医学英语教学目的 英文版

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

cardiovascular diseases;脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary;泌尿道urinary tract;分子molecule;动脉artery;内分泌学endocrinology;呼吸困难dyspnea;唾液saliva;组织学histology;血液循环blood circulation;血液学hematology;生理学physiology;解剖学anatomy;女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell;免疫学immunology;消化不良dyspepsia;随意肌voluntary muscle;胚胎学embryology;心理学psychology;细胞学cytology;原生质protoplasm;细胞膜cell membrane;细胞核nucleus;细胞质(浆)cytoplasm;脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid;能半渗透的semipermeable;分子生物学molecular biology;碳水化合物carbohydrate;有区别性的differentially;使…完整intact;根据according to;遗传特性hereditary trait;渗滤diffusion;转换transaction;蓝图blueprint;染色体chromosome;色素pigment;排出废液excrete waste fluid;散开disperse;脉冲信号impulse;核糖核酸ribonucleic acid;损害正常功能impair the normal function; 污染环境pollute environment;功能失调malfunction;致病因子causative agents;易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups;局部化的感染localized infection;花柳病venereal disease;抗原与抗体antigen&antibody;肌电图electromyogram;多发性硬化multiple sclerosis;心电图electrocardiograph;疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease;光纤技术fiber optic technology;造血系统hematopoietic system;致命的疾病fatal disease;体液body fluid; 无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment;无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance;葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test;乐观的预后optimistic prognosis;超声波检测法ultrasonography;病史medical history;随访活动follow-up visit;营养不良nutritional deficiency;使细节显著highlight detail;脑电图electroencephalogram;缺血的组织blood-starved tissue;肌纤维muscle fiber;随意肌voluntary muscle;消化道alimentary canal;肌腹fleshy belly of muscle;横纹肌striated muscle;肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle;肌肉收缩muscle contraction;肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle;肌肉放松relaxation of muscle;动脉出血arterial hemorrhage;止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor;蛋白分子protein molecule;纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue;伸肌extensor;意志力willpower;横切面transverse section;起搏器pacemaker;肌萎缩muscle atrophy;重症肌无力myasthenia gravis;弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia;常染色体隐性autosomal recessive;全身性感染systemic infection;受累的肌肉muscle involved;显著相关性significant correlation;神经末梢nerve terminal;自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction;神经支配innervation;肌营养不良muscular dystrophy;慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition;先天性肌病congenital myopathy;预期寿命life expectancy;免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant;发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset;胸腺肿瘤thymoma;呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic;去神经支配denervation;矿物质吸收mineral absorption;机械应力mechanical stress;骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty;蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme;破骨细胞osteoclast;松质骨spongy bone;骨折fracture;不规则骨irregular bone;骨骼系统skeletal system;维生素吸收vitamin absorption;骨钙丧失the loss of calcium from bone;生长激素growth hormone;骺软骨epiphyseal cartilage;镁缺乏magnesium deficiency;成骨细胞osteoblast;密质骨compact bone;骨髓腔marrow cavity;红骨髓red marrow;软骨内骨化endochondral ossification;矫形学orthopedics;闭合性骨折closed fracture;骨代谢疾病metabolic bone disease;雌激素替代疗法estrogen replacement therapy; 肾上腺皮质adrenal cortex;佝偻病rickets;骨肉瘤osteosarcoma;软骨肉瘤chondrosarcoma;止痛relieve pain;类风湿关节炎rheumatoid arthritis;骨髓炎osteomyelitis;开放性骨折open fracture;骨质疏松症osteoporosis;营养缺乏nutritional deficiency;骨软化症osteomalocia;听力丧失hearing lose;恶性肿瘤malignant tumor;关节炎arthritis;抗炎剂anti-inflammatory drugs;痛风gout;牙周组织periodontium;唾液腺salivary glands;口腔oral cavity;升结肠ascending colon;贲门括约肌cardiac sphincter;乳化作用emulsification;消化道alimentary tract;脾弯曲splenic flexure;锥形的突起cone-shaped papillae;似袋状的器官pouch-like organ;会厌epiglottis;十二指肠duodenum;乙状结肠sigmoid colon;幽门括约肌pyloric sphincter;舌下腺sublingual gland;蠕动peristalsis;下颌下腺submandibular gland;解毒作用detoxification;回盲瓣ileocecal valve;胰岛素insulin;穿孔perforation;溃疡性结肠炎ulcerative colitis;纤维变性fibrosis;阑尾炎appendicitis;胃十二指肠吻合术gastroduodenostomy;直肠镜proctoscope;裂孔疝hiatal hernia;造影剂contrast medium; 代偿失调decompensation;胆石病choletithiasis;内窥镜检查endoscopy;胆囊切除术cholecystectomy;憩室炎diverticulitis;麻痹性肠梗阻paralytic ileus;胆绞痛biliary colic;一个系列的 a spectrum of;副鼻窦paranasal sinus;口咽oropharynx;脊椎动物verterbrate animal;肺泡alveolus;二氧化碳carbon dioxide;肺换气不足hypoventilation;横膈膜神经phrenic nerve;双重折叠的double folded;威慑物deterrent;润滑液lubricating fluid;滞痰stagnant sputum;食管esophagus;纵隔mediastinum;哺乳动物mammal;碱中毒alkalosis;迷宫labyrinth;污染物质pollutant;脑干brainstem;上皮,上皮细胞epithelium;刺激物irritant;利尿剂duretics;大叶性肺炎lobar pneumonia;疾病的鉴别differentiation of disease;破坏性的损坏destructive damage;痰性咳嗽productive cough;共存coexist;医学文献medical literatures;咯血nemoptysis;渗出物,渗出液exudate;痰液phlegm;气促,气短breathless;无症状的asymptomatic;吸烟者晨咳morning cigarette cough;肺弹性回缩elastic recoil;反复发作recurrent episodes;有毒刺激物质nonxious agents;连续三年successive 3 years;交叉重复crossover;互相排除的mutually exclusive;小气道闭塞obliteration of small airway; 主动脉弓aortic arch;胸主动脉thoracic aorta;舒张压diastolic pressure;腹主动脉abdominal aorta;收缩压systolic pressure;脊柱vertebral colum;毫米汞柱mmHg;半月形的semilunar;最里层的innermost;升主动脉ascending aorta;二尖瓣bicuspid valve;体循环systemic circuit;上腔静脉superior vena cava下腔静脉inferior vena cava;心肌myocardium;心内膜endocadium;细分;分支subdivision;心外膜epicardium;小动脉arteriole;心包pericardium;全血细胞减少pancytopenia;网织红细胞reticulocyte;自身免疫的autoimmune;危及生命的life-threatening;凝结cougulation;血小板减少thrombocytopenia;免疫缺陷immunodeficiency;功能紊乱dysfunction;活疫苗live vaccine;移植物对宿主的反应graft-versus-host reaction;血友病hemophilia;素质diathesis;巨成红细胞megaloblast;自发病,特发病idiopathic;弥散性血管内凝血disseminated intravascular coagulation;instrinsic;appendic/o>appendix阑尾炎2bil/i/rubin bil/i>bile胆红素3chondr/o/sarc/oma chrondr/o >cartilage ; sarc/o >flesh 软骨肉瘤4chol/sterol chol/e > bile, gall胆固醇5bucc/al bucc/o > bucca口腔的;颊的6crani/al crani/o > skull颅的,颅侧的7colon/o/scope colon/o > colon结肠镜8sigmoid/o/scope sigmoid/o > sigmoid colon乙状结肠镜9inter/cost/al cost/o > rib肋间的10dent/in dent/o > teeth牙质11epi/gastr/ic gastr/o > stomach胃上部的,腹上部的12enter/itis enter/o > small intestine肠炎13arthr/itis arthr/i > joint关节炎14bronch/o/genic bronch/o > bronchus支气管原的15cec/um cec/o > cecum盲肠16sub/lingu/al lingu/o > tongue舌下的17gingiv/itis gingiv/o > gum牙龈炎18nas/o/gastr/ic gas/o > nose gastr/o > stomach鼻饲的19hypo/pharyng/eal pharyng/o > pharynx下咽的20diverticul/osis diverticul/o > diverticulum憩室病21ile/o/stomy ile/o > ileum回肠造口术22chol/e/cyst/ectomy chol/e > bile; cyst/o > sac胆囊切除术23abdomin/al abdomin/o > abdomen腹部的24pneumon/ia pneumon/o > lung肺炎25thorac/ic thorac/o > pleural cavity ,chestcavity 胸腔的26duoden/um deoden/o > duodenum十二指肠27laryng/o/pharynx larygn/o > larynx pharyng/o >pharynx 咽喉28vertebr/ate vertebr/o > back bone脊椎动物29oste/o/myel/itis oste/o > bone;myel/o > bonemarrow 骨髓炎30pancreat/ic pancreat/o>pancreas胰腺炎31angi/o/plasty angio>vessels血管成形术32extra/o/cular extra>outside细胞外的33tendon/ous ten>tendon肌腱的34mamm/o/graphy mamm>breast乳房X线检查术35electr/o/my/o/gram electr>electricity,my>muscle肌电图36erythr/o/cyte eryth>red红细胞37hem/o/globin globin>protein血红蛋白38prot/o/plasm prot>first原生质39urin/ary ary>pertaining to泌尿道的40neur/o/pathy neur>nerve神经疾病41lymph/atic lymph>lymph淋巴的42my/o/fiber my>muscle肌纤维43pelv/ic pelv>pelvic bone盆骨44hepat/itis itis>inflammation肝炎45fibr/ous fibr>fiber纤维的46embry/o/logy embry>embryo胚胎学47leuk/emia emia>blood condition 白血病48electr/o/cardi/o/graph graph>instrument of recording 心电图仪49dermat/o/my/o/sitis dermat>skin 皮肤炎50thym/ectomy ectomy>surgical exasion or removal of 胸腺切除术51cyt/o/plasm cyt>cell 细胞浆52isch/emia isch> to hold back 局部缺血53steth/o/scope stech> the chest 听诊器54pulmon/ary pulmon>lung 肺的55sarc/o/plasm plasm>formation growth or substance of formation 肌浆56chrom/o/some some>body 染色体57vascul/ar vascul>blood vessel5岁小男孩。

This course is a specialized one based on common English and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Its main contents include the English expression of basic theories of TCM, the cultural differences between Chinese and Western medicine, the translation of classical terms and commonly used phrases in TCM, spoken English training for outpatient service, listening practice of TCM sci-tech lectures in English and so on. The purpose of the course is to train students to understand and master the basic methods and techniques of TCM English translation and acquire the professional English skills for taking part in the clinic and research work as well as international exchange.大纲内容一、前言【课程目的】本课程是以中医学专业知识和普通英语为基础的专业英语课,旨在培养和提高学生中医专业英语水平,掌握中医翻译的方法与技巧,逐步具备中医专业英语翻译能力,为进一步从事对外医疗活动以及国际学术交流奠定坚实的基础。


《医学英语》课程教学大纲课程类别: 专业分化课适用对象: 涉外护理专业分化方向的学生总学时:56 讲授学时:56 课内实践学时:0独立实践学时:0一、课程的性质、任务与基本要求(一)性质与任务!本课程为涉外护理专业的专业英语考试课,是在学习了大学英语后所开设的课程。
二、主要教学内容及教学要求Unit 1 Nursing of the Patients with Blood-System Diseases—主要教学内容血液系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)教学要求1、掌握:血液系统常见病,如缺铁性贫血和恶性贫血等的临床表现、治疗、护理及常用药物。
Unit 2 Nursing of the Patients with Respiratory-System Diseases主要教学内容呼吸系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3):教学要求1、掌握:呼吸系统常见病,如COPD、急性哮喘和肺结核等的临床表现、治疗、护理;气管切开、胸腔闭式引流的护理。
Unit 3 Nursing of the Patients with digestive-System Diseases主要教学内容消化系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)教学要求1、掌握:消化系统常见病,如胆囊炎、肝硬化、消化道溃疡等的临床表现、检查、治疗和护理;三腔两囊管的护理。

医学英语视听说1教师版Medical English: Listening and Speaking 1 (Teacher's Edition)IntroductionIn today's globalized world, the importance of mastering English in the field of medicine cannot be overstated. Medical professionals from around the world need to communicate effectively in English to provide quality healthcare and collaborate with colleagues internationally. This article presents an overview of the "Medical English: Listening and Speaking 1" textbook for teachers, guiding them on how to effectively teach the course and help students develop their English language skills in the medical context.Course ObjectivesThe primary objective of "Medical English: Listening and Speaking 1" is to enhance students' proficiency in English by focusing on improving their listening and speaking skills. The course aims to:1. Improve students' listening skills to enable them to understand medical lectures, patient histories, and medical discussions.2. Enhance students' speaking skills to enable them to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and healthcare professionals in various medical settings.3. Expand students' medical vocabulary and their ability to use specialized medical terms accurately.4. Familiarize students with common medical scenarios and develop their ability to respond appropriately in different clinical situations.Course Structure"Medical English: Listening and Speaking 1" is divided into ten units, each covering different medical topics. The course is designed to progressively increase the level of difficulty, allowing students to build upon their knowledge and skills throughout the semester. Each unit consists of the following components:1. Listening Exercises: This section includes authentic medical audio recordings, such as patient interviews, doctor-patient dialogues, and medical lectures. Students are exposed to a range of accents and medical terminology, helping them improve their listening comprehension skills.2. Speaking Practice: In this section, students engage in conversation activities to practice using medical vocabulary and structures. They are encouraged to participate actively, ask questions, and express their opinions on various medical topics. The teacher plays a crucial role in facilitating discussions and providing feedback.3. Vocabulary Expansion: This component focuses on key medical vocabulary and terminology. Students learn new words, their definitions, and how to use them accurately in medical contexts. The teacher can employ various techniques, such as flashcards, matching exercises, and role-playing, to reinforce vocabulary acquisition.4. Role-Play: Role-plays simulate real-life medical scenarios, allowing students to practice their speaking skills in a practical context. Students takeon different roles, such as doctors, nurses, or patients, and interact using appropriate medical language.5. Pronunciation Drills: Pronunciation exercises help students improve their pronunciation and intonation by practicing medical terms, phrases, and sentences. The teacher guides students in correct pronunciation and provides individualized feedback.6. Listening Strategies: This section equips students with essential listening strategies, such as identifying main ideas, understanding context, and recognizing specific details. Students learn how to effectively comprehend medical audio materials independently.7. Guided Discussions: Guided discussions promote critical thinking and develop students' ability to express their opinions on medical topics. The teacher facilitates discussions, encourages students to provide justifications for their viewpoints, and fosters a supportive learning environment.8. Review and Assessment: Regular review and assessment tasks allow students to consolidate their learning and evaluate their progress. The teacher administers quizzes, tests, and assignments to assess students' understanding and provide constructive feedback for improvement.Conclusion"Medical English: Listening and Speaking 1" equips students with the necessary language skills to effectively communicate in English within the medical field. Through a comprehensive curriculum, including listening exercises, speaking practice, vocabulary expansion, role-plays, pronunciation drills, and guided discussions, students develop theconfidence and proficiency required to succeed in their medical careers. By following the provided guidelines, teachers can facilitate an engaging and interactive classroom environment, fostering continuous learning and growth in medical English proficiency.。

已。 虽然很多学校多媒体 已投入使用 , 但 由于缺乏合适的音像 资料 。 仍然没有充分发挥其重要性。 即 使 有 一些 医学 英 语 音 像 资 料 已 问世 , 但 由 于专 业 性 太 强 , 只适合少 部分学生 , 对 于 大 部 分 学 生 。尤 其 是 英 语 水 平 较差 的学 生 ,还是 没有 合适 的 资 料 。因此 , 学 生参 与 的积 极 性 不 高 。 课 堂 气 氛 比较 沉 闷 。另 外 , 医 学 英语 课 程 本 身 的特 点 就 是 专 业 性 强 。学生 普遍 的反 应是 学 习 起 来 太难 , 词 汇晦涩难记 , 句子冗长难 懂 , 这 些 特 点 都 让 学 生 失 去 学 习 兴趣 , 如果这时还是用老师一人唱独角戏 、 满 堂 灌 的 传 统 单一 的教 学 模 式 , 势 必 不 会 有 好 的 教 学 效 果 。 当然 , 除 了 教 学 模式 外 . 医 学 英 语 的 教 学 还 存 在 着 很 多 其 他 的问 题 ,
( 4) 写
பைடு நூலகம்
比如要 加强 专 业 英 语 师资 队伍 的建 设 ,就 要 编 写 制 作 优 秀 的 教材 、 影像资料等。但传统的教学模式诟病已久 , 建 设 新 型 的 医 学英 语 教 学 模 式 是 首 要 的任 务 。 医 学 英 语 的 课程 目的 课 程 目的 主要 有 两 方 面 : 一 是 培 养 口语 交 际能 力 。 使 大 学 本 科 生 经过 基 础 英 语 阶段 的学 习之 后 . 通 过 专 业 英语 学 习 。 继 续 巩 固 和不 断 提 高 医学 英 语 的语 言 能 力 ,能 够 用 英 语 就 医 学 方 面 的话 题 进 行 交 流 .二 是 培 养 科 研 能 力 。通 过 本 课 程 的 学 习, 学生 能以英语为工具 , 阅读专业 文献 , 获 得 专 业 所 需 的 外 文 信 息 ,能 为将 来 进 一 步 的深 造 或 参 加 工 作 后 专 业 知 识 的 自 学 打 下 基础 。 因此 , 新 型 教 学 模 式 必 须 为 这 两 点 目的 服 务 , 要 培养 、 提 高 口语 交 际 能 力 . 可 以将 情 景 教 学 法 纳 入 新 的教 学 模 式中。 二、 使 用 情 景教 学 法 情 景 是 指 交 际 活 动 的 社 会 情 景 .语 言 常 常 是 伴 着 一 定 的 情 景 的 。著 名 语 言 学 家 克 鲁 姆 认 为 , 成 功 的 英 语 课 堂 教 学 应 在 课 堂 内创 造 更 多 的 情 景 , 让 学 生 有 机 会 运 用 已学 到 的 语 言 材 料 。 情 景 模 拟 教 学 就 是 要 求 教 师 在 教 学 过 程 中 借 助 实 物、 图片 、 录 音 等 教学 用 具 , 通过 对话交流 、 角色扮 演等形式 , 把 教 学 内 容 以生 动 直 观 的 形 式 呈 现 在 学 生 眼 前 。 在 实 际 情 境 下 进 行 学 习 ,可 以使 学 习 者 利 用 原 有 认 知 结 构 中 的 有 关 经 验 去 同 化 和 索 引 当前 学 习 到 的 新 知 识 ,从 而 赋 予 新 知 识 以某种 意 义。

Improving medical oral communication and expression skills
Provide students with opportunities to practice oral communication in medical settings through role plays, simulations, and interactive exercises
To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English in medical settings
Knowledge and skill requirements
Knowledge of basic medical terminology and
Provide students with a comprehensive list of medical English vocabulary and terminology, including common issues, symptoms, treatments, and medical procedures
Reference materials
Medical journals, research papers, and online databases such as PubMed and Cochrane Library

医学发展的目的英语作文Title: The Purpose of Medical Advancement。
In the realm of healthcare, the pursuit of medical advancement is a perpetual journey driven by a multitude of noble objectives. This essay aims to explore the diverse purposes behind the relentless quest for progress in medicine.First and foremost, the primary purpose of medical development is to alleviate human suffering. Diseases, injuries, and various health conditions inflict profound physical and emotional pain on individuals and communities. Through scientific research, technological innovation, and medical breakthroughs, the goal is to mitigate this suffering by finding effective treatments, preventive measures, and cures. Whether it's eradicating infectious diseases, managing chronic illnesses, or enhancing quality of life through medical interventions, the overarching aim remains the same: to relieve the burden of illness andpromote well-being.Furthermore, medical advancement seeks to extend and improve the quality of life. With advancements in healthcare, people can not only live longer but also enjoy healthier and more fulfilling lives. Innovations such as medical imaging, minimally invasive surgeries, precision medicine, and personalized therapies empower healthcare providers to tailor treatments to individual needs, optimize outcomes, and enhance patient experiences. By enabling people to lead longer, more productive lives with reduced disability and dependency, medical progress contributes to the overall welfare and prosperity of society.Moreover, medical development serves the imperative of public health and disease prevention. Beyond treating existing health problems, the focus shifts towards identifying risk factors, promoting healthy behaviors, and implementing strategies to prevent illnesses before they occur. Vaccination programs, public health campaigns, sanitation initiatives, and lifestyle interventions are allintegral components of disease prevention efforts aimed at reducing the incidence of infectious diseases, chronic conditions, and other health threats. By addressing the root causes of illness and fostering a culture of prevention, medical advancement plays a vital role in safeguarding population health and well-being.Another crucial purpose of medical progress is to enhance healthcare accessibility and equity. Access to quality healthcare services is essential for ensuring that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, geographical location, or other factors, can receive timely and appropriate care. Advances in telemedicine, mobile health technologies, community health initiatives, and healthcare infrastructure contribute to expanding access to healthcare services, particularly in underserved and marginalized populations. By bridging gaps in healthcare delivery and reducing disparities in access and outcomes, medical innovation promotes social justice and equity in health.Furthermore, medical development serves the interests of scientific inquiry and knowledge expansion. Medicine isa dynamic field characterized by continuous exploration, discovery, and learning. Research drives innovation,fosters intellectual curiosity, and expands the boundaries of medical understanding. Whether it involves unraveling the complexities of disease mechanisms, exploring new treatment modalities, or investigating the interplay between genetics, environment, and health, scientific inquiry fuels progress and propels the field of medicine forward. By generating new knowledge, refining existing practices, and challenging conventional wisdom, medical advancement enriches our collective understanding of health and disease.In conclusion, the pursuit of medical advancement is driven by a multifaceted array of purposes, all united by a common commitment to improving human health and well-being. From alleviating suffering and extending life expectancy to promoting public health, enhancing accessibility, and advancing scientific knowledge, the objectives of medical development are diverse and interconnected. By striving towards these goals, the medical community endeavors tofulfill its fundamental mission of healing, compassion, and service to humanity.。
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 9

UNIT 9 Medical EducationTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 9, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Teaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1.To begin with, ask Ss to brainstorm the personal attributes that a qualifiedphysician should possess. In doing so, Ss need not only to write down the words denoting these qualities such as “caring”, “compassionate”, “knowledgeable”, etc., but to provide the reasons as well. When explaining why a particular attribute is essential, Ss may recount the current healthcare situations or their past medical experiences.The following is a list of suggested key words:A good physician is usually•motivated, mature, compassionate, organized, adaptable, stress-resilient;•with high level of integrity and strong leadership;• a good listener and communicator;…2.Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1.Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.2.Integrate Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A when the signpost language ofreformulation is covered.3.To conclude the discussion of the text, lead Ss to do Task 1 / Critical readingand thinking / Text A, which will enable Ss to not only understand individual words, sentences and paragraphs in the text, but also see its structure clearly.Language focus1.I have suggested on several occasions that in order for the medical educationcommunity to be clear about the kind of changes that are needed, the community needs to define more clearly the purpose of the educational program. (P210, Para. 1)… in order for the medical education community to be clear about … 中可以省略in order。

《医学专业英语》课程教学大纲(Medical English)一、课程基本信息课程编号:14234018课程类别:专业选修课适用专业:临床医学专业学分:1总学时:16先修课程:大学英语后续课程:临床研究方法课程简介:主要教学方法与手段:采用课堂多媒体教学为主,针对学生听说能力不足情况,专业英语主要应用视频与音频材料,训练和提高学生灵活运用英文的能力。
4)书面表达能力:能根据医学专题或提纲在半小时内写出 120个词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯;能掌握基本的写作技能。
1、教学内容与学时分配(黑体,五号,顶格)课程总学时:其中讲授学时:实验(上机)学时:2、教学要求第一单元:肾脏健康(Kidney health)(4学时)教学目标:通过收听相关音频材料和观看相关视频材料,学习肾脏相生理学和疾病的英文描述方法及专业词汇。
教学内容:1) Llive kidney donation2) Chronic kidney disease (CKD)3) Kidney cancer4) The location, shape and structure of kidneys.5) Movie clip: Grey’s anatomy教学要求:1)掌握:肾脏的功能结构2)熟悉:肾脏相关疾病(chronic renal disease, renal failure and renal cancer)3)了解:肾脏移植(kidney transplant)重点和难点:1) 重点:用英文描述肾的功能及结构。

大学医学英语教案模板全英文版(共4篇)第1篇:英语教案全英文版英语教案范文全英文版【篇1:英文教案格式范例】教案科目:unit eight :slavery gave me nothing to lose教学目的:this paage looks into racial problems from a different perspective.generally the black like to attack the discrimination against them, but the author from her personal experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.教学着重:study the language points and the western racial culture.教学方法:communicative teaching, free discuion and interaction.教学过程:1,warm-up activities(15 minutes)2.understanding the text (30 minutes)3.detailed studies of the text (50 minutes)4.grammar and exercises (25 minutes)作业1.question:how to bring facts to life? 2.translation and after-cla reading..辅助手段:multimedia software教学内容:1.warm-up activities introductory remarks:step 1: show some pictures and watch a video, discu in groups.step 2: group discuion:1).what have you heard about the black in the states.2).have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?3).what are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?4).is there something we can do to protect human rights? 2.understanding the text1.analyze the structure of the paage.2.discu the three main parts: childhood experience, consciousne of her skin color, reflection of being a black.3.explore the social iues of the us; how to achieve succe out of unfavorable situation 3 detailed studies of the text词组知识概要:1.to be sth.else again2.to peer at3.to get pleasure out of sth.4.5.6.to give sb.generously of sth. 8.to suffer a huge change9.at one’s elbow company with18.to be bent under the weight of局部内容详述:1.up to/till/until (l.1) until 直到…up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent meages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一次汽车修理部向另一次汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。
