读写任务 概括







读写任务概要(summary)写作指导30字概要的基本四大技巧:Skill1: Omit (省略) the details Skill2: Omit the examplesSkill3: Use general(概括性) words instead of specific(具体的) wordsSkill4: Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech (间接引语,第三人称)第一类:记叙文(1)记叙文的概要, 一般包括记叙文的六个要素(who; when; where; what; how; why), 也就是考生应先通读阅读短文,找出这六个要素,然后用自己的话将这六个要素串成一两句话即可。

当然, 不一定每篇记叙文都包含这六个要素,但“某人做了某事, 结果如何”是应当包括的。

因此, 要写好概要, 需找到以下两个问题的答案:1)谁做了什么?(who did what)2)结果如何?(what was the result)☆特别提醒:如果是夹叙夹议的文章,还要找主题句或利用“写作内容”给出的提示,写出故事给我们的启示、教育或其中的一个道理。

(2)记叙文概要的参考模版:The story is about …, from which (启示)......The passage mainly tells us that …, which shows that(启示)......The author thinks / points out / tells us / holds the view that …, through w hich(启示)......According to the article, we know that …We can see from the text …As can be seen from the text, …[例文]阅读下面短文, 然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。






如:Opinions towards Fast Food/ Is Failure a Bad Thing?/Learn from Mistakes等。



概括常用的句式有:1.This article deals with/discusses/analyzes/strongly emphasizes…2.This article not only describes …but also suggests…3.This article compares…and summarizes key findings…4.This articles gives an account of/provides an analysis of/providesa method of…5.The article reports the last information on…6.The problem of sth. Is discussed…7.This articles shows/tells us that…8.The author finds it necessary to…9.The author holds the idea that…giving it an example of sb.who…10.The author strongly emphasizes the benefits of getting up earlysuch as…三、自然过渡写完概括后,用句恰当的过渡语引出自己的观点(反对或赞成)。




Wh : o W h t a: W h n: e Whr: ee Ho w: Th e s l : er u t h ie ’ pi o T e wrtr S o nin:
h me: T e Ar u n : g me t 1 S p o n e a l1: u p si g d t i Ar me t2: u g n S p o n e ml2: u p ai g d t Co c u i n: n lso
20 0 8年 第 7・ 8期
13 2
p a e o s i h a .  ̄r h i h a lc n my l t r d y Be e t e br d y. 1 e a b t t r d w( k
o tapln wih my pae s u a t rnt.W eplne o ha i e o a d t ve dnn rt—
p o ie t gve me a e rm sd o i n w M P p a e . Ho ve 3 ly r we r, s m eh n u x ce ha e d n ha d y 1 o t i g ne pe td pp ne o t t a . we t n
二 、 策 略 指 导
1 写什 么 ( a t w i ) . wh t o r e。 t
要写 “ 摘要 ” ,首 先得知道 要写什 么 ,也就 是必须弄 清楚 什 么是 文章 的内容要 点 ,如何找 出来 。读 写任务 中要求考生 阅
读 的文 章主要有三种 文体 :记叙文 、议论文 和说 明文。这三种
英 语 胜 经
c m o e i 4 od ) o fr dhm.( 0w rs t

















Skill 1: Omit the details.Skill 2: Omit the repetitions.Skill 3: Omit the examples.Skill 4: Use general words instead of specific words.Skill 5: Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech.She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She brought home a lot of books to read during the vacation.概括为:She brought home a lot of books to read during the vacation.His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.概括为:He was very brave in battle.He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.概括为:He was in financial difficulties.概括中常用的句式或模板1.议论文The essay\passage\author highlights the importance of encouragement for students.The essay\passage\author discusses the impact of email.The essay\passage\author compares friendship with the comfort of home.The essay\passage\author outlines the harmful effects of smoking.The essay\passage\author argues in support of..., stating that...The passage highlights the importance...2.记叙文点明写作目的:The writer tells us...(主题)by showing us an example of..., who\which...(故事情节)作者经历类:In the passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of doing sth., which...他人经历类:This passage is mainly about sb’s experience of doing sth...The passage is a story about...3.说明文现象揭示类:This article points out the common phenomenon...(主题), which...(补充解释)利弊对比类:The article compares the disadvantages\benefits of A and B. A...while B...研究显示类:The study reveals that...4.通用型According to the passage, we know...This article is mainly about...As can be learnt form the passage, ...。


How to write a
Steps for writing a summary(步骤) Read Find Read the passage for overall content (通读全文领略大意). Reread carefully, find out the topic sentences and key words.
1) Skill1: Omit (省略) the details. Then, you can think of a way to make both sides happy. Here are some tips: 1)Make time to talk. You could talk about your school life and your plans for the future. 2)Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. 3).Show your parents you are growing up. Wash your own clothes and help around the house. Summary: There are some tips for children so that they can get on well with their parents.
The writer made a vivid description of the beauty under the sea. vividly described the beauty under The writer ______________ the sea. 4)Change the structure of a sentence句式变化法 a.语态变换 Parents should give children more praise. be given more praise Children should ________ b.简单句变复合句 Children should be encouraged more. This will help them learn faster. which Children should be encouraged more, _______ will help them learn faster..



(2) Nowadays more and more teenagers try to be more independent from their parents and sometimes become very rebellious. They always want to wear long and strange hair style, which their parents complain about a lot. They also spend too much time on the Internet and playing computer games. 议论文:找出中心论点以及最后的结论, 再补充论据 Now more and more teenagers try to be independent and even become rebellious. Now more and more teenagers try to behave independently and differently .
understanding the writing style
tense, person
topic sentences
key words
set sentence patterns summarize/rewrite
(1) She bought a lot of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and some eggs. She intended to invite all his friends to her birthday party at the weekend.








如: 记叙文:5个W (what/who/when/where/why/how)议论文:opinion / idea + argument (supporting ideas / reasons)说明文:①phenomenon / problem / + reason + solution (cause and effect) ②introduction of an object (how it is made, how it is used, how it may change, what makes it new or significant)新闻:focus on the first paragraph and the first sentence and the last sentence of other paragraphs如2009年高考的读写任务所给的文章是篇说明文。

根据说明文的框架结构,考生很容易就在文章中找到文中需要概括的几个要点:现象:Koala生气;原因:koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep; they can be hugged and photographed by tourists;结果:the government is now moving to make the practice illegal考生根据上述要点就可以顺利写出概要了。



读写任务中的主旨大意怎么写?▼ 分准项目分值评分标准5按照要求概括了全部主要信息, 没有增加与原文无关的信息, 没有照抄原文的句子。


4基本按照要求概括了主要信息, 没有增加与原文无关的信息, 没有概照抄原文的句子。


3基本按照要求概括了主要信息, 但包含一些不相关的信息, 有个别句子抄自原文。


括2不能按照要求概括主要信息, 包含较多不相关的信息, 有较多的抄袭原。


0— 1没有按照要求概括主要信息, 基本是不相关的信息, 大多数句子都照抄原文。



如,要求你“以120你理想的大学生活”,那么所的文章的主就是“college/university life。










▼概要句型模板1.According to the passage, we know that...From the passage, we can know that...2.In this passage, the writer / author states / thinks / argues that...3.In this passage, the writer/author tells us about...4.The story / passage is about...▼以下是常见文体的主题句及主要内容的概括的方法和技巧。


等, 把 讲评 的重 点放 在 思路 与方 法上 , 关 键是 引导 学生 怎样
高考 中必 定会有 创新题 目, 但有两 种截然 不 同的对待态 度: 热衷 与畏 惧 。有 的 同学遇 到创 新题 就埋 头其 中, 全心投 入 解题 , 甚至 四处寻 找创 新题 来做 , 生 怕因 为漏 做某 道创 新 题 而导 致 高分 失分 ; 而有 的 同学一 见到 创新 题 就头痛 , 表 现
系, 特 别 是主 要知 识 问的关 系 , 逐步 形成 和扩 充物 理 知识 体
准 确度 、 计算 、 推理 步骤 , 叙 述 的正 确性进 行 评分 。 这 就 要求
你在计 算题 的解答 过程 中有 理有 据 : 指 明研 究 对象 , 明确 研
系, 形成 一个 条 理化 、 网络 化 、 熟练 化 的有机 体 系 。 这样 在解 题 时, 就 能 由题 目提供 的信 息 , 从记 忆 系统里 检索 出相 关信 息, 选取 与题 目的要 求构成 最佳 组合 的信 息 , 寻求 解题途 径 ,
误, 参考 2 0 0 7年广 东高考教师改卷评分细则 , 总结出不 同 体裁的短文概括思路和参考模板, 并 以高考真题为例, 探讨
如何 有 效提 高 学 生“ 读 写 任 务” 的篇章 要 点 概括 写 作 能力 。

如何概括短文的要点或主要 内容
概括短文的要点或主要内容就是用 自己的话简要地转
出很强 的畏 惧心 理 , 因为 他们 对这 类题 总 感觉 束手无 策 , 丝
毫 没有 解题 的灵 感 。 笔 者认 为这 两种 认识 都是 错误 的 , 我 们 没有必 要对 创 新题 刻意 处 理 ,不管 是 怎样 的新情 境 型创 新 题, 都 与 同学们 学 习的 旧知识 有关 , 解 决 问题时 只要 仔细 阅 读 题 目, 克服 畏惧 心理 , 树立 信心 就 能成功 解题 。 4 . 对答题, 多 一份 规范 , 少 一份 随 意 解 答物 理 问题 是有严 格 的格 式化要 求 的, 哪 些题型 该用 什 么格 式答 题 , 在 教材 上 都有 明确 的规 定 。 高考 命题 给 出 的

人教版高中英语选修六Unit3 读写任务技巧

人教版高中英语选修六Unit3 读写任务技巧
读写任务(三) 议论文的概括 一、对概括的要求 概括部分对于输入材料的加工要求高。概要写作包含多个 分任务(阅读理解、信息筛选、句子表达等等),包含几种能 力。第一要分析文章,寻找作者的原来意义。第二要筛选信 息,学会区分事实和观点,重要和次要,普通与特殊,相关与 不相关、原因和结果等复杂的逻辑关系。第三要有英文解释英 文的能力(paraphrase),用自己简单的语言来解释比have many things to do in Mandarin Chinese popularization.First,we should carry out a mass education(群众教 育)on the importance of speaking Mandarin Chinese to make everyone understand that it is his responsibility to do so.In the past,little progress has been made in isolated rural areas because the natives do not bother to take pains to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese.Next , speaking good Mandarin Chinese should be compulsory in classrooms,in public offices,in movies and TV programs in China.
学生样本2 This paper tells us the importance and ways of popularizing mandarin Chinese.We should carry out a mass education,class education,and public education to popularize mandarin Chinese.It is good for our economic growth,accelerate the development and promote the unification of China.



概括内容要点(Summary)的方法及技巧关键词:读写任务,概括,内容要点,中心句(topic sentences),关键词(Key words),分类,方法及技巧,针对性训练。














又如,新闻报道类,必须使用“report”或“It’s reported that”。

第二、训练学生找出文章的主题句(topic sentences)或关键词(Key words)。



• 第一段: • 概括所给短文内容要点注意利用原文中所给的语 言材料,用自己的话来写;概括后的文章意思要通顺, 行文要连贯。 • 写作具体方法和要求: • 1. 第一段概括要做到开门见山,要抓住要点, 语 言精练。例如: • 1) According to the passage, we know… • 2) This article is mainly about… • 3) The writer states that… • 4) As can be learn this passage, • 5) As the passage says that… • ……
作者的观点和结论(结论可以引申 为相关的措施)
澳大利亚某部门正在研究将这种行主规定为违法 行为
二、在文章找出相应的句子 三、用自己的话改写相应的句子 四、把改写的句子连成文章
Tourists are used to taking pictures with koala,which indeed interrupts their peaceful life.Now government is taking measure to ban this behavior and make it illegal.
提出自己的观点,论证和结论 Nhomakorabea议论文
文体特点 阅读及概括方法
对某个问题或 先找出文章的中心论点,一般在 某件事进行分 文章的开头或结尾,如果信息太 析、评论、表 少,再结合每一段段首或段尾的 明自己的观点、 综合性语句提炼概括;跳过解释 立场、态度、 和举例 看法和主张
2、对于写作内容而言,要求对所给的英文材料进 行加工,即客观、准确又全面地转述所给材料的 观点,并在此基础上对材料做出判断,即表明肯 定、否定或折衷的立场;



高中英语读写任务专题突破---概括S ummary读写任务的写作内容一般分为两个部分, 即写作内容1为概括短文要点, 还有写作内容2 则是就某个主题发表看法。

然而, 绝大部分的考生会忽略了写作内容2对写作内容1的导航作用, 而一头扎进了阅读材料直接去阅读文章得出要点。

事实上, 所谓“读写任务”其实是“读”和“写”的有机结合, “读”的材料是为了后面的“写”提供情景, 同样, “写”也是对“读”的材料的思考和延伸。

因此在概括文章时, 可考虑命题人提供的写作内容2的导航作用, 因为它能够帮助大家更快地提高捕捉文章要点的速度与准确性。

一、概括的标准: 抛弃次要, 瞄准写作目的。

标准的概括一般第一句话是主题句, 清楚明白地告诉了读者文章的写作目的, 这句话的质量决定了概括的成败。

后面的句子对主题句进行解释和支撑, 凡是意义在主题之外的要毫不吝啬地予以删除。


确定阅读文章的主题句, 一般在段首。



分析主题句意义, 确定关键词, 关键词一般体现为名词、形容词, 关键词的数目决定了概括的信息浓度。






口诀:缩长见短, 省却细腻。

四、写概括的具体方法1.写概括的步骤A.定时态:如果阅读材料是过去时, 那么基本时态用过去时;如果是现在的, 那么基本时态用现在时;不过, 模板的开头语一般为现在时如The passagetells us that----- - --.B.定人称: 一般情况下采用第三人称来写作。

(特殊如书信的, 可能会使用第一、二人称;)C.定技巧:结合相关技巧, 重新组句。

1)Use words of similar meanings同义替换法I didn’t catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.I didn’t catch any fish_________ I was not patient.2)Adopt the opposite way when saying a sentence正话反说法Yo.wil.fail..Yo.wil.____________.3)Change the part of speech词性转换法Patienc.i.ver.important.Patienc.i.o. ____________________..4)Change the structure of a sentence句式变化法语态变换: Parents should give children more praise.→Children should ________ more praise.简单句变复合句:Childre.shoul.b.encourage.more.Thi.wil.hel.the.lear.faster.Children should be encouraged more, _______ will help them learn faster..5)Use the shortest possible transitions连词衔接法注意使用一些短而精的连词, 如but, and, so, while, however, then, yet, for, therefore, thus, including, instead of 等。



英语任务型读写常用的概括性词汇及经典取代一、常用概括性词汇归纳:原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity;advantage/benefit/strengths , disadvantage, /weaknesses/drawback/shortcomings功能:function数字/数据:data, figure, statistics观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment ,evaluation表方式、方法:means , way , method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth, solution, manner,目的:purpose , aim , goal ,intention, target积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic建议:advice [u] ,proposal, suggestion , tip概括、总结: summary , conclusion特点:feature , characteristic, personality,种类:kind , type , category , class精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically影响: influence , impact , effect (on ) 情形,状况: situation,condition, case 建立:build , create , establish , found出现:appear ,occur(red)实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish必要,必需: must /necessity方面,项目条款:item / aspect材料: materials知识消息:knowledge / information日程计划: schedule / agenda百分比:percentage性别:sex年龄: age满意:satisfaction 忧虑,担忧,焦急: concern(不)熟悉:familiar /unfamiliar个人,个人的: individual,personal细节:description , detail文化: culture责任:(take) responsibility贡献: (make) contributions to成就achievement重要: value importance significance比较: contrast comparison时期: period / time存在: existence exist花费: cost / expense人口: population天气与气候: weather[u] / climate [c]位置place,situation, location种类type, kind/sort/species/variety/category 主题: theme,topic,subject背景: setting,background情节: plot高潮: climax结尾:ending反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent定义:definition介绍/导入:introduction描述:description,Age,process,origin,history,develop ment,sex,time,event,facts,二、常用的经典替代1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades2. two decades= 20 years3. fortnight=two weeks4. take advantage of = make use of5. parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents6. oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with7. consider … = take … into consideration / account8.. at the beginning = at first9. be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for10. since the beginning of human evolution =throughout human history11. in search of better job opportunities. = seeking a better job. / searching /looking /hunt for a better job.12. housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected with housing 13. take an active part in = take part in sth. actively14. encourage participation in quiet activities = encourage children to participate in / take part in/ play a role in quite activities15. be hooked on headphones = be addicted to headphones16.valuable information = information of great value17.understand clearly = have a clear understanding of sth.18.affect = have an effect / influence / impact on sth.19.matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference 20.be over = end = put …to an end= come to an end21.despite = in spite of22. share less than 2% = account for less than 2%= make up23.online = on the Internet24.learn good citizenship = learn to be good citizens25.list the things that you are good at = list what / all you are good at26.explain sth. = make an explanation27.enjoy sth = get pleasure from; take pleasure in28. besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from = as well as29. be better than = be superior to30. approve of = subscribe to = be in favor / support of = favor sth.31.have access to = be acceptable / accessible / available to32.stop = quit = give uppensate for = make up for34.in part = partly 35.every year = yearly = annually = on a yearly basise up = run out of (主动)37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)38.be accused of = be charged with39.most of the people = the majority of the people40.cater to /for one’s needs / demands /requirements = satisfy / meet one’s ….41.starve to death = die of hunger/ starvation drown to death = die of drowning42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary43.socially responsible = social responsibility44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth .mit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.46.make full use of = make the most \ best of47. be proud of = take pride in48. never...anthing more than=nothing more than49. in secret = secretly in total = totally in peace = peacefully in surprise = surprisedly in a hurry = hurriedly in brief = briefly 50. offer sb sth = provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb = supply sth to sb51. apologize to sb for sth =make an apology to sb.= say sorry to sb52. turn sb down = refuse sb happen=take place53. increasingly popular = more and more popular54. change rapidly = a rapid change55. shared interests=common interests56. keep\bear...in mind = remember57. sb takes\shows (an) interest in / sb. be interested in =sth appeals to sb58. as a result of = because of。


t a h ne ne l y mp ra o e i hep n h m h tte I tr tp a san i o tntr l n l i g t e

y ・
I I e e e lt e . e mb r lb r g i h o f v rf e i d Ir me e a o n n t e h t r i
中提到 了不 同观 点就行 )+ 现象 中与众 不同 的地 方+
“ 展望”或者 “ 升华 ” 。
Ex mpl: a e
tre i l e ( 立 )U n asdU p n o e ts a d 孤 u ot Sa dcue St sedto o
mu h t n t e i gn r r ft e c mp t r u c i me i h ma i a wo l o h o u e .B t y d t e P w su y d s o e e h t t e o p s e i t e h e h e td i v r d t a h p o i s r .T c t u
T a k o t e c mp tr w r be t b ln h n s t h o ue , e a e a l o e ao e
20 0 9颦 篱 1 期 1
◆ ■■ ▲

me ia p o lms rii g h lr n, a d h o i g d c l r be , a sn c i e d n c o sn a s h o r c l g .A o t6 l o me ia st l e c o lo ol e b u 0 mi i n A r n od P w e l c
中,概括不全是个 大问题 ,因这会影响到下文——表

2014广东高考英语作文 读写任务30词概括指导

2014广东高考英语作文 读写任务30词概括指导

Exemplifying in Skills
1. According to the passage, we know that... From the passage, we can know that... 2. In this passage, the writer / author states / thinks / argues that... 3. In this passage, the writer/author tells us about... 4. The story / passage is about... 5. The story / passage mainly tells us that... 6. It’s reported that... As is reported in the passage, ...
Don’t copy the sentences in the text. Use another word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning. Use different sentence structures to express the same idea.
the points you should pay attention to 1.不需要把所有要点都涵盖。 2.在这些内容中比重最大的是what, 不要把what写得太详细,注意浓缩。 3.找出叙事中夹带的议论,挖掘出文章 的主题。 4.用自己的话把主题和主要情节组织成 摘要。
பைடு நூலகம்
高考英语读写任务是给出一段短文,让考 生阅读后在规定的时间内用2-3句话,不 超过50词概括文章大意,然后根据一个主 题,围绕几个要点发表自己的一些看法。


万江中学 彭家胜 东莞市教研室 刘守君
1. 通读短文,了解大意。 2. 2. 找出短文的关键词,尤其是每段都论及的名词 3. 3.划出短文及各个段落的主题句。 4. 4. 写出1-3句话,概括全文。
1. 利用文章所给的语言材料, 分析归纳句组 2. 间的逻辑关系, 并用自己的话来写作。
理解文章大意, 找出主题句, 保留其名词, 用动词的同义词 或词组替代原来的谓语.
start begin be good for /help
be beneficial to be worried
be concerned
Morning classes begin an hour later in some schools in Sichuan, which is beneficial to both students’ health and study. But some parents are concerned that more sleep will mean less learning.
Children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers. Children would become dependent on the teacher if they were made to correct their mistakes with help of teachers.
东莞市教研室 刘守君



建议 ,供考生们 参考 。

要 点 拓 展 。不可 一句 完成
在读写任务 的写作 中,若遇到如 2 0 1 2年读 写任 务第一 个要 点 “ 上文
使你 想起哪位对 你帮助最 大的老师 ” 与第 三个要 点 “ 你 怎样看 待老 师对
l u t e l y n o t a p a r t o ft h e l i f e o ft h e m.
参考范文 :
T h e a r t i c l e r e mi n d s m e o f m y E n g l i s h ̄ a c h e r
wh o h e l pe d me t h e mo s t .To b e s p e c i i f c,i t wa s s h e
d e i f n i t e l y d e s t r o y e d i f t h e t o u i r s t s k e e p
拟题 。结合 所教班级学生读写任务的 写作情况 ,就读写任务 “ 发表 自己看
法 ”这部分 ,给广大考生总结 出四条
o n t a k i n g p i c t u r e s wi t h t h e m. Mo r e — o v e r ,i t i s r e a s o n a b l e t h a t t h e a n i ma l s
i n g g i ls r t o my f r i e n d s o n t h e f e s t i v a 1 . Du e t o my t e n d e n —
c y t o p r e s e n t a u n i q u e g i f t ,I s e t my mi n d t o d r a w s o me
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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2 反义词替换 He failed to persuade him.= He didn’t didn’t succeeded in ___________________________. 3 词性转化 A balanced diet is good for our health.= A balanced does good to our health. diet ______________ 4 句式变换:主动/被动语态变换;简单句、并列句、复 合句变换+其他我们学过的表达手段。 Children should be encouraged more. This will help them learn faster. which will Children should be encouraged more, _______ help them learn faster.
专题一 读写任务
How many words are needed to summarize a passage? A. 10 words B. 30 words C. the more, the better D. not clear
2. Do we need to write “Summary” in front of your summary? A. Yes B. No,Байду номын сангаасor Sophia will kill you
1)阅读材料是说明了什么现象? 2)现象的原因是什么? 3)我们应该怎样解决?
再比如湛江二模的作文话题:“ Stars and False Advertisements”内容包括: 1)对明星代言虚假广告是否应该为此负责的看 法,并举例说明。 2)作为消费者应如何避免购买明星代言的虚假 产品。 我们又应该怎么预测材料呢?
3. Do we need to express our opinions, suggestions or feelings in the summary? A. Yes B. Sometimes C. No
4. Can we directly use the same sentences from the passage? A. Of course yes B. Sometimes C. Absolutely no D. We can use the sentences from the passage, but with our own language. For example,…
In our life, it is important for us to keep in touch with our old friends. So we are advised to forget our old friends’ mistakes and get in touch with them as often as possible.
首先我们要熟悉各种问题 记叙文:5W(who/when/where/what/why/how) 议论文:opinion/idea + argument (supporting ideas/reasons) 说明文:phenomenon/problem + reason + solution (cause + effect) introduce of a object ( how it is made, how it is used, how it may changed, what make it new or significant.) 新闻:focus on the first paragraph, and the first sentence and last sentence of other paragraphs.
5. How do we know the theme of the passage in 0.001 seconds? A. We guess B. We read the Writing Content.
有一道题的主题是“如何保护我国文化遗产”, 要点包括: 1)你如何看待我国的文化遗产遭到破坏的现象。 2)保护文化遗产有何意义? 3)我们该如何保护我国的文化遗产? 那么,我们可以根据这个主题进行什么预测呢?
1 同义词替换 Smoking is bad for our health.= Smoking is ________________ our health. harmful While I was growing up, I read a lot of books in order to be a likable person.= Growing up, I read __________ many/lots ofbooks _____________ be so as to well-liked a__________________ person. Children’s spare time is occupied by attending various classes.= busy Children are __________________ attending various classes.
6概括要做到开门见山,要抓住要点, 语言精练 例如: Patterns 1 The passage mainly tells us that 2 From the passage, we know that 3 According to the passage, we know that 4 Through the story/his experience +about sth/that clause, the writer … 5. By recalling/mentioning +that clause, the writer/author 6. The passage tells us about sth which/that 7. This article is mainly about… 8. The writer states that… 9. As can be learn ,this passage 10. As the passage says that…
In order to help students with stress, the Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School built a "stress wall" for students to relax. But students have different opinions about the wall.
一. 读写任务基本写作模板 标题
第一段: 概括所给短文内容要点[约30 字] 第二段: 过渡词引出主题句---自己的观 点---理由[约100字] 第三段: 总结句[约20字]
二 具体写作方法
标题 标题是段落中心思想的精练表达形式。根据所写 短文的内容,概括出中心思想然后加以提炼,拟 定标题; Is time more valuable than money On Smoking How to make friends Happiness Is watching TV a good thing? My view of money / time / pollution My attitude toward building a car factory
注意首段和尾句 4.灵活变化表达,适度进行改写。 ( in your own words) (1)同义替换。即用同义或近义的词语或句型改 写。 (2)语态互换。即主动语态与被动语态的转换。 (3)非谓语动词短语与从句的互换。 (4)合并句子。就是将几个意义联系紧密的句子 合并为一句话。
概括所给短文内容要点注意利用原文中所给的语 言材料,用自己的话来写;概括后的文章意思要 通顺,行文要连贯。 写作具体方法和要求:
1. 巧妙利用主题和写作要点,预测材料内 容。
读写任务先读后写。那么“读”的材料肯定是与 要“写”的材料话题是相同的,至少是相关的。 因此,我们可以利用这一关系来进行有效的预测。 比如:
有一道题的主题是“如何保护我国文化遗产”, 要点包括: 1)你如何看待我国的文化遗产遭到破坏的现象。 2)保护文化遗产有何意义? 3)我们该如何保护我国的文化遗产? 那么,我们可以根据这个主题进行什么预测呢?
1)阅读材料是说明了什么现象? 2)现象的原因是什么? 3)我们应该怎样解决?
According to the passage, we know that Britain’s government has made a new law to ban smoking in cars with children. Some people are against the law while others are for it.
5. 削“枝”去“叶”,实行精“兵” 裁“员”。
由于字数有限制,所以在写summary时还应采取一些必要的手段 来进行精“兵”裁“员”,减少字数。惯常采用的方法有: (1)主谓缩写。如they will →they’ll; we are →we’re; should not → shouldn’t; can not →can’t等。 (2)句式省略。如When he crossed the road=when crossing the road. If they’re corrected too much=if corrected too much. (3)使用代词或含有替代含义的词。如有学生这样写:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet. A servant advised the king not to cover the road and just make a pair of shoes for himself. Finally the king agreed and made shoes for himself. 这时,我们可以利用代词将其改写如下: Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet, but he was persuaded not to do so. Instead, he made a