第40卷第10期2019年10月兵工学报ACTA ARMAMENTARIIVol.40No.10Oct.2019不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构动力学性能研究郭亚周1,刘小川1,何思渊2,王计真1,杨海1(1.中国飞机强度研究所结构冲击动力学航空科技重点试验室,陕西西安710065;2.东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,江苏南京211189) 摘要:为研究不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构的动力学性能,通过空气炮发射方式分别开展了球形弹㊁锥头弹和平头弹撞击泡沫铝夹芯板试验㊂基于非线性动力有限元软件LS⁃DYNA 进行了不同弹形撞击泡沫铝夹芯板的数值仿真,分析了不同弹形㊁不同速度对夹芯板吸能特性的影响㊂试验结果与仿真结果一致性较好,结果表明:锥头弹撞击变形模式与球头弹撞击变形模式基本相同,平头弹侵彻过程中产生较严重的冲塞破坏,前面板和后面板呈现撕裂破坏模式,侵彻后夹芯被压实部分泡沫铝粘接在后面板上;锥形弹头部尖锐,弹头与靶的接触区域小㊁侵彻力大,平头弹的弹头和靶的接触区域大㊁侵彻力小,但靶面破坏区域大且撞击后效更大,球头弹则居于二者之间;当速度较低时,改善前面板和夹芯板的厚度以及材料性能可以较好地提升泡沫铝夹芯板的性能;当速度较高时,后面板吸能比例逐渐增大,重点改善后面板的厚度和材料性能可以较好地改善夹芯板抗侵彻性能㊂ 关键词:泡沫铝夹芯板;弹形;撞击;变形模式;抗侵彻试验 中图分类号:V214.1+1文献标志码:A文章编号:1000⁃1093(2019)10⁃2032⁃10 DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1000⁃1093.2019.10.008 收稿日期:2018⁃12⁃19基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11572087);陕西省青年科技新星项目(2018KJXX⁃052)作者简介:郭亚周(1994 ),男,助理工程师,硕士㊂E⁃mail:guoyazhoul23@ 通信作者:刘小川(1983 ),男,研究员,博士㊂E⁃mail:asri02@Research on Dynamic Properties of Aluminum Foam SandwichStructure Impacted by Projectiles with Different ShapesGUO Yazhou 1,LIU Xiaochuan 1,HE Siyuan 2,WANG Jizhen 1,YANG Hai 1(1.Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Structures Impact Dynamics,Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China,Xi’an 710065,Shaanxi,China;2.School of Biological Science &Medical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,Jiangsu,China)Abstract :The experiments of impacting the aluminum foam sandwich panels by spherical,pointed andflat nose projectiles launched from gas gun were carried to study the dynamic properties of aluminum foam sandwich structure.Based on LS⁃DYNA software,the impacts of different projectiles on aluminum foam sandwich panels are simulated,and the influences of different projectile shapes and speed on the energy absorption characteristics of sandwich panels are analyzed.The experimental results are well in agreementwithe the simulated results.The results show that the deformation mode of pointed projectile is basically the same as that of spherical projectile,the flat nose projectile damages the sandwich panels more serious⁃ 第10期不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构动力学性能研究ly during penetrating,the front and rear panels exhibit a tear failure mode,and the compacted aluminum foam is bonded to the rear panel after penetration.The head of pointed projectile is sharp,the contact ar⁃ea between the warhead and the target is small,and the penetration force is large.The contact area be⁃tween the warhead of flat noise projectile and the target is large,and the penetration force is small,but the target damage area is large and the impact is more effective.The impact effect of spherical projectile is between those of pointed and flat nose projectiles:the improvement in the thicknesses and material properties of front and sandwich panels can better improve the penetration resistance of aluminum foam sandwich panel at low impact speed;the proportion of energy absorption of rear panel increases gradual⁃ly,the improvement in the thickness and material properties of rear panel can improve the penetration re⁃sistance of sandwich panel at high impact speed.Keywords:aluminum foam sandwich panel;shape of projectile;impact;deformation mode;anti⁃pene⁃tration test0摇引言民航飞机在高空运行过程中,其机翼前缘等迎风面结构极易受到空中外来物的撞击而导致损伤,这些结构往往都内埋有油路系统㊁控制线路和电气系统,一旦受到撞击后内部遭到破坏,将会对飞行人员产生严重威胁[1-2]㊂因此,研究飞机受外来物撞击问题具有一定的工程意义和学术价值㊂外来物撞击的研究范畴除了较熟知的鸟撞之外,还包括冰雹㊁砂石㊁轮胎碎片以及其他钢制破片等㊂为提高飞机抗外来物撞击的能力,近年来学者们多从材料和结构入手,其中泡沫铝作为一种典型的多孔金属材料得到了广泛关注㊂泡沫铝在压缩时其应力-应变曲线有较长的平台段,具有较好的能量吸收能力,但其机械强度较低,因此泡沫铝常作为夹芯和金属材料组成夹芯结构,这种结构具备比刚度和比强度高的特点,广泛应用于航空航天㊁汽车㊁船舶以及核工业等领域中[3-5]㊂关于泡沫铝及其夹芯板的性能,国内外学者都开展了一系列试验和仿真分析研究,取得了一定进展㊂Mohan等[6]研究了3种不同材料面板和泡沫铝组成的夹芯板在半球形冲头冲击下的力学性能和吸能效能,发现夹芯板的吸能效果远远优于泡沫铝板㊂Goldsmith等[7]研究了不同类型的蜂窝夹芯板结构在不同形状子弹撞击下的侵彻力学行为,分析了剩余速度和初始速度之间的关系㊂Dean等[8]通过试验和仿真研究了金属纤维芯层的夹芯板抗侵彻性能,发现了其能量吸收的变化趋势㊂Liu等[9]研究了梯度密度泡沫铝金属圆柱壳结构的爆炸冲击响应和能量吸收能力,发现通过优化芯层密度分布可以有效提升结构的抗冲击性能㊂Radford等[10]通过对比研究3种不同拓扑芯层的夹芯梁与等质量实体梁的抗冲击能力,发现夹芯梁的抗冲击能力均高于等质量实体梁㊂赵桂平等[11]分别借助有限元分析软件Abaqus 和DYNA分析了金属层板和格栅式夹层板在不同撞击载荷作用下的变形机制,重点研究了夹层板的吸能特性和板内各部分的吸能变化规律㊂李志斌等[12]研究了复合材料与泡沫铝组成的夹芯板在低速冲击下的力学性能,发现夹芯板前面板比后面板对整体性能的影响更大㊂宋延泽等[13]研究了泡沫子弹撞击泡沫铝夹芯板时面板㊁芯材厚度㊁芯材材料属性和子弹冲量对整体结构的影响,结果表明通过增加面板厚度或芯层厚度能够有效控制后面板的挠度,改善夹芯板的能量吸收能力,结构响应对子弹冲量和芯层密度比较敏感㊂由于外来物撞击种类多样且形状各不相同,常用的对单一弹形射弹的研究已逐渐不能满足研究需求,对于不同弹形侵彻过程的研究显得尤为必要㊂夹芯结构泡沫铝是近年来研究的焦点,但目前针对泡沫铝夹芯板对于抗不同弹形侵彻的研究较少,且大多是从仿真分析的角度来研究㊂本文结合试验和仿真分析方法,系统研究了泡沫铝夹芯板抗不同弹形侵彻过程中的动态响应行为㊂通过仿真分析研究了泡沫铝夹芯板在子弹撞击过程中不同构件的抗侵彻性能和能量吸收能力,通过试验观察和测量泡沫铝夹芯板受不同弹形冲击过程中的变形和失效模式差别,验证了仿真分析的准确性和有效性㊂基于研究结果得到了泡沫铝夹芯板在不同弹形冲击下的变形和失效模3302兵 工 学 报第40卷式㊁不同弹体类型碰撞过程中的结构响应差异性㊁不同速度下对夹芯板抗侵彻性能的影响规律以及泡沫铝夹芯板各组成部分的能量吸收比例,最后给出了不同速度下泡沫铝夹芯板的抗侵彻性能优化设计建议㊂1 撞击测试1.1 试样加工泡沫铝夹芯板试验件如图1所示,试件大小为350mm ×350mm ×15mm,面板与芯层之间采用环氧树脂胶粘接㊂泡沫铝夹芯板试验件上下两层面板为2024⁃T3铝合金板,铝合金面板厚度为0.8mm,材料属性为:密度2700kg /m 3,杨氏模量72GPa,剪切模量27.1GPa,泊松比0.33,屈服强度289MPa.泡沫铝夹芯板由东南大学研制,其中芯层为孔隙率85%的闭孔泡沫铝材料,通过美国Instron 公司产万能材料试验机测出平均密度为405kg /m 3的泡沫铝在准静态压缩下的应力-应变曲线(见图2),由此可以得出泡沫铝芯层的杨氏模量为0.56GPa,泊松比为0.2,屈服强度为4.73MPa.图1 泡沫铝夹芯板试验件Fig.1 Sandwich panel test piece图2 泡沫铝夹芯应力-应变曲线Fig.2 Sandwich stress⁃strain curve1.2 试验装置空气炮试验发射装置如图3所示,主要由储气罐㊁发射装置㊁炮管㊁剥壳装置㊁挡气屏㊁控制系统㊁测试系统㊁高速摄像系统等设备构成㊂试验过程中钢弹装在特制弹托内,由发射装置推动射出炮管;钢弹速度由储气罐内的气压进行控制,其大小由高速摄像测速系统计算求得㊂为了实现泡沫铝夹芯板的固支边界条件,试验件夹具主要通过两块15mm 厚钢板夹持固支,夹具由螺栓固定在底座上,被夹持后的夹芯板有效承载面积为250mm ×250mm,如图4所示㊂图3 空气炮试验发射装置Fig.3 Air gun test launcher图4 试验件夹持装置Fig.4 Test piece clamping device如图5(a)所示,试验过程中分别采用3种弹形的钢弹进行泡沫铝夹芯板平板冲击试验㊂由于子弹速度由储气罐气压控制,为了使试验过程中能够更容易调节不同弹形钢弹的出射速度,如图5(b)所示,加工过程中分别在锥头弹㊁平头弹底部挖孔,从而保证3种弹形钢弹的弹体直径和质量保持一致,均为64g.2 撞击过程有限元分析2.1 夹芯板模型构建受试验工况和试验本身测量手段的限制,试验4302 第10期不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构动力学性能研究图5 试验弹丸和相关参数Fig.5 Test projectiles and related parameters不可能完全覆盖多变量参数下的试验矩阵,同时无法测量出夹芯板侵彻过程中各部件的吸能比例,因此通过有限元模型来拓展试验工况㊁细观分析能量变化,不失为一种行之有效的研究方法㊂Tiwari 等[14]在平板冲击试验和数值仿真研究中发现,有限元模型在模拟过程中边界紧固度对仿真结果具有一定的影响,因此在建模过程中应该尽可能模拟平板真实的边界条件㊂基于此,如图6所示,在采用LS⁃DYNA(R10.1)前处理LS⁃PREPOST 软件构建泡沫铝夹芯板有限元模型的过程中,构造出夹具有限元模型,基本还原夹芯板和夹具之间的接触关系,同时为提高分析效率㊁简化螺栓模型,采用约束关系代替螺栓的作用[15]㊂泡沫铝夹芯板有限元模型中夹具㊁泡沫铝芯层均采用SOLID64六面体单元㊂其中:夹具材料为钢材,密度7830kg /m 3,弹性模量207GPa,屈服强度400MPa,泊松比0.3,在有限元分析过程中选用*MAT_PLASTIC _KINEMATIC 描述夹具钢材力学行为㊂泡沫铝芯层选用*MAT _CRUSHABLE _FOAM 描述材料力学行为,由于该材料模型中并未有材料损伤参数,需要引入*MAT_ADD_EROSION 控制泡沫铝芯层单元网格的失效,最大剪切失效应变为0.5,即当剪切应变达到0.5时,单元失效被删图6 夹芯板有限元模型Fig.6 Sandwich panel finite element model除㊂夹芯板上下面板为壳单元,采用*MAT_JOHN⁃SON_COOK [16]描述2024⁃T3铝合金面板㊂如图7所示,分别构建3种不同弹形的钢弹,而由于平头弹作为3种子弹中壁厚最小的类型,若其在试验最大撞击速度前后并无塑性变形,则可假设这3种类型子弹在撞击过程中均可视为刚体㊂图8所示为撞击前后平头弹对比图㊂由图8可见,撞击后的平头弹表面发生了较大面积的剐蹭,但是相对比试验前的平头弹并未产生塑性变形,因此此处子弹力学行为采用刚体*MAT_RIGID 描述㊂同时由于在仿真分析过程中子弹由刚体材料模型描述且从网格质量㊁网格密度角度考虑,平头弹和锥头弹并未被挖孔,而是通过改变密度的方式保证弹体的质量与试验弹体的质量保持一致㊂图7 弹丸有限元模型Fig.7 Finite element models of projectiles整体模型由上下夹具孔位约束实现固支边界㊂夹具与上下面板以及泡沫铝夹芯与上下面板的接触均采用*CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO _SURFACE 接触条件㊂子弹与模型之间属于侵蚀接触,因此采用*CONTACT _ERODING _SURFACE _TO_SURFACE 接触条件㊂2.2 夹芯板模型验证模型的准确性和有效性是决定一个模型是否合5302兵 工 学 报第40卷图8 撞击前后平头弹对比图Fig.8 Contrast diagram of flat noise projectile before and after impacts格的最重要指标,本文通过以下两种方法验证泡沫 铝夹芯板有限元模型㊂2.2.1 变形模式验证通过变形和损伤模式对比验证有限元模型是常用的验证手段之一,提取出球形弹丸侵彻仿真结果如图9所示㊂对比试验结果(见图10)可知,夹芯板仿真分析结果与试验结果前面板和后面板呈现较开瓣式损伤,其中前面板呈现四瓣式㊁后面板呈现三瓣式㊂泡沫铝夹心层冲击点横截面变形带宽度为39mm,与试验结果误差为7.14%,二者吻合情况较好,因此通过仿真分析得到的结果变形和损伤模式能够较好地还原试验过程中泡沫铝夹芯板的冲击响应情况,证明了仿真模型具备一定的准确性㊂图9 球形弹侵彻夹芯板仿真结果Fig.9 Simulated results of spherical projectile penetrating into sandwich plate图10 球形弹侵彻夹芯板试验结果Fig.10 Test results of spherical projectile penetrating into sandwich plate2.2.2 弹体剩余速度验证变形和破坏模式在一定程度上验证了有限元模型的有效性,但是模型的精准性还有待考证㊂而子弹侵彻过程中弹体入射速度和剩余速度也是研究的重点之一,在吸能防护研究和性能评定方面有着重大意义[17]㊂如图11所示,提取出夹芯板模型侵彻过程中不同撞击速度下的入射速度和剩余速度点,与试验结果对比后发现,二者之间的剩余速度误差在7%以内,从而进一步验证了仿真模型的有效性和准确性㊂6302 第10期不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构动力学性能研究图11 球形弹侵彻剩余速度仿真和试验结果对比Fig.11 Simulation and experimental comparison of residualpenetration velocity of spherical projectile3 试验与仿真结果讨论3.1 夹芯板变形与失效模式根据撞击速度的不同,夹芯板在受钢弹冲击后呈现出两种破坏模式:1)如图10所示,钢弹冲击速度大,夹芯板前㊁后面板和泡沫铝芯层受撞击部分完全穿透;2)如图12所示,钢弹冲击速度较小,夹芯板前面板侵彻,泡沫铝芯层在厚度方向上未被压实,后面板并未被穿透㊂针对前面板,从试验结果中可以看出,无论哪种破坏模式,前面板均被完全穿透,前面板主要分为3个区域:1)受撞击部位被钢弹完全撕裂,撞击部位 图12 球形弹未穿透夹芯板试验结果Fig.12 Test results of spherical projectile not penetrating into sandwich plate周围向内呈现花瓣式变形,且变形部分内嵌在泡沫铝夹芯弹道内壁;2)撞击部位周边局部区域呈现部分大变形,此区域面积在弹丸速度低时较大,随着弹丸速度的增加,大变形区域逐渐减小;3)在撞击部位周边较远区域前面板变形较小,夹芯板在受撞击后整体并未产生明显变形㊂针对泡沫铝芯层,夹芯板在受撞击过程中,夹芯主要为压缩变形和部分剪切变形,变形主要集中在撞击中心区域,在该区域及周围部分区域能够观察到明显的变形带,泡沫铝胞孔坍塌直至被压实,孔壁发生较大程度的弯曲变形,变形过程产生较多冲击碎屑㊂泡沫铝芯层与前面板粘接区域的破坏面积明显大于内部弹道破坏区域,这是因为在钢弹撞击前面板后,撞击中心周围局部区域变形迫使泡沫铝芯层发生压缩变形,最终在入射口呈现碗状变形模式㊂针对后面板,当其未被穿透时,夹芯板后面板中心区域会产生较大的塑性变形,中心点挠度较大,最终呈现穹顶式变形;当其一旦被穿透,会产生较为严重的破坏,且破坏面积大于前面板破坏面积㊂与前面板受力状况不同的是,后面板在弹体速度方向上并未有承载物,后面板和胶粘剂共同承受钢弹的撞击能量,导致后面板在撞击点周边区域出现了较大面积的脱粘,后面板呈现较严重的开瓣式破坏㊂在固支端,后面板产生变形较小,由此可知泡沫铝夹芯板在撞击过程中,夹持端由于撞击而产生的滑移和偏转只消耗极少的能量,大部分能量都被夹芯板受撞区域所吸收㊂3.2 钢弹类型影响由于撞击钢弹类型的不同,夹芯板受冲击过程中的变形破坏模式也各不相同㊂图10㊁图13和图14所示分别为夹芯板受球形弹㊁锥头弹和平头弹撞击侵彻后前㊁后面板以及冲击横截面的变形和破坏模式㊂由图10㊁图13和图14中可以明显看出,锥头弹侵彻过程中后面板变形较球形弹侵彻后面板更加均匀,这可能由两个原因造成:1)铝合金薄板7302兵 工 学 报第40卷自身的轧制工艺问题导致其本身材料不均匀,造成撞击过程中变形破坏的差异性;2)锥头弹自身弹体头部的几何特性,导致夹芯板在受侵彻过程中受力更加均匀,使得后面板变形更加均匀,此外球头弹和锥头弹二者的变形模式基本相同㊂在抗侵彻方面,球头弹冲击点横截面变形带宽度为39mm,锥头弹冲击点横截面变形带宽度为32mm,比球头弹小17.9%;试验过程中测得入射速度为95m /s 时,球头弹穿透剩余速度为35m /s,而锥头弹穿透剩余速度为45.5m /s,因此可知锥头弹穿透夹芯板所需要的能量比球头弹少10.8%,充分表明锥头弹的穿透力相对于球头弹更强㊂图13 锥头弹侵彻夹芯板试验结果Fig.13 Test results of pointed projectile penetrating into sandwich panel图14 平头弹侵彻夹芯板试验结果Fig.14 Test results of flat noise projectile penetrating into sandwich panel 平头弹的侵彻表现与球形弹和锥头弹具有较大差别,平头弹侵彻过程中产生较严重的冲塞破坏,前后面板呈现为撕裂破坏模式,由于其平头的弹体特性,导致侵彻过程中泡沫铝夹芯被撞击部分全部压实在后面板上,继而完全粘接在后面板撞击位置上,使得后面板承受平头弹剩余冲击㊂由于平头弹在撞击飞行过程中产生了一定程度的弹体偏转,导致后面板产生了比仿真分析更严重㊁更大面积的撕裂破坏㊂其中试验过程中测得平头弹入射速度为107m /s 时,其并未穿透夹芯板且产生反弹,反弹速度为15m /s,因此平头弹的穿透能力相对于球形弹和锥头弹均较弱㊂对比图9㊁图15㊁图16所示,不同弹形钢弹在120m /s 速度下撞击泡沫铝夹芯板仿真结果表明,仿真结果与试验结果变形模式基本吻合,其中分别提取出弹体头部位移-撞击力曲线如图17所示㊂由图17可见,120m /s 工况下3种弹形均已侵彻泡沫铝夹芯板,从曲线趋势上看,3种弹形曲线具备相同的趋势,即均呈现驼峰式,因此结合撞击过程可将侵彻分为3个阶段:1)前面板失效阶段;2)夹芯板失效阶段;3)后面板失效阶段㊂从图17中还可以看出,无论哪种弹形,在撞击同一参数夹芯板的过程8302 第10期不同弹形撞击下泡沫铝夹芯结构动力学性能研究中撞击载荷响应位移长度是一致的,均为45mm,但不同弹形波峰对应的撞击位移各不相同,分别提取出不同弹形撞击过程中波峰处的撞击载荷和波峰处对应弹体位移如表1所示㊂由表1可知,当3种弹形以相同速度撞击泡沫铝夹芯板时,平头弹撞击载荷最大㊁球形弹次之㊁锥头弹撞击载荷最小,由此可见撞击过程中锥头弹穿透力最强,而平头弹撞击威力最大㊂无论哪种弹形,在撞击夹芯板过程中第2个波峰峰值均低于第1个波峰峰值,且锥头弹撞击载荷峰值响应明显比球形弹和平头弹滞后,表明由于锥头弹尖锐的弹头特性,导致其在撞击过程中相比其他弹形泡沫铝夹芯密实化体积较小㊂图15 锥头弹侵彻夹芯板仿真结果Fig.15 Simulated results of pointed projectile penetrating into sandwich panel图16 平头弹侵彻夹芯板仿真结果Fig.16 Simulated results of flat noise projectile penetrating into sandwich panel图17 不同弹形在120m /s 速度下的位移-撞击力曲线Fig.17 Displacement⁃impact force curves of different projectiles at 120m /s3.3 撞击速度影响撞击速度是研究泡沫铝夹芯板抗侵彻过程中重表1 不同弹形在120m /s 速度下的撞击载荷Tab.1 Impact loads of different projectiles at 120m /s弹体类型第1个波峰载荷/N 第1个波峰位置/mm 第2个波峰载荷/N 第2个波峰位置/mm 球形弹9365.044.728851.4025.20锥头弹8069.8618.694823.6439.58平头弹16744.916.9811247.8429.20要的参数之一,通过分析不同撞击速度下夹芯板各部分能量吸收情况,可以针对不同场景的相应吸能需求对前㊁后面板进行有效的优化,以提升泡沫铝夹芯板整体的吸能能力㊂ 以球形弹为对象开展不同速度下撞击夹芯板仿真分析研究,提取出前㊁后铝合金面板和泡沫铝夹芯的能量吸收比例,结果如图18所示㊂由图18中可9302兵 工 学 报第40卷以看出,对于泡沫铝夹芯板前面板,在侵彻过程中随着球头弹侵彻速度的增加,吸能比例也随之而增加,当速度达到一定值后,前面板吸能比例基本随速度的增加保持不变,维持在33%左右㊂泡沫铝夹芯板的吸能比例随着速度的增加产生较大幅度的下降,这是由泡沫铝自身的材料特性所决定的,泡沫铝属于轻质多孔材料,强度较低,当速度较低时,泡沫铝变形包括压缩变形和部分剪切变形,在撞击过程中能够被完全压实,进而充分发挥出能量吸收能力;当速度较高时,弹速大于材料应力波速,泡沫铝胞壁主要发生绝热剪切破坏,有一部分泡沫铝夹芯在撞击过程中来不及完全被压实即被剪切撕裂破坏掉,不能较大程度地发挥出泡沫铝的能量吸收能力,因此泡沫铝夹芯的吸能比例随着速度的增加而降低㊂对于泡沫夹芯板后面板,由于泡沫铝夹芯的吸能比例随着速度的增加而减少,导致后面板需要承受更多的冲击弹体能量,后面板能量吸收比例越来越大,因此中高速冲击下后面板比前面板对夹芯板抗侵彻的性能影响更大㊂图18 不同速度下泡沫铝夹芯板各部分吸能比例图Fig.18 Energy absorption ratio of each part of foamaluminum sandwich panel at different speeds综上所述,当弹体冲击速度较低时,由于夹芯板并未被弹体穿透,在此过程中冲击能量主要由前面板和夹芯板吸收㊂杨飞等[18]发现泡沫铝在抗冲击过程中,通过给夹芯结构增加面板厚度㊁芯层厚度或者改善材料性能均能有效改善泡沫铝夹芯板性能,因此通过增加前面板和夹芯板厚度以及相关材料性能即可有效改善泡沫铝夹芯板整体抗侵彻性能㊂当撞击速度较大时,夹芯板被子弹穿透,前面板和后面板的吸能比例逐渐大于泡沫铝夹芯,且后面板吸能比例大于前面板并开始发挥着更加重要的作用,因此在中高速撞击过程中,通过重点改善后面板的厚度和材料性能,能够有效改善夹芯板在中高速冲击下的抗侵彻性能㊂4 结论本文将泡沫铝与2024⁃T3铝合金面板组合成为夹芯板,作为一种有效的抗冲击侵彻结构㊂采用空气炮试验加载的方法研究泡沫铝夹芯板在弹丸侵彻过程中的变形和失效模式变化,结合经试验验证的夹芯板仿真分析了不同弹形侵彻过程中的能量㊁撞击力和撞击速度影响㊂主要得到以下结论:1)锥头弹撞击变形模式与球头弹撞击相比,除后面板变形更加均匀外,其他变形模式则基本相同㊂平头弹的侵彻表现与球形弹和锥头弹具有较大差别,平头弹侵彻过程中产生了较严重的冲塞破坏,前后面板呈现为撕裂破坏模式,侵彻后夹芯被压实部分泡沫铝粘接在后面板上㊂2)不同弹形在撞击相同参数夹芯板的过程中撞击载荷的响应位移长度相同,撞击载荷不同,当3种相同质量弹形以相同速度撞击泡沫铝夹芯板时,由于锥形弹头部尖锐,弹头与靶的接触区域小㊁侵彻力大,而平头弹的弹头和靶的接触区域大㊁侵彻力小,但靶面破坏区域大且撞击后效更大,球头弹则居于二者之间㊂3)当速度较低时,由于夹芯板未被穿透,通过改善前面板和夹芯板的厚度以及材料性能能够较好地提升泡沫铝夹芯板性能;当速度较高时,夹芯板被穿透,后面板吸能比例最大,重点改善后面板的厚度和材料性能,能够较好地改善夹芯板抗侵彻性能㊂参考文献(References )[1] BLOKPOEL H.Bird hazards to aircraft [M].Toronto,Canada:Clarke,Irwin &Co.,1976.[2] 张永康,李玉龙,汤忠斌,等.冰雹撞击下泡沫铝夹芯板的动态响应[J].爆炸与冲击,2018,38(2):373-380.ZHANG Y K,LI Y L,TANG Z B,et al.Dynamic response of alu⁃minum⁃foam⁃based sandwich panels under hailstone impact [J].Explosion and Shock Waves,2018,38(2):373-380.(in Chi⁃nese)[3] DIRK S,HANS W.Aluminium foam sandwich structure for space application[J].Acta Astronautica,2007,61(1):326-330.[4] JAE U C,SON J H,SANG K L,et al.Impact 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船用多孔材料夹层板冲击动态响应实验研究朱凌;郭开岭;李应刚;訾欢【摘要】多孔材料夹层结构具有优越的力学性能,可用于设计船舶防护结构,以提高船体结构的抗爆抗冲击性能.文章利用INSTRON 9350冲击试验机对泡沫铝夹层板和轻木夹层板进行了动态冲击实验,分析了在不同能量冲击作用下以上两种多孔材料夹层板的冲击响应特点,并将两种夹层板的抗冲击性能进行了对比.结果表明,在冲击载荷作用下,泡沫铝夹层板的冲击力峰值大于轻木,而其最终挠度小于轻木;泡沫铝夹层板上下面板与芯层之间没有出现脱层现象,而轻木夹层板出现了脱层现象,并且轻木芯层出现断裂失效;泡沫铝夹层板的塑性吸能率大于轻木,其能量吸收性能比轻木夹层板好,即泡沫铝夹层板的抗冲击性能优于轻木.文中的研究成果可以为船舶结构的抗冲击设计提供技术支撑.【期刊名称】《船舶力学》【年(卷),期】2019(023)006【总页数】13页(P706-718)【关键词】船用多孔夹层结构;冲击响应;能量吸收;实验研究【作者】朱凌;郭开岭;李应刚;訾欢【作者单位】高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学),武汉 430063;武汉理工大学交通学院,船舶与海洋结构工程系,武汉 430063;高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,武汉 430063;高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学),武汉 430063;武汉理工大学交通学院,船舶与海洋结构工程系,武汉 430063;高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学),武汉 430063;武汉理工大学交通学院,船舶与海洋结构工程系,武汉 430063;高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学),武汉 430063;武汉理工大学交通学院,船舶与海洋结构工程系,武汉 430063【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.720 IntroductionWhen ships navigate in the rough sea,they could suffer complex loadings,such as impacts from wave,collision with other ships and bridges,resulting in serious accidents,which can lead to loss of people's life and properties.Thus,to improve the impact resistance of ship structures is very important for the safety and reliability of ships and other marine structures.The conventional method to improve the structural safety of ship is to increase the thickness,but it may result in the growth of the energy consumption of ships,and the decline of the loadingcapacity.Contributing to the lightweight and excellent mechanical properties in energy absorption,the applications of sandwich structures with lightweight material cores in anti-impact for engineering structures design are increasing rapidly[1-4].Nowadays,many researchers have investigated the mechanical properties of sandwich structures with balsa wood core and aluminum foam core respectively[5-14].The compression tests loading in three different directions,i.e.transverse,longitudinal,radial,were conducted to analyze the differences of the mechanical properties of balsa wood under differentimpact loading states[6].What is more,three point bending tests were performed to examine the failure patterns of balsa wood sandwich beam and then the collapse loading was discussed[7].Besides,the dynamic responses of balsa wood sandwich plates and PVC foam sandwich plates suffering from impact loadings were compared and discussed based on the results of impact tests[8].The dynamic behavior of sandwich plates with balsa wood core and cork core subjected to mass impacts with medium velocity was investigated,the contact force,energy absorption,indentation depth and global deformation were compared[9].On the other hand,there are also some studies on the mechanical performances of aluminum foam as well as its sandwich structures.The quasi-static and penetration behavior of aluminum foam sandwich structures was experimentally studied,the effects of impact velocity,face sheet thickness and density of aluminum foam on the anti-penetration capacity were discussed[10].In addition,the repeated impact tests were conducted on sandwich plates with aluminum foam core,and the relationship between the dynamic responses and the impact number was examined[12].Moreover,the effects of low temperature on dynamic behavior of aluminum foam sandwich plates under single and repeated impacts were experimentally studied[13-14].BWSP and AFSP both have excellent impact resistance,but there are some differences in their physical and mechanical properties.As for physical properties,the density of balsa wood is much lighter than that of aluminum foam,thus balsa wood is better in lightweight design.On the other hand,balsa wood is the kind of material absorbing water easily,whilealuminum foam is waterproof,thus when accident happens,the BWSP may absorb amount of water and increase the weight of the ship,which can accelerate the sinking of the ship and make the situation worse.As for mechanical properties,though there were already many studies on BWSP and AFSP respectively,the differences between the impact resistance of them were rarely investigated.The applications of sandwich structures with porous materials core in structural design of ship are affected by the impact resistance of the structures significantly,so it is very important and essential to discuss the differences in impact resistance between AFSP and BWSP,and to reveal the mechanics mechanism causing the differences.In this paper,the impact tests on AFSP and BWSP were performed by INSTRON 9350 Drop Tower,and the time histories of impactforce,displacement,velocity and absorbed energy,as well as the force-displacement curves were obtained and analyzed.Moreover,the deformation and failure modes,the energy absorption capacity of AFSP and BWSP were compared and discussed.Finally,the impact resistance of BWSP and AFSP was compared comprehensively and some suggestions were proposed for the applications of porous material sandwich structures on the structural design of ship and other marine structures.1 Impact tests on sandwich plates1.1 Experiment apparatus and methodThe impact tests were conducted by using INSTRON 9350 Drop Tower as shown in Fig.1.The total impact mass including impact nose,force transducer and additional mass is 31.459 kg and the maximum velocity canbe up to 24 m/s.The impactor with a 25 mm diameter hemispherical nose was connected to a force transducer with a maximum loadcarrying capacity of 90 kN.During the impact tests,all the data were collected from the force transducer by a data acquisition system(DAS 64K).Thus,the time histories of velocity,displacement,absorbed energy were converted from the time history of impact force by Eqs.(1)-(3).Before the impact test,the sample was clamped in the middle of the clamp with bolts to provide fixed boundary,and the inner dimension of the clamp apparatus was 180mm×180 mm.In order to determine the dynamic behavior of BWSP and AFSP subjected to impact loadings and examine the effects of impact energy,a series of impact energy from 100 J to 300 J were selected,as shown in Tab.1.Fig.1 INSTRON 9350 drop towerTab.1 Impact tests conditionNumber Impact energy/J Impact mass/kg Impact velocity/(m/s)T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 100 150 200 250 300 31.459 31.459 31.459 31.459 31.459 2.52 3.09 3.57 3.99 4.371.2 Test samples and material propertiesThe samples of AFSP and BWSP(shown in Fig.2)were composed of front face sheet,back face sheet and foam core.The face sheets were bonded to the foam core with epoxy resin ad-hesive being heated under about 60℃.The overall dimensions of the sandwich plate were 250 mm×250 mm with thickness of 22.5 mm.The thicknesses of the face sheets and foam core were 1.25 mm and 20 mm,respectively.Fig.2 Test specimensThe material properties of aluminum foam and balsa wood were obtained by conducting quasi-static compression tests,using the Universal Testing Machine.The material properties are summarized in Tab.2,and the stress-strain curves of aluminum foam and balsa wood are illustrated in Fig.3. Tab.2 Mechanical properties of porous materialsDensity(g/cm3)Young's model(MPa)Yield stress(MPa)Plateau stress(MPa) Densification strain Aluminum foam Balsa wood 0.40 0.16 812 708 7.2 8.5 7.0 7.5 0.60 0.85 Fig.3 Stress-strain curves of porous materialsThough aluminum foam and balsa wood are both lightweight porous materials,the matrix materials of them are quite different,i.e.the matrix material of aluminum foam is metal,while that of balsa wood is fiber.It can be found from Fig.3,the plateau stress of aluminum foam and balsa wood is approximately equal.However,behind the yield point,the tendencies of the stress versus strain for them are reversed.In the plateau stage,as the strain increased the plateau stress of aluminum foam increased slightly,while the plateau stress of balsa wood decreased.The reason for this phenomenon is the difference in the microstructure.Aluminum foam can be regarded as isotropic material,during compressing process,the wall of core collapses gradually,thus the plateau stress increases.On the contrary,balsa wood is anisotropic material,the fiber of which is very easy to delaminate when suffering from shear force,and then be separated from the sample,resulting in the fiber closed to the boundary cannot resistance the compression force anymore.Besides,in the plateau stage,the oscillationof stress of aluminum foam is larger than that of balsa wood,because the unit size of balsa wood is much smaller than that of aluminumfoam,resulting in the stress variation of balsa wood is smoother than that of aluminum foam.As is known the densification strain is relevant to the unit size of porous material.By comparison,it can be found that the densification strain of balsa wood is larger than that of aluminum foam,indicating the porosity of balsa wood is larger than that of aluminum foam.1.3 Experimental resultsThe deformation profiles of AFSP and BWSP suffering from impacts with different impact energy are presented in Fig.4 and Fig.5.It can be found that the deformation patterns of the AFSP and BWSP were almost the same,i.e.the front face experienced local indention,while the global deformation is very small,and there is almost no deformation adjacent to the boundary.Judging from the changes of the white lines,it can be known the deformation area and the deflection of front face increased gradually with the increase of impact energy.By contrast,the back face underwent transverse bending,and the deflection of back face also increased as the impact energy increased.The white lines on the boundary were still straight,indicating that the boundary condition can be approximately regarded as fixed with no displacement and ration.Fig.4 Deformation of AFSP under impact loadingsFig.5 Deformation of BWSP under impact loadingsThe process of the impact can be divided into two main stages,i.e.loadingstage and unloading stage.In the loading stage,as the time increased,the impact force and the deflections of face sheets increased gradually,while the impact velocity declined moderately until the deflections of the sandwich plate reached the maximum value.In the unloading stage,the elastic deformation started to recover,resulting in the energy absorbed by sandwich plate descended,the impact force dropped gradually,while the impact velocity grew from zero in reverse direction until the impactor separated from the front face sheet.The time histories of dynamic responses of AFSP and BWSP under different impact energy are illustrated in Fig.6 and Fig.7.The tendencies of time histories of impact force,displacement,impact velocity and absorbed energy were very similar for AFSP and BWSP.Under different impact energy,the duration time of impact is almost the same,while the peak impact force increased with the increase of impact energy.As the impact time increased,the deflection of front face increased steadily.When the value of deflection arrived the maximum,the impactor began to rebound,and then the deflection of front face declined gradually to be constant after the separation of the impactor from the front face.At the beginning of the impact,the impact velocity decreased steadily to be zero at the moment the deformation of front face arrived to its largest value;afterwards,owning to the rebound of the impactor the impact velocity increased in reverse direction until the separation of the impactor from the front face.During the impact,the deformation energy is mainly composed of two parts,including elastic energy and plastic energy.Theelastic energy can be released in the end of the impact,while the plastic energy will be transformed into permanent plastic deformation which cannot be released.The energy absorbed by sandwich plates increased with the increase of the impact time.When the deformation is the largest,the energy absorption is the largest,and then the elastic energy began to be released,resulting in the energy absorbed by sandwich plates declined to be constant values once the impactor separated from the front faces.Fig.6 Time histories of dynamic responses of AFSPFig.7 Time histories of dynamic responses of BWSPFig.8 Force-displacement curve of porous materials sandwich structures The force-displacement curves of sandwich plates under different impact energy are presented in Fig.8.As the displacement increased,the impact force increased,and the loading stiffness almost kept the same.When the value of impact force reached maximum,the impactor began to rebound from the front face,and the unloading stage occurred.In the unloading stage,the slopes of force-displacement curves changed to be negative,and no change occurred in the unloading stiffness.Under different impact energy,the values of loading stiffness and unloading stiffness were almost equal to each other respectively,resulting from the paths of loading and unloading under different impact energy were almost the same.Under impact loadings,there was no delamination between the face sheet of AFSP and the core layer,but the phenomenon of delamination occurred in BWSP.The front face sheet and the stiffness of balsa wood does notmatch,when suffering from impact loadings,the front face sheet appeared large local deformation,and then balsa wood was separated from the face sheet as shown in Fig.9.The initial specimen of BWSP is presented in Fig.9(a),the epoxy resin was used as adhesive.Under impact with low energy,there was no delamination between the front face and the core layer as shown in Fig.9(b),contributing to the deformation was very small.However,as the impact energy became larger,the phenomenon of delamination happened in some local area as displayed in Fig.9(c),and when the impact energy was large enough the front face would be separated from the core entirely as illustrated in Fig.9(d).Thus,compared with BWSP,AFSP is priority to BWSP in structural integrity when subjected to identical impact loadings.Fig.9 Delamination of BWSPFig.10 Failure model of BWSPDifferent from aluminum foam,balsa wood is an isotropic material,along the direction of the fiber it can undertake large tension and compression stress.However,in the direction vertical to the fibers,the loading capacity is much weaker,the fibers are very easy to delaminate from each other.Under impact loading,the balsa wood core is more easy to occur fracture,which will also consume energy.The damage modes of BWSP are shown in Fig.10.It can be seen that when the impact energy was 100 J,the impact zone appeared local indentation and fracture.When the impact energy was 150 J,except the impact zone occurred indentation and fraction,the area adjacent to the boundary would also appear fracture.When the impactenergy increased to 300 J,the fracture moved towards the areas far from impact zone,meanwhile the fracture began to occur closed to the boundary.2 Effect of impact energy on impact resistance of sandwich plates2.1 Comparison in time histories of dynamic responsesTo compare the impact resistance of AFSP and BWSP,it is necessary to analyze the relationship between the dynamic responses with the impact energy.Firstly,the dynamic responses of AFSP and BWSP under impact energy of 200 J were compared,as the represent of medium energy impact.As shown in Fig.11(a),the peak impact force of AFSP was larger than that of BWSP,while the impact time duration was shorter than that of BWSP.It can be seen from Fig.11(b),the tendencies of time history of front face deflection were almost the same for AFSP and BWSP,while the maximum deflection and permanent deflection of AFSP were smaller than those of BWSP.The trends of time history of impact velocity of AFSP were similar to that of BWSP,while the rebound velocity of AFSP was smaller than that of BWSP,as illustrated in Fig.11(c).The energy absorption ratio of AFSP was larger than that of BWSP.Fig.11 Comparison of dynamic responses of porous materials sandwich structuresThe force-displacement curves of AFSP and BWSP are illustrated in Fig.12.It can be known,the loading stiffness and unloading stiffness of AFSP were both larger than those of BWSP.When subjected to impactloadings,aluminum foam would not appear brittle fracture,but for BWSPthe balsa wood core fractured which cannot store elastic deformation energy anymore,resulting in only the face sheets can store elastic deformation energy.Thus,the unloading stiffness of AFSP was much larger than that of BWSP.Besides,it also can be found that the plastic deformation energy of AFSP was larger than that of BWSP.On the contrary,the elastic energy of AFSP was smaller than that of BWSP.Fig.12 Comparison of force-displacement curves of porous materials sandwich structures2.2 Relationship between dynamic responses with impact energy Aluminum foam and balsa wood are both porous materials,however there are some differences in the mechanical properties,resulting in some differences in the dynamic behaviors,when suffering from impact loadings. Fig.13 Dynamic responses versus impact energyThe curves of dynamic responses of AFSP and BWSP versus impact energy are presented in Fig.13.The impact force increased with the increase of impact energy,but the increments of them declined.The impact force of AFSP is larger than that of BWSP for various of impact energy.As the impact energy increased,the deflections of front face and back face as well as compression of core layers both increased.Meanwhile,compared with deflection of front face sheet,the deflection of back face sheet was much smaller,indicating that the impact energy ab-sorbed by front face sheet is much larger than that of back face.When the impact energy is 100 J,for AFSP the deflection of front face was almost equal to that of BWSP,and the deflection of back face was smaller than that of BWSP,while thecompression of core layers was larger than that of BWSP.When the impact energy is larger than 100 J,as for AFSP the deflections of front face and back face were both smaller than those of BWSP,however the compression of core layers was larger than that of BWSP.As for AFSP,the deflections of front and back face sheets,the compression of foam core increased with the increase of impact energy,while the increments of them declined gradually.However,as for BWSP the relevance between deflections of front and back faces,compression of balsa wood core with impact energy was not obvious.The fibers are easy to separate from each other in the transverse direction under impact loadings,in terms of local fracture as shown in Fig.10.Once the fiber fractured,it cannot undertake any loadings,resulting in the impact energy was absorbed mainly by front and back face sheets.Thus,the deflections of face sheets of BWSP were larger than those of AFSP,and the compressions of aluminum foam core were smaller than those of balsa wood core.The relationship between the rebound velocity with the impact velocity is illustrated in Fig.14.As the impact velocity increased,the rebound velocity increased,while the increments decreased.However,when the impact energy was 300 J,the rebound velocity declined for BWSP,because when the impact energy was large enough,the balsa wood core fractured adjacent to the impact zone and boundaries,which would absorb larger amount of energy.The initial impact energy was mainly transformed into two parts,including plastic deformation energy and kinetic energy of the impactor in terms of rebound velocity,as illustrated in Eqs.(4)-(5).Theenergy consumed by friction between the front face and core layers is very small,thus it can be neglected.The curves of energy ratio of AFSP and BWSP versus impact energy are illustrated in Fig.15.As the impact energy increased,the plastic energy ratios of AFSP and BWSP both increased gradually,while the increment of BWSP was larger than that ofAFSP.Besides,it can be found that the plastic energy ratio of AFSP was always larger than that of BWSP,indicating that the performance of energy absorption of AFSP is better than that of BWSP.Fig.14 Rebound velocity versus impact velocityFig.15 Energy ratio versus impact energyWhen suffering from identical impact energy,the deflections of AFSP were smaller than those of BWSP,meanwhile the plastic energy ratio of AFSP was larger than that of BWSP.Thus,it can be said that the impact resistance of AFSP is better than that of BWSP,for the design of ship structures considering the impact loadings,it is priority to choose AFSP.3 ConclusionsThe impact tests under variety of impact energy were performed by using INSTRON 9350 Drop Tower,and the dynamic responses of AFSP and BWSP were obtained and discussed,and then the impact resistance of them was compared and analyzed.The following conclusions can be drawn:(1)When suffering from impact loadings,the deformation patterns of face sheets of AFSP and BWSP are almost the same,i.e.the front faceexperiences local indentation,the back face undergoes global bending.However,the deformation patterns of core layers as well as the failure modes of aluminum foam and balsa wood core are quite different.The aluminum foam core was compressed or even crushed,the balsa wood core appeared indention and fracture adjacent to the impact area,meanwhile,the delamination between the fibers occurred.(2)When subjected to identical impact energy,the peak impactforce,loading and unloading stiffness of AFSP are both larger than those of BWSP,indicating that the structural rigidity of AFSP is stronger than that of BWSP.Besides,the deflections of front face and back face of AFSP are smaller than those of BWSP,while the maximum compressions of AFSP are larger than those of BWSP,meaning that aluminum foam can absorb much more energy than balsa wood core.Overall,the impact resistance of AFSP is better than that of BWSP.(3)The plastic deformation energy as well as the ratio of plastic deformation increase with the impact energy,while the plastic energy ratio of AFSP is larger than that of BWSP,which means the performance of impact energy absorption of AFSP is better than that of BWSP.Due to the impact resistance of AFSP is better than that of BWSP,it is priority to choose AFSP as the protective structure of the lightweight ships when considering the possibility of impact loadings.References【相关文献】[1]Mouritz A P,Gellert E,Burchill P,et al.Review of advanced composite structures for naval ships and submarines[J].Composite Structures,2001,53(1):21-42.[2]Liu K,Bao J,Wang Z,Tang W Y.Numerical simulation analysis on protective performance of sandwich plate system[J].Journal of Ship Mechanics,2015,19(8):982-993.(in Chinese) [3]Tian Y,Liu J,Wang H,Cheng Y S.Dynamic response of light weight corrugated-core sandwich plates subjected to slamming impact[J].Journal of Ship Mechanics,2016,20(10):1300-1308.(in Chinese)[4]Crupi V,Epasto G,Guglielmino parison of aluminium sandwiches for lightweight ship structures:Honeycomb vs.foam[J].Marine Structures,2013,30(1):74-96.[5]Lu G,Yu 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关键词 : 多孔金属 ; 板 ; 夹 冲击载荷 ; 动态响应
中 图分 类号 :0 4 37 文 献 标 识 码 :A
Dy a crso s f e ua tlcsn w c a e u jce tlo rjci at n mi ep neo cl lrmeal a d ihp n l betdt mea a poetei c a l i s o fm l mp
JNG Ln, WA h — u I i NG Z i a,S NG Y h ,Z O h O a 一 HA 一 o ma
(ntueo A pl cai n i e i l nier g T i a nvr t o eh o g , a un0 0 2 , hn ) Ist f p ]dMeh n sadBo dc g ei , ay nU ie i f c nl y T i a 30 4 C ia it e c m aE n n冲
第3 O卷第 l 期 2
泡 沫金 属 子弹 撞 击载 荷 下 多孔 金属夹 芯 板 的动态 响应
敬 霖 ,王志华 ,宋延泽 ,赵隆茂
002 ) 304
( 太原理工大学 应用力学与生物 医学工程研究所 , 太原
Ab t a t T ep a t  ̄ a c r s o s faca e e ll r tl c s n w c a e w s n e t ae x e i n a l s r c : h l s cd mi e p n eo lmp d c l a a i a d i h p n l a v si t d e p r i u me l i g me t y l
隙结 构 , 泡沫金 属可 承受 较大 的塑性 变形 , 而能 吸收 较多 的 能量 。在 一 些 高技 术 领域 和 实 际应 用 中 , 从 泡 沫金属 材料 通常作 为 芯体 , 与高强 度 、 高刚度 的 面板组 合 形成 夹 芯结 构 , 种夹 芯 结 构克 服 了单 一 泡 这
沫金 属材料 强度 低等 缺点 , 具有 吸能效 率 和 比刚度高 的优 点 , 充分 发挥 了泡 沫材 料独 特 的优异 特性 。 对 准静 态载 荷下 泡沫金 属夹 芯结 构力 学行 为 的研 究主 要集 中于夹 芯结 构 的变形 / 失效模 式 、 能量 吸 收能力 及机 理等 方面 _ ] 4 。关 于 多孔金 属 夹 芯结 构 在 高速 冲击 、 特别 是 在爆 炸 载 荷 下 动态 失 效 行 为 的 研 究还 很少 。D. . a fr D R dod等l 对 比研究 了 3种 不 同拓 扑 芯层 的夹 芯 梁及 等 质量 实体 梁 的抗 冲击能 _ g 力, 结果 发现 研究 的夹 芯梁 的抗 冲击 能力 都 高 于 等质 量 实 体梁 。N. F ek等n A. lc 系统 研 究 了固支 夹
芯 梁抵抗 爆 炸载荷 的能 力 , 夹芯 梁 的结 构 响应分 为 3个 阶段 : 固耦 合 作 用 、 将 流 芯层 压 缩 和结 构 整体 响
应 阶段 。V. Ta ai l等 l理 论 和 实 验 研 究 了准 静 态 载 荷 下 固 支 夹 芯 梁 的 失 效 模 式 。J L Yu I . grl ei _ . . 等l 】 利用 落锤加 载设 备研究 了开孔泡 沫铝 夹芯 梁 的变形 和失效 机理 , 现动 态加 载 下夹 芯 梁 由于 出现 发 了较大 的局部 压人 和破坏 失效 , 其能 量 吸收能力 低 于准静 态加 载 。D D. a fr . R do d等 提 出 了使 用金 属 泡沫 子弹撞 击产 生强 压力脉 冲模 拟炸 药爆 炸产 生 冲击 载 荷 的实 验方 法 , 出加 载 冲量可 以通 过改 变 子 指
后 面 板 中心 点 挠 度 最 大 , 边 最 小 , 体 变 形 为穹 形 , 伴 有 花 瓣 形 的 变 形 。参 数 研 究 表 明 , 过 增 加 面 板 厚 周 整 且 通
撞 击 载 荷 下 泡 沫 铝 夹 层 板 的 动 力 响 应
宋延泽, 王志华, 赵隆茂 , 赵勇刚
( 原 理工大学应用力学与生 物医学工程研究所 , 西 太原 002) 太 山 3 0 4
摘 要 :应 用 泡 沫 金 属 子 弹撞 击 加 载 的 方 式 研 究 了 固 支 方 形 夹 层 板 和 等 质 量 实 体 板 的 动 力 响 应 , 别 应 用 分 激 光 测 速 装 置 和位 移 传 感 器 测 量 了泡 沫 子 弹 的 撞 击 速 度 和 后 面 板 中 心 点 的 位 移 历 史 , 出 了 夹 层 板 的 变 形 给
度 或 芯 层 厚 度 均 能 有 效 控 制 后 面 板 的挠 度 , 善 夹 层 板 的 能 量 吸 收 能 力 , 构 响 应 对 子 弹 冲 量 和 芯 层 密 度 比 改 结 较 敏 感 。实 验 结 果 对 多 孑 金 属 夹 层 结 构 的 优 化 设 计 具 有 一 定 的 参 考 价 值 。 L 关 键 词 :固体 力 学 ; 力 响 应 ; 击 载 荷 ; 层 板 ; 属 泡 沫 动 撞 夹 金
结 构 的 其 余 部 分 保 持 静 止 ; 2阶段 是 芯 层 压 缩 过 程 , 设 后 面 板 保 持 不 动 ; 3阶 段 为 结 构 整 体 变形 。 应 用 解 析 模 型 , 第 假 第
通讯作者。E-mail: zhaogp@
图 1 泡沫夹芯结构
t t t c t f u3 ( x, t ) v1 u1t ( x, t ) ( z ) 2 x t t v3 u3 ( x, t )
f c
是非线性方程,无法求得封闭解,所以利用加权伽辽金方法和 4 阶 Runge-Kutta 法解方程 (7)-(10),求数值解。取 Ns=9。 因为 u3 的值远远大于 u1 , u1 , u3 的值,所以在下面对结构动态响应讨论的过程中,只讨 论 u3 的值。以下讨论的都是x=0.5m时 u3 的值。
t 3
当 r=1 时,声波热压变为三角激励。设: t p 0.001s 。
t 2.相对于三角激励,Friedlander 衰减指数方程更为准确: q3 p0 (1
t t / t p (文献[11]) )e tp
设: 3 , t p 0.001s 。
材料参数如下: 面 层 : E1f 131GPa, E3f 10.344GPa, 13 0.22, f 1627 Kg / m 3 , t f 1mm ( 文 献 [12])
( 1)
其中 u0 ( x ) 是上面层的中性层的 x 向位移, w0 ( x) 是上面层的中性层的 z 向位移。 下面层的位移表示为:
b b t c t f u3 ( x, t ) v1 u1b ( x, t ) ( z ) 2 x b b v3 u3 ( x, t )
f 2m0f u1a - 2cm fo u1a 2 A11 .. .
2u1a 0 x 2
二、梯度泡沫金属简介梯度泡沫金属(Gradiented Foam Metal,GFM)是一种由多种材料构成的多孔金属复合材料。
三、冲击载荷下梯度泡沫金属的力学性能1. 实验方法本研究通过一系列的实验方法,包括落锤试验、高速撞击实验以及利用各种扫描和观察技术(如X射线CT、SEM等)对材料进行深入的研究。
2. 实验结果(1)在低速冲击下,梯度泡沫金属表现出良好的能量吸收能力,其形变过程较为稳定。
E - mail: wanghongxin2007@ gmail. com
收稿日期:2010 - 12 - 25
2011 年第 41 卷第 3 期
芯材 的 矩 形 夹 芯 板 进 行 一 些 试 验 研 究 和 数 值 模 拟
将式( 10 ) 代 入 式 ( 11 ) 可 得 上 下 面 板 的 总 拉 伸 (4) 势能为:
back U S = U front + US = S
Abstract : Experimental investigation ,energy balance and finite element method were developed in this paper to study the dynamic response of metallic sandwich panel subjected to blast loading. First ,an experimental set-up which could investigate the dynamic response of sandwich panel under blast loading was presented. Then ,the deflection equation of sandwich panel was obtained which was based on an energy balance and assumed deflection field. Finally ,finite elements simulations were undertaken using the LS-DYNA software ,such as deformation processes of the sandwich panel. Both models were validated by comparing their predictions with the test results available in the literature. Parametric studies were then carried out to assess various factors that are influential in charactering dynamic behavior of sandwich panels subjected to blast loads. The result shows that ,for the purposes of improving the impact resistance of sandwich panel can be realized by the method of increasing density of the foam core ,thickness of face-sheets and foam core. Keywords : sandwich panel ; blast loading ; effect of strain rate ; dynamic response ; FE simulation
第38卷第2期爆炸与冲击V ol.38,No.2 208年3 月EXPLOSIONANDSHOCKW AVES M ar.,2018DG1:10. 11883/bzycj-2016-0232 文章编号:1001-1455(2018)02-0373-08冰雹撞击下泡沬铝夹芯板的动态响应张永康1,李玉龙2,汤忠斌2,杨洪1,许海1(1.苏州市职业大学机电工程学院,江苏苏州215104;2.西北工业大学航空学院,陕西西安710072)摘要:在传统单层泡沫夹芯结构的上、下面板之间插人中面板,通过移动中面板的位置,获得了外形尺寸相同、质量相等的5种构型夹芯结构,其上层芯材与芯材总厚度比分别为0:30、10:30、15:30、20:30和 30:30。
关键词:泡沫铝夹芯板;冰雹;撞击;量纲分析;LS-DYNA中图分类号:O344. 4V214. 1国标学科代码:1301570 文献标志码:A航空飞行器在飞行中,除了飞鸟的撞击,冰雹对飞行器结构的撞击也具有潜在的威胁[1]。
三、研究内容1. 实验设计为了研究冲击载荷下泡沫铝夹芯防护结构的侵彻动力学行为,本文设计了一系列实验。
2. 实验结果通过实验,我们观察了泡沫铝夹芯防护结构在冲击载荷下的变形过程、能量吸收情况和侵彻体的穿透情况。
3. 数据分析与讨论通过对实验数据的分析,我们发现在冲击过程中,泡沫铝夹芯板能够有效地吸收侵彻体的能量,降低其穿透力。
四、侵彻动力学行为分析1. 侵彻机制分析在冲击过程中,泡沫铝夹芯板通过塑性变形和能量耗散来抵抗侵彻体的穿透。
%The metal sandwich plate structure has been widely applied in the design of hull grillage due to the advantages of light quality, good energy absorption, and impact resistance etc. However, the metal sandwich structures with different shape design differ a lot in their shock resistance. The shock resistances of the metal sandwich structures with three different shapes are simulated by ifnite element software ABAQUS. By comparing the center displacement and variation of the speed of the three shapes of sandwich panel with the same mass, the trilateral sandwich structure has better resistance to impact. Moreover, the hexagon sandwich structure behaves the best in the energy absorption effect by examining the energy time history curve of the different metal sandwich structures.【期刊名称】《船舶》【年(卷),期】2016(027)003【总页数】8页(P45-52)【关键词】金属夹芯结构;抗冲击;有限元;吸能【作者】张亭亭;田正东;陈莹玉【作者单位】哈尔滨工程大学船舶工程学院哈尔滨150001;海军装备研究所北京100841;哈尔滨工程大学船舶工程学院哈尔滨150001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U661.42田正东(1972-),男,高级工程师,研究方向:船舶工程。
多孔泡沫金属材料的性能及其应用探讨发表时间:2016-11-18T10:33:50.923Z 来源:《基层建设》2016年15期作者:吕凝磊[导读] 摘要:多孔泡沫金属是一种新型的多功能材料,具有和一般金属不同的结构和性能,体现在轻质、高比强度等方面,且具有隔音、散热、多孔、电磁屏蔽等多个方面的物理性能,被人们广泛地应用在工业领域中。
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I e tg to n D y m i s o e o a wi h Pl t o t m p c nv s i a i n o na c Re p ns f S nd c a e t he I at
o ellrM eal r j ci fC l a tl cP oe t e u i l
p ae t ik s l t h c ne s,t e t i kn s f c r l y r a d d fe e tc r a e s o h ho k r s s a c e o ma c h h c e s o o e p a e n if r n o e l y r n t e s c e i t n e p r r n e f
0 tu t r r ic s d. Th e u t n i ae t a h e ma e td f r to ft e b c a e l t s fsr c u e we e d s USe e r s ls i d c t h tt e p r n n eo mai n o h a k fc p a e i
的夹 芯板 则具 有更 优 的抗 冲 击能力 。
关 键词 :固体 力 学 ;多孔金 属 ;夹 芯板 ;冲 击载荷 ;动 力响 应 ;数值 模 拟
中 图 分 类 号 :0 3 04 文献 标志 码 : A 文 章 编 号 :10 —0 3 2 1 ) 10 0 —7 0 0 19 ( 0 1 0 —0 10
SONG n. e,W ANG i h a,ZHAO n — o,ZH OU hiwe Ya z Zh — u Lo g ma Z — i
( nt ue o pidMe h nc n ime ia gn eig, ay a ies yo eh ooy,T iu n 0 0 2 I si t fAp l c a isa d B o dclEn iern T iu nUnv ri fT c n lg t e t ay a 3 0 4,S a x ,C ia h n i hn )
n s ff c p a e o o e lv r ti lo fun h tt e i p o e ho k r ssa c a a i t a e o e so a e l t rc r a e . s a s l d t a h m r v d s c e itn e c p bl y c n b b— I 0 i
ivs gtdu i x ei na a df i lmetm tos f c f h rjci m us ,tefc。 n et a s gep r i e n me t n nt ee n e d.Ef t o tepoetei p l l i e h es l e h ae
t ie v i r a i gt h c n s fc r a e ahe h n t e t ik s ff c plt . Th e ul b ane an d b nc e sn het i k e so o e ly rr t rt a h hc ne so a e a e e rs t o t i d s r v a h tt e s n wih p ae i u e i rt h n lt i o i l t t h a a si h c e it e e lt a h a d c lt s s p ro o t e mo oih c s l p a e wih t e s me m s n s o k r ss- d a c n e,a d t e s n wih p a ewih h n y o o e l y ri u e i rt he au i m o m a d c l t n h a d c lt t o e c mb c r a e ss p ro o t l m nu f a s n wih p ae
e fc iey c n r le o i p o e t e s o k r ssa c a b lt fs nd c l t y i c e sn h h c _ fe t l o told t m r v h h c e itn e c pa iiy o a wi h p a e b n r a i g t e t i k v
( 原 理 工 大学 应 用 力 学 与 生 物 医学 工程 研 究所 ,山西 太 原 0 0 2 太 3 0 4)
摘 要 :采 用 实 验 和 数 值 模 拟 方 法 研 究 了 多 孔 金 属 子 弹 冲 击 下 多孔 金 属 固 支 夹 芯 方 板 的 动 力 响
应。考 察 了子 弹冲 量 、 面板 厚 度 、 层 厚 度 及 不 同芯 层 类 型 对 夹 芯板 抗 冲 击 性 能 的 影 响。 结果 表 芯 明, 通过 增 加 面板 厚度 或 芯层厚 度均 能有效 控 制夹 芯板 后 面板 的残 余 变形 , 改善其 抗 冲 击能力 。在 给夹 芯板 增加 相 同质量 的前 提 下 , 加 芯层 厚度 比增 加 面板 厚度 能 获得 更好 的抗 冲 击 效果 。结 果 增 还 表 明 , 本 文研 究 的冲量 范 围 内, 芯板具 有 优 于等 质 量 单层 板 的抗 冲 击 能力 , 在 夹 而蜂 窝芯 层构 成
第 3 2卷第 1 期
20 11年 1月
V0. NO 】 32 .1
J n. 2 a 011
泡 沫 金 属 子 弹 冲 击下 多 孔 金 属 夹 芯 板 动 力响 应 研 究
宋延 泽 ,王 志 华 ,赵 隆 茂 ,பைடு நூலகம் 志 伟
Ab t c :D n mi ep n eo e ca e a d c lt mp ce y c l lrmeal rjci s sr t y a cr s o s ft lmp d sn wih pae i a td b el a tlc p oe t ewa a h u i l