



























汽车维修行业智能诊断系统方案第1章项目背景与概述 (4)1.1 汽车维修行业现状分析 (4)1.1.1 诊断技术相对落后 (4)1.1.2 维修资源分散 (4)1.1.3 服务水平不高 (4)1.2 智能诊断系统需求与市场前景 (4)1.2.1 精准高效 (4)1.2.2 资源共享 (4)1.2.3 提升服务水平 (4)第2章智能诊断系统技术框架 (5)2.1 系统架构设计 (5)2.1.1 数据采集层 (5)2.1.2 数据处理层 (5)2.1.3 智能诊断层 (5)2.1.4 应用交互层 (5)2.2 技术路线与实现方法 (5)2.2.1 技术路线 (5)2.2.2 实现方法 (6)2.3 关键技术突破 (6)2.3.1 高效可靠的数据采集技术 (6)2.3.2 深度学习与机器学习算法优化 (6)2.3.3 专家系统与规则库构建 (6)2.3.4 数据可视化技术 (6)第3章数据采集与预处理 (6)3.1 数据来源与类型 (6)3.1.1 数据来源 (7)3.1.2 数据类型 (7)3.2 数据采集方法与设备 (7)3.2.1 数据采集方法 (7)3.2.2 数据采集设备 (7)3.3 数据预处理技术 (8)第4章故障诊断算法研究 (8)4.1 机器学习算法概述 (8)4.1.1 监督学习算法 (8)4.1.2 无监督学习算法 (8)4.2 深度学习算法研究 (8)4.2.1 卷积神经网络(CNN) (9)4.2.2 循环神经网络(RNN)及其变体 (9)4.3 故障诊断模型构建与优化 (9)4.3.1 模型构建 (9)4.3.2 模型优化 (9)第5章系统功能模块设计 (9)5.1 故障检测与诊断模块 (9)5.1.1 数据采集:系统通过OBD接口与车辆ECU进行通信,实时采集车辆的运行数据,包括但不限于发动机参数、底盘数据、车身控制信号等。

(10)5.1.2 故障码解析:对采集到的故障码进行解析,提供故障码对应的故障描述,以便维修人员了解故障现象。


immunosorbent assay,ELISA)、免疫胶体金技术
敏感性和重复性。但由于在进行检查时必须使用活 的、有毒力的速殖子而存在巨大的危险性,限制了其 应用。随后在此基础上建立了免疫酶染色试验(im—
munoenzymic staining test,IEST),它是以玻片上甲
标记的特异性探针杂交,再通过酶免显色反应测出 OD值,以判断弓形虫感染情况。用此方法检测以 104、103弓形虫RH株速殖子腹腔接种小鼠的全血、 肝组织。结果PCR—ELISA方法的检测阈值为20垃 弓形虫DNA,其灵敏度是常规PCR的10倍,并且 与人、小鼠疟原虫、旋毛虫等DNA均无交叉反应。 同一样本重复测试5次,一致性良好。检测感染动 物肝组织及全血标本,104、103组分别在感染后第2 天、第3天即可测出阳性,两种标本的阳性检出率无 统计学差异。PCR—ELISA是一种快速、敏感、特异、 稳定的检测方法,可试用于临床弓形虫病的诊断及
较好[8]。但如存在类风湿因子、抗核抗体则产生非 特异性染色,可引起假阳性反应,同时判定结果易带 主观性。 4酶联免疫吸附试验 ELISA是当前诊断弓形虫感染应用最广的技 术。间接ELISA法检测弓形虫IgM抗体,发现急 性病例检出率较高,但类风湿因子阳性者出现假阳 性反应。近年来,新发展的双夹心ELISA检测 IgM,是采用抗IgM抗体包板,样本中的IgG、类风

染色试验 DT曾被视为是弓形虫病病原特有的血清学检



.伴随免疫 人感染某些蠕虫(如:血吸虫)后可获得部分免疫力,患者门
























Re c e i v e d 1 8 J u l y 2 0 l 3 . Ac c e p t e d l 6 Au g 2 0l 3
文 献 标 识 码 :A D OI : 1 0 . 3 9 6 %. i s s n . 1 6 7 4 - 8 0 3 4 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 5 . 0 1 4
2 2 1 0 0 4 [ 关键词】 阿尔茨海默病 ;磁共振 成像 2 武 艳 总医院磁共振科, 北京 1 0 0 0 3 9
Th e r e s e a r c h o n t e n s o r i ma g i n g f o r e a r l y
张超, 穆学涛, 王宏 . 阿尔茨海默病D T I i ma g i n g( DT I )i s t h e o n l y n o n — i n v a s i v e me t h o d o f d i s p l a y i n g l i v i n g b r a i n wh i t e ma t t e r 早 期 诊 断 的 研 究 进 展 .磁 共 振 成 像 , ib f e r c u r r e n t l y . S t u d i e s h a v e s h o wn t h a t DTI h a s a c e r t a i n v a l u e f o r t h e d i a g n o s i s
基金项 目: [ 摘 要】 阿 尔茨海默 病( Al z h e i me r d i s e a s e ,AD) 是 一种慢性 l f I 枢神经 系统退 行 武 警 总 医 院 基 金 项 目 (编 号 : 性疾病 ,其 发病牢高 ,确诊 较晚 ,颅后筹 ,给家庭及整个朴 会带来沉 重负担


NTDT患者祛铁治疗标准:当LIC≥5 mg Fe/g干重或SF≥800 μg/L应给予进行祛铁治疗;若LIC<3 mg Fe/g干重或SF<300 μg/L,应停止祛铁治疗[2]。目前,临床上可供选择的铁螯合剂有:去铁胺、去铁酮和地拉罗司。
半衰期短,为20~30 min,需长时间缓慢静脉或皮下注射给药。推荐剂量为20~60 mg·kg-1·d-1,维持8~12 h,应根据患者年龄、铁过载程度调整用量;儿童剂量为20~40 mg·kg-1·d-1,成人剂量可增至40~60 mg·kg-1·d-1,加服维生素C(200~300 mg/d)能加强祛铁治疗的效果。长期使用去铁胺的主要不良反应为局部皮肤反应、感染和过敏等,剂量过大可引起听力及视力障碍、生长发育迟缓、骨骼变形等,应严密观察。
患者出生时无症状,多在2~3岁后发病,随着年龄增长逐渐加重,主要表现为轻至中度的慢性贫血,HGB大多在70~100 g/L,合并感染、妊娠或服氧化剂类药物时可因溶血导致贫血加重。大部分患者无典型的地贫外貌、生长发育正常或稍迟缓,可有肝脾肿大;部分患者存在继发性铁过载、高凝状态,易出现血栓、肺动脉高压等并发症;少部分患者可出现下肢溃疡、严重髓外造血致组织器官压迫等罕见并发症。大部分患者可长期存活。



患者生命 。D一 二聚体可反映纤维蛋 白的溶解功能 ,
对 血浆 中 的 D一二 聚体 进 行 定 量 检 测 可诊 断 和筛 选
D T形 成患 者 … 。笔者 采用 免 疫 比浊 法 定 量 检测 骨 V
2 方

所 有 患者 均 在 术 前 及 术 后第 3天 、
折患者血浆中 D一 二聚体的水平 , 探讨 D一 二聚体定
量 检测 在骨 折 术 后 并 发 D T的 临床 诊 断 中 的价 值 , V 以提 高骨折 术后 并发 D T的早 期诊 断率 。 V
2 1 诊 断方法 .
第 7天清晨 空腹 抽取 1 8mL静 脉血 , 3 8 . 用 . %枸橼 酸 钾 0 2mL抗 凝 , 用免 疫 比浊 法 用全 自动 血凝 分 析 . 采

2 ( 22 2・总 6 )
中医正骨 2 1 02年4月第 2 4卷第 4期
D一二聚体 检 测在 下 肢 骨折术 后 并 发 深静 脉 血 栓诊 断 中的价 值
孙瑜 。 周荣斌 ( 中国人 民解放军北京军 区总 医院 , 北京 100 ) 0 70
摘 要 目的 : 探讨血浆 D一二聚体水平检测在下肢骨折术后 并发 深静脉血栓诊 断中的价值。方法 : 分别在术前 、 术后 第 3天、 术
1 临床 资 料
以 20 09年 8月 至 2 1 00年 4月 接 受 手 术 治疗 的
仪测定 血浆 中 D一二 聚体水 平 ; 并分 别 在术 前 及 术后 第 7天 行 下肢 彩 色 多普 勒 超 声 检查 。规 定 血 浆 D一
中 医正骨 2 1 0 2年 4月第 2 4卷 第 4期
d v lp d atrt e o e a in o w rl a t rs e eo e e h p r t fl e i f cu e . f o o mb r


度 ~ 。
血 一 () 4
2 1 实 验 装 置 .
在 神 光 I装 置 上 , 采用 8 激 光 瞄 准 充 有 束 D T燃 料 的玻璃 微 型球 , 在高 温 高 压 高密 度 的 条 件 下发 生 聚变 反 应 。 聚变 反应 出射粒 子 及实
能 量分 别约 为8 0( 柬 )8p 0] 8 / 0 s和 4 0 ] 8 ) 0 0( 柬 /
聚 变 产 物 , 断 靶 芯压 缩 情 况 ]使 用 核 乳 胶 诊 , 测 量 靶 芯 压 缩 参 数 以 及 测 量 各 种 中 子 场 特
征 ~ 。
8 0 s 利 用 核 乳 胶 监 测 了 D 反 应 产 生 的 DD 0p 。 D
加 热 和 压 缩 内 爆 动 力 学 参 量 ( 燃 料 离 子 温 度 如
) 的诊 断 是 关 键 的研 究 课 题 之 一 。 国外 8 年 代 0 已 将 固 体 径 迹探 测 器 广 泛 用 于 I F 实 验 , 量 C 铽
的 烧 蚀 靶 两 种 等 比 D 薄 壳 靶 ( 厚 约 lm ) T 壳 t , z 两 种靶 的 充 气压 分 别 约 为 2 0 5 a 激 光 照 射 、. MP ,
理 研 究 院 核 物 理 与 化 学 研 究 所 副 研 究 员 . 事 脉 冲 从 中子 覆 量 。 I
16 6
D十 T— n( 4 0 Me 4 ‘ ( . 2 V) 对 DT) ( ) 1 . 5 V) - He 3 5 Me ( 1 D+ D— n 2 4 M e 十 ( . 2 e ( D ( . 5 V) He O 8 M V) 对 Da ( ) ) 2
第2卷 2
20 年 02



1临床诊断:A病史、症状、体征 B物理诊断:X线、B超、CT、MRI2实验室检查:A病原学方法:粪便检查;血液检查;排泄物分泌物检查;其他器官组织检查B免疫学方法 C分子生物学方法(一)粪便检查:直接涂片法;厚涂片法;浓集法;毛蚴孵化法;肛门拭子检查法;钩蚴培养法;虫卵计数法;定量透明法;带绦虫孕节检查法。


要取得准确的结果1)粪便必须新鲜,送检时间一般不宜超过24小时; 2)盛粪便的容器要干净,并防止污染与干燥;3)粪便不可混杂尿液等,以免影响检查结果; 4)取材部位:尽可能取病变部位。






















中华 老年 心脑 血 管病 杂 志 2 1 0 0年 5月 第 1 2卷 第 5期
C m f t h J ̄ i rHerBri esl i, y2 1 , l 2No5 a at a nV se DsM 0 Vo 1 , . 0
・4 9 ・ 7

综 述 .
肌 张 力 障碍 性 震颤
些遗传性 D 有重要意义 。 T
3 DT的 鉴 别 诊 断
底 核 受 损 引 发 。因 此 , T 可 能 为 Men r 基 底 核 受 损 引 发 D y et
震 颤 的 形 式 之 一 。原 发 性 书 写 震 颤 是 成 年 人 很 常 见 的 动 作 性震颤 , 其是从事 文字工作 者 , 数起 病 隐袭 , 慢 渐进 , 尤 多 缓 部 分 患 者 有 阳性 家 族 史 。 目前 , 为 其 发 病 与 基 底 节 及 匠 认
轻 , 眠 中 消 失 , 伴 有 疼痛 。痉 挛性 斜 颈 伴 发 的 震 颤 是 D 师 可 T 的典 型 代 表 。痉 挛 性 斜 颈 又 称 颈 肌 张 力 障 碍 , 原 发 性 颈 部 指 肌 肉不 随 意 收 缩 , 起 的 头 颈 扭 转 和 转 动 为 表 现 的症 候 群 , 引
典 型 的 代 表性 疾 病 有 : 挛 性 斜 颈 、 发 性 书 写 震 颤 、 挛 性 痉 原 痉 构音 障 碍 与 Me e 合 征 。 i 综 g
1 DT的 发 生 机 制 及 临 床 特 征
2 DT 的 诊 断
目前 , T 的 诊 断 仍 以 临 床 为 主 , 据 特 征 性 的 临 床 表 D 根 现 , 诊 断 比较 容 易 , 调 详 细 问诊 和 体 格 检 查 的 重 要 性 。 其 强

Micro Thermo Technologies DT-EEPR 故障诊断指南文档说明书

Micro Thermo Technologies DT-EEPR 故障诊断指南文档说明书

M I C R O T H E R M O T E C H N O L O G I E S™DT-EEPR T roubleshooting GuideDocument No.74-MTA-1004-R1.1No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in anyform or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withoutthe prior written permission of Micro ThermoTechnologies.© 1997-2015 by Micro Thermo Technologies.All rights reserved worldwide.Local Phone: (450) 668-3033 | Fax: (450)668-2695Toll Free Canada: 1-888-664-1406 | Toll Free USA: 1-888-920-6284/micro-thermoTABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (1)1.1 U SING THIS DOCUMENT (1)1.2 P REREQUISITES (1)1.3 A DDITIONAL D OCUMENTATION (1)1.4 C ONVENTIONS U SED IN THIS M ANUAL (1)2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS (1)3. CHECKING THE BOARD’S POWER SUPPLIES (1)4. TESTING AN EEPR VALVE AND ITS WIRING (2)4.1 D ESCRIPTION OF EEPR V ALVES (2)4.2 C HECKING THE C ONNECTIONS (3)4.3 C HECKING THE V ALVE’S C OILS AND W IRING (3)5. CHECKING A PARTICULAR MOTOR DRIVE (4)6. REPLACING A VALVE AND OTHER REPAIRS (5)7. MISCELLANEOUS (7)7.1 F USE (7)7.2 F LASH M EMORY (7)REVISIONS HISTORY (8)1.Introduction1.1 Using this documentThis manual addresses the trouble-shooting of DT-EEPR (Dual-Temperature Electric Evaporator Pressure Regulator) Controllers.The Micro Thermo part number of the DT-EEPR Controller is 950-636C.The 6-valve DT-EEPR Controller is supported in Alliance v. 5.1 or later.The following versions are current as of this writing :∙Hardware : P/N 950-636C R32∙Alliance and plug-in : version 5.2∙Neuron firmware : version 2.15∙PIC firmware : version PrerequisitesIt is assumed that the reader is familiar with electrical measurements and the use of a multimeter.Prerequisites include knowledge of refrigeration practices in supermarkets and experience with the basic tools of the MT Alliance system. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the MT Alliance software (menus, views, toolbars, etc.) and with Micro Thermo plug-ins.1.3 Additional DocumentationUsing the DT-EEPR Controller in Alliance is covered in :MT Alliance DT-EEPR Quick Set Up Guide (PUID 72-MTA-1025) and inMT Alliance DT-EEPR User Manual (PUID 73-MTA-1003).Basic skills of using Alliance are covered in :MT Alliance User Manual (PUID 75-MTA-1005)1.4 Conventions Used in this ManualFor your convenience, several screen captures are included, to describe the pro-cedures. Certain images also contain numbered balloons referring to the num-bers indicated in the corresponding procedure.Lastly, some terms are in bold to emphasize important points.2.General ConsiderationsAll measurements should be performed with a floating instrument (such as a battery operated multimeter). Avoid connecting the board’s “Gnd” test points to Earth Ground. Depending on the existing connections, connecting a grounded oscilloscope probe to the board may cause a short circuit and interfere with normal operation.3.Checking the Board’s Power SuppliesThe board layout drawing on top of next page shows the location of the test points. This drawing also appears in the Board Layout Page of the plug-in.∙The AC voltage between the two terminals of the power input connector (1a) should be in the range of 19V to 30V. The 5V green indicator (1b) should light up when power is applied.∙The following measurements are done with the multimeter set to Volts DC, with its Common terminal connected to anyone of the 3 “Gnd” test points.∙The 5V test point (2) normally lies between 4.9V and 5.1V.∙The 1,80V reference (3) should lie between 1.78V and 1.82V.∙The 2,50V reference (4) should lie between 2.47V and 2.53V.∙The “DC” test point (5) is the unregulated supply. It is around 10V when all the valves are idle, gets up to 16.4V when driving a cold valve, 18.5V when driving a room temperature valve and may reach up to 20.6V for a hot valveor a valve with very long cables (larger resistance).4.Testing an EEPR Valve and its WiringThis section describes the valve related malfunctions that are most likely to oc-cur on a site, and their symptoms.4.1 Description of EEPR ValvesAll the valves supported by the DT-EEPR Controller use bipolar stepping mo-tors.The Controller keeps track of the mechanical position of the valve by counting the number of steps. The valve is initialized when the controller is reset, and at least once a day thereafter. Initialization consists of closing the valve for a large number of steps, then starting to count steps from zero.Bipolar stepping motors have a pair of coils. The two coils are insulated from each other.Sporlan valves of the CDS series and the SDR-4 use a gearbox and have a total of 6386 steps. The motors of the Alco ESR-12 and ESR-20 valves drive the screw directly and have 800 steps. All these valves are of a balanced port de-sign. The balanced port reduces, but doesn’t completely eliminate, the effect of differential pressure on valve positioning.The SDR-3 is a smaller valve suitable for individual Dual-Temp cases. It is dif-ferent from all other Sporlan valves on three counts :▪it has 3193 steps,▪it is not compensated for pressure differentials and▪it must be installed so that the flow tends to close the valve (following the arrow printed on the valve itself.)For Sporlan valves, one coil corresponds to the Red and Green wires, the se-cond coil being White-Black. Color coding is the same for Alco valves, except that Blue is used instead of Green.Be aware that switching one of the wire pairs (Red with Green, for instance) will cause a valve to open when it should close, and vice versa.4.2 Checking the Connections∙Check the colors of the valve’s 4 wires. Pull on the wires to make sure that no connection is loose.The 4 color-coded wires of a Sporlan valve should be connected in the sequence Red-Green-White-Black, as indicated by “R-G-W-B” in the figure, on top of the preceding page. For an Alco Valve, wire colors are the same except that Blue replaces Green.A loose connection may cause a valve to get uninstalled, since the controller constantly checks for the presence of the coils. This may cause the %Open Trendgraph to rise momentarily to 163.83%, as the valve’s position becomes unknown during the initialization procedure that follows an automatic recon-nection.Since the valve motors are inductive, an intermittent connection causes sparks that disturb the PIC (Programmable Industrial Controller) that drives it. The PIC then undergoes a reset and could even become damaged.∙If there is any evidence of a valve getting uninstalled, it is strongly recom-mended to replace its connector.4.3 Checking the Valve’s Coils and WiringThe cables used to connect the valve to the controller’s output connector are not critical, because the valves are current driven. AWG18 cables can drive a Sporlan valve to 500 ft or an Alco valve to 200 ft. Increasing the size of the wir-ing will not yield an appreciable gain.∙The valve being plugged into one of the Controller’s output connectors, check that its indicator (7) lights up. If it remains Off, the drive is probably powered Off. It can be powered On again, using the Power On button in the Current Values window of the plug-in, as shown on Page 6.This green LED (6) blinks to show that the drive is searching for a valve. It flashes 50% On, 50% Off when the valve is moving, and it remains lit when the valve is installed but idle.The controller will not install a valve unless the resistance of its two coils falls within the normal range for the Valve Series declared in the System Page of the plug-in. If the board is not yet configured, the controller will try to install both Sporlan and 12V Alco valves. The range of resistances that the Controller allows is indicated in the table on the next page.To test the coils reliably, the valve has to bephysically disconnected from the controller. Although a valve can be unplugged at any time, it is recommended to power off the drive first. This is done by clicking on the Power Off but-ton in the Current Values window of the Plug-In, as described on Page 6.If you intend to check all the valves, considerpowering Off the whole board, so that youwon’t need to go back to the plug-in to powerOn all the valves again. The Power In connector (1A ) can be unplugged at any time. The valves will keep their respective positions. They will beinitialized automatically when the board ispowered back On. ∙ Measure the resistance of both coils, using amultimeter (8). The figure illustrates the pro-cedure for the Red-Green coil.The measurement yields the sum of the resistance of the coil and its wiring. The range of acceptable values is given in the table above. The lower resistance val-ues apply to a very cold valve, and the higher values are for avery hot valve.An Alco valve can be disconnected at the valve itself, and theresistance can be measured at the exposed pins directly. Thismakes it possible to discriminate between an open coil anddefective wiring. The pinout of an Alco valve is shown in thefigure.∙ Using the multimeter, check that the two coils are insulatedfrom each other and from earth ground.An infinite resistance should be obtained, for these 3 measurements. Even if the two coils have a normal resistance, the drive will not work if they are not insulated. A short circuit of one of the wires to ground is the most likely trou-ble, which is worth ruling out.5. Checking a Particular Motor DriveWhen performing the tests described below, please remember that the Control-ler moves one valve at a time. This feature makes it possible to run the board with less power, which is adequate for normal valve operation during refrigera-tion and defrost.– When an output is not connected, the valve LED (7) blinks every 2 seconds, unless it has been powered OFF using the Plug-In (see Page 6.)Valve series Minimum Nominal Maximum Sporlan CDS57 Ω 75 Ω 103 Ω Alco ESR 12 volt 23 Ω 30 Ω 42 ΩIf you need to check the system and no valves are available, tworesistors can be used to simulate a valve. This can’t be done withthe 5-valve MT-EEPR board, which needs to see an inductance,instead of a resistance.Two 75 ohm, 2-watt resistors simulate a Sporlan valve, as illustrat-ed. Two 27 ohm or 33 ohm 3-watt resistors can be used to simulatean Alco valve.∙ Connect the valve (or the pair of resistors) to any one of the 6 controller’s outputs (6).– The LED flashes 50% ON, 50% OFF during initialization. This lasts for about 45 seconds for a Sporlan valve and 15 seconds for an Alco valve. – The AC voltage between the Red and Green terminals (Red and Blue for Al-co) or between the White and Black terminals is about 10V while the LED is flashing.– Measure the idle voltage while the valve’s LED remains ON steady. The DC voltage is then approximately ±3 volts, for a Sporlan valve, and ±2 volts for an Alco. Polarity depends on the step number that the drive is holding.The exact idle voltage depends on the valve’s resistance, since it is current driv-en.Holding current is ±40mA for a Sporlan valve and ±60mA for an Alco Valve. To calculate the exact idle voltage, simply multiply the measured coil resistance by the holding current. If, for example, a coil of a Sporlan valve measures 68 ohms, you should expect about ±2.7 volts DC, since6840mA 2.72V Ω⨯=A controller with the red “Factory” LED lit (see the board drawing on Page 2) will detect both Sporlan and Alco 12-volt valves. If the “Factory” LED is OFF, the controller is probably configured, and it will detect only valves of the selected Valve Series.6. Replacing a Valve and Other RepairsA valve that has an open coil will not be detected. The yellow dot (11) in the Valve Config page will turn grey and the Plug-In willshow “No Valve” (16) in the Process page.A stuck valve will still be detected, yet give incorrect readings of %Open. The temperature control will not function properly, but actual pressure measurements may be needed to prove that the valve is not moving as it should.Although very unlikely, a valve may get stuck as a re-sult of mechanical failure. It is more likely to happen after defrost. Sometimes, it’s possible to get it to move again by initializing it.11∙ Manual Initialization is done as follows :– Click on the Current Values button at the bottom of the main DT-EEPR plug-in window, to open the Current Values window.– Select the valve (12).– Click on the Initialize button (13).A valve which gets stuck usually remains marginal, and should be replaced.Before unplugging a valve on a live controller, it is preferable to power Off the drive.∙ The procedure to power Off a drive is as follows :– Select the valve (12) in the Current Values window.– Click on the Power Off button (14).The Power Off button becomes greyed, to confirm that the command has been given. After several seconds, the green rectangle (15) becomes grey, to confirm that the command has been executed by the node. The Power Off button is then replaced by a Power On button.After the valve is replaced, the drive will need to be powered back On.∙ Powering On a drive is done as follows :– Select the valve (12) in the Current Values window.– Click on the Power On button (14). What happens depends on whether or not a valve is present. 1213 1415– If a valve is detected, it gets installed and initialized. The Initialize button, which was greyed when the drive was powered Off, becomes active after initialization is com-pleted. A valid value of %Open appears at the bottom of the Valve Control Page, in the Process Page and in the Current Values Window. The Valve Indicator (7) on the board shows this activity.– If no valve is detected, the banner in the Process Pagechanges from “Power Off” to “No Valve” (16). The Valve Indicator (7) blinks to indicate that the drive searches for a valve.If, as a result of a breakdown, the refrigeration system has been unable to maintain the set temperature for some time,large temperature errors have accumulated.To flush the errors accumulated during the malfunction, fol-low these steps :∙ In the Process Tab, click on the “More/Less” button (17) tosee the details, if needed. Click on the Reset Button (18) of the Accumulated Errors.∙ After a few seconds, the command is executed and the In-tegral Error (19) drops to 0.00. The Long Term Error is also reset. It isn’t shown in the Process Page, but the Long Term PID Correction also becomes equal to 1 (0 error), in theCurrent Values Window.7. Miscellaneous 7.1 FuseThe DT-EEPR Controller requires a 4 ampere fuse. A 3 ampere fuse is adequate for Sporlan valves, but it is recommended that a 4 ampere fuse be installed in all cases.7.2 Flash MemoryIf :– the power supply voltages are normal, but there seems to be no activity on the board,– in particular, if the TX LED (20) doesn’t flash, even when you push the Service Pin,you could try pushing down firmly the Flash Memory chip.This Flash Memory IC is located on the left-hand side of the board, as shown in the board’s layout on Page 2. It is the only socketed IC of the DT-EEPR board. Pushing it down may fix a bad contact of a pin with the socket. Then, reset the node (21). 16 181719Revisions HistoryCreation CB 08-Dec-060.1 Document0.2 Comments CC 25-Jan-070.3 Revision CB 01-Feb-071.0 Revision PUID change from 74-PHW-1004 CB/RL 19-Apr-071.1 Cover page and formatting ER 30-MAR-2015。



一型呼衰(Type I Diastolic Dysfunction)是一种常见的心脏病,其特点是心脏病发病期间心脏舒张期减慢或停止。




三、右心室末期压力的阻尼指数(dt)超过550 dyne/S/cm2(dynes/S/ cm2)。























随着对其结构和功能的深入研究,相信氨基端寡聚dT 将在更多领域展现出其巨大的潜力,并为人类健康和生命科学的发展做出更大的贡献。



血清甲状腺球蛋白测定及其临床价值【摘要】甲状腺球蛋白(H T g)是分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)的肿瘤标志物,血清Tg测定对DTC复发或转移的诊断和监测治疗效果有重要意义。

分化型甲状腺癌术前血清 H T g 水平可明显升高,但特异性不高。

而分化型甲状腺癌经手术切除和131 I 治疗后,血中的H Tg应完全消失,或处于极低水平,当 H T g 水平升高,通常提示DT C 复发或移。

但是,HTg 的检查受多种因素影响,其中T g Ab 的干扰是临床上最常见的问题。

本文对分化型甲状腺癌患者血清T g 检测与临床结果分析时应注意的若干问题进行了简要综述。

【关键词】甲状腺球蛋白;分化型甲状腺癌;甲状腺球蛋白抗体甲状腺球蛋白(T g)是甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞分泌的大分子糖蛋白,是分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)的肿瘤标志物,可作为DTC患者治疗后随访的重要参考指标。

但 T g 检测受多种因素影响,临床医师在判断其检测结果及分析其临床价值时,应全面考虑影响 T g 的各种因素。

1、.H T g 与 T SH 浓度的关系T SH 由腺垂体分泌,作用于甲状腺,可促进 HT g 与甲状腺激素的合成和分泌。

当 T SH 浓度稳定在正常或略低于正常水平时,H T g 浓度升高提示复发或转移。

当 T SH 处于高水平时,Tg 可增加 10 倍以上[1]。

T SH 浓度低下时,T g 值对判断肿瘤复发或转移可能不够敏感,故停L- T 4 前测定的低 T g 值,并不能排除 DT C 转移的可能。

2006 年美国甲状腺学会甲状腺结节和分化型甲状腺癌诊疗指南指出在甲状腺激素抑制 T SH 分泌期间检测 T g 无法检出少量的残留肿瘤。

需停用 L- T 4 治疗数周,待血清 T SH 升高后再测定 T g。

当停用 T 4 后,T SH 被刺激情况下检测 T g < 2ng/ ml,且131 I- WBS 阴性,则复发或转移可能性小;停用 T 4 后,T g >2ng / ml,应进一步寻找复发或转移灶。

2004 款 DT466 EGR 发动机的启动故障诊断说明书

2004 款 DT466 EGR 发动机的启动故障诊断说明书

LessInfoCountries : CANADA, UNITED STATES Document ID : IK1201407Availability : ISIS, Bus ISIS, FleetISIS, Body Builder, NotSIR Revision :4Major System :ENGINESCreated : 1/12/2018Current Language : English Last Modified : 10/16/2018Other Languages : NONE Author :Dan Myers Viewed :2066Hide Details CodingInformationCopy LinkCopy Relative LinkBookmarkAdd to FavoritesPrintProvide FeedbackHelpfulNot HelpfulCKP Breakout Harness TXT126870148Use Harness Repair KitTXT1268701Make test lead locally100W Headlight GE 24768 (orsimilar)Make test leads locallyMidtronics test tool EXP-1000-HD-NAVRelay BreakoutHarnessZTSE4596SERVICE PARTS INFORMATIONKit Description Part Number Quantity RequiredNotesAs neededDIAGNOSTIC STEP(s)Step Action Decision#1DIAGNOSTIC:Are any of fault codes 143, 145, 146, 147 active?Yes.Refer to Step based diagnostics inmanual:DT 466 / DT 570 / HT 570 Diesel EngineDiagnostic Manual - 2004 Emissions withEGRNo. Proceed to Step 2Step Action Decision#2DIAGNOSTIC:Perform Injector Buzz testDo all injectors buzz & buzz strongly?Yes. Proceed to Step 3No. Proceed to Step 2AStep Action Decision#2A DIAGNOSTIC:Check IDM & UVC connectionsAre connections tight & free of defects?Yes. Proceed to Step 2BNo. Proceed to Step 3 Step Action Decision#2B DIAGNOSTIC:Connect a known to be good injector to #1 UVC harness connectorDoes the injector buzz?Yes. Replace set of injectors & confirmrepairNo. Proceed to Step 3Step Action Decision#3DIAGNOSTIC:Is fault code 525 active?Yes. Proceed to Step 4No. Proceed to Step 11Step Action Decision #4DIAGNOSTIC:Use the Midtronics tool to test integrity of batteries. Do batteries pass?Yes. Proceed to Step 5No. Replace batteries - confirm repairStep Action Decision#5DIAGNOSTIC:Reference IK1200261 Battery Box Located Clean Power Fusesfor the IDM (Injector Drive Module), ECM (EngineControl Module), and TCM (Transmission ControlModule) FailingIs the fuse/fuse holder in the battery box for the ECM/IDM free of damage?Yes. Proceed to Step 6No. Refer to iKNow article IK1200261 -confirm repairStep Action Decision#6DIAGNOSTIC:Using your hand, follow B+ & GND wiring from the batteries to the ECM relay &engine ground. Check for rubbing/chafing wires, test light pierce points & harnessconnectors for damage/corrosion.Is wiring damage free?Yes. Proceed to Step 7No. Overlay B+ straight from fuse holderto ECM & IDM relays. Overlay GNDstraight from battery to ECM X-3connector. Consult EGED285 for wirelocations - confirm repairStep Action Decision#7DIAGNOSTIC:Remove ECM & IDM relays.Are relay connections free from corrosion, pushed back or spread pins?Yes. Proceed to Step 8No. Repair connection issues - confirmrepairStep Action DecisionDIAGNOSTIC:Test Relays:Step 1 Switch DVOM to the highest#8Step Action Decision#12DIAGNOSTIC:Remove CMP & CKP sensorsReference IK1201042 Air Gap Specs. for Crankshaft andCamshaft Position SensorsAre all items free of defects?Yes. Proceed to Step 13No. Refer to EGES-2652 Service Manual& EGES-2701 Diagnostic Manual to makenecessary repairs - Confirm repairStep Action Decision#13DIAGNOSTIC:Disconnect CMP & CKP sensorsInstall test harness (locally made see part numbers under heading "Special Tool(s) /Software" above.Crank engine & monitor RPM or Hz readingsCamshaft speed is ~ 1/2 of Crankshaft speed.There are many free online Hz to RPM converters if your DVOM only reads Hz.Is Crankshaft to Camshaft speed within specs?Yes. Proceed to Step 14No. Replace sensors as necessary -Confirm repairStep Action Decision#14DIAGNOSTIC:Using a flashlight, watch the CKP tone ring while cranking the engine & check forwobble & debris accumulation.Does tone ring run straight & is free of debris accumulation?Yes. Proceed to Step 15No. Refer to EGES-2652 Service Manualto replace crankshaft tone ring - ConfirmrepairStep Action Decision#15DIAGNOSTIC:Does this engine use a viscous drive fan? Yes. Proceed to Step 17 No. Proceed to Step 16Step Action Decision#16DIAGNOSTIC:Disconnect the fan drive electrical connectorDoes the engine show RPM's & start?Yes. Replace fan drive - Confirm repairNo. Proceed to Step 17Step Action Decision#17DIAGNOSTIC:Install a known to be good ECM/IDM.Program to VINDoes the engine show RPM's & start?Yes. Replace ECM/IDM - Confirm repairNo. Proceed to Step 18Step Action Decision#18DIAGNOSTIC:Remove Injector #1Bring #1 piston to TDC - use a depth gauge or vernier caliper to verify piston is atTDCCheck rocker arms - rockers 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 & 10 will be loose. If not rotate crankshaftone complete revolutionYou will need to rotate the crankshaft back & forth to ensure that piston is at TDCRemove 3 vibration dampner bolts & plate.Keyway needs to be exactly at 12:00 positionIs keyway at 12:00 position?Yes. Review diagnostic steps with LeadTechNo. Proceed to Step 19NOTE:At #1 TDC, Camshaft timing pin will not be seen through the CMP sensor hole.REPAIR STEP(s)Step ActionDecision#19REPAIR:Reference service manual EGED2652 for front cover removal.Replace crankshaft drive gear and timing pinYes . Repair completeNo . Review all steps with Lead TechHide DetailsFeedback Information Viewed : 2065Helpful :10Not Helpful : 4No Feedback FoundCopyright©2018Navistar, Inc.ReassembleDoes the engine show RPM's & start?OTHER RESOURCESDT 466 / DT 570 / HT 570 Diesel Engine Diagnostic Manual ­ 2004 Emissions with EGR DT 466, DT 570 and HT 570 Engine Service Manual - 2004 Emissions with EGR EGED -285IK1200261- Battery Box Located Clean Power Fuses for the IDM (Injector Drive Module), ECM (Engine Control Module), and TCM (Transmission Control Module) Failing IK1201042 - Air Gap Specs. for Crankshaft and Camshaft Position Sensors。

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E-survey技巧 技巧
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
台式机声卡故障诊断参考 Audio card/
前后都没声音、前面有 后面没有、 前后都没声音、前面有, 后面没有、 1、交换确认耳机/音箱测试 2、恢复BIOS 3、检查设备管理器, 重新安装驱动程序 4、 RCD 测试声卡.如都没有主板故障 前面没有, 前面没有 后面有 1、重新插拔I/O cable 、 2、 RCD测试前后音频接口:都没声音 →主板故障 、 3、 RCD测试前后音频接口:前置没有 →I/O故障 、 不能录音 1、确认麦克风孔安装正确 、 2、交换麦克风测试 3、 Windows本地录音机测试,重新安装音频驱动 4、 RCD测试
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
USB口故障诊断参考 口故障诊断参考 MB port issue/
USB口故障 口故障 1、交换其他USB口及USB键盘/鼠标测试 2、如果可以进入BIOS, 恢复BIOS默认设置 3、不能进入BIOS, 清RTC跳线 4、USB键盘可以使用,证明USB口没有问题,不能使用则派主板
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
台式机显卡故障诊断参考 Video card/
独立显卡 1、交换测试排除显示器/数据线/转接头故障 2、在BIOS状态下,确认状态 3、检查设备管理器, 重新安装驱动程序 4、拔掉独立显卡连接集成显卡测试 5、重新插拔独立显卡或将显卡拿到其他机器上进行测试 集成显卡 1、交换测试排除显示器/数据线/转接头故障 、 2、花屏现象请注意检查内存 、 3、No Video 请注意听是否有进入windows 的音乐声音,然后清 RTC 、 4、视频闪烁或抖动可以检查一下是否由于电压不稳引起的(换个电源排插或环境) 、
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
HD issue/
硬盘不能识别(机子是竖着放的 硬盘一般在正面的下方 光驱在上面 硬盘不能识别( 集成显卡在后面的上方 独立显卡在后面的下方 ) 1、开机进入BIOS界面(按F2),恢复BIOS(load default) 2、重新插拨硬盘的数据线和电源线 3、检查IDE硬盘的跳线(CS)操作? 4、交换硬盘接口和数据线, 清RTC跳线 5、如果有条件更换硬盘测试 不能读写格式化 1、开机进入BIOS界面,恢复BIOS 、 2、运行9090(开机按F12、DIM系列有)/PSA测试(如果错误代码是7, 直接派单) 3、尝试重新分区/格式化, 或运行RCD(放入驱动光盘,按F12,CD-ROM,1, test system主板和硬件测试,customer test)测试 (如果DELL 32BIT测试硬盘有错误代码 写下具体错误提示,直接派单) 4、尝试Debug硬盘(注:提醒客户备份硬盘中的重要的数据、这步不support)
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
OD issue/
BIOS找不到光驱、光驱不读盘(任何盘都不读 找不到光驱、光驱不读盘 任何盘都不读 任何盘都不读) 找不到光驱 1、开机进入BIOS界面,恢复BIOS 2、在BIOS状态下,确认光驱灯的状态 3、将DELL RCD(驱动与诊断程序光盘)是否可以启动进入DELL 32位测试程序界面 4、重新插拨光驱的数据线和电源线 5、检查IDE光驱的跳线(CS) 6、交换光驱接口和数据线,清RTC跳线 光驱不能刻录光盘 1、测试光驱是否可以读CD/DVD 盘片 、 2、确认刻录软件, 刻录光盘格式,降低光驱刻录倍速 、 3、更换其他刻录盘, 刻录之前并关闭其他软件 、 4、使用XP自带刻录功能测试CDRW, 或者安装系统自带的刻录软件测试 、 DVDRW(Vista可以直接刻录任何光盘) 5、指导客户更新Fireware程序驱动 、 6、重新安装操作系统测试是否刻录光盘 、
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
DT硬件诊断 硬件诊断
LCD and CRT issue/
显示器不显示、 显示器不显示、出现水平或垂直的亮线 1、检查显示器电源线是否插紧 2、交换用电环境(换电源插座,房间测试),交换显示器电源线及数据线测试 (将测试方法和结果记入LOG) 3、断开显示器数据线,运行显示器自检 4、按MENU按键看是否可以正常显示Menu菜单,恢复显示器出厂设置 5、检查显示器开关灯状态 显示器颜色问题, 显示器颜色问题,偏色 1、调出显示器OSD菜单, 看OSD菜单是否偏色, 缺色 2、检查显示器数据线的连接是否牢固,以及数据线针脚是否有物损 显示器图像闪烁或失真 1、恢复显示器出厂设置,如果是CRT显示器要消磁(怎么操作?) 2、确认显示器周围没卡故障诊断参考 NIC issue/
无法上网 1、交换其他DELL机器上能正常使用的网线 2、恢复BIOS,检查网卡指示灯状态 3、检查设备管理器, 重新安装驱动程序 4、检查设备管理器里网卡的状态 5、设置网卡速度和双工 6、带网络连接的安全模式(设置网卡速度和双工) 7、双机直连(如有条件) 8、检查网口的针是否有物损,网口是否会松动