2012-3-23 K1 TS1++ pass
目录1. 使用前有关事项2. 安装和连接1-1 到货检查、1-2产品外观2-1 使用环境、2-2安装方法2-3连接2-4主电路和接地端子连接2-5软起动器主电路连接图2-6控制端子连接2-7端子配置图 2-8一、二次接线图4. 键盘面板5. 基本功能6. 功能选择详细说明6-1显示方式和控制方式的设定6-2输出继电器动作和时刻6-3自动重起动功能设置9-1 保护功能说明9-2 保护功能设定9-3 保护脱扣曲线10. 保护动作11. 故障诊断12. 起动模式12-1 限电流起动模式、12-2电压斜坡起动12-3 突跳起动、12-4电流斜坡起动模式12-5 电压限流双闭环起动、12-6软停机、12-7自由停机13. 外形尺寸14. 应用范围15. 特殊应用16. 外围器件选用表17. 附录3-1 运行前检查准备、3-2运行方法112-82345678991011121212131414-16141516171819-2119202122-2324242526133. 运行7. 操作步骤8. 帮助信息9. 保护功能1. 使用前有关事项收到您订购的设备后,请开箱检查以下各项如发现产品有问题或不符合您订的规格,请与您订购设备的代理商或就近的诺克办事处联系。
2012年伦敦奥运会赛程总表+CCTV1-7转播时间表(完整版)(北京时间7月28日~8月13日)7月28日(北京时间)4:00 伦敦奥运会开幕7月28日(北京时间)时间项目转播16:00 女篮A组小组赛中国VS捷克CCTV117:00 男子公路自行车决赛—18:00 射击女子10米气步枪决赛CCTV118:15 乒乓球女子单打第一轮—18:30 女排B组小组赛中国VS塞尔维亚CCTV722:30 射击男子10米气手枪决赛CCTV522:30 举重女子48公斤级决赛CCTV123:00 柔道女子48公斤级决赛CCTV723:00 乒乓球男子单打第一轮—23:10 柔道男子60公斤级决赛CCTV77月29日(北京时间)时间项目转播1:01 射箭男团决赛CCTV52:30 游泳男子400米个人混合泳决赛CCTV52:40 击剑女子花剑个人决赛CCTV12:49 游泳男子400米自由泳决赛CCTV53:09 游泳女子400米个人混合泳决赛CCTV53:50 游泳女子4×100米自由泳接力CCTV518:30 网球男女子单打第一轮—18:45 射击女子10米气手枪决赛CCTV519:00 公路自行车女子决赛—20:45 女曲小组赛中国VS韩国—21:00 射击女子飞碟双向决赛CCTV522:00 跳水女子双人3米板决赛CCTV522:30 举重女子53公斤级决赛CCTV123:00 柔道女子52公斤级决赛CCTV523:10 柔道男子66公斤级决赛CCTV523:45 男篮B组小组赛中国VS西班牙CCTV77月30日(北京时间)2:00 举重男子56公斤级决赛CCTV12:10 击剑男子佩剑个人决赛CCTV12:30 游泳女子100米蝶泳决赛CCTV53:08 游泳男子100米蛙泳决赛CCTV53:15 游泳女子400米自由泳决赛CCTV53:54 游泳男子4×100米自由泳接力决赛CCTV5 16:00 女篮小组赛A组中国VS克罗地亚CCTV1 16:30 女排小组赛B组中国VS土耳其CCTV719:15 男子10米气步枪决赛CCTV519:30 马术团体三项赛/个人三项赛—22:00 男子双人10米跳台决赛CCTV522:30 举重女子58公斤级A组CCTV123:00 柔道女子57公斤级决赛CCTV723:10 柔道男子73公斤级决赛CCTV723:30 体操男子团体决赛CCTV57月31日(北京时间)时间项目转播2:00 举重男子62公斤级A组CCTV12:40 女子重剑个人金牌赛—2:41 男子200米自由泳决赛CCTV52:49 女子100米仰泳决赛CCTV52:56 男子100米仰泳决赛CCTV53:13 女子100米蛙泳决赛CCTV53:30 男子200米蝶泳半决赛CCTV516:00 男篮小组赛B组中国VS俄罗斯CCTV1 18:30 网球女子双打1/4决赛—21:00 射击男子飞碟双向决赛CCTV721:30 马术个人三项赛场地障碍赛决赛—22:00 女子双人10米跳台决赛CCTV522:30 举重女子63公斤级A组CCTV123:00 乒乓球女子单打半决赛CCTV123:00 柔道女子63公斤决赛CCTV723:30 体操女子团体决赛CCTV58月1日(北京时间)时间项目转播2:00 举重男子69公斤级A组CCTV12:39 女子200米自由泳决赛—2:40 男子花剑个人决赛CCTV52:47 男子200米蝶泳决赛CCTV53:39 女子200米个人混合泳决赛CCTV53:47 男子4×200米自由泳接力决赛CCTV55:15 男篮小组赛A组美国VS突尼斯CCTV1 17:10 女子双人单桨决赛CCTV517:20 女子四人双桨决赛CCTV517:30 男子八人单桨决赛CCTV521:15 公路自行车男子个人计时赛—21:30 乒乓球女子单打奖牌赛CCTV122:00 男子双人3米跳板决赛CCTV522:30 女子举重69kgA组CCTV122:30 女子25米手枪决赛CCTV723:10 男子柔道90kg决赛金牌赛CCTV723:30 体操男子个人全能决赛CCTV58月2日(北京时间)时间项目转播02:00 男子举重77kgA组CCTV102:10 男子重剑个人决赛CCTV102:40 女子佩剑个人决赛CCTV103:09 女子200米蝶泳决赛CCTV503:17 男子100米自由泳决赛CCTV503:57 女子4x200米自由式接力决赛CCTV5 15:30 曲棍球女子A组—16:50 男子双人双桨决赛CCTV717:00 男子轻量级四人单桨决赛CCTV717:00 乒乓球男子单打半决赛CCTV518:15 男篮小组赛CCTV718:30 网球男子单打1/4决赛—18:30 网球女子单打1/4决赛—19:30 女子八人单桨决赛A CCTV721:30 乒乓球男子单打奖牌赛CCTV522:00 女子花剑团体决赛CCTV122:00 男子飞碟双多向决赛CCTV722:21 女子射箭个人奖牌赛CCTV523:00 柔道女子78kg决赛金牌赛—23:10 柔道男子100kg决赛金牌赛—23:30 体操女子个人全能决赛CCTV58月3日(北京时间)时间项目转播00:59 场地自行车女子团体竞速赛决赛CCTV5 01:15 场地自行车男子团体竞速赛决赛CCTV5 02:38 女子200米蛙泳决赛CCTV502:46 男子200米仰泳决赛CCTV503:16 男子200米个人混合泳决赛CCTV503:34 女子100米自由泳决赛CCTV503:51 男子100米蝶泳半决赛CCTV516:00 女篮小组赛CCTV716:00 羽毛球混合双打决赛CCTV516:00 沙滩排球女子1/8决赛—16:30 女排小组赛CCTV719:00 射击男子50米步枪卧射CCTV519:00 网球混合双打半决赛CCTV521:10 女子水球小组赛—21:30 击剑男子佩剑团体决赛CCTV521:30 射击男子25米手枪速射CCTV522:21 射箭男子个人CCTV522:26 蹦床男子决赛CCTV122:30 举重女子75公斤级CCTV123:00 柔道女子78公斤以上级CCTV58月4日(北京时间)时间项目转播01:38 场地自行车女子凯林赛CCTV502:00 举重男子85公斤级CCTV102:30 女子200米仰泳决赛CCTV502:38 游泳男子100米蝶泳决赛CCTV516:00 羽毛球女子双打奖牌赛CCTV516:00 铁人三项女子决赛CCTV516:30 赛艇女子单人双桨决赛CCTV517:45 女曲小组赛CCTV518:15 男篮小组赛CCTV519:45 射击女子50米步枪三姿决赛CCTV520:30 羽毛球女子单打奖牌赛CCTV521:30 跳水女子单人3米跳板半决赛CCTV5 22:00 击剑女子重剑团体决赛CCTV122:00 网球女子单打决赛CCTV122:00 射击女子飞碟多向决赛CCTV522:35 蹦床女子决赛CCTV18月5日(北京时间)时间项目转播02:30 田径女子铁饼决赛CCTV702:36 游泳男子1500米自由泳决赛CCTV503:07 游泳女子4x100米混合泳接力CCTV504:55 田径女子100米决赛CCTV718:00 田径女子马拉松CCTV518:15 女篮小组赛CCTV718:30 女排小组赛CCTV719:00 网球女子双打决赛CCTV519:30 射击男子50米手枪决赛CCTV520:30 羽毛球男子单打决赛CCTV521:50 体操女子跳马决赛CCTV522:00 体操男子自由体操决赛CCTV522:00 击剑男子花剑团体决赛CCTV522:00 花样游泳双人技术自选CCTV722:30 举重女子75公斤级决赛CCTV122:41 体操男子鞍马决赛CCTV58月6日(北京时间)时间项目转播01:00 沙滩排球女子1/4决赛—02:00 跳水女子单人3米跳板决赛CCTV5 02:00 田径女子400米栏预赛CCTV504:50 田径男子100米决赛CCTV516:00 男篮小组赛CCTV720:00 帆船帆板女子激光镭迪尔级CCTV720:30 拳击女子51公斤级1/4决赛CCTV520:45 女曲小组赛—20:45 射击男子50米步枪三姿CCTV521:30 乒乓球男子团体半决赛CCTV122:00 体操男子吊环决赛CCTV522:00 体操女子高低杠决赛CCTV522:41 体操男子跳马决赛CCTV523:00 射击男子飞碟多向CCTV58月7日(北京时间)时间项目转播00:00 女足半决赛CCTV501:25 摔跤男子古典式60公斤级决赛CCTV7 02:00 举重男子105公斤级决赛CCTV702:00 田径女子撑杆跳高决赛CCTV502:15 田径女子铅球决赛CCTV503:15 田径女子400米栏半决赛CCTV517:10 田径男子110米栏预赛CCTV518:00 乒乓球女团三四名决赛CCTV718:30 铁人三项男子决赛CCTV520:00 排球女子1/4决赛CCTV721:00 体操男子双杠决赛CCTV521:47 体操女子平衡木决赛CCTV522:30 乒乓球女团决赛CCTV122:00 花样游泳双人自由自选决赛CCTV522:37 体操男子单杠决赛CCTV523:23 体操女子自由体操决赛CCTV523:53 场地自行车女子全能500米计时赛CCTV7 8月8日(北京时间)时间项目转播00:50 场地自行车男子凯林赛决赛CCTV701:25 摔跤男子古典式66kg级决赛CCTV701:25 摔跤男子古典式96kg级决赛CCTV702:00 举重男子+105kg CCTV702:00 跳水男子3米板决赛CCTV104:00 田径女子100米栏决赛CCTV504:00 排球女子1/4决赛CCTV104:15 田径男子1500米决赛CCTV517:16 男子双人皮艇1000米决赛B组CCTV517:24 男子双人皮艇1000米决赛A组CCTV517:44 女子四人皮艇500米决赛A组CCTV518:00 乒乓球男团三四名决赛CCTV521:00 篮球男子1/4决赛CCTV522:30 乒乓球男团决赛CCTV123:15 篮球男子1/4决赛CCTV58月9日(北京时间)时间项目转播02:00 沙滩排球女子三四名决赛CCTV103:05 田径女子跳远决赛CCTV503:45 田径女子400米栏决赛CCTV504:00 沙滩排球女子决赛CCTV104:00 田径女子200米决赛CCTV504:15 田径男子110米栏决赛CCTV505:15 跆拳道女子49kg级决赛CCTV105:15 篮球男子1/4决赛CCTV505:30 跆拳道男子58kg级决赛CCTV519:00 游泳女子10公里马拉松CCTV520:00 足球女子三四名决赛CCTV122:00 排球女子半决赛CCTV723:30 拳击女子51kg级决赛CCTV523:45 拳击女子60kg级决赛CCTV58月10日(北京时间)时间项目转播00:00 篮球女子半决赛CCTV100:15 拳击女子75kg级决赛CCTV502:00 跳水女子10米台决赛CCTV102:20 田径男子三级跳远决赛CCTV502:45 足球女子决赛CCTV703:00 田径男子800米决赛CCTV503:55 田径男子200米决赛CCTV504:00 沙滩排球男子决赛CCTV104:00 篮球女子半决赛CCTV705:15 跆拳道女子57kg级决赛CCTV505:30 跆拳道男子68kg级决赛CCTV519:00 游泳男子10公里马拉松游泳决赛CCTV5 20:00 帆船470级女子双人艇决赛CCTV722:00 花样游泳团体自由自选决赛CCTV58月11日(北京时间)时间项目转播0:00 男篮半决赛(1)CCTV11:25 摔跤男子自由式55公斤级决赛CCTV71:25 摔跤男子自由式74公斤级决赛CCTV72:00 男子撑杆跳高决赛CCTV52:35 女子链球决赛CCTV53:00 女子曲棍球决赛CCTV53:05 女子5000米决赛CCTV53:40 女子4×100米接力决赛CCTV53:55 女子1500米决赛CCTV54:00 男篮半决赛(2)CCTV54:20 男子4×100米接力决赛CCTV15:15 跆拳道女子67公斤级决赛CCTV55:30 跆拳道男子80公斤级决赛CCTV516:00 男子50公里竞走决赛CCTV516:30 男子单人皮艇(K1)200米决赛CCTV1 17:14 女子单人皮艇(K1)200米决赛CCTV5 18:30 女排季军战CCTV520:30 艺术体操个人全能决赛CCTV722:00 男足决赛CCTV78月12日(北京时间)时间项目转播0:00 女子20公里竞走决赛CCTV51:30 女排决赛CCTV12:30 田径男子5000米决赛CCTV53:00 田径女子800米决赛CCTV53:25 田径女子4×400米接力决赛CCTV53:30 拳击男子49公斤级决赛CCTV73:30 跆拳道男子80公斤以上级决赛—3:30 跳水男子10米跳台决赛CCTV14:00 田径男子4×100米接力决赛CCTV54:00 女篮决赛—16:30 排球男子决赛CCTV717:20 水球男子决赛CCTV118:00 男子马拉松CCTV518:00 篮球男子决赛CCTV518:00 手球男子奖牌赛CCTV520:25 摔跤男子自由式66kg金牌赛CCTV720:25 摔跤男子自由式96kg金牌赛CCTV720:30 山地自行车男子越野赛—20:30 艺术体操集体全能决赛CCTV120:30 拳击男子蝇量级52kg决赛回合CCTV520:45 拳击男子轻量级60kg决赛回合CCTV521:15 拳击男子沉量级69kg决赛回合CCTV521:45 拳击男子轻重量级81kg决赛回合CCTV522:15 拳击男子超重量级+91kg决赛回合CCTV5 8月13日(北京时间)时间项目转播01:00 现代五项女子跑射联项CCTV104:00 闭幕式CCTV5(如有出入,以电视台实际播出为准)。
Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书
RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。
PowerFlex 750-Series 板子替换套件指南说明书
Installation InstructionsPowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement KitsFrames 6 and 7These installation instructions support the following board replacement kits.Board Type Drive Frame Voltage Cat. No.PageAC Precharge6400/480SK-R9-PCG1-DF62600/690SK-R9-PCG1-FF657400/480SK-R9-PCG1-DF79600/690SK-R9-PCG1-FF713DC Precharge6400/480SK-R9-PCG2-DF62600/690SK-R9-PCG2-FF657400/480SK-R9-PCG2-DF79600/690SK-R9-PCG2-FF713Power Interface6400/480SK-R9-PINT1-CF6A2SK-R9-PINT1-CF6BSK-R9-PINT1-CF6CSK-R9-PINT1-CF6DSK-R9-PINT1-DF6ASK-R9-PINT1-DF6BSK-R9-PINT1-DF6CSK-R9-PINT1-DF6D600SK-R9-PINT1-EF6A5SK-R9-PINT1-EF6BSK-R9-PINT1-EF6CSK-R9-PINT1-EF6DSK-R9-PINT1-EF6ESK-R9-PINT1-EF6FSK-R9-PINT1-EF6GSK-R9-PINT1-EF6HSK-R9-PINT1-EF6JSK-R9-PINT1-EF6KSK-R9-PINT1-EF6MSK-R9-PINT1-EF6NSK-R9-PINT1-EF6P690SK-R9-PINT1-FF6A5SK-R9-PINT1-FF6BSK-R9-PINT1-FF6CSK-R9-PINT1-FF6DSK-R9-PINT1-FF6ESK-R9-PINT1-FF6FSK-R9-PINT1-FF6GSK-R9-PINT1-FF6HSK-R9-PINT1-FF6JSK-R9-PINT1-FF6KSK-R9-PINT1-FF6LSK-R9-PINT1-FF6MSK-R9-PINT1-FF6N7400/480SK-R9-PINT1-CF7A9SK-R9-PINT1-CF7BSK-R9-PINT1-CF7CSK-R9-PINT1-DF7ASK-R9-PINT1-DF7BSK-R9-PINT1-DF7C600SK-R9-PINT1-EF7A13SK-R9-PINT1-EF7BSK-R9-PINT1-EF7C690SK-R9-PINT1-FF7A13SK-R9-PINT1-FF7BSK-R9-PINT1-FF7C2PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement KitsPowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits3 400/480V Frame 6 Drives – AC and DC Precharge BoardsSK-R9-PCG1-DF6, SK-R9-PCG2-DF6ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, carefully align and fully seat the pin connector(s),plug in the control cable, be sure the PE-A jumper wire is properly terminated (AC Precharge Boards only), and install allfasteners and torque as indicated.4PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits400/480V Frame 6 Drives – Power Interface Board400V: SK-R9-PINT1-CF6A, -CF6B, -CF6C, -CF6D / 480V: SK-R9PINT1-DF6A,-DF6B, -DF6C, -DF6DATTENTION: Replacing the Power Interface Board will result in the loss of drive data including elapsed powerconsumption, elapsed run times, and preventive maintenance data.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, be sure the pin connector is aligned, all plugs arefully seated, the PE-B jumper wire is properly terminated, and all fasteners are installed and torqued as indicated.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits56PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits600/690V Frame 6 Drives – AC and DC Precharge BoardsSK-R9-PCG1-FF6, SK-R9-PCG2-FF6page5.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, carefully align and fully seat the pin connector(s),plug in the control cable, be sure the PE-A jumper wire is properly terminated (AC Precharge Boards only), and install allfasteners and torque as indicated.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits7 600/690V Frame 6 Drives – Power Interface Boards600V: SK-R9-PINT1-EF6A, -EF6B, -EF6C, -EF6D, -EF6E, -EF6F, -EF6G, -EF6H, -EF6J, -EF6K, -EF6M, -EF6N, -EF6P690V: SK-R9-PINT1-FF6A, -FF6B, -FF6C, -FF6D, -FF6E, -FF6F, -FF6G, -FF6H, -FF6J, -FF6K, -FF6L, -FF6M, -FF6NATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, be sure the pin connector is aligned and all plugsare fully seated.8PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits600/690V Frame 6 Drives – Power Interface Boards (Continued)ATTENTION: Replacing the Power Interface Boards will result in the loss of drive data including elapsed powerconsumption, elapsed run times, and preventive maintenance data.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, be sure the pin connector is aligned, all plugs arefully seated, the PE-B jumper wire is properly terminated, and all fasteners are installed and torqued as indicated.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits910PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits400/480V Frame 7 Drives – AC and DC Precharge Boards SK-R9-PCG1-DF7, SK-R9-PCG2-DF7PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits11 400/480V Frame 7 Drives – AC and DC Precharge Boards (Continued)board.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, carefully align and fully seat the pin connector(s),plug in the control cable, be sure the PE-A jumper wire is properly terminated (AC Precharge Boards only), and install allfasteners and torque as indicated.12PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits400/480V Frame 7 Drives – Power Interface Board400V: SK-R9-PINT1-CF7A, -CF7B, -CF7C480V: SK-R9-PINT1-DF7A, -DF7B, -DF7CATTENTION: Replacing the Power Interface Board will result in the loss of drive data including elapsed powerconsumption, elapsed run times, and preventive maintenance data.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, be sure the pin connector is aligned, all plugs arefully seated, the PE-B jumper wire is properly terminated, and all fasteners are installed and torqued as indicated.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits 13IMPORTANT : Power Jumpers may need to be removed during this procedure. Note where the PE-A and PE-B jumper wires are terminated before disassembly. Use the same position when installing the replacement board.14PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits600/690V Frame 7 Drives (Continued)Precharge Board replacement go to Step 3 on page15.Power Interface Board replacement go to Step 3 on page17.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits15 600/690V Frame 7 Drives – AC and DC Precharge Board16PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits600/690V Frame 7 Drives – AC and DC Precharge Board (Continued)board.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, carefully align and fully seat the pin connector(s),plug in the control cable, be sure the PE-A jumper wire is properly terminated (AC Precharge Boards only), and install allfasteners and torque as indicated.PowerFlex 750-Series Board Replacement Kits17 600/690V Frame 7 – Power Interface Board600V: SK-R9-PINT1-EF7A, -EF7B, -EF7C690V: SK-R9-PINT1-FF7A, -FF7B, -FF7CATTENTION: Replacing the Power Interface Board will result in the loss of drive data including elapsed powerconsumption, elapsed run times, and preventive maintenance data.ATTENTION: Hazard of equipment damage exists if any board connector is not in full contact with its correspondingsocket when power is applied. When installing the replacement board, be sure the pin connector is aligned, all plugs arefully seated, the PE-B jumper wire is properly terminated, and all fasteners are installed and torqued as indicated.*PN-316636*PN-316636Rockwell Automation Publication RA-IN028D-EN-P - June 2015Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products.At /support you can find technical and application notes, sample code, and links to software service packs. Y ou can also visit our Support Center at https:/// for software updates, support chats and forums, technical information, FAQs, and to sign up for product notification updates.In addition, we offer multiple support programs for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /services/online-phone .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual. You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to help ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434Outside United States or CanadaUse the Worldwide Locator at /rockwellautomation/support/overview.page , or contact your local Rockwell Automation representative.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at/rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page .。
2.7 解
E i1 R
L uc
e(t) Ri1(t) uc (t)
duc (t dt
di2 (t) dt
dx dt
k2i2 (t)
F0 2kx(t)
g cos
sin - k m
削去 的系统的微分方程: &x&+ k x - M L &&=0
(s) ms2 k
X (s)
MLs 2
2.3 解
(a)电气系统 证:(a)由电路可得:
1 C2S
1 C2S
1 C1S
1 C2S
1 C1S
1 C1S
1 C2S
1 C1S
1 C1S
R1R2C1C2S 2 (R1C1 R2C2 )S 1 R1R2C1C2S 2 (R1C1 R2C2 R1C2 )S 1
星期六 昆明新闻(重播) C1广告 联播昆明(重播) C2广告 第一直播间(重播)
星期日 昆明新闻(重播) C1广告 联播昆明(重播) C2广告 第一直播间(重播)
06:00:00 06:30:00 06:45:00 07:05:00 07:20:00 08:00:00 08:00:00 08:00:00 08:30:00 08:35:00 08:50:00 09:10:00 09:25:00 09:30:00 10:30:00 10:45:00 11:05:00 11:20:00 12:00:00 12:00:00 12:00:00 13:00:00 13:15:00 14:15:00 14:30:00 15:00:00 15:15:00 16:15:00 16:30:00 17:30:00 17:40:00 17:55:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 19:35:00 20:05:00 20:15:00 20:55:00 20:55:00 20:55:00 21:00:00 21:30:00 21:35:00 21:55:00 22:00:00
K1新名堂 C11广告 K1宣传片 新闻夜班车B 转中央1 转中央1套新闻联播 A1广告 昆明新闻 环球一天 第一直播间
K1新名堂 C11广告 K1宣传片 新闻夜班车B 转中央1 转中央1套新闻联播 A1广告 昆明新闻 环球一天 第一直播间
K1新名堂 C11广告 K1宣传片 新闻夜班车B 转中央1 转中央1套新闻联播 A1广告 昆明新闻 环球一天 第一直播间
K1新名堂 C11广告 K1宣传片 新闻夜班车B 转中央1 转中央1套新闻联播 A1广告 昆明新闻 环球一天 第一直播间
K1新名堂 C11广告 K1宣传片 新闻夜班车B 转中央1 转中央1套新闻联播 A1广告 昆明新闻 环球一天 第一直播间
Windows 版本的 Qfinder Pro 提供便利的方式映射网络驱动器机。在威联通存储宝上建立一个共享文件夹, 并映射成网络驱动器机,您就可以把它当作一个额外的储存空间存放数据,使用上跟本机的磁盘一样方便。
如何建立共享文件夹和用户账号 新增一个ISO镜像文件文件夹 一个 .ISO 文件可以是一个完整的CD,DVD,或Bluray 盘片的完整镜像文件。挂载镜像文件可以产生镜 像文件文件夹,而这些镜像文件文件夹可以依据用户 指定只读或拒绝访问的设置。您可以使用 [共享文件 夹] > [创建一个ISO文件夹] 下的共享文件夹页面或通 过网页式文件管理器来挂载镜像文件,和使用共享文 件夹页面上的 [remove] 按钮或通过网页式文件管理 器来卸载镜像文件。
RAID级别 硬盘数 N 有效盘数
N = 2
N >= 3 N >= 4
N - 1 N - 2
在建立存储池的时候,可以直接选择单一静态 磁盘区,建议不要让客户勾选快照功能,会占 用空间的(可以直接建立新磁盘区,进入存储 空间总管里面的时候)
电脑上下载安装Qsync的相应客户端,安装完成后会出现下面的操作界面,此处有一点需要注 意,不要勾选安全登录,否则会红色提示,即:无效的网络地址,请检查您的NAS地址是否正确。 如果想NAS里面其他 的文件夹可以实现 同步,那就建立的时 候选择可以同步化或 者去Qsync Central Station把文件夹同步 化即可。
伯沙安全系统 视频系统版1-3 商品说明和常见问题解答说明书
Intrusion Detection with FW 6.60 Technical NoteTable of contents1Introduction31.1Applications (3)1.2Common product platform (CPP) (3)1.3Limitations (3)2Technical Background & FAQ32.1What is an intruder? (3)2.2How can I distinguish intruders from animals? (3)2.3What is a camera calibration and when do I need it? (4)2.4Where do false alerts in trees come from? (4)2.5Why are objects detected so late? (5)2.6How should I set up the camera view? (5)2.7How far into the distance can Intelligent Video Analytics / Essential Video Analytics detect objects? (5)3Setup63.1General advice (6)3.2Small, controlled environments, e.g. indoor (6)3.3Climbing walls or throwing across walls (6)3.4Façade protection (7)3.5Medium areas (7)3.6Large areas (7)3.7Infrared illumination & insect swarms (7)3.8Shaking / vibrating camera (8)3.9Optimization via forensic search (8)1IntroductionThis technical note describes the best practices for and answers commonquestions regarding intrusion detection using Intelligent Video Analytics orEssential Video Analytics with FW④Perimeter protection④Sterile zones④Warehouse after hours④Solar plants④Façade protection④… and wherever and whenever no one is supposed to be within an area during a certain time1.2Common product platform (CPP)Bosch cameras can be clustered by their common product platform. As different platforms offer a different amount of processing power, this can make differences in the performance. For an overview of the different product platforms and the cameras belonging to them, see the tech note on Video Content Analysis (VCA) Capabilities per Device.1.3Limitations④Different performance and setup options on Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP4 and Essential Video Analytics on theone hand, and Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3 on the other hand④Does not work for well-populated and crowded scenes④Does not work on elevators or other conveyance belts④Does not work if camera is moving2Technical Background & FAQ2.1What is an intruder?If we talk about intruders, we typically mean people entering areas which are off-limits to them. Depending on the application, however, the people may also sit in vehicles or bikes. Furthermore, professional intruders typically do not walk into the area, but crawl or roll to present the camera the least view of them that is possible.2.2How can I distinguish intruders from animals?You can’t. It is possible to separate standing and walking people from smaller animalslike dogs, foxes or rabbits by their size, but if we talk about professional intruderscrawling or rolling into the scene, then most of the time the difference to the animal in question is not large enough for a robust classification. There is currently no videoanalytic for intrusion detection on the market that can really solve this problem. If youare only interested in walking / standing persons, the automatic object classification canbe used. See the tech note on object classification for configuration details.Intruders: Walking, crawling, rollingA crawling person looks similar to a dog2.3 What is a camera calibration and when do I need it?A camera calibration teaches the camera about the perspective in the scene. Due to perspective, in the rear of the video images the persons appear smaller, they cover less pixel in the image, though their real size is the same. Perspective is thus needed whenever the real size and speed of objects is needed, as well as an automatic perspection correction of object sizes. Calibration becomes more important the larger the area covered by a single camera is. For small areas (10-20m distance), the perspective effect is typically neglectable, for larger areas, it becomesessential for robust performance. Note that the longer the distance, the less reliable object sizeand speed estimations become, as less pixel are available per meter.To calibrate, the position of the camera in relation to a single, planar ground plane is described by the elevation of the camera, the angles (tilt, roll) towards the ground plane and the focal length of the lens. As calibration is only done in reference to a single, planar ground plane, scenes with stairs, escalators, several ground levels, facades or rising ground cannot be calibrated correctly. If the rising ground only differs a little from the planar ground plane, a best effort calibration can be tried. In all other cases, please refrain completely from using a calibration and set the object size filters, if needed, for the different image regions by hand.Further information on calibration can be found in the VCA tech note on geolocation.2.4 Where do false alerts in trees come from?All video analytics algorithms for intrusion detection are based on three coretechnologies: Change detection, motion estimation and background subtraction.∙ Change detection evaluates per block whether the content of the block has changeswithin the last second. This technology is used in MOTION+. The disadvantage isthat every change in the image, be it an illumination change or actual motion,triggers the blocks as changed. Note that the after-image of the object also triggers the blocks.∙ For motion estimation, also called optical flow, it is evaluated for every part in theimage where this part was in the last image, or a second ago. Flow is based primarily on this technology.∙ For background subtraction, one, multiple or stochastic background images arelearned over time and updated continuously. Every difference to the learnedbackground is then extracted as a moving foreground object and tracked over time.Intelligent Video Analytics and Essential Video Analytics use this technology in combination with motion estimation.Manual object size filter (yellow) can also compensate perspective Perspective: Objects in the rear appear smaller ChangedetectionMotionestimationBackgroundsubtraction & trackingNow for all three technologies, if the wind moves a branch, then there is a distinct change to the position of the branch a second ago and the branch is detected as a potential change / motion / moving object. By combining the different technologies, tracking the objects over time and evaluating the consistency of motion, robustness can be achieved to suppress these kind of moving objects the user is typically not interested in.2.5 Why are objects detected so late?Objects are actually detected as soon as they appear, however, to validate that they are interesting objects with consistent motion and not spurious detections by wind in trees or flags or the falling of rain drops and snowflakes, Intelligent Video Analytics and Essential Video Analytics hold the detection back for a few frames. To get the objects as soon as theyappear, please go to MetadataGeneration->Tracking and disable the noise suppression. For Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3, in addition raise the sensitivity to max.2.6 How should I set up the camera view?If possible make sure that intruders cross the field of view instead of walking towards the camera. Due to the perspective, a person walking toward the camera does not cross as many pixel in the image and does not have much apparent motion as a person crossing the camera view. Thus it is more difficult to detect and separate from noise. Higher elevation is preferred due to the same reason. Though higher poles are more expensive and prone to shaking, the lower a camera is mounted the less apparent motion objects walking toward the camera have, and the harder they are to detect. Note also that the more area is covered by the selected lens, the farther an object must travel to cross the same amount of pixel.2.7 How far into the distance can Intelligent Video Analytics / Essential VideoAnalytics detect objects?A general answer cannot be given, as this depends on the chosen camera, the chosen video aspect ratio, the camera perspective, on the focal length and on the light and weather conditions. Furthermore, both Intelligent Video Analytics and Essential Video Analytics are not directly computed on the original camera resolution but on a reduced one due to computational power limits. For an overview of which resolution is used on which camera, please see the tech note on VCA Capabilities per Device.Generally, a larger focal length indicates a larger zoom factor and a smaller width of the field of view. So one can see farther into the distance but less far to the left and right than with a smaller focal length. Furthermore, with a larger focal length, the unobserved area in front of the camera is much larger as well. Another trade-off for the larger detection range of larger focal length is that motion towards the camera takes longer to detect.The detection distance also depends on the size of the object, with longer detection ranges for larger objects. Wind in trees: branches moveConsistency of motionMotion towards thecamera is lessDistance resolution is best near the camera, and degrades heavily into the distance where a single pixel in the internal resolution often covers several meters of ground. Here an example for Essential Video Analytics:Use the Bosch Video Analytics and Lens Calculator at /LensCalculator/html/lens-calculator.html to determine video analytics detection distances for specific cameras, lenses and focal lengths.3SetupConfiguration of intrusion detection is separated into several applications, which all have their own characters and require different optimizations. For detection of intruding ships, please see the tech note on IVA 6.10 Ship Tracking. If you are interested in an application where you need to be alerted already if only a part of the intruder, like a hand or an arm, trespasses into the alarm zone, please see the tech note on Museum Mode FW advice-Alarm field preferable to line crossing: For a line crossing to trigger, the object needs to be detected before and after the line. In combination with challenging situations like storm in trees, where detection can be delayed in favour of false alarm suppression, the placement of the line needs to be done with care. An alarm field, which triggers whenever an object is detected inside, covers larger areas and is thus inherently more robust.-Scheduling: This is available on DINION & FLEXIDOME cameras. Configure one or both VCA profiles, then change the VCA configuration to “Scheduled” and define the times where which VCA profile should run.-Alarm-based recording / adjustment of recording frame rates: Can be triggered by any alarm. Configurable via Recording -> Profiles, or via the alarm task editor for full flexibility3.2Small, controlled environments, e.g. indoor-Object size: Intelligent Video Analytics and Essential Video Analytics do not know whether a small object in the image is actually a small object, or a large object that is far away. Therefore they will detect and track even the smallest objects like leaves and small garbage blown by the wind in the foreground or small animals in the default settings. To avoid that, set the min object size, either in the MetadataGeneration -> Tracking, where it will completely suppress them, or filter them out in your alarm task.-Calibration: Perspective correction of the object size is not necessary for small environments for intrusion detection. -Fast object detection: In indoor applications, always go to MetadataGeneration->Tracking, disable the noise suppression and (Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3) raise the sensitivity to max. Noise suppression and object validation is only needed for outdoor environments. In controlled, small outdoor applications, that is much tarmac and no trees, this can also be disabled.3.3Climbing walls or throwing across walls-Calibration: Don’t use any calibration. Flying and climbing objects will not be detected & tracked well if camera is calibrated.3.4Façade protection-Calibration: As the façade is vertical, calibration is not possible at all.-Fast object detection: As the façade is mostly tarmac, and if no trees are nearby who’s shadows can fall on the façade, then you don’t need noise suppression and object validation. Go to MetadataGeneration->Tracking, disable the noise suppression and (Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3) raise the sensitivity to max.3.5Medium areas-Calibration: If the ground is more or less flat, then add calibration to teach the camera about perspective. Only thus is the most robust detection possible.-Noise suppression: Noise suppression is enabled by default and should stay that way. Use Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3 cameras with noise suppression STRONG for best noise suppression.-Use scenario default “Intrusion (one field)” available from FW 6.60 onwards. Automatically enables 3D tracking, sets noise suppression to STRONG, and adds object filters targeted for suppressing non-persons. Needs calibrated camera.3.6Large areas-Calibration: If the ground is more or less flat, then add calibration to teach the camera about perspective. Only thus is the most robust detection with largest detection ranges possible.-Noise suppression: Noise suppression is enabled by default and should stay that way. Use noise suppression MEDIUM where available for longest detection distances while still suppressing many false alerts.-Double detection distance: For Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3 with FW ≥6.30, detection distance for moving objects can be doubled by calibration the camera, using a 3D tracking mode, and setting noise suppression to OFF or MEDIUM.-Use scenario default “Intrusion (two fields)” available from FW 6.60 onwards. Automatically sets 3D tracking and noise suppression to MEDIUM where available and STRONG otherwise, thus enabling longest detection distances.Also adds a second detection field which also needs to be entered by alarm objects as well as object filters targeted for suppressing non-persons to further false alarm suppression. Needs calibrated camera.3.7Infrared illumination & insect swarmsInsects are drawn to the light of infrared illuminators. If the infrared illuminators are included in the camera or positioned close nearby, this means that a myriad of insects will flutter through the video and cause false alerts. Therefore always position the illuminator in at least 80cm distance to the camera.Though false alerts due to insects cannot be suppressed completely, they are already greatly reduced in Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3 cameras from FW 6.10 onward. With Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP4 cameras, with Essential Video Analytics, or to generally further reduce false alerts, use multi-line crossing or combine several single alarm rules and detection via VCA task script language. From FW 6.60 onwards, alarming on an object inside, entering or leaving up to three alarm fields in a specified order is possible directly via the GUI, and also part of the scenario default “Intrusion (two fields)”. For FW <6.60, VCA task scripting is needed.For scripting, go to the video analytics configuration and open the task page. Right-click on the video and select Advanced -> VCA Task Editor. A separate popup with the current VCA task script will appear. Here is an example configuration, which can be copied and pasted into the VCA task script editor. Further information about VCA tasks script language and example scripts are available in the VCA task script language manual and a separate tech note.VCA task script example: Alarm if an object enters field and afterwards, within 30 seconds, crosses the line in the middle of the field://Definition of task primitivesResolution := { Min (-1, -1) Max (1, 1) };Field #1 := { Point (-0.6, 0.95) Point (-0.25, -0.95)Point (0.25, -0.95) Point (0.6, 0.95) DebounceTime (0.50) };Line #1 := { Point (0.0, -0.95) Point (0.0, 0.95)DebounceTime (0.50) };//@Task T:0 V:0 I:1 "Enter Field and Line" { external Event #1:={EnteredField #1before (*,30) CrossedLine #1 where first.oid == second.oid };//@}3.8 Shaking / vibrating cameraWhen the camera shakes, the content of the whole image shakes with it. The effects are especially visible around edges, as these cause the most change. Thus, false alerts can occur and the tracking of existing objects can be disrupted.Compensation of shaking and vibrating cameras within Intelligent Video Analytics on CPP6/7/7.3 cameras was introduced with FW 6.10 and perfected with FW 6.20. It is always active there. With Intelligent Video Analytics CPP4 cameras and with Essential Video Analytics, no compensation for shaking cameras from video analytics side is possible.3.9 Optimization via forensic searchThere are two parts of the configuration of Intelligent Video Analytics and Essential Video Analytics. The first part defines the object detection and tracking, also called metadata generation. This includes camera calibration, selection of thetracking mode, masking areas from the processing and defining idle / removed debounce times. This first part needs to be done initially and cannot be changed afterwards.The second part of the configuration evaluates the metadata and includes tasks like line crossing, object in field and more. This second part can be fully evaluated and optimized using forensic search. To do so, record video including the events to be detected. Then use a forensic search capable viewing client. Define or adapt your alarm tasks, and evaluate whether all events are detected correctly and how many false alerts are still left.Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Ring 585630 GrasbrunnGermany© Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmhH, 2018。
悬臂支护结构设计计算书计算依据:1、《建筑基坑支护技术规程》JGJ120-20122、《建筑施工计算手册》江正荣编著3、《实用土木工程手册》第三版杨文渊编著4、《施工现场设施安全设计计算手册》谢建民编著5、《土力学与地基基础》一、参数信息1、基本参数支护桩材料钢桩支护桩间距ba(m) 0.001 支护桩嵌入土深度l d(m) 8.5 基坑开挖深度h(m) 4.5 基坑外侧水位深度h a(m) 0.7 基坑内侧水位深度h p(m) 6.8支护桩在坑底处的水平位移量υ(mm) 5 地下水位面至坑底的土层厚度D1(m) 0.5 基坑内外的水头差△h(m) 52、土层参数土层类型土厚度h(m) 土重度γ(kN/m3)粘聚力c(kPa) 内摩擦角φ(°)饱和土重度γsat(kN/m3)水土分算填土 3.1 18 2 20 20 是粉砂12.3 18.5 3 28 22 是粉砂 3.6 21 6 5 22 是3、荷载参数类型荷载q(kpa) 距支护边缘的水平距离a(m)垂直基坑边的分布宽度b(m)平行基坑边的分布长度l(m)作用深度d(m)满布荷载 1.5 / / / / 条形局部荷载0.75 2 0 / 0 矩形局部荷载0.75 3 3 2 24、计算系数结构重要性系数γ00.9 综合分项系数γF0.9 嵌固稳定安全系数K e 1.2 圆弧滑动稳定安全系数K s 1.25 流土稳定性安全系数K f 1.4二、土压力计算土压力分布示意图附加荷载布置图 1、主动土压力计算1)主动土压力系数Ka1=tan2(45°- φ1/2)= tan2(45-20/2)=0.49;Ka2=tan2(45°- φ2/2)= tan2(45-20/2)=0.49;Ka3=tan2(45°- φ3/2)= tan2(45-20/2)=0.49;Ka4=tan2(45°- φ4/2)= tan2(45-28/2)=0.361;Ka5=tan2(45°- φ5/2)= tan2(45-28/2)=0.361;Ka6=tan2(45°- φ6/2)= tan2(45-28/2)=0.361;2)土压力、地下水产生的水平荷载第1层土:0-0.7mH1'=[∑γh+∑q1]/γi=[0+1.5]/18=0.083mPak1上 =γ1H1'Ka1-2c1Ka10.5=18×0.083×0.49-2×2×0.490.5=-2.068kN/m2Pak1下 =γ1(h1+H1')Ka1-2c1Ka10.5=18×(0.7+0.083)×0.49-2×2×0.490.5=4.106kN/m2第2层土:0.7-2mH2'=[∑γ1h1+∑q1]/γsati=[12.6+1.5]/20=0.705mPak2上 =[γsat2H2'-γw(∑h1-ha)]Ka2-2c2Ka20.5+γw(∑h1-ha)=[20×0.705-10×(0.7-0.7)]×0.49-2×2×0.490.5+10×(0.7-0.7)=4.109kN/m2Pak2下 =[γsat2(H2'+h2)-γw(∑h1-ha)]Ka2-2c2Ka20.5+γw(∑h1-ha)=[20×(0.705+1.3)-10×(2-0.7)]×0.49-2×2×0.490.5+10×(2-0.7)=23.479kN/m2第3层土:2-3.1mH3'=[∑γ2h2+∑q1+∑q1b1/(b1+2a1)]/γsati=[38.6+1.5+0]/20=2.005mPak3上 =[γsat3H3'-γw(∑h2-ha)]Ka3-2c3Ka30.5+γw(∑h2-ha)=[20×2.005-10×(2-0.7)]×0.49-2×2×0.490.5+10×(2-0.7)=23.479kN/m2Pak3下 =[γsat3(H3'+h3)-γw(∑h2-ha)]Ka3-2c3Ka30.5+γw(∑h2-ha)=[20×(2.005+1.1)-10×(3.1-0.7)]×0.49-2×2×0.490.5+10×(3.1-0.7)=39.869kN/m2第4层土:3.1-5mH4'=[∑γ3h3+∑q1+∑q1b1/(b1+2a1)]/γsati=[60.6+1.5+0]/22=2.823mPak4上 =[γsat4H4'-γw(∑h3-ha)]Ka4-2c4Ka40.5+γw(∑h3-ha)=[22×2.823-10×(3.1-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(3.1-0.7)=34.151kN/m2Pak4下 =[γsat4(H4'+h4)-γw(∑h3-ha)]Ka4-2c4Ka40.5+γw(∑h3-ha)=[22×(2.823+1.9)-10×(5-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(5-0.7)=61.382kN/m2第5层土:5-6mH5'=[∑γ4h4+∑q1+∑q1b1/(b1+2a1)+∑q1b1l1/((b1+2a1)(l1+2a1)]/γsati=[102.4+1.5+0+0]/22=4.723mPak5上 =[γsat5H5'-γw(∑h4-ha)]Ka5-2c5Ka50.5+γw(∑h4-ha)=[22×4.723-10×(5-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(5-0.7)=61.382kN/m2Pak5下 =[γsat5(H5'+h5)-γw(∑h4-ha)]Ka5-2c5Ka50.5+γw(∑h4-ha)=[22×(4.723+1)-10×(6-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(6-0.7)=75.714kN/m2第6层土:6-13mH6'=[∑γ5h5+∑q1+∑q1b1l1/((b1+2a1)(l1+2a1)]/γsati=[124.4+1.5+0]/22=5.723mPak6上 =[γsat6H6'-γw(∑h5-ha)]Ka6-2c6Ka60.5+γw(∑h5-ha)=[22×5.723-10×(6-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(6-0.7)=75.714kN/m2Pak6下 =[γsat6(H6'+h6)-γw(∑h5-ha)]Ka6-2c6Ka60.5+γw(∑h5-ha)=[22×(5.723+7)-10×(13-0.7)]×0.361-2×3×0.3610.5+10×(13-0.7)=176.038kN/m2 3)水平荷载临界深度:Z0=Pak1下h1/(Pak1上+ Pak1下)=4.106×0.7/(2.068+4.106)=0.466m;第1层土Eak1=0.5Pak1下Zba=0.5×4.106×0.466×0.001=0.001kN;aa1=Z/3+∑h2=0.466/3+12.3=12.455m;第2层土Eak2=h2(Pa2上+Pa2下)ba/2=1.3×(4.109+23.479)×0.001/2=0.018kN;aa2=h2(2Pa2上+Pa2下)/(3Pa2上+3Pa2下)+∑h3=1.3×(2×4.109+23.479)/(3×4.109+3×23.479)+11=11.498m;第3层土Eak3=h3(Pa3上+Pa3下)ba/2=1.1×(23.479+39.869)×0.001/2=0.035kN;aa3=h3(2Pa3上+Pa3下)/(3Pa3上+3Pa3下)+∑h4=1.1×(2×23.479+39.869)/(3×23.479+3×39.869)+9.9=10.403m;第4层土Eak4=h4(Pa4上+Pa4下)ba/2=1.9×(34.151+61.382)×0.001/2=0.091kN;aa4=h4(2Pa4上+Pa4下)/(3Pa4上+3Pa4下)+∑h5=1.9×(2×34.151+61.382)/(3×34.151+3×61.382)+8=8.86m;第5层土Eak5=h5(Pa5上+Pa5下)ba/2=1×(61.382+75.714)×0.001/2=0.069kN;aa5=h5(2Pa5上+Pa5下)/(3Pa5上+3Pa5下)+∑h6=1×(2×61.382+75.714)/(3×61.382+3×75.714)+7=7.483m;第6层土Eak6=h6(Pa6上+Pa6下)ba/2=7×(75.714+176.038)×0.001/2=0.881kN;aa6=h6(2Pa6上+Pa6下)/(3Pa6上+3Pa6下)=7×(2×75.714+176.038)/(3×75.714+3×176.038)=3.035m;土压力合力:Eak =ΣEaki=0.001+0.018+0.035+0.091+0.069+0.881=1.095kN;合力作用点:aa = Σ(aaiEaki)/Eak=(12.455×0.001+11.498×0.018+10.403×0.035+8.86×0.091+7.483×0.069+3.035×0.881)/1.095=4.183m;2、被动土压力计算1)被动土压力系数Kp1=tan2(45°+ φ1/2)= tan2(45+28/2)=2.77;Kp2=tan2(45°+ φ2/2)= tan2(45+28/2)=2.77;2)土压力、地下水产生的水平荷载第1层土:4.5-11.3mH1'=[∑γh]/γi=[0]/18.5=0mPpk1上 =γ1H1'Kp1+2c1Kp10.5=18.5×0×2.77+2×3×2.770.5=9.986kN/m2Ppk1下 =γ1(h1+H1')Kp1+2c1Kp10.5=18.5×(6.8+0)×2.77+2×3×2.770.5=358.452kN/m2第2层土:11.3-13mH2'=[∑γ1h1]/γsati=[125.8]/22=5.718mPpk2上 =[γsat2H2'-γw(∑h1-hp)]Kp2+2c2Kp20.5+γw(∑h1-hp)=[22×5.718-10×(6.8-6.8)]×2.77+2×3×2.770.5+10×(6.8-6.8)=358.441kN/m2Ppk2下 =[γsat2(H2'+h2)-γw(∑h1-hp)]Kp2+2c2Kp20.5+γw(∑h1-hp)=[22×(5.718+1.7)-10×(8.5-6.8)]×2.77+2×3×2.770.5+10×(8.5-6.8)=431.949kN/m23)水平荷载第1层土Epk1=bah1(Pp1上+Pp1下)/2=0.001×6.8×(9.986+358.452)/2=1.253kN;ap1=h1(2Pp1上+Pp1下)/(3Pp1上+3Pp1下)+∑h2=6.8×(2×9.986+358.452)/(3×9.986+3×358.452)+1.7=4.028m;第2层土Epk2=bah2(Pp2上+Pp2下)/2=0.001×1.7×(358.441+431.949)/2=0.672kN;ap2=h2(2Pp2上+Pp2下)/(3Pp2上+3Pp2下)=1.7×(2×358.441+431.949)/(3×358.441+3×431.949)=0.824m;土压力合力:Epk =ΣEpki=1.253+0.672=1.925kN;合力作用点:ap = Σ(apiEpki)/Epk=(4.028×1.253+0.824×0.672)/1.925=2.91m;3、基坑内侧土反力计算 1)主动土压力系数Ka1=tan2(45°-φ1/2)= tan2(45-28/2)=0.361;Ka2=tan2(45°-φ2/2)= tan2(45-28/2)=0.361;2)土压力、地下水产生的水平荷载第1层土:4.5-11.3mH1'=[∑γh]/γi=[0]/18.5=0mPsk1上 =(0.2φ12-φ1+c1)∑h(1-∑h/ld)υ/υb+γ1H1'Ka1=(0.2×282-28+3)×0×(1-0/8.5)×0.005/0.01+18.5×0×0.361=0kN/m2Psk1下 =(0.2φ12-φ1+c1)∑h1(1-∑h1/ld)υ/υb+γ1(h1+H1')Ka1=(0.2×282-28+3)×6.8×(1-6.8/8.5)×0.005/0.01+18.5×(0+6.8)×0.361=135.038kN/m2第2层土:11.3-13mH2'=[∑γ1h1]/γsati=[125.8]/22=5.718mPsk2上 =(0.2φ22-φ2+c2)∑h1(1-∑h1/ld)υ/υb+[γsat2H2'-γw(∑h1-hp)]Kp2+γw (∑h1-hp)=(0.2×282-28+3)×6.8×(1-6.8/8.5)×5/10+[22×5.718-10×(6.8-6.8)]×0.361+10×(6.8-6.8)=135.036kN/m2Psk2下 =(0.2φ22-φ2+c2)∑h2(1-∑h2/ld)υ/υb+[γsat2(H2'+h2)-γw(∑h 2-hp)]Kp2+γw(∑h2-hp)=(0.2×282-28+3)×8.5×(1-8.5/8.5)×5/10+[22×(5.718+1.7)-10×(8.5-6.8)]×0.361+10×(8.5-6.8)=69.777kN/m2 3)水平荷载第1层土Psk1=bh1(Ps1上+Ps1下)/2=0.001×6.8×(0+135.038)/2=0.459kN;as1=h1(2Ps1上+Ps1下)/(3Ps1上+3Ps1下)+∑h2=6.8×(2×0+135.038)/(3×0+3×135.038)+1.7=3.967m;第2层土Psk2=bh2(Ps2上+Ps2下)/2=0.001×1.7×(135.036+69.777)/2=0.174kN;as2=h2(2Ps2上+Ps2下)/(3Ps2上+3Ps2下)=1.7×(2×135.036+69.777)/(3×135.036+3×69.777)=0.94m;土压力合力:Ppk =ΣPpki=0.459+0.174=0.633kN;合力作用点:as = Σ(asiPski)/Ppk=(3.967×0.459+0.94×0.174)/0.633=3.135m;Psk =0.633kN≤Ep=1.925kN满足要求!三、稳定性验算1、嵌固稳定性验算Epk apl/(Eakaal)=1.925×2.91/(1.095×4.183)=1.223≥Ke=1.2满足要求!2、整体滑动稳定性验算圆弧滑动条分法示意图Ksi =∑{cjlj+[(qjbj+ΔGj)cosθj-μjlj]tanφj}/∑(qjbj+ΔGj)sinθcj 、φj──第j土条滑弧面处土的粘聚力(kPa)、内摩擦角(°);bj──第j土条的宽度(m);θj──第j土条滑弧面中点处的法线与垂直面的夹角(°);lj ──第j土条的滑弧段长度(m),取lj=bj/cosθj;qj──作用在第j土条上的附加分布荷载标准值(kPa) ;ΔGj──第j土条的自重(kN),按天然重度计算;uj──第j土条在滑弧面上的孔隙水压力(kPa),采用落底式截水帷幕时,对地下水位以下的砂土、碎石土、粉土,在基坑外侧,可取uj =γwhwaj,在基坑内侧,可取uj =γwhwpj;滑弧面在地下水位以上或对地下水位以下的粘性土,取uj=0;γw──地下水重度(kN/m3);hwaj──基坑外侧第j土条滑弧面中点的压力水头(m);hwpj──基坑内侧第j土条滑弧面中点的压力水头(m);min{ Ks1,Ks2,……,Ksi,……}=-0.389< Ks=1.25不满足要求,增加支挡构件的嵌固深度或选用其它支挡形式!3、渗透稳定性验算渗透稳定性简图匀质含水层中,地下水渗流的稳定性验算:∑γ'=∑(γsati -γw)hi/H=[(18-10)×0.7+(18-10)×2.4+(22-10)×1.4]/4.5=9.244(2ld +0.8D1)∑γ` /(Δh γw) =(2×8.5+0.8×0.5)×9.244/(5×10)=3.217(2ld +0.8D1)∑γ` /(Δh γw) =3.217≥Kf=1.4满足要求!四、结构计算1、材料参数钢桩类型钢板钢桩型号400×170×15.5 钢材的惯性矩I(cm4) 4670 钢材的截面抵抗矩W(cm3) 362钢材的弹性模量E(N/mm2) 20600 钢材的抗弯强度设计值f(N/mm2) 205钢材的抗剪强度设计值τ(N/mm2) 125 材料截面塑性发展系数γ 1.052、支护桩的受力简图计算简图弯矩图(kN·m)Mk=2.591kN.m剪力图(kN)Vk=0.64kN3、强度设计值确定M=γ0γFMk=0.9×0.9×2.591=2.099kN·mV=γ0γFVk=0.9×0.9×0.64=0.518kN4、材料的强度计算σmax=M/(γW)=2.099×106/(1.05×362×103)=5.522N/mm2≤[f]=205N/mm2 满足要求!H`=(WH2-(H-t)2(W-2t))/(2(WH-(H-t)(W-2t))=(400×1702-(170-15.5)2(400-2×15.5))/(2(400×170-(170-15.5)(400-2×15.5))=125mmS=t(H-H`)2=15.5×(170-125)2=31388mm3,τ=VS/It=0.518×31388×103/(4670×104×15.5)=0.022N/mm2≤max[f]=125N/mm2满足要求!结论和建议:1.不满足要求,增加支挡构件的嵌固深度或选用其它支挡形式!。
Qualified Vendors List (QVL) Standard table for user manual & MKTA*B*C*256MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/256N/A Elpida SS E5116AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/256N/A Elpida SS E5116AF-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/512N/A Hynix DS HY5PS56821Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/512N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF3733336550Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR533D2N4/1G N/A Kingston DS D6408TE7BL-37Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR533D2N4/1G N/A Micron DS 5YD11D9GCT Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingston KVR667D2N5/256N/A Elpida SS E2508AB-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR667D2N5/512N/A Kingston SS D6408TE8WL-27Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR667D2E5/512N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR667D2N5/1G N/A Kingston DS D6408TE8WL-3Pass Pass N/A 256MB Samsung M378T3253FG0-CD5N/A Samsung SS K4T56083QF-GCD5Pass Pass N/A 512MB SamsungM378T6553BG0-CD54Samsung SS K4T51083QB-GCD5Pass Pass N/A 512MB Samsung KR M378T6553CZ0-CE6N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC Pass Pass N/A 512MB Samsung KR M378T6453FZ0-CE6N/A Samsung DS K4T56083QF-ZCE6Pass Pass N/A 1G Samsung KR M378T2953CZ0-CE6N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC-ZCE6Pass Pass N/A 256MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3.7-A 4Infineon SS HYB18T512160AF-3.7AFSS31270Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000GU-3.7-A 4Infineon SS HYB18T512800AC37SSS11511Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3.7-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF37SSS12079Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3.7-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF37FSS29334Pass Pass N/A 256MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512160AF-3SSSS17310Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T5128000AF-3SSSS27416Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF3SFSS05346Pass Pass N/A 1G Infineon HYS64T128020HU-3S-AN/A Infineon DS HYB18T512800AF3SSSS28104Pass Pass N/A 512MB Micron MT 16HTF6464AG-53EB2 4Micron DS D9BOM Pass Pass N/A 512MB Micron MT 16HTF6464AG-53EB24Micron DS Z9BQT Pass Pass N/A 1G Micron MT 16HTF12864AY-53EA14Micron DS D9CRZ Pass Pass N/A 512MB Corsair VS512MB533D2N/A Corsair DS MIII0052532M8CEC Pass Pass N/A 512MB Corsair VS512MB667D2N/A Corsair DS MIII0052532M8CEC Pass Pass N/A 512MB HY HYMP564U64AP8-Y4 AA N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y4Pass Pass N/A 512MB HY HYMP564U64AP8-Y5 AA N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G HY HYMP512U64AP8-Y5 AB N/A Hynix DS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 512MB Elpida EBE51UD8ABFA-5C-E N/A Elpida SS E5108AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLBC28F-A8KB4N/A Kingmax SS KKEA88B4IAK-37Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingmax KLBB68F-36EP4N/A Elpida SS E5116AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLBC28F-A8EB4N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLCC28F-A8EB5N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLCC28F-A8KB5N/A Kingmax SS KKEA88B4LAUG-29DX Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingmax KLCD48F-A8KB5N/A Kingmax DS KKEA88B4LAUG-29DXPass Pass N/A 512MB Apacer 78.91092.420N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Apacer AU512E667C5KBGC5Apacer SS AM4B5708MIJS7E0627BPass Pass N/A 1G Apacer 78.01092.4205Elpida DS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 1G Apacer AU01GE667C5KBGC 5Apacer DS AM4B5708MIJS7E0627BPass Pass N/A 512MB ADATA M20EL5G3H3160B1C0Z N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB VDATA M2GVD5G3H31A4I1C52N/A VDATA SS VD29608A8A-3EC20615Pass Pass N/A 512MB VDATA M2YVD5G3H31P4I1C52N/A VDATA SS VD29608A8A-3EG20627Pass Pass N/A 1G VDATA M2GVD5G3I41P6I1C52N/A VDATA DS VD29608A8A-3EG20627Pass Pass N/A 1G VDATA M2GVD5G3I41C4I1C52N/A VDATA DS VD29608A8A-3EC20620Pass Pass N/A 256MB Nanya NT256T64UH4A1FY-3C N/A Nanya SS NT5TU32M16AG-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB Nanya NT512T64U88A1BY-3CN/A Nanya SS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB PQI MEAB-323LA N/A PQI SS D2-E04180W025Pass Pass N/A 1G PQI MEAB-423LA N/A PQI DS D2-E04230W107Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A98Z 4AENEON SS AET93F370A G 0513Pass Pass N/A 256MB AENEON AET560UD00-370A98Z 4AENEON SS AET94F370AWVV34635G0520Pass Pass N/A 512MBAENEONAET660UD00-370A98Z4AENEONSSAET93F370A 3VV36328G 0522PassPassN/ASize Vendor Model CL Brand SS/DS Component DIMM socket support (Optional)512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A98X N/A AENEON SS AET93F370A 0518Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A88S N/A AENEON DS AET82F370A 0550Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-370A98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F370A 0551Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-370A98S N/A AENEON DS AET92F370A 0606Pass Pass N/A 2G AENEON AET860UD00-370A08X N/A AENEON DS AET03F370AFVV26176G 0542Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON SS AET93F30DA 0552Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F30DA8EE47414G 0540Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON SS AET93F300A 0606Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F30DA 0604Pass Pass N/A512MB VERITECHGTP512HLTM46DG N/AVERITECHSS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A1G VERITECHGTP01GHLTM56DG N/AVERITECHDS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A512MB VERITECHGTP512HLTM45EG N/AVERITECHSS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A1G VERITECHGTP01GHLTM55EG N/AVERITECHDS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A512MB GEIL GX21GB5300DC4GEIT SS Heat-Sink Package Pass Pass N/A 512MB Century CENTURY 512MB N/A Nanya SS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB Century CENTURY 512MB N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G Century CENTURY 1G N/A Hynix DS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G Century CENTURY 1G N/A Nanya DS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB KINGBOX512MB 667MHz N/A KINGBOX SS EPD264082200-4Pass Pass N/ANote:A* : Supports one module inserted in any slot as Single-channel memory configurationB* : Supports one pair of modules inserted into eithor the blue slots or the black slots as one pair of Dual-channel memory configurationC* : Supports 4 modules inserted into both the blue and black slots as two pairs of Dual-channel memory configuration。
如果a b和c d , 那么 a c b d , a cb d和ac bd 如果a bmod m和c d mod m, 那么 a c b d mod m, a c b d mod m和ac bd mod m
如果na nbmod m, 而n与m互素,那么a bmod m
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8 18 0(mod 26)
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?(正整数) ≡
1 (mod26)
将同余性质 与等式性质 对比记忆
如果a b和b c, 那么a c; a a; 如果a b, 那么b a a amod m; 如果a bmod m, 那么b amod m 如果a bmod m和b cmod m, 那么a cmod m
Qualified Vendors List (QVL) Standard table for user manualProject Name:A*B*C*256MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/256N/A Kingston SS D3208DH1T-6256MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Fail 512MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 512MB Kingston KVR400X643A/512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-D43PassPass512MB Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512N/A Kingston DS D3208DL3T-5256MB Kingston KVR400X64C3A/256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-D43256MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-5-C 3Infineon SS HYB25D256800CE-5C Pass Pass 512MB Infineon HYS64D32300GU-5-C 3Infineon DS HYB25D256800CE-5C Pass Pass256MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-5-C N/A Infineon SS HYB25D256800CE-5C Fail 512MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-6-CN/A Infineon DS HYB25D256800CE-6C Pass Pass 256MB HY DDR400-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-D43PassFail256MB HY DDR266-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822AT-H 256MB HY DDR333-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 512MB HY DDR333-512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J 256MB Corsair VS256MB400N/A Value select SS VS32M8-5 2B0409Pass Pass 512MB Corsair VS512MB400N/A Value select DS VS32M8-5 2B0402Pass Fail 256MB Corsair VS256MB333N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H5608380-TCB3Pass Pass 512MB Corsair VS512MB333N/A Value select DS VS32M8-6 2B0412Pass Pass 512MB Micron MT16VDDT6464AG-335GB N/A MICRON DS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 256MB Micron MT8VDDT3264AG-335GB 2.5MICRON SS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 256MB Micron MT8VDDT3264AG-40BGB 3MICRON SS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 512MB Micron MT16VDDT6464AG-40BGB 3MICRON DS MT46V32M8-G 256MB Samsung M368L3223FTN-CCC 3SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Pass 512MB Samsung M368L6423FTN-CCC N/A SAMSUNG DS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Fail 256MB Samsung M368L3223FTN-CB3 2.5SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCB3Pass Pass 512MB Samsung M368L6423FTN-CB3 2.5SAMSUNG DS K4H5608838F-TCB3Pass Pass 256MB Winbond U24256ADWBG6H20N/A Winbond SS W942508CH-5Pass Pass 256MB Winbond U24256AAWBG6H20N/A Winbond SS W942508CH-6Pass Fail 512MB Winbond DDR333-512N/A Winbond DS W942508BH-6Pass Pass 512MB Winbond U24512ADWBG6H20N/A Winbond DS W942508CH-5Pass Pass 256MB Elpida U24256AD1PG6H20N/A Elpida SS DD2508AKTA-5C Pass Fail 512MB Elpida U24512AD1PG6H20N/A Elpida DS DD2508AMTA Pass Pass 256MB Transcend DDR400-256N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Pass 256MB Transcend DDR400-256N/A Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5B PassPass512MB Transcend DDR400-512N/A Mosel DS V58C2256804SAT5B 512MB Transcend DDR400-512N/A SAMSUNG DS K4H560838F-TCCC 512MB TranscendDDR333-512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822CT-J Pass Pass256MB Pmi 3208GATA07-04A7N/A Pmi SS PM4D328D50406EU 512MB Pmi 3208GATA01-04A4N/A Pmi DS PM4D328S50403DU 256MB Kingmax MPMB62D-38LT3R N/A Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT6Pass Fail 512MB Kingmax MPMC22D-38HT3R N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 256MB Kingmax MPMB62D-38KT3R N/A KINGMAX SS KDL388P4LA-50Pass Pass 512MB Kingmax MPXC22D-38KT3R N/A KINGMAX DS KDL388P4EA-50Pass Pass 256MB Mosel V826632K24SATG-D33Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5Pass Pass 512MB Mosel V826664K24SATG-D33Mosel DS V58C2256804SAT5Pass Fail 256MB Nanya NT256D64S88B1G-5T 3Nanya SS NT5DS32M8BT-5T Pass Fail 512MB Nanya NT512D64S8HB1G-5T3Nanya DS NT5DS32M8BT-5T 256MB Apacer 77.10628.10A 2.5Apacer SS AM3A5608AIT-6B Pass Pass 512MB Apacer 77.90728.U1G 2.5Apacer DS AM3A568AJT-6B Pass Pass 512MB Apacer 77.10736.464 3SAMSUNG DS K4H560838E-TCCC 512MB Apacer 77.90739.U1G 2.5Apacer DS AM3A568AJT-5A Pass Pass 256MB Apacer 77.10636.46G 3SAMSUNG SS K4H560838E-TCCC 256MB Apacer 77.10636.56G3Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5B Pass Fail 512MB Apacer 77.10736.11G 3Infineon DS HYB25D256800BT-5B Pass Fail 256MB Smart U24256ADSRG6H20N/A Smart SS D32M8XS50H3X4AMV Pass Fail 512MB Smart U24512ADSRG6H20N/A Smart DS D32M8XS50H3X4AMV Pass Pass 512MB Smart U24512ADSKG6H20N/A Smart DS D32M8XS60HBX4AMV1G Twinmos M2S5016AJAMC5G0811A-J N/A TWINMOS DS 46V64M8Pass Pass 512MB Twinmos M2S9J18BGAPS9F0811A-T 2.5PSC DS A2S56D30ATP 256MB A Data MDOSS1F3G3X10BZL0Z N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H560838E-TCC5PassPass512MBA DataMDOSS1F3H4X10BZL0ZN/ASAMSUNGDSK4H560838E-TCC5BrandSS/DSComponentDIMM socket support (Optional)SizeVendorModelCL512MB Promos V826662K24SCTG-D0 2.5Promos DS5B Pass Pass Note:A* : Supports one module inserted in any slot as Single-channel memory configurationB* : Supports one pair of modules inserted into eithor the blue slots or the black slots as one pair of Dual-channel memory configuration C* : Supports 4 modules inserted into both the blue and black slots as two pairs of Dual-channel memory configuration。
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#Pa caonul oil
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MIHl collonaeed oil
DE W h 14.23
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1.R22: telnet /source-interface lo 0
R22的接口ipospfnetwork-type point-to-point 但是不需要改,两边的fram-relay map 都写错了。
2.R14 telnet /source-interface lo 0
SW1允许vlan 114 的接口block了,在SW2上修改了一下span mst 1 port-prio 0
vlan 810 的端口没划入vlan 810
3.R20 ping source lo0
R25 interface loopback 1 ipospf network-type point-to-poi ,no掉。
R21 distribut-list deny加小号
ip prefix-list 1 seq 2 pe
ip prefix-list 1 seq 3 pe
4.R3 show ipbgp看见有两个下一跳
R3 R6 BGP 宣告有错误。
network mask ……
R6 没有no sy
5.R8 ping source
R4 有vrf map ,mplsldp route-id 是lo1 ,跟R1 R2建立不起LDP neighbor。
mplsldp route-id loopback 0 force
6. R8 ping R4 IPV6
R8 ipv6 add autoconfig后面没加default
R5 interface e0/2 ipv6 ndra suppress做掉
7. EEM
8. tos 128
匹配tos 128 的class-map 是math-all 修改成math-any E0/0 没有调用policy-map
9. R16 ping source lo 0
有过滤,deny udp any any,下面还有个permit ip any nay
permit udp any any
permit icmp any any
permit eigrp any any
ace-list 源和目的反的
11. 用活泼造句
虽然TS1++ 加很多新点,但是基本没有逃出集训营老师的法眼,最近很稳定,全程无trouble。