
用尽心机不如静心做事数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理 axiom 定理 theorem 计算calculation 算 operation 证明 prove 假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题 proposition 算术 arithmetic 加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数 augend, summand 加数 addend 和 sum 减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数 minuend 减数 subtrahend 差 remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数 multiplicand, faciend 乘数 multiplicator 积 product 除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数 dividend 除数 divisor 商 quotient 等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于 is greater than 小于 is lesser than 大于等于 is equal or greater than 小于等于 is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 平均数mean 算术平均数arithmatic mean 几何平均数geometric mean n个数之积的n次方根倒数(reciprocal) x的倒数为1/x 有理数 rational number 无理数 irrational number 实数 real number 虚数 imaginary number 数字 digit 数 number 自然数 natural number 整数 integer 小数 decimal 小数点 decimal point 分数 fraction 分子 numerator 分母 denominator 比ratio 正 positive 负 negative 零 null, zero, nought, nil 十进制 decimal system 二进制 binary system 十六进制 hexadecimal system 权 weight, significance 进位 carry 截尾 truncation 四舍五入 round 下舍入 round down 上舍入 round up 有效数字 significant digit 无效数字 insignificant digit 代数 algebra 公式 formula, formulae(pl.) 单项式 monomial 多项式polynomial, multinomial 系数 coefficient 未知数 unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式 equation 一次方程 simple equation 二次方程quadratic equation 三次方程 cubic equation 四次方程 quartic equation 不等式 inequation 阶乘 factorial 对数 logarithm 指数,幂 exponent 乘方power 二次方,平方 square 三次方,立方 cube 四次方 the power of four, the fourth power n次方 the power of n, the nth power 开方 evolution, extraction 二次方根,平方根 square root 三次方根,立方根 cube root 四次方根 the root of four, the fourth root n次方根 the root of n, the nth root sqrt(2)=1.414 sqrt(3)=1.732sqrt(5)=2.236 常量 constant 变量 variable 坐标系 coordinates 坐标轴x-axis, y-axis, z-axis 横坐标 x-coordinate 纵坐标 y-coordinate 原点origin 象限quadrant 截距(有正负之分)intercede (方程的)解solution 几何geometry 点 point 线 line 面 plane 体 solid 线段 segment 射线 radial 平行 parallel 相交 intersect 角 angle 角度 degree 弧度 radian锐角 acute angle 直角 right angle 钝角 obtuse angle 平角 straight angle 周角perigon 底 base 边 side 高 height 三角形 triangle 锐角三角形 acute triangle 直角三角形 right triangle 直角边 leg 边 hypotenuse 勾股定理Pythagorean theorem 钝角三角形 obtuse triangle 不等边三角形 scalene triangle 等腰三角形 isosceles triangle 等边三角形 equilateral triangle 四边形 quadrilateral 平行四边形 parallelogram 矩形 rectangle 长 length 宽 width 周长 perimeter 面积 area 相似 similar 全等 congruent 三角trigonometry 正弦 sine 余弦 cosine 正切 tangent 余切 cotangent 正割secant 余割 cosecant 反正弦 arc sine 反余弦 arc cosine 反正切 arc tangent 反余切 arc cotangent 反正割 arc secant 反余割 arc cosecant集合aggregate 元素 element 空集 void 子集 subset 交集 intersection 并集union 补集 complement 映射 mapping 函数 function 定义域 domain, field of definition 值域 range 单调性 monotonicity 奇偶性 parity 周期性periodicity 图象 image 数列,级数 series 微积分 calculus 微分differential 导数 derivative 极限 limit 无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.) 无穷小 infinitesimal 积分 integral 定积分 definite integral 不定积分indefinite integral 复数 complex number 矩阵 matrix 行列式 determinant 圆 circle 圆心 centre(BrE), center(AmE) 半径 radius 直径 diameter 圆周率 pi 弧 arc 半圆 semicircle 扇形 sector 环 ring 椭圆 ellipse 圆周 circumference 轨迹 locus, loca(pl.) 平行六面体parallelepiped 立方体 cube 七面体 heptahedron 八面体 octahedron 九面体enneahedron 十面体 decahedron 十一面体 hendecahedron 十二面体dodecahedron 二十面体 icosahedron 多面体 polyhedron 旋转 rotation 轴axis 球 sphere 半球 hemisphere 底面 undersurface 表面积 surface area 体积 volume 空间 space 双曲线 hyperbola 抛物线 parabola 四面体 tetrahedron 五面体 pentahedron 六面体 hexahedron菱形 rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond 正方形 square 梯形 trapezoid 直角梯形 right trapezoid 等腰梯形isosceles trapezoid 五边形 pentagon 六边形 hexagon 七边形 heptagon 八边形 octagon 九边形 enneagon 十边形 decagon 十一边形 hendecagon 十二边形dodecagon 多边形 polygon 正多边形 equilateral polygon 相位 phase 周期period 振幅 amplitude 内心 incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE) 外心excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE) 旁心 escentre(BrE), escenter(AmE) 垂心orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE) 重心 barycentre(BrE), barycenter(AmE) 内切圆 inscribed circle 外切圆 circumcircle 统计 statistics 平均数average 加权平均数 weighted average 方差 variance 标准差 root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation 比例 propotion 百分比 percent 百分点 percentage 百分位数 percentile 排列 permutation 组合 combination 概率,或然率 probability 分布 distribution 正态分布 normal distribution 非正态分布 abnormal distribution 图表 graph 条形统计图 bar graph 柱形统计图 histogram 折线统计图 broken line graph 曲线统计图 curve diagram 扇形统计图 pie diagram abscissa 横坐标 absolute value 绝对值 acute angle 锐角 adjacent angle 邻角 addition 加 algebra 代数 altitude 高 angle bisector 角平分线 arc 弧 area 面积 arithmetic mean 算术平均值(总和除以总数) arithmetic progression 等差数列(等差级数) arm 直角三角形的股 at 总计(乘法) average 平均值 base 底 be contained in 位于...上 bisect 平分center 圆心 chord 弦 circle 圆形 circumference 圆周长 circumscribe 外切,外接 clockwise 顺时针方向 closest approximation 最相近似的combination 组合 common divisor 公约数,公因子 common factor 公因子complementary angles 余角(二角和为90度) composite number 合数(可被除1及本身以外其它的数整除) concentric circle 同心圆 cone 圆锥(体积,1/3*pi*r*r*h) congruent 全等的 consecutive integer 连续的整数coordinate 坐标的 cost 成本 counterclockwise 逆时针方向 cube 1.立方数 2.立方体(体积,a*a*a 表面积,6*a*a) cylinder 圆柱体 decagon 十边形 decimal 小数 decimal point 小数点 decreased 减少 decrease to 减少到 decrease by 减少了 degree 角度 define 1.定义 2.化简 denominator 分母 denote 代表,表示 depreciation 折旧 distance 距离 distinct 不同的 dividend 1. 被除数 2.红利 divided evenly 被除数 divisible 可整除的 division 1.除 2.部分divisor 除数 down payment 预付款,定金 equation 方程 equilateral triangle 等边三角形 even number 偶数 expression 表达 exterior angle 外角face (立体图形的)某一面 factor 因子 fraction 1.分数 2.比例 geometric mean 几何平均值(N个数的乘积再开N次方) geometric progression 等比数列(等比级数) have left 剩余 height 高 hexagon 六边形 hypotenuse 斜边improper fraction 假分数 increase 增加 increase by 增加了 increase to 增加到 inscribe 内切,内接 intercept 截距 integer 整数 interest rate 利率in terms of... 用...表达 interior angle 内角 intersect 相交 irrational无理数 isosceles triangle 等腰三角形 least common multiple 最小公倍数least possible value 最小可能的值 leg 直角三角形的股 length 长 listprice 标价 margin 利润 mark up 涨价 mark down 降价 maximum 最大值 median, medium 中数(把数字按大小排列,若为奇数项,则中间那项就为中数,若为偶数项,则中间两项的算术平均值为中数。

数学专业英语词汇大全Aa priori bound 先验界限a priori distribution 先验分布a priori probability 先验概率a summable a可和的abacus 算盘/ˈæbəkəs/abbreviate 略abbreviation 简化abel equation 阿贝耳方程abel identity 阿贝耳恒等式abel inequality 阿贝耳不等式abel summation method 阿贝耳求和法abelian algebra 阿贝耳代数/ˈældʒəbrə/abelian differential 阿贝耳微分/ˌdɪfəˈrenʃəl◂/abelian equation 阿贝耳方程abelian extension 阿贝耳扩张abelian function 阿贝耳函数abelian function field 阿贝耳函数域abelian functor 阿贝耳函子abelian group 交换群abelian groupoid 阿贝耳广群abelian integral 阿贝耳积分/ˈɪntəɡrəl/abelian summation 阿贝耳求和法abelian theorem 阿贝耳定理abelian variety 阿贝耳簇abridge 略abridged notation 简算记号/əˈbrɪdʒd/abscissa 横坐标[æbˈsɪsə]abscissa of absolute convergence 绝对收敛坐标[kənˈvɜːdʒəns] abscissa of summability 可和性坐标abscissa of uniform convergence 一致收敛横坐标absolute 绝对形absolute address 绝对地址absolute class field 绝对类域absolute coding 绝对编码absolute cohomology 绝对上同调absolute conic 绝对二次曲线absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute curvature vector 绝对曲率向量absolute deviation 绝对偏差absolute differential calculus 绝对微分学absolute error 绝对误差absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute extremum 绝对极值absolute frequency 绝对频率absolute geometry 绝对几何[dʒiˈɒmətri]absolute homology group 绝对同岛absolute homotopy group 绝对同伦群absolute inequality 绝对不等式absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大值absolute minimum 绝对极小值absolute moment 绝对矩absolute neighborhood 绝对邻域absolute neighborhood retract 绝对邻域收缩核absolute norm 绝对范数absolute number 不名数absolute parallelism 绝对平行性absolute quadric 绝对二次曲面absolute ramification index 绝对分歧指数[ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] absolute rotation 绝对旋转absolute singular homology group 绝对奇异同岛absolute space 绝对空间absolute space time 绝对时空absolute stability 绝对稳定性absolute term 常数项absolute unit 绝对单位absolute value 绝对值absolute value sign 绝对值符号absolute velocity 绝对速度[vəˈlɒsəti]absolutely additive measure 完全加性测度absolutely compact set 绝对紧集absolutely complete system 绝对完备系absolutely continuous 绝对连续的[kənˈtɪnjuəs]absolutely continuous distribution 绝对连续分布absolutely continuous function 绝对连续函数absolutely continuous measure 绝对连续测度absolutely continuous part 绝对连续部分absolutely continuous transformation 绝对连续变换absolutely convergent 绝对收敛的absolutely convergent integral 绝对收敛积分absolutely convergent series 绝对收敛级数absolutely convex hull 绝对凸包[ˈkɒnveks]absolutely discontinuous function 绝对不连续函数absolutely integrable 绝对可积的absolutely irreducible character 绝对不可约特征[ˌɪrɪˈdjuːsəbl] absolutely irreducible representation 绝对不可约表示absolutely irreducible variety 绝对不可约簇absolutely normal number 绝对范数absolutely prime ideal 绝对素理想absolutely semisimple algebra 绝对半单代数absolutely simple group 绝对单群absolutely summable sequence 绝对可和序列absolutely unbiased estimator 绝对无偏估计量[ˈɛstɪmeɪtə] absolutely unramified extension 绝对非分歧扩张absorbing barrier 吸收障碍absorbing medium 吸收媒体absorbing set 吸收集absorbing state 吸收态absorption 吸收[əbˈzɔːpʃn]absorption coefficient 吸收系数[ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt]absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收因数absorption index 吸收指数absorption law 吸收律absorption probability 吸收概率abstract 抽象的abstract algebra 抽象代数abstract algebraic geometry 抽象代数几何[ˌældʒɪˈbreɪɪk] abstract automaton 抽象自动机[ɔːˈtɒmətən]abstract category 抽象范畴abstract code 理想码abstract complex 抽象复形abstract group 抽象群abstract interval function 抽象区间函数abstract mathematics 抽象数学abstract number 不名数abstract ordered simplicial complex 抽象有序单纯复形abstract simplex 抽象单形abstract simplicial subcomplex 抽象单子复形abstract space 抽象空间abstraction 抽象abstraction operator 抽象算子absurd 谬论的[əbˈsɜːd]absurdity 谬论[əbˈsɜːdɪti]abundance ratio 丰度比abundant number 过剩数accelerated motion 加速运动acceleration 加速度acceleration of convergence 收敛性的加速acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceptable quality level 合格质量水平acceptance 肯定acceptance inspection 接受检查acceptance limit 接受界限acceptance line 接受线acceptance number 接受数acceptance probability 接受概率acceptance region 接受区域acceptance zone 接受带access 存取access speed 存取速度access time 存取时间accessibility 可达性accessible boundary point 可达边界点accessible ordinal number 可达序数[ˈɔːdɪnl] accessible point 可达点accessible set 可达集accessible vertex 可达顶点[ˈvɜːteks]accessory extremal 配连极值[əkˈsesəri]accidental 偶然的accidental coincidence 偶然符合accidental error 随机误差accommodation 第accumulated error 累积误差accumulating point 聚点accumulation 累积accumulation point 聚点accumulator 累加器存储器accuracy 准确性accuracy grade 准确度accuracy of measurement 测量精确度accuracy rating 准确度acnod 孤点acount 计算action integral 酌积分action variable 酌变量active restriction 有效限制actual 真实的actual infinity 实无穷[ɪnˈfɪnəti]acute 尖锐的[əˈkjuːt] adj. 十分严重的;(疾病)急性的;灵敏的acute angle 锐角acute angled triangle 锐角三角形acute triangle 锐角三角形acuteness 锐度acyclic 非循环的[ˌeɪˈsaɪklɪk]acyclic complex 非循环复形acyclic graph 环道自由图acyclic model theorem 非循环模型定理ad infinitum 无穷地[ɪnfɪˈnaɪtəm]adams circle 阿达姆斯圆adams extrapolation method 阿达姆斯外插法adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adapted basis 适应基add 加added circuit 加法电路addend 加数adder 加法器addition 加法addition formulas 加法公式addition sign 加号addition system 加法系addition table 加法表addition theorem 加法定理addition theorem of probability 概率的加法定理additional 加法的additional code 附加代码additional condition 附加条件additional error 附加误差additive 加法的additive category 加性范畴additive class 加性类additive functional 加性泛函数additive functional transformation 加性泛函变换additive group 加法群additive interval function 加性区间函数additive inverse element 加性逆元素additive number theory 堆垒数论additive operator 加性算子additive process 加性过程additive relation 加性关系additive separable 加法可分的additive theory of numbers 堆垒数论additive valuation 加法赋值additively commutative ordinal numbers 加性交换序数additivity 加法性address 地址address part 地址部分address register 地址寄存器addressing 指定箱位adele 阿代尔adele group 阿代尔群adequate 适合的adherent point 触点[ədˈhɪərənt]adhesion 附着[ədˈhiːʒn]adjacency 邻接adjacency matrix 邻接矩阵[ˈmeɪtrɪks]adjacent angles 邻角adjacent edge 邻棱adjacent side 邻边adjacent supplementary angles 邻角adjacent vertex 邻顶adjoint boundary value problem 伴随边值问题adjoint determinant 伴随行列式[dɪˈtɜːmɪnənt] n. 决定因素;决定条件adjoint difference equation 伴随差分方程adjoint differential equation 伴随微分方程adjoint differential expression 伴随微分式adjoint form 伴随形式adjoint function 伴随函数adjoint functor 伴随函子adjoint graph 导出图adjoint group 伴随群adjoint hilbert problem 伴随希耳伯特问题adjoint integral equation 伴随积分方程adjoint kernel 伴随核[ˈkɜːnl]adjoint linear map 伴随线性映射adjoint matrix 伴随阵adjoint operator 伴随算子adjoint process 伴随过程adjoint representation 伴随表示adjoint space 伴随空间adjoint surface 伴随曲面adjoint system 伴随系adjoint system of differential equations 微分方程的伴随系adjoint transformation 伴随算子adjoint vector 伴随向量adjunct 代数余子式[ˈædʒʌŋkt]adjunction 附加adjunction of an identity element 单位元的附加adjustable point 可胆点adjustment 蝶?admissibility limit 容许界限admissible 容许的[ədˈmɪsəbl]admissible category 容许范畴admissible chart 容许图admissible control 可行控制admissible decision function 容许判决函数admissible decision rule 容许判决函数admissible deformation 容许形变admissible domain 容许区域admissible function 容许函数admissible homomorphism 容许同态admissible hypothesis 容许假设admissible lifting 容许提升admissible map 容许映射admissible sequence 容许序列admissible space 容许空间admissible strategy 容许策略admissible subgroup 容许子群admissible test 容许检定admissible value 容许值affine algebraic set 仿射代数集[əˈfaɪn]affine collineation 仿射直射变换affine connection 仿射联络affine coordinates 平行坐标affine curvature 仿射曲率affine differential geometry 仿射微分几何学affine distance 仿射距离affine figure 仿射图形affine function 仿射函数affine geometry 仿射几何学affine group 仿射群affine group scheme 仿射群概型[skiːm] affine isothermal net 仿射等温网[ˌaɪsəʊˈθɜːməl] affine length 仿射长度affine line 仿射直线affine normal 仿射法线affine parameter 仿射参数[pəˈræmɪtə(r)] 决定因素;规范;范围affine principal curvature 仿射助率affine rational transformation 仿射有理变换affine space 仿射空间affine sphere 仿射球面affine surface 仿射曲面affine transformation 仿射变换affine variety 仿射簇affinely connected manifold 仿射连通廖[ˈmænɪfəʊld]affinely connected space 仿射连通空间affinity 仿射变换[əˈfɪnəti] n. 喜好;喜爱;密切的关系;类同affirmation 肯定affirmative proposition 肯定命题affix 附标[əˈfɪks , ˈæfɪks]after effect 后效酌aggregate 集aggregation 聚合agreement 一致air coordinates 空间坐标airy function 亚里函数airy integral 亚里积分aitken interpolation 艾特肯插值[ɪnˌtɜːpəˈleɪʃn]aitken interpolation formula 艾特肯插值公式albanese variety 阿尔巴内斯簇aleph 阿列夫aleph zero 阿列夫零alexander cohomology module 亚历山大上同担alexander cohomology theory 亚历山大上同帝alexander matrix 亚历山大阵alexander polynomial 亚历山大多项式[ˌpɒli'nəʊmiəl]algebra 代数学algebra of events 事件场algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of tensors 张量代数algebra over k 环k上的代数algebraic 代数的algebraic adjunction 代数的附加algebraic affine variety 仿射代数集algebraic algebra 代数的代数algebraic branch point 代数分歧点algebraic calculus 代数计算algebraic closure 代数闭包algebraic closureoperator 代数闭包算子algebraic complement 代数余子式algebraic cone 代数锥[kəʊn]algebraic correspondence 代数对应algebraic curve 代数曲线algebraic equation 代数方程algebraic expression 代数式algebraic extension 代数扩张algebraic form 代数形式algebraic fraction 代数分式algebraic function 代数函数algebraic function field 代数函数域algebraic geometry 代数几何学algebraic group 代数群algebraic hull 代数包algebraic hypersurface of the seconed order 二阶代数超曲面algebraic integer 代数整数algebraic irrational number 代数无理数algebraic lie algebra 代数的李代数algebraic logic of pocket calculator 袖珍计算机的代数逻辑algebraic multiplicity 代数重度algebraic number 代数数algebraic number field 代数数域algebraic number theory 代数数论algebraic operation 代数运算algebraic polynomial 代数多项式algebraic singularity 代数奇点algebraic space 代数空间algebraic spiral 代数螺线algebraic structure 代数结构algebraic sum 代数和algebraic surface 代数曲面algebraic system 代数系algebraic variety 代数簇algebraically closed field 代数闭域algebraically dependent elements 代数相关元algebraically equivalent 代数等价的algebraically independent elements 代数无关元algebraization 代数化algebro geometric 代数几何的algebroid function 代数体函数algebroidal function 代数体函数algorithm 算法[ˈælɡərɪðəm]algorithm of division 辗转相除法algorithm of euclid 欧几里得算法[ˈjuːklɪd]algorithm theory 算法论algorithmic language 算法语言algorithmization 算法化aligned systematic sampling 列系统抽样[ˈsɑːmplɪŋ] alignment chart 列线图aliquot part 整除部分[ˈælɪkwɒt]alligation 混合法allocation problem 配置问题allowable 容许的allowable defects 容许靠allowable error 容许误差allowance 允许almost all 几乎处处almost bounded function 殆有界函数almost certain convergence 几乎必然收敛almost complex manifold 殆复廖[ˈmænɪfəʊld]almost convergent sequence 殆收敛序列almost equivalent 殆等价almost everywhere 几乎处处almost impossible event 殆不可能事件almost invariant set 殆不变集almost periodic function 殆周期函数almost periodicity 殆周期性almost significant 殆显著的alpha capacity 容量alpha limit set 极限集alphabetical 字母的alphanumeric 字母数字式[ˌælfənjuːˈmerɪk]alphanumeric representation of information 信息的字母数字表示alternate angles 错角[ɔːlˈtɜːnət , ˈɔːltəneɪt , ˈɔːltɜːnət] alternating chain 交错链alternating differential form 外微分形式alternating differential of differential form 微分形式的交错微分alternating direction method 交替方向法alternating form 交错形式alternating function 反对称函数alternating group 交错群alternating harmonic series 莱布尼兹级数alternating knot 交错纽结alternating matrix 交错矩阵alternating method 交错法alternating product 外积alternating sequence 交错序列alternating series 交错级数alternating series test 交错级数检验alternating sum 交错和alternating tensor 交错张量alternating tensor density 交错张量密度alternating tree 交错树alternation 交错alternative 交错;择一alternative algebra 交错代数alternative field 交错域alternative hypothesis 择一假设alternative normal form 析取范式alternative proposition 选言命题altitude 高度altitude theorem 高度定理amalgamated product 融合积[əˈmælɡəmeɪtɪd] amalgamated subcategory 融和子范畴amalgamation 合并[əˌmælɡəˈmeɪʃn]ambient space 环绕空间[ˈæmbiənt]ambiguous point 歧点amicable numbers 亲和数amount 量amphicheiral knot 双向纽结ample divisor 丰富除子amplitude 振幅;角amplitude of a complex number 复数角analog computer 模拟计算机analogous 类似的analogue display 相似表示analogue method 相似法analogy 类似analysis 数学分析analysis of time series 时间序列分析analysis of variance 方差分析[ˈveəriəns] analytic 分析的analytic arc 解析弧analytic completion 解析开拓analytic continuation 解析开拓analytic curve 解析曲线analytic dynamics 分析动力学analytic expression 解析式analytic function 分析函数analytic function of several variables 多元解析函数analytic geometry 分析几何学analytic index 解析指数analytic manifold 解析廖analytic method 解析法analytic prime number theory 解析素数论analytic proof 解析证明analytic proposition 解析命题analytic set 解析集analytic space 解析空间analytic transformation 解析变换analytical differential 解析微分analytical geometry 分析几何学analytical hierarchy 解析分层[ˈhaɪərɑːki] analytical mapping 全纯映射analytical transformation 全纯映射analytically continuable 可解析开拓的analytically independent 解析无关的analytically irreducible variety 解析不可约簇analytically representable function 解析可表示的函数anastigmatic 去象散的anchor ring 环面ancillary statistic 辅助统计量[ænˈsɪləri]and circuit 与电路andre permutation 安得列置换[ˌpɜːmjuˈteɪʃn] andre polynomial 安得列多项式anger function 安格尔函数angle 角angle at center 圆心角angle between chord and tangent 弦和切线的角angle function 角函数angle of 落后角angle of advance 超前角angle of attack 迎角angle of contact 接触角angle of contingence 切线角angle of declination 俯角angle of diffraction 衍射角[dəˈfrækʃən]angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 斜角angle of intersection 相交角angle of lead 超前角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of rotation 旋转角angle of torsion 挠率角[ˈtɔːʃn]angle preserving 保角的angle preserving map 保角映象angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular coefficient 角系数angular coordinates 角坐标angular correlation 角相关angular derivative 角微商[dɪˈrɪvətɪv]angular dispersion 角色散angular displacement 角位移angular distance 角距angular distribution 角分布angular domain 角域angular excess 角盈angular frequency 角频率angular magnification 角放大率angular measure 角测度angular metric 角度量angular momentum 角动量[məˈmentəm] angular momentum conservation law 角动量守恒律angular motion 角运动angular neighborhood 角邻域angular transformation 角变换angular unit 角的单位angular velocity 角速度anharmonic oscillation 非低振动[ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃn] anharmonic ratio 交比anisotropic 各向异性的anisotropic body 蛤异性体anisotropy 蛤异性annihilator 零化子[əˈnaɪəleɪtə]annular 环[ˈænjələ(r)]annulator 零化子annulus 圆环anomalous magnetic moment 反常磁矩[əˈnɒmələs] anomalous propagation 反常传播anomalous scattering 反常散射anomaly 近点角antecedent 前项anti automorphism 反自同构anti hermitian form 反埃尔米特形式anti isomorphic lattice 反同构格[ˈlætɪs]anti isomorphism 反同构anti position 反位置anti reflexiveness 反自反性anti semiinvariant 反半不变量antianalytic function 反解析函数antichain 反链anticlockwise 逆时针的anticlockwise revolution 逆时针回转anticlockwise rotation 逆时针回转anticoincidence 反重合anticoincidence method 反重法anticommutation 反交换anticommutative 反交换的anticommutativity 反交换性anticommutator 反换位子antiderivative 不定积分的antiholomorphic 反全纯的antihomomorphism 反同态antiisomorphy 反同构antilinear 反线性的antilinear mapping 反线性映射antilinear transformation 反线性变换antilogarithm 反对数antimode 反方式antimodule 反模antinode 反结点antinomy 二律背反antiorder homomorphism operator 反序同态算子antiordered set 反有序集合antiparallel 逆平行的antiplane 反平面antipodal map 对映映射antipodal point 对映点antipodal set 对映集antipode 对映点antipoints 反点antiradical 反根式antiresonance 反共振antisymmetric 反对称的antisymmetric function 反对称函数antisymmetric matrix 反对称矩阵antisymmetric relation 反对称关系antisymmetric tensor 反对称张量antisymmetrical state 反对称态antithesis 反题antitone mapping 反序映射antitone sequence 反序列antitonic function 反序函数antitonicity 反序性antitony 反序性antitrigonometric function 反三角函数antiunitary 反酉的aperiodic damping 非周期衰减aperiodic motion 非周期运动aperiodicity 非周期性aperture ratio 口径比apex 顶点apex angle 顶角apical angle 顶角apolar 非极性的apolarity 从配极性apothem 边心距apparent error 貌似误差apparent force 表观力apparent motion 表观运动apparent orbit 表观轨迹apparent singularity 貌似奇性application 应用applied mathematics 应用数学applied mechanics 应用力学approach 接近approach infinity 接近无穷大approximability 可逼近性approximable 可逼近的approximate 近似的;使近似approximate calculation 近似计算approximate construction 近似准approximate continuity 近似连续性approximate derivative 近似导数[dɪˈrɪvətɪv] approximate differentiability 近似可微性approximate differential 近似微分approximate formula 近似公式approximate integration 近似积分approximate limit 近似极限approximate lower semi continuity 近似下半连续性approximate method 近似法approximate number 近似数approximate partial derivative 近似偏导函数approximate partial derived function 近似偏导函数approximate partial differential 近似偏微分approximate solution 近似解approximate total differentiability 近似全可微性approximate total differential 近似全微分approximate upper semi continuity 近似上半连续性approximate value 近似值approximate value in excess 过剩近似值approximately equal 近似等于approximately semicontinuous 近似半连续的approximation 逼近approximation by excess 过剩逼近approximation calculus 近似计算approximation error 近似误差approximation function 逼近函数approximation in excess 过剩逼近approximation method 近似法approximation methods in physics 物理学中的逼近法approximation theorem 逼近定理approximation theory 逼近理论arbitrarily small 任意小[ˈɑːbɪtrərɪli]arbitrary 任意的arbitrary constant 任意常数arbitrary element 任意元素arbitrary parameter 任意参数arbitrary small number 任意小数arc 弧arc component 弧分量arc cosecant 反余割arc cosine 逆余弦arc cotangent 逆余切arc hyperbolic function 反双曲函数[ˌhaɪpəˈbɒlɪk] arc length 弧长arc of a circle 圆弧arc secant 反正割arc set 弧集arc sine 逆正弦arc sine distribution 反正弦分布arc sine law 反正弦定律arc sine transformation 反正弦变换arc tangent 反正切arch 拱形archaeometry 考古测量学archimedean 阿基米德性的archimedean group 阿基米德群archimedean semigroup 阿基米德半群archimedean space 阿基米德空间archimedean total order 阿基米德全序archimedean valuation 阿基米德赋值archimedes axiom 阿基米德公理[ˈæksiəm] archimedes spiral 阿基米德螺线archimedically ordered field 阿基米德有序域archimedically ordered number field 阿基米德有序数域arcwise connected set 弧连通集arcwise connected space 弧连通空间arcwise connectedness 弧连通性are 公亩area 面积area function 面积函数area of a circle 圆面积area preserving mapping 保面积映射areal coordinates 重心坐标areal derivative 面积导数areal element 面积元素areal integral 面积分areal velocity 面积速度[vəˈlɒsəti]argand plane 复数平面argument 自变数;辐角argument function 辐角函数argument of a function 函数的自变数argument principle 辐角原理argumentation 论证aristotelian logic 亚里斯多德逻辑学arithmetic 算术[əˈrɪθmətɪk]arithmetic al function 数论函数arithmetic difference 算术差arithmetic division 算术除法arithmetic element 运算元素arithmetic expression 算术表达式arithmetic function 数论函数arithmetic genus 算术狂arithmetic geometric mean 算术几何平均arithmetic geometric series 算术几何级数arithmetic logic of pocket calculator 袖珍计算机的算术逻辑arithmetic mean 算术平均arithmetic number 正实数arithmetic of algebraic number fields 代数数域的数论arithmetic of algebras 代数的数论arithmetic of local fields 局部域的数沦arithmetic operation 算术操作算术运算arithmetic progression 算术级数arithmetic subgroup 算术子群arithmetic unit 运算元素arithmetical hierarchy 算术谱系[ˌærɪθˈmetɪkl] arithmetical predicate 算术谓词arithmetical triangle 帕斯卡三角形arithmetics 算术arithmetization 算术化arithmometer 四则计算机arrangement 排列array 排列arrow 射artificial variable 人工变量artificial variable method 人工变量法artin conductor 阿廷前导子artin conjecture 阿廷猜想[kənˈdʒektʃə(r)]artin reciprocity law 阿廷互反禄[ˌresɪˈprɒsəti] n. 互惠;互助;互换artinian module 阿丁模artinian ring 阿丁环ascending 上升的ascending chain condition 升链条件ascending difference 后向差分ascending power series 升幂级数ascending powers 升幂ascending sequence 递升序列aspherical space 非球面空间asphericity 非球面牲assemblage 集[əˈsemblɪdʒ]assembler 汇编assertion sign 断定号assignable cause 可指定的原因assignment problem 配置问题associate equation 相伴方程associated equation 相伴方程associated fiber bundle 相伴的纤维丛associated form 连带形式associated function 连带函数associated graded module 相伴分次模associated graded ring 形式环associated homogeneous equation 相伴齐次方程associated homogeneous system 相伴齐次组associated laguerre polynomial 连带的拉盖尔多项式associated legendre function 相伴勒让德函数associated legendre polynomial 连带的勒让德多项式associated minimal surface 相伴极小曲面associated power series 相伴幂级数associated prime ideal 相伴素理想associated radius of convergence 相伴收敛半径associated space 相伴空间associated spherical harmonic 相伴球面低associated surface 连带曲面associated system 相伴系associated undirected graph 相伴无向图association 结合associative algebra 结合代数associative law 结合律associative law for series 级数的结合律associativity 结合性assume 假定assumption 假定assumption formula 假定公式asterisk 星号asteroid 星形线asymmetric 非对称的asymmetric relation 非对称关系asymmetric variety 非对称簇asymmetrical 非对称的[ˌæsɪˈmɛtrɪkəl] asymmetrical graph 恒等图asymmetry 非对称性asymptote 渐近线asymptote of curve 曲线的渐近线asymptotic 浙近的asymptotic behavior 渐近状态asymptotic circle 渐近圆asymptotic cone 渐近锥面asymptotic convergence 渐近收敛asymptotic curvature 渐近曲率asymptotic curve 渐近曲线asymptotic density 渐近密度asymptotic direction 渐近方向asymptotic efficiency 渐近效率asymptotic expansion 渐近展开asymptotic formula 渐近公式asymptotic line 渐近线asymptotic mean value 渐近平均值asymptotic minimal basis 渐近极小基asymptotic order 渐近阶asymptotic path 渐近路线asymptotic plane 渐近平面asymptotic point 渐近点asymptotic rate of convergence 渐近收敛速度asymptotic series 渐近级数asymptotic solution 渐近解asymptotic stability 渐近稳定性asymptotic surface 渐近曲面asymptotic unbiased estimator 渐近无偏估计量asymptotic value 渐近值asymptotically efficient estimator 渐近有效估计量asymptotically equal 渐近相等asymptotically equal sequence 渐近相等序列asymptotically equivalent function 渐近等价函数asymptotically normal distribution 渐近正态分布asymptotically normally distributed 渐近正规分布的asymptotically stable 渐近稳定的asymptotically stable solution 渐近稳定解asynchronous computer 异步计算机atiyah singer index theorem 阿蒂亚辛格指数定理atlas 坐标邻域系[ˈætləs] n. 地图册;地图集atom 原子atomic element 原子元素atomic formula 原子公式atomic lattice 原子格[ˈlætɪs]atomic proposition 原子命题atomicity 原子性attaching map 接着映射attenuation 衰减[əˌtenjʊˈeɪʃn]attenuation constant 衰减常数attenuation factor 衰减因数attenuator 衰减器attraction 引力attractive force 引力attractor 吸引区attribute 属性augend 被加数?augmentation 扩张[ˌɔːgmɛnˈteɪʃ(ə)n] augmentation preserving map 增广保存映射augmented complex 扩张复形augmented matrix 增广矩阵austausch 交换autocorrelation 自相关autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数autocorrelation function 自相关函数autocorrelogram 自相关图autocovariance 自协方差autocovariance function 自协方差函数autodistributivity 自分配性automata 自动机[ɔːˈtɒmətə] automatic check 自动检验automatic coding 自动编码automatic computation 自动计算automatic computer 自动计算机automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic control theory 自动控制理论automatic programming 自动程序设计automatic testing 自动检验automation 自动化automaton 自动机automaton graph 自动机图automorphic form 自守形式automorphic function 自守函数automorphism 自同构automorphism group 自同构群autonomous system 自治系统autoparallel curve 自平行曲线autoregression 自回归autoregression equation 自回归方程autoregressive process 自回归过程autoregressive transformation 自回归变换auxiliary 辅助的[ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]auxiliary angle 辅助角auxiliary circle 辅助圆auxiliary equation 相伴齐次方程auxiliary function 辅助函数auxiliary line 辅助线auxiliary variable 辅助变数average 平均值average deviation 平均偏差average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average outgoing quality 平均出厂质量average outgoing quality limit 平均出厂质量极限average quality protection 平均品质保护average sample number 平均样本数average speed 平均速度average term 普通项average time 平均时间average value 平均值averaging 取平均数averaging method 平均法averaging operator 平均算子axes of coordinates 座标轴axial 轴的axial symmetry 轴对称[ˈsɪmətri]axial vector 轴向量axially symmetric flow 轴对称流axialsymmetric vector field 轴对称向量场axiom 公理axiom of accessibility 可达性公理axiom of addition 加法公理axiom of choice 选择公理axiom of completeness 完备性公理axiom of comprehension 概括公理axiom of constructibility 可构成性公理axiom of constructivity 可构成性公理axiom of continuity 连续公理axiom of extensionality 外延性公理axiom of infinity 无穷性公理axiom of power set 幂集公理axiom of reducibility 可化归性公理axiom of regularity 正则性公理axiom of subsets 子集公理axiom of substitution 替换公理axiom of sum set 并集公理axiom of the empty set 空集公理axiom of union 并集公理axiom scheme 公理格式[skiːm]axiomatic 公理的axiomatic method 公理法axiomatic set theory 公理论的集论;公理集合论axiomatic system 公理系统axiomatics 公理学axiomatization 公理化axiomatize 公理化axioms of congruence 叠合公理[ˈkɒŋɡruəns] axioms of continuity 连续公理axioms of denumerability 可数公理axioms of incidence 关联公理axioms of order 次序公理axis 轴axis of a cone 锥轴axis of abscissas 横坐标轴axis of absolute convergence 绝对收敛轴axis of affinity 仿射轴axis of convergence 收敛轴axis of coordinate 坐标轴axis of curvature 曲率轴axis of ordinates 纵坐标轴axis of projection 射影轴axis of reals 实轴axis of revolution 回转轴axis of rotation 回转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axisymmetric 轴对称的axonometric perspective 轴测投影法axonometric projection 轴测投影法axonometry 轴测法azimuth 方位角azimuthal 方位角的Bb measurability b可测性b measurable function 波莱尔可测函数babylonian numerals 巴比伦数字back substitution 逆计算backward difference 后向差分backward difference operator 后向差分算子backward difference quotient 后向差商backward solution 后向解法baire function 贝利函数baire measure 贝利测度baire set 贝利集baire space 贝利空间baire theorem 贝利定理balance 平衡balanced category 平衡范畴balanced functor 平衡函子balanced hypergraph 平衡超图balanced neighborhood 平衡邻域balanced sample 平衡样本balanced set 平衡集balancing method 平衡法balayage 扫除ball 球ballistic curve 弹道banach algebra 巴拿赫代数banach lie group 巴拿赫李群banach space 巴拿赫空间band 带band chart 带状图band matrix 带状矩阵bar construction 棒构成bar diagram 条线图bar graph 条线图barrel 桶集barrel shape 桶型barrelled space 桶型空间barrier 闸barycenter 重心barycenter of a simplex 单形的重心barycentric 重心的barycentric complex 重心复形barycentric coordinates 重心坐标barycentric mapping 重心映射barycentric subdivision 重心重分base 底base angle 底角base line 底线base number 底数base of logarithms 对数的底base point 基点base register 基址寄存器变址寄存器base space 底空间base vector 基向量basic 基础的basic block 基本块basic field 基域basic form 基本形式basic point 基础点basic representation 基本表示basic ring 基环basic solution 基本解basic symbol 基本符号basic variable 基本变量basis 基basis for cohomology 上同爹basis for homology 同爹basis of linear space 线性空间的基basis of vector space 向量空间的基basis replacement procedure 基替换过程basis theorem of hilbert 希耳伯特基定理。

数学专业英语词汇(大学)数学专业英语词汇(大学)a priori bound 先验界限a priori distribution 先验分布a priori probability 先验概率a summable a可和的abacus 算盘abbreviate 略abbreviation 简化abel equation 阿贝耳方程abel identity 阿贝耳恒等式abel inequality 阿贝耳不等式abel summation method 阿贝耳求和法abelian algebra 阿贝耳代数abelian differential 阿贝耳微分abelian equation 阿贝耳方程abelian extension 阿贝耳扩张abelian function 阿贝耳函数abelian function field 阿贝耳函数域abelian functor 阿贝耳函子abelian group 交换群abelian groupoid 阿贝耳广群abelian integral 阿贝耳积分abelian summation 阿贝耳求和法abelian theorem 阿贝耳定理abelian variety 阿贝耳簇abridge 略abridged notation 简算记号abscissa 横坐标abscissa of absolute convergence 绝对收敛坐标abscissa of summability 可和性坐标abscissa of uniform convergence 一致收敛横坐标absolute 绝对形absolute address 绝对地址absolute class field 绝对类域absolute coding 绝对编码absolute cohomology 绝对上同调absolute conic 绝对二次曲线absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute curvature vector 绝对曲率向量absolute deviation 绝对偏差absolute differential calculus 绝对微分学absolute error 绝对误差absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute extremum 绝对极值absolute frequency 绝对频率absolute geometry 绝对几何absolute homology group 绝对同岛absolute homotopy group 绝对同伦群absolute inequality 绝对不等式absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大值absolute minimum 绝对极小值absolute moment 绝对矩absolute neighborhood 绝对邻域absolute neighborhood retract 绝对邻域收缩核absolute norm 绝对范数absolute number 不名数absolute parallelism 绝对平行性absolute quadric 绝对二次曲面absolute ramification index 绝对分歧指数absolute rotation 绝对旋转absolute singular homology group 绝对奇异同岛absolute space 绝对空间absolute space time 绝对时空absolute stability 绝对稳定性absolute term 常数项absolute unit 绝对单位absolute value 绝对值absolute value sign 绝对值符号absolute velocity 绝对速度absolutely additive measure 完全加性测度absolutely compact set 绝对紧集absolutely complete system 绝对完备系absolutely continuous 绝对连续的absolutely continuous distribution 绝对连续分布absolutely continuous function 绝对连续函数absolutely continuous measure 绝对连续测度absolutely continuous part 绝对连续部分absolutely continuous transformation 绝对连续变换absolutely convergent 绝对收敛的absolutely convergent integral 绝对收敛积分absolutely convergent series 绝对收敛级数absolutely convex hull 绝对凸包absolutely discontinuous function 绝对不连续函数absolutely integrable 绝对可积的absolutely irreducible character 绝对不可约特征absolutely irreducible representation 绝对不可约表示absolutely irreducible variety 绝对不可约簇absolutely normal number 绝对范数absolutely prime ideal 绝对素理想absolutely semisimple algebra 绝对半单代数absolutely simple group 绝对单群absolutely summable sequence 绝对可和序列absolutely unbiased estimator 绝对无偏估计量absolutely unramified extension 绝对非分歧扩张absorbing barrier 吸收障碍absorbing medium 吸收媒体absorbing set 吸收集absorbing state 吸收态absorption 吸收absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收因数absorption index 吸收指数absorption law 吸收律absorption probability 吸收概率abstract 抽象的abstract algebra 抽象代数abstract algebraic geometry 抽象代数几何abstract automaton 抽象自动机abstract category 抽象范畴abstract code 理想码abstract complex 抽象复形abstract group 抽象群abstract interval function 抽象区间函数abstract mathematics 抽象数学abstract number 不名数abstract ordered simplicial complex 抽象有序单纯复形abstract simplex 抽象单形abstract simplicial subcomplex 抽象单子复形abstract space 抽象空间abstraction 抽象abstraction operator 抽象算子absurd 谬论的absurdity 谬论abundance ratio 丰度比abundant number 过剩数accelerated motion 加速运动acceleration 加速度acceleration of convergence 收敛性的加速acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceptable quality level 合格质量水平acceptance 肯定acceptance inspection 接受检查acceptance limit 接受界限acceptance line 接受线acceptance number 接受数acceptance probability 接受概率acceptance region 接受区域acceptance zone 接受带access 存取access speed 存取速度access time 存取时间accessibility 可达性accessible boundary point 可达边界点accessible ordinal number 可达序数accessible point 可达点accessible set 可达集accessible vertex 可达顶点accessory extremal 配连极值accidental 偶然的accidental coincidence 偶然符合accidental error 随机误差accommodation 第accumulated error 累积误差accumulating point 聚点accumulation 累积accumulation point 聚点accumulator 累加器存储器accuracy 准确性accuracy grade 准确度accuracy of measurement 测量精确度accuracy rating 准确度acnod 孤点acount 计算action integral 酌积分action variable 酌变量active restriction 有效限制actual 真实的actual infinity 实无穷acute 尖锐的acute angle 锐角acute angled triangle 锐角三角形acute triangle 锐角三角形acuteness 锐度acyclic 非循环的acyclic complex 非循环复形acyclic graph 环道自由图acyclic model theorem 非循环模型定理ad infinitum 无穷地adams circle 阿达姆斯圆adams extrapolation method 阿达姆斯外插法adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adapted basis 适应基add 加added circuit 加法电路addend 加数adder 加法器addition 加法addition formulas 加法公式addition sign 加号addition system 加法系addition table 加法表addition theorem 加法定理addition theorem of probability 概率的加法定理additional 加法的additional code 附加代码additional condition 附加条件additional error 附加误差additive 加法的additive category 加性范畴additive class 加性类additive functional 加性泛函数additive functional transformation 加性泛函变换additive group 加法群additive interval function 加性区间函数additive inverse element 加性逆元素additive number theory 堆垒数论additive operator 加性算子additive process 加性过程additive relation 加性关系additive separable 加法可分的additive theory of numbers 堆垒数论additive valuation 加法赋值additively commutative ordinal numbers 加性交换序数additivity 加法性address 地址address part 地址部分address register 地址寄存器。

数学专业英语词汇14p adic algebra p进代数p adic fraction p进分数p adic integer p进整数p adic number p进数p adic representation p进表示p adic system p进法p adic valuation p进赋值pack束pair对paired comparison成对比较法paired samples成双样本pairing配对pairwise两两的pairwise independent events互相独立事件paleogeometry古几何学pantograph比例画器放大器parabola抛物线parabola of order n n阶抛物线parabolic coordinates抛物线坐标parabolic curve抛物曲线parabolic cusp抛物尖点parabolic cylinder抛物柱面parabolic cylinder function抛物柱面函数parabolic differential equation抛物型微分方程parabolic folium抛物叶形线parabolic orbit抛物线轨道parabolic point抛物点parabolic regression抛物回归parabolic segment抛物线段parabolic spiral抛物螺线parabolic type抛物型parabolograph抛物图形paraboloid抛物面paraboloid of revolution回转抛物面paraboloidal coordinates抛物面坐标paracompact space仿紧空间paradox悖论paradoxical荒谬的paradoxical set不合理集合parallactic displacement视差位移parallel平行线parallel algorithm并联算法parallel angle平行角parallel axiom平行公理parallel body平行体parallel circle平行圆parallel coordinates平行坐标parallel curve平行曲线parallel displacement平行位移parallel edge平行棱parallel line平行线parallel operation并行运算parallel plane平面平行的parallel projection平行射影parallel rule平行直尺parallel shift并行进位parallel slit平行缝隙parallel slit domain平行裂纹域parallel strip平行带parallel subspace平行子空间parallel surface平行曲面parallel translation并行进位parallelepiped平行六面体parallelepipedal neighborhood平行六面体邻域parallelism平行parallelizability可平行性parallelizable可平行的parallelizable manifold可平行廖parallelizable variety可平行廖parallelogram平行四边形parallelogram axiom平行四边形公理parallelogram identity平行四边形恒等式parallelogram law平行四边形定律parallelogram of forces力的平行四边形parallelotope超平行体parallels of latitude纬度线parameter参数parameter curve参数曲线parameter group参数群parameter integral参数积分parameter representation参数表示parameter space参数空间parameter variety参数簇parametric curvature参数曲率parametric curve参数曲线parametric equation参数方程parametric estimation参数估计parametric hypothesis参数假设parametric optimal solution参数最优解parametric optimization参数最优化parametric programming参数规划parametric representation参数表示parametric surface参数曲面parametric test参数检验parametric variable参变数parametrics参数学parametrix拟基本解parametrization参数化法parametron变参数元件parastatistics仲统计法paraxial旁轴的paraxial rays旁轴光线parent population母体parenthesis圈括弧parenthesize引入括弧内parity奇偶性parity check奇偶校验parity digit奇偶校验位parseval equality帕谢互尔等式parted hyperboloid双叶双曲面partial部分的partial carry部分进位partial confounding部分混区partial correlation偏相关partial correlation coefficient偏相关系数partial cross section部分截面partial denominator偏分母partial derivative偏导数partial difference偏差partial difference equation偏差分方程partial difference quotient偏差商partial differential偏微分partial differential coefficient偏导数partial differential equation偏微分方程partial differential equation of elliptic type椭圆型偏微分方程partial differential equation of first order一阶偏微分方程partial differential equation of hyperbolic type双曲型偏微分方程partial differential equation of mixed type混合型偏微分方程partial differential equation of parabolic type抛物型偏微分方程partial differential operator偏微分算子partial differentiation偏微分法partial fraction部分分数partial fraction decomposition部分分数展开partial fraction expansion部分分数展开partial function部分函数partial functor部分函子partial graph部分图partial linear differential equation线性偏微分方程partial mapping部分映射partial matrix子阵partial numerator偏分子partial ordering偏序partial product部分积partial rank correlation coefficient偏等级相关系数partial recursive function部分递归函数partial recursive scheme部分递归格式partial regression偏回归partial subgraph部分子图partial sum部分和partially adjoint operator部分伴随算子partially computable function部分可计算的函数partially differentiable function可偏微函数partially isometric operator部分等距算子partially ordered set半序集partially ordered space半序空间particular特别的particular integral特别积分particular solution特解partition分划partition function分折函数partition of an integer整数的分拆partition of unity单位分解partition problem划分问题partly well ordered set半良序集pascal distribution帕斯卡分布pascal hexagon帕斯卡六边形pascal line帕斯卡线pascal triangle帕斯卡三角形passive被动的path道路path component道路连通区path connected space道路连通空间path matrix道路矩阵path of a projectile弹道path of integration积分路线path space道路空间pathological function病态函数pattern图形pauli matrices泡利阵payoff支付payoff function支付函数payoff matrix支付阵peak峰pearson distribution皮尔逊分布pedal垂足线pedal circle垂足圆pedal curve垂足线pedal surface垂足曲面pedal transformation垂足变换pedal triangle垂足三角形peirce decomposition皮尔斯分解penalty function罚函数penalty method补偿法pencil束pencil of circles圆束pencil of conics二次曲线束pencil of curves曲线束pencil of lines线束pencil of parallel lines平行线束pencil of planes面束pencil of spheres球束pendulum摆pentad拼五小组pentadecagon十五边形pentagon五角形pentagonal number五角数pentagonal pyramid五角锥pentagram五角星pentahedron五面体pentaspherical coordinates五球坐标percent百分率percent error百分误差percentage百分率percentile百分位数perfect cube完全立方perfect field完全域perfect form完全型perfect group完全群perfect information完全信息perfect magic square完全幻方perfect mapping完全映射perfect matching全匹配perfect number完全数perfect number of the second kind第二类完全数perfect set完备集perfect space完全空间perfect square完全平方perfectly normal space完全正规空间perigon周角perimeter周围period周期period matrix周期矩阵period of a function函数的周期period of oscillation振荡的周期period relations周期关系式period strip周期带periodic周期的periodic distribution周期广义函数periodic element周期元素periodic error周期误差periodic function周期函数periodic group周期群periodic law周期律periodic motion周期运动periodic orbit周期轨道periodic solution周期解periodic system周期系periodical decimal fraction循环十进小数periodicity周期性periodicity interval周期性区间periodicity of function函数的周期性periodogram周期图periodogram analysis周期图分析periodograph周期图periodparallelogram周期平行四边形peripheral周边的peripheral device外围设备peripheral unit外围设备periphery周边permanently convergent series永久收敛级数permissible error容许误差permissible function容许函数permissible value容许值permutation置换permutation group置换群permutation homeomorphism置换同胚permutation operator置换算子permutation without repetition无重复排列permute排列perpendicular垂直线perpendicular at midpoint垂直等分线perpendicular plane垂直面perpendicularity正交性perpetuity永久personal error个人误差personal move个人步personal probability诸概率perspective透视perspective affine figure仿射图形perspectivity透视性pert程序监定技术perturb扰动perturbation扰动perturbation function摄动函数perturbation method摄动法perturbation of linear operators线性算子的摄动perturbation parameter摄动参数perturbation theory摄动理论perturbed motion摄动运动perturbed system摄动组pfaffian equation普法夫方程phase位相phase angle相角phase boundary相界phase condition相位条件phase coordinates相坐标phase diagram平衡图phase difference相差phase integral相积分phase modulation相位灯phase plane相位平面phase shift相移phase shift analysis相移分析phase space相空间phase transition相转移phase vector相向量phase velocity相位速度phenomenon现象photogeometry摄影几何学physical constant物理常数physical coordinates of vector field向量场的物理坐标physics物理学picard exceptional value皮卡例外值picard group皮卡群picard integral皮卡积分picard manifold皮卡簇picard variety皮卡簇pictogram象形图piecewise continuity分段连续性piecewise continuous function分段连续函数piecewise differentiable function分段可微函数piecewise linear element分段线性元素piecewise linear function分段线性函数piecewise linear map分段线性映射piecewise linearization分段线性化piecewise monotonic function分段单弹数piecewise regular boundary分段正则边界piecewise regulated function分段正则函数piecewise smooth分段光滑的piecewise smooth contour分段光滑围道piecewise smooth curve分段光滑曲线pilot survey试验甸pivot知pivot column知列pivot element知pivot row枢轴行pivoting旋转place位place value位值plan of experiment实验计划planar developable surface平面可展曲面planar graph平面图planar point平面点plane平面plane angle平面角plane at infinity无穷远平面plane concave平凹的plane configuration平面构形plane convex平凸的plane coordinates面坐标plane curve平面曲线plane dihedral angle平面二面角plane domain平面域plane figure平面图形plane geometry平面几何plane graph平面图plane of coordinates坐标平面plane of incidence入射面plane of perspectivity透视平面plane of projection射影平面plane of similarity相似平面plane of support支柱的平面plane of symmetry对称面plane of the section截口平面plane projective geometry平面射影几何plane surface平曲面plane symmetry平面对称plane triangle平面三角形plane trigonometry平面三角学plane vector field平面向量场planimeter面积仪planimetry测面积学planisphere平面球形图plano concave平凹的plano convex平凸的plasticity塑性plateau problem平稳问题platykurtic distribution低峰态分布platykurtosis低峰态player局中人plurigenus多狂pluriharmonic多重低的pluriharmonic function多重低函数plurisubharmonic多重次低的plurisubharmonic function多重次低函数plurisuperharmonic多重上低的plus加plus infinity正无穷大plus sign正号poincare conjecture庞加莱猜想poincare half plane上半平面poincare lemma庞加莱引理poincare manifold庞加莱廖poincare matrix庞加菜矩阵poincare model庞加莱模型poincare series庞加莱级数point点point at infinity无穷远点point circle点圆point diagram点图表point ellipse零椭圆point equation点方程point estimation点估计point finite cover点有限覆盖point function点函数point group点群point ideal点理想point involution点列对合point lattice点格point mass点质量point measure点测度point of adherence接触点point of closure触点point of condensation凝聚点point of continuity连续点point of convergence收敛点point of determinacy确定点point of discontinuity不连续点point of divergence发散点point of division分点point of indeterminacy歧点point of infinity无穷远点point of inflection拐点point of intersection交点point of irreducibility不可约性点point of semicontinuity半连续点point of support支撑点point of tangency切点point of uniform convergence一致收敛点point pair点偶point process点过程point range点列point sequence点序列point set点集point slope form点斜式point spectrum点谱point sphere点球point symmetry点对称pointed complex有点复形pointed cone尖锥pointed set有点集pointed simplicial complex有点单纯复形pointer地址计数器pointwise bounded sequence点态有界序列pointwise continuity点态连续性pointwise continuous function点态连续函数pointwise convergence点态收敛pointwise convergent family点态收敛族pointwise convergent sequence点态收敛序列pointwise discontinuity点态不连续性pointwise monomorphism点态单射pointwise relaxation点态松弛poisson bracket泊松括号poisson distribution泊松分布poisson equation泊松方程poisson ratio泊松比poisson summation泊松求积poisson summation formula泊松求和公式polar极的polar angle极角polar axis极轴polar circle极圆polar conic极圆锥曲线polar coordinate chart极坐标图polar coordinate paper极坐标图polar coordinates极坐标polar curve配极曲线polar decomposition极分解polar developable配极可展曲面polar diagram极线图polar distance极距polar equation极方程polar form极形式polar form of complex number复数的极式polar integral equation极性积分方程polar line极线polar normal极法线polar of a quadratic form二次形式的极polar plane极面polar planimeter极面积仪polar radius极半径polar reciprocal body配极体polar set极集polar subtangent极次切距polar surface极曲面polar system极系polar tetrahedron配极四面体polar theory配极论polar triangle极三角形polar trihedral极三面形polar vector极向量polarity配极polarization identity极化恒等式polarized abelian variety配极阿贝耳簇polarized variety配极簇pole极pole of a function函数的极pole of resolvent预解式的极policy策略policy iteration策略迭代法polycylinder多圆柱polygamma function多函数polygon多角形polygon of forces力的多角形polygonal domain多角形域polygonal line折线polygonal net多角形网polygonal number多角数polygonal set多角集polyharmonic equation多重低方程polyharmonic function多重低函数polyhedral angle多面角polyhedral complex多面复形polyhedral domain多面体域polyhedral game多面体对策polyhedral group多面体群polyhedral set多面集polyhedron多面体polyhex六面体polynomial多项式polynomial approximation多项式近似polynomial coefficient多项式系数polynomial distribution多项分布polynomial equation多项式方程polynomial expansion多项展开式polynomial game多项式对策polynomial model多项式模型polynomial of a variable一变量多项式polynomial of best approximation最佳逼近多项式polynomial of degree n n次多项式polynomial of n th degree n次多项式polynomial polyhedron多项式多面体polynomial representation多项式表示polynomial ring多项式环polynomial solution多项式解polynomial theorem多项式定理polynomial trend多项式瞧polytropic curve多变曲线polytropic line多变曲线pontryagin maximum principle庞特里雅金极大原理pooled error合并误差population母体population genetics总体遗传学population mean总体均值population parameter总体参数population statistics人口统计position位置position function位置函数position of a relative maximum相对极大点position of an extremum极值点position parameter位置参数position vector位置向量positional game位置对策positional notation位置记数法positive angle正角positive component正分量positive cone正锥positive correlation正相关positive definite eigenvalue problem正定特盏问题positive definite form正定型positive definite kernel正定核positive definite matrix正定矩阵positive definite operator正定算子positive definite quadratic form正定二次型positive direction正方向positive function正函数positive integer自然数positive linear operator正线性算子positive logic正逻辑positive matrix正阵positive number正数positive operator正算子positive part正部分positive real function正实函数positive real number正实数positive root正根positive semidefinite form半正定型positive semidefinite matrix非负半正定阵positive sign正号positive term series正项级数positive variation正变差positively definite eigenvalue problem正定特盏问题positively definite sequence of numbers正定数列positively definite variational problem正定变分问题positively related正相关的possibility可能性posterior distribution后验分布posterior probability后验概率postnikov system波斯特尼科夫系postulate公设postulation假定potency基数potency of a set集的势potential位势potential difference位势差potential energy势能potential field位势场potential flow位势流potential function位势函数potential gradient位势梯度potential infinity潜无穷potential scattering位势散射potential theoretical位势论的potential theory位势论power幂power associative algebra幂结合代数power density谱线密度power expansion按幂展开power exponent幂指数power function幂函数;功效函数power mean幂平匀power of set集的势power residue symbol幂剩余符号power series幂级数power series expansion幂级数展开power series method幂级数法power series ring幂级数环power set幂集power spectrum功率谱practical unit实用单位pre hilbert norm准希耳伯特模pre hilbert space准希耳伯特空间preadditive category预加性范畴precession进动precise精确的precision精度precompact linear mapping准紧线性映射precompact set准紧集precompact space准紧空间precompactness准紧性predecessor前趋predecessor function前钳数predicate谓词predicate calculus谓词演算predicate calculus of the third order三阶谓词演算predicate calculus with identity带恒等式的谓词演算predicate constant谓词常数predicate logic谓词演算predicate symbol谓词符号predicate variable谓词变项prediction law预报律prediction theory预报理论predictor预示predictor corrector method预示校正法predual预对偶preference relation选择关系preference testing选择检验prefix前束prehistory履历preimage逆象premise前提prenex formula前束式prenex normal form前束范式preorder拟序preradical预根式prescheme前概型preservation保存preserve保存preset parameter预置参数presheaf预层pressure压力presume假定presumption假定presuppose假定presupposition假定price价格primal problem原始问题primal simplex method原来单形法primal solution原来问题解primal variable原来变量primary abelian group准素阿贝耳群primary component准素分支primary decomposition原始分解primary difference第一差别类primary ideal准素理想primary minimum肢小primary obstruction第一障碍类primary ring准素环primary submodule准素子模prime component素分量prime conjunction素连接prime divisor素因子prime dual ideal素对偶理想prime element素元prime factor素因数prime factorization素因子分解prime field素域prime filter素滤子prime formula原始公式prime graph素图prime ideal素理想prime ideal theorem素理想定理prime number素数prime number problem素数问题prime number theorem素数定理prime pair素数对prime polynomial素多项式prime polynomial ideal素多项式理想prime power素数幂prime spot素点primitive cohomology原始上同调primitive element本原元素primitive equation本原方程primitive function原函数primitive group本原群primitive idempotent element本原幂等元素primitive period原始周期primitive period parallelogram原始周期平行四边形primitive period system原始周期primitive periods原始周期primitive polynomial本原多项式primitive recursive attribute原始递归属性primitive recursive function原始递归函数primitive recursive isomorphism原始递归同构primitive recursive predicate原始递归渭词primitive root原根principal adele症代尔principal anti automorphism执自同构principal axes of stress应力轴principal axis轴principal axis transformation轴变换principal branch殖principal branch of general power一般幂的枝principal branch of natural logarithm自然对数的枝principal branch of radical根基的枝principal bundle衷principal character重贞principal circle植principal coincidence curve筑合素曲线principal component种量principal congruence subgroup脂余子群principal curvature助率principal curve助线principal diagonal衷角线principal direction纸向principal distribution parameter种布参数principal divisor烛子principal factor烛子principal fibration炙维化principal filter炙子principal fractionary ideal种式理想principal genus竹principal ideal猪想principal ideal domain猪想整环principal ideal ring猪想环principal ideal theorem猪想定理principal isobaric surfaces标准等压面principal map殖射principal matrix重阵principal maximum肢小principal minor钟行列式principal moment of inertia知动惯量principal normal吱线principal normal bundle吱线丛principal normal vector吱线向量principal part挚principal part of laurent series罗郎级数的挚principal plane纸面principal point帚principal series烛列principal solution肘principal surface助面principal tangent中线principal term诸principal trace郑principal uniformization芝值化principal value值principal value of argument辐角的值principal value of integral积分的值principal value of power幂的值principal value of radical根基的值principal variable咒数principle原理principle of abstraction抽象原理principle of balayage扫除原理principle of choice选择公理principle of comparison比较原理principle of continuity连续原理principle of correspondence对应原则principle of counting constants常数计数原理principle of domination优势原理principle of duality对偶原理principle of energy能量原理principle of equilibrium平衡原理principle of harmonic measure低测度原理principle of indeterminancy测不准原理principle of least action最小酌原理principle of least curvature最小曲率原理principle of mathematical induction数学归纳法原理principle of reflection反射原理principle of relativization相对化原理principle of transfinite induction超限归纳原理principle of variation变分原理principle of virtual displacement虚位移原理prior distribution先验分布prior probability先验概率prism角柱prismatic棱柱的prismatic surface棱柱曲面prismatoid旁面三角台prismoidal formula似棱体公式pro finite group射有限群probabilistic概率的probabilistic method in statistical mechanics统计力学中的概率方法probability概率probability curve概率曲线probability density概率密度probability distribution概率分布probability distribution function分布函数probability element概率元素probability field概率场probability function概率函数probability generating function概率母函数probability integral概率积分probability matrix随机阵probability measure概率测度probability model随机性模型probability of occurrence事件概率probability paper概率纸probability sampling概率抽样probability space概率空间probability theory概率论probability unit概率单位probability vector概率向量probable deviation概差probable ellipse概率椭圆probable ellipsoid概率椭球probable error概差probit概率单位probit analysis概率单位分析problem of contact接触问题problem of fixed points不动点问题problem of geometrical construction几何准问题problem of moments矩问题problem of prime twins孪生素数问题problem on obstacle障碍问题process过程process control过程控制process with independent increments独立增量过程processing处理producer's risk厂方风险product积product algebra积代数product bundle积丛product category积范畴product complex积复形product directed set积有向集product formula乘积公式product integral乘积积分product mapping积映射product measure乘积测度product metric乘积度量product module积模product moment积矩product moment correlation积矩相关product of events事件的积product of relation关系的积product preserving functor积保存函子product representation of equation方程的积表示product series积级数product set积集product sign乘号product space积空间product topology积拓扑product transformation积变换product uniformity积一致性product variety积簇production生成profit利益program程序program library程序库program parameter程序参数program register程序寄存器program tape程序带program test程序检验programmer程序设计员programming程序设计progression级数project射影projecting plane射影面projection射影projection gradient method投影梯度法projection matrix射影矩阵projection plane射影平面projective algebraic variety射影代数簇projective arc length射影弧长projective collineation射影直射变换projective cone射影锥projective conic射影圆锥曲线projective connection射影联络projective coordinate system射影坐标系projective coordinates射影坐标projective cover射影覆盖projective curvature tensor射影曲率张量projective deformation射影变形projective differential geometry射影微分几何学projective dimension射影维数projective general linear group射影一般线性群projective generation射影产生projective geometry射影几何学projective limit逆向极限projective line射影直线projective line element射影线元projective mapping射影映射projective metric射影度量projective minimal surface射影极小曲面projective module射影模projective normal射影法线projective object射影对象projective parameter射影参数projective pencil of lines射影线束projective plane射影平面projective principal normal射影吱线projective property射影性质projective quadric射影二次曲面projective relation射影关系projective representation射影表示projective set射影集合projective space射影空间projective tensor射影张量projective theorem射影定理projective transformation射影变换projective variety射影簇projective vector射影向量projectively flat space射影平坦空间projectivity射影关系projector射影算子prolate cycloid长辐旋轮线prolate ellipsoid长椭球prolate spheroid长椭球prolongation开拓promotion of convergence收敛的促进proof证明proof of existence存在证明proof theory证蜜propagation传播propagation of errors误差传播proper class本原元素proper convex body固有凸体proper convex function特展函数proper divergence定发散proper dual ideal固有对偶理想proper face真面proper factor真因子proper factor group真剩余群proper fraction真分数proper fractional function真分数函数proper frequency固有频率proper function特寨数proper lorentz group正常洛伦茨群proper morphism真射proper motion固有运动proper movement固有运动proper orthogonal group特殊正交群proper orthogonal matrix特正交矩阵proper point固有点proper point of inflection固有变曲点proper quadric真二次曲面proper subgraph真子图proper subgroup真子群proper subset真子集proper subspace本沼空间proper value特盏proper vector特镇量properly discontinuous纯不连续的properly discontinuous group纯不连续群properly divergent sequence正常发散序列properly divergent series正常发散级数proportion比例proportional比例的proportional allocation比例配置proportional compasses比例规proportional component比例分量proportional counter正比计数器proportional part比例部分proportional quantities比例量proportional region正比区proportional sampling比例抽样proportionality比例proportionality coefficient比例系数proportionality factor比例系数proportionality limit比例极限proposition命题propositional algebra命题代数propositional calculus命题演算propositional connective命题联结词propositional function命题函数propositional inference命题推演propositional logic命题逻辑propositional variable命题变元protractor量角器分度规provability可证迷provable可证媚;可证的provable formula可证公式prove证明论证proximity附近proximity relation邻近关系proximity space邻近空间pseudo abelian category伪阿贝耳范畴pseudo euclidean space伪欧几里得空间pseudo random number伪随机数pseudo tensor伪张量pseudoanalytic function伪解析函数pseudoarc伪弧pseudobasis伪基pseudocatenary伪悬链线pseudocatenoid伪悬链曲面pseudocode伪码pseudocoherent sheaf伪凝聚层pseudocompact伪紧的pseudocomplement伪余pseudocomplemented lattice伪有余格pseudocomplex manifold伪复廖pseudoconformal geometry伪保角几何pseudoconformal mapping伪保角映射pseudoconvex伪凸的pseudoconvex domain伪凸域pseudoconvex function伪凸函数pseudoconvexity伪凸性pseudocycle伪循环pseudocycloid伪旋轮线pseudodifferential operator伪微分算子pseudodistance伪距离pseudoelliptic function伪椭圆函数pseudoelliptic integral伪椭圆积分pseudofunctor伪函子pseudogroup of transformations伪变换群pseudoharmonic function伪低函数pseudoinverse operator伪逆算子pseudomanifold伪廖pseudomeasure伪测度pseudometric space伪度量空间pseudometric uniformity伪度量一致性pseudometrizable uniform space伪可度量化的一致空间pseudonorm伪范数pseudonormed space伪赋范空间pseudoperiod伪周期pseudoperiodic function伪周期函数pseudoprime number伪素数pseudoproduct伪积pseudorandom number伪随机数pseudorecurrence伪递推pseudoscalar伪纯量pseudoscalar coupling伪标量耦合pseudosphere伪球面pseudospherical space伪球形空间pseudospherical surface伪球形曲面pseudospiral伪螺线pseudotensor伪张量pseudotractrix伪曳物线pseudotriangle伪三角形pseudovaluation伪赋值psi function双函数psychometrics计量心理学puiseux series皮瑟级数pulsation脉动pulse脉冲pulse length脉冲长度punch card穿孔卡片punch position穿孔位置punch tape穿孔带punched hole穿孔punctured disk有孔圆盘puppe exact sequence普佩正合序列pure complex纯复形pure continuous spectrum纯连续谱pure geometry综合几何学pure mathematics抽象数学pure point spectrum纯离散谱pure predicate calculus of first order一阶纯谓词演算pure set theory一般集合论pure state纯状态pure strategy纯策略pure surd纯不尽根purely discrete spectrum纯离散谱purely imaginary number虚数purely inseparable纯不可分的purely inseparable element纯不可分元素purely inseparable extension纯不可分扩张purely transcendental extension纯超越扩张pursuit curve追踪曲线pyramid角锥pyramidal角锥的pyramidal surface棱锥曲面pythagoras theorem毕达哥拉斯定理pythagorean field毕达哥拉斯域pythagorean numbers毕达哥拉斯数。

有关数学运算add,plus加subtract减difference差multiply, times乘product积divide除divisible可被整除的divided evenly被整除dividend被除数,divisor因子,除数quotient商remainder余数factorial阶乘power乘方radical sign, root sign根号round to四舍五入 increase 增加 reduce 减少3.有关代数式、方程和不等式value值equation 方程algebraic term代数项like terms, similar terms同类项satisfy 满足numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient字母系数inequality不等式triangle inequality三角不等式range值域original equation原方程equivalent equation同解方程,等价方程linear equation线性方程(e。
有关分数和小数fraction 分数proper fraction真分数improper fraction假分数mixed number带分数vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数simple fraction简分数complex fraction繁分数numerator分子denominator分母(least)common denominator (最小)公分母quarter四分之一decimal fraction纯小数infinite decimal无穷小数recurring decimal循环小数percent 百分之5。
基本数学概念average 平均数 maximum/ minimum number 最大/ 最小数 square 平方arithmetic mean算术平均值weighted average加权平均值geometric mean几何平均数exponent指数,幂base乘幂的底数,底边cube立方数,立方体square root 平方根cube root立方根common logarithm常用对数digit数字 not more than 不大于less than 小于units’ digit个位数字 sum 和 represent 代表adjacent 相邻的 constant常数variable变量inverse function反函数complementary function余函数linear一次的,线性的factorization因式分解absolute value绝对值,e.g。

数学专业英语词汇(部分)n ary relation n元关系n ball n维球n cell n维胞腔n chromatic graph n色图n coboundary n上边缘n cocycle n上循环n connected space n连通空间n dimensional column vector n维列向量n dimensional euclidean space n维欧几里得空间n dimensional rectangular parallelepiped n维长方体n dimensional row vector n维行向量n dimensional simplex n单形n dimensional skeleton n维骨架n disk n维圆盘n element set n元集n fold extension n重扩张n gon n角n graph n图n homogeneous variety n齐次簇n person game n人对策n simplex n单形n sphere bundle n球丛n th member 第n项n th partial quotient 第n偏商n th power operation n次幂运算n th root n次根n th term 第n项n times continuously differentiable n次连续可微的n times continuously differentiable function n次连续可微函数n tuple n组n tuply connected domain n重连通域n universal bundle n通用丛nabla 倒三角算子nabla calculation 倒三角算子计算nabla operator 倒三角算子napier's logarithm 讷代对数natural boundary 自然边界natural boundary condition 自然边界条件natural coordinates 自然坐标natural equation 自然方程natural equivalence 自然等价natural exponential function 自然指数函数natural frequency 固有频率natural geometry 自然几何natural injection 自然单射natural isomorphism 自然等价natural language 自然语言natural logarithm 自然对数natural mapping 自然映射natural number 自然数natural oscillation 固有振荡natural sine 正弦真数natural transformation 自然变换naught 零necessary and sufficient conditions 必要充分的条件necessary and sufficient statistic 必要充分统计量necessary condition 必要条件necessity 必然性negation 否定negation sign 否定符号negation symbol 否定符号negative 负数negative angle 负角negative binomial distribution 负二项分布negative complex 负复形negative correlation 负相关negative definite form 负定型negative definite hermitian form 负定埃尔米特形式negative definite quadratic form 负定二次形式negative function 负函数negative number 负数negative operator 负算子negative parity 负电阻negative part 负部分negative particular proposition 否定特称命题negative proposition 否定命题negative rotation 反时针方向旋转negative semidefinite 半负定的negative semidefinite eigenvalue problem 半负定特盏问题negative semidefinite form 半负定型negative semidefinite quadratic form 半负定二次形式negative sign 负号negative skewness 负偏斜性negative variation 负变差negligible quantity 可除量neighborhood 邻域neighborhood base 邻域基neighborhood basis 邻域基neighborhood filter 邻域滤子neighborhood retract 邻域收缩核neighborhood space 邻域空间neighborhood system 邻域系neighborhood topology 邻域拓扑neighboring vertex 邻近项点nephroid 肾脏线nerve 神经nested intervals 区间套net 网net function 网格函数net of curves 曲线网net of lines 直线网network 网络network analysis 网络分析network flow problem 网络潦题network matrix 网络矩阵neumann boundary condition 诺伊曼边界条件neumann function 诺伊曼函数neumann problem 诺伊曼问题neumann series 诺伊曼级数neutral element 零元素neutral line 中线neutral plane 中性平面neutral point 中性点newton diagram 牛顿多边形newton formula 牛顿公式newton identities 牛顿恒等式newton interpolation polynomial 牛顿插值多项式newton method 牛顿法newton potential 牛顿位势newtonian mechanics 牛顿力学nice function 佳函数nil ideal 零理想nil radical 幂零根基nilalgebra 幂零代数nilpotency 幂零nilpotent 幂零nilpotent algebra 幂零代数nilpotent element 幂零元素nilpotent group 幂零群nilpotent ideal 幂零理想nilpotent matrix 幂零矩阵nilpotent radical 幂零根基nine point circle 九点圆nine point finite difference scheme 九点有限差分格式niveau line 等位线niveau surface 等位面nodal curve 结点曲线nodal line 交点线nodal point 节点node 节点node locus 结点轨迹node of a curve 曲线的结点noetherian category 诺特范畴noetherian object 诺特对象nomogram 算图nomographic 列线图的nomographic chart 算图nomography 图算法non additivity 非加性non archimedean geometry 非阿基米德几何non archimedean valuation 非阿基米德赋值non countable set 不可数集non critical point 非奇点non denumerable 不可数的non denumerable set 不可数集non developable ruled surface 非可展直纹曲面non enumerable set 不可数集non euclidean geometry 非欧几里得几何学non euclidean motion 非欧几里得运动non euclidean space 非欧几里得空间non euclidean translation 非欧几里得平移non euclidean trigonometry 非欧几里得三角学non homogeneity 非齐non homogeneous chain 非齐次马尔可夫链non homogeneous markov chain 非齐次马尔可夫链non isotropic plane 非迷向平面non linear 非线性的non negative semidefinite matrix 非负半正定阵non oriented graph 无向图non parametric test 无分布检验non pascalian geometry 非拍斯卡几何non ramified extension 非分歧扩张non rational function 无理分数non relativistic approximation 非相对性近似non reversibility 不可逆性non singular 非奇的non stationary random process 不平稳随机过程non steady state 不稳定状态non symmetric 非对称的non symmetry 非对称non zero sum game 非零和对策nonabsolutely convergent series 非绝对收敛级数nonagon 九边形nonassociate 非结合的nonassociative ring 非结合环nonbasic variable 非基本变量noncentral chi squre distribution 非中心分布noncentral f distribution 非中心f分布noncentral t distribution 非中心t分布noncentrality parameter 非中心参数nonclosed group 非闭群noncommutative group 非交换群noncommutative ring 非交换环noncommutative valuation 非交换赋值noncommuting operators 非交换算子noncomparable elements 非可比元素nondegeneracy 非退化nondegenerate collineation 非退化直射变换nondegenerate conic 非退化二次曲线nondegenerate critical point 非退化临界点nondegenerate distribution 非退化分布nondegenerate set 非退化集nondense set 疏集nondenumerability 不可数性nondeterministic automaton 不确定性自动机nondiagonal element 非对角元nondiscrete space 非离散空间nonexistence 不存在性nonfinite set 非有限集nonholonomic constraint 不完全约束nonhomogeneity 非齐性nonhomogeneous 非齐次的nonhomogeneous linear boundary value problem 非齐次线性边值问题nonhomogeneous linear differential equation 非齐次线性微分方程nonhomogeneous linear system of differential equations 非齐次线性微分方程组nonisotropic line 非迷向线nonlimiting ordinal 非极限序数nonlinear equation 非线性方程nonlinear functional analysis 非线性泛函分析nonlinear lattice dynamics 非线性点阵力学nonlinear operator 非线性算子nonlinear optimization 非线性最优化nonlinear oscillations 非线性振动nonlinear problem 非线性问题nonlinear programming 非线性最优化nonlinear restriction 非线性限制nonlinear system 非线性系统nonlinear trend 非线性瞧nonlinear vibration 非线性振动nonlinearity 非线性nonlogical axiom 非逻辑公理nonlogical constant 非逻辑常数nonmeager set 非贫集nonmeasurable set 不可测集nonnegative divisor 非负除数nonnegative number 非负数nonnumeric algorithm 非数值的算法nonorientable contour 不可定向周线nonorientable surface 不可定向的曲面nonorthogonal factor 非正交因子nonparametric confidence region 非参数置信区域nonparametric estimation 非参数估计nonparametric method 非参数法nonparametric test 非参数检定nonperfect set 非完备集nonperiodic 非周期的nonperiodical function 非周期函数nonplanar graph 非平面图形nonprincipal character 非重贞nonrandom sample 非随机样本nonrandomized test 非随机化检验nonrational function 非有理函数nonremovable discontinuity 非可去不连续点nonrepresentative sampling 非代表抽样nonresidue 非剩余nonsense correlation 产生错觉相关nonsingular bilinear form 非奇双线性型nonsingular curve 非奇曲线nonsingular linear transformation 非退化线性变换nonsingular matrix 非退化阵nonspecial group 非特殊群nonstable 不稳定的nonstable homotopy group 非稳定的同伦群nonstandard analysis 非标准分析nonstandard model 非标准模型nonstandard numbers 非标准数nonsymmetric relation 非对称关系nonsymmetry 非对称nontangential 不相切的nontrivial element 非平凡元素nontrivial solution 非平凡解nonuniform convergence 非一致收敛nonvoid proper subset 非空真子集nonvoid set 非空集nonzero vector 非零向量norm 范数norm axioms 范数公理norm form 范形式norm of a matrix 阵的范数norm of vector 向量的模norm preserving mapping 保范映射norm residue 范数剩余norm residue symbol 范数剩余符号norm topology 范拓朴normability 可模性normal 法线normal algorithm 正规算法normal basis theorem 正规基定理normal bundle 法丛normal chain 正规链normal cone 法锥面normal congruence 法汇normal coordinates 正规坐标normal correlation 正态相关normal curvature 法曲率normal curvature vector 法曲率向量normal curve 正规曲线normal density 正规密度normal derivative 法向导数normal dispersion 正常色散normal distribution 正态分布normal distribution function 正态分布函数normal equations 正规方程normal error model 正规误差模型normal extension 正规开拓normal family 正规族normal force 法向力normal form 标准型normal form problem 标准形问题normal form theorem 正规形式定理normal function 正规函数normal homomorphism 正规同态normal integral 正规积分normal linear operator 正规线性算子normal mapping 正规映射normal matrix 正规矩阵normal number 正规数normal operator 正规算子normal order 良序normal plane 法面normal polygon 正规多角形normal polynomial 正规多项式normal population 正态总体normal probability paper 正态概率纸normal process 高斯过程normal sequence 正规序列normal series 正规列normal set 良序集normal simplicial mapping 正规单形映射normal solvable operator 正规可解算子normal space 正规空间normal surface 法曲面normal tensor 正规张量normal to the surface 曲面的法线normal valuation 正规赋值normal variate 正常变量normal variety 正规簇normal vector 法向量normality 正规性normalization 标准化normalization theorem 正规化定理normalize 正规化normalized basis 正规化基normalized function 规范化函数normalized variate 正规化变量normalized vector 正规化向量normalizer 正规化子normalizing factor 正则化因数normed algebra 赋范代数normed linear space 赋范线性空间normed space 赋范线性空间northwest corner rule 北午角规则notation 记法notation free from bracket 无括号记号notation of backus 巴科斯记号notion 概念nought 零nowhere convergent sequence 无处收敛序列nowhere convergent series 无处收敛级数nowhere dense 无处稠密的nowhere dense set 无处稠密点集nowhere dense subset 无处稠密子集nuclear operator 核算子nuclear space 核空间nucleus of an integral equation 积分方程的核null 零null class 零类null divisor 零因子null ellipse 零椭圆null function 零函数null hypothesis 虚假设null line 零线null matrix 零矩阵null method 衡消法null plane 零面null point 零点null ray 零射线null relation 零关系null representation 零表示null sequence 零序列null set 空集null solution 零解null system 零系null transformation 零变换null vector 零向量nullity 退化阶数nullring 零环nullspace 零空间number 数number defined by cut 切断数number defined by the dedekind cut 切断数number field 数域number interval 数区间number line 数值轴number notation 数记法number of partitions 划分数number of repetitions 重复数number of replications 重复数number of sheets 叶数number sequence 数列number set 数集number system 数系number theory 数论number variable 数变量numeration 计算numerator 分子numeric representation of information 信息的数值表示numerical 数值的numerical algorithm 数值算法numerical axis 数值轴numerical calculation 数值计算numerical coding 数值编码numerical coefficient 数字系数numerical computation 数值计算numerical constant 数值常数numerical data 数值数据numerical determinant 数字行列式numerical differentiation 数值微分numerical equality 数值等式numerical equation 数字方程numerical error 数值误差numerical example 数值例numerical function 数值函数numerical inequality 数值不等式numerical integration 数值积分法numerical invariant 不变数numerical mathematics 数值数学numerical method 数值法numerical model 数值模型numerical operator 数字算子numerical quadrature 数值积分法numerical series 数值级数numerical solution 数值解numerical solution of linear equations 线性方程组的数值解法numerical stability 数值稳定性numerical table 数表numerical value 数值numerical value equation 数值方程nutation 章动obelisk 方尖形object 对象object language 对象语言object variable 对象变数objective analysis 客观分析objective function 目标函数oblate ellipsoid 扁椭面oblate spheroid 扁椭面oblique angle 斜角oblique angled 斜角的oblique astroid 斜星形线oblique circular cone 斜圆锥oblique circular cylinder 斜圆柱oblique cone 斜圆锥oblique coordinate system 斜角坐标系oblique coordinates 斜角坐标oblique parallelepiped 斜六面体oblique prism 斜棱柱oblique pyramid 斜棱锥oblique strophoid 斜环诉oblique triangle 斜三角形observable 可观测的observable component 可观测分量observation 观测observation function 观测函数observational error 观测误差observer 观察器观测员obstruction 障碍obstruction cocycle 障碍闭上链obstruction theory 障碍理论obstruction to lifting f 提升的障碍obtuse 钝的obtuse angle 钝角obtuse triangle 钝角三角形octagon 八角形octahedral 八面体octahedral form 八面体形式octahedral group 八面体群octahedron 八面体octal digit 八进制数字octal notation 八进记数法octal system 八进制系octant 卦限octuple 八倍的odd 奇的odd dimensional space 奇维空间odd even check 奇偶校验odd function 奇函数odd number 奇数odd parity 负电阻odd permutation 奇置换oddness 奇数性omega consistent 相容性omega group 群one address 单地址one address instruction 单地址指令one digit 单位的one dimensional 一维的one dimensional boundary value problem 一维边值问题one dimensional differential equation 一维微分方程one dimensional integral 单积分one dimensional space 一维空间one figure 单位的one figure number 单位数one parameter 单参数的one parameter family of curves 曲线的单参数族one place number 单位数one place predicate calculus 一元谓词演算one point compactification 单点紧化one point set 退化集one point union 一点并one sample method 单样本法one sided 单侧的one sided continuity 单侧连续性one sided derivative 单边导数one sided differentiability 单侧可微性one sided limit 单侧极限one sided lower approximate limit 单侧下近似极限one sided surface 单侧曲面one sided test 单侧检验one sided upper approximate limit 单侧偏大近似极限one term 单项的one to many correspondence 一对多对应one to many mapping 一对多映射one to one 一对一的one to one correspondence 一一对应one to one mapping 一一映射one to one relation 一一关系one to one sequence 一一序列one valued 单值的one valued function 单值函数onevaluedness 单值性onto hpmpmprphism 满射同态onto mapping 满射open ball 开球open base 开底open cover 开覆盖open disk 开圆盘open interval 开区间open manifold 开廖open map 开映射open mapping theorem 开映射定理open neighborhood 开邻域open ordered set 开有序集open parallelepiped 开平行六面体open rectangular parallelepiped 开长方体open relation 开关系open segment 开线段open semicircle 开半圆open set 开集open sphere 开球open star 开星形open subprogram 开型子程序open subroutine 开型子程序open surface 开曲面operand 运算对象operating characteristic 运算特征operating system 控制系统operation 运算operation code 操纂operation of symmetric difference 对称差运算operational 运算的operational amplifler 运算放大器operational calculus 算子演算operational code 操纂operational research 运筹学operational unit 运算部件operations research 运筹学operator 算子operator algebra 算子代数operator automorphism 算子同构operator domain 算子域operator equation 算子方程operator function 算子函数operator homomorphism 算子同态operator isomorphism 算子同构operator method 符号法operator norm 算子范数operator of finite rank 有限秩算子operator set 算子域operator valued function 算子函数oppose 反对opposite 逆的opposite angles 对角opposite category 对偶范畴opposite sides 对边opposite sign 导号opposite vector 反向向量opposite vertex 对顶opposition 对立optimal 最佳的optimal control 最优控制optimal disjunctive normal form 最优析取范式optimal normal form 最优标准形optimal policy 最优策略optimal position 最优位置optimal process 最优过程optimal step size 最优步长optimal strategy 最优策略optimal trajectory 最优轨道optimal value function 最优值函数optimality 最优性optimality criterion 最优性判别optimality policy 最优策略optimality principle 最优性原理optimalization problem 最优化问题optimally useful direction 最优可用方向optimization 最优化optimization of scheduling 工序的最优化optimization problem 最优化问题optimum 最佳optimum conditions 最优条件optimum programming 最优规划optimum solution 最优解optimum strategy 最优策略optimum system 最佳系统optimum system control 最佳系统控制optimum value 最优值optional sampling 任意抽样optional selection 任意抽样orbit 轨道orbit curve 轨道曲线orbit determination 轨道计算orbit space 轨道空间orbital stability 轨道稳定性order 次数order bounded set 有序有界集order boundedness 有序有界性order code 指令码order complete set 有序完全集order continuous topology 有序连续的拓扑order convergence 有序收敛order function 序函数order homomorphic group 序同态群order homomorphic image 序同态象order homomorphism 序同态order homomorphism operator 序同态算子order interval 有序区间order isomorphic field 序同构域order isomorphic group 序同构群order of a differential equation 微分方程的阶order of a group 群的阶order of an infinitesimal 无穷小的阶order of approximation 逼近的阶order of branch point 支点的阶数order of contact 接触度order of convergence 收敛的阶order of infinities 无穷大的阶order of infinity 无穷大的阶order of magnitude 绝对值的阶order of polynomial 多项式的阶order of rational integral function 有理整函数的阶order of units 位数order of zero point 零点的阶order preserving correspondence 保序对应order preserving isomorphism 保序同构order register 指令寄存器order relation 序关系order simple group 序单群order statistic 顺序统计量order type 有序型ordered 有序的ordered chain complex 有序链复形ordered factor group 有序商群ordered field 有序域ordered group 有序群ordered linear space 有序线性空间ordered module 有序模ordered pair 序对ordered product 有序积ordered sample 有序样本ordered set 有序集ordered set bounded below 下有界有序集ordered simplex 有序单形ordered singular boundary 有序奇异边界ordered triplet 有序三个一组orderisomorphism 序同构orderpreserving relation 保序关系ordinal 序数ordinal number 序数ordinal number class 序数类ordinal number of the second class 第二类的序数ordinal product 序数积ordinal series 序数列ordinal type 有序型ordinary 导常的ordinary differential equation 常微分方程ordinary differential operator 常微分算子ordinary dirichlet series 狄利克雷级数ordinary integral element 寻常积分元素ordinary linear differential equation 线性常微分方程ordinary multiple point 寻常多重点ordinary point 单点ordinary singularity 寻常奇点ordinate 纵坐标ordinate axis 纵轴orient 定向orientability 可定向性orientable 可定向的orientable surface 可定向曲面orientation 定向orientation class 定向类orientation of surface 曲面的定向orientation of torsion 挠率的定向orientation preserving automorphism 保持定向自同构orientation preserving isomorphism 保持定向同构orientation preserving parameter transformation 保持定向参数变换orientation reversing 反转定向的oriented chain complex 有向链复形oriented circle 有向圆oriented contour 有向围道oriented element 有向元oriented homology group 有向同岛oriented intersection 有向交叉oriented line 有向直线oriented plane 有向平面oriented polygon 有向多角形oriented space 有向空间oriented sphere bundle 有向球丛oriented surface 有向曲面origin 坐标的原点origin of coordinates 坐标的原点original 初始的ortho pinacoid 正交平行双面orthocenter 垂心orthocentric 垂心的orthocentric quadrangle 垂心四边形orthocentric tetrahedron 垂心四面体orthocomplement 正交补orthogonal 直交的orthogonal axonometry 正轴测射影法orthogonal basis 正交基orthogonal circle 正交圆orthogonal complement 正交补orthogonal coordinate system 正交坐标系orthogonal coordinates 正交坐标orthogonal decomposition 正交分解orthogonal expansion 正交函数展开orthogonal functions 正交函数orthogonal groups 正交群orthogonal involution 正交对合orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵orthogonal polynomial expansion 正交多项式展开orthogonal polynomials 正交多项式orthogonal projection 正射影orthogonal projector 正交射影算子orthogonal sequence 正交序列orthogonal series 正交级数orthogonal space 正交空间orthogonal square 正交方格orthogonal stochastic process 正交随机过程orthogonal subspaces 正交子空间orthogonal substitution 正交代换orthogonal sum 正交和orthogonal system 正交系orthogonal tests 独立检验orthogonal trajectory 正交轨线orthogonal transformation 正交变换orthogonal vectors 正交向量orthogonality 正交性orthogonality of columns 列正交性orthogonality of lines 行正交性orthogonality relation 正交关系orthogonality rows 行正交性orthogonalization procedure 正交化过程orthogonalization process 正交化过程orthogonally irreducible representation 正交不可约表示orthography 正投影法orthoheliotropism 直向阳性orthohexagonal 正六方的orthomorphism 正交射orthonormal 规格化正交的orthonormal basis 标准正交基orthonormal sequence 标准正交序列orthonormality 标准正交性orthonormalization 标准正交化orthonormalization process 标准正交化过程orthonormalized basis 标准正交化基orthopole 正交极orthotomy 面正交性oscillate 振动oscillating divergent series 振动发散级数oscillating infinite determinant 振动无穷行列式oscillating series 振荡级数oscillation 振动oscillation equation 振动方程oscillation function 振动函数oscillation of a function 函数的振幅oscillation theorem 振动定理oscillatory 振动的osculating circle 密切圆osculating cone 密切锥面osculating conic 密切二次曲线osculating curve 密切曲线osculating figure 密切图形osculating helix 密切螺旋线osculating parabola 密切抛物线osculating plane 密切平面osculating quadric 密切二次曲面osculating sphere 密切球面osculation 密切osculatory 密切的outdegree 出度outer 外部的outer automorphism 外自同构outer boundary 外边界outer capacity 外容量outer diameter 外径outer direct product 外直积outer lebesgue measure 勒贝格外测度outer measure 外测度outer point 外点outer product 外积outer semidirect product 外半直积output 输出output alphabet 输出字母表output device 输出装置output function 输出函数output quantity 输出量output signal 输出信号output state 输出状态output unit 输出设备outside 外部outward normal 外法线oval 卵形线oval surface 卵形曲面overconvergence 过度收敛overcrossing point 上交叉点overdetermined problem 超定问题overdetermined system 超定组overdetermined system of partial differential equations 偏微分方程的超定组overfield 扩张域overflow 溢出overidentification 过分识别overlap 交叠overlapping domains 交叠域overrelaxation 超松弛p adic algebra p进代数p adic fraction p进分数p adic integer p进整数p adic number p进数p adic representation p进表示p adic system p进法p adic valuation p进赋值pack 束pair 对paired comparison 成对比较法paired samples 成双样本pairing 配对pairwise 两两的pairwise independent events 互相独立事件paleogeometry 古几何学pantograph 比例画器放大器parabola 抛物线parabola of order n n阶抛物线parabolic coordinates 抛物线坐标parabolic curve 抛物曲线parabolic cusp 抛物尖点parabolic cylinder 抛物柱面parabolic cylinder function 抛物柱面函数parabolic differential equation 抛物型微分方程parabolic folium 抛物叶形线parabolic orbit 抛物线轨道parabolic point 抛物点parabolic regression 抛物回归parabolic segment 抛物线段parabolic spiral 抛物螺线parabolic type 抛物型parabolograph 抛物图形paraboloid 抛物面paraboloid of revolution 回转抛物面paraboloidal coordinates 抛物面坐标paracompact space 仿紧空间paradox 悖论paradoxical 荒谬的paradoxical set 不合理集合parallactic displacement 视差位移parallel 平行线parallel algorithm 并联算法parallel angle 平行角parallel axiom 平行公理parallel body 平行体parallel circle 平行圆parallel coordinates 平行坐标parallel curve 平行曲线parallel displacement 平行位移parallel edge 平行棱parallel line 平行线parallel operation 并行运算parallel plane 平面平行的parallel projection 平行射影parallel rule 平行直尺parallel shift 并行进位parallel slit 平行缝隙parallel slit domain 平行裂纹域parallel strip 平行带parallel subspace 平行子空间parallel surface 平行曲面parallel translation 并行进位parallelepiped 平行六面体parallelepipedal neighborhood 平行六面体邻域parallelism 平行parallelizability 可平行性parallelizable 可平行的parallelizable manifold 可平行廖parallelizable variety 可平行廖parallelogram 平行四边形parallelogram axiom 平行四边形公理parallelogram identity 平行四边形恒等式parallelogram law 平行四边形定律parallelogram of forces 力的平行四边形parallelotope 超平行体parallels of latitude 纬度线parameter 参数parameter curve 参数曲线parameter group 参数群parameter integral 参数积分parameter representation 参数表示parameter space 参数空间parameter variety 参数簇parametric curvature 参数曲率parametric curve 参数曲线parametric equation 参数方程parametric estimation 参数估计parametric hypothesis 参数假设parametric optimal solution 参数最优解parametric optimization 参数最优化parametric programming 参数规划parametric representation 参数表示parametric surface 参数曲面parametric test 参数检验parametric variable 参变数parametrics 参数学parametrix 拟基本解parametrization 参数化法parametron 变参数元件parastatistics 仲统计法paraxial 旁轴的paraxial rays 旁轴光线parent population 母体parenthesis 圈括弧parenthesize 引入括弧内parity 奇偶性parity check 奇偶校验parity digit 奇偶校验位parseval equality 帕谢互尔等式parted hyperboloid 双叶双曲面partial 部分的partial carry 部分进位partial confounding 部分混区partial correlation 偏相关partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数partial cross section 部分截面partial denominator 偏分母partial derivative 偏导数partial difference 偏差partial difference equation 偏差分方程partial difference quotient 偏差商partial differential 偏微分partial differential coefficient 偏导数partial differential equation 偏微分方程partial differential equation of elliptic type 椭圆型偏微分方程partial differential equation of first order 一阶偏微分方程partial differential equation of hyperbolic type 双曲型偏微分方程partial differential equation of mixed type 混合型偏微分方程partial differential equation of parabolic type 抛物型偏微分方程partial differential operator 偏微分算子partial differentiation 偏微分法partial fraction 部分分数partial fraction decomposition 部分分数展开partial fraction expansion 部分分数展开partial function 部分函数partial functor 部分函子partial graph 部分图partial linear differential equation 线性偏微分方程partial mapping 部分映射partial matrix 子阵partial numerator 偏分子partial ordering 偏序partial product 部分积partial rank correlation coefficient 偏等级相关系数partial recursive function 部分递归函数partial recursive scheme 部分递归格式partial regression 偏回归partial subgraph 部分子图partial sum 部分和partially adjoint operator 部分伴随算子partially computable function 部分可计算的函数partially differentiable function 可偏微函数partially isometric operator 部分等距算子partially ordered set 半序集partially ordered space 半序空间particular 特别的particular integral 特别积分particular solution 特解partition 分划partition function 分折函数partition of an integer 整数的分拆partition of unity 单位分解partition problem 划分问题partly well ordered set 半良序集pascal distribution 帕斯卡分布pascal hexagon 帕斯卡六边形pascal line 帕斯卡线pascal triangle 帕斯卡三角形passive 被动的path 道路path component 道路连通区path connected space 道路连通空间path matrix 道路矩阵path of a projectile 弹道path of integration 积分路线path space 道路空间pathological function 病态函数pattern 图形pauli matrices 泡利阵payoff 支付payoff function 支付函数payoff matrix 支付阵peak 峰pearson distribution 皮尔逊分布pedal 垂足线pedal circle 垂足圆pedal curve 垂足线pedal surface 垂足曲面pedal transformation 垂足变换pedal triangle 垂足三角形peirce decomposition 皮尔斯分解penalty function 罚函数penalty method 补偿法pencil 束pencil of circles 圆束pencil of conics 二次曲线束pencil of curves 曲线束pencil of lines 线束pencil of parallel lines 平行线束pencil of planes 面束pencil of spheres 球束pendulum 摆pentad 拼五小组pentadecagon 十五边形pentagon 五角形pentagonal number 五角数pentagonal pyramid 五角锥pentagram 五角星pentahedron 五面体pentaspherical coordinates 五球坐标percent 百分率percent error 百分误差percentage 百分率percentile 百分位数perfect cube 完全立方perfect field 完全域perfect form 完全型perfect group 完全群perfect information 完全信息perfect magic square 完全幻方perfect mapping 完全映射perfect matching 全匹配perfect number 完全数perfect number of the second kind 第二类完全数perfect set 完备集perfect space 完全空间perfect square 完全平方perfectly normal space 完全正规空间perigon 周角perimeter 周围period 周期period matrix 周期矩阵period of a function 函数的周期period of oscillation 振荡的周期period relations 周期关系式period strip 周期带periodic 周期的periodic distribution 周期广义函数periodic element 周期元素periodic error 周期误差periodic function 周期函数periodic group 周期群periodic law 周期律periodic motion 周期运动periodic orbit 周期轨道periodic solution 周期解periodic system 周期系periodical decimal fraction 循环十进小数periodicity 周期性periodicity interval 周期性区间periodicity of function 函数的周期性periodogram 周期图periodogram analysis 周期图分析periodograph 周期图periodparallelogram 周期平行四边形peripheral 周边的peripheral device 外围设备peripheral unit 外围设备periphery 周边permanently convergent series 永久收敛级数permissible error 容许误差permissible function 容许函数permissible value 容许值permutation 置换。

数学专业英语Lesson 1Mathematics as a Language of Scienceassert vt. 断言;坚持主张;维护表明qualitative adj. 性质的;定性的quantitative adj. 量的;数量的;定量的;与数量有关的astronomy n. 天文学postulate n. 假定, 基本条件, 基本原理 vt. 要求, 假定 vi. 要求hypothetical adj. 假设的, 假定的,爱猜想的Lesson 2deduction n. 减除, 扣除, 减除额, 推论, 演绎induction n. 归纳;归纳法;归纳所得之结论verification n. 验证;证实correlate vt. 使相互关联 vi. 和...相关discard vt. 丢弃, 抛弃 v. 放弃discredit n. 不信任;失信consistent adj. 一致的, 调和的, 坚固的, [数、统]相容的inadequacy n. 不充分 ,不适当,不适合,不足额conic, conical adj 圆锥的;圆锥形的ellipse n. 椭圆, 椭圆形 ellipt (n.)hyperbolic adj. 双曲线的 hyperbola (n.)parabolic adj. 用寓言表达的: 抛物线的,像抛物线的 parabola (n.) algebraic adj. 代数的, 关于代数学的mineralogy n. 矿物学refraction n. 折光, 折射stimulus n. 刺激物, 促进因素, 刺激, 刺激impetus n. 冲力推动力;刺激Lesson 3Axioms, definitions and Theoremsaxiom n. [数]公理definition n. 阐明;确定定义;界说extravagant adj. 奢侈的, 浪费的, 过分的, 放纵的collinear adj. 在同一直线上的, 同线的convex adj. 凸出的;凸面的segment n. 部分;片段;节, 弓形;圆缺;弧形, 线段conswquently adv. 从而, 因此in terms of adv. 根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面pretense n. 主张, 要求, 伪称, 借口, 自称Lesson 4Geometry and Geometrical termsterm n. 学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语triangle n. [数]三角形, 三人一组, 三角关系parallelogram n. 平行四边形straight angle n. [数]平角right angle n. 直角acute angle n. 锐角obtuse angle n. 钝角reflex angle n. 优角rectilinear adj 直线的;由直线组成的;循直线进行的isosceles triangle n. 等腰三角形equilateral triangle n. 等边三角形right triangle n. 直角三角形obtuse triangle n. 钝角三角形acute triangle n. 锐角三角形equiangular triangle n. 正三角形,等角三角形hypotenuse n. (直角三角形的)斜边circle 圆center 中心;中央;圆心diameter n. 直径radius n. 半径, 范围, 辐射光线, 有效航程, 范围, 界限circumference n. 圆周, 周围Lesson 5The Method of Limitslimit n. 限度,极限,极点infinite adj. 无限的;无穷的infinitesimal adj. 无穷小的, 极小的, 无限小的calculus n. 微积分学, 结石exemplify vt. 例证, 例示, 作为...例子inscribe v. 记下polygon n. [数]多角形, 多边形diminish v. (使)减少, (使)变小curvilinear adj 曲线的, 由曲线组成的intuition n. 直觉, 直觉的知识integral n. [数学] 积分, 完整, 部分defective adj. 有缺陷的, (智商或行为有)欠缺的differential coefficient 微分系数arithmetical adj. 算术的, 算术上的convergence n. 集中, 收敛criterion n. (批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范sequence n. 次序, 顺序, 序列irrational numbers n. [数]无理数domain ,定义域contradiction 矛盾reversal n. 颠倒, 反转, 反向, 逆转, 撤销Lesson 6Functioncontinuous variable 连续变量;[连续变数]variation 变分, 变化interval 区间independent variable 自变量dependent variable 应变量rectangular coordinate 直角坐标abscissa n. 〈数〉横坐标ordinate n. [数]纵线, 纵座标gradient adj. 倾斜的n. 梯度, 倾斜度, 坡度slope n. 斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜 v. (使)顺斜Lesson 7Differential and Integral calculusdifferential adj. 微分的n. 微分 (differentiation)Integral n. [数学] 积分, 完整, 部分 (integration)calculus n. 微积分学, 结石interrelation n. 相互关系trigonometry n. 三角法exponential adj. 指数的, 幂数的logarithm n. [数] 对数derivative n. 导数;微商tangent n. 切线, [数]正切counterclockwise adj. 反时针方向的adv. 反时针方向 (clockwise) definite integral 定积分approximation n. 接近, 走近, [数]近似值culminate v. 达到顶点mean n. 平均数, 中间, 中庸differential equation 微分方程extreme value n. 极值multiple integral 多重积分double integralline integralfunctional analysis 泛函分析Lesson 8 The Concept of Cardinal Number (I)cardinal number n. 基数(如: 1, 2, 3, ... 有别于序数)denumerable adj. 可数的aggregate n. 合计, 总计, 集合体adj. 合计的, 集合的, 聚合的v. 聚集, 集合, 合计purport n. 主旨 v. 声称fancier n. 空想家, 培育动物(或植物)的行家, 爱好者sniff v. 用力吸, 嗅, 闻到, 发觉, 轻视, 用力吸气n. 吸, 闻, 吸气声, 嗤之以鼻scheme n. 安排, 配置, 计划, 阴谋, 方案, 图解, 摘要v. 计划, 设计, 图谋, 策划, * n.(计算数学)方法,格式superior n. 长者, 高手, 上级adj. 较高的, 上级的, 上好的, 出众的, 高傲的cumbersome adj. 讨厌的, 麻烦的, 笨重的instruction n. 指示, 用法说明(书), 教育, 指导, 指令drastically adv. 激烈地, 彻底地conservation 守衡律quadrature n. 求积, 求积分interpolation n. 插值extrapolation n. [数]外推法, 推断internal point 内点identical adj. 同一的, 同样的generalized solution 广义解functional 泛函hydrodynamics 流体力学,水动力学divergence 发散(性),梯度,发散量play an important (fundamental ... ) role 起着重要的(...)作用integro-interpolation method 积分插值法Variational method 变分方法comparatively adv. 比较地, 相当地deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足fictive adj. 虚构的, 想象上的, 虚伪的self-adjoint (nonself-adjoint) 自治的,自伴的,自共轭的finite element method 有限元法spline approximation 样条逼近Particles-in-the-Cell 网格质点法herald n. 使者, 传令官, 通报者, 先驱, 预兆vt. 预报, 宣布, 传达, 欢呼advection n. 水平对流phenomenological adj. 现象学的, 现象的fluctuation n. 波动, 起伏optimism n. 乐观, 乐观主义pessimism n. 悲观, 悲观主义unjustified adj 未被证明其正确的mean-square 均方dispersion n. [数] 离差, 差量Polynomial n adj. [数]多项式的interpolation 插值arithmetic n. 算术, 算法rounding errors 舍入误差multiple n. 倍数, 若干subjective adj. 主观的, 个人的objective adj. 客观的,outcome n. 结果, 成果pattern n. 样品toss v. 投, 掷exhaust vt. 用尽, 耗尽, 抽完, 使精疲力尽divisible adj. 可分的dice, die n. 骰子assign vt. 分配, 指派attach vt. 缚上, 系上, 贴上v. 配属, 隶属于pitfall n. 缺陷chairperson 主席mechanics n. (用作单数)机械学、力学, (用作复数)技巧, 结构statics n. [物]静力学dynamics n. 动力学adequately adv. 充分地celestial adj. 天上的macroscopic adj. 肉眼可见的, 巨观的classical field theory 经典场理论rigit adj. 刚硬的, 刚性的, 严格的elastic adj. 弹性的plastic n. 可塑的,塑性的,塑料的quantum n. 量, 额, [物] 量子, 量子论inception n. 起初, 获得学位pertain v. 适合, 属于gravitation n. 地心吸力, 引力作用tide n. 潮, 潮汐, 潮流, 趋势monumental adj. 纪念碑的, 纪念物的, 不朽的, 非常的encompass v. 包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物ingredient n. 成分, 因素acquainted adj. 有知识的, 知晓的synonymous adj. 同义的configuration n. 构造, 结构, 配置, 外形reference n. 提及, 涉及, 参考, 参考书目inertia n. 惯性, 惯量attribute 特性momentum n. 动量proportional adj. 比例的, 成比例的, 相称的, 均衡的designate 指明negligible adj. 可以忽略的, 不予重视的projectile n. 射弹 adj. 发射的ballistics n. 弹道学, 发射学intractable adj. 难处理的{Mechanics of a Particlein consequence of adv. 由于的...缘故exert vt. 尽(力), 施加(压力等), 努力v. 发挥, 竭尽全力, 尽galaxy n. 星系, 银河, 一群显赫的人, 一系列光彩夺目的东furnish vt. 供应, 提供, 装备, 布置v. 供给torque n. 扭矩, 转矩moment 力矩的friction 摩擦dissipation n. 消散, 分散, 挥霍, 浪费, 消遣, 放荡, 狂饮infer v. 推断Hooke s Law and Its Consequenceselasticity n. 弹力, 弹性constitutive adj. 构成的, 制定的atomistic adj. 原子论的crack n. 裂缝, 噼啪声v. (使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂continuum mechanics n. 连续介质力学superposition n. 重叠, 重合, 叠合strain n. 过度的疲劳, 紧张, 张力, 应变vt. 扭伤, 损伤v. 拉紧, 扯紧, (使)紧张, 尽力thermodynamics n. [物] 热力学reckon vt. 计算, 总计, 估计, 猜想vi. 数, 计算, 估计, 依赖, 料想lesson 20strength 强度load 载荷empirical 以经验为依据的member 构件isolated 孤立的segment 部分、段、节stress 应力strain 应变tension 拉伸shear 剪切bend 弯曲torsion 扭转、扭力insofar 在……范围cohesive 内聚性的tensile 拉力、张力stiffness 硬度furnish 供给Lesson 23 Fluid Mechanicseruption 喷发、爆发turbulent 湍流laminar 层流isothermal 等温isotropic 各向同性prevalent 普遍的、流行的tornado 旋风、飓风eddy 旋涡viscosity 粘性、粘度nonviscous 无粘性的rotation 旋转adiabatic 绝热的reversible 可逆的isentropic 等熵的instant 瞬时的streamline 流线stream tube 流管tangential 切线的incompressible 不可压缩的resultant 合成的,组合的downstream 下游的,顺流的elbow 弯管,肘similitude 相似性hydraulic 水力的,水力学的predominante 占主导地位spillway (河或水坝的)放水道,泄洪道prototype 原型,样板Lesson 24 Mechanical Vibration repetitive 重复的,反复的periodic 周期的,定期的tidal 潮的,像潮的stationary 固定的,不动的vibratory 振动的,摆动的propagation 传播couple v .连接,连合acoustic 听觉的,声学的annoyance 烦恼,困惑adjacent 接近的,邻近的damp 阻尼,衰减restore 复职,归还neutral 平衡exciting force 激励力resonant adj. 共振的,谐振的stiffness 刚度,刚性proportionality 成比例地inclusion 包含,包括magnitude 数值,大小substantially adv. 实质上的perturb 干扰,扰乱resonance n. 共振vibratory adj. 振动的, 可知的perceptible 可见的,可知的adudible 听得见的,可闻的foregoing 前述的impulsive 冲击的shock 冲击Fourier series 傅里叶级数excitation 激发,激励discrete 分离,离散的contend with 向…作斗争compressor 压气机fatigue 疲劳perceptible 可见的,可知觉的shredder 切菜器disposal 处理urban 都市的metropolitan 大都市的at-grade 在同一水平面上elevated 高架的guideway 导轨Lesson 25 A prefect to the Continuum Mechanics preface 序言continuum连续 pl. continuua rigid body 刚体contemporary 当代的,同时期的widespread 分布广的, 普及的accommodate 容纳,使适应medium 介质plasticity 塑性residual 剩余的,残留的creep 蠕变,爬行,塑性变形aging 老化polymeric聚合(物)的sandy 沙的,沙质的aubterranean 地下的,隐藏的essence 精髓,本质thermodynamics 热力学self-similar 自相似expedient 方便的sonsolidate 把…联合为一体,统一justify 证明…有理radically 根本地,本质上deliberate 从容不迫的,深思熟虑Lesson 33 what is a computer Attribute v. 赋予medieval 中世纪的astronomer 天文学家Mars 火星resemble vt. 像,相似tedious adj. 冗长乏味的pulp 浆状物,果肉filter vt.过滤underlying adj. 潜在的, 基本的ore n. 矿沙,矿石perceive v. 察觉,看见intervention n. 干涉,插入intelligent adj. 有智力的,聪明的Lesson 34 A computer system manipulate vt. 操纵,使用chip n. 芯片etch vt. 蚀刻,蚀镂fingernail 指甲mount vt. 安装,安置assemble vt. 集合,聚集cabinet 橱柜execute vt. 执行,实现paycheck n.支付薪金的支票bar chart 直方图joystick 游戏杆encounter vt. 遇到,遇上Mathematical Modelingindustry n. 工业, 产业, 行业, 勤奋commerce n. 商业complexity n. 复杂(性), 复杂的事物, 复杂性career n. (原意:道路, 轨道)事业, 生涯, 速度outset n. 开端, 开始essence n. 基本, [哲]本质, 香精advocation n. (=advocacy)拥护支持provision n. 供应, (一批)供应品, 预备, 防备, 规定publicize v. 宣扬roundabout adj. 迂回的, 转弯抹角的n. 道路交叉处的环形路, 迂回路线, 兜圈子的话trial-error vt. n. 试制, 试生产maneuverability n. 可操作性, 机动性vehicle n. 交通工具, 车辆, 媒介物, 传达手段junction n. 连接, 接合, 交叉点, 汇合处ponder v. 沉思, 考虑contrive v. 发明, 设计, 图谋snooker n. (=snooker pool)彩色台球, 桌球context n. 上下文, 文章的前后关系deviation n. 背离数学专业英语-Groups and RingsDuring the present century modern abstract algebra has become more and more important as a tool for research not only in other branches of mathematics bu t even in other sciences .Many discoveries in abstract algebra itself have been made during the past years and the spirit of algebraic research has definitely t ended toward more abstraction and rigor so as to obtain a theory of greatest p ossible generality. In particular, the concepts of group ,ring,integral domain and field have been emphasized.The notion of an abstract group is fundamental in all sciences ,and it is certai nly proper to begin our subject with this concept. Commutative additive groupsare made into rings by assuming closure with respect to a second operation h aving some of the properties of ordinary multiplication. Integral domains and fi elds are rings restricted in special ways and may be fundamental concepts and their more elementary properties are the basis for modern algebra.GroupsDEFINITION A non-empty set G of elements a,b,…is said to form a group with respect to 0 if:I.G is closed with respect to 0II.The associative law holds in G, that isaо(bоc)=(aоb)оcfor every a, b, c of GⅢ. For every a and b of G there exist solutions χand Уin G of the equ ationsaοχ=b yοa=bA group is thus a system consisting of a set of elements and operation οwit h respect to which G forms a group. We shall generally designate the entire s ystem by the set G of its elements and shall call G a group. The notation use d for the operation is generally unimportant and may be taken in as convenien t a way as possible.DEFINITION A group G is called commutative or abelian ifaοb=bοaFor every a and b of G.An elementary physical example of an abelian group is a certain rotation grou p. We let G consist of the rotations of the spoke of a wheel through multiples of 90ºand aοb be the result of the rotation a followed by the rotation b. T he reader will easily verify that G forms a group with respect to οand that aοb=bοa. There is no loss of generality when restrict our attention to multipl icative groups, that is, write ab in stead of aοb.EQUIVALENCEIn any study of mathematical systems the concept of equivalence of systems of the same kind always arises. Equivalent systems are logically distinct but weusually can replace any one by any other in a mathematical discussion with no loss of generality. For groups this notion is given by the definition: let G an d G´be groups with respective operations o and o´,and let there be a1-1 corr espondenceS : a a´ (a in G and a´in G´)between G and G´such that(aοb)´=a´οb´for all a, b of G. then we call G and G´equivalent(or simply, isomorphic)grou ps.The relation of equivalence is an equivalence relation in the technical sense in the set of all groups. We again emphasize that while equivalent groups may be logically distinct they have identical properties.The groups G and G´of the above definition need not be distinct of course a nd o´may be o. when this is the case the self-equivalence S of G is called a n automorphism.I: a aOf G, but other automorphisms may also exist.RingsA ring is an additive abelian groupB such thatI.the set B is closed with respect to a second operation designated by multiplication; that is , every a and b of B define a unique element ab of B. II.multiplication is associative; that isa (bc) = (ab)cfor every a, b, c of B.Ⅲ. The distributive lawsa (b+c) = ab +ac (b+c) a=ba +cahold for every a, b, c of B.The concept of equivalence again arises. We shall writeB ≌B′to mean that B and B′are equivalent.VocabularyGroup 群rigor 严格ring 环 generalization 推广integral domain 整环Abelian group 阿贝尔群commutative additive group 可交换加法群 rotation 旋转automorphism 自同构数学专业英语-Historical introduction of CalculusThe Two Basic Concepts of CalculusThe remarkable progress that has been made in science and technology during the last century is due in large part to the development of mathematics. That branch of mathematics known as integral and differential calculus serves as a natural and powerful tool for attacking a variety of problems that arise in phys ics,engineering,chemistry,geology,biology, and other fields including,rather recentl y,some of the social sciences.To give the reader an idea of the many different types of problems that can b e treatedby the methods of calculus,we list here a few sample questions.With what speed should a rocket be fired upward so that it never returns to e arth? What is the radius of the smallest circular disk that can cover every isosceles triangle of a given perimeter L? What volume of material is removed fr om a solid sphere of radius 2 r if a hole of redius r is drilled through the ce nter? If a strain of bacteria grows at a rate proportional to the amount present and if the population doubles in one hour,by how much will it increase at th e end of two hours? If a ten-pound force stretches an elastic spring one inch,h ow much work is required to stretch the spring one foot?These examples,chosen from various fields,illustrate some of the technical quest ions that can be answered by more or less routine applications of calculus.Calculus is more than a technical tool-it is a collection of fascinating and ex eiting idea that have interested thinking men for centuries.These ideas have to do with speed,area,volume,rate of growth,continuity,tangent line,and otherconcept s from a varicty of fields.Calculus forces us to stop and think carefully about the meanings of these concepts. Another remarkable feature of the subject is it s unifying power.Most of these ideas can be formulated so that they revolve a round two rather specialized problems of a geometric nature.We turn now to a brief description of these problems.Consider a cruve C which lies above a horizontal base line such as that show n in Fig.1. We assume this curve has the property that every vertical line inter sects it once at most.The shaded portion of the figure consists of those pointe which lie below the curve C , above the horizontal base,and between two para llel vertical segments joining C to the base.The first fundamental problem of c alculus is this: To assign a number which measures the area of this shaded re gion.Consider next a line drawn tangent to the curve,as shown in Fig.1. The second fundamental problem may be stated as follows:To assign a number which me asures the steepness of this line.Basically,calculus has to do with the precise formulation and solution of these two special problems.It enables us to define the concepts of area and tangent l ine and to calculate the area of a given region or the steepness of a given an gent line. Integral calculus deals with the problem of area while differential cal culus deals with the problem of tangents.Historical BackgroundThe birth of integral calculus occurred more than 2000 years ago when the Gr eeks attempted to determine areas by a procees which they called the method of exhaustion.The essential ideas of this ,method are very simple and can be d escribed briefly as follows:Given a region whose area is to be determined,we inscribe in it a polygonal region which approximates the given region and whos e area we can easily compute.Then we choose another polygonal region which gives a better approximation,and we continue the process,taking polygons with more and more sides in an attempt to exhaust the given region.The method is illustrated for a scmicircular region in Fig.2. It was used successfully by Arch imedes(287-212 B.C.) to find exact formulas for the area of a circle and a fe w other special figures.The development of the method of exhaustion beyond the point to which Ar chimcdcs carried it had to wait nearly eighteen centuries until the use of algeb raic symbols and techniques became a standard part of mathematics. The eleme ntary algebra that is familiar to most high-school students today was completel y unknown in Archimedes’time,and it would have been next to impossible to extend his method to any general class of regions without some convenient w ay of expressing rather lengthy calculations in a compact and simpolified form.A slow but revolutionary change in the development of mathematical notations began in the 16th century A.D. The cumbersome system of Roman numerals was gradually displaced by the Hindu-Arabic characters used today,the symbol s “+”and “-”were introduced for the forst time,and the advantages of the decimal notation began to be recognized.During this same period,the brilliant su ccesse of the Italian mathematicians Tartaglia,Cardano and Ferrari in finding al gebraic solutions of cubic and quadratic equations stimulated a great deal of ac tivity in mathematics and encouraged the growth and acceptance of a new and superior algebraic language. With the wide spread introduction of well-chosen algebraic symbols,interest was revived in the ancient method of exhaustion an d a large number of fragmentary results were discovered in the 16 th century by such pioneers as Cavalieri, Toricelli, Roberval, Fermat, Pascal, and Wallis.Fig.2. The method of exhaustion applied to a semicircular region.Gradually the method of exhaustion was transformed into the subject now calle d integral calculus,a new and powerful discipline with a large variety of applic ations, not only to geometrical problems concerned with areas and volumes but also to jproblems in other sciences. This branch of mathematics, which retaine d some of the original features of the method of exhaustion,received its bigges t impetus in the 17 th century, largely due to the efforts of Isaac Newion (16 42—1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646—1716), and its development continued well into the 19 th century before the subject was put on a firm mathematical basis by such men as Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) and Bernhard Riem ann (1826-1866).Further refinements and extensions of the theory are still being carried o ut in contemporary mathematicsVocabularygeology 地质学decimal 小数,十进小数biology 生物学discipline 学科social sciences 社会科学 contemporary 现代的disk (disc) 圆盘bacteria 细菌isosceles triangle 等腰三角形 elastic 弹性的perimeter 周长 impetus 动力volume 体积 proportional to 与…成比例center 中心 inscribe 内接steepness 斜度 solid sphere 实心球method of exhaustion 穷举法 refinement 精炼,提炼polygon 多边形,多角形 cumbersome 笨重的,麻烦的polygonal 多角形fragmentary 碎片的,不完全的approximation 近似,逼近 background 背景学专业英语-How to Organize a paper (For Beginers)?The usual journal article is aimed at experts and near-experts, who are the peo ple most likely to read it. Your purpose should be say quickly what you have done is good, and why it works. Avoid lengthy summaries of known results, and minimize the preliminaries to the statements of your main results. There ar e many good ways of organizing a paper which can be learned by studying pa pers of the better expositors. The following suggestions describe a standard acc eptable style.Choose a title which helps the reader place in the body of mathematics. A use less title: Concerning some applications of a theorem of J. Doe. A. good titlecontains several well-known key words, e. g. Algebraic solutions of linear parti al differential equations. Make the title as informative as possible; but avoid re dundancy, and eschew the medieval practice of letting the title serve as an infl ated advertisement. A title of more than ten or twelve words is likely to be m iscopied, misquoted, distorted, and cursed.The first paragraph of the introduction should be comprehensible to any mathe matician, and it should pinpoint the location of the subject matter. The main p urpose of the introduction is to present a rough statement of the principal resul ts; include this statement as soon as it is feasible to do so, although it is som etimes well to set the stage with a preliminary paragraph. The remainder of th e introduction can discuss the connections with other results.It is sometimes useful to follow the introduction with a brief section that estab lishes notation and refers to standard sources for basic concepts and results. N ormally this section should be less than a page in length. Some authors weave this information unobtrusively into their introductions, avoiding thereby a dull section.The section following the introduction should contain the statement of one or more principal results. The rule that the statement of a theorem should precede its proof a triviality. A reader wants to know the objective of the paper, as well as the relevance of each section, as it is being read. In the case of a ma jor theorem whose proof is long, its statement can be followed by an outline of proof with references to subsequent sections for proofs of the various parts.Strive for proofs that are conceptual rather than computational. For an example of the difference, see A Mathematician’s Miscellany by J.E.Littlewood, in wh ich the contrast between barbaric and civilized proofs is beautifully and amusin gly portrayed. To achieve conceptual proofs, it is often helpful for an author t o adopt an initial attitude such as one would take when communicating mathe matics orally (as when walking with a friend). Decide how to state results wit h a minimum of symbols and how to express the ideas of the proof without c omputations. Then add to this framework the details needed to clinch the resul ts.Omit any computation which is routine (i.e. does not depend on unexpected tri cks). Merely indicate the starting point, describe the procedure, and state the o utcome.It is good research practice to analyze an argument by breaking it into a succe ssion of lemmas, each stated with maximum generality. It is usually bad practi ce to try to publish such an analysis, since it is likely to be long and unintere sting. The reader wants to see the path-not examine it with a microscope. A part of the argument is worth isolating as a lemma if it is used at least twice l ater on.The rudiments of grammar are important. The few lines written on the blackbo ard during an hour’s lecture are augmented by spoken commentary, and aat t he end of the day they are washed away by a merciful janitor. Since the publ ished paper will forever speak for its author without benefit of the cleansing s ponge, careful attention to sentence structure is worthwhile. Each author must develop a suitable individual style; a few general suggestions are nevertheless a ppropriate.The barbarism called the dangling participle has recently become more prevalen t, but not less loathsome. “Differentiating both sides with respect to x, the eq uation becomes---”is wrong, because “the equation”cannot be the subject th at does the differentiation. Write instead “differentiating both sides with respec t to x, we get the equation---,”or “Differentiation of both sides with respect to x leads to the equation---”Although the notion has gained some currency, it is absurd to claim that infor mal “we”has no proper place in mathematical exposition. Strict formality is appropriate in the statement of a theorem, and casual chatting should indeed b e banished from those parts of a paper which will be printed in italics. But fif teen consecutive pages of formality are altogether foreign to the spirit of the t wentieth century, and nearly all authors who try to sustain an impersonal digni fied text of such length succeed merely in erecting elaborate monuments to slu msiness.A sentence of the form “if P,Q”can be understood. However “if P,Q,R,S,T”is not so good, even if it can be deduced from the context that the third co mma is the one that serves the role of “then.”The reader is looking at the paper to learn something, not with a desire for mental calisthenics.Vocabularypreliminary 序,小引(名)开端的,最初的(形)eschew 避免medieval 中古的,中世纪的inflated 夸张的comprehensible 可领悟的,可了解的pinpoint 准确指出(位置)weave 插入,嵌入unobtrusivcly 无妨碍地triviality 平凡琐事barbarism 野蛮,未开化portray 写真,描写clinch 使终结rudiment 初步,基础commentary 注解,说明janitor 看守房屋者sponge 海绵dangling participle 不连结分词prevalent 流行的,盛行loathsome 可恶地absurd 荒谬的banish 排除sustain 维持,继续slumsiness 粗俗,笨拙monument 纪念碑calisthenics 柔软体操,健美体操notes1. 本课文选自美国数学会出版的小册子A mamual for authors of mathematical paper的一节,本文对准备投寄英文稿件的读者值得一读。

数学英语专业术语词汇数学专业术语词汇代数部分1.有关数学运算add,plus加subtract减difference差multiply, times乘product积divide除divisible可被整除的divided evenly被整除dividend被除数,divisor因子,除数quotient商remainder余数factorial阶乘power乘方radical sign, root sign根号round to四舍五入 increase 增加 reduce减少3.有关代数式、方程和不等式value值equation 方程algebraic term代数项like terms, similar terms同类项satisfy 满足numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient字母系数inequality不等式triangle inequality三角不等式range值域original equation原方程equivalent equation同解方程,等价方程linear equation线性方程(e.g.5x+6=22)4.有关分数和小数fraction 分数proper fraction真分数improper fraction假分数mixed number带分数vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数simple fraction简分数complex fraction繁分数numerator分子denominator分母(least)common denominator (最小)公分母quarter四分之一decimal fraction纯小数infinite decimal无穷小数recurring decimal循环小数percent 百分之5.基本数学概念average 平均数 maximum/ minimum number 最大/ 最小数 square 平方arithmetic mean算术平均值weighted average加权平均值geometric mean几何平均数exponent指数,幂base乘幂的底数,底边cube立方数,立方体square root平方根cube root立方根common logarithm常用对数digit数字 not more than不大于less than 小于units’ digit个位数字 sum 和 represent 代表adjacent 相邻的 constant常数variable变量inverse function反函数complementary function余函数linear一次的,线性的factorization因式分解absolute value绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32round off四舍五入6.有关数论number 数natural number自然数positive number正数negative number负数odd integer, odd number奇数even integer, even number偶数integer, whole number整数positive integer 正整数positive whole number正整数negative whole number负整数consecutive number连续整数real number, rational number实数,有理数irrational(number)无理数inverse倒数composite number合数e.g.4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15……prime number质数e.g.2,3,5,7,11,13,15……注意:所有的质数(2除外)都是奇数,但奇数不一定是质数reciprocal倒数common divisor公约数multiple倍数(least)common multiple(最小)公倍数(prime)factor(质)因子common factor公因子 decimal system十进制nonnegative非负的tens十位units个位mode众数median中数common ratio公比7.数列sequence 数列arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列geometricprogression(sequence)等比数列consecutive 连续的8.其它approximate近似(anti)clockwise(逆)顺时针方向cardinal基数ordinal序数direct proportion 、direct ratio正比distinct不同的estimation估计,近似parentheses括号proportion比例permutation排列combination组合table表格trigonometric function三角函数unit单位,位figure 图表几何部分1.所有的角corner 角alternate angle内错角corresponding angle同位角vertical angle对顶角central angle圆心角interior angle内角exterior angle外角 a supplementary angle补角complementary angle余角adjacent angle邻角acute angle 锐角obtuse angle钝角right angle直角round angle周角straight angle平角included angle夹角2.所有的三角形triangle三角形regular triangle 正三角形equilateral triangle等边三角形scalene triangle不等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形right triangle直角三角形oblique斜三角形inscribedtriangle内接三角形3.有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外semicircle半圆concentric circles同心圆quadrilateral四边形pentagon五边形hexagon六边形heptagon七边形octagon八边形nonagon九边形decagon十边形 icosagon 正二十边形polygon多边形parallelogram平行四边形equilateral等边形plane平面square正方形,平方rectangle长方形regular polygon正多边形rhombus菱形trapezoid梯形4.其它平面图形arc弧line, straight line 、beeline直线line segment线段parallel lines平行线segment of a circle弧形5.有关立体图形cube立方体,立方数rectangular solid长方体regular solid/regular polyhedron正多面体circular cylinder圆柱体cone圆锥sphere球体solid立体的octahedron 八面体6.有关图形上的附属物perimeter 周长area 面积altitude高depth深度side边长circumference, perimeter周长radian弧度surface area表面积volume体积arm直角三角形的股cross section横截面centre of a circle圆心chord弦radius半径angle bisector角平分线diagonal对角线diameter直径edge棱face of a solid立体的面hypotenuse斜边included side夹边leg三角形的直角边median of a triangle三角形的中线base底边,底数( e.g.2的5次方,2就是底数)opposite直角三角形中的对边midpoint中点endpoint端点vertex(复数形式vertices)顶点tangent切线的transversal截线intercept截距shaded region 阴影区7.有关坐标coordinate system坐标系rectangular coordinate直角坐标系origin原点abscissa横坐标ordinate纵坐标number line数轴quadrant象限slope斜率complex plane复平面8.其它plane geometry平面几何trigonometry三角学bisect平分circumscribe外切inscribe内切intersect相交perpendicular垂直parallel 平行Pythagorean proposition勾股定理congruent全等的multilateral多边的measure 度量其它1.单位类cent美分penny 一美分硬币nickel5美分硬币dime一角硬币dozen打(12个)score廿(20个)Centigrade摄氏Fahrenheit华氏quart夸脱gallon加仑(1gallon=4quart)yard码meter米micron微米inch英寸foot英尺minute 分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度)square measure平方单位制cubic meter立方米pint品脱(干量或液量的单位)2.有关文字叙述题,主要是有关商业intercalary year(leap year)闰年(366天)common year平年(365天)depreciation折旧down payment直接付款discount打折margin利润profit利润interest利息simple interest单利compounded interest复利dividend红利decrease to 减少到decrease by减少了increase to增加到increase by增加了denote表示list price标价markup涨价per capita每人ratio比率retail price零售价。

(一)数学专业英语课件词汇:2.1 数学、方程与比例Mathematics, Equation and Ratio algebra 代数学geometrical 几何的algebraic 代数的identity 恒等式arithmetic 算术, 算术的measure 测量,测度axiom 公理numerical 数值的, 数字的conception 概念,观点operation 运算constant 常数postulate 公设logical deduction 逻辑推理proposition 命题division 除,除法subtraction 减,减法formula 公式term 项,术语trigonometry 三角学variable 变化的,变量2.2 几何与三角Geometry and Trigonologyangle 角cube 立方体arc 弧curved line 曲线major arc 优弧cylinder 柱体minor arc 劣弧diameter 直径architect 建筑师dimention 维数,大小breadth 宽度endpoint 端点chord 弦equidistant 等距离的circumference 周长line segment 直线段cone 圆锥radius 半径critical 临界的pyramid 棱锥2.3 集合论的基本概念Basic Concepts of the Theory of Sets brace 大括号roster 名册consequence 结论,推论roster notation 枚举法designate 标记,指定rule out 排除,否决diagram 图形,图解subset 子集distinct 互不相同的the underlying set 基础集distinguish 区别,辨别universal set 全集divisible 可被除尽的validity 有效性dummy 哑的,哑变量visual 可视的even integer 偶数visualize 可视化irrelevant 无关紧要的void set(empty set) 空集2.4 整数、有理数与实数Integers, Rational Numbers and Real Numbers conversely 反之geometric interpretation 几何意义correspond 对应induction 归纳法deducible 可推导的proof by induction 归纳证明difference 差inductive set 归纳集distinguished 著名的 inequality 不等式entirely complete 完整的 integer 整数Euclid 欧几里得interchangeably 可互相交换的Euclidean 欧式的 intuitive直观的the field axiom 域公理irrational 无理的2.5 笛卡儿几何学的基本概念Basic Concepts of Cartesian Geometry abscissa 横坐标horizontal 水平的analytic geometry 解析几何hypotenuse 斜边arbitrary 任意的integral 整数的,积分的,积分Cartesian 笛卡儿的 intersect 相交Rene Descartes 笛卡儿intertwine 融合,结合circular 圆的,圆周的leg 侧边,直角边coordinate 坐标ordinate 纵坐标2.6 函数的概念与函数思想Function concept and function idea alphabet 字母表prime 素数,质数displacement 位移proportional 成比例的domain 定义域the real-valued function实值函数edge 棱,边 spring constant 弹性系数graph 图,图形limit 极限stretch 拉伸volume 体积,容积,卷2.7 序列及其极限Sequences and Their Limitsassume 假定sequence 序列,数列converge 收敛series 级数,序列diverge 发散subscript 下标imaginary part 虚部succession 连贯性imply 蕴含,推出successor 后继recursion formula 递推公式2.8 函数的导数和它的几何意义The Derivative of a Function and Its Geometric interpretation acceleration 加速度 interval 区间altitude 高度numerator 分子approach 趋于rectilinear motion 直线运动bound 界,限slope 斜率derivative 导数 tangent 正切,切线fraction 分数,分式velocity 速度2.9 微分方程简介Introduction to Differential Equations approximate evaluation 近似估计 initial 初始的disintegrate 解体,衰变integrate 求积分differentiable 可微的polynomial 多项式exponential 指数的rational function 有理函数。

代数部分1. 有关算数add,plus 加subtract 减difference 差multiply, times 乘product 积divide 除divisible 可被整除的divided evenly 被整除dividend 被除数,红利divisor 因子,除数quotient 商remainder 余数factorial 阶乘power 乘方radical sign, root sign 根号round to 四舍五入to the nearest 四舍五入2. 有关集合union 并集proper subset 真子集solution set 解集3.有关代数式、方程和不等式algebraic term 代数项like terms, similar terms 同类项numerical coefficient 数字系数literal coefficient 字母系数inequality 不等式triangle inequality 三角不等式range 值域original equation 原方程equivalent equation 同解方程,等价方程linear equation 线性方程(e.g. 5x+6=22) 4.有关分数和小数proper fraction 真分数improper fraction 假分数mixed number 带分数vulgar fraction,common fraction 普通分数simple fraction 简分数complex fraction 繁分数numerator 分子denominator 分母(least) common denominator (最小)公分母quarter 四分之一decimal fraction 纯小数infinite decimal 无穷小数recurring decimal 循环小数tenths unit 十分位5. 基本数学概念arithmetic mean 算术平均值weighted average 加权平均值geometric mean 几何平均数exponent 指数,幂base 乘幂的底数,底边cube 立方数,立方体square root 平方根cube root 立方根common logarithm 常用对数digit 数字constant 常数variable 变量inverse function 反函数complementary function 余函数linear 一次的,线性的factorization 因式分解absolute value 绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32round off 四舍五入6.有关数论natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数odd integer, odd number 奇数even integer, even number 偶数integer, whole number 整数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive number 连续整数real number, rational number 实数,有理数irrational(number) 无理数inverse 倒数composite number 合数e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15……prime number 质数e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15…… 注意:所有的质数(2除外)都是奇数,但奇数不一定是质数 reciprocal 倒数common divisor 公约数multiple 倍数(least)common multiple (最小)公倍数(prime) factor (质)因子common factor 公因子ordinary scale, decimal scale 十进制nonnegative 非负的tens 十位units 个位mode 众数median 中数common ratio 公比7.数列arithmetic progression(sequence) 等差数列geometric progression(sequence) 等比数列approximate 近似(anti)clockwise (逆) 顺时针方向cardinal 基数ordinal 序数direct proportion 正比distinct 不同的estimation 估计,近似parentheses 括号proportion 比例permutation 排列combination 组合table 表格trigonometric function 三角函数unit 单位,位几何部分1. 所有的角alternate angle 内错角corresponding angle 同位角下载文档。

数学专业英语词汇1b measurability b可测性b measurable function 波莱尔可测函数babylonian numerals 巴比伦数字back substitution 逆计算backward difference 后向差分backward difference operator 后向差分算子backward difference quotient 后向差商backward solution 后向解法baire function 贝利函数baire measure 贝利测度baire set 贝利集baire space 贝利空间baire theorem 贝利定理balance 平衡balanced category 平衡范畴balanced functor 平衡函子balanced hypergraph 平衡超图balanced neighborhood 平衡邻域balanced sample 平衡样本balanced set 平衡集balancing method 平衡法balayage 扫除ball 球ballistic curve 弹道banach algebra 巴拿赫代数banach lie group 巴拿赫李群banach space 巴拿赫空间band 带band chart 带状图band matrix 带状矩阵bar construction 棒构成bar diagram 条线图bar graph 条线图barrel 桶集barrel shape 桶型barrelled space 桶型空间barrier 闸barycenter 重心barycenter of a simplex 单形的重心barycentric 重心的barycentric complex 重心复形barycentric coordinates 重心坐标barycentric mapping 重心映射barycentric subdivision 重心重分base 底base angle 底角base line 底线base number 底数base of logarithms 对数的底base point 基点base register 基址寄存器变址寄存器base space 底空间base vector 基向量basic 基础的basic block 基本块basic field 基域basic form 基本形式basic point 基础点basic representation 基本表示basic ring 基环basic solution 基本解basic symbol 基本符号basic variable 基本变量basis 基basis for cohomology 上同爹basis for homology 同爹basis of linear space 线性空间的基basis of vector space 向量空间的基basis replacementprocedure 基替换过程basis theorem of hilbert 希耳伯特基定理basis vector 基本向量batch processing 成批处理bayes decision function 贝叶斯判定函数bayes formula 贝叶斯公式bayes postulate 贝叶斯公设bayes solution 贝叶斯解behavior 行为behavior strategy 行为策略bellman principle 贝尔曼原理beltrami equation 贝尔特拉米方程bending point 转向点bergman metric 伯格曼度量bernoulli equation 伯努利方程bernoulli inequality 伯努利不等式bernoulli method 伯努利法bernoulli number 伯努利数bernoulli polynomial 伯努利多项式bernoulli trials 伯努利试验bernoullian polynomial 伯努利多项式bernstein inequality 伯思斯坦不等式bernstein polynomial 伯思斯坦多项式bertrand curves 柏特龙曲线bertrand paradox 柏特龙悖论bessel equation 贝塞耳方程bessel function 贝塞耳函数bessel function of thesecond kind 第二类贝塞耳函数bessel function of the thirdkind 第三类贝塞耳函数bessel inequality 贝塞耳不等式bessel integral 贝塞耳积分best approximation 最佳逼近best estimator 最佳估计量best test 最佳检验best uniformapproximation 最佳一致逼近beta distribution 分布beta function 函数betti group 贝蒂群betti number 贝蒂数between group variance 群间方差biadditive 双加法的biangular 双角的bias 偏倚biased estimator 有偏估计量biased sample 有偏样本biased statistics 有偏统计量biased test 有偏检验biaxial 双轴的biaxial spherical harmonic function 双轴球面低函数bicartesian square 双笛卡儿方bicharacteristic 双特征bicompact 紧bicompact set 紧集bicompact space 列紧空间bicompact transformation group 列紧变换群bicompactification 紧化bicomplex 二重复形bicomplex function 二重复形函数biconcave 两面凹的biconditional 等价biconnected space 双连通空间bicontinuous function 双连续函数bicontinuously differentiable 双连续可微bicylinder 双圆柱bidimensional 二维的bidimensionality 二维性bidual banach space 双对偶巴拿赫空间bifunctor 二变项函子bifurcation point 歧点bifurcation theory 分歧理论bigraded group 双重分次群bigraded module 双重分次模biharmonic 双低的biharmonic equation 双低方程biharmonic function 双低函数biholomorphic 双全纯的biholomorphic function 双正则函数biholomorphic mapping双正则映射bihomomorphism 双同态bijection 双射bijective mapping 双射bijectivity 双射性bilateral 两面的bilateral derivative 双侧导数bilateral laplace transform双侧拉普拉斯变换bilaterally boundedsequence 双侧有界序列bilinear 双线性的bilinear form 双线性形式bilinear functional 双线性泛函bilinear integral form 双线性积分型bilinear mapping 双线性映射bilinear programming 双线性规划bilinear relation 双线性关系bilinear system 双线性系bilinear transformation 双线性变换bilinearity 双线性bimatrix game 双矩阵对策bimodal distribution 双峰分布bimodule 双模binary 二元的binary arithmetic 二进制算术binary code 二进制吗binary coded decimalnotation 二进制编码的十进记数法binary coded decimalsystem 二进制编码的十进制binary coding 二进制编码binary digit 二进制数字binary digital computer 二进制数字计算机binary element 双态元件binary number 二进制数binary number system 二进制数系binary operation 二元运算binary point 二进制小数点binary relation 二元关系binary system 二进制的binary translation 二进制变换bind 连结binomial 二项式binomial coefficient 二项式系数binomial differential 二项式微分binomial differentialequation 二项微分方程binomial distribution 二项分布binomial equation 二项方程binomial expansion 二项展开式binomial integral 二项式积分binomial probability paper二项式概率纸binomial series 二项级数binomial surd 二项不尽根binomial test 二项检验binomial theorem 二项式定理binormal 副法线binormal space 副法线空间binormal vector 副法线向量biodemography 生物人口统计学biomathematic 生物数学的biomathematics 生物数学biomechanics 生物力学biometrics 生物统计学biometrika 生物统计学biophysics 生物物理学biorthogonal system 双正交系biorthonormal expansion双标准正交展开biorthonormalization 双标准正交化bipartite cubic 双枝三次曲线bipartite graph 偶图bipolar 双极的bipolar coordinates 双极坐标bipolar theorem 双极定理biprism 双棱柱biquadrate 四次方biquadratic equation 双二次方程biquadratic residue 双二次剩余biquaternion 复四元数biquinary code 二元五元码birational 双有理的birational invariant 双有理不变量birational map 双有理映射birational transformation 双有理变换birectangular 两直角的biregular 双正则的biregular isomorphism 双正则同构birth process 出生过程birth rate 出生率bisect 平分bisecting point 平分点bisection 平分bisector 平分线bisector of angle 角的平分线bispherical 双球面的bispinor 双旋量bistable 双稳定的bisymmetry 双对称bit 比特bitangent 双切线biunique 一对一的bivalent 二价的bivariate distribution 二维分布bivariate distribution function 二元分布函数bivariate frequency function 二元频率函数bivariate normal distribution 二元正态分布bivariate population 二元总体bivector 二重向量block 块block design 区组设计block relaxation 块松弛block tridiagonal matrix块三对角阵blockdiagram 立体图bochner integral 博赫纳积分body 体body of revolution 旋转体boltzmann constant 玻耳兹曼常数boltzmann equation 玻耳兹曼方程boltzmann statistics 玻耳兹曼统计bolzano weierstrasstheorem 波尔察诺维尔斯特拉斯定理boole function 布尔函数boolean algebra 布尔代数boolean function 布尔函数boolean operation 布尔运算boolean optimization 布尔最优化boolean ring 布尔环boolean vector 布尔向量border 边缘border element 边缘元素border of the domain 域的边缘border set 边缘集bordered matrix 加边矩阵borel exceptional value 波莱尔例外值borel field 波莱尔域borel group 波莱尔群borel lebesgue coveringtheorem 波莱尔勒贝格覆盖定理borel measurable function波莱尔可测函数borel measure 波莱尔测度borel set 波莱尔集borel subgroup 波莱尔子群borel summable series 波莱尔可和级数born approximation 波饵似法bornological dual 有界型对偶bornological set 有界型集bornological space 有界型空间bornological topology 有界型拓扑学bornology 有界型性bott periodicity theorem博特周期性定理bound 界bound decision variable 约束决策变量bound term 约束项bound variable 约束变词boundary 边界;边缘boundary cell 边界胞腔boundary collocation 边界配置boundary condition 边界条件boundary correspondence边界对应boundary curve 边界曲线boundary element method边界元法boundary form 边缘形式boundary homomorphism边缘同态boundary interval 边界区间boundary layer 边界层boundary line 界线boundary method 边界法boundary operator 边缘算子boundary point 边界点boundary simplex 边界单形boundary strip 边界带boundary surface 带边界曲面boundary value 边界值boundary value problem边值问题bounded 有界的bounded above 上有界的bounded above sequence上有界序列bounded below 下有界的bounded below sequence下有界序列bounded chain 有界链bounded closed set 有界闭集bounded domain 有界域bounded existentialquantifier 有界存在量词bounded function 有界函数bounded matrix 有界矩阵bounded minimization 有界最小化bounded operator 有界算子bounded point sequence有界点序列bounded quantification 有界量词限制bounded quantifier 有界量词bounded sequence 有界序列bounded set 有界集合bounded to the downwards下有界的bounded to the upwards上有界的bounded variation 有界变分boundedly convergentseries 有界收敛级数boundedness 有界性bounding manifold 边界廖bounding surface 边界曲面boundless 无限的box 框brace 大括号brachistochrone 最速降线brachistochrone problem 最速降线问题bracket 括号bracket operation 括号运算bragg curve 布喇格曲线braid 辫braid group 辫群branch 分支branch and bound method 分支限界法branch curve 分枝曲线branch cut 分支切割branch divisor 分歧除子branch instruction 分枝指令branch line 分枝线branch of a curve 曲线的分枝branch of function 函数的分枝branch point 分枝点branching 分枝branching process 分枝过程brauer group 布劳韦尔群breadth 幅break point 断点;分割点break point instruction 断点指令breaking stress 破坏应力bridge 分离棱briggs' logarithm 常用对数briggsian logarithm 常用对数broken diagonal 折对角线broken line 折线broken number 分数brouwer fixed pointtheorem 布劳丰尔不动点定理brownian motion 布朗运动brownian movement 布朗运动bruhat decomposition 布鲁阿分解buckling 弯曲budget 顸算buffer 缓冲器bundle 束bundle map 丛映射bundle of coefficients 系数丛bundle of lines 线把bundle of p vectors 向量丛bundle of planes 平面把bundle of rays 线把bundle of spheres 球把bundle space 丛空间bundle structure theorem丛结构定理bus 母线byte 字节数学专业英语词汇2c function c类函数c manifold c廖c mapping c类映射ca set 上解析集calculability 可计算性calculable mapping 可计算映射calculable relation 可计算关系calculate 计算calculating automaton 计算自动机calculating circuit 计算电路calculating element 计算单元calculating machine 计算机calculating punch 穿孔计算机calculating register 计算寄存器calculating unit 计算装置calculation 计算calculation of areas 面积计算calculator 计算机calculus 演算calculus of approximations近似计算calculus of classes 类演算calculus of errors 误差论calculus of finitedifferences 差分法calculus of probability 概率calculus of residues 残数计算calculus of variations 变分法calibration 校准canal 管道canal surface 管道曲面cancel 消去cancellation 消去cancellation law 消去律cancellation property 消去性质cancelling of significantfigures 有效数字消去canonical basis 典范基canonical coordinates 标准坐标canonical correlationcoefficient 典型相关系数canonical decomposition标准分解canonical distribution 典型分布canonical ensemble 正则总体canonical equation 典型方程canonical equation ofmotion 标准运动方程canonical expression 典范式canonical factorization 典范因子分解canonical flabby resolution典型松弛分解canonical form 标准型canonical function 标准函数canonical fundamentalsystem 标准基本系统canonical homomorphism标准同态canonical hyperbolicsystem 典型双曲线系canonical image 标准象canonical mapping 标准映射canonical representation典型表示canonical sequence 标准序列canonical solution 标准解canonical system ofdifferential equations 标准微分方程组canonical variable 典型变量canonical variationalequations 标准变分方程canonical variational problem 标准变分问题cantor curve 康托尔曲线cantor discontinum 康托尔密断统cantorian set theory 经典集论cap 交cap product 卡积capacity 容量card 卡片card punch 卡片穿孔机card reader 卡片读数器cardinal 知的cardinal number 基数cardinal product 基数积cardioid 心脏线carrier 支柱carry 进位carry signal 进位信号cartan decomposition 嘉当分解cartan formula 嘉当公式cartan subalgebra 嘉当子代数cartan subgroup 嘉当子群cartesian coordinate system 笛卡儿坐标系cartesian coordinates 笛卡尔座标cartesian equation 笛卡儿方程cartesian folium 笛卡儿叶形线cartesian product 笛卡儿积cartesian space 笛卡儿空间cartography 制图学cascaded carry 逐位进位casimir operator 卡巫尔算子cassini oval 卡吾卵形线casting out 舍去casting out nines 舍九法catastrophe theory 突变理论categorical judgment 范畴判断categorical proposition 范畴判断categorical syllogism 直言三段论categorical theory 范畴论categoricity 范畴性category 范畴category of groups 群范畴category of modules 模的范畴category of sets 集的范畴category of topologicalspaces 拓扑空间的范畴catenary 悬链线catenary curve 悬链线catenoid 悬链曲面cauchy condensation test柯微项收敛检验法cauchy condition forconvergence 柯握敛条件cauchy criterion 柯握敛判别准则cauchy distribution 柯沃布cauchy filter 柯嗡子cauchy inequality 柯位等式cauchy integral 柯锡分cauchy integral formula 柯锡分公式cauchy kernel 柯嗡cauchy kovalevskayatheorem 柯慰仆吡蟹蛩箍ǘ数学专业英语词汇3d integrable d可积d integral d积分d'alembert principle 达朗贝尔原理d'alembert ratio test 达朗贝尔比例试验法d'alembert solution 达朗贝尔解d'alembertian 达朗伯符;达郎贝尔算子damped harmonicoscillation 阻尼谐振动damped oscillation 阻尼振动damped vibration 阻尼振动damping 阻尼damping factor 阻尼因子dantzig van de pannemethod 但泽范德潘方法darboux tangent 达布切线darboux theorem 达布定理data 数据data processing 数据处理data storage 数据存储器data storage register 数据存储寄存器death process 死亡过程death rate 死亡率debugging 堤序deca 十decade 十个decade scaler 十进制计数器decagon 十边形decahedron 十面体decameter 十米decay curve 衰变曲线deci 分decidability 可判定性decile 十分位数decimal 十进位的decimal arithmetic 十进算术decimal binary conversion十二进制变换decimal digit 十进制数字decimal expansion 十进制展开decimal fraction 十进小数decimal notation 十进制记数法decimal number 十进小数decimal number system 十进制decimal of many places 多位十进小数decimal part 小数部分decimal place 小数位decimal point 小数点decimal representation 十进制记数法decimal system 十进制decimal to binaryconversion 十二进制变换decimetre 分米decision 判定decision domain 决策域decision function 判定函数decision problem 判定问题decision procedure 判定过程decision space 判定空间decision theory 决策论decision variable 决策变量decision vector 决策向量decisive 决定的declination 倾斜decoder 译码器decomposability 可分解性decomposable form 可分解形式decomposable matrix 可分解矩阵decomposable operator 可分解算子decompose 分解decomposition 分解decomposition field 分解域decomposition formula 分解公式decomposition group 分解群decomposition in a direct sum 直和分解decomposition into linear factors 线性因子分解decomposition into partial fractions 部分分数分解decomposition operator 分解算子decomposition principle 分解原理decomposition theorem 分解定理decrease 减少decreasing function 递减函数decrement 减量dedekind axiom 绰金公理dedekind completion 绰金完备化dedekind cut 绰金切断dedekind domain 绰金环dedekind ring 绰金环dedekind set 绰金集dedekind sum 绰金和deduce 演绎deducibility 可推断deduction 演绎法deductive method 演绎法deductive proof 演绎证明defect 靠defect indices 扛数defect of operators 算子的靠defect of spline 样条的筐defect relation 控系defect subspaces 坑空间defective number 靠defective value 康deferent 圆心轨迹deficiency 靠deficiency index 扛标deficient number 靠definability 可定义性definable 可定义的define 定义definiendum 被定义者definiens 定义者defining contrast 定义对比defining equation 定义方程defining field 定义域defining relations 定义关系definite 定的definite divergence 定发散definite integral 定积分definiteness 梅性definition by induction 用归纳法定义definition by transfiniteinduction 依超限归纳法的定义deflation 降阶deform 使变形deformable 可变形的deformation 变形deformation ratio 形变比率deformation retract 形变收缩核deformation retraction 形变收缩degeneracy 退化degeneracy operator 退化算子degenerate 退化degenerate case 退化情况degenerate core 简并核degenerate distribution 退化分布degenerate eigenvalue 退化本盏degenerate extreme point退化极值点degenerate kernel 退化核degenerate parabolicequation 退化抛物型方程degenerate polyhedron 退化多面体degenerate set 退化集degenerate simplex 退化单形degeneration 退化degree 次数degree of a polynomial 多项式的次数degree of a representation表示度degree of accuracy 精确度degree of an equation 方程式的次数degree of approximation近似度degree of freedom 自由度degree of inseparability 不可分次数degree of mapping 映射度degree of stability 稳定度degree of symmetry 对称度del 倒三角形del operator 倒三角形delay 延迟delay equation 延滞方程delay line store 延迟线存储器delay time 延迟时间delete 删去deleted neighborhood 去心邻域deletion 删除delocalization 非局部化delta function 狄垃克函数deltoid 形曲线demarcation 划分界线demi continuous 半连续的demonstrate 证明论证demonstration 证明denominate number 庚denomination 名称denominator 分母denote 指示dense 稠密的dense in itself 自密的dense in itself set 自密集dense set 稠集dense subset 稠子集denseness 稠密性denseness of set 集的密度densimetry 密度测定density 密度density distribution 密度分布density function 密度函数density matrix 密度矩阵density of distribution 分布密度density of simultaneousdistribution 联合分布密度density theorem 密度定理denumerability 可数性denumerable 可数的denumerable set 可数集denumeration 计算depend 依赖dependence 相关dependent 相关的dependent equations 相关方程组dependent variable 应变数dependent variate 应变量depression 降低depth line 深度线derivability 可微性derivable 可微的derivate 导出数derivation 微分derivative 导数derivative of a distribution 分布导数derivative of a vector 向量导数derivative of higher order 高阶导数derivative of n th order n 阶导数derive 导出derived algebra 导出代数derived equation 导出方程derived function 导数derived functor 导函子derived graph 导出图derived rule of inference 推理的导出规则derived series 导出列derived set 推导集derived unit 导出单位derogatory matrix 减次阵descartes rule of signs 笛卡儿正负号规则descending central series降中心列descending chain 降链descending chain condition降链条件descending difference 前向差分descending induction 递减归纳descending order 递减次序descending power series递减幂级数descent 下降descent method 下降法description 描述description operator 摹状算子descriptive form 描述形式descriptive function 描述形式descriptive geometry 画法几何descriptive set theory 描述集论descriptive statistics 描述统计学design 计划design of experiments 实验设计detached coefficients 分离系数determinant 行列式determinant of infiniteorder 无限行列式determinant of thecoefficients 系数行列式determinant of thecoefficients of a linear form 线性形式的系数行列式determinantal divisor 行列式因子determinantal equation 行列式方程determinate 一定的determinate automaton 确定性自动机determinate system 确定组determine 决定出determined system 确定组determining equation 决定方程determining factor 决定因素deterministic digital system确定性数字系统deterministic optimization确定性最优化deterministic process 确定过程deterministic programming确定性最优化develop 展开developability 可展性developable 可展的developable function 可展函数developable surface 可展曲面development 展开development in powerseries 幂级数展开deviate 偏离deviation 偏差deviation from the mean平均偏差diadic system 二进制数系diagnostic routine 诊断程序diagonal 对角线diagonal continued fraction对角连分数diagonal dominancy 对角优势diagonal element 对角元素diagonal form 对角型diagonal map 对角映射diagonal matrix 对角阵diagonal method 对角线法diagonal morphism 对角射diagonal of a determinant行列式的对角线diagonal of the face 面对角线diagonal point 对边点diagonal procedure 对角线法diagonal process 对角线法diagonal sequence 对角序列diagonal sum 矩阵的迹diagonal sum rule 对角求和规则diagonalizable matrix 可对角化矩阵diagonalization 对角线化diagonalize 对角化diagonally dominantmatrix 对角占优矩阵diagram 图表diagram scheme 图解概型diameter 直径diameter of a circle 圆的直径diametric plane 径面diamond shaped 菱形的dichotomy 二分法diffeomorphic mapping 微分同胚映射diffeomorphism 微分同胚映射difference 差difference boundary valueproblem 差分边值问题difference differentialequation 差分微分方程difference equation 差分方程difference group 差群difference method 差分法difference operator 差分算子difference product 差积difference quotient 均差difference schema 差分格式difference sequence 差数序列difference set 差集difference table 差分表different 共轭差积differentiability 可微性differentiable 可微的differentiable function 可微函数differentiable manifold of class c c类微分廖differential 微分differential algebra 微分代数differential analyzer 微分分析仪differential and integral calculus 微积分differential calculus 微分学differential circuit 微分电路differential coefficient 微分系数differential cross section微分截面differential curve 微分曲线differential differenceequation 差分微分方程differential equation 微分方程differential equation withdelayed argument 延滞方程differential equation withdeviating argument 偏差自变数微分方程differential equation withlag 滞后微分方程differential equation withseparated variables 分离变数型微分方程differential expression 微分式differential form 微分形式differential form of the firstkind 第一种微分形式differential game 微分对策differential geometry 微分几何学differential ideal 微分理想differential method 微分法differential of arc 微弧differential operator 微分算子differential parameter 微分参数differential quotient 微分系数differential ring 微分环differential scattering 微分散射截面differential topology 微分拓扑differentiate 微分differentiating circuit 微分电路differentiation 微分differentiation of a function函数的微分法differentiation of implicitfunction 隐函数微分法differentiation operator 微分算子differentiation symbol 微分记号differentiation term byterm 逐项微分differentiation theorem 微分定理differentiator 微分器diffraction 衍射diffraction angle 衍射角diffraction curve 衍射曲线diffraction disc 绕射盘diffusion 扩散diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion constant 扩散常数diffusion equation 扩散方程diffusion process 扩散过程digamma function 双函数digit 数字digital 数字的digital computer 数字计算机digital control 数字控制digital differential analyzer数字微分分析仪digital recorder 数字式自动记录器digital simulation 数据模拟digitize 计数化dihedral angle 二面角dihedral group 二面体群dihedron 二面体dilatation 单项变换dilated maximum principle扩张极大值原理dilemma 二难推论dimension 量纲dimension theorem 维数定理dimension theory 维数论dimensional 量纲的dimensional analysis 维量分析dimensional equation 量纲方程dimensionality 量纲dimensionless 无量纲的dimensionless quantity 无因次量dimer 二聚物dimetric 二维的diophantine analysis 丢番图分析diophantine equation 丢番图方程diplohedron 扁方二十四面体dirac delta distribution 狄垃克函数dirac equation 狄拉克方程dirac measure 狄拉克测度direct 直接的direct analytic continuation直接解析开拓direct correspondence 直接对应direct decomposition 直分解direct factor 直积因子direct image 直接象direct limit 归纳极限direct method 直接法direct numerical method直接数值法direct predecessor 直前仟direct product 直积direct successor 紧接后元direct sum 直和direct system 归纳系direct union 直并directed circuit 有向回路directed distance 有向距离directed edge sequence 有向棱序列directed graph 有向图directed group 有向群directed line 有向元directed line segment 有向线段directed path 有向通路directed quantity 有向量directed set 有向集directed system 有向系directing curve 有向曲线direction 方向direction angle 方向角direction cosine 方向余弦direction field 方向场direction of principal axis 轴方向direction of principal curvature 助率方向direction parameter 方向参数directional 定向的directional derivative 方向导数directional differentiation 方向微分法directional field 方向场directivity 方向性directly proportional 直接比例的directoin search program方向检颂序director circle 准圆director cone 准锥面director plane 准平面directrix 准线directrix of a conic 二次曲线的准线dirichlet boundarycondition 狄利克雷边界条件dirichlet conditions 狄利克雷条件dirichlet distribution 狄利克雷分布dirichlet domain 狄利克雷域dirichlet drawer principle狄利克雷抽屉原理dirichlet function 狄利克雷函数dirichlet integral 狄利克雷积分dirichlet principle 狄利克雷原理dirichlet problem 狄利克雷问题dirichlet product 狄利克雷乘积dirichlet series 狄利克雷级数dirichlet space 狄利克雷空间dirichlet theorem 狄利克雷定理disagreement 不符合disappearance 消失disassembly 拆卸disc 圆盘disconnected space 不连通空间discontinuity 不连续discontinuity interval 不连续区间discontinuity on the left 左方不连续性discontinuity on the right右方不连续性discontinuous function 不连续函数discontinuous group 不连续群discontinuous randomvariable 不连续变量discontinuous set 不连续集discontinuous term 不连续项discontinuous variate 不连续变量discontinuum 密断统discount 折扣discount factor 折扣因子discrete 分立的discrete category 离散范畴discrete continuous system离散连续系统discrete distribution 离散分布discrete distributionfunction 离散分布函数discrete flow 离散流discrete fourier transform离散傅里叶变换discrete group 离散群discrete mathematics 离散数学discrete optimization 离散最佳化discrete optimizationproblem 离散最优化问题discrete problem 离散问题discrete process 离散随机过程discrete programming 离散规划discrete random variable离散随机变量discrete series 离散序列discrete set 离散集discrete spectrum 离散谱discrete state 离散状态discrete system 离散系统discrete time 离散时间discrete topological space离散拓扑空间discrete topology 离散拓扑discrete uniformdistribution 离散均匀分布discrete valuation 离散赋值discreteness 离散性discretization 离散化discretization error 离散化误差discrimator 判别式函数discriminant 判别式discriminant analysis 判别分析discriminant function 判别式函数discriminant of apolynomial 多项式的判别式discriminatory analysis 判别分析disjoint elements 不相交元素disjoint relations 不相交关系disjoint sets 不相交集disjoint sum 不相交并集disjoint union 不相交并集disjointed set 不相交集disjunction 析取disjunction sign 析取记号disjunction symbol 析取记号disjunctive normal form析取范式disjunctive proposition 选言命题disk 圆盘disorder 无秩序disorder order transformation 无序有序变化dispersion 方差dispersion matrix 方差矩阵dispersion relations 分散关系dispersive 扩散的displacement 位移displacement operator 位移算符display statusconcomitant 相伴式disposition 配置disproportion 不相称disproportionate 不成比例的dissection 剖分dissimilar terms 不同类项dissipation 散逸dissipation of energy 消能dissipative function 散逸函数dissipative measurable transformation 散逸可测变换dissipative system 耗散系dissociation 解离dissociation constant 分离常数distance axioms 距离公理distance between twopoints 两点间距distance circle 距离圆distance function 距离函数distance matrix 距离矩阵distance meter 测距仪distance point 距离点distinction 差别distinguish 辨别distinguished polynomial特异多项式distortion 畸变distortion angle 畸变角distortion theorem 畸变定理distortionless 无畸变的distributed constant 分布常数distributed parameter 分布参数distribution 分布distribution coefficient 分布系数distribution curve 分布曲线distribution family 分布族distribution function 分布函数distribution law 分布律distribution of primenumbers 素数分布distribution parameter 分布参数distribution ratio 分布系数distribution rule 分布规则distribution space 广义函数空间distribution with negativeskewness 负偏斜分布distribution with positiveskewness 正偏斜分布distributionfree test 无分布检验distributive 分配的distributive lattice 分配格distributive law 分配律distributivity 分配性disturbance 扰动disturbing function 扰动函数diverge 发散divergence 发散divergence of a series 级数发散divergence of tensor field张量场的散度divergence of vector field向量场的散度divergent sequence 发散序列divergent series 发散级数divide 除divided difference 均差dividend 被除数divider compasses 除法器两脚规dividers 除法器两脚规divisibility 可除性divisible 可除的divisible element 可除元素division 除法;划分division algebra 可除代数division algorithm 辗转相除法division of a line segment线段的分割division ring 可除环division transformation 有剩余的除法division with remainder 有剩余的除法divisor 因divisor class 除子类divisor function 除数函数divisor problem 除数问题documentation 文件编制documentation of program程序文档dodecagon 十二边形dodecagonal 十二边形的dodecahedral number 十二面体数dodecahedron 十二面体dog curve 追踪曲线domain 定义域domain of attraction 吸引范围domain of convergence 收敛域domain of definition 定义域domain of dependence 依赖域domain of existence 存在域domain of integration 积分区域domain of integrity 整环domain of meromorphy 亚纯域domain of regularity 正则域domain of transitivity 可递域domain of unsolvability 不可解域domain of variability 定义域dominant 帜dominant strategy 优策略dominant weight 最高权dominate 支配dominated convergence 控制收敛dominating set 控制集domination 支配domination principle 优势原理domino problem 多米诺问题dot 点dot chart 点图表。

数学专业英语词汇Aabelian group:阿贝尔群;absolute geometry:绝对几何;absolute value:绝对值;abstract algebra:抽象代数;addition:加法;algebra:代数;algebraic closure:代数闭包;algebraic geometry:代数几何;algebraic geometry and analytic geometry:代数几何和解析几何;algebraic numbers:代数数;algorithm:算法;almost all:绝大多数;analytic function:解析函数;analytic geometry:解析几何;and:且;angle:角度;anticommutative:反交换律;antisymmetric relation:反对称关系;antisymmetry:反对称性;approximately equal:约等于;Archimedean field:阿基米德域;Archimedean group:阿基米德群;area:面积;arithmetic:算术;associative algebra:结合代数;associativity:结合律;axiom:公理;axiom of constructibility:可构造公理;axiom of empty set:空集公理;axiom of extensionality:外延公理;axiom of foundation:正则公理;axiom of pairing:对集公理;axiom of regularity:正则公理;axiom of replacement:代换公理;axiom of union:并集公理;axiom schema of separation:分离公理;axiom schema of specification:分离公理;axiomatic set theory:公理集合论;axiomatic system:公理系统;BBaire space:贝利空间;basis:基;Bézout's identity:贝祖恒等式;Bernoulli's inequality:伯努利不等式;Big O notation:大O符号;bilinear operator:双线性算子;binary operation:二元运算;binary predicate:二元谓词;binary relation:二元关系;Boolean algebra:布尔代数;Boolean logic:布尔逻辑;Boolean ring:布尔环;boundary:边界;boundary point:边界点;bounded lattice:有界格;Ccalculus:微积分学;Cantor's diagonal argument:康托尔对角线方法;cardinal number:基数;cardinality:势;cardinality of the continuum:连续统的势;Cartesian coordinate system:直角坐标系;Cartesian product:笛卡尔积;category:范畴;Cauchy sequence:柯西序列;Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:柯西不等式;Ceva's Theorem:塞瓦定理;characteristic:特征;characteristic polynomial:特征多项式;circle:圆;class:类;closed:闭集;closure:封闭性或闭包;closure algebra:闭包代数;combinatorial identities:组合恒等式;commutative group:交换群;commutative ring:交换环;commutativity::交换律;compact:紧致的;compact set:紧致集合;compact space:紧致空间;complement:补集或补运算;complete lattice:完备格;complete metric space:完备的度量空间;complete space:完备空间;complex manifold:复流形;complex plane:复平面;congruence:同余;congruent:全等;connected space:连通空间;constructible universe:可构造全集;constructions of the real numbers:实数的构造;continued fraction:连分数;continuous:连续;continuum hypothesis:连续统假设;contractible space:可缩空间;convergence space:收敛空间;cosine:余弦;countable:可数;countable set:可数集;cross product:叉积;cycle space:圈空间;cyclic group:循环群;Dde Morgan's laws:德·摩根律;Dedekind completion:戴德金完备性;Dedekind cut:戴德金分割;del:微分算子;dense:稠密;densely ordered:稠密排列;derivative:导数;determinant:行列式;diffeomorphism:可微同构;difference:差;differentiablemanifold:可微流形;differential calculus:微分学;dimension:维数;directed graph:有向图;discrete space:离散空间;discriminant:判别式;distance:距离;distributivity:分配律;dividend:被除数;dividing:除;divisibility:整除;division:除法;divisor:除数;dot product:点积;Eeigenvalue:特征值;eigenvector:特征向量;element:元素;elementary algebra:初等代数;empty function:空函数;empty set:空集;empty product:空积;equal:等于;equality:等式或等于;equation:方程;equivalence relation:等价关系;Euclidean geometry:欧几里德几何;Euclidean metric:欧几里德度量;Euclidean space:欧几里德空间;Euler's identity:欧拉恒等式;even number:偶数;event:事件;existential quantifier:存在量词;exponential function:指数函数;exponential identities:指数恒等式;expression:表达式;extended real number line:扩展的实数轴;Ffalse:假;field:域;finite:有限;finite field:有限域;finite set:有限集合;first-countable space:第一可数空间;first order logic:一阶逻辑;foundations of mathematics:数学基础;function:函数;functional analysis:泛函分析;functional predicate:函数谓词;fundamental theorem of algebra:代数基本定理;fraction:分数;Ggauge space:规格空间;general linear group:一般线性群;geometry:几何学;gradient:梯度;graph:图;graph of a relation:关系图;graph theory:图论;greatest element:最大元;group:群;group homomorphism:群同态;HHausdorff space:豪斯多夫空间;hereditarily finite set:遗传有限集合;Heron's formula:海伦公式;Hilbert space:希尔伯特空间;Hilbert's axioms:希尔伯特公理系统;Hodge decomposition:霍奇分解;Hodge Laplacian:霍奇拉普拉斯算子;homeomorphism:同胚;horizontal:水平;hyperbolic function identities:双曲线函数恒等式;hypergeometric function identities:超几何函数恒等式;hyperreal number:超实数;Iidentical:同一的;identity:恒等式;identity element:单位元;identity matrix:单位矩阵;idempotent:幂等;if:若;if and only if:当且仅当;iff:当且仅当;imaginary number:虚数;inclusion:包含;index set:索引集合;indiscrete space:非离散空间;inequality:不等式或不等;inequality of arithmetic and geometric means:平均数不等式;infimum:下确界;infinite series:无穷级数;infinite:无穷大;infinitesimal:无穷小;infinity:无穷大;initial object:初始对象;inner angle:内角;inner product:内积;inner product space:内积空间;integer:整数;integer sequence:整数列;integral:积分;integral domain:整数环;interior:内部;interior algebra:内部代数;interior point:内点;intersection:交集;inverse element:逆元;invertible matrix:可逆矩阵;interval:区间;involution:回旋;irrational number:无理数;isolated point:孤点;isomorphism:同构;JJacobi identity:雅可比恒等式;join:并运算;K格式:Kuratowski closure axioms:Kuratowski 闭包公理;Lleast element:最小元;Lebesgue measure:勒贝格测度;Leibniz's law:莱布尼茨律;Lie algebra:李代数;Lie group:李群;limit:极限;limit point:极限点;line:线;line segment:线段;linear:线性;linear algebra:线性代数;linear operator:线性算子;linear space:线性空间;linear transformation:线性变换;linearity:线性性;list of inequalities:不等式列表;list of linear algebra topics:线性代数相关条目;locally compact space:局部紧致空间;logarithmic identities:对数恒等式;logic:逻辑学;logical positivism:逻辑实证主义;law of cosines:余弦定理;L??wenheim-Skolem theorem:L??wenheim-Skolem 定理;lower limit topology:下限拓扑;Mmagnitude:量;manifold:流形;map:映射;mathematical symbols:数学符号;mathematical analysis:数学分析;mathematical proof:数学证明;mathematics:数学;matrix:矩阵;matrix multiplication:矩阵乘法;meaning:语义;measure:测度;meet:交运算;member:元素;metamathematics:元数学;metric:度量;metric space:度量空间;model:模型;model theory:模型论;modular arithmetic:模运算;module:模;monotonic function:单调函数;multilinear algebra:多重线性代数;multiplication:乘法;multiset:多样集;Nnaive set theory:朴素集合论;natural logarithm:自然对数;natural number:自然数;natural science:自然科学;negative number:负数;neighbourhood:邻域;New Foundations:新基础理论;nine point circle:九点圆;non-Euclidean geometry:非欧几里德几何;nonlinearity:非线性;non-singular matrix:非奇异矩阵;nonstandard model:非标准模型;nonstandard analysis:非标准分析;norm:范数;normed vector space:赋范向量空间;n-tuple:n 元组或多元组;nullary:空;nullary intersection:空交集;number:数;number line:数轴;Oobject:对象;octonion:八元数;one-to-one correspondence:一一对应;open:开集;open ball:开球;operation:运算;operator:算子;or:或;order topology:序拓扑;ordered field:有序域;ordered pair:有序对;ordered set:偏序集;ordinal number:序数;ordinary mathematics:一般数学;origin:原点;orthogonal matrix:正交矩阵;Pp-adic number:p进数;paracompact space:仿紧致空间;parallel postulate:平行公理;parallelepiped:平行六面体;parallelogram:平行四边形;partial order:偏序关系;partition:分割;Peano arithmetic:皮亚诺公理;Pedoe's inequality:佩多不等式;perpendicular:垂直;philosopher:哲学家;philosophy:哲学;philosophy journals:哲学类杂志;plane:平面;plural quantification:复数量化;point:点;Point-Line-Plane postulate:点线面假设;polar coordinates:极坐标系;polynomial:多项式;polynomial sequence:多项式列;positive-definite matrix:正定矩阵;positive-semidefinite matrix:半正定矩阵;power set:幂集;predicate:谓词;predicate logic:谓词逻辑;preorder:预序关系;prime number:素数;product:积;proof:证明;proper class:纯类;proper subset:真子集;property:性质;proposition:命题;pseudovector:伪向量;Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理;QQ.E.D.:Q.E.D.;quaternion:四元数;quaternions and spatial rotation:四元数与空间旋转;question:疑问句;quotient field:商域;quotient set:商集;Rradius:半径;ratio:比;rational number:有理数;real analysis:实分析;real closed field:实闭域;real line:实数轴;real number:实数;real number line:实数线;reflexive relation:自反关系;reflexivity:自反性;reification:具体化;relation:关系;relative complement:相对补集;relatively complemented lattice:相对补格;right angle:直角;right-handed rule:右手定则;ring:环;Sscalar:标量;second-countable space:第二可数空间;self-adjoint operator:自伴随算子;sentence:判断;separable space:可分空间;sequence:数列或序列;sequence space:序列空间;series:级数;sesquilinear function:半双线性函数;set:集合;set-theoretic definition of natural numbers:自然数的集合论定义;set theory:集合论;several complex variables:一些复变量;shape:几何形状;sign function:符号函数;singleton:单元素集合;social science:社会科学;solid geometry:立体几何;space:空间;spherical coordinates:球坐标系;square matrix:方块矩阵;square root:平方根;strict:严格;structural recursion:结构递归;subset:子集;subsequence:子序列;subspace:子空间;subspace topology:子空间拓扑;subtraction:减法;sum:和;summation:求和;supremum:上确界;surreal number:超实数;symmetric difference:对称差;symmetric relation:对称关系;system of linear equations:线性方程组;Ttensor:张量;terminal object:终结对象;the algebra of sets:集合代数;theorem:定理;top element:最大元;topological field:拓扑域;topological manifold:拓扑流形;topological space:拓扑空间;topology:拓扑或拓扑学;total order:全序关系;totally disconnected:完全不连贯;totally ordered set:全序集;transcendental number:超越数;transfinite recursion:超限归纳法;transitivity:传递性;transitive relation:传递关系;transpose:转置;triangle inequality:三角不等式;trigonometric identities:三角恒等式;triple product:三重积;trivial topology:密着拓扑;true:真;truth value:真值;Uunary operation:一元运算;uncountable:不可数;uniform space:一致空间;union:并集;unique:唯一;unit interval:单位区间;unit step function:单位阶跃函数;unit vector:单位向量;universal quantification:全称量词;universal set:全集;upper bound:上界;Vvacuously true:??;Vandermonde's identity:Vandermonde 恒等式;variable:变量;vector:向量;vector calculus:向量分析;vector space:向量空间;Venn diagram:文氏图;volume:体积;von Neumann ordinal:冯·诺伊曼序数;von Neumann universe:冯·诺伊曼全集;vulgar fraction:分数;ZZermelo set theory:策梅罗集合论;Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory:策梅罗-弗兰克尔集合论;ZF set theory:ZF 系统;zero:零;zero object:零对象;。

【Mathematical analysis】1 、上确界(supremum value) 下确界(infimum value)2 、极限(limit) 导数(derivative) 一阶导数(firstderivative) 二阶导数(second derivate)偏导数(partialderivative)方向导数(directional derivative)3 、泰勒展式(Taylor’s expansion) 洛必达法则(L’Hopital’srule) 链式法则(chain rule)连续可微(continuouslydifferentiable)4、微积分 (calculus)微分(differential)级数(series)积分(integral)原函数 (antiderivative)不定积分(indefinite integral)定积分(definite integral)5 、调和级数(harmonic series)马克劳林级数(Maclaurin series)交错级数 (alternating series)傅里叶级数(Fourier series)6 、二重积分(double integral)三重积分(triple integral)多重积分(multiple integral) 格林公式(Green’s formula)斯托克斯定理(Stokes’ theorem)7、收敛(convergence)发散(divergence)一致收敛(uniformly convergent)绝对收敛(absolutely convergent)条件收敛(conditionally convergent) 连续(continuity) 一致连续(uniformly continuous)8 、指数函数(exponential function)对数函数(logarithmicfunction)幂函数(power function)初等函数(elementary function)三角函数(trigonometric function) 调和函数(harmonic function) 周期函数(periodic function) 可微函数(differential function)单调函数(monotonefunction)9 、素数(prime number) 正数(positive number) 负数(negative number) 相反数(opposite number) 自然数(natural number) 有理数(rational number)无理数(irrational number)实数(real number)虚数(imaginarynumber)复数(complex number) 10、等式(equality)不等式(inequality)三角不等式(triangle inequality)勾股定理(Pythagorean theorem)无穷大(infinity)无穷小(infinitesimal)【Linear algebra】1、向量(vector)秩(rank)行列式(determinant)线性方程(linear equation)2 、奇异矩阵(singular matrix)可逆矩阵(invertible matrix)逆矩阵(inverse matrix) 转置矩阵(transposed matrix)酉矩阵(unitary matrix)对称矩阵(symmetric matrix)正定矩阵(positive definite matrix)负定矩阵(negative definitematrix) 雅克比矩阵(Jacobian matrix)3 、迹(trace)主子式(principle minor)代数余子式(algebraic cofactor)4 、二次型(quadratic form)标准型(normal form)最小多项式(minimal polynomial) 特征多项式(characteristicpolynomial)约当块(Jordan block)5 、特征值(eigenvalue)特征向量(eigenvector)约当标准型(Jordan canonical form)6 、几何重数(geometric multiplicity)可对角矩阵(diagonalizable matrix) 【Analytic Geometry】1 、平面几何(plane geometry) 立体几何(solid geometry)射影几何(projective geometry)代数几何(algebraicgeometry)黎曼几何(Riemann geometry)微分几何(differential geometry)几何分析(geometryanalysis)分形几何(fractal geometry)2 、平行线(parallel line) 中线(median line) 直线(straightline) 垂直线(vertical line)水平线(horizontal line)切线(tangent line)法线(normal line)3 、抛物线(parabola)椭圆(ellipse)双曲线(hyperbola)斜率(slope) 【Complex analysis】1 、解析函数(holomorphic function) 留数定理(residualtheorem) 柯西积分公式 (Cauchy’s integral formula)2 、定义域(domain) 值域(range) 像(image) 中值定理(mean value theorem)3 、凸函数(convex function) 凸集(convex set) 变分不等式(variational inequality) 变分法(calculus of variation)线性规划(linear programming)【Real analysis】1 、测度(measure) 可测函数(measure function) 可积函数(integrable function) 平方可积函数(square integrablefunction)黎曼积分(Riemann integral) 勒贝格积分(Lebesgue integral)【Functional analysis】1 、内积(inner product) 向量积(cross product)范数(norm)2 、向量空间(vector space)距离空间(distance space)拓扑空间(topological space) 测度空间(measure space)线性空间(linear space)内积空间(inner product space) 希尔伯特空间(Hilbert space) 赋范空间(normed space) 巴拿赫空间(Banach space)完备空间(complete space)可分空间(separable space) 概率空间(probability space)3 、有穷维的(finite dimensional)无穷维的(infinitedimensional)基底(basis) 线性相关(linear dependence) 线性无关(linear independence) 最佳逼近(bestapproximation ) 最大值原理( maximum principle) 比较原理( comparison principle)最小二乘(least squares)4、泛函(functional)线性算子(linear operator)有界线性算子(bounded linear operator) 有界线性泛函(boundedlinear functional) 闭图像定理(closed graph theorem)一致有界定理(uniform boundedness principle)不动点定理(fixed point theorem)压缩映照定理(contraction mapping theorem)【Supplements】1 、引理(lemma)推论(corollary)公理(axiom)命题(proposition)猜想(conjecture) 数学归纳法(mathematical induction) 充分性(sufficiency) 必要性(necessity) 反例(counterexample)2、加法(addition)减法(subtraction)乘法(multiplication)除法(division)3、理想(ideal)环(ring)单位(unit)陪集(coset)群(group)域(field)置换群(permutation group)有限群(finite group)同态(homomorphism) 同构(isomorphism)维数(dimension)4 、抽象代数(abstract algebra) 广义函数论(theory of distribution) 弦理论(stringtheory) 随机变量(random variable) 动力系统(dynamical system) 偏微分方程(partial differentialequation)。

数学专业英语词汇代数局部1. 有关数x算add,plus 加subtract 减difference 差multiply, times 乘product 积divide 除divisible 可被整除的divided evenly被整除dividend 被除数,红利divisor 因子,除数quotient 商remainder余数factorial 阶乘power 乘方radical sign, root sign 根号round to四舍五入to the nearest 四舍五入2. 有关集合union 并集proper subset 真子集solution set 解集3.有关代数式、方程和不等式algebraic term 代数项like terms, similar terms同类项numerical coefficient 数字系数literal coefficient 字母系数inequality 不等式triangle inequality 三角不等式range 值域original equation 原方程equivalent equation 同解方程,等价方程linear equation 线性方程(e.g. 5x+6=22) 4.有关分数和小数proper fraction真分数improper fraction 假分数mixed number 带分数vulgar fraction,common fraction 一般分数simple fraction简分数complex fraction繁分数numerator 分子denominator 分母(least) common denominator〔最小〕公分母quarter 四分之一decimal fraction 纯小数infinite decimal 无穷小数recurring decimal循环小数tenths unit 十分位5. 根本数学概念arithmetic mean 算术平均值weighted average 加权平均值geometric mean 几何平均数exponent 指数,幂base 乘幂的底数,底边cube 立方数,立方体square root平方根cube root 立方根common logarithm 常用对数digit 数字constant 常数variable 变量inverse function反函数complementary function 余函数linear 一次的,线性的factorization 因式分解absolute value绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32 round off四舍五入6.有关数论natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数odd integer, odd number 奇数even integer, even number 偶数integer, whole number 整数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive number 连续整数real number, rational number 实数,有理数irrational〔number〕无理数inverse 倒数composite number 合数 e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15……prime number 质数 e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15……注意:全部的质数(2除外)都是奇数,但奇数不肯定是质数reciprocal 倒数common divisor 公约数multiple 倍数(least)common multiple (最小)公倍数(prime) factor (质)因子common factor 公因子ordinary scale, decimal scale 十进制nonnegative 非负的tens 十位units 个位mode众数median 中数common ratio 公比7.数列arithmetic progression(sequence) 等差数列geometric progression(sequence) 等比数列approximate 近似(anti)clockwise (逆) 顺时针方向cardinal 基数ordinal 序数direct proportion 正比distinct 不同的estimation 估量,近似parentheses 括号proportion 比例permutation 排列combination 组合table 表格trigonometric function 三角函数unit 单位,位几何局部1. 全部的角alternate angle 内错角corresponding angle 同位角vertical angle对顶角central angle圆心角interior angle 内角exterior angle 外角supplementary angles补角complementary angle余角adjacent angle 邻角acute angle 锐角obtuse angle 钝角right angle 直角round angle周角straight angle 平角included angle夹角2.全部的三角形equilateral triangle 等边三角形scalene triangle不等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形right triangle 直角三角形oblique 斜三角形inscribed triangle 内接三角形3.有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外semicircle 半圆concentric circles 同心圆quadrilateral四边形pentagon 五边形hexagon 六边形heptagon 七边形octagon 八边形nonagon 九边形decagon 十边形polygon多边形parallelogram 平行四边形equilateral 等边形plane 平面square 正方形,平方rectangle 长方形regular polygon 正多边形rhombus 菱形trapezoid梯形4.其它平面图形arc 弧line, straight line 直线line segment 线段parallel lines 平行线segment of a circle 弧形5.有关立体图形cube 立方体,立方数rectangular solid 长方体regular solid/regular polyhedron 正多面体circular cylinder 圆柱体cone圆锥sphere 球体solid 立体的6.有关图形上的附属物altitude 高depth 深度side 边长circumference, perimeter 周长radian弧度surface area 外表积volume 体积arm 直角三角形的股cross section 横截面center of a circle 圆心chord 弦radius 半径angle bisector 角平分线diagonal 对角线diameter 直径edge 棱face of a solid 立体的面hypotenuse 斜边included side夹边leg三角形的直角边median of a triangle 三角形的中线base 底边,底数〔e.g. 2的5次方,2就是底数〕opposite直角三角形中的对边midpoint 中点endpoint 端点vertex (复数形式vertices)顶点tangent 切线的transversal截线intercept 截距7.有关坐标coordinate system 坐标系rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系origin 原点abscissa横坐标ordinate纵坐标number line 数轴quadrant 象限slope斜率complex plane 复平面8.其它plane geometry 平面几何trigonometry 三角学bisect 平分circumscribe 外切inscribe 内切intersect相交perpendicular 垂直pythagorean theorem勾股定理congruent 全等的multilateral 多边的1.单位类cent 美分penny 一美分硬币nickel 5美分硬币dime 一角硬币dozen 打〔12个〕score 廿(20个)Centigrade 摄氏Fahrenheit 华氏quart 夸脱gallon 加仑(1 gallon = 4 quart)yard 码meter 米micron 微米inch 英寸foot 英尺minute 分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度) square measure 平方单位制cubic meter 立方米pint 品脱(干量或液量的单位)2.有关文字表达题,主要是有关商业intercalary year(leap year) 闰年(366天) common year 平年(365天)depreciation 折旧down payment 直接付款discount 打折margin 利润profit 利润interest 利息simple interest 单利compounded interest 复利dividend 红利decrease to 减少到decrease by 减少了increase to 增加到increase by 增加了denote 表示list price 标价markup 涨价per capita 每人ratio 比率retail price 零售价tie 打Chapter onefunction notation方程符号函数符号quadratic functions 二次函数quadratic equations 二次方程式二次等式chapter twoEquivalent algebraic expressions 等价代数表达式rational expression 有理式有理表达式horizontal and vertical translation of functions 函数的水平和垂直的平移reflections of functions 函数的倒映映射chapter threeExponential functions 指数函数exponential decay 指数式衰减exponent 指数properties of exponential functions 指数函数的特性chapter fourTrigonometry 三角学Reciprocal trigonometric ratios 倒数三角函数比Trigonometric functions 三角函数Discrete functions 离散函数数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理 axiom定理 theorem计算 calculation运算 operation证明 prove假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)命题 proposition算术 arithmetic加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数 augend, summand加数 addend和 sum减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数 minuend减数 subtrahend差 remainder乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数 multiplicand, faciend乘数 multiplicator积 product除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)被除数 dividend除数 divisor商 quotient等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to大于 is greater than小于 is lesser than大于等于 is equal or greater than小于等于 is equal or lesser than运算符 operator数字 digit数 number自然数 natural number整数 integer小数 decimal小数点 decimal point分数 fraction分子 numerator分母 denominator比 ratio正 positive负 negative零 null, zero, nought, nil十进制 decimal system二进制 binary system十六进制 hexadecimal system权 weight, significance进位 carry截尾 truncation四舍五入 round下舍入 round down上舍入 round up有效数字 significant digit无效数字 insignificant digit代数 algebra公式 formula, formulae(pl.)单项式 monomial多项式 polynomial, multinomial系数 coefficient未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor,z-factor等式,方程式 equation一次方程 simple equation二次方程 quadratic equation三次方程 cubic equation四次方程 quartic equation不等式 inequation阶乘 factorial对数 logarithm指数,幂 exponent乘方 power二次方,平方 square三次方,立方 cube四次方the power of four, the fourth powern次方 the power of n, the nth power 开方 evolution, extraction二次方根,平方根 square root三次方根,立方根 cube root四次方根 the root of four, the fourth rootn次方根 the root of n, the nth root 集合 aggregate元素 element空集 void子集 subset交集 intersection并集 union补集 complement映射 mapping函数 function定义域 domain, field of definition值域 range常量 constant变量 variable单调性 monotonicity奇偶性 parity周期性 periodicity图象 image数列,级数 series微积分 calculus微分 differential导数 derivative极限 limit无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.)无穷小 infinitesimal 积分 integral定积分 definite integral不定积分 indefinite integral有理数 rational number无理数 irrational number实数 real number虚数 imaginary number复数 complex number矩阵 matrix行列式 determinant几何 geometry点 point线 line面 plane体 solid线段 segment射线 radial平行 parallel相交 intersect角 angle角度 degree弧度 radian锐角 acute angle直角 right angle钝角 obtuse angle平角 straight angle周角 perigon底 base边 side高 height三角形 triangle锐角三角形 acute triangle直角三角形 right triangle直角边 leg斜边 hypotenuse勾股定理 Pythagorean theorem钝角三角形 obtuse triangle不等边三角形 scalene triangle等腰三角形 isosceles triangle等边三角形 equilateral triangle四边形 quadrilateral平行四边形 parallelogram矩形 rectangle长 length宽 width菱形rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.),diamond正方形 square梯形 trapezoid直角梯形 right trapezoid等腰梯形 isosceles trapezoid 五边形 pentagon六边形 hexagon七边形 heptagon八边形 octagon九边形 enneagon十边形 decagon十一边形 hendecagon十二边形 dodecagon多边形 polygon正多边形 equilateral polygon 圆 circle圆心 centre(BrE), center(AmE) 半径 radius直径 diameter圆周率 pi弧 arc半圆 semicircle扇形 sector环 ring椭圆 ellipse圆周 circumference周长 perimeter面积 area轨迹 locus, loca(pl.)相似 similar全等 congruent四面体 tetrahedron五面体 pentahedron六面体 hexahedron平行六面体 parallelepiped立方体 cube七面体 heptahedron八面体 octahedron九面体 enneahedron十面体 decahedron十一面体 hendecahedron十二面体 dodecahedron二十面体 icosahedron多面体 polyhedron棱锥 pyramid棱柱 prism 棱台 frustum of a prism旋转 rotation轴 axis圆锥 cone圆柱 cylinder圆台 frustum of a cone球 sphere半球 hemisphere底面 undersurface外表积 surface area体积 volume空间 space坐标系 coordinates坐标轴 x-axis, y-axis, z-axis横坐标 x-coordinate纵坐标 y-coordinate原点 origin双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola三角 trigonometry正弦 sine余弦 cosine正切 tangent余切 cotangent正割 secant余割 cosecant反正弦 arc sine反余弦 arc cosine反正切 arc tangent反余切 arc cotangent反正割 arc secant反余割 arc cosecant相位 phase周期 period振幅 amplitude内心 incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE)外心 excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)旁心 escentre(BrE), escenter(AmE)垂心orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE)重心 barycentre(BrE), barycenter(AmE) 内切圆 inscribed circle外切圆 circumcircle统计 statistics平均数 average加权平均数 weighted average方差 variance标准差root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation比例 propotion百分比 percent百分点 percentage百分位数 percentile排列 permutation组合 combination概率,或然率 probability分布 distribution正态分布 normal distribution非正态分布 abnormal distribution图表 graph条形统计图 bar graph柱形统计图 histogram折线统计图 broken line graph曲线统计图 curve diagram扇形统计图 pie diagram。

Aa priori distribution 先验分布a priori probability 先验概率a summable a可和的abacus 算盘abbreviate 略abbreviation 简化abridge 略abridged notation 简算记号abscissa 横坐标abscissa of absolute convergence 绝对收敛坐标abscissa of summability可和性坐标abscissa of uniform convergence 一致收敛横坐标absolute 绝对形absolute address 绝对地址absolute class field 绝对类域absolute coding 绝对编码absolute cohomology 绝对上同调absolute conic 绝对二次曲线absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute curvature vector绝对曲率向量absolute deviation 绝对偏差absolute differential calculus绝对微分学absolute error 绝对误差absolute extremes /extremum绝对极值absolute frequency/ geometry绝对频率/几何absolute inequality 绝对不等式absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum /minimum绝对极大/小值absolute moment /neighborhood 绝对矩/邻域absolute neighborhood retract绝对邻域收缩核absolute norm 绝对范数absolute number 不名数absolute parallelism 绝对平行性absolute quadric 绝对二次曲面absolute ramification index绝对分歧指数absolute rotation 绝对旋转absolute space 绝对空间absolute space time 绝对时空absolute term 常数项absolute unit 绝对单位absolute value 绝对值absolute value sign 绝对值符号absolute velocity 绝对速度absolutely continuous 绝对连续的absolutely continuous distribution 、function /measure/part绝对连续分布/函数/测度/部分absolutely continuous transformation绝对连续变换absolutely convergent 绝对收敛的absolutely convergent integral series绝对收敛积分/级数absolutely convex hull 绝对凸包absolutely discontinuous function 绝对不连续函数absolutely integrable 绝对可积的absolutely irreducible character/representation /variety绝对不可约特征/表示/簇absolutely normal number绝对范数absolutely prime ideal 绝对素理想absolutely unbiased estimator绝对无偏估计量absolutely unramified extension绝对非分歧扩张absorbing barrier/ set/ state吸收障碍/集/态absorption 吸收absorption coefficient/curve /factor/index/law/probability吸收系数/曲线/因数/指数/律/概率abstract 抽象的abstract algebra /mathematics抽象代数/数学abstract algebraic geometry抽象代数几何abstract category 抽象范畴abstract complex 抽象复形abstract group 抽象群abstract interval function抽象区间函数abstract number 不名数abstract ordered simplicial complex 抽象有序单纯复形abstract simplex 抽象单形abstract space 抽象空间abstraction 抽象abstraction operator 抽象算子absurd 谬论的absurdity 谬论accelerated motion 加速运动acceleration 加速度acceleration of convergence收敛性的加速acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceptable quality level合格质量水平acceptance 肯定acceptance inspection 接受检查acceptance limit /line/ number接受界限/线/数acceptance probability/ region /zone接受概率/区域/带access 存取accessibility 可达性accessible boundary point /point /set可达边界点/点/集accessible ordinal number可达序数accessible vertex 可达顶点accessory extremal 配连极值accidental 偶然的accidental coincidence 偶然符合accidental error 随机误差accommodationaccumulated error 累积误差accumulating point 聚点accumulation 累积accumulation point 聚点accumulator 累加器存储器accuracy 准确性accuracy grade/rating准确度accuracy of measurement测量精确度acnod 孤点acount 计算action integral 酌积分action variable 酌变量active restriction 有效限制actual 真实的actual infinity 实无穷acute 尖锐的acute angle 锐角acute angled triangle; acute triangle 锐角三角形acuteness 锐度acyclic 非循环的acyclic complex 非循环复形ad infinitum 无穷地adams circle 阿达姆斯圆adams extrapolation method阿达姆斯外插法adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adapted basis 适应基add,plus 加added circuit 加法电路addend 加数adder 加法器addition 加法addition formulas 加法公式addition sign 加号addition system 加法系addition table 加法表addition theorem 加法定理addition theorem of probability概率的加法定理additional /additive加法的additional code 附加代码additional condition 附加条件additive category 加性范畴additive class 加性类additive functional 加性泛函数additive operator/process /relation加性算子/过程/关系additive separable 加法可分的additive theory of numbers 堆垒数论additivity 加法性address 地address part 地址部分address register 地址寄存器addressing 指定箱位adele 阿代尔adele group 阿代尔群adequate 适合的adherent point 触点adhesion 附着adjacency 邻接adjacency matrix 邻接矩阵adjacent angles/edge/side/ vertex邻角/棱/边/顶adjacent supplementary angles 邻角adjoint boundary value problem 伴随边值问题adjoint determinant 伴随行列式adjoint difference equation伴随差分方程(differential 微分)adjoint differential expression伴随微分式adjoint form/ function/ functor/group伴随形式/函数/函子/群adjoint graph 导出图adjoint linear map 伴随线性映射adjoint matrix 伴随阵(operator算子process过程representation表示space空间surface曲面system系)adjoint system of differential equations 微分方程的伴随系adjoint transformation 伴随算子adjoint vector 伴随向量adjunct 代数余子式adjunction 附加adjunction of an identity element 单位元的附加admissibility limit 容许界限admissible 容许的admissible category /chart容许范畴/容许图admissible control 可行控制admissible decision function/ rule容许判决函数admissible deformation容许形变(domain区域function函数homomorphism 同态,hypothesis假设lifting提升map 映射sequence序列space空间strategy策略subgroup 子群test检定value值)affine algebraic set 仿射代数集(collineation直射变换connection联络curvature曲率)affine coordinates 平行坐标affine differential geometry仿射微分几何学affine distance 仿射距离affine group scheme 仿射群概型affine isothermal net 仿射等温网affine length /line /normal parameter仿射长度/直线/法线/参数affine principal curvature 仿射助率affinity 仿射变换affirmation 肯定affirmative proposition 肯定命题affix 附标after effect 后效酌aggregate 集aggregation 聚合agreement 一致air coordinates 空间坐标algebra 代数学algebra of events 事件场algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of tensors 张量代数algebra over k 环k上的代数algebraic 代数的algebraic adjunction 代数的附加algebraic branch point 代数分歧点algebraic calculus 代数计算algebraic closure 代数闭包algebraic closure operator代数闭包算子algebraic complement/cone代数余子式/锥algebraic correspondence 代数对应algebraic curve 代数曲线algebraic expression 代数式algebraic hull 代数包algebraic integer/irrational number 代数整数/无理数algebraic lie algebra 代数的李代数algebraic logic of pocket calculator 袖珍计算机的代数逻辑algebraic multiplicity 代数重度algebraic number 代数数algebraic operation 代数运算algebraic polynomial 代数多项式algebraic singularity 代数奇点algebraic space 代数空间algebraic spiral 代数螺线algebraic structure 代数结构algebraic sum /system 代数和/系algebraically closed field 代数闭域algebraically equivalent 代数等价的algebraically dependent elements代数相关元(independent无关)algebraization 代数化algebro geometric 代数几何的algebroid function 代数体函数algebroidal function 代数体函数algorithm 算法algorithm of division 辗转相除法algorithm of euclid 欧几里得算法algorithm theory 算法论algorithmic language 算法语言algorithmization 算法化alignment chart 列线图aliquot part 整除部分alligation 混合法allocation problem 配置问题allowable 容许的allowable defects 容许靠allowable error 容许误差allowance 允许almost all 几乎处处almost certain convergence几乎必然收敛almost everywhere 几乎处处almost impossible event 殆不可能事件almost invariant set 殆不变集almost periodic function 殆周期函数alpha capacity 容量alpha limit set 极限集alphabetical 字母的alphanumeric 字母数字式alphanumeric representation ofinformation 信息的字母数字表示alternate angles 错角alternating chain 交错链alternating differential form外微分形式alternating differential of differential form 微分形式的交错微分alternating direction method交替方向法alternating form 交错形式alternating function 反对称函数alternating group 交错群alternating harmonic series莱布尼兹级数alternating matrix 交错矩阵alternating method 交错法alternating product 外积alternating sequence 交错序列alternating series 交错级数alternating series test交错级数检验alternating sum 交错和alternation 交错alternative 交错;择一alternative algebra /field交错代数/域alternative hypothesis 择一假设alternative normal form 析取范式alternative proposition 选言命题altitude 高度altitude theorem 高度定理amalgamated product 融合积amalgamation 合并ambiguous point 歧点amicable numbers 亲和数amount 量amplitude 振幅;角amplitude of a complex number 复数角analog computer 模拟计算机analogous 类似的analogue display 相似表示analogue method 相似法analogy 类似analysis 数学分析analysis of time series 时间序列分析analysis of variance 方差分析analytic 分析的analytic arc 解析弧analytic completion /continuation解析开拓analytic curve 解析曲线dynamics 分析动力学analytic expression 解析式analytic function 分析函数analytic function of several variables 多元解析函数analytic geometry 分析几何学analytic index 解析指数analytic manifold 解析廖analytic method 解析法analytic proposition 解析命题analytic set 解析集analytic space 解析空间analytical differential 解析微分analytical geometry 分析几何学analytical hierarchy 解析分层analytical mappinganalytical transformation全纯映射analytically representable function 解析可表示的函数ancillary statistic 辅助统计量angle 角angle at center 圆心角angle between chord and tangent弦和切线的角angle function 角函数angle of contingence 切线角angle of declination 俯角angle of inclination 斜角angle of intersection 相交角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of rotation 旋转角angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular coefficient 角系数angular coordinates 角坐标angular displacement 角位移angular distance 角距angular distribution 角分布angular domain 角域angular frequency 角频率angular magnification 角放大率angular measure 角测度angular metric 角度量angular momentum 角动量angular velocity 角速度anharmonic ratio 交比annihilator /annulator 零化子annular 环annulus 圆环anomalous propagation 反常传播anomalous scattering 反常散射antecedent 前项anti reflexiveness 反自反性antianalytic function 反解析函数anticlockwise 逆时针的anticlockwise revolution/rotation逆时针回转antiderivative 不定积分的antiisomorphy 反同构antilinear 反线性的antilinear mapping 反线性映射antiparallel 逆平行的antiplane 反平面antipodal map 对映映射antipodal point 对映点antipodal set 对映集antipode 对映点antisymmetric 反对称的antisymmetric function 反对称函数antisymmetrical state 反对称态antitone mapping 反序映射antitonicity 反序性antitony 反序性antitrigonometric function反三角函数apex 顶点apex angle 顶角apical angle 顶角apolar 非极性的apolarity 从配极性apothem 边心距apparent error 貌似误差application 应用applied mathematics 应用数学applied mechanics 应用力学approach 接近approach infinity 接近无穷大approximability 可逼近性approximable 可逼近的approximate 近似的;使近似approximate calculation 近似计算approximate continuity 近似连续性approximate differentiability近似可微性approximate integration 近似积分approximate limit 近似极限approximate number 近似数approximate partial derivative近似偏导函数(近似导数)approximate partial derived function approximate partial /total differential 近似偏/全微分approximate solution 近似解approximate total differentiability 近似全可微性approximate value 近似值approximately equal 近似等于approximation 逼近approximation calculus 近似计算approximation error 近似误差approximation function 逼近函数approximation theory 逼近理论arbitrarily small 任意小arbitrary 任意的arbitrary constant/element /parameter 任意常数/元素/参数arbitrary small number 任意小数arc 弧arc component 弧分量arc cosecant 反余割arc hyperbolic function 反双曲函数arc length 弧长arc of a circle 圆弧arc set 弧集arc sine 逆正弦arc sine law 反正弦定律arc sine transformation 反正弦变换arc tangent 反正切arch 拱形archimedean 阿基米德性的archimedean group 阿基米德群archimedean semigroup阿基米德半群archimedean space 阿基米德空间archimedean total order ~ ~ 全序archimedean valuation ~ ~ 赋值archimedes axiom 阿基米德公理archimedes spiral 阿基米德螺线arcwise connected set 弧连通集arcwise connected space弧连通空间arcwise connectedness 弧连通性are 公亩area 面积area function 面积函数area of a circle 圆面积areal coordinates 重心坐标areal derivative 面积导数areal element 面积元素areal integral 面积分areal velocity 面积速度argand plane 复数平面argument 自变数;辐角argument function 辐角函数argument of a function函数的自变数argument principle 辐角原理argumentation 论证aristotelian logic亚里斯多德逻辑学arithmetic 算术arithmetic difference 算术差arithmetic division 算术除法arithmetic element 运算元素arithmetic expression 算术表达式arithmetic function 数论函数arithmetic genus 算术狂arithmetic geometric mean/ series算术几何平均/级数arithmetic mean 算术平均arithmetic number 正实数arithmetic of algebraic number fields 代数数域的数论arithmetic of algebras 代数的数论arithmetic of local fields局部域的数沦arithmetic operation算术操作算术运算arithmetic progression 算术级数arithmetic subgroup 算术子群arithmetic unit 运算元素arithmetics 算术arithmetization 算术化arithmometer 四则计算机arrangement 排列array 排列arrow 射artificial variable 人工变量artificial variable method 人工变量法ascending difference 后向差分ascending power series 升幂级数ascending powers 升幂ascending sequence 递升序列aspherical space 非球面空间asphericity 非球面牲assemblage 集assembler 汇编assertion sign 断定号assignable cause 可指定的原因assignment problem 配置问题associate equation 相伴方程associated equation 相伴方程associated radius of convergence 相伴收敛半径associated space 相伴空间association 结合associative algebra 结合代数associative law 结合律associative law for series级数的结合律associativity 结合性assume 假定assumption 假定assumption formula 假定公式asterisk 星号asteroid 星形线asymmetric 非对称的asymmetric relation 非对称关系asymmetrical 非对称的asymmetrical graph 恒等图asymmetry 非对称性asymptote 渐近线asymptote of curve 曲线的渐近线asymptotic 浙近的asymptotic behavior 渐近状态asymptotic circle 渐近圆asymptotic line 渐近线asymptotic point 渐近点asymptotic value 渐近值asymptotically equal 渐近相等asymptotically equal sequence渐近相等序列asymptotically equivalent function 渐近等价函数asymptotically normal distribution 渐近正态分布asymptotically normally distributed 渐近正规分布的asynchronous computer异步计算机atlas 坐标邻域系atom 原子atomic element 原子元素atomic formula 原子公式atomic lattice 原子格atomic proposition 原子命题atomicity 原子性attaching map 接着映射attenuation 衰减attenuation constant 衰减常数attraction 引力attractive force 引力attractor 吸引区attribute 属性augend 被加数augmentation 扩张augmentation preserving map增广保存映射augmented complex 扩张复形augmented matrix 增广矩阵austausch 交换autocorrelation 自相关autocorrelation coefficient/function自相关系数/函数automatic testing 自动检验automation 自动化automaton graph 自动机图auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary angle 辅助角auxiliary circle 辅助圆auxiliary equation 相伴齐次方程auxiliary function 辅助函数auxiliary line 辅助线auxiliary variable 辅助变数average 平均值average deviation 平均偏差average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average sample number平均样本数average speed 平均速度average term 普通项average time /value平均时间/值averaging 取平均数averaging method 平均法averaging operator 平均算子axes of coordinates 座标轴axial 轴的axial symmetry 轴对称axiom 公理axiom of accessibility 可达性公理axiom of addition 加法公理axiom of choice 选择公理axiom of completeness 完备性公理axiom of the empty set 空集公理axiom of union 并集公理axiom scheme 公理格式axiomatic 公理的axiomatic method 公理法axis 轴axis of a cone 锥轴axis of abscissas 横坐标轴axis of absolute convergence 绝对收敛轴axis of affinity 仿射轴axis of convergence 收敛轴axis of coordinate 坐标轴axis of ordinates 纵坐标轴axis of projection 射影轴axis of reals 实轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axisymmetric 轴对称的axonometry 轴测法azimuth 方位角azimuthal 方位角的Bb measurability b可测性back substitution 逆计算backward difference 后向差分backward difference operator 后向差分算子backward difference quotient 后向差商baire function 贝利函数baire measure 贝利测度balance 平衡balanced category 平衡范畴balanced hypergraph 平衡超图balayage 扫除ball 球ballistic curve 弹道banach algebra 巴拿赫代数banach space 巴拿赫空间band 带band chart 带状图band matrix 带状矩阵bar diagram 条线图(bar graph) barrel 桶集barrel shape 桶型barrelled space 桶型空间barrier 闸barycenter 重心barycentric 重心的barycentric complex 重心复形base 底base angle 底角base line 底线base number 底数base of logarithms 对数的底base point 基点base register基址寄存器变址寄存器base space 底空间base vector 基向量basic 基础的basic block /field/ form基本块/形式/基域basic point 基础点basic representation 基本表示basic ring 基环basic solution 基本解basic symbol 基本符号basic variable 基本变量basis 基basis of linear space 线性空间的基basis of vector space 向量空间的基basis replacement procedure基替换过程basis theorem of hilbert希耳伯特基定理basis vector 基本向量batch processing 成批处理bayes decision function贝叶斯判定函数bayes formula 贝叶斯公式bayes postulate 贝叶斯公假设bayes solution 贝叶斯解behavior 行为behavior strategy 行为策略bellman principle 贝尔曼原理beltrami equation 贝尔特拉米方程bending point 转向点bergman metric 伯格曼度量bernoulli equation 伯努利方程bernoulli inequality 伯努利不等式bernoulli method 伯努利法bernoulli number/polynomial伯努利数/多项式bernstein polynomial伯思斯坦多项式bessel inequality 贝塞耳不等式bessel integral 贝塞耳积分best approximation 最佳逼近best estimator 最佳估计量best test 最佳检验best uniform approximation最佳一致逼近beta distribution 分布beta function 函数betti group 贝蒂群betti number 贝蒂数between group variance 群间方差biadditive 双加法的biangular 双角的bias 偏倚biased estimator 有偏估计量biased sample 有偏样本biased statistics 有偏统计量biased test 有偏检验biaxial 双轴的bicartesian square 双笛卡儿方bicompact set 紧集bicompact space 列紧空间biconditional 等价bicontinuous function 双连续函数bicylinder 双圆柱bidimensional 二维的bidimensionality 二维性bifurcation point 歧点bifurcation theory 分歧理论bigraded group 双重分次群bihomomorphism 双同态bijection (bijective mapping)双射bijectivity 双射性bilateral 两面的bilinear 双线性的bilinear form 双线性形式bilinear functional 双线性泛函bilinearity 双线性binary 二元的binary arithmetic 二进制算术binary code 二进制码binary coding 二进制编码binary digit 二进制数字binary digital computer二进制数字计算机binary element 双态元件binary number 二进制数binary number system 二进制数系binary operation 二元运算binary point 二进制小数点binary relation 二元关系binary system 二进制的binary translation 二进制变换bind 连结binomial 二项式binomial coefficient 二项式系数binomial differential 二项式微分binomial differential equation二项微分方程binomial distribution 二项分布binomial equation 二项方程binomial expansion 二项展开式binomial integral 二项式积分binomial series 二项级数binomial theorem 二项式定理biomathematic 生物数学的biomathematics 生物数学biomechanics 生物力学biometrics 生物统计学biometrika 生物统计学biophysics 生物物理学biorthogonal system 双正交系biorthonormal expansion双标准正交展开Biorthonormalization双标准正交化birth rate 出生率bisect 平分bisecting point 平分点bisection 平分bisector 平分线bisector of angle 角的平分线biunique 一对一的bivalent 二价的bivariate distribution 二维分布bivariate distribution function二元分布函数bivariate frequency function二元频率函数bivariate normal distribution二元正态分布bivariate population 二元总体bivector 二重向量block 块block design 区组设计block relaxation 块松弛block tridiagonal matrix块三对角阵blockdiagram 立体图body 体body of revolution 旋转体boole function 布尔函数boolean algebra 布尔代数boolean optimization 布尔最优化boolean ring/vector布尔环/向量border 边缘border element 边缘元素border of the domain 域的边缘border set 边缘集bordered matrix 加边矩阵bornological set 有界型集bornological space 有界型空间bornology 有界型性bound 界bound decision variable约束决策变量bound term 约束项boundary 边界;边缘boundary collocation 边界配置boundary condition 边界条件boundary correspondence 边界对应boundary curve 边界曲线boundary element method边界元法boundary interval 边界区间boundary layer 边界层boundary line 界线boundary point 边界点boundary simplex 边界单形boundary strip 边界带boundary surface 带边界曲面boundary value 边界值boundary value problem 边值问题bounded 有界的bounded above/ below 上/下有界的bounded above/ below sequence上/下有界序列bounded chain 有界链bounded closed set 有界闭集bounded domain 有界域bounded sequence 有界序列bounded set 有界集合bounded to the downwards/ upwards 下/上有界的boundedness 有界性bounding manifold 边界廖bounding surface 边界曲面boundless 无限的box 框brace 大括号bracket 括号brachistochrone 最速降线brachistochrone problem最速降线问题bracket operation 括号运算bragg curve 布喇格曲线braid 辫braid group 辫群branch 分支branch line 分枝线branch of a curve 曲线的分枝branch of function 函数的分枝branch point 分枝点branching 分枝branching process 分枝过程breadth 幅break point 断点;分割点briggs' logarithm 常用对数briggsian logarithm 常用对数broken line 折线broken number 分数brownian motion 布朗运动brownian movement 布朗运动buckling 弯曲budget 顸算buffer 缓冲器bundle 束bundle of planes 平面把bundle of rays 线把bundle of spheres 球把bundle space 丛空间bus 母线byte 字节c function c类函数c mapping c类映射ca set 上解析集calculability 可计算性calculable mapping 可计算映射calculable relation 可计算关系calculate 计算calculation 计算calculating automaton 计算自动机calculating circuit 计算电路calculating element 计算单元calculating machine 计算机calculating punch 穿孔计算机calculating register 计算寄存器calculating unit 计算装置calculation of areas 面积计算calculator 计算机calculus 演算calculus of approximations近似计算calculus of errors 误差论calculus of finite differences差分法calculus of probability 概率calibration 校准canal 管道canal surface 管道曲面cancel 消去cancellation 消去cancellation law 消去律cancelling of significant figures 有效数字消去canonical basis 典范基canonical coordinates 标准坐标canonical decomposition 标准分解canonical equation 典型方程canonical form 标准型canonical function 标准函数canonical homomorphism标准同态canonical image 标准象canonical mapping 标准映射canonical solution 标准解canonical system of differential equations 标准微分方程组canonical variable 典型变量cap 交cap product 卡积capacity 容量card 卡片card reader 卡片读数器cardinal 知的cardinal number 基数cardinal product 基数积cardioid 心脏线carrier 支柱carry 进位carry signal 进位信号cartesian coordinate system笛卡儿坐标系cartesian coordinates 笛卡尔座标cartesian equation 笛卡儿方程cartesian folium 笛卡儿叶形线cartesian product 笛卡儿积cartesian space 笛卡儿空间catastrophe theory 突变理论categorical judgment 范畴判断categorical proposition 范畴判断categorical theory 范畴论categoricity 范畴性category 范畴category of modules 模的范畴category of sets 集的范畴category of topological spaces拓扑空间的范畴causal relation 因果关系causality 因果律cause 原因ccr algebra ccr代数celestial body 天体celestial coordinates 天体坐标celestial mechanics 天体力学cell 胞腔center 中心cell complex 多面复形center of a circle 圆心center of curvature 曲率中心center of expansion 展开中心center of force 力心center of gravity 重心center of gyration 旋转中心center of mass 质心center of pressure 压力中心center of symmetry 对称中心centered process 中心化过程centi 厘centigram 厘克centimetre 厘米central angle 圆心角central confidence interval中心置信区间central line 中线central point 中心点centre of a circle 圆心centre of gyration 旋转中心centrifugal force 离心力centripetal acceleration 向心加速度centroid 形心certain event 必然事件certainty 必然chain 链chance 偶然性;偶然的chance event 随机事件chance move 随机步chance quantity 随机量chance variable 机会变量change 变化change of metrics 度量的变换change of the base 基的变换change of the variable 变量的更换channel 信道channel width 信道宽度character 符号characteristic 特征characteristic boundary value problem 特者值问题characteristic class 示性类charge 电荷chart 图chebyshev function 切比雪夫函数chebyshev inequality /polynomial 切比雪夫不等式/多项式check 校验check digit 检验位chi square distribution 分布chi squared test 检验choice function 选择函数chord 弦chord line 弦chord of contact 切弦chordal distance 弦距离christoffel symbol克里斯托弗尔符号cipher 数字circle 圆circle diagram 圆图circle of contact 切圆circle of convergence 收敛圆circulant 循环行列式circulant matrix 轮换矩阵circular 圆的circular arc 圆弧circular cone 圆锥circular cylinder 圆柱circular disk 圆盘circular domain 圆形域circular frequency 角频率circular functions 圆函数circular measure 弧度circular ring 圆环circular section 圆截面circular sector 圆扇形circulation 循环circumcenter 外心circumcentre 外心circumcircle 外接圆circumscribe 外接circumscribed circle 外接圆circumsphere 外接球class 类class field 类域classical mechanics 经典力学classical sentential calculus经典语句演算classical set theory 经典集论classical statistical mechanics经典统计力学classical theory of probability经典概率论classification 分类classification statistic 分类统计classification theorem 分类定理classify 分类classifying map 分类映射classifying space 分类空间clear 擦去clockwise 顺时针的clockwise direction 顺时针方向clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转clopen set 闭开集closable linear operator可闭线性算子closable operator 可闭算子closed ball 闭球closed circuit 闭合电路closed convex hull 闭凸包closed domain 闭域closed half plane 闭半平面closed half space 闭半空间closed hull 闭包closed interval 闭区间closed kernel 闭核coder 编器codomain 上域coefficient 系数coefficient domain 系数域coefficient function 系数函数coefficient functional 系数泛函coefficient group 系数群coefficient of alienation不相关系数coefficient of association 相伴系数coefficient of covariation 共变系数cofunction 余函数coincidence 一致coincidence point 叠合点coincident 重合的collect 收集collective 集体collinear diagram 列线图collinear points 共线点collinear vectors 共线向量collinearity 共线性collineation 直射变换collineation group 直射群collineatory transformation直射变换collocation method 配置法collocation of boundary 边界配置collocation point 配置点column 列column finite matrix 列有限矩阵column matrix 列阵column rank 列秩column space 列空间column vector 列向量combination 组合command 命令commensurability 可通约性commensurable 可通约的common denominator 公分母common difference 公差common divisor 公约数common factor 公因子common factor theory 公因子论common fraction 普通分数common logarithm 常用对数common point 公共点common ratio 公比commutant 换位commutation law 交换律commutation relation 交换关系commutative 可换的commutative diagram 交换图表commutative group 交换群commutative groupoid 阿贝耳广群commutative law 交换律commutative lie ring 交换李环commutative ring 交换环commutativity 交换性commutator 换位子commutator group 换位子群commute 交换compact 紧的compact convergence 紧收敛compact group 紧群compact open topology紧收敛拓扑compact operator 紧算子compact set 紧集compact space 紧空间compact subgroup 紧子群comparison function 比较函数comparison method 比较法comparison series 比较用级数comparison test 比较检验comparison theorem 比较定理compatibile condition 相容性条件compatibility 一致性compatibility condition相容性条件compensate 补偿compensating method 补偿法compensation 补偿compensation of error 误差的补偿compiler 编译程序compiling routine 编译程序complanar line 共面线complele induction 数学归纳法complement 补集complement of an angle 余角complementary 补的complementary angle 余角complementary set 补集complementary space 补空间complete continuity 完全连续性complete disjunction 完全析取complete field 完全域complete field of sets 集的完全域complete graph/group 完全图/群complete induction 数学归纳法complete space 完备空间complete subcategory 完全子范畴complete system 完备系completely additive 完全加性的completely additive family of sets 完全加性集族completely continuous mapping全连续映射(operator)completely distributive lattice完全分配格completely homologous maps完全同党射completely independent system of axioms 完全独立公理系统completion 完备化complex 复形complex conjugate 复共轭的complex conjugate matrix复共轭阵complex curve 复曲线complex curvelinear integral复曲线积分complex domain 复域complex field 复数域complex flnction 复值函数complex fraction 繁分数complex group 辛群complex line 复线complex line bundle 复线丛complex manifold 复廖complex multiplication 复数乘法complex number 复数complex number plane 复数平面complex plane with cut有割的复平面complex quantity 复量complex root 复根complex series 复级数complex sphere 复球面complex variable 复变量complex vector bundle 复向量丛complexity 复杂性complication 复杂化component 分量composable 组成的compose 组成composite 合成composite divisor 合成除数composite function 合成函数composite functor 合成函子composite group 合成群composite hypothesis 复合假设composite number 合成数computable function 可计算函数computation 计算computational error 计算误差computational formula 计算公式computational mistake 计算误差compute 计算computer 计算机computing center 计算中心computing element 计算单元computing machine 计算机computing time 计算时间concave 凹的concave angle /curve凹角/曲线concave function 凹函数concave polygon 凹多边形concavity 凹性concavo convex 凹凸的concentration 集中;浓度concentration ellipse 同心椭圆concentric circles 同心圆concept 概念conclusion 结论concurrent planes 共点面concyclic points 共圆点condensation point 凝聚点conditional convergence 条件收敛conditionally convergent 条件收敛的conditionally convergent series条件收敛级数cone 锥cone of a complex 复形锥面cone of a simplex 单形锥面confidence belt 置信带confidence coefficient 置信系数confidence interval 置信区间confidence level 置信水平confidence limit 置信界限confidence region 置信区域configuration 布局confirmation 证实confrontation 比较confusion 混乱congruence 同余式congruence group 同余群congruence method 同余法congruence subgroup 同余子群congruence zeta function 同余函数congruent 同余的congruent mapping 合同映射congruent number 同余数congruent transformation 合同映射conic 圆锥曲线conic function 圆锥函数conic section 圆锥曲线conical helix 圆锥螺旋线conical surface 锥面conics 圆锥曲线论conjugate 共轭的conjugate axis 共轭轴conjugate class 共轭类conjugate complex 共轭复形conjugate complex number共轭复数。
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natural number自然数
positive number正数
negative number负数
odd integer,odd number奇数
even integer,even number偶数
integer,whole number整数
Positive whole number正整数
negative whole number负整数
consecutive number连续整数
real number,rational number实数,有理数irrational(number)无理数
composite number合数 e.g.4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15…prime number质数 e.g.2,3,5,7,11,13,15…reciprocal倒数
common divisor公约数
(minimum)common multiple(最小)公倍数
common factor公因子
ordinary scale,decimal scale十进制nonnegative非负的
arithmetic mean算术平均值weighted average加权平均值geometric mean几何平均数exponent指数,幂
square root平方根
cube root立方根
common logarithm常用对数digit数字
inverse function反函数complementary function余函数linear一次的,线性的factorization因式分解
absolute value绝对值
round off四舍五入数学
divided evenly被整除
radical sign,root sign根号round to四舍五入
to the nearest四舍五入
4.代数式,方程,不等式algebraic term代数项
like terms,similar terms同类项numerical coefficient数字系数
literal coefficient字母系数
triangle inequality三角不等式
original equation原方程
equivalent equation同解方程,等价方程linear equation线性方程(e.g.5x+6=22)
proper fraction真分数
improper fraction假分数
mixed number带分数
vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数simple fraction简分数
complex fraction繁分数
(least)common denominator(最小)公分母quarter四分之一
decimal fraction纯小数
infinite decimal无穷小数
recurring decimal循环小数
tenths unit十分位
proper subset真子集
solution set解集
arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列geometric progression(sequence)等比数列
direct proportion正比
trigonometric function三角函数
alternate angle内错角
corresponding angle同位角vertical angle对顶角
central angle圆心角
interior angle内角
exterior angle外角supplementary angles补角complementary
adjacent angle邻角
acute angle锐角
obtuse angle钝角
right angle直角
round angle周角
straight angle平角
included angle夹角
equilateral triangle等边三角形scalene triangle不等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形right triangle直角三角形oblique斜三角形
inscribed triangle内接三角形
concentric circles同心圆quadrilateral四边形pentagon五边形
regular polygon正多边形rhombus菱形
line,straight line直线line segment线段
parallel lines平行线segment of a circle弧形
rectangular solid长方体
regular solid/regular polyhedron正多面体circular cylinder圆柱体
plane geometry平面几何
Pythagorean theorem勾股定理(毕达哥拉斯定理)congruent全等的
surface area表面积
cross section横截面
center of a circle圆心
angle bisector角平分线
face of a solid立体的面
included side夹边
coordinate system坐标系rectangular coordinate直角坐标系origin原点
number line数轴
complex plane复平面。