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I.The introductions of tea sommeliers茶艺师的自我介绍

Hi~ My name is xxx, I’m a tea sommelier. Nice to meet you!


Among all the months,April is my favorite.Not only can I appreciate all the new-published teas,but also drinking a cup of fresh Ming Qian tea.I enjoy sharing nice t ea with tea drinkers and also listening to their stories of tea.


II.The basic knowledge of six tea categories 六大茶类的基本表达

As for those of you that are either from China or foreign countries and rarely had any access to tea, we can start by introducing the basic tea knowledge.


How to categorize different kinds of tea, how to brew tea and appreciate it and how is traditional tea art carried out in the modern society?


Based on the different producing methods, tea is generally classified into six categ ories: Green tea, Yellow tea, White tea, Oolong tea, Black tea and Dark tea.

There are some processed tea besides the six tea categories, such as Jasmine tea,

Osmanthus Oolong Tea and so on. As for some other kinds such as buckwheat an d chrysanthemum, we call them ‘tea that’s non-

tea’. Because essentially these are not classified as tea. We’re just calling them t ea habitually.

Green tea belongs to the unfermented tea category with West Lake Dragon Well, Dongting Green spiral, Xinyang Maojian as representatives.


Green tea is kept unfermented to preserve the natural substance in the fresh tea le aves which contain a variety of nutrients such as tea-

polyphenol, catechin, chlorophyl, caffeine, amino acid, and vitamins.


Yellow tea belongs to the light-

fermented tea category with Junshan Silver needle tea, Mengding yellow-

bud and Huoshan yellow-

bud as representatives. This kind of tea is native to China.

黄茶属于轻发酵茶,代表茶品有君山银针、蒙顶黄芽、霍山黄芽等,是中国特有的茶类。edure- the ‘Stack cover process’ which is the key factor to forming the unique f eatures of yellow tea.

黄茶加工工艺近似绿茶,只是多了一道工序——闷黄,这是形成黄茶特点的关键。White tea is China’s traditional famous tea that belongs to the slight-fermented tea category with Silver Needle White Tip, White Peony, Shoumei tea(G

ongmei) as representatives.

白茶属于微发酵茶,是中国传统名茶,代表茶品白毫银针、白牡丹、寿眉(贡眉)等。The term ‘white tea’ first appeared in the book

S even things > by Lu Yu from Tang Dynasty. Emperor Huizong of Song( Zhao Ji) als o had a thorough analysis and discussion about white tea in a chapter of .


Oolong tea belongs to the semi-

fermented tea category. It stands out in the six tea categories for its unique featur es with Tieguanyin, Big red robe and Phoenix Dancong and so on as representativ es.

乌龙茶属于半发酵茶,在六大茶类中具有鲜明特色,代表茶品铁观音、大红袍、凤凰单从等。There are four main producing areas of Oolong tea in China : Northern Fujian Ool ong, Southern Fujian Oolong, Guangdong Oolong and T aiwan Oolong.


Black tea belongs to the completely fermented tea category. It’s interpreted as bl ack tea instead of red tea with Keemun Black Tea, Lapsang souchong,Yunnan black tea, Sichuan congou black tea as representatives.

红茶属于全发酵茶,在英文里面为black tea 而不是 red tea,代表茶品有祁门红茶、正山小种、云南滇红、川红工夫等。
