................................. 11
KSN070YP01-A03 Ver. 1.7 1/25
Contents 1. Operating Precautions. . . . .................................................. 4 2. General Description . ............................................................ 5
7. Reliability Test Criteria . . . . ............................................... 20 8. Mechanical Characteristics . .............................................. 21 9. Label and Packaging . ........................................................ 22
6. Signal Characteristic . ........................................................ 12
6.1 Pixel Format Image. . . ..................................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Scanning Direction . . . ..................................................................................................................... 12 6.3 The Input Data Format. . . ................................................................................................................ 13 6.4 TFT- LCD Pin Assignment Description. ........................................................................................... 14 6.5 Power on/off sequence. . . ................................................................................................................ 16 6.6 TFT- LCD Driving Timing. . . .......................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Features. . . . ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Display Characteristics . . . ................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Optical Characteristics . . . .................................................................................................................. 6
9.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) . ................................................................... 22 9.2 Packing form. . . ............................................................................................................................... 23 9.3 Palletizing sequence. . . .................................................................................................................... 24