翻译评析:第二十二届韩素音青年翻译奖竟赛汉译英译文和译文评析 1

老来乐Delights in Growing Old六十整岁望七十岁如攀高山。
现在不是提倡尊重传统吗?At the age of sixty I longed for a life span of seventy, a goal as difficult as a summit to be reached. Who would expect that I had reached it? Then I dreamed of living to be eighty, a target in sight but as inaccessible as Heaven. Out of my anticipation, I had hit it. As a matter of fact, I am now an old man of eighty-two. Such longevity is a grant bestowed by Nature; though nominal and not real, yet it conforms to our tradition. Is it not advocated to pay respect to nowadays?老年多半能悟道。
我老了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理: 老年是广阔天地,是可以大有作为的。
An old man is said to understand the Way most probably: the Way of good administration as put forth by Confucius, the Way that can be explained as suggested by Laotzu, the Word (Way) in the very beginning as written in the Bible and the Way of pagans as denounced by theBuddhists. As I am growing old, I can't help being given to flights of fancy and having my own Way of creating stories. However I have come to realize the truth: my old age serves as a vast world in which I can still have my talents employed fully and developed completely.七十岁开始可以诸事不做而拿退休金,不愁没有一碗饭吃,自由自在,自得其乐。

历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文英译汉部分 (3)Beauty (excerpt) (3)美(节选) (3)The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power byThomas De Quincey (8)知识文学与力量文学托马斯.昆西 (8)An Experience of Aesthetics by Robert Ginsberg (11)审美的体验罗伯特.金斯伯格 (11)A Person Who Apologizes Has the Moral Ball in His Court by Paul Johnson (14)谁给别人道歉,谁就在道义上掌握了主动保罗.约翰逊 (14)On Going Home by Joan Didion (18)回家琼.狄迪恩 (18)The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin (22)艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利.埃尔金 (22)Beyond Life (28)超越生命[美] 卡贝尔著 (28)Envy by Samuel Johnson (33)论嫉妒[英]塞缪尔.约翰逊著 (33)中译英部分 (37)在义与利之外 (37)Beyond Righteousness and Interests (37)读书苦乐杨绛 (40)The Bitter-Sweetness of Reading Yang Jiang (40)想起清华种种王佐良 (43)Reminiscences of Tsinghua Wang Zuoliang (43)歌德之人生启示宗白华 (45)What Goethe's Life Reveals by Zong Baihua (45)怀想那片青草地赵红波 (48)Yearning for That Piece of Green Meadow by Zhao Hongbo (48)可爱的南京 (51)Nanjing the Beloved City (51)霞冰心 (53)The Rosy Cloud byBingxin (53)黎明前的北平 (54)Predawn Peiping (54)老来乐金克木 (55)Delights in Growing Old by Jin Kemu (55)可贵的“他人意识” (58)Calling for an Awareness of Others (58)教孩子相信 (61)To Implant In Our Children’s Young Hearts An Undying Faith In Humanity (61)英译汉部分Beauty (excerpt)美(节选)Judging from the scientists I know, including Eva and Ruth, and those whom I've read about, you can't pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping撞倒; 冲撞into beauty. “I don't know if it's the same beauty you see in the sunset,”a friend tells me, “but it feels the same.”This friend is a physicist, who has spent a long career deciphering破译(密码), 辨认(潦草字迹) what must be happening in the interior of stars. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time Dirac's⑴equations describing quantum mechanics, or those of Einstein describing relativity. “They're so beautiful,” he says, “you can see immediately they have to be true. Or at least on the way toward truth.” I ask him what makes a theory beautiful, and he replies, “Si mplicity, symmetry .对称(性); 匀称, 整齐, elegance, and power.”我结识一些科学家(包括伊娃和露丝),也拜读过不少科学家的著作,从中我作出推断:人们在探求自然规律的旅途中,须臾便会与美不期而遇。

原文中的文化因素给译者带来一定的障碍, 甚 至 是 难以逾越 的 障 碍 , 但 同 时 也 给 译 者 创 造 了 自 由 驰 骋 的 空 间,提供 展 示 自 己 灵 活 主 动 地 驾 驭 语 言 处 理 文 化 因 素 的 能力的机 会 。 “ 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”是唐朝大诗 人李商隐 ( 乐游原》一诗中的名句。 “ 当诗 MBNOMPM ) 《 人登上古 原 , 极 目 西 天 , 但 见 霞 光 夕 照 , 乱 山 明 灭 , 俯 视长安城 阙 , 帝 宫 参 差 , 烟 霭 迷 茫 , 真 是 美 不 胜 收 ! 诗 人不禁发 出 ‘ 夕阳无限好’的深心赞叹。但 ‘ 从来尤物 难流连’ ,韶华易逝,好景难再,因而当这种审美愉悦刚 一浮现,浓重的伤感便罩上心头,发出了 ‘ 只是近黄昏’ 的感 叹 。 ”;吴 熊 和 主 编 : 《 唐 宋 诗 词 评 析 词 典 》 :’A?PQRC’ 吴乔在 《 围炉诗话》中说: “ ‘ 夕阳无限好,只是近黄 昏’ ,比也。 ”施补华也说: “ 叹老之意极矣,然只说夕 阳,并不说自己,所以为妙……此亦比兴也。 ” 对于中国 读者来说 , 这 两 句 诗 可 以 说 家 喻 户 晓 , 不 难 理 解 , 可 以 引起许多 联 想 和 无 限 感 叹 。 由 于 已 有 许 多 人 翻 译 过 , 所 以在 《 霞》中,把它们译成英语应该说不是很难的事情。 参赛译文对这两句诗的处理多有不同。 ! 有些参赛者只 是根据自 己 的 理 解 译 成 英 语 , 把 诗 句 的 意 思 与 其 他 句 子 的意思融合在一起,不加引号,不加解释或脚注。 " 多 数参赛者 译 出 其 意 思 , 并 放 在 引 号 中 , 但 不 加 说 明 或 脚 注。 # 有些参赛者将其译成英语,放在引号中,并用脚 注对诗人 及 诗 的 背 景 作 了 简 要 的 说 明 。 冰 心 不 仅 在 这 里 引用了这两句诗,在 《 我的老伴— — —吴 文 藻 》 一 文 中 , 在谈到她丈夫快去世的时候,也引用过, “ ‘ 夕阳无限 好,只是近黄昏 ’ ,这是天然规律。 ”看来,在讨论生命 及其意义 时 , 这 两 句 诗 并 不 是 无 足 轻 重 的 。 因 为 是 冰 心 从古人那里引用的,在这里又有其特殊含义和文化内涵, 所以参赛 者 的 第 一 种 处 理 方 法 不 算 太 好 。 第 二 种 处 理 方 法虽然加了引号,这对于外国读者来说还是不知所云, 不能引起 足 够 的 联 想 , 不 能 达 到 “ 搭桥”和沟通文化的 目的。第 三 种 处 理 方 法 是 比 较 好 的 。 如 前 所 说 , 冰 心 的 语言质朴 平 实 , 凝 练 明 快 , 如 果 在 译 文 中 加 了 许 多 背 景 知识和解 释 性 的 内 容 , 就 会 使 译 文 失 去 原 作 的 风 格 和 韵 味。因此 , 用 脚 注 来 说 明 文 中 某 些 寓 意 丰 富 的 文 字 是 较 为合适的 。 这 里 要 特 别 引 起 注 意 的 是 , 大 多 数 参 赛 者 不 是灵活变 通 地 翻 译 , 而 是 照 搬 现 成 的 译 文 , 因 此 常 常 使 自己的译 文 前 后 衔 接 不 好 , 失 去 连 贯 , 生 硬 突 兀 , 甚 至 连语句也不规范。如, “ I%&+’0+&’/&(E%&)’5%&’53,&’ ‘ S9)5’ ” , “ +&(/’5%&’.9)G’ I%&+’0+&’,(+’E0,&)’50’5%&’(=&’02’ ‘ 0+1-’ ” , “ 5%&’.9)G’3)’)0’+&(/ ’ T2’)0,&0+& ’ )’132&’)5&AA&.’3+50’5%&’ ”等等。 A&/30.’02’ ‘ A35-’50’+&(/’5%&’+3=%52(11 ’


英译汉Hidden Within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Letters隐藏于技术帝国的文学界索尔•贝妻When I was a boy “discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were. Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. But then he was Lincoln.我还是个"探索文学"的少年时,就经常在想:要是大街上人人都熟悉普鲁斯特和乔伊斯,熟悉T.E.劳伦斯,熟悉帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,该有多好啊!后来才知道,平民百姓对高雅文化有多排斥。
Later when I was traveling in the Midwest by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries and found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce and even Svevo and Andrei Biely. D. H. Lawrence was also a favorite. And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous. Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich. I seem to have had a persistent democratic desire to find evidences of high culture in the most unlikely places.后来,我坐小车、巴士和火车在中西部旅行,经常走访小镇图书馆;发现在衣阿华州基奥卡克市,或者密歇根州本顿港市,读者们借阅普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的作品,甚至还有斯维沃@和安德烈•别雷®的著作。
第22届韩素音翻译大赛 英译汉 参考译文


It’s Time to Rethink ‘Temporary’
We tend to view architecture as permanent, as aspiring to the status of monuments. And that kind of architecture has its place. But so does architecture of a different sort.
In November, I had the pleasure of moderatingMSouthern California’sSchool of Architecture, with Robert Kronenburg, an architect, professor at University of Liverpool and portable/temporary/mobile guru. Author of a shelf full of books on the topic, including “Flexible: Architecture that Responds to Change,” “Portable Architecture: Design and Technology” and “Houses in Motion: The Genesis,” Kronenburg is a man obsessed.

英译汉竞赛原文:How the News Got Less MeanThe most read article of all time on BuzzFeed contains no photographs of celebrity nip slips and no inflammatory ranting. It’s a series of photos called “21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. At Upworthy too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is wondtacular,” an Upworthy post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research.The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity.The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future.“When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,”says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.”“You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner — it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive identity in social media.”And the science appears to support Pariser’s philosophy. In a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that “up votes,”showing that a visitor liked a comment or story, begat more up votes on comments on the site, but “down votes” did not do the same. In fact, a single up vote increased the likelihood that someone else would like a comment by 32%, whereas a down vote had no effect. People don’t want to support the cranky commenter, the critic or the troll. Nor do they want to be that negative personality online.In another study published in 2012, Jonah Berger, author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On and professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, monitored the most e-mailed stories produced by the New York Times for six months and found that positive stories were more likely to make the list than negative ones.“What we share [or like] is almost like the car we drive or the clothes we wear,”he says. “It says something about us to other people. So people would much rather be seen as a Positive Polly than a Debbie Downer.”It’s not always that simple: Berger says that though positive pieces drew more traffic than negative ones, within the categories of positive and negative stories, those articles that elicited more emotion always led to more shares.“Take two negative emotions, for example: anger and sadness,” Berger says. “Both of those emotions would make the reader feel bad. But anger, a high arousal emotion, leads to more sharing, whereas sadness, a low arousal emotion, doesn’t. The same is true of the positive side: excitement and humor increase sharing, whereas contentment decreases sharing.”And while some popular BuzzFeed posts — like the recent “Is this the most embarrassing interview Fox News has ever done?”— might do their best to elicit shares through anger, both BuzzFeed and Upworthy recognize that their main success lies in creating positive viral material.“It’s not that people don’t share negative stories,” says Jack Shepherd, editorial director at BuzzFeed. “It just means that there’s a higher potential for positive stories to do well.”Upworthy’s mission is to highlight serious issues but in a hopeful way, encouraging readers to donate money, join organizations and take action. The strategy seems to be working: barely two years after its launch date (in March 2012), the site now boasts 30 million unique visitors per month, according to Upworthy. The site’s average monthly unique visitors grew to 14 million people over its first six quarters — to put that in perspective, the Huffington Post had only about 2 million visitors in its first six quarters online.But Upworthy measures the success of a story not just by hits. The creators of the site only consider a post a success if it’s also shared frequently on social media. “We are interested in content that people want to share partly for pragmaticreasons,” Pariser says. “If you don’t have a good theory about how to appear in Facebook and Twitter, then you may disappear.”Nobody has mastered the ability to make a story go viral like BuzzFeed. The site, which began in 2006 as a lab to figure out what people share online, has used what it’s learned to draw 60 million monthly unique visitors, according to BuzzFeed. (Most of that traffic comes from social-networking sites, driving readers toward BuzzFeed’s mix of cute animal photos and hard news.) By comparison the New York Times website, one of the most popular newspaper sites on the Web, courts only 29 million unique visitors each month, according to the Times.BuzzFeed editors have found that people do still read negative or critical stories, they just aren’t the posts they share with their friends. And those shareable posts are the ones that newsrooms increasingly prize.“Anecdotally, I can tell you people are just as likely to click on negative stories as they are to click on positive ones,” says Shepherd. “But they’re more likely to share positive stories. What you’re interested in is different from what you want your friends to see what you’re interested in.”So as newsrooms re-evaluate how they can draw readers and elicit more shares on Twitter and Facebook, they may look to BuzzFeed’s and Upworthy’s happiness model for direction.“I think that the Web is only becoming more social,” Shepherd says. “We’re at a point where readers are your publishers. If news sites aren’t thinking about what it would mean for someone to share a story on social media, that could be detrimental.”汉译英竞赛原文:城市的迷失沿着瑗珲—腾冲线,这条1935年由胡焕庸先生发现并命名的中国人口、自然和历史地理的分界线,我们看到,从远距离贸易发展开始的那天起,利益和权力的渗透与分散,已经从根本结构上改变了城市的状态:城市在膨胀,人在疏离。

韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛 | 译文评析(下) 原创: 中国译协 中国翻译协会 2017-01-10第28届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛参考译文及评析—(下)汉译英汉译英竞赛原文屠呦呦秉持的,不是好事者争论的随着诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼的临近,持续2个月的“屠呦呦热”正在渐入高潮。

第十二届“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛原文及参考译文(汉译英)霞冰心四十年代初期,我在重庆郊外歌乐山闲居的时候,曾看到英文《读者文摘》上,有个很使我惊心的句子,是:May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.我在一篇短文里曾把它译成:“愿你的生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。
”其实,这个sunset 应当译成“落照”或“落霞”。
东方不亮西方亮,我床前的晚霞,正向美国东岸的慰冰湖上走去……The Rosy CloudBingxinDuring the early 1940s I was living a retired life in the Gele Mountains in the suburbs of Chongqing (Chungking). One day, while reading the English language magazine Reader's Digest I found a sentence that touched me greatly. It read: "May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset."In a short article of mine, I quoted this sentence and translated it as "Yuan ni de shengming zhong you guo duo de yunyi, lai zaocheng yige meili de huanghun. " (literally: May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.) *As I see it now, the word "sunset" in the English sentence should have been translated as luozhao (the glow at sunset) or luoxia (the rosy cloud at sunset), instead of dusk.She has been my dear old friend, the Rosy Cloud! She was my closest and most beautiful little companion when, in my childhood, I played on the beach or in the hills. Bathed in the brilliant sunshine, she would say to me "Good morning!" at dawn and "See you tomorrow!" at dusk. But not until several decades later did I come to realize that the more clouds there are the more beautiful the rays of sunlight will be, and the glow of the sun breaking through the clouds becomes most resplendent and colorful.Life contains neither unalloyed happiness nor mere misery. Happiness and misery beget, complement and set off each other.Happiness is a wisp of fleecy cloud; misery a mass of threatening dark cloud. These different clouds overlap on the horizon of your life to create a beautiful dusk for you when "the setting sun is most lovely indeed."**An individual's life must inevitably reach the point when "dusk is so near,"*** and the rosy sunset cloud may make one nostalgic and melancholy. But human life goes on and on. The Earth ceaselessly rotates on its axis around the sun. When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west. The rosy sunset cloud is now sailing past my window towards Lake Waban on the east coast of America ...*This sentence appears in Chinese and English in the article "For Young Readers Again, Newsletter No.4", written by Bing Xin in the Gele Mountains, on December 1, 1944.** and *** These two poetic lines are taken from a poem "On the Plain of Tombs" by Li Shangyin (813-858), a well-known poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The two lines read like this: "The setting sun appears sublime, / But O! 'Tis near its dying time." (Tr. Xu Yuanchong) They imply that the setting sun has infinite beauty, but it is a pity that it is near the dusk, and the beautiful scene cannot last long. The two lines are often used to deplore the ephemeral nature of things, and to express the feelings at the loss of past glory and at the advent of old age.。

我有幸在11月份同罗伯特·克罗能伯格(Robert Kronenburg)一道主持了南加州大学建筑学院的“移动乌托邦”小型研讨会。

“ 不要任何口是心非的人” 、 “ 追随者不是 曲意逢迎” 、 “ 不会接受任何虚情假意的追随者” 、 “ ( 追随者)没有一个 是 别 有 用 心 的 家 伙 ” 、 “ 没有一个 动机不纯的人” 、 “ 带走的不是虚情假意的志愿者” 、 “ ( 追随者)并无装腔 作 势 之 人 ” 、 “ 不接受任何违心相 随的人” 、 “ 不要一个伪君子” 、 “ 去的人……而不是勉 强” 。 出现 如 上 译 文 的 稿 件 约 占 来 稿 总 数 的 IDS 。 实 际 上 , 8,+7%)1/+N&/-/,G/1 不 是 8,/ 的 后 置 定 语 , 而 是 修 饰 -%:/ 的 状 语 。 句 子 的 有 关 部 分 可 改 写 为 ./+*’*+,8-+ 他不想用 R’1.+-8+-%:/+%,38,/+8,+7%)1/+N&/-/,G/1 。 意 为 “ 花言巧语哄骗任 何 人 跟 他 走 ” 。此类的失误可能源于语 法 分 析 失 当 。 如 果 把 上 句 的 G82/+ R’-.+.’2 与 下 句 的
《 中国翻译》!""" 年第 # 期
准确理解 审慎表达
—第十二届“ —— 韩素音青年翻译奖” 英译汉参赛译文评析
第十二届 “ 韩素音青年翻译奖” 英译汉参赛文章 “ $%&’(%)*’+ ’,+ -./+ 011/2()3 ” 选 自 4./ 5678&* 988: 87

英译汉竞赛原文:On Irritability论易怒Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem – to other people – to be pretty minor. Your partner asks you how work went and the way they ask makes you feel intensely agitated. Your partner is putting knives and forks on the table before dinner and you mention (not for the first time) that the fork should go on the left hand side, not the right. They then immediately let out a huge sigh and sweep the cutlery onto the floor and tell you that you can xxxx-ing do it yourself if you know better. It was the most minor of criticisms and technically quite correct. And now they’ve exploded.易怒是因为各种原因而产生烦躁情绪的趋向,这似乎对其他人来说是相当次要的。

...周蕴仪译文:Snail Shells, Inner SanctumTranslated by Chow Wan Ee,Edited by Li ChangshuanConventional credence considers an idyllic secluded life sublime bliss; but detachment and removal from social intercourse is a lonely enterprise. As few actually live completely withdrawn from society, gratification of a mere handful is no faithful measure of general wellness.The old saying “A lesser recluse lives in nature; a great recluse dwells amid bustle” is telling. True bliss is not consecrated to hideaways and found not amid dense groves, but exists in a city’s alleys and streets; in an inner sanctum.When rays of dawn slip through rustic carved windows along an alleyway, casting a slow and stately champagne splendour on immaculately pruned bonsais set in courtyards as fried eggs sizzle forth, the morning air begins to crackle with innocent chirrups of little children, rhythmic revving rumble of car engines starting, affectionate goodbyes between man and wife, and no-frills neighbourly greetings. Busy, but not messy; lively, but not rowdy; mundane, but not vexing.The green parcel at the end of the alley has not the plush verdure of nature’s wild; but suffused in the surrounding air is a whiff of life absent in the country. Under the faint amber gleam of every street lamp is a bench that narrates a different story: of sweetness and joy, of sorrow and delight; stories that would mingle and melt into one blend and brewed amid the still of the night.No one knows what pleasant surprise is waiting at the next turn of corner. An unusual and always-crowded eatery? A pub that lives and breathes jazz music?A little coffee joint with wooden bar stools and an atmosphere of languorous leisure? Perhaps sitting outdoors on a timber chair under a parasol chatting with new-found friends over a cup of tea is pleasure.Things, when shaped and sedimented by time, conciliate into habits, intuitive knowing, and culture.When neighbours and friends who come by banter about petty matters and all with the same cunning wit, their squinting eyes would sparkle with wicked glints of intuitive knowing; at the dinner table, family members mouths muzzled with food cackling indistinguishable utterances may be a little loud, but no one takes offence.Alleys may be narrow, but narrowness cannot stall the spread of happiness; yet, as cold concrete jungles emerge, bliss is slowly devoured and taken apart by traffic congestion and polluted air. Homes are bigger and privacy better; and Self is now confined to a solitary enclosure, carefully avoiding infringing the inner world of another, and jealously guarding its own. But during quiet moments of solitude, the once deplored clamour would be dearly missed and fondly reminisced.Compared to Manhattan high-rises, people prefer the sun-basked ancient streets traversing under the massive red dome of the Duomo of Florence; compared to the nightly resplendence of Lujiazui, people prefer the romp and stomp of children’s play at Wanhangdu Road. As our years wither away, dreams would return to find the sombre calm of old houses, the soft choruses of street vendors, and that little alley that had dowered endearing recollections.Discernment would reveal, in every corner inhabited by wisps of moss and vines of ivy, genuine poetry and prose that are neither graceful nor spirited, but that offer mundane bliss. Simple and easy bliss.What is bliss? This may not be a difficult question after all. Bliss is an open book of poetry about common alleys sauntering under city skies.As urban homes glitter and shimmer under the moon-lit expanse, one wonders how much mundane bliss lies within those “snail shells”, that inner sanctum…原文:蜗居在巷陌的寻常幸福隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界。

“定义”有许多方式,最常见的有:列举法(illustration),分类法(classification),过程分析法(process analysis),因果法(cause and effect),比对法(comparison and contrast);除了以上方法外,还有特征枚举法(enumerating characteristics),词源法(etymology),类比法(analogy),排除法(exclusion)(M.S. Spangler & R.Werner,1990:131—135)。

英译汉竞赛原文:The Posteverything GenerationI never expected to gain any new insight into the nature我从未想过要对我们这一代人的本质,of my generation, or the changing landscape of American 或者说在美国大学变化中的风景,colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class 在理论上获得任何新的见解。
文学理论应该是where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded 你和其他穿着sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an 紧身牛仔裤和一件夸张的T恤,带着厚框眼镜和ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting 超大号的复古耳机的疲惫不堪的学生们坐在教室的后排,等待for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and着讲座结束,然后你可以点亮一根土耳其黄金,walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much 听着Wilco去吃中饭。
这也是the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism,我度过课程最好的方式:通过结构主义,formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too 形式主义,性别理论,后殖民主义,我相当busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world 忙碌的通过我的iPod看资本主义order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But 压迫的男权世界秩序跟伊坦。

( 1) So re a t hea rt, and p reoccup ied by b itter though ts, he ga llop ed up to the Cap ito l, dism oun t2 ed, and en tered the A ssem b ly a s he w a s, h is red
fo r it p u t an end to a ll though t of b ringing fu rther
ru in on the bu ildings of Rom e. . . 参考译文: 总之, 他的演讲表现出英明的睿智和
高尚的气节; 它不但结束了使罗马建筑物遭受更大 破坏的想法, ……
参考译文: 加里波第怀着沉痛的心情和苦楚的 思绪, 驱马急驰上了卡匹托尔, 翻身下马, 戎装未卸, 就进了议会大厅, 身上的红衫沾满灰尘和血迹, 脸上 仍有从战场上带来的湿漉漉的汗水, 腰间的佩剑已 经弯曲, 半截露出鞘外。
这一段描写细腻生动、干净利落, 极富感染力。 开头两个修饰性短语 So re a t hea rt, and p reoccup ied by b itter though ts 相互对应, 工整匀称; 结尾三个伴 随性名词短语 h is red sh irt covered w ith du st and
本届参赛英语原文是一部完整的文学作品。 文 章简洁明了、生动有力, 成功刻画了一位智勇双全、 深晓民族大义、以国家利益为重的英雄人物。主人公 加里波第的英雄形象是贯穿全文的主线, 对他的讴 歌赞美是全文的中心思想。 文中有多处感人的细节
来烘托主人公的英雄形象。 加里波第在亲人生命垂 危、朋友不幸身亡的紧急关头, 以国家利益为己任, 急赴罗马共和国议会商讨国事, 发表演说, 力主战略 撤退, 保全罗马, 继续抗击入侵外敌。 对加里波第参 加会议前的心理刻画, 对他戎装未卸、汗水未干、佩 剑变形、来去策马急驰的描写都是重要的细节。这些 细节相互关联, 揭示全文主题, 服务于中心思想。 就 语言特色而言, 原文文字洗炼, 开头结尾遥相呼应, 是一个有机的整体。全文共分四段, 第一段描述加里 波第应议会之召奔赴卡匹托尔的情形; 第二段是个 过渡, 为第三段加里波第在议会发表演说陈述自己 的主张作铺垫; 第四段是对加里波第演说的评述, 最 后一句话与全文第一句话相呼应。 全文的结构可以 形象地表述为: (加里波第) 前往议会→在议会 (发表 演说) →离开议会。全文的主线是加里波第奔赴议会 的前因 (国家有难) 后果 (献策解围)。

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Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets
But as dense, cold high-rises shoot up in the city, woefully accompanied by traffic congestion and air pollution, people’s happiness is little by little being eroded and lost. With more dwelling space and privacy, one has his “self” encircled in a solitary world, careful not to infringe on the souls of others, while also seeking not to be infringed upon. However, when one quiets down, the once tiresome hubbub now may evoke warm feelings and nostalgia.
Although the green patches at the end of the back streets are not so lushly verdant as those on the mountains, the urban air is permeated with a vitality lacking in the wilderness. Under pale yellow street lamps, each bench embodies diversified feelings—sweetness and happiness, joys and sorrows—all interwoven to slowly ferment in tranquility. No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe? Or a bar emitting jazz music? Or a coffee
When neighbors and friends come, they share witty jokes about personal trivialities, implicitly understanding each other's eye movements of like astuteness. Family members sit around the dining table, chattering through mouthfuls of food, and no one is bothered by the noise.
All these elements, tempered and deposited by time, settled finally into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture.
If observed with a perceptive eye, every inch of the walls and corners adorned with moss and ivy becomes a verdurous poem, which, neither elegant nor powerful, represents plain and simple happiness.
A secluded life has traditionally been deemed, as it seems, the supreme state of happiness, although such aloofness and retirement breed loneliness as well. Few people in fact end up as genuine recluses, whose contentment does not suffice to construe what happiness is for all.
Perhaps it is not so difficult to define happiness after all. Happiness is an unfurled scroll of poems, describing ordinary alleys under the city skies.
No one knows how much simple happiness is seeping through those back streets lit up by the scattered lamps as the night falls...
Those lanes, narrow as they may be, cannot hold back the pervading happiness...
As a common saying goes, while the “lesser hermit” lives in seclusion in the country, the “greater hermit” does so in the city. Not necessarily in solitude does reside true happiness which can be found in busy streets rather than in the woods.
shop with tall stools and a relaxed atmosphere? Perhaps it is also satisfying just to sit outdoors on a wooden chair under a sunshade, chatting over a cup of tea about daily trifles wi伦萨的Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (圣母百花大教堂)。据说该教堂是世界排名第三的大教堂,坐落在佛罗伦萨的中心地带.是佛罗伦萨最为著名的地标之一。圣母百花大教堂最为著名的是教堂圆顶.八角圆顶为红色,顶高31米,最大直径为43米,建成时是当时最大的圆顶,圆顶的正中为尖顶塔亭。
To Manhattan with soaring skyscrapers, people prefer Florence with sun-bathed ancient alleys by the towering red dome (1); to Lujiazui with dazzling night lights, people prefer Wanhangdu Road with narrow lanes full of rollicking children. Even as one grows old, it is likely that his dreams would be embellished by the serenity of the grey old houses, the calls of vendors in a soft-toned local dialect, and the small lanes filled with soothing memories.