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a serious problem has arisen in reent several ears that more and more ollege students abandon stud beause of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a fe people are opposed to part-time jobs. hoever, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for ollege studens in m ees.

first, students an promote their stud through part-time jobs. for instane, if a la student finds a part-time job in a la firm, his pratie ill enable him to better understand hat he's learned from books. hat's more, the part-time job an offer him opportunities to go beond hat he's been taught in lass, and he'll learn something that doesn't exist in books but in pratie.

seond, students an also aumulate ork experienes through part-time jobs, hih ill benefit their future job-hunting. atuall, part-time jobs at as arm-up exerises for students to take full-time jobs after the graduate, and help them prepare for their future areers. in addition, as fresh blood in the soiet, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting

markets for lak of pratial ork experienes. it's easier to

find jobs for those ho have aumulated experienes in part-time jobs.

last but not the least, part-time jobs an partl relieve students' finanial burden, espeiall those ho are from poor families. ollege tution fees have greatl inreased in the past ten ears due to the ne eduational poli. man students from poor families annot afford ollege fees, and our bank sstem fail to loan ollege students as effetivel as it does in developed ountries, so taking part-time jobs bees a a for them to meet their great expenses in ampus lives.it's an undenied fat that students break the balane beteen their jobs and studies, espeiall hen the fall into onflit ith eah other. but i think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. onl folloing this priniple an the benefit from their part-time jobs.



hange the orld? hange ourselves

good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.

it’s m great pleasure to stand h ere to present m speeh—hange the orld, hange ourselves.

it’s notiable that estern holidas are being inreasingl popular da b da, hile hinese traditional festivals are being

somehat negleted. not long before about 10 dotors in beijing universit and qinghua unversit announed that e should rejet the invasion of estern holidas ,beause the regard estern holidas as an hallenge against our traditional festivals and ulture.

frankl speaking, i don’t quite agree ith them.indeed, e should never neglet or even disard our traditonal festivals as hina boasts a brilliant histor and splendid

traditions. .but h an’t e absorb the meaningful estern holidas and ulture.

there are obvious reasons h some estern holidas are so popular in hina. on the one hand, some of the estern holidas hih e hinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, suh as father’s da and april fool’s da et. on the other

hand,the prevalene of globalization enables estern ulture to prevail in hina. overhelmed b suh a trend,hinese unonsiiousl get involved in estern holidas and ulture.

ith the further development of the hole orld, the ultural muniation beteen different ountries and nations bees faster and more and more important. e are indeed from different nations, but e are the itizens of the same orld, so the outstanding ulture of different nations is the mom ealth of everone on the earth.the onl a for us to protet our

traditional ulture is to rejet the foreign ulture? the anser
