社会核算矩阵 (中英版)Social Accounting Matrices

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Total gross value added/GDP
pensation of employees
2.Taxes less subsidies
3.Operating surplus, net
4.Consumption of fixed capital
The uses of value added quadrant (III)
order to arrive at useful analytical input-output tables:
(a) Decompose purchasers' prices of uses into basic price, taxes, subsidies, and trade and transport margins, and separately analyze these components;
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
4 Conversion of the supply and use tables into
symmetric tables
Adding analytical assumptions to baal Accounting Matrices
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
The set of input-output tables in the system
1. table 15.1. Supply of products at basic prices and use of products at purchasers’ prices
Taxes or Subsidies
on products
Output of industries (by ISIC categories)
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
• Section 3 Applications of the SAM • 第三节 社会核算矩阵的应用
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
一、The uses of input-output tables in the system
The input-output tables and in particular the supply and use tables serve two purposes: statistical and analytical. 二、 Input-output tables in SNA
In national accounting and economic analysis two kinds of input-output tables (or matrices) are referred to:
4.table 15.4b. Supply and use: final and intermediate uses at basic prices, ISIC breakdown
5.table 15.5. Import matrix, basic prices (c.i.f.)
6.table 15.6 Input-output symmetric table, basic prices— product by product
Final consumption expenditure
capital formation
Goods and services (by CPC sections )
The intermediate use The final use quadrant (II) quadrant (I)
p consumption o expenditure
capital formation
The intermediate use quadrant (I)
The final use quadrant (II)
Total gross value added/GDP pensation of employees 2.Taxes less subsidies 3.Operating surplus, net 4.Consumption of fixed capital
(b) Distinguish use of imported products from use of products from resident producers;
(c) Express rows and columns in the same classification, i.e., direct links (products-to-products or industries-toindustries) rather than indirect (products-toindustries).
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
四、 Input-output strategy
The supply and use table is both a framework for basic statistics and the foundation from which the analytical input-output tables are constructed. This sets an ambitious target including the following elements:
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
三、 Some considerations 某些建议
The following considerations might be taken into
account - starting from supply and use tables - in
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
3 Input-output symmetric table
Use of products
Intermediate consumption of
industries (by CPC sections )
2. table 15.2 Supply and use: trade and transport margins, taxes and subsidies on intermediate and final use of products.
3.table 15.4a. Supply and use: final and intermediate uses at basic prices, market/non-market distinction and ISIC breakdown
(a) Supply and use table as working basis, possibly every year and at least from time to time in great detail;
(b) Compilation of at least "commodity flows" data (goods and services account by products) annually and fully consistent with national accounts, providing a powerful tool for the calculation and verification of the national accounts;
1 The supply tables
Supply of products
Goods and services (by CPC sections)
1 2 … 10 of which Market Own final use Other non–market
Trade and transport margins
(c) Flexibility for analytical needs, responsiveness to aggregation, more details and rearrangements of flows.
(a) Supply and use tables; (b) Symmetric input-output tables
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA
The uses of value added quadrant (III)
Labour inputs (hours worked) Gross fixed capital formation Closing stocks of fixed assets
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
The mathematical methods used when transferring outputs and associated inputs hinge on two types of technology assumptions:
(a) Industry (producer) technology, assuming that all products produced by an industry are produced with the same input structure;
7.table 15.7. Input-output symmetric table, basic prices— product by product with imported products separated from domestic products
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices
2 The use tables
Use of products
Goods and services (by CPC sections)
Trade and transport margins
Taxes or Subsidies
on products
Intermediate consumption of industries (by ISIC categories)
Chapter 9 Social Accounting Matrices
• Section 1 The input-output tables in the system of SNA • 第一节 SNA中的投入产出表
• Section 2 Social Accounting Matrices • 第二节 社会核算矩阵SAM
(b) Product (commodity) technology, assuming that a product has the same input structure in whichever industry it is produced.
Chapter 09 Social Accounting Matrices