Pyogenic liver abscess following acupuncture and moxibustion treatment
肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿与大肠埃希菌肝脓肿临床特点对比分析 姚娜
并胆道疾病患者,易复发,影像学常见多发性脓肿,易合并肺炎及肺气肿,ECLA 产超广谱 β - 内酰胺酶阳性率较高,需早期合理应
关键词:肝脓肿; 肺炎克雷伯菌; 大肠杆菌; 疾病特征 中图分类号:R575. 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号: ( ) 1001 - 5256 2020 09 - 2010 - 05
收 基 作 通DO稿 金 者 信I:日 项 简 作10期 目 介 者. 3::::92国 姚 汪6092家 娜 春/0j.(科 付-i1s0s技,9n3电8.7重-1子-00大08信)1;专,修箱-女项5回:,2w(主5日2c60f治4.期1207医02:Z2@2X师0011.2,0060主923-0.. 0要4c024o5m00从-1事1-10肝02病-、0艾05滋)病等传染病研究
fective treatment. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 371 patients with liver abscess who were admitted
, to The Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University from March 2005 to July 2018 among whom 145 patients tested positive for , , , pathogen. KPLA patients and ECLA patients were compared in terms of clinical features laboratory examination radiological examination , and prognosis. The t - test or the Mann - Whitney U test was used for comparison of continuous data between two groups and the chi - ’ square test or the Fisher s exact test was used for comparison of categorical data between two groups. A multivariate logistic regression analy , sis was used to determine the influencing factors for prognosis. Results Among the 145 patients that tested positive for pathogen 66 tested , positive for Klebsiella pneumonia and 42 tested positive for Escherichia coli. Compared with the KPLA patients the ECLA patients tended to ( , ), ( , ), ( , have an older age t = - 2. 25 P = 0. 027 biliary diseases χ2 = 10. 019 P = 0. 002 a history of abdominal surgery χ2 = 27. 481 ), ( , ), ( P < 0. 001 tumor χ2 = 17. 745 P < 0. 001 and a significantly higher proportion of individuals with recurrent liver abscess χ2 = , ) ( , ) , 13 745 P < 0. 001 . KPLA was often observed in patients with diabetes χ2 = 17. 505 P < 0. 001 . As for laboratory examination com , ( , ) pared with the KPLA patients the ECLA patients had a significant increase in total bilirubin U = 880. 000 P = 0. 001 and significant re ( , ) ( , ) ductions in albumin t = - 2. 625 P = 0. 010 and platelet count U = 1719. 000 P = 0. 036 . Radiological examination showed that there ( , ), was a higher proportion of patients with multiple liver abscess in ECLA χ2 = 23. 372 P < 0. 001 while KPLA often had an abscess diame ( , ) , ( ter of > 5 cm χ2 = 7. 637 P = 0. 006 . As for complications the ECLA patients were more likely to develop pulmonary infection χ2 = , ) ( ) , 18 857 P < 0. 001 and emphysema P = 0. 013 . ECLA patients were more likely to have multidrug - resistant organisms and most pa
细菌性肝脓肿全科诊疗现状与分析(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________)【摘要】目的细菌性肝脓肿(bacterialliverahscess)是指化脓性细菌沿不同途径进入肝脏引起的肝内化脓性感染,亦称化脓性肝脓肿(pyogenicliverabscess)。
Abstract:Endogenous Endophthalmitis refers to infectious endophthalmitis caused by bacteria、fungi、viruses or parasitesor contaminated blood circulation into intraocular area. Pathogens are from septicemia and farward infection foci. Risk factors include venous catheter retention,long-term antibiotic use,neutropenia,immunosuppression,AIDS,diabetes,organ transplant and narcotic drugs.Endogenous Endophthalmitis in pathogens are primarily classified into 2 categories-one is bacteria and the other is fungi,which has caused more than half of the cases. Laboratory examinations of (1,3)-D dextran experiment,PCR and multiple PCR technology have been paid more and more attention.Key words:Endophthalmitis;Endogenous;Infectious;Risk factors;Pathogenic agent;Routine lab test眼内炎是细菌、真菌、病毒、寄生虫、眼内自身抗原引起免疫反应等引起的眼内化脓性炎症。
∗基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(编号: 1807091MH206)作者单位:236000安徽省阜阳市安徽医科大学附属阜阳人民医院影像科(郑浩,刘晶晶);介入放射科(王洪剑)第一作者:郑浩,男,33岁,大学本科,主治医师㊂E-mail: zh180********@ ㊃肝脓肿㊃肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿患者临床特征分析∗郑浩,王洪剑,刘晶晶㊀㊀ʌ摘要ɔ㊀目的㊀回顾分析总结细菌性肝脓肿(PLA),特别是肺炎克雷伯菌(KP)肝脓肿患者病原学㊁影像学表现和治疗效果,以提高对该病的诊治水平㊂方法㊀2017年1月~2022年5月我院收治的PLA患者110例,给予抗感染和超声引导下穿刺抽脓治疗,行血或/和脓液培养㊂采用化学发光法检测血清高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP),采用双抗体夹心免疫发光法检测血清降钙素原(PCT);采用Clauss法检测血清纤维蛋白原㊂结果㊀在本组110例PLC患者中,血培养或脓液培养阳性70例(63.6%),其中KP48例(68.6%),大肠杆菌7例(10.0%),链球菌4例(5.7%),葡萄球菌3例(4.3%),粪肠球菌3例(4.3%),屎肠球菌2例(2.8%),解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌㊁肠炎沙门氏菌和奇异变形杆菌各1例(4.3%);在70例细菌培养阳性的PLA患者中,肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿(KPLA)48例,非肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿(N-KPLA)22例;KPLA组年龄为58(49,66)岁,显著年轻于N-KPLA组ʌ65(61,74)岁,P<0.05ɔ;KPLA组合并糖尿病㊁胆系手术史和胆系感染发生率分别为56.2%㊁8.3%和14.6%,与N-KPLA组的22.7%㊁27.3%和45.4%比,差异显著(P<0.05);KPLA组血肌酐(sCr)㊁高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)㊁降钙素原(PCT)和纤维蛋白原分别为88.7(60.8,115.4)μmol/L㊁170.5(86.3,240.5)mg/L㊁20.2(9.8,31.5)ng/L和6.4(5.0,7.8)g/L,与N-KPLA组ʌ分别为100.3(62.3,145.0)μmol/L㊁132.6(60.6,181.2)mg/L㊁26.8(13.4,40.6)ng/L和5.3(4.3,7.1)g/Lɔ比,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);影像学检查发现,KPLA组薄壁脓腔㊁脓腔分隔㊁脓液液化发生率分别为83.3%㊁62.5%和97.9%,均显著高于N-KPLA组的54.5%㊁31.8%和72.7%(P<0.05);在48例KPLA患者中,短期治愈率为70.8%,在N-KPLA患者为59.1%,两组住院时间分别为20(15,28)d和22(16,28) d(P>0.05)㊂结论㊀在PLA患者中,常见的病原体为KP,了解其发病和脓腔特征,给予抗感染和穿刺抽脓治疗,大多预后良好㊂㊀㊀ʌ关键词ɔ㊀细菌性肝脓肿;肺炎克雷伯菌;穿刺引流;治疗㊀㊀DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5069.2024.01.031㊀㊀Clinical features of Klebsiella Pneumonia-induced bacterial liver abscess㊀Zheng Hao,Wang Hongjian,Liu Jingjing.Department of Radiology,People's Hospital,Affiliated to Anhui Medical University,Fuyang236000,Anhui Province,China ㊀㊀ʌAbstractɔ㊀Objective㊀The purpose of this study was to summarize the clinical features of Klebsiella Pneumonia(KP)-induced bacterial liver abscess(PLA).Methods㊀110patients with PLA were encountered in our hospital between January2017 and May2022,and all patients were treated by needle puncture and drainage under US guidance at base of intravenous administration of antibiotics.Serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP),procalcitonin(PCT)and fibrinogen(Fib) levels were detected.Results㊀Out of the110patients with PLA,the bacteria culture found positive in70(63.6%)patients, including KP in48cases(68.6%),Escherichia Coli in7cases(10.0%),Streptococcus in4cases(5.7%),Staphylococcus in3 cases(4.3%),Enterococcus Faecalis in3cases(4.3%),Enterococcus Faecalis in2cases(2.8%)and others in3cases (4.3%);the KP-induced PLA(KPLA)accounted for68.6%(48/70),and non-KP-induced PLA(N-KPLA)for31.4% (22/70);the age of patients with KPLA was58(49,66)yr,much younger than[65(61,74)yr,P<0.05]in patients with N-KPLA;there were significant differences as respect to the incidences of concomitant diabetes,biliary operation histories and biliary infections between the two groups(56.2%,8.3%and14.6%vs.22.7%,27.3%and45.4%,P<0.05);the sCr,serum hs-CRP,PCT and Fib levels in patients with KPLA were88.7(60.8,115.4)μmol/L,170.5(86.3,240.5)mg/L,20.2(9.8, 31.5)ng/L and6.4(5.0,7.8)g/L,all significant different compared to[100.3(62.3,145.0)μmol/L,132.6(60.6,181.2)mg/L,26.8(13.4,40.6)ng/L and5.3(4.3,7.1)g/L]inpatients with N-KPLA(P<0.05);the imaging scan found thatthe incidences of thin wall of intrahepatic abscess,separatedabscess and liquidation of abscess in patients with KPLA were83.3%,62.5%and97.9%,all much higher than54.5%,31.8%and72.7%(P<0.05)in patients with N-KPLA;theshort-term recovery rate in the48patients with KPLA was70.8%,a little bit higher than59.1%in patients with N-KPLA,and the hospital stay were20(15,28)d and22(16,28)d(P> 0.05)between the two groups.Conclusion㊀The common pathogen of PLA is KP,followed by Escherichia Coli.The clinicians should take the clinical features of PLA,especially those with KP infections,might help making an appropriate measures to deal with it.㊀㊀ʌKey wordsɔ㊀Bacterial liver abscess;Klebsiella Pneumoniae;Puncture drainage;Therapy㊀㊀根据病原学的不同,可将肝脓肿分为细菌性肝脓肿(pyogenic liver abscess,PLA)㊁阿米巴性肝脓肿㊁真菌性肝脓肿和其他类型的肝脓肿,其中以PLA最为常见,约占所有肝脓肿的80%[1]㊂流行病学研究发现,PLA总体发病率呈逐年上升趋势,以在亚洲国家发病率增高为主[2-4]㊂PLA,尤其是肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae,KP)引起的肝脓肿可导致脓毒症㊁多器官功能障碍,甚至是死亡,总体病死率在2%~31%之间㊂近年来,亚洲人群KP感染病例上报率增加,成为PLA感染的主要病原体[5-7]㊂KP属于肠杆菌科,是导致社区和医院获得性感染的潜在病原体㊂当患者免疫功能降低时,KP感染可引起肺炎㊁尿路感染和脑膜炎等[8]㊂荚膜㊁脂多糖和铁载体是KP发挥致病性的主要毒力因子㊂研究发现,K1和K2血清型是高毒力KP最常见的荚膜血清型[9,10]㊂肺炎克雷伯菌性肝脓肿(Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess,KPLA)与非肺炎克雷伯菌性肝脓肿(non-Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess,N -KPLA)均多见于男性,主要临床表现为发热和腹痛㊂KPLA更易发生于糖尿病患者[11,12]㊂在影像学上,KPLA多为单个㊁薄壁㊁多房㊁实性脓肿,常伴有血栓性静脉炎和迁徙性感染[13]㊂治疗PLA的方法包括保守的内科治疗㊁超声或CT引导下介入治疗和手术治疗㊂治疗方法的选择主要基于临床医生的个人经验,并无明确的或规范的诊疗方案[14]㊂本研究回顾性分析了PLA患者影像学表现㊁病原学结果和治疗转归等,以总结和提高治疗经验㊂1㊀资料与方法1.1病例来源㊀2017年1月~2022年5月我院住院治疗的PLA患者110例,男性74例,女性36例;年龄为62(50,70)岁㊂PLA诊断标准为:有典型的临床症状和体征,如发热㊁畏寒㊁寒战㊁腹痛㊁腹部压痛㊁肝区叩痛等㊂影像学检查明确存在肝脓肿,或在超声引导下经皮穿刺抽脓或经外科手术明确为肝脓肿,经抗生素治疗后脓肿缩小或消失,经血培养或脓液培养获得病原学结果[15]㊂排除标准:阿米巴肝脓肿㊁结核性肝脓肿㊂本研究经我院医学伦理委员会审批通过,纳入患者均签署相关知情同意书㊂1.2资料收集㊀包括性别㊁年龄㊁临床症状㊁基础疾病㊁实验室检查㊁血培养或脓液培养结果㊁首次影像学检查㊁治疗和预后㊂1.3临床检测㊀使用上海西门子医学诊断产品有限公司提供的ADVIA型全自动生化分析仪检测血生化指标;使用日本东亚公司生产的Sysmex SE-9000型血液分析仪检测血常规;采用化学发光法检测血清高敏C反应蛋白(high sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP,苏州长光华医生物试剂有限公司);采用双抗体夹心免疫发光法检测血清降钙素原(pro-calcitonin,PCT,美国贝克曼库尔特有限公司);采用Clauss法检测血清纤维蛋白原(日本东亚公司)㊂1.4穿刺㊁治疗与细菌培养㊀使用深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司提供的DC-65S型彩色多普勒超声系统引导下进行脓肿穿刺引流㊂嘱患者取平卧位,穿刺前使用超声扫描确定穿刺点,常规消毒铺巾,用2%利多卡因行局部麻醉,用穿刺针穿刺脓腔,见黄色浑浊脓性液体流出,导入导丝㊁扩展㊁插入引流管,连接引流袋㊂取脓液行细菌培养,即收集穿刺引流的脓液于无菌小瓶,送至细菌室进行培养㊂采用转种营养肉汤进行增菌处理,24h后同时转种1块血平板和1块麦康凯琼脂平板,35ħ培养24h;抽取外周静脉血10ml,采用法国生物梅里埃公司生产的BACT/ALERT3D全自动血培养仪进行培养,待仪器LED显示屏出现阳性报警后,进行涂片,同时转种,转种方法同上㊂常规行抗感染治疗,并根据药敏结果调整用药㊂1.5统计学分析㊀应用IBM SPSS Statistics24.0软件行统计学分析,P<0.05被认为差异有统计学意义㊂对偏态分布的计量资料以ʌM(P25,P75)ɔ表示,采用Mann-Whitney U检验;对正态分布的计量资料以(xʃs)表示,采用独立t检验;计数资料以%表示,采用卡方检验㊂2㊀结果2.1病原学分析㊀在本组110例PLA患者中,血培养或脓液培养阳性70例(63.6%),其中KP是最为常见的病原菌,其次为大肠杆菌,其他病原菌见表1㊂表1㊀110例PLA患者血培养或脓液培养病原菌分布(%)病原菌例数病原菌例数KP48(68.6)大肠杆菌7(10.0)链球菌4(5.7)葡萄球菌3(4.3)粪肠球菌3(4.3)屎肠球菌2(2.8)解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌1(1.4)肠炎沙门氏菌1(1.4)奇异变形杆菌1(1.4)2.2两组临床资料比较㊀在70例血培养或脓液培养阳性的PLA患者中,KPLA和N-KPLA分别为48例和22例㊂KPLA组年龄显著小于N-KPLA组(P< 0.05),胆系手术史或胆系感染发生率显著低于N-KPLA组(P<0.05),而存在糖尿病比例显著高于N-KPLA组(P<0.05,表2);在实验室检查方面,KPLA 组血清hs-CRP和纤维蛋白原水平显著高于,而血清sCr和PCT水平显著低于N-KPLA组(P<0.05,表3)㊂表2㊀两组基线资料ʌ%,M(P25,P75)ɔ比较KPLA(n=48)N-KPLA(n=22)年龄(岁)58(49,66)①65(61,74)男性29(60.4)14(63.6)发热41(85.4)19(86.4)腹痛腹胀16(33.3)9(40.9)糖尿病27(56.2)①5(22.7)高血压17(35.4)8(36.4)胆系手术史4(8.3)①6(27.3)胆系感染7(14.6)①10(45.4)㊀㊀与N-KPLA组比,①P<0.05表3㊀两组实验室指标[M(P25,P75)]比较KPLA(n=48)N-KPLA(n=22) WBC(ˑ109/L)13.2(9.6,15.7)14.4(10.3,16.0) PLT(ˑ109/L)195(136,272)181(120,263) TBIL(μmol/L)34.6(20.8,47.4)41.0(23.5,52.7) sCr(μmol/L)88.7(60.8,115.4)①100.3(62.3,145.0) ALB(g/L)33.8(32.6,37.9)33.1(31.4,37.0) hs-CRP(mg/L)170.5(86.3,240.5)①132.6(60.6,181.2) PCT(ng/L)20.2(9.8,31.5)①26.8(13.4,40.6)纤维蛋白原(g/L) 6.4(5.0,7.8)① 5.3(4.3,7.1)㊀㊀与N-KPLA组比,①P<0.052.3影像学表现㊀在70例血培养或脓液培养阳性PLA患者中,66例(94.3%)行腹部超声检查,58例(82.8%)行腹部CT检查,14例(20.0%)行MRCP 检查㊂KPLA组患者多为壁薄㊁有分隔和液化性肝脓肿多见,这些表现与N-KPLA组存在显著性差异(表4)㊂表4㊀两组肝脏影像学表现[%,M(P25,P75)]比较KPLA(n=48)N-KPLA(n=22)脓腔直径(cm) 6.4(3.0,10.5) 5.9(3.0,9.5)脓肿数量㊀㊀单发39(81.8)28(82.3)㊀㊀多发9(18.2)6(17.6)脓肿位置㊀㊀左叶4(8.3)2(9.1)㊀㊀右叶41(85.4)20(90.9)㊀㊀左右叶3(6.2)0(0.0)脓腔壁厚(mm)㊀㊀ȡ28(16.7)①12(54.5)㊀㊀<240(83.3)①10(45.5)有脓腔分隔30(62.5)①7(31.8)脓腔液化47(97.9)①16(72.7)㊀㊀与N-KPLA组比,①P<0.052.4两组治疗效果比较㊀在48例KPLA患者中,短期内治愈34例(70.8%),22例N-KPLA患者治愈13例(59.1%),两组住院时间分别为20(15,28)d 和22(16,28)d(P>0.05);由于各种原因,另一些病例治疗时间较长,但总体预后良好㊂3㊀讨论近年来,PLA病原菌分布出现变迁,由此前的大肠杆菌发展成以KP感染最为常见㊂在PLA患者中,KP感染率为69.4%,与先前的研究结果相似[16]㊂多数病原菌的获取是通过脓液普通培养而来的,血培养不作为主要获取方式可能与患者接受抗菌药物治疗有关㊂因此,为了提高细菌培养真实阳性结果,建议在发病初期抗菌药物应用前留取血培养标本㊂另外,同时进行脓液普通培养,以避免漏检,方便指导临床诊治㊂KPLA和N-KPLA患者均以男性多见,入院时常见临床表现包括发热㊁腹痛腹胀㊁恶心呕吐为主㊂有研究显示糖尿病是KPLA的独立危险因素[17]㊂既往多项研究表明KPLA患者最常见的基础疾病为糖尿病,且糖尿病的发生率显著高于N-KPLA[18-20]㊂影像学检查是诊断PLA的重要参考依据㊂超声是临床工作中最简便的影像学检查方法,可以了解到肝脓肿的部位㊁形态㊁有无液化㊁有无分隔等情况㊂不过,在实际操作过程中易受肺㊁部分肠管等气体的干扰,特别是靠近膈顶区域的肝脓肿,容易被漏诊㊂此外,由于CT分辨率高㊁影像检查结果清晰,能够充分显示出脓肿病例的动态病情变化,为准确诊断肝脓肿提供了影像学依据㊂通过对KPLA进行影像学检查分析发现其脓腔多以壁薄㊁有分隔和液化性肝脓肿多见,并与N-KPLA的影像学表现有明显的区别㊂综上所述,目前PLA患者常见的病原体为KP,其次为大肠杆菌㊂KPLA患者常合并糖尿病,同时肝内脓腔以壁薄㊁有分隔和液化多见,这些表现与N-KPLA有一定的不同,值得认真研究和区分㊂ʌ参考文献ɔ[1]Serraino C,Elia C,Bracco C,et al.Characteristics and manage-ment of pyogenic liver abscess:A European experience.Medicine (Baltimore),2018,97(19):e0628.[2]Zhang S,Zhang X,Wu Q,et al.Clinical,microbiological,andmolecular epidemiological characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae-induced pyogenic liver 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Amoebic liver abscesses
• A:类似实性、相对均匀、后方可见增强
• B: 更典型得阿米巴脓肿、虽然轮廓不规则。
• C:轮廓清晰、低水平积液。
• (1)肝内体积较大单发的无回声区,内部有细点状回声。
• 脓腔较大的病理基础是,阿米巴的溶组织酶直接破坏肝细胞和原虫大量繁殖阻 塞肝静脉等,造成肝组织梗死引起;
• B, Transverse sonogram in second patient shows a smaller complex
• (a) 地图样低回声病灶 右肾上极脓肿
• (b)更成熟脓肿,脓腔更清晰,可见假包膜 、后方回声增
Renal abscess
• 能量多普勒(C)示病灶周围血管增生。
Renal abscess
• 局限性囊性占位(arrow)肾脏的中极 . • 患者发热、疼痛。
Renal abscess.
• A, Transverse sonogram shows a large cystic lesion with minimal layering debris.Biblioteka 学习交流PPT14
wu M 70
• 肝囊肿合并感染
231034 zhang M 60
• 肝囊肿合并感染
bai M 69
肝脓肿炎症期CT与MR诊断分析作者:康素海张辉刘起旺谢伟梁红琴来源:《维吾尔医药》2012年第11期[摘要] 目的通过双排螺旋CT三期增强扫描与低场强MR平扫影像对照,探讨肝脓肿炎症期的影像特征,为该病的早期治疗提供影像学依据,降低其并发症与病死率。
方法回顾分析经病理或临床证实的炎症期或含有炎症期肝脓肿的患者19例,并行CT、 MR同层对照分析。
CT增强与MRI 平扫对胆管炎的显示能力无明显差异(t=1.43,P=0.227)。
[关键词] 肝脓肿;炎症期;胆管炎;门静脉炎;CT增强;MR平扫The Diagnosis of The Stage of Inflammation of Pyogenic Liver Abscess Formation Between CT and MR ScanKANG Su-hai1, ZHANG Hui﹡2, LIU Qi-wang2, XIE Wei, LIANG Hong-qin1(1 Department of Radiology, The 264 Hospital of PLA,Taiyuan,China,030001;2 Department of Imaging of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shan Xi Medical University)Objective: The characteristic findings of pyogenic liver abscess(PLA) were studied through the correlation between three phase enhanced CT scan and MRI plain scan in order to offer the imaging basement for early diagnosis and treatment ,so as to reduce the complication and mortality of this disease. Methods: The study were retrospectively reviewed twenty-one patients with PLA belonged to the stage of inflammation of abscess , which were confirmed by pathology or clinical treatment. Nineteen patients of them were underwent CT and MRI plain scan , and then analysis the image of CT/MRI in the same situation. Results: PLA was caused by infection originating in four tracts. Although causes were different, imaging of the stage of inflammation were either similar or different. Their similar imaging showed slight low attenuation or mildly hypointense on T1-weighted and mildly hyperintense on T2–weighted, which their area ranged from less than one segment to more than one liver lobe. In hepatic artery phase(PAH), transient hepatic attenuation difference (THAD) could be seen . It became iso-attenuation in portal venous phase(PVP), and then showed a more slight hyperattenuation than normal liver parenchyma in hepatic late phase(PLH).There were several different aspects below next contents. ①Infection originating in the biliary tract. Eight patients belonged to it. Cholangitis showed “ring sign” on T2–weighted in plain scan. It showed hyperattenuation “ring sign”in PAH and PVP, and then it became iso-attenuation in PLH. There was no difference (t = 1.43, p= 0.227) between the enhanced CT scan and MRI plain scan in the ability of showing the cholangitis . ② Infection originating in the portal circulation. Seven patients belonged to it. It showed a widely lesion originating the result of pylephlebits. It showed “perip ortal halo sign” on T2–weighted imaging. It showed a low attenuation ring around portal on the enhanced CT scan. There was a significant difference (t = 3.23, p= 0.014) between the enhanced CT scan and MRI plain scan in the ability of showing the pylephlebits. The former was inferior to the later. ③Infection originating in the arterial hematogenous spread. Two patients belonged to it. It showed some round and slight patched low attenuation or mildly hypointense on T1-weighted and mildly hyperintense on T2–weighted. ④ Infection originating in the directed extension. Two patients belonged to it. The area of lesion was limited. Conclusion: Making use full of their advantages of three phase enhanced CT scan and MR plain scan , the process evolution of information stage of pyogenic liver abscess could be disclosed in order to offer a new view for the early diagnosis and treatment of this disease.Key word: pyogenic liver abscess ; the stage of inflammation; information stage of abscess; cholangitis; pylephlebits肝脓肿被认为是一种对生命具有威胁的疾病[1]。
The gas contained within this large abscess in the right lobe of the liver obscures the full extent of the lesion. (Large abscesses like this, which contain gas, may mimic the acoustic appearances of normal bowel.)
The acoustic appearances depend upon the timing—a fresh haematoma may appear liquid and echo-poor, but rapidly becomes more ‘solid’-looking and hyperechoic, as the blood clots(凝结). As it resolves the haematoma liquefies and may contain fibrin strands. It will invariably demonstrate a band of posterior enhancement and has irregular, illdefined walls in the early stages. Later on it may encapsulate, leaving a permanent cystic ‘space’ in the liver, and the capsule may calcify. Injury to the more peripheral regions may cause a subcapsular haematoma which demonstrates the same acoustic properties. The haematoma outlines the surface of the liver and the capsule can be seen surrounding it. This may be the cause of a palpable ‘enlarged’ liver .
首选治疗:第三代头孢菌素(头孢他啶2g ivgtt q8h,或头孢曲松2givgtt q12-24h)+甲硝唑0.5g ivgtt q8h,或头孢哌酮/舒巴坦2-3g ivgttq12-8h,或哌拉西林/他唑巴坦4.5g ivgtt q8-6h)。
备选治疗:严重感染危及生命:亚胺培南/西司他丁0.5g ivgtt q6h或1g ivgtt q8h,或美罗培南1g ivgtt q8h。
超声引导下置中心静脉管治疗肝脓肿37例[摘要] 目的超声引导下置中心静脉管在肝脓肿治疗中的运用价值。
结果 37例细菌性肝脓肿患者穿刺术中及术后均未出现出血、胆漏、周围脏器损伤等并发症,治愈出院。
[关键词]细菌性肝脓肿;中心静脉管;置管引流[中图分类号] r657.3 [文献标识码] b [文章编号] 2095-0616(2013)16-186-02细菌性肝脓肿(pyogenic liver abscess)仍是肝胆外科较常见感染性疾病,因其常合并糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、支气管炎等内科基础疾病,患者体质差,若不及时得到诊断治疗,死亡率可高达6%~14%[1]。
1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料37例患者中男22例,女15例,年龄40~75岁,平均53岁。
其中伴糖尿病15例(酮症酸中毒5例),冠心病7例,慢性支气管炎6例,合并胆道结石4例,胆管癌 1例。
1.2 主要器械上海前茂医疗器械设备有限公司生产一次性无菌中心静脉导管包(双腔),导管长度20cm,导管直径7~8f;ge vivid7彩色多普勒超声诊断仪;超声穿刺引导架。
American Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN0002-9270 C 2005by Am.Coll.of Gastroenterology doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2005.40310.x Published by Blackwell PublishingPyogenic Liver Abscess with a Focus on Klebsiella pneumoniae as a Primary Pathogen:An Emerging Disease with Unique Clinical CharacteristicsEdith R.Lederman,M.D.,and Nancy F.Crum,M.D.,M.P.H.U.S.Naval Medical Research Unit No2,Jakarta,Indonesia;and Naval Medical Center San Diego,San Diego,CaliforniaOBJECTIVES:Pyogenic liver abscess is a common intraabdominal infection.Historically,Escherichia coli(E.coli) has been the predominant causative agent.Klebsiella liver abscess(KLA)wasfirst reported inTaiwan and has surpassed E.coli as the number one isolate from patients with hepatic abscessesin that country and reports from other countries,including the United States,have increased.Weexamined the microbiologic trends of pyogenic liver abscess at our institution to determine if asimilar shift in etiologic agents was occurring.METHODS:We examined all cases of liver abscess at our institution from1999to2003via a retrospective chart review of inpatient records and reviewed the English literature via a MEDLINE search for allU.S.cases of KLA.RESULTS:Since1966,only12cases of KLA have been reported in the United States.We report six cases of KLA at our institution alone;2patients were not Asian,and4were not diabetic.Klebsiellapneumoniae(K.pneumoniae)was the most common cause of pyogenic hepatic abscess at ourinstitution over the last5-yr period.When comparing Klebsiella versus other causes of pyogenicliver abscess,there were no significant differences in demographics or laboratoryfindings;however,most of our Klebsiella cases occurred among Filipinos.Review of the18cases of K.pneumoniaeliver abscess in the United States showed that Klebsiella cases occurred predominantly amongmiddle-aged men;83%had concurrent bacteremia and28%had metastatic complications.Anincreasing number of cases were reported from the United States since the mid-1990s.CONCLUSIONS:These data suggest that KLA may represent an emerging disease in Western countries,such as the United States.The diagnosis of K.pneumoniae should be considered in all cases of liver abscess,and appropriate antibiotic therapy and a diagnostic work-up for metastatic complications should beemployed.(Am J Gastroenterol2005;100:322–331)INTRODUCTIONLiver abscess is a common intraabdominal infection that may be caused by bacterial,fungal,or parasitic organisms. Until the end of the last century,Escherichia coli(E.coli) was the predominant bacterial cause of pyogenic(bacterial or fungal)liver abscesses.In the1990s Klebsiella pneumo-niae liver abscess(KLA)wasfirst described as an emerg-ing disease in Taiwan,which affected diabetic,middle-aged men and led to metastatic complications,most notably en-dophthalmitis,in a large percentage of cases.Reports of KLA have been accumulating from Asian and Western coun-tries alike.In order to investigate this trend further,we examined the microbiologic causes of pyogenic liver ab-scess at our institution for the past5yr and reviewed all case reports of KLA in the United States through the year 2003.METHODSWe queried the inpatient records at the Naval Medical Cen-ter San Diego,San Diego,CA(a500-bed teaching insti-tution servicing active duty military members,their depen-dents,and retirees in the Southern California area)for all cases of liver abscess(discharge diagnosis of“liver abscess”and with corresponding radiographicfindings)between1999 and2003and compiled demographic and clinical informa-tion for these cases.In addition,a MEDLINE search was performed from1966to2003using key words Klebsiella and liver abscess(limited to English language)to identify all KLA reported in the United States.Descriptive statis-tics were performed as well as univariate analyses utiliz-ing Fisher’s exact tests for dichotomous variables and t-tests for continuous variables(Epi Info TM version3.2.2,Atlanta, GA).322Klebsiella Liver Abscess 323RESULTSCase 1A 50-yr-old Filipino male presented with a 5-day history of fevers,rigors,nausea,and myalgias.He was previously in good health except for noninsulin-dependent diabetes melli-tus and essential thrombocytosis,treated with glyburide and hydroxyurea,respectively.He denied abdominal pain,diar-rhea,or visual changes.On examination,his temperature was 101.1o F .He was in mild distress,but had a normal examina-tion except for scleral icterus and mild abdominal distension without tenderness or organomegaly.Laboratory values were remarkable for a leukocytosis of 23,100cells/mm 3,total bilirubin 3.7mg/dl,albumin 2.7g/dl,alkaline phosphatase 274IU/L,alanine transferase 589IU/L,and aspartate transferase 357IU/L.Glycosylated hemoglobin was 12.3%.A right upper quadrant ultrasound revealed mul-tiple foci of decreased echogenicity throughout the liver with-out gallbladder pathology.A CT scan showed too numerous to count,0.5–1.5-cm attenuations in the liver,especially in the right lobe consistent with multiple abscesses (Fig.1);other abdominal structures appeared normal.A biliary scan and MRI showed a nonobstructive biliary system.An upper and lower endoscopy were unrevealing.The patient was empirically treated with intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam (3.375g)every 6h and gentamicin (400mg)daily.Two of six blood cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae (K.pnemoniae )sensitive to all antibiotics ex-cept ampicillin.Entamoeba histolytica (E.histolytica )serol-ogy was negative.Antibiotics were switched to ceftriaxone (2g)daily and oral metronidazole (500mg)four timesdailyFigure 1.CT scan demonstrating numerous small hepatic abscesses due to K.pneumoniae .during his inpatient stay;he was treated as an outpatient with levofloxacin and metronidazole for 4wk.A repeat CT scan showed complete resolution of all liver abscesses,and he has remained healthy over an 18-month period.Case 2A 71-yr-old Caucasian male with a past medical history only significant for coronary artery disease acutely developed fevers of 102o F and abdominal pain followed by hypotension.The patient did not report any changes in vision.He denied any significant travel history.After stabilization in the inten-sive care unit with fluids and vasopressors,the patient was found to have positive blood cultures for K.pneumoniae ,and an abdominal CT scan revealed a 7-cm hepatic abscess in the left lobe.CT -guided percutaneous drainage revealed K.pneu-moniae sensitive to all tested antibiotics except ampicillin.E.histolytica serology was negative.Two days after discharge,the patient noted low-grade fevers up to 100.2o F ,chills,and recurrent abdominal boratory values were normal except for an albumin of 2.5g/dl,alkaline phosphatase of 469IU/L,alanine transferase 98IU/L,and aspartate transferase 170IU/L.Repeat blood cultures and a chest radiograph were unremarkable.A CT scan showed a 10×6×6.5cm multiloculated abscess in the left hepatic lobe.The patient was treated with intravenous ce-fotetan (2g)twice daily and oral levofloxacin (500mg)daily for 8wk.Right upper quadrant ultrasound showed no biliary pathology,and colonoscopy was normal.Imaging 6months later showed no abnormalities,and the patient has remained well except for recurrent angina over the past 4yr.Case 3A 53-yr-old Caucasian male with a history of mitral valve prolapse and hypercholesterolemia reported a 3-wk history of fatigue and malaise,as well as 1wk of fevers,rigors,night sweats,and tooth pain.His examination was remark-able for a temperature of 100.6o F ,a mid systolic click,and a normal S1and S2.There were no petechiae,Osler’s nodes,Janeway lesions,or Roth spots,and the remainder of his ex-amination was boratory values revealed a white blood count of 11,300cells/ml,total bilirubin of 1.2mg/dl,alkaline phosphatase of 137IU/L,alanine transferase of 68IU/L,aspartate transferase of 67IU/L,and albumin of 3.5g/dl.On day 1of hospitalization,one of eight blood cultures from admission grew gram-negative rods,later identified as K.pneumoniae .A follow-up transesophageal echocardio-gram was negative.A CT scan of the abdomen was performed to determine the source of the Klebsiella ;it revealed a 7×6cm abscess in the left lobe of the liver (Fig.2).A right upper quadrant ultrasound and biliary scan were normal.CT -guided drainage of the abscess yielded purulent material that grew K.pneumoniae .The patient received 4wk of ceftriaxone and metronidazole along with 2wk of gentamicin;he was then transitioned to oral ciprofloxacin for 1month.A follow-up324Lederman andCrumFigure 2.CT scan demonstrating a single large K.pneumoniae liver abscess.CT showed complete resolution of the abscess,and he has remained well over the past 3yr.Case 4A 64-yr-old Filipino female presented with a 2-day history of right upper quadrant abdominal pain,anorexia,and fever.Her past medical history was significant for peptic ulcer disease,coronary artery disease,and hypertension.She de-nied visual changes.Examination revealed a temperature of 101.1o F ,mild tenderness in the right upper quadrant and epi-gastrum without rebound tenderness,guarding,mass,or hep-atomegaly.Laboratory values were remarkable for a white blood count of 19,900cells/mm 3.Total bilirubin was 1.2mg/dl,albu-min 3.7g/dl,alkaline phosphatase 80IU/L,alanine trans-ferase 41IU/L,and aspartate transferase 30IU/L;all other chemistries were normal with a glucose of 120mg/dl.A right upper quadrant ultrasound revealed a 4.0cm ×2.4cm ×3.4cm lesion with multiple thick internal septations and a 1.0cm ×1.3cm ×1.4cm lesion both in the left lobe of the liver.A CT scan showed several lesions in the left lobe of the liver consistent with multiple abscesses;other abdomi-nal structures appeared normal.An upper endoscopy showed diffuse antral and duodenal erosions;colonoscopy was normal.The patient was empirically treated with intravenous ciprofloxacin (400mg)twice daily and metronidazole (500mg)three times daily.Eight blood cultures and E.histolytica serology were negative.Percutaneous drainage of a liver le-sion grew K.pneumoniae sensitive to all antibiotics except ampicillin.The patient clinically improved and was given a 6-wk course of oral ciprofloxacin and metronidazole.She re-turned to her usual state of health and was subsequently lost to follow-up.Case 5A 56-yr-old Filipino male presented with a 5-day history of fevers,chills,and night sweats,as well as 3days of epigastric pain and nausea.He denied recent travel or vi-sual changes.Examination revealed an initial temperature of 99.5o F and mild tenderness in the right upper quadrant and epigastrum without rebound or guarding;the remainder of the examination was unremarkable.During the first 6h,the patient became markedly hypotensive but responded to fluid boluses.Laboratory values were remarkable for a white blood count of 17,800cells/ml,total bilirubin 3.8mg/dl,direct bilirubin 2.4mg/dl,albumin 2.8g/dl,alkaline phosphatase 200IU/L,alanine transferase 156IU/L,aspartate transferase 116IU/L,and glucose 149mg/dl.Creatinine was elevated at 1.7mg/dl,and urine electrolyte studies were consistent with prerenal azotemia.A right upper quadrant ultrasound revealed a 5-cm lesion in the right lobe of the liver.A CT scan showed a 7.6×6.5×7.5cm low-attenuation mass in the right lobe consistent with an abscess;other abdominal structures were unremarkable.The patient was empirically treated with intravenous piperacillin/tazobactam every 6h,metronidazole (500mg)every 8h,and gentamicin (180mg)every 18h.T wo of four blood cultures grew K.pneumoniae sensitive to all antibiotics except ampicillin.A pigtail drain was placed into the liver ab-scess yielding 50cc of pus that also grew K.pneumoniae.E.histolytica serology was negative.A dilated fundoscopic ex-amination was unremarkable.The patient clinically improved and antibiotics were switched to oral levofloxacin (500mg)daily and metronidazole (500mg)three times daily for a 6-wk course.A follow-up CT scan after antibiotic therapy showed abscess boratories returned to baseline includ-ing the creatinine (1.0mg/dl).The patient has remained well over the past 30months.Case 6A 59-yr-old Filipino female presented with a 3-day history of fevers of 103◦F ,chills,anorexia,and fatigue.She noted no visual complaints.She had a history of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.She emigrated in 1967to the United States from Luzon,Philippines.Examination was remarkable for a temperature of 102.2◦F boratory findings included a white blood count of 19,800mm 3,creatinine 3.3mg/dl,glucose 120mg/dl,total bilirubin 1.8mg/dl,alanine trans-ferase 133IU/L,asparate transferase 156IU/L,alkaline phos-phatase 101U/L,and albumin 2.1g/dl.A CT scan of the abdomen showed an 8cm ×8cm ×4.4cm lesion,with internal higher attenuated septa/regions,in the anterior as-pect of the left lobe of the liver.The patient was empirically treated with piperacillin-tazobactam (3.375g)every 6h and metronidazole (500mg)every 8h.Klebsiella Liver Abscess325Table1.Demographics and Laboratory Values of Liver Abscess CasesAspartate Alanine Total Alkaline Age Causative Leukocytes Aminotransferase Aminotransferase Bilirubin Albumin Phosphatase No.(yr)Gender Race Organism(s)(mm3)(IU/L)(IU/L)(mg/dl)(g/dl)(IU/L) 150Male Filipino K.pneumoniae23.1357589 3.7 2.7274 271Male Caucasian K.pneumoniae9.6170980.9 2.5469 353Male Caucasian K.pneumoniae11.36768 1.2 3.5137 464Female Filipino K.pneumoniae19.93041 1.2 3.780 556Male Filipino K.pneumoniae17.8156116 3.8 2.8200 659Female Filipino K.pneumoniae19.8133156 1.8 2.1101 762Male Caucasian E.histolytica19.7107148 1.1 2.8278 829Female Caucasian E.histolytica12.425350.9 3.0196 971Male Caucasian E.coli K.oxytoca 4.530300.5 2.2119 1025Male Caucasian Fusobacterium10.83830 1.0 2.6309necrophorum1147Male Filipinoα-streptococcus,28.724571246 1.5 2.974E.coli1237Female Filipino E.coli7.824240.8 3.3124 1371Female Caucasian P.aeruginosa28.3808522.3 1.3228Enterococcus sp.1487Male Caucasian Enterococcus sp.44.22416 3.6 2.295 1544Male Africanα-streptococcus16.279139 1.3 3.0109 American1663Male Caucasian Unknown20.234480.6 2.595 1731Male Filipino Unknown10.64581 1.4 2.9350 1837Male African Unknown18.73048 1.0 2.2105 American1957Male Hispanic Unknown9.04176 1.0 2.776 2012Male Caucasian Unknown14.532450.5 2.8233One of four blood cultures grew K.pneumoniae,resis-tant to only ampicillin.CT-guided drainage of the abscess yielded purulentfluid,which grew K.pneumoniae.Urine cul-ture was negative.Antibiotics were switched to ceftriaxone (2g)daily and metronidazole(500mg)every8h for4wk, followed by oral levofloxacin(500mg)daily for3months. Follow-up imaging showed complete resolution of the liver abscess.We identified20cases of liver abscesses from our inpa-tient and outpatient hospital records between1999and2003. We identifiedfive other cases under this discharge diagno-sis,which we excluded based on patient record and radio-graphicfindings(two with hepatic candidiasis,one with an infected hepatic cyst,one with necrotic lesion after cryoab-lation,one with an infected biloma).The etiology,laborato-ries,and demographics of the20cases are summarized in Table1.KLA accounts for30%of liver abscesses for the past5yr at our institution,surpassing the incidence of E. coli as a liver abscess pathogen.Patients at our institution with KLA were predominantly male(2:1)and had an aver-age age of58.8yr(range50–71yr).Patients with pyogenic abscess due to other bacterial etiology were also predomi-nantly male(2:1)and had the same approximate age(mean age54.6yr with a range of25–87yr).Sixty-seven percent of KLA were Filipinos compared to29%of those with other types of bacterial liver abscesses,but this was not significantly different(p-value0.17).We compared the laboratory values between these groups and found no statistically significant differences.From our MEDLINE search,12cases of K.pneumo-niae case reports were identified(1–12).Demographics and clinical characteristics including our six cases are shown in Table2.In summary,the mean age of patients(excluding the newborn)was46yr;they were predominantly male(2:1),and one-third were diabetic.Sixty-seven percent of patients had a single abscess,83.3%had positive blood cultures,27.8% suffered metastatic complications,and the overall mortality rate was5.6%.Interestingly,more than75%of cases were reported since the mid-1990s.DISCUSSIONOne out of every4,500–7,000hospital admissions is due to a liver abscess(13,14).Liver abscesses may be separated into two major categories:pyogenic(bacterial and fungal)and amoebic;up to2.5%of amoebic liver abscesses may contain bacterial pathogens as well(15).Pyogenic abscesses account for three-quarters of liver abscesses in industrialized coun-tries(16).A bacterial pathogen may be identified in two-thirds of cases of liver abscesses(17).The most common bacteria isolated from liver abscess patients are gram-negative rods. Prior to the1980s,E.coli was the most commonly isolated organism from liver abscess patients,but more recently,K. pneumoniae has been found to be the number one pathogen in Taiwan(18).The average age of patients with KLA is55–60 yr(18,19)and KLAs are twice as likely to be diagnosed in men than women(19,20).Reports of KLA in children are rare(1).326Lederman and CrumT a b l e 2.K l e b s i e l l a L i v e r A b s c e s s C a s e s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s ,1966–2003U n d e r l y i n g P o s i t i v e C a s e A g e M e d i c a l C u l t u r e (s )f o r H e p a t i c M e d i c a l P r o c e d u r e E x t r a h e p a t i c N o .R e f e r e n c e Y r(y r )S e x R a c eC o n d i t i o n (s )K l e b s i e l l aL e s i o n (s )T h e r a p y (s )C o m p l i c a t i o n s O u t c o m e1(1)1974N e w b o r n FA f r i c a n A m e r i c a n H y p o c a l c e m i a ,S G A ,u m b i l i c a l v e i n c a t h e t e r i n d u c e d p y l e p h l e b i t i sB l o o d a n d s p i n a l flu i d 3.5-c m s i n g l e a b s c e s s ,r i g h t l o b eP e n i c i l l i n a n d k a n a m y c i n N o n e M e n i n g i t i s ,u m b i l i c a l v e i n p y l e -p h l e b i t i s ,p n e u m o n i a .D i e d2(2)197848M A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n N o n e L i v e r a s p i r a t e a n d u r i n e9-c m s i n g l e a b s c e s s ,r i g h t l o b e N RL a p a r o t o m y w i t h d r a i n a g eB i l a t e r a l t i b i a l o s t e o m y e l i -t i s S u r v i v e d3(3)198070F N RP a n c r e a t i c c a n c e r s /p W h i p p l e p r o c e d u r e 10y r p r i o r B l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t eD i f f u s e h e p a t i t i s w i t h o u t d i s t i n c t a b s c e s s P e n i c i l l i n a n d g e n t a m i c i n S u r g i c a l e x p l o r a t i o n w i t h b i o p s i e sN o n eS u r v i v e d4(4)199437M N RH e m o r r h o i d e c t o m yB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e7-c m s i n g l e a b s c e s s ,l e f t l o b e P e n i c i l l i n ,g e n t a m i c i n ,m e t r o n i d a z o l e ×6w k P e r c u t a n e o u s c a t h e t e r d r a i n a g e N o n eS u r v i v e d5(5)199450F N RC h o l e d o c h o l i t h i a s i sB l o o dM u l t i p l e l e s i o n s ,b o t h l o b e sC e f o t a x i m e a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e ,f o l l o w e d b y c e f a z o l i n d u r a t i o n N R C o m m o n b i l e d u c t s t e n t N o n eS u r v i v e d6(6)199961M N R N o n eB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e 5-c m a b s c e s s ,r i g h t l o b eC e f t i z o x i m e a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e P e r c u t a n e o u s c a t h e t e r d r a i n a g eE n d o p h t h a l m i t i s ,b i l a t e r a l p n e u m o n i a S u r v i v e d ,r e q u i r e d e y e p r o s t h e s i s 7(7)199938MA f r i c a n A m e r i c a n D i a b e t e s (n e w l yd i a g n o se d )L i v e r a s p i r a t e ,C S F S i n g l e l e s i o n ,r i g h t l o b eC e f t r i a x o n e f o r 21d a y s a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e f o r 17d a y s ,f o l l o w e d b y o r a l l e v o flo x a c i n a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e f o r 30d a y s ;p e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g e P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g e M e n i n g i t i s ,u n i l a t e r a l e n d o p h -t h a l m i t i sS u r v i v e d 8(8)200032M N /AB e t a -t h a l a s s e m i a ,s p l e n e c t o m yB l o o d a n d v i t r e o u s a s p i r a t eT w o l e s i o n s ,l o c a t i o n N RP i p e r a c i l l i n /t a z o b a c t a m a n d g e n t a m i c i n f o r 3d a y s ,c e f t r i a x o n e ,g e n t a m i c i n ,m e t r o n i d a z o l e +i n t r a v i t r e a l a m i k a c i n a n d v a n c o m y c i n l e n g t h N R ,c i p r o flo x a c i n l e n g t h N RP e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g e ;v i t r e c t o m y a n d r e t i n e c t o m y R e n a l a b s c e s s ,u n i l a t e r a l e n d o p h -t h a l m i t i sS u r v i v e d ,v i s i o n 20/30c o r r e c t a b l ec o n t i n u e dKlebsiella Liver Abscess327T a b l e 2.C o n t i n u e dU n d e r l y i n g P o s i t i v e C a s e A g e M e d i c a l C u l t u r e (s )f o r H e p a t i c M e d i c a l P r o c e d u r e E x t r a h e p a t i c N o .R e f e r e n c eY r(y r )S e x R a c eC o n d i t i o n (s )K l e b s i e l l aL e s i o n (s )T h e r a p y (s )C o m p l i c a t i o n s O u t c o m e9(9)200068MW e s t I n d i a n o r i g i n N o n i n s u l i n d e p e n d e n t d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s B l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e5-c m l i v e r a b s c e s s ,l e f t l o b e N R P e r c u t a n e o u s c a t h e t e r d r a i n a g e N o n eS u r v i v e d10(10)200157FA f r i c a n A m e r i c a n N o n i n s u l i n d e p e n d e n t d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s ;c y s t i c d u c t o b s t r u c t i o nB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t eM u l t i p l e l e s i o n s ,b o t h l o b e sC i p r o flo x a c i n a n d c l i n d a m y c i n ×26d a y s ,t h e n p i p e r -c i l l i n /t a z o b a c t a m a n d g e n t a m i c i n d u r a t i o n N RC h o l e c y s t e c t o m y a n d o p e n d r a i n a g e o f l a r g e l i v e r a b s c e s s f o l l o w e d b y p e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g e o f s m a l l e r l i v e r l e s i o n s N o n e ∗S u r v i v e d11(11)200129M N R N o n eB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e7-c m s i n g l e a b s c e s s ,r i g h t l o b e P i p e r a c i l l i n /t a z o b a -c t a m a n d m e t r o -n i d a z o l e ×6w k P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n e ∗∗S u r v i v e d12(12)200362M C a u c a s i a nD i a b e t e s m e l l i t u sB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e S i n g l e l e s i o n ,r i g h t l o b eC i p r o flo x a c i n a n d I m i p e n e m P e r c u t a n e o u s c a t h e t e r d r a i n a g e N o n eS u r v i v e d13C u r r e n t C a s e 200350M F i l i p i n oN o n i n s u l i n d e p e n d e n t d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u sB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t eM u l t i p l e l e s i o n s ,b o t h l o b e sP i p e r a c i l l i n /t a z o -b a c t a m a n d g e n t a m i c i n ,f o l l o w e d b y c e f t r i a x o n e a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e ×4w k ,t h e n l e v o flo x a c i n a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e ×4w k P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n eS u r v i v e d14C u r r e n t C a s e 200371M C a u c a s i a nC o r o n a r y a r t e r y d i s e a s e B l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e 10-c m l i v e r a b s c e s s ,l e f t l o b e C e f o t e t a n a n d l e v o flo x a c i n ×8w k P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n eS u r v i v e d15C u r r e n t C a s e 200353M C a u c a s i a nN o n e B l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e7-c m l i v e r a b s c e s s ,l e f t l o b e C e f t r i a x o n e a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e ×4w k (g e n t a m i c i n g i v e n f o r 2w k ),t h e n c i p r o flo x a c i n ×4w k P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n eS u r v i v e d16C u r r e n t C a s e 200364F F i l i p i n oP e p t i c u l c e r d i s e a s e ,c o r o n a r y a r t e r y d i s e a s e ,h y p e r t e n s i o nL i v e r a s p i r a t e4-c m -a n d 1.5-c m l e s i o n s ,l e f t l o b e C i p r o flo x a c i n a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e ×6w kP e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n e S u r v i v e d328Lederman and CrumT a b l e 2.C o n t i n u e dU n d e r l y i n g P o s i t i v e C a s e A g e M e d i c a l C u l t u r e (s )f o r H e p a t i c M e d i c a l P r o c e d u r e E x t r a h e p a t i c N o .R e f e r e n c eY r(y r )S e x R a c eC o n d i t i o n (s )K l e b s i e l l aL e s i o n (s )T h e r a p y(s )C o m p l i c a t i o n s O u t c o m e17C u r r e n t C a s e 200356M F i l i p i n o H y p e r t e n s i o nB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e8-c m l e s i o n ,r i g h t l o b eP i p e r a c i l l i n /t a z o b a -c t a m ,g e n t a m i c i n a n d m e t r o n i d a z o -l e ×9d a y s ,t h e n l e v o flo x a c i n a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l e f o r 6w k P e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eN o n e †S u r v i v e d18C u r r e n t C a s e 200359FF i l i p i n o D i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s ,c o r o n a r y a r t e r y d i s e a s eB l o o d a n d l i v e r a s p i r a t e8-c m l e s i o n ,l e f t l o b eP i p e r a c i l l i n /t a z o b -a c t a m a n d m e t r o -n i d a z o l e ,t h e n c e f t r i a x o n e a n d m e t r o n i d a z o l eP e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g eH y p o t e n s i o n (flu i d r e -s p o n s i v e )S u r v i v e d∗P a t i e n t i n i t i a l l y r e f u s e d s u r g i c a l d r a i n a g e r e s u l t i n g i n p e r s i s t e n t f e v e r s a n d a b s c e s s ;a f t e r s e c o n d a d m i s s i o n a s u r g i c a l p r o c e d u r e w a s p e r f o r m e d a n d t h e i n f e c t i o n c l e a r e d .∗∗F a i l e d p e r c u t a n e o u s d r a i n a g e o f m u l t i l o c u l a t e d a b s c e s s r e s u l t e d i n o p e n d e b r i d e m e n t a n d p a r t i a l l o b e c t o m y .†S e p s i s ,a c u t e r e n a l f a i l u r e ,a n d D I C w i t h f u l l r e c o v e r y .N R =n o t r e p o r t e d ;SG A =s m a l l f o r g e s t a t i o n a l a g e .Gram-positive organisms such as S.aureus and leri are reported less frequently (18,14)and are likely to be found in the setting of secondary hepatic lesions (i.e.,the primary source is from outside the abdomen).Recovery of anaerobic organisms is challenging,and therefore may not be identified in true mixed infections (17);in series where careful attention is paid to anaerobic organism recovery,they may be detected in 10–17%of cases,most often B.fragilis (18,20).Anaerobes were recovered from 20%of our non-KLA bacterial liver abscess patients.Recovery of organisms,particularly those that are anaerobic,is more likely from abscess aspiration than from blood cultures (14,18,21).All anaerobes from our series were recovered from abscess aspiration with the exception of the one case of Fusobacterium necrophorum .Mixed infections may be found in 14–55%of cases of routine pyogenic liver abscesses (18,20,22),but KLA cases are almost uniformly monobacterial.Prior to the era of rapid patient assessment and expeditious surgery,appendiceal pathology was the most common source of liver abscesses (23).In the modern era,biliary disease is the most common etiology (17,20).Other potential sources include penetrating trauma,distant sources (i.e.,outside the abdomen),and contiguous spread from lung,kidney,colon,or stomach.Still,many are deemed cryptogenic (14,17,19,20)(40–99%);abscesses containing only K.pneumoniae are much more likely to be cryptogenic (64%)(24).The first purported case of KLA with metastatic complica-tions reported in the United States was in an African Ameri-can diabetic man in 1999(7).However,Seeto et al.reported pure cultures of K.pneumoniae in 13of 140pyogenic liver abscess cases during the period 1979–1994;hence,a shift from E.coli to K.pneumoniae may have been present for over a decade in the United States but was unrecognized (14).In a case series by Hansen and Vargish,Klebsiella spp.was the most common bacterium isolated from liver abscesses,but it is unclear if these cases were polymicrobial (25)and thus would not be representative of KLA strictu sensu .In the past 5yr,we have observed six cases at our institution alone,four of which involved nondiabetic patients.This is an interesting institutional trend and may herald the beginnings of a shift in microbiologic etiology of liver abscess in the United States not unlike that seen in Taiwan over a decade ago.The first reports of a significant rise in incidence of KLA originated from Taiwan;however,other Asian (Japan (17,26,27),Singapore (28,29),Korea (30),India (31),Hong Kong (32)),and non-Asian (Spain (33),United States (7,10,12,58),England (34),Trinidad (35),Australia (36))coun-tries have followed suit.Many of the reports from non-Asian countries may involve patients of Asian descent but whether the patients are Asian or not,they nearly always have poorly controlled diabetes (19,24,26,34).Diabetes is a known risk factor for developing KLA,and it appears to be a signifi-cant risk factor for embolic complications (37),especially endophthalmitis (38).The diagnosis of diabetes may come to light because of the discovery of the KLA (7).In addition。
腹部压痛 38( 29. 0) 51( 36. 2)
肝区叩痛 19( 14. 5) 47( 33. 3)
黄疸 6( 4. 6) 13( 9. 2)
腹肌紧张 7( 5. 3) 3( 2. 1)
肝肿大 11( 8. 4) 6( 4. 3)
0. 415
0. 208
0. 001
0. 134
0. 204
22( 16. 8) 42( 29. 7)
0. 012
7( 5. 3) 6( 4. 3) 0. 674
53( 40. 5) 38( 27. 0)
0. 018
注: 胆道疾病: 包括胆囊炎、胆囊结石、胆囊息肉。腹部手术史: 近半年内腹部手术史,包括腹部外科治疗、介入治疗、内镜逆行胰胆管造影等。
2. 2 症状和体征 肝脓肿患者最常见症状为发热,2 尿病组患者出现神志改变明显高于非糖尿病组( 9. 9% 组发 热 患 者 的 比 例 差 异 无 统 计 学 意 义 ( 96. 9% vs. vs. 2. 1% ,P = 0. 013) 。肝脓肿患者最常见的体征也 98. 6% ) ; 糖尿病组仅 46 例患者出现腹痛,远低于非糖 是发热,糖尿病组患者出现腹部压痛、肝区叩痛例数不 尿病组( 35. 1% vs. 61. 7% ,P = 0. 000) ; 糖尿病组 70 足 1 /3,而非糖尿病组 47 例患者出现肝叩痛,高于糖尿 例患者 出 现 寒 颤,同 非 糖 尿 病 组 相 仿 ( 53. 4% vs. 病组( 33. 3% vs. 14. 5% ,P = 0. 001) ,其余体征阳性率 61. 3% ,P = 0. 191) ; 其他症状出现率均低于 50% ; 糖 不足 10% ( 见表 2) 。
网络出版时间:2021-9-714:56 网络出版地址:肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿小鼠模型的制备与评价郑亚虹1,岳程程1,张 慧1,贺玲玲1,戴媛媛2,刘艳艳1,3,4,李家斌1,3,4,52021-06-29接收基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号:81673242、81973983);2019年度合肥市自主创新政策“借转补”资金项目(编号:J2019Y04)作者单位:1安徽医科大学第一附属医院感染病科,合肥 2300222安徽医科大学附属省立医院检验科,合肥 2300013安徽省细菌耐药性监控中心,合肥 2300224安徽医科大学细菌耐药研究所,合肥 2300225安徽医科大学附属巢湖医院感染病科,巢湖 238000作者简介:郑亚虹,女,博士,医师;李家斌,男,教授,主任医师,博士生导师,责任作者,E摘要 目的 构建稳定且可靠的肺炎克雷伯菌肝脓肿(KP LA)小鼠模型,为该疾病的后续研究提供依据。
方法 选择肺炎克雷伯菌(KP)临床分离菌株181608为实验菌株,将不同浓度的细菌悬液通过腹腔注射,利用改良寇式法计算半数致死量(LD50),以1/2的LD50浓度注射C57BL/6J小鼠。
结果 根据改良寇式法计算出KP在C57BL/6J小鼠中的LD50约为104CFU/ml。
检测造模小鼠的白细胞数高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0 05)。
最新细菌性肝隙肿诊治急诊专家共识2022(完整版)肝隙肿(liver abscess, LA)是致病茵通过胆道、肝动脉、门静脉、直接蔓延等途径侵入肝脏引起的肝内局灶性、化自农性病变,是临床上常见的消化系统感染性疾病之一。
LA常见病原菌包括细菌、真菌、阿米巴,真中细菌性肝服肿(py o g enic liver abscess, P L A)最常见,占肝隙肿发病率的80%[1]。
但近年来随着糖尿病、恶性肿瘤、使用免疫抑制等患者增多,||伍床上肝胆高创操作增多,以及多重耐药和高毒力致病菌株的产盒,PLA的病因、病原体制|笛床表现发生相应变化,给临床诊治工作带来了新的挑战;同时随着介入治疗的发展及应用,P L A治疗策略也发佳了变化。
1 P LA流行病学专家意见1细菌性肝陈肿发病率呈上丹趋势,急诊诊疗应注意肝服肿发病的危险因素,真申糖尿病患者需特别关注。
·论著·咽峡炎链球菌致儿童脓肿性疾病8例临床分析李 莉, 杨 琴, 陈杰华, 王 卫, 王文建摘要:目的总结咽峡炎链球菌致儿童脓肿性疾病临床特点。
结果 8例患儿,男女各4例,就诊年龄1岁5个月~16岁3个月,均无免疫功能缺陷;发热3例,牙痛1例,头痛呕吐1例,呼吸困难1例;经B超及头颈部CT证实3例为颈部脓肿,1例为食管周围并颈部脓肿,1例为颌面部并颈部脓肿,1例为脑脓肿,1例为肛周脓肿,1例为腹股沟周围脓肿;病因为颈部淋巴结炎2例、食管异物食管穿孔1例、第三鳃裂瘘管1例、根尖炎1例、化脓性鼻窦炎1例;细菌培养标本1例来自静脉血,余7例均来自脓液;8例患儿给予抗感染、脓肿切开引流及相关病因治疗均好转出院。
关键词:咽峡炎链球菌;脓肿;儿童中图分类号:R515 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-7708 ( 2021 ) 02-0185-04DOI: 10.16718/j.1009-7708.2021.02.011Clinical analysis of the abscesses caused by Streptococcus anginosus in childrenLI Li, YANG Qin, CHEN Jiehua, WANG Wei, WANG Wenjian(Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shenzhen Children's Hospital, Shenzhen Guangdong 518038, China)Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of abscesses caused by Streptococcus anginosus in children. Methods The clinical manifestations, investigations including hematological tests, C-reactive protein, bacterial culture, B-mode ultrasound, head and neck CT scan, treatment and outcome were reviewed and summarized retrospectively for 8 children admitted to Shenzhen Children's Hospital from September 2013 to April 2020. Results The 8 children included 4 boys and 4 girls. All the children were immunocompetent. The main clinical manifestations included fever in 3 cases, toothache in 1 case, headache and vomiting in 1 case, and dyspnea in 1 case. B-mode ultrasound and head and neck CT scan confirmed neck abscess in 3 cases, periesophageal and neck abscess, maxillofacial and neck abscess, brain abscess, perianal abscess, and inguinal abscess in one case each. The etiology included cervical lymphadenitis in 2 cases, esophageal perforation with foreign body, third branchial fistula, apical inflammation, and suppurative sinusitis in one case each. Venous blood sample from one child and pus from the remaining 7 children were collected for culture. All the children were discharged after improvement following anti-infection, abscess incision and drainage, and targeted antimicrobial therapy. Conclusions S. anginosus belongs to the commensal microbiota on human mucosa, which can readily cause abscesses, especially when suppurative sinusitis or oral infection is present. We should be cautious about the possibility of complicated intracranial and deep neck abscess and even disseminated suppurative infection. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy and incision should be implemented as soon as possible.Keywords:Streptococcus anginosus, abscess, children基金项目:深圳市医学重点学科建设项目(SZXK032)。
高毒力肺炎克雷伯杆菌相关研究及相关肝脓肿治疗策略刘献清1,凌保东2,*,赖巧1,庞福佳1(1 四川省广元市中医院临床药学部,广元 628000;2 成都医学院结构特异性小分子药物研究四川省高校重点实验室, 成都 610500)摘要:高毒力肺炎克雷伯杆菌致肝脓肿的案例越来越常见。
关键词:肝脓肿;高毒力肺炎克雷伯杆菌;感染治疗中图分类号:R378.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8751(2020)06-0454-05High-Virulence Klebsiella pneumoniae Related Research andRelated Treatment Strategies for Liver AbscessLiu Xian-qing 1, Ling Bao-dong 2, Lai Qiao 1, Pang Fu-Jia 1(1 Department of Pharmacy of Guangyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangyuan 628000;2 Key Laboratory of Sichuan Higher Education for Structural Specific Small Molecular Drugs, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu 610500)Abstract: The cases of high-virulence Klebsiella pneumonia induced liver abscess are becoming more common. The highly virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae is particularly difficult to treat clinically due to its high-virulence and metastatic infection. This article aims to review the relevant research and treatment strategies of highly virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae , and provide some insights for clinical treatment to such infections.Keywords: Liver abscess; high-virulence Klebsiella pneumoniae ; infection treatment收稿日期:2020-06-23基金项目:国家自然科学基金(NO:81373454)。
1 资料与方法1.1一般资料5例患者糖尿病诊断依据1999年WHO糖尿病诊断标准[4]均为非胰岛素依赖型(NIDDM),均为细菌性肝脓肿,其中男性4例,平均年龄为(54.6±0.4)岁,女性1例,年龄62岁。
1.3实验室检查5例均伴有白细胞计数增高,中性粒细胞数高达90%,4例有核左移现象,血糖为(14±21)mmol/L,平均为(17.9±3.21)mmol/L,糖化血红蛋白为10.1%~14.3%,并发腹水者腹水穿刺细菌培养为阴性,肝功示;AST 增高,ALT增高,血氨增高。
2 结果本组5例患者治愈出院。
产气荚膜梭菌血流感染致死1例吕自兰;付刚;罗光丽;李品宏;王红羚;张达容【期刊名称】《检验医学与临床》【年(卷),期】2016(013)019【总页数】2页(P2843-2844)【关键词】产气荚膜梭菌;血管内溶血;感染【作者】吕自兰;付刚;罗光丽;李品宏;王红羚;张达容【作者单位】重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030;重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030;重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030;重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030;重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030;重庆市肿瘤研究所检验科 400030【正文语种】中文产气荚膜梭菌是一种革兰染色阳性厌氧芽孢杆菌,广泛分布于土壤、污水、食品、粪便等环境中,以及健康人和动物的胃肠道中,是一种条件致病菌[1-2]。
术后第3天患者诉腰背部及右上腹胀痛,分别于8:41、15:16、18:53肌肉注射0.1 g盐酸哌替啶注射液。
22:00出现病情加重,少语,监护提示氧饱和度70~80 mm Hg,心率100~170 次/分。
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h ttp:///10.4082/kjfm.2013.34.5.364 Korean J Fam Med. 2013;34:364-368Pyogenic Liver Abscess Following Acupuncture and Moxibustion T reatmentCase ReportEun Jung Choi, Sangyeoup Lee1,*, Dong Wook Jeong, Young Hye Cho,Su Jin Lee2, Jeong Gyu Lee3, Yun Jin Kim3, Yu Hyun Yi3, Ji Yong Lim3Family Medicine Clinic and Research Institute of Convergence of Biomedical Science and T echnology, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital; 1Medical Education Unit and Medical Research Institute, Pusan National University School of Medicine; 2Department of Infection, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan; 3Department of Family Medicine, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan, KoreaAcupuncture treatment is generally regarded as a relatively safe procedure. However, most procedures have some complications and acupuncture treatment is no exception. Reported complications of acupuncture treatment were mostly mild or temporary symptoms, but certain severe adverse effects were also observed. We report here for the first time a case of liver abscess following acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.Keywords: Acupuncture; Streptococcus intermedius; Liver Abscess; MoxibustionReceived: May 16, 2013, Accepted: August 21, 2013*Corresponding Author: Sangyeoup LeeT el: +82-55-360-1442, Fax: +82-55-360-2860E-mail: saylee@Korean Journal of Family MedicineCopyright © 2013 The Korean Academy of Family MedicineThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.1998.3) Acupuncture is effective in postoperative nausea, vomiting and dental pain, and also may be useful as an adjunct treatment for stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.However, most procedures have some complications and acupuncture treatment is no exception. Reported complications of acupuncture treatment were mostly mild or temporary symptoms. Minor adverse effects included bruising, tingling, tenderness on acupoints, and fainting, and more severe adverse effects included retroperitoneal abscess, tissue trauma, pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, and peripheral nerve or spinal cord injuries.4-6) The use of non-sterile needles may cause infections as well, such as human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis, and endocarditis.7) Here, we present a 69 year old man with pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) following acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.CASE REPORTA 69-year old male presented to the family medicine clinicINTRODUCTIONSince the sixth century when Chinese oriental medicine including acupuncture and herbs was introduced in Korea, acupuncture has been the most widely used procedure in the Korean society over the centuries as alternative or complementary medicine.1) Acupuncture is generally regarded as a less invasive, more natural, and less liable treatment by the general population.2) The National Institutes of Health Acupuncture Consensus Development Panel already concluded that acupuncture is either effective (2 conditions) or may be useful (12 conditions) inEun Jung Choi, et al: Pyogenic Liver Abscess, Acupuncture, Moxibustionin Pusan National University Hospital with a 1-month history of weight loss of 9 kg, fever, and nausea. He had been in stable health except for a recent onset of hypertension. However, his blood pressure was well-controlled with a calcium channel blocker. There was no significant additional history of dental procedure, dental disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, or other injury/trauma. His family members were all healthy.Two months prior to presentation, he visited a Korean Oriental Medicine Clinic for insomnia. Since then, he had received acupuncture on his arms and moxibustion on his abdomen three times per week by using ‘Jang-chim’ which was about 9 cm long and 4 mm thick. About one month after the treatments, he started feeling nauseous and feverish. He also began to slowly lose body weight and experience reduced appetite. However, he continued to receive the treatment until he visited our family medicine clinic, because his Korean oriental medicinal doctor assured him that the symptoms were acupuncture-related side effects and would resolve spontaneously without additional treatment within a few days. Nevertheless, his symptoms remained and became even worse.His mental status was alert. His vital signs were as follows: body temperature, 38.0o C; blood pressure, 120/80 mm Hg; pulse rate, 90/min; and respiration rate, 23/min. On physical examination, he showed mild icteric sclera and anemic conjunctiva. Inspection of the oral cavity revealed grossly normal floor of mouth without mild dehydrated tongue. He denied any respiratory difficulties, but soon showed tachypnea. His abdomen was mildly distended and tender without lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. There were no abdominal skin defects.Figure 1. Computed tomography scan findings of liver abscess. (A) A 10 mm-sized, multi-septated abscess of the right and left hepatic lobe: day 1 of hospitalization. (B) Marked decrease in size of liver abscess after percutaneous drainage and antimicrobial therapy: 11th day of hospitalization. (C) Resolution of the abscess on the right lobe and a decrease in the size of the abscess on the left lobe: 6 weeks afterinitial antibiotic therapy and drainage procedure. (D) Complete resolution of the liver abscess: 5 months after discharge.Eun Jung Choi, et al: Pyogenic Liver Abscess, Acupuncture, MoxibustionLaboratory findings were as follows: while blood cell count, 14,600/mm3, with 70% neutrophils; hemoglobin, 10.8 g/dL; aspartate transaminase, 47 IU/L; alanine transaminase, 54 IU/L; alkaline phosphatase, 1,113 IU/L; lactate dehydrogenase, 348 IU/L, total bilirubin, 1.68 mg/dL; and direct bilirubin, 0.49 mg/dL. Hepatitis A, B, and C serology was negative except for reactive anti-HBs and immunoglobulin G anti-HBc antibody. Other laboratory findings including thyroid function test, blood glucose, and tumor markers were within reference ranges.An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan with contrast revealed multiseptated cystic lesions in the right and left lobes, the largest measuring about 10.0 cm in the left lobe (Figure 1). Pyogenic abscess was confirmed by ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle aspiration with Gram stain and culture of the aspirate. A culture of the drained pus grew Streptococcus intermedius, a member of the “Streptococcus milleri” group, which was susceptible to clindamycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, penicillin, and vancomycin. Anaerobic cultures were negative. He denied upper respiratory symptoms. No primary focus was identified in the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, or skin.The patient was empirically started on intravenous cefotaxime and metronidazole before the culture and sensitivity results were available. The empiric antibiotics were changed to cefotaxime monotherapy according to the sensitivity results. After the drainage procedure and antibiotic medication, the patient’s vital signs stabilized rapidly. On 18th day of his hospitalization, all laboratory findings on blood samples were normalized. Twenty-two days after admission, the patient was discharged on oral cefpodoxime to complete 4 weeks of therapy. Follow-up abdominal CT scan 6 weeks after initial antibiotic therapy and drainage procedure showed resolution of the abscess on the right lobe and a decrease in the size of the abscess on the left lobe. Another follow-up abdominal CT scan 5 months later showed complete resolution of the liver abscess. There was no sign of relapse or other side effects. Three years later, the patient is now under follow-up care without any specific problems. In this case, no primary source of infection from Streptococcus intermedius was found, except for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment history during the two months.DISCUSSIONLiver abscess is a critical liver disease which can be classified into mainly two categories by its cause: PLA and amebic abscess.8) PLA is a potentially life-threatening infection but can be treated appropriately upon early detection due to the recent development of imaging modalities and selection of prompt antibiotic medication. In recent reports, the death rate from PLA mortality rate was about 10%.9-11)Klebsiella pneumoniae is the major pathogen of primary PLA in Asians.12)Streptococcus milleri was the major organism found in Australians.13) PLA can result from ascending infection in the biliary tract such as ascending cholangitis, vascular seeding secondary to bacteremia, direct invasion from a nearby source such as the gallbladder, or traumatic implantation such as perforation of the intestines.9) Identification of pathogens from positive blood cultures might suggest the pathway of infection. If pathogens like Streptococcus or Staphylococcus are cultured, hematogenous infection might be considered.9) This case of PLA was caused by Streptococcus intermedius, a member of the Streptococcus anginosus group (SAG). Streptococcus intermedius has an apparent tropism for the brain and liver.14,15) Pyogenic liver abscesses are an uncommon, but potentially life-threatening infection. The first cases of SAG hepatic abscesses were reported in 1975.16) Later, a study in 1981 found SAG to be the most common cause of hepatic abscesses.17)Streptococcus intermedius was the most frequent species found in a prospective study comparing the incidence and clinical features of SAG liver abscess to liver abscesses caused by other organisms.18) Several studies report no association with oral infection.19,20) T o find out the cause, history taking and physical examination were conducted thoroughly. The patient had no presented risk factors such as history of drug abuse or biliary tract diseases, dental diseases, or skin disease, etc. In this case, we assume that the patient had Streptococcus intermedius bacteremia after being treated with contaminated acupuncture needles and Streptococcus intermedius was maybe seeded in the liver. The results of abdominal CT-scan led to liver abscess as a conclusive diagnosis, and Streptococcus intermedius was cultured, allowing for hematogenous dissemination. Korean Oriental Medicine has basically three types of therapeutic modalities including acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal medicine. Acupuncture and moxibustion are increasingly beingEun Jung Choi, et al: Pyogenic Liver Abscess, Acupuncture, Moxibustionrecognized as safe and useful therapeutic modalities which are used globally beyond East Asia.3,21) The abdomen is a common site for acupuncture. However, there are only a few case reports of potentially serious adverse events related to acupuncture and moxibustion,1-5,21) while most side effects are mild and transient.Under these circumstances, we could reach the conclusion that the patient likely had a transient bacteremia from his acupuncture or moxibustion sites that seeded the liver. The timing between the onset of his symptoms and the acupuncture with moxibustion treatments suggest a causal relationship, although causation is sometimes difficult to determine beyond doubt. Recently, there was a case of an 80-year-old woman who presented with multiple epidural abscesses after acupuncture. This case also had no direct evidence but it was accepted because the acupuncture site and abscess region corresponded exactly.22) Our case was treated successfully by percutaneous drainage and antibiotic medication. T o our knowledge, liver abscess has not previously been related to acupuncture or moxibustion in the literature. T o prevent serious adverse effects of acupuncture and moxibustion, a few practices should be closely observed. These include maintaining clean needle techniques, receiving better training in anatomy, and lastly, paying greater attention to a patient’s complaints. 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