Mark Twain
马克吐温mark Twain英文简介
❖ 1899 The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 败坏了哈德莱堡的人
A Brief Assessment
Helen Keller : I have been in Eden three days and I saw a king .I knew he was a king when I touched him though I had never touched a king before.
❖ Published Roughing It《艰苦岁月》.
❖ First daughter Susy was born‚ but their son‚ Langdon‚ died at the age of two from diphtheria(白喉).
Later life
1884 (49) ❖ created the publishing company,then the company failed in 1894. 1895~1897 (60~62) ❖ went on worldwide lecture tour to earn
1867 (32) ❖ Travelled as correspondent to Europe
and the Holy Land on the Quaker City.
Saw a picture of Olivia Langdon (Livy).
1869 (34) ❖ Engaged to Livy. The Innocents Abroad
an epileptic seizure(癫痫发作). ❖ His middle daughter Clara was married.
1910 (74) ❖ On April 21‚ died at Stormfield. ❖ buried in Elmira(埃尔迈拉). ❖ Halley’s comet visible from earth.
Mark Twain
马克·吐温(Mark Twain)简介马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens),是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。
他只有两个兄弟姊妹可以在童年过后幸存下来,他的那两个兄弟姊妹就是哥哥奥利安·克列门斯(OrionClemens)(1825年7月17日- 1897年12月11日)和姊姊帕梅拉(Pamela)(1827年9月19日- 1904年8月31日)。
他的母亲玛格丽特(Margaret)在他四岁时死去,而他的哥哥本杰明(Benjamin)(1832年6月8日- 1842年5月12日)在三年后亦死去了。
他的另一个哥哥Pleasant(1828年- 1829年)只活到吐温出生前三个月。
继这班年龄较马克·吐温大的兄弟姊妹之后,吐温又有一个弟弟--亨利·克列门斯(Henry Clemens)(1838年7月13日- 1858年6月21日)。
高级英语Lesson 6 Mark Twain课文翻译
Lesson 6 Mark Twain ---Mirror of America马克.吐温--美国的一面镜子(节选) 诺埃尔.格罗夫Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed,this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous,patriotic,romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.I found another Twain as well–one who grew cynical,bitter,saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him,a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race,who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.在大多数美国人的心目中,马克•吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克•费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆•索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。
Tramp printer,river pilot,Confederate guerrilla,prospector,starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic:The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life,digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days,signaling two fathoms (12feet)of water--a navigable depth.His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print,and translations are still read around the world.印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克•吐温原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。
• 《百万英镑》 The Million Pound Note • 《汤姆· 索亚历险记》 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer • 《哈克贝利· 费恩历险记》 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn • 《镀金时代》 Gilded Age • 《傻子旅行》
1、It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. 最好闭上嘴,让别人只是觉得你可能是个笨蛋, 而不是把张嘴说话,使他们完全确定。 2、To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. 生活的 成功需要两个因素:愚昧以及自信。 3、Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. 善良 是聋子能听,瞎子能看的语言。 4、The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become. 越是禁止的 事物越流行。 5、The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. 保持身体健康的唯一办法,就是吃点你不想吃的,喝点你不想喝的,以及做点你 不愿做的事情。
• 南北战争爆发之后他与哥哥穿越大平原区和洛矶山脉在内 华达当了一名矿工,这期间的旅行经历让他后来写成了 《卡城名蛙》。后来他当了记者并在1867年,在他往欧洲 和中东的旅程期间,写了1869年收集成的著名旅行信件系 列《傻子旅行》。他亦见了查尔斯· 兰登并看到兰登姐姐 欧丽维亚的相片。吐温对她立即一见钟情后来与她1869年 订婚,1870年结婚并孕有3个女儿1个儿子(不幸夭折)。 1904年,欧利维亚去世,吐温没有再婚。1907年,马 克· 吐温获得牛津大学的文学博士学位。
马克吐温 中英文介绍
His last works shows his acute pessimism, despair, skepticism determinism.
7) A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court
(1889) 《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》
8) A Million-Pound Note (1893) 《百万英镑》 9) Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894) 《傻瓜威尔逊》 10) The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg (1900)
Simple and plain diction, precise, direct.
Twain’s greatest fame and his importance in American literature rest largely on his two best known novels,
He used the artistic style of hyperbole on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that
His earlier works are light, humorous and optimistic.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆·索亚历险记 》
高级英语Lesson 6 Mark Twain课文翻译
Lesson 6 Mark Twain ---Mirror of America马克.吐温--美国的一面镜子(节选) 诺埃尔.格罗夫Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed,this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous,patriotic,romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.I found another Twain as well–one who grew cynical,bitter,saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him,a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race,who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.在大多数美国人的心目中,马克•吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克•费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆•索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。
Tramp printer,river pilot,Confederate guerrilla,prospector,starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic:The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life,digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days,signaling two fathoms (12feet)of water--a navigable depth.His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print,and translations are still read around the world.印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克•吐温原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。
that brought
him fame and
2) Innocents Abroad (1869) 《傻瓜出国记》
The book version of his travel sketches about Middle East, Europe, etc.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆·索亚历险记 》
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克费恩历险记 》
1) “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” (1865) 《加拉维加县有名 的跳蛙》
He used the artistic style of hyperbole on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that lay behind the humor.
But Tom has read many books and wants to make his life just as bright as it is depicted in the stories. He devises games in which the boys play the role of brave outlaws and warlike Red Indians who are the terror of the rich and the oppressors. One night the boys involuntarily witness the murder of Dr. Robinson. An innocent man is charged with the crime. But on the day of the trial Tom fearlessly exposes the real criminal the Indian Joe who escapes through an open window of the courtroom.
mark twain 生平简介英文
mark twain 生平简介英文马克;吐温,美国作家、演说家,美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,下面是给大家整理的mark twain 生平简介英文,供大家参阅!mark twain 简介Mark Twain, American writer, orator, the real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. "Mark Twain" is his pen name, which was originally used by the Mississippi sailors to indicate the depth of water measured on the fairway. Representative works are novels "million pounds", "Huckleberry Fein adventure", "Tom Sawyer Adventures" and so on.Mark Twain at the age of 12, his father died, he had to stop, to the factory as a small worker Later he changed a lot of occupation, had done the Mississippi River navigator, miners and journalists work. Gradually began to write some interesting pieces, began his own writing career. He died on April 21, 1910, and was buried in Emma, New York.Mark Twain wrote a large number of works, themes related to novels, scripts, prose, poetry and other aspects. From the content, his works criticize the irrational phenomenon or the ugliness of human nature, expressed theright of the workers and sailors who have a strong sense of justice and the concern of ordinary people; from the style that the experts And the average reader thinks that humor and satire are his writing features. He experienced the United States from the initial capitalist to the development of imperialism, its ideas and creation also showed from the joking to the spicy satire and then pessimistic stage of development, early to spicy irony, to the late language is more exposed TheMark Twain is the founder of American critique of realism literature, and his main works have mostly Chinese translations. In 2006, Mark Twain was rated by the authoritative journal of the United States, "Atlantic Monthly" as the impact of the United States 100 characters 16mark twain 人物经历November 30, 1835, Mark Twain was born in the United States, Missouri, Florida, rural poor lawyers family. He is the sixth of seven children in the family. His father is a local lawyer, income is meager, family constraints. Mark Twain had to work while attending school. He died at the age of eleven years, and from then on he began an independent labor life, first in the printing plant as an apprentice, served asdispatchers and typists, and later on the Mississippi River as a sailor and helmsman.In the autumn of 1839, Mark Twain moved to a port of the Mississippi River in Hannibal, Missouri, which became his later book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Curse of Juveniles" St. Petersburg city inspired. At that time, Missouri was the federal slave state, and the young Twain began to understand slavery, which became the subject of his later adventures. Mark Twain is a color blind, which aroused his humorous jokes in social circles.March 24, 1847 Mark Twain's father John Clemens died of pneumonia. In 1847, the family of the young Mark Twain began to do the printing apprentice, newsboy, typist workers, sailors, gold rush workers, journalists and so on.In 1851, Mark Twain became a typist worker, and also contributed, and began to his brother Oliver founded the "Hannibal magazine" (Hannibal Journal) to write a draft.May 1, 1852 in Boston's humorous weekly "handbag" published his debut "the colonists surprised the playboy."In 1858, Mark Twain returned to Missouri. In the nextMississippi River to New Orleans on the road, the ship's navigator "Bisi than" to Twain life as a ship navigator.In 1861 Oulai Si was sent by President Lincoln to the Western Nevada government as secretary, he went with, trying to operate in the wood industry and mining wealth, are unsuccessful, then turn to write articles for a living. 1862 worked in a newspaper in the city of Virginia in Nevada.In 1863, began using the "Mark Twain" pen name.In 1864, in San Francisco met humor writer Ah Ward and novelist Bu Hart, get their encouragement and help, improve the writing skills.1865 in a New York magazine published a humorous story "Caravelas County famous jump frog", so that he is famous throughout the country. Afterwards often write humorous articles for the press.1866 to Hawaii Island interview.In 1867, a local newspaper provided a boat trip to the Mediterranean region. During his journey to Europe and the Middle East, he wrote a series of famous travel letters "fool travels" that were collected in 1869. In themeantime, he met Charles Langdon and saw the picture of Langdon sister Olivia Langdon, and Twain loved her at first sight.In 1870 Mark Twain married New York a daughter of the capitalist, Olivia Langdon. Married living in Buffalo, their own editor issued "Express", a year after the loss of money due to excessive transfer.Published in 1872 "hard years" a book, reflecting his new development in the western region of the life experience, which recorded some anecdotes, especially the rich characteristics of the western United States humorous story.In 1873 he and Charles Werner co-wrote the "gold-plated era", is his first novel.In 1871 Mark Twain moved his family to Hartford, Connecticut, where he became a famous writer and a humorous speaker. After a few years is his harvest of the harvest era.In 1875 Mark Twain wrote about William Dean Howells, author of the Atlantic Monthly. He wrote seven articles in the early years on the Mississippi River as the subject of the helmsman, and wrote a book, "The Past of theMississippi River." Eight years later, he returned to his hometown, expanding the book into the "Mississippi River" (1883).In 1876, the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" was published. Although it is a small town on the Mississippi River as a background of the juvenile reading, but for any age readers love. The book of naughty Tom and his partner Huckleberry Finn and Tom's girlfriend Baker's Thatcher's many stories, many of the author's personal experience, there are many children's psychological interesting plot.In 1876 Mark Twain's other important novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, began writing in 1884. This novel has been highly praised by critics, by domestic and foreign readersOf the welcome, but also continue to be banned.In 1889 Mark Twain published the "Connecticut American Americans" on the "King Arthur's court," and the "prince and the poor" (1881) were satirical feudal and religious novels based on the British as the background.In 1894, Mark Twain wrote "The Fool Wilson",which shaped the image of a struggling female niggarox. Before and after this family, his family was unfortunate: two daughters died of illness, his wife's health also deteriorated; he invested in the manufacture of automatic typewriter failure and bankruptcy. In order to pay off his debts, he traveled to Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, India and South America.1896 published "Joan of Arc", it describes the 15th century French national hero hero Joan of Arc's life.1897 was written as "equatorial travel", which satirizes and condemns the imperialist oppression of the colonial people, against imperialism as the central idea of his subsequent creation.In 1898 Mark Twain paid off all the debts.In October 1900, after nearly ten years of leaving the United States living in Europe, he and his family returned to the United States, warmly welcomed and became the leader of the literary and art circles.After 1900, many of the works published, the edge has not yet cut.In 1904, his wife died in Italy. Mark Twain entered the final stage of the career. His early works such as "TheAdventures of Huckleberry Finn" have already expressed pessimism about "mankind" (indeed for the proletariat), and at this time became the subject of some of his works. (1906), the story of "mysterious visitor" (1916) and so on are reflected in the novella "Destroyed Hadley Fort" (1900), prose "how is it?" The most important work of his later years is his dictation, by his secretary transcribed "autobiography".April 21, 1910 Mark Twainin died of narrow heart disease.mark twain 生平简介英文。
马克吐温 中英文介绍
He used the artistic style of hyperbole on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that lay behind the humor.
马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日- 1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 是美国的幽默 大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19 世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。 2006年,沃伦被美国的权威期刊《大西洋月 刊》评为影响美国的100位人物之一(名列第 16位)。
His last works shows his acute pessimism, despair, skepticism determinism.
Simple and plain diction, precise, direct.
Twain’s greatest fame and his importance in American literature rest largely on his two best known novels,
高级英语mark twain课文结构
高级英语mark twain课文结构
Mark Twain是美国文学史上的重要作家,他的作品以幽默讽刺和对社会现象的批判而闻名。
一般来说,一篇关于Mark Twain的高级英语课文可能会包括以下结构:
1.引言:介绍Mark Twain的背景和时代背景,概括他的重要作品和文学贡献。
3.具体作品分析:选取Mark Twain的一部作品进行深入分析,可以从文学风格、人物塑造、题材、社会批判等方面展开讨论。
4.对比与评价:可以将Mark Twain的作品与其他作家或文学流派进行对比,展示他的独特之处,并进行一定的评价。
5.结论:总结文章的主要内容,强调Mark Twain对美国文学和世界文学的重要性,对读者留下深刻印象。
Mark twain
Mark twain
• 代表作: 代表作: • 《百万英镑》 百万英镑》 • 《汤姆索亚历险记》 汤姆索亚历险记》 • 写作风格 • 融幽默与讽刺一体,既富于独特的个 融幽默与讽刺一体,
人机智与妙语,又不乏深刻的社会洞察与 人机智与妙语, 剖析,既是幽默辛辣的小说杰作,又是悲 剖析,既是幽默辛辣的小说杰作, 天悯人的严肃!
• 马克 吐温(Mark 马克·吐温( 吐温 Twain,1835年11月30日 年 月 日 -1910年4月21日) 年 月 日 • 原名萨缪尔 兰亨 克莱门 原名萨缪尔.兰亨 兰亨.克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (射手座) 射手座) 射手座 • 美国的幽默大师、小说家、 美国的幽默大师、小说家、 作家,也是著名演说家, 作家,也是著名演说家, 19世纪后期美国现实主义 世纪后期美国现实主义 文学的杰出代表。 文学的杰出代表。
混蛋 马克·吐温有一次因为看不惯国会议员在国会通过某个法 马克 吐温有一次因为看不惯国会议员在国会通过某个法 案,因此在报纸上刊登了一个广告,上面写着:“国会议 因此在报纸上刊登了一个广告,上面写着: 员有一半是混蛋。 报纸一卖出,许多抗议电话随之而来, 员有一半是混蛋。”报纸一卖出,许多抗议电话随之而来, 这些国会议员可不认为自己是混蛋, 这些国会议员可不认为自己是混蛋,纷纷要求马克吐温更 马克吐温于是又刊登了一个更正: 我错了, 正。马克吐温于是又刊登了一个更正:“我错了,国会议 有一半不是混蛋。 意思则与原来相同。) 员,有一半不是混蛋。”(意思则与原来相同。) • 哈雷彗星 马克·吐温的一生似乎注定要带上传奇色彩 吐温的一生似乎注定要带上传奇色彩。 马克 吐温的一生似乎注定要带上传奇色彩。而命运的 来临,令他于1835年他降生的那一年,哈雷彗星曾划过 年他降生的那一年, 来临,令他于 年他降生的那一年 长空。后来,马克·吐温为自己预言 吐温为自己预言, 长空。后来,马克 吐温为自己预言,当1910年哈雷彗星 年哈雷彗星 再次出现时,他会随它离世。那年4月 日彗星果然出现 日彗星果然出现, 再次出现时,他会随它离世。那年 月19日彗星果然出现, 他也在第二天辞世。 他也在第二天辞世。
a texture of most local color literature,a kink of humor
tall tales (highly exaggerated)
Mark Twain’s Writing Features
◆ 2. Literature is an art of language. Mark Twain’s language is artistic and like a sharp weapon without doubt. Mark Twain is famous for his humor and satire. ◆ He used the artistic style of hyperbole(夸张法 )on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that lay behind the humor.
In Middle Ages
By 1900 Twain had become America’s foremost celebrity. He was invited to attend ship launchings, anniversary gatherings, political conventions, and countless dinners. Reporters met him at every port of call, anxious to print a new quip from the famous humorist. To enhance his image, he took to wearing white suits and loved to stroll down the street and see people staring at him.
Mark Twain
一位伟大的作家,一位优秀的演说家。 代表美国文学的世界一流作家。 他是怀有赤子之心的勇士,亦是仗义执剑的
“现在全中国都站起来了,我的同情完全在中国人 民方面。欧洲的匪徒们曾经欺凌他们多年,我希望 他们能把外国人都轰走,永远不让他们再回去。” “我就是义和团。义和团人是爱国的,我祝他们胜 利。” “为什么列强不退出中国,让中国自主地处理自己 的事务呢?事情都是外国人闹出来的,只要他们能 滚出去,那是多么大的好事。” ——1900
Mark Twain
马克· 吐温(Mark
Twain,1835年11月30日 -1910年4月21日),原名Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens),是美国的 幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家, 19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。 威廉· 福克纳称赞马克· 吐温为“第一位真正的 美国作家,我们都是继承他而来”。
美国小伙子亨利· 亚当斯在伦 敦的一次奇遇。伦敦的两位 富翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法 兑现的百万大钞借给亨利, 看他在一个月 内如何收场。 一个月的期限到了,亨利不 仅没有饿死或被捕,反倒成 了富翁,并且赢得了一位漂 亮小姐的芳心,在兄弟那里 也获得了一份工作。
《百万英镑》剧照 派克
《王子与贫儿》 《苦行记》 《竞选州长》 《三万元遗产》 《坏孩子的故事》 《火车上的嗜人事件》 《好孩子的故事》 《密西西比河上的生涯》
融幽默与讽刺于一体,既富于独特的个人机智与妙 语,又不乏深刻的社会洞察与剖析,既是幽默辛辣 的小说杰作,又有悲天悯人的严肃。 马克· 吐温是著名的幽默讽刺作家,他的幽默讽 刺风格别具特色。 鲁迅评价马克· 吐温是位伟大的幽默家,而在幽默中 又含着哀怨,含着讽刺,则是不甘于这样的缘故了。 马克· 吐温自己则说:“不能一味幽默,要有更高的 理想。” 马克· 吐温的幽默讽刺不仅仅是针砭时弊, 而且是以夸张手法,将它放大了给人看,希望社会 变得更完善、更理想。
3 被誉为“美国文学的
先驱”和“美国幽默 的教父”
《Mark-Twain简介》PPT 课件
马克·吐温,原名塞缪尔·克莱门斯·卡尔顿(Samuel Clemens),是美国著名 作家、记者和演说家。他以他的幽默风格和生动的叙事能力而闻名,被誉为 “美国文学的先驱”和“美国幽默的教父”。
M ark Twain
1 参与社会革命运动, 2 独具一格的幽默风
1 《汤姆·索耶历险记》
2 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》
这部经典小说以其幽默和充满冒险精神的 故事而闻名,一直是儿童文学中的经典之 作。
这本小说以其对奴隶制度和社会问题的敏 锐观察而闻名,被视为美国文学的重要作 品。
3 《镀金时代》
这本书是马克·吐温的自传体小说,描绘 了他在西部冒险时的生活经历。
马克•吐温Mark Twain人物简介Character brief introduction美国作家。
密西西比河上 4 年领港生活使他熟悉各式各样的人。
American writer. Samuel Lang He grace Clemence. In November 30, 1835 Samuel Lang He en Clemence ( . Mark Twain's real name) was born in Missouri, florida. The father is John Marshall Clemence pro, mother was Jane Lampton Clemence, Samuel and their fifth children. John Clemence is a junior magistrate, a meagre income. The autumn of 1839 moved the family to Missouri, hannibal. In March 24, 1843 Samuel Clemence's father John Clemence died of pneumonia. At the age of 12 due to his father 's death drop, to a printer's apprentice, a slightly larger one will go out to look for a job. At the age of 21, on the ship's pilot life had great interest, decided to learn. The Mississippi River on 4 years of pilot life made him familiar with every kind of people. This experience for his future creation provides many material. In 1861, the outbreak of the civil war, with his brother to Nevada; the first involved in prospecting craze, to a newspaper, during this period, Mark Twain has worked as a printing apprentice, NEWSBOY, typesetter, seaman, mining workers, journalists, from the beginning of his career. April 21, 1910 died in connecticut.马克•吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。
Mark Twain
Major works
A Tramp Abroad 1880 《一个流浪汉在国外》 Innocents Abroad 1832《傻子出国记》 The Prince and Pauper 1833《王子与平民》 Following the Equator 1897《赤道旅行记》 Extracts from Adam‘s Diary 1904 《亚当的日记摘录》 What Is Man? 1906《人是什么?》 The $30,000 Bequest 1906《三万元遗产》 The Mysterious of Stranger 1916 《神秘的陌生人》 The Stolen White Elephant 《丢失的白象》
Major works
Roughing It (1872) 《艰难岁月》 The Gilded Age (1873) 《镀金年代》 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) 《汤姆索亚历险记》 Life on the Mississippi(1883) 《密西西比河上的生活》 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889) 《亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》 Pudd’n head Wilson (1894)《傻瓜威尔逊》 The Man That Corrupted Hadlery burry (1900) 《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》
19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段, 马克· 吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,如《赤道 环行记》(1897)、中篇小说《败坏了哈德莱 堡的人》(1900)、等的批判揭露意义也逐渐 减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长,马克· 吐 温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。
Mark Twain 马克吐温
It serves as a vivid criticism of the following social defects: Rigid school education False religious preach Reserved local life
哈克贝利· 费恩历险记
Artistic Features of Humor
2. Caricature (comic details)
Smiley a mare … and kicking up m-o-r-e dust and raising m-o-r-e racket with her coughing and sneezing and blowing her nose — and always fetch up at the stand just about ahead, as near as you could cipher it down. (PP69-70)”
哈克贝利过惯了自由散漫的流浪生活,现在做了寡 妇道格拉斯的养子,成天穿挺阔的衣服,学习没完 没了的清规戒律,实在令人难熬。一天,哈克贝利 的失踪了一年多的酒鬼父亲突然出现,强迫儿子乘 小船到一个避远林子小屋与他同住。结束循规蹈矩 的生活,到林子里捉鱼打猎,自由自在,哈克贝利 当然高兴。但是父亲逼他交出与汤姆平分的那笔钱 财,喝醉发起酒疯时又常常打他,实在令人无法忍 受。于是他趁父亲上镇卖木材的机会,先安排了一 个自己被淹死的假象,然后就偷了小划子,逃到了 杰克逊岛上躲了起来。
Mark Twain (1836-1910)
• 马克· 吐温是第一位真正的美国作家,我们都是 • (威廉· 福克纳) • 一切当代美国文学都起源于马克· 吐温一本叫? • (厄内斯特· 海明威) • 我喜欢马克· 吐温——谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是
Mark Twain作者、写作风格及代表作简介
Mark Twain's(1835-1910) real name was Samuel Clemens."Mark Twain", which means"watermark two", was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. Mark Twain was a great American writer, and he was also a famous speaker. Twain was born in Florida and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother's tender care, he managed to survive. As a boy, he didn't like to go to school, and he constantly ran away from home. He used to be a journey man printer at the age of 18 and a pilot in the Mississippi River. His first novel, The Gilded Age, written in collaboration with Charles Dudley Warner, was an artistic failure.In 1867, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1867), a collection of short stories, makes Mark Twain's national reputation now well established as "the wild humorist of the Pacific slope". Twain's humour are always hoax, puns, tall tales, straight-faced exaggeration, anti-climax and tricks of travesty and invective. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was an immediate success as "a boy's book" when it was published; its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which Twain wrote some years later, became his masterwork, the one book from which, as Ernest Hemingway noted, "all modern American literature comes."The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written with the idea of lost boyhood. Twain used the first person narration. It is Mark Twain’s greatest achievement. It presents the world’s view of America and has a profound impact on the development of American writing. Twain's influences on American writers of the 20th century was his presentation of native American material, his art of the vernacular idiom, his departure from the tradition of the 19th century gentility, and his sense of alienation. This novel shows Twain's satire on southern culture before the Civil War, around 1850, when the Mississippi V alley was still being settled. Twain condemned racial discrimination. It also shows his satire on the poor whites, their ludicrous idea—they were white and they were better than black slaves, and that his satire on the genteel upper-class southerners—a very aristocratic life and being violent accepting their violence as right. The novel uses vernacular language, unpretentious, colloquial, and poetic style and the directness of the language. Twain depicted social life through descriptions of local places and people he knew best.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the major achievements of his art—the carefully controlled point of view, with its implicit ironies expressed through the voice of a semiliterate boy; the masterful use of dialects; the felicitous balancing of nostalgic romanticism and realism, humor and pathos, innocence and evil. This novel shows his ability to capture the enduring, archetypal, mythic images of America and to create the most memorable characters in all of American fiction.。
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Some of Twain’s sayings
1.Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.每个人都像月亮,有着
从来不让任何人看见的黑暗面。 2.Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. 善良是一种聋子能听见、盲人能看见 的语言。 3.The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody up. 让自己高兴的最好的办法就是设法让别 人高兴起来。
His humorous tales of human nature shows especially in the works of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Other Twain classics include The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, Life on the Mississippi, A Connecticut [kə‘netikət] Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, The Innocents Abroad, The Prince and the Pauper(王子与贫儿), The Million Pound Note(百万英 镑)and so on.
His Life
1.Mark Twain was raised in Hannibal ['hænibəl] , Missouri and as a young man held many jobs which included a printer's apprentice, a Mississippi riverboat pilot, and an newspaperman. 2. In his own day Twain was a tremendously popular figure and a celebrated public speaker who toured widely.
His View :a famous humanist
1.Twain was an anti-imperialist(反帝国主义者). 2.Twain believed in that everyone is equal and was a supporter of Women’s Rights and an active campaigner for Women’s Suffrage(女性选
That’s all!
Thank you!
3.Twain supported the Labor Movement. 4.Twain was opposed to the vivisection(活体解剖) practices of his day.
Mark Twain was a friend of the Chinese. He was not indifferent either to the Chinese immigrants persecuted in America or to a China suffering intense agonies of humiliation and 肢解,分割) dismemberment(肢解,分割)by imperialist powers. Mark Twain should be remembered both as a great literary artist and a great humanist in the history of the United States.
Mark Twain
--Mirrorme: Samuel Langhorne Clemens Born: November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri [mi‘zuəri] , U.S. Died: April 21, 1910 (aged 74, heart failure) Notable works: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Others’ comments on Twain
W. D. Howells called Mark Twain “the Lincoln of our literature.” President William Howard Taft said: "Mark Twain gave pleasure – real intellectual enjoyment – to millions, and his works will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come... His humor was American, but he was nearly as much appreciated by Englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen. He has made an enduring part of American literature."
His Works
Twain began his career writing light, humorous verse, but evolved into a chronicler [‘krɔniklə]记录者;年代史编者of the vanities(空虚), hypocrisies [hi’pɔkrisi]虚伪;伪善and murderous acts of mankind. At mid-career, with Huckleberry Finn, he combined rich humor, sturdy narrative (完整的叙事) and social criticism. Twain helped to create and popularize a distinctive American literature built on American themes and language.
3.Twain married the Olivia Langdon in 1870 and they had 3 daughters; Olivia died in 1904, and the melancholy(忧郁的,使 人悲伤的)tone of Twain's later writings is often attributed to his depression over her death. 4.Twain was born and died in years in which Halley’s Comet(哈 哈 雷彗星) 雷彗星 passed by Earth: 1835 and 1910.