



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Structure in Design of ArchitectureAnd Structural MaterialWe have and the architects must deal with the spatial aspect of activity, physical, and symbolic needs in such a way that overall performance integrity is assured. Hence, he or she well wants to think of evolving a building environment as a total system of interacting and space forming subsystems. Is represents a complex challenge, and to meet it the architect will need a hierarchic design process that provides at least three levels of feedback thinking: schematic,preliminary, and final.Such a hierarchy is necessary if he or she is to avoid being confused , at conceptual stages of design thinking ,by the myriad detail issues that can distract attention from more basic considerations .In fact , we can say that an architect’s ability to distinguish the more basic form the more detailed issues is essential to his success as a designer .The object of the schematic feed back level is to generate and evaluate overall site-plan, activity-interaction, and building-configuration options .To do so the architect must be able to focus on the interaction of the basic attributes of the site context, the spatial organization, and the symbolism as determinants of physical form. This means that ,in schematic terms ,the architect may first conceive and model a building design as an organizational abstraction of essential performance-space in teractions.Then he or she may explore the overall space-form implications of the abstraction. As an actual building configuration option begins to emerge, it will be modified to include consideration for basic site conditions.At the schematic stage, it would also be helpful if the designer could visualize his or her options for achieving overall structural integrity and consider the constructive feasibility and economic ofhis or her scheme .But this will require that the architect and/or a consultant be able to conceptualize total-system structural options in terms of elemental detail .Such overall thinking can be easily fed back to improve the space-form scheme.At the preliminary level, the architect’s emphasis will shift to the elaboration of his or her more promising schematic design options .Here the architect’s structural needs will shift to approximate design of specific subsystem options. At this stage the total structural scheme is developed to a middle level of specificity by focusing on identification and design of major subsystems to the extent that their key geometric, component, and interactive properties are established .Basic subsystem interaction and design conflicts can thus be identified and resolved in the context of total-system objectives. Consultants can play a significant part in this effort; these preliminary-level decisions may also result in feedback that calls for refinement or even major change in schematic concepts.When the designer and the client are satisfied with the feasibility of a design proposal at the preliminary level, it means that the basic problems of overall design are solved and details are not likely to produce major change .The focus shifts again ,and the design process moves into the final level .At this stage the emphasiswill be on the detailed development of all subsystem specifics . Here the role of specialists from various fields, including structural engineering, is much larger, since all detail of the preliminary design must be worked out. Decisions made at this level may produce feedback into Level II that will result in changes. However, if Levels I and II are handled with insight, the relationship between the overall decisions, made at the schematic and preliminary levels, and the specifics of the final level should be such that gross redesign is not in question, Rather, the entire process should be one of moving in an evolutionary fashion from creation and refinement (or modification) of the more general properties of a total-system design concept, to the fleshing out of requisite elements and details.To summarize: At Level I, the architect must first establish, in conceptual terms, the overall space-form feasibility of basic schematic options. At this stage, collaboration with specialists can be helpful, but only if in the form of overall thinking. At Level II, the architect must be able to identify the major subsystem requirements implied by the scheme and substantial their interactive feasibility by approximating key component properties .That is, the properties of major subsystems need be worked out only in sufficient depth to very the inherent compatibility of their basic form-related and behavioral interaction . This will mean a somewhat more specificform of collaboration with specialists then that in level I .At level III ,the architect and the specific form of collaboration with specialists then that providing for all of the elemental design specifics required to produce biddable construction documents .Of course this success comes from the development of the Structural Material.The principal construction materials of earlier times were wood and masonry brick, stone, or tile, and similar materials. The courses or layers were bound together with mortar or bitumen, a tar like substance, or some other binding agent. The Greeks and Romans sometimes used iron rods or claps to strengthen their building. The columns of the Parthenon in Athens, for example, have holes drilled in them for iron bars that have now rusted away. The Romans also used a natural cement called puzzling, made from volcanic ash, that became as hard as stone under water.Both steel and cement, the two most important construction materials of modern times, were introduced in the nineteenth century. Steel, basically an alloy of iron and a small amount of carbon had been made up to that time by a laborious process that restricted it to such special uses as sword blades. After the invention of the Bessemer process in 1856, steel was available in large quantities at low prices. The enormous advantage of steel is its tensile forcewhich, as we have seen, tends to pull apart many materials. New alloys have further, which is a tendency for it to weaken as a result of continual changes in stress.Modern cement, called Portland cement, was invented in 1824. It is a mixture of limestone and clay, which is heated and then ground into a power. It is mixed at or near the construction site with sand, aggregate small stones, crushed rock, or gravel, and water to make concrete. Different proportions of the ingredients produce concrete with different strength and weight. Concrete is very versatile; it can be poured, pumped, or even sprayed into all kinds of shapes. And whereas steel has great tensile strength, concrete has great strength under compression. Thus, the two substances complement each other.They also complement each other in another way: they have almost the same rate of contraction and expansion. They therefore can work together in situations where both compression and tension are factors. Steel rods are embedded in concrete to make reinforced concrete in concrete beams or structures where tensions will develop. Concrete and steel also form such a strong bond─ the force that unites them─ that the steel cannot slip within the concrete. Still another advantage is that steel does not rust in concrete. Acid corrodes steel, whereas concrete has an alkaline chemical reaction, the opposite of acid.The adoption of structural steel and reinforced concrete caused major changes in traditional construction practices. It was no longer necessary to use thick walls of stone or brick for multistory buildings, and it became much simpler to build fire-resistant floors. Both these changes served to reduce the cost of construction. It also became possible to erect buildings with greater heights and longer spans.Since the weight of modern structures is carried by the steel or concrete frame, the walls do not support the building. They have become curtain walls, which keep out the weather and let in light. In the earlier steel or concrete frame building, the curtain walls were generally made of masonry; they had the solid look of bearing walls. Today, however, curtain walls are often made of lightweight materials such as glass, aluminum, or plastic, in various combinations.Another advance in steel construction is the method of fastening together the beams. For many years the standard method was riveting.A rivet is a bolt with a head that looks like a blunt screw without threads. It is heated, placed in holes through the pieces of steel, and a second head is formed at the other end by hammering it to hold it in place. Riveting has now largely been replaced by welding, the joining together of pieces of steel by melting a steel materialbetween them under high heat.Priestess’s concrete is an improved form of reinforcement. Steel rods are bent into the shapes to give them the necessary degree of tensile strengths. They are then used to priestess concrete, usually by one of two different methods. The first is to leave channels in a concrete beam that correspond to the shapes of the steel rods. When the rods are run through the channels, they are then bonded to the concrete by filling the channels with grout, a thin mortar or binding agent. In the other (and more common) method, the priestesses steel rods are placed in the lower part of a form that corresponds to the shape of the finished structure, and the concrete is poured around them. Priestess’s concrete uses less steel and less concrete. Because it is a highly desirable material.Progressed concrete has made it possible to develop buildings with unusual shapes, like some of the modern, sports arenas, with large spaces unbroken by any obstructing supports. The uses for this relatively new structural method are constantly being developed.建筑中的结构设计及建筑材料建筑师必须从一种全局的角度出发去处理建筑设计中应该考虑到的实用活动,物质及象征性的需求。



Critical path method:关键路线法Rollout:推出Precedence:优先Supplant:代替Oversee:监督Alteration:变更Ground subsidence:地面下沉Counter plan:应对计划Incorporated:包含Subordinate:从属的Addendum:附录Justification:辩护,理由Legitimate:正当的Pro-forma:形式上的As such:同样地Waiver:放弃Integrity:诚信Likelihood:可能性Initiating:开始Overhead charge:企业一般管理费Retrieval:检索Constraint:约束Resolution:决议Protocol:协议Deficiency:缺乏,不足Remedial:补救的,矫正的Defective works:不合格品Resumption:恢复Initiated:开始In the context of:在此…情况下,在此….背景下Unwarranted:无根据的Substantiation:证据Intuition:直觉Facilitate:促进Contentious:有异议的Confrontational:对抗的Narrative:叙述In question:讨论中的Chronology:年表Sequencing:排序Portrayal:描绘Excerpt:摘录,引用Generated:产生Trend chart:趋势图Statute:法则Claimant:索赔人Procedural:程序上的Mandatory:强制的Be obliged to:有义务Take on board:采纳With the intention of:抱有…目的;打算Apart from:除….之外Fall short :不符合标准Be followed by:被跟踪Reprimand:训斥,责难Compulsory education:义务教育Demobilization:退场Avenue:手段Precise:明确的Turnaround:周转时间Tabular:列表格式的Projection:推测Narrative:叙述Eventual:最后的Formal record:形式记录Sign off:签发Apply to:适用于Steering group:领导小组Pertinent to:与…有关Mitigation:减轻,缓和Demolition:拆除Of interest:有…兴趣Chaired:主持Amongst:在…之中As indicated:如文Statutory:法定的Likelihood:可能性Up to date:最新的Take charge of:接管,负责Be subordinate to:从属于Indicative:指示的Jetty:防波堤Amenity:便利设施Reinstate:恢复Accreditation:认证Calibrate:校正Regime:制度Anemometer:风力计House in:放在。



和房屋各个结构有关的英语单词梁beam檐口eave窗台window sillarch 拱vault 穹顶ogive 葱形饰;尖形拱顶facade 侧面frontispiece 三角墙,山墙column 柱pilaster 壁柱,半露柱pediment 山墙饰,山花fronton 山墙ground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层(美作:first floor)flat 套(美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft 电梯,升降梯(美作:elevator shaft)fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯lift 电梯(美作:elevator)goods lift 公务电梯(美作:freight elevator)central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦房屋:house/buildings;门槛:threshold;窗台:window sill;窗户:window;房檐(复数):eaves;屋脊:ridge;屋顶:roof/housetop;梁:roof beamC。


waterside pavilion

windowed veranda
folk house
courtyard house

stockaded village

boat house

que, watchtower
pailou, decorated gateway
huabiao, ornamental pillar
connection block
axial bracket arm
axial bracket arm
oval arm
oval arm
long arm
long arm
regular arm
regular arm
cap block
cap block


flower arm, petal
flower arm

center block
center block
small block
connection block
bearing stone
drum-shaped bearing stone




A-frame A 型骨架 A-truss A 型构架 abrasion 磨耗;磨蚀 abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机 abrasive grinding machine 磨机(火石机) abrasive particle 磨粒 absorption 汲取 abutment 桥台;拱座 abutting end 邻接端 acceleration 加速 acceleration lane 加速车道 acceleration pedal 加速器踏板 accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂 acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门 access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处 access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道 access road 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶 accessory 附件;配件 accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 accommodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laboratory 认可私营试验室accumulator 储压器;蓄电池accuracy limit 精确度极限 acetylene cylinder 乙炔气(风煤)樽 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 acoustic couplant 声耦合剂acoustic coupler 声耦合器acoustic lining 隔音板acousticscreen 隔声屏 acrylic paint 丙烯漆料 acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(阿加力胶片) active corrosion 活性腐蚀 active earth pressure 主动土压力active oxidation 活性氧化actual plot ratio 实际地积比率actuator 促动器;唧筒;激发器 adapt 改装 adaptor 适配器;适配接头(万能苏);转接器;接合器 addition 增设;加建 additional building works 增补建筑工程additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional plan 增补图则 additional vent 加设通风口 additive 添加剂 adhesive 黏结剂;胶黏剂 adhesive force 附力 adit 入口;通路;坑道口 adjacent construction 相邻建筑物 adjacent level 相邻水平adjacent site 相邻地盘 adjacent street 相邻街道 adjoining area 毗邻地区 adjoining building 毗邻建筑物 adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物 adjustable 可调校 adjuster 调整器adjustment 调校;调整 admixture 掺合剂;外加剂 advance directional sign 前置指路标志;方向预报标志 advance earthworks 前期土方工程advance warning sign 前置警告标志 advance works 前期工程 aeration 灌气 aeration tank 曝气池 aerial 天线 aerial rapid transit system 架空快速运输系统 aerial ropeway 架空缆车系统 aerial view 俯视图aerofoil 翼型 aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾 affix 贴附 aftercooler 后冷却器 afterfilter 后过滤器 agent 作用剂;代理人 aggregate 骨料;集料;碎石aggregate area 总面积aggregate grading 骨料级配aggregate superficial area 表面总面积 aggregate usable floor space 总有用楼面空间 agitator 搅拌器;搅动机 air bleeding 放气 airblower 鼓风机air brake 气压制动器air circuit 空气回路air circuit breaker 空气断路器 air cleaner 空气滤清器 air compressor 空气压缩机air compressor governor 空气压缩机调压器air conditioning 空气调整 air cooled chiller 风冷式冷冻机 air cooler 空气冷却器 air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统 air coupling valve 空气联接阀 air curtain fan 风帘风扇 air cylinder 气缸;气筒 air damper 风闸;气流调整器 air distribution system 配气系统air distributor 空气安排器 air dryer 空气干燥器 air duct 通风管道;气槽 air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴水泥 air entraining agent 加气剂 air exhaust 排气口 air filter 空气滤器;风隔;隔尘网 air filter chamber 空气过滤室 air flowmeter 风量计;空气流量计 air gap 气隙 air grill 空气格栅 air inlet 进风口;进气孔 air inlet louver 进气百叶 air inlet port 进气口 air intake 进风口;进气孔;入气口air intake duct 进风槽 air intake filter 进气过滤器 air isolating cock 空气隔断旋塞 air line breathing apparatus 气喉型呼吸器具air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器 air outlet 出风口 air outlet grille 空气出口栅格 air particle 空气粒子 air passage 风道air pipe/pipework 通气管;送气管air piston 空气活塞air pressure gauge 气压表air pressure switch 气压掣air pressurization system 空气加压系统 air receiver 空气储存器 air reservoir 储气缸 air restrictor 空气节流器 air shuttle valve 阻气阀 air sprayer 喷涂器 air spring 空气弹簧 air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网 air supply outlet 供气出口 air supply valve 供气阀 air tank 空气箱 air valve 进出气阀;放气阀 air valve pit 进出气阀井;放气阀井 air vent cock 通风管旋塞 air ventilator 空气通风器air-operated damper 气动风闸airshaft 通风竖井airtight cover 气密盖 airy dry varnish 风干清漆 alarm 警报;警报器 alarm bell 警钟 alarm buzzer 警报器 alga 水藻 align 对准;调直;定线alignment (road) 路线;线向(特指道路中线的位置与方向) alignment plan (road) 路线平面图 alkali-silica reaction 碱矽反应 alkaline aggregate reaction 碱性集料反应 alkaline pump 碱液泵 alkaline tank 碱液缸 alkalinity 碱度 all-purpose road 混合车道;综合车道alley 巷 allowable load 容许载重;容许荷载 allowable stress 容许应力 alloy 合金 alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条 alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物 alteration 更改;改建;改动 alternating current (a.c.) 沟通电 alternative design 替代设计 alternative route 替代路线alternator 沟通发电机 aluminium tape 铝带 amber flashing light 黄色闪灯 ambient pressure 四周压力 ambient temperature 环境温度;四周温度amendment 修订amenities 市容建筑;设施;康乐设施amenity area 美化市容地带 amenity railing 美观栏杆 ammeter 电流表;安培计 ampere (A) 安培(电流量单位) amplification 放大;增加amplitude 幅;振幅 anchor 锚;锚竿支撑 anchor bearing 锚承;锚座anchor bolt 锚栓 anchor plate 锚碇板 anchorage 锚碇;碇泊区;抛锚区;锚固 anchorage length 锚固长度 anchoring strength 锚固强度ancillary building 附属建筑物ancillary facilities 附属设施ancillary installation 附带装置 ancillary works 附属工程 angle cutter 角铁切割机 angle iron bracket 角铁支架;角铁托架 angle probe 斜探头 angular velocity 角速度 annunciation lamp 警示灯annunciator 传播器;召唤器 anode 阳极 anode voltage 阳极电压antenna 天线 anti-corrosion paint 防蚀漆 anti-creep device 防溜装置anti-lift roller 防升滚轮anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆anti-rust paint 防锈漆anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹anti-skid device 防滑装置 anti-skid dressing 防滑钢沙 anti-skid material 防滑物料 anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑 anti-static chain 抗静电链anti-static tyre 抗静电轮胎anti-stripping agent 防剥剂anti-syphonage pipe 反虹吸管anti-tip roller 防倾侧滚轮anti-vibration mounting 防震装置 anti-vibration pad 防震垫 anvil 铁砧 aperture 隙缝;孔口 apex 顶尖 apparatus 仪器;装置;器具;器材appliance 用具;装置;设备applied covering 外加掩盖物applied load 外施荷载 approach 进路;引道;接驳道路;引桥 approach channel 进港航道;引渠 approach ramp 引道坡 approach road 引道;进路approach speed 来车速度approach taper 楔形引道路段approach viaduct 高架引道approved material 经批准的物料approved plan 经批准的图则 appurtenance 附属物 apron 跳板;护板;停机坪 arc 电弧 arc contact 电弧触点 arc runner 电弧滚环 arc welding 电弧焊接arch 拱;弓形;拱门architect 建筑师;则师architectural decoration 建筑装饰 architectural projection 建筑上的伸出物 area traffic control system 区域交通掌握系统 argon arc welding 氩气焊 armature 电枢 arrangement 排列;布置 arresting assembly 止动装置 arterial highway 干线道路arterial traffic 干线交通 article of agreement 合约细则artificial lighting 人工照明as-built drawing 竣工图则as-constructed drawing 竣工图则 asbestos abatement works 石棉拆除工程 asbestos cement 石棉水泥 asbestos gasket 石棉垫片 ash pit 排渣槽;灰坑 asphalt 沥青 asphalt distributor 沥青喷洒机 asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机 asphalt roofing 沥青屋面 asphaltic coating 沥青涂层 asphaltic concrete 沥青混凝土 aspirator 吸气器 assemblage 组合物 assembly 装置;组合 assessment 评估 associated works 相关工程;相关设施at-grade pedestrian crossing 地面行人过路处at-grade signal controlled junction 交通灯掌握地面路口atmospheric distillation 常压蒸馏 atmospheric pressure 大气压力;常压 atmospheric temperature 常温 atomization air fan 雾化空气风扇 attachment 附件;附属物 attenuation 衰减 audible signal 音响讯号 audible warning 音响警号 authorities 权限 authority 主管当局 authorized officer 获授权人员 authorized person 获授权人;认可人士;核准人士 authorized works 获授权进行的工程;批准进行的工程 automatic (spark) ignition device 自动(火花)点火装置 automatic control switch 自动掌握开关automatic operation 自动操作automatic release 自动脱扣 automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器 automatic weather station 自动气象站 automation equipment 自动化设备 auxiliary control panel 帮助掣板 auxiliary equipment 帮助设备 auxiliary feedwater pump 帮助给水泵 auxiliary feedwater tank 帮助给水箱 auxiliary plant 帮助厂房 auxiliary system 帮助系统 auxiliary water pump 帮助水泵 average compressive stress 平均压应力 average strength 平均强度 axial fan 轴流式风扇 axial force 轴向力 axial load 轴向载重;轴向荷载 axial stress 轴向应力 axle bearing 车轴轴承(车轴啤令) back-fire 逆火 back-up area 后勤地区;帮助埸地backfill 回填;回填土backfill material 回填物料background noise 本底噪声;背景噪声 backing plate 垫板;背板baffle 隔板;挡板 baffle plate 遮挡板 baffle wall 遮挡墙 balance tank 调整池;均衡槽 balance weight 平衡锤 balanced load 平衡载重balancer 平冲器 balancing pipeline 平衡水管 balcony 露台 ball bearing 滚珠轴承 ball valve 浮球阀;球形阀;波阀 ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头 ballast 道碴bamboo scaffolding 竹枝棚架 band brake 带式制动器 band clamp 带夹 banshee alarm 尖啸警报 bar 铁枝;杆;巴(压力气单位) bar tendon 钢筋 barging area 驳运地点 barrack 营房 barrel 管筒;芯管 barrette 方形桩 barricade 路障;障碍物barrier 栏栅;护栏;障碍物;屏障 barrier block 路障 barrier gate 路闸 barrier plate 阻挡板 base 基座 base course 路面下层;承重层;路基层 base frame 基架 base insulator 基架绝缘器 base plate 底板;垫板 base sealing 底部密封胶 base slab 平底板 base support 底座支架 baseline 基线;底线;基准线 baseline programme 基线方案basement 地库;地窖;地下室 batching plant 混凝土混和机;配料厂batter pile 斜桩battery 蓄电池battery acid level 电池酸位battery cell volt 蓄电池电压 battery charger 电池充电器 battery electric locomotive 电力机车battery electrolyte 电池电解液battery-powered device 电池推动装置 beacon 闪光指示灯 bead 焊珠beam 横梁 bearing 支座;支承;承座;轴承(啤令);方向角 bearing capacity 承载力 bearing force 承重力量;承载力量 bearing pad 支承垫片;承重垫片 bearing pile 支承桩 bearing pin 支承栓钉 bearing plate 支承垫板 bearing stress 支承应力 bearing surface 支承面bedding 底层;层理 bedplate 座板 bedrock 基层岩 behaviour 性能;状况 Belisha beacon 斑马线灯;黄波灯 bellow pot 气囊;气囊筒 belt 带;皮带 belt conveyor 带式输送机 belt guard 皮带护罩 belt tension 皮带拉力bend 弯角;弯位;路弯;弯管 bending force 弯曲力 bending stress 弯曲应力 Benkelman beam test 贝克曼梁试验 bentonite 膨润土;膨土岩 berm channel 斜水平台渠 berth 停靠处;碇泊位 bevel 斜角;斜面 bias 偏移 bill of quantities 工料清单 binder 黏合料 bit 钻头 ...。




对译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality of Building Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings待续。



建筑设计中英对照表●房屋各部分 Parts of house屋面 roof屋脊 ridge坡屋顶 pitched roof单坡屋顶 pent roof, lean-to roof人字屋顶 gable roof四坡顶 hipped roof屋面排水沟 valley卷材防水屋面 membrane roof找平层 screed-coat防水层 damp-proof course泛水 flashing屋顶层 garret阁楼 penthouse, loft, attic天台 roof-deck晒台 drying stage组合烟囱 chimney stack屋檐 eave屋面排水 roofing drainage檐沟,明沟 gutter水落管 down-pipe, downspout雨棚 canopy, awning柱廊 colonnade走廊 corridor中庭 atrium山墙 gable女儿墙 parapet山花 pediment隅石砌 quoins阳台 balcony, veranda阳台栏杆 balustrade阳台栏杆柱 baluster, banister平台 terrace台阶 steps梯子 ladder梯级 step楼梯 staircase(=step)楼梯踏步平板 tread楼梯踏步竖板 riser楼梯休息平台 landing直角转弯平台quarter-space landing 梯宽 run of stair梯高 rise of stair楼梯扶手 rail, railing回转梯corkscrew staircase,caracole 踏步突沿 nosing窗子 window百叶窗 blinds, louvers旋转窗 balance window平开窗,窗叶 casement窗扇 sash中旋窗 awning window上下推拉窗double-hung window 屋顶通气窗 clerestory门窗亮子 transom窗框 window frame窗台 sill,cill采光顶 sunroof天窗 sunlight老虎窗 dormer-window通风窗 ventlight落地窗 French window墙壁 wall承重墙 bearing wall隔间 partition空心墙 cavity wall防火隔断(分区) compartmentation剪力墙 shear panel墙裙 wainscot窗间墙 pier幕墙 curtain wall电梯 elevator, lift自动扶梯 escalator地板,楼面 floor夹层楼面 entresol,mezzanine楼座 balcony楼板 slab天花板 ceiling壁炉 andiron,fireplace,grate地下室 basement防火 fire-cut防火门 fire door耐热涂料 heat-resisting paints绝热 heat insulation门槛 head-rail, sill柱子 column,post,pillar柱头 column cap, head斜撑 knee brace悬索 catenary梁 beam基础梁 grade beam钢板梁 plate girder工字梁 I-beam过梁 lintel, lintol, head椽子 purlin基础 foundation碎石垫层 hard core混凝土地基 concrete foundation 基座、柱础 pedestal独立基础 isolated footing放大基础 spreading footing条形基础 strip footing筏式基础 mat foundation浮筏基础 floating foundation 沉箱基础 caisson化粪池 cesspool, septic tank 伸缩缝 expansion joint冷桥 thermal bridge散水 wash, apron披水板 weathering-board桁架 truss组合桁架 composite truss框架 framework模板 formwork拱券 arch穹顶 dome平拱 flat arch筒拱 vault, vaulted roof半圆穹顶 concha瓦 shingle, tile砖 brick瓷砖 ceramic tile玻璃砖 glass blocks大理石 marble花岗岩 granite水磨石 terrazzo砌块 masonry混凝土 concrete预制混凝土 pre-cast concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete钢筋 steel reinforcement水泥 cement抹灰,灰泥 plaster, stucco熟石灰hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆 mortar抹灰层 floated coat饰面 finish木砖 grounds, timber brick石膏 gypsum石膏板 plaster slab夹胶玻璃 plyglass胶合板 plywood, clip-board脚手架 scaffolding悬臂 cantilever叠涩,牛腿 corbel遮阳 sun shading●制图与构图用语草图 sketch, draft图纸 drawing施工图 working drawings工程 project方案 plan总图 grid总平面 site平面 floor立面 elevation正立面 facade剖面 section详图 detail门厅上部 upper foyer比例尺 scale=透视图,表现图 rendering透视 perspective轴测isometric perspectiveAxonometric projection轴线 axis建筑面积 floor area, architecture area 相对标高 relative elevation/level层高,净空 headroom, headway室内 interior室外 exterior室内装修 interior decoration装饰 ornament广场 square, plaza, public square流线 circulation解构 deconstruction空间 space, spatial比例 proportion统一 unity均衡 balance协调 harmony尺度 scale韵律 rhythm风格 style功能 function关系 relationship●房屋House高层建筑high-rise building社区housing complex家舍house茅舍cottage平房one-story house,bungalow,plain-house二楼two-story house公寓(建筑) apartment house公寓(房间) apartment(flat)(英)别墅villa花园洋房garden house寄宿舍dormitory(美)供膳出租房间board and lodging出租房间room for rent(美)乡村旅舍country inn供膳寄宿舍boardinghouse大厦mansions, edifice大楼building预制装配式房屋 pre-fabricate house 小木屋 shack一个单元 one unit车库 garage报告厅auditorium, lecture hall多功能厅multi-use hall阅览室 browsing room, reading room 茶室refreshment room操作间cab, utility room●居住Dwelling套房 suit主人套房 master suit门厅,前厅 lobby大厅 hall, main hall过厅 gallery起居间 living RM,family RM聚会厅gathering RM,keeping RM休息厅 lounge, sitting RM客厅 parlor衣帽间 cloakroom更衣、衣橱间 walk-in-closet, W.I.C.厨房 kitchen餐厅 dinning room早餐厅 nook, breakfast room食品、餐具间 pantry, butlery浴室,洗手间 bathroom盥洗室 toilet room卫生间 water closet, W.C.前室,门厅 foyer寝室,卧房 bedroom主人房 master bedroom书斋,书房 study, library工作室,画室 studio私室,书斋 den化妆室 boudoir, dressing RM, powder RM 婴儿室 nursery客房 guestroom壁厨 closet, ambry洗衣间 laundry room地窖 cellar储藏室 storage健身房 exercise RM服务入口 service entry换鞋处 mud room游艺室 games room活动室 activities room音乐室 music alcove工人房 maid bedroom台球室 billiards room温室 greenhouse●家具Furniture方桌 square table圆桌 round table长方桌 rectangle table伸缩桌 extension table小桌 side table凳子 stool有肘的椅子 armchair摇椅,安乐椅 rocking chair藤椅 rattan chair塑料椅 plastic chair帆布椅 deck chair折椅 folding chair沙发 sofa长椅 couch桌子,餐桌 table玻璃桌子 glass table塑料桌子 acrylic table木制饭桌 wooden-table●庭院Yard家宅院 messuage门廊 porch, covered porch敞廊 loggia前院 front yard(美);forecourt 中院(英) court yard后院 back-yard(美)侧院 quiet yard小庭院 garth天井 patio, patios, hypaethral 花园 garden树篱 hedge围场 enclosure花架 arbor bower草坪 lawn花坛 flowerbed灌木 bush, brush撒水器 sprinkler假山 rockery亭子,阁楼 pavillion小径 path车道 driveway游泳池 pool围墙 fence●前门Front door会发谐音钟声的门door chime 警报器 buzzer门铃 doorbell门环 doorknocker窥孔 peephole门把 knob门柱 doorjamb锁眼 keyhole转门 swinging door折门 fold-away (accordion) door●冷暖气Cooling and heating电风扇electric fan煤气暖炉gas heater (stove)石油暖炉kerosene heater(=stove) 电暖炉electric heater(=stove)暖气片panel heating散热器radiator冷气机air cooler空调机air-conditioner中央暖气central heating(system) 局部暖气space heating●几何名词直线 line曲线 curve圆弧 arc圆 circle椭圆 ellipse三角形 triangle正方形 square矩形 rectangle多边形 polygon螺旋线 spiral平行六面体parallelepiped球体 sphere半球 hemisphere●相关专业名称结构structure电气electric work给排水plumbing暖通HVAC,Heating/Ventilation/Air Condition 城市规划city planning●其他GRC玻璃纤维增强复合材料(Glass-fiber Reinforced Composite) PVC聚氯乙烯建构tectonic风格style古典主义Classicalism哥特复兴式Gothic Revival巴洛克风格Baroque洛可可Rococo文艺复兴Renaissance帕拉迪奥风格Palladian新艺术运动Art Nouveau理性主义Rationalism折衷主义Eclecticism粗野主义Brutalism风格主义Mannerism构成主义Constructivism国际主义风格International Style 功能主义Functionalism表现主义Expressionism现代主义Modernism新古典主义Neo-Classicism可持续建筑 Sustainable Architecture。



Architecture StructureWe have and the architects must deal with the spatial aspect of activity, physical, and symbolic needs in such a way that overall performance integrity is assured. Hence, he or she well wants to think of evolving a building environment as a total system of interacting and space forming subsystems. Is represents a complex challenge, and to meet it the architect will need a hierarchic design process that provides at least three levels of feedback thinking: schematic, preliminary, and final.Such a hierarchy is necessary if he or she is to avoid being confused , at conceptual stages of design thinking ,by the myriad detail issues that can distract attention from more basic considerations .In fact , we can say that an architect’s ability to distinguish the more basic form the more detailed issues is essential to his success as a designer .The object of the schematic feed back level is to generate and evaluate overall site-plan, activity-interaction, and building-configuration options .To do so the architect must be able to focus on the interaction of the basic attributes of the site context, the spatial organization, and the symbolism as determinants of physical form. This means that ,in schematic terms ,the architect may first conceive and model a building design as an organizational abstraction of essential performance-space in he or she may explore the overall space-form implications of the abstraction. As an actual building configuration option begins to emerge, it will be modified to include consideration for basic site conditions.At the schematic stage, it would also be helpful if the designer could visualize his or her options for achieving overall structural integrity and consider the constructive feasibility and economic of his or her scheme .But this will require that the architect and/or a consultant be able to conceptualize total-system structural options in terms of elemental detail .Such overall thinking can be easily fed back to improve the space-form scheme.At the p reliminary level, the architect’s emphasis will shift to the elaboration of his or her more promising schematic design options .Here the architect’s structural needs will shift to approximate design of specific subsystem options. At this stage the total structural scheme is developed to a middle level of specificity by focusing on identification and design of major subsystems to the extent that their key geometric, component, and interactive properties are established .Basic subsystem interaction and design conflicts can thus be identified and resolved in the context of total-system objectives. Consultants can play a significant part in this effort; these preliminary-level decisions may also result in feedback that calls for refinement or even major change in schematic concepts.When the designer and the client are satisfied with the feasibility of a design proposal at the preliminary level, it means that the basic problems of overall design are solved and details are notlikely to produce major change .The focus shifts again ,and the design process moves into the final level .At this stage the emphasis will be on the detailed development of all subsystem specifics . Here the role of specialists from various fields, including structural engineering, is much larger, since all detail of the preliminary design must be worked out. Decisions made at this level may produce feedback into Level II that will result in changes. However, if Levels I and II are handled with insight, the relationship between the overall decisions, made at the schematic and preliminary levels, and the specifics of the final level should be such that gross redesign is not in question, Rather, the entire process should be one of moving in an evolutionary fashion from creation and refinement (or modification) of the more general properties of a total-system design concept, to the fleshing out of requisite elements and details.To summarize: At Level I, the architect must first establish, in conceptual terms, the overall space-form feasibility of basic schematic options. At this stage, collaboration with specialists can be helpful, but only if in the form of overall thinking. At Level II, the architect must be able to identify the major subsystem requirements implied by the scheme and substantial their interactive feasibility by approximating key component properties .That is, the properties of major subsystems need be worked out only in sufficient depth to very the inherent compatibility of their basic form-related and behavioral interaction . This will mean a somewhat more specific form of collaboration with specialists then that in level I .At level III ,the architect and the specific form of collaboration with specialists then that providing for all of the elemental design specifics required to produce biddable construction documents .Of course this success comes from the development of the Structural Material.ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element.It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design. The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved. This is possible because concrete can easily be given any desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixtureof the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned, the finished product becomes strong, durable, and, in combination with the reinforcing bars, adaptable for use as main members of any structural system.The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast: that is, whether it is a column, a bean, a wall, a slab, a foundation. a mass columns, or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete. For beams, columns, and walls, the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them, and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials. In foundations, the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in. in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete. Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type, as the case requires, unless it is placed by pumping. It must be kept in mind, however, that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concrete.Hydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F. It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place. If drying is too rapid, surface cracking takes place. This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydration.It is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element, such as geometrical width, depth, area of reinforcement, steel strain, concrete strain, steel stress, and so on. Consequently, trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections, with assumptions based on conditions at site, availability of the constituent materials, particular demands of the owners, architectural and headroom requirements, the applicable codes, and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite, in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structures.A trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system. The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load. Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section, the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analyses.The trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design. Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen. The availability of handbooks, charts, and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient, compact, and speedy instructional method compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design.2. EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branchof civil engineering, this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast. In 1935 most of the methods now in use for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist. Most earth was moved by narrow rail track, now relatively rare, and the main methods of excavation, with face shovel, backacter, or dragline or grab, though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods. To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines. Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators, loaders and transport is obtainable from the makers.Earthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high ( cuts ), and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low ( fills). Toreduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill. This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness. From the available maps ahd levels, the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork. On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layout,but the drawing lffice work will not have been lost. It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest time.The cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine. This is not always possible, but when it canbe done it is ideal, being both quick and cheap. Draglines, bulldozers and face shovels an do this. The largest radius is obtained with the dragline,and the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer, though only over short disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself, it cannot dig with force into compacted material, it cannot dig on steep slopws, and its dumping and digging are not accurate.Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines, having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines. They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline. Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful, but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovel.Rubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel. They can dig the material deeply ( but only below themselves ) to a fairly flat surface, carry it hundreds of meters if need be, then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping. For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor ( wheeled or tracked ) on the digging site, to push each scraper as it returns to dig. As soon as the scraper is full,the pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraper.Bowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machines;many makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity, which carry 10 m ³ heaped. The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m ³struck capacity ( 25 m ³ heaped )and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powers.Dumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials. Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels, and the container tips forwards on most types, though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied. The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about m ³, and the largest standard types are of about m ³. Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m ³ and the articulated type of about m ³. The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered .dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load. Dump trucks are heavy, strengthened tipping lorries, the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him, so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks.of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures. The “ safety factor ”, which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used, can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions. This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability ( risk ) of failure of the structure.Failure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or, according to a more precise. Common definition. As the reaching of a “ limit state ” which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designed for. There are two categories of limit state :(1)Ultimate limit sate, which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity. Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure; failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism; failure by fatigue; elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure; and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads, to fire and to explosions.(2)Service limit states, which are functions of the use and durability of the structure. Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability; early or excessive cracks; large vibrations; and corrosion.Computational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into:(1)Deterministic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters.(2)Probabilistic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as random parameters.Alternatively, with respect to the different use of factors of safety, computational methods can be separated into:(1)Allowable stress method, in which the stresses computed under maximum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors.(2)Limit states method, in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its maximum strength. This strength, as determined by rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support a factored load equal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ( ultimate state ).The stresses corresponding to working ( service ) conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values ( service limit state ) . From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods, we can obtain some useful computational methods. Generally, two combinations prevail:(1)deterministic methods, which make use of allowable stresses.(2)Probabilistic methods, which make use of limit states.The main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that, at least in theory, it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety, which are then combined to define the safety factor. probabilistic approaches depend upon :(1) Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions of fabrication and erection ( scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure );(2) Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure ( faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure );(3) Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure;(4)Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used ( deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses ).Furthermore, probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors, such as :(1) Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage by its failure;(2)Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure;(3)Possibility and/or likelihood of repairing the structure;(4) Predicted life of the structure.All these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as:(1) Initial cost of the construction;(2) Amortization funds for the duration of the construction;(3) Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction;(4) Adverse impact on society;(5) Moral and psychological views.The definition of all these parameters, for a given safety factor, allows construction at the optimum cost. However, the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account. For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses, of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials, and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known. Furthermore, it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material, on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure. These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways. The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads, without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion. The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifying assumptions ( semi-probabilistic methods ) .建筑结构建筑师必须从一种全局的角度出发去处理建筑设计中应该考虑到的实用活动,物质及象征性的需求。



建筑结构中英文翻译acceptable quality:合格质量acceptance lot:验收批量aciera:钢材admixture:外加剂against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数aggregate:骨料air content:含气量air-dried timber:气干材allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column:砌体墙、柱容许高厚比allowable slenderness ratio of steel member:钢构件容许长细比allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member:受压木构件容许长细比allowable stress range of fatigue:疲劳容许应力幅allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement:钢筋拉应变限值allowable value of crack width:裂缝宽度容许值allowable value of deflection of structural member:构件挠度容许值allowable value of deflection of timber bending member:受弯木构件挠度容许值allowable value of deformation of steel member:钢构件变形容许值allowable value of deformation of structural member:构件变形容许值allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure:抗震结构层间位移角限值amplified coefficient of eccentricity:偏心距增大系数anchorage:锚具anchorage length of steel bar:钢筋锚固长度approval analysis during construction stage:施工阶段验算arch:拱arch with tie rod:拉扞拱arch—shaped roof truss:拱形屋架area of shear plane:剪面面积area of transformed section:换算截面面积aseismic design:建筑抗震设计assembled monolithic concrete structure:装配整体式混凝土结构automatic welding:自动焊接auxiliary steel bar:架立钢筋backfilling plate:垫板balanced depth of compression zone:界限受压区高度balanced eccentricity:界限偏心距bar splice:钢筋接头bark pocket:夹皮batten plate:缀板beam:次梁bearing plane of notch:齿承压面(67)bearing plate:支承板(52)bearing stiffener:支承加劲肋(52)bent-up steel bar:弯起钢筋(35)block:砌块(43)block masonry:砌块砌体(44)block masonry structure:砌块砌体结构(41)blow hole:气孔(62)board:板材(65)bolt:螺栓(54)bolted connection:(钢结构)螺栓连接(59)bolted joint:(木结构)螺栓连接(69)bolted steel structure:螺栓连接钢结构(50)bonded prestressed concrete structure:有粘结预应力混凝土结构(24) bow:顺弯(71)brake member:制动构件(7)breadth of wall between windows:窗间墙宽度(46)brick masonry:砖砌体(44)brick masonry column:砖砌体柱(42)brick masonry structure:砖砌体结构(41)brick masonry wall:砖砌体墙(42)broad—leaved wood:阔叶树材(65)building structural materials:建筑结构材料(17)building structural unit:建筑结构单元(building structure:建筑结构(2built—up steel column:格构式钢柱(51bundled tube structure:成束筒结构(3burn—through:烧穿(62butt connection:对接(59butt joint:对接(70)butt weld:对接焊缝(60)calculating area of compression member:受压构件计算面积(67) calculating overturning point:计算倾覆点(46)calculation of load-carrying capacity of member:构件承载能力计算(10) camber of structural member:结构构件起拱(22)cantilever beam :挑梁(42)cap of reinforced concrete column:钢筋混凝土柱帽(27)carbonation of concrete:混凝土碳化(30)cast-in—situ concrete slab column structure :现浇板柱结构cast-in—situ concrete structure:现浇混凝土结构(25)cavitation:孔洞(39)cavity wall:空斗墙(42)cement:水泥(27)cement content:水泥含量(38)cement mortar:水泥砂浆(43)characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载标准值(14) characteristi cvalue o fwindload:风荷载标准值(16)characteristic value of concrete compressive strength:混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值(30) characteristic value of concrete tensile strength:混凝土轴心抗拉标准值(30) characteristic value of cubic concrete compressive strength:混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值(29)characteristic value of earthquake action:地震作用标准值(16)characteristic value of horizontal crane load:吊车水平荷载标准值(15) characteristic value of masonry strength:砌体强度标准值(44)characteristic value of permanent action·:永久作用标准值(14)characteristic value of snowload:雪荷载标准值(15)characteristic value of strength of steel:钢材强度标准值(55)characteristic value of strength of steel bar:钢筋强度标准值(31)characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load:均布活标载标准值(14) characteristic value of variable action:可变作用标准值(14)characteristic value of vertical crane load:吊车竖向荷载标准值(15)charaeteristic value of material strength:材料强度标准值(18)checking section of log structural member:原木构件计算截面(67)chimney:烟囱(3)circular double—layer suspended cable:圆形双层悬索(6)circular single—layer suspended cable:圆形单层悬索(6)circumferential weld:环形焊缝(60)classfication for earthquake—resistance of buildings :建筑结构抗震设防类别(9) clear height:净高(21)clincher:扒钉(0)coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memher(beam-column) :钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数(58)cold bend inspection of steelbar:冷弯试验(39)cold drawn bar:冷拉钢筋(28)cold drawn wire:冷拉钢丝(29)cold—formed thin—walled sectionsteel:冷弯薄壁型钢(53)cold-formed thin-walled steel structure:冷弯薄壁型钢结构(50)cold—rolled deformed bar:冷轧带肋钢筋(28)column bracing:柱间支撑(7)combination value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载组合值(15) compaction:密实度(37)compliance control:合格控制(23)composite brick masonry member:组合砖砌体构件(42)composite floor system:组合楼盖(8)composite floor with profiled steel sheet:压型钢板楼板(8)composite mortar:混合砂浆(43)composite roof truss:组合屋架(8)compostle member:组合构件(8)compound stirrup:复合箍筋(36)compression member with large eccentricity:大偏心受压构件(32) compression member with small eccentricity:小偏心受压构件(32) compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain:斜纹承压强度(66) compressive strength perpendicular to grain:横纹承压强度(66) concentration of plastic deformation:塑性变形集中(9)conceptual earthquake—resistant design:建筑抗震概念设计(9) concrete:混凝土(17)concrete column:混凝土柱(26)concrete consistence:混凝土稠度(37)concrete floded—plate structure:混凝土折板结构(26)concrete foundation:混凝土基础(27)concrete mix ratio:混凝土配合比(38)concrete wall:混凝土墙(27)concrete-filled steel tubular member:钢管混凝土构件(8)conifer:针叶树材(65)coniferous wood:针叶树材(65)connecting plate:连接板(52)connection:连接(21)connections of steel structure:钢结构连接(59)connections of timber structure:木结构连接(68)consistency of mortar:砂浆稠度(48)constant cross—section column:等截面柱(7)construction and examination concentrated load:施工和检修集中荷载(15) continuous weld:连续焊缝(60)core area of section:截面核芯面积(33)core tube supported structure:核心筒悬挂结构(3)corrosion of steel bar:钢筋锈蚀(39)coupled wall:连肢墙(12)coupler:连接器(37)coupling wall—beam :连梁(12)coupling wall—column:墙肢(12)coursing degree of mortar:砂浆分层度(48)cover plate:盖板(52)covered electrode:焊条(54)crack:裂缝()crack resistance:抗裂度(31)crack width:裂缝宽度(31)crane girder:吊车梁()crane load:吊车荷载(15)creep of concrete:混凝土徐变(30)crook:横弯(71)cross beam:井字梁(6)cup:翘弯curved support:弧形支座(51)cylindrical brick arch:砖筒拱(43)decay:腐朽(71)decay prevention of timber structure:木结构防腐(70)defect in timber:木材缺陷(70)deformation analysis:变形验算(10)degree of gravity vertical for structure or structural member·:结构构件垂直度(40) degree of gravity vertical forwall surface:墙面垂直度(49)degree of plainness for structural memer:构件平整度(40)degree of plainness for wall surface:墙面平整度(49)depth of compression zone:受压区高度(32)depth of neutral axis:中和轴高度(32)depth of notch:齿深(67)design of building structures:建筑结构设计(8)design value of earthquake-resistant strength of materials:材料抗震强度设计值(1 design value of load—carrying capacity of members·:构件承载能力设计值(1 designations 0f steel:钢材牌号(53designvalue of material strength:材料强度设计值(1destructive test:破损试验(40detailing reintorcement:构造配筋(35detailing requirements:构造要求(22diamonding:菱形变形(71)diaphragm:横隔板(52dimensional errors:尺寸偏差(39)distribution factor of snow pressure:屋面积雪分布系数dogspike:扒钉(70)double component concrete column:双肢柱(26)dowelled joint:销连接(69)down-stayed composite beam:下撑式组合粱(8)ductile frame:延性框架(2)dynamic design:动态设计(8)earthquake-resistant design:抗震设计(9:earthquake-resistant detailing requirements:抗震构造要求(22)effective area of fillet weld:角焊缝有效面积(57)effective depth of section:截面有效高度(33)effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt:螺栓(或高强度螺栓)有效直径(57) effective height:计算高度(21)effective length:计算长度(21)effective length of fillet weld:角焊缝有效计算长度(48)effective length of nail:钉有效长度(56)effective span:计算跨度(21)effective supporting length at end of beam:梁端有效支承长度(46)effective thickness of fillet weld:角焊缝有效厚度(48)elastic analysis scheme:弹性方案(46)elastic foundation beam:弹性地基梁(11)elastic foundation plate:弹性地基板(12)elastically supported continuous girder:弹性支座连续梁(u)elasticity modulus of materials:材料弹性模量(18)elongation rate:伸长率(15)embeded parts:预埋件(30)enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength of materials·:局部抗压强度提高系数(14)entrapped air:含气量(38)equilibrium moisture content:平衡含水率(66)equivalent slenderness ratio:换算长细比(57)equivalent uniformly distributed live load:等效均布活荷载(14)etlectlve cross—section area of high-strength bolt:高强度螺栓的有效截面积(58) ettectlve cross—section area of bolt:螺栓有效截面面积(57)euler's critical load:欧拉临界力(56)euler's critical stress:欧拉临界应力(56)excessive penetration:塌陷(62)fiber concrete:纤维混凝仁(28)filler plate:填板门2)fillet weld:角焊缝(61)final setting time:终凝时间()finger joint:指接(69)fired common brick:烧结普通砖(43)fish eye:白点(62)fish—belly beam:角腹式梁(7)fissure:裂缝(0)flexible connection:柔性连接(22)flexural rigidity of section:截面弯曲刚度(19)flexural stiffness of member:构件抗弯刚度(20)floor plate:楼板(6)floor system:楼盖(6)four sides(edges)supported plate:四边支承板(12)frame structure:框架结构(2)frame tube structure:单框筒结构(3)frame tube structure:框架—简体结构(2)frame with sidesway:有侧移框架(12)frame without sidesway:无侧移框架(12)frange plate:翼缘板(52)friction coefficient of masonry:砌体摩擦系数(44)full degree of mortar at bed joint:砂浆饱满度(48)function of acceptance:验收函数(23)gang nail plate joint:钉板连接()glue used for structural timberg:木结构用胶glued joint:胶合接头glued laminated timber:层板胶合木()glued laminated timber structure:层板胶合结构‘61)grider:主梁grip:夹具grith weld:环形焊缝(6)groove:坡口gusset plate:节点板(52)hanger:吊环hanging steel bar:吊筋heartwood :心材heat tempering bar:热处理钢筋(28)height variation factor of wind pressure:风压高度变化系数(16)heliral weld:螺旋形僻缝high—strength bolt:高强度螺栓high—strength bolt with large hexagon bea:大六角头高强度螺栓high—strength bolted bearing type join:承压型高强度螺栓连接,high—strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓连接high—strength bolted friction—type joint:摩擦型高强度螺栓连接high—strength holted steel slsteel structure:高强螺栓连接钢结构hinge support:铰轴支座(51)hinged connection:铰接(21)hlngeless arch:无铰拱(12)hollow brick:空心砖(43)hollow ratio of masonry unit:块体空心率(46)honeycomb:蜂窝(39)hook:弯钩(37)hoop:箍筋(36)hot—rolled deformed bar:热轧带肋钢筋(28)hot—rolled plain bar:热轧光圆钢筋(28)hot-rolled section steel:热轧型钢(53)hunched beam:加腋梁impact toughness:冲击韧性(18)impermeability:抗渗性(38)inclined section:斜截面(33)inclined stirrup:斜向箍筋(36)incomplete penetration:未焊透(61)incomplete tusion:未溶合(61)incompletely filled groove:未焊满(61)indented wire:刻痕钢丝(29)influence coefficient for load—bearing capacity of compression member:受压构件承载能力影响系数(46)influence coefficient for spacial action :空间性能影响系数(46)initial control:初步控制(22)insect prevention of timber structure:木结构防虫inspection for properties of glue used in structural member:结构用胶性能检验(71)inspection for properties of masnory units:块体性能检验(48)inspection for properties of mortar:砂浆性能检验(48)inspection for properties of steelbar:钢筋性能检验(39)integral prefabricated prestressed concrete slab—column structure:整体预应力板柱结构(25)intermediate stiffener:中间加劲肋(53)intermittent weld:断续焊缝(60)joint of reinforcement:钢筋接头(35)key joint:键连接(69)kinetic design:动态设计(8)knot:节子(木节)(70)laced of battened compression member:格构式钢柱(51)lacing and batten elements:缀材(缀件)(51)lacing bar:缀条(51)lamellar tearing:层状撕裂(62)lap connectlon:叠接(搭接)(59)lapped length of steel bar:钢筋搭接长度(36)large pannel concrete structure:混凝土大板结构(25)large-form cocrete structure:大模板结构(26)lateral bending:侧向弯曲(40)lateral displacement stiffness of storey:楼层侧移刚度(20)lateral displacement stiffness of structure:结构侧移刚度(20)lateral force resistant wallstructure:抗侧力墙体结构(12)leg size of fillet weld:角焊缝焊脚尺寸(57)length of shear plane:剪面长度(67)lift—slab structure:升板结构(25)light weight aggregate concrete:轻骨料混凝土(28)limit of acceptance:验收界限(23)limitimg value for local dimension of masonry structure:砌体结构局部尺寸限值(47) limiting value for sectional dimension:截面尺寸限值(47)limiting value for supporting length:支承长度限值(47)limiting value for total height of masonry structure :砌体结构总高度限值(47) linear expansion coeffcient:线膨胀系数(18)lintel:过梁(7)load bearing wall:承重墙(7)load-carrying capacity per bolt:单个普通螺栓承载能力(56)load—carrying capacity per high—strength holt:单个高强螺桂承载能力(56) load—carrying capacity per rivet:单个铆钉承载能力(55)log:原木(65)log timberstructure:原木结构(64)long term rigidity of member:构件长期刚度(32)longitude horizontal bracing:纵向水平支撑(5)longitudinal steel bar:纵向钢筋(35)longitudinal stiffener:纵向加劲肋(53)longitudinal weld:纵向焊缝(60)losses of prestress:‘预应力损失(33)lump material:块体(42)main axis:强轴(56)main beam:主梁(6)major axis:强轴(56)manual welding:手工焊接(59)manufacture control:生产控制(22)map cracking:龟裂(39)masonry:砌体(17)masonry lintel:砖过梁(43)masonry member:无筋砌体构件(41)masonry units:块体(43)masonry—concrete structure:砖混结构masonry—timber structure:砖木结构(11)mechanical properties of materials:材料力学性能(17)melt—thru:烧穿(62)method of sampling:抽样方法(23)minimum strength class of masonry:砌体材料最低强度等级(47)minor axls:弱轴(56)mix ratio of mortar:砂浆配合比(48)mixing water:拌合水(27)modified coefficient for allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of masonry wall :砌体墙容许高厚比修正系数(47)modified coefficient of flexural strength for timber curved mem :弧形木构件抗弯强度修正系数(68)modulus of elasticity of concrete:混凝土弹性模量(30)modulus of elasticity parellel to grain:顺纹弹性模量(66)moisture content:含水率(66)moment modified factor:弯矩调幅系数monitor frame:天窗架mortar:砂浆multi—defence system of earthquake—resistant building·:多道设防抗震建筑multi—tube supported suspended structure:多筒悬挂结构nailed joint:钉连接,net height:净高lnet span:净跨度net water/cementratio:净水灰比non-destructive inspection of weld:焊缝无损检验non-destructive test:非破损检验non-load—bearingwall:非承重墙non—uniform cross—section beam:变截面粱non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement:纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数normal concrete:普通混凝土normal section:正截面notch and tooth joint:齿连接number of sampling:抽样数量obligue section:斜截面oblique—angle fillet weld:斜角角焊缝one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab:单向板open web roof truss:空腹屋架,ordinary concrete:普通混凝土(28)ordinary steel bar:普通钢筋(29)orthogonal fillet weld:直角角焊缝(61)outstanding width of flange:翼缘板外伸宽度(57)outstanding width of stiffener:加劲肋外伸宽度(57)over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam:钢梁整体稳定系数(58) overlap:焊瘤(62)overturning or slip resistance analysis :抗倾覆、滑移验算(10)padding plate:垫板(52)partial penetrated butt weld:不焊透对接焊缝(61)partition:非承重墙(7)penetrated butt weld:透焊对接焊缝(60)percentage of reinforcement:配筋率(34)perforated brick:多孔砖(43)pilastered wall:带壁柱墙(42)pit:凹坑(62)pith:髓心plain concrete structure:素混凝土结构(24)plane hypothesis:平截面假定(32)plane structure:平面结构(11)plane trussed lattice grids:平面桁架系网架(5)plank:板材(65)plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section:截面塑性发展系数(58)plastic design of steel structure:钢结构塑性设计(56)plastic hinge:塑性铰(13)plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone:受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数(34)plate—like space frame:干板型网架(5)plate—like space truss:平板型网架(5)plug weld:塞焊缝(60)plywood:胶合板(65)plywood structure:胶合板结构(64)pockmark:麻面(39)polygonal top-chord roof truss :多边形屋架(4)post—tensioned prestressed concrete structure:后张法预应力混凝土结构(24) precast reinforced concrete member:预制混凝土构件(26)prefabricated concrete structure:装配式混凝土结构(25)presetting time:初凝时间(38)prestressed concrete structure:预应力混凝土结构(24)prestressed steel structure:预应力钢结构(50)prestressed tendon:预应力筋<29)pre—tensioned prestressed concrete structure:先张法预应力混凝土结构(24)primary control:初步控制(22)production control:生产控制(22)properties of fresh concrete:可塑混凝土性能(37)properties of hardened concrete:硬化混凝土性能(38)property of building structural materials:建筑结构材料性能(17)purlin:檩条(4)qlue timber structurer:胶合木结构(㈠)quality grade of structural timber:木材质量等级(0)quality grade of weld:焊缝质量级别(61)quality inspection of bolted connection:螺栓连接质量检验(63)quality inspection of masonry:砌体质量检验(48)quality inspection of riveted connection:铆钉连接质量检验(63)quasi—permanent value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载准永久值(15) radial check:辐裂(70)ratio of axial compressive force to axial compressive ultimate capacity of section:轴压比(35)ratio of height to sectional thickness of wall or column:砌体墙柱高、厚比(48) ratio of reinforcement:配筋率(34)ratio of shear span to effective depth of section:剪跨比(35)redistribution of internal force:内力重分布(13)reducing coefficient of compressive strength in sloping grain for bolted connection:螺栓连接斜纹承压强度降低系数(68)reducing coefficient of liveload:活荷载折减系数(14)reducing coefficient of shearing strength for notch and tooth connection:齿连接抗剪强度降低系数(68)regular earthquake—resistant building:规则抗震建筑(9)reinforced concrete deep beam:混凝土深梁(26)reinforced concrete slender beam:混凝土浅梁(26)reinforced concrete structure:钢筋混凝土结构(24)reinforced masonry structure:配筋砌体结构(41)reinforcement ratio:配筋率(34)reinforcement ratio per unit volume:体积配筋率(35)relaxation of prestressed tendon:预应筋松弛(31)representative value of gravity load:重力荷载代表值(17)resistance to abrasion:耐磨性(38)resistance to freezing and thawing:抗冻融性(39)resistance to water penetration:抗渗性(38)reveal of reinforcement:露筋(39)right—angle filletweld:直角角焊缝(61)rigid analysis scheme:刚性方案(45)rigid connection:刚接(21)rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙(42)rigid zone:刚域(13)rigid-elastic analysis scheme:刚弹性方案(45)rigidity of section:截面刚度(19)rigidly supported continous girder:刚性支座连续梁(11)ring beam:圈梁(42)rivet:铆钉(55)riveted connecction:铆钉连接(60)riveted steel beam:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel girder:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel structure:铆接钢结构(50)rolle rsupport:滚轴支座(51)rolled steel beam:轧制型钢梁(51)roof board:屋面板(3)roof bracing system:屋架支撑系统(4)roof girder:屋面梁(4)roof plate:屋面板(3)roof slab:屋面板(3)roof system:屋盖(3)roof truss:屋架(4)rot:腐朽(71)round wire:光圆钢丝(29)safety classes of building structures:建筑结构安全等级(9) safetybolt:保险螺栓(69)sapwood:边材(65)sawn lumber+A610:方木(65)sawn timber structure:方木结构(64)saw-tooth joint failure:齿缝破坏(45)scarf joint:斜搭接(70)seamless steel pipe:无缝钢管(54)seamless steel tube:无缝钢管(54)second moment of area of tranformed section:换算截面惯性矩(34) second order effect due to displacement:挠曲二阶效应(13) secondary axis:弱轴(56)secondary beam:次粱(6)section modulus of transformed section:换算截面模量(34) section steel:型钢(53)semi-automatic welding:半自动焊接(59)separated steel column:分离式钢柱(51)setting time:凝结时间(38)shake:环裂(70)shapefactorofwindload:风荷载体型系数(16)shear plane:剪面(67)shearing rigidity of section:截面剪变刚度(19)shearing stiffness of member:构件抗剪刚度(20)short stiffener:短加劲肋(53)short term rigidity of member:构件短期刚度(31)shrinkage:干缩(71)shrinkage of concrete:混凝干收缩(30)silos:贮仓(3)skylight truss:天窗架(4)slab:楼板(6)slab—column structure:板柱结构(2)slag inclusion:夹渣(61)sloping grain:‘斜纹(70)slump:坍落度(37)snow reference pressure:基本雪压(16)solid—web steel column:实腹式钢柱(space structure:空间结构(11)space suspended cable:悬索(5)spacing of bars:钢筋间距(33)spacing of rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙间距(46)spacing of stirrup legs:箍筋肢距(33)spacing of stirrups:箍筋间距(33)specified concrete:特种混凝上(28)spiral stirrup:螺旋箍筋(36)spiral weld:螺旋形焊缝(60)split ringjoint:裂环连接(69)square pyramid space grids:四角锥体网架(5)stability calculation:稳定计算(10)stability reduction coefficient of axially loaded compression:轴心受压构件稳定系数<13)stair:楼梯(8)static analysis scheme of building:房屋静力汁算方案(45)static design:房屋静力汁算方案(45)statically determinate structure:静定结构(11)statically indeterminate structure:超静定结构(11)sted:钢材(17)steel bar:钢筋(28)steel column component:钢柱分肢(51)steel columnbase:钢柱脚(51)steel fiber reinforced concrete structure:钢纤维混凝土结构(26)steel hanger:吊筋(37)steel mesh reinforced brick masonry member:方格网配筋砖砌体构件(41)steel plate:钢板(53)steel plateelement:钢板件(52)steel strip:钢带(53)steel support:钢支座(51)steel tie:拉结钢筋(36)steel tie bar for masonry:砌体拉结钢筋(47)steel tube:钢管(54)steel tubular structure:钢管结构(50)steel wire:钢丝(28)stepped column:阶形柱(7)stiffener:加劲肋(52)stiffness of structural member:构件刚度(19)stiffness of transverse wall:横墙刚度(45)stirrup:箍筋(36)stone:石材(44)stone masonry:石砌体(44)stone masonry structure:石砌体结构(41)storev height:层高(21)straight—line joint failure:通缝破坏(45)straightness of structural member:构件乎直度(71)strand:钢绞线(2)strength classes of masonry units:块体强度等级(44)strength classes of mortar:砂浆强度等级(44)strength classes of structural steel:钢材强度等级(55)strength classes of structural timber:木材强度等级(66)strength classes(grades) of concrete:混凝土强度等级(29)strength classes(grades) of prestressed tendon:预应力筋强度等级(30) strength classes(grades) of steel bar :普通钢筋强度等级(30)strength of structural timber parallel to grain:木材顺纹强度(66) strongaxis:强轴(56)structural system composed of bar:杆系结构(11)structural system composed of plate:板系结构(12)structural wall:结构墙(7)superposed reinforced concrete flexural member:叠合式混凝土受弯构件(26) suspended crossed cable net:双向正交索网结构(6)suspended structure:悬挂结构(3)swirl grain:涡纹()tensile(compressive) rigidity of section:截面拉伸(压缩)刚度(19)tensile(compressive) stiffness of member:构件抗拉(抗压)刚度(20)tensile(ultimate) strength of steel:钢材(钢筋)抗拉(极限)强度(18)test for properties of concrete structural members:构件性能检验(40):thickness of concrete cover:混凝土保护层厚度(33)thickness of mortarat bed joint:水平灰缝厚度(49)thin shell:薄壳(6)three hinged arch:三铰拱(n)tie bar:拉结钢筋(36)tie beam 系梁(22)tie tod:系杆(5)tied framework:绑扎骨架(35)timber:木材(17)timber roof truss:木屋架(64)tor-shear type high-strength bolt:扭剪型高强度螺栓(54)torsional rigidity of section:截面扭转刚度(19)torsional stiffness of member:构件抗扭刚度(20)total breadth of structure:结构总宽度(21)total height of structure:结构总高度(21)total length of structure:结构总长度(21)transmission length of prestress:预应力传递长度(36)transverse horizontal bracing:横向水平支撑(4)transverse stiffener:横向加劲肋(53)transverse weld:横向焊缝(60)transversely distributed steelbar:横向分布钢筋(36)trapezoid roof truss:梯形屋架(4)triangular pyramid space grids:三角锥体网架(5)triangular roof truss:三角形屋架(4)trussed arch:椽架(64)trussed rafter:桁架拱(5)tube in tube structure:筒中筒结构(3)tube structure:简体结构(2)twist:扭弯(71)two hinged arch:双铰拱(11)two sides(edges) supported plate:两边支承板(12)two—way reinforced (or prestressed) concrete slab:混凝土双向板(27)ultimate compressive strain of concrete:混凝土极限压应变(31)unbonded prestressed concrete structure:无粘结预应力混凝土结构(25)undercut:咬边(62)uniform cross—section beam:等截面粱(6)unseasoned timber:湿材(65)upper flexible and lower rigid complex multistorey building:上柔下刚多层房屋(45) upper rigid lower flexible complex multistorey building:上刚下柔多层房屋(45) value of decompression prestress :预应力筋消压预应力值(33)value of effective prestress:预应筋有效预应力值(33)verification of serviceability limit states:正常使用极限状态验证(10)verification of ultimate limit states :承载能极限状态验证(10)vertical bracing:竖向支撑(5)vierendal roof truss:空腹屋架(4)visual examination of structural member:构件外观检查(39)visual examination of structural steel member:钢构件外观检查(63) visual examination of weld:焊缝外观检查(62)wall beam:墙梁(42)wall frame:壁式框架(门)wall—slab structure:墙板结构(2)warping:翘曲(40)warping rigidity of section:截面翘曲刚度(19)water retentivity of mortar:砂浆保水性(48)water tower:水塔(3)water/cement ratio:水灰比(3g)weak axis:弱轴(56)weak region of earthquake—resistant building:抗震建筑薄弱部位(9) web plate:腹板(52)weld:焊缝(6)weld crack:焊接裂纹(62)weld defects:焊接缺陷(61)weld roof:焊根(61)weld toe:焊趾(61)weldability of steel bar:钢筋可焊性(39)welded framework:焊接骨架()welded steel beam:焊接钢梁(welded steel girder:焊接钢梁(52)welded steel pipe:焊接钢管(54)welded steel strueture:焊接钢结构(50)welding connection:焊缝连接(59)welding flux:焊剂(54)welding rod:焊条(54)welding wire:焊丝(54)wind fluttering factor:风振系数(16)wind reference pressure:基本风压(16)wind—resistant column:抗风柱wood roof decking:屋面木基层(64)yield strength (yield point) of steel:钢材(钢筋)屈服强度(屈服点)。



・房屋各部分Parts of house屋面roof屋脊ridge坡屋顶pitched roof单坡屋顶pent roof, lean-to roof 人字屋顶gable roof四坡顶hipped roof屋面排水沟valley卷材防水屋面membrane roof找平层screed-coat防水层damp-proof course 泛水flashing屋顶层garret阁楼penthouse, loft, attic天台roof-deck晒台drying stage组合烟囱chimney stack屋檐eave屋面排水roofing drainage檐沟,明沟gutter水落管down-pipe, downspout 雨棚canopy, awning 柱廊colonnade走廊corridor中庭atrium山墙gable女儿墙parapet山花pediment隅石砌quoins阳台balcony, veranda阳台栏杆balustrade阳台栏杆柱baluster, banister平台terrace台阶steps梯子ladder梯级step楼梯staircase(=step)楼梯踏步平板tread楼梯踏步竖板riser楼梯休息平台landing直角转弯平台quarter-space landing 梯宽run of stair梯高rise of stair楼梯扶手rail, railing回转梯 corkscrew staircase, caracole踏步突沿nosing窗子window百叶窗blinds, louvers 旋转窗balance window平开窗,窗叶casement窗扇sash中旋窗awning window上下推拉窗double-hung window 屋顶通气窗clerestory门窗亮子transom窗木框window frame窗台sill, cill采光顶sunroof天窗sunlight老虎窗dormer-window通风窗ventlight落地窗French window墙壁wall承重墙bearing wall隔间partition空心墙cavity wall防火隔断(分区)compartmentation 剪力墙shear panel墙裙wainscot窗间墙pier幕墙curtain wall电梯elevator, lift自动扶梯escalator地板,楼面 floor夹层楼面entresol, mezzanine 楼座balcony楼板slab天花板ceiling壁炉andiron, fireplace,grate地下室basement防火fire-cut防火门fire door耐热涂料heat-resisting paints绝热heat insulation 门槛head-rail, sill柱子column, post,pillar柱头column cap, head斜撑knee brace悬索catenary梁beam基础梁grade beam钢板梁plate girder工字梁I-beam过梁lintel, lintol, head 椽子purlin基础foundation碎石垫层hard core混凝土地基concrete foundation 基座、柱础pedestal独立基础isolated footing放大基础spreading footing条形基础strip footing筏式基础mat foundation浮筏基础floating foundation 沉箱基础caisson化粪池cesspool, septic tank伸缩缝expansion joint冷桥thermal bridge散水wash, apron披水板weathering-board 桁架truss组合桁架composite truss框架framework模板formwork拱券arch穹顶dome平拱flat arch筒拱vault, vaulted roof 半圆穹顶concha瓦shingle, tile砖brick瓷砖ceramic tile玻璃砖glass blocks大理石marble花岗岩granite水磨石terrazzo砌块masonry混凝土concrete预制混凝土pre- cast concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 钢筋steel reinforcement 水泥cement抹灰,灰泥plaster, stucco熟石灰 hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆mortar抹灰层floated coat饰面finish木砖grounds, timber brick 石膏gypsum石膏板plaster slab夹胶玻璃plyglass胶合板plywood, clip-board 脚手架scaffolding悬臂cantilever叠涩,牛腿corbel遮阳sun shading・制图与构图用语草图sketch, draft图纸drawing施工图working drawings工程project、 1 一:一, 方案plan总图grid总平面site平面floorelevation立面正立面facade剖面section详图detail门厅上部upper foyer比例尺scale二透视图,表现图rendering透视perspective轴测isometric perspectiveAxonometric projection轴线axis 建筑面积 floor area, architecture area 相对标高relative elevation/level层高,净空 headroom, headway室内interior室外exterior室内装修interior decoration 装饰ornament广场 square, plaza, public square 流线circulation解构deconstruction空间space, spatial比例proportion统一unity均衡balance协调harmony高层建筑high-rise building 社区housing complex 家舍house 茅舍cottage 平房 one-story house , bungalow ,plain-house二楼 two-story house 公寓(建筑) apartment house公寓(房间) apartment (flat )(英) 别墅villa 花园洋房garden house 寄宿舍 dormitory (美)出租房间room for rent (美) 乡村旅舍 country inn供膳寄宿舍 boardinghouse大厦mansions, edifice 大楼 building预制装配式房屋pre-fabricate house 小木屋尺度韵律风格功能关系・房屋 Housescale rhythm style function relationship 供膳出租房间board and lodgingshack一个单元one unit 车库garage报告厅auditorium, lecture hall多功能厅multi-use hall阅览室 browsing room, reading room茶室refreshment room操作间cab, utility room・居住 Dwelling套房suit主人套房master suit门厅,前厅lobby大厅hall, main hall过厅gallery起居间living RM, family RM 聚会厅 gathering RM, keeping RM休息厅lounge, sitting RM客厅parlor衣帽间cloakroom更衣、衣橱间 walk-in-closet, W.I.C.厨房kitchen餐厅dinning room早餐厅nook, breakfast room食品、餐具间 pantry, butlery浴室,洗手间bathroom盥洗室toilet room卫生间water closet, W.C.前室,门厅foyer寝室,卧房bedroom主人房master bedroom 书斋,书房study, library 工作室,画室studio私室,书斋den化妆室boudoir, dressing RM, powder RM婴儿室nursery客房guestroom壁厨closet, ambry 洗衣间laundry room地窖cellar储藏室storage健身房exercise RM服务入口service entry 换鞋处mud room游艺室games room活动室activities room 音乐室music alcove工人房maid bedroom台球室billiards room 温室greenhouse•家具 Furniture方桌square table圆桌round table长方桌rectangle table伸缩桌小桌凳子有肘的椅子摇椅,安乐椅藤椅塑料椅帆布椅折椅沙发长椅桌子,餐桌玻璃桌子塑料桌子木制饭桌table glass tableacrylic tablewooden-table extension table side tablestool armchair rocking chair rattan chair plastic chair deck chair folding chair sofa couch。



Aacceptable quality:合格质量acceptance lot:验收批量aciera:钢材admixture:外加剂against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数aggregate:骨料air content:含气量air-dried timber:气干材allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column:砌体墙、柱容许高厚比allowable slenderness ratio of steel member:钢构件容许长细比allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member:受压木构件容许长细比allowable stress range of fatigue:疲劳容许应力幅allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement:钢筋拉应变限值allowable value of crack width:裂缝宽度容许值allowable value of deflection of structural member:构件挠度容许值allowable value of deflection of timber bending member:受弯木构件挠度容许值allowable value of deformation of steel member:钢构件变形容许值allowable value of deformation of structural member:构件变形容许值allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure:抗震结构层间位移角限值amplified coefficient of eccentricity:偏心距增大系数anchorage:锚具anchorage length of steel bar:钢筋锚固长度approval analysis during construction stage:施工阶段验算arch:拱arch with tie rod:拉捍拱arch—shaped roof truss:拱形屋架area of shear plane:剪面面积area of transformed section:换算截面面积aseismic design:建筑抗震设计assembled monolithic concrete structure:装配整体式混凝土结构automatic welding:自动焊接auxiliary steel bar:架立钢筋Bbackfilling plate:垫板balanced depth of compression zone:界限受压区高度balanced eccentricity:界限偏心距bar splice:钢筋接头bark pocket:夹皮batten plate:缀板beam:次梁bearing plane of notch:齿承压面(67)bearing plate:支承板(52)bearing stiffener:支承加劲肋(52)bent-up steel bar:弯起钢筋(35)block:砌块(43)block masonry:砌块砌体(44)block masonry structure:砌块砌体结构(41)blow hole:气孔(62)board:板材(65)bolt:螺栓(54)bolted connection:(钢结构)螺栓连接(59)bolted joint:(木结构)螺栓连接(69)bolted steel structure:螺栓连接钢结构(50)bonded prestressed concrete structure:有粘结预应力混凝土结构(24) bow:顺弯(71)brake member:制动构件(7)breadth of wall between windows:窗间墙宽度(46)brick masonry:砖砌体(44)brick masonry column:砖砌体柱(42)brick masonry structure:砖砌体结构(41)brick masonry wall:砖砌体墙(42)broad—leaved wood:阔叶树材(65)building structural materials:建筑结构材料(17)building structural unit:建筑结构单元(building structure:建筑结构(2built—up steel column:格构式钢柱(51bundled tube structure:成束筒结构(3burn—through:烧穿(62butt connection:对接(59butt joint:对接(70)butt weld:对接焊缝(60)Ccalculating area of compression member:受压构件计算面积(67) calculating overturning point:计算倾覆点(46)calculation of load-carrying capacity of member:构件承载能力计算(10) camber of structural member:结构构件起拱(22)cantilever beam :挑梁(42)cap of reinforced concrete column:钢筋混凝土柱帽(27)carbonation of concrete:混凝土碳化(30)cast-in—situ concrete slab column structure :现浇板柱结构cast-in—situ concrete structure:现浇混凝土结构(25)cavitation:孔洞(39)cavity wall:空斗墙(42)cement:水泥(27)cement content:水泥含量(38)cement mortar:水泥砂浆(43)characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载标准值(14) characteristi cvalue o fwindload:风荷载标准值(16)characteristic value of concrete compressive strength:混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值(30) characteristic value of concrete tensile strength:混凝土轴心抗拉标准值(30) characteristic value of cubic concrete compressive strength:混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值(2 9)characteristic value of earthquake action:地震作用标准值(16)characteristic value of horizontal crane load:吊车水平荷载标准值(15)characteristic value of masonry strength:砌体强度标准值(44)characteristic value of permanent action·:永久作用标准值(14)characteristic value of snowload:雪荷载标准值(15)characteristic value of strength of steel:钢材强度标准值(55)characteristic value of strength of steel bar:钢筋强度标准值(31)characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load:均布活标载标准值(14) characteristic value of variable action:可变作用标准值(14)characteristic value of vertical crane load:吊车竖向荷载标准值(15)charaeteristic value of material strength:材料强度标准值(18)checking section of log structural member·,:原木构件计算截面(67)chimney:烟囱(3)circular double—layer suspended cable:圆形双层悬索(6)circular single—layer suspended cable:圆形单层悬索(6)circumferential weld:环形焊缝(60)classfication for earthquake—resistance of buildings·:建筑结构抗震设防类别(9)clear height:净高(21)clincher:扒钉(?0)coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memher(beam-colum n) :钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数(58)cold bend inspection of steelbar:冷弯试验(39)cold drawn bar:冷拉钢筋(28)cold drawn wire:冷拉钢丝(29)cold—formed thin—walled sectionsteel:冷弯薄壁型钢(53)cold-formed thin-w al l ed steel st ructure·…:冷弯薄壁型钢结构(50)cold—rolled deformed bar:冷轧带肋钢筋(28)column bracing:柱间支撑(7)combination value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载组合值(15) compaction:密实度(37)compliance control:合格控制(23)composite brick masonry member:组合砖砌体构件(42)composite floor system:组合楼盖(8)composite floor with profiled steel sheet:压型钢板楼板(8)composite mortar:混合砂浆(43)composite roof truss:组合屋架(8)compostle member:组合构件(8)compound stirrup:复合箍筋(36)compression member with large eccentricity·:大偏心受压构件(32) compression member with small eccentricity·:小偏心受压构件(32) compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain:斜纹承压强度(66) compressive strength perpendicular to grain:横纹承压强度(66) concentration of plastic deformation:塑性变形集中(9)conceptual earthquake—resistant design:建筑抗震概念设计(9)concrete:混凝土(17)concrete column:混凝土柱(26)concrete consistence:混凝土稠度(37)concrete floded—plate structure:混凝土折板结构(26)concrete foundation:混凝土基础(27)concrete mix ratio:混凝土配合比(38)concrete wall:混凝土墙(27)concrete-filled steel tubular member:钢管混凝土构件(8)conifer:针叶树材(65)coniferous wood:针叶树材(65)connecting plate:连接板(52)connection:连接(21)connections of steel structure:钢结构连接(59)connections of timber structDdecay:腐朽(71)decay prevention of timber structure:木结构防腐(70)defect in timber:木材缺陷(70)deformation analysis:变形验算(10)degree of gravity vertical for structure or structural member·:结构构件垂直度(40) degree of gravity vertical forwall surface:墙面垂直度(49)degree of plainness for structural memer:构件平整度(40)degree of plainness for wall surface:墙面平整度(49)depth of compression zone:受压区高度(32)depth of neutral axis:中和轴高度(32)depth of notch:齿深(67)design of building structures:建筑结构设计(8)design value of earthquake-resistant strength of materials:材料抗震强度设计值(1 design value of load—carrying capacity of members·:构件承载能力设计值(1 designations 0f steel:钢材牌号(53designvalue of material strength:材料强度设计值(1destructive test:破损试验(40detailing reintorcement:构造配筋(35detailing requirements:构造要求(22diamonding:菱形变形(71)diaphragm:横隔板(52dimensional errors:尺寸偏差(39)distribution factor of snow pressure:屋面积雪分布系数dogspike:扒钉(70)double component concrete column:双肢柱(26)dowelled joint:销连接(69)down-stayed composite beam:下撑式组合粱(8)ductile frame:延性框架(2)dynamic design:动态设计(8)Eearthquake-resistant design:抗震设计(9:earthquake-resistant detailing requirements:抗震构造要求(22)effective area of fillet weld:角焊缝有效面积(57)effective depth of section:截面有效高度(33)effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt·:螺栓(或高强度螺栓)有效直径(57) effective height:计算高度(21)effective length:计算长度(21)effective length of fillet weld:角焊缝有效计算长度(48)effective length of nail:钉有效长度(56)effective span:计算跨度(21)effective supporting length at end of beam:梁端有效支承长度(46)effective thickness of fillet weld:角焊缝有效厚度(48)elastic analysis scheme:弹性方案(46)elastic foundation beam:弹性地基梁(11)elastic foundation plate:弹性地基板(12)elastically supported continuous girder·:弹性支座连续梁(u)elasticity modulus of materials:材料弹性模量(18)elongation rate:伸长率(15)embeded parts:预埋件(30)enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength of materials·:局部抗压强度提高系数(14) entrapped air:含气量(38)equilibrium moisture content:平衡含水率(66)equivalent slenderness ratio:换算长细比(57)equivalent uniformly distributed live load·:等效均布活荷载(14)etlectlve cross—section area of high-strength bolt·:高强度螺栓的有效截面积(58) ettectlve cross—section area of bolt:螺栓有效截面面积(57)euler‟s cri t i cal l oad:欧拉临界力(56)euler‟s cri t i cal st ress:欧拉临界应力(56)excessive penetration:塌陷(62)Ffiber concrete:纤维混凝仁(28)filler plate:填板门2)fillet weld:角焊缝(61)final setting time:终凝时间()finger joint:指接(69)fired common brick:烧结普通砖(43)fish eye:白点(62)fish—belly beam:角腹式梁(7)fissure:裂缝(?0)flexible connection:柔性连接(22)flexural rigidity of section:截面弯曲刚度(19)flexural stiffness of member:构件抗弯刚度(20)floor plate:楼板(6)floor system:楼盖(6)four sides(edges)supported plate:四边支承板(12)frame structure:框架结构(2)frame tube structure:单框筒结构(3)frame tube structure:框架—简体结构(2)frame with sidesway:有侧移框架(12)frame without sidesway:无侧移框架(12)frange plate:翼缘板(52)friction coefficient of masonry:砌体摩擦系数(44)full degree of mortar at bed joint:砂浆饱满度(48)function of acceptance:验收函数(23)Ggang nail plate joint:钉板连接()glue used for structural timberg:木结构用胶glued joint:胶合接头glued laminated timber:层板胶合木(¨)glued laminated timber structure:层板胶合结构…61)grider:主梁((㈠grip:夹具grith weld:环形焊缝(6÷))groove:坡口gusset plate:节点板(52)Hhanger:吊环hanging steel bar:吊筋heartwood :心材heat tempering bar:热处理钢筋(28)height variation factor of wind pressure:风压高度变化系数(16) heliral weld:螺旋形僻缝high—strength bolt:高强度螺栓high—strength bolt with large hexagon bea:大六角头高强度螺栓high—strength bolted bearing type join:承压型高强度螺栓连接,high—strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓连接high—strength bolted friction—type joint:摩擦型高强度螺栓连接high—strength holted steel slsteel structure:高强螺栓连接钢结构hinge support:铰轴支座(51)hinged connection:铰接(21)hlngeless arch:无铰拱(12)hollow brick:空心砖(43)hollow ratio of masonry unit:块体空心率(46)honeycomb:蜂窝(39)hook:弯钩(37)hoop:箍筋(36)hot—rolled deformed bar:热轧带肋钢筋(28)hot—rolled plain bar:热轧光圆钢筋(28)hot-rolled section steel:热轧型钢(53)hunched beam:加腋梁(?)Iimpact toughness:冲击韧性(18)impermeability:抗渗性(38)inclined section:斜截面(33)inclined stirrup:斜向箍筋(36)incomplete penetration:未焊透(61)incomplete tusion:未溶合(61)incompletely filled groove:未焊满(61)indented wire:刻痕钢丝(29)influence coefficient for load—bearing capacity of compression member:受压构件承载能力影响系数(46)influence coefficient for spacial action :空间性能影响系数(46)initial control:初步控制(22)insect prevention of timber structure:木结构防虫(?o)inspection for properties of glue used in structural member:结构用胶性能检验(71) inspection for properties of masnory units:块体性能检验(48)inspection for properties of mortar:砂浆性能检验(48)inspection for properties of steelbar:钢筋性能检验(39)integral prefabricated prestressed concrete slab—column structure:整体预应力板柱结构(25) intermediate stiffener:中间加劲肋(53)intermittent weld:断续焊缝(60)Jjoint of reinforcement:钢筋接头(35)Kkey joint:键连接(69)kinetic design:动态设计(8)knot:节子(木节)(70)Llaced of battened compression member:格构式钢柱(51)lacing and batten elements:缀材(缀件)(51)lacing bar:缀条(51)lamellar tearing:层状撕裂(62)lap connectlon:叠接(搭接)(59)lapped length of steel bar:钢筋搭接长度(36)large pannel concrete structure:混凝土大板结构(25)large-form cocrete structure:大模板结构(26)lateral bending:侧向弯曲(40)lateral displacement stiffness of storey:楼层侧移刚度(20)lateral displacement stiffness of structure·:结构侧移刚度(20)lateral force resistant wallstructure:抗侧力墙体结构(12)leg size of fillet weld:角焊缝焊脚尺寸(57)length of shear plane:剪面长度(67)lift—slab structure:升板结构(25)light weight aggregate concrete:轻骨料混凝土(28)limit of acceptance:验收界限(23)limitimg value for local dimension of masonry structure·:砌体结构局部尺寸限值(47) limiting value for sectional dimension:截面尺寸限值(47)limiting value for supporting length:支承长度限值(47)limiting value for total height of masonry structure·:砌体结构总高度限值(47)linear expansion coeffcient:线膨胀系数(18)lintel:过梁(7)load bearing wall:承重墙(7)load-carrying capacity per bolt:单个普通螺栓承载能力(56)load—carrying capacity per high—strength holt:单个高强螺桂承载能力(56) load—carrying capacity per rivet:单个铆钉承载能力(55)log:原木(65)log timberstructure:原木结构(64)long term rigidity of member:构件长期刚度(32)longitude horizontal bracing:纵向水平支撑(5)longitudinal steel bar:纵向钢筋(35)longitudinal stiffener:纵向加劲肋(53)longitudinal weld:纵向焊缝(60)losses of prestress:…预应力损失(33)lump material:块体(42)Mmain axis:强轴(56)main beam·:主梁(6)major axis:强轴(56)manual welding:手工焊接(59)manufacture control:生产控制(22)map cracking:龟裂(39)masonry:砌体(17)masonry lintel:砖过梁(43)masonry member:无筋砌体构件(41)masonry units:块体(43)masonry—concrete structure:砖混结构(¨)masonry—timber structure:砖木结构(11)mechanical properties of materials·:材料力学性能(17)melt—thru:烧穿(62)method of sampling:抽样方法(23)minimum strength class of masonry:砌体材料最低强度等级(47)minor axls·:弱轴(56)mix ratio of mortar:砂浆配合比(48)mixing water:拌合水(27)modified coefficient for allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of masonry wall :砌体墙容许高厚比修正系数(47)modified coefficient of flexural strength for timber curved mem—:弧形木构件抗弯强度修正系数(68)modulus of elasticity of concrete:混凝土弹性模量(30)modulus of elasticity parellel to grain:顺纹弹性模量(66)moisture content:含水率(66)moment modified factor:弯矩调幅系数monitor frame:天窗架mortar:砂浆multi—defence system of earthquake—resistant building·:多道设防抗震建筑multi—tube supported suspended structure:多筒悬挂结构Nnailed joint:钉连接,net height:净高lnet span:净跨度net water/cementratio:净水灰比non-destructive inspection of weld:焊缝无损检验non-destructive test:非破损检验non-load—bearingwall:非承重墙non—uniform cross—section beam:变截面粱non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement:纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数normal concrete:普通混凝土normal section:正截面notch and tooth joint:齿连接number of sampling:抽样数量Oobligue section:斜截面oblique—angle fillet weld:斜角角焊缝one—w ay reinforced(or prest ressed)concret e sl ab……:单向板open web roof truss:空腹屋架,ordinary concrete:普通混凝土(28)ordinary steel bar:普通钢筋(29)orthogonal fillet weld:直角角焊缝(61)outstanding width of flange:翼缘板外伸宽度(57)outstanding width of stiffener:加劲肋外伸宽度(57)over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·:钢梁整体稳定系数(58)overlap:焊瘤(62)overturning or slip resistance analysis :抗倾覆、滑移验算(10)Ppadding plate:垫板(52)partial penetrated butt weld:不焊透对接焊缝(61)partition:非承重墙(7)penetrated butt weld:透焊对接焊缝(60)percentage of reinforcement:配筋率(34)perforated brick:多孔砖(43)pilastered wall:带壁柱墙(42)pit·:凹坑(62)pith:髓心(?o)plain concrete structure:素混凝土结构(24)plane hypothesis:平截面假定(32)plane structure:平面结构(11)plane trussed lattice grids:平面桁架系网架(5)plank:板材(65)plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section:截面塑性发展系数(58)plastic design of steel structure:钢结构塑性设计(56)plastic hinge·:塑性铰(13)plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone:受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数(34)plate—like space frame:干板型网架(5)plate—like space truss:平板型网架(5)plug weld:塞焊缝(60)plywood:胶合板(65)plywood structure:胶合板结构(64)pockmark:麻面(39)polygonal top-chord roof truss:多边形屋架(4)post—tensioned prestressed concrete structure:后张法预应力混凝土结构(24)precast reinforced concrete member:预制混凝土构件(26)prefabricated concrete structure:装配式混凝土结构(25)presetting time:初凝时间(38)prestressed concrete structure:预应力混凝土结构(24)prestressed steel structure:预应力钢结构(50)prestressed tendon:预应力筋<29)pre—tensioned prestressed concrete structure·:先张法预应力混凝土结构(24)primary control:初步控制(22)production control:生产控制(22)properties of fresh concrete:可塑混凝土性能(37)properties of hardened concrete:硬化混凝土性能(38)property of building structural materials:建筑结构材料性能(17)purl i n“—”—:檩条(4)Qqlue timber structurer:胶合木结构(㈠)quality grade of structural timber:木材质量等级(?0)quality grade of weld:焊缝质量级别(61)quality inspection of bolted connection:螺栓连接质量检验(63)quality inspection of masonry:砌体质量检验(48)quality inspection of riveted connection:铆钉连接质量检验(63)quasi—permanent value of live load on floor or roof,:楼面、屋面活荷载准永久值(15)Rradial check:辐裂(70)ratio of axial compressive force to axial compressive ultimate capacity of section:轴压比(35) ratio of height to sectional thickness of wall or column:砌体墙柱高、厚比(48)ratio of reinforcement:配筋率(34)ratio of shear span to effective depth of section:剪跨比(35)redistribution of internal force:内力重分布(13)reducing coefficient of compressive strength in sloping grain for bolted connection:螺栓连接斜纹承压强度降低系数(68)reducing coefficient of liveload:活荷载折减系数(14)reducing coefficient of shearing strength for notch and tooth connection:齿连接抗剪强度降低系数(68)regular earthquake—resistant building:规则抗震建筑(9)reinforced concrete deep beam:混凝土深梁(26)reinforced concrete slender beam:混凝土浅梁(26)reinforced concrete structure:钢筋混凝土结构(24)reinforced masonry structure:配筋砌体结构(41)reinforcement ratio:配筋率(34)reinforcement ratio per unit volume:体积配筋率(35)relaxation of prestressed tendon:预应筋松弛(31)representative value of gravity load:重力荷载代表值(17)resistance to abrasion:耐磨性(38)resistance to freezing and thawing:抗冻融性(39)resistance to water penetration·:抗渗性(38)reveal of reinforcement:露筋(39)right—angle filletweld:直角角焊缝(61)rigid analysis scheme:刚性方案(45)rigid connection:刚接(21)rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙(42)rigid zone:刚域(13)rigid-elastic analysis scheme:刚弹性方案(45)rigidity of section:截面刚度(19)rigidly supported continous girder:刚性支座连续梁(11)ring beam:圈梁(42)rivet:铆钉(55)riveted connecction:铆钉连接(60)riveted steel beam:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel girder:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel structure:铆接钢结构(50)rolle rsupport:滚轴支座(51)rolled steel beam:轧制型钢梁(51)roof board:屋面板(3)roof bracing system:屋架支撑系统(4)roof girder:屋面梁(4)roof plate:屋面板(3)roof slab:屋面板(3)roof system:屋盖(3)roof truss:屋架(4)rot:腐朽(71)round wire:光圆钢丝(29)Ssafety classes of building structures:建筑结构安全等级(9) safetybolt:保险螺栓(69)sapwood:边材(65)sawn lumber+A610:方木(65)sawn timber structure:方木结构(64)saw-tooth joint failure:齿缝破坏(45)scarf joint:斜搭接(70)seamless steel pipe:无缝钢管(54)seamless steel tube:无缝钢管(54)second moment of area of tranformed section:换算截面惯性矩(34) second order effect due to displacement:挠曲二阶效应(13) secondary axis:弱轴(56)secondary beam:次粱(6)section modulus of transformed section:换算截面模量(34) section steel:型钢(53)semi-automatic welding:半自动焊接(59)separated steel column:分离式钢柱(51)setting time:凝结时间(38)shake:环裂(70)shapefactorofwindload:风荷载体型系数(16)shear plane:剪面(67)shearing rigidity of section:截面剪变刚度(19)shearing stiffness of member:构件抗剪刚度(20)short stiffener:短加劲肋(53)short term rigidity of member:构件短期刚度(31)shrinkage:干缩(71)shrinkage of concrete:混凝干收缩(30)silos:贮仓(3)skylight truss:天窗架(4)slab:楼板(6)slab—column structure:板柱结构(2)slag inclusion:夹渣(61)sloping grain:…斜纹(70)slump:坍落度(37)snow reference pressure:基本雪压(16)solid—web steel column:实腹式钢柱(space structure:空间结构(11)space suspended cable:悬索(5)spacing of bars:钢筋间距(33)spacing of rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙间距(46)spacing of stirrup legs:箍筋肢距(33)spacing of stirrups:箍筋间距(33)specified concrete:特种混凝上(28)spiral stirrup:螺旋箍筋(36)spiral weld:螺旋形焊缝(60)split ringjoint:裂环连接(69)square pyramid space grids:四角锥体网架(5)stability calculation:稳定计算(10)stability reduction coefficient of axially loaded compression:轴心受压构件稳定系数<13) stair:楼梯(8)static analysis scheme of building:房屋静力汁算方案(45)static design:房屋静力汁算方案(45)statically determinate structure:静定结构(11)statically indeterminate structure:超静定结构(11)sted:钢材(17)steel bar:钢筋(28)steel column component:钢柱分肢(51)steel columnbase:钢柱脚(51)steel fiber reinforced concrete structure·:钢纤维混凝土结构(26)steel hanger:吊筋(37)steel mesh reinforced brick masonry member:方格网配筋砖砌体构件(41)steel pipe:钢管(54)steel plateelement:钢板件(52)steel strip:钢带(53)steel support:钢支座(51)steel tie:拉结钢筋(36)steel tie bar for masonry:砌体拉结钢筋(47)steel tube:钢管(54)steel tubular structure:钢管结构(50)steel wire:钢丝(28)stepped column:阶形柱(7)stiffener:加劲肋(52)stiffness of structural member:构件刚度(19)stiffness of transverse wall:横墙刚度(45)stirrup:箍筋(36)stone:石材(44)stone masonry:石砌体(44)stone masonry structure:石砌体结构(41)storev height:层高(21)straight—line joint failure:通缝破坏(45)straightness of structural member:构件乎直度(71)strand:钢绞线(2,)strength classes of masonry units:块体强度等级(44)strength classes of mortar:砂浆强度等级(44)strength classes of structural steel:钢材强度等级(55)strength classes of structural timber:木材强度等级(66)strength classes(grades) of concrete:混凝土强度等级(29)strength classes(grades) of prestressed tendon:预应力筋强度等级(30) strength classes(grades) of steel bar :普通钢筋强度等级(30)strength of structural timber parallel to grain:木材顺纹强度(66) strongaxis:强轴(56)structural system composed of bar:”杆系结构(11)structural system composed of plate:板系结构(12)structural wall:结构墙(7)superposed reinforced concrete flexural member:叠合式混凝土受弯构件(26) suspended crossed cable net:双向正交索网结构(6)suspended structure:悬挂结构(3)Ttensile(compressive) rigidity of section:截面拉伸(压缩)刚度(19)tensile(compressive) stiffness of member:构件抗拉(抗压)刚度(20) tensile(ultimate) strength of steel:钢材(钢筋)抗拉(极限)强度(18)test for properties of concrete structural members:构件性能检验(40):thickness of concrete cover:混凝土保护层厚度(33)thickness of mortarat bed joint:水平灰缝厚度(49)thin shell:薄壳(6)three hinged arch:三铰拱(n)tie bar:拉结钢筋(36)tie beam,…:系梁(22)tie tod:系杆(5)tied framework:绑扎骨架(35)timber:木材(17)timber roof truss:木屋架(64)tor-shear type high-strength bolt:扭剪型高强度螺栓(54)torsional rigidity of section:截面扭转刚度(19)torsional stiffness of member:构件抗扭刚度(20)total breadth of structure:结构总宽度(21)total height of structure:结构总高度(21)total length of structure:结构总长度(21)transmission length of prestress:预应力传递长度(36)transverse horizontal bracing:横向水平支撑(4)transverse stiffener·:横向加劲肋(53)transverse weld:横向焊缝(60)transversely distributed steelbar:横向分布钢筋(36)trapezoid roof truss:梯形屋架(4)triangular pyramid space grids:三角锥体网架(5)triangular roof truss:三角形屋架(4)trussed arch:椽架(64)trussed rafter:桁架拱(5)tube in tube structure:筒中筒结构(3)tube structure:简体结构(2)twist:扭弯(71)two hinged arch:双铰拱(11)two sides(edges) supported plate:两边支承板(12)two—way reinforced (or prestressed) concrete slab:混凝土双向板(27)Uul t im at e co m pressi ve st rai n of concret e‟”:混凝土极限压应变(31)unbonded prestressed concrete structure:无粘结预应力混凝土结构(25)undercut:咬边(62)uniform cross—section beam:等截面粱(6)unseasoned timber:湿材(65)upper flexible and lower rigid complex multistorey building·:上柔下刚多层房屋(45) upper rigid lower flexible complex multistorey building·:上刚下柔多层房屋(45) Vvalue of decompression prestress :预应力筋消压预应力值(33)value of effective prestress:预应筋有效预应力值(33)verifi cat ion of servi ceabi l i t y lim i t st at es· ”:正常使用极限状态验证(10)verification of ultimate limit states :承载能极限状态验证(10)vertical bracing:竖向支撑(5)vierendal roof truss:空腹屋架(4)visual examination of structural member:构件外观检查(39)visual examination of structural steel member:钢构件外观检查(63) visual examination of weld:焊缝外观检查(62)Wwall beam:墙梁(42)wall frame:壁式框架(门)wall—slab structure:墙板结构(2)warping:翘曲(40),(71)warping rigidity of section:截面翘曲刚度(19)water retentivity of mortar:砂浆保水性(48)water tower:水塔(3)water/cement ratio·:水灰比(3g)weak axis·:弱轴(56)weak region of earthquake—resistant building:抗震建筑薄弱部位(9) web plate:腹板(52)weld:焊缝(6[))weld crack:焊接裂纹(62)weld defects:焊接缺陷(61)weld roof:焊根(61)weld toe:焊趾(61)weldability of steel bar:钢筋可焊性(39)welded framework:焊接骨架()welded steel beam:焊接钢梁(welded steel girder:焊接钢梁(52)welded steel pipe:焊接钢管(54)welded steel strueture:焊接钢结构(50)welding connection·:焊缝连接(59)welding flux:焊剂(54)welding rod:焊条(54)welding wire:焊丝(54)wind fluttering factor:风振系数(16)wind reference pressure:基本风压(16)wind—resistant column:抗风柱(?)wood roof decking:屋面木基层(64)Yyield strength (yield point) of steel:钢材(钢筋)屈服强度(屈服点)。



房屋建筑结构术语1. 混凝土结构 concrete structure: 以混凝土为主制成的结构,包括素混凝土结构、钢筋混凝土结构和预应力混凝土结构等。

2 .现浇结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure: 系现浇混凝土结构的简称,是在现场支模并整体浇筑而成的混凝土结构。

3 .装配式结构 prefabricated concrete structure: 系装配式混凝土结构的简称,是以预制构件为主要受力构件经装配\连接而成的混凝土结构。

4. 混合结构 mixed structure: 不同材料的构件或部件混合组成的结构。

5 .板柱结构 slab-colume system:由楼板和柱(无梁)组成承重体系的房屋结构,如升板结构、无梁楼盖结构、整体预应力板柱结构。

6. 框架结构 frame structure:由梁柱组成的能承受竖向、水平作用所产生各种效应的单层、多层或高层结构。

7. 拱结构 arch structure: 由拱作为承承重体系的结构。

8. 折板结构 folded-plate structure: 由多块条形或其它外形的平板组合而成,能作承重、围护用的薄壁空间结构。

9 .壳体结构 shell structure: 由各种形状的曲面板与边缘构件(梁、拱、桁架)组成的大跨度覆盖或围护的空间结构。

10. 风架结构 space truss structure: 由多根杆件按一定网格形式通过节点连接而成的大跨度覆盖的空间结构。

11. 悬索结构 cable-suspended structure: 由柔性受拉索及其边缘构件所组成的承重结构。

12. 充气结构 pneumatic structure: 在以高分子材料制成的薄膜制品中充入空气后而形成房屋的结构。


13. 剪力墙(结构墙)结构 shear wall structure: 在高层和多层建筑中,竖向和水平作用均由钢筋混凝土或预应力混凝土墙体承受的结构。



建筑词汇英汉对照A log 原木(65)acceptable quality 合格质量log timberstructure 原木结构(64)acceptance lot 验收批量long term rigidity of member 构件长期刚度(32) longitude horizontal bracing 纵向水平支撑(5)admixture 外加剂longitudinal steel bar 纵向钢筋(35)against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connec tion 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数longitudinal stiffener 纵向加劲肋(53) aggregate 骨料longitudinal weld 纵向焊缝(60)air content 含气量losses of prestress …预应力损失(33)air-dried timber 气干材lump material 块体(42)allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比Mallowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比main axis 强轴(56)allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比main beam·主梁(6)allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅major axis 强轴(56) allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值manual welding 手工焊接(59)allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度容许值manufacture control 生产控制(22) allowable value of deflection of structural member 构件挠度容许值map cracking 龟裂(39)allowable value of deflection of timber bending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值masonry 砌体(17)allowable value of deformation of steel member 钢构件变形容许值masonry lintel 砖过梁(43)allowable value of deformation of structural member 构件变形容许值masonry member 无筋砌体构件(41)allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构层间位移角限值masonry units 块体(43)amplified coefficient of eccentricity 偏心距增大系数masonry—concrete structure 砖混结构(¨)anchorage 锚具masonry—timber structure 砖木结构(11)anchorage length of steel bar 钢筋锚固长度mechanical properties of materials·材料力学性能(17)approval analysis during construction stage 施工阶段验算melt—thru 烧穿(62) arch 拱method of sampling 抽样方法(23)arch with tie rod 拉捍拱minimum strength class of masonry 砌体材料最低强度等级(47)arch—shaped roof truss 拱形屋架minor axls·弱轴(56)area of shear plane 剪面面积mix ratio of mortar 砂浆配合比(48)area of transformed section 换算截面面积mixing water 拌合水(27)aseismic design 建筑抗震设计modified coefficient for allowable ratio of height to sectionalthickness of maso nry wall 砌体墙容许高厚比修正系数(47)assembled monolithic concrete structure 装配整体式混凝土结构modified coefficient of flexural strength for timber curved mem—弧形木构件抗弯强度修正系数(68)automatic welding 自动焊接modulus of elasticity of concrete 混凝土弹性模量(30)auxiliary steel bar 架立钢筋modulus of elasticity parellel to grain 顺纹弹性模量(66)B moisture content 含水率(66)backfilling plate 垫板moment modified factor 弯矩调幅系数balanced depth of compression zone 界限受压区高度monitor frame 天窗架balanced eccentricity 界限偏心距mortar 砂浆bar splice 钢筋接头multi—defence system of earthquake—resistant building·多道设防抗震建筑bark pocket 夹皮multi—tube supported suspended structure 多筒悬挂结构batten plate 缀板Nbeam 次梁nailed joint 钉连接,bearing plane of notch 齿承压面(67) net height 净高lbearing plate 支承板(52) net span 净跨度bearing stiffener 支承加劲肋(52) net water/cementratio 净水灰比bent-up steel bar 弯起钢筋(35) non-destructive inspection of weld 焊缝无损检验block 砌块(43) non-destructive test 非破损检验block masonry 砌块砌体(44) non-load—bearingwall 非承重墙block masonry structure 砌块砌体结构(41) non—uniform cross—section beam 变截面粱blow hole 气孔(62)non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforceme nt 纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数board 板材(65) normal concrete 普通混凝土bolt 螺栓(54) normal section 正截面bolted connection (钢结构)螺栓连接(59) notch and tooth joint 齿连接bolted joint (木结构)螺栓连接(69) number of sampling 抽样数量bolted steel structure 螺栓连接钢结构(50) Obonded prestressed concrete structure 有粘结预应力混凝土结构(24)obligue section 斜截面bow 顺弯(71) oblique—angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝brake member 制动构件(7)one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab…… 单向板breadth of wall between windows 窗间墙宽度(46) open web roof truss 空腹屋架,brick masonry 砖砌体(44) ordinary concrete 普通混凝土(28)brick masonry column 砖砌体柱(42) ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋(29)brick masonry structure 砖砌体结构(41) orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝(61) brick masonry wall 砖砌体墙(42) outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度(57) broad—leaved wood 阔叶树材(65) outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度(57)building structural materials 建筑结构材料(17)over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·钢梁整体稳定系数(58) building structural unit 建筑结构单元( overlap 焊瘤(62)building structure 建筑结构(2 overturning or slip resistance analys is 抗倾覆、滑移验算(10)built—up steel column 格构式钢柱(51 Pbundled tube structure 成束筒结构(3 padding plate 垫板(52)burn—through 烧穿(62 partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝(61)butt connection 对接(59 partition 非承重墙(7)butt joint 对接(70) penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝(60)butt weld 对接焊缝(60) percentage of reinforcement 配筋率(34)C perforated brick 多孔砖(43)calculating area of compression member 受压构件计算面积(67) pilastered wall带壁柱墙(42)calculating overturning point 计算倾覆点(46) pit·凹坑(62)calculation of load-carrying capacity of member 构件承载能力计算(10) pith 髓心(?o)camber of structural member 结构构件起拱(22) plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构(24)cantilever beam 挑梁(42) plane hypothesis 平截面假定(32)cap of reinforced concrete column 钢筋混凝土柱帽(27) plane structure 平面结构(11)carbonation of concrete 混凝土碳化(30) plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架(5)cast-in—situ concrete slab column structure 现浇板柱结构plank 板材(65)cast-in—situ concrete structure 现浇混凝土结构(25)plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section 截面塑性发展系数(58)cavitation 孔洞(39) plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计(56)cavity wall 空斗墙(42) plastic hinge·塑性铰(13)cement 水泥(27)plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone 受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数(34)cement content 水泥含量(38) plate—like space frame 干板型网架(5)cement mortar 水泥砂浆(43) plate—like space truss 平板型网架(5) characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof 楼面、屋面活荷载标准值(14) plug weld 塞焊缝(60)characteristi c value o fwindload 风荷载标准值(16) plywood 胶合板(65) characteristic value of concrete compressive strength 混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值(30) plywood structure 胶合板结构(64)characteristic value of concrete tensile strength 混凝土轴心抗拉标准值(30) pockmark 麻面(39)characteristic value of cubic concrete compressive strength 混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值(29) polygonal top-chord roof truss 多边形屋架(4)characteristic value of earthquake action 地震作用标准值(16) post—tensioned prestressed concrete structure 后张法预应力混凝土结构(24) characteristic value of horizontal crane load 吊车水平荷载标准值(15)precast reinforced concrete member 预制混凝土构件(26)characteristic value of masonry strength 砌体强度标准值(44)prefabricated concrete structure 装配式混凝土结构(25)characteristic value of permanent action·永久作用标准值(14) presetting time 初凝时间(38)characteristic value of snowload 雪荷载标准值(15)prestressed concrete structure 预应力混凝土结构(24)characteristic value of strength of steel 钢材强度标准值(55)prestressed steel structure 预应力钢结构(50)characteristic value of strength of steel bar 钢筋强度标准值(31)prestressed tendon 预应力筋<29)characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load 均布活标载标准值(14) pre—tensioned prestressed concrete structure·先张法预应力混凝土结构(24) characteristic value of variable action 可变作用标准值(14) primary control 初步控制(22)characteristic value of vertical crane load 吊车竖向荷载标准值(15)production control 生产控制(22)charaeteristic value of material strength 材料强度标准值(18)properties of fresh concrete 可塑混凝土性能(37)checking section of log structural member·,原木构件计算截面(67)properties of hardened concrete 硬化混凝土性能(38)chimney 烟囱(3) property of building structural materials 建筑结构材料性能(17) circular double—layer suspended cable 圆形双层悬索(6) purlin“—””—檩条(4) circular single—layer suspended cable 圆形单层悬索(6) Qcircumferential weld 环形焊缝(60) qlue timber structurer 胶合木结构(㈠) classfication for earthquake—resistance of buildings·建筑结构抗震设防类别(9) quality grade of structural timber 木材质量等级(?0)clear height 净高(21) quality grade of weld 焊缝质量级别(61)clincher 扒钉(?0) quality inspection of bolted connection 螺栓连接质量检验(63) coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memhe r(beam-column) 钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数(58) quality inspection of masonry 砌体质量检验(48)cold bend inspection of steelbar 冷弯试验(39)quality inspection of riveted connection 铆钉连接质量检验(63)cold drawn bar 冷拉钢筋(28)quasi—permanent value of live load on floor or roof,楼面、屋面活荷载准永久值(15)cold drawn wire 冷拉钢丝(29) Rcold—formed thin—walled sectionsteel 冷弯薄壁型钢(53) radial check 辐裂(70) cold-formed thin-walled steel structure·… 冷弯薄壁型钢结构(50)ratio of axial compressive force to axial compressive ultimate capacity of secti on 轴压比(35)cold—rolled deformed bar 冷轧带肋钢筋(28)ratio of height to sectional thickness of wall or column 砌体墙柱高、厚比(48) column bracing 柱间支撑(7) ratio of reinforcement 配筋率(34)combination value of live load on floor or roof 楼面、屋面活荷载组合值(15) ratio of shear span to effective depth of section 剪跨比(35)compaction 密实度(37) redistribution of internal force 内力重分布(13) compliance control 合格控制(23)reducing coefficient of compressive strength in sloping grain for bolted connec tion 螺栓连接斜纹承压强度降低系数(68)composite brick masonry member 组合砖砌体构件(42)reducing coefficient of liveload 活荷载折减系数(14)composite floor system 组合楼盖(8)reducing coefficient of shearing strength for notch and tooth connection 齿连接抗剪强度降低系数(68)composite floor with profiled steel sheet 压型钢板楼板(8)regular earthquake—resistant building 规则抗震建筑(9)composite mortar 混合砂浆(43) reinforced concrete deep beam 混凝土深梁(26) composite roof truss 组合屋架(8) reinforced concrete slender beam 混凝土浅梁(26)compostle member 组合构件(8) reinforced concrete structure 钢筋混凝土结构(24)compound stirrup 复合箍筋(36) reinforced masonry structure 配筋砌体结构(41) compression member with large eccentricity·大偏心受压构件(32)reinforcement ratio 配筋率(34)compression member with small eccentricity·小偏心受压构件(32) reinforcement ratio per unit volume 体积配筋率(35)compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain 斜纹承压强度(66) relaxation of prestressed tendon 预应筋松弛(31)compressive strength perpendicular to grain 横纹承压强度(66)representative value of gravity load 重力荷载代表值(17)concentration of plastic deformation 塑性变形集中(9) resistance to abrasion 耐磨性(38)conceptual earthquake—resistant design 建筑抗震概念设计(9)resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性(39)concrete 混凝土(17) resistance to water penetration·抗渗性(38)concrete column 混凝土柱(26) reveal of reinforcement 露筋(39)concrete consistence 混凝土稠度(37) right—angle filletweld 直角角焊缝(61) concrete floded—plate structure 混凝土折板结构(26) rigid analysis scheme 刚性方案(45)concrete foundation 混凝土基础(27) rigid connection 刚接(21)concrete mix ratio 混凝土配合比(38) rigid transverse wall 刚性横墙(42) concrete wall 混凝土墙(27) rigid zone 刚域(13)concrete-filled steel tubular member 钢管混凝土构件(8)rigid-elastic analysis scheme 刚弹性方案(45)conifer 针叶树材(65) rigidity of section 截面刚度(19)coniferous wood 针叶树材(65) rigidly supported continous girder 刚性支座连续梁(11)connecting plate 连接板(52) ring beam 圈梁(42)connection 连接(21) rivet 铆钉(55)connections of steel structure 钢结构连接(59) riveted connecction 铆钉连接(60) connections of timber structure 木结构连接(68) riveted steel beam 铆接钢梁(52) consistency of mortar 砂浆稠度(48) riveted steel girder 铆接钢梁(52)constant cross—section column 等截面柱(7) riveted steel structure 铆接钢结构(50)construction and examination concentrated load 施工和检修集中荷载(15)rolle rsupport 滚轴支座(51)continuous weld 连续焊缝(60) rolled steel beam 轧制型钢梁(51)core area of section 截面核芯面积(33) roof board 屋面板(3)core tube supported structure 核心筒悬挂结构(3) roof bracing system 屋架支撑系统(4)corrosion of steel bar 钢筋锈蚀(39) roof girder 屋面梁(4)coupled wall 连肢墙(12) roof plate 屋面板(3)coupler 连接器(37) roof slab 屋面板(3)coupling wall—beam 连梁(12) roof system 屋盖(3)coupling wall—column... 墙肢(12) roof truss 屋架(4)coursing degree of mortar 砂浆分层度(48) rot 腐朽(71)cover plate 盖板(52) round wire 光圆钢丝(29)covered electrode 焊条(54) Scrack 裂缝(?0) safety classes of building structures 建筑结构安全等级(9)crack resistance 抗裂度(31) safetybolt 保险螺栓(69)crack width 裂缝宽度(31) sapwood 边材(65)crane girder 吊车梁(?) sawn lumber+A610 方木(65)crane load 吊车荷载(15) sawn timber structure 方木结构(64)creep of concrete 混凝土徐变(30) saw-tooth joint failure 齿缝破坏(45)crook 横弯(71) scarf joint 斜搭接(70)cross beam 井字梁(6) seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管(54)cup 翘弯seamless steel tube 无缝钢管(54)curved support 弧形支座(51) second moment of area of tranformed section 换算截面惯性矩(34)cylindrical brick arch 砖筒拱(43) second order effect due to displacement 挠曲二阶效应(13)D secondary axis 弱轴(56)decay 腐朽(71) secondary beam 次粱(6)decay prevention of timber structure 木结构防腐(70)section modulus of transformed section 换算截面模量(34)defect in timber 木材缺陷(70) section steel 型钢(53)deformation analysis 变形验算(10) semi-automatic welding 半自动焊接(59) degree of gravity vertical for structure or structural member·结构构件垂直度(40) separated steel column 分离式钢柱(51)degree of gravity vertical forwall surface 墙面垂直度(49) setting time 凝结时间(38)degree of plainness for structural memer 构件平整度(40) shake 环裂(70) degree of plainness for wall surface 墙面平整度(49) shaped steel 型钢(53) depth of compression zone 受压区高度(32) shapefactorofwindload 风荷载体型系数(16)depth of neutral axis 中和轴高度(32) shear plane 剪面(67)depth of notch 齿深(67) shearing rigidity of section 截面剪变刚度(19)design of building structures 建筑结构设计(8) shearing stiffness of member 构件抗剪刚度(20)design value of earthquake-resistant strength of materials 材料抗震强度设计值(1 short stiffener 短加劲肋(53)design value of load—carrying capacity of members·构件承载能力设计值(1 short term rigidity of member 构件短期刚度(31)designations 0f steel 钢材牌号(53 shrinkage 干缩(71)design value of material strength 材料强度设计值(1 shrinkage of concrete 混凝干收缩(30)destructive test 破损试验(40 silos 贮仓(3)detailing reintorcement 构造配筋(35 skylight truss 天窗架(4)detailing requirements 构造要求(22 slab 楼板(6)diamonding 菱形变形(71) slab—column structure 板柱结构(2)diaphragm 横隔板(52 slag inclusion 夹渣(61)dimensional errors 尺寸偏差(39) sloping grain …斜纹(70)distribution factor of snow pressure 屋面积雪分布系数slump 坍落度(37) dogspike 扒钉(70) snow reference pressure 基本雪压(16)double component concrete column 双肢柱(26) solid—web steel column 实腹式钢柱(dowelled joint 销连接(69) space structure 空间结构(11)down-stayed composite beam 下撑式组合粱(8) space suspended cable 悬索(5) ductile frame 延性框架(2) spacing of bars 钢筋间距(33)dynamic design 动态设计(8) spacing of rigid transverse wall 刚性横墙间距(46) E spacing of stirrup legs 箍筋肢距(33)earthquake-resistant design 抗震设计(9:spacing of stirrups 箍筋间距(33) earthquake-resistant detailing requirements 抗震构造要求(22)specified concrete 特种混凝上(28)effective area of fillet weld 角焊缝有效面积(57) spiral stirrup 螺旋箍筋(36) effective depth of section 截面有效高度(33) spiral weld 螺旋形焊缝(60) effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt·螺栓(或高强度螺栓)有效直径(57) split ringjoint 裂环连接(69)effective height 计算高度(21) square pyramid space grids 四角锥体网架(5) effective length 计算长度(21) stability calculation 稳定计算(10)effective length of fillet weld 角焊缝有效计算长度(48)stability reduction coefficient of axially loaded compression 轴心受压构件稳定系数<13)effective length of nail 钉有效长度(56) stair 楼梯(8)effective span 计算跨度(21) static analysis scheme of building 房屋静力汁算方案(45)effective supporting length at end of beam 梁端有效支承长度(46) static design 房屋静力汁算方案(45)effective thickness of fillet weld 角焊缝有效厚度(48)statically determinate structure 静定结构(11)elastic analysis scheme 弹性方案(46) statically indeterminate structure 超静定结构(11)elastic foundation beam 弹性地基梁(11) sted 钢材(17)elastic foundation plate 弹性地基板(12) steel bar 钢筋(28)elastically supported continuous girder·弹性支座连续梁(u)steel column component 钢柱分肢(51)elasticity modulus of materials 材料弹性模量(18) steel columnbase 钢柱脚(51) elongation rate 伸长率(15) steel fiber reinforced concrete structure·钢纤维混凝土结构(26)embeded parts 预埋件(30) steel hanger 吊筋(37)enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength of materials·局部抗压强度提高系数(14) steel mesh reinforced brick masonry member 方格网配筋砖砌体构件(41) entrapped air 含气量(38) steel pipe 钢管(54)equilibrium moisture content 平衡含水率(66) steel plate 钢板(53)equivalent slenderness ratio 换算长细比(57) steel plateelement 钢板件(52) equivalent uniformly distributed live load·等效均布活荷载(14) steel strip 钢带(53)etlectlve cross—section area of high-strength bolt·高强度螺栓的有效截面积(58) steel support 钢支座(51)ettectlve cross—section area of bolt 螺栓有效截面面积(57) steel tie 拉结钢筋(36) euler's critical load 欧拉临界力(56) steel tie bar for masonry 砌体拉结钢筋(47) euler's critical stress 欧拉临界应力(56) steel tube 钢管(54)excessive penetration 塌陷(62) steel tubular structure 钢管结构(50)F steel wire 钢丝(28)fiber concrete 纤维混凝仁(28) stepped column 阶形柱(7)filler plate 填板门2) stiffener 加劲肋(52)fillet weld 角焊缝(61) stiffness of structural member 构件刚度(19)final setting time 终凝时间() stiffness of transverse wall 横墙刚度(45)finger joint 指接(69) stirrup 箍筋(36)fired common brick 烧结普通砖(43) stone 石材(44)fish eye 白点(62) stone masonry 石砌体(44)fish—belly beam 角腹式梁(7) stone masonry structure 石砌体结构(41)fissure 裂缝(?0) storev height 层高(21)flexible connection 柔性连接(22) straight—line joint failure 通缝破坏(45) flexural rigidity of section 截面弯曲刚度(19) straightness of structural member 构件乎直度(71)flexural stiffness of member 构件抗弯刚度(20) strand 钢绞线(2,)floor plate 楼板(6) strength classes of masonry units 块体强度等级(44)floor system 楼盖(6) strength classes of mortar 砂浆强度等级(44)four sides(edges)supported plate 四边支承板(12)strength classes of structural steel 钢材强度等级(55)frame structure 框架结构(2) strength classes of structural timber 木材强度等级(66)frame tube structure 单框筒结构(3) strength classes(grades) of concrete 混凝土强度等级(29)frame tube structure 框架—简体结构(2)strength classes(grades) of prestressed tendon 预应力筋强度等级(30)frame with sidesway 有侧移框架(12) strength classes(grades) of steel bar 普通钢筋强度等级(30)frame without sidesway 无侧移框架(12)strength of structural timber parallel to grain 木材顺纹强度(66)frange plate 翼缘板(52) strongaxis 强轴(56)friction coefficient of masonry 砌体摩擦系数(44)structural system composed of bar ”杆系结构(11)full degree of mortar at bed joint 砂浆饱满度(48)structural system composed of plate 板系结构(12)function of acceptance 验收函数(23) structural wall 结构墙(7)G superposed reinforced concrete flexural member 叠合式混凝土受弯构件(26) gang nail plate joint 钉板连接() suspended crossed cable net 双向正交索网结构(6)glue used for structural timberg 木结构用胶suspended structure 悬挂结构(3) glued joint 胶合接头swirl grain 涡纹(?1)glued laminated timber 层板胶合木(¨) Tglued laminated timber structure 层板胶合结构…61)tensile(compressive) rigidity of section 截面拉伸(压缩)刚度(19)grider 主梁((㈠tensile(compressive) stiffness of member 构件抗拉(抗压)刚度(20)grip 夹具tensile(ultimate) strength of steel 钢材(钢筋)抗拉(极限)强度(18)grith weld 环形焊缝(6÷)) test for properties of concrete structural members 构件性能检验(40):groove 坡口thickness of concrete cover 混凝土保护层厚度(33)gusset plate 节点板(52) thickness of mortarat bed joint 水平灰缝厚度(49)H thin shell 薄壳(6)hanger 吊环three hinged arch 三铰拱(n)hanging steel bar 吊筋tie bar 拉结钢筋(36)heartwood 心材tie beam,… 系梁(22)heat tempering bar 热处理钢筋(28) tie tod 系杆(5)height variation factor of wind pressure 风压高度变化系数(16) tied framework 绑扎骨架(35)heliral weld 螺旋形僻缝timber 木材(17)high—strength bolt 高强度螺栓 timber roof truss 木屋架(64)high—strength bolt with large hexagon bea 大六角头高强度螺栓tor-shear type high-strength bolt 扭剪型高强度螺栓(54)high—strength bolted bearing type join 承压型高强度螺栓连接,torsional rigidity of section 截面扭转刚度(19)high—strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓连接torsional stiffness of member 构件抗扭刚度(20)high—strength bolted friction—type joint 摩擦型高强度螺栓连接total breadth of structure 结构总宽度(21)high—strength holted steel slsteel structure 高强螺栓连接钢结构total height of structure 结构总高度(21)hinge support 铰轴支座(51) total length of structure 结构总长度(21)hinged connection 铰接(21) transmission length of prestress 预应力传递长度(36) hlngeless arch 无铰拱(12) transverse horizontal bracing 横向水平支撑(4)hollow brick 空心砖(43) transverse stiffener·横向加劲肋(53)hollow ratio of masonry unit 块体空心率(46) transverse weld 横向焊缝(60) honeycomb 蜂窝(39) transversely distributed steelbar 横向分布钢筋(36)hook 弯钩(37) trapezoid roof truss 梯形屋架(4)hoop 箍筋(36) triangular pyramid space grids 三角锥体网架(5)hot—rolled deformed bar 热轧带肋钢筋(28) triangular roof truss 三角形屋架(4) hot—rolled plain bar 热轧光圆钢筋(28) trussed arch 椽架(64)hot-rolled section steel 热轧型钢(53) trussed rafter 桁架拱(5)hunched beam 加腋梁(?) tube in tube structure 筒中筒结构(3)I tube structure 简体结构(2)impact toughness 冲击韧性(18) twist 扭弯(71)impermeability 抗渗性(38) two hinged arch 双铰拱(11)inclined section 斜截面(33) two sides(edges) supported plate 两边支承板(12) inclined stirrup 斜向箍筋(36)two—way reinforced (or prestressed) concrete slab 混凝土双向板(27) incomplete penetration 未焊透(61) Uincomplete tusion 未溶合(61) ultimate compressive strain of concrete‟” 混凝土极限压应变(31)incompletely filled groove 未焊满(61) unbonded prestressed concrete structure 无粘结预应力混凝土结构(25)indented wire 刻痕钢丝(29) undercut 咬边(62)influence coefficient for load—bearing capacity of compression member 受压构件承载能力影响系数(46) uniform cross—section beam 等截面粱(6)influence coefficient for spacial action 空间性能影响系数(46)unseasoned timber 湿材(65)initial control 初步控制(22)upper flexible and lower rigid complex multistorey building·上柔下刚多层房屋(45)insect prevention of timber structure 木结构防虫(?o)upper rigid lower flexible complex multistorey building·上刚下柔多层房屋(45) inspection for properties of glue used in structural member 结构用胶性能检验(71) Vinspection for properties of masnory units 块体性能检验(48)value of decompression prestress 预应力筋消压预应力值(33)inspection for properties of mortar 砂浆性能检验(48)value of effective prestress 预应筋有效预应力值(33)inspection for properties of steelbar 钢筋性能检验(39)verification of serviceability limit states·” 正常使用极限状态验证(10)integral prefabricated prestressed concrete slab—column structure 整体预应力板柱结构(25) verification of ultimate limit states 承载能极限状态验证(10) intermediate stiffener 中间加劲肋(53) vertical bracing 竖向支撑(5)intermittent weld 断续焊缝(60) vierendal roof truss 空腹屋架(4)J visual examination of structural member 构件外观检查(39)joint of reinforcement 钢筋接头(35)visual examination of structural steel member 钢构件外观检查(63)K visual examination of weld 焊缝外观检查(62)key joint 键连接(69) Wkinetic design 动态设计(8) wall beam 墙梁(42)knot 节子(木节)(70) wall frame 壁式框架(门)L wall—slab structure 墙板结构(2)laced of battened compression member 格构式钢柱(51) warping 翘曲(40),(71) lacing and batten elements 缀材(缀件)(51) warping rigidity of section 截面翘曲刚度(19)lacing bar 缀条(51) water retentivity of mortar 砂浆保水性(48)lamellar tearing 层状撕裂(62) water tower 水塔(3)lap connectlon 叠接(搭接)(59) water/cement ratio·水灰比(3g)lapped length of steel bar 钢筋搭接长度(36) weak axis·弱轴(56)large pannel concrete structure 混凝土大板结构(25)weak region of earthquake—resistant building 抗震建筑薄弱部位(9)large-form cocrete structure 大模板结构(26) web plate 腹板(52)lateral bending 侧向弯曲(40) weld 焊缝(6[))lateral displacement stiffness of storey 楼层侧移刚度(20) weld crack 焊接裂纹(62)lateral displacement stiffness of structure·结构侧移刚度(20) weld defects 焊接缺陷(61)lateral force resistant wallstructure 抗侧力墙体结构(12) weld roof 焊根(61)leg size of fillet weld 角焊缝焊脚尺寸(57) weld toe 焊趾(61)length of shear plane 剪面长度(67) weldability of steel bar 钢筋可焊性(39) lift—slab structure 升板结构(25) welded framework 焊接骨架()light weight aggregate concrete 轻骨料混凝土(28) welded steel beam 焊接钢梁( limit of acceptance 验收界限(23) welded steel girder 焊接钢梁(52)limitimg value for local dimension of masonry structure·砌体结构局部尺寸限值(47) welded steel pipe 焊接钢管(54)limiting value for sectional dimension 截面尺寸限值(47) welded steel strueture 焊接钢结构(50)limiting value for supporting length 支承长度限值(47) welding connection·焊缝连接(59)limiting value for total height of masonry structure·砌体结构总高度限值(47) welding flux 焊剂(54)linear expansion coeffcient 线膨胀系数(18) welding rod 焊条(54)lintel 过梁(7) welding wire 焊丝(54)load bearing wall 承重墙(7) wind fluttering factor 风振系数(16)load-carrying capacity per bolt 单个普通螺栓承载能力(56)wind reference pressure 基本风压(16)load—carrying capacity per high—strength holt 单个高强螺桂承载能力(56) wind—resistant column 抗风柱(?)load—carrying capacity per rivet 单个铆钉承载能力(55) wood roof decking 屋面木基层(64)yield strength (yield point) of steel 钢材(钢筋)屈服强度(屈服点)Contraction Joint , 收缩接缝Contractor , 承包商Contraflow bus lane , 逆向公车专用道Contributing area , 集水面积Control Count , 控制量交通调查Control of Access , 出入管制Control point com parison , 控制点比较法Control points , 控制点Control Radius , 控制半径Control section , 管制路段Control span , 控制限制Control Station , 控制站Control strategy, 管制策略Control survey, 控制测量Control surveying , 控制测量Controlled Access Highway , 出入管制公路Controller , 控制器Controlling Load , 控制轮重Convenience store , 贩卖区Conventional Roundabout , 传统圆环Conventional Simulcast Radio System , 同频发射共波式无线电话系统Converted traffic , 转乘交通量Convex Function , 凸函数Convex Joint , 凸接缝Conveyer , 输送机Conviction , 违规Convoy , 车队Cooperative Planning , 合作规划Coordinate scheduling , 协调排班Coordinated control , 连锁控制Coordinated Control Signal , 连锁控制号志Cordon Count , 周界交通量调查;内圈交通量调查Cordon Line , 区域线;周界线Corridor , 交通通廊Corridor Control , 通廊控制Cost of Service , 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal , 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow , 对向车流Counter map , 等量线图Counter Wall , 等高线Country road , 乡道Courier service , 快递服务Covered Conduit , 暗渠Covered Ditch , 加盖暗沟CPM , 要径法: Critical Path MethodCrack Spacing , 裂纹间距Crash , 冲撞;碰撞Crawling lane , 爬坡道CRCP , 连续钢筋混凝土路面: Continuously reinforced concrete pavem ent Creep , 潜变Crest Vertical Curve , 凸形竖曲线Crew scheduling , 人员排程Crib retaining wall , 框条式挡土墙Critical bottleneck , 关键瓶颈Critical gap , 临界间距Critical Length of Grade , 披道临界长度Critical Path , 要径Critical Path Method , 要径法: CPMCritical Point , 临界点Critical rate of flow , 临界流率Critical Slope , 临界坡度Critical speed , 临界速度Critical Speed , 临界速率Critical Zone , 临界区Crop , 露头Cross road , 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Cross Section , 断面;横断面;截面Cross Slope , 横向坡度Cross walk , 行人穿越道Crossing , 穿越Crossing facility , 穿越设施Crossing maneuver , 交叉穿越运行Crossing point , 交会点Crossing rate , 穿越率cross-section leveling , 断面测量Crosswalk Line , 行人穿越道线Crowding , 拥挤Crown , 路拱;路冠Crown Ditch , 坡顶截流沟Crown line , 路拱线Crude Oil , 原油Cruise control , 自动控速Crusher , 碎石机CSLS , 速限可变标志: Changeable Speed Limit SignCSPDN , 线路交换公众数据网络: Circuit-switched Public Data Network CTC , 中央行车控制法: Centralized Traffic ControlCU , 照明率: Coefficient of UtilitizationCubic Parabola , 二次拋物线Cul-De-Sac , 死巷Culvert , 涵洞;箱涵Curb , 缘石;路边石;护角Curb Bus Lane , 设于路缘之公车专用车道Curb ditch , 路缘浅沟Curb inlet , 路缘进水口;绿石进水口Curb Lane , 缘侧车道;路缘车道Curb Line , 路边线Curb Loading Zone , 沿路载货区;路旁装卸地带Curb Marking , 缘石标线Curb parking , 路边停车(场)Curb ramp , 缘石坡道Cure , 养治Curing , 湿治;养护Curing age , 养护材龄Curing com pound , 养护剂Curing Room , 养护室;保养室Current Traffic , 当时交通量;现有交通量Curvature , 曲度;曲率Curve , 曲线;曲线板;弯道Curve Path , 曲线路线Curve, 弯道Curved Bridge , 曲线桥Cushion material , 缓冲材料Cushioning effect , 缓冲效应Cut , 挖方Cut and cover m ethod , 明挖覆盖法(隧道)Cut and Fill , 挖填(动词);挖方和填方(名词)Cut-Back Asphalt , 油溶沥青CVO , 商车营运系统: Commercial Vehicle OperationsCVOS , 商车营运服务: Commercial Vehicle Operations Services Cycle , 周期Cycle Expansion/Contraction , 周期增长缩短法Cycle slips , 周波脱落Cycle Tim e , 周期时间Cyclic scheduling , 循环排班D, DDaily Rainfall , 日雨量Daily tim e pattern , 每日时态Daily Traffic , 日交通量Daily variation diagram , 日变化图Datum , 基面Datum Level , 基准面Datum Line , 基准线;基准面Datum mark , 基准点Datum Place , 基准面Day Light Signal , 日光式号志;灯光式号志Day Work System , 日工制;点工制Daylight illumination , 日光照明Debris , 漂流物;碎片Debris flow , 土石流Debris hazard , 土石灾害Deceleration , 减速度Deceleration force , 减速力Deceleration lane , 减速车道Decentralize, 分布式多层控制系统Decision sight distance , 反应视距Deck , 版Deck Floor , 桥面Deck Truss , 面层式。


Brick and concrete mixed structure
Structural member
Load-bearing member
Stiffening piece
Flexural member
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ受拉构件
Tension member
Lateral resisting member
Bearing wall structure
Bearing partition
Rigid wall
Cantilevered wall
Column—and-panel wall
Framed structure
Frame wall
Load bearing frame
Monolithic concrete construction
Concrete section steel structure
Prestressed concrete structure
Concrete section steel structure
Plane frame
Space frame
Transverse bent
Frame stiffening
Traced frame
Frame-panel structure
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Aacceptable quality:合格质量acceptance lot:验收批量aciera:钢材admixture:外加剂against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数aggregate:骨料air content:含气量air-dried timber:气干材allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column:砌体墙、柱容许高厚比allowable slenderness ratio of steel member:钢构件容许长细比allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member:受压木构件容许长细比allowable stress range of fatigue:疲劳容许应力幅allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement:钢筋拉应变限值allowable value of crack width:裂缝宽度容许值allowable value of deflection of structural member:构件挠度容许值allowable value of deflection of timber bending member:受弯木构件挠度容许值allowable value of deformation of steel member:钢构件变形容许值allowable value of deformation of structural member:构件变形容许值 allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistantstructure:抗震结构层间位移角限值amplified coefficient of eccentricity:偏心距增大系数anchorage:锚具anchorage length of steel bar:钢筋锚固长度approval analysis during construction stage:施工阶段验算arch:拱arch with tie rod:拉捍拱arch—shaped roof truss:拱形屋架area of shear plane:剪面面积area of transformed section:换算截面面积aseismic design:建筑抗震设计assembled monolithic concrete structure:装配整体式混凝土结构automatic welding:自动焊接auxiliary steel bar:架立钢筋Bbackfilling plate:垫板balanced depth of compression zone:界限受压区高度balanced eccentricity:界限偏心距bar splice:钢筋接头bark pocket:夹皮batten plate:缀板beam:次梁bearing plane of notch:齿承压面(67)bearing plate:支承板(52)bearing stiffener:支承加劲肋(52)bent-up steel bar:弯起钢筋(35)block:砌块(43)block masonry:砌块砌体(44)block masonry structure:砌块砌体结构(41)blow hole:气孔(62)board:板材(65)bolt:螺栓(54)bolted connection:(钢结构)螺栓连接(59)bolted joint:(木结构)螺栓连接(69)bolted steel structure:螺栓连接钢结构(50)bonded prestressed concrete structure:有粘结预应力混凝土结构(24)bow:顺弯(71)brake member:制动构件(7)breadth of wall between windows:窗间墙宽度(46)brick masonry:砖砌体(44)brick masonry column:砖砌体柱(42)brick masonry structure:砖砌体结构(41)brick masonry wall:砖砌体墙(42)broad—leaved wood:阔叶树材(65)building structural materials:建筑结构材料(17)building structural unit:建筑结构单元(building structure:建筑结构(2built—up steel column:格构式钢柱(51bundled tube structure:成束筒结构(3burn—through:烧穿(62butt connection:对接(59butt joint:对接(70)butt weld:对接焊缝(60)Ccalculating area of compression member:受压构件计算面积(67)calculating overturning point:计算倾覆点(46)calculation of load-carrying capacity of member:构件承载能力计算(10)camber of structural member:结构构件起拱(22)cantilever beam :挑梁(42)cap of reinforced concrete column:钢筋混凝土柱帽(27)carbonation of concrete:混凝土碳化(30)cast-in—situ concrete slab column structure :现浇板柱结构cast-in—situ concrete structure:现浇混凝土结构(25)cavitation:孔洞(39)cavity wall:空斗墙(42)cement:水泥(27)cement content:水泥含量(38)cement mortar:水泥砂浆(43)characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载标准值(14)characteristi cvalue o fwindload:风荷载标准值(16)characteristic value of concrete compressivestrength:混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值(30)characteristic value of concrete tensile strength:混凝土轴心抗拉标准值(30)characteristic value of cubic concrete compressivestrength:混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值(29)characteristic value of earthquake action:地震作用标准值(16)characteristic value of horizontal crane load:吊车水平荷载标准值(15) characteristic value of masonry strength:砌体强度标准值(44)characteristic value of permanent action·:永久作用标准值(14)characteristic value of snowload:雪荷载标准值(15)characteristic value of strength of steel:钢材强度标准值(55)characteristic value of strength of steel bar:钢筋强度标准值(31)characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load:均布活标载标准值(14)characteristic value of variable action:可变作用标准值(14)characteristic value of vertical crane load:吊车竖向荷载标准值(15) charaeteristic value of material strength:材料强度标准值(18)checking section of log structural member·,:原木构件计算截面(67)chimney:烟囱(3)circular double—layer suspended cable:圆形双层悬索(6)circular single—layer suspended cable:圆形单层悬索(6)circumferential weld:环形焊缝(60)classfication for earthquake—resistance of buildings·:建筑结构抗震设防类别(9)clear height:净高(21)clincher:扒钉(?0)coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loadedsteel memher(beam-column) :钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数(58)cold bend inspection of steelbar:冷弯试验(39)cold drawn bar:冷拉钢筋(28)cold drawn wire:冷拉钢丝(29)cold—formed thin—walled sectionsteel:冷弯薄壁型钢(53)cold-formed thin-walled steel structure·‘:冷弯薄壁型钢结构(50)cold—rolled deformed bar:冷轧带肋钢筋(28)column bracing:柱间支撑(7)combination value of live load on floor or roof:楼面、屋面活荷载组合值(15)compaction:密实度(37)compliance control:合格控制(23)composite brick masonry member:组合砖砌体构件(42)composite floor system:组合楼盖(8)composite floor with profiled steel sheet:压型钢板楼板(8)composite mortar:混合砂浆(43)composite roof truss:组合屋架(8)compostle member:组合构件(8)compound stirrup:复合箍筋(36)compression member with large eccentricity·:大偏心受压构件(32)compression member with small eccentricity·:小偏心受压构件(32)compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain:斜纹承压强度(66) compressive strength perpendicular to grain:横纹承压强度(66)concentration of plastic deformation:塑性变形集中(9)conceptual earthquake—resistant design:建筑抗震概念设计(9)concrete:混凝土(17)concrete column:混凝土柱(26)concrete consistence:混凝土稠度(37)concrete floded—plate structure:混凝土折板结构(26)concrete foundation:混凝土基础(27)concrete mix ratio:混凝土配合比(38)concrete wall:混凝土墙(27)concrete-filled steel tubular member:钢管混凝土构件(8)conifer:针叶树材(65)coniferous wood:针叶树材(65)connecting plate:连接板(52)connection:连接(21)connections of steel structure:钢结构连接(59)connections of timber structure:木结构连接(68)consistency of mortar:砂浆稠度(48)constant cross—section column:等截面柱(7)construction and examination concentrated load:施工和检修集中荷载(15) continuous weld:连续焊缝(60)core area of section:截面核芯面积(33)core tube supported structure:核心筒悬挂结构(3)corrosion of steel bar:钢筋锈蚀(39)coupled wall:连肢墙(12)coupler:连接器(37)coupling wall—beam :连梁(12)coupling wall—column...:墙肢(12)coursing degree of mortar:砂浆分层度(48)cover plate:盖板(52)covered electrode:焊条(54)crack:裂缝(?0)crack resistance:抗裂度(31)crack width:裂缝宽度(31)crane girder:吊车梁(?)crane load:吊车荷载(15)creep of concrete:混凝土徐变(30)crook:横弯(71)cross beam:井字梁(6)cup:翘弯curved support:弧形支座(51)cylindrical brick arch:砖筒拱(43)Ddecay:腐朽(71)decay prevention of timber structure:木结构防腐(70)defect in timber:木材缺陷(70)deformation analysis:变形验算(10)degree of gravity vertical for structure or structuralmember·:结构构件垂直度(40)degree of gravity vertical forwall surface:墙面垂直度(49)degree of plainness for structural memer:构件平整度(40)degree of plainness for wall surface:墙面平整度(49)depth of compression zone:受压区高度(32)depth of neutral axis:中和轴高度(32)depth of notch:齿深(67)design of building structures:建筑结构设计(8)design value of earthquake-resistant strength ofmaterials:材料抗震强度设计值(1design value of load—carrying capacity of members·:构件承载能力设计值(1designations 0f steel:钢材牌号(53designvalue of material strength:材料强度设计值(1destructive test:破损试验(40detailing reintorcement:构造配筋(35detailing requirements:构造要求(22diamonding:菱形变形(71)diaphragm:横隔板(52dimensional errors:尺寸偏差(39)distribution factor of snow pressure:屋面积雪分布系数dogspike:扒钉(70)double component concrete column:双肢柱(26)dowelled joint:销连接(69)down-stayed composite beam:下撑式组合粱(8)ductile frame:延性框架(2)dynamic design:动态设计(8)Eearthquake-resistant design:抗震设计(9:earthquake-resistant detailing requirements:抗震构造要求(22)effective area of fillet weld:角焊缝有效面积(57)effective depth of section:截面有效高度(33)effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt·:螺栓(或高强度螺栓)有效直径(57)effective height:计算高度(21)effective length:计算长度(21)effective length of fillet weld:角焊缝有效计算长度(48)effective length of nail:钉有效长度(56)effective span:计算跨度(21)effective supporting length at end of beam:梁端有效支承长度(46) effective thickness of fillet weld:角焊缝有效厚度(48)elastic analysis scheme:弹性方案(46)elastic foundation beam:弹性地基梁(11)elastic foundation plate:弹性地基板(12)elastically supported continuous girder·:弹性支座连续梁(u)elasticity modulus of materials:材料弹性模量(18)elongation rate:伸长率(15)embeded parts:预埋件(30)enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength ofmaterials·:局部抗压强度提高系数(14)entrapped air:含气量(38)equilibrium moisture content:平衡含水率(66)equivalent slenderness ratio:换算长细比(57)equivalent uniformly distributed live load·:等效均布活荷载(14)etlectlve cross—section area of high-strength bolt·:高强度螺栓的有效截面积(58)ettectlve cross—section area of bolt:螺栓有效截面面积(57)euler’s critical load:欧拉临界力(56)euler’s critical stress:欧拉临界应力(56)excessive penetration:塌陷(62)Ffiber concrete:纤维混凝仁(28)filler plate:填板门2)fillet weld:角焊缝(61)final setting time:终凝时间()finger joint:指接(69)fired common brick:烧结普通砖(43)fish eye:白点(62)fish—belly beam:角腹式梁(7)fissure:裂缝(?0)flexible connection:柔性连接(22)flexural rigidity of section:截面弯曲刚度(19)flexural stiffness of member:构件抗弯刚度(20)floor plate:楼板(6)floor system:楼盖(6)four sides(edges)supported plate:四边支承板(12)frame structure:框架结构(2)frame tube structure:单框筒结构(3)frame tube structure:框架—简体结构(2)frame with sidesway:有侧移框架(12)frame without sidesway:无侧移框架(12)frange plate:翼缘板(52)friction coefficient of masonry:砌体摩擦系数(44) full degree of mortar at bed joint:砂浆饱满度(48) function of acceptance:验收函数(23)Ggang nail plate joint:钉板连接()glue used for structural timberg:木结构用胶glued joint:胶合接头glued laminated timber:层板胶合木(¨)glued laminated timber structure:层板胶合结构‘61) grider:主梁((㈠grip:夹具grith weld:环形焊缝(6÷))groove:坡口gusset plate:节点板(52)Hhanger:吊环hanging steel bar:吊筋heartwood :心材heat tempering bar:热处理钢筋(28)height variation factor of wind pressure:风压高度变化系数(16) heliral weld:螺旋形僻缝high—strength bolt:高强度螺栓high—strength bolt with large hexagon bea:大六角头高强度螺栓high—strength bolted bearing type join:承压型高强度螺栓连接, high—strength bolted connection:高强度螺栓连接high—strength bolted friction—type joint:摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 high—strength holted steel slsteel structure:高强螺栓连接钢结构 hinge support:铰轴支座(51)hinged connection:铰接(21)hlngeless arch:无铰拱(12)hollow brick:空心砖(43)hollow ratio of masonry unit:块体空心率(46)honeycomb:蜂窝(39)hook:弯钩(37)hoop:箍筋(36)hot—rolled deformed bar:热轧带肋钢筋(28)hot—rolled plain bar:热轧光圆钢筋(28)hot-rolled section steel:热轧型钢(53)hunched beam:加腋梁(?)Iimpact toughness:冲击韧性(18)impermeability:抗渗性(38)inclined section:斜截面(33)inclined stirrup:斜向箍筋(36)incomplete penetration:未焊透(61)incomplete tusion:未溶合(61)incompletely filled groove:未焊满(61)indented wire:刻痕钢丝(29)influence coefficient for load—bearing capacity of compression member:受压构件承载能力影响系数(46)influence coefficient for spacial action :空间性能影响系数(46) initial control:初步控制(22)insect prevention of timber structure:木结构防虫(?o)inspection for properties of glue used in structuralmember:结构用胶性能检验(71)inspection for properties of masnory units:块体性能检验(48)inspection for properties of mortar:砂浆性能检验(48)inspection for properties of steelbar:钢筋性能检验(39)integral prefabricated prestressed concrete slab—columnstructure:整体预应力板柱结构(25)intermediate stiffener:中间加劲肋(53)intermittent weld:断续焊缝(60)Jjoint of reinforcement:钢筋接头(35)Kkey joint:键连接(69)kinetic design:动态设计(8)knot:节子(木节)(70)Llaced of battened compression member:格构式钢柱(51)lacing and batten elements:缀材(缀件)(51)lacing bar:缀条(51)lamellar tearing:层状撕裂(62)lap connectlon:叠接(搭接)(59)lapped length of steel bar:钢筋搭接长度(36)large pannel concrete structure:混凝土大板结构(25)large-form cocrete structure:大模板结构(26)lateral bending:侧向弯曲(40)lateral displacement stiffness of storey:楼层侧移刚度(20)lateral displacement stiffness of structure·:结构侧移刚度(20)lateral force resistant wallstructure:抗侧力墙体结构(12)leg size of fillet weld:角焊缝焊脚尺寸(57)length of shear plane:剪面长度(67)lift—slab structure:升板结构(25)light weight aggregate concrete:轻骨料混凝土(28)limit of acceptance:验收界限(23)limitimg value for local dimension of masonrystructure·:砌体结构局部尺寸限值(47)limiting value for sectional dimension:截面尺寸限值(47)limiting value for supporting length:支承长度限值(47)limiting value for total height of masonry structure·:砌体结构总高度限值(47)linear expansion coeffcient:线膨胀系数(18)lintel:过梁(7)load bearing wall:承重墙(7)load-carrying capacity per bolt:单个普通螺栓承载能力(56)load—carrying capacity per high—strength holt:单个高强螺桂承载能力(56)load—carrying capacity per rivet:单个铆钉承载能力(55)log:原木(65)log timberstructure:原木结构(64)long term rigidity of member:构件长期刚度(32)longitude horizontal bracing:纵向水平支撑(5)longitudinal steel bar:纵向钢筋(35)longitudinal stiffener:纵向加劲肋(53)longitudinal weld:纵向焊缝(60)losses of prestress:‘预应力损失(33)lump material:块体(42)Mmain axis:强轴(56)main beam·:主梁(6)major axis:强轴(56)manual welding:手工焊接(59)manufacture control:生产控制(22)map cracking:龟裂(39)masonry:砌体(17)masonry lintel:砖过梁(43)masonry member:无筋砌体构件(41)masonry units:块体(43)masonry—concrete structure:砖混结构(¨)masonry—timber structure:砖木结构(11)mechanical properties of materials·:材料力学性能(17)melt—thru:烧穿(62)method of sampling:抽样方法(23)minimum strength class of masonry:砌体材料最低强度等级(47)minor axls·:弱轴(56)mix ratio of mortar:砂浆配合比(48)mixing water:拌合水(27)modified coefficient for allowable ratio of height tosectionalthickness of masonry wall :砌体墙容许高厚比修正系数(47) modified coefficient of flexural strength for timber curvedmem—:弧形木构件抗弯强度修正系数(68)modulus of elasticity of concrete:混凝土弹性模量(30)modulus of elasticity parellel to grain:顺纹弹性模量(66)moisture content:含水率(66)moment modified factor:弯矩调幅系数monitor frame:天窗架mortar:砂浆multi—defence system of earthquake—resistant building·:多道设防抗震建筑multi—tube supported suspended structure:多筒悬挂结构Nnailed joint:钉连接,net height:净高lnet water/cementratio:净水灰比non-destructive inspection of weld:焊缝无损检验non-destructive test:非破损检验non-load—bearingwall:非承重墙non—uniform cross—section beam:变截面粱non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement:纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数normal concrete:普通混凝土normal section:正截面notch and tooth joint:齿连接number of sampling:抽样数量Oobligue section:斜截面oblique—angle fillet weld:斜角角焊缝one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab‘‘:单向板open web roof truss:空腹屋架,ordinary concrete:普通混凝土(28)ordinary steel bar:普通钢筋(29)orthogonal fillet weld:直角角焊缝(61)outstanding width of flange:翼缘板外伸宽度(57)outstanding width of stiffener:加劲肋外伸宽度(57)over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·:钢梁整体稳定系数(58)overlap:焊瘤(62)overturning or slip resistance analysis :抗倾覆、滑移验算(10)Ppadding plate:垫板(52)partial penetrated butt weld:不焊透对接焊缝(61)partition:非承重墙(7)penetrated butt weld:透焊对接焊缝(60)percentage of reinforcement:配筋率(34)perforated brick:多孔砖(43)pilastered wall:带壁柱墙(42)pit·:凹坑(62)pith:髓心(?o)plain concrete structure:素混凝土结构(24)plane hypothesis:平截面假定(32)plane structure:平面结构(11)plane trussed lattice grids:平面桁架系网架(5)plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section:截面塑性发展系数(58) plastic design of steel structure:钢结构塑性设计(56)plastic hinge·:塑性铰(13)plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensilezone:受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数(34)plate—like space frame:干板型网架(5)plate—like space truss:平板型网架(5)plug weld:塞焊缝(60)plywood:胶合板(65)plywood structure:胶合板结构(64)pockmark:麻面(39)polygonal top-chord roof truss:多边形屋架(4)post—tensioned prestressed concrete structure:后张法预应力混凝土结构(24)precast reinforced concrete member:预制混凝土构件(26)prefabricated concrete structure:装配式混凝土结构(25)presetting time:初凝时间(38)prestressed concrete structure:预应力混凝土结构(24)prestressed steel structure:预应力钢结构(50)prestressed tendon:预应力筋<29)pre—tensioned prestressed concrete structure·:先张法预应力混凝土结构(24)primary control:初步控制(22)production control:生产控制(22)properties of fresh concrete:可塑混凝土性能(37)properties of hardened concrete:硬化混凝土性能(38)property of building structural materials:建筑结构材料性能(17)purlin“—””—:檩条(4)Qqlue timber structurer:胶合木结构(㈠)quality grade of structural timber:木材质量等级(?0)quality grade of weld:焊缝质量级别(61)quality inspection of bolted connection:螺栓连接质量检验(63)quality inspection of masonry:砌体质量检验(48)quality inspection of riveted connection:铆钉连接质量检验(63)quasi—permanent value of live load on floor orroof,:楼面、屋面活荷载准永久值(15)Rradial check:辐裂(70)ratio of axial compressive force to axial compressive ultimatecapacity of section:轴压比(35)ratio of height to sectional thickness of wall orcolumn:砌体墙柱高、厚比(48)ratio of reinforcement:配筋率(34)ratio of shear span to effective depth of section:剪跨比(35)redistribution of internal force:内力重分布(13)reducing coefficient of compressive strength in sloping grain for bolted connection:螺栓连接斜纹承压强度降低系数(68)reducing coefficient of liveload:活荷载折减系数(14)reducing coefficient of shearing strength for notch and toothconnection:齿连接抗剪强度降低系数(68)regular earthquake—resistant building:规则抗震建筑(9)reinforced concrete deep beam:混凝土深梁(26)reinforced concrete slender beam:混凝土浅梁(26)reinforced concrete structure:钢筋混凝土结构(24)reinforced masonry structure:配筋砌体结构(41)reinforcement ratio:配筋率(34)reinforcement ratio per unit volume:体积配筋率(35)relaxation of prestressed tendon:预应筋松弛(31)representative value of gravity load:重力荷载代表值(17)resistance to abrasion:耐磨性(38)resistance to freezing and thawing:抗冻融性(39)resistance to water penetration·:抗渗性(38)reveal of reinforcement:露筋(39)right—angle filletweld:直角角焊缝(61)rigid analysis scheme:刚性方案(45)rigid connection:刚接(21)rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙(42)rigid zone:刚域(13)rigid-elastic analysis scheme:刚弹性方案(45)rigidity of section:截面刚度(19)rigidly supported continous girder:刚性支座连续梁(11)ring beam:圈梁(42)rivet:铆钉(55)riveted connecction:铆钉连接(60)riveted steel beam:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel girder:铆接钢梁(52)riveted steel structure:铆接钢结构(50)rolle rsupport:滚轴支座(51)rolled steel beam:轧制型钢梁(51)roof board:屋面板(3)roof bracing system:屋架支撑系统(4)roof girder:屋面梁(4)roof plate:屋面板(3)roof slab:屋面板(3)roof system:屋盖(3)roof truss:屋架(4)rot:腐朽(71)round wire:光圆钢丝(29)Ssafety classes of building structures:建筑结构安全等级(9)safetybolt:保险螺栓(69)sapwood:边材(65)sawn lumber+A610:方木(65)sawn timber structure:方木结构(64)saw-tooth joint failure:齿缝破坏(45)scarf joint:斜搭接(70)seamless steel pipe:无缝钢管(54)seamless steel tube:无缝钢管(54)second moment of area of tranformed section:换算截面惯性矩(34) second order effect due to displacement:挠曲二阶效应(13)secondary axis:弱轴(56)secondary beam:次粱(6)section modulus of transformed section:换算截面模量(34)section steel:型钢(53)semi-automatic welding:半自动焊接(59)separated steel column:分离式钢柱(51)setting time:凝结时间(38)shake:环裂(70)shaped steel:型钢(53)shapefactorofwindload:风荷载体型系数(16)shear plane:剪面(67)shearing rigidity of section:截面剪变刚度(19)shearing stiffness of member:构件抗剪刚度(20)short stiffener:短加劲肋(53)short term rigidity of member:构件短期刚度(31)shrinkage:干缩(71)shrinkage of concrete:混凝干收缩(30)silos:贮仓(3)skylight truss:天窗架(4)slab:楼板(6)slab—column structure:板柱结构(2)slag inclusion:夹渣(61)sloping grain:‘斜纹(70)slump:坍落度(37)snow reference pressure:基本雪压(16)solid—web steel column:实腹式钢柱(space structure:空间结构(11)space suspended cable:悬索(5)spacing of bars:钢筋间距(33)spacing of rigid transverse wall:刚性横墙间距(46)spacing of stirrup legs:箍筋肢距(33)spacing of stirrups:箍筋间距(33)specified concrete:特种混凝上(28)spiral stirrup:螺旋箍筋(36)spiral weld:螺旋形焊缝(60)split ringjoint:裂环连接(69)square pyramid space grids:四角锥体网架(5)stability calculation:稳定计算(10)stability reduction coefficient of axially loadedcompression:轴心受压构件稳定系数<13)stair:楼梯(8)static analysis scheme of building:房屋静力汁算方案(45)static design:房屋静力汁算方案(45)statically determinate structure:静定结构(11)statically indeterminate structure:超静定结构(11)sted:钢材(17)steel bar:钢筋(28)steel column component:钢柱分肢(51)steel columnbase:钢柱脚(51)steel fiber reinforced concrete structure·:钢纤维混凝土结构(26)steel hanger:吊筋(37)steel mesh reinforced brick masonry member:方格网配筋砖砌体构件(41) steel pipe:钢管(54)steel plate:钢板(53)steel plateelement:钢板件(52)steel strip:钢带(53)steel support:钢支座(51)steel tie:拉结钢筋(36)steel tie bar for masonry:砌体拉结钢筋(47)steel tube:钢管(54)steel tubular structure:钢管结构(50)steel wire:钢丝(28)stepped column:阶形柱(7)stiffener:加劲肋(52)stiffness of structural member:构件刚度(19)stiffness of transverse wall:横墙刚度(45)stirrup:箍筋(36)stone:石材(44)stone masonry:石砌体(44)stone masonry structure:石砌体结构(41)storev height:层高(21)straight—line joint failure:通缝破坏(45)straightness of structural member:构件乎直度(71)strand:钢绞线(2,)strength classes of masonry units:块体强度等级(44)strength classes of mortar:砂浆强度等级(44)strength classes of structural steel:钢材强度等级(55)strength classes of structural timber:木材强度等级(66)strength classes(grades) of concrete:混凝土强度等级(29)strength classes(grades) of prestressed tendon:预应力筋强度等级(30) strength classes(grades) of steel bar :普通钢筋强度等级(30)strength of structural timber parallel to grain:木材顺纹强度(66)strongaxis:强轴(56)structural system composed of bar:”杆系结构(11)structural system composed of plate:板系结构(12)structural wall:结构墙(7)superposed reinforced concrete flexural member:叠合式混凝土受弯构件(26)suspended crossed cable net:双向正交索网结构(6)suspended structure:悬挂结构(3)swirl grain:涡纹(?1)Ttensile(compressive) rigidity of section:截面拉伸(压缩)刚度(19)tensile(compressive) stiffness of member:构件抗拉(抗压)刚度(20)tensile(ultimate) strength of steel:钢材(钢筋)抗拉(极限)强度(18)test for properties of concrete structural members:构件性能检验(40): thickness of concrete cover:混凝土保护层厚度(33)thickness of mortarat bed joint:水平灰缝厚度(49)thin shell:薄壳(6)three hinged arch:三铰拱(n)tie bar:拉结钢筋(36)tie beam,‘:系梁(22)tie tod:系杆(5)tied framework:绑扎骨架(35)timber:木材(17)timber roof truss:木屋架(64)tor-shear type high-strength bolt:扭剪型高强度螺栓(54)torsional rigidity of section:截面扭转刚度(19)torsional stiffness of member:构件抗扭刚度(20)total breadth of structure:结构总宽度(21)total height of structure:结构总高度(21)total length of structure:结构总长度(21)transmission length of prestress:预应力传递长度(36)transverse horizontal bracing:横向水平支撑(4)transverse stiffener·:横向加劲肋(53)transverse weld:横向焊缝(60)transversely distributed steelbar:横向分布钢筋(36)trapezoid roof truss:梯形屋架(4)triangular pyramid space grids:三角锥体网架(5)triangular roof truss:三角形屋架(4)trussed arch:椽架(64)trussed rafter:桁架拱(5)tube in tube structure:筒中筒结构(3)tube structure:简体结构(2)twist:扭弯(71)two hinged arch:双铰拱(11)two sides(edges) supported plate:两边支承板(12)two—way reinforced (or prestressed) concrete slab:混凝土双向板(27)Uultimate compressive strain of concrete’”:混凝土极限压应变(31)unbonded prestressed concrete structure:无粘结预应力混凝土结构(25) undercut:咬边(62)uniform cross—section beam:等截面粱(6)unseasoned timber:湿材(65)upper flexible and lower rigid complex multistoreybuilding·:上柔下刚多层房屋(45)upper rigid lower flexible complex multistoreybuilding·:上刚下柔多层房屋(45)Vvalue of decompression prestress :预应力筋消压预应力值(33)value of effective prestress:预应筋有效预应力值(33)verification of serviceability limit states·”:正常使用极限状态验证(10)verification of ultimate limit states :承载能极限状态验证(10)vertical bracing:竖向支撑(5)vierendal roof truss:空腹屋架(4)visual examination of structural member:构件外观检查(39)visual examination of structural steel member:钢构件外观检查(63)visual examination of weld:焊缝外观检查(62)Wwall beam:墙梁(42)wall frame:壁式框架(门)wall—slab structure:墙板结构(2)warping:翘曲(40),(71)warping rigidity of section:截面翘曲刚度(19)water retentivity of mortar:砂浆保水性(48)water tower:水塔(3)water/cement ratio·:水灰比(3g)weak axis·:弱轴(56)weak region of earthquake—resistant building:抗震建筑薄弱部位(9) web plate:腹板(52)weld:焊缝(6[))weld crack:焊接裂纹(62)weld defects:焊接缺陷(61)weld roof:焊根(61)weld toe:焊趾(61)weldability of steel bar:钢筋可焊性(39)welded framework:焊接骨架()welded steel beam:焊接钢梁(welded steel girder:焊接钢梁(52)welded steel pipe:焊接钢管(54)welded steel strueture:焊接钢结构(50)welding connection·:焊缝连接(59)welding flux:焊剂(54)welding rod:焊条(54)welding wire:焊丝(54)wind fluttering factor:风振系数(16)wind reference pressure:基本风压(16)wind—resistant column:抗风柱(?)wood roof decking:屋面木基层(64)Yyield strength (yield point) of steel:钢材(钢筋)屈服强度(屈服点)。
