记忆中的战神 NISSAN Skyline GT—R
记忆中的战神 NISSAN Skyline GT—R作者:吕思达来源:《汽车与运动》2012年第11期在那个日本还没有超跑的时代,它被冠以日本国宝级跑车之名,没有过多的浮夸,证明实力仅凭纯粹的性能,所向披靡的战绩,让人望而生畏,久而久之,便得来了战神的称号。
相信对于每一个车迷来说Skyline GT-R都是必修的一课,BNR34更是当中的精品与巅峰之作,不知道它曾经是多少车迷的梦想之车,能将其拥入怀抱的却少之又少,但它在我们心中永远是那个顶着光环的战神,完美无缺。
原汁原味完整外观部件早在8月在网络上看到了一条令人振奋的消息,北京某改装车间内正在连夜装配一台外观酷似Skyline R34的改装车,虽然这个改装车间很早以前就有所耳闻。
从这里出来的大多是一些经典的日系性能车,但是Skyline GT-R R34能出现在这里也是个不小的惊喜,毕竟这种程度的Skyline GT-RR34在北京甚至全国范围内部是绝不多见的作品。
没错,这种蓝色是SkylineGT-R R34的专属配色。
前杠采用了R34 V-SPEC的样式并加入了黑色的前下扰流板,不仅看上去更加霸气,同时也增加了车身前部的下压力,这种基于高性能车型所研发的空力组件的效果是不容质疑的。
外观中最为亮眼的部件当属来自NISMO Z-TUNE的前叶子板以及侧裙了,在2002年NISMO发布的Skyline GT-R Z-TUNEZ2也预示着R34 GT-R时代的完结,同时也被车迷们称为R34的最终版,它的每一个部件都受到了大量R34车主的追捧,甚至是仿造。
局长李家祥二O一一年十一月七日中国民用航空局民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)目录A分部总则............................................................. ............................................................... .. (1)第25.1条适用范围............................................................. .................................................1第25.2条[备用]............................................................ .......................................................1第25.3条ETOPS型号设计批准的专用条款............................................................. (1)B分部飞行............................................................. ............................................................... .. (1)总则............................................................. ............................................................... ...............1第25.21条证明符合性的若干规定............................................................. .......................1第25.23条载重分布限制............................................................. .......................................2第25.25条重量限制............................................................. ...............................................2第25.27条重心限制............................................................. ...............................................3第25.29条空重和相应的重心............................................................. ...............................3第25.31条可卸配重............................................................. ...............................................3第25.33条螺旋桨转速和桨距限制............................................................. .. (3)性能............................................................. ............................................................... ...............3第25.101条总则............................................................. .....................................................3第25.103条失速速度............................................................. .............................................5第25.105条起飞............................................................. .....................................................6第25.107条起飞速度............................................................. .............................................6第25.109条加速—停止距离............................................................. .................................8第25.111条起飞航迹............................................................. ...........................................10第25.113条起飞距离和起飞滑跑距离............................................................. ...............11第25.115条起飞飞行航迹................................................................................................11第25.117条爬升:总则............................................................. .......................................11第25.119条着陆爬升:全发工作............................................................. .......................12第25.121条爬升:单发停车............................................................. ...............................12第25.123条航路飞行航迹............................................................. ...................................13第25.125条着陆............................................................. (13)操纵性和机动性............................................................. ........................................................15第25.143条总则............................................................. ...................................................15第25.145条纵向操纵............................................................. ...........................................16第25.147条航向和横向操纵............................................................. ...............................17第25.149条最小操纵速度............................................................. .. (18)配平.............................................................. ................................................................ ...........20第25.161条配平.............................................................. .. (20)稳定性............................................................. ............................................................... .........21第25.171条总则............................................................. ...................................................21第25.173条纵向静稳定性............................................................. ...................................21第25.175条纵向静稳定性的演示............................................................. .......................21第25.177条横向和航向静稳定性............................................................. .. (22)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.181条动稳定性............................................................. . (23)失速............................................................. ............................................................... . (23)第25.201条失速演示............................................................. ...........................................23第25.203条失速特性............................................................. ...........................................24第25.205条[删除]............................................................失速警告............................................................. . (24)地面和水面操纵特性............................................................. ................................................25第25.231条纵向稳定性和操纵性............................................................. .......................25第25.233条航向稳定性和操纵性............................................................. .......................25第25.235条滑行条件............................................................. ...........................................26第25.237条风速............................................................. ...................................................26第25.239条水面喷溅特性、操纵性和稳定性............................................................. (26)其它飞行要求............................................................. (27)第25.251条振动和抖振............................................................. .......................................27第25.253条高速特性............................................................. ...........................................27第25.255条失配平特性............................................................. (28)C分部结构............................................................. (29)总则............................................................. ............................................................... .............29第25.301条载荷............................................................. ...................................................29第25.303条安全系数............................................................. ...........................................29第25.305条强度和变形............................................................. .......................................29第25.307条结构符合性的证明............................................................. (29)飞行载荷.............................................................. ................................................................ ...30第25.321条总则.............................................................. .. (30)飞行机动和突风情况............................................................. ................................................30第25.331条对称机动情况............................................................. ...................................30第25.333条飞行机动包线................................................................................................31第25.335条设计空速............................................................. ...........................................32第25.337条限制机动载荷系数............................................................. ...........................33第25.341条突风和紊流载荷............................................................. ...............................34第25.343条设计燃油和滑油载重............................................................. .......................35第25.345条增升装置............................................................. ...........................................35第25.349条滚转情况............................................................. ...........................................36第25.351条偏航机动情况............................................................. .. (36)补充情况............................................................. ............................................................... .....37第25.361条发动机扭矩............................................................. .......................................37第25.363条发动机和辅助动力装置支架的侧向载荷....................................................37第25.365条增压舱载荷............................................................. .......................................37第25.367条发动机失效引起的非对称载荷............................................................. .......38第25.371条陀螺载荷............................................................. ...........................................38第25.373条速度控制装置............................................................. .. (39)操纵面和操纵系统载荷............................................................. .. (39)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.391条操纵面载荷:总则............................................................. ...........................39第25.393条平行于铰链线的载荷............................................................. .......................39第25.395条操纵系统............................................................. ...........................................39第25.397条操纵系统载荷............................................................. ...................................39第25.399条双操纵系统............................................................. .......................................40第25.405条次操纵系统............................................................. .......................................40第25.407条配平调整片的影响............................................................. ...........................41第25.409条调整片............................................................. ...............................................41第25.415条地面突风情况............................................................. ...................................41第25.427条非对称载荷............................................................. .......................................42第25.445条辅助气动力面................................................................................................42第25.457条襟翼............................................................. ...................................................43第25.459条特殊装置............................................................. . (43)地面载荷.............................................................. ................................................................ ...43第25.471条总则.............................................................. ..................................................43第25.473条着陆载荷情况和假定.............................................................. ......................43第25.477条起落架布置.............................................................. ......................................44第25.479条水平着陆情况.............................................................. ..................................44第25.481条尾沉着陆情况.............................................................. ..................................44第25.483条单起落架着陆情况.............................................................. ..........................45第25.485条侧向载荷情况.............................................................. ..................................45第25.487条回跳着陆情况................................................................................................45第25.489条地面操纵情况.............................................................. ..................................45第25.491条滑行、起飞和着陆滑跑.............................................................. ..................45第25.493条滑行刹车情况.............................................................. ..................................46第25.495条转弯.............................................................. ..................................................46第25.497条尾轮侧偏.............................................................. ..........................................46第25.499条前轮侧偏与操纵.............................................................. ..............................47第25.503条回转.............................................................. ..................................................47第25.507条倒行刹车.............................................................. ..........................................47第25.509条牵引载荷.............................................................. ..........................................47第25.511条地面载荷:多轮起落架装置上的非对称载荷............................................49第25.519条顶升置.............................................................. (50)水载荷............................................................. ............................................................... .........50第25.521条总则............................................................. ...................................................50第25.523条设计重量和重心位置............................................................. .......................50第25.525条载荷的假定............................................................. .......................................50第25.527条船体和主浮筒载荷系数............................................................. ...................51第25.529条船体和主浮筒着水情况............................................................. ...................51第25.531条船体和主浮筒起飞情况............................................................. ...................52第25.533条船体和主浮筒底部压力............................................................. ...................52第25.535条辅助浮筒载荷............................................................. .. (53)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.537条水翼载荷............................................................. . (54)况............................................................. (54)第25.561条总则............................................................. ...................................................54第25.562条应急着陆动力要求............................................................. ...........................55第25.563条水上迫降的结构要求............................................................. .. (56)疲劳评定............................................................. ............................................................... .....56第25.571条结构的损伤容限和疲劳评定............................................................. .. (56)闪电防护............................................................. ............................................................... .....58第25.581条闪电防护............................................................. ...........................................58D分部设计与构造............................................................. (58)总则............................................................. ............................................................... .............58第25.601条总则............................................................. ...................................................58第25.603料............................................................. ...................................................58第25.605条制造方法............................................................. ...........................................58第25.607条紧固件............................................................. ...............................................59第25.609条结构保护............................................................. ...........................................59第25.611条可达性措施............................................................. .......................................59第25.613条材料的强度性能和材料的设计值............................................................. ...59第25.615条[删除]........................................................... .............................................60第25.619条特殊系数............................................................. ...........................................60第25.621条铸件系数............................................................. ...........................................60第25.623条支承系数............................................................. ...........................................61第25.625条接头系数............................................................. ...........................................61第25.629条气动弹性稳定性要求............................................................. .......................61第25.631条鸟撞损伤............................................................. . (62)面............................................................. ............................................................... .........63第25.651条强度符合性的证明............................................................. ...........................63第25.655条安装............................................................. ...................................................63第25.657条铰链............................................................. (63)操纵系统............................................................. ............................................................... .....63第25.671条总则............................................................. ...................................................63第25.672条增稳系统及自动和带动力的操纵系统........................................................64第25.673条[删除]............................................................ .................................................64第25.675条止动器............................................................. ...............................................64第25.677条配平系统............................................................. ...........................................64第25.679条操纵系统突风锁............................................................. ...............................65第25.681条限制载荷静力试验............................................................. ...........................65第25.683条操作试验............................................................. ...........................................65第25.685条操纵系统的细节设计............................................................. .......................65第25.689条钢索系统............................................................. ...........................................65第25.693条关节接头............................................................. ...........................................66第25.697条升力和阻力装置及其操纵器件............................................................. . (66)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.699条升力和阻力装置指示器............................................................. ...................66第25.701条襟翼与缝翼的交连............................................................. ...........................66第25.703条起飞警告系统............................................................. .. (67)起落架............................................................. ............................................................... .........67第25.721条总则............................................................. ...................................................67第25.723条减震试验............................................................. ...........................................67第25.725条[删除]............................................................ .................................................68第25.727条[删除]............................................................ .................................................68第25.729条收放机构............................................................. ...........................................68第25.731条机轮............................................................. ...................................................69第25.733条轮胎............................................................. ...................................................69第25.735条刹车............................................................. ...................................................70第25.737条滑橇............................................................. (71)浮筒和船体............................................................. ............................................................... .71第25.751条主浮筒浮力............................................................. .......................................71第25.753条主浮筒设计............................................................. .......................................71第25.755条船体............................................................. (71)载人和装货设施............................................................. ........................................................71第25.771条驾驶舱............................................................................................................71第25.772条驾驶舱舱门............................................................. .......................................72第25.773条驾驶舱视界............................................................. .......................................72第25.775条风挡和窗户............................................................. .......................................73第25.777条驾驶舱操纵器件............................................................. ...............................73第25.779条驾驶舱操纵器件的动作和效果............................................................. .......73第25.781条驾驶舱操纵手柄形状............................................................. .......................74第25.783条机身舱门............................................................. ...........................................75第25.785条座椅、卧铺、安全带和肩带............................................................. ...........77第25.787条储存舱............................................................. ...............................................78第25.789条客舱和机组舱以及厨房中物件的固定........................................................79第25.791条旅客通告标示和标牌............................................................. .......................79第25.793条地板表面............................................................. ...........................................79第25.795条保安事项............................................................. . (79)应急设施............................................................. ............................................................... .....80第25.801条水上迫降............................................................. ...........................................80第25.803条应急撒离............................................................. ...........................................80第25.805条[删除]............................................................ .................................................80第25.807条应急出口............................................................. ...........................................80第25.809条应急出口布置............................................................. ...................................83第25.810条应急撤离辅助设施与撤离路线............................................................. .......84第25.811条应急出口的标记............................................................. ...............................85第25.812条应急照明............................................................. ...........................................86第25.813条应急出口通路............................................................. .. (88)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.815条过道宽度............................................................. ...........................................90第25.817条最大并排座椅数............................................................................................90第25.819条下层服务舱(包括厨房)........................................................... .................90第25.820条厕所门............................................................. .. (91)通风和加温............................................................. ............................................................... .91第25.831条通风............................................................. ...................................................91第25.832条座舱臭氧浓度............................................................. ...................................92第25.833条燃烧加温系统............................................................. .. (92)增压............................................................. ............................................................... .............93第25.841条增压座舱............................................................. ...........................................93第25.843条增压座舱的试验............................................................. . (93)防火.............................................................. ................................................................ ...........94第25.851条灭火器............................................................................................................94第25.853条座舱内部设施.............................................................. ..................................95第25.854条厕所防火.............................................................. ..........................................95第25.855条货舱和行李舱.............................................................. ..................................96第25.856条隔热/隔音材料.............................................................. .................................96第25.857条货舱等级.............................................................. ..........................................96第25.858条货舱或行李舱烟雾或火警探测系统 (97)第25.859条燃烧加温器的防火.............................................................. ..........................97第25.863条可燃液体的防火.............................................................. ..............................99第25.865条飞行操纵系统、发动机架和其它飞行结构的防火....................................99第25.867条其它部件的防火.............................................................. ..............................99第25.869条系统防火........................................................................................................99其它.............................................................. ................................................................ .........100第25.871条定飞机水平的设施.............................................................. ........................100第25.875条螺旋桨附近区域的加强.............................................................. ................100第25.899条电搭接和防静电保护.............................................................. ....................100E分部动力装置.............................................................. . (100)总则............................................................. ............................................................... ...........100第25.901条安装............................................................. .................................................100第25.903条发动机............................................................. .............................................101第25.904条起飞推力自动控制系统(ATTCS)...................................................... ....101第25.905条螺旋桨............................................................. .............................................102第25.907条螺旋桨振动............................................................. .....................................102第25.925条螺旋桨间距............................................................. .....................................102第25.929条螺旋桨除冰............................................................. .....................................102第25.933条反推力系统............................................................. .....................................102第25.934条涡轮喷气发动机反推力装置系统试验......................................................103第25.937条涡轮螺旋桨阻力限制系统............................................................. .............103第25.939条涡轮发动机工作特性............................................................. .....................103第25.941条进气系统、发动机和排气系统的匹配性.. (103)民用航空规章第25部,运输类飞机适航标准R4运输类飞机适航标准(民航局令第209号)第25.943条负加速度............................................................. .........................................104第25.945条推力或功率增大系统............................................................. .....................104燃油系统............................................................. ............................................................... ...104第25.951条总则............................................................. .................................................104第25.952条燃油系统分析和试验............................................................. .....................105第25.953条燃油系统的独立性............................................................. .........................105第25.954条燃油系统的闪电防护.............................................................。
WAVES GTR AMP用户手册(中文版)翻译整理:Audiobar | pstme2009-2目录第一章介绍 (1)1.1 欢迎(略) (1)1.2 产品概览 (1)1.3 组件 (1)第二章快速使用向导 (2)第三章使用操作和界面 (3)3.1 放大器类型 (3)清澈音(Clean) (3)过载(Drive) (3)高增益(High Gain) (4)Bass放大器 (4)3.2 放大器控制 (5)3.3 箱体和话筒 (6)箱体 (6)Bass箱体 (6)话筒 (6)Bass话筒 (6)3.4 箱体和话筒控制 (7)3.5 放大器组件模式 (8)单声道模式(Mono) (8)单声道双箱体模式(Mono DualCab) (8)单声道转立体声模式(Mono-to-Stereo)和立体声模式(Stereo) (9)第四章WA VES系统(略) (10)第一章介绍1.1 欢迎(略)感谢选择W A VES…….(基本上是废话一堆,下略)1.2 产品概览Waves Amp是GTR的主要组件,是虚拟放大器、箱体和话筒的另一种选择。
一般情况下,每个“音箱(Amp)”包含如下含义:•放大器类型(Amp Type)–包括放大器选择和音色调整的控制部件;•箱体和话筒–包括箱体选择、话筒选择和话筒摆位的控制部件。
1.3 组件WaveShell技术使得我们可以把Waves处理模块分割成若干个小的插件,我们称之为“组件(Components)”,这种可以选择的组件可以帮助你针对于你现有的声音素材来选择最恰当的处理模块组合。
Waves GTR Amp包括单声道(Mono)、双箱体单声道(Mono Dual Cabinet)、单声道转立体声(Mono-to-Stereo)以及立体声(Stereo)几种配置模式。
在双箱体单声道(Mono Dual Cabinet)、单声道转立体声(Mono-to-Stereo)以及立体声(Stereo)这三种模式下,可以使用同一个放大器驱动两种箱体;在单声道转立体声(Mono-to-Stereo)以及立体声(Stereo)这两种模式下,来自每一个箱体的输出声相(Pan)可以独立进行调节。
Nissan GT-R Nismo终极战神
Nissan GT-R NismoNissan “神也是人,只不过他做了人做不到的事情,于是便成了神。
今天的主角文/马爽@我是马小陆摄影/郝笑天@郝笑天作为一名重度“性能控”来说,我贪恋保时捷911那种随心所欲的驾驶感受,忌惮迈凯伦570S 犹如固体火箭般的恐怖性能,痴迷法拉利488 GTB 流淌着马拉内罗的赛道血脉,怀念克鲁郡的巡航导弹宾利欧陆GT 。
但不知为什么,每每提到GT-R 总有一种说不出来的情怀积蓄在心间。
本田NSX 和日产GT-R 是我惟一的“信仰”,GT-R 则是我心中独一无二的“战神”。
国人大多数比较了解的GT-R 都是2007年推出的R 35,其实GT-R 历经6代淬炼。
第一代GT-R 最早可以追溯到上世纪60年代,那时的它并不称作GT-R ,也并不归属于日产,而是称为Skyline ,代号C 10。
基于C 10 Skyline 打1N ismo 版的GT -R 内饰采用了大量的ALcantara 材质包裹,并配以碳纤维装饰件2 这套Recaro 碳纤维赛车座椅需要选装,价格不菲1Nissan GT-R Nismo2造的两门版才是正宗的第一代GT-R。
2.0L直列6缸发动机可以爆发120kW功率和177Nm 扭矩,加上前置后驱的属性备受年轻人的追捧。
《GT赛车2:实车体验GTRacin在初次体验过《GT赛车2:实车体验 GT Racing 2: The Real Car Exp》的游戏快感之后,不少玩家可能会有点小埋怨,说这游戏金币好难赚、任务好难做之类的话。
单纯就游戏的上手度和吸引力来讲, GT 2 的任务设置和解锁要求难度确实并不轻松,一般的玩家都没办法仅尝试一两次就轻松过关,游戏进行的阶段性也比较长,十分考验玩家的耐心。
俗话说,越是难得到的才越是会让人觉得珍惜, GameLoft 的游戏总不能是一次性水准吧。
有些玩家就开始探究游戏中的赛道是否存在着传说中的“近路”,I’m sorry,没有!游戏时部分赛道可能出现有小岔道,这是很正常的,因为游戏中的赛道是有从现实的赛道中参考来的,但为了游戏的公平性,游戏中的岔道口都堵上了,不管玩家想通过飞车还是撞击都进不了岔道走不了捷径的。
top gear剧集简介
【Top Gear第1季】Top Gear 2002年10月20日(第1期)-Jeremy试驾造型独特的Citroen Berlingo Multispace-Richard介绍Ford GT Concept-Jeremy对比测试Pagani Zonda和Lamborghini Murcielago-Stig被介绍出场-Richard做了个很有趣的试验:高速摄像机能不能拍着高速行驶的汽车!-Jeremy为大家展示新技术把普通的植物油变成汽车燃油-Richard试驾Mazda 6 SportTop Gear 2002年10月27日(第2期)-Jeremy在威尔士试驾Ford Focus RS和Subaru Impreza-双层BUS跳摩托车-Jeremy测试Noble M12 GTO-福特RS车型大集合-Richard介绍Ford Escort RS 1800Top Gear 2002年11月10日(第4期)-Jeremy与Damon Hill(达蒙·希尔)在Isle of White岛试驾Aston Martin Vanquish和Ferrari 575M-介绍WRC车手Richard Burns-Jason Dawe试驾介绍Nissan Skyline GTR-邦德车Aston Martin Vanquish和Jaguar XKR-七款销量冠军车(Renault Laguna、Ford Mondeo、Toyota Avensi s、Jaguar X-Type、Mercedes C200、BMW 318i、Honda Accord)看看在Top Gear赛道上谁跑得最快!Top Gear 2002年11月17日(第5期)-新奔驰S级已经亮相了,那么回顾一下Jeremy评测上一代S级吧-Jeremy评测Audi A8-胖子Jason评测标志206,国产前看看Top Gear是怎么评价206吧-Richard评测Maybach 62-Jeremy评测Bentley Arnage T-DIY的廉价邦德车Top Gear 2002年11月24日(第6期)-Stig在Top Gear赛道上用NSX Type R跑圈速-Jeremy评测怪异的Renault旗舰Vel Satis-老奶奶们学习如何手刹180度停车-Richard评测BMW Z4-Jason告诉你为什么买二手Golf最合算-Jeremy评测他自己卖了F355以后新买的SL55 AMG。
快用苹果助手:iPhone 手柄必玩游戏推荐
快用苹果助手:iPhone手柄必玩游戏快用苹果助手了解到首款苹果官方认证版的iOS 手柄将正式登录苹果零售店及在线商店。
Moga 手柄内置的是一颗1800 毫安的电池,通过可伸缩的造型将iPhone 放置其中,然后经蓝牙渠道与iPhone 进行连接。
图01. iOS 官方认证手柄GT赛车2:真实体验(GT Racing 2: The Real Car Experience)GT赛车2:真实体验(GT Racing 2: The Real Car Experience)GT赛车2 (GT Racing 2) 以“真车”赛车体验为卖点,玩家可以享受到包含来自世界35 家顶级汽车制造商的67 辆经典赛车,其中还有奔驰旗下4 款最经典车型的驾驶感受。
GT赛车2 (GT Racing 2) 更加注重写实的操作体验和动态表现,比赛中自动起步、自动加速、没有漂移,默认操控模式为重力方向+点触刹车,玩家基本上全程要做的就是在适当的时机的自动减速/换挡之下转动方向。
总体来说GT赛车2 (GT Racing 2) 是一款相当真实的模拟赛车游戏,高清的画面、光亮的赛车、真实的操控,适合追求细节的玩家。
海之号角(Oceanhorn)图02.海之号角(Oceanhorn)海之号角(Oceanhorn) 可以定义为A·RPG,游戏主线是探索+冒险,动作的部分占比例不大,更加注重的是解谜的环节,游戏的小地图和大地图都是半开放式,全由玩家一步一个脚印脚印去探索,去完成所有区域的海图。
海之号角(Oceanhorn) 的冒险世界是以蔚蓝大海上各种各样的海岛为舞台的,每一个海岛都有完成度的设定,同时有三项不同的成就,完成度相当于完美地图踏破,当然在前期有很多区域是无法到达的,大部分需要玩家获得新的关键道具、新的技能之后回来继续探险,所以重复游戏的指数很高。
目录第一章安全知识 (1)1.驾驶员须知 (1)2.安全和车辆损坏警告 (1)3.锂电池组的回收 (1)4.高压系统 (1)5.发生事故时的注意事项 (2)6.灭火器 (2)第二章车辆驾驶信息 (3)1.仪器仪表说明 (3)2.车载影音娱乐系统 (8)3.左组合开关 (9)4.右组合开关 (10)5.外后视镜 (10)6.内部照明 (10)7.内后视镜 (11)8.档位开关装置 (11)9.空调装置 (12)10.警示灯开关 (17)11.玻璃升降器开关 (17)12.应急开关 (18)13.转向盘锁 (18)14.机舱盖 (19)15.充电接口 (20)16.后背门 (20)17.左、右侧车门 (21)18.座椅 (22)19.安全带 (23)20.转向盘调节 (24)第三章车辆使用 (25)1.实用驾驶技巧 (25)2.动力电池组充电 (27)3.车辆启动 (30)4.车辆牵引 (34)5.后台数据监控 (34)6真空助力失效及真空泵震动噪声说明 (34)第四章车辆维护 (35)1.定期保养 (35)2.液面检查 (35)3.电池保养 (36)4.玻璃升降器 (38)5.车轮和轮胎 (39)6.车身 (41)7.保险丝盒 (42)第五章技术参数 (48)1.车辆信息 (48)2.结构概述 (49)3.整车基本技术参数 (50)3.1整车主要尺寸参数 (50)3.2整车质量参数 (51)3.3整车要求性能参数 (51)3.4其他要求 (51)3.5整车配置 (52)第一章安全知识1.驾驶员须知您在中华人民共和国境内驾驶本车辆时,请您必须先考取公安交通管理部门颁发的驾驶执照。
GTR Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet Manual
GTR Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet ManualFor Version Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet Manual (1)Introduction (2)Installation and start (2)Requirements (2)Configuration (3)G‐Max Warning (x axis) (3)G‐Max Warning (z axis) (3)LCD Refresh Rate (3)Check for Game Interval (3)LCD [x] alternative Hot Button (4)Alternative MOTEC Provider (4)Speed Measurement (4)Temp Measurement (4)Debug‐Screens (5)Additional information (5)This applet is an application for the Logitech G15 LCD keyboard. It allows you to display the revolutions per minute, lap times, thankful, speed, tire temperatures, fuel and oil pressure, water and oil temperatures and such. A special gimmick is a G‐Force meter and different debug screens.The applet works with GTR Evolution and with Race 07. It has been tested with the off‐ and online version in 32‐ and 64‐bit environments.Installation and startThis applet doesn’t need an installation. With the start of gtrevo.exe there will be an icon in your system tray which you can use to close or configure this application (right click).RequirementsYou should run the application with Administrator rights (especially in Windows Vista). The Application checks in user‐configurable intervals if Race07.exe, Race_Steam.exe or another definable Application is running. As soon as you’re in a race, the GTR Evolution logo hides and you can see the MOTEC data.If this doesn’t happen, or you are getting errors right from the start, you should assure that the application really runs with Administrator rights and all DLL files are stored within the same directory in which gtrevo.exe is placed.Updates of the application may help, too, if available.You can configure the applet in two ways. The first one is the recommended way for normal users. It can be reached by right‐clicking on the system tray icon and clicking on Configuration. Professional users may change the settings direct within the gtrevo.ini file which is delivered with English comments.GMax Warning (x axis)Raises a G‐Max warning in the G‐Force display if forces from the side exceed this value (like heavy steering). Values have to be entered in Milli‐G’s. 1000 Milli‐G’s are equal to 1 G.GMax Warning (z axis)Raises a G‐Max warning in the G‐Force display if forces from behind or in front of you exceed this value (like accelerating and breaking). Values have to be entered in Milli‐G’s. 1000 Milli‐G’s are equal to 1 G.LCD Refresh RateDefines the time interval which is used to update the LCD. Your entered time will be shown in a FPS format, too. If this FPS value is larger than your average game FPS, you should think about raising the refresh rate interval as too high speeds may eat up resources. Input is in milliseconds.Check for Game IntervalDefines the time interval in which the application checks if GTR Evolution or Race 07 is running. This value can be pretty high. Values up to 30 seconds (30000 ms) may be suitable. Standard value is 3 seconds (3000 ms).LCD [x] alternative Hot ButtonAllows you to define other hot keys to change the LCD modes in addition to the LCD buttons. This can be handy if you find it hard to reach the LCD buttons or if you want to access them through a gamepad or steering wheel.Alternative MOTEC ProviderModders may have their own start files for GTR Evo or Race 07. This application can’t work with those files because it does not accept them as a MOTEC data provider by default. You may enter your application file name here (or search it with a file open dialog) to tell my applet that your application provides normal MOTEC data with the help of the standard shared memory area.Speed MeasurementAllows you to choose between kilometers per hour (KM/H) or miles per hour (MPH) for the display of speed.Temp MeasurementAllows you to choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit for the display of temperatures.DebugScreensDebug screens contain additional information. Like the maximum G‐Values you experienced within a race, your highest speed (and current speed in mach) or current map position. It also features highest tire, oil and watertemperature.How precisely these information are depends on your LCD Refresh Rate configuration. A crash, for example, extremely high G‐Values happen just for a very short time. If you want them to be exactly recorded, you should use a LCD Refresh Rate that is higher than your average game FPS.To use the debug screens, just right‐click on the tray icon and click on Use Debug Screens. You can now switch between the debug screens like they were the normal ones.To reset the measured maxima within a race (without leaving it), press the middle LCD buttons together.Additional informationNewest version of the software and the manual can be found at http://www.vrisom.de.This application is freeware. You my reproduce it without any restrictions. If this application is combined with another application, you decide to host it yourself or write an article about it (no matter if printed or line) or if it is shipped on a commercial CD/DVD etc. I like to be noticed – just to know how my applet spreads.。
gtr2 调教
步骤改动要素指示的信息及操作_____使用6档在最长的直道上达到引擎的转速上限使用6档在最长的直道上未达到引擎的转速上限在长直道末端引擎达到转速上限刹车碟温度在直道上低于300°C刹车碟温度在刹车时高于600°C 刹车碟温度基本保持在300到600°C 之间内侧胎温 - 外侧胎温 < 0°C内侧胎温 - 外侧胎温 > 5°C 0°C < 内侧胎温 - 外侧胎温 < 5°C 轮胎中部温度低于轮胎内侧及外侧温度轮胎中部温度高于轮胎内侧及外侧温度轮胎中部温度介于内侧及外侧之间刹车时前轮先抱死(赛车有直冲出赛道的趋势)刹车时后轮先抱死[赛车有打转(spin)的趋势]前后轮同时抱死在最大的弯角方向盘需要转到 最大 角度在最大的弯角方向盘转到 50% 的角度在最大的弯角方向盘转到 90% 的角度5STEERING LOCK 转向锁3CAMBER 外倾角TIRE PRESSURE INITIALSETUP 默认胎压4BRAKE BIAS 前后刹车平衡1GEAR BOX 变速箱2BRAKE DUCT刹车碟通风孔调校指南 FOR GTR2 : 21 步作者 : LmS (lms_oid@libertysurf.fr这篇调校向导是为模拟GT 赛事的游戏——GTR2而撰写的。
GTR2调教手册转载自C-Race轮胎选择(TIRES):SOFT SLICK 干地软性胎抓地力强,耐磨度弱MEDIUM SLICK 干地中性胎抓地力中,耐磨度中HARD SLICK 干地硬性胎抓地力弱,耐磨度强INITERMEDIATE 干湿混合胎抓地力强,耐磨度差HARO WET 湿地硬性胎抓地力弱,耐磨度强SORT WET 湿地软性胎抓地力强,耐磨度弱赛车轮胎由一百多种不同的原料构成,其中包括橡胶(天然橡胶和合成橡胶)、苯乙烯丁酸(用于提高抓地力)以及聚丁烯(用于提高耐久性),除此之外,一条轮胎中还包含例如尼龙或者涤纶等织物纤维、树脂、硫磺、蜡、石油等原料。
刹车设定(BTRAKES):PRESSURE 刹车强度比BISA(F:R) 前后轮刹车比重DUCT 刹车通风管尺寸PRESSURE 刹车强度比调整刹车力度强弱比,加大刹车力度比可以减短刹车距离,但会容易造成车轮抱死,加快轮胎的磨损。
BISA(F:R) 前后轮刹车比重调整分配给前轮和后轮的刹车力的大小比例。
《GT赛车2:真实体验》比赛类型解读【本文于2013年11月15日更新】《GT赛车2之真实体验》已经登陆安卓平台,各位玩家赶快下载吧!安卓版《GT赛车2:真实体验 GT Racing 2: The Real Car Experience》发布在即,玩法提前曝光。
在计时器变成 0 之前超过你前方的所有车辆,就为胜。
【有问必答】 100% 真人回答你下载游戏、玩游戏时遇到的各种问题。
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在低轮胎压力下驾驶车辆可导致某些动力传动系统损坏,并影响低轮胎压力也可能导致轮胎故障,并导致““““驻车时遵照以下说明有助于防止制动盘和 制动衬块因生锈而粘在一起。
New Perspectives on the Structure of Graphitic Carbons
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences,30:235–253,2005 Copyright c Taylor and Francis Inc.ISSN:1040-8436printDOI:10.1080/10408430500406265New Perspectives on the Structure of Graphitic CarbonsPeter J.F.Harris∗Centre for Advanced Microscopy,University of Reading,Whiteknights,Reading,RG66AF,UKGraphitic forms of carbon are important in a wide variety of applications,ranging from pollutioncontrol to composite materials,yet the structure of these carbons at the molecular level ispoorly understood.The discovery of fullerenes and fullerene-related structures such as carbonnanotubes has given a new perspective on the structure of solid carbon.This review aims toshow how the new knowledge gained as a result of research on fullerene-related carbons canbe applied to well-known forms of carbon such as microporous carbon,glassy carbon,carbonfibers,and carbon black.Keywords fullerenes,carbon nanotubes,carbon nanoparticles,non-graphitizing carbons,microporous carbon,glassy carbon,carbon black,carbonfibers.Table of Contents INTRODUCTION (235)FULLERENES,CARBON NANOTUBES,AND CARBON NANOPARTICLES (236)MICROPOROUS(NON-GRAPHITIZING)CARBONS (239)Background (239)Early Models (241)Evidence for Fullerene-Like Structures in Microporous Carbons (242)New Models for the Structure of Microporous Carbons (242)Carbonization and the Structural Evolution of Microporous Carbon (243)GLASSY CARBON (244)CARBON FIBERS (245)CARBON BLACK (248)Background (248)Structure of Carbon Black Particles (249)Effect of High-Temperature Heat Treatment on Carbon Black Structure (250)CONCLUSIONS (250)ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (251)REFERENCES (251)INTRODUCTIONUntil quite recently we knew for certain of just two allotropes of carbon:diamond and graphite.The vast range of carbon ma-∗E-mail:p.j.f.harris@ terials,both natural and synthetic,which have more disordered structures have traditionally been considered as variants of one or other of these two allotropes.Because the great majority of these materials contain sp2carbon rather than sp3carbon,their struc-tures have been thought of as being made up from tiny fragments235236P.J.F.HARRISFI G.1.(a)Model of PAN-derived carbon fibres from the work of Crawford and Johnson,1(b)model of a non-graphitizing carbon by Ban and colleagues.2of crystalline graphite.Examples of models for the structures of carbons in which the basic elements are graphitic are reproduced in Figure 1.The structure shown in Figure 1(a)is a model for the structure of carbon fibers suggested by Crawford and Johnson in 1971,1whereas 1(b)shows a model for non-graphitizing car-bon given by Ban and colleagues in 1975.2Both structures are constructed from bent or curved sheets of graphite,containing exclusively hexagonal rings.Although these models probably provide a good first approximation of the structures of these car-bons,in many cases they fail to explain fully the properties of the materials.Consider the example of non-graphitizing carbons.As the name suggests,these cannot be transformed into crystalline graphite even at temperatures of 3000◦C and above.I nstead,high temperature heat treatments transform them into structures with a high degree of porosity but no long-range crystalline order.I n the model proposed by Ban et al.(Figure 1(b)),the structure is made up of ribbon-like sheets enclosing randomly shaped voids.It is most unlikely that such a structure could retain its poros-ity when subjected to high temperature heat treatment—surface energy would force the voids to collapse.The shortcomings of this and other “conventional”models are discussed more fully later in the article.The discovery of the fullerenes 3−5and subsequently of re-lated structures such as carbon nanotubes,6−8nanohorns,9,10and nanoparticles,11has given us a new paradigm for solid car-bon structures.We now know that carbons containing pentago-nal rings,as well as other non-six-membered rings,among the hexagonal sp 2carbon network,can be highly stable.This new perspective has prompted a number of groups to take a fresh look at well-known forms of carbon,to see whether any evidence can be found for the presence of fullerene-like structures.12−14The aim of this article is to review this new work on the structure of graphitic carbons,to assess whether models that incorporate fullerene-like elements could provide a better basis for under-standing these materials than the conventional models,and to point out areas where further work is needed.The carbon ma-terials considered include non-graphitizing carbon,glassy car-bon,carbon fibers,and carbon black.The article begins with an outline of the main structural features of fullerenes,carbon nanotubes,and carbon nanoparticles,together with a brief dis-cussion of their stability.FULLERENES,CARBON NANOTUBES,AND CARBON NANOPARTICLESThe structure of C 60,the archetypal fullerene,is shown in Figure 2(a).The structure consists of twelve pentagonal rings and twenty hexagons in an icosahedral arrangement.I t will be noted that all the pentagons are isolated from each other.This is important,because adjacent pentagonal rings form an unstable bonding arrangement.All other closed-cage isomers of C 60,and all smaller fullerenes,are less stable than buck-minsterfullerene because they have adjacent pentagons.For higher fullerenes,the number of structures with isolated pen-tagonal rings increases rapidly with size.For example,C 100has 450isolated-pentagon isomers.16Most of these higher fullerenes have low symmetry;only a very small number of them have the icosahedral symmetry of C 60.An example of a giant fullerene that can have icosahedral symmetry is C 540,as shown in Figure 2(b).There have been many studies of the stability of fullerenes as a function of size (e.g.,Refs.17,18).These show that,in general,stability increases with size.Experimentally,there is evidence that C 60is unstable with respect to large,multiwalled fullerenes.This was demonstrated by Mochida and colleagues,who heated C 60and C 70in a sublimation-limiting furnace.19They showed that the cage structure broke down at 900◦C–1000◦C,although at 2400◦C fullerene-like “hollow spheres”with diameters in the range 10–20nm were formed.We now consider fullerene-related carbon nanotubes,which were discovered by Iijima in 1991.6These consist of cylinders of graphite,closed at each end with caps that contain precisely six pentagonal rings.We can illustrate their structure by considering the two “archetypal”carbon nanotubes that can be formed by cutting a C 60molecule in half and placing a graphene cylinder between the two halves.Dividing C 60parallel to one of the three-fold axes results in the zig-zag nanotube shown in Figure 3(a),whereas bisecting C 60along one of the fivefold axes produces the armchair nanotube shown in Figure 3(b).The terms “zig-zag”and “armchair”refer to the arrangement of hexagons around the circumference.There is a third class of structure in which the hexagons are arranged helically around the tube axis.Ex-perimentally,the tubes are generally much less perfect than the idealized versions shown in Figure 3,and may be eitherNEW PERSPECTIVES ON GRAPHITIC CARBONS STRUCTURE237FI G.2.The structure of (a)C 60,(b)icosahedral C 540.15multilayered or single-layered.Figure 4shows a high resolu-tion TEM image of multilayered nanotubes.The multilayered tubes range in length from a few tens of nm to several microns,and in outer diameter from about 2.5nm to 30nm.The end-caps of the tubes are sometimes symmetrical in shape,but more often asymmetric.Conical structures of the kind shown in Fig-ure 5(a)are commonly observed.This type of structure is be-lieved to result from the presence of a single pentagon at the position indicated by the arrow,with five further pentagons at the apex of the cone.Also quite common are complex cap struc-tures displaying a “bill-like”morphology such as thatshownFI G.3.Drawings of the two nanotubes that can be capped by one half of a C 60molecule.(a)Zig-zag (9,0)structure,(b)armchair (5,5)structure.20in Figure 5(b).21This structure results from the presence of a single pentagon at point “X”and a heptagon at point “Y .”The heptagon results in a saddle-point,or region of negative curvature.The nanotubes first reported by Iijima were prepared by va-porizing graphite in a carbon arc under an atmosphere of helium.Nanotubes produced in this way are invariably accompanied by other material,notably carbon nanoparticles.These can be thought of as giant,multilayered fullerenes,and range in size from ∼5nm to ∼15nm.A high-resolution image of a nanopar-ticle attached to a nanotube is shown in Figure 6(a).22In this238P.J.F.HARRISFI G.4.TEM image of multiwalled nanotubes.case,the particle consists of three concentric fullerene shells.A more typical nanoparticle,with many more layers,is shown in Figure 6(b).These larger particles are probably relatively im-perfect instructure.FI G.5.I mages of typical multiwalled nanotube caps.(a)cap with asymmetric cone structure,(b)cap with bill-like structure.21Single-walled nanotubes were first prepared in 1993using a variant of the arc-evaporation technique.23,24These are quite different from multilayered nanotubes in that they generally have very small diameters (typically ∼1nm),and tend to be curledNEW PERSPECTIVES ON GRAPHITIC CARBONS STRUCTURE239FI G.6.I mages of carbon nanoparticles.(a)small nanoparticle with three concentric layers on nanotube surface,22(b)larger multilayered nanoparticle.and looped rather than straight.They will not be considered further here because they have no parallel among well-known forms of carbon discussed in this article.The stability of multilayered carbon nanotubes and nanopar-ticles has not been studied in detail experimentally.However,we know that they are formed at the center of graphite electrodes during arcing,where temperatures probably approach 3000◦C.I t is reasonable to assume,therefore,that nanotubes and nanopar-ticles could withstand being re-heated to such temperatures (in an inert atmosphere)without significant change.MICROPOROUS (NON-GRAPHITIZING)CARBONS BackgroundIt was demonstrated many years ago by Franklin 25,26that carbons produced by the solid-phase pyrolysis of organic ma-terials fall into two distinct classes.The so-called graphitizing carbons tend to be soft and non-porous,with relatively high den-sities,and can be readily transformed into crystalline graphite by heating at temperatures in the range 2200◦C–3000◦C.I n con-trast,“non-graphitizing”carbons are hard,low-densitymateri-FI G.7.(a)High resolution TEM image of carbon prepared by pyrolysis of sucrose in nitrogen at 1000◦C,(b)carbon prepared bypyrolysis of anthracene at 1000◦C.I nsets show selected area diffraction patterns.30als that cannot be transformed into crystalline graphite even at temperatures of 3000◦C and above.The low density of non-graphitizing carbons is a consequence of a microporous struc-ture,which gives these materials an exceptionally high internal surface area.This high surface area can be enhanced further by activation,that is,mild oxidation with a gas or chemical pro-cessing,and the resulting “activated carbons”are of enormous commercial importance,primarily as adsorbents.27−29The distinction between graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons can be illustrated most clearly using transmission elec-tron microscopy (TEM).Figure 7(a)shows a TEM image of a typical non-graphitizing carbon prepared by the pyrolysis of sucrose in an inert atmosphere at 1000◦C.30The inset shows a diffraction pattern recorded from an area approximately 0.25µm in diameter.The image shows the structure to be disordered and isotropic,consisting of tightly curled single carbon layers,with no obvious graphitization.The diffraction pattern shows symmetrical rings,confirming the isotropic structure.The ap-pearance of graphitizing carbons,on the other hand,approxi-mates much more closely to that of graphite.This can be seen in the TEM micrograph of a carbon prepared from anthracene,240P.J.F.HARRI Swhich is shown in Figure 7(b).Here,the structure contains small,approximately flat carbon layers,packed tightly together with a high degree of alignment.The fragments can be considered as rather imperfect graphene sheets.The diffraction pattern for the graphitizing carbon consists of arcs rather than symmetrical rings,confirming that the layers are preferentially aligned along a particular direction.The bright,narrow arcs in this pattern correspond to the interlayer {0002}spacings,whereas the other reflections appear as broader,less intense arcs.Transmission electron micrographs showing the effect of high-temperature heat treatments on the structure of non-graphitizing and graphitizing carbons are shown in Figure 8(note that the magnification here is much lower than for Figure 7).I n the case of the non-graphitizing carbon,heating at 2300◦C in an inert atmosphere produces the disordered,porous material shown in Figure 8(a).This structure is made up of curved and faceted graphitic layer planes,typically 1–2nm thick and 5–15nm in length,enclosing randomly shaped pores.A few somewhat larger graphite crystallites are present,but there is no macroscopic graphitization.n contrast,heat treatment of the anthracene-derived carbon produces large crystals of highly or-dered graphite,as shown in Figure 8(b).Other physical measurements also demonstrate sharp dif-ferences between graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons.Table 1shows the effect of preparation temperature on the sur-face areas and densities of a typical graphitizing carbon prepared from polyvinyl chloride,and a non-graphitizing carbon prepared from cellulose.31It can be seen that the graphitizing carbon pre-pared at 700◦C has a very low surface area,which changes lit-tle for carbons prepared at higher temperatures,up to 3000◦C.The density of the carbons increases steadily as thepreparationFI G.8.Micrographs of (a)sucrose carbon and (b)anthracene carbon following heat treatment at 2300◦C.TABLE 1Effect of temperature on surface areas and densities of carbonsprepared from polyvinyl chloride and cellulose 31(a)Surface areas Specific surface area (m 2/g)for carbons prepared at:Starting material 700◦C 1500◦C 2000◦C 2700◦C 3000◦C PVC 0.580.210.210.710.56Cellulose 4081.601.172.232.25(b)Densities Helium density (g/cm 3)for carbons prepared at:Starting material 700◦C 1500◦C 2000◦C 2700◦C 3000◦C PVC 1.85 2.09 2.14 2.21 2.26Cellulose1.901.471.431.561.70temperature is increased,reaching a value of 2.26g/cm 3,which is the density of pure graphite,at 3000◦C.The effect of prepara-tion temperature on the non-graphitizing carbon is very different.A high surface area is observed for the carbon prepared at 700◦C (408m 2/g),which falls rapidly as the preparation temperature is increased.Despite this reduction in surface area,however,the density of the non-graphitizing carbon actually falls when the temperature of preparation is increased.This indicates that a high proportion of “closed porosity”is present in the heat-treated carbon.NEW PERSPECTIVES ON GRAPHITIC CARBONS STRUCTURE241FI G.9.Franklin’s representations of(a)non-graphitizing and(b)graphitizing carbons.25Early ModelsThefirst attempt to develop structural models of graphitizingand non-graphitizing carbons was made by Franklin in her1951paper.25In these models,the basic units are small graphitic crys-tallites containing a few layer planes,which are joined togetherby crosslinks.The precise nature of the crosslinks is not speci-fied.An illustration of Franklin’s models is shown in Figure9.Using these models,she put forward an explanation of whynon-graphitizing carbons cannot be converted by heat treatmentinto graphite,and this will now be summarized.During car-bonization the incipient stacking of the graphene sheets in thenon-graphitizing carbon is largely prevented.At this stage thepresence of crosslinks,internal hydrogen,and the viscosity ofthe material is crucial.The resulting structure of the carbon(at ∼1000◦C)consists of randomly ordered crystallites,held to-gether by residual crosslinks and van der Waals forces,as inFigure9(a).During high-temperature treatment,even thoughthese crosslinks may be broken,the activation energy for themotion of entire crystallites,required for achieving the struc-ture of graphite,is too high and graphite is not formed.Onthe other hand,the structural units in a graphitizing carbon areapproximately parallel to each other,as in Figure9(b),and thetransformation of such a structure into crystalline graphite wouldbe expected to be relatively facile.Although Franklin’s ideason graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons may be broadlycorrect,they are in some regards incomplete.For example,thenature of the crosslinks between the graphitic fragments is notspecified,so the reasons for the sharply differing properties ofgraphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons is not explained.The advent of high-resolution transmission electron mi-croscopy in the early1970s enabled the structure of non-graphitizing carbons to be imaged directly.n a typical study,Ban,Crawford,and Marsh2examined carbons prepared frompolyvinylidene chloride(PVDC)following heat treatments attemperatures in the range530◦C–2700◦C.I mages of these car-bons apparently showed the presence of curved and twistedgraphite sheets,typically two or three layer planes thick,enclos-ing voids.These images led Ban et al.to suggest that heat-treatednon-graphitizing carbons have a ribbon-like structure,as shownin Figure1(b).This structure corresponds to a PVDC carbonheat treated at1950◦C.This ribbon-like model is rather similar to an earlier model of glassy carbon proposed by Jenkins andKawamura.32However,models of this kind,which are intendedto represent the structure of non-graphitizing carbons follow-ing high-temperature heat treatment,have serious weaknesses,as noted earlier.Such models consist of curved and twistedgraphene sheets enclosing irregularly shaped pores.However,graphene sheets are known to be highlyflexible,and wouldtherefore be expected to become ever more closely folded to-gether at high temperatures,in order to reduce surface energy.Indeed,tightly folded graphene sheets are quite frequently seenin carbons that have been exposed to extreme conditions.33Thus,structures like the one shown in Figure1(b)would be unlikelyto be stable at very high temperatures.It has also been pointed out by Oberlin34,35that the modelsput forward by Jenkins,Ban,and their colleagues were basedon a questionable interpretation of the electron micrographs.In most micrographs of partially graphitized carbons,only the {0002}fringes are resolved,and these are only visible when they are approximately parallel to the electron beam.Therefore,such images tend to have a ribbon-like appearance.However,because only a part of the structure is being imaged,this appear-ance can be misleading,and the true three-dimensional structuremay be more cagelike than ribbon-like.This is a very importantpoint,and must always be borne in mind when analyzing imagesof graphitic carbons.Oberlin herself believes that all graphiticcarbons are built up from basic structural units,which comprisesmall groups of planar aromatic structures,35but does not appearto have given a detailed explanation for the non-graphitizabilityof certain carbons.The models of non-graphitizing carbons described so farhave assumed that the carbon atoms are exclusively sp2and arebonded in hexagonal rings.Some authors have suggested thatsp3-bonded atoms may be present in these carbons(e.g.,Refs.36,37),basing their arguments on an analysis of X-ray diffrac-tion patterns.The presence of diamond-like domains would beconsistent with the hardness of non-graphitizing carbons,andmight also explain their extreme resistance to graphitization.Aserious problem with these models is that sp3carbon is unsta-ble at high temperatures.Diamond is converted to graphite at1700◦C,whereas tetrahedrally bonded carbon atoms in amor-phousfilms are unstable above about700◦C.Therefore,the242P.J.F.HARRI Spresence of sp 3atoms in a carbon cannot explain the resistance of the carbon to graphitization at high temperatures.I t should also be noted that more recent diffraction studies of non-graphitizing carbons have suggested that sp 3-bonded atoms are not present,as discussed further in what follows.Evidence for Fullerene-Like Structures in Microporous CarbonsThe evidence that microporous carbons might have fullerene-related structures has come mainly from high-resolution TEM studies.The present author and colleagues initiated a series of studies of typical non-graphitizing microporous carbons using this technique in the mid 1990s.30,38,39The first such study in-volved examining carbons prepared from PVDC and sucrose,after heat treatments at temperatures in the range 2100◦C–2600◦C.38The carbons subjected to very high temperatures had rather disordered structures similar to that shown in Figure 8(a).Careful examination of the heated carbons showed that they often contained closed nanoparticles;examples can be seen in Figure 10.The particles were usually faceted,and often hexagonal or pentagonal in shape.Sometimes,faceted layer planes enclosed two or more of the nanoparticles,as shown in Figure 10(b).Here,the arrows indicate two saddle-points,similar to that shown in Figure 5(b).The closed nature of the nanoparticles,their hexagonal or pentagonal shapes,and other features such as the saddle-points strongly suggest that the parti-cles have fullerene-like structures.I ndeed,in many cases the par-ticles resemble those produced by arc-evaporation in a fullerene generator (see Figure 6)although in the latter case the particles usually contain many more layers.The observation of fullerene-related nanoparticles in the heat treated carbons suggested that the original,freshly prepared car-bons may also have had fullerene-related structures (see next section).However,obtaining direct evidence for this is diffi-cult.High resolution electron micrographs of freshly prepared carbons,such as that shown in Figure 7(a),are usuallyratherFI G.10.(a)Micrograph showing closed structure in PVDC-derived carbon heated at 2600◦C,(b)another micrograph of same sample,with arrows showing regions of negative curvature.38featureless,and do not reveal the detailed structure.Occasion-ally,however,very small closed particles can be found in the carbons.30The presence of such particles provides circumstan-tial evidence that the surrounding carbon may have a fullerene-related structure.Direct imaging of pentagonal rings by HRTEM has not yet been achieved,but recent developments in TEM imaging techniques suggest that this may soon be possible,as discussed in the Conclusions.As well as high-resolution TEM,diffraction methods have been widely applied to microporous and activated carbons (e.g.,Refs.40–44).However,the interpretation of diffraction data from these highly disordered materials is not straightforward.As already mentioned,some early X-ray diffraction studies were interpreted as providing evidence for the presence of sp 3-bonded atoms.More recent neutron diffraction studies have suggested that non-graphitizing carbons consist entirely of sp 2atoms.40It is less clear whether diffraction methods can establish whether the atoms are bonded in pentagonal or hexagonal rings.Both Petkov et al .42and Zetterstrom and colleagues 43have interpreted neutron diffraction data from nanoporous carbons in terms of a structure containing non-hexagonal rings,but other interpreta-tions may also be possible.Raman spectroscopy is another valuable technique for the study of carbons.45Burian and Dore have used this method to analyze carbons prepared from sucrose,heat treated at tem-peratures from 1000◦C–2300◦C.46The Raman spectra showed clear evidence for the presence of fullerene-and nanotube-like elements in the carbons.There was also some evidence for fullerene-like structures in graphitizing carbons prepared from anthracene,but these formed at higher temperatures and in much lower proportions than in the non-graphitizing carbons.New Models for the Structure of Microporous Carbons Prompted by the observations described in the previous section,the present author and colleagues proposed a model for the structure of non-graphitizing carbons that consists ofNEW PERSPECTIVES ON GRAPHITIC CARBONS STRUCTURE243FI G.11.Schematic illustration of a model for the structure of non-graphitizing carbons based on fullerene-like elements.discrete fragments of curved carbon sheets,in which pentagons and heptagons are dispersed randomly throughout networks of hexagons,as illustrated in Figure11.38,39The size of the micropores in this model would be of the order of0.5–1.0nm, which is similar to the pore sizes observed in typical microp-orous carbons.The structure has some similarities to the“ran-dom schwarzite”network put forward by Townsend and col-leagues in1992,47although this was not proposed as a model for non-graphitizing carbons.I f the model we have proposed for non-graphitizing carbons is correct it suggests that these carbons are very similar in structure to fullerene soot,the low-density, disordered material that forms on walls of the arc-evaporation vessel and from which C60and other fullerenes may be ex-tracted.Fullerene soot is known to be microporous,with a sur-face area,after activation with carbon dioxide,of approximately 700m2g−1,48and detailed analysis of high resolution TEM mi-crographs of fullerene soot has shown that these are consis-tent with a structure in which pentagons and heptagons are dis-tributed randomly throughout a network of hexagons.49,50It is significant that high-temperature heat treatments can transform fullerene soot into nanoparticles very similar to those observed in heated microporous carbon.51,52Carbonization and the Structural Evolutionof Microporous CarbonThe process whereby organic materials are transformed into carbon by heat treatment is not well understood at the atomic level.53,54In particular,the very basic question of why some organic materials produce graphitizing carbons and others yield non-graphitizing carbons has not been satisfactorily answered. It is known,however,that both the chemistry and physical prop-erties of the precursors are important in determining the class of carbon formed.Thus,non-graphitizing carbons are formed, in general,from substances containing less hydrogen and more oxygen than graphitizing carbons.As far as physical properties are concerned,materials that yield graphitizing carbons usu-ally form a liquid on heating to temperatures around400◦C–500◦C,whereas those that yield non-graphitizing carbons gen-erally form solid chars without melting.The liquid phase pro-duced on heating graphitizing carbons is believed to provide the mobility necessary to form oriented regions.However,this may not be a complete explanation,because some precursors form non-graphitizing carbons despite passing through a liquid phase.The idea that non-graphitizing carbons contain pentagons and other non-six-membered rings,whereas graphitizing car-bons consist entirely of hexagonal rings may help in understand-ing more fully the mechanism of carbonization.Recently Kumar et al.have used Monte Carlo(MC)simulations to model the evo-lution of a polymer structure into a microporous carbon structure containing non-hexagonal rings.55They chose polyfurfuryl al-cohol,a well-known precursor for non-graphitizing carbon,as the starting material.The polymer was represented as a cubic lattice decorated with the repeat units,as shown in Figure12(a). All the non-carbon atoms(i.e.,hydrogen and oxygen)were then removed from the polymer and this network was used in the。
SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38
美丽手表Amazfit GTR用户手册说明书
Amazfit GTR User ManualContentOperating Instructions and Functions Navigation (2)Basic Operations (2)Functions Navigation (2)Watch Wearing and Charging (4)Use of Functions (5)Device Pairing and Unpairing (5)Control Shortcut Menu (7)Flashlight (7)Brightness adjustment (8)DND mode (8)Battery saver mode (9)Lock screen (10)Replace the Watch Face (11)Status (11)Heart Rate (12)Workout (13)Workout Record (14)Weather (15)Music (16)Notifications (17)Alarm (18)Event Reminder (20)Timer (22)Count Down (23)Find Device (24)Compass/Air Pressure/Altitude (25)Settings (27)Workout Function (29)Workout Positioning (30)During Workouts (31)Swimming (32)Workout Reminder (33)Workout Pause and End (33)Workout Settings (34)Operating Instructions and Functions NavigationAmazfit GTR features one AMOLED touch screen and two physical buttons.Basic OperationsSlide left and right or up and down: You can switch between different function pages.Tap and exit: You can tap to enter a specific function page and also operate the tap tips on that page. You can slide right to quickly return to the upper-level menu after tapping to enter a certain function page.Button on the upper right:①Short press to light up the screen.②Short press the watch face page to close the screen.③Short press other pages to quickly return to the watch face.④Long press for 10s to shut down.Button on the bottom right:①Short press to light up the screen.②Short press the watch face page to quickly enter the workout list. (This function can be customized and used to short press to quickly start other functions)You can long press either of the two buttons above to exit the battery saver mode, suspend the workout, and close the alarm alert.Functions NavigationPull the watch face down: You can then enter the shortcut control menu, which allows you to quickly open the flashlight, set brightness, control the DND mode, enter the battery saver mode, and lock the screen.Slide the watch face left and right: You can then quickly enter Status, Heart rate,Slide the watch face up: You can then enter the function list.Watch Wearing and ChargingDaily wearing: During daily use, it is recommended to wear the watch with a moderate tightness at a distance two fingers far from your wrist to ensure that the optical heart rate monitor works properly. Wearing during workouts: During workouts, it is recommended to wear the watch comfortably and ensure a tight fit without slipping. Being too tight or too loose may cause the inaccuracy of detected workout data, so avoid doing this.Charging•The watch charger's USB port needs to be plugged into the USB-supported device, such as socket, PC, power bank.•When placing the watch into the power socket, it's required to keep the watch in a proper direction and position. Be sure that the metal contacts on the back of the watch are closely connected to the charging base.•The screen will display the charging reminder when the watch is placed properly.Use of FunctionsDownload the Amazfit App via the mobile phone before using Amazfit GTR. You cannot use the entire watch functions nor save and upload watch data to your personal cloud account until the watch is paired by using the Amazfit App.Device Pairing and Unpairing Download the Amazfit App from Google Play Store or App Store and register an account or log in.Open the Amazfit App and choose "Profile – My devices – Watch – Amazfit GTR" to search the device nearby.Please tap the check-mark when it shows a pairing request on the watch.If a device can be paired by scanning a QR code, with the Amazfit App on, you can directly pair the device by scanning the QR code on your watch.After paired, the watch usually needs to be upgraded. Wait for upgrading with patience. With the mobile network and Bluetooth on, you also need to keep the watch close to the mobile phone, so as to ensure a successful upgrade.After the watch is paired and upgraded, its functions are available. Meanwhile, the Amazfit App allows for the watch function-specific operations and settings.To unpair the watch, open the Amazfit App, tap "Profile – My devices – Amazfit GTR" and then swipe up and tap the "Unpair" button.Control Shortcut MenuPulling down on the watch face page can quickly open the control shortcut menu page.FlashlightTapping the flashlight icon can open the flashlight function. The white background on the watch screen helps light up a small area at night. You can close the enabled flashlight function by slidingright or pressing the button on the upper right.Brightness adjustmentTapping on the brightness adjustment button can go to the brightness adjustment settings.Auto brightness: The watch will automatically adjust the screen brightness upon ambient light. Manual brightness: You can tailor the screen brightness as you wish.DND modeEnable DND: With the DND mode enabled, the watch will not vibrate when receiving any message pushed by the mobile phone.Time DND: You can tailor the time period during which the DND mode changes from automatically enabled to disabled.Smart DND: After you fall asleep with the watch, the watch will automatically enable the DND mode.Disable DND: The DND mode is disabled, so the watch will vibrate when receiving notifications.Battery saver modeThe battery saver mode can minimize the power consumption of the watch and improve its endurance. With the battery saver mode on, the watch can only record steps and sleep time, with other functions disabled.To exit the battery saver mode, long press any button on the watch.Lock screenWith the lock screen function on, you can unlock the watch to enter the watch face page only by using the watch button. This can prevent any error caused by mistouch. To close the lock screen function, tap the lock screen button again to close this function.Replace the Watch FaceTo replace the watch face on the watch: Long press the watch face page for 2s, or go to "Settings –Watch face settings", slide left and right to scan the watch face, and tap one to complete replacement. To replace the watch face on the App: Tap "Profile –Amazfit GTR –Watch face settings" to download more watch faces on the Watch Face Store.StatusSliding left on the watch face page can enable you to enter the status page which displays the current steps and goal completed. Tapping the status entry can enable you to enter the details page whichshows you the steps, distance, calories and idle data.You can also enter the details page by sliding up on the watch face page and choosing "Status".Heart RateSliding left on the watch face can enable you to enter the heart rate page, and then the watch automatically starts to measure the heart rate. During measurement, it is required to properly wear the watch and keep the back of the watch fairly close to your skin until the watch can measure a stable heart rate.To enable the all-day measure function, open the Amazfit App, go to "Profile – Amazfit GTR –Heart rate detection", and choose to enable automatic heart rate detection.Notes: With the all-day measure function on, the watch will measure the heart rate at regular time. Sliding right on the watch face can make the last heart rate value visible. You can enter the all-day heart rate details page by tapping it.WorkoutAmazfit GTR supports twelve workout types: Outdoor running, Walking, Outdoor cycling, Treadmill, Indoor cycling, Pool swim, Open water swim, Elliptical trainer, Climb, Trail run, Skiing, and Exercise. See the "Workout" section for more details about the functions of different workout types.Workout RecordThe workout data on the watch will be stored in workout records, which are shown from the latest to the earliest. Tapping a specific workout record will make the workout details visible. The visible details vary in workout type.The workout record not uploaded to the App will be marked with a little red dot before it. Open the App to synchronize data timely to avoid the loss of workout records.To delete a workout record on the watch, tap to enter the workout record details page, slide up to the bottom of the page, and then tap the delete button.WeatherTapping the weather function can give you access to the current weather conditions and the weather forecast. If weather data are invisible, you should open the App and connect the device to update the data.MusicWith the Bluetooth, the watch can suspend or play the music on the mobile music player, switch between songs, and adjust the volume.• Open the mobile music player first, and then enable the music function on the watch.• If you are using an iOS device, you need to pair and connect the watch with the Amazfit App. • If you are using an Android device, you need to connect the watch with the Amazfit App andalso enable the notification reading permission on the App.Notes: The compatibility of the Android mobile phone system and the openness of different music players may to a certain extent affect the music control function of the watch.NotificationsEnable notificationsDuring use, you need to enable the corresponding "App alerts" on the App, and keep the watch and the mobile phone connected. You can also enable the incoming SMS and incoming call alerts as you wish.•If you are using an iOS device, you need to pair and connect the watch with the Amazfit App. •If you are using an Android device, you need to keep the App running in the background or include the App into the self-starting whitelist, so as to ensure the mobile phone can send the alert to the watch.View notifications1.In the case of an incoming notification, the watch will automatically light up the screen anddisplay the content.2.You can view the unread notification in the notification list and tap any notification to enter thenotification details page.Delete notifications•The read notification on the watch or the mobile phone will be automatically deleted from the notification list on the watch.•To manually delete the notification on the watch, slide left on the notification to be deleted and tap the delete button.AlarmAmazfit GTR supports creating and managing the alarm on the watch. You can also create a watch alarm on the Amazfit App.Tapping the create button on the watch alarm function page can enable you to set the alarm time andcycle. After saved, the alarm can be opened and closed in the alarm list.To create an alarm via the Amazfit App, go to "Profile – Amazfit GTR – Watch alarm" and add an alarm upon the tips on the page.Alarm alertIn the case of a watch alarm alert, you can choose to close it or remind you later.To close the alarm, long press any button for 2s within the duration of the alarm alert.To make a delayed alert, you can, within the duration of the alarm alert, tap the "Z" button at the bottom. Then, the alarm will remind you 10min later.Event ReminderYou need to create and manage the event reminder via the Amazfit App. The watch will display your to-do list and vibrate to remind you in the set time.Open the Amazfit App, go to "Profile – Amazfit GTR –Event reminder", and create the event reminder upon the tips on the page.An alert will pop up on the watch when the time set for the event arrives. Tap the "×" button at the bottom to close the alert.The watch supports modifying and deleting the event reminder.To modify the event reminder, tap the right arrow on the event reminder list page to modify the event reminder date and time.To delete the event reminder, slide right on the event to be deleted and tap the trash icon to delete it.TimerThe timer on the watch supports one hundredth of a second. To enable the timer, pull up the app list on the watch face and choose the timer app.•Tapping the start button can activate the timer to time it right away.•During timing, you can also count the number of times by tapping the button on the bottom left on the watch screen (up to 99 times of such operation),•and suspend the current timer by tapping the button on the bottom right on the watch screen. •When the timer pauses, you can reset it by tapping the button on the bottom left on the watch screen, and resume timing by tapping the button on the bottom right on the watch screen.Count DownTo enable the count down, pull up the app list on the watch face and choose the count down app. By default, the watch supports the shortcut count down of 1min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, and 60min. You can enable the count down function right away by tapping it.A custom count down function is available, which ranges from 1min to 23h and 59min.You can suspend, resume or stop the count down function anytime when it operates. When time's up, the watch will vibrate to remind you. You can close the count down function by tapping the "×" button at the bottom.Find DeviceAmazfit GTR supports finding the device via the Bluetooth. To enable this function, slide up the app list on the watch face page and tap the find device function.•To activate the find device function, you need to keep the Amazfit App running and ensure the watch is connected to the mobile phone. Otherwise the function is not available.•On the find page, the watch will automatically find the device. If no device is found after 60s,a failure prompt will display and then you can try again.When found, the mobile phone will beep. You can close the ring on the mobile phone by tapping the tip button on the watch. Meanwhile, the mobile phone will produce a message on the notification bar. Tapping the message can draw back the Amazfit App and close the ring on the mobile phone.Notes: If you wish to use the find device function anytime, you can include the Amazfit App into the built-in self-starting whitelist and keep it running in the background. In addition, the watch is required to be connected to the mobile phone, otherwise it is unable to find the mobile phone.Compass/Air Pressure/AltitudeAmazfit GTR supports the compass function. When the compass page opens, the watch automatically detects the current orientation and degree. If needed, you can wear the watch and calibrate the compass by filling out that circle with figure 8 movements in the air, until the watch vibrates. Then the compass function can be reused.Sliding up on the compass page can enable you to enter the atmospheric pressure page. The barometer on the watch displays the current air pressure in real time.Sliding up on the air pressure page can enable you to enter the altitude page. The altitude requires double calibration of watch barometer and GPS. If you want more accurate altitude data, try to get the satellite positioning in an open area as soon as possible.SettingsThe watch settings page includes some watch settings and built-in control functions.Watch face settings: You can quickly switch between watch faces.Screen-on duration: You can control the screen-on duration of the watch for 8s (by default) to 15s (max).Quick start: You can short press the button on the bottom right to quickly start one watch function (by default, workout list).System: It supports viewing the firmware version and regulatory information, and controlling the actions of closing and rebooting the watch and performing the factory reset.Workout FunctionAmazfit GTR supports twelve workout types: Outdoor running, Walking, Outdoor cycling, Treadmill, Indoor cycling, Pool swim, Open water swim, Elliptical trainer, Climb, Trail run, Skiing, and Exercise. And the workout types like Outdoor running, Walking, Outdoor cycling, Open water swim, Climb, Trail run, and Skiing support recording GPS-enabled workout tracks.There are two approaches to enabling the workout function on the watch:•If the workout list is set for quick start, then you can quickly enter the workout list by short pressing the button on the bottom right on the watch face page. By default, the last workout type displays.•Sliding up on the watch face page and choosing "Workout" can enable you to enter the workout list page and choose the workout you want to start.Workout PositioningIf you choose to start Outdoor running, you'd better go to the open area before workouts, which is conducive to rapid GPS positioning.If it takes a long time to process positioning, it may be because the buildings nearby block satellite signals, or because the watch is disconnected to the App for a long time, causing the AGPS to be not upgraded. You can open the Amazfit App, connect it to the watch, and try again after the AGPS is updated.It is recommended to ensure GPS positioning is processed successfully before the outdoor workout. If you start the workout during positioning, the workout track cannot be recorded and the recorded workout data will not be accurate.After GPS positioning is processed successfully, the "GO" icon will be lit up and you can tap it to start the workout.During WorkoutsDuring workouts, the watch will display the current workout data in real time, such as time, distance, pace/speed, and heart rate. After the watch screen goes off, the screen can be lit up again by lifting the wrist or touching the screen.Sliding right during workouts can enable you to view the time, date, and watch power.SwimmingWith the swimming workout enabled, the watch will automatically lock the screen to avoid water drops interfering with the screen display during the workout. To unlock the screen, you can short press any button on the watch, and the screen will be locked again after the watch screen goes off.Workout ReminderThe workout reminder on the watch varies in workout type. For the workout types Running, Cycling, and Walking, the alert will be vibrated once per kilometer by default. You can also set the alerts for other workout types before workouts. See the "Workout Settings" section for more details.Workout Pause and EndWith the auto pause function on, the watch will automatically pause when the workout end is detected. When the workout resumes, the watch will automatically end the pause status and resume recording the workout performance.Tapping any button during a workout can suspend the workout.Tapping the right button can cancel the pause and resume the workout.Tapping the left button can end the current workout and save the workout performance. Workout SettingsBefore workouts, you can set some relevant functions.The workout goal supports three types: mileage, duration, and calories. When the set goal is achieved, the watch will vibrate to remind you.The workout reminder supports five types: distance, pace, safe heart rate, heart rate zone, and pace With a reminder set, the watch will vibrate to remind you as long as the set value is reached during workouts.With the auto pause on, the watch will automatically detect the workout status. When the workout is stopped, the watch will automatically suspend the current exercise. And the watch will re-record the data when the workout is resumed.The real-time diagram supports demonstrating the real-time heart rate and pace. With the real-time diagram on, a curve is drawn for the fluctuations of the heart rate or pace during workouts.Notes: Some workout types don't support the above four settings. The settings might slightly vary in workout type.。
福特翼虎kuga 整车CAN通讯协议
福特翼虎kuga 整车CAN通讯协议第418-00节目录模块通信网络模块通信网络页码页码418-00-2 418-00-2 418-00-2418-00-19 418-00-19 418-00-21说明与操作通信网络............................................................................ ....................................................................... ...... .............................................概述............................................................................ .............................................................................. ........................................... 系统操作............................................................................ .............................................................................. ...................................诊断与测试通信网络............................................................................ ..................................................................... ........ .............................................症状表............................................................................ .............................................................................. ...................................... 定点测试............................................................................ .............................................................................. ...................................说明与操作说明与操作通信网络概述多路复用是一种通过一条电路同时发送两个或两个以上信号的方法。
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在初次体验过《GT赛车2:实车体验 GT Racing 2: The Real Car Exp》的游戏快感之后,不少玩家可能会有点小埋怨,说这游戏金币好难赚、任务好难做之类的话。
单纯就游戏的上手度和吸引力来讲, GT 2 的任务设置和解锁要求难度确实并不轻松,一般的玩家都没办法仅尝试一两次就轻松过关,游戏进行的阶段性也比较长,十分考验玩家的耐心。
俗话说,越是难得到的才越是会让人觉得珍惜, GameLoft 的游戏总不能是一次性水准吧。
有些玩家就开始探究游戏中的赛道是否存在着传说中的“近路”,I’m sorry,没有!游戏时部分赛道可能出现有小岔道,这是很正常的,因为游戏中的赛道是有从现实的赛道中参考来的,但为了游戏的公平性,游戏中的岔道口都堵上了,不管玩家想通过飞车还是撞击都进不了岔道走不了捷径的。
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