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Looking at the checkout lines at the grocery, I quickly turned my cart to line number three. There were only two women there, and neither had kids or coupons(赠券) ! The store was my first 41 that morning, and I had a half dozen others on my 42 before meeting my husband for lunch.

Two minutes turned into ten, and I watched as the other lines moved 43 . I moved my 44 0n the cart and dug for my wallet, trying to 45 . the cashier that it was time to get a move-on. Finally, after fifteen minutes, I took a breath and 46 . Then I heard the cashier tell the women in front of me : "And just like that, he told me what she looked like and l 47 one hundred dollars here to 48_ her groceries. He said not to worry about the 49 , just give it to charity. "

The story she was 50 had taken place in the produce department. An older man had witnessed a(n) 51 mama in need. 52 for foods with kids around, she was sticking to her list and 53 the items on her calculator as she went. The gentleman said he had a little

54 0n him that day, so he left one hundred dollars t0 55_ her groceries and, just maybe, add a little wiggle room(回旋的余地) to her 56 .

After hearing about the man who had . 57 served a fellow traveler in life, I realized that my hurry, 58 and general worries were 59 . What's five extra. minutes in a line to hear

a story of a man sharing his 60 ? Suddenly, I know I could 'wait.

41. A. delivery B. checkout C. journey D. stop

42. A. notebook B. list C. blessing D. admission

43. A. patiently B. clearly C. quickly D. similarly

44. A. items B. dealers C. prospects D. kids

45. A. remind B. debate C. order D. guarantee

46. A. laughed B. noticed C. appreciated D. sighed

47. A. left B. matched C. cost D. promoted

48. A. apply for B. pay for C. look for D. make for

49. A. privilege B. contribution C. change D. decision

50. A. adjusting B. booking C. reading D. sharing

51. A. well-dressed B. good-looking C. worn-out D. easy-going

52. A. Wandering B. Shopping C. Preparing D. Begging

53. A. supposing B. developing C. adding D. presenting .

54. A. principle B. time C. extra D. quantity

55. A. cover B. suit C. carry D. run

56. A. basket B. budget C. property D. response

57. A. rarely B. quietly C. obviously D. occasionally

58. A. anxiety B. happiness C. attention D. eagerness

59. A. treated B. respected C. benefited D. misplaced

60. A. notice B. mistake C. content D. love
