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1.其实,全球后工业化过程中,看看上海浦东、吉隆坡双子塔和美国世贸废墟等为“第一高楼”争得打破头,看看一幢楼里一模一样的房子高一层即贵一万元,便可明白人类这种登高望远的野心。即使“上九天揽月”也不再是嫦娥或库布里克的奥德赛之梦了,从加加林的首航和阿姆斯特朗的“一小步”,到美国富翁狄托那次昂贵却货真价实的太空旅游,人类才花了二十几年。据说两年内将启动的Sub-Orbital Flights子轨道飞行,每人只需5万美金就可以预定座位了。如果张雨生还活着的话,想去月球他就去吧。《不远行者没有未来》

译文:In fact, it is quite easy to understand the wish of human being “to be the highest” when we see the fierce competition for the “highest one” among the high buildings in Pudong, the Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur, and the ruins of the World Trade Center, or when we are shocked by the sharp increase in price for the same houses at different stories in a building. To travel in the outer space is not longer

something absolutely impossible--- it only after 20 years later since Gagarin’s first navigation in the outer space and Armstrong’s “little step” there that Ditto, an American rich man, took his expensive but real travel in space. It is said the Sub-Orbital Flights Subtrack Flight to be launched within 2 years will only charge 50 thousand dollars for the reservation from each passenger. If Zhang Yusheng, a famous singer in China, was still alive, he could realize his dream of visiting the moon.


译文:The differences in opinions are something that can not be avoided. The mass media offers that area of argumentation (in Current Affairs sponsored by Phoenix Satellite Television Station, those for and against the war against Iraq had a heated debate.) By that, the practice of reasonably expanding the space for mass opinions was fully proved doing little harm to the social order and stability. Instead, the general public can get information and consider the situation in a comprehensive way because of the existence of large number of different ideas. As a result, a balanced mass opinion mechanism gradually comes into being.



译文:Shanghai’s progress in shorten the distance in infrastructures with the other metropolis can also be displayed in its high building. Shanghai International Hotel, a 24-stored-building ranking 1st in height in the Far East at that time, remained the highest building in Shanghai for 50 years. Later, it was surpassed by those high buildings in Shenzhen and Beijing, and similarly by the thousands of skyscrapers in Shanghai. Today, any building can only enjoy its fame of being the highest one for about 3-5 years, and then will be replaced by some other higher as the highest ones. Consequently, that fact makes endless the efforts made by the city to reduce its differences with the other cities.
