Rebtel 网络电话首页
VTECH VT1030数码室内无线电话系统 操作说明书
1. 閱讀並理解全部說明。
2. 遵從產品標籤上的警告和說明。
3. 清潔前,先切斷本產品電源,然後用扭乾的濕布清潔,不應使用液體或噴霧清潔劑。
4. 請勿在潮濕地方(如浴缸、廚房洗滌槽或游泳池)安裝本產品。
5. 請保護產品避免跌落,否則可能造成嚴重損壞。
6. 外殼、背面或底部的開槽和插口均作通風之用。
7. 本產品必須使用適當的電源供應。
8. 避免踐踏產品電線,或把物件放置在電線上。
9. 不要從外殼插孔塞進任何東西,以防止觸及危險電壓或損壞元件,導致起火或觸電。
10. 自行拆卸或裝配本產品,有可能導致觸電或其他意外。
11. 勿令電源插座和拖板的電力負荷過重,以免起火或觸電。
12. 主機設計為垂直或水平安裝,如電源插座置於天花、檯底或櫃身,主機的電源插頭未必能牢固插穩。
13. 出現以下情況時,應切斷電源,並尋求偉易達的支援:A. 電線或插頭損壞或磨損。
B. 產品被液體潑濺。
C. 產品被水(如雨水)弄濕。
D. 遵照說明書操作,產品仍不能正常運作。
E. 產品摔落,外殼損毀。
F. 產品性能出現明顯變化。
14. 避免在雷暴中使用電話(無線類型除外),因為會有雷擊的可能。
15. 切勿在煤氣洩漏的地方使用電話。
16. 確保電話正常操作時才貼近耳朵。
目錄入門位置 (1)設定 (1)設定日期和時間 (3)設定充電器 (4)認識您的電話手機 (6)手機圖示 (7)主機和充電器 (8)瀏覽主目錄 (9)手機菜單列表 (10)原廠設定 (11)原廠設定表 (12)使用電話打出電話 (13)預撥 (13)掛線 (13)接聽電話 (13)音量 (14)免提通話 (14)免提打出電話 (14)免提接聽電話 (15)通話時轉至免提通話 (15)保密 (15)重撥 (15)把重撥號碼複製到電話簿 ...........................16刪除重撥清單裡的一個號碼 .. (17)刪除整個重撥清單 (17)鍵盤上鎖 (18)開關電話鈴聲 (18)傳呼手機 (18)打出內部電話 (19)接聽內部電話 (19)轉駁電話 (19)電話會議 (20)電話簿儲存電話號碼 (21)輸入姓名 (21)打出 / 檢視電話號碼 (22)編輯電話簿項目 (22)刪除一個電話簿項目 (23)刪除電話簿所有項目 (23)電話簿容量 (24)手機設定鈴聲旋律 (25)鈴聲音量 (25)開關手機提示聲 (26)手機名字 (27)顯示 (27)註冊手機 (28)鬧鐘 (28)自動接聽 (29)目錄主機設定改變PIN碼 (30)撥號模式 (30)鈴聲旋律 (31)鈴聲音量 (32)刪除手機 (32)來電顯示來電記錄清單 (33)檢視 / 打出電話號碼 (33)把來電記錄號碼複製到電話簿 (34)刪除電話號碼 (34)刪除整個來電記錄清單 (35)留言系統開關系統 (36)對外留言 (37)接聽來電和錄音 (37)只接聽來電 (37)選擇接聽來電模式 (38)錄製您的對外留言 (38)播放 / 檢查對外留言 (39)重置預設的對外留言 (39)播放留言 (40)調校重播留言的音量 (41)刪除所有舊留言 (41)記憶體已滿 (41)延遲接聽 ....................................................42遙控密碼 . (43)改變PIN碼 (43)啟動留言系統 (43)檢查留言 (44)遙控指令 (44)解惑排難 (45)一般資料安全 (47)清潔 (47)環境 (47)棄置產品指示 (48)技術數據 (49)入門前,您需要重新替您的手機入門目錄 開啟主目錄。
LaCie 2big Network 说明书
Rebtel 通话国家 地区和费率
固定电话(其他) 移动电话 固定电话(索非亚)
固定电话(其他) 移动电话(Mobifon) 移动电话(其他)
固定电话 移动电话
固定电话 Chile 智利 移动电话 特别服务号码 China 中国 固定电话 移动电话 Croatia 克罗地亚 固定电话 移动电话 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 固定电话 移动电话 Czech 捷克 固定电话 移动电话 固定电话 移动电话(TDC, Denmark 丹麦 Sonofon, Telia, Orange) 移动电话(其他) 固定电话(Dialcodes 与 180953, 180955-180959, Dominican 多米尼加共 180973, 180968, 182959) Republic 和国 固定电话(其他) 移动电话 El Salvador萨尔瓦多 固定电话 移动电话 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 固定电话 移动电话 Finland 芬兰 固定电话 移动电话 固定电话 France 法国 移动电话 虚拟号码 Germany 德国 固定电话 移动电话 Greece Hongkong 希腊 香港 固定电话 移动电话 固定电话
s New Zealand 新西兰
移动电话 固定电话 移动电话
$0.230 $0.019 $0.279 $0.019 $0.190 $0.045 $0.130 $0.029 $0.259 $0.010 $0.149 $0.149 $0.018 $0.039 $0.059 $0.089 $0.239 $0.018 $0.019 $0.039 $0.199 $0.047 $0.459 $0.058 $0.219 $0.016 $0.339 $0.199 $0.019 $0.139 $0.025 $0.290 $0.690 $0.019
BellSouth 地区交换电话运营商(CLEC)更新:本地订购手册(LOH)版本24.0C、新的地
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.675 West Peachtree StreetAtlanta, Georgia 30375CarrierNotificationSN91087045Date: March 23, 2007To: Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC)Subject: CLECs – (Documentation/Guides) - Update to the Local Ordering Handbook (LOH), Version 24.0C, New Local Service Ordering Guide 6 (LSOG 6) and EDI LocalMechanization Specifications 06 (ELMS 06) for Release 24.0BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Southeast (AT&T) will implement the following changes to update documentation in the LOH, Version 24.0C, ELMS 06 for Release 24.0.CCPNumberDescription Of The Change2479 DES field (DL Form/Screen): Update Conditional Usage Note 2 to read: “When TOS=2 and DES is populated, the end user state must be Louisiana or Kentucky, or the STYC must = SI or CI.”2480 SASN, CITY, STATE and ZIP fields R/C/O xDSL Loops ACT = D table. Updated R/C/O table to move CITY, STATE and ZIP fields from ‘Required’ to “Conditional,” and to move the SASN field from ‘Conditional’ to “Optional.”Please refer to the attachments for specific details of the changes listed above.These changes will be reflected in the next update of the ELMS 06, Release 24.0/LOH Version 24.0D, scheduled to be posted on Friday, April 13, 2007.A summary of all changes within this document will be listed in the Summary of Changes section. This update can be found on the BellSouth Interconnection Services Web site in the Local Exchange Ordering (LEO) Guides at:/reference_library/guides/html/leo.html#lohPlease contact your AT&T local support manager with any questions.Sincerely,ORIGINAL SIGNED BY KRISTEN E. SHOREKristen E. Shore – DirectorBellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T SoutheastAttachmentsCCP 2479 Attachment Listed BelowLOH-24.0-ELMS06CRB: 5004CCP: 2479MAP: ELMS6Release: 24DL:DES fieldDESDesignationDL Form / ScreenLSOG6 / ELMS6DefinitionIndicates the professional designation phrase of a business listing.Definition NotesNote 1:Typically prints in the white pages and is used to identify the type of business when it is notinherently obvious from the name (e.g., Bob Smith and Daughters plmbr).Valid EntriesDesignation abbreviationsValid Entry NotesNote 1:Allowable values provided in yellow page header book (YPH). BAPCO-BellSouth®Advertising and Publishing Company.Data CharacteristicsUp to 25 alpha/numericExamplesattyConditional Usage NotesNote 1:Prohibited when the LACT field is Z.Note 2:Prohibited when the 1st character of the TOS is 2 and the State on the EU form is notKentucky or Lousiana and/or when the STYC is not SI or CI.When TOS=2 and DES is populated, the end user state must be Louisiana or Kentucky, or the STYC must = SI or CI.Business RulesRule 1:Designation will print in the white pages of the directory.Rule 2:Designation will print in lower case letters.Rule 3:Designation will not print, or affect placement in the yellow page section of the directory.Rule 4:Not allowed on Residence accounts except when the residence telephone number isindented in an arrangement with a business listing.* * * * * * * * * * End of definition for field DES * * * * * * * * * *CCP 2480 Attachment Listed BelowLOH-24.0-ELMS06CRB: 5005CCP: 2480MAP: ELMS6Release: 24xDSL R/C/O TablesxDSL LoopsProduct ListingxDSL LoopsThe xDSL Loops are capable loops providing a transmission path between a Collocation agreement and a customer premises, between two customer premises, or between two Collocation arrangements.Currently, three offerings are available for xDSL Loops:•2-Wire ADSL Capable Loop w/Network Interface Device (NID)•2-Wire HDSL Capable Loop w/NID•4-Wire HDSL Capable Loop w/NIDAsynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a 2-wire Metallic Interface consisting of metallic facilities only. ADSL is a transport technology only and cannot be transported over Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) or interoffice facilities. High-Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) is a transport technology that can either be 2-wire or 4-wire. The loop facility consists of only metallic facilities and cannot be transported over Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) or interoffice facilities.Ordering Forms/ScreensThe following chart illustrates the required, conditional and optional forms/screens for ordering this service. Detailed information will follow to assist you in filling out each of these forms/screens.Forms/ScreensxDSL LoopsSI LSR Hunting EU DL RS DRS PS NP LS LSNP RPL Proprietary R R R RR = Required C = Conditional O = OptionalService Inquiry Form InstructionsThe following two subsections provide instructions for the SI Process. The SI form is reproduced at the end of this section.SI Process for ADSL and HDSL Loops:Manual Service Inquiry Process1. CLEC will send manual SI (Service Inquiry) and LSR for ADSL or HDSL Loop setup to the UNE CRSG.2. UNE CRSG will forward the SI to OSPE.3. The completed SI and LSR will then be forwarded to the LCSC to process the service order to bill the CLEC for appropriate charges and provision the LSR.Electronic Loop Make UpThe Service Inquiry Form is not required when the CLEC uses the Electronic Loop Make Pre-order Function to qualify the loop. Refer to the BellSouth® Pre-Order Business Rules.If a new facility is being requested, the CLEC must obtain Loop Make-up (LMU) information (either manually or electronically), a Facility Reservation Number and populate the reservation number in the RESID field on the LSR.If the loop being ordered is a reuse of an existing facility and the CLEC has determined that the facility is compatible to the loop type being ordered, it is not necessary to obtain a RESID. Populate the RESID field with all "X's" and submit the electronic order.If Loop Modifications are required, a SI and LSR must be submitted manually, following the guidelines in theADSL/HDSL CLEC information Package.Service Inquiry FormNote:The Service Inquiry form is not included in this document. Contact your Local Support Manager (LSM)to obtain the form.Completing the DL Form/ScreenIf directory listings are required, refer to REQTYP J for more information on completing the DL form/screen.Completing the LSR and EU Forms/ScreensAccount level activities (ACT) apply to the entire account. A complete list of ACTs and their definition can be found in the Data Dictionary entry for ACT.The following chart shows all of the valid account level activities for this service.Valid Account Level ActivitiesxDSL LoopsN C D T R V S B W L YX X X X - X - - X - - “X” denotes valid account level activities. A dash (-) indicates a non-valid account level activity.The Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields on the LSR and EU forms/screens will be given for every validACT code in the ACT Tables section.Completing the LS Form/ScreenThe Loop Service (LS) form/screen may be required or invalid depending on the account level activity. Each accountlevel activity has valid Line Level Activities (LNAs). These LNAs determine how, or if, the LS form/screen should bepopulated. A complete list of LNAs and their definition can be found in the Data Dictionary entry for LNA.The following chart gives the valid LNAs for each account level activity (ACT) and the associated LS form/screenusage for this service.If ACT is: Then LNA is: And LS form/screen is:N N RequiredC N &D for electronic orders; C for manual orders RequiredD D RequiredT N or T RequiredV N, V or D RequiredW W Required The Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields for the Loop Service (LS) form/screen are listed according tothe Line Level Activity (LNA) in the LNA Tables Section.RCO TablesThe following tables show the Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields on the validforms/screens for this product. All unmentioned fields are either invalid, not applicable, prohibited or not supported. When fields are populated which are not supported by BellSouth, these not supported fields will be ignored. Populating any other fields may result in a fatal reject or a clarification of the service request. Please note the following codes:- Optional fields marked with an asterisk (*) force at least one of the conditional fields to become required when populated.- Fields used only for manual orders are followed by (M).- Fields used only for electronic orders are followed by (E).- For fields marked with a DOUBLE asterisk (**) please refer to the Data Dictionary for clarification. See the Data Dictionary Section for additional information on each field.ACT= D: LSRRequiredACNA ACT ACTLAN BAN1CCCCNA D/TSENT DDDIMPCON IMPCON-TEL NO.INITINIT-FAX NO.INIT-TEL NO.NCNCI PG_OF_ (M)PONREQTYP SC SECNCITOSConditionalCUST LSO (E)NORPROJECT PROJINDR RCC (E)RPON SUP VEROptionalCIC REMARKS RORD (M)SN91087045 ACT Tables: Reqtyp A, xDSL LoopsACT= D: EURequiredAN (M)CITY NAMEPG_OF_ (M)PON (M)SASNSTATE ZIPConditionalAAI LD1LD2LD3LV1LV2LV3SANO SASDSASF SASS SATHVER (M)CITY STATEZIPOptionalLCON-NAME LCON-TEL NO.SASN*。
Rebtel国际长途电话费率与优惠:免费国际长途电话:在有Rebtel服务支持的国家,Smart Calls通常是免费,并且通话双方只需要有一个是Rebtel的用户。
超低廉的国际长途话费:中国–>美国0.8美分/英国 1.3美分/澳大利亚1美分/加拿大0.8美分/新西兰 1.9美分/香港 1.8美分美国/英国/澳大利亚/加拿大/新西兰/香港–>中国1美分注册第一个月里,很多呼叫比较多的国家有优惠费率,如美国只需0.8美分/分钟。
不过比较好的一点就是,很多地方的座机或者手机合同中,都有非常多的免费时间(inclusive minutes/free minutes)。
主界面-Dial Pad
保存Credit Card信
Account - Settings
是否允许Rebtel 拦截你所有呼出的电话。
如果是国际长途的话,Rebtel 就会通过他的服务帮你呼叫,从而自动为你省钱。
是否提示我用Rebtel 呼叫国际长途号码?
32 法国 32 法国 33 法属圭亚那 34 法属西印度群岛 34 法属西印度群岛 35 菲律宾 35 菲律宾 35 菲律宾 35 菲律宾 36 斐济 36 斐济 37 芬兰 37 芬兰 37 芬兰 38 刚果(民主) 38 刚果(民主) 38 刚果(民主) 39 格陵兰 40 格鲁吉亚 40 格鲁吉亚 41 关岛 42 哈萨克斯坦 42 哈萨克斯坦 42 哈萨克斯坦 43 韩国 43 韩国 43 韩国 44 荷兰 44 荷兰 44 荷兰 45 吉尔吉斯坦 45 吉尔吉斯坦 46 加拿大 47 加纳 47 加纳 48 柬埔寨 48 柬埔寨 48 柬埔寨 48 柬埔寨 48 柬埔寨 49 捷克 49 捷克 50 津巴布韦 50 津巴布韦 50 津巴布韦
Azerfon LLC
02 Ireland
Vodafone Ireland Limited
Hutchison 3G Ireland
ESAT DIGIFONE / Meteor Mobile
Cell Plus
AT&T Wireless
Metro PCS
Sprint Nextel
Verizon Wireless
Ohio Bell 电话公司 - 号码迁移 - 位置路由号 (SPNP-LRN)说明书
PortabilitySECTION 6 - Number Portability Original Sheet No. 11. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d) (N)A. DESCRIPTIONService Provider Number Portability - Location Routing Number (SPNP-LRN)•SPNP-LRN depends on AIN/IN technology. LRN is a 10-digit number used to uniquely identify a switch that has ported numbers. The LRN for aparticular switch must be a native NPA-NXX assigned to the localexchange provider for that switch and serves as a network address.Telecommunications Carriers routing telephone calls to an end-userthat has ported their telephone number from one TelecommunicationsCarrier to another must perform a database query to obtain the LRNthat corresponds to the dialed telephone number. The N-1telecommunications provider (the next to the last terminating carrier)is responsible for determining the LRN for the call being terminated.The database query is performed for all calls where the NPA-NXX of thecalled number has been marked in the switch as portable. TheTelecommunications Carrier routes the call to the appropriateTelecommunications Carrier based on the LRN.•SPNP-LRN will be initially deployed in Cleveland by May 15, 1998, and will continue through a phased in deployment which will completeDecember 1998 according to FCC Docket No. 95-116, as published in theLocal Exchange Routing Guide (LERG). Subsequent deployment inadditional switches beyond initial deployment pursuant to FCC DocketNo. 95-116 and PUCO Case No. 95-845-TP-COI, will be accomplishedthrough receipt of a bona fide request. (N)Issued: May 22, 1998 TA - 1998Effective: May 22, 1998In accordance with Case No. 98-811-TP-ATA, issued May 22, 1998.By J. F. Woods, President, Cleveland, OhioP ortabilitySECTION 6 - Number Portability Original Sheet No. 21. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d) (N)B. TERMS AND CONDITIONSGeneralService Provider Number Portability (SPNP) is only available totelecommunication carriers for use in the provision of atelecommunications service as specified and to the extent required bythe Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56(1996) (“the Act”) and the rules and regulations of the FederalCommunications Commission and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.Service Provider Number Portability is a service arrangement provided bythe Company to Telecommunication Carriers whereby a customer, whoswitches subscription to local exchange service from the Company to aTelecommunication Carrier is permitted to retain for their use theexisting Company assigned telephone number provided that the customer’sservice location remains within the same Company rate center.Rules and RegulationsSPNP service is only available to Telecommunication Carriers.SPNP service and facilities will only be provided where technicallyfeasible, subject to the availability of facilities and pursuant to FCCDocket No. 95-116 and PUCO Case No. 95-845-TP-COI, and may only befurnished from properly equipped central offices. SPNP service andfacilities are not offered for Mass-Calling NXX Codes, NXX Codes 555,976, 950, FX service, or Ameritech coin telephone service.General Regulations as found in Part 2 of this Tariff and Section 1 ofthis Part apply to this Section unless otherwise specified in thisSection. The term “customer”, which appears in Part 2 of the GeneralRegulations, is the equivalent of the term “telecommunication carrier”as used in this Section. (N)Issued: May 22, 1998 TA - 1998Effective: May 22, 1998In accordance with Case No. 98-811-TP-ATA, issued May 22, 1998.By J.F. Woods, President, Cleveland, OhioPortability Cancels SECTION 6 - Number Portability Original Sheet No. 3 1. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d)B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont’d)Rules and Regulations (cont’d)Telecommunications Carriers will be assessed Local Number Portability (LNP) Query Charges as defined in F.C.C. No. 2, Section 6, as SPNP-LRN becomes available in an area if the Company performs an LNP database query on behalf of the Telecommunications Carrier.Interim Arrangements (SPNP-Remote and SPNP-Direct) are only available to Telecommunications Carriers in areas where SPNP-Location Routing Number (LRN) is not available. Telecommunications Carriers shall migrate from Interim Arrangements to SPNP-LRN as soon as practicable, but no later than 120 days from the last day which the F.C.C. has mandated SPNP-LRNbe available in a particular Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Any Interim Arrangement (SPNP-Remote and SPNP-Direct in service at the endof the 120 day period will be changed to Remote Call Forwarding and/or Direct Inward Dialing Service. The Telecommunications Carrier will be billed at the rates for Remote Call Forwarding and/or Direct Inward Dialing Service as shown in Part 6 and 7 of this tariff. Requests for Interim Arrangements will also not be processed after the last day which the F.C.C. has mandated SPNP-LRN be available in a particularMetropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The parties shall provide long-term number portability to each other in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the F.C.C. and/or the P.U.C.O. (N) (N)Issued: August 13, 1998 TA - 1998Effective: August 13, 1998 In accordance with Case No. 98-811-TP-ATA, issued May 22, 1998.By J.F. Woods, President, Cleveland, OhioPortabilitySECTION 6 - Number Portability Original Sheet No. 41. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d) (N)B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont’d)Responsibilities of the CompanyThe Company’s sole responsibility is to comply with the service requestsit receives from the Telecommunication Carrier and to provide SPNP inaccordance with its tariff. In the event that the Company becomes awarethat a dispute or discrepancy may have occurred, it may insist that theTelecommunication Carrier provide to the Company a signed letter ofauthorization from the end-user.The Company is not responsible for the allocation of charges for resoldor shared SPNP service or for misdialed calls.Responsibilities of the Telecommunication CarrierThe Telecommunication Carrier is solely responsible to obtain a signedletter of authorization from the end-user for the handling of thedisconnection of the end-user’s service with the Company, the provisionof service by the Telecommunication Carrier and the provision of SPNPservice. Should a dispute or discrepancy arise regarding the authorityof a Telecommunication Carrier to act on behalf of the end-user, theTelecommunication Carrier is responsible for providing a signed letterof authorization, to the Company. In the event that theTelecommunication Carrier is unable to provide such authorization, theCompany may either refuse to disconnect the end-user’s service andestablish SPNP service as requested by the Telecommunication Carrier or,where the conversion from end-user to SPNP service has already occurred,may choose to restore the end-user’s prior service with the Company andterminate SPNP service for that particular end-user. In such event, theTelecommunication Carrier is responsible to compensate the Company forits cancellation costs if the end-user’s service had not beendisconnected and SPNP service had not yet been established or to pay allapplicable restoral costs for terminating the SPNP service and restoringthe end-user’s prior service with the Company.The Telecommunication Carrier is responsible for coordinating theprovision of service with the Company to assure that its switch iscapable of accepting SPNP ported traffic. (N)Issued: May 22, 1998 TA - 1998Effective: May 22, 1998In accordance with Case No. 98-811-TP-ATA, issued May 22, 1998.By J.F. Woods, President, Cleveland, OhioPortability Cancels SECTION 6 - Number Portability Original Sheet No. 51. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d) (N)B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont’d)Responsibilities of the Telecommunication Carrier (cont’d)The Telecommunication Carrier is solely responsible to provide equipmentand facilities that are compatible with the Company’s serviceparameters, interfaces, equipment and facilities. The TelecommunicationCarrier is required to provide sufficient terminating facilities andservices at the terminating end of an SPNP call to adequately handle alltraffic to that location and is solely responsible to ensure that itsfacilities, equipment and services do not interfere with or impair anyfacility, equipment or service of the Company or any of its end-users.In the event that the Company determines in its sole judgment thatTelecommunication Carrier will likely impair or is impairing, orinterfering with any equipment, facility or service of the Company orany of its end-users, the Company may either refuse to provide SPNPservice or terminate it in accordance with other provisions of theCompany’s tariff.The Telecommunication Carrier is responsible for providing anappropriate intercept announcement service for any telephone numberssubscribed to SPNP service for which it is not presently providing localexchange service or terminating to an end-user. (N)Issued: May 22, 1998 TA - 1998Effective: May 22, 1998In accordance with Case No. 98-811-TP-ATA, issued May 22, 1998.By J.F. Woods, President, Cleveland, OhioThe Ohio Bell AT&T Tariff P.U.C.O. NO. 20 Telephone Company Part 19 Section 6PART 19 - Unbundled Network Elements and Number Portability 2nd Revised Sheet 6 SECTION 6 - Number Portability Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 6 Issued: February 18, 2016 Effective: March 19, 2016 In accordance with an Order issued by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, dated , Case No. . By Adam Grzybicki, President, Cleveland, Ohio1. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d)B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont’d)Responsibilities of the Telecommunication Carrier (cont’d)The Telecommunication Carrier is responsible for designating to theCompany at the time of its initial service request for SPNP service one of the following options for the handling and processing of Calling Card, Collect, third party, and other operator handled non-sent paidcalls /1/ from or to SPNP assigned telephone numbers: (1) the Connecting-Carrier may request that the Company block all such calls; (2) theTelecommunication Carrier may accept billing from the Company for such calls; or (3) the Telecommunication Carrier may negotiate a separate, detariffed billing and collection agreement with the Companyestablishing the call handling, processing and billing responsibilities of the parties.Limitations of ServiceThe Company is not responsible for adverse effects on any service, facility or equipment from the use of SPNP service.End-to-end transmission characteristics may vary depending on the distance and routing necessary to complete calls over SPNP facilities and the fact that another carrier is involved in the provisioning of service. Therefore, end-to-end transmission characteristics cannot be specified by the Company for such calls.The Company is not responsible to the Telecommunication Carrier ifnecessary changes in protection criteria or in any of the facilities,operation, or procedures of the Company renders any facilities provided by a Telecommunication Carrier obsolete or renders modification of theTelecommunication Carrier’s equipment necessary except as otherwiserequired by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio./1/ Effective March 19, 2016, Collect, Person to Person and Bill to ThirdNumber call types are discontinued.(T) (N)(N)The Ohio BellTelephone Company AT&T TARIFFP.U.C.O. NO. 20 Part 19 Section 6PART 19 – Unbundled Network Elements and Number Portability SECTION 6 - Number Portability1st Revised Sheet 7 Cancels Original Sheet 71. SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER PORTABILITY (cont’d)C. Technical ReferencesSubject TechnicalReferenceSPNP-LRN AM-TR-NIS-00145AM-TR-00146The Technical Reference can be obtained from:APEx Support Team (734) 523-7348 (T) (T) (D) (D)Issued: August 8, 2008 Effective: September 7, 2008 In accordance with Case No. 08-875-TP-ATA issued by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, dated August 8, 2008.By Thomas C. Pelto, President, Cleveland, OhioTFA No. OH-08-18709。
1.Web Call 的作用
客戶可以透過 Web Call 直接與客服人員進行語音溝通,就如同打電話一樣便利。
2.網頁內嵌式 Web Call 功能
Web Call 網頁電話服務,可提供用戶在首頁時,點擊 Web Call 圖標,就可以直接撥打到客服中心的電話系統,而瀏覽者無需負擔任何費用。
Web Call網路電話服務主要利用V oIP 技術提供用戶一個便捷的溝通平台,可以有效實現訊息交流、諮詢服務等功能。
3.Web Call 的使用環境
PC作業系統:Window 2000, Windows XP ,Windows Vista, Mac OS
瀏覽器:Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari,…多種瀏覽器
500 MHz 以上的CPU
128 MB 以上的主記憶體容量
連接上網(寬頻 : Cable、ADSL...等)。
时间:2009-08-30 06:13 来源: 点击: 18次
1,国际长途电话每个月很多的,超过1000分钟的,建议你用国际版Skype 的包月合同:12.95 美元/月(Unlimited World)的合同可无限拨打包括中国在内的40 多个世界主要国家和地区的电话。
但是Skype 有缺陷就是必须在电脑旁边,因此你可以将Rebtel作为一个备用选项,当你不在电脑旁又必须联系国内朋友时使用。
2,国际长途电话每个月很少的,不建议你用Skype ,因为毕竟每个月都有钱要出的,使用 Rebtel又方便又便宜,冲的值还不过期。
3,国内有老人在的,不会用电脑、IP卡等复杂的国际长途电话拨打方法,可以使用Rebtel的“Connect Call”功能,相当于你有了一个北京或者上海的国内号码给他们打,使他们能随时联系到你。
4,国内有朋友可以免费拨打北京或者上海的座机号码的,使用Rebtel的“Smart Call”功能,可以实现完全免费的国际长途电话。
潮流网络 GRP2624 GRP2634 IP 语音电话 用户手册说明书
最新的电子版本手册可在这里下载:/supportGrandstream是一个注册商标,Grandstream LOGO是深圳市潮流网络技术有限公司在美国、欧洲和其它国家的商标。
如果此设备出现故障,请联系(美国代理商):公司名称:Grandstream Networks,Inc.地址:126Brookline Ave,3rd Floor Boston,MA02215,USA电话:1-617-5669300传真:1-617-2491987如果故障正在损害电话网络,则电话公司可能会要求您从网络中删除设备,直到问题解决。
wifi 无线SIP电话机--飞音时代简介
� 通过多家海外运营商的入网测试并取得批量应用,包括 KT (Korean Telecom), KCT, LG Telecom,SK Telecom等 � 优秀的语音质量和长时间 工作稳定性。
� � - G.729 PAMS value > 4.0 - G.711 PAMS value > 4.3
• 采用低成本的1T1R无线路由器芯片RT5350实现,CPU 内核为MISP24KEc 360MHz主频 • 支持2路 FXS 接口;满足双路同时工作时G.729 PESQ 大于4.0 • 综合性能高于CISCO 同类产品 SPA2102 • 得益于飞音强大的软件DSP设计能力,我们得以推出此款产品;此架构在1~2端口 IAD 设备上具有绝对性价比优势;
2012年版本 David Huang
Avaya – Proprietary & Confidential. Under NDA
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
进入通话统计应用后, 使用导航键右向按键能 够在“全部”-“未接”
-“已接”-“呼 出”4个通话统计中切
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya – Proprietary & Confidential. Under NDA
1、在电话会议期间 ,在话机上按“详
2、再按“方向”软 键
3、按“挂断键”能 够挂断与会一方
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya – Proprietary & Confidential. Under NDA
入旳一种字符,“清除”删除您输入 旳全部字符,输入正确后按“拟定” ,输入完毕后直接触控“拟定” 。
2、根据提醒输入您旳分机密码,“退 格键”删除您最终输入旳一种字符,“ 清除”删除您输入旳全部字符,输入正 确后按“拟定”,完毕份机登录,之后
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Polycom VVX 500 商务媒体电话快速用户指南说明书
Tap to select and highlight screen items. To scroll, touchthe screen, and swipe your finger up, down, right, or left.To go back to a previous screen, tap Back.Your phone has four main Views: Home, Calls, ActiveCall, and Lines View (the default).To change Views:For Home View, press .From Home View, press to display either Lines,Calls, or Active Call View.To switch between Lines View and either Calls orActive Call View, swipe the screen.Home View displays icons you can tap to access phonefunctions.Touch and hold to display fewer icons. Touch andhold or swipe the screen to display more icons.From Home View, tap the phone Line to display yourphone Lines and Favorites—contacts you can dial bytapping their name. To go back, tap Close.Lines View displays phone Lines, Favorites, and soft keys.If your phone is idle, you can:Tap the phone Line to access the Dialer.Swipe to switch between Lines View and the Browser(if applicable).Calls View displays a list of all your calls.Call color indicates status:Dark green Active call.Dark blue Incoming and held calls.Bright green Active call is highlighted.Bright blue Incoming or held call is highlighted.Tap a call to highlight it. The soft keys apply to thehighlighted call.If a phone Line has only one callcan access Active Call View.Use the onscreen keyboard or the dialpad keys to enterinformation. To backspace, tap .To use the onscreen keyboard, tap .To type with the dialpad keys, press a key repeatedly toOnly one call can be active at one time.You can use the handset, speakerphone, or headset forcalls. During a call, you can change modes by picking upthe handset, or by pressing or .Tip: Returning to Your CallsIf you navigate away from your call(s), tapto see Active Call or Calls View again.Pick up the handset, or press or . Enter the phone number, and tap .From Lines View: Tap the phone Line, enter the phone number, and tap .From Home View: Tap New Call , enter the phone number, and tap .Timesaver: Placing Calls QuicklyTap a recent call or Favorite, or tapphone number in the Contact Directory.Press or tap Answer, pick up the handset, or press .To answer a new call while on an active call, tap Answer . The current call will be held.To end an active call, replace the handset, press , or press . Or, tap End Call.To end a held call, navigate to Calls View and highlight the held call. TapFrom Lines, Calls, or Active Call View, tapin Calls View, remember to highlight the call first.To resume a held call, tapCalls View.From Lines, Calls, or Active Call View, tapcall the other party. When you hear the ringback sound, or after you talk with the other party, tap To enable call forwarding, tapand tap Features > Forwardenable, type a forwarding number, and tapTo disable call forwarding, tapCall the first party. From Lines, Calls, or Active Call View,tap Confrnc. Dial and connect with the other party, andtap Confrnc.From Lines or Calls View, you can:Timesaver: Placing Conference CallsIf you have an active and held call, tapup a conference.Favorites are contacts you call most often. Favoritesdisplay in your Favorites list and Lines View. They alsodisplay when you tap the phone Line in Home View.To view your Favorites listHome View, and tapTo view your Recent Calls list, tapHome View, and tap Recent.From the Recent Calls list, tap to sort and order calls,tap to display only certain calls, or tap a call recordto call the person.Timesaver: Viewing Recent CallsTap from Lines, Calls, or Active Call View.Tip: Saving Recent Callers to Your DirectoryFrom your Recent Calls list, tap next to thecall, and tap Save. Enter additional informationand tap Save.To view your DirectoryView. If a Corporate Directory is on your phone, tapContact Directory on the Directory screen.To add a contact Navigate to your Contact Directoryand tap . Type the contact’s information, and tapSave. To make a contact a Favorite, enter aFavorite Index number.To update contact information Navigate to yourContact Directory and tap the contact. Tap ,update the contact’s information, and tap Save.To delete a contact Navigate to your ContactDirectory and tap the contact. Tap , and tap Yes toconfirm.To search for a contact Navigate to yourTip: What Does a Green Star Mean?A green star, , indicates a Favorite.Tap Messages from Home View, and tapMessage Center. Tap ConnectTimesaver: Accessing Your Message CenterTap from Lines, Calls, or Active Call View.During a call, press so other parties can’t hear you.To disable Mute, press again.To disable ringing, tap SettingsFeatures > Do Not Disturb.To change call volume, press during a call. Tochange the ringer volume, press when thephone is idle or ringing.To change the incoming call ringtone, tapHome View, and tap Basicyou want.To set a ringtone for a contact, navigate to yourContact Directory and tap the contact. Tap , updatethe contact’s ring type, and tap Save.。
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2)Office系列(Visio、Project)批量授权产品(VOL)打开软件,单击文件-账户-更改产品密钥,输入密钥后点击激活产品,通过Internet激活,可能出现以下两种情况:零售产品(Retail)打开命令提示符:管理员,(即以管理员身份运行CMD),输入以下命令:注意命令中的C:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftOffice\为office安装目录;Office15中为office 版本(2010-office14,2013-office15,2016-office16),下同。
中国使用 Rebtel 的 讨论:
Rebtel 最终的费用是由两部分构成的, 本地通话费 +Rebtel 的国际长途费。 Reห้องสมุดไป่ตู้tel 的国际长途费是一个定值(只与你 被呼叫的国家有关,可以在这里查 到) ,与 你所在的国家以及你使用 Rebtel 号码的方法无关。使用 Rebtel 的最终 的费率实际上由你的本地通话费决定。要想降低总的费率,就要将本地通话费降 到最低甚至是0。
中国用户缴费须知: � Rebtel 目前在国内支持的缴费方式有:信用卡( Visa 或者 Mastercard) ,
UKash 以及 Paypal 三种。国内支持美元支付的信用卡应该都可以使用。 Paypal 必 须 是 国 际 账 户 , 即 在 上 注 册 的 , China (worldwide )类型的账户。 � 国内用户注册 Paypal 账户时,请选择注册 Paypal 国际账户,并通过信用 卡或者银行卡认证,以便可以畅通无阻的付费。 � 强烈建议所有懂英文的客户,自己注册、使用 Rebtel 的服务,如有不懂
通过座机使用 Rebtel 如 何降低本地通话费:
如果你想将本地通话费降到最低甚至是 0,最好找一部可以免费拨打上海/北京/ 深圳地区号码的座机注册即可。办公室电话一般是个不错的选择。 如果你在北京/上海/深圳。你可以办一个我的 e 家,我的 e 家一般打本地电话都 是免费的。因此可以免费拨打 Rebtel 提供的010 开头的号码。 如果你不在北京/上海 /深圳,建议你为你的座机办个长途套餐,一个月交点钱, 即可将拨打北京/上海 /深圳的电话的费用降得很低,通常1角或2角。
通过手机使用 Rebtel 如 何降低本地通话费:
編號縮略語英文全稱中文解釋說明MSCBSC 移動通信論壇,d$k)l#g(O4N3X1A/DAnalogue to Digital Converter 模數轉換無#T,@8k4}8K#b0F2A3Authetication algorithm A3A3認證演算法無3N"x5`+B*Q.m8z6~"e3A38A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8執行A3和A8功能的單個演算法無/H$L!s8E7kMSCBSC移動通信論壇4A5/1Encryption algorithm A5/1A5/1加密演算法無)S%v8c,h)R#E9J!d5A8Ciphering Key generating algorithm A8產生A8演算法的加密密匙無6V/V)@;_$x&T3X5g:6AAAAuthenticatio n,Authorization,Accounting鑒權,認證,清算無8B9j4~2G+c-K!k | 國內領先的通信技術論壇7ABAccess Burst 接入突發無mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術資料,是國內領先專注於通信技術和通信人生活的社區。
a9O5B;{7G:}&Z%z8Abis interfaceAbis interfaceAbis介面基站與基站控制器之間…mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術資料,是國內領先專注於通信技術和通信人生活的社區。
;X0}+v4^4Z:]&|9ACAuthentication Centre鑒權中心無4t9u$q!^2E9S9q | 國內領先的通信技術論壇10 AC Application Context 應用場景無/o6@2L)`"v5f11 AC Access Class(C0 to C15) C0至C15接入類型無移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網路優化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業黑名單+c(t%f!N.]5~"w-o12 AC Access Controller 用戶接入認證點WLAN用戶接入認證…5}$j0^!`!u$QMSCBSC 移動通信論壇13 ACC Automatic Congestion Control 自動擁塞控制無| 國內領先的通信技術論壇/]%`,|&x1x,i14 ACCH Associated Control Channel 隨路控制通道無| 國內領先的通信技術論壇'u(V%?2k+z.W.s2X6F+J%z-N15 ACK ACKnowledgement 確認用於信令+O;X5Q(q(G,|16 ACL Asynchron ous Connectionless Link 非同步無連接無']1y*J(W"u$W#?#M移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網路優化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業黑名單17 ACM Address Complete Message 地址完成消息無7O'l(p!Y'd!D4u-E移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網路優化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業黑名單18 ACM Accumulated Call Meter 累計呼叫記錄無%E5S7B:d's!k%L*Q!B19 ACP Adjacent Channel Power 鄰道功率無移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網路優化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業黑名單,p'_8q)|1g&Y1R20 ACU Antenna Combining Unit 天線組合(耦合)單元無| 國內領先的通信技術論壇"]*u,_ {8v,C [/r0s 21 ADC Administration Centre 管理中心無-k,n"O)q't&j | 國內領先的通信技術論壇22 ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自適應差分脈衝編碼調製無MSCBSC 移動通信論壇+F#n/H"Z6]1k#m*H23 AE Application Entity 應用實體無,@"J+c%V$n+E#L7I&Q+o.{24 AEC Acoustic Echo Control 回聲控制無#u;X$g0e2t n&v;zmscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術資料,是國內領先專注於通信技術和通信人生活的社區。
绵密网络 专业服务中达电通已建立了70余个分支机构及服务网点,并塑建训练有素的专业团队,提供客户最满意的服务,公司技术人员能在2小时内回应您的问题,并在48小时内提供所需服务。
400 - 820 - 9595地址:上海市浦东新区民夏路238号邮编:201209电话:( 021 )5863-5678沈阳电话:(024)2334-1160哈尔滨电话:(0451)5366-5568长春电话:(0431)8892-5060呼和浩特电话:(0471)6297-808北京电话:(010)8225-3225天津电话:(022)2301-5082济南电话:(0531)8690-6277太原电话:(0351)4039-485郑州电话:(0371)6384-2772石家庄电话:(0311)8666-7337上海电话:(021)6301-2827南京电话:(025)8334-6585杭州电话:(0571)8882-0610合肥电话 :(0551)6281-6777武汉电话:(027)8544-8475南昌电话:(0791)8625-5010成都电话:(028)8434-2075长沙电话:(0731)8549-9156重庆电话:(023)8806-0306 昆明电话:(0871)6313-7362广州电话:(020)3879-2175厦门电话:(0592)5313-601南宁电话:(0771)2621-501乌鲁木齐电话:(0991)4678-141兰州电话:(0931)6406-725西安电话:(029)8836-0780贵阳电话:(0851)8690-1374福州电话:(0591)8755-1305台达锂电行业手册创变智造新未来版本1.0(202305)中达电通公司版权所有● 通信电源● 工业自动化● 被动与磁性元器件● 网络通讯系统产品● 视讯产品与系统● 数据中心基础设施● 可再生能源及储能应用● 电动车充电设施创立于1971年电源产品与无刷直流风扇供应全球领导企业亦深耕多项产品领域:集团概况台达集团郑崇华创办人暨荣誉董事长海英俊董事长我们深信技术与合作的重要性,致力于提供创新、节能的解决方案Smarter 是持续提升的电力电子核心技术,提供智能化的产品Greener 是创立至今的经营理念-环保、节能、爱地球Together 是经营哲学,与客户建立长期伙伴关系Smarter.Greener.Together.— 共创智能绿生活业务范畴从关键元器件迈向系统整合电源及元器件自动化基础设施• 元器件 • 嵌入式电源• 风扇与散热管理• 工业自动化• 网络通讯基础设施• 楼宇自动化• 能源基础设施暨工业解决方案• 汽车电子• 商用产品及移动电源节能减碳整合解决方案致力于“双碳目标”的实现, 提供包含网络基础设施、能源基础设施、智能工厂、智能楼宇的技术与解决方案,打造低碳智能、安全健康的绿色生产&运营环境,助力城市可持续发展。
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Rebtel 网络电话(即VoIP电话)简介:
Rebtel 是一家新型的网络电话(即VoIP电话)公司,同时也是紧随Skype之后,全球第二大VoIP网络电话公司,在全球拥有1000多万用户,2010年刚刚收购了著名的Talkster免费网络电话公司。
1. Rebtel网络电话能智能地将您朋友的国际长途电话号码转换为一个您所在地的本地电话号码(举例:您在美国,您朋友在中国,Rebtel网络电话可以为您分配一个美国的号码代替您朋友中国的号码),每次只需拨打这个本地号码(即举例中Rebtel网络电话为您分配的美国号码),Rebtel网络电话就会自动为你接通您朋友的国际长途电话号码(即举例中您朋友的中国号码);
2. Rebtel网络电话提供的国际长途电话服务适用于任何类型的移动电话/固定电话/电脑,您无需下载任何软件,也无需进行任何设置(只需要您选用的设备能拨打普通的本地座机号码即可);
3. Rebtel网络电话为50多个国家/地区提供国际长途电话服务(包括中国,中国香港,美国,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,日本,德国,法国,意大利,加拿大,新加坡,瑞典,瑞士,西班牙,巴西,南非等主要华人居住地,在提供国际长途服务的国家及地区,Rebtel网络电话可用于拨打全球基本上所有的国家和地区的座机及手机号码);
4. Rebtel网络电话可为您分配全球基本上所有国家和地区的电话号码,您朋友可以利用这些号码呼叫您(举例:您在美国,您朋友在中国,Rebtel网络电话可以为您分配一个中国的座机号码,您朋友每次拨打这个中国的座机号码就可以联系到您了);
5. Rebtel网络电话遵循用多少付多少的原则,没有连接费(Connect Fee)以及月费(Subscription Fee)。
1. 与传统电话的国际直拨模式(IDD: International Direct Dial)相比(需到电讯公司开通国际长途业务),Rebtel网络电话有着相同的便利性,随时随地直接呼叫即可。
无需对您的座机或者手机进行任何设置或者开通任何服务,所有的设置均可在网上完成,你只需像呼叫普通本地电话号码一样,呼叫Rebtel 网络电话提供给你的号码即可。
2. 与模拟固定电话形式的网络电话(比如:Vonage,iTalkBB等)相比,使用Rebtel网络电话的国际长途服务,您无需在家中添置额外的硬件设备,也无需对您的座机和手机合同进行任何形式的设置或者改动,同时没有月租费,毕竟国际长途只是您所有通话中的一小部分而已,没有必要为了打国际长途电话而过多的改变家中拨打电话的形式。
3. 与Skype 等软件类型的网络电话(IP电话)相比,Rebtel网络电话无需下载任何软件到电脑或者手机上,并且可用于座机,同时没有接入费,每分钟通话费率也要便宜很多。
4. 与普通的国际长途电话卡服务相比,Rebtel网络电话无需二次拨号,这样可以减小因误操作而损失话费的可能;且使用期无限制,充值永远有效,不会过期;同时如果你喜欢,也可以将Rebtel网络电话当作长途电话卡使用,Rebtel网络电话的Double Dial服务就是提供这一功能的。
Rebtel 网络电话的通话费率:
免费国际长途电话:在Rebtel网络电话提供服务的国家,Smart Calls 通常是免费,并且通话双方只需要有一方是Rebtel网络电话的用户。
超低廉的国际长途话费:中国>>>打往>>>【美国,0.8 美分】/【英国,1.3美分】/【澳大利亚,1 美分】/ 【加拿大,0.8 美分】/ 【新西兰,1.9美
分】/【香港,1.8 美分】;美国/ 英国/ 澳大利亚/ 加拿大/ 新西兰/ 香港>>>打往>>>【中国】,1 .9美分
合理使用Voucher Codes(见右边框)可使Rebtel网络电话国际长途费率更低。