
教学目标:1. 学生能够理解和运用医学英文中常见的词汇和短语。
2. 学生能够通过听力训练提高他们的听力技巧,并能够理解医学英文讲座或讲解。
3. 学生能够通过口语练习提高他们的口语表达能力,并能够准确地使用医学英文进行交流。
4. 学生能够通过阅读医学英文文本,提高他们的阅读理解能力,并能够理解医学文献和材料。
5. 学生能够通过写作练习提高他们的写作技巧,并能够准确地表达医学相关的观点和信息。
教学准备:1. 医学英文教材和课程大纲2. 多媒体设备和投影仪3. 医学英文词汇和短语的课件或手册4. 医学英文听力材料和练习题5. 医学英文阅读材料和练习题6. 医学英文写作练习题和模板教学流程:1. 导入(5分钟)- 向学生介绍本节课的主题和目标。
- 引发学生对医学英文的兴趣,例如通过分享一个与医学英文相关的新闻或故事。
2. 词汇和短语学习(15分钟)- 使用课件或手册向学生展示一些常见的医学英文词汇和短语。
- 解释每个词汇和短语的含义,并提供示例句子。
- 让学生跟读和模仿,以加深记忆。
3. 听力训练(20分钟)- 播放一段医学英文讲座或讲解的录音。
- 学生听录音并尝试理解内容。
- 分组讨论学生对听到的内容的理解和感受。
- 教师提供答疑和解释,帮助学生理解难点。
4. 口语练习(20分钟)- 分组让学生进行角色扮演,模拟医生和患者之间的对话。
- 提供一些常见的医学情景,例如就诊、询问症状、给予建议等。
- 学生通过对话练习医学英文的口语表达能力。
5. 阅读理解(15分钟)- 分发医学英文阅读材料,并让学生阅读并回答相关问题。
- 学生可以自主或分组进行阅读,并互相讨论答案。
- 教师提供反馈和解答疑问。

医学英文讲课教案模板教案标题:医学英文讲课教案模板教案目标:1. 帮助学生掌握医学英文的基本词汇和表达方式。
2. 提高学生在医学英文讲课中的听说能力。
3. 培养学生的医学英文阅读和写作能力。
教学重点:1. 医学英文基本词汇的学习和运用。
2. 医学英文讲课的听说技巧。
3. 医学英文阅读和写作的训练。
教学难点:1. 如何让学生在医学英文讲课中流利表达自己的观点。
2. 如何帮助学生理解和运用医学英文的专业术语。
3. 如何提高学生的医学英文阅读和写作水平。
教学准备:1. 医学英文教材和参考资料。
2. 多媒体设备和投影仪。
3. 学生课前作业和练习材料。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 利用图片或视频引入医学英文的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 引导学生讨论医学英文的重要性和应用领域。
二、词汇学习(15分钟)1. 呈现医学英文的常用词汇和短语,并进行发音和词义解释。
2. 组织学生进行词汇学习的练习,如单词填空、词义选择等。
三、听力训练(15分钟)1. 播放医学英文讲座的录音或视频,让学生进行听力理解。
2. 提供听力练习题目,帮助学生巩固听力技巧。
四、口语表达(20分钟)1. 分组进行医学英文讲课的角色扮演,让学生在模拟的情境中进行口语表达。
2. 提供范例和指导,帮助学生改进口语表达的流利程度和语法准确性。
五、阅读和写作训练(20分钟)1. 分发医学英文文章,让学生进行阅读理解。
2. 提供写作练习题目,要求学生用医学英文撰写短文或总结报告。
六、总结与反馈(10分钟)1. 对本节课的学习内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
2. 收集学生的反馈和意见,为下节课的教学改进提供参考。
教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生参与医学英文的学术研讨会和讲座,提高自身的学术素养。
2. 推荐学生阅读医学英文期刊和专业书籍,扩大医学英文的知识面。
教学评估:1. 课堂参与度和表现评价。
2. 学生课后作业和练习的评阅。
3. 学生在医学英文讲课中的口语和写作表达能力评估。

二、课程内容1. 医学专业英语基础知识- 了解和掌握与医学相关的英语词汇和术语- 研究医学文献阅读和写作的基本技巧- 掌握医学报告和演讲的表达方式和技巧2. 医护场景中的英语应用- 研究医患沟通的基本技巧和常用表达- 掌握医疗病历的书写和填写方法- 研究处理紧急状况和应急情况下的英语应对方式3. 医学交流和职业发展- 研究与跨文化团队合作相关的英语表达和沟通技巧- 掌握医学会议和研讨会的英语交流技巧- 探讨医学研究与创新的相关英语知识三、教学方法1. 课堂教学:通过教师讲解、学生讨论和案例研究等方式,引导学生主动参与,提升语言运用能力。
2. 实践训练:组织实地考察、模拟医学场景和角色扮演等活动,帮助学生在真实场景中应用英语。
3. 多媒体辅助:运用多媒体技术,增强教学效果,提供丰富的研究资源。
四、评估方式1. 平时表现:包括课堂讨论、小组合作、作业完成情况等。
2. 期中考核:笔试形式,考查学生对医学英语的理解和应用能力。
3. 期末考试:综合性考试,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面。
4. 课程论文:要求学生完成一篇关于医学英语应用的研究论文。
五、教学资源1. 教材:医学英语教程及相关课外读物。
2. 多媒体资料:医学英语研究软件、视频教程等。
3. 阅读材料:医学期刊论文、医疗报告等相关文献。

---Course Title: University Medical EnglishCourse Code: MENG 101Department: Department of Medical EducationInstructor: [Instructor's Name]Course Duration: 15 WeeksClass Hours: 2 hours per weekObjective:To enhance students' proficiency in medical English, focusing on vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and communication skills relevant to the field of medicine. Students will be able to understand and communicate effectively in a medical context, both in English and through translation.---Week 1: Introduction to Medical EnglishObjective:- Introduce the course and its objectives.- Familiarize students with the structure of medical English.- Establish basic vocabulary and grammar concepts.Activities:1. Introduction: Briefly explain the importance of medical English in healthcare and research.2. Vocabulary Building: Introduce key medical terms related to the human body, diseases, and treatments.3. Grammar Overview: Discuss basic grammar rules relevant to medical English.4. Reading: Assign a short article on medical history for reading and discussion.5. Writing: Guide students in writing a simple medical report using new vocabulary and grammar.Homework:- Review the assigned vocabulary and grammar rules.- Prepare for the upcoming class discussion on the medical history article.---Week 2: Basic Anatomy and PhysiologyObjective:- Introduce fundamental anatomical and physiological concepts.- Develop vocabulary related to these topics.Activities:1. Lecture: Present a lecture on basic anatomy and physiology.2. Vocabulary Building: Introduce and practice new anatomical and physiological terms.3. Reading: Assign a passage from a medical textbook for reading and comprehension.4. Group Work: Divide students into groups to discuss and summarize the reading.5. Writing: Assign a short essay on the impact of anatomy and physiology on medical practice.Homework:- Review the anatomical and physiological terms.- Prepare a presentation on the assigned topic for the next class.---Week 3: Common Diseases and ConditionsObjective:- Introduce common diseases and conditions.- Enhance vocabulary and grammar related to diagnosis and treatment.Activities:1. Lecture: Discuss various common diseases and conditions.2. Vocabulary Building: Introduce medical terms related to diseases and conditions.3. Reading: Assign a case study for reading and analysis.4. Group Work: Students work in groups to analyze the case study and discuss the diagnosis and treatment.5. Writing: Assign a short report on the case study, focusing on the medical English used.Homework:- Review the medical terms related to diseases and conditions.- Prepare a summary of the case study for the next class.---Week 4: Medical Communication SkillsObjective:- Develop communication skills for medical professionals.- Practice active listening and effective communication techniques.Activities:1. Role Play: Students engage in role-playing scenarios to practice medical communication.2. Vocabulary Building: Introduce terms related to patient interaction and communication.3. Grammar Practice: Focus on grammar structures for expressing empathy and understanding.4. Group Discussion: Discuss effective communication strategies in medical settings.5. Writing: Assign a reflective essay on the importance of communication skills in medicine.Homework:- Review the medical communication terms and grammar structures.- Reflect on a personal experience with medical communication and prepare a summary for the next class.---Continuation of the Teaching Plan:Weeks 5-15 will follow a similar structure, focusing on different medical specialties such as surgery, cardiology, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Each week will include a combination of lectures, vocabulary building, reading, group work, and writing assignments, designed to enhance students' overall proficiency in medical English.Evaluation:- Participation and attendance: 10%- Vocabulary quizzes: 20%- Grammar exercises: 20%- Reading and writing assignments: 30%- Final project/presentation: 20%---This template can be customized according to the specific needs and requirements of the course and the students. Regular feedback and assessment will be provided to ensure continuous improvement in students' medical English skills.。

大学医学英语教案模板全英文版(共4篇)第1篇:英语教案全英文版英语教案范文全英文版【篇1:英文教案格式范例】教案科目:unit eight :slavery gave me nothing to lose教学目的:this paage looks into racial problems from a different perspective.generally the black like to attack the discrimination against them, but the author from her personal experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.教学着重:study the language points and the western racial culture.教学方法:communicative teaching, free discuion and interaction.教学过程:1,warm-up activities(15 minutes)2.understanding the text (30 minutes)3.detailed studies of the text (50 minutes)4.grammar and exercises (25 minutes)作业1.question:how to bring facts to life? 2.translation and after-cla reading..辅助手段:multimedia software教学内容:1.warm-up activities introductory remarks:step 1: show some pictures and watch a video, discu in groups.step 2: group discuion:1).what have you heard about the black in the states.2).have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?3).what are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?4).is there something we can do to protect human rights? 2.understanding the text1.analyze the structure of the paage.2.discu the three main parts: childhood experience, consciousne of her skin color, reflection of being a black.3.explore the social iues of the us; how to achieve succe out of unfavorable situation 3 detailed studies of the text词组知识概要:1.to be sth.else again2.to peer at3.to get pleasure out of sth.4.5.6.to give sb.generously of sth. 8.to suffer a huge change9.at one’s elbow company with18.to be bent under the weight of局部内容详述:1.up to/till/until (l.1) until 直到…up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent meages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一次汽车修理部向另一次汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。

Teaching objectives and requirements
To develop students' ability to understand and use Medical English terminology accurately
To enhance students' communication skills in Medical English through listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Gradual increase in diversity
Progressively introduce more complex medical concepts and language features to ensure that learners are challenged but not overwhelmed
Online resources and learning platforms
Utilize online resources and learning platforms that offer medical English courses, practice exercises, and interactive learning experiences to enhance students' learning effectiveness
To familiarize students with the cultural and ethical aspects of Medical English communication

检验医学英语学习计划IntroductionMedical English is a specialized field that requires a deep understanding of both medicine and the English language. As a healthcare professional, it is essential to be able to communicate effectively and accurately in English, whether it is with patients, colleagues, or in academic settings. This learning plan is designed to help healthcare professionals, especially those whose first language is not English, to improve their medical English language skills.GoalsThe primary goal of this learning plan is to develop proficiency in medical English language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By the end of this program, participants should be able to confidently communicate with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals in English. Additionally, they should be able to understand and interpret medical literature, participate in academic discussions, and effectively write medical reports and research papers.Learning OutcomesBy the end of this program, participants should be able to:- Communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals in English- Understand and interpret medical literature, including journal articles, research papers, and clinical notes- Participate in academic discussions and presentations in English- Write coherent and accurate medical reports, case studies, and research papers- Expand their medical vocabulary and improve their grammar and pronunciation in English Learning StrategiesTo achieve the goals and outcomes of this learning plan, participants will engage in a variety of language learning activities, both inside and outside the classroom. These activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:- Language Classes: Participants will attend regular language classes specifically tailored to the medical field. These classes will focus on medical vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, as well as communication skills for both clinical and academic settings.- Medical Literature Review: Participants will be encouraged to read and analyze medical literature in English, including journal articles, research papers, and case studies. They willlearn to understand and interpret medical terminology, as well as different writing styles in academic writing.- Language Practice: Participants will engage in regular language practice sessions, including role-plays, case studies, and simulated clinical conversations. These activities will help improve their speaking and listening skills in a medical context.- Writing Assignments: Participants will be given writing assignments to practice writing medical reports, case studies, and research papers in English. They will receive feedback and guidance on their writing to improve their writing skills.- Language Immersion: Participants will be encouraged to immerse themselves in English language environments, both inside and outside the classroom. This may include watching medical documentaries or TV shows, listening to medical podcasts, and participating in English-speaking medical conferences and workshops.AssessmentParticipants' progress will be assessed through regular tests, quizzes, and assignments. Additionally, their language proficiency will be evaluated through their ability to communicate effectively in clinical and academic settings. Participants will also be encouraged to take internationally recognized language proficiency tests such as the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to formally assess their language skills.ConclusionA strong command of medical English is essential for healthcare professionals to effectively communicate and collaborate in the global healthcare community. This learning plan aims to provide healthcare professionals with the language skills and confidence to communicate and work effectively in English, ultimately improving the quality of patient care and advancing medical research and practice. By engaging in this learning plan, participants will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the medical field in an English-speaking environment.。

医学书英语学习计划Learning medical English is essential for anyone who wants to work or study in the field of healthcare. It is important for effective communication with colleagues, patients, and medical professionals from around the world. Medical English includes understanding medical terminology, communicating with patients, writing reports, and participating in medical discussions.This learning plan is designed to help students improve their medical English skills. It includes strategies for building vocabulary, practicing pronunciation, and developing listening and reading comprehension skills. It also provides resources and activities to help students learn about common medical procedures and practices.1. Building medical vocabularyOne of the first steps in learning medical English is building a strong medical vocabulary. This can be done by studying and memorizing medical terminology and common medical terms. Students can use flashcards, online resources, and medical dictionaries to help build their vocabulary. It is also important to understand the roots, prefixes, and suffixes of medical words, as this can help students understand and remember new medical terms.To practice using medical vocabulary, students can create flashcards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. They can also use the words in sentences or short paragraphs to practice using them in context. Students can also use online resources and medical textbooks to find examples of medical terms used in real-life situations.2. Practicing pronunciationPronunciation is important for effective communication in any language, and medical English is no exception. Students can practice pronunciation by listening to and repeating medical terms and phrases. They can also use resources such as pronunciation guides, online videos, or English language learning apps to help improve their pronunciation.To practice pronunciation, students can record themselves speaking and compare it to native speakers. They can also work with a language partner or tutor to practice pronunciation and receive feedback. It is important for students to focus on the rhythm, stress, and intonation of medical phrases to ensure they sound natural and understandable.3. Developing listening and reading comprehension skillsListening and reading comprehension are essential skills for understanding medical English. Students can develop these skills by listening to medical lectures, podcasts, and videos, as well as reading medical articles, textbooks, and journals. It is important to focus on understanding the main ideas and key information, as well as identifying medical terms and concepts.To improve listening comprehension, students can listen to medical lectures and podcasts and take notes on key points and important vocabulary. They can also listen to recordings of patient interactions or medical conversations to practice understanding different accents and speech patterns.To improve reading comprehension, students can read medical textbooks and articles and highlight important information and medical terms. They can also use resources such as reading comprehension exercises, medical case studies, and practice exams to test their understanding of medical English.4. Learning about common medical procedures and practicesUnderstanding common medical procedures and practices is important for anyone working in the healthcare field. Students can learn about medical procedures and practices by reading about them in medical textbooks, journals, and online resources. They can also watch videos and demonstrations of medical procedures to see them in action.To learn about medical procedures and practices, students can research common surgeries, treatments, and diagnostic tests and read about how they are performed and why they are used. They can also watch videos of these procedures being done and take notes on important steps and terminology.5. Communicating with patients and colleaguesIn addition to understanding medical terminology and procedures, it is important for students to practice communicating with patients and colleagues using medical English. Students can practice patient communication by role-playing common medical situations, such as taking a patient history, explaining a diagnosis, or discussing treatment options.To practice communicating with colleagues, students can participate in medical discussions and presentations and engage in group activities and projects. They can also practice writing reports, emails, and other professional documents using medical English.6. Reviewing and practicing regularlyFinally, it is important for students to review and practice their medical English skills regularly to maintain and improve them. Students can set aside time each day to review medical vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and listen to medical content. They can also engage in regular conversation and communication practice to reinforce their skills.In addition, students can use resources such as online language learning platforms, medical English courses, and language exchange programs to continue developing their medical English skills. It is important for students to be proactive in seeking out opportunities to practice and use their medical English skills in real-life situations.By following this learning plan and using the resources and activities provided, students can greatly improve their medical English skills and feel more confident and comfortablecommunicating in the healthcare field. Developing a strong medical vocabulary, practicing pronunciation, and developing listening and reading comprehension skills are essential for effective communication with colleagues, patients, and medical professionals from around the world. With regular practice and dedication, students can become proficient in medical English and excel in their healthcare careers.。

The Current Situation and Problems of Medical English Experimental
The Current Situation of Medical English Experimental Teaching
• Medical English experimental teaching is gradually receiving attention: With the internationalization of the medical field and the popularization of English as a universal language, medical English experimental teaching is gradually being valued in medical education.
汇报人:XX 2024-01-18
• introduction • The Current Situation and
Problems of Medical English Experimental Teaching • Principles of Experimental Teaching Design for Medical English • Medical English Experimental Teaching Design Content
• The quality of the teaching staff needs to be improved: Medical English experimental teaching requires teachers to have a high level of English language proficiency and medical professional knowledge, but currently many teachers lack relevant teaching experience and abilities.

医学生英语学习计划Learning a new language is always an exciting and challenging journey, and for medical students, studying English is not only a means of effective communication but also a tool for accessing and understanding the vast amount of medical literature and research available in the English language. With this in mind, it is important for medical students to have a well-structured and comprehensive plan for learning English. In this learning plan, we will outline the necessary steps and strategies for medical students to improve their English language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Step 1: Setting Clear GoalsThe first and most important step in any learning plan is setting clear and achievable goals. For medical students, it is important to identify specific language skills they need to improve, such as medical terminology, communication with patients, reading academic literature, and writing research papers. By identifying these specific goals, students can tailor their learning plan to focus on the areas that are most relevant to their field of study.Step 2: Immersion in English LanguageOne of the most effective ways to improve language skills is through immersion in the language. This can be achieved through various means, such as listening to English podcasts, watching English movies and TV shows, reading English books and articles, and participating in English-language conversations. For medical students, it is also beneficial to seek out opportunities to volunteer or work in English-speaking environments, such as hospitals or medical clinics.Step 3: Vocabulary BuildingMedical students should focus on building a strong medical and academic vocabulary in English. This can be achieved through regular reading of medical texts and academic literature, as well as the use of specialized medical English language resources. Additionally, students should make use of flashcards, vocabulary lists, and language learning apps to expand their vocabulary and improve retention.Step 4: Grammar and SyntaxWhile building a strong vocabulary is important, it is equally crucial for medical students to have a solid understanding of English grammar and syntax. This can be achieved through the use of grammar and syntax books, online resources, and interactive language learning platforms. Medical students should also seek feedback from native English speakers, such as teachers, colleagues, or language exchange partners, to improve their grammar and syntax skills.Step 5: Speaking and ListeningEffective communication is essential for medical professionals, and as such, medical students need to focus on developing their speaking and listening skills in English. This can be achieved through regular practice, such as participating in English-language discussions, giving presentations, and engaging in conversations with native English speakers. Additionally, medical students should make use of language learning apps and online resources to improve their listening skills, such as listening to English podcasts or audio lectures.Step 6: Writing SkillsMedical students frequently need to write research papers, reports, and patient notes in English, and as such, it is important for them to have strong writing skills. To improve their writing skills, students should focus on practicing writing in English on a regular basis, such as journaling, writing essays, and participating in writing workshops. Additionally, medical students should seek feedback on their writing from native English speakers, and make use of grammar and spell-check tools to improve their writing.Step 7: Cultural UnderstandingFinally, medical students should also focus on developing an understanding of English-speaking cultures, as this can greatly impact their ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues. This can be achieved through participation in cultural events, exploring English-language media, and engaging with native English speakers to learn about their customs and traditions.In conclusion, learning English is an essential skill for medical students, and by following a well-structured learning plan that focuses on immersion, vocabulary building, grammar and syntax, speaking and listening, writing skills, and cultural understanding, students can greatly improve their English language skills. It is important for medical students to be persistent and dedicated in their language learning efforts, and to seek out opportunities to practice and improve their English skills in real-world settings. By doing so, medical students can build a strong foundation in English that will benefit them both academically and professionally in their medical careers.。

Improving medical oral communication and expression skills
Provide students with opportunities to practice oral communication in medical settings through role plays, simulations, and interactive exercises
To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English in medical settings
Knowledge and skill requirements
Knowledge of basic medical terminology and
Provide students with a comprehensive list of medical English vocabulary and terminology, including common issues, symptoms, treatments, and medical procedures
Reference materials
Medical journals, research papers, and online databases such as PubMed and Cochrane Library

教学目标是否 达成
教学方法是否 得当
如何改进教学 设计
0Leabharlann 0001
鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,提 高学生的参与度和积极性
定期对学生进行测试,了解 学生的学习情况
采用多种评价方式,如口头 评价、书面评价等,全面了
及时向学生反馈评价结果, 帮助学生了解自己的优点和
掌握医学英语 词汇和语法
学习医学英语 写作格式和结 构
练习医学英语 写作技巧和表 达方式
提高医学英语 写作速度和准 确性
角色扮演:学生扮演医生、 护士等角色,提高沟通能力 和团队协作能力
情境创设:模拟真实医疗场 景,提高学生兴趣和参与度
案例分析:通过分析真实病 例,提高学生分析和解决问
目 录
01. 单击添加目录标题 02. 教学目标 03. 教学内容 04. 教学方法 05. 教学过程 06. 教学资源
掌握医学英语 的基本词汇和
能够阅读和理 解医学英语的
理解医学英语 的专业术语和
能够运用医学 英语进行简单 的交流和沟通
基础词汇:人 体器官、疾病 名称、药物名 称等
专业词汇:医 学术语、专业 名词、缩写等

Medical literature reading and translation skills
Types and Structure of Medical Literature: Introduce different types of medical literature, such as academic papers, clinical reports, etc., and analyze their structure and writing characteristics.
• Medical academic exchange requirements: Attending international academic conferences, giving academic presentations, etc. require the use of medical professional English for oral and written expression.
Translation principles and methods: Elaborate on the accuracy and professionalism principles of medical literature translation, introduce translation methods such as literal translation and free translation, and deepen students' understanding through example analysis.

医学学生英语学习目的研究Chapter One Introduction1.1 Purpose of the studyAs an English teacher, the author often meets some students who have lost theirinterests in learning English or lack learning motivation. Other colleagues also facethe same problems. There is an old saying, that is, interest is the best teacher. Themore interest the students show in learning, the more active they become and thebetter result they acquire. If teachers can arouse students’ interest in English learning,it will be easier for teachers to help students form a good habit of English learningactively. Therefore, the author aims to arouse the students’ interest in English learningand to motivate the students’ Englis h learning. Having stepped into the 21century,China is in great need of talents who have the ability of using English as their secondlanguage to communicate in different ways in different fields with the internationalworld, because English is considered with no doubt as the most significant andpervasive language all over the world. Therefore, the educational demand foreducating and training such talents is raised and the quality is badly required. It isreported that the people in dire need are the ones who are good at English, especiallythose who are experts at foreign languages as well as their professions.Motivation is considered as one of the most powerful factors in the field of SecondLanguage Acquisition (SLA).The author thinks teachers should help students arouse,maintain and consolidate their motivation in English learning. It is recognized thatmotivation is to motivate, regulate, facilitate and hinder the language learning directlyis one of the reasons why the author has chosen “motivation” as the foc us of thethesis.Motivation is of great significance in promoting the direct and internal force oflearning. Students’ learning behaviors dominated by motivation indicate whether theywant to learn, what to learn and how many efforts they want to exert. And no matterwhat kind of motivation students have, the students with strong motivation do betterthan those without motivation. (Harmer, 2000: 8).........1.2 Significance of the studyWith the global socio-economic development, the world has become a smallvillage with more frequent personnel exchanges among people from differentcountries. In such a background, the ability to use English has become one of the mostimportant abilities of the contemporary college students, so English learning becomesan important and a main part of college education.A persistent problem faced by many English teachers is the attempt to sustainstudents’ interest in continuing to learn English though the examinations are over andstudents have passed PRETCO Level A or Level B. As the author of this paper haswritten before, the failure of the students in our college is that the students are lack ofmotivation in English learning. Motivation is what moves from boredom to interest. Itis something like the engine and the steering. Moreover, people have increasinglyrecognized that learners have become the most important factor affecting foreignlanguage learning among those such as teachers, learners, learning environment andso on. Therefore, the focus of the foreign language learning study has graduallytransferred from teachers’ teaching to students’ learning in the past few decades.During the factors of affecting learners’ language learning such as motivation,personality, learning ability and learning methods, motivation is regarded as one ofthe key factors that draw the attention of educators at home and from abroad.Besides, learning motivation, as a non-intellectual factor, is unstable compare ......Chapter two Literature Review2.1 The definition of motivationIt has been a long time since the beginning of the research on L2 acquisition andmotivation has always been regarded as one of the key factors in L2 learning. Manystudies have found that motivation is strongly related to achievement. Differentscholars have different views to the defi nition of it. Dornyei and Otto (1998:65)define motivation as “the dynamically changing cumulative arousal in a person thaninitiates, directs, coordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the cognitive andmotor process whereby initial wishes and desires are selected, prioritized and(successfully or unsuccessfully) acted out”.Williams & Burden define motivation from the constructivist perspective.“Motivation may be construed as a state a cognitive and emotional arousal, whichleads to a conscious decision to act. And which gives rise to a period of sustainedintellectual and/or physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal (or goals).(Williams & Burden 1997:120)According to Keller (1983:389), motivation refers to “the choices people make asto wha t experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort theywill exert in that respect.”Ellis (1994:715) defines motivation as “effort which learners put into learning asecond language as a result of their need or desire to learn it”.W en Qiufang believes that the English-learning motivation can be understood tobe the reason and purpose of learning English (1996:174). He Zhaoxiong and MeiDeming define motivation as “the learner’s overall goal or orientation” (1999:280)........2.2 The classification of motivationIn the early time, Gardner and Lambert (1972) thought motivation should bedivided into two types: integrative and instrumental. The former refers to a desire tolearn the language in order to relate to and even become part of the target languageculture and the latter has to do with practical reasons for language learning, such asgetting a better job and financial rewards. One type of motivation is not necessarilymore effective than the other. It is clear that the two kinds of motivation do notexclude each other. A mixture of integrative and instrumental motivations motivateslots of the second language (L2) learners.Research on motivation is often regarded as a key factor in L2 learning. Gardner’sSocio-educational Model is the most influential theory of motivation for L2acquisition. It distinguishes between an integrative orientation and instrumentalorientation to L2 learning. Motivation has been identified with regard to the goal oflearning a second language (Crookes and Schmidt 1991). Gardner points out that theintegrative ﹠instrumental distinction reflects a continuum rather than alternatives.Learners with integrative motivation are more active in class and less likely to dropout, while learners with an instrumental reason for learning an L2 can be successful. .......Chapter Three Methodology (9)3.1 Objectives (9)3.2 Participants (9)3.3 Instruments (9)Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion (11)4.1 Personal information of the participants (11)4.2 Data analysis of the questionnaires for the survey (11)4.3 Motivational differences between students from different majors (17)4.4 Data analysis of the interview (19)Chapter five Conclusion (22)5.1 Conclusion (22)5.2 Implications (22)5.3 Limitations (23)5.4 Suggestions (23)Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion4.1 Personal information of the participantsThe personal background information can partly indicate the students’ presentEnglish learning situation and provide some references for teachers to teach studentsin an appropriate way.According to the statistical results on Table 1, there are 235 participants (43 boysand 192 girls), among whom there are 119 clinical medicine students,68nursing-majoring students and 48 pharmacy-majoring students. 88.1% of the studentscome from the rural areas and only 11.9% of the students come from cities and towns.The findings at Qujing Medical College have proved that all the students havestudied English for 6 years, which is long enough for them to learn to takeresponsibilities for their own English learning. Most of the students come from therural area in which the English teaching level and teaching hardware facilities arerelatively poor and their scores of College Entrance Examinatio n are low. Therefore,the students’ English foundations are poor.……….ConclusionIt is the first step to investigate learners’ English learning motivation during theprocess of learners' learning and the final purpose is to improve learners' L2 learning.Arousing learners' motivation has become an important part in the process of foreignlanguage teaching with the shift from the teachers’ teaching to the learners’ learning.In order to find the appropriate methods to stimulate the students’ English learning motivation and learn English well, it is necessary to understand three-year-programmedical college students’ learning motivation. This research at Qujing MedicalCollege reveals the following findings:(1) Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are the main motivation typeswhich are found in three-year-program medical college students. There is nosignificant difference related to motivation types. However, the intrinsic motivationof students’ English learning is much higher than their extrinsic motiva tion in the firstsemester. Afterone-semester English learning, the students’ extrinsic motivation hasincreased while their intrinsic motivation has decreased.(2) There is no significant difference in English motivations among clinicalmedicine students, nursing-majoring studentsand pharmacy-majoring students.(3) Male students are less interested in English learning than the female students.There is no significant difference between male and female students.(4)The students from the rural area are more interested in English learning andhave a stronger motivation in English learning than the students from the urban area.The students from the rural area are eager to change their identities through learningwell.…………Reference (omitted)原文地址:/dxyylw/12682.html,如有转载请标明出处,谢谢。

医学专业英语学习计划IntroductionMedical English is a specialized field of study that combines the knowledge of both medicine and the English language. As the world becomes more interconnected, there is a growing need for healthcare professionals who can communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and researchers in English. This learning plan is designed to help medical students, doctors, and other healthcare professionals improve their English language skills and gain a better understanding of medical terminology, concepts, and practices.GoalsThe primary goal of this learning plan is to help participants develop the language skills needed to effectively communicate in medical and healthcare settings. By the end of the program, participants should be able to:1. Communicate with patients, colleagues, and healthcare professionals in English2. Understand and use medical terminology and concepts in English3. Read and understand medical literature, research papers, and other relevant materials in English4. Write clear and effective medical reports, research papers, and other documents in EnglishLearning ObjectivesTo achieve these goals, participants will work towards the following learning objectives:1. Improve speaking and listening skills in medical and healthcare contexts2. Build a strong foundation of medical vocabulary and terminology3. Develop reading and comprehension skills for medical literature and research papers4. Practice writing clear and effective medical reports, research papers, and other documents5. Gain a better understanding of cultural and ethical considerations in medical and healthcare settingsLearning MaterialsParticipants will have access to a variety of learning materials to support their studies, including:1. Textbooks and reference materials on medical English, language, and communication skills2. Lectures, presentations, and multimedia resources on medical topics and English language learning3. Online resources such as medical dictionaries, language learning tools, and academic journals4. Language exchange programs, conversation partners, and opportunities to practice speaking and listening in EnglishInstructional MethodsThe learning plan will incorporate a variety of instructional methods to cater to different learning styles and preferences, including:1. Interactive lectures and discussions led by medical professionals and English language experts2. Small group activities and exercises to practice speaking, listening, and communication skills3. Independent study and practice using textbooks, online resources, and language exchange programs4. Peer feedback and support to help participants improve their language skills and communicate effectively in medical and healthcare contextsAssessment and EvaluationParticipants will be assessed and evaluated on their progress towards the learning objectives through a variety of methods, including:1. Speaking and listening assessments to gauge communication skills and proficiency in medical English2. Written assignments and tests to measure vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills3. Participation in group activities, discussions, and presentations to demonstrate communication and teamwork skills4. Feedback from instructors, peers, and language exchange partners to track improvement and identify areas for further developmentConclusionThe Medical English Learning Plan is designed to provide medical students, doctors, and other healthcare professionals with the language skills and medical knowledge they need to succeed in a globalized healthcare environment. By improving their English language skills and understanding of medical terminology and concepts, participants will be better equipped to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and researchers, as well as contribute to the advancement of medical science and practice.。

Effectbiomarker:early biological marker(EBEM)、alterationstructure and function marker(ASFM)、pathological marker(PM)、clinical disease marker(CDM)、health condition marker(HCM)
Test and indentifyof biological pathogenic factor、study evolution law ofpathogenicorganism、ascertain the rutof transmission、measure the exposure of non-biological factor

二、课程目标1. 熟悉医学英语的基本词汇和语法;2. 掌握医学英语的常用表达和句型;3. 培养医学英语阅读、写作和听力能力;4. 提高医学英语的实际应用能力。
三、课程内容1. 医学英语基本词汇(1)人体器官及部位heart 心脏brain 脑lung 肺kidney 肾stomach 胃liver 肝spleen 脾intestine 肠muscle 肌肉bone 骨(2)常见疾病及症状cancer 癌症diabetes 糖尿病heart disease 心脏病asthma 哮喘flu 流感cold 咳嗽headache 头痛fever 发烧nausea 恶心dizziness 头晕2. 医学英语语法(1)时态一般现在时:表示现在经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态;一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态;一般将来时:表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态;现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作;过去进行时:表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作;将来进行时:表示将来某个时间将要进行的动作。
3. 医学英语常用表达(1)询问病情How are you feeling today?How is your condition?Can you describe your symptoms?Are you experiencing any pain?Do you have any allergies?(2)诊断疾病Based on your symptoms, I believe you have a cold. Your blood pressure is normal.Your heartbeat is irregular.Your blood sugar level is high.You have an infection in your lung.(3)治疗建议Please take this medicine three times a day.You need to rest more and drink plenty of water. You should have surgery to remove the tumor.It's important to follow the doctor's instructions.四、课堂练习1. 请同学们用所学词汇和语法完成以下句子:I ___________ (have) a headache this morning.She ___________ (be) a doctor.He ___________ (get) up at 6:00 a.m. every day. They ___________ (go) to the hospital last week. 2. 请同学们用所学表达回答以下问题:How are you feeling today?Can you describe your symptoms?What should I do if I have a fever?五、课后作业1. 请同学们查阅资料,了解以下疾病的英文表达:a. 心脏病b. 糖尿病c. 癫痫d. 癌症2. 请同学们用所学知识写一篇关于医学英语的短文,字数不少于300字。