1 Introduction Learning Statistical Models of Time-Varying Relational Data
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd Edition 教学设计介绍《人工智能:一种现代方法》(Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach)是人工智能教育领域的经典教材之一,由 Peter Norvig 和 Stuart Russell 合著。
在本文档中,我们将讨论如何设计一门针对Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2nd Edition 教材的课程。
教学内容课程的内容将分为以下几个部分:Part I:Introduction to Artificial Intelligence•Chapter 1 Introduction•Chapter 2 Intelligent agentsPart II: Problem-solving•Chapter 3 Solving problems by searching•Chapter 4 Search in complex environments•Chapter 5 Adversarial search and gamesPart III: Knowledge, reasoning, and planning •Chapter 6 Agents that reason logically•Chapter 7 First-order logic•Chapter 8 Inference in first-order logic•Chapter 9 Classical planningPart IV: Uncertnty•Chapter 13 Quantifying uncertnty•Chapter 14 Probabilistic reasoning•Chapter 15 Probabilistic reasoning over time •Chapter 16 Making simple decisionsPart V: Learning•Chapter 18 Learning from examples•Chapter 19 Knowledge in learning•Chapter 20 Statistical learning methods•Chapter 21 Reinforcement learningPart VI: Communicating, perceiving, and acting •Chapter 22 Natural language processing•Chapter 23 Natural language generation•Chapter 24 Perception•Chapter 25 RoboticsPart VII: Conclusions•Chapter 26 Philosophical foundations•Chapter 27 : Present and future教学方法课程将采用以下方法:•理论教学:对每个章节中的概念、工具和技术进行深入的解释与思考。
最大似然估计(Maximum Likelihood Estimation,MLE)是一种常用的参数估计方法。
具体来说,最大似然估计通过对似然函数L(θ)=∏(i=1)^n f(xi;θ)(其中f(x;θ)为概率密度函数)取对数,并对参数θ进行求导来求解参数值θ^。
矩估计(Method of Moments,MoM)是另一种常用的参数估计方法。
除了最大似然估计和矩估计之外,贝叶斯估计(Bayesian Estimation)是一种基于贝叶斯理论的参数估计方法。
Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTONSupport Vector MachinesforClassification and RegressionbySteve R.GunnTechnical ReportFaculty of Engineering,Science and Mathematics School of Electronics and Computer Science10May1998ContentsNomenclature xi1Introduction11.1Statistical Learning Theory (2)1.1.1VC Dimension (3)1.1.2Structural Risk Minimisation (4)2Support Vector Classification52.1The Optimal Separating Hyperplane (5)2.1.1Linearly Separable Example (10)2.2The Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane (10)2.2.1Linearly Non-Separable Example (13)2.3Generalisation in High Dimensional Feature Space (14)2.3.1Polynomial Mapping Example (16)2.4Discussion (16)3Feature Space193.1Kernel Functions (19)3.1.1Polynomial (20)3.1.2Gaussian Radial Basis Function (20)3.1.3Exponential Radial Basis Function (20)3.1.4Multi-Layer Perceptron (20)3.1.5Fourier Series (21)3.1.6Splines (21)3.1.7B splines (21)3.1.8Additive Kernels (22)3.1.9Tensor Product (22)3.2Implicit vs.Explicit Bias (22)3.3Data Normalisation (23)3.4Kernel Selection (23)4Classification Example:IRIS data254.1Applications (28)5Support Vector Regression295.1Linear Regression (30)5.1.1 -insensitive Loss Function (30)5.1.2Quadratic Loss Function (31)iiiiv CONTENTS5.1.3Huber Loss Function (32)5.1.4Example (33)5.2Non Linear Regression (33)5.2.1Examples (34)5.2.2Comments (36)6Regression Example:Titanium Data396.1Applications (42)7Conclusions43A Implementation Issues45A.1Support Vector Classification (45)A.2Support Vector Regression (47)B MATLAB SVM Toolbox51 Bibliography53List of Figures1.1Modelling Errors (2)1.2VC Dimension Illustration (3)2.1Optimal Separating Hyperplane (5)2.2Canonical Hyperplanes (6)2.3Constraining the Canonical Hyperplanes (7)2.4Optimal Separating Hyperplane (10)2.5Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane (11)2.6Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=1) (13)2.7Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=105) (14)2.8Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=10−8) (14)2.9Mapping the Input Space into a High Dimensional Feature Space (14)2.10Mapping input space into Polynomial Feature Space (16)3.1Comparison between Implicit and Explicit bias for a linear kernel (22)4.1Iris data set (25)4.2Separating Setosa with a linear SVC(C=∞) (26)4.3Separating Viginica with a polynomial SVM(degree2,C=∞) (26)4.4Separating Viginica with a polynomial SVM(degree10,C=∞) (26)4.5Separating Viginica with a Radial Basis Function SVM(σ=1.0,C=∞)274.6Separating Viginica with a polynomial SVM(degree2,C=10) (27)4.7The effect of C on the separation of Versilcolor with a linear spline SVM.285.1Loss Functions (29)5.2Linear regression (33)5.3Polynomial Regression (35)5.4Radial Basis Function Regression (35)5.5Spline Regression (36)5.6B-spline Regression (36)5.7Exponential RBF Regression (36)6.1Titanium Linear Spline Regression( =0.05,C=∞) (39)6.2Titanium B-Spline Regression( =0.05,C=∞) (40)6.3Titanium Gaussian RBF Regression( =0.05,σ=1.0,C=∞) (40)6.4Titanium Gaussian RBF Regression( =0.05,σ=0.3,C=∞) (40)6.5Titanium Exponential RBF Regression( =0.05,σ=1.0,C=∞) (41)6.6Titanium Fourier Regression( =0.05,degree3,C=∞) (41)6.7Titanium Linear Spline Regression( =0.05,C=10) (42)vvi LIST OF FIGURES6.8Titanium B-Spline Regression( =0.05,C=10) (42)List of Tables2.1Linearly Separable Classification Data (10)2.2Non-Linearly Separable Classification Data (13)5.1Regression Data (33)viiListingsA.1Support Vector Classification MATLAB Code (46)A.2Support Vector Regression MATLAB Code (48)ixNomenclature0Column vector of zeros(x)+The positive part of xC SVM misclassification tolerance parameterD DatasetK(x,x )Kernel functionR[f]Risk functionalR emp[f]Empirical Risk functionalxiChapter1IntroductionThe problem of empirical data modelling is germane to many engineering applications. In empirical data modelling a process of induction is used to build up a model of the system,from which it is hoped to deduce responses of the system that have yet to be ob-served.Ultimately the quantity and quality of the observations govern the performance of this empirical model.By its observational nature data obtained isfinite and sampled; typically this sampling is non-uniform and due to the high dimensional nature of the problem the data will form only a sparse distribution in the input space.Consequently the problem is nearly always ill posed(Poggio et al.,1985)in the sense of Hadamard (Hadamard,1923).Traditional neural network approaches have suffered difficulties with generalisation,producing models that can overfit the data.This is a consequence of the optimisation algorithms used for parameter selection and the statistical measures used to select the’best’model.The foundations of Support Vector Machines(SVM)have been developed by Vapnik(1995)and are gaining popularity due to many attractive features,and promising empirical performance.The formulation embodies the Struc-tural Risk Minimisation(SRM)principle,which has been shown to be superior,(Gunn et al.,1997),to traditional Empirical Risk Minimisation(ERM)principle,employed by conventional neural networks.SRM minimises an upper bound on the expected risk, as opposed to ERM that minimises the error on the training data.It is this difference which equips SVM with a greater ability to generalise,which is the goal in statistical learning.SVMs were developed to solve the classification problem,but recently they have been extended to the domain of regression problems(Vapnik et al.,1997).In the literature the terminology for SVMs can be slightly confusing.The term SVM is typ-ically used to describe classification with support vector methods and support vector regression is used to describe regression with support vector methods.In this report the term SVM will refer to both classification and regression methods,and the terms Support Vector Classification(SVC)and Support Vector Regression(SVR)will be used for specification.This section continues with a brief introduction to the structural risk12Chapter1Introductionminimisation principle.In Chapter2the SVM is introduced in the setting of classifica-tion,being both historical and more accessible.This leads onto mapping the input into a higher dimensional feature space by a suitable choice of kernel function.The report then considers the problem of regression.Illustrative examples re given to show the properties of the techniques.1.1Statistical Learning TheoryThis section is a very brief introduction to statistical learning theory.For a much more in depth look at statistical learning theory,see(Vapnik,1998).Figure1.1:Modelling ErrorsThe goal in modelling is to choose a model from the hypothesis space,which is closest (with respect to some error measure)to the underlying function in the target space. Errors in doing this arise from two cases:Approximation Error is a consequence of the hypothesis space being smaller than the target space,and hence the underlying function may lie outside the hypothesis space.A poor choice of the model space will result in a large approximation error, and is referred to as model mismatch.Estimation Error is the error due to the learning procedure which results in a tech-nique selecting the non-optimal model from the hypothesis space.Chapter1Introduction3Together these errors form the generalisation error.Ultimately we would like tofind the function,f,which minimises the risk,R[f]=X×YL(y,f(x))P(x,y)dxdy(1.1)However,P(x,y)is unknown.It is possible tofind an approximation according to the empirical risk minimisation principle,R emp[f]=1lli=1Ly i,fx i(1.2)which minimises the empirical risk,ˆf n,l (x)=arg minf∈H nR emp[f](1.3)Empirical risk minimisation makes sense only if,liml→∞R emp[f]=R[f](1.4) which is true from the law of large numbers.However,it must also satisfy,lim l→∞minf∈H nR emp[f]=minf∈H nR[f](1.5)which is only valid when H n is’small’enough.This condition is less intuitive and requires that the minima also converge.The following bound holds with probability1−δ,R[f]≤R emp[f]+h ln2lh+1−lnδ4l(1.6)Remarkably,this expression for the expected risk is independent of the probability dis-tribution.1.1.1VC DimensionThe VC dimension is a scalar value that measures the capacity of a set offunctions.Figure1.2:VC Dimension Illustration4Chapter1IntroductionDefinition1.1(Vapnik–Chervonenkis).The VC dimension of a set of functions is p if and only if there exists a set of points{x i}pi=1such that these points can be separatedin all2p possible configurations,and that no set{x i}qi=1exists where q>p satisfying this property.Figure1.2illustrates how three points in the plane can be shattered by the set of linear indicator functions whereas four points cannot.In this case the VC dimension is equal to the number of free parameters,but in general that is not the case;e.g.the function A sin(bx)has an infinite VC dimension(Vapnik,1995).The set of linear indicator functions in n dimensional space has a VC dimension equal to n+ Risk MinimisationCreate a structure such that S h is a hypothesis space of VC dimension h then,S1⊂S2⊂...⊂S∞(1.7) SRM consists in solving the following problemmin S h R emp[f]+h ln2lh+1−lnδ4l(1.8)If the underlying process being modelled is not deterministic the modelling problem becomes more exacting and consequently this chapter is restricted to deterministic pro-cesses.Multiple output problems can usually be reduced to a set of single output prob-lems that may be considered independent.Hence it is appropriate to consider processes with multiple inputs from which it is desired to predict a single output.Chapter2Support Vector ClassificationThe classification problem can be restricted to consideration of the two-class problem without loss of generality.In this problem the goal is to separate the two classes by a function which is induced from available examples.The goal is to produce a classifier that will work well on unseen examples,i.e.it generalises well.Consider the example in Figure2.1.Here there are many possible linear classifiers that can separate the data, but there is only one that maximises the margin(maximises the distance between it and the nearest data point of each class).This linear classifier is termed the optimal separating hyperplane.Intuitively,we would expect this boundary to generalise well as opposed to the other possible boundaries.Figure2.1:Optimal Separating Hyperplane2.1The Optimal Separating HyperplaneConsider the problem of separating the set of training vectors belonging to two separateclasses,D=(x1,y1),...,(x l,y l),x∈R n,y∈{−1,1},(2.1)56Chapter 2Support Vector Classificationwith a hyperplane, w,x +b =0.(2.2)The set of vectors is said to be optimally separated by the hyperplane if it is separated without error and the distance between the closest vector to the hyperplane is maximal.There is some redundancy in Equation 2.2,and without loss of generality it is appropri-ate to consider a canonical hyperplane (Vapnik ,1995),where the parameters w ,b are constrained by,min i w,x i +b =1.(2.3)This incisive constraint on the parameterisation is preferable to alternatives in simpli-fying the formulation of the problem.In words it states that:the norm of the weight vector should be equal to the inverse of the distance,of the nearest point in the data set to the hyperplane .The idea is illustrated in Figure 2.2,where the distance from the nearest point to each hyperplane is shown.Figure 2.2:Canonical HyperplanesA separating hyperplane in canonical form must satisfy the following constraints,y i w,x i +b ≥1,i =1,...,l.(2.4)The distance d (w,b ;x )of a point x from the hyperplane (w,b )is,d (w,b ;x )= w,x i +bw .(2.5)Chapter 2Support Vector Classification 7The optimal hyperplane is given by maximising the margin,ρ,subject to the constraints of Equation 2.4.The margin is given by,ρ(w,b )=min x i :y i =−1d (w,b ;x i )+min x i :y i =1d (w,b ;x i )=min x i :y i =−1 w,x i +b w +min x i :y i =1 w,x i +b w =1 w min x i :y i =−1 w,x i +b +min x i :y i =1w,x i +b =2 w (2.6)Hence the hyperplane that optimally separates the data is the one that minimisesΦ(w )=12 w 2.(2.7)It is independent of b because provided Equation 2.4is satisfied (i.e.it is a separating hyperplane)changing b will move it in the normal direction to itself.Accordingly the margin remains unchanged but the hyperplane is no longer optimal in that it will be nearer to one class than the other.To consider how minimising Equation 2.7is equivalent to implementing the SRM principle,suppose that the following bound holds,w <A.(2.8)Then from Equation 2.4and 2.5,d (w,b ;x )≥1A.(2.9)Accordingly the hyperplanes cannot be nearer than 1A to any of the data points and intuitively it can be seen in Figure 2.3how this reduces the possible hyperplanes,andhence thecapacity.Figure 2.3:Constraining the Canonical Hyperplanes8Chapter2Support Vector ClassificationThe VC dimension,h,of the set of canonical hyperplanes in n dimensional space is bounded by,h≤min[R2A2,n]+1,(2.10)where R is the radius of a hypersphere enclosing all the data points.Hence minimising Equation2.7is equivalent to minimising an upper bound on the VC dimension.The solution to the optimisation problem of Equation2.7under the constraints of Equation 2.4is given by the saddle point of the Lagrange functional(Lagrangian)(Minoux,1986),Φ(w,b,α)=12 w 2−li=1αiy iw,x i +b−1,(2.11)whereαare the Lagrange multipliers.The Lagrangian has to be minimised with respect to w,b and maximised with respect toα≥0.Classical Lagrangian duality enables the primal problem,Equation2.11,to be transformed to its dual problem,which is easier to solve.The dual problem is given by,max αW(α)=maxαminw,bΦ(w,b,α).(2.12)The minimum with respect to w and b of the Lagrangian,Φ,is given by,∂Φ∂b =0⇒li=1αi y i=0∂Φ∂w =0⇒w=li=1αi y i x i.(2.13)Hence from Equations2.11,2.12and2.13,the dual problem is,max αW(α)=maxα−12li=1lj=1αiαj y i y j x i,x j +lk=1αk,(2.14)and hence the solution to the problem is given by,α∗=arg minα12li=1lj=1αiαj y i y j x i,x j −lk=1αk,(2.15)with constraints,αi≥0i=1,...,llj=1αj y j=0.(2.16)Chapter2Support Vector Classification9Solving Equation2.15with constraints Equation2.16determines the Lagrange multi-pliers,and the optimal separating hyperplane is given by,w∗=li=1αi y i x ib∗=−12w∗,x r+x s .(2.17)where x r and x s are any support vector from each class satisfying,αr,αs>0,y r=−1,y s=1.(2.18)The hard classifier is then,f(x)=sgn( w∗,x +b)(2.19) Alternatively,a soft classifier may be used which linearly interpolates the margin,f(x)=h( w∗,x +b)where h(z)=−1:z<−1z:−1≤z≤1+1:z>1(2.20)This may be more appropriate than the hard classifier of Equation2.19,because it produces a real valued output between−1and1when the classifier is queried within the margin,where no training data resides.From the Kuhn-Tucker conditions,αiy iw,x i +b−1=0,i=1,...,l,(2.21)and hence only the points x i which satisfy,y iw,x i +b=1(2.22)will have non-zero Lagrange multipliers.These points are termed Support Vectors(SV). If the data is linearly separable all the SV will lie on the margin and hence the number of SV can be very small.Consequently the hyperplane is determined by a small subset of the training set;the other points could be removed from the training set and recalculating the hyperplane would produce the same answer.Hence SVM can be used to summarise the information contained in a data set by the SV produced.If the data is linearly separable the following equality will hold,w 2=li=1αi=i∈SV sαi=i∈SV sj∈SV sαiαj y i y j x i,x j .(2.23)Hence from Equation2.10the VC dimension of the classifier is bounded by,h≤min[R2i∈SV s,n]+1,(2.24)10Chapter2Support Vector Classificationx1x2y11-133113131-12 2.513 2.5-143-1Table2.1:Linearly Separable Classification Dataand if the training data,x,is normalised to lie in the unit hypersphere,,n],(2.25)h≤1+min[i∈SV s2.1.1Linearly Separable ExampleTo illustrate the method consider the training set in Table2.1.The SVC solution is shown in Figure2.4,where the dotted lines describe the locus of the margin and the circled data points represent the SV,which all lie on the margin.Figure2.4:Optimal Separating Hyperplane2.2The Generalised Optimal Separating HyperplaneSo far the discussion has been restricted to the case where the training data is linearly separable.However,in general this will not be the case,Figure2.5.There are two approaches to generalising the problem,which are dependent upon prior knowledge of the problem and an estimate of the noise on the data.In the case where it is expected (or possibly even known)that a hyperplane can correctly separate the data,a method ofChapter2Support Vector Classification11Figure2.5:Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplaneintroducing an additional cost function associated with misclassification is appropriate. Alternatively a more complex function can be used to describe the boundary,as discussed in Chapter2.1.To enable the optimal separating hyperplane method to be generalised, Cortes and Vapnik(1995)introduced non-negative variables,ξi≥0,and a penalty function,Fσ(ξ)=iξσiσ>0,(2.26) where theξi are a measure of the misclassification errors.The optimisation problem is now posed so as to minimise the classification error as well as minimising the bound on the VC dimension of the classifier.The constraints of Equation2.4are modified for the non-separable case to,y iw,x i +b≥1−ξi,i=1,...,l.(2.27)whereξi≥0.The generalised optimal separating hyperplane is determined by the vector w,that minimises the functional,Φ(w,ξ)=12w 2+Ciξi,(2.28)(where C is a given value)subject to the constraints of Equation2.27.The solution to the optimisation problem of Equation2.28under the constraints of Equation2.27is given by the saddle point of the Lagrangian(Minoux,1986),Φ(w,b,α,ξ,β)=12 w 2+Ciξi−li=1αiy iw T x i+b−1+ξi−lj=1βiξi,(2.29)12Chapter2Support Vector Classificationwhereα,βare the Lagrange multipliers.The Lagrangian has to be minimised with respect to w,b,x and maximised with respect toα,β.As before,classical Lagrangian duality enables the primal problem,Equation2.29,to be transformed to its dual problem. The dual problem is given by,max αW(α,β)=maxα,βminw,b,ξΦ(w,b,α,ξ,β).(2.30)The minimum with respect to w,b andξof the Lagrangian,Φ,is given by,∂Φ∂b =0⇒li=1αi y i=0∂Φ∂w =0⇒w=li=1αi y i x i∂Φ∂ξ=0⇒αi+βi=C.(2.31) Hence from Equations2.29,2.30and2.31,the dual problem is,max αW(α)=maxα−12li=1lj=1αiαj y i y j x i,x j +lk=1αk,(2.32)and hence the solution to the problem is given by,α∗=arg minα12li=1lj=1αiαj y i y j x i,x j −lk=1αk,(2.33)with constraints,0≤αi≤C i=1,...,llj=1αj y j=0.(2.34)The solution to this minimisation problem is identical to the separable case except for a modification of the bounds of the Lagrange multipliers.The uncertain part of Cortes’s approach is that the coefficient C has to be determined.This parameter introduces additional capacity control within the classifier.C can be directly related to a regulari-sation parameter(Girosi,1997;Smola and Sch¨o lkopf,1998).Blanz et al.(1996)uses a value of C=5,but ultimately C must be chosen to reflect the knowledge of the noise on the data.This warrants further work,but a more practical discussion is given in Chapter4.Chapter2Support Vector Classification13x1x2y11-133113131-12 2.513 2.5-143-11.5 1.5112-1Table2.2:Non-Linearly Separable Classification Data2.2.1Linearly Non-Separable ExampleTwo additional data points are added to the separable data of Table2.1to produce a linearly non-separable data set,Table2.2.The resulting SVC is shown in Figure2.6,for C=1.The SV are no longer required to lie on the margin,as in Figure2.4,and the orientation of the hyperplane and the width of the margin are different.Figure2.6:Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=1)In the limit,lim C→∞the solution converges towards the solution obtained by the optimal separating hyperplane(on this non-separable data),Figure2.7.In the limit,lim C→0the solution converges to one where the margin maximisation term dominates,Figure2.8.Beyond a certain point the Lagrange multipliers will all take on the value of C.There is now less emphasis on minimising the misclassification error, but purely on maximising the margin,producing a large width margin.Consequently as C decreases the width of the margin increases.The useful range of C lies between the point where all the Lagrange Multipliers are equal to C and when only one of them is just bounded by C.14Chapter2Support Vector ClassificationFigure2.7:Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=105)Figure2.8:Generalised Optimal Separating Hyperplane Example(C=10−8)2.3Generalisation in High Dimensional Feature SpaceIn the case where a linear boundary is inappropriate the SVM can map the input vector, x,into a high dimensional feature space,z.By choosing a non-linear mapping a priori, the SVM constructs an optimal separating hyperplane in this higher dimensional space, Figure2.9.The idea exploits the method of Aizerman et al.(1964)which,enables the curse of dimensionality(Bellman,1961)to be addressed.Figure2.9:Mapping the Input Space into a High Dimensional Feature SpaceChapter2Support Vector Classification15There are some restrictions on the non-linear mapping that can be employed,see Chap-ter3,but it turns out,surprisingly,that most commonly employed functions are accept-able.Among acceptable mappings are polynomials,radial basis functions and certain sigmoid functions.The optimisation problem of Equation2.33becomes,α∗=arg minα12li=1lj=1αiαj y i y j K(x i,x j)−lk=1αk,(2.35)where K(x,x )is the kernel function performing the non-linear mapping into feature space,and the constraints are unchanged,0≤αi≤C i=1,...,llj=1αj y j=0.(2.36)Solving Equation2.35with constraints Equation2.36determines the Lagrange multipli-ers,and a hard classifier implementing the optimal separating hyperplane in the feature space is given by,f(x)=sgn(i∈SV sαi y i K(x i,x)+b)(2.37) wherew∗,x =li=1αi y i K(x i,x)b∗=−12li=1αi y i[K(x i,x r)+K(x i,x r)].(2.38)The bias is computed here using two support vectors,but can be computed using all the SV on the margin for stability(Vapnik et al.,1997).If the Kernel contains a bias term, the bias can be accommodated within the Kernel,and hence the classifier is simply,f(x)=sgn(i∈SV sαi K(x i,x))(2.39)Many employed kernels have a bias term and anyfinite Kernel can be made to have one(Girosi,1997).This simplifies the optimisation problem by removing the equality constraint of Equation2.36.Chapter3discusses the necessary conditions that must be satisfied by valid kernel functions.16Chapter2Support Vector Classification 2.3.1Polynomial Mapping ExampleConsider a polynomial kernel of the form,K(x,x )=( x,x +1)2,(2.40)which maps a two dimensional input vector into a six dimensional feature space.Apply-ing the non-linear SVC to the linearly non-separable training data of Table2.2,produces the classification illustrated in Figure2.10(C=∞).The margin is no longer of constant width due to the non-linear projection into the input space.The solution is in contrast to Figure2.7,in that the training data is now classified correctly.However,even though SVMs implement the SRM principle and hence can generalise well,a careful choice of the kernel function is necessary to produce a classification boundary that is topologically appropriate.It is always possible to map the input space into a dimension greater than the number of training points and produce a classifier with no classification errors on the training set.However,this will generalise badly.Figure2.10:Mapping input space into Polynomial Feature Space2.4DiscussionTypically the data will only be linearly separable in some,possibly very high dimensional feature space.It may not make sense to try and separate the data exactly,particularly when only afinite amount of training data is available which is potentially corrupted by noise.Hence in practice it will be necessary to employ the non-separable approach which places an upper bound on the Lagrange multipliers.This raises the question of how to determine the parameter C.It is similar to the problem in regularisation where the regularisation coefficient has to be determined,and it has been shown that the parameter C can be directly related to a regularisation parameter for certain kernels (Smola and Sch¨o lkopf,1998).A process of cross-validation can be used to determine thisChapter2Support Vector Classification17parameter,although more efficient and potentially better methods are sought after.In removing the training patterns that are not support vectors,the solution is unchanged and hence a fast method for validation may be available when the support vectors are sparse.Chapter3Feature SpaceThis chapter discusses the method that can be used to construct a mapping into a high dimensional feature space by the use of reproducing kernels.The idea of the kernel function is to enable operations to be performed in the input space rather than the potentially high dimensional feature space.Hence the inner product does not need to be evaluated in the feature space.This provides a way of addressing the curse of dimensionality.However,the computation is still critically dependent upon the number of training patterns and to provide a good data distribution for a high dimensional problem will generally require a large training set.3.1Kernel FunctionsThe following theory is based upon Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces(RKHS)(Aron-szajn,1950;Girosi,1997;Heckman,1997;Wahba,1990).An inner product in feature space has an equivalent kernel in input space,K(x,x )= φ(x),φ(x ) ,(3.1)provided certain conditions hold.If K is a symmetric positive definite function,which satisfies Mercer’s Conditions,K(x,x )=∞ma mφm(x)φm(x ),a m≥0,(3.2)K(x,x )g(x)g(x )dxdx >0,g∈L2,(3.3) then the kernel represents a legitimate inner product in feature space.Valid functions that satisfy Mercer’s conditions are now given,which unless stated are valid for all real x and x .1920Chapter3Feature Space3.1.1PolynomialA polynomial mapping is a popular method for non-linear modelling,K(x,x )= x,x d.(3.4)K(x,x )=x,x +1d.(3.5)The second kernel is usually preferable as it avoids problems with the hessian becoming zero.3.1.2Gaussian Radial Basis FunctionRadial basis functions have received significant attention,most commonly with a Gaus-sian of the form,K(x,x )=exp−x−x 22σ2.(3.6)Classical techniques utilising radial basis functions employ some method of determining a subset of centres.Typically a method of clustering isfirst employed to select a subset of centres.An attractive feature of the SVM is that this selection is implicit,with each support vectors contributing one local Gaussian function,centred at that data point. By further considerations it is possible to select the global basis function width,s,using the SRM principle(Vapnik,1995).3.1.3Exponential Radial Basis FunctionA radial basis function of the form,K(x,x )=exp−x−x2σ2.(3.7)produces a piecewise linear solution which can be attractive when discontinuities are acceptable.3.1.4Multi-Layer PerceptronThe long established MLP,with a single hidden layer,also has a valid kernel represen-tation,K(x,x )=tanhρ x,x +(3.8)for certain values of the scale,ρ,and offset, ,parameters.Here the SV correspond to thefirst layer and the Lagrange multipliers to the weights.。
《Programming Collective Intelligence》(《集体智慧编程》)作者Toby Segaran也是《BeautifulData : The Stories Behind Elegant Data Solutions》(《数据之美:解密优雅数据解决方案背后的故事》)的作者。
《Algorithms of the Intelligent Web》(《智能web算法》)作者Haralambos Marmanis、Dmitry Babenko。
《统计学习方法》作者李航,是国内机器学习领域的几个大家之一,曾在MSRA 任高级研究员,现在华为诺亚方舟实验室。
《Machine Learning》(《机器学习》)作者Tom Mitchell是CMU的大师,有机器学习和半监督学习的网络课程视频。
统计学习精要(The Elements of Statistical Learning)课堂笔记系列课程教材:The Elements of StatisticalLearning /~tibs/ElemStatLearn/授课人:复旦大学计算机学院吴立德教授≪统计学习精要(The Elements of Statistical Learning)≫课堂笔记(一)前两天微博上转出来的,复旦计算机学院的吴立德吴老师在开?统计学习精要(The Elements of Statistical Learning)?这门课,还在张江...大牛的课怎能错过,果断请假去蹭课...为了减轻心理压力,还拉了一帮同事一起去听,eBay浩浩荡荡的十几人杀过去好不壮观!总感觉我们的人有超过复旦本身学生的阵势,五六十人的教室坐的满满当当,壮观啊。
确实是一本深入浅出讲data mining models的好书。
此外,对于data mining感兴趣的,也可以去coursera听课~貌似这学期开的machine learning评价不错。
我只在coursera上从众选了一门「Model Thinking」,相对来说比较简单,但是相当的优雅!若有时间会再写写这门课的上课感受。
1. 统计学习是?从数据中学习知识。
同时,还有一些观察到的特征(feature),记为X,X 既可能是一维的也可能是多维的。
第1篇Executive SummaryThis report presents the findings from a comprehensive data analysis of [Subject/Industry/Company Name]. The analysis was conducted using a variety of statistical and analytical techniques to uncover trends, patterns, and insights that are relevant to the decision-making process within the [Subject/Industry/Company Name]. The report is structured as follows:1. Introduction2. Methodology3. Data Overview4. Data Analysis5. Findings6. Recommendations7. Conclusion1. Introduction[Provide a brief overview of the report's purpose, the subject of the analysis, and the context in which the data was collected.]The objective of this report is to [state the objective of the analysis, e.g., identify market trends, assess customer satisfaction, or optimize business processes]. The data used in this analysis was sourced from [describe the data sources, e.g., internal databases, surveys, external market research reports].2. MethodologyThis section outlines the methods and techniques used to analyze the data.a. Data Collection- Describe the data collection process, including the sources of thedata and the methods used to collect it.b. Data Cleaning- Explain the steps taken to clean the data, such as removing duplicates, handling missing values, and correcting errors.c. Data Analysis Techniques- List the statistical and analytical techniques used, such asregression analysis, clustering, time series analysis, and machine learning algorithms.d. Tools and Software- Mention the tools and software used for data analysis, such as Python, R, Excel, and Tableau.3. Data OverviewIn this section, provide a brief overview of the data, including the following:- Data sources and types- Time period covered- Key variables and measures- Sample size and demographics4. Data AnalysisThis section delves into the detailed analysis of the data, using visualizations and statistical tests to illustrate the findings.a. Descriptive Statistics- Present descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance for the key variables.b. Data Visualization- Use charts, graphs, and maps to visualize the data and highlight key trends and patterns.c. Hypothesis Testing- Conduct hypothesis tests to determine the statistical significance of the findings.d. Predictive Modeling- If applicable, build predictive models to forecast future trends or outcomes.5. FindingsThis section summarizes the key findings from the data analysis.- Highlight the most important trends, patterns, and insights discovered.- Discuss the implications of these findings for the[Subject/Industry/Company Name].- Compare the findings to industry benchmarks or past performance.6. RecommendationsBased on the findings, provide actionable recommendations for the [Subject/Industry/Company Name].- Outline specific strategies or actions that could be taken to capitalize on the insights gained from the analysis.- Prioritize the recommendations based on potential impact and feasibility.7. ConclusionConclude the report by summarizing the key points and reiterating the value of the data analysis.- Reiterate the main findings and their significance.- Emphasize the potential impact of the recommendations on the [Subject/Industry/Company Name].- Suggest next steps or future areas of analysis.Appendices- Include any additional information or data that supports the report but is not essential to the main narrative.References- List all the sources of data and any external references used in the report.---Note: The following is an example of how the report might be structured with some placeholder content.---Executive SummaryThis report presents the findings from a comprehensive data analysis of the e-commerce sales trends for XYZ Corporation over the past fiscal year. The analysis aimed to identify key patterns in customer behavior, sales performance, and market dynamics to inform strategic decision-making. The report utilizes a variety of statistical and analytical techniques, including regression analysis, clustering, and time series forecasting. The findings suggest several opportunities for improving sales performance and customer satisfaction.1. Introduction[Placeholder: Provide an introduction to the report, including the purpose and context.]2. Methodologya. Data CollectionData for this analysis was collected from XYZ Corporation's internal sales database, which includes transactional data for all online sales over the past fiscal year. The dataset includes information on customer demographics, purchase history, product categories, and sales performance metrics.b. Data CleaningThe data was cleaned to ensure accuracy and consistency. This involved removing duplicate entries, handling missing values, and correcting any inconsistencies in the data.c. Data Analysis TechniquesStatistical techniques such as regression analysis were used to identify correlations between customer demographics and purchase behavior. Clustering was employed to segment customers based on their purchasing patterns. Time series forecasting was used to predict future sales trends.d. Tools and SoftwarePython and R were used for data analysis, with Excel and Tableau for data visualization.3. Data OverviewThe dataset covers a total of 10 million transactions over the past fiscal year, involving over 1 million unique customers. The data includes information on over 5,000 product categories.4. Data Analysisa. Descriptive Statistics[Placeholder: Present descriptive statistics for key variables, such as average order value, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value.]b. Data Visualization[Placeholder: Include visualizations such as line graphs for sales trends over time, bar charts for product category performance, and pie charts for customer segmentation.]c. Hypothesis Testing[Placeholder: Describe the hypothesis testing conducted, such as testing the relationship between customer age and spending habits.]d. Predictive Modeling[Placeholder: Outline the predictive models developed, such as a model to forecast sales based on historical data and external market indicators.]5. FindingsThe analysis revealed several key findings:- Customers aged 25-34 are the highest spenders.- The product category with the highest growth rate is electronics.- The company's customer acquisition cost is higher than the industry average.6. RecommendationsBased on the findings, the following recommendations are made:- Target marketing efforts towards the 25-34 age group.- Invest in marketing campaigns for the electronics product category.- Reduce customer acquisition costs by optimizing marketing channels.7. ConclusionThe data analysis provides valuable insights into XYZ Corporation's e-commerce sales performance and customer behavior. By implementing the recommended strategies, the company can improve its sales performance and enhance customer satisfaction.Appendices[Placeholder: Include any additional data or information that supports the report.]References[Placeholder: List all the sources of data and any external references used in the report.]---This template serves as a guide for structuring a comprehensive data analysis report. Adjust the content and format as needed to fit the specific requirements of your analysis and audience.第2篇Executive Summary:This report presents a comprehensive analysis of customer purchase behavior on an e-commerce platform. By examining various data points and employing advanced analytical techniques, we aim to uncover trends, patterns, and insights that can inform business strategies, enhance customer experience, and drive sales growth. The report is structuredinto several sections, including an overview of the dataset, methodology, results, and recommendations.1. Introduction1.1 Background:The rapid growth of e-commerce has transformed the retail landscape, offering businesses unprecedented opportunities to reach a global audience. Understanding customer purchase behavior is crucial for e-commerce platforms to tailor their offerings, improve customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.1.2 Objectives:The primary objectives of this analysis are to:- Identify key trends in customer purchase behavior.- Understand the factors influencing customer decisions.- Propose strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales.2. Dataset Overview2.1 Data Sources:The dataset used for this analysis is a combination of transactional data, customer demographics, and product information obtained from an e-commerce platform.2.2 Data Description:The dataset includes the following variables:- Customer demographics: Age, gender, location, income level.- Purchase history: Product categories purchased, purchase frequency, average order value.- Product information: Product category, price, brand, rating.- Transactional data: Purchase date, time, payment method, shipping address.3. Methodology3.1 Data Cleaning:Prior to analysis, the dataset was cleaned to address missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies.3.2 Data Exploration:Initial data exploration was conducted to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the dataset.3.3 Statistical Analysis:Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the dataset and identify key characteristics of customer purchase behavior.3.4 Predictive Modeling:Advanced predictive models, such as regression analysis and clustering, were employed to identify factors influencing customer purchase decisions.3.5 Visualization:Data visualization techniques were used to present the results in an easily interpretable format.4. Results4.1 Customer Demographics:Analysis revealed that the majority of customers are between the ages of 25-34, with a slight male majority. Customers from urban areas tend to have higher average order values.4.2 Purchase Behavior:The dataset showed a strong preference for electronics and fashion products, with a significant number of repeat purchases in these categories. The average order value was highest during festive seasons and weekends.4.3 Influencing Factors:Several factors were identified as influential in customer purchase decisions, including product price, brand reputation, and customer reviews.4.4 Predictive Models:Predictive models accurately predicted customer purchase behavior based on the identified influencing factors.5. Discussion5.1 Key Findings:The analysis confirmed that customer demographics, product categories, and influencing factors play a significant role in shaping purchase behavior on the e-commerce platform.5.2 Limitations:The analysis was limited by the availability of data and the scope of the study. Further research could explore the impact of additional factors, such as marketing campaigns and social media influence.6. Recommendations6.1 Enhancing Customer Experience:- Implement personalized product recommendations based on customer purchase history.- Offer targeted promotions and discounts to encourage repeat purchases.6.2 Improving Marketing Strategies:- Allocate marketing budgets to products with high customer demand and positive reviews.- Develop targeted marketing campaigns for different customer segments.6.3 Product Development:- Invest in product development based on customer preferences and feedback.- Monitor market trends to stay ahead of the competition.7. ConclusionThis report provides valuable insights into customer purchase behavior on an e-commerce platform. By understanding the factors influencing customer decisions, businesses can tailor their strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales growth. The recommendations outlined in this report can serve as a roadmap for businesses looking to capitalize on the e-commerce market.References:- Smith, J., & Johnson, L. (2020). "Customer Purchase Behavior in E-commerce: A Review." Journal of E-commerce Studies, 15(2), 45-60.- Brown, A., & White, M. (2019). "The Role of Customer Demographics inE-commerce Success." International Journal of Marketing Research, 12(3), 78-95.Appendix:- Detailed data visualization plots and tables.- Code snippets for predictive modeling.---This template provides a comprehensive structure for an English reporton data analysis. You can expand on each section with specific data, insights, and recommendations tailored to your dataset and analysis objectives.第3篇---Executive SummaryThis report presents the findings of a comprehensive data analysis conducted on [Subject of Analysis]. The analysis aimed to [State the objective of the analysis]. The report outlines the methodology employed, the key insights derived from the data, and the recommendations based on the findings.---1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundProvide a brief background on the subject of analysis, including any relevant historical context or industry trends.1.2 ObjectiveClearly state the objective of the data analysis. What specificquestions or problems are you trying to address?1.3 ScopeDefine the scope of the analysis. What data sources were used? What time frame is covered?---2. Methodology2.1 Data CollectionExplain how the data was collected. Describe the data sources, data collection methods, and any limitations associated with the data.2.2 Data ProcessingDetail the steps taken to process the data. This may include data cleaning, data transformation, and data integration.2.3 Analytical TechniquesDescribe the analytical techniques used. This could include statistical analysis, predictive modeling, machine learning, or other relevant methods.2.4 Tools and SoftwareList the tools and software used in the analysis. For example, Python, R, SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.---3. Data Analysis3.1 Descriptive StatisticsPresent descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance to summarize the central tendency and spread of the data.3.2 Data VisualizationUse charts, graphs, and maps to visualize the data. Explain what each visualization represents and how it contributes to understanding the data.3.3 Hypothesis TestingIf applicable, discuss the hypothesis testing conducted. State the null and alternative hypotheses, the test statistics, and the p-values.3.4 Predictive ModelingIf predictive modeling was part of the analysis, describe the model built, the evaluation metrics used, and the model's performance.---4. Key Insights4.1 Major FindingsSummarize the major findings of the analysis. What trends, patterns, or relationships were discovered?4.2 ImplicationsDiscuss the implications of the findings for the business, industry, or research question at hand.4.3 LimitationsAcknowledge any limitations of the analysis. How might these limitations affect the validity or generalizability of the findings?---5. RecommendationsBased on the findings, provide actionable recommendations. These should be practical, specific, and tailored to the context of the analysis.5.1 Short-term RecommendationsOffer recommendations that can be implemented in the near term to address immediate issues or opportunities.5.2 Long-term RecommendationsProvide recommendations for strategies that can be developed over a longer period to support sustainable outcomes.---6. ConclusionReiterate the main findings and their significance. Emphasize the value of the analysis and how it contributes to the understanding of the subject matter.---7. AppendicesInclude any additional material that supports the report but is not essential to the main body. This could be detailed data tables, code snippets, or additional visualizations.---ReferencesList all the sources cited in the report, following the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).---8. About the AuthorProvide a brief biography of the author(s) of the report, including their qualifications and relevant experience.---9. Contact InformationInclude the contact information for the author(s) or the organization responsible for the report.---This template is designed to be flexible, allowing you to tailor the content to the specific requirements of your data analysis project. Remember to ensure that the report is clear, concise, and accessible to the intended audience.。
• How to decide the structure of the MLP?
(How many hidden layers and nodes?)
– Ask God, or guess then pray
• How to choose the neuron function?
– Usually Sigmoid (S-shaped) function
– the effort to approach mathematic models for natural nervous systems
– the effort to implement man-made intelligence
• Three types of NN:
– Feedforward NN – Feedback NN – Competitive Learning (Self-organizing) NN
Xuegong Zhang
Tsinghua University
• 关于感知器学习能力的若干结论: – 关于收敛性的结论 – 关于收敛以后的测试错误率(推广能力)的结论
[Novikoff, 1962] [Aizerman, Braverman, and Rozonoer, 1964]
• 学习过程的应用分析学派:
– 最小化训练错误数是不言而喻的归纳原则,学习的主要问题在于 寻找同时构造所有神经元的系数的方法,使所形成的分类面能达
• 学习过程的理论分析学派:
Xuegong Zhang
Tsinghua University
多元回归模型的方差多元回归模型的方差1. 引言多元回归模型是统计学中一种重要的建模方法,可以用于分析多个自变量与一个因变量之间的关系。
2. 深度分析2.1 方差的定义和意义方差是统计学中常用的一个概念,用来衡量随机变量的离散程度。
2.2 方差的计算方法在多元回归模型中,方差可以通过计算预测值与观测值的残差平方和来估计。
方差的计算可以用以下公式表示:方差 = 残差平方和 / (样本量 - 1)2.3 影响方差的因素多元回归模型的方差受多个因素的影响,其中最常见的是以下三个因素:- 自变量的选择:自变量的选择对模型方差有较大影响。
- 样本量的大小:样本量的大小也会对模型方差产生影响。
- 模型的复杂度:模型的复杂度是指模型中涉及的自变量个数和形式的多样性。
3. 广度探讨3.1 方差的影响因素除了上述深度分析中提到的因素外,还有其他一些因素也会对多元回归模型的方差产生影响。
- 数据的噪声:如果数据中存在大量的噪声,即观测误差较大,则模型的方差会增大。
- 基础假设的违反:多元回归模型建立在一系列基础假设的基础上,比如线性独立性、方差齐性等。
1. 线性代数(Linear Algebra):我想国内的大学生都会学过这门课程,但是,未必每一位老师都能贯彻它的精要。
这门学科对于Learning 是必备的基础,对它的透彻掌握是必不可少的。
我在科大一年级的时候就学习了这门课,后来到了香港后,又重新把线性代数读了一遍,所读的是Introduction to Linear Algebra (3rd Ed.) by Gilbert Strang.这本书是MIT的线性代数课使用的教材,也是被很多其它大学选用的经典教材。
我个人觉得,学习线性代数,最重要的不是去熟练矩阵运算和解方程的方法——这些在实际工作中MATLAB可以代劳,关键的是要深入理解几个基础而又重要的概念:子空间(Subspace),正交(Orthogonality),特征值和特征向量(Eigenvalues and eigenvectors),和线性变换(Linear transform)。
Strang 的这本书在这方面是做得很好的。
书的作者长期在MIT讲授线性代数课(18.06),课程的video在MIT 的Open courseware网站上有提供。
直线模型的形式可以表示为:y = β₀ + β₁x,其中y是因变量,x是自变量,β₀和β₁是直线模型的系数。
以下是一些使用直线模型的常见策略:1. 数据趋势分析:通过拟合一条直线到数据点上,可以分析数据的趋势,并预测未来的值。
2. 预测模型:直线模型可以用于建立预测模型,通过输入自变量的值,可以预测因变量的值。
3. 关系建模:直线模型可以用于建立变量之间的关系模型,从而探索变量之间的相关性。
4. 参数估计:直线模型可以通过最小二乘法来估计模型的系数,从而求解模型的参数。
使用直线模型的简单策略在使用直线模型时,可以考虑以下简单的策略来获取准确的结果:1. 数据准备:确保数据的质量和完整性,包括数据清洗、缺失值处理等。
2. 模型选择:根据实际问题选择合适的直线模型,可以考虑线性回归、多变量线性回归等。
3. 模型评估:通过拟合优度、残差分析等方法评估直线模型的好坏,并进行必要的调整。
4. 结果解释:在报告结果时,应清晰地解释直线模型的系数和统计显著性,以及模型的解释能力和局限性。
参考文献:- Smith, J. (2010). Introduction to regression analysis. Wiley.- James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2013). An introduction to statistical learning. Springer.。
统计历史:1.《⼥⼠品茶—21世纪统计学怎样变⾰了科学》 Salsburg David(是美国统计学家萨尔斯伯格以“⼥⼠品茶问题”为切⼊点所著的⼀部关于统计学历史与变⾰的书,以⼀种全新全新的视⾓带领读者进⼊统计学的世界,体会统计学带给哲学观、宇宙观的变⾰。
英⽂版:The Lady Tasting Tea—How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century)2.《统计与真理—怎样运⽤偶然性》 C.R.Rao(本书是当代国际最著名的统计学家之⼀C.R.Rao的⼀部统计学哲理论著,也是他毕⽣统计学术思想的总结,同时还是⼀本通俗的关于统计学原理的普及教科书。
假设我们有两个自变量X1和X2,回归模型可以表示为:Y = β0 + β1*X1 + β2*X2 + β3*X1*X2 + ε其中,β3为交互项系数,表示自变量X1和X2的交互作用对因变量Y的影响。
交互项系数的解释为了解释交互项系数的含义,我们可以通过以下方法来理解它的影响:1. 系数的正负交互项系数的正负可以告诉我们自变量之间的交互效应是增强还是减弱。
2. 系数的大小交互项系数的绝对值可以告诉我们自变量之间的交互效应的强度。
3. 解释交互项系数为了更好地理解交互项系数的影响,我们可以进一步解释交互项系数的含义。
3.1 计算交互作用效应为了计算交互作用效应,我们可以使用不同值的自变量X1和X2来代入回归方程,然后计算因变量Y的变化量。
1. 确定K值:首先需要确定要将数据集划分成多少个簇。
2. 初始化:从数据集中随机选择K个数据点作为初始的质心(簇的中心点)。
3. 分配:对于每一个数据点,计算其与各个质心之间的欧氏距离,并将其分配到距离最近的质心所对应的簇中。
4. 更新质心:对于每一个簇,计算该簇内所有数据点的平均值,将其作为新的质心。
5. 重复分配和更新质心的步骤,直到簇的分配不再发生变化,或者达到预定的迭代次数。
6. 输出结果:最终得到K个簇的质心以及分配到每个簇的数据点。
下面是一些相关参考内容,可以供进一步了解K-means算法的流程和相关概念:- 《Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques》Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei(参考第8.2节K-means Clustering算法)- 《Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective》Kevin P. Murphy(参考第25.1节K-means Clustering)- 《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》Christopher M. Bishop(参考第9.1节k-means clustering)- 《Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms》Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David(参考第19.3节k-means++ algorithm)- 《An Introduction to Statistical Learning》Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani(参考第10.3.2节K-means Clustering)这些参考内容介绍了K-means算法的基本流程,包括初始化、分配、更新和输出结果等步骤。
y c p exp( x 2 )
• 基本术语(2) • 两种基本算法:Linear Model和Nearest Neighbor Methods(3) • Loss Function和Optimal Prediction(4) • Curse of Dimensionality(5) • Additive Model(6) • Model Selection(6,7,8,9)
ˆ ( x) arg min E ( L( y, y ˆ )) y
ˆ ( x) y
Loss Function和Optimal Prediction
• 平方损失函数的形式为
ˆ) ( y y ˆ )2 L( y, y
ˆ )2 EPE E( y y
• 由测度论的知识,容易知道最优解是
• 最近邻方法对此的逼近:若P( g | X x)是连 续的,则最近邻的解相合于最优解。
• 基本术语(2) • 两种基本算法:Linear Model和Nearest Neighbor Methods(3) • Loss Function和Optimal Prediction(4) • Curse of Dimensionality(5) • Additive Model(6) • Model Selection(6,7,8,9)
Model Selection
• 非参数模型选择的三种方法: Roughness Penalty Kernel Methods and Local Regression Basis Function and Dictionary Methods
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Learning Statistical Models of Time-Varying Relational Data Sumit Sanghai,Pedro Domingos and Daniel WeldDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Washington,Seattle,WA981951IntroductionFormalisms that can represent objects and relations,as op-posed to just variables,have a long history in AI.Recently, significant progress has been made in combining them with a principled treatment of uncertainty.In particular,proba-bilistic relational models or PRMs[4]are an extension of Bayesian networks that allows reasoning with classes,ob-jects and relations.Although PRMs have been successfully applied to a lot of different domains,they lack the temporal dynamics of the real world.In most real world systems,ob-jects get created,modified and even deleted over time.Sim-ilarly,the relationships between objects change as time pro-gresses.For example,consider the problem of predicting the set of research topics that become“hot”(e.g.,as measured by the number of papers published about them)over time,the changing distribution of these topics among conferences,and the interests and collaborations between authors.It would be difficult to learn a PRM that modeled this time-varying be-havior.Currently the most powerful representation available for capturing sequential phenomena is dynamic Bayesian net-works(DBNs)[1],but DBNs are unable to compactly rep-resent many real-world domains that contain multiple objects and classes of objects,as well as multiple kinds of relations among them.DBNs are even more awkward if one wishes to model objects and relations that appear and disappear over time.Thus,our research has focused on a new repre-sentation,dynamic probabilistic relational models(DPRMs) which combines PRMs with DBNs.Previously,we have ex-plored the problem of efficient inference[8];this paper out-lines our thoughts on learning DPRMs.2Dynamic Probabilistic Relational Models We start by briefly summarizing the definition of PRMs and DPRMs,adapted from[4;8].A PRM encodes a probability distribution over the set of all possible instantiations I of a schema.In the simplest case,the relational attributes of all objects are assumed to be known,and the PRM specifies a probability distribution for each propositional attribute A of each class C.The parents of each attribute(i.e.,the variables it depends on)can be other attributes of C,or attributes of classes that are related to C by some slot chain.Thus,by knowing the relational attributes one can get the joint proba-bility distribution by computing the set of parents for each ob-ject and its attributes and calculating the probability through the distribution specified.More generally,only the object skeleton might be known,in which case the PRM also needs to specify a distribution over the relational attributes[5]. Now,we extend PRMs to handle the time domain in the same way that DBNs extend Bayesian networks.Given a re-lational schema S,wefirst extend each class C with the re-lational attribute C.previous,with domain C.As before,we initially assume that the relational skeleton at each time slice is known.Definition1A two-time-slice PRM(2TPRM)for a relational schema S is defined as follows.For each class C and each propositional attribute A∈A(C),we have:•A set of parents P a(C.A)={P a1,P a2,...,P a l},where each P a i has the form C.B or f(C.τ.B),whereτis a slot chain containing the attribute previous at most once,and f()is an aggregation function.•A conditional probability model for P(C.A|P a(C.A)).2 Definition2A dynamic probabilistic relational model (DPRM)for a relational schema S is a pair(M0,M→),where M0is a PRM over I0,representing the distribution P0over the initial instantiation of S,and M→is a2TPRM represent-ing the transition distribution P(I t|I t−1)connecting succes-sive instantiations of S.2DPRMs are extended to the case where only the object skeleton for each time slice is known in the same way that PRMs are,by adding to Definition1a set of parents and con-ditional probability model for each relational attribute,where the parents can be in the same or the previous time slice. When the object skeleton is not known(e.g.,if objects can appear and disappear over time),the2TPRM includes in ad-dition a Boolean existence variable for each possible object, again with parents from the same or the previous time slice. 3Inference in DPRMsJust as a PRM can be expanded into a Bayesian network,so can a DPRM be unrolled into a DBN.In principle,we can then perform inference using particlefiltering[2],the most widely used approximate inference algorithm for DBNs.Par-ticlefiltering maintains a set of samples(particles)to ap-proximate the distribution of any state;the distribution for next state is achieved by importance sampling and resam-pling.Unfortunately,for DPRMs,particlefiltering is likelyto perform poorly,because the state space will be huge.We overcome this by adapting Rao-Blackwellisation[7]to the re-lational setting.Rao-Blackwellisation divides the state vari-ables into two sets—one in which values are inferred using a particlefilter and the other in which values are calculated analytically from the values of the variables in thefirst set. We make the major assumption that relational attributes do not appear anywhere in the DPRM as parents of unobserved attributes,and that each reference slot can be occupied by at most one object.Then,a Rao-Blackwellised particle is com-posed of sampled values for all propositional attributes of all objects,plus a probability vector for each relational attribute of each object which is inferred exactly.While this technique can vastly reduce the size of the state space which particlefiltering needs to sample,storing and up-dating all the requisite probabilities can still become quite ex-pensive.This expense can be ameliorated if context-specific independences exist.We can then replace the vector of prob-abilities with a novel tree structure whose leaves represent probabilities for entire sets of objects[8].Our experiments evaluated the efficiency of several infer-ence schemes applied to an assembly-plan execution moni-toring task in a simplified manufacturing domain.Even with hundreds of thousands of particles,standard particlefilter-ing failed(i.e.terminated due to inconsistent observations which could not be explained)on datasets with around100 objects and500time steps.In contrast,our inference algo-rithm yielded accurate predictions on similar problems with only5000particles,and ran more quickly and with less stor-age[8].Much work remains to improve inference.For example, we will endeavor to lift the assumptions mentioned above and more effectively use a DPRM’s structure during inference. 4Learning in DPRMsWhen a DPRM consists of only a single time slice it becomes equivalent to a PRM,and when the DPRM is devoid of re-lations it is a DBN.Thus we look to combine the learning algorithms already developed for PRMs and DBNs.Thefirst step,parameter learning,appears to be relatively straightfor-ward when no data is missing,since the parameters associated with different types of nodes can be estimated individually. However,there is a subtlety which makes the problem more complex than in a DBN:•A DPRM can generate a unique state in multiple ways,and each way must be considered during parameter estimation. For example,if in the new state objects get created,the order of creation can affect the likelihood of the data,as the newly-created objects can interact with each other.There may be a combinatorial number of ways in which a DPRM may gener-ate each state,so we are developing methods to do parameter estimation efficiently.One possibility is to impose a canon-ical ordering,and another is to greedily compute the most likely order(s)in which the data could have been generated. In order to learn the DPRM structure,we have to take care of several more issues:•Defining constraints to eliminate illegal DPRMs is essen-tial when navigating the space of structures.A cycle in aPRM is illegal,and this constraint extends to the two parts of a DPRM.There are additional constraints on a2TPRM;specifying these in a way that allows creation of an un-bounded number of dynamic objects is challenging.•There are several strategies for searching the space of DPRM structures.The simplest idea is to add and delete edges in the two components,PRM and2-TPRM,to gen-erate candidate DPRMs.One could do the search byfirst learning a PRM which gives a good intra-time-slice con-nectivity,before learning the inter-time-slice connectivity.•An important task is scoring a DPRM, e.g.with a likelihood-based measure.To compute the likelihood of the data given a candidate DPRM,fast DPRM inference is required.While our particlefiltering algorithm is quite fast,we wish to extend it so that we can efficiently explore the space of DPRMS,incrementally updating the likeli-hood scores.We believe the two-phase search strategy sug-gested previously will simplify this task.•Since the space of candidate DPRM models is huge,we are considering pruning mechanisms.Note that some of the methods stated above actually prune the space(e.g.learn-ing the PRMfirst,followed by time dependencies).One may also impose priors on the models to bias towards sim-plicity by limiting the number of edges.We plan to design priors over DPRM structures by extending the approach of Heckerman et al.[6]who exponentially penalize arc differ-ences from a”best”prior structure.We will compare the relative benefits of doing this at the class vs.instance level.•We plan to extend the learning algorithm to work in the presence of missing values and hidden variables.EM is easiest to apply when the observations are relational but the hidden state is not.Solving this problem with full gen-erality would require an extension of structural EM[3],but this needs to be done for PRMsfirst. AcknowledgementsThis work was partly supported by an NSF CAREER Award to the second author,by ONR grant N00014-02-1-0932,and by NASA grant NAG2-1538.References[1]T.Dean and K.Kanazawa.A model for reasoning about persis-tence and putational Intelligence,1989.[2] A.Doucet,N.de Freitas,and N.Gordon,editors.SequentialMonte Carlo Methods in Practice.Springer,2001.[3]N.Friedman.The Bayesian structural EM algorithm.UAI-98.[4]N.Friedman,L.Getoor,D.Koller,and A.Pfeffer.Learningprobabilistic relational models.IJCAI-99.[5]L.Getoor,N.Friedman,D.Koller,and B.Taskar.Learningprobabilistic models of relational structure.ICML-01.[6] D.Heckerman, D.Geiger,and D.Chickering.Learningbayesian networks:the combination of knowledge and statis-tical data.Machine Learning,1995.[7]K.Murphy and S.Russell.Rao-Blackwellised particlefilteringfor dynamic Bayesian networks.In A.Doucet,et al.,editors, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice.Springer,2001.[8]S.Sanghai,P.Domingos,and D.Weld.Dynamic probabilisticrelational models.Submitted to IJCAI-03.。