
至晕彼 阴眼。 凉花这 地、样当 方站的气 或立高温 借不温达 助稳已到 较等经 好现直 的象逼时 降。生, 温这命人 措时中的 施,枢大 进必,脑 行须以将 降要致会 温立出顾 。即现此 转头失 40℃
High temperature of 41 ° c had reached a serious life-threatening at this time, perspiration, respiration, blood circulation and all organs involved in the cool, already at a dead end after the hype of the State.
更的温时 要状的, 高态器排 度。官汗 注特,、已 别在呼经 是开吸到 对足、了 于马血严 体力液重 弱后循危 多已环及 病经等生 的处一命 老于切的 年强能高 人弩参温 来之与, 说末降此
制 王 王 孙 作 凌 萃 艺 霄 赟 菲
据医学研究, 30℃是最舒服不过的, 这样的温度人体会感 觉凉热适中。
According to medical research, 30 ° c is the most comfortable ,the body feels not cold or hot in such
39 ° c is a dangerous figure, human sweat glands is on the brink of failure at that time . Despite the sweat glands struggle to work,it may be powerless, it is easily to put in
• 1.在所处时间较长的 房间内,比如办公室、 卧室以及电脑房等等, 在这些房间角落各放 一盆水,有条件的最 好放冰水,然后再开 风扇,如果房间大就 多放几盆水.

News Value
新闻与新闻价值(news and news value) News value determiners/determinants ➢ 时效性timeliness 和新鲜感freshness ➢ 重要性importance, consequence, impact or
significance ➢ 显著性prominence ➢ 接近性nearness, proximity or locality
3. A lead writer should active voice if possible A power outrage last night was caused by a fuse blowout
in Dormitory No.12. A power outrage last night angered dozens of students in
Dormitory No.12 who lost files in thed writer should try not to overwhelm the reader with too much detail
5. A leader writer should weed out anything indicative of your own opinion
e.g., Dental surgeons said yesterday they had discovered why snoring can kill sometimes: it can damage the arteries.
Li Jun and Wang Hao are fourth-year computer major sharing the same dormitory. Due to a severe case of polio in childhood, Wang Hao has to walk with two crutches. For more than three years since they entered the University, Li Jun has been helping his roommate climb stairs, carry things, and get meals and hot water regardless of how bad the weather is. Last semester when the class had an outing, Li Jun borrowed a wheelchair so that Wang Hao could go hiking with others. Li and other students pushed the wheelchair all the way to the top of the mountain. Because of what Li Jun has done for Wang Hao over the years, the student union of the University decided at a recent meeting to award Li Jun the title of “ Model Student in Learning from Lei Feng” when they hold the May Fourth Youth Day student meeting next week.
英语新闻结构 PPT

正文往往由所要报道的多个事实组成,记者通常把 最重要的信息或最有新闻价值的事实放在前面,然 后是略为次要的信息,而最次要的信息则置于正文 的最后,从正文的这种排列特征来看,其构架恰似 一座倒放的金字塔,故被称作“倒金字塔式”结构 (inverted pyramid style)。
直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用 “倒金字塔形式” (the Inverted Pyramid Form),
We believe one thing,today is difficult,tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.
Definition of news
1. News is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story. 新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实 观点的一种全新报道。
新闻的种类很多,按分类标准的不同,有各种不同 的分类方法。
如按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻 (hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类。ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃, 具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;
软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的 社会新闻,不注重时效性。
“Yesterday’s newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 24 hours. “
直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用 “倒金字塔形式” (the Inverted Pyramid Form),
We believe one thing,today is difficult,tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.
Definition of news
1. News is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story. 新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实 观点的一种全新报道。
新闻的种类很多,按分类标准的不同,有各种不同 的分类方法。
如按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻 (hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类。ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃, 具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;
软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的 社会新闻,不注重时效性。
“Yesterday’s newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 24 hours. “

时态的运用在新闻文体中有其独特 之处,在标题中尤其突出。为生动简短 起见,标题中常用一般现在时,不定式 和现在分词分别表示过去、将来或正在 进行的动作。例: 1)US Journalism suffers rough year in credibility
2)Nippon Steel to hold down production 日铁将降低产量
Iran when the hostages were taken 150 days ago …
He made it clear, however, that the
freezing of Iranian assets and monitoring of
Iranian students in this country would continue. “We will continue to monitor the situation very closely,” Carter said.
middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa. 撒哈拉南部非洲和中东许多地区的情
例2 Already, the presence of large number
of Third World immigrants produced chronic racial tension in Great Britain.
要正确理解英语标题中不同动词形 式所表达的不同时态以及文章中不拘呼 应的语法的现象,翻译时必须加上表示 不同时态的副词,如“了”、“将”、 “正”、“已”等,将动作的前后关系 表达清楚。
被动语态在新闻英语中的频繁使用是因为在 新闻报道中有时动作的发生和它的接受者比执行 者更重要。如有关灾难、战争、骚乱、事故等方 面的报道中,伤亡人员与人数往往是读者关心的 中心。如:
2)Nippon Steel to hold down production 日铁将降低产量
Iran when the hostages were taken 150 days ago …
He made it clear, however, that the
freezing of Iranian assets and monitoring of
Iranian students in this country would continue. “We will continue to monitor the situation very closely,” Carter said.
middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa. 撒哈拉南部非洲和中东许多地区的情
例2 Already, the presence of large number
of Third World immigrants produced chronic racial tension in Great Britain.
要正确理解英语标题中不同动词形 式所表达的不同时态以及文章中不拘呼 应的语法的现象,翻译时必须加上表示 不同时态的副词,如“了”、“将”、 “正”、“已”等,将动作的前后关系 表达清楚。
被动语态在新闻英语中的频繁使用是因为在 新闻报道中有时动作的发生和它的接受者比执行 者更重要。如有关灾难、战争、骚乱、事故等方 面的报道中,伤亡人员与人数往往是读者关心的 中心。如:

the story” – Jim Hall
两大功能 1. 交代该则新闻的内容; 2. 吸引读者的注意力,继续阅读后面的内容。
直接式导语(direct lead)或总结式导语
(summary lead)
用一两个段落来回答新闻中的五个wh-和一 个H-要素的全部或部分。
延缓式导语(delayed lead)或特写式导语
My Husband Is a Man in a Woman’s World 泡在女人堆里的男人 The Battle of Human Versus Computers at Chess 人机象棋大战
When the Boss Is a Woman 上司是女的!
Tranquility Is Shattered by Violence 暴力打破了宁静
词汇差异 时态差异 修辞差异 结构形式差异
中英文标题都喜欢用缩略词、小词和时髦用语。 中文标题喜用动词,英文偏爱名词。
例1. 开放 搞活 改革 致富 (动词连用)
Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (名词连用) 2. 祖国在他们心中
译文:昨天34国领导人致力于全美洲自 由贸易圈的各项谈判时,警察却穷于应付 越来越多的示威者。街道由于之前的冲突 而一片狼藉。
一枚小小的遥控器竟能让3台加油机的电子屏 像想显示多少公升就显示多少公升!近日,张家 口市质量技术监督局检查一个加油站时,查处这 样一种行骗新花样。
(feature lead)
采用一种带有文学色彩的写作手法,使导 语更生动活泼、情趣横溢,以激发读者的 兴趣。
两大功能 1. 交代该则新闻的内容; 2. 吸引读者的注意力,继续阅读后面的内容。
直接式导语(direct lead)或总结式导语
(summary lead)
用一两个段落来回答新闻中的五个wh-和一 个H-要素的全部或部分。
延缓式导语(delayed lead)或特写式导语
My Husband Is a Man in a Woman’s World 泡在女人堆里的男人 The Battle of Human Versus Computers at Chess 人机象棋大战
When the Boss Is a Woman 上司是女的!
Tranquility Is Shattered by Violence 暴力打破了宁静
词汇差异 时态差异 修辞差异 结构形式差异
中英文标题都喜欢用缩略词、小词和时髦用语。 中文标题喜用动词,英文偏爱名词。
例1. 开放 搞活 改革 致富 (动词连用)
Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (名词连用) 2. 祖国在他们心中
译文:昨天34国领导人致力于全美洲自 由贸易圈的各项谈判时,警察却穷于应付 越来越多的示威者。街道由于之前的冲突 而一片狼藉。
一枚小小的遥控器竟能让3台加油机的电子屏 像想显示多少公升就显示多少公升!近日,张家 口市质量技术监督局检查一个加油站时,查处这 样一种行骗新花样。
(feature lead)
采用一种带有文学色彩的写作手法,使导 语更生动活泼、情趣横溢,以激发读者的 兴趣。

Content of NewsFra bibliotek新闻内容
• 最后一条定义是美国《纽约太阳报》采访部主 任John Bogart在1880年写下的一句名言。在 英美报刊中,与这类 “经典”定义相呼应的新 闻标准包括以下内容:
– 猎奇 (novelty): e.g. a man bites a dog – 个人影响 (personal impact): 指对读者或个人可能 产生影响的消息,e.g.房地产价格,股市行情。 – 金钱 (money): e.g. 银行利率 – 犯罪 (crime): e.g.有关凶杀暴力的社会新闻 – 性 (sex): 热门话题 – 冲突 (conflict): 主旋律 – 宗教 (religion): 教皇(Pope)是英美报刊主角之一
Backgrounder: China's CPI since 1978
In November 2009, the CPI was back to growth from a nine-month drop, rising 0.6 percent year on year. It had been falling since February when CPI was down 1.6 percent due to the global crisis, the first monthly fall since December 2002. The CPI had been rising since 2003 until 2009 when the readings fell for nine consecutive months 连续九个月because of the global financial crisis. The CPI fell 0.7 percent for the full year of 2009, according to the NBS.

4. News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience. 新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中 的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或 趣味性。
• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
• the issuing medium of the reported events
e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告)
• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
• the issuing medium of the reported events
e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告)

新闻可以根据报道的内容和形式分为多种类型,如消息、特 写、评论等。不同类型的新闻有不同的结构和写作特点。
消息是简短的新闻报道,通常包括标题、导语、主体和结尾 。特写是对新闻事件的深入报道,可以包括背景、细节和人 物采访。评论则是对新闻事件的看法和分析,通常包含作者 的观点和立场。
02 英语新闻阅读理解
在有限的时间内快速获取新闻 的主要信息,通过略读和扫读
掌握长句、复合句的解析方法 ,理解新闻中的复杂语法结构
了解新闻的基本结构,如标题 、导语、主体、结尾等,有助
• 英语新闻基础知识 • 英语新闻阅读理解 • 英语新闻听力训练 • 英语新闻口语表达 • 英语新闻写作实践
01 英语新闻基础知识
新闻是对新近发生的事实的报道,具 有真实性、时效性和客观性的特点。
新闻报道必须基于事实,不能虚构或 夸大,同时要尽可能快地报道,以保 持时效性。此外,新闻报道应保持客 观,避免主观色彩和个人立场。
对学生的新闻写作进行点评和修 改,指导他们改进自己的作品。
识别新闻标题中常用的修辞手 法,如比喻、拟人等,有助于 深入理解标题含义。
从标题中筛选出关键信息,如 时间、地点、事件等,有助于
(3).9.14 News Structure(英语新闻结构 )PPT课件

News Item 12 (2)
launch [lɔ:ntʃ] v. 发动,发起 wide-ranging ['waid'reindʒiŋ] a. 广泛的 review n. 再检查; 审查 draw [drɔ:] v. 获取,得到 reject [ri‘dʒekt] v. 拒绝,抵制 placement ['pleismənt] n. 布置 scheme [ski:m] n. 计划;方案 urge [ə:dʒ] v. 催促;1)
rundown ['rʌndaun] a. 破败不堪的 council ['kaunsil] n.理事会,委员会 estate [is‘teit] n.(房地产)产业; 地产 council estate (英国市、镇、郡等)地方当局拥有的地产 challenge ['tʃælindʒ] v. 要求,需要;激发 enroll [in'rəul] v. 把...记入名册,登记(名字等) defeat [di'fi:t] v. 征服,击败 welfare [‘welfɛə] n. 福利的;福利事业 dependency [di'pendənsi] n. 依靠,信赖
He was discovered by his parents, who called an ambulance.
II-1. Inverted Pyramid(倒金字塔结构)
Most interesting or most important
Least interesting or
least important
condition today at River City Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation (吸入) at his home last night.
News Item 12 (2)
launch [lɔ:ntʃ] v. 发动,发起 wide-ranging ['waid'reindʒiŋ] a. 广泛的 review n. 再检查; 审查 draw [drɔ:] v. 获取,得到 reject [ri‘dʒekt] v. 拒绝,抵制 placement ['pleismənt] n. 布置 scheme [ski:m] n. 计划;方案 urge [ə:dʒ] v. 催促;1)
rundown ['rʌndaun] a. 破败不堪的 council ['kaunsil] n.理事会,委员会 estate [is‘teit] n.(房地产)产业; 地产 council estate (英国市、镇、郡等)地方当局拥有的地产 challenge ['tʃælindʒ] v. 要求,需要;激发 enroll [in'rəul] v. 把...记入名册,登记(名字等) defeat [di'fi:t] v. 征服,击败 welfare [‘welfɛə] n. 福利的;福利事业 dependency [di'pendənsi] n. 依靠,信赖
He was discovered by his parents, who called an ambulance.
II-1. Inverted Pyramid(倒金字塔结构)
Most interesting or most important
Least interesting or
least important
condition today at River City Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation (吸入) at his home last night.

传染病和流行病的形式多种多样。例如,2010年,海地遭受了一场毁灭性的地 震,迫使数以万计的海地人住进了临时难民营。在几个星期内,难民营就发生 了霍乱,这是一种通过污染水源传播的疾病,它诱发了遍及全国的传染病。
for instance 例如;比如
strike v [一词多义] 侵袭;爆发
temporary adj [学术词汇] 暂时的;临时的 (反义词 permanent)
refugee camp 难民营
breeding ground n (尤指坏事物的)滋生地
country-wide adj [合成词] 遍及全国的;全国性的
But the most common cause of epidemics are viruses, such as measles (麻疹), influenza (流感) and HIV. And when they go global, we call them pandemics. Pandemics have occurred throughout human history.
And in 2011, scientists investigating a plague pit (瘟疫区) in the city of London were able to reconstruct the genome of Yersinia pestis (鼠疫杆菌), the bacterium responsible for the Black Death of the 14th century.
当人类还处于狩猎采集者,在原始热带草原里游荡时,我们从来不会在一个地 方久留,定居地的面积也不足以维持传染性微生物的传播。
传染病和流行病的形式多种多样。例如,2010年,海地遭受了一场毁灭性的地 震,迫使数以万计的海地人住进了临时难民营。在几个星期内,难民营就发生 了霍乱,这是一种通过污染水源传播的疾病,它诱发了遍及全国的传染病。
for instance 例如;比如
strike v [一词多义] 侵袭;爆发
temporary adj [学术词汇] 暂时的;临时的 (反义词 permanent)
refugee camp 难民营
breeding ground n (尤指坏事物的)滋生地
country-wide adj [合成词] 遍及全国的;全国性的
But the most common cause of epidemics are viruses, such as measles (麻疹), influenza (流感) and HIV. And when they go global, we call them pandemics. Pandemics have occurred throughout human history.
And in 2011, scientists investigating a plague pit (瘟疫区) in the city of London were able to reconstruct the genome of Yersinia pestis (鼠疫杆菌), the bacterium responsible for the Black Death of the 14th century.
当人类还处于狩猎采集者,在原始热带草原里游荡时,我们从来不会在一个地 方久留,定居地的面积也不足以维持传染性微生物的传播。

• 中国人民银行近日决定,自10月15日起 将把人民币存款准备金率下调1个百分 点。
• Wen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMi nsheng Bank, said that the move wou ld unleash 1.2 trillion yuan of capital int o the market, but it would not chang e the central bank's stance ofsticking to a prudent and neutral monetary p olicy, as its goal was to reduce financi n. g costsof the real economy.
• The former president claims the charge s are politically motivated.
• 这位. 前总统称这些指控是出于政治动机。
• The judge at Seoul Central District Cou rt said "heavy punishment for the accu sed isinevitable" because of the serious nature of the crimes.
• A statement of the central bank said th at some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 450 billion yua n of the mediumterm lending facility th at will mature on Oct 15.
• Wen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMi nsheng Bank, said that the move wou ld unleash 1.2 trillion yuan of capital int o the market, but it would not chang e the central bank's stance ofsticking to a prudent and neutral monetary p olicy, as its goal was to reduce financi n. g costsof the real economy.
• The former president claims the charge s are politically motivated.
• 这位. 前总统称这些指控是出于政治动机。
• The judge at Seoul Central District Cou rt said "heavy punishment for the accu sed isinevitable" because of the serious nature of the crimes.
• A statement of the central bank said th at some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 450 billion yua n of the mediumterm lending facility th at will mature on Oct 15.

月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存 4 Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。 5 When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.
❖ 法国一教授说:疟疾仍威. 胁着四分之一的人类 13
❖ 英语新闻标题总是力求用有限的字数来表达 新闻的内容,为此,在措词上尤其要狠下功 夫,选词尽可能经济达意、简短明了,偏爱 选用那些短小精悍或字母最少的动词。这是 因为短小易懂、形象生动的措词不仅能增强 新闻的简洁性和可读性,而且还能节省版面 篇幅。
❖ Chinese Gov't Adds 43.9 Mln USD for Quake Relief [=The Chinese Government Adds 43.9 Million US Dollars for Quake Relief]
❖ nuke arm=nuclear arm 核武器 ❖ biz=buziness 商业 ❖ doc=document 文件 ❖ quake=earthquake 地震
❖ 英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被 动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动 词“be”通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来 引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题 里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误 解为该动词的过去式。
❖ Girl of 18 Raped After Threat with Bread Knife
❖ 经济学家认为:失业率及通胀加剧使经济增长
家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。 5 When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.
❖ 法国一教授说:疟疾仍威. 胁着四分之一的人类 13
❖ 英语新闻标题总是力求用有限的字数来表达 新闻的内容,为此,在措词上尤其要狠下功 夫,选词尽可能经济达意、简短明了,偏爱 选用那些短小精悍或字母最少的动词。这是 因为短小易懂、形象生动的措词不仅能增强 新闻的简洁性和可读性,而且还能节省版面 篇幅。
❖ Chinese Gov't Adds 43.9 Mln USD for Quake Relief [=The Chinese Government Adds 43.9 Million US Dollars for Quake Relief]
❖ nuke arm=nuclear arm 核武器 ❖ biz=buziness 商业 ❖ doc=document 文件 ❖ quake=earthquake 地震
❖ 英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被 动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动 词“be”通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来 引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题 里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误 解为该动词的过去式。
❖ Girl of 18 Raped After Threat with Bread Knife
❖ 经济学家认为:失业率及通胀加剧使经济增长

1.新闻的首句。新闻命题点常常是新闻报道中所说到的6 要素即(what, who, which, where, when, how),其中 又有50%位于导语部分即第一句话,所以每个新闻的第 一句话非常重要。
2. 新闻的尾句 。尾句有时是对新闻做总结或概述,所以 设题点也可能在新闻的尾句。
• adverse trade balance 逆差 • advisory body 顾问团 • allied powers 同盟国 • all-out ban 全面禁止 • alumnus (复数: alumni) 校友 • amendment 修正案,附加条款 • amnesty 特赦 • anarchy 无政府状态 • anti-corruption 反腐败 • apartheid 种族隔离 • appropriate authorities 有关当局 • arch-foe 主要的劲敌 armed intervention 武装干涉 • arm-twisting 施加压力 • arson 放火,纵火 • assistant secretary (美)助理部长
两国或多国关系(International Relations)
国家领导人的政策性讲话,关系到国家关系处理上 原则、立场、态度、愿望、条件等 语言较文采,理解有难度
处理国家关系中的具体活动报道 进展如何、有何波折等 语言平易,较好理解
时间、地点、武器名称、参战实力、战斗经过、人 员伤亡、装备损失等 注意新闻来源(各新闻社在报道新闻时会有观点倾 向性。)
1.新闻的首句。新闻命题点常常是新闻报道中所说到的6 要素即(what, who, which, where, when, how),其中 又有50%位于导语部分即第一句话,所以每个新闻的第 一句话非常重要。
2. 新闻的尾句 。尾句有时是对新闻做总结或概述,所以 设题点也可能在新闻的尾句。
• adverse trade balance 逆差 • advisory body 顾问团 • allied powers 同盟国 • all-out ban 全面禁止 • alumnus (复数: alumni) 校友 • amendment 修正案,附加条款 • amnesty 特赦 • anarchy 无政府状态 • anti-corruption 反腐败 • apartheid 种族隔离 • appropriate authorities 有关当局 • arch-foe 主要的劲敌 armed intervention 武装干涉 • arm-twisting 施加压力 • arson 放火,纵火 • assistant secretary (美)助理部长
两国或多国关系(International Relations)
国家领导人的政策性讲话,关系到国家关系处理上 原则、立场、态度、愿望、条件等 语言较文采,理解有难度
处理国家关系中的具体活动报道 进展如何、有何波折等 语言平易,较好理解
时间、地点、武器名称、参战实力、战斗经过、人 员伤亡、装备损失等 注意新闻来源(各新闻社在报道新闻时会有观点倾 向性。)

• A day prior to the accident, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council published draft regulations aimed at improving school bus safety, a move sparked by a nationwideoutcry following the deaths of 20 children in an overcrowded, nine-seat bus.
• The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the busoverturned into a river. Twenty-nine pupils were aboard at the time, a publicity official from the city of Xuzhou, told China Daily.
• The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the busoverturned into a river.
• At the accident ,12 pupils had dபைடு நூலகம்ed and 11 were injured, including three severely,after a few days, The death toll to 15 people.
• As of 11:30 pm on Monday, 12 pupils had died and 11 were injured, including three severely, Zhang said.The bus driver only suffered minor injuries.

• 中国民生银行首席研究员温彬表示,此举将把 1.2万亿元人民币的资金释放入市场,但这不 会改变央行坚持审慎和中性的货币政策的atement of the central bank said th at some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 450 billion yua n of the mediumterm lending facility th at will mature on Oct 15.
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部 分流动性将用于偿还10月15日到期的 4500亿元中期借贷便利
• There are sufficient conditions for the R MB exchange rate to remain basically st able at areasonable and balanced level, it said.
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部 分流动性将用于偿还10月15日到期的 4500亿元中期借贷便利
• There are sufficient conditions for the R MB exchange rate to remain basically st able at areasonable and balanced level, it said.

• 生产经营转基因食品应按规定标示
• Production and management of genetically modified food shall be Nhomakorabeamarked
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
stringent adj.严格的; 迫切的; implement vt. 实施,执行;落实 NPC Standing Committee全国人大常委会 drafts v.起草n.草稿 toxic pesticides 有毒的农药 elimination n. 除去;淘汰 infant formula 婴儿配方奶粉 formula n. 公式,准则; trading n. 贸易;买卖; registration n. 登记,注册 legitimate adj. 合法的,合理的; compensation n. 补偿,赔偿; genetically modified food 转基因食品
• 政府机关将监管网购产品
• The government will monitor the online shopping product
• Third party network of food trading should be real name registration of food business operators to network, to obtain a permit in accordance with the law, it shall review its license. Consumers purchase food through a network of food trading platform to third parties, if the damage to the legitimate rights and interests, operators and producers should compensate. If the third party platform can not provide true food network operator name, address and Effective contact, by the network of food trading platform to third parties for compensation. Third party network of food trading platform provider compensation, the right to food network operators or food producers recover.
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She smelled him because she does have a very good sense of smell.She helped her master catch the thief.
New word
• • • • • • • • • • 1、burglary 英 ['bɜ:ɡlərɪ] 美 [ˈbə:ɡləri] n.夜盗,盗窃;夜盗行为 复数:burglaries eg:He's been arrested for burglary. 他因入室盗窃而被捕。 2、gunpoint 英 ['ɡʌnpɔɪnt] 美 [ˈɡʌnˌpɔɪnt] n.枪口 eg:She and her two daughters were held at gunpoint by a gang who burst into their home. 闯入她家的一伙歹徒用枪胁迫她和她的两个女儿。
• • • • 英 ['skʌlptʃə(r)],美 [ˈskʌlptʃɚ] n.雕刻(术),塑像;雕刻品;刻纹 vt.雕塑;以雕刻装饰;侵蚀 vi.雕刻
1.Sculpture is a tangible([ˈtændʒəbəl])art form. 雕刻是一种可触摸的艺术形式。 2.His sculpture of a horse won first prize.
• Invented by Ando in Japan in 1958, few people know that instant noodles play an important role in hunger and disaster relief. While not exactly nutritious, instant noodles are a “hunger killer”, as US anthropologist Sidney Mintz would say.
v. 判决;审判;宣判 n.【语法学】句,句子 意见,主张 [古语]警句座右铭 【音乐】乐句 eg:She was sentenced to nine years in prison. 她被判 9 年徒刑。
• spotlight
n.聚光灯;公众注意或突出显著;射光圈;探照灯 vt.聚光照明;使公众注意,使突出醒目 eg: The recall shone a spotlight on china-us trade relations. 这一召回事件使得中美贸易关系暴露于聚光灯之下。
新的纪念邮票立即被购买一空。 The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative
gold coin
cup noodles
• Ask about the foods that have conquered the world and you’re likely to hear about Coca-Cola and McDonald’s Big Macs. But think again, because the most successful industrial food ever produced flies far under the radar — it’s cup noodles.
1.I don't claim to be an expert. 我不敢自称为专家。 2.He claimed political asylum [əˈsaɪləm]. 他要求政治避难。
Saudi activists plan women's driving day to put spotlight back on road ban
1、 Central Bank
2、commemorative adj. 纪念的 英[kəˈmɛmərətɪv] 美[kəˈmɛmərəˌtɪv] 词形变化: commemoratively eg:The new commemorative stamps were soon snapped up.
A group of Saudi activists has begun another campaign to lift the ban on women driving, urging women to get behind the wheel on 26 October in defiance, according to its website.
Tenor's son sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape
(Xinhua) 19:34, September 26, 2013
Meng Ge (C), mother of a teenager who was allegedly involved in a gang-rape case, walks out of the Beijing Haidian District People's Court in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 26, 2013. The teenage son of Li Shuangjiang, a renowned Chinese tenor, was sentenced to
• 英 ['fɪʃɪ]美 [ˈfɪʃi]
• adj.<非正>可疑的,值得怀疑的; 不是味儿;鬼勾当;腥味儿 1. There's something fishy about it. 这事很跷蹊。 2. It all sounds very fishy to me. 所有这些在我听起来都很可疑。
New word
1、 英 ['saʊdi] 美 ['saʊdi] • adj.沙特阿拉伯国家的,沙特阿拉伯人的 • n.沙特阿拉伯,沙特阿拉伯人
Eg:(1)Islam‘s most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. 伊斯兰教最神圣的圣地在沙特阿拉伯的麦加。 (2) SAUDI ARABIA is hard to pin down. 要给沙特阿拉伯定位是困难的。
2013 World Tourism Day
The motto for the 2013 World Tourism Day is "tourism and water : protecting our common future", intended to emphasize the protection of tourism bears in the world an important water resource responsibilities and roles. This year the world tourism day official celebrations will be held in Maldives in
Central Bank issued 5 yuan coins were berserk
• Local residents queued up at major banks since morning yesterday to get their hands on 5-yuan commemorative coins issued by the People’s Bank of China.
We must learn to choose the right life.
Salem man holds burglary suspect at gunpoint with help from his deaf dog
Presented by C-Daily
A friendly English Springer Spaniel named Bonnie, who also happens to be deaf, is being praised by her owner for helping him catch a suspected intruder in their Salem home.
new word
• • • • • • • • conquer [英]['kɒŋkə(r)] [美][ˈkɑŋkɚ] vt.征服;攻克;打败(敌人);克服 vi.得胜,胜利 例句: 1.They conquered the southern part of the country in a few months. 他们在几个月的时间里攻占了该国的南部。 2.We have no choice but to conquer. 我们别无选择,只有获胜。
*Hope one's children will have a bright
future .Hopes for the daughter to grow up into a phoenix(n.凤凰).
*But Parents spoiling (v.溺爱)is bad for
children to grow up.
Something fishy[ˈfɪʃi] about building in Jiangsu
• A large sculpture ['skʌlptʃə(r)]in the shape of a blowfish ['bloʊˌfɪʃ](河豚) in Yangzhong is under construction, Sept 21, 2013. [Photo/CFP] • It claims[kleimz]to be the biggest public sculpture in China,and hopes to be mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records。