






四、教学内容及学时分配以下各单元的Section A作为课堂教学的内容,Section B作为拓展课及讨论课的内容。

Unit 1 Emotion(12学时)目的要求:要求学生通过学习富有生活趣味和人生哲理的散文,反思自己的人生及情感体验,提高对人生的感性认识。


基本内容:Section A The Woman in the KitchenSection B On Affection重点难点:平易文体的特点;议论文的特点;生活中人和事的细致感受;对大爱的深层理解Unit 2 Literature(12学时)目的要求:要求学生通过学习本章节选录的英美文学作品,掌握基本的文学常识,了解最基本的文学作品欣赏方法,使学生能够独立阅读文学作品及专业文学课程学习。



《高级英语》课程教学大纲【课程英文名称】:Advanced English I【课程类型】专业核心课程【适用专业】英语语言文学专业【开课学期】第5学期和第6学期【先修课程】基础英语等【总学时数】 144 其中理论教学学时: 128 实验(实践)教学时数:16【总学分数】 8【教研室】三年级精读教研室一、课程教学目标《高级英语》是英语语言文学专业高年级的一门专业必修课程,旨在进一步拓展学生的知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养学生的分析欣赏能力、逻辑思维能力与独立思考能力,提升其人文素养。









三、教学内容及学时分配第五学期Unit 1 The Fourth of July主要内容:关键的词组与表达方式,课文写作的历史背景,美国的种族歧视,课文分析,作者的写作目的,课文中的修辞方法和写作策略,相关的练习。





2.教学要求和任务1)要求学生能读懂难度相当于美国Times 或New York Times的社论和政论文;能读懂难度相当于The Great Gatsby的文学原著,难度相当于The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 的历史传记;语言能力较高的学生要求能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论和书评、英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品。






二、学生在选读本课程之前应具有的语言知识和能力1) 具有比较扎实的语言基本知识,掌握一定的听、说、读、写、译技能以及各项技能的综合运用能力;2)大量阅读英语简易读物,基本看懂英语原著,具有较好的语言理解能力、分析能力、综合能力与概括能力;具有一定的思维能力和语言学习过程中的发现问题和解决问题等创新能力;3)具有课外自主收集相关阅读材料进行拓展性学习的能力;4)具有英汉语言和英汉文化差异的敏感性,掌握一定的跨文化交际能力。




学分/学时:总160学时(10学分),其中理论学时:156 实践学时:4 适用对象:英语专业开课单位/教研室:外语系二、课程设置目的与教学目标1、课程设置目的:高级英语是英语语言文学专业高年级阶段的一门理论与实践相结合的专业必修课,课程对象为英语专业三、四年级学生。





三、教学内容及要求知识单元序号高英一 Unit1 book5 描述 T1: Hit the Nail on the Head T2:The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript 序号⒈ 知识点描述语篇背景与相关文化知识语篇主旨:准确措辞的重要性,提高⒉ 语体意识和用词得体性意识 3. 重点词汇;类比;写作技巧――选题掌握理解⒏要求了解 analogy 学时备注1 Unit2 book5 T1: Beware the Dirty Seas T2: An Ugly New Footprint in the Sand3 2 语篇背景及相关文化知识语篇主旨:海水污染的严重性及其主要原因,增强环境保护意识重点词汇;一因多果和多因一果;写作技巧――主题句了解理解 8 掌握Cause and Effect; Topic Sentence Description 8 Developed by Examples Cause and Effect; Unity 1 Unit3 book5 T1: My Friend, Albert Einstein T2: The Monster2 语篇背景及相关文化知识语篇主旨:了解爱因斯坦作为科学巨人背后的平凡、纯粹的一面重点词汇;通过举例描写刻画形象;写作技巧――核心思想了解理解 3 掌握Unit4 book5 T1: The Invisible Poor T2: Meanwhile, Humans Eat Pet Food T1:The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part I T2: The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part II 1 2 语篇背景及相关文化知识语篇主旨:美国社会的另一面:繁荣富足的背后隐藏着贫穷重点词汇;因果推论;写作技巧――用过渡词或逻辑连接词达到整体合一语篇背景及相关文化知识语篇主旨:电视对美国家庭生活产生始料未及的负面作用重点词汇;因果关系;写作技巧――连贯了解理解 8 3 掌握⒈⒉ 了解理解 8 掌握Cause and Effect; Coherence Unit5 book5 ⒊ ⒈ Unit6 book5 T1: Preparing for College T2: Letter to a B Student ⒊ ⒉ 语篇背景及相关文化知识语篇主旨:教师能否激发学生学习兴趣影响学生学习态度和决心重点词汇;夹叙夹议;写作技巧――规划段落提纲了解理解 8 掌握 Narration blended with argumentUnitT1: Grouping ⒈ 语篇背景及相关文化知识了解 Indu7 book5 the Gifted: Pro T2: Grouping the Gifted: Con 2语篇主旨:给天才学生分班学习的利弊得失以及不同观点的碰撞重点词汇;归纳法;写作技巧――以时间为序的叙述理解 8 ctive argument 3掌握⒈ Unit8 book5 T1: Why Nothing WorksT2: The Plot Against People ⒊ 高英二Unit⒐book5 Unit10book5 T1: Things: The Throw-Away Society T2: The Do-It-Yourselfers ⒊ ⒈ ⒉ Unit11book5 T1: Cultivating a Hobby T2: A Debt to Dickens ⒊ ⒈ T1: Where Is the NewsLeading Us T2: Should the Press Be Human ⒊ ⒈ ⒉ 语篇背景及相关文化知识工业化时代商品质量低劣的原因:技术并不能保证高质量,人的因素至关重要重点词汇;因果关系;写作技巧――描写了解 Caus理解 8 e and effect 掌握 Argument comb8ined with narration... ⒉ 语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:媒体对于人的行为的导向作用理解段落写作:多手段并用的论证掌握语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:人们正在形成一种一次性使用商品的心态,这种文化预示着人类和物品的关系持续时间越来越短段落写作:举例说明 The 理解 8 Thesis 掌握 Useof metaphor and 8 段落写作:比较说明掌握 synonymous expressions Exposition: cont⒉ 语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:培养业余爱好的重要性理解Unit12bookT1: The Science of Custom ⒈ ⒉ 语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:习俗研究作为人类学的分支,不能带有任何偏见 8 理解5 Unit13book5 Unit14book5 T2: Customs T1: What Life Means to Me, Part I T2: Graduation, Part I T1: What Life Means to Me, Part I T2: Graduation, Part I T1: I Have a Dream T2: Ethics The of ⒊ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒈ ⒉⒊ ⒈ 段落写作:对比说明掌握 rast Figurative Language Autobiography writing 语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:杰克伦敦的不同生活经历及其世界观的变化(一)段落写作:因果说明理解 8 掌握语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:杰克伦敦的不同生活经历及其世界观的变化(二)段落写作:下定义说明理解 8 掌握 Unit15book5 语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:美国黑人民权领袖马丁?路德?金召集华盛顿游行集会并发表演说的历史背景和现实意义段落写作:说理议论 Autobiograph y writing Narration 8 for instruction ⒉ 理解 8 Living Jim Crow T1: Two Words to Avoid, Two to Remember T2: Romance Words The of ⒊ ⒈ ⒉ 掌握 Unit1book6高英三 Unit2book6 Unit语篇背景、写作目的及作者态度了解语篇解析:积极思维的重要作用理解⒊ 短文写作:整体、支撑和连贯涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语课文赏析:拖延的艺术:成也拖延,败也拖延掌握⒈ T1: The Fine Art of Putting Things Off ⒉ 了解理解4Level of Usage ⒊ 短文写作:开头(一)掌握T1: Walls and Barriers ⒈ ⒉ 涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语课文赏析:现代建筑设计理念对于人们思想意识的折射与反映了解4理解Logical reas3book6 Unit4book6 Unit5 book6 Unit6 book6 Unit7 book6Unit8⒊ ⒈ T1: Beauty ⒉ ⒈ 涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语课文赏析:追索“beauty”一词词义的历史演变,提醒当代女性应警惕这已染上性别歧视色彩的词所设的圈套:一味追求取悦于人,女性可能会失去真正的美短文写作:叙述涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语课文赏析:保持食欲�D�D未满足的心态是追求和奋斗的源泉,是生命活力的看守和见证了解T1: Dull Work ⒊ ⒈ 涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语了解 T1: The Lad y, or the Tiger? Part II ⒊ 短文写作:主体段落掌握⒈ 涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语(小说文体)课文赏析:半开化国王的骄横之女为面临生死门抉择的情人暗中指点迷津,结果不得而知了解 T1: The Lady,or the Tiger? Part I ⒊ 短文写作:结尾掌握⒈ 涉及语篇关键信息的事实、概念和术语(小说文体)课文赏析:半开化国王荒谬的“司法公正”观及其愚人乐己的“孪生门裁判所” 了解⒊ 短文写作:开头(二)掌握 oning Short story writing(Part I) Short story writing(Part I) Classical rhetoric ⒉ 理解4⒉ 理解4⒉课文赏析:从事单调工作的人并非一定是愚钝之人;人的创造性表现为能理解4否从平凡生活中汲取营养、见微知著短文写作:段落的链接掌握理解4掌握了解4理解 Sexism in English: A Female View Definition through T1: Appetite⒉感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。














教学大纲课程名称高级英语课程负责人李卿开课学院外国语学院教研室专业教研室二〇一七年七月十日《高级英语》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号: DJX034170-DJX034171中文名称:高级英语英文名称:Advanced English适用专业:英语课程性质:专业课总学时:136(其中理论教学学时:92实验实训学时:44)总学分:8二、课程简介高级英语属于英语专业高年级阶段课程。









预修课程:基础英语(DJX034186 DJX0341A2-DJX0341A4)并修课程:翻译理论与实践1第二外语1语言学英国文学史及选读美国文学史及选读毕业论文写作翻译理论与实践2四、教学的目的、要求与方法(一)教学目的使学生系统掌握扎实的语言知识和语言技能,在理解的基础上分析文章的思想难点、语篇结构、语言特点和修辞手法;引导学生能从文体修辞、历史文化等专业角度对英美文学原著进行分析归纳、评论欣赏,具备较高的文学鉴赏能力;培养学生英语运用能力、语篇分析能力、文体分析能力、跨文化交际能力,接触和了解目的语民族和言语社团的理念、价值观和历史文化背景,掌握语篇知识和文体知识,提高文化素质和语言交际能力。



《高级英语》教学大纲一、课程基本情况总学时:216 讲课学时:216实验学时:0总学分:13.5课程类别:专业基础必修考核方式:考试适用对象:英语专业先修课程:教材:《现代大学英语》精读5、6,杨立民,外语教学与研究出版社,2002《高级英语》张汉熙主编外语教学与研究出版社《英语专业8级水平测试习题集》张冲主编上海外语教育出版社《新编高等学校英语专业八级考试指南》邹申主编上海外语教育出版社参考书:现代大学英语(精读5、6教师用书),杨立民,外语教学与研究出版社,2003 各种大型英汉、英英、汉英词典。























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《高级英语》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:080029;080030课程名称:高级英语I; 高级英语II英文名称:Advanced English课程类别:专业课学时:72 X 2 = 144学分:4 X 2 = 8适用对象: 英语(旅游管理方向)、英语(国际商务方向)专业高年级学生考核方式:笔试先修课程:《现代大学英语》精读(基础英语)1- 4册二、课程简介高级英语课程题材广泛,时代气息浓厚,选材体裁多样,除说明文外,还有记叙文、叙述文和论说文,是一门训练学生综合英语技能尤其是阅读理解、语法修辞与写作能力的课程,注重培养学生对不同体裁﹑不同题材﹑不同风格的文章的理解和欣赏能力。




Featured in a wide range of materials with strong flavor of the times and various types of writing —exposition, description, narration and argumentation, Advanced English is a course designed to train students’comprehensive English skills, especially in reading comprehension, grammar, rhetoric and writing. Great attention is paid to students’ development in comprehension and appreciation of the articles with different types, themes and styles. Materials are selected largely from some famous contemporary masters’ works with respect to politics, economics, society, culture, literature, education, philosophy, etc. Students’ scrupulous reading and analysis of the articles help to broaden their knowledge, deepen their understanding of life and society, elevate their analysis and logical thinking and enhance their ability comprehensively in application of the English language. For those purposes, plenty of relevant exercises are attached to each lesson for reading comprehension, word study, sentence paraphrase, style analysis, writing and Chinese-English cross-translation.三、课程性质与教学目的根据全国英语专业教学大纲规定,在基础阶段的英语教学完成以后,必须继续进行更高一级的英语阅读教学。










四、教学内容及要求(一)目的与要求高级英语 I (教材:《现代大学英语》精读 5 杨立民、梅仁毅主编外语教学与研究出版社 2004年版)Lesson OneWhere Do We Go From Here?Teaching Aims and Requirements1) carefully read the “Guide to Reading” to get a basic understanding of the background of Dr. Martin LutherKing’s speech ---Where Do We Go From Here?2) read the word and expressions provided on Page 11 that will facilitate reading3) preview the speech itself with the help of the notes provided between page 12 to154) learn how to comprehend works of English literature ---for this lesson, a famous speech by a famousperson5) learn how to use some rhetorical devices such as metaphor, simile, antitheses, and parallel structure6) understand some biblical allusions with the help of the original version7) learn to paraphrase some sentences in the text8) do some translation work as is required.重点:restructuring the whole of American society with nonviolence难点:the rhetorical devices in the speechLesson TwoTwo KindsTeaching Aims and Requirements1) carefully read the “Guide t o Readin g” to get a basic understanding of the background information of the story: Two Kinds2) read the word and expressions provided on Page 30-31 that will facilitate reading3) preview the story with the help of the notes provided on page 31-324) learn how to read and appreciate an English short story: especially the theme, character, organization of plot development and the hero’s or heroine’s epiphany(顿悟)5) get some brief information about the differences between Chinese culture and American culture6) get some information about the author, Amy Tan (谭恩美)7) explain some meaningful sentences and understand their implications重点:the sharp conflict between two generations and two cultures难点:t he author’s language and technique s in writingLesson ThreeGoods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.Teaching Aims and Requirements1) learn how to read and appreciate an English essay in the way the arguments are presented.2) What are some of the important words that the author uses in developing her arguments3) get to know what the author’s attitude is towards globalization4) get to know how the author describes the process from the moving of goods to the changing of cultures5) note the choice of words in the rhetorical device of contrast the author employs and the mood or attitude expressed through such choice of words6) notice some characteristics of a journalistic writing.重点:Globalization will result in a cultural merging.难点:the words and the rhetorical device of contrast the author employsLesson FourProfessions for WomenTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information of the author, Virginia Woolf, and her writing style.2)The characteristic of the language in this essay.3)The organization of the whole speech.4)The transition between the author’s 1st and 2nd professional experience.5)What metaphors the author uses in describing her first professional experiences as a book reviewer andher second professional experience as a novelist6)The history of women’s liberation from patriarchy and women’s current social status in society.重点:Women still encounter many of the same obstacles.难点:the techniques the author employs in the textLesson FiveLove Is a FallacyTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author, Max Shulman and his writing style2)The characteristics of the language in this informal essay3)The organization of the essay4)The large variety of writing techniques the author employs5)The profuse figurative language the author uses重点:Fallacy can be interpreted at different levels.难点:the language of the authorLesson SevenInvisible Man Chapter 1(Battle Royal)by Ralph EllisonTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author, Ralph Ellison, and the novel, Invisible Man2)Introduction of Booker T. Washington and his Atlanta speech in 18953)History of Battle Royal4)Symbolism and two main symbols in the text5)Organization of the text6)Theme of the story重点:The battle royal is symbolic of the place or position of all American black people in the white-dominated society.难点:rhetorical devices: symbolismLesson NineThe Way to Rainy MountainTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author,2)Introduction to the author’s book The Way To Rainy Mountain3)Appreciate the author’s lyrical and pictorial description of the landscape4)Organization of the text5)Theme of the story重点:Our cultural or ethnic heritage may differ, yet seeking one’s roots is a common human experience.难点:a lyrical and pictorial description of the landscape; complicated feelingsLesson TenBefore and After September 11Teaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)The background information about “The Events of September 11”and the national paranoia in the United States3)Organization of the text4)Theme of the essay重点:Dissenting voices can be heard and in order to win the struggle against terrorism abroad it is all the more necessary to strengthen, not to weaken democracy at home.难点: the background of what the writer called national paranoia and the influence of September 11 Event高级英语 II (教材:《现代大学英语》精读 6 杨立民、梅仁毅主编外语教学与研究出版社 2004年版)Lesson OneHow to Get the Poor off Our Conscienceby John Kenneth GalbraithTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author, John Kenneth Galbraith, and the essay, How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience2)Introduction to the author’s writing style: lucidity and persuasiveness and his skillful employment of irony, from humorous irony to bitter satire.3)History of the “intellectual preoccupation”: how to get the poor off conscience ---- from the Bible to the present day4)Theories of some historical celebrities like utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham, Malthusianism by Thomas Robert Malthus, Social Darwinism by Herbert Spencer5)Organization of the text6)Understanding and appreciating the essay重点:the gap between the rich and the poor; the meaning of the title难点:the ironical and sarcastic tone of the textLesson TwoThe Woods Were Tossing with JewelsA Childhood in the Florida Wildernessby Marie St. JohnTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the essay2)Introduction to the author’s writing style of the short story3)General organization of a short story4)Non-chronological narration of a story and its function5)Description of surroundings one is in6)Understanding and appreciating the essay7)Group discussion in the study of this story8)Learn to write a short story in English重点:the westward movement and the message the author wants to get across难点:appreciate the text through the eyes of a girl of five; description of personLesson ThreeAt War with the PlanetA Reflection on Environmental Crisisby Barry CommonerTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)Introduction to the author’s writing style of the essay3)Organization of the essay4)How to develop the theme when writing an essay5)Appreciating the use of rhetorical device of pun6)How to develop the topic sentence in a paragraph7)Learn to write an essay in English concerning environment重点:the importance of understanding the interplay of the two worlds and make peace with the Planet 难点:definition of the words on environment; the relationship between two worldsLesson FourNettlesA Woman’s problems: passions, confusions, and dilemmasBy Alice MunroTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)First-person narration and its function3)The author’s realistic writing technique4) A blend of naturalism and symbolism in description5)The narrative structure of the story6)Psychological description of a character7)Description of emotional reality8)Explore the complexity and beauty of everyday life9)Group discussion in the study of this story重点:first-person narration; detailed description of emotional reality难点:simple plot probing of complicated feelings and subtle meanings of lifeLesson SixDeath of a PigAn famous essay on the relationship between animals and human beings by E. B. WhiteTeaching Aims and Requirement s1)The background information about the author2)Introduction to the author’s free, smooth and humorous writing style3)Detailed description of surroundings and its function4)Careful choice of words in description5)Rhetorical device of parallelism, imagery and allusion6)Understanding and appreciating the essay7)Group discussion in the study of this essay重点:the mood and the feeling of the author during these days难点:the implied meaning of the death of a pig; careful choice of wordsLesson EightA Rose for Emilyby William FaulknerTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)Introduction of the author’s writing style of the short story3)Study the author’s writing techniques: vague references, ambiguities, symbolism, jumbled timesequences, etc.4)An atmosphere needed for story-telling5)How to explore the inner world of a human being, or the inner struggle in the human heart6)Try to understand and appreciate the complex story7)Group discussion in the study of this story重点:the implied meaning of the story; the order of narration难点:the conflicts of the story: different levels、the South and the North;Lesson NineThe Bluest Eye (Excerpts)by Toni MorrisonTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)Introduction to the author’s Cultural Ethnical Context (族裔文化语境)3)Realistic details in narration4)Appreciate the use of rhetorical device of metaphor5)Understanding and appreciating the essay6)Group discussion in the study of this story重点:background information about the author and the novel难点:racial prejudice; the realistic details and skillful writingLesson TenNotes on the English Characterby E. M. ForsterTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)Introduction of the author’s writing style3)Try to understand the English people in order to learn the English language well4)Understanding and appreciating the essay重点:the English Character in middle-class and upper class, merits and shortcomings难点:the background information about the life and works of the author; which caused the concentration of the notesLesson ElevenBeautyby Scott Russell SandersTeaching Aims and Requirements1)The background information about the author2)Appreciating the author’s writing of personal essays3)Appreciating the author’s poetic writing style: homely and impressive images, carefully chosen wordsand concisely and well-measured presentation of ideas4) A further understanding of what beauty is重点:the theme of the text and how the author defines beauty难点:writing style of the author in this text: poetic writing, homely but impressive images etc.(二)教学内容高级英语 I周别课时数教学内容1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22Lesson 1 Where Do We Go From Here?warm-up & background informationLesson 1 Text Appreciation (structure, general idea & paraphrase)22Lesson 1 Text AppreciationLesson 1 Text Appreciation & Extension (review and exercise)22Lesson 2 Two Kindswarm-up & background informationLesson 2 Text Appreciation (structure, general idea & paraphrase)22Lesson 2 Text AppreciationLesson 2 Text Appreciation & Extension (review and exercise)22Lesson 3 Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.warm-up & background informationLesson 3 Text Appreciation (structure, general idea & paraphrase)22Lesson 3 Text AppreciationLesson 3 Text Appreciation & Extension (review and exercise)22Lesson 4 Professions for Womenwarm-up & background informationLesson 4 Text Appreciation (structure, general idea & paraphrase)8 22Lesson 4 Text AppreciationLesson 4 Text Appreciation & Extension (review and exercise)高级英语 II(三)课后练习要把课堂教学与课外实践相结合,这是因为课外实践是课堂教学的延伸与发展,也是培养和提高学生能力的重要途径。
