天美送给老司机的礼物 全军出击萨诺地图新增载具RONY
Maximum towing capabilities are for properly equipped vehicles with required equipment and a 150-lb. driver and passenger and vary based on cargo, vehicle configuration, accessories, option content and number of passengers. See label on door jamb for carrying capacity of a specific vehicle. For additional information, see your Ford Dealer.2022 FORD EXPLORERREQUIRED EQUIPMENTIncludes items that must be installed.* Your New VehicleLimited Warranty (see your dealer for a copy) may be voided if you tow without them.For trailers over 3,000 pounds – Class IV Trailer Tow Package (52T)*Check with your dealer for additional requirements, restrictions and limited warranty details.Included with Class IV Trailer Tow Package – Option Code 52TS ee chart at right for the weight-carrying capacity of this hitchreceiver. (This capacity also is shown on a label affixed to each receiver.)FACTORY-INSTALLED TRAILER HITCH RECEIVER OPTIONball mounting, and other appropriate equipment to tow both the trailer and its cargo load.Refer to the Trailer Towing Selector chart for Maximum Loaded Trailer Weight for this vehicle.HITCH RECEIVER WEIGHT CAPACITYFrontal Area is the total area in square feet that a moving vehicle and trailer exposes to air resistance. The chart above shows the limitations that must be considered in selecting a vehicle/trailer combination. Exceeding these limitations may significantly reduce the performance of your towing vehicle.FRONTAL AREA CONSIDERATIONSTrailer Frontal AreaExplorer Timberline in Forged Green Metallic.Optional features shown with available Ford Accessories.REAR AXLE RATIO CODESIf you do not know the axle ratio of your vehicle, check its Truck Safety Compliance Certification Label (located on the left front door lock facing or the door latch post pillar). Below the barcode, you will see the word AXLE and a two-digit code. Use this chart to find the axle ratio that corresponds to that code:Rear Axle Non-Limited Limited dealer accessory. 2. Requires available Class IV Trailer Tow Package (52T). 3. Class IV Trailer Tow Package (52T) standard on ST model. 4. King Ranch ® and Platinum models only. 5. ST model only. 6. Fleet only. 7. Class IV Trailer Tow Package standard on Timberline model.Notes: • C ertain states require electric trailer brakes for trailers over a specified weight. Be sure to checkstate regulations for this specified weight. WARNING: Do not tow a trailer fitted with electric trailer brakes unless your vehicle is fitted with a compatible aftermarket electronic trailer brake controller. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death. For additional information and assistance, we recommend that you contact an authorized dealer.• Explorer calculated with SAE J2807® method.• Combined weight of vehicle and trailer cannot exceed listed GCWR. • Do not exceed the Maximum Loaded Trailer Weight listed.Explorer (Option Code) (52T)7-Wire Harness & 4-/7-Pin Connector X Hitch ReceiverXTrailer Sway Control XAVAILABLE TRAILER TOWING PACKAGENote: Content may vary depending on model, trim and/or powertrain. See your Ford Dealer for specific content information for all light trucks that will be used for towing to help ensure easy, proper connection of trailer lights.Legend: Content marked with an “X” in this column, signifies that the content is included with the package.REVISED 03.28.22Load should be balanced from side-to-side to optimize handling and tire wear Load must be firmly secured to prevent shifting during cornering or braking, which could result in a sudden loss of controlBefore StartingBefore setting out on a trip, practice turning, stopping and backing up your trailer in an area away from heavy trafficKnow clearance required for trailer roof Check equipment (make a checklist) Backing UpBack up slowly, with someone spotting near the rear of the trailer to guide you Place one hand at bottom of steering wheel and move it in the direction you want the trailer to goMake small steering inputs – slight movement of steering wheel resultsin much greater movement in rear of trailerBrakingAllow considerably more distance for stopping with trailer attached Remember, the braking system of the tow vehicle is rated for operation at the GVWR, not GCWRIf your tow vehicle is an F-150, F-Series Super Duty®, Transit or Expedition and your trailer has electric brakes, the optional Integrated Trailer Brake Controller (TBC) assists in smooth and effective trailer braking by powering the trailer’s electric or electric-over-hydraulic brakes with proportional output based on the towing vehicle’s brake pressureIf you are experiencing trailer sway and your vehicle is equipped with electric brakes and a brake controller, activate the trailer brakes with the brake controller by hand. Do not apply the tow vehicle brakes as this can result in increased sway TurningWhen turning, be sure to swing wideenough to allow trailer to avoid curbsand other obstructions.Towing On HillsDownshift the transmission to assistbraking on steep downgrades and toincrease power (reduce lugging) whenclimbing hillsWith TorqShift® transmission, selecttow/haul mode to automaticallyeliminate unwanted gear search whengoing uphill and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillParking With A TrailerWhenever possible, vehicles withtrailers should not be parked on agrade. However, if it is necessary, placewheel chocks under the trailer’s wheels,following the instructions below.Apply the foot service brakes and holdHave another person place the wheelchocks under the trailer wheels on thedowngrade sideOnce the chocks are in place, releasebrake pedal, making sure the chockswill hold the vehicle and trailerApply the parking brakeS hift automatic transmission into park,or manual transmission into reverseWith 4-wheel drive, make sure thetransfer case is not in neutral (if ap-plicable)Starting Out Parked On A GradeApply the foot service brake and holdStart the engine with transmission inpark (automatic) or neutral (manual)Shift the transmission into gear andrelease the parking brakeRelease the brake pedal and move thevehicle uphill to free the chocksApply the brake pedal while anotherperson retrieves the chocksAcceleration And PassingThe added weight of the trailer candramatically decrease the accelerationof the towing vehicle – exercise caution.When passing a slower vehicle, be sureto allow extra distance. Remember, theadded length of the trailer must clearthe other vehicle before you can pullback inSignal and make your pass on levelterrain with plenty of clearanceIf necessary, downshift for improvedaccelerationDriving With An AutomaticOverdrive TransmissionWith certain automatic overdrivetrans missions, towing – especiallyin hilly areas – may cause excessiveshifting between overdrive and thenext lower gear.To eliminate this condition and achievesteadier performance, overdrive can belocked out (see vehicle Owner’sManual)I f excessive shifting does not occur, useoverdrive to help enhance performanceOverdrive may also be locked out toobtain engine braking on downgradesWhen available, select tow/haul modeto automatically eliminate unwantedgear search and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillDriving With Cruise ControlTurn off the cruise control with heavyloads or in hilly terrain. The cruisecontrol may turn off automaticallywhen you are towing on long, steepgrades. Use caution while driving onwet roads and avoid using cruise controlin rainy or winter weather conditions.Spare Tire UseA conventional, identical full-sizespare tire is required for trailertowing (mini, compact anddissimilar full-size spare tiresshould not be used; always replacethe spare tire with a new road tireas soon as possible).On The RoadAfter about 50 miles, stop in aprotected location and double-check:Trailer hitch attachmentLights and electrical connectionsTrailer wheel lug nuts for tightnessEngine oil – check regularly throughoutyour tripHigh Altitude OperationYour vehicle may have reducedperformance when operating at highaltitudes and when heavily loadedor towing a trailer. While driving atelevation, in order to match drivingperformance as perceived at sea level,reduce GVWs and GCWs by 2% per1,000 ft. elevation.Powertrain/Frontal AreaConsiderationsThe charts in this Guide show theminimum powertrain needed to achievean acceptable towing performance forthe listed GCW of tow vehicle and trailerUnder certain conditions, however,(e.g., when the trailer has a large frontalarea that adds substantial air drag orwhen trailering in hilly or mountainousterrain) it is wise to choose a vehiclewith a higher ratingTowing performance is maximized witha low-drag, rounded front design trailerSelecting A Trim SeriesYour specific vehicle’s tow capabilitycould be reduced based on weight ofselected trim series and option content.Note: For additional trailering informationpertaining to your vehicle, refer to thevehicle Owner’s Manual.Photography, illustrations and information presented herein were correct when approved for publishing. Ford Motor Company reserves the right to discontinue or change at any time the specifications or designs without incurring obligation. Some features shown or described are optional at extra cost. Some options are required in combination with other options. Consult your dealer for the latest, most complete information on models, features, prices and availability.Many of the recreational vehicles shown in this brochure are modified or manufactured by companies other than Ford Motor Company. Ford assumes no responsibility for such modifications or manufacturing.© 2021 Ford Motor Company. All rights reserved.。
AUX接口 普通多功能方向盘 普通多功能方向盘(带拨片) GTI多功能方向盘 R-LINE多功能方向盘 大字库白屏仪表 大字库彩屏仪表 手动空调升级自动空调 普通座椅升级电加热 上海大众原厂行车记录仪 大众原厂摄像头 大众原厂翻盖摄像头 途观原厂摄像头 电动折叠后视镜
详情 工)内置SD卡插槽,内置超级蓝牙,6碟CD,低分辨率 工)内置SD卡插槽,内置超级蓝牙,6碟CD,高分辨率 置SD卡插槽内置30G硬盘,单碟DVD,高分辨率,可扩展性强 ,支持原车协议,内置蓝牙,DVD,USB接口,支持倒车影像 槽,6碟CD,触摸屏,支持倒车影像,支持USB,无导航 幕拨号,电话本,快捷拨号,通话记录,方向盘拨号,来电显示,无线音乐播放 只能接电话不支持拨号和通话记录,不支持来电显示,支持无线音乐播放 LE产品多媒体接入(暂只支持IPHONE4S以下,IPOD接口)
用 需要更换空调面板
附送4G-SD卡 需搭配原厂机头使用
至少PQ35平台以上车型 需搭配原厂机头使用 部分车型支持
原厂随动大灯 台产副厂氙气大灯 自动头灯/雨感底座 原厂丹拿音响套装 原厂芬达音响套装
原厂轮毂升级 原厂定速巡航 原厂主动巡航(ACC) 原厂车道辅助系统 虚拟倒车(OPS)
自动泊车 自适应底盘控制系统(DCC)
(博世代 (先锋代 (马牌代工),内 内置SD卡插槽, 内置SD卡插 只能搭配RNS510使用,支持屏幕 可以搭配任意原厂机头,只 支持USB及APP
外置6碟CD-ROM碟盒 电视信号,支持视频输出到头枕液晶屏(单独加装)
支持AUX音频接入 ,支持仪表调节,音乐调节,电话接打,配合RNS510可以使用魔语功能
Bassmaster Fishing 2022 中文手册说明书
目录开始游戏 (4)控制 (5)主菜单 (7)主界面 (7)管理 (7)精英挑战 (7)商店 (7)游戏模式 (8)鲈鱼大师地点模式 (8)职业模式 (8)在线 (8)鲈鱼大师淘汰赛 (8)自由钓鱼 (8)钓手中心 (9)传奇收获 (9)鱼类列表 (9)赞助商 (9)玩家档案 (9)教程 (9)抛竿指南 (10)钓鱼界面 (10)Dovetail Live 账号 (11)故障排查 (11)制作人员 (11)© 2021 多乐堂游戏版权所有。
“Bassmaster”是B.A.S.S. (IP), LLC所有的注册商标,在授权下使用。
“多乐堂游戏Dovetail Games”是 Ltd.的注册商标。
虚幻引擎®,版权期限1998-2021,Epic Games, Inc.版权所有,保留所有权利。
虚幻引擎®是Epic Games的注册商标。
本软件部分使用SpeedTree®科技(©2014 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.)。
SpeedTree®是Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.的注册商标,版权所有。
一应照片均由B.A.S.S., LLC.提供。
开始游戏感谢购买《鲈鱼大师赛2022》(Bassmaster® Fishing 2022)!这里的信息将帮助你快速开始游戏。
0 快速入门手册.........................................................................................................................6 0.1 安装.............................................................................................................................. 6 0.2 快速配置......................................................................................................................6 0.2.1 数据源配置.......................................................................................................6 0.2.2 综合图配置.......................................................................................................7 0.2.3 单站雷达默认配置(工具栏)...................................................................... 9 0.2.4 模式剖面默认配置(工具栏)...................................................................... 9 0.2.5 累积降水默认配置(工具栏).................................................................... 10 0.2.6 表格数据默认配置(工具栏).....................................................................11 0.2.7 模式探空默认配置.........................................................................................11 0.2.8 基础地图信息配置.........................................................................................12 0.2.9 交互层“另存为”保存................................................................................ 13 0.2.10 系统启动配置与出图配置.......................................................................... 14 0.2.11 传真图配置.................................................................................................15
手持式操作装置/换刀台........................................................................................................................ 2 – 28
概述 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 – 28 手持式操作装置(HT8)操作元件................................................................................................................................... 2 – 29 连接手持式操纵装置 ................................................................................................................................................... 2 – 31 在主操作台 ................................................................................................................................................................. . 2 – 31 在接线盒 ..................................................................................................................................................................... . 2 – 31 操作HT8....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 – 32
AVANTE 1.6 前锋豪华版蓝色变身,为您带来更舒适的出行体验说明书
Avante continues to evolve as Korea’s representative automobile brand.It has remained a name both trusted and acclaimed by car lovers and continues to set the standard in the semi-mid-size car market. To make your everyday commute more enjoyable, Avante has been reborn with refined design touches and cutting-edge technologies.The new AVANTEAvante’s dynamic style stands out from the crowd and adds energy to everyday driving.Avante’s attention to the details and innovativefeatures ensure your comfort and safety.Diesel 1.6 Premium with Full Option in Polar WhiteDesignThe wide cascading grille and the sleek,edgy headlamps create a powerful presence.Front RearLED headlamps Chrome radiator grilleLED rear combination lampsFrontal processed 17-inch alloy wheelsSpaceThe distinctive air vents and super slick instrument cluster add to Avante’s forward-looking image.ConvenienceMeticulously designed convenience features make Avante easy and comfortable to drive.Supervision cluster(4.2″ color TFT LCD)Wireless smartphone charging system / Driver’s seat with memory control settingsJBL Premium Sound system(8 speaker, with external amplifier)Gasoline 1.6 Premium with Full Option in Brown interiorPerformanceAvante’s fortified dynamic performance ensuresa stable driving experience.123PS/6,300RPM 15.7kgf •m/4,500RPM136PS/4,000RPM30.6kgf •m/1,750~2,500RPMSmartStream G asoline 1.6Diesel 1.6The optimal driving experience has been ensured by improving combustion efficiency and fuel efficiency and reducing emissions through the application of the integrated heat management system and friction reduction drivetrain system.Avante meets EURO 6 emissions standards for diesel-fueled vehicles, while boasting powerful, dynamic performance.AVANTE SportAvante Sports was born to bring innovative changes to youreveryday life by offering a dramatic driving experience based onits unique design and outstanding power.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Premium with Full Option in Fiery RedThe bucket seats and cluster exclusive to Avante Sportsadd a dynamic feel to the interior and excitement to youreveryday driving.Cluster exclusive to Avante Sport(3.5" single-color LCD)Carbon grainPartially punched leather D-cut steering wheelGasoline 1.6 Turbo Premium with Full Option in Red interiorGasoline 1.6 Turbo Premium with Full Option in Fiery RedThe high horsepower gasoline 1.6 turbo engine, rear wheel multi-link suspension ensuring stability, and powerful large-capacity disc brake, bring your experiencebehind the wheel to perfection.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo engine(204ps)Large-capacity disc brakes / Rear multi-link suspensionSafety411. Forward Collision Avoidance Assist – This system detects vehicles and pedestrians ahead using sensors (camera sensors or camera + radar sensors), alerts the driver of a potential collision via a message and warning sound, and activates the brakes when needed to reduce the severity of a collision.2. Lane Departure Prevention – This system is designed to recognize lane lines and take over steering to keep the vehicle centered in its lane if it begins to move out of its lane.3. Blind Spot Collision Warning – This system alerts the driver when detecting vehicles approaching at high speeds or from blind spots that are not reflected in side view mirrors.4. Driver Attention Alert – This system monitors driving patterns and alerts the driver in five steps via a message and warning sound if any inattentive or fatigued driving pattern is detected.5. High Beam Assist – This system recognizes vehicles ahead, oncoming vehicles, and streetlamps at night and automatically switches the headlamps between high and low beam all without your fingers leaving the steering wheel to ensure the safety of all vehicles.6. Smart Cruise Control – This system automatically adjusts the vehicle speed and maintains the distance preset by the driver from vehicles ahead without the need to press the accelerator.7. Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning – This system monitors the area to the right and left when in reverse and alerts the driver of any approaching traffic on either side to prevent potential accidents.1. Safety Exit Assist – This system provides a warning for passengers opening their door after the vehicle comes to a stop by sensing vehicles approaching from the side to prevent passengers from opening their door into oncoming traffic.2. Advanced Airbags – Airbags are activated in a manner that most effectively responds to diverse collision conditions, such as having no passenger in the front passenger seat or an infant in a baby seat.3. Individual Tire Pressure Monitoring System – This system is designed to monitor the air pressure of each tire and warn the driver of any tire pressure change via the display to prevent accidents.4. Front and Rear Parking Assist– This system alerts the driver of obstacles while parking by measuring the distances to nearby obstacles both in the front and rear.2163Style / SmartPremiumProjection headlamps(bi-function) &Bulb daytime running lights(DRL) Projection headlamps(bi-function) &LED daytime running lights(positioning lamps)LED headlampsLED Rear combination lampRear combination lampAutomatic folding outside mirrorsHeated steering wheelSmart trunk / Hidden trunk release buttonSupervision cluster(3.5" single-color LCD)Manual air conditionerSupervision cluster(4.2″ color TFT LCD)Dual fully automatic air conditioner(air-purifying mode)7” display audio systemHeated front seatsSunroofSeat ventilation system(Front)Audio systemPush button start system and smart key system8" navigation(phone connectivity)Hi-Pass system(ECM rearview mirror included)195/65R15 tire & 15" steel wheel / 195/65R15 tire & 15" alloy wheel Gasoline 1.6 Style in Phantom Black205/55R16 tire & 16" alloy wheel / 225/45R17 tire & 17" alloy wheel Diesel 1.6 Premium with Full Option in Intense Blue For the LPi modelsThe specifications in this brochure may vary by model and options included. For detailed specifications, please refer to the price list catalogue for the relevant month.Terrestrial DMB can be viewed in standard (320X240) and high (1,280X720) display resolution, however reception may not be possible due to transmission circumstances,DMB broadcasting regulations, or changes in the means of transmission used by DMB providers.ColorBlack InteriorBlack/Red interior* For Avante Sport only(Modern trim)Beige InteriorBrown InteriorTeal Blue InteriorRed interior * For Avante Sport only(Premium trim)Color combination chartSportFront grille exclusive to Avante Sport LED rear combination lamps side sill moldingExposed single twin-tip muffler 6-speed manual transmission Paddle shifters Metal pedalMetal door scuffsSports bucket seat225/40R18 tire & 18" alloy wheelGasoline 1.6 Turbo Premium with Full Option in Fiery RedRed leatherThe specifications in this brochure may vary by model and options included. For detailed specifications, please refer to the price list catalogue for the relevant month.*Please refer to the monthly price table for more detailed features of each model as the set of applied features varies by trim model and package.Classification Polar White [WAW]Gasoline 1.6 Turbo (DCT)Gasoline 1,591Gasoline 1.6 Turbo (M/T)Gasoline 1,591LPi 1.6(15″/16″tire)LPG1,591Dimension2,7004,620Wheel BaseOverall Length1,563(1,549)1,800Wheel Tread, Front Gasoline 1.6 / Diesel 1.6Overall WidthOverall Height 1,4401,572(1,558)Wheel Tread, Rear 2,7004,620Wheel BaseOverall Length1,5451,800Wheel Tread, Front Gasoline 1.6 TurboOverall WidthOverall Height 1,4351,559Wheel Tread, Rear * Unit : mmUnit : mm, Wheel tread is based on 15-inch tires, and the number in parenthesis is based on 17-inch tires.TUIX was born to meet the demand for sophisticated style and improved performance.The sleek, distinctive TUIX accessories offer exhilaration and leave a lasting impression on the road.※ TUIX Pet products can be purchased at the TUIX Mall website ().※ Each TUIX Pet product comes with a warranty provided by its manufacturer. Please refer to the warranty provided when purchasing the products online.※ The applicable trims may vary in accordance with the TUIX package selected. Please refer to the monthly price table for more details.Brake package * for the SPORT modelsBrake disc / Brake caliper / Low spill padHigh-performance brake oilDynamic Package * for the SPORT modelsDynamic Plus Package * for the SPORT modelsBilstein monotube shock absorberSpringsStabilizer barTempered bush control armSpoilerCup-type spoilerLighting Package (LED)Overhead console lamp Foot mood lampLuggage lampRoom lamp / Sun visor lightTuix WheelBlack chrome wheelTUIX PetCar pet seatAnti-fouling seat coverCar pet barrierTuix wheel * for the SPORT models18-inch lightweight wheels from Hands CorporationComfort PackageHeating cupholder Converged mirrorHigh-performance oil filterEngine Performance Package / Engine Dress-up Package * for the SPORT modelsColor Engine CoverHigh-performance synthetic engine oil aFe air intake system (engine performance package)Sports air intake filter (engine dress-up package)The images presented here are intended to inform customers and display the best models and options. The specifications described above vary by option, package, powertrain, and exterior color. For specification details by model, please refer to the monthly price table.Maintain a constant speed to drive more efficiently.█T he above fuel economy was calculated based on standard driving conditions. Actual fuel efficiency may vary depending on road conditions, driving styles, cargo weight, maintenance conditions, and outside temperatures. █S ome of the photographed vehicles in this brochure depict optional features for illustrative purposes and may differ from the actual vehicles. █T he features, colors, and specifications stated in this brochure are subject to change based on improvements in the vehicle’s exterior or performance. █T he above engine performance data is based on the net value, which is a legal requirement applied by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport from 1997 onwards. To produce the data, an advanced measurement method that takes into account the resistance of vehicle emissions was used. This method may generate results slightly lower than those generated by existing methods based on the gross value. █T he leather upholstery partially consists of synthetic leather. █T he vehicle colors printed in this brochure may differ from the actual colors. █h e specifications of the rental vehicles may be partly different from those of other models. For detailed specifications, please check the price list catalogue for the relevant month.█H yundai Motor vehicles are sold by Car Masters of Hyundai Motor Company’s branches and dealers only at prices uniformly applied everywhere across the country to promote fair business practices. █T he failure to use authentic parts and oil products (including engine oil and transmission fluid) recommended by Hyundai Motor Company and/or the use of defective fuel may critically damage your vehicle. █P lease refer to the owner’s manual for details about new technologies and features stated in this brochure.Remote controlIn the extremely hot summer or cold winter months, you can link your smartphone to the air conditioner or heater to set and con-trol the temperature inside the vehicle. Enjoy a pleasant driving experience with BlueLink.Concierge(paid service)Fumbling with the navigation device while driving can be risky. With BlueLink, all you have to do is just push the BlueLink button and ask the operator for your destination. Then the destination is automatically set up, and you can continue to enjoy a safer and more convenient driving experience.Vehicle managementServices include real-time trouble detection while the vehicle is running and regular vehicle inspections on pre-arranged dates. In the event of vehicle trouble, immediate professional consulting is available, and you may conveniently make reservations for repair at the time and location of your choice.The advanced technology of Hyundai’s BlueLink system helps keep both the driver and the vehicle safe in any situation.BlueLink is always there to keep you safe, regardless of the location or time of day. Experience the unique joy of safe and comfortable driving.NavigationBest routes suggestions based on live analysis of the road network. If the navigation system is unable to find a particular destination, it will automatically connect to the Internet and search for related informationSafety securityThe BlueLink Center works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If an airbag opens due to an accident, the Center automatically de-tects your location and takes appropriate actions according to the situation, such as contacting the police, ambulance, insurance company, etc.- Basic service(free for 5 years from initial subscription): remote control, safety security, vehicle management, navigation. - When the free basic service period ends, customers are switched, with their consent, to the charged service(KRW11,000/month).2019.6.1 ~ 6.30。
首先,让我们来看看一些比较热门的稀有车辆,它们分别是:1. 夜鹰(Nero)。
2. 疾风(Tyrus)。
3. 狂怒(Tempesta)。
4. 雷霆(Ruston)。
5. 轻快之箭(Vagner)。
MAGICO Q7 User’s Guide
MAGICO Q7 User’s Guide© 2013 MAGICO LLC1MAGICO Q7 User’s GuideALON WOLF, CEOMAGICO LLC© 2013 MAGICO LLC2© 2013 MAGICO LLC3WARNINGThe Q7 uses a tweeter equipped with a Beryllium dome, allowing a frequency range extending beyond 40kHz. In its solid form, Beryllium is harmless. However, due to its nature, certain special precautions should be observed to avoid exposure to unnecessary risk such:• Under no circumstances should the Beryllium dome be subjected to any form of abrasive action.• In the unlikely case of damage to the dome, of any form, a wide piece of adhesive tape should be immediately used to seal the whole front surface of the tweeter. You should then inform the dealer from whom you purchased the product so that the tweeter can be removed and replaced by a professional.• If the dome is broken in any way giving rise to loose particles of Beryllium, these should be carefully collected with the use of an adhesive tape and sealed in a zip-top bag to be returned with the tweeter.© 2013 MAGICO LLC4Using a ½” socket bit with either a wrench or power drill, remove 3 bolts from the bottomof each of the three remaining sides of the crate. (9 total)© 2013 MAGICO LLC5Using a ¾” socket wrench, turn the bolt at the base of the speaker clockwise until the ‘C’ shaped piece of wood can be slid out from underneath. With the wood removed turn thesame bolt counter clockwise to lower the foam platform to the base of the crate.With one person behind the speaker and two in front, Push/pull the speaker towards the ramp. Apply pressure to the sides of the front of the speaker, careful not to touch the drivers, to ease the speaker straight down the ramp and onto the floor. Remove the crate.Push speaker as close to listening position as possible. Remove the velvet bag, protective plastic, and tweeter guard. Keeping the speakers on casters, play music and attempt to position them as close to the ideal listening position as possible. Refer to Q7 Lift Kit and foot installation manual to jack up the speaker, remove the casters and apply the feet.© 2013 MAGICO LLC6MAGICO Q7 User’s Guide© 2013 MAGICO LLC7DIRECTIONS© 2013 MAGICO LLC8STEP 2:Slide the rear extension of the Q7 lift plate, padded side up, between the two rear casters. And then slide right side to the other side of the speaker.STEP 3:With one person at the front and back of the loud-speaker, work together to lift the Q7 lift plate from the ground so the padded material sits flush with the bottom© 2013 MAGICO LLC9© 2013 MAGICO LLC10NOTE:This can be adjusted after the loud-11124*************** 16。
New Vehicle 新车026如今,全新一代福特F-150猛禽强势归来,视觉上新车延续了F-150猛禽家族霸气十足的传统审美,扑面而来的“硬汉”气息足以激起皮卡爱好者的征服欲。
据悉,全新一代福特 F-150猛禽将在今年夏季于北美正式上市,全新一代福特F-150猛禽R 将于2022年发布。
金刚之躯文/李雨奇 设计/邱洪涛——全新一代福特F-150猛禽027说到高性能皮卡,相信许多人脑海中都会浮现出一个名字——福特F-150猛禽。
新车New Vehicle 028全新一代福特F-150猛禽外观方面,客观来讲,全新猛禽在外观上变化不大,车型保留了旧版的结构风格。
两侧的大灯组与格栅采用一体式设计,视觉上更为简洁流畅,中间标志性的“FORD ”家族式符号十分抢眼。
新车New Vehicle 030说完霸气硬朗的外观,再来看看全新一代福特F-150猛禽的科技感十足的内饰。
Nokia N97 说明书
若使用这些应用程序,则表示您承认这些应用程序以“现状”提供。且在适用法律的最大许可范围内,不 附有任何形式 (无论是明示还是默示) 的保证。您还承认,诺基亚及其附属机构都不作任何明示或默示的 陈述或保证,包括 (但不限于) 对应用程序的所有权、适销性或对特定用途的适用性或应用程序不侵犯任 何第三方专利权、版权、商标或其他权利的保证。 本文档的内容按“现状”提供。除非适用的法律另有规定,否则不对本文档的准确性、可靠性和内容做出 任何类型的、明确或默许的保证,其中包括但不限于对适销性和对具体用途的适用性的保证。诺基亚保留 在不预先通知的情况下随时修订或收回本文档的权利。 有关最新的产品信息,请访问 。 在适用法律允许的限度内,禁止对设备中的软件进行逆向工程。只要本《用户手册》中包括任何对诺基亚 所承担的保证、保修、损失和责任的限制,则该限制也会同样限制诺基亚的被许可方所承担的任何保证、 保修、损失和责任。 产品的供货情况,以及适用于这些产品的应用程序和服务可能因地区而异。有关详情以及提供的语言选 项,请向您的诺基亚指定经销商咨询。本设备可能包含受美国和其他国家或地区的出口法律和法规控制的 商品、技术或软件。严禁任何违反法律的转移行为。 FCC (Federal Communications Commission,美国联邦通信委员会)/加拿大工业部公告 您的设备可能干扰电视或收音机 (例如,当您在上述接收设备附近使用电话时)。如果此类干扰无法消除, 则 FCC 或加拿大工业部可能要求您停止使用电话。如果需要帮助,请与当地维修机构联系。此设备符合 FCC 标准第 15 章中的规定。此设备的操作应符合以下两个条件:(1) 此设备不会导致有害干扰,(2) 此设 备必须承受任何收到的干扰,包括可能导致不必要操作的干扰。未经诺基亚明确许可而进行的任何更改或 改装可能导致用户丧失使用此设备的权利。
首次充电,要求自动充满 SOC 为 100%,以达到 SOC 向上触发修 正,可以保证 SOC 精度,避免在 SOC 过低时精度差导致断动力故 障。
本手册通篇使用“ 警告”标 记,用于指示该处可能导致死亡 或严重人身伤害。为了避免或减 少危险,必须严格遵守注意事项。
本手册通篇使用“ 注意”标记, 表示该处可能造成轻度或中度人 身伤害或车辆损伤,为了避免或 减少危险,必须谨慎遵守注意事 项。
如果您看到上图中类似标志,表 示箭头指向车辆前方。
务中心询问,他们一定会高兴地 为您服务。 联系地址:
中国河南郑州市郑东新区莲 湖路 3 号 郑州日产汽车有限公司客户服 务部售后服务课 邮编:450046 电话:400 699 9766
1、关于充电 帕拉索电动车是一款纯电动汽 车,只能采用自身的动力电池提 供能量来行驶。为了避免因动力 电池过放电而导致车辆无法行 驶,请及时充电并在行驶前根据 仪表提供的剩余里程判断电量需 求是非常重要的,本车型提供三 种充电方式供用户选择。
当摁压格栅充电口盖开启不 顺时,可分别按压两个锁扣的位 置打开格栅充电口盖,并及时用 抹布或气枪对锁舌和锁扣除尘。
当车辆处于充电状态时,车 辆仪表上会显示充电状态:
当充电完成后,车辆仪表会自 动休眠不再显示充电状态信息。 当仪表 SOC 值低于 6%,出现电 量低报警提示时,推荐客户去充 电,可以确保不会因电量不足而 无动力搁浅,不推荐在电量耗尽 后再进行充电,因为那样会影响 电池的使用寿命。 家用交流充电是使用车辆配备 的交流充电连接装置进行充电
路易·雷诺出生于家境优越的中产家庭,21岁 入了赛车的“漩涡”。因为在当时,赢得比赛才
那一年,退伍之后回到巴黎的他对机械制造 能被人广为流传,成为佳话。路易·雷诺的机
产生浓厚的兴趣,便开始把家里的三轮摩托 械天赋再一次被激发出来,路易·雷诺 通 过
车给拆开,把发动机安装在自制的底盘上, 涡轮增压器的运用,让雷诺赛车大放异彩。马
亲的纺织公司经营理念,当路易·雷诺热衷于 司的前程打下良好基础。
19 0 2 年,马 塞 尔·雷诺 驾驶雷 诺赛车打败了梅 赛 德 斯车队,获 得“巴 黎 — 维 也 纳”赛段冠军。
雷诺汽车在1907 年和1908年,成 为纽约最畅销的 外国品牌。
Floride S 4CV
将从此改变。虽然路易·雷诺是痴迷于机械制 组合不复存在。马塞尔·雷诺在生活和事业
造的“鬼才”,但他却并不擅长公司的经营。此 中都无私地扶植路易·雷诺,路易·雷诺也对
时,他的两位兄弟便顺理成章地登上了历史 此充满感激与愧疚。通过比赛,雷诺车队的
舞台。马塞尔·雷诺和费尔南德·雷诺已习得父 名声大振,不仅有更强的技术沉淀,也为公
一项伟大的杰作诞生之初,必然会遭到 “巴黎—维也纳”赛段冠军。
路易·雷诺驾驶着这辆车,沿着斜坡驶上巴黎 赛段比赛中,年仅31岁的马塞尔·雷诺在一场
著名的蒙马特高地时,谁也没想到,他的人生 严重的车祸中失去了生命,从此雷诺三兄弟
R8 Gordini Lahti
1963 4 Parisienne
TerraExplorer Pro v7.0用户操作手册-2019v1.0
启动界面 ......................................................................................................................... 13
界面布局 ......................................................................................................................... 13
TerraExplorer 7.0.1 版本新特性 .......................................................................................8
3.1.1 栅格图层改进 ............................................................................................................ 8
3.2.6 分析工具..................................................................................................................10
3.2.7 使用 SkylineGlobe Server– 发布工具 .....................................................................10
关于本手册 ....................................................................................................................... 1
外观 A
Ⓐ 货箱门把手 25 Ⓑ 高位制动灯 Ⓒ 车窗 28 Ⓓ 外后视镜 47 Ⓔ 前雨刮 54 Ⓕ 门锁 22
Ⓖ 倒车影像 93 Ⓗ 后组合灯 49 Ⓘ 充电口 33 Ⓙ 前组合灯 49 Ⓚ 侧转向灯 49
Ⓐ 中控锁按钮 22 Ⓑ 灯光控制组合开关 49 Ⓒ 组合仪表 120 Ⓓ 雨刮控制组合开关 54 Ⓔ 中控面板开关总成 Ⓕ 换挡杆 87 Ⓖ 空调出风口 61 Ⓗ 车门内扣手 23
〉 谨慎驾驶:务必谨慎驾驶。随时注意路面 上其他驾驶员或行人的错误动向,以便及 时做出判断,防止意外事故的发生。
〉 专注驾驶:驾驶时务必全神贯注。任何分 散驾驶员注意力的事情,如调节控制按 钮、接打手机或阅读都可能引发碰撞事故 并导致您、车上的乘客以及其他人员严重 伤亡。
禁止将儿童单独留在车内,也不要让儿童携 带或使用钥匙。 儿童可能会启动车辆或随意切换换挡杆挡 位。儿童玩耍车窗、天窗或车辆的其他设备 时也可能会伤害到他们自己。此外,车内温 度过高或过低,也可能会对儿童造成致命伤 害。
Pro Power OnboardAvailable class-exclusive 1 feature expands F-150’s capability by bringing generator levels of exportable power to work sites and campsites. Provides 2.0kW, 2.4kW or 7.2kW of output depending on configuration. Accessible via in-cabin outlets and up to 4 cargo bed-mounted 120-volt/20-amp outlets with a 240-volt/30-amp outlet on models equipped the available 7.2kW system.Available Interior Work Surface and Stowable Shifter Interior work surface provides space for working on a laptop or enjoying a meal when parked. The shifter stows so the large work surface can fold directly from the center console or pivot out with bench seats.Rear Seat Storage and Lockable Under-Seat Storage Keeps your essentials concealed and secure with new, available lockable under-seat storage. It’s integrated with the floor to keep your gear conveniently out of the way. The rear flat load floor gives you a spot to slide in all your larger equipment.Class Exclusive 1 Max Recline Seats 2Provides ultimate comfort during downtime. Max Recline Seats fold flat to nearly 180 degrees, with the bottom cushion rising to meet the back cushion and the upper back support rotating forward up to 10 degrees for maximum comfort and rest between jobs.Tailgate Cleats and Work Surface Standard new cleats mounted to the sides of the tailgate act as tie-down locations for extra-long items in the bed. New clamp pockets are built in to the tailgate to hold down materials for precision work. Available flat Tailgate Work Surface includes integrated rulers, mobile device holder, cup holder and pencil holder.12" Center Stack TouchscreenNew Sync ® 4 with new available 12-inch touchscreen with landscape orientation allows split-screen access and control of multiple functions simultaneously, including navigation and key truck features.Ford Co-Pilot360™ Assist 2.03Provides an extra level of driver-assist technology including Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop-and-Go, Lane Centering and Speed Sign Recognition, Evasive Steering Assist, Intersection Assist and Connected Built-in Navigation.4Over-the-Air Updates Standard bumper-to-bumper feature helps your truck stay at the forefront of purposeful technology. Includes all-new functions and features throughout the life of the truck. 1 Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500-lbs. GVWR. 2 Available on King Ranch,® Platinum and Limited models. 3 Ford Co-Pilot360 Assist2.0 is available on XLT and Lariat; standard on King Ranch, Platinum and Limited models. 4 Navigation services require Sync 4 andDesigned and built for getting things done, the all-new 2021 F-150 Pickup brings ingenious featuresand new technology to maximize your productivity.TAILGATE CLEARANCE Considerations When Towing a 5th-Wheel or Gooseneck Trailer** R aptor 5th-wheel towing is not recommended .** D istance from ground to top of closed tailgate lip at base curb weight.Note: V ehicles with other configurations may havevarying tailgate heights.Included with Trailer Tow Packages – Option Code 53A, 53B and 53C. Standard on F-150 Raptor Pickup.See chart at right for the weight-carrying and weight-distributing capacities of this hitch receiver. (This capacityalso is shown on a label affixed to each receiver.)FACTORY-INSTALLED TRAILERHITCH RECEIVER OPTIONSFrontal Area is the total area in square feet that a moving vehicle and trailer exposes to air resistance. The chart above shows the maximum trailer frontal area that must be considered for a vehicle/trailer combination. Exceeding these limitations may significantly reduce the performance of your towing vehicle. Trailer Frontal AreaLimitations/Considerations With F-150 Pickup55 sq. ft. Any Powertrain with Trailer Towing Package or Payload Packageand Trailer Towing Ratings Between 5,001 and 7,700 lbs.60 sq. ft. Any Powertrain with Trailer Towing Package or Payload Packageand Trailer Towing Ratings 7,701 lbs. and Greater75 sq. ft. All 5th-Wheel and Gooseneck Applications with Any Powertrainwith Trailer Towing Package or Payload Package FRONTAL AREA CONSIDERATIONSREAR AXLE RATIO CODES If you do not know the axle ratio of your vehicle, check its Truck Safety Compliance Certification Label (located on the left front door lock facing or the door latch post pillar). Below the bar code, you will see the word AXLE and a two-digit code. Use this chart to find the axle ratio that corresponds to that code:Rear Axle Non-Limited Electronic Ratio Slip LockingF-150 Pickup 3.15 15 L53.31 27 L33.55 19 L93.73 26 L64.10 Not Available L4 Weight-Distributing Max. Max. Trailer Tongue Load3the proper hitch ball, ball mounting, weight-distributing equipment (i.e., equalizing arms and snap-up brackets, sway controlsystem) and other appropriate equipment to tow both the trailer and its cargo load.Refer to the Trailer Towing Selector chart for Maximum Loaded Trailer Weights for each vehicle.HITCH RECEIVER WEIGHT CAPACITY REQUIRED EQUIPMENTIncludes items that must be installed.* Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty (see your dealer for a copy) may be voided if you tow without them.For trailers over 5,000 pounds – Trailer Tow Package (17T, 53A, 53B) or Max Trailer Tow Package (53C)*Check with your dealer for additional requirements, restrictions and limitedwarranty details.Notes: • C ontent may vary depending on model, trim and/or powertrain. See your dealer for specific content information. • T railer Towing Package recommended for all light trucks that will be used for towing to help ensure easy, proper connection of trailer lights. F-150Model F-150 Raptor F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150(Option Code)(Std.) (17T ) (17T ) (53B) (53A) (53C)7-Wire Harness & 4-/7-Pin Connector– S – X X X Trailer Wiring Harness (4-Pin) X – – – – –Trailer Module– S – – – –Hitch Receiver– S – X X X Aux. Auto Trans. Oil Cooler– S – – – –Radiator Upgrade– S – – – –Smart Trailer Tow Connector– S X X X X Upgraded Rear Axle– S – – – X Upgraded Rear Bumper– – – – – X Trailer Brake Controller– X X – X X Trailer Reverse Guidance– X X – – –360-Degree Camera– X X – – –Lane Keeping Alert– S – – – –Tailgate LED– S X – X –Pro Trailer Backup Assist – X X – X 1 X 136-Gallon Fuel Tank – S – – – X 21 Not included on XL 100A. 2 Not available with 3.0L Power Stroke ® or 3.5L PowerBoost™ engines. AVAILABLE TRAILER TOWING PACKAGESF-150 Heavy-Duty Payload Package (Option Code 627)Increases GVWR to 7,850 lbs. on XL and XLT LT275/65R18C OWL A/T tires 18" silver aluminum heavy-duty wheels Upgraded springs 9.75" gear set with 3.73 electronic-locking rear axle 36-gallon fuel tank Available on XL, XLT Base, and XLT Mid. Requires 5.0L V8 or 3.5L V6 EcoBoost gas engine. Max Trailer Tow Package (53C) required with 3.5L V6 EcoBoost or 5.0L engine.Note: Be sure to measure your slide-in camper before attempting to install it onto the bed of the truck. Some campers may require a platform in the bed of the truck to make sure there is adequate clearance for both the box rails and cab roof of the truck.Consult your camper manufacturer/dealer for details regarding proper installation of your slide-in camper.A dimensionally stable block spacer is recommended between the headboard of the pickup box and the forward edge of the camper floor. Resting the spacer on the pickup box bed helps prevent movement and contact of the fully-installed camper with the pickup box headboard or taillight rear pillars.Slide-In Camper Installation Camper Center-of-GravityAll Styleside pickups that qualify for slide-in camper bodies have camper center-of-gravity included on the Consumer Information Sheet in the glovebox.Data is calculated for each individual truck, based on vehicle options.If vehicle does not qualify for camper use, the Consumer Information Sheet states that the vehicle is not recommended for camper use and no center-of-gravity data is bined weight of vehicle, camper body, occupants and cargo must not exceed Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).Cargo Weight Rating shown in chart is maximum allowable, assuming weight of a base vehicle with required camper option content and a 150-lb. passenger at each available seating position.Ratings also assume weight of engine and standard transmission. Cargo Weight Rating shown must be further reduced by weight of any other options. Option weights and center-of-gravity information are available on the Ford Pickup Truck Consumer Information Sheet.If you intend to pull a trailer in addition to carrying your camper, see the F-150 Pickup Conventional Trailer Towing Selector charts.2021 FORD F-150 PICKUPMAXIMUM CARGO WEIGHT WITH SLIDE-IN CAMPER Note: The following chart lists GVWRs and Maximum Cargo Weights (with minimum equipment) by engine for each approved pickup model: 3.5L V6 EcoBoost ® and 5.0L V8.2021 FORD F-150 PICKUPCargo And Weight DistributionFor optimum handling and braking, the load must be properly distributed Keep center of gravity low for best handlingApproximately 60% of the allowable cargo weight should be in the front half of the trailer and 40% in the rear (within limits of tongue load or king pin weight)Load should be balanced from side-to-side to optimize handling and tire wear Load must be firmly secured to prevent shifting during cornering or braking, which could result in a sudden loss of controlBefore StartingBefore setting out on a trip, practice turning, stopping and backing up yourtrailer in an area away from heavy trafficKnow clearance required for trailer roof Check equipment (make a checklist) Backing UpBack up slowly, with someone spotting near the rear of the trailer to guide you Place one hand at bottom of steering wheel and move it in the direction you want the trailer to goMake small steering inputs – slight movement of steering wheel resultsin much greater movement in rear of trailerBrakingAllow considerably more distance for stopping with trailer attached Remember, the braking system of the tow vehicle is rated for operation at the GVWR, not GCWRIf your tow vehicle is an F-150, F-Series Super Duty®, Transit or Expedition and your trailer has electric brakes, the optional Integrated Trailer Brake Controller (TBC) assists in smooth and effective trailer braking by powering the trailer’s electric or electric-over-hydraulic brakes with proportional output based on the towing vehicle’s brake pressureIf you are experiencing trailer sway and your vehicle is equipped with electric brakes and a brake controller, activate the trailer brakes with the brake controller by hand. Do not apply the tow vehicle brakes as this can result in increased swayTurningWhen turning, be sure to swing wide enough to allow trailer to avoid curbs and other obstructions.Towing On HillsDownshift the transmission to assistbraking on steep downgrades and toincrease power (reduce lugging) whenclimbing hillsWith TorqShift® transmission, selecttow/haul mode to automaticallyeliminate unwanted gear search whengoing uphill and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillParking With A TrailerWhenever possible, vehicles withtrailers should not be parked on agrade. However, if it is necessary, placewheel chocks under the trailer’s wheels,following the instructions below.Apply the foot service brakes and holdHave another person place the wheelchocks under the trailer wheels on thedowngrade sideOnce the chocks are in place, releasebrake pedal, making sure the chockswill hold the vehicle and trailerApply the parking brakeS hift automatic transmission into park,or manual transmission into reverseWith 4-wheel drive, make sure thetransfer case is not in neutral (ifapplicable)Starting Out Parked On A GradeApply the foot service brake and holdStart the engine with transmission inpark (automatic) or neutral (manual)Shift the transmission into gear andrelease the parking brakeRelease the brake pedal and move thevehicle uphill to free the chocksApply the brake pedal while anotherperson retrieves the chocksAcceleration And PassingThe added weight of the trailer candramatically decrease the accelerationof the towing vehicle – exercise caution.When passing a slower vehicle, be sureto allow extra distance. Remember, theadded length of the trailer must clearthe other vehicle before you can pullback inSignal and make your pass on levelterrain with plenty of clearanceIf necessary, downshift for improvedaccelerationDriving With An AutomaticOverdrive TransmissionWith certain automatic overdrivetrans missions, towing – especiallyin hilly areas – may cause excessiveshifting between overdrive and thenext lower gear.To eliminate this condition and achievesteadier performance, overdrive can belocked out (see vehicle owner’smanual)I f excessive shifting does not occur, useoverdrive to help enhance performanceOverdrive may also be locked out toobtain engine braking on downgradesWhen available, select tow/haul modeto automatically eliminate unwantedgear search and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillDriving With Cruise ControlTurn off the cruise control with heavyloads or in hilly terrain. The cruisecontrol may turn off automaticallywhen you are towing on long, steepgrades. Use caution while driving onwet roads and avoid using cruise controlin rainy or winter weather conditions.Tire PressureUnderinflated tires get hot and mayfail, leading to possible loss of vehiclecontrolOverinflated tires may wear unevenlyand compromise traction and stoppingcapabilityTires should be checked often forconformance to recommended coldinflation pressuresSpare Tire UseA conventional, identical full-size sparetire is required for trailer towing (mini,compact and dissimilar full-size sparetires should not be used; always replacethe spare tire with a new road tire assoon as possible).On The RoadAfter about 50 miles, stop in aprotected location and double-check:Trailer hitch attachmentLights and electrical connectionsTrailer wheel lug nuts for tightnessEngine oil – check regularly throughoutyour tripHigh Altitude OperationYour vehicle may have reducedperformance when operating at highaltitudes and when heavily loadedor towing a trailer. While driving atelevation, in order to match drivingperformance as perceived at sea level,reduce GVWs and GCWs by 2% per1,000 ft. elevation.Powertrain/Frontal AreaConsiderationsThe charts in this Guide show theminimum powertrain needed to achievean acceptable towing performance forthe listed GCW of tow vehicle and trailerUnder certain conditions, however,(e.g., when the trailer has a large frontalarea that adds substantial air drag orwhen trailering in hilly or mountainousterrain) it is wise to choose a vehiclewith a higher ratingTowing performance is maximized witha low-drag, rounded front design trailerSelecting A Trim SeriesYour specific vehicle’s tow capabilitycould be reduced based on weight ofselected trim series and option content.Note: For additional trailering informationpertaining to your vehicle, refer to thevehicle owner’s manual.For the latest RV & Trailer Towing information,check out orgo to .TOWING BASICS。
【备注】1. 在整个视频中,旁白要模仿各种语气和角色,增加趣味性。
2. 画面要尽量夸张,增加搞笑效果。
3. 结尾处的彩蛋要出人意料,让人印象深刻。
世纪天成 CROSU3 用户手册说明书
CROSU3 使用説明書■尺寸【产品规格】■型号 ■产品名称:CROSU3:裸族の硬盘座 USB3.0■界面 :USB3.0 ■ USB 连接器 :Standard B ■重量■适用温度、湿度范围 :546g (不包含硬盤):長 134mm × 高さ 68mm × 寬 94mm (突起部位除外):温度 5 〜 35 度 湿度 20 〜 80%■电源规格 :AC 输入 100–240V 、DC 输出 12V 2.5A ※本产品不包含硬盘。
【包装内容对象】・CROSU3 本体 ・専用 AC 电源 × 1 ・専用 AC 电源线 × 1 ・USB3.0 连接线 × 1専用 AC 电源 専用 AC 电源线・使用说明书 / 保证书(本手册) ※请自行准备一个内接式硬盘。
CROSU3 本体専用 USB3.0 连接线使用说明书 / 保证书【各部位名称】・Power LED (电源/蓝色闪烁)・Access LED (讯息读写 / 红色闪烁)【对应 HDD/SSD 型式】< HDD >■ 适用2.5吋/3.5吋 Serial ATA (SATA Ⅰ/Ⅱ) HDD※ 不适用IDE(PATA) 型式的 HDD/SSD 。
< SSD >■ 适用MLC 型式 5V 驱动 2.5吋 SATA SSD※ 不适用 ZIF 连接器、3.3V 驱动 特殊形状(ASUS EeePC 内建 SSD 等)的 SSD 。
另、不建议使用SLC 型式的 SSD 。
■本公司确认运作良好的 SSD・CFD CSSD-SM64NP (PHISON 制 控制芯片 MLC ) ・OCZ OCZSSD - VTXT30G (INDILINX 制 控制芯片 MLC ) ・创见 TS32GSSD25S-M (Jmicron 制 控制芯片 MLC )【对应计算机型式】< Windows >・USB3.0 接口接口的 PC/AT 兼容计算机(USB3.0模式) ・USB 2 .0接口接口的 PC/AT 兼容计算机(USB3.0模式) ・CPU 运算速度 2GHz / 内存容量 1GB 以上※ 推荐使用Intel 芯片型式※ 使用SIS7000/7001/7002. PCI to USB Host Controller 的计算机、 USB Host Controller 有无法正常运作的可能性。
Chevrolet Camaro (Gen 6) Installation GuidePN 11922, 11922CB, 11922CF, 11922CFBA, 11923, 11923CB, 11923CF, 11923CFBA, 11928, 11928CB, 11929,11929CB, 11933, 11934Thank you for purchasing a Borla Performance Exhaust System.Borla Performance Exhaust Systems (PNs 11922, 11922CB, 11922CF, 11922CFBA, 11923, 11923CB, 11923CF, 11923CFBA) are designed for the Chevrolet Camaro 6.2L V8 engine with manual or auto-matic transmissions.Borla Performance Exhaust Systems (PNs 11928, 11928CB, 11929, 11929CB) are designed for the Chevrolet Camaro 3.6L V6 engine with manual or automatic transmissions.Borla Performance Exhaust Systems (PNs 11933, 11934) are designed for the Chevrolet Camaro 2.0L Turbo I -4 engine with manual or automatic transmissions.System installation requires cutting stock exhaust tubing.Borla Performance Industries recommends that an exhaust shop or professional after market parts installer, who has all the necessary equipment, tools and experi-enced personnel needed for proper installation, should perform the installation of this system. However, if you decide to perform the installation, we recommend someone should help you. Ensure the installer uses all under car safety precautions including eye protection.Please take time to read and understand the following …By installing your Borla Performance Exhaust System, you indicate that you have read this document and you agree with the terms stated below.It is the responsibility of the purchaser to follow all installation instruction guidelines and safety procedures supplied with your Borla Performance Exhaust System.Borla Performance Industries assumes no responsibility for damages occurring from misuse, abuse, improper installation, improper operation, lack of responsible care, or all previously stated reasons resulting from incompatibility with other manufacturer ’s products and/or systems.Included with your Borla Performance Exhaust System is a warranty card. Please read it carefully before you begin any work on your vehicle. If you should have any questions regarding our warranty policy, installation, or any other matter pertaining to your new Borla Performance Exhaust System, please give us a call at the number provided on the warranty card.***** Please compare the parts in the box with the bill of materials provided *****(view the following pages) to assure that you have all the parts necessary for this installation.These instructions have been written to help you with the installation of your Borla Performance System. Please read this document completely be-fore beginning the installation of your system.To ensure this part number fits your specific model year, please visit our website for the latest model year listings at 11923Minimum Required Tool List:TOOLS:1. 3/8” Drive Ratchet2. 3/8” Drive Extension 9”3. 15mm Socket4. 15mm Wrench5. 14mm Socket6. 14mm Wrench7. Pry BarSHOP SUPPLIES: 1. Spray LubricantBorla Performance - Bill of Materials1192211929Minimum Required Tool List:TOOLS:1. 3/8” Drive Ratchet2. 3/8” Drive Extension 9”3. 15mm Socket4. 15mm Wrench5. 14mm Socket6. 14mm Wrench7. Pry BarSHOP SUPPLIES: 1 Spray LubricantBorla Performance - Bill of Materials1192811933Minimum Required Tool List:TOOLS:1. 3/8” Drive Ratchet2. 3/8” Drive Extension 9”3. 15mm Socket4. 15mm Wrench5. 14mm Socket6. 14mm Wrench7. Pry BarSHOP SUPPLIES: 1 Spray LubricantBorla Performance - Bill of Materials1193411933Original Exhaust System Removal1.Left Side and Right Side factory muffler tubing must be cut prior to installation.(See Fig. 1)2. Sections of factory tubing is flattened for exhaust clearance below rear sub -frame. Begin with LeftSide tube and locateintersection of round section and flattened area. Measure and mark cutting line 4-3/8” as shown. Cut tubing withmetal -cutting bladed saw. (See Fig. 2A)3. Repeat STEP 2 for Right Side tube and locate intersection of round section andflattened area. Measure and mark cutting line 4-3/8”as shown. (See Fig. 2B) 4. On Left Side locate and remove (2) nuts on Hanger Bracket and remove hangerfrom bracket. Keep Hanger Bracket and hardware for reinstallation. (See Fig 3) 5. Support muffler assembly with stand. Carefully remove hangers from rubberisolators and remove factory rear muffler assembly from vehicle. 6. Deburr sharp edges of cut tubing on vehicle. (See Fig. 4)NOTE: When you first start your vehicle after the installation of your new Borla Performance Exhaust System, there may be some smoke and fumes coming from the system. This is a protective oil based coating used in the manufacturing of mandrel bent performance exhaust tubing. This is not a problem and will disappear within a very short period of time after the exhaust has reached normal operating temperatures. Note: With a used vehicle, we suggest a penetrating spray lubricant to be applied liberally to all exhaust fasteners and allowing a significant period of time for the chemical to lubri-cate the threads before attempting to disassemble.Cut HereHanger Bracket (Left Side) Remove (2) NutsNOTE: When you first start your vehicle after the installation of your new Borla Performance Exhaust System, there may be some smoke and fumes coming from the system. This is a protective oil based coating used in the manufacturing of mandrel bent performance exhaust tubing. This is not a problem and will disappear within a very short period of time after the exhaust has reached normal operating temperatures.Borla Performance Exhaust Installation1. Starting on Left Side, place a clamp on expanded end of L/H Muffler Assembly .Carefully insert (2) hangers into rubber isolators. DO NOT TIGHTEN CLAMPBOLTS (See Figs. 5A & 5B)2. Repeat STEP 1 to install R/S Muffler Assembly to vehicle.3. Reinstall L/S Muffler Assembly to vehicle using factory Left Side Hanger Bracketusing factory hardware. Tighten nuts to 12 ft. lbs. (See Figs. 6A & 6B) 4. Repeat STEP 3 to reinstall factory R/S Muffler Assembly to vehicle.5. Check your exhaust system for proper clearance under the vehicle and also for tipcentering to valence. (See Fig. 7) 6. Once position has been determined to becorrect, tighten theMuffler Assemblyinlet clamp bolts 32-35 ft. lbs. (See Fig. 8) 7. Before starting your vehicle, make sure to check all wires, hoses, brake lines, bodyparts and tires for safe clearance from the exhaust system. 8. Start vehicle and check for any leaks. If any leaks are found, determine cause (suchas loose or incorrectly positioned clamp) and repair as necessary.Left Side。
”【特效文字】“ 全新升级动力系统,爆发你的速度极限!”【画面:展示车辆在赛道上飞驰,轮胎与地面摩擦出炽热的火花】【旁白】“感受引擎的脉搏,每一次加速都是对自我的挑战。
”【特效文字】“ 0-100km/h加速仅需【时间】秒,超越你的想象!”【画面:镜头切换至车内,展示奢华内饰和智能科技配置】【旁白】“豪华的内饰,科技的未来。
”【特效文字】“ 自适应巡航、自动泊车、智能导航,一切尽在掌握!”【画面:展示车辆在复杂路况中行驶,表现出色】“无论是都市的繁华街道,还是山间的蜿蜒山路,【车型名称】都能轻松应对,展现非凡驾驭能力。
”【特效文字】“ 全地形适应系统,征服一切路况!”【画面:展示车辆与家人、朋友一起出行,展现温馨氛围】【旁白】“不只是速度的象征,更是生活的伙伴。
”【特效文字】“ 宽敞舒适的乘坐空间,每一次出行都是享受!”【画面:展示车辆环保性能,如混合动力系统、低排放技术等】【旁白】“我们追求速度,更注重环保。
”【特效文字】“ 绿色出行,从我做起!”【视频结尾】【画面:车辆在夜幕中停下,车灯逐渐熄灭,背景音乐渐弱】【旁白】“【车型名称】,不仅仅是驾驶,更是一种生活态度。
现在就加入我们,开启你的速度之旅!”【特效文字】“ 预约试驾,体验非凡驾驭!”【画面:出现官方销售热线、官方网站、官方旗舰店等信息】“【车型名称】,等你来挑战!”【视频结束】【激昂音乐结束】。
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