

英语级笔译考试词汇必备 政治类

英语级笔译考试词汇必备 政治类

政治类:1. 日益昌盛become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展develop rapidly3. 隆重集会gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平love peace5. 追求进步pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务perform the responsibilities and obligations7. 回顾奋斗历程review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动urge governments of all countries to take action12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally and internally14. 经历两个不同时期experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步make an important step19. 采取各种措施adopt various measures20. 得出结论,告一段落draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度establish a socialist system24. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25. 响应号召respond to the call26. 进入新时期enter a new period27. 实行新政策practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and和国际竟争力international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列edge into the advanced ranks in the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈hold peace talks39. 修改法律amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关)play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in重要作用41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to42. 遵循规则follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the violence and resume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌look upon … as a threat to society57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities58. 维护世界和平maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义be opposed to all forms of terrorism62. 宣布。



1.a peace-loving country2.distribution according to work remains dominant3.Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission4.address both the symptoms and the root causes ofthe problem5.draw on others’ successful experience6.long-term stability7.member of a standing committee8.urban social security system9.promote social harmony and stability10.crack down on and ban illegal income11.maintain a high sense of responsibility to people12.anti-corruption bid13.be subordinated to and serve the overall interestsof the country14.treat each other with all sincerity and share wealand woe15.great cause of peaceful reunification16.a harmonious society17.concerted and strenuous efforts18.macrocontrol19.construction of infrastructural facilities20.release and develop productive forces21.emancipate people’s minds22.economic prosperity and social progress23.steady and rapid economic development24.scientific outlook on development25.scientific and technological progress26.cross-straits relations27.the strategy of sustainable development28.the strategy of invigorating China through thedevelopment of science and education29.democratic supervision30.democratic rights31.democratic consultation32.regions inhabited by ethnic groups33.take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split thenation34.people of all our ethnic groups35.deputy to the National People’s Congress 1.a peace-loving country2.distribution according to work remains dominant3.Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission4.address both the symptoms and the root causes ofthe problem5.draw on others’ successful experience6.long-term stability7.member of a standing committee8.urban social security system9.promote social harmony and stability10.crack down on and ban illegal income11.maintain a high sense of responsibility to people12.anti-corruption bid13.be subordinated to and serve the overall interestsof the country14.treat each other with all sincerity and share wealand woe15.great cause of peaceful reunification16.a harmonious society17.concerted and strenuous efforts18.macrocontrol19.construction of infrastructural facilities20.release and develop productive forces21.emancipate people’s minds22.economic prosperity and social progress23.steady and rapid economic development24.scientific outlook on development25.scientific and technological progress26.cross-straits relations27.the strategy of sustainable development28.the strategy of invigorating China through thedevelopment of science and education29.democratic supervision30.democratic rights31.democratic consultation32.regions inhabited by ethnic groups33.take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split thenation34.people of all our ethnic groups35.deputy to the National People’s Congress。



时政公文汉译英常用英语词汇(1)-(7)发表于2016年5月1日由CATTI考试资料与资讯1. Overarching /ˌəʊvərˈɑːtʃɪŋ/中心的, 支配一切的,压倒一切的,保罗万象的,影响一切的,往往用来翻译“总”字。


We also need to have a strategic vision to deliver real outcomes with overarching and far-reaching significance.第一,坚持共同发展的大方向,结成亚洲利益共同体。

First, we should stick to the overarching goal of common development and build an Asian community of shared interests.我们的总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化The overarching goal is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, advance the modernization of national governance system and capabilities2. Humanity /hjuːˈmænɪtɪ/基本意思是人类,也表示“仁慈”、“博爱”。


此外,这个词的复数形式 The humanities 还表示人文学科。


They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.她的演讲表现出高度的成熟和博爱。





本文将从以下几个方面进行探讨:一、时政表达的基本技巧1. 熟悉政治术语时政文章中经常出现各种政治术语,如“政策制定者”、“议会”、“政府部门”等等。


2. 注意语言风格时政文章通常采用正式、严谨的语言风格,使用较多的是被动语态和复杂的长句。


3. 确保准确性时政文章的准确性非常重要,因为它们通常涉及到国家政策、国际关系等重要问题。


二、时政表达的常用词汇1. 政府部门政府部门在时政文章中经常出现,如“外交部”、“财政部”、“国防部”等等。


2. 国际组织国际组织也是时政文章中常见的词汇,如“联合国”、“世界银行”、“世界卫生组织”等等。


3. 政策政策是时政文章中的重要内容,如“经济政策”、“外交政策”、“环保政策”等等。


4. 国家领导人国家领导人也是时政文章中常见的词汇,如“总统”、“国家主席”、“首相”等等。


三、时政表达的翻译技巧1. 翻译政治术语政治术语是时政文章中的重要内容,如“议会”、“政”、“选举”等等。


2. 翻译数字和日期时政文章中经常出现数字和日期,如“GDP增长率为3.5%”、“会议将于2022年1月1日召开”等等。




19世纪中叶,英国发动两次鸦片战争,迫使腐败无能的清政府签订 了不平等条约并于1898年侵占了整个ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้港地区。
In mid-19th century after launching two Opium Wars, Britain forced the corrupt and incompetent Qing govenment to sign the unequal treaties. In 1898, Britain occupied the entire Hong Kong region.
香港于1997年7月1日回归祖国,现有人口约630万。香港同胞有 着光荣的爱国主义传统
On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned to the motherland. It has a population of 6.3 million. Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition. 一国两制、港人治港及高度自治等基本方针将不会改变。香港将继 续保持作为国际财经金融中心的地位 。未来的香港,人人都有平等 竞争的机会 。 The basic policies of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy will remain unchanged. Hong Kong will continue to retain its status of functioning as an international financial center. In future Hong Kong, everyone will be given an equal right for competition.



CATII英语二级- 高频时政热词(一)【粮食安全】1.粮食基本自给basically self-sufficient in food supply2.成功解决了近14亿人口的吃饭问题has enough food to feed its nearly 1.4 billion population3.确保谷物基本自给ensure basic self-sufficiency of grain4.确保口粮绝对安全ensure absolute security of staple grains/food5.以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑的国家粮食安全战略a national strategy on food security featuring self-sufficiency based on domestic grain production, guaranteed food production capacity, moderate imports, and technological support6.耕地保护制度the farmland protection system7.粮食生产能力增强raise grain productivity8.粮食流通现代化水平提升modernize grain circulation9.粮食供给结构优化improve food-supply structure10.粮食产量稳步增长steady growth in food output11.人均粮食占有量per capita food output12.平均每公顷粮食产量the average food yield per hectare13.品种variety14.粮食储备能力显著增强greater food reserve capacity15.粮食物流总量the total volume of food transported16.粮食物流骨干通道major channels of food logistics17.应急成品粮储备emergency food reserves18.居民人均直接消费口粮the per capita direct consumption of staple grains19.国家卫生健康委the National Health Commission20.碳水化合物carbohydrates21.优质蛋白质摄入quality protein intake22.粮食作物播种面积达到11700多万公顷There are more than 117 million hectares sown/planted with grain.23.粮食生产功能区functional areas for grain production24.重要农产品生产保护区protected areas for the production of important agricultural products25.调动粮食种植积极性arouse the enthusiasm of grain planting26.是维护世界粮食安全的积极力量a positive force in safeguarding world food security27.积极参与世界粮食安全治理an active part of global food security governance28.世界粮食总产量total global food production29.稳定在世界平均水平以上remains above the world average【全球化和贸易】总产量连上新台阶Total food output has seen a steady increase30.改革开放reform and opening-up31.“世界工厂” “the world’s factory”32.全球市场a global market33.第一大工业国the largest industrial country34.第一大货物贸易国the largest trader in goods35.第一大外汇储备国the largest holder of foreign exchange reserves36.中等收入人群the middle income population37.世界上最大的消费市场the world’s largest consumer market38.进口商品和服务imports of goods and services39.最大贸易伙伴the largest trading partner40.无限机遇immeasurable opportunities41.对世界开放keep open to the world42.不是权宜之计not a choice of expediency43.长远考量a future-oriented step44.面向世界embrace the world45.促进共同发展promote common development46.国际货币基金组织the IMF47.全球经济增长预期下调lower its global growth forecast48.创国际金融危机以来的最低点the lowest since the international financial crisis49.不确定性uncertainties50.贸易保护主义trade protectionism51.逆全球化思潮anti-globalization52.进博会import expo53.为……增添新动力add new impetus to54.……的鲜明标识the hallmark of55.搭乘中国经济发展的快车get onboard the express train of China’s economic development56.取得了累累硕果achieve fruitful outcomes57.成为……新的重要机遇become a new important opportunity for58.优化营商环境improve the business environment59.人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for mankind【民生问题】60. be lifted out of poverty 摆脱贫困61.Inequality and exclusion 不平等和排斥62.population displacement/displacement of people 人口流离失所63.inclusive institutions包容型机构64.resilient communities韧性社区65.global terrorism全球恐怖主义66.new pandemics 新型大流行病67.migratory flows移民潮68.the well-being and prospects of the poorest, most excluded and most vulnerable people最贫困、最受排斥、最弱势群体的福祉和命运69.to leave no one behind “不让任何一个人掉队”70.uphold equality for all维护人人平等地位71.extreme poverty极端贫困72.eradicate poverty消除贫困73.create decent jobs创造体面的工作机会74.malnutrition营养不良75.undernourished people 营养不良人口76.food insecurity粮食不安全77.famine饥荒78.to end all dimensions of poverty全方位消除贫困79. vulnerable rural groups农村弱势群体80. xenophobia仇外心理81.people living with HIV/AIDS艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者82.indigenous peoples土著人民83.internally displaced persons境内流离失所者84.refugees 难民85.youth unemployment 青年失业问题86.mortality rate死亡率87.chronic poverty长期贫穷88.weak governance 治理不力89.food crisis粮食危机【经济金融】90.sustained economic growth持续经济增长91.purchasing power parity购买力平价modity商品93.economic growth patterns经济增长模式94.export income出口收入95.demographic dividend人口红利96.boost productivity 提高生产力97.create jobs创造就业机会98.promote inclusive growth and prosperity促进包容性增长和繁荣99.scale up investment扩大投资100.low-income countries低收入国家101.middle-income countries中等收入国家102.economic growth trajectory经济增长趋势103.structural transformation结构转型104. The redirection of capital flows改变资本流向105. attract, leverage and mobilize investments of all kinds吸引、利用和调动各种投资106. tax evasion逃税107.OECD经合组织(Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development)108.the International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织109.the World Bank世界银行110.a new Platform for Collaboration on Tax新的税务合作平台111.sustainable financing for development可持续发展筹资112.financial and non-financial support财政和非财政支持113.women-owned businesses妇女拥有的企业114.dedicated funding stream专项供资流115. austerity紧缩116.cash crops 经济作物117.economic loss 经济损失118. climate finance气候融资119.asset recovery资产追回【国际关系】120.a common rule-based international order基于规则的共同国际秩序121.The world we live in presents a mixed picture of progress, challenges andopportunities当今世界错综复杂,有进步,有机会,也有挑战122.United Nations Member States联合国会员国123.transnational criminal networks and deep regional divisions跨国犯罪网络124.multipolar world order 多极世界秩序125.international power dynamics国际力量格局126.multilateral action多边行动127.global stability全球稳定128.national and international tensions 国内和国际紧张关系129.polarization两极分化130.Globalization全球化131.marginalization边缘化132.nationalism民族主义133.multilateralism多边主义134. civil society民间社会135.inclusive sustainable development 包容性可持续发展136. stand the test of time经得住时间的考验137.has a vital supporting role to play可发挥重要的支持作用138.the global common good全球共同利益139.the international community国际社会140.an unparalleled achievement一项前所未有的成就141.forge multilateral partnerships with… 与……建立多边伙伴关系142. leverage its holistic nature发挥联合国的整体性优势143.North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation南北、南南和三方合作144. least developed, landlocked and small island developing countries最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家145.Southern partners南方伙伴146.multi-stakeholder partnerships多利益攸关方伙伴关系147.regional and subregional groupings of countries区域和次区域国家集团148.international peace and security国际和平与安全149.Disarmament and arms control裁军和军备控制。




翻译资格考试中级口译考试热点:社会问题abortion堕胎lottery彩票black market黑市murder谋杀commercial housing商业住房nuclear weapon核武器drug addict吸毒成瘾者policy政策energy crisis能源危机senior citizen老年人hijack抢劫single-parent household单亲家庭juvenile delinquency/crime 青少年行为不良/ 犯罪stock market股市life insurance人寿保险suicide自杀life span寿命violence暴力高频句型:1. The majority of single mothers suffer from more financial hardship and social pressure than couples.大多数单身母亲所患病的经济困难和社会压力要超过双亲家庭。

2. Surely by now we know that social alienation can sometimes produce violence toward oneself or toward others. At least we should learn to listen to them and make friends with them; otherwise they may seek some kind of outlet in violence.现在我们当然懂得,社会的疏远有时会引起对自己或他人的暴力行为。




时政翻译常用词名词(中-英)依据premise; basis原则principle准则norms标准standards前提premise of; prerequisite for ; basis of/on 构想the vision for; dream; ideal理念concept; philosophy; vision;(an) initiative(s) (that calls for……)蓝图the roadmap for 布局approach问题question; issues; affairs; problems(注意复数的使用)目标goals取向purposes意向interested in …(作定语,前置、后置均可) 追求pursuit; aspirations; ambitions举措moveXX 观outlook; views; attitude主张proposal思维mindset; mentality趋势momentum; trend机会opportunity; access决策decision-making; policy-making计划plan; scheme能力capacity; ability; capability动力momentum; engine; driving force; driver需要imperative; necessity; pursuit; aspiration; desire;迫切需要essential核心;关键;重点key; key feature(s); key to doing…; core; fundamental; kernel; priority;法宝;(治理)方法/方式tool(重要法宝:essential~)approach政策、方针;战略policy; priorities; guidelines; approach strategy;基本国策 a key/basic national policy根本问题central question战略抉择 a crucial strategic move战略意义an issue of strategic importance 制定formulation制度,机制;管理制度system; mechanism; regime regulation联系tie差异;区别difference; gap; disparity; discrepancy执行;实施implementation;发展development; progress; headway建设development; readjustment; practices; progress 领域field; sphere; field; area筹备;筹建preparatory efforts调研inspection tour in; visit to强化consolidation of …工程project; initiative活力vitality; dynamism; vigor试点;试区pilot; trial; pilot zone示范区demonstration zone; 一体化integration具体实际;基本国情China’s realities/ actual context/ specific conditions/ larger context/ national conditions融合发展;协同发展integrated development; coordinated development坚定信念 a deep trust in…良性互动cooperative interaction主要动力 a key driver in…正当权益legitimate rights and interests 充分肯定 a full confirmation伟大实践great endeavor落到实处results-oriented顺利实现smooth realization政策沟通policy coordination显著特征be prominently characterized by 挂钩机制mechanism linking … to…转折;转变;过渡shift; transformation; transition; switch (搭配:~ from… to…)协同synergy; coordination; hand-in-hand监管oversight; supervision; control; regulation; management人才personnel维护maintenance关系网;网络network感召力appeal亲和力good faith in名词(英-中)era 时代;时期;形势;纪元issue(s)* 问题;事件;纷争solution* 解决方法;途径;举措initiative(s)* 动机;初衷;行动;要求;目的;部署;工程;计划;措施;倡议;项目;建设;创举;(隐含义)development* 发展;完善;提升;促进progress* 发展;前进;xx建设implementation 实施;执行process 过程;进程;essential 本质;要素;要求;必需regulation 调控;管理机制(带*号指英–中常不译、中–英常增译的单词)动词(中-英):“发布”、“提出”颁布;发布codify into law and promulgate; unveil; issue 宣布announce表明underscore构思,设想figure out; put forward发出……号召(issue a )call for…鲜明提出/明确提出be highlighted; put forth; put forward; propose; call for;提出……(概念、术语等)进一步提出coin the term …; propose; bring up (the idea); highlight阐释further elaborate on; specify; elaborate 全面阐述expand the views on …; outline重点论述outline主张;伸张advocate; uphold; hold stand for弘扬(精神)elevate; promote; uphold倡导;提倡;鼓励call for (efforts to); encourage; inspire; initiate; propose呼吁call on重新提倡(重申)reiterate; reaffirm “重视”、“强调”重视;注重address; put emphasis on; focus on; highlight; give (top) priority to; attach great importance to; put emphasis on…; concentrate on; pay attention to更加重视greater focus on; attach greater importance to; greater emphasis will be laid upon…;“含义”、“包括”是is; refer to; means that; remains 占account for体现embody; manifest; reflect; feature 拥有endowed with; blessed with赋予bestow赋予(内涵)give concrete expression to…覆盖cover; apply to; 涉及cover组成constitute; consist of; comprise of; be made up of; be composed of“促进”、“增加”刺激;激发stimulate; motivate; encourage; revitalize; spur; fuel; activate加快accelerate; step up; speed up; expedite 加大;扩大mount; expand; enlarge; advance;加大力度intensify the push for…; allocate more resources for…促进create; promote; strengthen; enhance; increase; boost; facilitate; contribute to(+目标)促进(关系)forge partnersh ips (between/among)…促使enable推动propel……toward; spur the implementation for;推进push for…; press/ push/ move + ahead/ forward;强化;深化step up; increase; deepen;提升(精神素养)提升(竞争力)cultivate;maintain (a competitive edge)增强、提高、加强promote; better; further; improve; develop; enhance; increase; … should be stepped up; strengthen优化optimize; better; improve; promote增加减少increase; rise; grow; multiple; skyrocket; decrease; reduce; fall; plummet; slump; plunge凝聚boost“坚持”坚持(道路/方针)(continue to )follow; focus on; uphold; adhere to;坚持(决定,承诺,声明)stick to; firmly keep to; stand by; maintain; pursue坚定(立场)stand firm下更大决心with greater resolve “建立”、“形成”培育foster; nurture建立、建设、形成;确立;形成establish; build; build up; develop; bring about; put in place; create; establish; affirm; be in place;in an attempt to…转移转型transfer; transform修订revise成立(基金)set up创造generate; create; innovate; “结合”、“联系”紧密联系mutually reinforce纳入incorporate … into..结合integrate;combine …with…; interlock (可用-ed形式作后置定语)结合……;融合integrate… with…; be integrated “保证”、“确保”确保、保证;保障ensure; be guaranteed; guarantee; safeguard; reinforce巩固;consolidate; underpin; strengthen; solidify;支撑cementis underpinned by维持maintain; remain; hold; keep维护(公理/准则等)维护(人民/国家等)uphold; safeguard“处理问题方式”出现emerge; arise;参与take part in; participate in; play a(n) +a.+ role in防止guard; fight against 放松relax制定decide on; formulate; 制约deter解决overcome+问题; tide over; promote+措施遵守abide by; conform to; 遵循(规律)meet the … imperatives治标;治本treat symptoms address causes远离、抵制distance… from…; resist消除(根源)remove … at the root作出……新部署roll out a series of new initiatives付出(努力)make +adj. +efforts; spare no effort to (不遗余力)承担(责任)take on (responsibilities) 行使(权力、权利)exercise ( the power/rights)(为后代)留下bequeath 搞……(贬);求……(褒)力争……seek, pursue; seek to…主持召开preside over (the meeting)致xx(会议)词address + 会议“目的”、“目标”追求pursue;寻求(智慧)tap (the wisdom)追求in search for“实现”、“结果”实施;生效implement; launch; put into effect; carry out;实现……bring …to fruition; bring about; achieve; realize; reach…; secure; obtain; maintain达到register; reach; achieve; grow to; obtain达成共识reach common ground/consensus; coincide with…开启/开辟……新时期usher in a new historical period/chapter in history;解放;释放dismantle; unlock; unleash; revitalize “大众”普及accrue to普及;降低门槛provide easy access to…; improve access for…获得(认可)win (the general acceptance)得到(积极响应)receive (positive response) from (加深)了解gain a better insight into…引起(关注)draw (attention to)拥有……权利enjoy“负面”侵犯;入侵;干涉encroach on …; (invade)invasion; occupy; colonialize; infringe on …; trespass; interfere in; aggression危及……… will be endangered; imperil 脱离(实际)divorce from (reality)指望(贬)harbor the illusion that…阻碍hinder; impede; obstruct凌驾override拿……做交易trade“正面”造福benefit; do good to…;顺应顺应……潮流adapt to;represent a response to…协调推进;协调发展coordinated development in……; progress together 运行,运转operate“对比”超过excel; surpass; more than; outstrip; outnumber; over落后lag behind动词(英-中):develop 发展;形成;创建;improve 改善,完善;提升;提高;promote 建设;优化;促进,推进strengthen 加强;完善;增强;ensure 确保;保障;保证;让……(好事);(隐含)address 致辞;处理;应对;弥补(错失)step up 推动;加快;促进encourage 鼓励;激发;支持;unveil 发布;公布;首次提出;透露propose 提出;发出形容词总的,总体的overall; overarching; aggregate; general; holistic全面的,完全的all-round; complete; full; comprehensive; universal广泛的extensive; broad大众的mass; crowd共同的universal; common;协同的collaborative; coordinated; concerted 充分的full; unrestricted多元的diversified大规模的widespread;mass(广大人民群众的)一般general强大的powerful强盛,富强prosperity; prosperous小康的moderately prosperous/well-off高效的,完善的efficient; (and) effective深刻的profound有利于conducive to…; help; beneficial to…;合理的;科学的rational; sound; reasonable; scientific健全的better; improved积极的active; positive;活跃的,有力的dynamic; vigorous; robust不可比拟;无可匹敌的unparalleled前所未有的;空前的;unprecedented; at a level never seen before 畅通的unimpeded根本的;基本的fundamental中心的central;重大的momentous直截了当straightforward严峻的daunting; difficult;相互的mutual; each other; interdependent;迫切的urgent; essential一致的consistent; integrated坦诚的(对话)candid (dialogue)联系密切的;来往的reciprocal新增的new; renewed; additional; another; more大量的;许多的enormous; numerous; in quantity;巨大的tremendous; remarkable; huge良好的;合理的sound可支配的disposable净;纯(收入)net (income)副词归根到底fundamentally实质上essentially; in essence具体来说;……(是)specifically不断地further; continuously明显notably坚持不懈地unswervingly进一步further充分fully及时in a timely manner永无止境an on-going process with no end point旨在;方向是……so as to; in order to; in order that…; be designed toaim at;共同……jointly+动词坚定不移unshakable(副词译为形容词)对内;对外internally; externally积极主动地proactively 词组/衔接语坚持和完善……It is informed by continued efforts to improve…主张坚持……encourage the search for…继承和弘扬……renew our commitment to…借此……;值此……之际;on the occasion of …根据……原则under the principle of …按……;按照……;依照……in accordance with; in terms of“为……而设;是……辅助;为……服务”等serve as…(中文常隐含不译); is designed to………目标是完成……envision the successful completion of…; forsee;希望通过……(方法)……(达到目标)…(方法) is expected to + 结果/目的……之桥 a bridge of … linking … with …把……紧紧联系在一起have bond … together与……联系;……一起;和;及……;结合……in tandem with;in conjunction with与……一道;共同……be aligned with与……相适应;适应……in response to…; responded to(后置定语)符合……;与……吻合in line with…; dovetail with…以……为……as/ which is以……为本xx-centered以……为前提on the premise of以……为代价at the expense of; at the cost of; 以……为驱动xx-driven以……为底线… is underpinned by…以……为主要特征…can be characterized by …以……为基础;在……基础上;基于on the basis of; be based on; based on(后置定语)在……下in response to在……下功夫heightened attention will be given to…在……方面取得重大进展;在……方面取得了重大成就make major progress in…;major progresses have been made in…; great progress has been made in………的议题the issue of ………的文件/方案entitled…(常作后置定语) 这是由……决定的This is necessitated by…确保……;(隐含)务必;必定(计划、决心)ensure that …(也可在长句子中,作伴随状语,表目的、结果)see to it that…率先take the lead in …亟待;必须It is imperative to…居于首位topping …开门第一件大事make it a top priority to…(也可作伴随状语making …)……是……的核心;把……摆在核心位置… be at the core of…;… should be given top priority把……提到前所未有的高度place new emphasis on the importance of…主要覆盖……个方面,包括…………主要包括……cover the(数字+单位词)of(核心词),namely…;… as follows; ranging from… to …(伴随状语)涵盖……the coverage XX of … is …包括……内容;包含encompass; including; covering …; entail归结起来是……;归结为……… is underpinned by a focus on…; boil down to…承载……(特点)embody(ing)…有……个特点(包括……)… is characterized by …(a)…(b)…既重视……又重视……… and … are both of paramount importance; both … and … will be taken into account……和……并重place equal emphasis on … and …不受……干涉;不受……free from the intervention of…; be not subject to…进一步发展成为……have further evolved into…与此同时;一方面……另一方面……meanwhile; while;on the one hand…, on the other…That being said, …(承上启下)相对于……in contrast to而非instead of; rather than从而……so as to…; in order that…为此to this end导致……lead to; give rise to; result inA 确立的B B established by A (后置定语)(名词词组)截止到……by the end of…连续……年for the … consecutive years一定……;必然be bound to各种机构组织(专有名词中搭配使用)大会General Assembly委员会Committee; Commission理事会Council基金会Fund总协定General Agreement联盟Union办事处;署Office秘书处Secretariat附属机构Subsidiary Organs局Bureau; Committee(中央政治局)司Department机关organ机构Agency; Institution协会Association公司;有限公司Corporation; Company; Limited(Ltd.)组织Organization; Body 工作组Working Group (on) 部队Force方案Programme各种“相互”互为支撑,互促共进be mutually supportive and proceed in parallel互联互通connectivity互相尊重mutual respect互不侵犯mutual non-aggression平等互利equality and mutual benefit共同work with… to…; jointly共同应对in a shared endeavor to address…各国相互联系,相互依存countries are linked with and dependent on one another兼容并蓄,交流互鉴maintain mutually enriching and beneficial interactions相互补充serve as a complement to each other 相互替代serve as a substitute for each other。



1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activitiescultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world.When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。



时事政治词汇国内时事Domestic Affairs中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会17th National Congress of Communist Party of China (17th NCCPC)中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection中共中央委员会CPC Central Committee全国人民代表大会(简称全国人大) National People’s Congress (NPC)九届全国人大四次会议the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress全国人大代表deputy to the National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会主席团the NPC Presidium全国人民代表大会常务委员会the NPC Standing Committee全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协) National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院Supreme People’s Procuratorate最高人民检察院检察长Procurator-General国务院State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defense国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People’s Bank of China审计署Auditing Administration中共中央总书记General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee政治局常委Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee 政治局委员Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee书记处书记Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee中央委员Member, Central Committee候补委员Alternate Member省委/市委书记Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC党组书记secretary, Party Leadership Group中华人民共和国主席/副主席President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress秘书长Secretary-General主任委员Chairman委员Member(地方人大)主任Chairman, Local People’s Congress人大代表Deputy to the People’s Congress国务院总理Premier, State Council副总理Vice Premier国务委员State Councilor秘书长Secretary-General(国务院各委员会)主任Minister in Charge of Commission for(国务院各部)部长Minister部长助理Assistant Minister司长Director局长Director省长Governor常务副省长Executive Vice Governor自治区人民政府主席Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government地区专员Commissioner, prefecture香港特别行政区行政长官Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region市长/副市长Mayor/Vice Mayor区长Chief Executive, District Government县长Chief Executive, County Government乡镇长Chief Executive, Township Government秘书长Secretary-General办公厅主任Director, General Office(部委办)主任Director处长/副处长Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief科长/股长Section Chief科员Clerk/Officer有中国特色的社会主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory三个代表three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time. 两大历史性课题(提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力)the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程forge ahead with the new great project of Party building三讲教育:讲学习,讲政治,讲正气three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)新闻发布会news conference政府工作报告government’s work report国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOE)人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product (GDP)国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)经济房low-cost housing西部大开发the strategy of developing the western region西部大开发战略develop-the-west strategy扩大住房贷款,助学贷款和大件消费品贷款expand housing loans, student loans and major commodity loans弱势群体disadvantaged groups (对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。






以下是一些常见的单词:1. diplomacy (外交)2. economics (经济学)3. finance (财务)4. legal (法律)5. medicine (医学)6. politics (政治)7. environment (环境)8. technology (技术)9. communication (交流)10. business (商业)11. management (管理)12. industry (产业)13. innovation (创新)14. development (发展)15. globalization (全球化)16. education (教育)17. culture (文化)18. tourism (旅游)19. energy (能源)20. transportation (运输)21. infrastructure (基础设施)22. regulation (规定)23. negotiation (谈判)24. consultation (咨询)25. analysis (分析)26. strategy (策略)27. marketing (市场营销)28. advertising (广告)29. manufacturing (制造业)30. distribution (分销)以上是一些常见的行业术语。

此外,还有一些日常生活中常用的词汇:1. leisure (休闲)2. entertainment (娱乐)3. shopping (购物)4. food (食物)5. health (健康)6. family (家庭)7. travel (旅行)8. sports (运动)9. weather (天气)10. transportation (交通)最后,以下是一些高频词汇:1. essential (重要的)2. significant (显著的)3. primary (主要的)4. fundamental (基本的)5. crucial (关键的)6. effective (有效的)7. efficient (高效的)8. convenient (方便的)9. practical (实用的)10. innovative (创新的)以上是一些常见的中级口译笔试单词,希望这些词汇能够帮助大家提高英语水平,同时也为大家的口译笔试加油。

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法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
翻两番 quadruple
反不正当竞争法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
防止泡沫经济 avoid a bubble economy (too many bubbles in the economy)
房管 real estate management
非对称数字用户环路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower that their face value)
层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
差额投票 differential voting
差额选举 competitive election
拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
白条 IOU note, IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来
搬迁户 relocated families
半拉子工程 uncompleted project
包干到户 work contracted to households
包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash
费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes
分拆上市 A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
二次创业 start a new undertaking
二元经济 dual economy
法轮功 Falun Gong Cult
发烧友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan
发行股票、债券 issue shares and bonds
分流下岗人员争取再就业 redirect laid-off workers for reemployment
分期付款 installment payment
分税制 system of tax distribution
(产品)分销 sub underwriting, distribution
边际报酬 marginal return
边缘科学 boundary science
变相涨价 disguised inflation
博彩(业)lottery industry
补贴与反补贴措施 subsidies and countervailing measures
安居工程 Housing Project for low-income families
按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost
按揭贷款 mortgage loan
按劳分配 distribution according to one's performance
封闭式基金 close-ended fund
福利彩票 welfare lotteries
福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
浮动工资 floating wages; fluctuating wages
产粮大省 granary province
产量比1997年增加了2倍 the output has increased 3 times (registered a 3-fold increase; increased 200%)compared with 1997
产品结构 product mix
发展新兴产业和高技术产业 develop rising and high-tech industries
发展畜牧业、养殖业、林业 develop animal husbandry (livestock farming),aquaculture and forestry
法治国家 a country under the rule of law
白色农业 white agriculture (also called "white engineering agriculture"; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)
粉领族 pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc)
风险投资 venture capital; risk investment
防洪工程 flood-prevention project
防止经济过热 prevent an overheated economy (overheating of the economy)
防止国有资产流失 prevent the loss (devaluation) of State assets
产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined po
恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation
恶性循环 vicious circle
二板市场; 创业板市场 second board (on the country's stock martion and elimination
复式住宅duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the stor
仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wild grass)
奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
避免"大而全"的重复建设 avoid duplicate (duplicated, overlapping) construction of small and all inclusive projects
采取高姿态 show magnanimity
采取市场多元化战略 adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market
菜篮子工程 shopping basket program
参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
反对铺张浪费 oppose/combat extravagance and waste
反腐倡廉 combat corruption and build a clean government
反倾销 anti-dumping
防抱死系统 ABS (anti-lock braking system)
保健食品 health-care food
保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area
保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas
保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings
包工包料 contract for labor and materials
保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
保持国有股 keep the State-held shares
发扬优良传统 carry forward the fine traditions
发优惠券以促销 issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales
发展不平衡 disparate development
发展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.
不可再生资源 non-renewable resources
不良贷款 non-performing loan
不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency