目录一、6000使用规范 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
二、操作面板之安装: ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
三、操作面板.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
四、电源器之安装: ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
五、RACK的组合............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5-1、CPU的连接 .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5-2、IO板的连接 ................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5-2-1、输入介面板的连接.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
ICP DAS i-7531 CAN Repeater 产品说明书
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of information. Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient operation of the product.
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual. The following conventions are used to indicate and classify warnings in this manual. Always heed the information provided with them. DANGER! Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in loss of life or serious injury.
Теmail内容中的内容 说明书
P R O D U C T P R E V I E WUCD3138用于隔离式电源的高集成数字控制器Data ManualPRODUCT PREVIEW information concerns products in the formative or design phase of development.Characteristic data and otherspecifications are design goals.Texas Instruments reserves the right to change or discontinue these products without notice.Literature Number:ZHCS429March 2012PRODUCT PREVIEW UCD3138 ZHCS429–MARCH2012内容1介绍 (6)1.1特性 (6)1.2应用范围 (7)2概览 (7)2.1说明 (7)2.2订购信息 (8)2.3产品选择矩阵 (8)2.4功能方框图 (9)2.5UCD313864QFN–引脚分配 (10)2.6引脚功能 (11)2.7UCD313840QFN–引脚分配 (13)2.8引脚功能 (14)3Electrical Specifications (15)3.1ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (15)3.2THERMAL INFORMATION (15)3.3RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (15)3.4ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (15)3.5PMBus/SMBus/I2C Timing (19)3.6Power On Reset(POR)/Brown Out Reset(BOR) (20)3.7Typical Clock Gating Power Savings (21)4Functional Overview (22)4.1ARM Processor (22)4.2Memory (22)4.2.1CPU Memory Map and Interrupts (22) Map(After Reset Operation) (22) Map(Normal Operation) (23) Map(System and Peripherals Blocks) (23)4.2.2Boot ROM (23)4.2.3Customer Boot Program (24)4.2.4Flash Management (24)4.3System Module (24)4.3.1Address Decoder(DEC) (24)4.3.2Memory Management Controller(MMC) (24)4.3.3System Management(SYS) (24)4.3.4Central Interrupt Module(CIM) (25)4.4Peripherals (26)4.4.1Fusion Digital Power Peripherals (26) End (26) Module (27) Events (28) Resolution PWM (30) Sampling (30) Interrupt Generation (30) Interrupt Scaling/Range (30)4.5DPWM Modes of Operation (31)4.5.1Normal Mode (31)4.6Phase Shifting (33)4.7DPWM Multiple Output Mode (34)4.8DPWM Resonant Mode (36)4.9Triangular Mode (37)4.10Leading Edge Mode (38)P R O D U C T P R E V I E WUCD3138ZHCS429–MARCH 20124.11Sync FET Ramp and IDE Calculation ..................................................................................404.12Automatic Mode Switching ...............................................................................................404.12.1Phase Shifted Full Bridge Example ..........................................................................404.12.2LLC Example ....................................................................................................414.12.3Mechanism for Automatic Mode Switching ..................................................................424.13DPWMC,Edge Generation,IntraMux ..................................................................................434.14Filter .........................................................................................................................444.14.1Loop Multiplexer ................................................................................................464.14.2Fault Multiplexer ................................................................................................474.15Communication Ports .....................................................................................................494.15.1SCI (UART)Serial Communication Interface ...............................................................494.15.2PMBUS ..........................................................................................................494.15.3General Purpose ADC12......................................................................................504.15.4Timers ............................................................................................................514.15.4.124-bit PWM Timer ..................................................................................514.15.4.216-Bit PWM Timers ................................................................................524.15.4.3Watchdog Timer ....................................................................................524.16Miscellaneous Analog .....................................................................................................524.17Package ID Information ...................................................................................................524.18Brownout ...................................................................................................................524.19Global I/O ...................................................................................................................534.20Temperature Sensor Control .............................................................................................544.21I/O Mux Control ............................................................................................................544.21.1JTAG Use for I/O and JTAG Security ........................................................................554.22Current Sharing Control ..................................................................................................554.23Temperature Reference ..................................................................................................554.24Power Disable Control or (Clock Gating Control).....................................................................565IC Grounding and Layout Recommendations ........................................................................576References .. (587)Mechanical Data (59)UCD3138ZHCS429–图片列表3-1I2C/SMBus/PMBus Timing Diagram (20)3-2Bus timing in Extended Mode (20)3-3Power On Reset(POR)/Brown Out Reset(BOR) (20)4-1EADC Module (27)4-2Fault Mux Block Diagram (49)4-3PMBus Address Detection Method (50)4-4ADC12Control Block Diagram (51)4-5Internal Temp Sensor (54)PRODUCT PREVIEWP R O D U C T P R E V I E WUCD3138ZHCS429–MARCH 2012图表列表2-1引脚功能..........................................................................................................................112-2引脚功能..........................................................................................................................143-1I 2C/SMBus/PMBus Timing Characteristics ....................................................................................194-1Interrupt Priority Table ...........................................................................................................254-2DPWM Interrupt Divide Ratio ...................................................................................................30PRODUCT PREVIEW UCD3138ZHCS429– 用于隔离式电源的高集成数字控制器查询样品:UCD31381介绍1.1特性•可对多达3个独立式反馈环路的数字控制•具有和不具有预偏置的软启动/停止–专用的基于PID的硬件•快速输入电压前馈硬件–2极/2零可配置•一次侧电压感应–非线性控制•铜走线电流感应•高达16MHz的误差模数转换器(EADC)•针对非峰值电流模式控制应用的磁通和相位电流均衡–可配置低至1mV/LSB的分辨率•电流共享总线支持–自动分辨率选择–模拟平均–高达8倍过度采样–主/从–基于硬件的取平均值操作(高达8x)•特有丰富的故障保护选项–14位高效数模转换器(DAC)–7个高速模拟比较器•高达8个高分辨率数字脉宽已调制(DPWM)输出–逐周期电流限制–脉宽分辨率为250ps–可编程故障计数–频率分辨率为4ns–外部故障输入–相位分辨率为4ns–4-10个数字比较器–输出间的可调相移–可编程消隐时间–配对间的可调死区(无信号范围)•多重UCD313x器件间的DPWM波形同步–高达2MHz开关频率•14通道,12位,265ksps通用ADC,并具有集成•可配置的PWM边沿运动的–后缘调制–可编程平均滤波器–前缘调制–双采样保持–双边沿调制•内部温度传感器•可配置的反馈控制•完全可编程高性能31.25MHz,32位ARM7TDMI-–电压模式S处理器–平均电流模式–32k字节(kB)编程闪存–峰值电流模式控制–具有纠错码(ECC)的2kB数据闪存–持续电流–4kB数据RAM–持续电源–4kB启动ROM通过I2C或者UART在场中启用•可配置调制方法固件启动-载入–频率调制•通信外设–相移调制–I2C/电源管理总线(PMBus)–脉宽调制–2个UART•快速,自动和平滑模式开关•JTAG调试端口–频率调制和PWM•具有可选输入引脚的定时器捕捉–相移调制和PWM•多达5个附加的通用定时器•高效和轻负载管理•内置安全装置:BOD和POR –突发模式•64引脚方形扁平无引脚(QFN)和40引脚QFN封–理想的二极管仿真装–同步镇流器软启动/关闭•运行温度:–40°C至125°C–低集成电路(IC)待机功率•整合数字电源GUI支持Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.P R O D U C T P R E V I E WUCD3138ZHCS429–MARCH 20121.2应用范围•电源和电信整流器•功率因数校正•独立的dc-dc 模块2概览2.1说明UCD3138是一款德州仪器(TI)数字电源控制器,此控制器在一个单一芯片解决方案内提供高集成度和出色性能。
400 025 3336Service Hotline ESTUN Robotics Engineering Co., Ltd.WeightER12-1510-H5ER12-1510ER20-1780ER20/10-2000-HIER30-1880ER50-2100103050ER6-1600ER6-1450-HMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacity1510mm ±0.05mm 1780mm±0.06mm 2000mm±0.07mm 1880mm±0.08mm2100mm±0.15mm1510mm±0.05mm Arm RangeArm RangeRepeatabilityRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability1450mm±0.08mm Arm Range Repeatability1600mm±0.08mm 168245248255600170155164±170°-60° ~ +160°-165° ~ +88°±180°±50°±170°-60° ~ +160°-165° ~ +88°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±135°±360°±170°-80° ~ +150°-175° ~ +75°±360°±135°±360°±170°-60° ~ +160°-155° ~ +85°±170°±180°±360°±180°-60° ~ +140°-155° ~ +80°±170°±180°±360°180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 355°/s 360°/s180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 355°/s 360°/s 585°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 585°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 290°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 365°/s93°/s 89°/s 115°/s 149°/s 130°/s 170°/s180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 440°/s 400°/s 600°/s148°/s 109°/s 214°/s 441°/s 580°/s 696°/sMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloorInstallation FloorInstallation FloorWeightWeight Weight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight InstallationFloorWeightArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityER220-2650ER170-2650ER350-3300ER500-2800ER80-2565-BDER130-2865-BD50080130ER100-3550-DW ER100-30002650mm ±0.2mm3300mm ±0.3mm 2800mm±0.3mm2565mm±0.2mm2865mm±0.2mm2650mm ±0.2mm 3000mm±0.2mm3550mm ±0.2mm112028553000740950109210531600±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-30° ~ +125°±180°±115°±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-64° ~ +68°±180°±115°±360°±180°-67° ~ +150°-190° ~ +66°±170°±130°±360°±180°-70° ~ +90°-200° ~ +68°±200°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-30° ~ +160°-195° ~ +80°±170°±120°±360°110°/s 72°/s 95°/s 110°/s 110°/s 151°/s114°/s 105°/s 119°/s 120°/s 120°/s 160°/s70°/s 90°/s 90°/s 100°/s 80°/s 140°/s70°/s 90°/s 90°/s 100°/s 80°/s 140°/s110°/s 105°/s 130°/s 215°/s 160°/s 205°/s112°/s 106°/s 106°/s 180°/s 175°/s 188°/s114°/s 108°/s 119°/s 120°/s 130°/s 210°/s85°/s 70°/s 89°/s 120°/s 120°/s 200°/s100100170220350MAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight Installation ShelfWeight Max.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEED3060mm±0.2mm3300mm±0.3mm2800mm±0.3mm±0.02mm±0.015mm±0.01°400mm500mm600mm700mm2400mm±0.2mm105011203000±180°-40° ~ +85°-20° ~ +110°±360°±180°-40° ~ +90°-17° ~ +110°±360°±132°±141°0 ~ 150mm±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-30° ~ +125°±115°±360°70°/s90°/s90°/s80°/s140°/s±180°-60° ~ +105°-64° ~ +68°±115°±360°70°/s90°/s90°/s80°/s140°/s105°/s110°/s110°/s290°/s114°/s108°/s119°/s270°/s600°/s600°/s1060mm/s2500°/sComplexSpeed6000mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed6090mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed6740mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed7400mm/sER500-2850-5ER350-3300-5ER3-400-SR ER6-500-SR ER6-600-SR ER6-700-SR666 ER120-2400-PL ER180-3100-PL1201803505003J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J428551520182018201920 RepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityRepeatability Repeatability Repeatability RepeatabilityArmRangeArmRangeArmRangeArmRangeArmRange Max.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloor±170°-80° ~ +130°-190° ~ +60°±170°±130°±360°450°/s314°/s 370°/s 450°/s 473°/s 588°/s±176°±140°-200° ~ +70°±173°±130°±360°275°/s 275°/s 235°/s 400°/s 400°/s 530°/s±140°-200° ~ +70°±110°±360°250°/s 235°/s400°/s 530°/s±140°-225° ~ +65°±110° 250°/s 235°/s430°/s ER10-900-MI/41010106±132°±152°0 ~ 200mm / 0 ~ 420mm±360°375°/s 588°/s2020mm/s 1350°/sComplex Speed9850mm/s ±132°±152°0 ~ 200mm / 0 ~ 420mm±360°375°/s 588°/s2020mm/s 1350°/sComplex Speed11160mm/s ±200°±200°0 ~ 150mm ±360°480°/s 600°/s960mm/s 2000°/sComplex Speed7400mm/s800mmER20-800-SR20±0.025mm ±0.015mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J447201000mm ER20-1000-SR20±0.025mm ±0.015mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J45020550mmER4-550-SR/UER 6-730-MIER10-900-MIER10-900-MI/34±0.015mm ±0.01mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J420207554505452545065730mm±0.02mmAxis Number 6900mm 900mm 900mm±0.05mmAxis Number 3±0.05mm Axis Number 4±0.05mm*Pictures in this manual are for reference only, and the appearance is subject to physical objects. This note is subject to change without notice. The data labeled in this manual are from ESTUN laboratory data, which may be different from the actual dataRepeatability Repeatability RepeatabilityArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeRepeatabilityRepeatabilityRepeatabilityRepeatabilityArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight WeightWeightWeightWeight InstallationFloorMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingSOLAR INDUSTRYWELDINGCO2/MIG/MAG Gas Metal Arc Welding WorkstationTIG Argon Arc Welding WorkstationESTUN hollow wrist robots reduce interference of cables. High performance weldinggun, ESTUN welding power source and ESTUN Mate welding software package canmake an ideal integrated welding workstation. ESTUN arc welding stations havecharacteristics of super spatter-free, good weld bead appearance, and low heat inputto base material. They can support sophisticated welding functions such as pre welddata setting , pendulum welding, intermittent welding, etc. ESTUN robotic arc weldingstations can be widely used in steel furniture, automobile parts, electric bike, motorcycles,fitness equipment, medical equipment, elevators, agricultural machinery, aluminumfilm plate and other industries.ESTUN has worked deeply in photovoltaic in industry for years. Its specialized robots for photovoltaic are widelyused in every leading companies of photovoltaic industry. Equipped with ESTUN vision system, ESTUN photovoltaicrobots extremely suitable for high-precision battery composition, plate inserting & stepping, glass handing,solidifying, corner packing, and packing. ESTUN photovoltaic robots are utmost cost-effective solution for thisindustry.The workstation combines ESTUN robots with domestic leading pulse TIGwelding power sources, and achieve fast data exchange between welder andcontroller based on self-developed ESTUN Mate arc welding software package,The workstation meets welding needs for sheet and yttrium with self-fused nospark argon gas arc welding function and multi-shape impulse filler-metal argongas arc welding function.Spot WeldingESTUN spot welding robot is equipped with ESTUN high speed servo motor torealize fast, agile and precise control. High load capacity of ESTUN spot weldingrobots cover a variety of spot welding holders.With IPC, it is possible to control the system via Ethernet in real time, and carryout large-scale pipelining with single or multiple robots. ESTUN Spot weldingcan be applied to automobile and parts welding line.1112PALLETIZING AND HANDLINGBENDINGMETAL SURFACE FINISHING3C ELECTRONICS & SEMI CONDUCTORAll ESTUN SCARA robots are designed according toESTUN serialization and modularization concept . Because whole series of SCARA products have been equipped with multifunctional Ethernet interface and convenient 9 point calibration vision system, the efficiency of devices integration and applications has been greatly improved. ESTUN SCARA robots are perfect solution for different applications which require fast, repeated, coherent point to point movement, such as, loading & unloading, placing, pallets sorting and components insrting etc. ESTUN SCARA robots are also perfectly suitable for conveyors loading & unloading which require high speed and precision tracking movements. When vision system integration is required in above applications, ESTUN SCARA robots are totally capable.ESTUN Desktop robots are accurate, fast, and extremely suitable for applications of electrics industry, such as assembly, handling, soldering, screwing etc., and applications of automotive industry, such as fast handling, processing, etc. ESTUN Desktop robots are also very popular in education with its optional functions such as teach with hand guidance, electronic skin, safety mode and so on.With more than 20 years’ experience in automation and sheet metal industry, ESTUN is expert of sheet metal processing and bending technology, and has abundant R&D experience in bending CNC system. ESTUN ER80 and ER130 series of robots, with several patents, is the first 6-axis bending robots in the world ever. ESTUN has alsodeveloped outstanding robotic bending software Smart Robot Bending , which has provided perfect solution for all critical points of robotic bending such as synchronous bending following, long programing & teaching time and soon. It has user-friendly interface, is very easy to operate, and is being widely recognized by the market.ESTUN provides high-speed, high-load capability and long reach intelligent palletizing robots. The standard smart palletizing software packages can generate palletizing instructions automatically. When equipped with different grippers, ESTUN palletizing robots are very suitable for palletizing solutions of bags, boxes, bottles, buckets etc. They make palletizing job more flexible and efficient.ESTUN Robots can cover 3kg to 500kg load capability. They can satisfy the requirements of automatic material transportation. Material handling can be much easier with conveyor tracking and collision detection function of ESTUN robots.ESTUN robots can be used in grinding, polishing and deburring applications of automobile parts, electrics, bathroom hardware, etc.Using off-lineprogramming software to program trajectory of complicated curved surface can extremely shorten teaching time, improve application exploitability of robots, and ensure quality stability of workpieces.1314CONTROL SYSTEMTeach PendantErgonomically optimized, designed for comfort and lightweight.User-friendly design, multi-language interface.Customized screen sizes.Dual safety switches, ensure operating safety.Integrated USB port, direct program input/output.Brand new cabinet which is smaller and more compact;EtherCAT (extensible for I/O), CANOpen, Modbus TCPcommunication is supported;Expansible 3 coupled axes and 16 single axes.Integrated engineering & electrical customized solutionscan be provided according to customers’ demands.Control CabinetBrand new cabinet which is smaller and more compact;EtherCAT (extensible for I/O), CANopen, Modbus TCP communication is supported;Integrated engineering & electrical customized solutions can be provided according to customers’ demands.OTHER FIELDSIn the system, ESTUN Robots which are equippedwith grippers normally works with unstackingmachine, magnetic tension distributor, cleaning &basting devices, and 7th axis. The system canincrease manufacturing efficiency and productquality through its integrated automaticfunctions like unstacking & feeding, picking &placing between machines, and palletizing.Single or multi-station machining manufacturingcan easily be set up with one or several ESTUNRobots which are equipped with grippers, loading &unloading platform and conveyor. ESTUN robotsare very suitable for automatic loading & unloadingprocesses of machining centers, injection moldingmachines, pipe bending machines and diecasting machines, when any employer isseeking lower labor costs and higher productquality.ESTUN Robots can be used in extremeenvironment such as high temperature, highhumidity, dust, etc. when they are equippedwith protective coatings, automatic molddischarging device and specialized grippers.They can liberate operators from ruggedenvironment. At the same time, they can helpemployers increase productivity and quality,reduce costs, and increase automation level offorging manufacturing.Others Being widely used in sealing, drilling in woodworking, ceramics handling, slaughtering, painting, andother different areas, ESTUN Robots are helping industries increase automatic level,manufacturing efficiency and product quality with customized software, user friendlyinterface and accurate, reliable performance.1516AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT APPLICATION SOFTWARE EC350LSpecial short-circuit transition control.Super low spatter function, suitable for 0.8-3mm sheet. Suitable for carbon steel, stainless steel and galvanized sheet.Excellent performance of MAG carbon steel welding.Fine control of droplet transition.Fusion depth control function.Ideally suitable for industries such as steel structures, heavy industries and pressure vessels which require high performance carbon steel welding.Spatter-free welding through one pulse, one droplet control technology. Fish scale welding through enhanced double-pulse function realizes. Suitable for carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and its alloy.EC350/500EC500(water-cooling)EC350P/350P(water-cooling)/500P(water-cooling)Estun Positioner Bending Software PACK Estun CloudESP-1D ESP-2L/L ESP-3W/W ESP-3C/CSingle-axis PositionerThree-axis VerticalRotation Posit i onerTwo-axisPositionerThree-axis HorizontalRotation Positioner ESP-1HSingle-axis Head &Tail Bracket PositionerESP-2UU-type Two-axisPositionerHigh durabilityHigh Speed High Accuracy Lightweight DesignSpeed up to 138°/s, Increase product efficiency.Repeatability up to ±0.1mmwith its RV reducer.high rigidity,excellent acceleration.Simple driving system,great conductivity andwell-designed cabling.Smart Robot Bending software package supports IO and Ethernet communication with bending machines.One singlecable is needed to set up communication instead of complicated wiring. Obtaining parameters such as bending machine signals, moldparameters and bending speed, and other parameters; directly calling bending machine instructions from teach pendant; and controllingbending machine to start bending procedures is all achievable through this simple connection. Locations of the robot and the bendingmachine are not restricted. Customers can flexibly set up machines and robots in limited space. Also there is no need to re-calibrate thebending machine after mold replacing. The built-in basic palletizing function for bending application makes operation easier. Thehigh-precision displacement sensors enable automatic feeding function which can tremendously shorten teaching time and ensure highprecision bending.ESTUN Cloud connects Estun robots to a cloud platform through wireless remote connection modules.Robot operation conditions and information of alarms & faults can be monitored in real time by a smart phone APP. Remotely downloading& modifying of robot programs, and faults diagnoses can be executed through a sample PC based program. ESTUN Cloud can help ourpartners shorten faults eliminating time, lower communication costs, and increase service quality, discover business opportunities throughBig Data analysis. By supporting general communication protocols, ESTUN Cloud can support not only robots but also more otherautomatic equipment, and combine automation technology with information technology. Through ESTUN Cloud, our partners canhave supportive technology platform for their Industry 4.0 vision.1718APPLICATION SOFTWAREAPPLICATION SOFTWAREESTUN Panther has adopted graphic interface , which means all palletizing operations, including configuration and stacking/unstacking, can be realized simply and efficiently through the interface. Built in common stacking shapes make stacking much easier and faster. Meanwhile, ESTUN Panther also supports complicated and customized shapes of stacking. By using built-in palletizing program templates, users can teach the stacking featured points on the interface instead of writing robot programs. After configuration is completed, users can directly start palletizing process through interface and easily monitor system states, such as target location of current work piece, serial number of currently placed work piece and whether there is a signal of fed workpieces or pallet, etc.ESTUN MATE arc welding software pack has perfectly combined welding robot with weldingpower source. CANopen, RS485, and I/O communication is supported. Through thesecommunications, there is massive data real-time interactive between welding robot and welding power source. In addition to basic welding functions, ESTUN MATE also provides a variety of advanced functions, such as registration code activation, graphically monitoring of current, voltage and wire feeding speed, wire stuck detection, wire stuck auto release, robot and power source locking, sequence welding, intermittent welding, pendulum welding, and so on. Laser vision locating and tracking function provides fine location and real-time tracking of welding seam, greatly simplifies the teaching and tools’ complexity, helps users to achieve higher efficiency and qualified rate. Welding parameters can be set and displayed on the welding interface of teach pendant. ESTUN MATE meets different welding needs by various specialized welding instructions.Through equipping servo spot welding torch with ESTUN servo drives and motors, ESTUN SPOT can accurately control welding pressure, ensure welding performance, controlregrinding and replacement of electrode cap. It can also provide precise position control of spot-welding gun through grinding compensation function. 128 welding specifications can be selected by users for several types and thicknesses of welding materials. The conditions of spot welding equipment, including welding controller, electrode holder, grinder, etc., are overall monitored to ensure operation safety. The software can match with multiple welding controllers because of its high redundancy. ESTUN SPOT does not only support I/O but also PROFIBUS, Modbus TCP and CANopen to fulfill customer sites’ specific requirements (customization). Several types of ESTUN robots can be selected according to various specifications of electrode holders. ESTUN’s self-developed remote monitoring system can be chosen as option. Remote faults diagnoses and eliminating function can be realized through this system.Users can design movement path of robots with space curve in the 3D environment provided by off-line programming software. The software can transfer designed path into programs of robots. It is normally used in application when teaching programming is very difficult, such as glaze spraying, grinding and sealing, etc.The software offers a 3D simulation environment where robot system as well as peripheral equipment can be added rapidly. In addition, I/O interaction and motion settings of the peripheral equipment can be achieved in the environment.It is very convenient for users to simulate the application scene to observe the ultimate operation effects visually, verify the feasibility and optimize the solution rapidly, which will improve the robot efficiency.Equipped with intellectualized HMI, the software has various visual function modules such as material identification, locating and sorting, QR code/bar code identification, conveyor belt tracking, etc. Supporting multiple communication protocols like TPC/IP , I/O and serial port, massive data interaction among robots, PLC and peripheral equipment can be achieved quickly, which facilitates the operation.VISION PRODUCT SERIESCollect equipment parameters, status, alarms, etc. of the motion control system through the EM-PCS system.Estun's self-developed motion control system supports fieldbus EtherCAT, etc.Support multiple ways to view the running status,parameters, and alarm data of the device at any time.Data collection Device interconnectionUpload the processed data to the cloud through the EM-PCS platform for remote monitoring and predictive operation and maintenance.Cloud platformView mode Analyze the collected data, multi-dimensional display.Control the process of the workstation or production line.Data collection, work order management, quality management, line-side logistics,material traceability, etc.Platform function Data analysisProcess control ControllerEM-PCS platformPC/APP portServo systemCloud platformESTUN CLOUDFocus on the motion control system, through the "development, production, maintenance" as one of the one-stop services, to gather a real competitive advantage, combined with Trio's motion control technology, the automated core component product line has completed a strategic transformation from AC servo systems to motion control solutions, The business model is realizing a full-scale sublimation from a single-axis——single——unit, to help build the optimal solution for the production site.AC servo systemUniversal motion control solution Intelligent control unit motion control solution Robot-specific servo and control system solutions Metal forming machine tool numerical control system solutionWe Also Provide Motion Control And Servo Systems22。
FIREX 辅助设备 - 辅助设备说明书
T h e p r o f e s s i o n a l c h o i c e i n f i r e s a f e t y.FIREX®the recognized leader in residential fire protection, brings you the latest in duct smoke detection technology. FIREX®Duct Smoke Detectors provide early detection of smoke and products of combustion present in air moving through an HVAC duct. These devices are designed for prevention of smoke recirculation in areas by the air handling systems. Fans, blowers, and complete systems may be shut down in the event of smoke detection. Our universal voltage models will operate on any one offour input voltages.Air sampling is accomplished by two tubes, which protrude into the duct. An exhaust tube of one standard length (7'') is provided with each FIREX®Duct Smoke Detector. Intake sampling tubes, which must be ordered separately, are available in three standard lengths.Duct smoke detector mounting is accomplished by the use of a mounting template and four sheet metal screws, which are provided.Duct Smoke DetectorsUniversal Voltage Models230 VAC, 115 VAC, 24 VAC or 24 VDC operation2650-660 Ionization • 2650-661 PhotoelectricHigh Temperature DesignRated to 155˚F (ionization model)for rooftop and other installationswhere high temperatures cancause problems.InterconnectUp to 30 ModelsUp to 30 models can beinterconnected to providecomplete HVAC systemprotection–controlling allconnected blowers, fansand dampers.Alerts When DirtyAutomatically indicates whenmaintenance is required.THR EE Y E ARW AR R A N T YInstallation FlexibilityFast and easy mounting torectangular ducts.Item:2650-660 - 115 Volt AC, 230 Volt AC, 24 Volt AC,or 24 Volt DC ionization2650-661 - 115 Volt AC, 230 Volt AC, 24 Volt ACor 24 Volt DC photoelectric532 - Sampling tube for 6'' to 2.5' duct widths 533 - Sampling tube for 2.5' to 5.0' duct widths 534 - Sampling tube for 5.0' to 10.0' duct widthsPower Requirements:115 Volt AC operation @ 5 mA standby, 15 mA alarm 230 Volt AC operation @ 12 mA standby, 16 mA alarm 24 Volt AC operation @ 20 mA standby, 50 mA alarm 24 Volt DC operation @ 20 mA standby, 50 mA alarmRelay Contact Rating:Alarm contacts, two form “C” rated at 10 Amps @ 230 VAC resistive Trouble contact, one form “C” rated 10 Amps @ 230 VAC resistiveRadioactive Element:For model 2650-660 only, Americium 241; 0.9 Micro-CuriesSensitivity:Factory setAir Velocity:500 to 3000 feet/minuteApproval:Underwriters Laboratories Listed (UL 268A)Ambient Temperature:-5ºF to 155ºF (-23º to 68ºC) Model 2650-660-5ºF to 120ºF (-23º to 48ºC) Model 2650-661Humidity:10% to 85% R.H.Material:18 ga. steel backbox, clear plastic ABS-94VO coverFinish:Textured gray finishMaximum net weight:4.0 poundsMounting:Template and necessary hardware suppliedDimensions:9'' H x 7'' W x 2.25'' D (22.9 cm H x 17.8 cm W x 5.7 cm D)Air duct smoke detectors shall be Firex ®‚ item number 2650-660 ionization type (2650-661 for photoelectric). The detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories to verify operational characteristics in accordance with U.L. 268A standard and local code requirements. The detectors shall operate at an ambient temperature up to 155°F (2650-661photoelectric, 120°F) and air velocities from 500feet per minute to 3,000 feet per minute. A custom fitted NEMA 3R rated Firex‚ Weatherproof Enclosure item number 590 shall be used for indoor or outdoor locations that require protection from environmental elements.The detector housing shall be of 18 gauge steel construction with a special ABS-94VO high strength plastic cover for maximum plete mechanical installation of the unit must be performed without removal of detector cover to prevent dirt and debris from entering unit. The plastic cover shall be clear to allow full visibility of the internal components for future visual inspections.Detector heads contained within the unit shall not require separate filters or screens which must be maintained or replaced to insure that unit is fully operational. The housing shall accept eitherionization or photoelectric type detector heads as required.Terminal connections shall be of screw type and be a minimum of #6 screw for easy wiring during installation. Terminals shall be provided for remote pilot and alarm indication.Visual indicators shall be mounted at an angle on the front housing for pilot and alarm status to allow easy viewing from lower elevations during routine inspections. A manual test/reset switch shall also be provided on the front of the detector for unit testing during standby conditions or rou-tine inspections.Product SpecificationsEngineers & Architects SpecificationsT HR EE Y E ARW AR R A N T YControls Americas515 South Promenade AvenueCorona California 92879-1736 USA Cust. Svc. Telephone +1 800 951 5526Cust. Svc. Facsimile +1 630 260 7299********************************3505 Laird Road Unit #14Mississauga Ontario L5L 5Y7 Canada Cust. Svc. Telephone +1 800 387 7978Cust. Svc. Facsimile +1 905 828 1265********************************Technical ServiceTelephone +1 800 445 8299Facsimile +1 630 260 723*****************************See sell sheet 150-1661 and 150-1991 for listing of accessories© 2006 Invensys Controls Americas 6/06 - #150-1610D。
Agilent Technologies 85022A 系统线缆套件用户ских处说明书
Agilent Technologies 85022A System Cable KitInstruction ManualAgilentTechnologiesREPRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS TECHNICAL MANUAL IS AUTHORIZED FOR GOVERNMENT PURPOSES._________________________________________________________________________________ Instruction ManualThis Instruction Manual provides instructions on the use of the Agilent Technologies Model 85022A System Cable Kit with the Agilent Technologies Model 8757D-E02 Scalar Network Analyzer being delivered under U.S. Navy Contract Number N00104-07-D-D014.Manual Part Number 85022-90005November 2007REPRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THISTECHNICAL MANUAL IS AUTHORIZED FORGOVERNMENT PURPOSES.© Copyright Agilent Technologies 2007All Rights ReservedAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INCDIVISION TMO CUSTOMER BUSINESS CENTER9780 S MERIDIAN BLVDENGLEWOOD CO 80112 – 5910Agilent Technologies 85022ASystem Cable KitDocumentation WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN FUTURE EDITIONS. FUR-THER, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AGILENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AGILENT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD AGILENT AND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THE WAR-RANTY TERMS IN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.DFARS/Restricted Rights NoticeIf software is for use in the performance of a U.S. Government prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and licensed as “Commercial computer software” as defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer software” as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause. Use, duplication or disclosure of Software is subject to Agilent Technologies’ standard commercial license terms, andnon-DOD Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government will receive no greater than Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June 1987). U.S. Government users will receive no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November 1995), as applicable in any technical data. Printing Copies of Documentation from the WebTo print copies of documentation from the Web, download the PDF file from the Agilent web site:•Go to .•Enter the document’s part number (located on the title page) in the Quick Search box.•Click GO.•Click on the hyperlink for the document.•Click the printer icon located in the tool bar.Contacting AgilentAssistance with test and measurement needs and information on finding a local Agilent office are available on the Web at:/find/assistIf you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your Agilent field engineer. NOTE In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the Agilent product by its model number and full serial number. With this information, theAgilent representative can determine whether your product is still within itswarranty period.DescriptionThe Agilent Model 85022A System Cable Kit is a set of three GP-IB cables and four BNC cables that provide the necessary interconnections in a GPIB controlled network analyzer system.The three identical Model 10833A GP-IB cables feature an improved shielding design to help improve RFI levels in systems, exhibiting significantly lower radiated emissions than previous GP-IB cables. The connector block at both ends of each GP-IB cable has a plug on one side and a matching receptacle on the other, so that several cables may be conveniently connected in parallel, thus simplifying system interconnection. ISO metric-threaded lock screws provide for secure mounting of each connector block to a GP-IB instrument or to another cable connector block.Four BNC 50-ohm coaxial cables are supplied, terminated on both ends with BNC (m) connectors. These include three Model 11170B, 61 cm (24 in.) cables and one Model 11170C, 122 cm (48 in.) cable. The longer cable is used to supply a modulation drive signal from the network analyzer to a synthesized sweeper.CharacteristicsThe 85022A System Cable Kit consists of seven cables with the following characteristics:Other Equipment AvailableGP-IB and BNC cables are also available in various lengths as follows:The Model 10834A adapter is a shielded GP-IB to GP-IB adapter. It provides additional clearance between the GP-IB cable and the rear panel of the instrument. This allowseasier access to switches, cables, and other connectors that may be in close proximity to the GP-IB connector.Three GP-IB Cables One BNC Cable Three BNC Cables Agilent Part No. 85022-20001ae this Agilent part number rather than the model number when re-ordering the GP-IB cables, to expedite faster replacement.Agilent Part No. 8120-1840aAgilent Part No. 8120-1839aAgilent Model No. 10833A Agilent Model No. 11170C Agilent Model No. 11170B Length: 1 m. (3.3 ft.)Length: 122 cm. (48 in.)Length: 61 cm. (24 in.)—Impedance: 50 ohms Impedance: 50 ohms —Connectors: BNC (m)Connectors: BNC (m)GP-IBBNCLength Part Number Model Number Length Model Number 0.5 m. (1.6 ft.)8120-3444a e this Agilent part number rather than the model number when re-ordering the GP-IB cables, to expedite faster replacement.10833D 30 cm. (12 in.)11170A2 m. (6.6 ft.)8120-3446a 10833B 4 m. (13.2 ft.)8120-3447a10833C85022-90005Copyright Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007Printed in Malaysia 11/2007 No. 85022-90005Agilent Technologies。
ICP DAS IR-712A 产品说明书
IR-712AQuick StartCongratulations! ··············································Thanks for purchasing the IR-712A - Universal IR Learning Remote Module. This Quick Start Guide will provide related information which needed to get started with the IR-712A module. Please also consult the user manual for detailed information on the setup and usage of the IR-712A module.What’s In the Box! ············································TypeItem IR-712ACDCA-IR- CA-IR-CA-0910Screw-SH2251SH2251-5driverIR-712AX1X1X2--X1X1 IR-712A-5X1X1--X2X1X1Technical Support ············································●IR-712A Websitehttps:///ir_712a.html● ICP DAS Website/1 Check operation mode of the IR-712APush DIP switch to the position of normal operation mode (OP).OP2 Serial wire connection between IR-712A and PCUse the RS-232 cable (CA-0910) to establish the wire connection between IR-712A and PC as shown in the following figure. The DB9 (9-pin) connector of CA-0910 is for PC COM port.3 Plug in an IR Emitter CablePlug the IR emitter cable CA-IR-SH2251 into the 3.5 mm jack of the IR Output 1.4 Power Wire ConnectionConnect the power supply cable (+10 ~ +30 VDC) to the power connector.5 Install IR UtilityPlease get the installation file of the IRUtility( from the accompanied CD or Web.After installation, lauch the IR utility.CD:\napdos\ir\ir_utility\Web:ftp:///pub/cd/usbcd/napdos/ir/ir_utility/6 Serial Communication to the IR-712ASelect “IR-712A” in the Module combobox. Select the default communication settings: Baud rate = 115200 bps, Parity = None, Data bits = 8, Stop bits = 1, and Modbus Net ID = 1. Then, click “Connect”button to connect to the IR-712A and open the main window of the IR-712 utility.ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 907177 Set Device and IR Command QuantityPlease click the “Set Device & IR Command Quantity” button to open the setup window. Three steps to bet set:Step 1: Set device quantity.(1) Set the Device Quantity to be 1. (2) Press the “Set” button.(3) Press the Next (right arrow) button.IR-712A IR to Modbus RTU converter - QuickStart (May/2018)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717✍Step 2: Configure the IR device names and its IR command quantity.(1) Enter Device Name and IR Command Quantity. (2) Press the “Set” button.(3) Press the Next (right arrow) button.✍Step 3: Set each IR command name. The prefix number (e.g. 1_Play) is the number of an IR command stored in the IR-712A. Click OK button to go back to main window of the IR-712A utility.8 Learn IR CommandsIn the section “Test and Save Learned IR Commands” of the IR-712A utility:(1) Select the item in “Device Name” and “Command Name” combobox.(2) Click “Learn On” button to enable IR learning mode (TR/LN LED is ON).(3) Aim the emitter head of the remote control (RC) to the “IR Input” hole onIR-712A (distance less than 3 cm) and press the remote control button which is to be learned in a short time. After IR learning is finished, the TR/LN LED is OFF.(4) Select IR Output 1 in the output channel combobox.(5) Aim the IR emitter, which is plugged in IR Output 1 jack, to the IR receiverof the controlled device. Click “Run Command” button to check the effectiveness of the IR learning command. Repeat (2) and (3) if no action on the device.(6) Click “Save this Cmd” button.(7) Repeat the above (1)~(6) to finish IR learning.Besides, the color rectangle (marked a blue dotted frame) means:Red : Learning data is saved in the item of “Command Name”.Yellow : Get learning data form IR-712A. The data is buffered and lost whenselecting other item of “Command Name”.White : No learning data saved in the current item of “Command Name”.遙控器距離:≤ 3 cm9 Download IR Commands to the IR-712AAfter IR learning finishes, click Menu [Download]-> [Download IRCommands to IR-712A] to download the IR commands to the IR-712A.10 Test IR Commands in IR-712AGo to the “Test IR Commands in IR-712A” section:(1) Select IR Command No.(2) Select Output Channel to 1. Aim the IR emitter head to theappliance.(3) Press “Transmit from IR-712A” button. The appliance reacts meanssuccess.。
Tankertanker Design
型号 AW8145CSR AW8155FCR AW8120FCR AW8010AFCR AW8090ACOR AW8110CSR AW8188TQR 特性 防破音,超低EMI AB/D自由切换的第二代音乐功放 AB/D自由切换的第二代音乐功放 超低EMI AB类功放 防破音,超低EMI D类双声道立体声,防破音,超低EMI 封装 FC9 FC9 FC9 FC9 COL9 CSP9 16-Pin TQFN
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design
型号 AW5007STR 特性 低噪声放大器 封装 SOT363-6L
AUTOMATIONPOWER CONTROLSOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSENG C O D . 81141D - 03/20152Thanks to forty years of experience, Gefran is the world leader in the design and production of solutions for measuring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes .We have 14 branches in 12 countries and a network of over 80 worldwide distributors.For 40 years, Gefran has been designing and producing technologically advanced actuators and solid state relays to control resistive/inductive loads and infrared lamps used in modern temperature control systems.Our knowledge of the market transforms your needs into practical, high-quality answers.QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYGefran components are a concentrate of technology , the result of constant research and of cooperation with major research centres .Thanks to its complete line of controllers and actuators , Gefran can be your sole provider of solutions for electrical heating control .Gefran’s know-how and experience guarantee continuous and practical solutions.SERVICESA team of Gefran experts works with the customer to select the ideal product for its application and to help install andconfiguredevices(***********************).Gefran offers a wide range of courses at different levels for the technical-commercial study of the Gefran product range as well as specific courses on demandIn addition to foreseeing the market’s application needs, Gefran forms partnerships with its customers to find the best way to optimise and boost the performance of various applications .Gefran products communicate with one another to provide integrated solutions, and can dialogue with devices by other companies thanks to compatibility with numerous fieldbuses.APPLICATIONSPLASTICS HEAT TREATMENTGLASSENERGYPAPERFOODSOFTWAREGF_eXpressConfiguration kit for Gefran instruments by means of PC (Windows environment).- A single software for all models- Easy configuration- Copy/paste, save recipe, trendfunctions- Rapid configuration of instruments- Saving and management of parameterrecipes- On-line trend and saving of historicaldata- Recovery of factory settings- Custom linearization- On-line user manual- Easy programming with custom messages- Easy graphics programming with setpointprogrammersIR SOLUTIONPRINTINGTEXTILEPLASTICS – BLOWINGWOODWORKING MACHINESPHOTOVOLTAICSAUTOMOTIVE Halogen - 2500°CShort Wave - 2200°C4SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSGTF - GFWGTF and GTF-XTRAGTF is the new line of GEFRAN power controllers, designedto control all types of industrial electric heaters.Versatility, plus easy and guided configuration with GEFRAN(25,40A)(400, 600A)(400, 600A)GS (15... 120A)GD (40A)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSFIELDBUS*(25...60A)GTF(25...250A)GFWFIELDBUS*GFX4-IRFIELDBUS* (25... 120A)GT(25... 120A)(*) European Patent N° 2660843 8SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(*) European Patent N° 2660843 10SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERSnot availablex = (1pcs)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(**) Valid formulas for Vline=Vload(***) For these applications it is recommanded to contact the Gefran specialistsnon disponibilex = (1pz)SOLID STATE RELAYS, AND POWER CONTROLLERS(**) Valid formulas for Vline=Vload(***) For these applications it is recommanded to contact the Gefran specialistsSPAINMEXICO TAIWAN INDIARUSSIABELGIUM UK TURKEYSINGAPOREGERMANYCHINA SWITZERLAND FRANCE USA BRAZILSOUTH AFRICAITALYDrive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 Seligenstadt Ph. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 - Pleidelsheim Ph. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884 GEFRAN FRANCE SA4, rue Jean Desparmet - BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr . 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN UK Ltd Unit 7Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.ukGEFRAN ESPAÑACalle Vic, números 109-11108160 - MONTMELÓ(BARCELONA)Ph. +34 934982643Fax +34 935721571**************************GEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti Yesilkoy Mah. AtaturkCad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYEPh. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN RUSSIA4 Lesnoy pereulok, 4B usiness center “White Stone” 125047, Moscow, Russia Tell: +7 (495) 225-86-20 Fax: +7 (495) 225-85-00GEFRAN SOUTH AFRICA Pty Ltd.Unit 10 North Precinet, West Bu-ildingTopaz Boulevard Montague Park, 7411, Cape Town Ph. +27 21 5525985 Fax +27 21 5525912GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cnGEFRAN INDIASurvey No: 182/1 KH, Bhukum, Paud road, Taluka – Mulshi,Pune - 411 042. MH, INDIA Phone No.:+91-20-39394400Fax No.: +91-20-39394401**********************GEFRAN TAIWANNo.141, Wenzhi Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 32054, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Ph. +886-3-4273697*********************.sg GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr . Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.br。
ICP DAS μPAC-5000系列产品简介说明书
Quick Start Guide forμPAC-5000 SeriesJanuary 2012, Version 1.0.2Congratulations on purchasing μPAC-5000 - the most popular automation solution for remote monitoring and control application. This Quick Start Guide will provide information needed to get started with μPAC-5000. Please also consult the User Manual for detailed information on the setup and use of μPAC-5000.In addition to this guide, the package includes the following items:μPAC-5000Software Utility CDRS-232 cable (CA-0910)Screw Driver (1C016)GSM/GPRS Antenna (ANT-421-02)(for GSM series only)μPAC-5000 User ManualCD:\NAPDOS\NAPDOS\upac-5000\Document\/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/upac-5000/document/μPAC-5000 Website/products/PAC/up-5000/introduction.htmICP DAS Website/1 --------------------------------------------Configuring Boot ModeMake sure the "Lock" switch is placed in the “OFF” position;the "Init" switch is placed in the “O N” position.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Connecting to PC, Network and PowerThe μPAC-5000 is equipped with a standard Ethernet port (RJ-45) for connecting to an Ethernet Hub/Switch and PC. Moreover, you can also connect the PC directly with an Ethernet cable.3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Installing the SIM Card and GSM AntennaYou need to install the SIM card and antenna before using the GSM series module.Install the GSM antenna to the antenna connector on the top panel tightly.Insert the SIM card into the SIM card holder. First, make sure the beveled corner on the card is facing the bevelled corner on the holder, and the gold-colored contact area on the card is facing up. To eject SIM card, simply, use your finger nail and apply slight pressure.Before installing or taking out the SIM card, please power off the uPAC-5000.4-------------------------------------------------------Installing the MiniOS7 UtilityThe MiniOS7 Utility can be obtained from companion CD or our FTP site:CD:\Napdos\minios7\utility\minios7_utility\ftp:///pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/minios7/utility/minios7_utility/After the installation has been completed, there will be a new shortcut for MiniOS7 Utility on the desktop.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------Using MiniOS7 Utility to Assign a New IPThe μPAC-5000 are Ethernet devices, which comes with a default IP address, therefore, you must first assign a new IP address to the μPAC-5000.The factory default IP settings are as follows:After pressing “F12” or choosing “Search ” from “Connection ” menu, the “MiniOS7 Scan ” dialog will appear, that will display a list of all the MiniOS7 modules on your network.See the status tip, waiting for6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Using MiniOS7 Utility to upload firmware into moduleA number of demo programs are available with μPAC-5000, which can be obtained from:CD:\ Napdos\upac-5000\Demo\/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/upac-5000/demo/Before downloading the programs, you must first establish a connection between the Host PC and the μPAC-5000. After pressing “Search ” from the toolbar, the MiniOS7 Scan dialog will display a listμPAC-5000.After the ROTARY.exe file has been downloaded to the μPAC-5000, right-click the ROTARY.exe file in the module side and select “Run” to run the program.After running the ROTARY.exe file in the μPAC -5000, it will open the following window and show the current position of Rotary Switch.Module side。
PX255Standard HMI Controller & Software ManualStandard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd.9F, No.529 Chung Cheng RoadHsin-Tien City, Taipei HsienTaiwan, R.O.C.M8A HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 2 PrefaceThis Controller & Software Manual for the Techmation M10C HMI Series (Standard Version) consists of two parts, the Operations Manual and the Reference Manual.Please refer to the Operations Manual for exact instructions on how to set up and program the machine‟s clamping unit, injection unit, production monitor and the printing and networking functions.For a detailed explanation of the HMI panel and panel keys as well as for the various HMI display screens please use the Reference Manual.Warning: For safety precautions and general machine operation and maintenance you must refer to the machine manufacturer‟s manual. This is essential to avoid serious injury to the machine operator and to prevent damage to the machine. Changing the machine setup and settings without proper care and knowledge can lead to damage to the machine.Liability: Techmation assumes no liability in any form for machine operation in connection with the use of this manual. It is your responsibility to ensure safe machine operations. Never operate the machine without proper tra ining and instructions. Read both manuals first (the machine manufacturer‟s manual and Techmations‟s Controller & Software manual) before attempting any operation of the machine .Please note that the information in this manual is subject to change without notice.For any further information, spare parts & services, documentation & product updates, general inquiries etc., please contact us at the following address:Techmation Co., Ltd.9F, No. 529, Chung Cheng RoadHsin-Tien City, TaipeiTaiwan, R.O.C.Phone: +886-2-2218 1686Fax: +886-2-2218 1766E-mail: t echtp@We hope you will find this manual helpful for your machine operations. In order to help us improve our products and documentation we encourage you to provide us with any feedback and suggestions for improvement you might have.This document remains our property and must not be copied without our written consent. Its contents may neither be made known to third parties nor be used for non-approved purposes. This manual is for internal use only.Copyright © 2000 by Techmation Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.CM10C HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTable of ContentsPreface (2)1.Operations Manual (5)1.1Clamping Unit Setup (5)1.1.1Mould Height Adjustment (5)1.1.2Mold Closing and Mold Protection (6)1.1.3Mold Opening (7)1.1.4Ejector (8)1.1.5Air Blast (9)1.1.6Core(s) (10)1.2Injection Unit Setup (11)1.2.1Nozzle/Injection Unit (11)1.2.2Injection and Hold Pressure (12)1.2.3Charge (Plasticizing) and Suck-Back (13)1.2.4Heater (14)1.3Production Monitor Setup (15)1.4Other Functions and Settings (17)2.Control Panel (HMI) (18)2.1Control Panel and Keys (19)2.1.1Machine Control Panel Keys (19)2.1.2Machine Operating Mode Keys (20)2.1.3Mold Height Adjustment (20)2.1.4Manual Operation Mode Keys (21)2.1.5Mold Adjustment Keys (25)2.1.6Data Entry Keys (26)2.1.7Numerical Keys (26)2.1.8Text Input Keys (26)2.1.9Input Dialog Box Confirm/Cancel Keys (27)2.1.10Screen Selection Keys (28)2.2HMI Display (28)2.2.1Screen Selection (29)2.3Control Panel (29)2.4Clamp Settings (31)2.4.1Clamp open/close setting (31)2.4.2Clamp set (32)2.4.3Clamp PAR1 (33)2.5Injectio (34)2.5.1Injection Settings (34)2.5.2Inject Set (35)2.5.3Injection Settings Profile (36)2.5.4Injection Settings Profile (38)2.6Ejection (39)2.6.1Ejector Settings (39)2.6.2Air Blast Settings (40)2.7Core Settings (40)2.7.1Core A/B (41)2.7.2Core C/D (42)2.7.3Core FUNC (41)2.7.4Core PARA (43)2.8Nozzle Settings (42)Techmation Co., Ltd. 3M8A HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 4 2.8.1 Nozzle/Mold Adjustmen (42)2.8.2 Nozzle/Mold FUNC (43)2.8.3 Nozzle/Mold PARA (43)2.9 Temperature Control (44)2.9.1 Temperature set (44)2.9.2 Temperature Settings (44)2.9.3 Temperature func (45)2.9.4 Temperature para (46)2.9.5 Heater Presetting (46)2.10 F ast set (46)2.11 A larm/Error Message Display Screen (48)2.12 M onitoring Settings (Automatic Alarm) (49)2.12.1 Monitoring Settings 1 (49)2.12.2 Monitoring Settings 2/3 (Production Parameter Comparison) (51)2.13 T ransducer Zero Point Reset (53)2.14 I /O Channel Diagnostics (54)2.14.1 Input Channel Diagnostics (PB) (54)2.14.2 Output Channel Diagnostics (PC) (55)2.14.3 I/O Channel Reassignment (56)2.14.4 Mold Set Database (57)2.14.5 Mold Save (58)2.14.6 Mold Read (59)2.14.7 Mold Delete (60)2.14.8 System Settings (61)2.15 V ersion (61)2.16 S ystem Parameter (62)2.16.1 System set (62)2.16.2 Data Base (63)2.16.3 System Reset (63)2.16.4 Other set (64)2.16.5 DA Adjutment ............................................................................................. 65 3. I/O Channel Index . (65)3.1 Input Channels (66)3.2 Output Channels (66)3.3 Parameter Index (67)3.3.1 Parameter 1 (67)3.3.2 Parameter 2 ................................................................................................. 71 4. Alarm/Error Message Index ........................................................................................ 74 5. Robot Installation (Optional) (77)M10C HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 51. Operations ManualThe instructions within the Operations Manual assume that you are familiar with the HMI panel keys and the various HMI display screens. If you are not or you are looking for more information on any of the keys or display screens please refer to the appropriate section within the Reference Manual.1.1 Clamping Unit SetupWhen changing the mold follow the machine manufacturer‟s instr uctions at all times to avoid the possibility of serious injuries to the machine operators.After changing the mold you have to ensure that the mold and the nozzle/injection unit are properly aligned to avoid damage to the machine. In addition, you need to make sure all necessary hose connections to the mold have been properly established and the mold has been mounted securely.1.1.1Mould Height AdjustmentBefore installing the mold use the Mold Adjustment keys to adjust for mold thickness and to advance or retract core(s) if necessary.Press the Reduced Mold Height Adjustment Key to roughly adjust for a reduced mold height (reduced distance between moving and static platen) or the Increased Mold Height Adjustment Key to roughly adjust for an increased mold height (increased distance between moving and static platen).For continues platen movement press and hold the key. The platen will move slightly and stop. Keep thekey pressed and after a one-second delay the platenwill start to move continuously. Release the key tostop platen movement. If you press the key andrelease it immediately, the platen will move slightlyand stop, allowing for micro adjustments. You canrepeat this operation until the moving platen has reached the desired position.Turn the machine off and install the new mold.Once you have finished the installation of the newmold, close the safety gate, turn on the machine andpress the Manual Mold Height Adjustment On/OffKey once to activate the Manual Mold HeightAdjustment mode. Switch the HMI display to theOther Settings screen by pressing F7 (Other 1). Thisscreen allows you to change the speed and pressuresettings after the mold has been changed. If necessary,adjust the pressure, speed and position settings for thenew mold or load the mold set data.After adjusting the settings press the Manual MoldHeight Adjustment On/Off key again to close themold. While closing the mold the controller willexecute an automatic mold height adjustment until thenew settings are reached. Once the automaticadjustment has finished all machine operations willstop and the alarm will sound. This indicates that youcan now switch back to manual or automaticoperation modes. Please note that for safety reasons you have to switch to Manual mode first by pressing either the Manual Mold Height Adjustment On/Off key or the Manual key. If you wish to use any other mode, please change to the desired mode after you have switched to Manual mode.If you encounter any problems during the mold height adjustment press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.M8A HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 61.1.2Mold Closing and Mold ProtectionMold closing is executed in three phases: High Speed closing, Low Speed closing and High Pressure closing. For optimum productivity mold closing should be executed as fast as possible. However, to avoid damage to the mold and/or machine it is important to use correct settings to ensure appropriate mold protection. For this reason pay particular attention to the Slow Speed phase.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode.Switch the HMI display to the Clamp Settings screenby pressing F2 (Clamp).Set the Mold Opening Stroke . The Mold OpeningStroke is measured from the closed mold. Thereforethe Mold Opening Stroke position is “0” when the mold is in its closed position.Next enter the desired hydraulic speed and pressure settings for the three mold closing phases. You have to ensure that the settings allow for a smooth, jerk-free movement of the mold.Set the hydraulic speed for the Low Speed phase low enough to avoid damage to the mold in case a jammed part has remained in the mold. For the samereason set the lowest hydraulic pressure possible.To avoid damage to the mold the transition point forswitching between High Speed and Low Speed phaseshould be set before the position where the mold could come into possible contact with a jammed part. The transition point for switching from the LowSpeed to the High Pressure phase should be set atthe position where both parts of the mold are startingto touch to initiate the high pressure mold lock-up. To accelerate mold closing you can activate the differential high-speed mold closing option for theHigh Speed closing phase.After setting all mold closing parameters execute mold closing in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the mold closing adjustment press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.M10C HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 71.1.3Mold OpeningMold opening is divided into three phases. The initial Slow Speed opening, an intermediate High Speed phase and a final Low Speed phase to slow down the mold before the opening end position is reached.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode. Switch the HMI display to the Clamp Settings screenby pressing F2 (Clamp).Verify the Mold Opening Stroke and adjust if necessary. The Mold Opening Stroke is measured from the closed mold. Therefore the Mold OpeningStroke position is “0” when the mold is in its closedposition.Next, enter the desired hydraulic speed and pressure settings for the three mold opening phases. You haveto ensure that the settings allow for a smooth, jerk-free movement of the mold.Set the hydraulic speed for the initial Low Speed phase low enough to allow for a smooth separation of the part from the mold.Adjust the transition point for switching from theinitial Low Speed phase to the intermediate High Speed phase accordingly. The transition point setting for switching from theintermediate High Speed phase to the second LowSpeed phase should allow the mold to slow downsufficiently before reaching the end position of the Mold Opening Stroke. This is necessary to avoid possible damage to the machine.In case you want to use a robot to retrieve the moldproduct at the end of the mold opening/production cycle you need to set the Auto Cycle Delay Time . Enter the time to elapse between the end of mold opening and the beginning of mold closing(indicating the start of the next production cycle).After setting all mold opening parameters execute mold opening in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the mold opening adjustment press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.M8A HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 8 1.1.4EjectorThe ejector can be operated in three different modes to knock the finished product out of the mold at the end of mold opening. You can choose between the Hold , Count Number and the Vibration modes.The Hold mode is used during semi-automatic operation. The ejector moves forward according to the ejector settings and the product is dropped or taken out. After the safety gate has been opened and closed the next cycle will start.In Count Number mode the ejector is activated according to the Ejector and Ejection Count settings. This mode is usually used for automatic machine operation. It does not require the opening and closing of the safety door to continue the production cycle.If you use the Vibration mode the ejector movement is controlled by the Ejector and Ejection Count settings with the ejector vibrating at the end of the forward movement according to the Vibration setting set in the Parameter 2 screen (setting No. 6) before retracting again.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode.Switch the HMI display to the Ejection Settings screen by pressing F5 (Eject).First, set the Ejection Mode and Count. Please note,if you want to deactivate the ejector you can do soby setting the Ejection Count to “0”.The Eject Try Again function is used for the Photo Sensor auto operation mode. If the mold product cannot be knocked out completely, the alarm willsound and the ejector will be activated again. If themold product is then successfully knocked out themachine will resume normal operation; otherwise it will stop for trouble shooting.If the mold product has not been knocked outsuccessfully while in Photo Sensor auto operationmode and the Eject Try Again function is not activated, the alarm will sound and the machine will stop for ejection trouble shooting.The initial ejection is divided into two phases thatcan be controlled separately. Set the pressure, speed and transition position individually for each phase.Next, set the pressure and speed for the backwardmovement. The Backward Delay time allows you toset the time the ejector will stay in the forward end position before it is retracted.In addition, set the Backward end position for theejector retraction between repeated activation (in case of multiple ejector activation). Please note, the Backward end position is relative to the absoluteretraction end position that is used after final ejectoractivation and determined by the transducer zeropoint setting. If you require additional cooling of the mold product after mold opening, set the Ejector Activation DelayTime accordingly.After setting all ejection parameters activate the ejector in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the ejection set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.M10C HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 91.1.5Air BlastThe machine provides an air blast ejection option for the moving platen as well as for the stationary platen.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode. Switch the HMI display to the Ejection Settingsscreen by pressing F5 (Eject).First, set the Activation Time (duration of air blast) for each platen.Set then the corresponding Activation Position atwhich you want to activate the air blast. The Activation Position refers to the mold position (reached during mold opening) at which the air blastis activated.If necessary, set the Delay Time for activating the airblast (after the Activation Position has been reached)according to your preferences. In case you require additional cooling of the mold product after mold opening, set the Delay Time forthe air blast activation accordingly.After setting all air blast parameters activate the air blast in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the air blast set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.M8A HMI Controller & Software Manual, Standard VersionTechmation Co., Ltd. 101.1.6Core(s)Depending on your setup your machine may be equipped with up to 3 cores (A, B and C). Each core is controlled separately. When setting up the core(s), you need pay close attention to make sure the settings will not cause damage to the core(s) and/or the mold. Since the cores are freely programmable it is impossible for the controller to prevent all possible settings errors.The two graphs on the right side of the Core Settings screen indicate the core movement in relation to mold closing (top) and opening (bottom).Press the Manual key to activate the Manual Mode .Switch the HMI display to the Core Settings screenby pressing F6 (Cores).First, choose for each core either the Core Mode ifyou want to use a regular core that is moved in andretracted hydraulically or the Unscrew Mode if yourmold requires threads created by unscrewing the inserted core. If the core is not needed set the Function value to “0”.Next, select the desired Control Mode to control thecore movement. In Core Mode you can use either Cycle Control or Time Control . In Unscrew Mode you can use Time Control or Count Control .Using Cycle Control allows you to control the coremovements by limit switches for end-position control (for insertion and retraction). At the pre-set point during the production cycle the core(s) will move in/out until the limit switch controlled end-position is reached. Please make sure the limitswitches are activated since deactivated switcheswill cause the machine to stop (if Cycle Control isselected). Time Control uses time settings for core insertion and retraction. At the pre-set position during theproduction cycle the core(s) are moved in/out for theset period of time. Therefore core movement (travel)is not controlled by end-position but by time. As aresult you will not be able to rely on the protectionof limit switches.Accordingly, in Unscrew Mode the Time Control is used to set the time core unscrewing is activated (e.g. for creating threads).Count Control uses the pre-set number of revolutions to control the unscrewing of the core at the set position during mold opening. To use Count Control you have to make sure a photo sensor for counting the revolutions is installed on the core driving gear.Please note that Count Control allows for higher precision than Time Control .Set the Pressure , Speed , Activation Time , Unscrew Count (if used) and Position values for moving in and retracting each core according to your needs.Unique to Core A is the possibility to activate Core Unscrewing a second time (2nd Uns .) at the end of the mold opening cycle. Please note that the second unscrewing can only use Count Control .After setting all core parameters activate the core(s) in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the core set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.1.2Injection Unit Setup1.2.1Nozzle/Injection UnitDepending your requirements you can set up the nozzle/injection unit to retract after injection has finished. The controller offers you 3 different modes to choose from if nozzle/injection unit retraction is needed.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode.Switch the HMI display to the Other Settings screenby pressing F7 (Other 1). Array First, set the Retraction Mode(Sprue Back). TheAfter Charge mode (A. Chg.) retracts thenozzle/injection unit after charging (plasticizing) isfinished. The Before Opening mode (B. Opn.)initiates nozzle/ injection unit retraction before moldopening starts. If you want to retract thenozzle/injection unit after injection has finishedchoose the After Injection mode (A. Inj.). Setting thevalue to “0” will cause the nozzle and injection unitto stay in place (no retraction).Next, set the hydraulic pressure for nozzle/injectionunit Advance. Enter the hydraulic speed settings forthe corresponding High and Low Speed phases of thenozzle/injection unit Advance. During the forwardmovement the High-Speed settings are used until theset End Position is reached. Thereafter thenozzle/injection unit will move forward using theLow-Speed settings, until it has reached the finalinjection position.Enter the End Position for the Advance movement toset the transition point between High and Low-Speed.It is important to allow for a safety margin of at least20mm between the set End Position and the actualcontact point of nozzle and mold (at which the nozzlestops its forward movement and the injection begins).If the End Position is set too close to the contact pointof nozzle and mold the nozzle might not slow downenough before touching the mold. The result could bedamage to mold and/or nozzle.Please note that a position setting of “0” refers to the position reached at the end of maximum nozzle/injection unit retraction. As a result the Advance End Position is always greater than “0”.After setting all nozzle/injection unit parameters activate the nozzle/injection unit in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the nozzle/injection unitset-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.Techmation Co., Ltd.111.2.2 Injection and Hold PressureDepending on your machine set-up the Injection process is divided into 1 - 4 phases and Hold Pressure into 1 - 3 phases. The corresponding pressure - position graph of the current injection settings and the real-time values achieved during the current Injection/Hold Pressure cycle are display in the Injection Settings Profile. Press F4 (Profile) to access the Injection Settings Profile screen for a review of your settings.Activate the Manual Mode by pressing the Manualkey. Switch the HMI display to the Injection Settings Array screen by pressing F3 (Inject).First, choose the Hold Pressure Transition Mode.Ifthe Time mode is used the controller will switch toHold Pressure after the set injection time haselapsed. In case the Position mode has been selectedthe controller will switch to Hold Pressure after thelast set injection position has been reached. However,the set time is used as a backup to initiate the HoldPressure phase if for some reason the set transitionposition cannot be reached.Please note that you should always set the time limithigher than the usually required injection time. Thisavoids poor molding results due to possible resignfluidity variations (poor fluidity could require alonger than usual injection time). The transitionbetween each Hold Pressure phase is controlled bythe corresponding time settings and is not affectedby the Hold Pressure Transition Mode settings.It is possible to use a combination of pressure andtime settings to control the injection process bysetting the position value for the transition fromInjection to Pressure Hold to zero. In this case thefinal position will never be reached and the pre-setinjection time will be used as a backup. However,doing so will disable the monitoring of the currentinjection data and as a result you will not be able touse the injection cushion for monitoring the injectionprocess. Please refer to the Monitor Settings 1section of the reference manual for more informationon monitoring options.Next, set the hydraulic pressure and speed for eachof the Injection and Hold Pressure phases.Enter the Position settings for each of the Injection phases and the Time settings for each of the Hold Pressure phases.If cooling is needed at the end of Injection/Hold Pressure and before Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back is initiated set the desired Delay Time before Charge value accordingly.After setting all Injection/Hold Pressure parameters activate Injection and Hold Pressure in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the Injection/HoldPressure set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.12Techmation Co., Ltd.1.2.3Charge (Plasticizing) and Suck-BackCharge (Plasticizing) is divided into three phases. You can set the Backpressure and Speed for each phase individually. Suck-back is initiated at the end of Charge (Plasticizing) if required.Press the Manual key to activate the Manual mode. Array Switch the HMI display to the Injection Settingsscreen by pressing F3 (Inject).First, set the Charge (Plasticizing) values forBackpressure and Speed individually for each phase.Next, enter the Positions for the transition betweenthe three Charge (Plasticizing) phases.Choose the Suck-Back mode. Depending on theselected mode, Suck-Back will be controlled using thePosition or Time setting. Choose the value “0” forPosition contr ol and the value “1” for Time control.In addition, enter the Suck-back Speed andPosition/Time values. The same input field (below theSuck-Back Pressure and Speed settings) is used forboth, the Time and the Position settings. The fieldlabel will change according to the selected mode toindicate the required value.Set the Suck-back Position/Time value to “0” if noSuck-back is needed.If cooling is needed at the end of Injection/HoldPressure and before Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Backis initiated set the desired Delay Time before Chargevalue accordingly.In case cooling is needed after the completion ofCharge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back and before the moldis opened enter the desired Cooling Time.After setting all Charge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back parameters activate Charge (Plasticizing) and Suck-Back in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during theCharge (Plasticizing)/Suck-Back set-up press the Manual key for an emergency reset to stop the operation.Techmation Co., Ltd.131.2.4HeaterDepending on your machine set-up the barrel heater of the injection unit is equipped with up to 9 barrel heating zones. The temperature, cushion and timer is controlled separately for each of the barrel‟s heater bands. The right hand graph shows the current (actual) and set temperature for each barrel heating zone.Activate the Manual Mode by pressing the Manualkey. Switch the HMI display to the TemperatureSettings screen by pressing F8 (Temp). Array First, set the Temperature Mode(Keep Warm).Choose “0” if you want to keep the temperaturealways in the pre-set range regardless of the machineoperation. If set to “1” the heater will keep the barreltemperature at half the pre-set temperature duringtimes of inactivity.Next, set the temperature for the different barrelheating zones. The field below (Act. State) gives youa quick indication on the current heater status for thecorresponding barrel heating zone. The * indicatesthe current temperature is within the set range(cushion). The + indicates the current temperature isbelow the set range (cushion) and the heater hasbeen activated. The - indicates the currenttemperature is exceeding the set value and as a resultthe heater has been turned off.Please note that the heater will be turned offimmediately once the current temperature exceedsthe set value. For current temperatures below the setvalue heater activation depends on the setTemperature Cushion.To adjust the Temperature Cushion, please press F5(Para. 2) to go to the Parameter 2 screen. Adjust thecorresponding values within the second column. Acushion value of “20” for example would activatethe heater once the current temperature has droppedmore than 20º C below the set value.If you want to use the Timer for barrel pre-heating set the Timer Mode to “1” otherwise disable it by entering “0”. To program the barrel heater band activation set the time and day individually for each barrel heating zone.In case of temperature related malfunctions a “977”, …988” or “999” will be displayed in the Real Value field. A “977” refers to either a disconnected or malfunctioning D/A Temperature Card. The value “988”identifies either a problem with the Thermal Wire Interface or the corresponding Temperature Sensor. In case the current temperature is exceeding the normal temperature range (the current temperature is above 450º C) the value “999” will be displayed.After setting all Heater parameters run the machine in Manual Mode to check for optimum machine performance. If you encounter any problems during the Heater set-up press the Manual key for anemergency reset to stop the operation.14Techmation Co., Ltd.。
KVM on the NET™ 遠端電腦管理方案CS1708i / CS1716i使用者說明書CS1708i / CS1716i User Manualvi電源開啟 (21)菊鍊串接安裝圖 (22)第三章 (23)基本操作 (23)連接埠選擇 (23)手動切換 (23)OSD螢幕選單/GUI (23)熱鍵切換 (23)熱插拔 (24)熱插拔機台 (24)熱插拔電腦連接埠 (24)熱插拔控制端連接埠 (24)第四章 (27)近端控制端操作 (27)介紹 (27)OSD主選單 (28)OSD操作 (29)OSD主選單標頭 (29)OSD功能鍵介紹 (30)F1 GOTO (30)F2 LIST (31)F3 SET (32)F4 ADM (34)F5 SKP (36)F6 BRC (37)F7 SCAN (38)F8 LOUT (39)熱鍵操作 (40)介紹 (40)啟動熱鍵模式 (41)熱鍵切換連接埠 (42)熱鍵設定操作 (45)熱鍵簡表 (47)第五章 (49)瀏覽器登入 (49)介紹 (49)登入 (49)畫面元件 (52)使用者存取圖示 (52)管理者圖示 (52)第六章 (53)管理者功能 (53)介紹 (53)CS1708i / CS1716i User Manual 一般功能 (General) (54)網路功能(Network) (55)存取連接埠 (Access Port) (55)IP位址 (IP Address) (56)DNS Server (57)IP安裝器(IP Installer) (57)結束作業 (57)安全性(Security) (58)登入字串 (60)ANMS (進階網路管理伺服器) (61)RADIUS設定 (62)RADIUS例舉 (63)CC管理設定 (63)LDAP設定 (63)Log Server (日誌伺服器)設定 (65)使用者管理員 (66)客製化功能 (68)自動登出 (68)登入失敗 (68)工作模式 (69)滑鼠同步化模式 (69)重置 (70)維護 (71)韌體更新 (71)備份設定/使用者資料 (72)重新匯入設定/使用者資料 (73)第七章 (75)Windows Client 檢視 (75)開始作業 (75)控制面板 (77)設定熱鍵 (79)視訊調整 (81)留言板功能 (82)按鈕列 (82)螢幕鍵盤 (84)清單功能 (86)連接埠名稱 (88)連接埠操作 (90)連接埠工具列 (90)重喚GUI (90)OSD熱鍵簡表 (91)工具列圖示 (91)自動掃描模式 (92)viiCS1708i / CS1716i User Manualviii畫面分割模式 (93)設定頁面 (95)管理者頁面 (97)一般資訊 (97)使用者管理員 (98)網路設定 (101)ANMS設定 (102)安全性(Security) (103)客製化功能(Customization) (104)第八章 (107)Java Client 檢視 (107)開始作業 (107)第九章 (111)日誌檔案 (111)日誌檔案畫面 (111)第十章 (113)日誌伺服器 (113)安裝 (113)開始作業 (114)選單列 (115)Configure (設定) (115)Events (事件) (116)Options (選項) (118)Help (說明) (118)日誌伺服器主頁面 (119)介紹 (119)清單區塊 (120)事件區塊 (120)第十一章 (121)應用程式操作 (121)介紹 (121)Windows Client用戶端軟體 (121)安裝 (121)開始作業 (122)連線 (124)操作方式 (125)結束連線 (125)Java Client用戶端軟體 (126)開始作業 (126)操作方式 (127)第十二章 (129)韌體升級功能 (129)下載韌體升級套件 (129)CS1708i / CS1716i User Manual 開始更新 (131)升級失敗 (133)附錄 (135)安全指示 (135)一般 (135)機架安裝 (137)全球 (138)北美 (138)疑難排除 (139)管理者 (139)一般操作 (139)Java Client用戶端程式 (140)日誌伺服器 (141)畫面分割模式 (142)Windows Client用戶端程式 (140)Sun系統 (141)鍵盤模擬 (143)Mac鍵盤 (143)Sun鍵盤 (144)決定IP位址的方式 (145)IP安裝器 (145)瀏覽器 (146)AP Windows Client (146)信賴認證 (149)介紹 (149)安裝認證 (150)認證信賴 (151)產品規格表 (152)連接表 (153)CS1708i (153)CS1716i (153)支援的KVM切換器 (154)恢復原始的工廠預設值 (155)保固條件 (156)ix第一章介紹介紹CS1708i / CS1716i為擁有遠端管理能力的IP-based KVM多電腦切換器,可讓遠端管理人員與本地端存取與操控多台電腦。
CONTROL VALVES & BUTTERFLY VALVES PRODUCT OVERVIEWQUALITY | EXPERTISE | PRODUCT RANGEGlobe Single Seated Top Guide ValveFlow Characteristics: Linear, Equal Percentage & Modified PercentageMTRs availableSERIES 3500Globe 3-Way Mixing & Diverting ValveSingle seated top guide and bolted bonnetFlow Characteristics: Linear, Equal Percentage & Modified PercentageMTRs availableGlobe Heavy Duty Cage Balanced ValveLow noise and anti-cavitation trimsFlow Characteristics: Linear, Equal Percentage & Semi-throttledMTRs availableDM9900F SERIESDirect Mount Segmented V Control ValveSpring loaded, removable seat, replaces globe valves and general ball valvesHigh Cv flow rateMTRs availableUS Patent #: US8,398,055B2OB4500 SERIESThree Piece Ball ValveV-ball in 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, Slot or CustomOB4600 SERIES2000 psi, Direct Mount, V-Ball, B16.34 Control ValveFire safe to API 607, 6th EditionDirect mount, live-loaded packing, characterized control valveSilicone-free, blow-out proof stem, anti-staticMTRs availableDMOB2500 SERIESANSI 150 Flanged V-Ball Control ValveFire-safe to API 607, 5th EditionDirect mount, live-loaded packing, self-adjusting packing, blow-out proof stem designMTRs availableTriple off-set butterfly valveAvailable as a cryogenic valve-321°F liquid nitrogenZero leakage, metal seatedTight shutoff for thousands of cyclesSERIES 82/83Double off-set, high performance butterfly valveSeries 82: Wafer StyleSeries 83: Lug StyleSERIES 80/81Soft Seated Cartridge Seat Type Butterfly ValveOne piece body constructionISO 5211 mounting padSERIES 9200Choke ValveAngle body design for longevityBolted bonnet for ease of maintenanceSteam injection applications4665 Interstate Drive Cincinnati, OH 45246513.731.2900***********************。
Altech Corp. 产品介绍 - 金冠电气有限公司说明书
FERRULESINTRODUCTIONFerrules insure reliable electrical connections when terminating stranded flexible wire in terminal blocks, circuit breakers or other control devices.Using ferrules offers several advantages:ELIMINATE CROSS SHORTINGcaused by unraveled stray wire strands.IMPROVE TERMINAL CONNECTIONSand reduce resistance by providing a solid surfaceat the point of connection.REDUCE INSTALLATION TIMEby eliminating the need to dress loose wire strandsand facilitating wire insertion into the terminal clamp.PREVENT CONDUCTOR BREAKAGEdue to bending, wire stress or vibration.Recommended Installation ProcedureThe wire should be cut as squarely and evenly as possible, taking careto avoid angular cuts or damage to the conductor. The strip length ofthe insulation will depend on the barrel length of the ferrule and the out-side diameter of the wire.Ideally the wire insulation should be stripped to a length that allows theconductor end to reach flush to the tip of the ferrule, when inserted. Theend of the conductor should not extend more than .5mm past the tip ofthe ferrule.The wire can then be inserted into the ferrule. The wire should be pushedin so that the insulation edge is fully covered by the plastic collar. Theconductor should completely fill the metal tube and can extend up to.5mm past the tip.The finished installation should then be checked for any obvious flawsin processing. An occasional pull test should be preformed to checkthat the crimp tool is functioning properly.After the insulation is stripped, the strands of the conductor should bedressed by slightly twisting them to insure that any stray strands areconsolidated.The ferrule and wire should be crimped with an appropriately sizedratcheted crimper. The ferrule should be inserted into the crimper dieset and positioned so that only the metal tube is crimped. The crimpingtool should be cycled completely to insure proper application.Cutting and stripping the wire<.5 mmFERRULESHIGHLIGHTSble wire in terminal blocks,circuit breakers or other control devices. Insulated ferrules prevent conductor breakage due to bending,wire stress or vibration while facilitating wire inser-tion into the terminal clamp.Altech’s UL insulated fer-rules are color coded by conductor size for conven-ient identification.To ensure efficient ferrule crimping, always select the smallest ferrule diameter that fits the wire and use only professional crimping tools.In order meet the UL re-quirements only matching UL crimpers should be use.S 1S 2D 1D 2L 2L 1Standard PackagingFERRULESConductor AWG 24 22 20 18 18 1614 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00 000 250 300 350 500 600 kcmil kcmil kcmil kcmil kcmil 95 120 150 185 240 300351 427 427 503 578 5788 6 4 210 16 25 3590 100 135 19020.222.530.342.7FEATURESFerrules insure reliableelectrical connections when terminating stranded flexi-ble wire in terminal blocks,circuit breakers or other control devices. Insulated ferrules prevent conductor breakage due to bending,wire stress or vibration while facilitating wire inser-tion into the terminal clamp.Altech’s UL insulated fer-rules are color coded by conductor size for conven-ient identification.To ensure efficient ferrule crimping, always select the smallest ferrule diameter that fits the wire and use only professional crimping tools.In order meet the UL re-quirements only matching UL crimpers should be use.Pull-Out Force Minimum Values for DINMinimum values of pull-out forces for FERRULES according to DIN EN 60947-1:2008, DIN EN 60999-1:2000 and DIN EN 60999-2:2004Pull-Out Force Minimum Values for UL486FCRIMPERS FOR UL FERRULESFERRULESCrimpit F 4Crimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with or without plastic collars.Only one crimping profile for the entire cross-section range.Ferrules:0,5 – 4 mm 2(20 – 12 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 0.5 – 2 x 2.5 mm 2(2 x 20 – 2 x 14 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 4Weight 448 gCrimpit F 6 AutoCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collars. Feeding from front.Ferrules:0,5 – 6 mm 2(20 – 10 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 0.5 – 2 x 2.5 mm 2(2 x 20 – 2 x 14 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 6 Auto Weight 426 gCrimpit F 6 GyraCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collars.Rotatable crimp die for feeding from the front or the side.Ferrules:0,14 – 6 mm 2(26 – 10 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 0.5 – 2 x 4 mm 2(2 x 20 – 2 x 12 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 6 Gyra Weight 428 gCrimpit F 6 ENCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collars.Crimp conforms to EN 60947-1. Five crimping profiles for the rated conductor cross-sections.Registration in accordance with VG 95211 (Military designation VG 95236 T 14 A 0001).Ferrules:0.25 – 6 mm 2(24 – 10 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 0.75 – 2 x 4 mm 2(2 x 18 – 2 x 12 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 6 EN Weight 423 gThese crimpers are specifically designed for use with ferrules and have been tested with our UL Recognized ferrules to insure proper termination. In order to meet the UL requires, the correct sized crimper from this range should be used.Crimpit F 6 LCrimping tool for ferrules (conforming to DIN 46228 part 1 and 2) with and without insulating col-lar. Five crimping profiles depending on the wire cross-sections.Ferrules:0.5 – 6 mm 2(20 – 10 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 0.75 – 2 x 4 mm 2(2 x 18 – 2 x 12 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 6 L Weight 335 gCRIMPERS FOR UL FERRULESCrimpit F 16Crimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collars.Crimp conforms to EN 60947-1. Three crimping profiles for the rated conductor cross-sections.Registration in accordance with VG 95211 (Military designation VG 95236 T 14 A 0002).Ferrules:6 – 16 mm 2(10 – 6 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 16Weight 418 gCrimpit F 16 LCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collars.Crimp conforms to EN 60947-1. Three crimping profiles for the rated conductor cross-sections.Ferrules:6 – 16 mm 2(10 – 6 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 16 L Weight 380 gCrimpit F 25 LCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) as well as for twin ferrules.Ferrules:6 – 25 mm 2(10 – 4 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 4 – 2 x 10 mm 2(2 x 12 – 2 x 8 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 25 L Weight 540 gSingle WireDual WireCrimpitCrimpit Crimpit Crimpit Crimpit Crimpit Crimpit Crimpit F4F6 Gyra F6 EN F6 AutoF6L F16/F16L F25LF50LAWG mm² AWG mm²26 0.14 24 0.25 22 0.34 20 0.5 18 0.75 2 x 22 2 x 0.34 18 1.0 2 x 20 2 x 0.5 16 1.5 2 x 18 2 x 0.75 14 2.5 2 x 16 2 x 1.5 12 4 2 x 14 2 x 2.5 10 6 2 x 12 2 x 4 8 10 2 x 8 2 x 6 6 16 4 25 2 x 62 x 102 35 1 50Crimper Selection GuideCrimpit F 50 LCrimping tool for ferrules (according to DIN 46228 part 1 and 4) as well as for twin ferrules.Ferrules:35 – 50 mm 2(2 – 1 AWG)Twin Ferrules:2 x 16 mm 2(2 x 6 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F 50 L Weight 540 gCRIMPIT F MULTI AND CRIMPING MACHINESFERRULESCrimpit F MultiMulti-function tool. Stripping and cutting of wires. Crimping tool for insulated belt-strip ferrules according to DIN 40228.Cross-section:0.5 – 2.5 mm 2(20 – 14 AWG)Ferrules:0.5 x 2.5 mm 2(20 x 14 AWG)Cat. No.: Crimpit F Multi Weight 200 gCutter, Stripper and CrimperThis one tool will cut and strip the wires and uses belt feed ferrules for fast and easy installation.20 0.5 8 FII2008BFID2008B 10 x 50 18 0.75 8 FII1808WB FID1808GRB 10 x 50 18 1 8 FII1808YB FID1808RB 10 x 50 16 1.5 8 FII1608BFID1608B 10 x 50 142.58FID1408B10 x 50blue orange white yellow redwhite grey redblack Std.Pack Industry StandardcolorCat. No.colorCat. No.DIN StandardBarrel Length(mm)AWGmm 2AUTOMATED FERRULE CRIMPING MACHINESUL Recognized Insulated Belt Strip FerrulesFor technical and ordering information regardingFerrule Crimping Machines please contact Altech.FERRULES124Gray2402.0122012 3.2 5.4500/10012 4Gray2209.0182618 3.2 5.4100106Black2210.0122012 3.9 6.9100106Black2211.0182618 3.9 6.9100810Ivory2212.0122212 4.98.4100810Ivory2213.0182818 4.98.4100616Green2214.0122412 6.29.6100616Green2215.0182818 6.29.6100425Brown2267.01830187.712.0504 25Brown2272.02236227.712.050235Beige2276.01830188.713.550235Beige2390.02539258.713.550150Olive2500.020362010.916.0502/070Yellow2786.020372013.417.0253/095Red2787.025442515.419.054/0120Blue2788.027482717.622.425250MCM150Yellow2789.032583220.525.025* Different standard packs are available as shown. To order the desired standard pack, please use the quantity required as a suffix to the cat. no. Example for 100 standard pack: Cat. No. 2620.0/100CRIMPERSELECTORGUIDEpage 18FEATURESFerrules insure reliable electri-cal connections when terminat-ing stranded flexible wire in terminal blocks, circuit break-ers or other control devices. In-sulated ferrules prevent conductor breakage due to bending, wire stress or vibra-tion while facilitating wire inser-tion into the terminal clamp.Altech’s standard insulated fer-rules are color coded by con-ductor size for convenient identification.To ensure efficient ferrule crimping, always select the smallest ferrule diameter that fits the wire and use only pro-fessional crimping tools.• Sleeve: polypropylene• Tube: tin-plated copperFERRULESCRIMPERSELECTORGUIDEpage 18* Different standard packs are available as shown. To order the desired standard pack, please use the quantity required as a suffix to the cat. no. Example for 100 standard pack: Cat. No. 2863.0/100HIGHLIGHTSblocks, circuit breakers orother control devices.Insulated ferrules preventconductor breakage due tobending, wire stress or vi-bration while facilitatingwire insertion into the ter-minal clamp.Altech’s DIN standard fer-rules are in compliancewith DIN requirements,making them ideal for ex-port applications. Theyalso have a specified colorcode convention that dif-fers from the color codeused for Altech’s industrystandard ferrules.To ensure efficient ferrulecrimping, always select thesmallest ferrule diameterthat fits the wire and useonly professional crimpingtools.• Sleeve: polypropylene• Tube: tin plated copperFERRULESAB1-SAB2-SFerrule Ferrule Ferrule Qty. AWG mm 2 Cat. No. Color Type AB1-S Industry Standard AB1-S 2884.950 20 0.5 2201.0100 20 0.75 2202.0100 18 1 2399.0 Yellow 100 16 1.5 2204.0 Red 50 14 2.5 2206.0AB2-S Industry Standard AB2-S 2885.950 12 4 2208.020 10 6 2210.0 Black CRIMPER SELECTOR GUIDE page 18FEATURES Dual Wire InsulatedDual Wire Ferrules havelarger diameters and special shaped sleeves that accept two conductors of the same or different size. They provide an efficient connection of multiple wires in the same terminal clamp or simplify wire jumpering between ter-minal clamps. They are color coded with the same con-vention as the insulated DIN standard ferrules.To ensure efficient ferrule crimping always select the smallest ferrule diameter that fits the wire and use only professional crimping tools.• Sleeve: polypropylene • Tube: tin plated copperINSULATED FERRULES Assortment BoxHandy Assortment Boxes for convenient dispensing and storage of Industry and DIN Standard Insulated Ferrules.Types AB1-S and AB1-D are equipped with five different ferrule sizes. Types AB2-S and AB2-D are equipped with four different ferrule sizes. Contents of each box is listed.FERRULES* Different standard packs are available as shown. To order the desired standard pack, please use the quantity required as a suffix to the cat. no.Example for 100 standard pack: Cat. No. 2216.0/100CRIMPER SELECTOR GUIDE page 118, 119, 125 and 126HIGHLIGHTSterminal blocks, circuit breakers or other control devices.Uninsulated ferrules pre-vent wire strands from fraying and breaking and are extremely cost effec-tive. Their shorter lengths and uninsulated bodies offer advantages when making terminations in printed circuit board ter-minal blocks and in other terminal blocks withsmaller clamps or narrow widths.To ensure efficient ferrule crimping, always select the smallest ferrule diame-ter that fits the wire and use only professional crimping tools. (Please refer to the ordering pages and the Crimper Selector Guide on page 18.)• Tube: tin plated copperUNIVERSAL CRIMPERS FOR ORIGINAL FERRULESUniversal Ferrule Crimpers for Original FerrulesFront Conductor EntryOne die crimps a wide range of insulated and uninsulated ferrule sizes. Three Universal FerruleCrimpers are offered to crimp different ferrule and wire size ranges up to 16mm2(6 AWG).• Positive ratcheting with spring return• Trapezoidal crimp geometry• Comfort grip plastic handle• Hardened steel frame, matte blackFerrule CrimperSide Conductor EntryIndividual crimp cavities conform to industry standard insulatedand uninsulated ferrules from 25-50mm2(4-1 AWG).• Positive ratcheting with spring return• Emergency release• Trapezoidal crimp geometry• Comfort grip plastic handle• Hardened steel frame, matte blackUniversal Ferrule Crimper Universal Ferrule Crimper Universal Ferrule CrimperPart No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 PackE110.000 26 - 10 0.14 - 6 1Replacement Spring Set:185140008 Handle Spring Set318001002 Rachet SpringPart No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 PackE110.005 20 - 8 0.5 - 10 1Replacement Spring Set:185140008 Handle Spring Set318001002 Rachet SpringPart No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 PackE110.010 8 - 6 10 - 16 1Replacement Spring Set:185140008 Handle Spring Set318001002 Rachet SpringFerrule Crimper Vise Mount Ferrule Crimper Ferrule CrimperPart No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 PackE110.015 4 - 2 25 - 35 1Part No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 PackE110.020 1 50 1Part No. Wire/ Ferrule Std.AWG mm2 Pack22.030 2/0-250 70 - 150 1MCMPNEUMATIC CRIMPING TOOL FOR ORIGINAL FERRULESFERRULES• Operates on 60 - 90 psi air supply • Crimp insulated and uninsulated ferrules• Trapezoidal crimp geometry • Flexible coil air hose with 1/4" NPT interchange• Metal tool body and base • Hardened steel crimp headWire/ Ferrule Size Tool Wt. Std.Tool AWG mm 2 Cat. No. g (lbs.) Pack Hand Held Crimper with Actuating Lever 24-14 0.25-2.5 22.014 430 (.95) 1 Crimp Insulated Ferrules and Uninsulated FerrulesHand Held Crimper with Actuating Lever 12-8 4-10 22.015 430 (.95) 1 Crimp Insulated Ferrules and Uninsulated FerrulesTable Top Crimper with Foot Switch and Storage Trays 24-14 0.25-2.5 22.016 1000 (2.20) 1 Crimp Insulated Ferrules and Uninsulated FerrulesTable Top Crimper with Foot Switch and Storage Trays 12-8 4-10 22.017 1000 (2.20) 1 Crimp Insulated Ferrules and Uninsulated FerrulesMagnetic Mounting Holder 22.018 --- 1for hand held pneumatic crimpersCounterbalance 22.019 --- 1for hand held pneumatic crimpersHIGHLIGHTSFEATURESAltech's pneumatic crimping tools speed the crimping process of insulated or unin-sulated ferrules for a wide range of wire sizes up to 8 AWG.Altech pneumatic crimpers are simple and easy to use. Just install the ferrule over the end of the stripped wire and insert it into ei-ther the front or side tool opening. Then touch the actuating lever or push the foot switch pedal to initiate the crimp cycle.Once the head closes it will automatically re-open after crimping. The resulting crimp fea-tures a compact trapezoidal cross section which is mechanically very strong and pro-vides a large surface to insure a highly effi-cient electrical contact.Crimp ferrules efficiently and economically.A unique dual crimping head provides con-venient front or side wire entry, allowing crimping from multiple positions. This fea-tures makes crimping in tight places simple.Choose either lever actuated, hand held units or hands-free foot switch operated table top models, in two basic tool sizes.Hand held models feature a flexible coil air-hose with 1/4" NPT interchange connector for quick hook-up with a standard push-to-connect coupler.The table top units also include a flexible coil air hose to the foot switch and a 1/4" NPT interchange located on the foot switch for one hand push-to-connect supply hook-up.They feature a sturdy metal base with inte-gral table clamp and dual storage trays for quick access to the ferrule supply. The air release port on the foot switch has been qui-eted with a sintered bronze air silencer. The foot switch has a metal frame and a tough fiberglass shroud. Its spring return pedal provides for short actuating cycles.Optional items for the hand held crimper in-clude a counterbalance for maximum con-trol and a magnetic holder for storage.Pneumatic Crimping Tool for Original FerrulesORIGINAL FERRULE AND WIRE SIZE BY CRIMPER TYPEKey:22.015E 110.015E 110.02022.016*22.01722.014*Wire Size AWG C r i m p er T y p e Ferrule Size mm 222.030CRIMPER STYLESVISE MOUNT FERRULE CRIMPEROriginal Ferrule and Wire Size by Crimper TypeE 110.000E 110.005E 110.010UNIVERSAL FERRULECRIMPERPNEUMATIC FERRULE CRIMPERUse this Selector Guide to determine ferrule and wire sizes which can be crimped. Refer to following pages for selection and ordering information of crimpers.1.Determine the wire size(s) to be used.2.To insure efficient ferrule crimping, always select the smallest ferrule diameter that fits the wire.3.Based on the ferrule size, choose the crimper type appropriate for use.4.Select the crimper style best suited for your application.Dual Wire FerrulesE110.000 crimper covers 2x20 to 2x12 AWG dual wire ferrules E110.010 crimper covers 2x10 to 2x8 AWG dual wire ferrules E110.015 crimper covers 2x6 AWG dual wire ferrules= Cavity Range* Insulated ferrule/wire size range is shown, uninsulated ferrule range is 16-14 AWG (1.5 - 2.5mm 2).26 0.1424 0.25 22 0.34 20 0.50 20 0.75 18 1 16 1 14 2.5 12 4 10 6 8 10 6 16 4 25 2 35 1 50 2/0 70 3/0 95 4/0 120 250MCM 150。
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人机对话产品:HMI、工业计算机、工业平板电脑、组态软件机器视觉产品:工业级摄像机、控制器、镜头、光源、平板显示器传动控制产品:变频器、伺服驱动及电机、高速精密主轴电机、步进控制器专用控制产品:卷绕、电子称重、裁切、温度控制器R生产组装老化测试ASK 工业自动化ASK 自动化产品应用于典型项目工程、机械配套、电气革新。
如:安联 、霍尼韦尔 、惠而浦、伟创力、高露洁 、德昌电机 、显示、京东方、 中国南水北调工程、广业集团等企业及项目。
小机型、高配置、大容量、高速度可选集成模拟量输入输出主机最大I/0点数:172点程序容量达到12K,基本指令只需0.3μs, 可扩展7个模块强大的定位和高速处理能力定位指令:实现对机器设备的位置控制可变速脉冲输出:包络线脉冲输出功能实现对伺服或步进电机的多段变速控制内置高速处理:6路高速脉冲输入,最大频率50kHz;2路100kHz 高速脉冲输出丰富的中断资源支持通讯中断、脉冲中断、失电中断,并可设定中断优先级,实现高级控制强劲的通讯组网能力支持ASK-Link 、ECbus N:N 网络通讯协议,支持OPC 服务,提供Profibus-DP 从站通讯模块灵活的编程方式支持Modbus 网络、掌上电脑、远程拨号三种编辑方式,方便维护和调试方便实用的特色功能提供持殊功能模块组态、变频器通讯指令,使复杂的编程简单化提供系统配置验证工具,方便用户扩展配置更安全,更稳定,更可靠8位密码保护,可设禁止程序上载,防止未授权复制超宽电压设计、三防处理、输入滤波及掉电保护功能,确保PLC 更加稳定可靠产品选型工业自动化PLC 标识(1=微型;2=小型;3=中小型;4=中型;5=大型)(例中为14点输入)(例中为10点输出): B:主模块(Basic module),E:扩展模块(Expansion module): R:继电器(Relay),T:晶体管(Transistor),N:无输出: A:AC220V 电源输入,D:DC24V 电源输入,N:无外接电源输入(可省略)主模块(交流供电)PAC1系列微型可编程控制器主模块主要性能规格I/O 扩展模块特殊功能模块注:产品尺寸(61x90x75)注:产品尺寸(61x90x75)主模块输出电气特性可编程控制器PAC2系列小型PLC,结构小巧,功能强大,具有极高的性价比,可广泛应用于纺织化纤、机床、线缆、食品饮料、包装、塑料、钢材、建筑机械、空调、电梯、印刷、电子等机器制造行业。
1-2-1 ICP DAS CO., LTD. 触摸PAD-E HMI设备说明书
1T o u c hHM I D e v i c e s2T P D S e r i e sT P D -280/T P D -280U /T P D -283/T P D -283-B K /T P D -283UTPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283//TPD-283U, is a series of tiny touch HMI and designed for building and home automation. TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U is equipped with high resolution TFT color touch screen and fi ts in with regular electrical wall-mount outlet. Besides, it is seamlessly integrated with rich I/O modules and presents beautiful, fl exible and user-de fi ned picture frame. In short, it is the best choice to upgrade the mechanical switch to intelligent control pads.For PLC users, HMIWorks provides Ladder Designer , and for IT users, C language environment is provided. Especially, it only takes no more than 30 minutes to learn how to create an application program of TPD-series devices when using Ladder Designer . Moreover , we provide redundant solutions in our PoE version, TPD-283, of TPD-series HMI devices. With all the features provided, TPD-series touch HMI Devices must be the most cost effective HMI Device ever been in the market.TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U with External Wall Box EWB-T28The space between the Ethernet plug and the bottom of the external wall box is too small.TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U with Outlet Box OB120Excellent C/P ratio (cost/performance) High-resolution color touch screen PoE (Power over Ethernet) RS-485 (including Self-Tuner) RTC (Real Time Clock) GUI designFree HMIWorks development toolSupports the popular C programming language Supports Ladder Designer Modbus TCP protocol ESD Protection: 4 kVOperating temperature: -20 ~ 70°CTPD-280TPD-283/TPD-283-BKTPD-280UTPD-283UIntroductionApplicationsTouch HMI DevicesTouch HMI Devices1TPD Series2TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283-BK/TPD-283UIntelligent Building ExampleTemperature Control ExampleSingle-way, Two-way, Multi-way Switches ExampleClassroom Automation ExampleApplications1T o u c h H M I D e v i c e s2T P D S e r i e sT P D -280/T P D -280U /T P D -283/T P D -283-B K /T P D -283UCPU Module CPU32-bit RISC CPUMemory Expansion -16 MB SDRAM / 8 MB Flash-16 MB SDRAM / 8 MB FlashReal Time Clock (RTC)-Yes-YesBuzzerYes Rotary Switch (0~9)YesCommunication Interface Ethernet -RJ-45 x 1, 10/100 Base-TXSerial Port RS-485 (including Self-Tuner)-RS-485 (including Self-Tuner)USB 1.1 Client-Firmware updates only-Firmware updates onlyMMI (Main Machine Interface)LCD2.8” TFT (Resolution 240 x 320 x 16), defective pixels <= 3Backlight Life 20,000 hours Brightness 160 cd/m2Touch Panel Yes Reset Button YesElectrical Power Input Range +10 ~ 30 V DC Power over Ethernet (PoE)+10 ~ 30 V DC orPoE (Power over Ethernet)Power Consumption1.2 W (50 mA @ 24 V DC )IEEE 802.3af, Class 11.2 W (50 mA @ 24 V DC ) orIEEE 802.3af, Class 1MechanicalDimensions (W x L x H)76 mm x 119 mm x 31 mmInstallation Wall Mount Ingress Protection Front Panel: IP40Environmental Operating Temperature -20 ~ +70 °C Storage Temperature -30 ~ +80 °CAmbient Relative Humidity10 ~ 90% RH, non-condensing Speci fi cationsAppearancePin AssignmentsTPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U Front ViewTPD-280 Rear ViewTPD-280U Rear ViewTPD-283 Rear View TPD-283U Rear ViewRotary Switch Rotary Switch Rotary Switch Rotary SwitchRS-485RS-485RS-485Ethernet Ethernet 2.8” TFT LCD with Touch PanelUSB USBTouch HMI DevicesTouch HMI Devices1TPD Series2TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283-BK/TPD-283U7.37.3Top View Bottom ViewRight View Left View Front View Rear ViewOrdering InformationTPD-280 CR 2.8” Touch HMI device with RS-485 (RoHS)TPD-280U CR 2.8” Touch HMI device with RS-485, USB, RTC (RoHS)TPD-283 CR 2.8” Touch HMI device with Ethernet (RoHS)TPD-283-BK CR 2.8” Touch HMI device with Ethernet (RoHS)TPD-283U CR2.8 Touch HMI device with RS-485, USB, RTC, Ethernet (RoHS)AccessoriesCA-USB10USB to 5P Mini-USB, 28AWG, 1.5 m1C016 2.4 mm Screw driver NS-208PSE CRUnmanaged Industrial PoE (Power over Ethernet) Ethernet Switch (RoHS)MDR-60-24 CR 24 V DC /2.5 A, 60 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting (RoHS)DIN-KA52F CR24 V DC /1.04 A, 25 W Power Supply with DIN-Rail Mounting (RoHS)EWB-T28External Wall Box for TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U DevicesOB120Outlet Box for TPD-280/TPD-280U/TPD-283/TPD-283U/TPD-430/TPD-433 DevicesLC-103Lighting Control Module with RS-485Dimensions (Units: mm)Top View Bottom ViewRight View Left View Front View Rear View。
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G r a n t e c h艾讯宏达工控机产品介绍汇编YKK standardization office【 YKK5AB- YKK08- YKK2C- YKK18】Grantech艾讯宏达工控机产品介绍艾讯宏达科技有限公司,本着“来自台湾,立足中国”的思路不断发展,致力于为广大用户提供高品质工控产品和完善解决方案,并逐渐成长为工控机领域国内领先的专业制造商之一。
所谓IPC(Industrial Personal Computer)即“工控机”是一种即基于PC总线增强加固型的工业电脑,它可以作为一个工业控制器在工业环境中可靠运行。
以下是公司部分机型为您作详细介绍:工业计算机(IPC)参数配置表型号SYS7190VGA SYS71838VGA图样CPU LGA775, Intel Core 2 Extreme / Core2 Quad / Core 2 Duo /Pentium Dual-Core / Pentium EE / Pentium D /Pentium 4 / Celeron 400 with 45nm LGA775,Core2Duo/PentiumDual-Core/Pentium EE/PentiumD/Pentium 4/ Celeron DCPU主频最大支持最大支持前端总线800/1066/1333 MHZ 667/800/1066MHZ芯片组英特尔 Q35+ICH9DO 英特尔 945GC+ICH7最大缓存12MB L2 6MB L2最大内存DDR2 4GB DDR2 4GBBIOS AMI AMI显示芯片英特尔GMA 3100 英特尔GMA 950显存最大共享384MB 最大共享224MB显示接口VGA VGA网口1个或2个英特尔82573L千兆网卡1个或2个英特尔82573L千兆网卡声卡Realtek ALC662(可选) Realtek ALC662硬盘接口4*SATAII 1*IDE/2*SATAII磁盘阵列RAID 0/1/5/10 无软驱接口无无并口1*SPPE/ECP/EPP 1*SPPE/ECP/EPP串口1*RS232/422/485 1*RS232/422/485USB 6*USB 6*USBDigital I/O 无无红外线接口无无板载SSD 无无看门狗1~255秒1~255秒电源类型AT/ATX AT/ATX操作温度0℃----60℃0℃----60℃相对湿度10%----90%10%----90%尺寸(长*宽)338mm*122mm 338mm*122mm工业计算机(IPC)参数配置表型号SYS71943VGA SYS7193VGGA图样CPU LGA775,IntelCore2Quad/Core2 Duo/Celeron with 65nm/45nm Intel Core 2 Duo / Pentium D / Pentium 4 / Celeron DCPU主频最大支持前端总线800/1066/1333MHZ 800/1066/1333MHZ芯片组英特尔 G41+ICH7 英特尔 Q35+ICH9DO最大缓存12MB L2 12MB L2最大内存DDR3 8 GB DDR2 4GBBIOS AMI Phoenix-Award显示芯片英特尔GMA X4500 英特尔GMA 3100显存最大共享1024MB 最大共享384MB显示接口VGA VGA/24 BIT LVDS网口1*Realtgek RTL8110S 千兆网卡1个英特尔82573L千兆网卡声卡Realtek ALC662 Realtek ALC262硬盘接口4*SATA/1*IDE 4*SATAII磁盘阵列无RAID 0/1/5/10软驱接口无无并口1*SPPE/ECP/EPP 1*SPPE/ECP/EPP串口1*RS232 1*RS232/422/485 1*RS232 1*RS232/422/485USB 8*USB 6*USBDigital I/O 4-in 4-out 无红外线接口1 无板载SSD 无无看门狗1~255秒1~255秒电源类型AT/ATX ATX操作温度0℃----60℃0℃----60℃相对湿度10%----90%10%----90%尺寸(长*宽)338mm*126mm 338mm*126mm工业底板参数配置表型号GTB6022/6 GTB6022/8 GTB6022/13L GTB6022/14 图样插槽总数6 8 13 14PICMG 2 2 2 2PCI 4 4 4 4ISA 2 4 8 9电源接口AT/ATX AT/ATX AT/ATX AT/ATX尺寸132mm*258mm 220mm*260mm 316mm*260mm 317mm*260mm 可搭配机箱壁挂式机箱壁挂式机箱4U机箱4U机箱订购信息6槽PICMG工业底板8槽PICMG工业底板13槽PICMG工业底板14槽PICMG工业底板工业底板参数配置表型号GTB6023/5PE GTB6023/14GPE 图样插槽总数 5 14PICMG 1 1PCI-E*16 1 1PCI-E*4 0 0PCI-E*1 1 4PCI 2 7SATA接口 2 2USB接口 4 4电源接口24+4PIN ATX 24+4PIN ATX尺寸107mm*328mm 317mm*328mm可搭配机箱壁挂式机箱4U机箱订购信息5槽工业底板14槽PICMG工业底板工业计算机(IPC)工业母板参数配置表型号SYM76901VGGA SYM76836VGA-5P图样CPU LGA775 for Core 2 Quad/Core 2Duo/Pentium Dual/Celeron processor LGA1155 for Intel? 32nm Sandy Bridge i3/i5/i7 processor,FSB 5GT/sCPU主频最大支持最大支持前端总线800/1066/1333 MHZ 533/800MHZ芯片组英特尔 Q35+ICH9R 英特尔 945GC+ICH7 最大缓存12MB L2 2MB L2最大内存DDR2 8GB DDR2 4GBBIOS Phonenix-Award Phonenix-Award显示芯片英特尔GMA 3100 英特尔GMA 950显存最大共享384MB 最大共享224MB显示接口VGA/DVI-D VGA网口2* Realtek RTL8111B千兆网卡1* Realtek RTL8111B千兆网卡声卡Realtek ALC885 Realtek ALC662硬盘接口1*IDE/6*SATAII 4*SATAII磁盘阵列RAID 0/1/5/10 无软驱接口 1 1并口1*SPPE/ECP/EPP 1*SPPE/ECP/EPP串口2*RS232 2*RS232USB 12*USB 8*USBDigital I/O 4-IN 4-OUT 无红外线接口 1 1板载SSD 无无扩展槽1*PCI-E*16 5*PCI 1*PCI-E*16 5*PCI看门狗1~255秒1~255秒电源类型AT/ATX AT/ATX操作温度0℃----60℃0℃----60℃相对湿度10%----90%10%----90%尺寸(长*宽)ATX305mm*244mm ATX305mm*244mm工业计算机(IPC)工业机箱参数配置表型号GT6145 GT6150图样系统主板工业长板或工业母板工业长板或工业母板驱动空间2个寸,2个寸驱动空间2个寸,2个寸驱动空间底板支持13槽、14槽工业底板支持13槽、14槽工业底板风扇2个80mm风扇1个120mm风扇电源1个ATX标准2U PS/2 电源1个ATX标准2U PS/2 电源前面板1个电源开关,1个复位开关,2个USB电源指示灯,硬盘指示灯1个电源开关,1个复位开关,2个USB 电源指示灯,硬盘指示灯,系统电源显示。
后面板工业后窗或商业后窗工业后窗或商业后窗扬声器1个扬声器1个扬声器尺寸483MM*427MM*177MM 483MM*427MM*177MM 材质高强度钢板,内部镀蓝锌高强度钢板,内部镀蓝锌颜色W-电脑白,T-黑色W-电脑白,T-黑色温度0°---50℃0°---50℃特点介绍:1:4U上架式智能型工业机箱;2:2个寸和2个寸驱动空间;3:支持13/14槽工业底板;4:支持工业母板; 5:ATX标准2UPS/2电源;6:机箱温度显示 7:机箱内部电压状态显示。
工业计算机(IPC)一体化工作站参数配置表型号GT6380S GT6368S图样高度1U=寸= 8U 6U显示屏尺寸15寸寸分辨率1024*768 800*600 显示颜色262K 262K亮度350cd/㎡350cd/㎡触摸屏规格五线电阻式五线电阻式寿命3000万次3000万次薄面键盘规格47个数据按键/16个功能键44个数据按键/20个功能键OSD菜单有有驱动空间3.5寸 2 3寸无无风扇2个90mm风扇1个90mm风扇1个120mm风扇可选底板GTB6022/13LGTB6022/14GTB6022/8 GTB6020/8M/B Suport 不支持不支持电源PS/2电源 350W 1U 200W/250W尺寸482mm*394mm*3545mm 482mm*394mm*3545mm 加固型工业便携机(GPC)参数配置表型号GPC2015-5M GPC2017-7M图样液晶屏大小15” XGA TFT17”SXGA 液晶屏最大分辨率1024 x 768 1280*1024适用主板Micro-ATX工业母板ATX工业母板最大扩充槽数 5 7电源1U电源ATX电源驱动空间3* 2*+2*超薄光驱 1 0键盘/鼠标标准108键键盘,触控鼠标标准108键键盘,触控鼠标扬声器内置立体声扬声器内置立体声扬声器尺寸(宽*深*高)430mm x 290mm x230mm430mm*340mm*250mm重量11Kg工作温度0°C~50°C 0°C~50°C 嵌入式工业计算机(EPC)Mini-ITX参数配置表型号SYS76866VGGA-525-NM SYS76866VGA-525-DC图样CPU 板载英特尔凌动 D525板载英特尔凌动 D525CPU主频前端总线667 MHZ 667 MHZ芯片组英特尔 NM10 英特尔 NM10最大缓存1MB L2 1MB L2最大内存DDR3 8GB DDR2 4GBBIOS AMI AMI显示芯片英特尔GMA 3150 英特尔GMA 3150显存最大共享384MB 最大共享384MB显示接口VGA/24bit LVDS VGA/24bit LVDS网口2*Realtek RTL8111DL千兆网卡2*Realtek RTL8111DL千兆网卡声卡Realtek ALC662 Realtek ALC662硬盘接口2*SATAII 4*SATAIIk,1*IDE磁盘阵列无RAID 0/1/0+1软驱接口无无并口1*SPPE/ECP/EPP 1*SPPE/ECP/EPP串口6*RS232 1*RS232/422/485USB 7*USB 7*USBDigital I/O 4-IN 4-OUT 4-IN 4-OUT红外线接口无无板载SSD 无无扩展槽1*PCI,1*MINI PCI-E 1*PCI,1*MINI PCI-E看门狗1~255秒1~255秒电源类型AT/ATX AT/ATX操作温度0℃----60℃0℃----60℃相对湿度10%----90%10%----90%尺寸(长*宽)170mm*170mm 170mm*170mm特点介绍:艾讯宏达提供各种规格嵌入式主板,包括:Mini-ITX 主板、寸/4寸嵌入式主板、半长卡和PC/104等嵌入式主板。