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我们应该站在战略高度,以长远眼光来看 待中英关系,希望双方多来往,多了解, 多协商,多合作。
We should view China-Britain relations from a strategic and long-term point of view. I hope our two sides will make further efforts (增补)to increase contact and understanding, and strengthen consultation and cooperation between our two countries. ( have more contacts, understandings, consultations and cooperations. )
Warming -up exercise:
英国以其灿烂的文化,众多的发明创造为世界文 明和进步做出了巨大的贡献,也对中国社会的发 展产生了重要的影响。
With its splendid culture and numerous inventions, Britain has made tremendous contribution to human civilization and progress. It has also exerted an important influence on China’s social development.(拆 句法,拆成并列的两个短句)
尤其是信息通信技术的发展,深刻地改 变着人们的生产方式和生活方式。
In particular, the development of information and communication technologies has been changing profoundly our mode of production and way of life.
A: They look really nice! I guess people in our country will love them. Can I have your catalogues that tell us more about them?
看起来真不错! 我想我们国家的人会 喜欢的。您有关于这些产品的详细目 录吗?
The splendid culture and numerous inventions of Britain have not only made tremendous contribution to human civilization and progress, but also exerted an important influence on China’s social development.
你们的产品给我留下深刻的印象。我 会仔细阅读你们的产品目录 ,然后考 虑一下我们是否有机会合作(做生 意)。
B: 感谢您对我们的产品有兴趣。这是我 的名片。如果您想知道我们公司和产 品的相关情况,请随时和我联系。
Thank you for your interest in our products. This is my business card. Please let know if you want to know sth more about our company or our products( please feel free to contact me).
Since the beginning of reform and opening-up, we have called upon our people (增补)to study and draw upon advanced science and technology, managerial expertise and fine cultural achievements of Britain and other countries. By doing so we will be able to promote our own modernization drive.
2、The new century witnesses the ongoing development of economic development and the rapid advancement of science and technology, which have provided unprecedented material and technological conditions for global economic and social development.
We have many of the latest products in this showroom. They are of high quality and not very expensive. You may be interested in some of those launched last month, which you won’t see elsewhere.
B: 有的。这些产品目录中有所有您今天 看到的产品的全部介绍。
Of course. The catalogue contain anything you want to know about all the products you see today in this showroom.
A: Thank you . Your products have impressed me .I will read your catalogues carefully and see if there is a possibility that we can make a deal.
改革开放以来,中国积极提倡学习、吸收 包括英国在内的世界各国先进的科学技术、 管理经验和优秀文化成果,以促进自己的 现代化进程。
Since the beginning of reform and opening-up,
we have called upon our people (增补)to
study and draw upon advanced science and technology, managerial expertise and fine cultural achievements of Britain and other countries with the goal of boosting our own modernization drive.
词汇:专门用语,中国特色用语等 短语:在上下文语境中的确切用法
句子:原语中的长句处理,合并法 与拆分法的运用,逻辑连接词的运 用
信息:完整,不漏译、错译 表达:流畅并符合目标语的习惯
看清结构,合理断句 化整为零,巧妙连接 同一主语,顺势而为 同类归一,排比相对 归纳先行,逐层剥离 前置后移,灵活处理
Interpreting Course for EM Sencise: A: Good morning , I am in the line of textile
business in America. Could you be so kind to show me around your company?
信息化为人类提供了难得的数字机 遇,同时也给我们带来了各种挑战。
Informationization presents valuable “digital opportunities” for human progress. But it also presents various challenges to us.
With its splendid culture and numerous inventions, Britain has not only made tremendous contribution to human civilization and progress, but also exerted an important influence on China’s social development.
Both China and the UK are permanent members of the UN Security Council, shouldering major responsibilities and having extensive shared interests in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.
中国一贯重视英国在欧洲及世界的地位和 作用。
China has always attached importance to the United Kingdom and its role in Europe and in the world.
中英都是联合国安理会常任理事国,在维 护世界和平、促进共同发展方面肩负着重 大责任,也存在着广泛的共同利益。
早上好! 我在美国纺织业工作(我从事 纺织品行业)。您可以带我参观一下你们 的展厅吗?
B: 我很乐意。我们经营纺织品已有八年。 我们的产品在本国市场很受欢迎。
My pleasure. We have been in the textile business for eight years. Our products are popular in the domestic market.
A: oh, there are so many new products that I have never seen in other showrooms. Let me have a good look at them.
这里还有很多新产品我在别的展厅没有 见到过。我要好好看一下。
B:我们最近推出了不少新产品。它们质 量上乘,价格也不是很贵。也许您有 兴趣看看我们上个月才推出的新品, 别的地方肯定看不到。
1、 In the new century, economic globalization continues to develop, science and technology move forward rapidly. All these have provided unprecedented material and technological conditions for global economic and social development.
The application of IT not only provides us with valuable “digital opportunities”, but also with various challenges.
进入新世纪,/ 经济全球化 不断发展,/ 科学技术突飞 猛进,/ 为全球经济和社会 发展提供了前所未有的物质 技术条件。
In the new century, the ongoing economic globalization and rapid advancements of science and technology have created unprecedented material and technological conditions for global economic and social development.(注意 整个句子的主语,词性发生变化)