惠普 G5服务器 说明书
1应用环境• 网络:防火墙、高速缓存、VPN• IT 基础设施:DNS 、域控制器、Staging Server • 客户专用:Web Farm 、ISP 和ASP • OEM 设备:电信和安全特性和优势• HP ProLiant DL120 G5是一款入门级的机柜服务器,拥有惠普服务器一贯特性,为客户提供了充分的保证;• 单路处理器,高度为1U ,运行单一应用非常理想,非常适合用于网络基础架构应用以及WEB 服务器等应用,具有非常好的性价比• 经济实用的解决方案,易于购买、易于管理。
• 可选 Lights Out 100c 的远程管理,提供低成本的高效解决方案,让您可以随时随地远程管理服务器。
性能• 采用英特尔3200芯片组,支持1333MHz 前端总线• 处理器选择- 从入门级赛扬处理器到四核至强处理器• 4个DIMM 插槽- 800MHz DDR-2 Unbuffered ECC ,最大8GB简单经济的通用型服务器,集成了必要的核心技术,能够满足未来业务发展所需。
HP ProLiant DL120 G5带有两个PCI-E 的插槽,并可以更换为一个PCI-E 和一个PCI-X 的插槽垂直扩展板,可以同时支持HP 的HBA 卡以及Smart Array 阵列卡,并可以支持SAS 高速硬盘。
可选LO100C 远程管理卡,提供了高性价比的远程管理功能,可以在任何地点、任何时间实现远程管理。
• 集成N C 105i P C I e 单端口千兆服务器网卡(Broadcom 5722)• 集成SATA 0/1 RAID选件• 2个LFF (3.5”)非热插拔硬盘托架• 可选的非热插拔SAS 硬盘- 需要可选的SAS HBA 或阵列控制器• 扩展插槽:- 标配: 2个PCI Express x8插槽(1个x8,1个x4)- 可选: 将PCIe x8更换为PCI-X 64/133• 可选的硬盘或USB 软盘• 内部USB 2.0接口,用于USB 启动管理• Lights Out 100c (可选),带Select/Advanced 升级功能专为实现机架内的可维护性而设计• 包括固定的安装滑轨- 无需将服务器拆下机架,即可维护内部组件 • 可安装在Telco 机架中• 前端和内部状态指示灯• 前端和后端单元ID 开关/指示灯 • 2个前置USB 端口• 非常适合于连接数据中心“急救设备”服务器性价比极好的单路处理器2产品编号说明465475-AA1英特尔®奔腾®双核处理器E2160 (1.80GHz ,1MB 二级高速缓存,800MHz 前端总线),1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400 无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式465476-AA1英特尔®至强®双核处理器3065 (2.33GHz ,4MB 二级高速缓存,1333MHz 前端总线),1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400 无缓冲DDR2 DRAM 内存,机架式469378-AA1英特尔®至强®四核处理器X3320 (2.50GHz ,6MB 二级高速缓存,1333MHz 前端总线),2GB (2x1GB) (标配)到8 GB (最大) ECC PC2-6400无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式AM848A英特尔®至强®四核处理器3110 (3.0GHz,6MB 高级缓存,1333MHz 前端总线)1GB (标配)到8GB (最大) ECCPC2-6400无缓冲DDR2 SDRAM 内存,机架式标准配置处理器取决于产品型号英特尔®至强®四核处理器X3350 (2.66GHz ,12MB 二级高速缓存,95 瓦,1333MHz 前端总线)注:仅通过 CTO 可用。
HP ProLiant DL365 第五代(G5)服务器 说明书
采用全新的AMD 四核处理器,高达32GB 的DDR 2-667MHz 内存,PCI-E 技术为两路处理器系统提供了强劲的IO 性能。
在1U 高的服务器中,支持6个2.5英寸的SAS 或SATA 的硬盘。
全新特性HP ProLiant DL365 G5所使用的处理器是最新的AMD 四核处理器。
高性能•两路AMD 皓龙四核处理器2300•PC5300 DDR2-667增强的ECC 内存技术,最多支持大32GB ,8个内存插槽•全新的SmartArray E200i 以及SmartArray P400i 磁盘阵列卡,可以为用户提供高性价比和高性能的磁盘IO特性HP ProLiant DL365第五代(G5)服务器DL365 G5是一个基于机柜优化模式的高密度机柜服务器,可应用于数据中心和多种应用环境,在1U 高的机箱当中,集成了优异的远程管理功能和高处理性能。
•支持2.5英寸SAS 和SATA 硬盘,可扩展至6块,最大存储容量:SAS 硬盘容量876GB ,SATA 硬盘容量720GB 高扩展性:•两个PCI-E 插槽,一个全长一个半长•4个USB 接口,1个前置,1个内置,2个后置管理特性•标准配置带有集成的远程控制功能iLO2•前置的可滑动的状态显示面板,可直观查看系统组件状态•ProLiant 精华基础软件包可选附件•可选的冗余电源模块和风扇模块•可选的电缆管理导向臂。
便于管理与维护设计与连接•冗余的风扇•前置的显示器端口•双端口多功能千兆以太网卡•通用的机柜安装滑轨,可以应用于方形或圆形的多种定位孔的机柜产品编号说明447598-AA1(1) 个AMD Opteron™ (皓龙™)处理器2352 (2.1GHz,75瓦),标配1GB (2 x 512MB)、PC2-5300 DDR2 DIMM (667MHz),机架式(1U)标准配置处理器AMD Opteron™ (皓龙™)处理器2354 (2.2GHz,75瓦)AMD Opteron™ (皓龙™)处理器2352 (2.1GHz,75瓦)内存类型PC2-5300 DDR2 DIMM (667MHz)取决于产品型号标配(基本机型)1GB (2 x 512MB)最大32GB (8 x 4GB)注:DIMM必须依容量递减安装,最大的DIMM安装在距每个处理器最远的插槽内。
HP ProLiant BL490G6刀片服务器 说明书
HP ProLiant BL490c G6刀片服务器,专注于虚拟化应用,可帮您显著缩小数据中心占用空间、大大降低虚拟机单位成本,同时真正实现卓越的虚拟机性能。
BL490c G6 服务器具有更大内存、I/O 可扩展性、灵活的存储选购件,以及更大网络吞吐量,能够大幅提升IT环境的灵活性,并有效降低成本。
对数据中心进行硬件整合可显著缩减成本,并节省空间,但需要性能更高的IT 环境。
HP ProLiant BL490c G6刀片服务器,在半高刀片外形中大大提升了内存容量和I/O 带宽标准。
BL490c G6服务器采用2颗英特尔® 至强® 5500系列处理器,配有18个内存插槽,支持多达24个网络端口,能够为企业级数据中心管理人员提供最适合的服务器平台,实现虚拟机托管。
借助英特尔快速互连(Quick Path Interconnect)和英特尔超线程技术、高达144GB内存及支持较大网络吞吐量等特性,BL490c G6服务器可令您真正免除进行虚拟机托管的各种限制。
主要特性与优势减少瓶颈,大幅提升性能•借助多达2颗采用快速互连(Q u i c k P a t h Interconnect)和英特尔超线程技术的英特尔至强5500系列处理器,帮您实现应用的更快速响应• 刀片服务器配有18个内存插槽、DDR3-1333内存,支持高达144GB,可装入更多虚拟机• 利用2个嵌入式万兆网络端口,获得最大网络吞吐量,可有效降低网络连接成本• 搭载了Flex-10 技术的集成双端口万兆网络服务器适配器,可帮您灵活适应激增的虚拟服务器工作负载,即便您的交换机和线缆数量有限,也完全能够根据您的工作负载调整网络带宽轻松管理基础设施• 通过使用包括虚拟KVM和图形远程控制台在内的集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2) Standard Blade Edition 管理软件,实现无人值守数据中心• 借助内置 HP Power Regulator,节省功率而不会影响性能,并采用动态功率封顶(Dynamic Power Capping)技术对服务器功耗进行限定,从而帮您的数据中心回收利用损失的功率• HP Systems Insight Manager 可帮您提升服务器性能,无须额外成本• 利用 Insight Dynamics,支持高级基础设施管理,实现物理和虚拟资源的均衡帮您掌控虚拟化环境• 利用 Virtual Connect Flex-10 将嵌入式万兆以太网端口划分给8个Flex NIC,您通过这种方式,无须额外购买网卡即可连接到全部工作负载所需的诸多单独网络• 硬件辅助的英特尔® 虚拟化技术((Intel® VT),提供了包括Extended Page Tables 和 Virtual 处理器ID(VPID)等在内的各种新功能,可帮您有效提升虚拟化性能• 借助高级 ECC 内存保护功能,高达 144 GB DDR3 内存,保持内存与虚拟机二者比率完全适合于您应用• HP ProLiant iVirtualization 将业界领先的虚拟化技术集成到服务器,包括支持 VMware 和 Citrix 终端服务,大大减少了繁重的管理程序设置任务降低每虚拟机成本• 2 颗处理器半高刀片外形,具有最大内存空间,可在每管理程序中置入更多虚拟机,从而帮您从成本较高的管理程序中获取更大价值• 充分利用半高外形优势,可将多达16个刀片装入HP BladeSystem c7000 机箱的10U空间中• Virtual Connect Flex-10 可支持每刀片服务器多达24个网络端口,令您的虚拟机具备更多网络端口• Virtual Connect Flex-10 可帮您回收利用未使用的以太网容量,从而有效降低联网成本选择部署选购件• 可选配的光纤通道、iSCSI、以太网、InfiniBand 和SAS 适配器,能帮您大大增加 I/O 带宽• 可选配的内部固态硬盘、直连热插拔 SAS 硬盘、光纤通道和 iSCSI SAN 连接性、多个刀片服务器之间连接 SAS 的存储共享等,可帮您以自己喜欢的方式进行数据存取• 主动选择(Proactive Select),是基于简单可信赖系统的服务获取计划,可根据您的需要构建最合理的计划,获得一流的 HP 技术专家指导,最大限度地提高 IT 投资回报(ROI)• 利用 HP Insight Remote Support(Insight RS)软件,能够帮您对HP 服务器和存储进行更可靠的24x7 全天候自动远程监控、信息告知及服务分配理想环境HP BL490c G6 是虚拟化环境的理想平台,可提供充足内存、存储和卓越的网络连接性,从而帮您大大提升服务器的性能。
HP 全球一年限硬件保修和技术支持说明书
Worldwide Limited Warranty and Technical SupportHP Business Desktop ProductsHardware Limited WarrantyGeneralThis HP Hardware Limited Warranty gives you, the customer, express limited warranty rights from HP, the manufacturer. Please refer to HP's Web site for an extensive description of your limited warranty entitlements. In addition, you may also have other legal rights under applicable local law or special written agreement with HP.EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED W ARRANTY, HP MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HP EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS NOT STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD. Some states or countries do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages for consumer products. In such states or countries, some exclusions or limitations of this limited warranty may not apply to you.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS APPLICABLE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND MAY BE ENFORCED IN ANY COUNTRY WHERE HP OR ITS AUTHORIZED SERVICE PROVIDERS OFFER WARRANTY SERVICE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED W ARRANTY. HOWEVER, WARRANTY SERVICE A V AILABILITY AND RESPONSE TIMES MAY V ARY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY AND MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS IN THE COUNTRY OF PURCHASE. IF SO, YOUR HP AUTHORIZED SERVICE PROVIDER CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH DETAILS. Limited Warranty Repair or Replacement During the Limited Warranty Period, HP will, within a reasonable time, repair your product or replace any defective component. In the unlikely event that your HP Hardware has a recurring failure, HP, at its sole discretion, may elect to provide you with a replacement unit of HP's choosing that is the same or equivalent to your HP Hardware in performance. This is your exclusive remedy for defective products. HP reserves the right to elect, at its sole discretion, to give you a refund of your purchase price or lease payments (less interest) instead of a replacement upon prompt return of the hardware product to your HP Authorized Service Provider or other HP designate. All hardware products removed under this Limited Warranty become the property of HP. The replacement part or product takes on either the Limited Warranty status of the removed part or product or the thirty (30) day Limited Warranty of the replacement part.HP HardwareThis Hardware Limited Warranty applies only to the HP-branded and Compaq-branded hardware (collectively referred to in this Hardware Limited Warranty as "HP Hardware") sold by or leased from Hewlett-Packard Company, its worldwide subsidiaries, affiliates, authorized resellers, or country distributors (collectively referred to in this Hardware Limited Warranty as "HP") with this Hardware Limited Warranty. The term "HP Hardware" is limited to the hardware components and required firmware. The term "HP Hardware" DOES NOT include any software applications or programs.HP does NOT provide support for this product configured as a network server.Unless otherwise stated, and to the extent permitted by local law, hardware products may be manufactured using new materials or new and used materials equivalent to new in performance and reliability. HP may repair or replace HP hardware products (i) with equivalent products to the products being repaired or replaced but which may have been subject to prior use, (ii) with products containing remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or parts which may have been used, or (iii) with equivalent products to an original product that has been discontinued. Replacement parts are warranted to be free from defects in material or workmanship for thirty (30) days or for the remainder of the Limited Warranty Period of the HP Hardware in which they are installed, whichever is longer. Non-HP HardwareAll non-HP hardware products or peripherals external to the central processor unit—such as external storage subsystems, displays, printers, and other peripherals—are covered by the applicable vendor warranties for those products. Non-HP hardware products are not warranted by HP. However, non-HP manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers may provide their own warranties directly to you.Proof of Purchase and Limited Warranty Period HP warrants that the HP Hardware that you have purchased or leased from HP is free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use during the Limited Warranty Period. The Limited Warranty Period starts on the date of purchase or lease from HP. Your dated sales or delivery receipt, showing the date of purchase or lease of the product, is your proof of the purchase or lease date. You may be required to provide proof of purchase or lease as a condition of receiving warranty service. You are entitled to warranty service according to the terms and conditions of this document if a repair to your HP Hardware is required within the Limited Warranty Period.ExclusionsHP does not warrant that the operation of this hardware product will be uninterrupted or error-free. HP is not responsible for damage that occurs as a result of your failure to follow the instructions that came with the HP Hardware. This Hardware Limited Warranty does not extend to any product from which the serial number has been removed or that has been damaged or rendered defective (a) as a result of accident, misuse, abuse, contamination, improper or inadequate maintenance or calibration or other external causes; (b) by operation outside the published operating specifications for the product; (c) by software, interfacing, parts or supplies not supplied by HP; (d) improper site preparation or maintenance; (e) virus infection; (f) loss or damage in transit; or (g) by modification or service by anyone other than (i) HP, (ii) an HP authorized service provider, or (iii) your own installation of end-user replaceable HP or HP approved parts if available for your product in the servicing country. This Hardware Limited Warranty does not apply to consumable parts.This Hardware Limited Warranty extends only to the original end-user purchaser or lessee of this HP Hardware Product and is not transferable to anyone who obtains ownership of the HP Hardware Product from the original end-user purchaser or lessee.YOU SHOULD MAKE PERIODIC BACKUP COPIES OF THE DATA STORED ON YOUR HARD DRIVE OR OTHER STORAGE DEVICES AS A PRECAUTION AGAINST POSSIBLE FAILURES, ALTERATION, OR LOSS OF THE DATA. BEFORE RETURNING ANY UNIT FOR SERVICE, BE SURE TO BACK UP DATA AND REMOVE ANY CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY, OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. HP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF ANY PROGRAMS, DATA, OR REMOV ABLE STORAGE MEDIA. HP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESTORATION OR REINSTALLATION OF ANY PROGRAMS OR DATA OTHER THAN SOFTWARE INSTALLED BY HP WHEN THE PRODUCT IS MANUFACTURED.Exclusive RemedyTO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LOCAL LAW, THIS STATEMENT CONSTITUTES THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND HP. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SUPERSEDE ANY PRIOR AGREEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS—INCLUDING REPRESENTATIONS MADE IN HP SALES LITERATURE OR ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU BY HP OR AN AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF HP—THAT MAY HA VE BEEN MADE IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR PURCHASE OR LEASE OF THE HP HARDWARE. No change to the conditions of this Hardware Limited Warranty is valid unless it is made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of HP.Limitation of LiabilityIF YOUR HP HARDWARE FAILS TO WORK AS WARRANTED ABOVE, YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT. HP'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE LESSER OF THE PRICE YOU HA VE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT OR THE COST OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY HARDW ARE COMPONENTS THAT MALFUNCTION IN CONDITIONS OF NORMAL USE. EXCEPT AS INDICATED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL HP BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS OR SA VINGS) OR OTHER DAMAGE. HP IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM MADE BY A THIRD PARTY OR MADE BY YOU FOR A THIRD PARTY. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY APPLIES WHETHER DAMAGES ARE SOUGHT, OR A CLAIM MADE, UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR AS A TORT CLAIM (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY), A CONTRACT CLAIM, OR ANY OTHER CLAIM. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CANNOT BE WAIVED OR AMENDED BY ANY PERSON. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY WILL BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF YOU HA VE ADVISED HP OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF HP OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, HOWEVER, WILL NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HA VE OTHER RIGHTS THAT MAY V ARY FROM STATE TO STATE OR FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY. YOU ARE ADVISED TO CONSULT APPLICABLE STATE OR COUNTRY LAWS FOR A FULL DETERMINATION OF YOUR RIGHTS.Options and Software Limited WarrantiesThe Limited Warranty terms and conditions for HP options are as set forth in the Limited Warranty applicable to HP options. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE APPLICABLE SOFTWARE END-USER LICENSE OR PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT, HP DOES NOT W ARRANT SOFTWARE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING ANY SOFTWARE PRODUCTS OR THE OPERATING SYSTEM PREINSTALLED BY HP. HP's only warranty obligations with respect to software distributed by HP under the HP brand name are set forth in the applicable end-user license or program license agreement provided with that software. However, non-HP manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers may provide their own warranties directly to you.Software Technical SupportSoftware technical support is defined as assistance with questions and issues about the software preinstalled by HP on the HP Hardware or that was included with the HP Hardware at the time of your purchase or lease of the hardware product. With the exception of Linux operating systems or other Linux software applications sold with HP products, technical support for software is available for the first ninety (90) days from date of product purchase or lease. Your dated sales or delivery receipt, showing the date of purchase or lease of the product, is your proof of the purchase or lease date. You may be required to provide proof of purchase or lease as a condition of receiving software technical support. After the first ninety (90) days, technical support for software preinstalled by HP on the HP Hardware or included with the HP Hardware at the time of your purchase or lease of the product is available for a fee.Linux Operating Systems and ApplicationsHP does not provide software technical support for Linux operating systems or other Linux applications. Software technical support for Linux software sold with HP Hardware is provided by the Linux vendor.Please refer to the Linux operating system or other Linux application support statement included with your HP Hardware.International Limited Warranty and Limited Warranty Transfer to Another CountryThis limited warranty is extended worldwide under certain conditions to products which are reshipped by the original purchaser either for his own use or provided as an incidental part of systems integrated by the original purchaser. When available in the country of use, service is provided in the same manner as if the product was purchased in that country and can only be provided in countries where the product is designed to operate. Also, standard warranty service response time is subject to change due to local parts availability. A customer may be required to provide product-specific information, in accordance with the HP Global Warranty Notification process, prior to moving the products. The required information ensures that HP is prepared to provide the required level of warranty service in the destination country and that the product is designed to work in the destination country. If the product is not normally sold by HP in the country of use, it may need to be returned to the country of purchase for service. Contact HP, your local HP authorized reseller, or refer to the Web site at /go/bizsupport .HP Hardware Limited Warranty OptionsThese HP hardware limited warranty entitlements are specific to this HP hardware product. They supersede any limited warranty terms (apart from separately negotiated terms on a separate warranty flyer) that may be found online or in any documentation or materials contained in the computer product packaging.Limited Warranty Entitlements3-Years Limited Hardware Warranty; 3-Years Labor Service; 3-Years On-Site Service3-Years Limited Hardware Warranty; 1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-Site Service1-Year Limited Hardware Warranty; 1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-Site ServiceResponse TimeHP will respond on-site, at the customer's location, by the first or second business day following request for warranty service, based on the standard office hours in the country where the call is placed. Next Business Day Warranty Service is based on commercially reasonable best effort. In some countries and under certain supplier constraints, response time may vary. If your location is outside of the customary service zone, response time may be longer or there may be an additional charge. Contact your local HP service organization for response time in your area.Limited Warranty Entitlement DescriptionYour HP Hardware Limited Warranty consists of repair or replacement of defective parts, including hard drives, ECC memory, and some processors with ECC cache memory identified by HP Intelligent Manageability software as "prefailure."On-site ServiceYour HP Hardware Limited Warranty includes on-site labor (if necessary) to repair your hardware. HP provides on-site service during standard office hours. Standard office hours are typically 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, but may vary with local business practices.HP Replaceable Parts ProgramWhere available, the HP Replaceable Parts program ships approved replacement parts directly to you to fulfill your warranty. This will save considerable repair time. After you call the HP Technical Support Center at 1.800.652.6672, a replaceable part can be sent directly to you. Once the part arrives, call the HP Technical Support Center. A technician will assist you over the phone to ensure that the installation is quick and easy.HP is not responsible for, nor warrants your replacement parts or hardware product against, damage resulting from improper installation of replacement parts or the repair of your defective product by you or your designate.Service UpgradesHP offers additional support and service coverage for your product. Some support and related products may not be available in all countries. For information on service upgrades, refer to the HP Web site at: /go/bizsupport. Service upgrades purchased in one country are NOT transferable to another country.Contacting HP■In the United States, refer to the HP Web site at . In Canada, refer to the HP Web site at www.hp.ca.■Toll-free technical support in the United States and Canada, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day❏ 1.800.652.6672■Be sure to have the following information available before you call HP:❏Product serial number, model name, and model number❏Applicable error messages❏Add-on options❏Operating system❏Third-party hardware or software❏Detailed questions■Toll-free access to PaqFax™, which is a system for requesting and receiving technical information and much more through a facsimile machine❏ 1.800.345.1518 (United States)■Toll-free access to general product information❏ 1.800.567.1616 (Canada)■To post questions to HP Technical Support professionals or to download software files, refer to:❏HP Support Forum: ❏Email address: support@❏Downloadable HP software: /go/bizsupportLimited Warranty Entitlement InformationProducts Warranty Terms andConditions Response TimeHP Compaq Business Desktop d2201-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Compaq Business Desktop d2301-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Compaq Business Desktop dx20001-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Compaq Business Desktop dc50003-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;3-Year Labor Service; 3-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Business Desktop d3253-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Compaq Business Desktop d3303-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;1-Year Labor Service; 1-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Compaq Business Desktop d5303-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;3-Year Labor Service; 3-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayHP Point of Sale System rp50003-Year Limited Hardware Warranty;3-Year Labor Service; 3-Year On-SiteServiceNext Business DayIf You Have a Problem:•Check you have your product receipt•Check your Warranty Entitlement (see above)•Contact your local Technical Support Center or your HP Authorized Service Provider.。
HP 打印机字体和符号集说明书
Chapter 12: Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets Contents of this Chapter•Introduction ................................................................................. 12-1•Unbound Font Operations ............................................................ 12-2•Downloading Symbol Sets ........................................................... 12-5•Managing User-Defined Symbol Sets ......................................... 12-11This chapter describes the following PCL commands:Symbol Set Code ................ Esc*c#R................................................... 12-5Download Symbol Set ........ Esc(f#W[symbol set definition] ................ 12-6Symbol Set Control ............ Esc*c#S................................................. 12-1112.1 IntroductionBound and Unbound FontsA bound font is restricted to a single symbol set. An unbound font contains the union of multiple symbol sets described by a Symbol Index such as Hewlett-Packard's Master Symbol List (MSL) or Unicode (TrueType). Unbound fonts typically contain 300, 400, or even more characters. Downloading Symbol SetsSymbol sets may be downloaded like fonts. Both customized and standard HP-supported symbol sets may be downloaded.12 - 2 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets12.2 Unbound Font OperationsFont Selection and Unbound FontsWhen a font is requested, the printer selects an available font that most closely matches the current font selection characteristics ⎯ symbol set, spacing, pitch, height, style, stroke weight, and typeface. (See Chapter 9 for font selection.)Since the symbol set attribute has the highest priority, the printer first makes a list of all the available fonts ⎯ bitmap, bound, and unbound ⎯ that contain the requested symbol set. Bitmap and bound fonts are easily checked because they contain only one symbol set. However, to determine which unbound fonts match a symbol set, the printer must identify the appropriate symbol collections.Symbol CollectionsThe symbols in an unbound font can be divided into symbol collections that classify symbols according to language or application. The symbols in each collection do not change from one unbound font to another ⎯ that is, the Basic Latin collection always contains the same symbols. However, different fonts may contain different collections. For example, the internal Univers font in LaserJet IIIP contains the Latin, Math, and Semi-graphic collections, which together contain all the symbols required for the 35 symbol sets that Univers provides. On the other hand, the Dingbats font contains only the Dingbats collection, which contains all the symbols required for the five supported Dingbat symbol sets.Matching Unbound Fonts to Requested Symbol SetsThe Character Complement number, which is a 64-bit field in an unbound font definition (see Chapter 11), identifies the symbol collections contained in the font. Each bit in this field corresponds to a symbol collection. For example, if bit 63 is cleared, an unbound Intellifont contains the Basic Latin collection. If bit 31 is cleared, an unbound TrueType font contains ASCII.The Character Requirements number, which is a 64-bit number provided to the printer for each symbol set, identifies the character collections needed by the symbol set. The printer matches bit-by-bit the Character Requirements number for the requested symbol set with the Character Complement number of every unbound font in the printer.After matching the Character Complement number with the required symbol collections, the printer will contain a list of all fonts (bitmap, bound, and unbound) that support the requested symbol set. If no fonts are found for the requested symbol set, the printer continues with the font selection algorithm described in Chapter 9.Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets 12 - 3Summary of Symbol Set MatchingSymbol set matching for unbound fonts uses the following general procedure:1. The host requests a font through font attribute selection by updating the font attributetable.2. Since the symbol set attribute has the highest priority, the printer looks for the requestedsymbol set.3. The printer uses the Character Requirements number of the requested symbol set toidentify the symbol collections needed by the symbol set.4. The printer checks the Character Complement field of available fonts for symbolcollections that contain symbols in the requested symbol set.5. Fonts whose symbol collections together contain the necessary symbols are included inthe next round of attribute matching.Symbol set or point size are not specified when an unbound scalable font is downloaded. Designation by ID is equivalent to a PCL font select string containing parameters with fixed values (spacing, stroke weight, style, and typeface), but not point size and symbol set. To designate an unbound scalable font by ID, first select the desired symbol set and point size, and then select the font by ID.Symbol Indexes (MSL and Unicode)Symbol Indexes identify HP printer symbols by a unique number. Two symbol indexes are used for unbound fonts. Unbound Intellifonts use MSL (Master Symbol List) numbers; unbound TrueType fonts use Unicode numbers. Character collections differ between Intellifont and TrueType fonts.Since the printer identifies symbols by their Symbol Index Number (0-65535), but receives character codes (0-255), the printer has a symbol set mapping table for each available symbol set. Using this mapping, the printer identifies which indexed character will be printed for the requested character code. A partial mapping for Roman-8 set is shown below.12 - 4 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol SetsPrinting a CharacterAfter an unbound font has been selected and the printer receives a character code for printing, the printer must access the mapping table to get the Symbol Index Number for that character. The printer then searches the selected unbound font for the correct MSL or Unicode number and prints that character.For example, if Roman-8 is requested and the printer receives character code 254, the printer accesses the Roman-8 mapping table. In the Roman-8 mapping table, character code 254 is mapped to MSL number 191 or Unicode number 0x00b1, corresponding to the plus-over-minus symbol, which is then printed.Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets 12 - 512.3 Downloading Symbol SetsSymbol sets may be downloaded and used to bind an unbound font. The downloaded symbol set may be one of the standard HP-supported symbol sets listed in Chapter 9 that is not internal to the printer, or it may be a user-defined or modified symbol set. The following process is used to download a symbol set:1. Specify an identification number for the symbol set ⎯Esc*c#R.2.Download the symbol set definition ⎯Esc(f#W [data].3. Select the symbol set for printing ⎯Esc(ID.4. Delete the symbol set or designate it as permanent ⎯Esc*c#S.Symbol Set Identification: Before a symbol set can be downloaded or manipulated as an individual entity, it must be assigned a unique identification number. Esc*c#R designates an identification number prior to downloading the symbol set. An existing symbol set with this code is deleted at download.Symbol Set Definition: Esc(f#W downloads a group of symbol set attributes as well as a list that maps each symbol set character code to a character ID number by which the given character may be specified in unbound scalable fonts.Symbol Set Selection: After downloading the symbol set definition, the user may select the symbol set by Esc(ID.Symbol Set Management: Once a user-defined symbol set is downloaded, the Symbol Set Control command (Esc*c#S) can assign symbol sets as temporary or permanent, or delete them. Symbol Set Code Esc * c # r/RAssigns an identification code to a downloadable symbol set.Value(#) = Identification codeDefault = 0Range = 0 to 65535DEVICE NOTE: LJIIIP and 4 have an upper range of 32767, corresponding to 1023Z. They do not allow values above 1023Z for user-defined symbol sets.The Symbol Set Code is analogous to Font ID and Character Code. It is used to download and manage symbol sets.Any downloaded symbol set already associated with this code is deleted when the symbol set definition is received.The value (#) used for this command must match the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field in the downloaded symbol set definition.12 - 6 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol SetsThe Symbol Set Code is derived from the identification number (ID) used by Esc(ID in font selection:Symbol Set Code= (# * 32) + (L - 64)where # is the number portion of the ID, and L is the ASCII value of the letter portion. (See Chapter 9 for a list of symbol set IDs.)EXAMPLEAssume that a symbol set has an ID of 1Q, which will be used as a font select parameter byEsc(ID⎯ that is, Esc(1Q. The Symbol Set Code command for this symbol set would beEsc*c49R ⎯that is, (1 * 32) + (81 - 64) = 49.Then the Download Symbol Set command, Esc(#W, will create a symbol set with a symbol set code of 49. And the Symbol Set Control command (Esc*c#S) will execute the specified action for any symbol set with a symbol set code of 49.Download Symbol Set Esc ( f # W [symbol set definition]Defines the characters and character mapping for a downloaded symbol set.Value(#) = Number of bytes in symbol set definitionDefault = NARange = 0 to 32767 (command ignored if invalid definition or out-of-memory)This command must be sent subsequent to Symbol Set Code (Esc*c#R). The last symbol set code sent is used; if no code has been sent, the default (0) is assigned.A previously downloaded symbol set with the same symbol set code is deleted. An internal symbol set with the same code is overridden by the new symbol set.If the symbol set definition is invalid, if the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field of the definition does not match the symbol set code, or if there is insufficient memory to create the symbol set, the command is ignored and the symbol set discarded.Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets 12 - 7 The format for a downloaded symbol set definition is shown below:User-defined Symbol Set Definition FormatHeader Size (UINT16)Specifies the number of bytes in the header of the symbol set definition. This is the number of bytes preceding the Symbol Map.For a format 1 (MSL) symbol set definition, the header size must be 18 or greater; otherwise, the symbol set is invalidated.Encoded Symbol Set Designator (UINT16)This field must match the value designated by Symbol Set Code (Esc*c#R).Format (UBYTE)This field specifies the symbol index and format of the symbol set definition:Value Format1 MSL (Intellifont)3 Unicode (TrueType)Unrecognized values invalidate symbol set creation.DEVICE NOTE: LJIIIP recognizes only a format of 1.12 - 8 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol SetsSymbol set Type (UBYTE)Defines printable and unprintable codes for the symbol set:Value Symbol Set Organization0 7-bit (32-127 are printable)*1 8-bit (32-127 and 160-255 are printable)*2 PC-8 (All codes are printable except 0, 7 - 15, and 27)** All character code positions print in transparency mode.First Code (UINT16)Designates the first character code in the set. In a Format 1 or 3 symbol set, this value can be 0 to 255. The symbol set is invalid unless the First Code is less than or equal to the Last Code.Last Code (UINT16)Designates the last character code in the set. The value must be between 0 and 255 inclusive, and must not be smaller than the First Code.Together, the First Code through the Last Code identify the range of character codes that map to the Symbol Index numbers (characters) in the Symbol Map field.Character Requirements (Array of UBYTE)This 8-byte field, in conjunction with the Character Complement field in the unbound font definition, determines the compatibility of the unbound font to a symbol set. Each bit in the field represents a specific collection of symbols. Setting a bit to 1 indicates that collection is required; setting the bit to 0 indicates that collection is not required. (Bit 63 is the most significant bit of the first byte; bit 0 is the least significant bit of the 8-byte field.) A font and a symbol set are compatible only if the result of AND'ing the Character Complement field of the font definition with the Character Requirements field of the symbol set definition is 8 bytes of zero.Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets 12 - 9 As described below, Character Requirements differ between MSL-based symbol sets and Unicode-based symbol sets. Unbound Intellifonts are ordered in MSL numbers; unbound TrueType fonts are ordered in Unicode numbers.MSL Symbol Index Character RequirementsIndividually defined bits include:Unicode Symbol Index Character Complements12 - 10 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol SetsIndividually defined bits include:There are no invalid Character Requirements field values. Examples of values are:Symbol Map (Array of UINT16)Maps each character code to a symbol index number. The number of symbol index characters in the array must match the number of character codes in the range, First Code through Last Code. If no printable symbol is associated with a given character code (e.g., codes 128 through 160 of Roman-8), the corresponding entry in the Symbol Map is 65535 (0xffff).Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets 12 - 1112.4 Managing User-Defined Symbol Sets Symbol set management involves the same types of operations as font management: •Designating a symbol set temporary or permanent•Deleting a symbol setSymbol set management operations are performed on the symbol set designated by the current symbol set code (Esc*c#R).Symbol Set Control Esc * c # s/SDesignates user-defined symbol sets as permanent or temporary, or deletes them.Value(#) = 0 Delete all temporary and permanent user-defined symbol sets = 1 Delete all temporary user-defined symbol sets= 2 Delete current user-defined symbol set (last Symbol Set Codespecified)= 4 Make current user-defined symbol set temporary= 5 Make current user-defined symbol set permanentDefault = NARange = 0 to 2, 4, 5A downloaded symbol set is temporary by default. Internal symbol sets cannot be deleted or made temporary; however, a downloaded symbol set can overlay (redefine) an internal symbol set, but this is not recommended. An overlaying symbol set must be deleted to access an overlaid ROM-based symbol set. The priority scheme is (highest priority to lowest):1.Downloaded symbols set (lowest ID)2.Read/Write removeable disk (lowest ID)3.Read/Write removeable flash (lowest ID)4.Read/Write permanent disk (lowest ID)5.Read/Write permanent flash (lowest ID)6.Cartridge (lowest unit to highest unit)17.SIMM (lowest ID)8.Internal1 DEVICE NOTE: On LJIII the left cartridge has priority over the right cartridge. OnDeskJets below 1200, the back cartridge has priority over the front.12 - 12 Unbound Fonts and Downloaded Symbol Sets。
HP ProLiant BL465c G5刀片服务器 说明书
HP ProLiant BL465c G5刀片服务器具备出色的性能和可靠性,同时提供了卓越的能耗效率和计算密度。
它采用四核AMD Opteron™处理器和DDR2内存,具备行业领先的工具和选件,能够使您以经济的价格轻松拥有高性能计算环境,满足苛刻的业务需求。
HP ProLiant BL465c G5刀片服务器将是您的理想选择。
BL465c G5刀片服务器不仅具备企业级的性能和可靠性,在能源利用率和计算密度方面也同样出色。
BL465c G5还集成了各种ProLiant管理工具,例如增强的Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2)远程管理功能。
主要特性和优势以经济的价格实现企业级性能ProLiant BL465c G5能够以经济的价格实现企业级性能、可靠性和灵活性,是大中型数据中心的理想选择。
ProLiant 管理工具简化了服务器部署和生命周期管理流程,而且BL465c G5的配置灵活多样,可支持各种应用。
另外,BL465c G5刀片服务器具备卓越的技术性能,可显著提高资源利用率。
HP E24 G5 FHD 顯示器產品說明書说明书
所有細節一覽無遺,完成所有工作當出現細節差異時,本款 23.8 英寸吋(對角線)FHD 顯示器可顯示您所需的清晰度,讓您專注於任務。
得力於豐富的 99% sRGB 色彩深度和 IPS 技術,您將在各種寬視角看到清晰、鮮豔的色彩。
舒適地工作藉由在 HP Display Center 中逐步驟完成人體工學設定指南 (Ergonomic Setup Guide),輕鬆用最佳化的 4 向可調整性找出全天工作的舒適性,讓您用最舒適的姿勢發揮最高工作效率。
顯示器配備無閃爍技術、75Hz 刷新率 和內建始終啟用藍光濾片的HP Eye Ease,有助於雙眼保持舒適。
使用直觀的 Joypad OSD 按鈕輕鬆瀏覽螢幕上的設定時,可用於快速且輕易連接裝置的連接埠觸手可及。
優雅高效率的設計和 3 側窄邊框可提升和最大化辦公室空間。
HP Sales Central規格顯示器尺寸 (對角線)23.8"顯示器類型IPS 長寬比16:9解析度 (原始)全高畫質 (FHD) (1920 x 1080)畫素間距0.27 x 0.27 公釐顯示器色彩支援最多高達 16.7 億種色彩亮度250 nits 對比率1000:1HP E24 G5 FHD 顯示器 (6N6E9AA)從 2022/6/13 起開始供應概要重新定義焦點HP E24 G5 FHD 顯示器經過精心設計,可提供清晰的視覺效果、個人化舒適度和真正的靈活性,重新定義舒適性,讓您與最佳狀態之間沒有任何隔閡。
定價NT$6,182.001231456回應時間5 毫秒 GtG(帶過壓驅動)顯示功能螢幕上的控制項;防眩目;高度調整/傾斜/旋轉/樞轉;HP Eye Ease傾斜-5 到 +23°高度調整範圍150 公釐每吋像素 (ppi)93 ppi螢幕處理防眩光旋轉角度±45°低藍光是,HP Eye Ease(TÜV 低藍光硬體解決方案認證)轉軸±90°VESA 安裝作業100 公釐 x 100 公釐面板位元深度8 位元(6 位元 + FRC)曲率平板式HDCP是,DisplayPort™ 和 HDMIDisplayPort™1 個 DisplayPort™ 1.2 連接埠HDMI1 個 HDMI 1.4 連接埠USB Type-A 連接埠4 個 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps 傳輸速率(1 個充電連接埠)USB b(集線器啟用)1 個 USB-B 連接埠電源消耗量53 W(最大)、22 W(一般)、0.5 W(待機)取得 ENERGY STAR 認證符合 ENERGY STAR® 標準永續性影響規格低鹵;內包裝箱紙漿模塑防撞墊採用 100% 永續及可回收來源;外部包裝盒和緩衝包裝來自 100% 永續性來源和可回收材料;包含海洋回收塑料;80% 來自於資訊科技設備的封閉再生循環塑膠;至少25% 回收金屬最小尺寸 (寬 x 深 x 高)53.94 x 4.7 x 32.26 公分(不帶鉸鏈);53.94 x 7.5 x 32.26 公分(帶鉸鏈)(不含底座)3尺寸 (含支架) (寬 x 深 x 高)53.94 x 21.1 x 50.7 公分重量5.4 公斤UPC 編號196786300561包裝尺寸(寬 x 深 x 高)62.1 x 14 x 40 公分包裝重量7.6 公斤製造商保固3 年有限保固。
HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystem 产品介绍说明书
Enterprises today face a continuous struggle to reduce infrastructure complexities, conserve valuable floor space, meet ever-changing business needs, whilekeeping their businesses up and running uninterrupted 24/7—with no downtime. Add to these requirements the concern of accelerating costs—from powerconsumption to cooling to datacenter space. Businesses are seeking a flexible, high-performance server platform that can provide a single solution to these challenges.The new HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystemcan meet these needs. Combining the economies ofstandards-based, modular computing with the trusted24/7 fault-tolerant availability and data integrity of the NonStop architecture, the new HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystem doubles performance in half the footprint for lower per-transaction cost. It delivers up to twice as much processing power per unit of floor space within the same power envelope. Increased manageability also saves on administration resources.As a result, the NB50000c BladeSystem has a much lower total cost of ownership (TCO). With excellent price/performance, the NB50000c BladeSystem makes an ideal choice for businesses with massive transaction volumes such as finance, healthcare, and telecommunications.The NB50000c BladeSystem uses the HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosure and the HP Integrity server blade,powered by dual-core Intel ®Itanium ®processors, as theprocessing engine. New NonStop Multi-core Architecture(NSMA) and NonStop Operating System release J06leverage powerful multi-core processing to achieve aThe HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystemdelivers a high-performance platform with the efficiencies of a standards-based bladed form factor to drive down costs, while supporting more robust applications for business growth.HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystemData sheetsignificant boost in performance. New standards-based NonStop I/O infrastructure also improves response time and throughput.Multi-core processing allows for both scale up and scale out. The NB50000c BladeSystem scale up provides twice as much processing power per logical processor at a lower per-transaction cost. As is typical with other NonStop systems, the NonStop NB50000c scales out through built-in clustering of logical processors—up to 4,080 logical processors (8,160 cores).Improved TCO makes the NonStop NB50000c a good choice for migration of existing business-critical applications. Applications running on the previous generation of the NonStop platform can migrate from existing rack-mount servers to the NB50000c with minimal effort. Migrating from earlier generationrack-mount systems will require replacing rack-mount processor components with a BladeSystem chassis and components and installing the new NonStop J-series operating system and NonStop J-series release software. In addition, the NonStop NB50000c supports existing modular I/O subsystem (IOAME, FCDM, FCSA, G4SA)—thereby protecting existing customer investments. Key features and benefits•Enable fault tolerance and 24/7 availability using continuously available software–Patented NonStop process-pair technology toprovide instant software take-over in the event ofsoftware or hardware fault–Improved middleware and NonStop operatingsystem enhances multiple failure fault tolerance,increases online manageability, and eases upgrades •Provide industry-leading data integrity–Leverages Intel’s improvements in chip-level dataintegrity and also prevents data corruption end-to-end •Build an ideal platform for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)–J-series OS supports multi-core processors greatlyimproving the computing capacity of the platformand extending the acknowledged linear scalability of NonStop systems to a new level–The new NonStop Operating System J-seriesrelease supports standards-based middleware and core Web services. This provides a strongfoundation for deploying SOA services on NonStop Blades to interoperate, both as a provider and as a consumer, with other SOA services–J-series OS supports SIM and other DistributedManagement Task Force (DMTF) manageabilitystandards making it possible for the NonStopBladeSystem to be managed under a unifiedmanagement structure•Double the performance and improve response time using multi-core and storage subsystem technology–Boosts performance by leveraging new multi-coreprocessor architecture–Advanced caching technology (Write CacheEnabled) improves response time while maintaining transactional integrityFigure 1. Multi-core processing power of the IntegrityNonStop NB50000c BladeSystemHP’s service solutions, built on the Solution Lifecycle (SLC) process,offer consistent quality and service levels for the Integrity NonStopservers. The SLC process helps achieve rapid productivity andmaximum availability by examining specific needs at each of fivedistinct phases (Plan, Design, Integrate, Install and Manage) andthen designing solutions around those needs. We offer three differentservice solutions designed to meet customer needs:HP Critical Service Solution•Startup and Deployment Services—build the solution to your exactspecifications, complete the installation, and make the solutionapplication-ready–Assessment and Design Services—define requirements andtranslate your business and technical needs into a solution thatmelds the necessary hardware and software–Deployment Management Services—upfront project coordinationfrom HP–Education Services—training curriculums relevant to needs andexisting expertise based upon a needs analysis•HP Critical Service—comprehensive, on-going supportdesigned to help minimize the business impact of downtime forbusiness-critical applicationsHP Proactive Service Solution•Startup and Deployment Services•HP Proactive 24 Service—integrated hardware and softwaresupport, including proactive and reactive services to improve stabilityand availability across your IT environmentHP Foundation Service Solution•Startup and Deployment Services•HP Support Plus 24 Service—integrated hardware & softwaresupport services designed specifically for your technologyFor more information, visit /services/nonstopHP ServicesProcessorsCacheRAM per logical processor IOAMEHot-swap ServerNet I/O adapters based on IOAMEIP CLIMsStorage CLIMsI/O adapters supported Fibre Channel disk modules connected to IOAME via FCSA SAS disk modulesDisk drives supported Standard features 2–16 logical processors per nodeIntel®Itanium®9100 series dual-core 1.66GHz processors18 MB L3Minimum: 8 GBMaximum: 48 GBMinimum: 0Maximum: 6Minimum: 10 per nodeMaximum: 60 per nodeMinimum: 1 (provides 5 gigabit/sec Ethernet ports)Maximum: 22(Note: Minumum=0 if only IOAME-based system)Minimum: 1Maximum: 22(Note: Minimum=0 if only IOAME-based system)Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), Fibre Channel, Gigabit Ethernet14 disks per module25 disks per moduleFC disks: 144 GB, 300 GBHP StorageWorks XP24000 XP20000 XP12000 XP10000 Disk Arrays SAS disks: 72 GB, 146 GBRedundant power suppliesRedundant fansDual power distribution unitsDual power cordsTechnical specificationsHP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystem•Greatly reduce per-transaction cost–Delivers lower per-transaction cost by means offaster processing and standard modular components –Enhances response time and throughput with new standards-based IP communications and NonStop I/O infrastructure with latest storage technology •Scale up and scale out for flexible growth–Scales up, to provide nearly double theprocessing power per logical processor at alower per-transaction cost–Provides highest linear scaling system in businesscritical computing—up to 4,080 logical processors per total system for massive scale out •Significantly reduce footprint and save datacenter facilities costs–Up to twice as much processing power per unitfloor space within the same power envelope–Room to expand processing power in the futurewithout increasing floor space–Only one extra server (N+1) is required forredundancy–Works with HP Smart Cooling technology •Increase manageability and save administrator time and resources–HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) Blade Plug-inmonitors and manages entire bladed infrastructure through a single console–Seamless integration of NonStop Cluster Essentials with HP SIM improves management of systemswithin heterogeneous clusters–Built-in Integrated Lights-Out technology remotelymanages all servers–Onboard Administrator simplifies commonmaintenance in real timeHP Financial ServicesHP Financial Services provides innovative financing and financial asset management programs to help you cost-effectively acquire and manage your HP solutions. We offer flexible financing options and services customized for 100 percent availability.For more information about these services, contact your HP sales representative or visit/go/hpfinancialservicesFor more informationTo learn more about HP Integrity NonStop servers contact your local sales representative or authorized HP reseller, or visit /go/nonstopblade© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Technology for better business outcomesAltitudeTemperatureHumidityDimensions(H x D x W)Weight Power supplyElectromagnetic interference Power line LF emissions Regulatory SafetyNote: This table represents a single 42U rack, 4 logical processors in a single C-Class chassis, without UPS. It includes 2 Storage CLIMs, 2 SAS drive enclosures, 50 SAS drives, 2 IP CLIMs,one rack mount console and monitor, one maintenance LAN switch.HP Integrity NonStop NB50000c BladeSystemEnvironmental specificationsOperating: 10,000 ft (3,000 m) maximum Non-operating: 30,000 ft (9,144 m) maximumOperating: 50˚F to 100°F (10˚C to 35°C)Non-operating: –40˚F to 150°F (–40˚C to 66°C)Maximum rate of temperature change: 36°F (20°C) per hour Operating: 20% to 80% relative non-condensing maximum Non-operating: 95% maximum at 150°F (66°C)78.7 x 46.65 x 24 in (1.99.9 x 118.5 x 60.96 cm)752.5 lb (342.5 kg)Typical power dissipation: 6,239 VA Input current: 28 A @ 208 VACAC input power: 200–240 V, 50–60 HzComplies with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, as a Class A Digital Device; manufacturer’s declaration to EN 55022 Level A EN 61000-3-2 (Europe); EN 61000-3-3 (Europe)Certifications are for individual modulesCompliant with UL 60950-1/CSA C22.2 NO. 60950-1-03 and EN 60950Minimum configuration 2 processors 8 GB/processorMaximum single-node system configuration 16 processors 768 GB main memoryMaximum configuration 255 nodes191 TB main memorySystem configurations。
惠普 G5服务器 说明书
应用环境文件和打印,Web ,数据服务器,域管理,Citrix ,终端服务,小型网络,安全或消息和协作服务器。
概述HP ProLiant ML115 G5服务器是一款专为发展迅速的中小企业而设计的入门级服务器,它具有极好的扩展能力,拥有多个 PCI-E 的扩展插槽,四个内存插槽,内部可放置四个硬盘,并采用了最新的 AMD 皓龙 ™ 处理器,全力支持企业高效无忧运营。
特性和优势• 中小企业构建IT 基础设施时理想的第一台服务器 • 伴随业务增长而扩充: 4个硬盘空间, 4个I/O 扩充槽, 8GB 内存 • 容灾简单得和使用U 盘一样,因为ProLiant ML115已经认证了HP USB 磁带机 • 四核/双核AMD Opteron™ 处理器, 专门为服务器负载设计,为ProLiant ML115提供了足够的马力 • 小型机箱,台式机的噪音级别,ProLiant ML115是办公环境的理想选择,可以直接放在办公桌下或任何偏僻角落 • 可选的Lights Out 100c 远程管理卡允许客户在办公室外管理ProLiant ML115性能高性能经济的工业标准服务器,集成了必备的关键技术,能够满足未来业务发展所需。
HP ProLiant ML115 G5是一款性能卓越,价格理想的入门级服务器,具有丰富的服务器解决方案,并提供了良好的安全性、可靠性及易用性;超强的扩展能力可轻松伴随企业无忧成长。
• 采用AMD 四核/双核皓龙™处理器1000系列• 并可选速龙、闪龙处理器,高性价比• 4个PCI 扩展插槽,1个PCI ,3个PCI-E 插槽,高性能• 集成4端口SATA 控制器,支持SATA RAID 0/1/5• 采用高性能800MHz DDR2内存,标配512MB 内存,最高可支持8GB • 支持4块内置硬盘存储,SAS 硬盘容量每块高达450GB ,SATA 硬盘容量可达750GB管理性• HP ProLiant Easy Set up 光盘,用于安装和部署• 可选Lights-out 100C 远程管理卡,更具有强大远程管理功能良好的扩展能力• 内部可放置4个硬盘• 所有组件易于访问、维护与扩展• 8个USB2.0端口,2个前置,2个内置,4个后置网络IO• 集成NC105i PCI Express 千兆以太网卡• ML115 G5具有较高的性能,较低的价格和良好扩充能力,因此非常适合首次使用服务器构建网络系统的中小企业用户,工作组级用户使用。
型号功率等级(W) 额定电机电流(注意不是输入220V的电流)电源最大输入电流峰值(交流220V输入情况下)HPBL400 0.4 KW 2A 3A二产品特征:1. 系统特性:输入电源 AC180/250VAC 50/60Hz使用温度 0~+45°C保存温度 -20~+85°C使用及保存湿度 <85% [不结霜条件]构造壁挂箱体式2. 基本特性:冷却方式:散热器方式控制信输入输出信号:全隔离保护机能:过电流、过热过速度过电压欠压控制电源异常面板界面:6位LED 显示 4 位按键操作3. 通讯模式:采用标准Modbus协议,符合国家标准 GB/T 19582.1—2008。
HP ProLiant BL495c G5服务器板条件参考手册说明书
FAQ for iSCSI on NC532The NC532m (mezzanine) and NC532i (integrated LOM) use a single Broadcom 57711 controller. TheNC532m was launched in September 2008 as a Type-1 mezzanine card for c-class blades. The NC532i is the embedded, or LAN-On-Motherboard (LOM) version, used on the BL495c G5 server blade, and some (but not all) G6 server blades.(1) Do NC532m and NC532i support iSCSI?Yes. However, there are some limitations.(2) What version of Windows support iSCSI on the NC532?iSCSI capabilities are available on the following operating systems:∙Windows Server 2008∙Windows Server 2008 x64∙Windows Server 2003∙Windows Server 2003 x64In Microsoft Windows Server 2008 there is a software iSCSI initiator which comes with the OS image.For Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 x64 systems, the Microsoft® iSCSI Software Initiator version 2.0 or later software must be installed. This software is required to configure the iSCSI protocol, including discovery portals, iSCSI targets, authentication, and so on.For systems running Windows Server 2003 (SP1) or Windows Server 2003 x64 (SP1), you must upgradeto Service Pack 2 or later.(3) Can the NC532 act as an iSCSI target on Windows?Not on ProLiant servers. Microsoft’s iSCSI software ta rget software only installs on HP storage server products. See /products/storageworks/ms_iscsi/index.html.(4) What versions of Linux support iSCSI on the NC532?RHEL4, RHEL5, SLES9, SLES10.(5) Do I need the Accelerated iSCSI Pack to run iSCSI?No. The ProLiant Essentials Accelerated iSCSI pack enables iSCSI offloading capabilities. This feature is not required if you just want to enable basic software iSCSI functionality which is handled by the OS.(6) How do you enable iSCSI on the NIC?You can enable iSCSI from the NIC option ROM menu by hitting Ctrl-S when the ProLiant banner is displayed at POST. You need to enable iSCSI as the boot protocol and then hit Ctrl-K from the menu to configure iSCSI.(7) Is iSCSI supported with Flex-10?Normal iSCSI traffic is supported with Flex-10. See answers below for questions about using Accelerated iSCSI and iSCSI boot with Flex-10.(8) For Accelerated iSCSI, do you need an additional license?For NC532m (mezzanine), you do not need an additional license to use Accelerated iSCSI.For NC532i (LOM), you need to purchase the ProLiant Essentials Accelerated iSCSI pack.(9) Why do you need a license for Accelerated iSCSI with the LOM, but not with the mezzanine card? As part of a negotiated agreement with Broadcom, the Accelerated iSCSI license is included with the mezzanine card, but not with the LOM.(10) What versions of Linux support iSCSI offload?HP has an Accelerated iSCSI driver that supports RHEL5 and SLES10.(11) What's different between iSCSI capability on NC532 and older NICs?Fundamentally there are no differences for HP Broadcom cards. Some of the 1gb cards do not support acceleration, some do. Some support PXE boot. We have Intel mezzanine cards & Rack/Tower stand up NICs that will support iSCSI boot in July (NC360T, NC364T, NC364m, and NC112T). Right now it only supports PXE and straight iSCSI.(12) Is Accelerated iSCSI supported when connected to a Virtual Connect Flex-10 Interconnect? Accelerated iSCSI is not currently supported when connected to a Virtual Connect interconnect. NC532 enumerates itself differently to the host depending on whether or not it is connected to a Flex-10 VC-Enet module. In Flex-10 mode, eight (8) FlexNICs are visible to the OS and both iSCSI offload and iSCSI boot are not supported.For the NC532, each of the eight FlexNICs can be declared as either “Ethernet-only” (E) or “iSCSI” (I). If a FlexNIC is defined as “E”, then accelerated iSCSI will not be turned on and the iSCSI boot option ROM will not run (because there are no iSCSI devices present). At this point, VC defines all eight FlexNICs as “E” and there are no provisions at this time to set any of them to “I”.(13) Is accelerated iSCSI supported when connected to a 1/10Gb Virtual Connect (non-Flex-10) module?In non-Flex-10 mode (including connecting it to a 1/10Gb VC-Enet module), the NC532 appears like a dual-port 10Gb NIC and both accelerated iSCSI and iSCSI boot are supported.(14) Is iSCSI boot supported when connected to a Virtual Connect Flex-10 Interconnect?Flex-10 does not support iSCSI boot. A future version of Virtual Connect Flex-10 will enable iSCSI boot and accelerated iSCSI with the NC532.(15) Does iSCSI with NC532 work on VMWare?VMWare supports normal iSCSI traffic with NC532. However, iSCSI boot is not supported.Any server supporting the NC532i (LOM) and/or NC532m (mezzanine) should be running VMware ESX 3.5 Update 3 with specific patches or later. Please visit VMware KB 1007982(/kb/1007982) for these patches and the official support statement.(16) Does iSCSI boot work with NC532 on VMWare?No. iSCSI boot is not supported by VMWare on the NC532. This is not a limitation of the NC532; VMWare does not support iSCSI boot on any multifunction NICs. iSCSI boot is only supported on the Qlogic mezzanine card (Qlogic QMH4062 1Gb E iSCSI Adapter for HP BladeSystem c-Class)(17) What limitations when using LeftHand software?HP LeftHand VSA supports iSCSI with NC532m (mezzanine) and NC532i (LOM) and has been tested. It works whether Flex-10 is enabled or not.(18) When using LeftHand software with NC532, what limitations are there with Virtual Connect Flex-10?HP LeftHand SAN software works with Virtual Connect, and works with Virtual Connect Flex-10. HP LeftHand SAN software can utilize the NC532 at 10Gb speed. Note that you cannot iSCSI boot using Virtual Connect; see question (14).(19) What is the MAC address for the iSCSI adapter?Reference Documents:HP ProLiant Accelerated iSCSI for Windows User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00577553/c00577553.pdfHP ProLiant Accelerated iSCSI for Linux User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01309558/c01309558.pdfHP ProLiant iSCSI Boot for Linux User Guide/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00782461/c00782461.pdf10 Gigabit Ethernet technology for industry-standard servers/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01608915/c01608915.pdfHP Virtual Connect Flex-10 Technology brief/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01608922/c01608922.pdfHP NC532m Dual Port Flex-10 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter/products/servers/networking/nc532m/index.htmlHP Virtual Connect Flex-10 10Gb Ethernet Module for BladeSystem c-Class/products/blades/components/ethernet/10-10gb-f/index.html Compiled by Edmond McGee and Daniel R. Bowers, July 2009.。
惠普 P24v G5 FHD 显示器技术参数说明书
HP P24v G5 FHD MonitorFront1. Power Button2. Power LEDHP P24v G5 FHD MonitorBack1. Joypad OSD button 4. HDMI 1.4 Port2. Security Cable Slot 5. VGA Port3. Power ConnectorModel: 64W18AAPanel Specifications Display Size (Diagonal) 23.8 inchPanel Technology VAMax Refresh Rate 75HzNative Resolution FHD (1920 x 1080)Panel Bit Depth 8 bit (6 bit + FRC)Aspect Ratio 16:9Brightness (Typical) 250 nitsContrast Ratio (Static) 3000:1Dynamic Contrast Ratio 8M:1Flicker Free Yes (TÜV certified)Pixel Pitch 0.27 mm x 0.27 mmPixels Per Inch (PPI) 93 PPIDisplay Colors Up to 16.7 million colors supportedBacklight Lamp Life Minimum (To Half30kBrightness - In Hours)Backlight Type Edge-litScreen Treatment Anti-glareHardness 3HHaze 25%Response Time (Typical) 5ms GtG (with overdrive)Horizontal Viewing Angle (Typical178°Cr>10)Vertical Viewing Angle (Typical Cr>10) 178°Panel Active Area Metric (W X H) 52.59 x 29.58 cmPanel Active Area Imperial (W X H) 20.70 x 11.65 inNOTE: Performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's componentmanufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower.Color NTSC 72%Color Management Color Space/ Subsampling Support RGB 4:4:4RGB Channel Adjust Yes, GainDefault Color Temperature Standard (6500K)Monitor Specifications Bezel Type 3-sided borderlessColor Of Stand BlackColor Of Head BlackTilt -5~+23°Vesa Mounting 100 mm x 100 mmSecurity Lock Standard Security Lock SlotDetachable Stand YesWarranty 3/3/0 for LA, NA, EMEA, APJ(3/3/3 in select APJ Countries)Low Blue Light Yes, (TÜV certified)Management Software HP Display Center, HP Display Manager**Host PC requires Windows 10. HP Display Center is available onthe Microsoft store.On Screen Display (OSD) On Screen Display Brightness+, Color Control, Image Control, Input Control,Power Control, Menu Control, Management, Information,ExitNative Resolution FHD (1920 x 1080)NOTE: HDMI 1.4 & VGA required to drive panel at its nativeresolution.The video card of the connected PC must be capable ofsupporting 1920x1080 at 60 Hz with 8-bit color using one HDMIor VGA.Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 (FHD)Preset Graphic Modes/SupportedResolutions640 x 480 @ 60Hz640 x 480 @ 75Hz (HDMI only)720 x 400 @ 70 Hz800 x 600 @ 60 Hz800 x 600 @ 75 Hz (HDMI only)1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz (HDMI only)1280 x 720 @ 60 Hz1280 x 800 @ 60 Hz1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz (HDMI only)1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz1920 x 1080 @ 50 Hz (HDMI only)1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz1920 x 1080 @ 75 Hz (HDMI only)Minimum Vertical Scan Rate 48 HzMaximum Vertical Scan Rate 75 HzMinimum Horizontal Scan Rate 55.6 kHzMaximum Horizontal Scan Rate 90.8 kHzMaximum Pixel Clock 94.0 MHzUser Programmable Modes Yes, 10User-Assignable Function Buttons Yes, 4 (VGA: 6 options, HDMI: 5 options)Languages11 (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian,Netherlands, Portuguese, Japanese, T-Chinese, S-Chineseand Russian)Connector Types HDMI 1 HDMI 1.4HDCP Yes, HDMIVGA 1 VGASpecial Features SWITCH Monitor Power buttonNext Active Input / Up buttonBrightness / Down buttonInformation / Left buttonColor / Right buttonMenu / Enter buttonUser Presets 11 (VGA) / 17 (HDMI)Power & Operating Specs Power Supply InternalPower Source 100 – 240 VAC 50/60 Hz Power Consumption- Max 30 WEnergy Saving/Stand By Mode 0.5 WPower Consumption - Typical 20 WEnergy Star Data Operational Mode at 100 VAC 14.3 WOperational Mode at 115 VAC 14.3 WOperational Mode at 230 VAC 14.3 WEU Energy Efficiency Class (ErP LOT-5) On-mode Power Consumption forStandard Dynamic Range (SDR)17WErP LOT5 Energy Efficiency Class for Standard Dynamic Range (SDR)Operating Conditions Operating Temperature - Celsius 5° – 35°COperating Temperature - Fahrenheit 41° – 95°FNon-Operating Temperature - Celsius –40° – 65°CNon-Operating Temperature -Fahrenheit-40° – 149°FOperating Humidity 20 – 80% Relative Humidity (non-condensing)Non-Operating Humidity 5 – 95%Operating Altitude 0 – 5,000 m (16,400 ft.)Non-operating Altitude 0 – 12,192 m (40,000 ft.)Certifications and Compliances Low Halogen Yes**External power supplies, WWAN modules, power cords,cables and peripherals excluded.Agency Approvals and Certifications WW applicationCE,CB,KC/KCC/NOM/PSB/ICE/TUV-Bauart/ISO 9241-307/TUV flicker free/ TUV LBL/ BIS/ UAE safety/ UAERoHS/ Ukraine safety/ South Africa safety/EAC/CSA/PSB/ISC/CCC/CEL/CECP/SEPA/TCO/TCO CertifiedEdge/Energy Star/ISC/VCCI/FCC/BSMI/VietnamMEPS/Australian-New Zealand MEPS/WEEE/CEC Microsoft WHQL Certification Win 11, Win 10, Win 8, Win 7ENERGY STAR® Certified Yes, ENERY STAR®EPEAT® RegisteredRegions need to verify by countryEPEAT® registered**Based on US EPEAT® registration according to IEEE1680.1-2018 EPEAT®. Status varies by country. Visit for more information.China Energy Label CEL Grade 2TCO Certified Edge YesTCO Certified YesSmartWay Transport Partnership - NAonlyYes (NA sku)Contains Recycled Plastics Contains Recycled Plastics 85% ITE-derived closed loop plastic**Recycled plastic content percentage is based on thedefinition set in the IEEE 1680.1-2018 standard. Recyclable Packaging (Box, packingmaterials)Molded Paper Pulp Cushion inside box is 100%sustainably sourced and recyclable**100% outer box packaging and corrugated cushionsmade from sustainably sourced certified and recycledfibers.Metric ImperialUnit Product/Package Specifications Product Dimensions(Unpacked with stand) (W x D x H)53.89 x 18.05 x 39.78 cm 21.22 x 7.11 x 15.66 in Product Dimensions(Packed) (W x D x H)59.5 x 12.4 x 39.1 cm 23.43 x 4.88 x 15.39 inDisplay Head Dimensions(Unpacked without stand) (W x D x H)53.89 x 5.143 x 32.36 cm 21.22 x 2.02 x 12.74 in Base Area Footprint(w x d mm)173.97 x 169.97 mm 6.85 x 6.69 inBezel Measurements(Unpacked with stand) (W x D x H)Top: 1.4 mmSides: 1.4 mmBottom: 20.2 mmTop: 0.55 inSides: 0.55 inBottom: 7.95 in Product Weight(Unpacked with stand)3.57 kg 7.86 lbProduct Weight(Packed)5.49 kg 12.1 lbProduct Weight(Head Only)3.17 kg 6.99 lbPallet Information Pallet Dimensions(L x W x H mm)Slip Sheet:1200 x 1000 x 1967 mm(20 ft &40 ft)Slip Sheet:1200 x 1000 x 2358 mm(40 HQ)Pallet:1200x1000 x 2100 mm(20 ft & 40 ft)Pallet:1200 x 1000 x 2494 mm(40 HQ)Slip Sheet:47.24 x 39.37 x77.44 inch(20 ft &40 ft)Slip Sheet:47.24 x 39.37 x 92.83 inch(40 HQ)Pallet:47.24 x39.37 x 82.68 inch(20 ft & 40 ft)Pallet:47.24 x 39.37 x 98.19 inch(40 HQ)Pallet Total Weight Slip Sheet:439.2 kg (20 ft & 40 ft)Slip Sheet:527.04 kg (40 HQ)Pallet:459.2kg (20 ft & 40 ft)Pallet:547.04 kg (40 HQ) Slip Sheet:968.27 lb (20 ft & 40 ft) Slip Sheet:1161.92 lb (40 HQ) Pallet:1012.36 lb (20 ft & 40 ft) Pallet:1206.02 lb (40 HQ)Pallet Layers 5 or 6 (slip sheet & pallet)Pallet Product per Layer 16 (slip sheet & pallet)Total Products per Pallet 80 or 96 per pallet (slip sheet & pallet)Container Load, 20-Foot 800 (slip sheet and pallet)Container Load, 40-Foot 1680 sets (slip sheet and pallet)Container Load, 40-Foot HighQ 2016 sets (slip sheet & pallet)What's in the box? AC power cord (1.83m) 6ftHDMI 1.4 cable (1.8m) 5.9ftWarrantyDoc kitQuick Setup PosterUser Guide and Warranty Languages User Guide Languages Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bulgarian, Chinese-S, Chinese-T, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish,French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian,Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian,Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese(Iberian), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian,Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkey, UkrainianWarranty Languages English US (EN), English AP (EN-AP), English LA (EN-LA),English UK (EN-GB), Arabic (AR) -17x, Bahasa Indonesia(ID), Bosnian (BS), Bulgarian (BG), Chinese-S (CN),Chinese-T (TW), Croatian (HR), Czech (CS), Danish (DA),Dutch (NL), Estonian (ET), Finnish (FI), French Canadian(FC), French European (FR), German (DE), Greek (EL),Hebrew (HE), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Japanese (JA),Kazakh (KK), Korean (KO), Latvian (LV), Lithuanian (LT),Norwegian (NO), Polish (PL), Portuguese, Brazilian (BR),Portuguese, Iberian (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU),Serbian (SR), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL), Spanish,Castilian (ES-ES), Spanish, Latin America (ES-MX),Swedish (SV), Thai (TH), Turkish (TR), Ukrainian (UK),Vietnamese (VI)© Copyright 2022 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.Summary。
HPE BladeSystem产品家族介绍
ProCurve Networking
HP Innovation
Status PoE Tmp LED Mode
Act FDx Spd PoE Usr
Reset Clear
CAUTION: MULTIPLE POWER SOURCES Disconnect AC power cord and RPS cable to completely remove power from the unit.
Fan Test
Auxiliary Port
22 M
24 M
Auxiliary Port
12V System Power (RPS) Input
50V PoE (EPS) Input
动, 变更在1分钟 之内完成
服务器的增加, 移
HP Virtual Connect
供应 Ethernet Intel/AMD x86服务器/小型机 Fibre Channel
刀片机箱 刀片产品 网络 管理
InfiniBand SAS
设备托架 互连托架 电源 风扇 Onboard Administrator 高度
HPE BladeSystem c7000机箱产品选件清单
HP 产品支持资源说明书
Nota: il tablet può funzionare con alimentazione CC mediante un cavo USB standard micro-B. Per ricaricare il tablet si consiglia di utilizzare l'adattatore HP in dotazione.
Se richiesto, i contrassegni normativi per il proprio paese o regione si trovano sul retro dell'unità, sotto la batteria rimovibile (se presente), sulla confezione o altrove nel presente documento. Per ulteriori informazioni su normative e sicurezza, consultare il documento Product Notices (Avvisi per il prodotto) fornito con il tablet, accessibile tramite l'app HP Support Assistant.
Numero di serie, numero di prodotto e numero di modello
ESL ESeries
• Storage resource management • StorageWorks device
• Data protection & recovery • Replication
• Data archive • Data migration
Host Bus Adaptors
EVA Family
XP Family
Standalone drives & autoloaders ProLiant
Data Protection
Storage Server
Virtual Library Systems
MSL series
EML E-Series
parity10 data10 data10 data10 data10 data9 parity9 data9 data9 data9 data8 data8 parity8 data8 data8 data7 data7 data7 parity7 data7 data6 data6 data6 data6 parity6 parity5 data5 data5 data5 data5 data4 parity4 data4 data4 data4 data3 data3 parity3 data3 data3 data2 data2 data2 parity2 data2 data1 data1 data1 data1 parity1
在主机 端显示
Virtual Array Controller
+4GB +6GB
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NIC 速度设置可在 100Mb10Gb 范围内调节,增量为 100Mb。
BL495c G5 中的其它新 技术
固态硬盘 (SSD)
什么是 SSD?
一项采用固态内存 (NAND) 的全新存储技术,可提供比传统 硬盘驱动器技术更出色的耐用性和电源效率。
扩展的工作温度 (0º 到 70º C C)
内置存储器 联网 中间件插槽 管理 密度
• • •
采用 Flex-10 技术的双端口 NC532i 10GbE 多功能服务器控制 器** • 通过夹层卡连接附加适配器
• • •
2 个 PCIe 中间件扩展插槽 集成 Lights-Out 2 10U 机柜支持 16 个刀片服务器
* 将所有 8 个 DIMM 插槽植于一个处理器上时,内存可依据 AMD Opteron 规格以 533MHz 频率运行 **该产品发布后,可通过固件升级获得 Flex-10 及多功能特性
BL495c G5 特性
与业界其它半高刀片服务器相比,具有更多 DIMM (16)插槽 采用快速虚拟化索引技术的四核 AMD Opteron™ (皓龙™)处理器
部署更多 VM
获得更多 I/O
嵌入式双端口 10 GbE 控制器 • Virtual Connect Flex-10 技术,可将 10 GB 端口最 多分为 4 个 FlexNICs*
− 嵌入式双端口 10 GbE 适配器 − 芯片: Broadcom 57711
− KR PHY: 连接刀片服务器和互连模块的是 KR
• KR 允许引入单一 10Gb 互连
Flex-10 技术
− 与虚拟连接结合使用时,允许灵活的配置解决方案为操作系统提供多个 1GbE 功能
基于 KR 的 10 GbE 夹层卡将在 BL495c G5 发布后第一个季度上市
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
四核 AMD Opteron™(皓龙™)处理器
四核 AMD Opteron™(皓龙™)处理器具备卓越性能和每瓦 性能增强特性。
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128 位 SSE 浮点处理功能可使每个处理器每时钟周期同时处理 4 个浮点 增强的 AMD-V™ 可为虚拟环境提供嵌套分页加速功能 三级高速缓存增强功能有益于高线程服务器应用程序 多线程、多任务环境,包括数据库和电子邮件 高性能计算环境
10Gb LOM
1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机 1Gb 交换机
10Gb Flex-10 10Gb Flex-10
服务器网络连接可增加三倍 所需的 I/O 模块可减少三倍 几乎能以直通模块一半的价格,获得十倍性能 根据应用程序速度定制网络速度 无需增加交换机,即可添加服务器端口
<2 瓦固态硬盘驱动器 • 高效组件,如切换式稳压器
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
* Flex-10 技术 2008 年 11 月上市
HP ProLiant BL495c G5 刀片服务器
多达两个四核 AMD Opteron™(皓龙™)2300 系列处理器
− −
2 个可选的 SATA 固态硬盘 (SSD)
2 个热插拔 SFF SAS 或 SATA HDD 带有可选 BBWC 的 SmartArray E200i 控制 器(64MB 高速缓存) 支持 RAID 0/1 2 个集成单端口 多功能1GbE适配器 (通过夹层卡附加)
联网 管理 操作系统支持 机箱 夹层支持
以 1 Gb 速度运行时,适配器可与现有的 1GbE 互连兼容:
− HP 1 GbE 交换机和直通模块、 − Cisco 1GbE 交换机、 − 1 Gb 虚拟连接模块。
此款以太网适配器不兼容惠普目前的 10 GbE 交换机
− 目前基于 “XAUI” 的交换机不兼容基于 “KR” 的适配器、VC 和交 换机
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
BL495c G5 主要特性
BL495c 可为密集计算环境提供卓越的计算性能、可扩展性、 业界知名的管理工具以及最新技术。
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1 或 2 个 AMD Opteron™(皓龙™)2300 系列处理器 处理器之间采用双链路互连 16 个 DIMM 插槽,内存高达 128GB 采用 Flex-10 技术的嵌入式双端口 10 GbE 适配器 HP Insight Control Data Center Edition 集成 Lights-Out 2 标准刀片版本 2 个基于 SATA 的固态硬盘 (SSD) 端口,32GB 和 64GB SSD 选件 Emulex 或 QLogic 光纤通道 HBA 标准和多功能,1 个 10 GbE 适配器 4 倍速 DDR InfiniBand HCA SB40c 刀片存储,配有高达 876GB 的热插拔存储容量
− − 无噪音,低热量 轻盈小巧
2013年7月16日星 期二
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
固态硬盘 (SSD)
SATA 信号及电源连接器
SATA 接口芯片
NAND 闪存控制器
NAND 闪存芯片
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
采用 Flex-10 技术的嵌入式双端口 NC532i 10GbE 多功能服务器适配 器
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惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
四核 AMD Opteron(皓龙)处理器
65 纳米绝缘硅流程 原生四核设计 一片硅片上有 4 个核心
性能比上一代产品提 高了近 30% AMD 处理器
每核心 512KB 专用二级高速 缓存 其它显著变更: • 提高了浮点和流指令性能
2 MB 三级共享高速缓存
BL495c G5 专用 SSD:
− − − − − 1.5Gb SATA 接口 非热插拔“裸板”(如图所示) 容量为 32GB 和 64GB BL495c G5 最多支持 2 个 SSD 目标应用: 启动驱动器
− − − − > 50x SATA 随机读取性能 > 15x SAS 随机读取性能 无需搜索时间,因此 IOPS 很高 写入性能有限(与 15k SAS 相关)
BL465c G5
AMD Opteron™ (皓龙™)2300 系列 (四核),单链路超传输技术
ServerWorks HT-1000 和 HT-2100
16 个 DIMM 插槽 PC2-5300 寄存式 DDR2 (667 MHz) 最大 128GB 8 个 DIMM 插槽 PC2-5300 寄存式 DDR2 (667 MHz) 最大 64GB
独立每核心频率 粗细晶体管控制 (以前称“分割层”)独立的核心和内存控制器电 源层 128 位浮点(全部管线) 内存存取、核心利用率 一/二/三级高速缓存,在专用和共享高速缓存间进行 均衡部署 嵌套分页及带标记的 TLB
节能 节能 节能 提高性能 增强了浮点性能 提高性能 提高性能,减少系统颠 簸 提高虚拟化性能
HP ProLiant BL495c G5 刀片服务器
2008 年 10月
© 惠普研发合伙有限公司 (HP) 2008 年版权所有。本文信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
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惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
HP ProLiant BL495c G5 刀片服务器
高达 240TB
10TB 以上
惠普机密 — 需签署保密协议
Virtual Connect Flex-10 技术
每个 10Gb 服务器连接最多支 持 4 个 2.5Gb NIC
超密模块化设计 − 业界标准机架最多支持 64 台服务器 − 集成 10 GbE 可确保完美整合 卓越的每瓦性能 • 四核 AMD Opteron(皓龙)处理器包含 AMD CoolCore™ 技术 • 电路支持双重动态电源管理 • 采用高效切换式稳压器(而非线性稳压器),进 行板载电压转换 • DDR2 节能内存 • 低功耗 AMD Opteron™(皓龙™)处理器选件 • 低功耗内存选件 • 惠普功率调节器“动态”模式
*该产品发布时 Flex-10 和多功能特性可能无法使用,需进行发布后固件 升级
实例 产品
Disk on key
USB 端口
带有集成管理程序的内置 USB
高达 64GB
1 个嵌入式双端口 10GbE 多功能*适配器, 采用 Flex-10 技术* (通过夹层卡连接附加 NIC) iLO 2 标准刀片服务器版本 Microsoft Windows、Linux