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Apple will on Tuesday be hit with Europe’s largest taxpenalty after Brussels ruled that the companyreceived illegal state aid from Ireland.


The company will have to pay billions of euro in back taxes to Dublin as the EuropeanCommission moves to redraw the boundaries on aggressive tax avoidance by the world’sbiggest corporations.

苹果将必须向都柏林补交数十亿欧元税款。目前欧盟委员会(European Commission)正采取行动,对全球各大企业的激进避税行为重新划定红线。

A 130-page judgment by the commission follows a three-year investigation into claims thattwo advance tax opinions issued by Dublin violated EU law by granting Apple an advantage notavailable to other companies.


Competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager circulated the final ruling to her counterparts inthe EU’s executive branch only on Monday morning, deploying a fast-track procedure in abid to minimise leaks.

欧盟竞争专员玛格丽特•维斯特格(Margrethe Vestager)周一上午向欧盟行政部门的同僚传达了最终裁决,采用快速通道程序以最大限度减少消息泄露。

The usual notice period is two weeks.


The decision is set to be the subject of appeals in the European courts by Apple and Ireland,both of which have denied any wrongdoing.


It follows tension over the inquiry between Brussels and the US, which urged the EUauthorities to drop the case.


The US Treasury has accused the commission of becoming a supranational tax authority thatthreatened international agreements on tax reform in its drive to stamp out aggressiveavoidance.


The commission’s ruling calls on Dublin to raise a new tax assessment on Apple, whichpreviously warned the US Securities and Exchange Commission that an adverse decision byBrussels could have a material impact on its finances.


One person familiar with the inquiry said Apple will have to restate its accounts as a result ofthe ruling.


Investigators have examined how Apple paid a tax rate of less than 1 per cent on Europeansales —far lower than Ireland’s headline 12.5 per cent tax rate on business profits.


The commission is concentrating on the tax treatment of Apple’s intellectual propertyassets, a hotly disputed area likely to lead to a large claim for back taxes.

