



Chapter2 A Changed Global Reality 世界经济格局新变化Say this for the young century: we live in interesting times. Not quite 2 1⁄2 years ago, the world economy tipped into the most severe downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. World trade slowed sharply. Unemployment lines grew longer, especially in the old industrial economies. Financial institutions that had seemed as solid as granite disappeared as if they were no more substantial than a bunch of flowers in the hands of an old-style magician. 对于新世纪,我们得这样说:我们生活在一个有趣的时代。





Given that the scale of the downturn was so epochal, it should not be surprising that the nature of the recovery would likewise be the stuff of history. And it has been. As they make their way to Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by helicopter, bus, car or train (which is the right way to do it), the members of the global economic and political elite will find themselves coming to terms with something they have never known before. 考虑到经济衰退幅度如此的跨时代,经济复苏进程会很慢也是理所当然的,对此我们不应该感到吃惊。

第六章 Bingding(一)

第六章 Bingding(一)

Binding的使用,并不一定是逻辑层的数据对象为 源,UI层的元素为目标。为了让UI层的元素之间产生 连动效果,也会使用Binding在控件间建立关联。如下 面代码:
<StackPanel> <TextBox x:Name="txt1" Text="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=slider1 }" BorderBrush="Black" Margin="5" /> <Slider x:Name="slider1" Maximum="100" Minimum="0" Margin="20" /> </StackPanel>
和算法。数据会在存储、逻辑和展示三个层流通, 但是算法在程序中的分布就不一样了。对于一个三 层结构的程序来说,算法一般分布在这几处:
A:数据库内部; B:读取和写回数据; C:业务逻辑; D:数据展示; E:界面与逻辑的交互。
1、Data Binding定位
D、E两层负责UI与逻辑的交互,也占有一定量的算 法。 显然,C部分是程序的核心、重点。D、E两个部分 经常成为麻烦来源。首先,这两个部分都与逻辑层 紧密相关;其次,这两个部分以消息或事件的方式 与逻辑层沟通;最后,D和E本应该是互逆,却分 开来写。

Unit 6 Lesson 2 听力材料及练习讲解课件-高中英语选择性必修第二册

Unit 6 Lesson 2 听力材料及练习讲解课件-高中英语选择性必修第二册

what was news and covered it, but now anyone
have an impact on对......有影响
With the camera in our smartphones,we can make a recording of a high-definition video of an event, it the Internet, and then people all over the world can see it.
adj.互动的,交互的 嗯,很明显,互联网为我们的语言引入了很多新词。在互 联网出现之前,有谁听说过“微博”?但更重要的是,我认为 互联网使媒体更具
Media used to be a one-way process —they spoke and we listened. Now it's much more like a dialogue. Every article has reader's comments below it and anyone can express what they think.
Q2 c. The Internet has introduced a lot of new words to our language.
Q2 d. The word “microblogging” did not exist before the Internet.
Q2 e. Every article has reader’s comments below it and everyone can express what they think.

审计学(英) 课件 第六章

审计学(英) 课件 第六章

sample of a population.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
• Reasonable Assurance Reasons: 2.Accounting presentations contain complex
estimates, which inherently involve uncertainty
• The purpose of an audit is to provide financial
statement users with an opinion by the auditor on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial accounting framework.
impossible) for auditors to have responsibility for
finding all immaterial errors and fraud.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
• Reasonable Assurance Assurance is a measure of the level of certainty
and performing audits to detect unintentional
mistakes made by management and employees.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
• Auditor’s responsibilities for detecting material errors Mistakes in calculations, omissions, misunderstanding



Chapter 6 Memory第6章记忆This chapter includes three modules: first, module 18 tells us how the memory works; second, module 19 introduces recalling in long-term memories; last, we will learn why we forgetting when our memory fails.MODULE 18 ENCODING, STORAGE AND RETRIEV AL OF MEMORYMemory is any system—human, animal, or machine—that encodes, stores, and retrieves information. The process of memory is encoding, storage and retrieval. Encoding is involving the modification of information to fit the preferred format for the memory system. Storage is involving the retention of encoded material over time. Retrieval is involving the location and recovery of information from memory.THE SENSORY REGISTERSScientific research on memory began with Ebbinghaus's experiments in the nineteenth century. Today the information-processing model of memory describes how information is encoded, organized, and stored in memory, and how it is retrieved from memory.THE SENSORY REGISTERSSensory registers are the entry points for raw information from all the senses. If we do not process this information further, it disappears.Visual and Auditory RegistersAs new visual information enters the registers, old information (the icon, or visual image) is "masked" almost immediately and disappears. Otherwise, the registers would overload as visual information piled up and became scrambled. Auditory information fades more slowly; the echo may last for several seconds.Initial ProcessingFrom the mass of incoming information, we select elements and hold them for further processing. In this process, called attention, we also give meaning to the information.SHORT-TERM MEMORYInformation that we attend to enters short-term memory (STM), also called primary memory and working memory. STM contains everything that we are consciously aware of at any instant. STM not only briefly stores information but also processes that information further.Capacity of STMSTM has its limits. Researches have found that STM can hold only as much information as can be repeated or rehearsed in 1.5 to 2 seconds, which is usually 5 to 10 separate bits of information. We can process more information by grouping it into larger meaningful units, a process called chunking.Encoding in STMInformation can be encoded for temporary storage in STM phonologically (according to the way it sounds), in visual form, or in terms of its meaning. Researchers conclude that STM has a greater capacity for material encoded visually than for information encoded phonologically.Retention and Retrieval in STMMaterial in STM disappears in 15 to 20 seconds unless it is rehearsed or practiced. According to decay theory, material is lost from STM simply because of the passage of time. Interference theory contends that interference from other information leads to forgetting from STM. Memory loss from STM is permanent. This prevents us from becoming overwhelmed with a mass of irrelevant, trivial, or unrelated data.Rote RehearsalThrough rote rehearsal, or maintenance rehearsal, we retain information in STM for a minute or two by repeating it over and over again. However, rote memorization does not promote long-term memory.Elaborative RehearsalElaborative rehearsal, or "the linking of new information in STM to familiar material stored in long-term memory," enables us to retain information for a longer time in STM. Through elaborative rehearsal, we process new data in a deeper and more meaningful way than through simple rote repetition.An accident or severe interference can make unrehearsed information disappear. Retrograde amnesia (the inability to recall events immediately preceding an accident or injury) is caused by an interruption in elaborative rehearsal.LONG-TERM MEMORYLong-term memory (LTM)is more or less permanent and stores everything we "know." Semantic memory is the portion of LTM that stores general facts and information in dictionary or encyclopedia form. Another facet of LTM, episodic memory, stores information rich with personal meaning.Encoding in LTMMost of the information in LTM seems to be encoded in terms of meaning. Through rehearsal, we extract the meaning of information and link it to as muchmaterial that is already in LTM as possible. The way in which we encode material for storage in LTM affects the ease with which we can retrieve it later on.Implicit MemoryImplicit memory refers to memories for information that either was not intentionally committed to LTM or is retrieved unintentionally from LTM. By contrast, explicit memory allows us to recall information that is intentionally committed to LTM and retrieved from LTM.Storage and Retrieval in LTMMost, if not all, of the information in LTM remains there more or less permanently, but we can''t always retrieve it when we need to, as the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon shows.Especially disturbing events may cause us to repress memories or even to forget personal memories altogether (hysterical amnesia). Sometimes we "reconstruct" our memories for social or personal self-defense.Recognizing that past reactions and experiences affect our present memory, researchers developed the schema theory. A schema(plural: schemata) is a set of beliefs or expectations about something based on past experience, and it serves as a basis or standard for comparison with a new experience. Using schemata, we not only comprehend and interpret present circumstances but also streamline our retrieval processes. Retrieval is also aided by extensive cues and links with other material in LTM.BIOLOGICAL BASES OF MEMORYResearch has shown that some memories may be localized in certain portions of the brain; however, most memories are stored in various parts of the brain. One reason may be that several senses can contribute to one memory and might be stored in the brain''s centers for vision, speech, smell, and touch. Also, a recent finding shows that the basal forebrain may be involved in binding together information stored separately throughout the brain. The hippocampus is involved in transferring information from short-term to long-term memory.MODULE 19 RECALL LONG-TERM MEMORIESRetrieval cues are the “search terms” used to active a memory. It maybe a word, an emotion, or a sound.Flashbulb memoriesFlashbulb memories are a clear and vivid long-term memory of an especially meaningful and emotional event.Years after a dramatic or significant event occurs, people often have vivid memories of that event as well as the incidents surrounding it.These memories are known as flashbulb memories. According to the "now print" theory, the event triggers a mechanism in the brain that captures the memory, prints it, and stores it for a long time essentially unchanged. Recent research has challenged the assumptions that flashbulb memories are accurate and stable.Autobiographical MemoryAutobiographical memory refers to your recollection of events that happened in your life and when those events took place. People generally cannot remember events that occurred prior to age 2, and our earliest memories frequently concern events that significantly changed our lives or were particularly frightening.MODULE 20 FORGETTING: WHEN MEMORY FAILSSeveral reasons for ForgettingInformation in sensory and short-term memory appears to decay if it does not receive further processing. New information may "erase" old information in long-term memory. Proactive and retroactive interference may take place. Cue-dependent forgetting may occur when retrieval cues are inadequate. Some lapses in memory may be due to psychogenic amnesia, which is the forgetting of disturbing or shocking events and psychologists are divided about why this occurs.To the extent that information is apparently lost from LTM, researchers attribute the cause to interference from competing information. Interference may come from two directions: in retroactive interference, new information interferes with old information already in LTM; proactive interference refers to the process by which old information already in LTM interferes with new information. Interference affects both storage and retrieval of information.。

第六章 句子的翻译

第六章 句子的翻译

施动主语(agentive subject): Susan is growing flowers. Her books translate well.

受动主语(affected subject):
• •
A 工具主语(instrumental subject): stone broke the glass. 地点主语(locative subject):

3) 增加there be…
7: 还将有一些生活极端贫困的人们,他们还需要政府 的资助。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) There will still be some people living in extreme poverty, who are still in need of the government's financial support. 8: 举例来说,在早先的法国洞穴绘画里,早于公元前 10,000年的绘画中没有人与人打仗的画面。(复旦大 学02年考博英语翻译试题) For example, among ancient French cave drawings earlier than 10,000 B.C., there were no pictures describing people fighting with each other.
• •
1.3 主语选择的原则 1. 3. 1 增加主语
1)增加泛指的主语“we, you, one”等。

1:充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济增长、 扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。(上海理工 大学04年考博英语翻译试题) We should take advantage of non public-owned economy, including individual, privately owned etc., to fulfill it's significant effect on accelerating economic improvement, enlarging employment, and flourishing the market. 2: 然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何, 考试是考不出名堂来的。(中国人民大学02年考博英 语翻译试题) But they are of vain if you want to know about the gift, intelligence or practical abilities of a person. 3: 凡事应该适度,适度是最安全的。(天津大学01年 考博英语翻译试题) One should be moderate in all things, and moderation is always the safest way.











例如:developing countries (发展中国家)/developed countries (发达国家),the touching tale(动人的传说) the touched audience(受感动的观众)。



例如:a pressing question (一个紧迫的问题),an embarrassing question (一个令人难堪的问题)②现在分词作定语时也可置于它所修饰的名词之后。

例如:There were no soldiers drilling.(没有士兵在训练。


例如:a little child learning to walk (学走路的小孩子)(2)作状语讲解要点现在分词及其短语也可作状语,表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。



例如:Walking on the street, I met an old classmate of mine.强调与谓语动词的动作同时发生时,现在分词之前可用连词when或while。

例如:When seeing those pictures, he couldn’t help thinking of his childhood.②表示原因。

chapter6 Drag and Drop

chapter6 Drag and Drop




这里首先声明一下,要运行附件中的例子,需要把FileListTree类里的FILE_ROOT 常量改为一个在你本地机器上存在的目录路径。

拖放源和放置地DragSource and DropTarget要实现拖放,就必须有拖动源和放置地。



在鼠标拖动的过程中,我们可以 通过鼠标图形的变化来得知当前经过的是否是一个有效的放置地,这个过程叫做“drag over effect”。

鼠标图形同时也可以告诉我们在数据被放下之后,什么样的操作会被执 行,是拷贝还是移动还是别的什么。

如果我们拖动经过一个带有item的部件,比方说tree或者table,那么这个item会变成高亮,表明我们可以将数据放在这个item上,这个过程我们叫“drag under effect”。


Transfer实际上是一个提供数据在Java representation(java表现)与platform specific representation(平台特有表现)之间进行交互的抽象类。


文本转换器 TextTransfer String "hello world"2。

RTF转换器 RTFTransfer String "{\\rtf1\\b\\i hello world}"3。



当带电人体手持小金属物件时,由于金属物件的尖端 效应,使得其周围的场强大大增强,再加上金属物件 的电极效应,导致放电时的等效电阻大大减小。因此 大同等条件下,它产生的放电电流峰值比单独人体放 电的要大,放电持续时间短。
1.6 人体金属模型
除了考虑源的模 型之外,还必需 考虑受害物的等 效电路模型及其 与源的相互作用。
1.6 人体金属模型
当放电电压分别为2KV,4KV ,8KV,15KV时,用带宽不 低于100MHZ的测试系统测得 它对特定的低阻抗接地放电的 电流波形应具有标准中所给出 的典型波形如图6-17的主要特
点 。电流上升时间应在5ns左 右,丙50%峰值电流的间隔时 间为30ns。在放电压为2KV时 ,放电峰值电流应达9A,在 15KV时,应达70A.
图6-17 IEC-801-2规定的放电电流波形
1.6 人体金属模型
其中,CB,RB,LB 分别为人体电 容分,别电为阻手C及,B,RB电前,LB感臂,及C手HA,持RH的A,L小HA 金属物件的电容,等效电阻 及电感。当放电电压分别为 2KV,KV。6KV,8KV时,用带宽 不小于1G的测量系统测出的 放电网络的放电电流波形与 标准中给出的参考波形吻合 。
脉冲从峰值的10%上升 到峰值的90%所需要的 时间tr为脉冲上升时间, 一般为2~10ns;脉冲从 峰值下降到峰值的 36.8%所需要的时间td 为脉冲衰减时间,一般为 150±20ns;电流脉冲 波形中第一个波峰与第一 个波谷之间的差值Ir为最 大的振荡电流峰-峰值, 应该小于短路放电峰值电 流Ips的15%,且脉冲开 始100ns后应该观察不到 。

听力材料讲解 课后习题讲解课件- 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册

听力材料讲解 课后习题讲解课件- 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册
UNIT6 The Admirable Lesson 2 History Makeradmires Martin Luther King and is making a profile of him.Match a word from the left column with the ending in the right e the phrases in their correct form to complete the profile.
课本87页5 Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty Complete the conversation. A:I watched a documentary last night about the actor Christopher Reeve.He was such a remarkable person.
behind bars
About Martin Luther King Date of birth 15 January ,1929 Date of death 4 April ,1968
His early experience He _s_u_f_f_e_r_e_d__r_a_c_i_a_l_d__is__c_e_i_m__in_a__ti_o_n__. when he was young. One day in 1943,King took the bus with his black teacher. The white bus driver told them to give their seats to two white people. King had to ___g_iv__e__u_p__h_i_s__s_e_a__t ________.From that event King was determined to fight for black people to__w__in__e__q_u_a__l_r_ig__h_t_s______ _.

话语分析第六章 孙志恒

话语分析第六章 孙志恒

Explicitly marked cohesive relationship:
formal markers
• Halliday & Hasan provide an extended, often illuminating, discussion of the relationships indicated by markers, together with an extended taxonomy. • Types of explicit markers of conjunctive relations
• Lexical relationships: ①hyponymy: daffodil is a hyponym of flower. ②part-whole: arm is part of a man. ③collocability: Monday relates to Tuesday. • Structural relationships: ①clausal substitution: Sarah is very fond of Rachel. So am I. ②comparison: My thumb is stronger than that hammer.
We can also observe chains of lexical collocation:
• a. birdsong-woodlark-nightingale-blackbirdsrooks • b. birdsong-singing-cawing-calling
• We suggest, there is no explicit marking of relationship between the first and second sentences. • A normal reader will interpret the second sentence in the light of the first sentence. e.g. A: there‟s the doorbell. B: I‟m in the bath.



Unit 2 Poems语言点编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞学习目标重点词汇convey, load, concrete, tease, contradictory, flexible, eventually, transform, appropriate, exchange, sponsor, blank重点短语take it easy, run out of, be made up of, in particular, try out, let out重点句型reason+从句知识讲解重点词汇【高清课堂:Unit 2词语精讲convey--load】convey【原句回放】Others try to convey certain emotions. 而有些诗试图传达某种感情。

【点拨】convey vt.传达;运送;表达1. A good photograph can often convey(传达)far more than words.好的照片经常比文字更能传情。

2. These results will enable us at least to convey(表明)a sense of progress.这些结果至少能表明一种进步的感觉。

3.Please convey (转达) my appreciation to your President.请代我向您的总裁/总统转达我的感激之情。

4. A taxi conveyed(运送)us to the train station. 一辆出租车把我们送到火车站。

(convey sb. to some place 用车送某人去某地)load【原句回放】Slowly the old man carries his load. 老人慢慢地挑着担子前行。

【点拨】load n. 负担,负重1. The men were struggling with their heavy loads.这些人因为负担沉重而挣扎着。



(5)句型⑤ (特例) 如果主语为代词,则不需要倒装 Eg:In he came and out he went again.
(1) ①否定副词和介词短语否定词放在句首,句子要用部分倒装. ②否定词通常为(not, never, neither, nor, little, few, rarely, hardly)、 (in no case , in no way , on no condition, not until…) Eg:Not did it occur to Amith that he could one day become a top student. Not until then did I recognize hm.
11. ____, with tears in her eyes.
A.Out the girl rushes
B.Out rushes the girl
C.Out does the girl rush D.Rush does the girl out
12.So cute___that I love it very much.
Hardly had the dinner been prepared when I got home.
1. Not only___, but also he was polite.
A.does he work hard
B. he works hard
C.did he woke hard
D. he worked hard
4. Not until he began to work ___that he had wasted so much time.



图6.1 第一次运行结果界面
第六章 的Web服务器控件
6.2.2 Image控件
Image控件又称图像控件,与HTML控件中的Img控件相 似,主要用来显示用户的图片或图像。可以使用该控件的
ImageUrl属性设置要显示的图片或图像文件的链接地址 (URL);控件的AlternateText属性显示图片或图像提示信 息,如果图片或图像无法显示时,则图片或图像所在位置仅 显示备用文本。Image控件的用法如下:
图6.3 ch6-2.aspx窗体的设计界面 图6.4 ch6-2.aspx窗体的运行界面
第六章 的Web服务器控件
6.2.3 <asp:textbox>控件
在中,<asp:textbox>控件是文本框控件,用于 在Web页面上接收用户的文本信息。它类似于HTML的<input Type="Text">标记。 文本框是一个可以有很多行的文本区,允许输入较多的 文本。该控件提供了以下几个主要属性: • MaxLength:指定输入到<asp:textbox>中最多的字符个数。 • TextMode:指定是否希望控件只接收一行(默认值,或将 设置成SingleLine)、或是多行(将其设成MultiLine)、 还是将内容隐藏起来的一行(将其设为Password)。 • ReadOnly:表示文本是否为只读,默认为False。 • Rows、Columns:设置文本框所具有的行数、列数。 • Wrap:指定在多行文本框中,文本是否应自动换行。 • CssClass:控件呈现的样式。 • EnableViewState:控件是否保留ViewState状态。
表6-1 Html服务器控件与Web窗体控件的区别



U2 重点词汇讲解1. injure比较wound, injure 和 hurtwound和injure均可指对身体的伤害。




1) She was _____ because she was not invited to the party. (hurt)2) He couldn’t come to work because he was knocked down by a bike and _____ hisfeet. (injured)3) In that battle two of our soldiers were killed and five were ________. (wounded)2. apart adj/ adv.(1) 相距 The two buildings are 100 meters apart.(2) 成碎片 The cup fell apart in my hand.(3) 分开,分离 You never see them apart these days.apart from 远离;除……外;1) Apart from a house in Nanjing, they also have one in Beijing. (=besides)2) Apart from a few words, I don’t know any French at all. (=Except for)3. junior (年少的,初级的)junior middle school 初中1) He is junior to me. 他的职位比我低。

2) He is three years my junior. 他比我小3岁4. in difficult timestimes 时代;时势in ancient times _______________________in the times of Henry III _____________________________the actors of the times _______________________________Times ______ (have) changed.5. dedicate(1) dedicate sth. to (doing) sth.1) Andy wants to dedicate more time to his hobbies.安迪想把更多的时间花在自己的爱好上。

人教版八下英语Unit6第2课时(SectionA 3a-3c)

人教版八下英语Unit6第2课时(SectionA 3a-3c)
➢ Our school life has changed a lot since 2017. We have
more activities now.
1. The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years. (教材P43 3a)
come out 出版;发行;发表 ➢ When is her new novel coming out?
【拓展】come out 的其他常见含义:
come out
(太阳、月亮、 When the sun goes down, 星星)出现 the stars come out.
In spring, grass turns
magician 作名词,意为“魔术师;巫师”。 ➢ The magician is performing magic on the stage. He is
waving a magic wand. Do you think he has magic?
Read the third paragraph and answer the question. Question:Why are children interested in reading about the
Monkey King? The Monkey King has excited the children of China for
excite v. 使激动;使兴奋 many years. And as soon as the TV program came out
more than 30 years ago, Western children became

C++程序设计Y.Daniel Liang 第六章课后习题答案

C++程序设计Y.Daniel Liang 第六章课后习题答案

Exercise6_2#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){// Prompt the user to enter the first numbercout << "Enter an integer: ";int max;cin >> max;int count = 1;// Prompt the user to enter the remaining five numbers for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {cout << "Enter an integer: ";int temp;cin >> temp;if (temp > max) {max = temp;count = 1;}else if (temp == max)count++;}cout << "\n" <<"max is " << max << "\n" <<"the occurrence count is " << count;return 0;}Exercise6_4#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){double scores[100];double sum = 0;int count = 0;do{cout << "Enter a new score: ";cin >> scores[count];sum += scores[count];}while (scores[count++] >= 0);double average = (sum - scores[count]) / (count - 1);int numOfAbove = 0;int numOfBelow = 0;for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)if (scores[i] >= average)numOfAbove++;elsenumOfBelow++;cout << "Average is " << average << endl;cout << "Number of scores above or equal to the average " << numOfAbove << endl; cout << "Number of scores below the average " << numOfBelow << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_6#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main(){const int NUM_OF_PRIMES = 50;// Store prime numbersint primeNumbers[NUM_OF_PRIMES];int count = 0; // Count the number of prime numbersint number = 2; // A number to be tested for primenessbool isPrime = true; // Is the current number prime?cout << "The first 50 prime numbers are \n";// Repeatedly find prime numberswhile (count < NUM_OF_PRIMES){// Assume the number is primeisPrime = true;// Test if number is primefor (int i = 0; i < count && primeNumbers[i] <= sqrt(1.0 * number); i++) {//If true, the number is not primeif (number % primeNumbers[i] == 0){// Set isPrime to false, if the number is not primeisPrime = false;break; // Exit the for loop}}// Print the prime number and increase the countif (isPrime){primeNumbers[count] = number;count++; // Increase the countif (count % 10 == 0){// Print the number and advance to the new linecout << number << endl;}elsecout << number << "\t";}// Check if the next number is primenumber++;}return 0;}Exercise6_8#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int average(int array[], int size) {int sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)sum += array[i];return sum / size;}double average(double array[], int size) { double sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)sum += array[i];return sum / size;}int main(){int list1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};double list2[] = {5.0, 4.4, 1.9, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5};cout << average(list1, 6) << endl;cout << average(list2, 6) << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_10#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int minIndex(int list[], int size){int min = list[0];int minIndex = 0;for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)if (min > list[i]){min = list[i];minIndex = i;}return minIndex;}int main(){int list[] ={1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 100, 2, -22};cout << "The index of the min is " << minIndex(list, 8) << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_12#include <iostream>using namespace std;void reverse(int list[], int size){for (int i = 0, j = size - 1; i < size / 2; i++, j--){int temp = list[i];list[i] = list[j];list[j] = temp;}}int main(){int myList[] ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};reverse(myList, 8);for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)cout << myList[i] << " ";return 0;}Exercise6_14#include <iostream>#include "LinearSearch.h"#include "BinarySearch.h"#include "SelectionSort.h"using namespace std;int main(){int list[100000];for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++){list[i] = rand();}int key = rand();long startTime = time(0);cout << linearSearch(list, key, 100000) << endl;long endTime = time(0);cout << "End time: " << endTime << endl;cout << "Start time: " << startTime << endl;long executionTime = endTime - startTime;cout << "Execution time for linear search is " << executionTime << endl; selectionSort(list, 100000);startTime = time(0);cout << binarySearch(list, key, 100000) << endl;endTime = time(0);executionTime = endTime - startTime;cout << "Execution time for binary search is " << executionTime << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_16#include <iostream>#include "LinearSearch.h"#include "BinarySearch.h"#include "SelectionSort.h"using namespace std;/** The method for printing numbers */void printList(double list[], int size){for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)cout << list[i] << " ";cout << endl;}void bubbleSort(double list[], int size) {bool changed = true;do{changed = false;for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)if (list[j] > list[j + 1]){//swap list[j] wiht list[j+1]double temp = list[j];list[j] = list[j + 1];list[j + 1] = temp;changed = true;}}while (changed);}int main(){// Initialize the listdouble myList[] ={5.0, 4.4, 1.9, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5};// Print the original listcout << "My list before sort is: "; printList(myList, 6);// Sort the listbubbleSort(myList, 6);// Print the sorted listcout << "\nMy list after sort is: " << endl; printList(myList, 6);return 0;}Exercise6_18#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int m[4] [4] ={{1, 2, 4, 5},{6, 7, 8, 9},{10, 11, 12, 13},{14, 15, 16, 17}};int sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)sum += m[i] [i];cout << "Sum of diagonal is " << sum << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_20#include <iostream>using namespace std;/** The method for sorting the numbers */void sortAndKeepIndex(int list[], int indexList[], int size) { int currentMax;int currentMaxIndex;// Initialize indexListfor (int i = 0; i < size; i++)indexList[i] = i;for (int i = size - 1; i >= 1; i--) {// Find the maximum in the list[0..i]currentMax = list[i];currentMaxIndex = i;for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {if (currentMax < list[j]) {currentMax = list[j];currentMaxIndex = j;}}// Swap list[i] with list[currentMaxIndex] if necessary;if (currentMaxIndex != i) {list[currentMaxIndex] = list[i];list[i] = currentMax;// Swap the index in indexList tooint temp = indexList[i];indexList[i] = indexList[currentMaxIndex];indexList[currentMaxIndex] = temp;}}}int main(){const int NUMBER_OF_WORKERS = 8;double workHours[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS][7] = {{2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 8, 8},{7, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4},{3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2},{9, 3, 4, 7, 3, 4, 1},{3, 5, 4, 3, 6, 3, 8},{3, 4, 4, 6, 3, 4, 4},{3, 7, 4, 8, 3, 8, 4},{6, 3, 5, 9, 2, 7, 9}};// Create an array to store total weekly hoursint weeklyHours[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_WORKERS; i++)for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)weeklyHours[i] += workHours[i][j];int indexList[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS];// Sort weeklyHourssortAndKeepIndex(weeklyHours, indexList, NUMBER_OF_WORKERS);// Display resultfor (int i = NUMBER_OF_WORKERS - 1; i >= 0; i--)cout << "Employee " << indexList[i] << ": " <<weeklyHours[i] << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_22#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int COLUMN_SIZE = 5;/** The method for multiplying two matrices */void multiplyMatrix(int a[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int b[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int result[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int rowSize){for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_SIZE; i++)for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN_SIZE; j++)for (int k = 0; k < COLUMN_SIZE; k++)result[i] [j] += a[i] [k] * b[k] [j];}/** Print result */void printResult(int m1[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int m2[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int m3[] [COLUMN_SIZE], char op, int rowSize){for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++){for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN_SIZE; j++)cout << " " << m1[i] [j];if (i == COLUMN_SIZE / 2)cout << " " << op << " ";elsecout << " ";for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN_SIZE; j++)cout << " " << m2[i] [j];if (i == COLUMN_SIZE / 2)cout << " = ";elsecout << " ";for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN_SIZE; j++)cout << " " << m3[i] [j];cout << endl;}}int main(){// Create two matrices as two dimensional arraysint matrix1[5] [5];int matrix2[5] [5];int result[5] [5];// Assign random values to matrix1 and matrix2for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){matrix1[i] [j] = rand();matrix2[i] [j] = rand();}multiplyMatrix(matrix1, matrix2, result, 5);cout << "The multiplication of the matrices is " << endl; printResult(matrix1, matrix2, result, '*', 5);}Exercise6_24#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int board[8] [8];for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){board[i] [j] = rand() % 2;cout << board[i] [j];}cout << endl;}// Check rowsfor (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){bool same = true;for (int j = 1; j < 8; j++){if (board[i] [0] != board[i] [j]){same = false; break;}}if (same) cout << "All " << board[i] [0] << "'s on row " << i << endl;}// Check columnsfor (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){bool same = true;for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++){if (board[0] [j] != board[i] [j]){same = false; break;}}if (same) cout << "All " << board[0] [j] << "'s on column " << j << endl; }// Check major diagonalbool same = true;for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++){if (board[0] [0] == board[i] [i]){same = false; break;}}if (same) cout << "All " << board[0] [0] << "'s on major diagonal" << endl;// Check subdiagonalsame = true;for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++){if (board[0] [7] == board[i] [7 - i]){same = false; break;}}if (same) cout << "All " << board[0] [0] << "'s on subdiagonal" << endl;return 0;}Exercise6_26#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int lcm(int number1, int number2);int pow(int a, int b);int getPrimeFactors(int number, int table[][2]);int main(){// Enter two integersint number1;cout << "Enter the first integer: ";cin >> number1;int number2;cout << "Enter the second integer: ";cin >> number2;cout << "The LCM for " << number1 << " and " << number2 << " is " << lcm(number1, number2) << endl;}int lcm(int number1, int number2){int table1[100][2];for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)table1[i][j] = 0;int i1 = getPrimeFactors(number1, table1);int table2[100][2];for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)table2[i][j] = 0;int i2 = getPrimeFactors(number2, table2);int result = 1;int i = 0;int j = 0;while (i < i1 && j < i2){if (table1[i] [0] < table2[j] [0]){result *= pow(table1[i] [0], table1[i] [1]);i++;}else if (table1[i] [0] == table2[j] [0]){result *= pow(table1[i] [0], max(table1[i] [1], table2[j] [1]));i++;j++;}else{result *= pow(table2[j] [0], table2[j] [1]);j++;}}while (i < i1){result *= pow(table1[i] [0], table1[i] [1]);i++;}while (j < i2){result *= pow(table2[j] [0], table2[j] [1]);j++;}return result;}int pow(int a, int b){int result = 1;for (int i = 1; i <= b; i++)result *= a;return result;}int getPrimeFactors(int number, int table[][2]) {int i = 0;int factor = 2;while (factor <= number){if (number % factor == 0){table[i] [0] = factor;while (number % factor == 0){number = number / factor;table[i] [1] ++;}i++;}else{factor++;}}return i;}。

人教版九年级全册英语Unit6 SectionB 知识讲解+专题练习学案(含答案)

人教版九年级全册英语Unit6 SectionB  知识讲解+专题练习学案(含答案)

Unit6 SectionB知识讲解1. in the end 最后;最终(1)at the end of...后接地点名词时,表示"在……尽头";后接表示时间的名词时,表示"在……结束时"。

(2)by the end of...意为"在……以前;到……为止",常用于将来时态或过去完成时态的句子中。

2. Canadian adj.加拿大的;加拿大的Canada(加拿大) Canadian (加拿大人)Australia (澳大利亚) Australian (澳大利亚人)America (美国;美洲) American (美国人;美洲人)3. divide...into把……分开其被动结构为be divided into,意为"被分为……"。

divide 及物动词,意为"分开;分散",指把整体分成若干部分。

4. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. in sth. 意为"在……方面助长某人的某种行为/鼓励某人"。

5. at a low price 以低价low形容词,意为"低的"。

6. translate /træns’leɪt/ v. 翻译translate... into ...意为"把……翻译成……",既可用于主动语态中,也可用于被动语态中。

专题练习一、单项选择1.—Why do you ________ Liu Hulan?—Because she is a great heroine.A.look like B.look down on C.look over D.look up to 2.To encourage students to discuss in class, the teacher divided the class ________ several groups.A.into B.with C.for D.by3.We should ________ knowledge ________ practice.A.connect, with B.divide, into C.translate, into D.deal, with4.Micheal Jackson is called King of Pop, and people all over the world _______ him. A.look straight at B.look up to C.look down upon 5.Many foreign students came to our school last week, including three________andfive________.A.Germen; Canadian B.Germans; CanadiansC.Germen; Canadians D.Germans; Canadian二、完型填空What do you need for an invention to be a success?To begin with, good timing is very 6 . You can have a good idea which the public doesn’t want yet. Take Giovanni Caselli as an example. He invented the first fax machine in the 1860s. Though the quality was excellent, his invention quickly 7 . The fax machine did not become a necessary piece of equipment in every office until the 1980s.Money also helps. The Frenchman Denis Papin had the idea for a steam engine almost a hundred years before James Watt was born. Denis never had enough money to 8 one.You also need to be patient. It took scientists nearly eighty years to invent a light bulb.9 , you shouldn’t be too slow. In the 1870s, Elisha Gray developed plans for a telephone. Gray saw it only as “a beautiful toy”. When he finally sent details of his invention to the Patent Office (专利局) on February 14th, 1876, it was too 10 . Almost the same designs had arrived just two hours earlier. The young man who sent them was Alexander Graham Bell. He is remembered as the inventor of the telephone.Of course what you really need is a wonderful idea. If you haven’t got one, a walk in the countryside and a careful look at 11 can help. The Swiss scientist, George deMestral, had the idea for V elcro (粘扣) when he found his clothes covered in sticky seed pods after a walk in the countryside.6.A.interesting B.important C.personal D.satisfying 7.A.died B.improved C.spread D.appeared 8.A.deliver B.repair C.use D.build 9.A.However B.Instead C.So far D.At last 10.A.modern B.difficult C.late D.old 11.A.society B.nature C.pictures D.advertisements三、阅读单选One of the main problems in cities is traffic congestion (堵塞). The main reason is that we are not expanding (扩展) our transportation systems fast enough to meet the ever-increasing demands (需求). One solution is to create a new type of transportation that doesn’t rely on (依赖) roads.In the last century, planes and cars changed the way we lived. Cars have allowed us to move farther. Planes have cut travel time to faraway places. At the beginning of a new century, we may see the realization of a century-old dream---the mix of cars and planes---the flying cars. You might have heard news about flying cars before. The technology to make them safe and easy to fly may finally be here. With progress in lightweight material, computer models and no-man control, the dream is very close to becoming real.Car maker Moller went public with the Skycar M400 in 2011. It is the first car that can take off and land straight. The four-seat-Skycar is powered by eight engines (引擎). The cost of the car is about $1million at first, but when it begins to be produced in large amounts, that price could come down to as low as $60,000.The latest flying car CityHawk is said to be tested between 2021 and 2022. It is similar to the Skycar except for its power source. The important difference lies in the power fans that seem much quieter on the road. The CityHawk is as large as a middle-sized car. It could be used as an air taxi for news collection and traffic control.The popularity of flying cars could be very exciting or very scary (令人害怕的),depending on how you see it. With proper rules, they could be the answer to our ever-heavier traffic pressure.12.According to the first paragraph, the new type of transportation should be used to_______.A.improve the speed of cars B.solve traffic congestion C.increase people’s demands D.replace the present transportation system13.The writer mentions two kinds of flying cars to ________.A.show the importance of flying cars B.explain how flying cars work C.encourage people to buy flying cars D.show flying cars are coming to us 14.What’s the difference between the Skycar and the CityHawk?A.The Skycar has fewer seats.B.The Skycar is more expensive.C.The CityHawk is much smaller.D.The CityHawk makes less noise.15.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?A.B.C.D.16.We can infer from the text that the writer feels ________ about the future of flying cars. A.doubtful B.hopeful C.negative D.worried四、用所给单词的正确形式填空17.A true friend can help you get out of ________ (sad) when you’re unhappy.18.Our great leader Deng Xiaoping passed away in his ________ (90).19.Our school sports meeting was ________ (success) held two weeks ago.20.Make careful ________ (choose) before taking action, please.21.Don’t worry. I have made much ________ (进步) in learning English.五、完成句子22.今天上午他拿错了伞。



• Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)

Address 0060.70B2.6A45

Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Aging Time 20
• Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
• ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
• Gi0/1
Root FWD 4 128.25 P2p
• Gi0/2
Altn BLK 4 128.26 P2p
• Switch1(config-if)#int gi0/1
• Switch1(config-if)#channel-group 40 mode on
• !LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Portchannel 40, changed state to up
和分析相关计算机网络知识Βιβλιοθήκη 2020年9月29日星期二
• 在两台交换机之间可以使用两条以上的链路将它 们级连,但在生成树协议(STP)的作用下,只有一 条链路处于通信状态,其它的链路都处于阻塞状 态,这样只提供了链路的容错,而不能提高两台 交换机之间的带宽。
• 快速以太网通道(FEC: FastEtherChannel)和吉比 特以太网通道(GEC:GigabitEtherChannel)通过将 平行的一组链路看作一条物理链路而允许在生成 树环境中存在冗余链路,使用它可以提高交换机 间的链路带宽。


Introductory Econometrics, Lijun Jia 2
Redefining Variables 重新定义变量
Effects of Data Scaling on OLS Statistics 数据的测度单位换算对OLS统计量的影响 Effects of Redefining variables 重新定义变量的影响
Introductory Econometrging the scale of the independent variable 改变解释变量测度单位的影响
Now number of cigarettes is changed to packs of cigarettes. 现在香烟数量单位变为包。
Introductory Econometrics, Lijun Jia 10
Impact of changing the scale of the independent variable 改变解释变量测度单位的影响
Changing the scale of the y variable will lead to a corresponding change in the scale of the coefficients and standard errors, so no change in the significance or interpretation 改变变量y的测度单位会导致系数和标准差相应的改变, 所以解释变量系数显著性和对其解释没有改变。 Changing the scale of one x variable will lead to a change in the scale of that coefficient and standard error, so no change in the significance or interpretation on this variable and other variables. 改变一个变量x的测度单位会导致该变量系数,所以所有 解释变量显著性和对其解释没有改变。
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X 2 L 2 为漏磁感抗
+ e1 u1 +
e1 + N1
++ e2 + u2 Z e2
前已述及,在电源频率和原线圈匝数一定的情况下, 当电源电压不变时, 变压器铁心中的 Φm 基本上是 个常数
动变势压基器本有相载等时的U总1 磁通E1势应4与.4变4压fN器空1F载m时的磁
在 用 电 方 面 , 多 数 用 电 器 所 需 电 压 是 380V 、 220V或36 V,少数电机也采用3kV、6kV等。
接电源 闭合铁心
副线圈 接负载
三、变压器电路符号 i1
u1 N1
i2 +
匝比:n N1 N2
E1 N1 E2 N2
i2=0 ++ e u2
②电压平衡方程、 电压比
(u1 e1 e 1 i0R1 )
+ e1 u1 +
e+1 N1
F Φ1
i2=0 ++ e u2

U1 I0 R1 ( E 1)( E1) I0 R1 jX1 I0 ( E1)
2. 有载运行
变压器副边接上负载阻抗Z后, 副线圈中通过电 流i2, 如图 所示。
Fi2Biblioteka + e1u1 +
+ u2 Z
u1 i1 i1N1 F
N1i1+N2i2=N1 i0

N1 I1 N2 I 2 N1 I 0 N1i1 N2i2 N1i0
由于空载电流很小, i0 10%i1 可忽略。

N1 I1 N2 I 2 0

则 N1 I1 N2 I 2
u1 i1R1 ( e 1 ) ( e1 )

U 1 I 1 R1 jX1 I 2 ( E1 )
+ e1 u1 +
e+1 N1
+ e2
e+2 u2 Z
e2 e 2 i2 R2 u2

E 2 I 2 R2 ( E 2 ) U 2 R2 I 2 jX2 I 2 U 2
X1 L1为原边绕组的漏磁感抗

U1 E1

U1 E1
这说明,在变压器原线圈中,自感电动势和电源电压 几乎相等,但相位相反。
U1 E1 4.44 fN1Fm
上式表明: 在电源频率和原线圈匝数一定的情况下, 当电源电压不变时, 变压器铁心中的 Φm 基本上是个 常数

U 20 E 2 即 E2 4.44 fN 2Fm U20 11
③电压变比 U1 E1 N1 k(变压器的变比) U20 E2 N 2
式中k称为变压器的变压比,简称变比,表明 变压器空载时,原、副边端电压之比等于原、副线 圈的匝数之比
k>1,是降压变压器; k<1,是升压变压器。
+ e1
u1 + e+1
dF dt
dF dt
F Φ2
+ e2
e+2 u2 Z
i2 i2 N2
F 2
e 2
L 2
di2 dt
F 1
e 1
L 1
di0 dt
+ e1 u1 +
e+1 N1
+ e2
e+2 u2 Z
四、工作原理 1. 空载运行
变压器原线圈接上额定的交变电压, 副线圈开路不接负载, 称为空载运行
+ e1 u1 +
e1 + N1
F Φ1
i2 =0 ++ e2 u2
在外加正弦电压u1的作用下,线圈内有交变电流i0流过。 这时原线圈内的电流,称作变压器的空载电流,又称
激磁电流。 5
+ e1 u1 +

I1 N2 1

I1 N2 1 I2 N1 k
U1 N1 k U2 N2 I1 N2 1 I2 N1 k
U1I1 U2I2
表明:在不考虑变压器本身损耗的情况下,变压器原绕 组输入的功率等于副绕组输出的功率。
+ e1 u1 +
e1 + N1
F Φ1
i2 =0 ++ e2 u2
i0 N1
N1 N2
dF dt dF dt
F 1
e 1
L 1
di0 dt
+ e1 u1 +
e1 + N1
F Φ1
i2 =0 ++ e2 u2
设主磁通按正弦规律变化,即 F Fm sint
dF dt
感应电动势最大值 E1m N1Fm 2fN 1Fm 8
E1m 2
4.44 fN1Fm
同理, 副线圈中感应电动势
+ e1 u1 +
e+1 N1
F Φ1
E2 4.44 fN 2Fm
式中, N2为副线圈匝数。由式可得:
e1 + N1
F Φ1
i2 =0 ++ e2 u2
由于铁心的磁导率远大于空气的磁导率, 所以 i0 产生 的磁通大部分集中在铁心里,沿铁心而闭合,该磁通 称作主磁通(或工作磁通),用Φ表示。
i0 还将产生漏磁通,用Φδ1表示
§6-5 变压器
把某种数值的交变电压变换为同频率的另一数值的 交变电压
发电厂欲将P=UIcosφ的电功率输送到用电的区域,在P、 cosφ为一定值时,若采用的电压愈高,则输电线路中的 电流愈小,因而可以减少输电线路上的损耗。
发 电 机 的 输 出 电 压 一 般 有 3.15kV 、 6.3kV 、 10.5 kV、 15.75 kV等几种,因此必须用升压变压器 将电压升高才能远距离输送。
等效条件:输入电路的电压、电 流和功率不变
u1 N1