英语新闻写作 PPT

Step 4: Read and imitate
Many students selected from every class took part in the competition.
(1) 句式总结: 参赛者+定语+took part in+活动+[状语]
Practical Writing
News Report
新闻报道是应用文的一种,其特点是以事实为依据,对人的经历或事实给 予明确的、实事求是的报道。新闻报道一般由标题,导语,主体及结语四个部 分组成。
• 1) 标题是新闻的题目,是对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括和提炼;
• 2) 导语往往为全文的中心句(topic sentence),主要讲清what(事件), when(时间),where(地点)和who(人物);
The activity was highly spoken of, because not only did it provide a chance for us to exercise, but also made us more united.
Step 1: Warm up
(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛 跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1.参加人员; 2.跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下; 3.活动反响。 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;
simple past tense 一般过去时
person人称 language语言
the third person 第三人称 objective 客观的
《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语讲义教案)-1 news format 新闻格式

Course OutlineIntroductionThis course is offered as a subject Journalism for second year or third year, and also available as an elective to other students. Although the content is the same, Journalism students must complete an additional assessment task.Subject DescriptionThe purposes of this subject are to develop news reading and writing skills for the print media, and help to understand the difference between English news and Chinese news.Students will be introduced to a range of core themes, including identifying story ideas, news writing style, selecting and reporting the news, writing according to a traditional inverted pyramid approach, and writing specialized types of stories.Assessment is built around the development of fundamental reading and writing skills, including the ability to convey often complex information in a concise way, the ability to analyze news written by different news agency. Students will be expected to submit a range of stories and other writing tasks for assessment.Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:1.Understand the basic principles of news writing.2.Identify story angles in news events/issues.3.Be able to research stories and conduct interviews that add significa ntly to a story’sdevelopment4. Write news stories that will appeal to a broad readership.AttributesIn meeting these objectives, students will develop skills relevant to the following: 1. A commitment to continued and independent learning, intellectual development, critical analysis and creativity.2. Self-confidence combined with oral and written skills of a high level.3. A capacity for, and understanding of, teamwork.4. An ability to analyze issues logically, as well as to evaluate different options andviewpoints and to implement decisions.5. An appreciation and valuing of cultural and intellectual diversity and the ability to function in a multicultural or global environment.Chapter 1:Format and StyleOverviewNews reporter have developed a very different format and writing style so as to express all kinds of information to the reader clearly and accurately. These rules are so important and basically used that students in this field should master it before they begin their reporter careers.In this chapter, we will learn:1. Start your news story with the news format, though it can finely vary between one newspaper and another;2. Use special editing-symbols listed here to correct all the errors after you finished the news story;3. Double check the accuracy of every fact reported in the news stories you write, make sure that there are no more name, number, place and other spelling mistakes;4. Avoid sexual and other stereotypes in your news stories.ContentⅠFormat And StyleAlthough most newsrooms no longer contain typewriters, students must still learn the traditional news story format and copy-editing symbols, for a number of reasons:1. Newspapers that have not installed the electronic equipment continue to use the traditional format and copy-editing symbols and to employ some typesetters.2. Reporters and editors may have to handle some typewritten copy from free-lance writers, public relations agencies and a variety of other sources.3. The traditional format and copy-editing symbols are still used by some magazines, book publishers and advertising agencies.ⅡNews Story FormatReporters have developed a unique format for their stories, and each story you write should follow the guideline suggested here.1. Type each news story on separate 8 by 11-inch sheets of paper2. Type your name, the date and a slug line in the upper left-hand corner of the first page.Example:Slug line can help reporters identify and keep track of stories that are being prepared for publication. It also provides a quick summary of each story’s topic.A. Slug line should not exceed two or three words and should be as specific as possible, but not vague slug line.Example:Mayor’s Speech (good)School FireSpeech (vague,might be confused with each other) FireB. Avoid jokes, sarcasm and statements of opinion that would cause embarrassment if the slug line were accidentally published, as sometimes happens.Example:A reporter in California was asked to write about a party given by several prominent women. He slugged it “Old Biddies”Example:A writer at the Boston Globe wrote the slug line to criticize a speed given by President Carter,so the lead editorial published the next morning bore the headline, “ Mush from the Wimp. ”3. Begin each story one-third to one-half of the way down the first page. The space at the first page provides room for your byline, a headline and special instructions to your paper’s typesetters.4. Newspapers place a dateline at the beginning of the first line of each news story to indicate the story’s geographical source.A. Dateline includes the name of the city, printed entirely in capital letters and followed by a comma, the abbreviation for the state in upper/lower case and a dash.Example:LEXINGTON, Ky.----PORTLAND, Ore.----B. Some major cities such as Boston, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, are used alone, without their state.SHANGHAI ---C. Local news do not add the name of the state, use only name of other cities,5. Type on only one side of each pages, keep your paper neat, uniform and easy to read.A. Do not leave any extra space between paragraphs.B. Avoid starting a sentence or paragraph at the bottom of one page and finishing it at the top of the next page.6. If a story is continued on a second page, write the word “more” at the bottom of the first page and circle it to indicate that the word is not the part of the story and should not be set in type.7. Begin the second page about one inch from the top of the page, with your last name, the page number and the slug line in the upper left-hand corner.8. Below the last line of every news story, in the center of the page, place one of these “end marks”:-12-# # #-0-ⅢCopy-Editing SymbolsIf you make a mistake while typing a story, or if you want to edit a story after typing it, use the copy-editing symbols is faster and easier than retyping the story.ⅣAccuracy of Facts and SpellingDouble check the accuracy of every fact reported in all the news stories you write. Errors will damage a newspaper’s reputation and may seriously harm people mentioned in the stories.You will also be penalized for errors in diction, grammar and style.1. Be especially careful to check the spelling of people’s name.A. When you’re finished with the story, check the spelling of every name.B. Check against your notes, but that’s not enough. Check against written source s, which include business cards, legal documents, phone books, web sites or public record database.C. If you find a conflict, check again with the source.D. Check the title, too.2. Check every number. Double-check each number, too. Again, your notes are not enough. Check documents, reports, databases, web sites.3. Check the quotes.A. Double check the quotes against your notes and/or recordings. Check word for word. If the quote has a “not” in it, be sure that it made it into your story.B.Ask, if you’re not sure. If you can’t make out something in your notes that you think was important, call the character back.You can say, “I thought this was what you said, but I just wanted to be sure.” She may confirm, correct or elaborate. And she might tell you a couple things she thought of after the interview, stimulated in thought or memory by your questions.4. Check technical matters. If you’re writing about technical matters, such as scientific or legal matters, you probably have simplified for the reader. Run your description past an expert to make sure you haven’t misunderstood or confuse d something important.ⅤAvoid Sexual and Other StereotypesIn the past, news stories seemed to emphasize women’s domestic and sexual role as wives, mothers, cooks, seamstresses, housekeeper and sex objects. During the 1960s and 1970s, woman began to complain that such stereotypes are false and demeaning---that women are human beings, not primarily housewives and sex objects.There is a typical document about sexist.Also, journalists are trying to avoid sexist title and comments. Many big news agencies have developed their notebook to help avoid this in details, such as The Press Associated, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. All they mentioned:1. Avoid using “man” as a generic nounThe Engl ish language tends to use “man” as a generic noun. It is as if men represent the whole human race.2. Avoid using “he” as a generic pronounUnless the gender of the subject is known and is relevant to the context, avoid using “he” as a generic pronoun.3. Avoid associating men and women with certain professionsI t’s common to associate men and women with certain professions. Try to use gender-neutral terms to name these professions.4. Avoid gender stereotyping, avoid seeing women as possessionsA. Do not assume conventional kind of gender relations.B. Alternate the word order in phrases that include both sexes so that neither women nor men always go first, to avoid giving the impression that women are after-thoughts.C. Identify women as individuals, persons in their own right, rather than assomeone’s wife, mother, grandmother or widow, unless it is appropriate given the specific context.D. Avoid seeing women as possessions by naming them in reference to their husbands or fathers.ⅥCopy Preparation Checklist1. Have you started typing one-third to one-half of the way down the first page and one inch from the top of all following pages?2. Do you have the slug line (no more than two or three words) that specially describes your story’s content?3. Is the story typed and double-spaced, with only one story on a page?4. Is each paragraph indented and marked?5. Have you used a pencil and the proper copy-editing symbols to correct all your errors?6. Have you made certain that no words are divided and hyphenated at the end of a line, and that no sentences or paragraphs are continued on another page?7. If the story continued on a second page, have you typed and circled “more” at the bottom of the first page; type your name, page number and slug line at the top of the second page; and typed “-30-,””###” or “-0-” at the end of the story?8. If the story originated outside your community, have you add the proper dateline?9. Have you used the city directory to verify the spelling of all names used in the story and checked and drawn a box around those names every time they are used?10. Have you be careful to avoid sexual and other stereotypes?Suggested Reading:1. Resources to help ensure accuracy“How to cur e the corrections plague,” a discussion among newsroom trainers: /list/acc.aspGregg McLachlan’s “L-E-A-R-N from your mistakes”:/train/res/report/learn.aspGregg McLachlan’s “Get to the source of attribution”:/train/res/report/attr.aspChip Scanlan ’s “Getting it Right: A Passion for Accuracy”:/column.asp?id=52&aid=179392. Resources to help avoid gender sensitive wordsAfter the 1995 Beijing Conference, UNESCO published its Guidelines onGender-neutral Language. The following is a selection of language tips from the document.The entire handbook can be downloaded from UNESCO’s Women and Gender Equality site: /women/index_en.htmAssignmentsSection 1: TITLES ---replace these titles with words that include both men and women.1. Businessman2. Congressman3. Craftsman4. Fatherland5. Founding fathers6. Mailman7. Man 8. Mankind9. Man-sized 10. Salesman11. Statesman 12. WorkmanSection 2: NOUNS AND PRONOUNS ---rewrite the following sentences, avoiding the use of male nouns and pronouns.1. A reporter is expected to protect his sources.2. A good athlete often jogs to build his endurance.3.Normally, every auto mechanic buys his own tools.4.No one knows which of the nation’s congressmen leaked the details to his wife andfriends.5.If a patient is clearly dying of cancer, doctors may give him enough drugs to easethe pain, and perhaps even enough to hasten his death.Section 3: STEREOTYPES---rewrite the following sentences, avoiding sexist language and comments.1. A California man and his wife attended the reunion.2.The bus driver, a woman, was blamed for the accident.3.While the girls were playing tennis, their husbands were playing golf.4.She is 56 years old and a petite grandmother but still plays tennis five days a week.5.While her husband works, Walerie Dawkins raises their children and dabbles inpolitics.6.Mrs. John Favata said she often discusses the stock market with other girls in herneighborhood.7.Mike Deacosta, his wife and their two children---Mark and Amy---served as thehosts.8.Councilman Alice Cycler, the attractive wife of a lawyer and mother of eight girls, isfighting to improve the city’s parks.Section 4:Develop a terminology for your language.。
《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语课件PPT)-5 basic news lead 新闻开头的写法.ppt

Activity 1:
▪ Read the following news, and discuss in groups whether the leads tell you the most important or attractive information.
1. Chinese courts told to listen
▪ The courts must constantly listen to the public so they can carry out their work in a better way, Shen Deyong, executive vice president of the SPC, told a national conference on the publicity work of courts.
English News Reading and Writing
Chapter 5 :Basic News Lead
The Lead
1. What is a lead? ▪ Lead is the first paragraph in the news
story. 2. What can a lead do? ▪ Catch the reader’s attention ▪ Tell readers what’s important ▪ Pull readers into more detail
▪ The money funded 188 key projects covering infrastructure building, urban development, environmental protection and cultural conservation, the regional government said in a press release.

conclude 推断出
according to
government statement
take necessary measures
• (1)It is reported/said/thought/known that… • (2)A spokesman says that... • (3)Reports from...say that... • (4)The researchers come to a conclusion from the survey
• On the afternoon of May 20th, a charity sale activity was held on our school playground in order to help the poor people.
• Despite the difficulties, we made full preparations and students actively took part. Some students brought a variety of books, daily necessities, some even made handicrafts by themselves, and others offered to design posters like "On Sale "',“Huge Discount", "Last Day ”"for the sale.
Journalist 记者 headline n. 新闻标题 survey n. 调查 Background 背景 spokesperson n. 发言人 meanwhile adv. 同时 accidentally adv. 偶然地 especially adv. 尤其

如何写新闻报道(高中英语写作)respond to an earthquake and ensure their safety。
a school-wide earthquake emergency n drill was conducted today at the school premises.第二部分:详细介绍全体师生进行地震演练的过程。
the alarm sounded and then the students and teachers quickly evacuated the classrooms。
They followed the designated n routes and gathered at the school playground。
The whole process went smoothly.高级表达At the sound of the alarm。
both students and teachers promptly evacuated their respective classrooms and proceeded to follow the designated n routes。
They moved swiftly and orderly towards the school playground。
where they congregated in an organized manner。
The entire process was carried out smoothly and efficiently.第三部分:简单评论这次演练。
普通表达The students felt that the drill was helpful and they learned a lot。
They also felt more confident and prepared in the event of a real earthquake.高级表达The students expressed their n for the drill。

体裁:新闻报道 语言:书面语,切忌演讲稿 文体:官方正式
第一段: 活动简要概括(时间,地点,人物,事件)+活动目的 第二段: 活动主要内容展开 第三段: 对活动的评价
第一段:为了鼓舞学生参加社会实践活动,我们学 校在7月10日组织我们去兰陵农场。
Our school organized a trip to Lanling Farm on July 10th to encourage students to take part in social activities.
某中学最近组织了一次社会实践活动。假设你 是该报英语报小记者,请你写一篇短文, 报道这次活动。内容包括:
1. 时间与地点:7月10日,兰陵a农场; 2. 活动内容:学习种菜和除草、听科学报告、
3. 简短评论 注意:1. 词数80字左右 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:除草do the weeding.
We learned how to plant vegetables and do the weeding. We listened to a report on modern scientific farming and had a discussion with experts.
When arriving there, we were given a warm
假如你是李华。上周,你校学生会组织了 “冬日暖衣(Warm Clothes For Winter)”活 动,为贫困山区儿童献爱心。请你为校英 语报写一篇相关报道。内容如下:

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
英语新闻结构 PPT

直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用 “倒金字塔形式” (the Inverted Pyramid Form),
We believe one thing,today is difficult,tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.
Definition of news
1. News is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story. 新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实 观点的一种全新报道。
新闻的种类很多,按分类标准的不同,有各种不同 的分类方法。
如按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻 (hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类。ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃, 具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;
软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的 社会新闻,不注重时效性。
“Yesterday’s newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 24 hours. “

2)Nippon Steel to hold down production 日铁将降低产量
Iran when the hostages were taken 150 days ago …
He made it clear, however, that the
freezing of Iranian assets and monitoring of
Iranian students in this country would continue. “We will continue to monitor the situation very closely,” Carter said.
middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa. 撒哈拉南部非洲和中东许多地区的情
例2 Already, the presence of large number
of Third World immigrants produced chronic racial tension in Great Britain.
要正确理解英语标题中不同动词形 式所表达的不同时态以及文章中不拘呼 应的语法的现象,翻译时必须加上表示 不同时态的副词,如“了”、“将”、 “正”、“已”等,将动作的前后关系 表达清楚。
被动语态在新闻英语中的频繁使用是因为在 新闻报道中有时动作的发生和它的接受者比执行 者更重要。如有关灾难、战争、骚乱、事故等方 面的报道中,伤亡人员与人数往往是读者关心的 中心。如:

①The sports meeting was held on Nov. 30th on the sportsground. ④The purpose of the sports meeting is to promote the awareness of taking regular exercise. → The sports meeting was held on Nov. 30th on the sportsground, the purpose of which is to promote the awareness of taking regular exercise.
大厅 the school hall
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
增强体质 促进友谊 增强意志 丰富校园生活 提高…的意识 提供…的机会 缓解压力
形容词的部分倒装 The activity is so impressive and meaningful that I shall never forget it in my life ! So impressive and meaningful is the activity that never in my life shall I forget it!
build up one’s bodyip
strengthen one’s will
enrich students’ campus life

第二,语言翻译 第三,背景翻译 第四,专家或者权威人士解析
World Expo 2010 Shanghai
Theme Pavilion
China Pavilion
原 文 欣 赏(original text)
• Tens of thousands of visitors poured into the Expo Park on Saturday, as officials from the Shanghai World Expo held their fourth test operation.
新闻概念有广义与狭义之分。广义的新闻,是消 息、通讯、特写、速写、报告文学、采访手记、群众 来信等多种新闻文体的总称;狭义的新闻则专指消息。
立场:观点鲜明 内容:真实具体 反应:迅速及时 语言:简洁准确
News Vocabulary Features 新闻的词汇特点
1. 常用词汇有特定的新闻色彩
• NBA(National Basketball Association)
• IOC(International Olympic Committee)
• biz(business)
• HDTV(Hign Definition Television)
• START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)

that, all the speakers, five of whom were awarded the first prize, gave 段
wonderful performances, expressing their opinions on how to protect
cultural heritage.
(In order) to enhance students’confidence in our national culture, 第
a traditional Chinese culture week campaign was launched(held)
last week in our school.
our school invited some experts to give lectures about career
planning last Friday.
in order to/Aiming to/with the purpose of doing
2.被动句式 (为了活动目的,活动于何时何地被举办了)
All the teachers and students thought highly of the activity, through which the students could not only improve the speaking ability but also raise our awareness of protecting our cultural heritage.
Para Two:(主体--陈述活动/事件过程)
2. 陈述具体活动:
• In the beginning,/First of all,

句式3: Intended to …, our school / the Students Union organised a /
an … last …, which … 为了[..…目的],我们学校/学生会组织了[…活动]在[…时间], 这… eg .为了提高我们的环保意识,我校于上周五组织了一次活动,并取得 了圆满成功。
eg .上周的艺术节让我记忆犹新,这次艺术节让我受益匪浅. Last week ' s Art Festival still remains fresh in my mind , which turned out to be considerably rewarding .
写作训练 假设你是学校英语杂志社记者李华,上周参加了学校开展的防灾救灾 知识讲座。请你为 英语校报写一篇新闻报道。内容包括: 1.讲座内容; 2.你的收获。
② Before we knew it ,… had passed , and we were all still immersed in the joy and excitement of the activity . 不知不觉中,…已经过去了,我们还沉浸在活动的喜悦和兴奋中。③ Exhausted as / though we were , our hearts were filled with delight . 我们虽然精疲力竭,但心中充满喜悦. eg.不知不觉中,三个小时已经过去了,我们还沉浸在活动的喜悦和兴 奋中, Before we knew it , three hours had passed , and we were all still immersed in the joy and excitement of the activity .
News Reporting in English 英语新闻写作技巧

• • • • • •
Hot water heater Mass rally Accidentally stumbled Grand total Personal friendship Invited guests
• • • • • •
Water heater Rally Stumble Total Friendship Guests
A Practical Guide for International News Reporting in English
第一部分 语言与文风
• • • • 第一讲 现代新闻英语浅论 第二讲 准确,准确,再准确 第三讲 设想读者对中国一无所知 第四讲 英语新闻报道中的文化趋同 和文化干扰 • 第五讲 英语新闻文风的沿革与演变
• A baby with brown eyes • The howitzer went off with a boom. • A man with a white beard • A brown-eyed baby • The howitzer boomed.
• A white-bearded man
– ---20世纪30年代美国某通讯社一实习生的消息导语
• 许多男孩和女孩过早开始工作, 工作时间过长, 熬夜时间太多,而且在危险的和其他不理想的条 件下干活。 • What problem do you think are there in the above message?
• 轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼, 两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫。是仙境? 是梦境?仰视彩鸽飞翔,低眸漂灯流霓;焰火怒放, 火树银花;灯舞回旋,千姿百态;气垫船腾起一片 春潮,射击手点破漫天彩球,跳伞健儿绽放空中花 蕾,枪鸭勇士谱写水上凯歌。还有雀鸟争鸣,花卉 盆景竟艳。书画、工艺展览铺出琳琅满目的画 廊……啊,(某某城市)是不夜城,龙舟会是群英 会。

Press Release
2 Group Discussion 1. What’s the purpose of writing a press release?
A press release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value.
Press Release
3 Situational Task
ABC Corporation World’s 76th Largest Contractor Beijing, March 8, 2009---ABC Corporation has recently been listed as the world’s 76th largest contractor by the American “Engineering Journalist”. In 2009, our corporation (ABC) signed US$334 million worth of contracts and generated a business turnover of US$438 million, which was 111% and 125% of our respective annual plan. It is expected that the profit our company realized in 2010 will reach US$5 million. ABC Corporation opened an overseas business department in 2009 to strengthen guidance and coordination among its organizations overseas. It has

3.Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp as you age, a study ___p_u_b_li_s_h_ed__ (publish) Wednesday in the journal Neurology suggests.(2020·高考浙江卷7月) 4.As you know,___to__a_c_q_u_ir_e____ (acquire) a good knowledge of Chinese,you should learn more about Chinese culture and history.
11.Mary and I had _a_p_p_o_i_n_te_d_____ to meet at the shopping center,but she failed to keep the ____a_p_p_o_in_t_m_e_n_t__,so I was very angry.(appoint) 12.In class,the naughty boy has little power of ___c_o_n_c_e_n_t_ra_t_io_n____; as a result, he could not__c_o_n_c_e_n_tr_a_t_e___on what his teacher says.But when he plays computer games,he can't be more ____c_o_n_c_e_n_t_ra_t_e_d__.(concentrate)k

①Last Sunday,our school held a five-kilometer cross-country running
race, which all the students in Senior 3 took part in.②The purpose of this race
At 7 am we started at the school gate. And then we ran all the way to the foot of South Hill.③On the way, although some students fell behind, they kept running until the finishing line.
This activity was extremely successful and benefited us a lot. ④From this activity, we have realized that building up our body is of great importance, and we have also learned more about “persistence leads to success”.
②At 4:00 a m on the morning of April 2th, a big fire broke out in Zhongshan Supermarket.
【篇中句】 活动过程
1. As scheduled, the activity started at 8 am on Saturday morning and it lasted for three hours. 2. It was not until half past six in the evening that the activity came to an end. 3.The activity was so popular with the students and teachers that it attracted hundreds of them.
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News Value
新闻与新闻价值(news and news value) News value determiners/determinants ➢ 时效性timeliness 和新鲜感freshness ➢ 重要性importance, consequence, impact or
significance ➢ 显著性prominence ➢ 接近性nearness, proximity or locality
What: The boy confessed his love to the girl in front of their classmates and took her away with the professor’s consent; the story spread rapidly and created a stir on the Internet
Sample lead
The student union next week will award the title of “Model Student in Learning from Lei Feng” to a fourth-year computer major who has been, for more than three years, helping a disabled roommate climb stairs, carry books , and get meals and hot water.
4. They decorate the page; 5. They fill the space
Headline Grammar Rule
Sentences are preferred to phrases. A Fortunate Grandmother Granny Hugs Daughter Lost for 30 Years (2) Nominal groups are condensed Co-Hab off campus Triggers Arguments
When: Tuesday, right before the Foreign Literature class started
Where: in a classroom on Xianlin campus
The lead offers the most essential
Elements telling who what when where why and how of the story
News- headline Lead Inverted Pyramid Style body
The Importance of Headline
1. They summarize the news, so that by taking a glance at the headline, the reader will know what the story is about
stage and greeted the students of Nanjing University when they were gathered to celebrate the May Fourth Youth Day yesterday.
2. A lead should begin with the most important elements of information. The death toll soar to 750 as a devastating 8.8magnitude earthquake hit Chile on early Saturday.
2. They attract the reader’s attention with large print and sometimes with language of shocking or sensational effect;
3. They index the news, i.e, rank the importance of stories by the size of the print and placement on the page
新闻与新闻价值 ➢ 奇异性unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty
( when a dog bites a man, that’s not news; but when a man bites a dog, that’s news) ➢ 趣味性 interest, crime, morals and ethics, population, life, marriage, family, friendship, love and emotion, money, sex.
3. A lead writer should active voice if possible A power outrage last night was caused by a fuse blowout
in Dormitory No.12. A power outrage last night angered dozens of students in
Write up a lead based on the following facts. You don’t have to include all details.
Who: A boy student and a girl student, Professor Tang, all from the Chinese Department of Nanjing University
报道的内容:political news, economic news, technological news, cultural news, sports news, violence and crime news, disaster news, weather news, obituary, entertainment.
(3) The past tense verb form does not have “ed” Horse Bites Girl On Face Sexual Harassment Sparks Concern on Campus
(4) When you headline future events, “will” or “shall” is replaced by “to”. French Major to Compete in Beijing President to Talk on Peace Pact
Tips for Writing a Lead
A lead should contain the essence of the story. Noble Prize laureate Jim Hoffman went up to the
英语新闻写作 English news writing
按传播工具分:Newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, radio news, TV news, cable news, dispatches.
新闻事实发生的地域和范围:home news, local news
e.g., Dental surgeons said yesterday they had discovered why snoring can kill sometimes: it can damage the arteries.
Li Jun and Wang Hao are fourth-year computer major sharing the same dormitory. Due to a severe case of polio in childhood, Wang Hao has to walk with two crutches. For more than three years since they entered the University, Li Jun has been helping his roommate climb stairs, carry things, and get meals and hot water regardless of how bad the weather is. Last semester when the class had an outing, Li Jun borrowed a wheelchair so that Wang Hao could go hiking with others. Li and other students pushed the wheelchair all the way to the top of the mountain. Because of what Li Jun has done for Wang Hao over the years, the student union of the University decided at a recent meeting to award Li Jun the title of “ Model Student in Learning from Lei Feng” when they hold the May Fourth Youth Day student meeting next week.
Dormitory No.12 who lost files in their computers.