研究生英语精读教程答案【篇一:研究生英语精读教程人大版(第三版上)-答案1-4章】e你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活卡勒普-撒弗兰[ 1 ] 你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗? 当研究者们自细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈辞滥调突然问都成了科学问题。
[ 5 ] 公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化企业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。
[ 6 ] 他们是如何做的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。
[ 8 ] 无论是消极还是积极,都是一种自我实现的预言。
”[ 9 ] 据安德森看来,有无控制感是成功的试金石。
既然认为毫无办法.他便不去寻求指点. [11] 乐观态度不会使不治之症痊愈,却有可能预防疚病。
[ 13 ] 在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向于其中之一。
研究⽣英语教材课后习题解答(上册)Unit 1Text AExercises1. Reading comprehensionA. Read the text and answer the following questions.1. What, according to the author, do Americans love? Cite examples to illustrate your point.Americans love new frontiers. For example, they hanker after wide-open spaces; they like to explore; they like to make rules but refuse to follow them.2. Is there a place on earth where you can go and be yourself? What is the place according to the author?According to the author, there is a place—cyberspace, where you can go and be yourself.3. What metaphor does the author use to describe cyberspace? Why does she use such a metaphor?Real estate, because both real estate and cyberspace consist of different parts and each part is suitable for a particular group of people.4. Does the author approve of regulating cyberspace? Why or why not?Yes, but first, it is fundamental to understand the nature of cyberspace.5. What does the author think is needed in cyberspace besides government control?Self-rule.6. What are some of the main areas of cyberspace that the author defines? What other areas do you know that have recently emerged in cyberspace (e.g. e-business)?E-mail conversations, information and entertainment services, and cyberspace communities.7. How do cyberspace communities evolve? Give examples to illustrate your point.People of similar interests and tastes form a community. For example, communities on CompuServe tend to be professional; those on America Online are affluent young singles, and so on.8. What is unique about cyberspace rules? What authority do they have that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have?It allows communities of any size and kind to flourish. Cyberspace rules have moral authority that terrestrial governments don’t have.9. In what spirit are new communities formed?Communities cater to their own members’ inclination..10. What kind of government do explorers in cyberspace need?Their own local government besides terrestrial government does explorers.11. What should be done to deal with questionable items in cyberspace? Are people already doing that?We should be banning them and using labels and automatic filters to get rid of them. Yes.12. Is cyberspace a perfect place? If not, why are people so excited about it?No, it is not. People are excited about it because it offers a lot of information and freedom.B. Global understanding and appreciation of the text.1. Analogy (⽐喻,类推) is a figure of speech (修辞⼿段) which draws a parallel between two different types of things, anduses on (usually familiar to the reader) to explain reader’s understanding of the writer’s point.Can you draw a parallel between real estate and cyberspace? What point does the analogysupport?2. By dividing cyberspace into three parts and using similes(明喻), the author defines the nature of cyberspace and illustrates further her point that government regulation is not needed in cyberspace. Complete the following form to show that you understand the author’s point. Please be reminded3. In what way do the rules of a terrestrial government and those of a cyberspace community differ?Cite examples from the text to support your answer.This article is written in an informal and conversational style. For example, the author uses some slangy words, incomplete sentences, contractions, and addresses the reader as ―you‖.II. V ocabularyA. Find a word or phrase from the paragraph indicated in the bracket that means the same as:1. in the past —→formerly2. include —→embrace3. man-made —→artificial4. control systematically —→regulate5. exactly —→precisely6. undesired —→unwanted7. irrelevant —→extraneous8. having intense feeling —→passionate9. aim toward —→be targeted to10. not far away —→at hand11. be charged for —→be sued forB. Choose the best word to complete each of the following sentences,1. this book ____a___ all the information you need.a. containsb. embracesc. offersd. involves2. The government _____c____ the number of foreign cars that could be imported.a. refrainsb. restrainsc. restrictsd. prevents3. As a teacher you should not show _____b___ towards any of your students.a. pleasureb. favorc. preferenced. inclination4. Traffic is _____d___ by police at every intersection.a. enforcedb. imposedc. limitedd. regulated5. How much do you ____b___ for this pair of shoes?a. billb. chargec. costd. afford6. We can ______b____ now and return to work in the morning.a. leave outb. leave offc. sign awayd. sign off7. That matter can be left ___b___ until our next meeting.a. onb. overc. aloned. about8. I learned that he was _____a____ sick leave from a government office.a. onb. inc. takend. spending9. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever set eyes ____c_____.a. tob. inc. ond. down10. Each week he tried to set _____d____ a few dollars of his salary.a. forthb. aboutc. apartd. asideIII. ClozeChoose a proper word from the list to fill in each blank in the following passage. Change the formThe web From the Window contains poetry and literature from well-known writers across the global. There are thoughtful articles analyzing the state of the world we live in. There is (1)even a piece from the Secretary General of the United States, Kofi Annan. It may come (2)as some surprise to find out (3)that the editor of the magazine is a 12-year-old girl, Joy Nightingale.From the Window (4)won Joy Nightingale the first prize in the 1999 childnet Inter-national and Cable and Wireless awards. These are given (5)annually for the best use of the Internet (6)by and for young people. And (7)they highlight one of the most welcoming aspects of the (8)virtual world. Children have taken to the Internet as though they are born surfing.Perhaps this is (9)because adults have had to change their understanding of technology while children (10)simply accept it as natural. Whatever the reason, children can be found building websites and E-mailing friends (11)across the world while adults are (12)still asking: ―Tell me again —where (13)exactly is cyberspace?‖Of course there is growing (14)concern about the fact that children can travel far away from parental supervision in cyberspace. In (15)response , many parents have installed soft-ware packages which prevent (16)access to violent or pornographic websites. Childnet is taking a morepositive line. The website is a gateway (17)to a world of education and entertainment.The rapid growth in Internet culture has (18)led analysts to speculate that society will soon be divided (19)between the―information rich‖ and ―information poor‖. For Childnet it is especially important that children at the margins of society through poverty or disability have the chance to take their (20)palce as equal citizens in the virtual world.IV. TranslationTranslate the following into Chinese:The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. In cyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed —intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in: others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive-either because people lose interest or get scared off-will simply wither away.⼀种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。
新版研究生英语精读教程翻译练习参考答案(Unit 1-5)Unit One Exercise VII Translation教参:第一课翻译答案Section A哈里·波特的魔杖能让已死的语言起死回生吗?《哈里·波特与魔法石》的出版商认为这有可能。
Section BIt is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one’s life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page torn offthe wall calender, one’s life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is self-evident, yet few people really strive to makethe best use of their time.Unit Two Exercise VII Translation教参:第二课翻译答案Section A60年前,毛泽东站在天安门城楼上,面对人山人海,用高亢的湖南方言宣布,中华人民共和国成立了,“中国人民从此站起来了!”这是一个充满自豪和希望的时刻。
研究生英语精读教程(下)课文翻译及答案Unit One Technology vs. Terrorism参考译文应对恐怖主义的技术毒素嗅探器、导弹人为干发射机、放射性核弹探测器:“9〃11”事件后闪电式的保卫行动不仅影响着公共安全——还在改变着科学的进程。
史蒂芬〃汉德曼边境、基础设施[5] 自 2004 年以来,首都华盛顿应用的一种可核对监视名单信息的光扫描器已记录下了约6 000 万访美人员两个食指的指印。
花费了15 亿美元研制成的“访美” 生物统计学程序已识别出 1 100 名企图以假借口入境的人及 2 万多背景可疑的想要入境者。
[6] 随着护照签证申请人的档案急剧增加,对十指全部进行扫描将使身份验证更加万无一失。
同时,在100 个港口和边防站,一种由科学应用国际公司设计、名叫“ 车货检查系统” (VACIS) 的车载扫描器给海关检查员提供了一种工具,使他们不用打开卡车与集装箱就能探查内部的真相。
VACIS 采用了甚至能穿透铅衬里箱子的低能伽马射线,射线在6 秒钟这么短的时间内就能显示出有明显颗粒的图像。
[7] 现在正在开发之中的还有微米大小的传感器——名叫“智能灰尘” 或“尘埃”。
专家说,该传感器可能准备到2010 年在全国各地铺开,不过这还要视投资情况而定。
Unit Four The Man Who Discovered Mother Nature参考译文发现大自然的人詹姆斯〃洛夫洛克大胆新颖的理论有可能永远改变我们看待我们这个行星上生物的方式洛厄尔〃庞特[5] 不过就在寻找火星上是否有生命迹象的同时,洛夫洛克对“ 金发小姑娘问题” 着了迷,这是一个早就令科学家们感兴趣的谜:为什么金星太热,火星太冷,不适于生物生存,而地球却恰好适合于生物生存呢 ?[6] 研究人员过去曾假设地球不过是很走运,与太阳的距离不远不近正合适,这样水始终处于液态,水温保持在沸点与冰点之间。
Unit 1 Western Political System课后练习答案PASSAGE APolitical Climate ChangeKEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading Comprehension1-5: AAADB 6-10: BCDCDII. Vocabulary1-5: BACDD 6-10: ACABA 11-15: CDABB 16-20: ABDACIII. Word Bank1.beavering awayxness3.chuck us out of4.clamp down on5.unsettled6.proportional to7.groveling8.appealing9.gritted his teeth10.incontinenceIV. Cloze1-5: ACCBB 6-10: CADCD 11-15: ABCABV. Translation1.The man's long arms were not proportional to his height.2.His ill-health rendered him in ineligible for membership of such societies.3.Their house was repossessed when they couldn't keep up their mortgage payments.4.These young people beaver away at school.5.The snow was blowing in her face, but she gritted her teeth and went on.6.Over the past century, the British have lost a lot—their empire, their military might, theireconomic leadership and even their sense of superiority. But they still reckoned that they had one of the best parliaments in the world. The constitution might be a mess, the executive insufficiently checked, but compared with America's Congress and most of the European systems, Westminster seemed relatively clean.Unit 2 Environmental Protection课后练习答案Passage AGreen GrowthKEYS TO EXERCISESⅠ. Reading Comprehension1-5:DDCDA 6-10:CCBDBⅡ. Vocabulary1-5:CAABD6-10:DAACB11-15:BDADA16-20:CACACⅢ. Word Banks1. degraded2. accounted for3. in conflict with4. proliferating5. use up6. follow suit7. deter from8. square the circle9. outfit 10. ExploitⅣ. Cloze1. C2. D3. A4. C5. C6. A7. C8. A9. B 10. A11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. DⅤ. Translation1. Nothing can undermine their fast friendship.2. This policy will be a brake to the fast-growing industry.3. The term “special needs” covers a wide spectrum of issues.4. Unlike the show from a disc, the show of life can never be reversed or replayed.5. Compared with time, even the most skillful thief wouldn’t know as much as time does about how to move by stealth.6. Lack of property rights can make it rational to overuse resources such as the open sea or tropical forests, leading to over-exploitation and collapse. A classic co-ordination problem appears in rented property. It should make sense for a landlord to insulate his house, since that would reduce electricity bills for a trivial outlay. But if his tenants pay the bills, they would capture the gains, so he does not bother.Unit 3 Technology课后练习答案Passage ARethinking What Leads the Way: Science, or New Technology?KEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading comprehension1. D2. B3. A4. A5. B6. B7. B8. A9. D 10. DII. Vocabulary1. A2. A3. B4. B5. B6. C7. D8. B9. C 10. A11. D 12. A 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.A 18. B 19. A 20. AIII. Word bank1.cautious2. discrete3. arrive at4. prognostication5. reassessment6. inspiration7. endow8. automated9. elusive 10. theoreticalIV. Cloze1. A2. B3. D.4. D5. B6. A7. B8. A9. C 10. B1. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. CV. Translation1.Happiness is an illusion for some people and elusive to others, but for families who get theirrecipes right, happiness is an all-pervasive emotion that follows them wherever they go and whatever they do.2.Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is abetter chance that you arrive at a solution the next day.3.Setbacks can help you accumulate experience, and experience can, in return, enrich yourmind.4.His talk was evocative of the bygone days.5.In this world, what is it to set apart people who love each other?6.What can't be denied is that technology, no matter its faults, makes life a whole lot easier. Itallows us to communicate with more people in less time; it can make conversation simple—no small talk required. It can be therapeutic: robots are now used to help care for the elderly. But it can also be seductive, providing more stimulation than our natural lives. But is anyone of those feelings on par with the kind we feel when engaged in real, face-to-face intimacy?Online, you can ignore others' feelings. In a text message, you can avoid eye contact. That doesn't spell disaster, but it does mean we might want to start thinking about the way we want to live.Unit 4 Language & Literature课后练习答案Passage ALiterature as ExperimentKEYS TO EXERCISESⅠ. Reading Comprehension1. D2. A3. B4. C5. C6. D7. A8. B9. B 10. A II. Vocabulary1-5ACABC 6-10DBCDB 11-15BCDBC 16-20ADBCDIII. Word Bank1. A anticipated2. H concentrate on3. I lies with4. C about to5. J interpretation6. E with respect to7. D illustrate8. F carried out9. G attempts to 10. B similar toIV. Cloze1-5BADAC 6-10ACCBD 11-15BACADIV. Translation1. Thought experiments have a long pedigree in science. They are best characterized ashypothetical experiments which we can imagine, but which we are not able to carry out.2. Nowadays, we are familiar with the ways in which literature draws on science. We canappreciate that science is useful to literature in all sorts of ways.3. The novel works because it’s well written and its logic, although bizarre and complicated, does obey rules that the reader is able to follow.4. There are differences between literature and science. Some of these differences lie with the readers.5. In the thought experiment in science, the experimenter is aiming for a clear result, even if the result is simply to show the absurdity of other people’s work.6. Noah Webster thought that a common language would bring people together and help create a new identity. Webster's dictionary, now in its 11th edition, adopted the Americanized spellings familiar today. It also documented new words that were uniquely American. An American Dictionary of the English Language took 18 years to complete and Webster learned 26 other languages in order to research the etymology of its 70,000 entries.Unit 6 Tourism课后练习答案Passage AResponsible TourismKEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading Comprehension1. C2. D3. A4. C5. C6. D7. D8. C9. D 10. AII. Vocabulary1.A2. C3. B4. A5. C6. D7. A8. B9. A 10. C11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. C 18.B 19. C 20. BIII. Word Bank1. point to2. an aggregate of3. play on4. undertake5. ushered towards6. well-placed7. Jeopardize8. relative to9. pull the wool over 10. run counter toIV. Cloze1.C2. A3. B4. C5. A6. B7. C8. A9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. AV. Translation1. I have played on her generosity, for which I feel very guilty.2. Relative to its size, this city is sparsely populated.3. All linguistic researches point to the fact that learning a second language at a young age leads to superior achievements.4. Your suggestion runs counter to what we arranged yesterday.5. Some parents forbid their children from watching TV or reading story books, which they fear may jeopardize their school work.6. For us, a sense of responsibility during traveling is necessary no matter in which corner of theworld we are. In other words, we should be respectful and travel in a way beneficial to the local people, culture and environment of the destination. This is an important part of Scarecrow Traveling. Meanwhile, we will explore new ways bravely. As an old saying goes, let the Himalayas change you, instead of the other way around.Unit 7 Biography课后练习答案Passage AFriedrich Engels: A Very Special Business AngelThe self-effacing friend who enabled Das Kapital to be writtenKeys to ExercisesI Reading Comprehension1. C2. B3. B4. D5. C6. D7. A8. B9. D 10. CII. Vocabulary1. C2. C3. B4. A5. D6. B7. D8. B9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. AIII. Word Bank1. embark2. grumpily3. collaborated4. on and off5. play second fiddle6. ruthless7. tied up8. hand in glove with9. big-hearted 10. hangers-onIV. Cloze1-5 DBCCA 6-10 BDCBD 11-15 ABCCBV. Translation1.Postmen are forced to walk faster and deliver back-breaking quantities of junk mail.2.In history, the rise of great powers is often brutal and bloody.3.Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it.ernment agencies, however, have found ways of making computer companies hand overthose keys.5.You should learn to stop blaming others for your failures, and to take responsibility for yourown destiny.6.In May 1857 a Commission to study the whole question of the army medical service began tosit. The price was high. Florence Nightingale was doing this grueling work because it was vital, not because she had chosen it. She had changed. Now she was more brilliant in argument than ever, more efficient, more knowledgeable, more persistent and penetrating in her reasoning, scrupulously just, mathematically accurate—but she was pushing herself to the very limits of her capacity at the expense of all joy.Unit 8 Medicine课后练习答案Passage AThe Future of MedicineKEYS TO EXERCISESI.Reading comprehension1-5CDBAD 6-10ACABAII.Vocabulary1. B2.C3.A4.A5.A6.D7.A8.A9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.AIII.Word bank1. heaps of2.infectious3. soaring demand for4. unpick the knottiest problem5. be best at6. innovate7. immune8. eminence9. standing 10. slash the price of IV.Cloze1-5BADCA 6-10BCACA 11-15DBADCV.Translation1.She devoted herself to her career.2. A number of the report’s findings are worthy of note.3.The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.4.Her lack of religious faith separated her from the rest of her family.5.Books and articles on the subject have proliferated over the last year.6.Of course, not all the recent improvements in American health and longevity can bedirectly attributed to our health-care system; some are as much the result of adopting healthier habits (exercise, better diet) or of dropping unhealthy ones (smoking, too much alcohol-drinking). Still, better medical care is the principal cause of improvements in American health and life span over the past 50 years.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
(justify)What you did cannot be justified by what you said to him.2.你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗? (immune from)Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop?3.你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你是否会再做恶梦。
(recur)Whether your nightmare recurs depends on your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist.4.乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。
The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way.5.悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。
(in part)The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a person's opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.6.在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致(consistent)。
In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less consistent than it is in most adults.第二单元1.那个政客以许多事实和数字作为武器。
研究生英语阅读教程上册UNIT1-6课后答案及翻译刘朝武主编《21世纪研究生英语教材》阅读教程UNIT1-6课后答案及课文翻译(上册)UNIT ONEThe Belly BurdenAmanda Spake? Key to ExercisesI. Reading Comprehensioni 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A ii (略)II Vocabulary and Structurei 1.Obesity 2.circulate 3.abdominal 4.break down5.mortality6.variable7.resistance8.modified9.critically 10. inert ii 1. internist 2.supplant. 3. willowy (twiggy) 4.slow down 5.set off 6. nonchalantly 7.accumulate 8. unravel 9.culprit10. affirm III Cloze1. D2. A3. B4. A5. B6. D7. C8. A9. D 10. C11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C IV Translation i1. 几个世纪以来,妇女们始终相信一条朴实的真理:腰越细,生活就越好―医学研究者们如今正开始了解这一简单真理背后的生理机能。
12. 与腹部脂肪是位于腰部无所事事的惰性软组织这一观念相反,腹部脂肪实际上是一些小的内分泌工厂,会制造一些把信息传送给许多器官的激素。
3. 医学解开代谢之谜是脂肪的难题尚需数十年。
UNIT ONE STAY HUNGRY. STAY FOOLISH. COMPREHENSION12345678910VOCABULARY AND STRUCTUREA1 naively2 curiosity3 combination4 let down5 vision6 baton7 creative8 mirror9 trap 10 inventionB1 drowned out2 tuition3 Commencement4 deposit5 typography6 make way for7 animation8 intuition9 destination 10 divergeC1 follow: orders, rules, advice, fads, an ideal, one’s instinct2 trust in: honesty, the Lord, power, intuition, sixth sense3 wear out, fade out, put out, make out, get out, break out4 play writer/playwright, speedwriter, blog writer, letter writer, editorial writer5 habitual, textual, accentual, sexual, spiritual, conceptual6 shocking, stunning, eye-catching, astonishing, striking, dazzlingD 1 an 2 great 3 the 4 to 5 √ 6 that 7 √8 been 9 been 10 in TRANSLATIONA1热烈的鼓掌2波涛汹涌的海面3熟睡4烟瘾大的人5油腻而难消化的食物6烈酒7悲痛的消息8沉闷冗长的读物9〈化〉重水10他在一家法国银行拥有外国人账户。
研一精读练习答案unit 7
8.A.wane B.wane
9.A.dismayed B.dismay
10.A.throw B.throw
11.A.wearing B.wear C. wore
12.A.protest B.protesting
Task 2
1.are deferred
2.at length
unit 7
Key to Exercises
Text Exploration
Task 1
Main ideas
Human nature is the basis of character ,the temperament and disposition ;it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life.
D.The constancy of human nature is proverbial.
E.Human nature can be studied,controlled and directed.
F.Man’s spirit is perfect,only the personality and the physical body become imperfect.
9.the problems you mention are inherent in the system
10.young people conscientious in their work/young people who are conscientious in their work
研究生综合英语课文译文及课后练习答案第一课Text A 自由落体[1] 直到动身的那一天,我才感到告别和真正离家对我所产生的影响,这使我比闹钟预定的时间提前一小时醒来。
[2] 一整天都是这样:我突然感到自己将会怀念许多人和事。
[3] 突然间,我那些渴望独立和自由的豪言壮语变成了可怕的现实。
[4] 事实上,在我决定要离家的时候,我所有的个人问题仿佛都烟消云散了,我才不在乎呢,反正我要走了。
[5] 老爸和继母要送我去学校,不过,我要首先和妈妈告别。
UNIT 1一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。
UNIT 2一旦问题得到理解,情况自然有所改善。
UNIT 31.在形成的初期,地球上很可能没有我们今天称之为海洋和大气层之类的东西。
Unit 11.词汇(1)subsidize(资助)treatment (2)slippery (滑的)slope (3)as an advocate(提倡、主张) (4)our mandate(颁布批准)(5)champion (支持拥护)necessary(6)how to navigate(驾驶航行导航)(7)embolden(壮胆,增加勇气)consumers (8)have an incentive( 动机) (9)need not be justified (证明有理)(10)has no precedent(先例)2.完形填空smoking ban or smoker-ban? 第一句:we all know now that…..(1)budget (2)explosion (3)premises (4)incentives (5)cessation (6)implications (7)ill (8)a slippery slope (9)screening (10)advocates (11)unemployment (12)disparate (13)substantially (14)impractical (15)spots (16)distraction (17)implementation (18)wellness (19)unleashed (20)innovative3.汉译英1) 中国政府致力于打击各行各业的腐败现象(China’s government is making an effort to crack down on corruption in different walks of life.)2) 研究发现,烟民倾向于集体戒烟…(The study finds smokers tend to quit in groups, which means smoking cessation programs should work best if they focus on groups rather than individuals.)3) 随着ATC协议于2005年….(With the termination of the ATC agreement on January 1st, 2005, trade in textiles and clothing will be fully integrated into the multilateral trading system of WTO.)4) 它还能帮助你更好….(It can also help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts and help improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-being).5) 我通常都不会接受迟到的申请…..(I don't usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick I'll make an exception.)6) 这些著名大学并未禁止…(The famous Universities are not trying to turn away all the visitors, but merely adding some restrictions on the number of certain groups of visitors.)7)我的发现为两种说法都提供了一些想法(My findings add a new wrinkle to each scenario.)8) 由于2007年底政府竭力避免…(Bank lending was weak in late 2007 when the government was trying to prevent the economy from overheating, which makes comparisons tricky.)Unit 21.词汇(1)encompass(涉及到) cooperation (2)in full frenzy(暴怒,狂乱) (3)dutifully(尽责的,服从的) arrange (4)intangible(不能触摸的)cultural heritage (5)courtship(求爱)and marriage (6) spend lavishly(过分的慷慨大方)to set a bad (7)discounted(打折)tickets (8)incur (遭遇,获得)the ignominy (9)subscribe(订阅、认购)to the newspaper (10)designate(指出,指示)a member2.完形填空T celebrate valentine’s day in the low-budget eco-friendly way (while many of us were happily…)(1)embracing (2)preoccupied (3)geared (4)money-making (5)comments(6)costly (7)sincere (8)commercial (9)romantic (10)dedicated (11)Impress (12)generous (13)outcome (14)generate (15)eco-friendly(16)designed (17)upload (18)personal (19)discount (20)minimum3.汉译英1)过去五年间,老百姓的实际…Real disposable income has nearly doubled in the past five years and is growing by more than 10% a year.2)我们在此受到了隆重的接待…It gives me great pleasure to express once again to our host my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.3) 然而现在,许多国家正..But now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned, that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.4)然而,政府消减排放量… The demise of cap and trade in Congress, however, does not call a complete halt to the administration's efforts to cut emissions.5) 自那以来,尽管一些楼盘..Since then, it has sold a grand total of one flat, although the list prices on some buildings have slipped 15 per cent.6) 相对于传统产品通胀..Asset bubbles can be more insidious than traditional product inflation, because they seem to be a sign of health: higher values lift the real economy, which in turn can send the bubbles higher.7)参加这样一个伟大的.. The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't come every day.8)不要为了辞职而辞职.. Don't quit for the sake of quitting unless you've thought about how it will impact you financially.Unit31.词汇(1). facilitate (推进)a comprehensive (2) keep our commitment to remove(3.) the aftermath(结果,后果) of Japan's bubble.(4). Collaborative(合作的,协力完成的) deals in an effort(5). as the preeminent 卓越的,杰出的world power(6. )adapt to adversity.逆境(7). need to convene(召开,召集) and collaborate(8.) As the western economies stumble(绊脚、出错)(9 )transparency(透明度,幻灯片) of government pricing.(10) signature and ratification.(批准)2.完形填空(I think one of the clear …)(1)lessons (2)from (3)whether (4)fish (5)creativity (6)amazed (7)communities (8)solve (9)denied (10)worth (11)what (12)belief (13)progress (14)innovate (15)incomes (16)otherwise (17)Building (18)sustainable (19)cultures (20)difference.4.英译汉(several private sector groups….I ruge you to join and to encoruage others to do the same)数家私营公司和团体已承诺通过其全球网络提供辅导人员,它们包括英特尔公司、安永会计师事务所、考夫曼基金会、实业组织、技术瓦迪协会以及青年总裁组织和巴布森学院。
研究生英语精读教程[上册]Unit 7
1. confrontation※ n. a situation marked by open opposition ( 敌对双方的 )对抗 2. reversal n. a change to the opposite; a case of going backwards颠倒,反向;倒退 3. recur v. to happen again, or more than once再发生
[ 6 ] But is the question of taste just one of household* hints? No. Taste is an expression of a whole system of values. And that means yours. [ 7 ] To achieve an understanding of taste means that you should have conviction* in your chotray* and you might as well rent poster* space and tell the world “I am the dupe*
1. onyx n. (矿 )缟玛瑙 2. ashtray n..烟灰缸 3. poster ※ n. a large printed notice or (coloured) drawing put up in a public place (贴在公共场所的大型 )招贴,标 语,广告 (画 ) 4. dupe n. a person who is tricked or deceived受骗的人,被 人愚弄的人
predict these changes but anyone can understand the principles. Although the history of taste has been one of change, confrontation* and reversal*, certain patterns constantly recur*. Learn these and you're in there with the tastemakers.
研究生英语精读教程(第三版 上)--课文翻译及课后题解答
Unit one你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活卡勒普-撒弗兰[ 1 ] 你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗? 当研究者们自细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈辞滥调突然问都成了科学问题。
[ 2 ] 迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。
”[ 3 ]“你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡的卡内基一梅降大学的心理学家迈克尔·F·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功,”在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。
[ 4 ] 以你的工作为例。
[ 5 ] 公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化企业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。
[ 6 ] 他们是如何做的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。
Unit 1 Western Political System课后练习答案PASSAGE APolitical Climate ChangeKEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading Comprehension1-5: AAADB 6-10: BCDCD II. Vocabulary1-5: BACDD 6-10: ACABA11-15: CDABB 16-20: ABDAC III. Word Bank1.beavering away xness 3.chuck us out of 4.clamp down on 5.unsettled 6.proportional to 7.groveling 8.appealing 9.gritted his teeth 10.incontinence IV . Cloze1-5: ACCBB 6-10: CADCD 11-15: ABCAB V . T ranslation1.The man's long arms were not proportional to his height.2.His ill-health rendered him in ineligible for membership of such societies. 3.Their house was repossessed when they couldn't keep up their mortgage payments. 4.These young people beaver away at school. 5.The snow was blowing in her face, but she gritted her teeth and went on. 6.Over Over the the the past century, past century, the the British British British have have have lost lost lost a a a lot lot lot——their their empire, empire, empire, their their their military military military might, might, might, their their economic leadership and even their sense of superiority. But they still reckoned that they had one one of of of the the the best best best parliaments parliaments parliaments in in in the the the world. world. world. The The The constitution constitution constitution might might might be be be a a a mess, mess, mess, the the the executive executive insufficiently insufficiently checked, checked, checked, but but but compared with compared with America's America's Congress Congress Congress and and and most most most of of of the the the European European systems, Westminster seemed relatively clean. Unit 2 Environmental Protection课后练习答案Passage AGreen GrowthKEYS TO EXERCISESⅠ. Reading Comprehension1-5:DDCDA 6-10:CCBDB Ⅱ. Vocabulary1-5:CAABD6-10:DAACB11-15:BDADA16-20:CACAC Ⅲ. Word Banks1. degraded 2. accounted for 3. in conflict with 4. proliferating 5. use up 6. follow suit 7. deter from 8. square the circle 9. outfit 10. Exploit Ⅳ. Cloze1. C 2. D 3. A4. C 5. C 6. A7. C 8. A9. B 10. A11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D Ⅴ. Translation 1. Nothing can undermine their fast friendship. 2. This policy will be a brake to the fast-growing industry. 3. The term “special needs” covers a wide spectrum of issues.4. Unlike the show from a disc, the show of life can never be reversed or replayed. 5. Compared with time, even the most skillful thief wouldn ’t know as much as time does about how to move by stealth. 6. 6. Lack Lack Lack of of of property property property rights rights rights can can can make make make it it it rational rational rational to to to overuse overuse overuse resources resources resources such such such as as as the the the open open open sea sea sea or or tropical forests, leading to over-exploitation and collapse. A classic co-ordination problem appears in in rented rented rented property. property. property. It It It should should should make make make sense sense sense for for for a a a landlord landlord landlord to to to insulate insulate insulate his his his house, since house, since that would reduce electricity bills for a trivial outlay. But if his tenants pay the bills, they would capture the gains, so he does not bother. Unit 3 Technology课后练习答案课后练习答案Passage ARethinking What Leads the W a y: ay: Science, or New Technology?KEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading comprehension1. D 2. B 3. A4. A5. B 6. B 7. B 8. A9. D 10. D II. Vocabulary1. A2. A3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A11. D 12. A 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.A 18. B 19. A 20. A III. W ord bank1. cautious 2. discrete 3. arrive at 4. prognostication 5. reassessment 6. inspiration 7. endow 8. automated 9. elusive 10. theoretical IV . Cloze1. A2. B 3. D. 4. D 5. B 6. A7. B 8. A9. C 10. B 1. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C V . Translation1. Happiness is an illusion for some people and elusive to others, but for families who get their recipes right, happiness is an all-pervasive emotion that follows them wherever they go and whatever they do. 2. Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is a better chance that you arrive at a solution the next day. 3. Setbacks can help you accumulate experience, and experience can, in return, enrich your mind. 4. His talk was evocative of the bygone days. 5. In this world, what is it to setapart people who love each other? 6. What can't be denied is that technology, no matter its faults, makes life a whole lot easier. It allows us us to to to communicate communicate communicate with with more people in less time; it can make conversation simple simple——no small talk required. It can be therapeutic: robots are now used to help care for the elderly. But it can also be seductive, providing more stimulation than our natural lives. But is anyone anyone of of of those those those feelings feelings feelings on on on par par par with with with the the the kind kind kind we we we feel feel feel when when when engaged engaged engaged in in in real, real, real, face-to-face face-to-face intimacy? intimacy? Online, Online, Online, you you you can can can ignore ignore ignore others' others' others' feelings. feelings. feelings. In In In a a a text text text message, message, message, you you you can can can avoid avoid avoid eye eye contact. That doesn't spell disaster, but it does mean we might want to start thinking about the way we want to live. Unit 4 Language & Literature课后练习答案Passage ALiterature as ExperimentKEYS TO EXERCISESⅠ. Reading Comprehension1. D 2. A3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A8. B 9. B 10. A II. Vocabulary1-5ACABC 6-10DBCDB 11-15BCDBC 16-20ADBCD III. W ord Bank1. A anticipated 2. H concentrate on 3. I lies with 4. C about to 5. J interpretation 6. 6. E E with with respect respect respect to to 7. 7. D D illustrate 8. 8. F F carried carried out out 9. 9. G G attempts attempts to to 10. B similar to IV . Cloze1-5BADAC 6-10ACCBD 11-15BACAD IV . Translation1. Thought experiments have a long pedigree in science. They are best best characterized characterized as hypothetical experiments which we can imagine, but which we are not able to carry out. 2. 2. Nowadays, Nowadays, Nowadays, we we we are are are familiar familiar familiar with with with the the the ways ways ways in in in which which which literature literature literature draws draws draws on on on science. science. science. W e W e can can appreciate that science is useful to literature in all sorts of ways. 3. The novel works because it’s well written and its logic, although bizarre and complicated, does obey rules that the reader is able to follow. 4. 4. There There There are are are differences differences differences between between between literature literature literature and and and science. Some science. Some of these differences differences lie lie lie with with with the the readers. 5. In the thought experiment in science, the experimenter is aiming for a clear result, even if the result is simply to show the absurdity of other people’s work. 6. Noah Webster thought that a common language would bring people together and help create a new identity. Webster's dictionary, now in its 11th edition, adopted the Americanized spellings familiar familiar today. today. today. It It It also also also documented documented documented new new new words words words that that that were were were uniquely uniquely uniquely American. American. American. An An An American American Dictionary Dictionary of of of the the the English English English Language Language Language took took took 18 18 18 years years years to complete to complete and and Webster Webster Webster learned learned learned 26 26 26 other other languages in order to research the etymology of its 70,000 entries. Unit 6 T ourism课后练习答案Passage AResponsible TourismKEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading Comprehension1. C 2. D 3. A4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A II. Vocabulary1.A2. C 3. B 4. A5. C 6. D 7. A8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. C 18.B 19. C 20. B III. Word Bank1. point to 2. an aggregate of 3. play on 4. undertake 5. ushered towards 6. well-placed 7. Jeopardize 8. relative to 9. pull the wool over 10. run counter to IV . Cloze1.C 2. A3. B 4. C 5. A6. B 7. C 8. A9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. A V . T ranslation1. I have played on her generosity, for which I feel very guilty. 2. Relative to its size, this city is sparsely populated. 3. All linguistic researches point to the fact that learning a second language at a young age leads to superior achievements. 4. Y our suggestion runs counter to what we arranged yesterday. 5. Some parents forbid their children from watching TV or reading story books, which they fear may jeopardize their school work. 6. For us, a sense of responsibility during traveling is necessary no matter in which corner of the world we are. In other words, we should be respectful and travel in a way beneficial to the local people, people, culture culture culture and and and environment environment environment of of of the the the destination. destination. destination. This This This is is is an an an important important important part part part of of of Scarecrow Scarecrow Traveling. Traveling. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile, we we we will will will explore explore explore new new new ways ways ways bravely. bravely. bravely. As As As an an an old old old saying saying saying goes, goes, goes, let let let the the Himalayas change you, instead of the other way around. Unit 7 Biography 课后练习答案Passage A Friedrich Engels: A Very Special Business Angel The self-effacing friend who enabled Das Kapital to be written to be written Keys to Exercises I Reading Comprehension 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A8. B 9. D 10. C II. Vocabulary 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A III. W ord Bank 1. embark 2. grumpily 3. collaborated 4. on and off 5. play second fiddle 6. ruthless 7. tied up 8. hand in glove with 8. hand in glove with 9. big-hearted 9. big-hearted 10. hangers-on IV . Cloze 1-5 DBCCA 6-10 BDCBD 11-15 ABCCB V . Translation 1. Postmen are forced to walk faster and deliver back-breaking quantities of junk mail. 2.In history, the rise of great powers is often brutal and bloody. 3.Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it. 4. Government agencies, however, have found ways of making computer companies hand over those keys. 5. Y ou should learn to stop blaming others for your failures, and to take responsibility for your own destiny. 6. In May 1857 a Commission to study the whole question of the army medical service began to sit. The price was high. high. Florence Florence Florence Nightingale Nightingale Nightingale was was was doing doing doing this this this grueling grueling grueling work work work because because because it was it was vital, vital, not not not because because because she she she had had had chosen chosen chosen it. it. it. She She She had had had changed. changed. changed. Now Now Now she she she was was was more more more brilliant brilliant brilliant in in argument than ever, more efficient, more knowledgeable, more persistent and penetrating in her reasoning, scrupulously just, mathematically accurate —but she was pushing herself to the very limits of her capacity at the expense of all joy.Unit 8 Medicine课后练习答案 Passage AThe Future of MedicineKEYS TO EXERCISESI. Reading comprehension1-5CDBAD 6-10ACABA II. Vocabulary1. 1. B B 2.C 3.A4.A5.A6.D 7.A8.A9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.AIII. Word bank1. heaps of 2.infectious 3. soaring demand for 4. unpick the knottiest problem 5. be best at 6. innovate 7. immune 8. eminence 9. standing 10. slash the price of IV. Cloze1-5BADCA 6-10BCACA 11-15DBADC V. Translation1. She devoted herself to her career. 2. A number of the report’s findings are worthy of note.3. The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer. 4. Her lack of religious faith separated her from the rest of her family.5. Books and articles on the subject have proliferated over the last year. 6. Of Of course, course, course, not not not all all all the the the recent recent recent improvements improvements improvements in in in American American American health health health and and and longevity longevity longevity can can can be be directly attributed to our health-care system; some are as much the result of adopting healthier habits (exercise, better diet) or of dropping unhealthy ones (smoking, too much alcohol-drinking). alcohol-drinking). Still, Still, Still, better better better medical medical medical care care care is is is the the the principal principal principal cause cause cause of of of improvements improvements improvements in in American health and life span over the past 50 years. 。
现代大学英语第二版精读1--Unit-7答案LTthings should not change.11. Sometimes, they get bullied, and it is like a knife piercing my heart.12. “Press closer, little Nightingale, or the Day will come before the rose is finished”cried the Tree.4 Put into the passage punctuation marks:…. My sister and I are three and a half years apart in age, but a world apart in the way we live our lives. She is conservative and quiet. I take too many risks, and the only time I’m really quiet is when I’m sleep. I’ve spent most of my adult life apologizing to my sister and the rest of my family for being different, for embarrassing them by something I wear, something I do or something I say.5 Paraphrase these sentences, paying special attention to the underlined parts.1. Our path: life at schoolNot totally sweet: not just fun(not) unclouded: (there were) work to do and unpleasant things to face.Method used for paraphrasing: replacing abstract words with concrete onesParaphrase: school wasn’t just fun; there were work to do and unpleasant things to face.2. suggested: showedAuthority: a person in chargeParaphrase: The way the man looked showed he was the man in charge there.Metho d: finding out the exact meaning of words or phrases in the context3. it: hearing (that) my children are badly treatedIs like a knife piercing my heart: gives me great pain Paraphrase: Whenever I hear (that) my children are badly treated, I feel great pain.Method: replacing similes or specific words with general words.4. fit the description of any secret agent: was like a secret agent (described in spy novels)Paraphrase: Ausable wasn’t like any secret agent in spy novels Fowler had read.Method: explaining phrases in everyday language5. The occasion: the fact that the villager was serious about the rock being the center of the worldShow of recognition: agreeing with them in some wayon my part: from meParaphrase: As the villagers were serious about the rock being the center of the world, I felt I had to show I agree with them for the sake of politeness.Method: e xplaining abstract words (occasion, recognition) in concrete everyday expression.Answers to Test PaperI. Spelling1. rivalry2. variety3. stretch4. whisper5. pierce6. scarcity7. scent8. interfere9. ridiculous 10. jewelry11. conscious 12. genius 13. ignorance 14. potential 15. automatic16. mysterious 17. passable 18. blossom 19. marvelous 20. philosophyII. Word Formation1 overcrowded2 withdrawals3 Amazingly4 determination5 doubtful6 wordy7 good-natured8 telecommunications9 curiosity 10 disagreeIII. Cloze1 has2 meeting3 at4 hours5 alone6 lecture7 weekends8 Among9 way 10 thatIV. TranslationChinese to English1. He doesn’t seem to have the courage to speak out about what’s happening in the factory.2. The couple told the reporter that they had nothing to complain about.3. Compared with their old place, their new apartment/house seems like a palace.4. It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of this win-win opportunity.5. The guests told the host that they had spent a very enjoyable evening at the party chatting with old friends.6. I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I had left my purse at home.7. He stayed (in) home all weekend, trying to reflect on what had happened.8. When he was young, he believed in freedom so much that he would rather die than live without it.9. When I visited Beijing for the second time, I found the city’s public amenities had greatly improved.10. If anything unexpected happened during the conference, the security guards would arrive with in a few seconds.。
研究生英语精读教程(下)unit1-7课后习题[unit1]II. VocabularyA. Identify one of the four choices A, B, C or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.1. Considerable expertise is required to be a successful trial lawyer.A. know-howB. authorityC. prudenceD. resolution2. So it came about that even in ancient times tales of Moon voyages were written without any trace of magic and the earthiness of something that might be possible.A. footprintB. measurementC. remainderD. sign3. I’d like to come with you, but that’s not a promise. Don’t build on it.A. bring onB. depend onC. take onD. think on4. I must go and work up my notes, ready for the test. A. complete B. take C. review D. get5. Groundwater, a resource that exists everywhere beneath the Earth’s surface, is under increasing risk from contamination and overuse.A. popularizationB. pollutionC. contractionD. industrialization6. The most prominent technological success in the twentieth century is probably computer revolution. A. noticeable B. solemnC. prosperousD. prevalent7. Neon light is utilized in airport because it can penetrate fog.A. pass throughB. break upC. transmitD. suspend8. There is no point in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified.A. reasonB. resultC. chanceD. use9. It is estimated that almost one million earthquakes occur each year, but most of them are so minor that they pass undetected.A. with no damageB. with no noticeC. with no nameD. with no problem10. Inspired by another movement in art called Dadaism, the Surrealist movement has been one of the most influential art movements in the 20th century.A. DespisedB. InfluencedC. StifledD. CreatedB. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.11. In less than a millionth of a second, the vast computer of an international airline can ______ accept 800 booking inquiries, and search its 50 million memory units for appropriate replies.A. simultaneouslyB. implicitlyC. complacentlyD. cautiously12. There are two hundred and forty stamps in the sheet, arranged in twenty rows of twelve stamps _____.A. individually B. across C. horizontally D. vertically13. Many of the conditions that _____ population pressures—overcrowding, unemployment, poverty, hunger and illness—lead to dissatisfaction.A. bring forwardB. bring outC. result inD. result from14. A severe illness _____ the hot weather has left the baby very weak.A. in accordance withB. in line withC. in conjunction withD. in agreement with15. It is a long time since we’ve been ____; I hop e everything goes as well as last time.A. united upB. brought upC. teamed upD. picked up16. An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical ____, will become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.A. interactionB. interferenceC. interventionD. interruption17. In what _____ to a last minute stay of execution, a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites. A. applies B. accounts C. amounts D. attaches18. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _____ standards.A. equivalentB. alikeC. uniformD. likely19. It has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in the millions and earthquake-related destruction has been _____ calculation. A. under B. over C. behindD. beyond20. W e’re in a _____ position here, with the enemy on the hill above us.A. strongB. powerfulC. vulnerableD. negative[unit2]II. Vocabulary1.Parents heartily endorsed the plan for a school playground.A. adoredB. admiredC. supportedD. denied2.Black clouds, thunder and lightning show that a storm is imminent.A. comingB. IrremediableC. unavoidableD. irresistible3.She had upset some boiling oil on her arm and was in agony.A. great painB. SufferingC. dangerD. despair4.The walls of the boathouse had been sapped away by the waves.A. carried awayB. destroyedC. washed upD. stricken5.You must always be ready to sacrifice inclination to duty.A. likingB. tendencyC. interestD. career6.Age had withered the old lady's face. A. destroyed B. hurtC. made decrepitD. flecked7.Unable to sleep, the patient thrashed about in bed.A. twistedB. TwitchedC. tossed aboutD. tossed off8.The committee's plans are set out in the report made by the chairman.A. mentionedB. intended to doC. arrangedD. made known and clear9.Their request was absurd and consequently rejected.A. ridiculousB. excessiveC. feasibleD. harsh10.He was given imprisonment without the option of a fine.A. punishmentB. requestC. demandD. freedom to chooseB. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.11.There was no school play because the principal ________ his consent.A. took silence forB. withheldC. rewardedD. awarded12.In many countries now, smoking is not ________ in publicplaces.A. permissiveB. permissibleC. permutableD. pernicious13.The boy's curiosity ________ him to ask endless questions.A. madeB. helpedC. confusedD. prompted14.Condemned to death, Socrates could have escaped but chose to die by drinking ________ poison - seeking truth even to the end. A. strong B. dead C. dying D. lethal15.We believe in ________ treatment of prisoners so that they can turn over a new leaf.A. humanB. humaneC. cruelD. stern16.Being a commander, he should remain calm at the ________ moment.A. criticB. crispC. crucialD. crinkly17.Health without riches is ________ to riches without health.A. preferableB. betterC. desirableD. desirous18.The decision made by the party recently goes against everything I ________.A. stand in withB. stand fastC. stand in awe ofD. stand for19.The ________ of ill-feeling from the Treaty of Versailles made Hitler more determined to take revenge on France in World War Two. A. inheritance B. result C. wish D. desire20.Medical ________ do not permit doctors and surgeons to advertise.A. dutiesB. standardsC. lawsD. ethics[unit3]II. Vocabulary1.Henry Ⅵwas an overwhelming success, perhaps partially because Shakespeare drew characters from actual English history.A. greatB. amazedC. unexpectedD. unbelievable2.The new communication system is by no means a minute invention.A. insignificantB. minusculeC. accidentalD. significant3.On the notice board there was a list of forthcoming events at school.A. excitingB. ArisingC. WarningD. approaching4.In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the species that prevail in the forests. A. coexist B. invadeC. dominateD. gather5.Behind him were the ruins of a city, shattered, devastated, crumbled piles of concrete and stone that glowed. A. burnt B. ravaged C. isolated D. conquered6.Revision of technical prose requires word by word review and elimination of whatever is redundant. A. talkative B. profuseC. abundantD. wordy7.In the last chapter I proposed the hypothesis that a pure poetry-exists, e mploying the term "lyric― to describe poems which "consist of poetry and no thing else".A. conjectureB. deductionC. inferenceD. supposition8.Tacit parental approval should be obtained before marriage.A. tactfulB. permissiveC. intactD. implicit9.Then he sat and thought in the concentrated, abstracted way he has almost forgetting my presence. A. preoccupied B. observant C. intent D. careful10.An Alexandrian speculator finally thought of a way of turning cat mummies into money.A. spectatorB. observerC. businessmanD. magicianB. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.11. These demands _____ the agreements we have reached.A. run away fromB. go against toC. go counter toD. act counter from12. Mary’s _____ was whether to go to the party in her old dress or to stay at home.A. plightB. emergencyC. dilemmaD. jam13. In temperate regions the growth rings on turtles’ epidermal plates ____ seasonal variations in growth. A. stimulateB. reflectC. includeD. prevent14. When new math was introduced into schools, many parents were _____ by the approach it involved. A. interested B. enjoyed C. perplexed D. informed15. Most of the great European thinkers of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries helped to _____ the conception Shaftesbury first formulated. A. develop B. involve C. discover D. grow16.It is unfair for the manager to ____ the typist for being late, because she has been ill for a week.A. adviseB. reproachC. reviveD. strike17.A vast cigar-shaped body of gas was raised and eventually _____ from the surface of the sun.A. descendedB. outrunC. abstractedD. reflected。
Model Test One
PART I VOCABULARY 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C PART II CLOZE TEST 21. [C] follow 22. [B] painless 23. [D] take 24. [B] available 25. [D] record 26. [C] experienced 27. [D] whether 28. [A] required 29. [C] being 30. [A] put
丧亲之痛和神恩赐福此起彼伏,让我们悲喜交加。 死亡让我们更加珍视生命。在生命的庄严时刻,在 痛苦和失却的阴影之下,人才会真正地认识自己。
事有悲欢离合,因循往复;人有喜怒哀乐,周而 复始,甚至死亦能让人对生益加眷恋。所以,当 惘然若失,悲由心生之时,人往往最接近自我。
Part IV Translation
可是,就像伟大和自豪的国家在其鼎盛时期一样, 它们必须克服一个完全不能掉以轻心的危险因素: 它们传统的绝对强势将会导致谨小慎微、追求内 部特权及自满,这将使它们不能与时俱进。
Section B 同时,过去10年里,国际和地区热点此起彼伏, 影响着世界和平稳定。
On the other hand, the last decade also witnessed incessant international and regional hotspots which undermined world peace and stability.
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研究生英语精读课本第一到第七课答案Unit 1III Translation PracticeExercise 11. 现代灰姑娘2. 敢想才能成功3. 失败是成功之母4. 敢于打破惯例5. 天生舞者6. 天衣无缝7. 亲历历史8. 谁之过?9. 植物病毒载体系统研究进展10. 惊慌还是冷漠Exercise 2.1. Small Port, Big Market2.Education Online3.A Nation on Wheels4.Cultural Contrasts in Marriage Arrangement5.The Two Sides to the Internet Coin6.Dynamic Evaluation of Economic Efficiency for Eco-city Construction7.Between the Editor and the Reader8.Discussion on Virgin Land Classification Subsystem based on the Protection of the Eco-Environment9. The Basic Analysis of Our National Territorial Planning & Eco-Environmental Protection10. View on the Natural Style SingingUnit 2III Translation PracticeExercise 1A.1. 麦当劳有很多让农民恼怒的事:千篇-律,平淡无味,还有其所代表的烹饪霸权。
2. 至少有40种植物已经通过了政府审核。
3. 到目前为止,还没有任何迹象表明基因重组作物会对任何人造成任何伤害。
4. 即使还没有法律措施,公众舆论正以更加怀疑的态度看待基因改良技术。
5. 这种优质作物受到农民的欢迎是情有可原的,因为对他们来说,产量即使有一丁点的增长也就意味着利润上的极大提高。
B. 1. In recent years Europeans have become increasingly jumpy about bad food – and withgood reason.2. This year the E.U. banned the importation of non-approved GM corn.3. It is crucially important that we take stock of this technology’s probable effects onour planet’s ecosystems.4. We should also take a sober look at the effect of genetic engineering in the social andpolitical realms.5. Nature is never idle. Through random mutations, nature constantly tests new geneticmodels of organisms.Exercise 2.A.1,全世界的人民都在密切地注视他们食品中的基因构成—并越发地为他们所看到的一切感到不安。
B.1,Ready or not, the world is entering the age of genetic engineering. Altered environmentsand human-created life forms will be part of this new age. Plants may be transformed into miniature factories producing plastics, medicines, or perfumes. Animals may be given human genes to make their tissues compatible with humans, allowing animal hearts and other organs to be transplanted into critically ill people.2, We should also take a sober look at the effects of genetic engineering in the social and political realms. Because the agricultural and medical benefits of genetic engineering are expensive, poor individuals and poor nations will not be able to afford them – at least not for years to come. As a result, the economic gap between rich and poor is likely to widen. In addition, Third World leaders have sometimes vetoed the use of their plant and animal species in genetic research. Western companies want these species for genetic engineering projects and hope to obtain them with minimal expense; Third World leaders want to ensure that their people are fairly compensated if these species are used to produce something of value.Unit 3III Translation PracticeExercise 1A. 1. Put the following into Chinese.1)需要面对面沟通的问题留着见面解决,但凡可以通过精心措词,简明扼要的书面信息处理的事情可使用电子邮件。
2. Put the following into English.1) For a century and a half West and East have joined here, sometimes blending, sometimes clashing, but always spawning dazzling contrasts that make a visit here simply unforgettable. 2)Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.3) We are seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals, and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity.4) Ecotourism is a boom industry. Wherever wildlife exists in a relatively undisturbed area/district/state, from the tropics to the poles, today’s environmentally aware tourists are willing to pay large sums to see it.5)If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.Exercise 2A. Put the following into Chinese.1)Xers一代(X世代人)——出生于1965至1980年。