国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha1


国际市场营销双语教程课件-cha (一)

国际市场营销双语教程课件-cha (一)

国际市场营销双语教程课件-cha (一)
































• 1.2 The Concepts of International Marketing
• 1.3 Related International Economic Organizations
与国际市场营销相关的国 际经济组织
1.1The Concepts of Marketing
Technological factors
• 社会文化因素 • 科技因素
protection laws
Taxation policyΒιβλιοθήκη Employment laws
Government policy
1.1.2. Marketing philosophy
• a way of organizing and controlling marketing. The whole philosophy of marketing is changing. Previously, marketing involved creating a demand for a specific product or service. That approach is obsolete. Today marketers must interact with the market, determine what products and services are needed, and supply enough information to the market about those products so that the products find their own market.



Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.



Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.



Chapter 01The Scope and Challenge of International MarketingTrue / False Questions1.For companies today, becoming international is a luxury only some can afford.True Falsepanies from Japan are the leading group of investors in the United States.True False3.International marketing involves selling of a company’s goods and services to consumers or usersin more than one nation for a profit.True False4.The difference between domestic and international marketing lies in the different concepts ofmarketing.True False5.An international marketer must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty.True False6.The geography and infrastructure of a country are uncontrollable factors that influence thebusiness decisions of a company in an international market.True False7.The uncontrollable factors affecting international marketing are limited to political forces, economicclimate, and competitive structure.True False8.The level of technology in a country is an uncontrollable element for international marketers.True False9.The uncontrollable factors a company has to deal with decreases with the number of foreignmarkets in which it operates.True False10.The controllable elements can be altered in the long run and, usually, in the short run to adjust tochanging market conditions, consumer tastes, or corporate objectives.True False11.Political and legal forces, economic climate, and competition are some of the domesticenvironment’s controllable factors.True False12.The foreign policies of a country have a direct effect on a firm’s international marketing success.True False13.Abolition of apartheid in South Africa is an example of a positive uncontrollable element in aninternational marketing scenario.True False14.The business activities of international marketers are not affected by competition in their domesticmarket.True False15.The process of evaluating the uncontrollable elements in an international marketing programinvolves substantial doses of cultural, political, and economic shock.True False16.Level of technology remains unchanged across countries making it a fairly predictable factor ininternational marketing.True False17.Political and legal issues a company may face abroad are mitigated by the “alien status” of thecompany.True False18.The political details and the ramifications of political and legal events are often more transparent ina domestic situation than they are in a foreign market.True False19.The political and legal environment is a controllable element for international marketers becauseof their potent ability to lobby and influence legislation in foreign markets.True False20.In a broad sense, the uncontrollable elements of the foreign business environment constitute theculture.True False21.In dealing with unfamiliar markets, marketers must be aware of the frames of reference they areusing in making their decisions.True False22.John refuses to buy Japanese products because he sees this as a way of selling out to a nationknown for its aggressive behavior. John is using a self-reference criterion to make his decision.True False23.The self-reference criterion is closely related to ethnocentrism.True False24.Sam Watkins just ate cookies and, therefore, feels justified in refusing food offered by his MiddleEastern host. In this instance, Sam’s self-reference criterion has just saved him from making a cultural blunder.True False25.To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis thatemphasizes the need for ethnocentrism.True False26.Understanding one’s own culture normally requires no additional study.True False27.The most effective approach to build global awareness into an organization is to increase thediversity mix of the employee profile, especially for entry-level jobsTrue False28.Research has revealed that smaller home markets and larger production capacities appear tofavor internationalization.True False29.A com pany in the “no direct foreign marketing” stage of international marketing involvement doesnot actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries.True False30.The global marketing concept views the marketplace as consisting of one primary domesticmarket that is complimented by several smaller regional markets.True FalseMultiple Choice Questions31.Which of the following is a dynamic trend that is affecting the current global business strategies?A. T he trend toward buying American cars in Europe.B. T he trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries.C. T he trend toward using English as the global language.D. T he trend toward establishing a world currency.E. T he trend toward worldwide instant communication.panies from _____ lead in foreign investment in the United States.A. K ingdom of Saudi ArabiaB. R ussiaC. C hinaD. U nited KingdomE. C anada33.Which of the following is true regarding the impact of globalization on domestic markets in theUnited States?A. C ompanies with only domestic markets have been able to sustain their customary rates ofgrowth.B. M ultinational companies are making more profits from their domestic operations compared totheir earnings from the foreign markets.C. O nly multinational companies with large production facilities have succeeded in theinternational markets.D. T he domestic companies have reduced their manufacturing employment more than the USmultinationals.E. M ultinational manufacturing companies in all industries and sizes have outperformed theirdomestic counterparts.34.Which of the following is an essential requirement for companies to succeed in internationalmarkets?A. B inding strictly to their traditional methods of operations to succeed in international markets.B. F ocusing primarily on their production to meet the demands at home.C. V enturing into multiple markets at once.D. C ommitting themselves completely to foreign markets.E. F ocusing on improving the domestic market to invest the returns in international markets.35._____ is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct theflow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.A. I nternal marketingB. I mportingC. C orporate managementD. I nternational marketingE. D omestic trade36.Which of the following is the most critical difference between domestic marketing and internationalmarketing?A. T he difference in marketing principles being followed.B. T he different concepts of marketing.C. T he change in marketing goals.D. T he environment in which marketing plans must be implemented.E. T he basic processes used to market products and services.37.Which of the following elements in the marketing environment poses a challenge to both domesticand international marketers due to its uncontrollable nature?A. P riceB. P romotionC. R esearch activitiesD. P olitical/legal forcesE. C hannels of distribution38.Which of the following is a controllable element for an international marketer?A. L evel of technologyB. G eography and infrastructureC. C hannels of distributionD. C ultural forcesE. S tructure of distribution39.Which of the following is an uncontrollable element for an international marketer?A. F irm characteristicsB. P romotionC. P riceD. R esearchE. L evel of technology40.For an international marketer, the _____ can be altered in the long run and, usually, in the shortrun to adjust to changing market conditions, consumer tastes, or corporate objectives.A. c ompetitive structureB. e conomic climateC. s tructure of distributionD. e nvironmental factorsE. c ontrollable elements41.Which of the following is an uncontrollable factor for a marketer in a domestic environment?A. F irm characteristicsB. C ompetitive structureC. C hannels of distributionD. P rice of the productE. P romotional measures42.Which of the following political actions is likely to favor international marketing?A. P lacing trade embargo on Cuba owing to widespread political instability in the country.B. U.S. government placing a trade ban on Libya for rampant terrorism.C. P araguay imposing low tariffs and tax rates for manufacturing industries.D. T ariff hike for imports established by China.E. U.S. government coupling human rights issues with foreign trade policy.43.Which of the following reflects the relationship between international business and domesticbusiness?A. D omestic businesses find it relatively easy to manage profits in the current scenario.B. D omestic businesses find it relatively easy to manage profits in the current scenario.C. M ost domestic businesses are the result of customization efforts of international businesses.D. T he ability to invest abroad is to a large extent a function of domestic economic vitality.E. D omestic businesses are more viable as capital tends to move toward minimum use.44.Which of the following is a possible outcome of the “alien status” of a company?A. A n increase in protectionist federal policies.B. A positive balance of trade.C. A sharp rise in domestic and international demand.D. A huge trade deficit.E. A n economic situation of the magnitude of the Great Depression.45.With respect to the environment in which a business operates, factors such as competition,political and legal forces, economic climate, would all be classified as:A. c ontrollable elements.B. u ncontrollable elements.C. p redictable elements.D. d emographic elements.E. c ultural elements.46._____ is a controllable element in both domestic and international marketing environments.A. E conomic climateB. C ompetition within the home countryC. P rice of productsD. P olitical forcesE. F oreign policies47.The marketing tasks of an international marketer differs from that of a domestic marketer as:A. t he international marketer has fewer uncontrollable elements to deal with compared to adomestic marketer.B. t he level of technology and cultural forces are controllable elements for the domestic marketer.C. t he structure of distribution is an uncontrollable element for the international marketer.D. t he competitive structure is one of the controllable factors for an international marketer.E. t he international marketer is less concerned about geography and infrastructure than thedomestic marketer.48.Robert Jonas is in charge of a new marketing effort directed toward Peru. In order for his companyto effectively market and distribute to all of Peru’s major cities, Mr. Jonas must devise a logistics plan for crossing the Andes Mountains on a daily basis. Which of the following foreignenvironment uncontrollable variables would be a chief concern as Mr. Jonas devises his plan?A. C ompetitive forcesB. C ultural forcesC. G eography and infrastructureD. E conomic forcesE. P olitical/legal forcespared to the foreign environment uncontrollable variables, which of the following elements isexcluded from the domestic marketer’s list of uncontrollable variables?A. P olitical forcesB. C ompetitive structureC. E conomic climateD. C ultural forcesE. L egal forces50.Amy Sims has been assigned the task of preparing a marketing plan for her company for the nextyear’s business activities. She knows that she should begin her plan by examining the variables that she has some control over. These controllable variables would include price, product,channels-of-distribution, and _____.A. d emandB. p olitical forcesC. c ompetitionD. e conomic climateE. p romotion51.M&M, a company producing musical instruments, had dominated its home market for severalyears before venturing into international markets. The company was focusing more oninternational operations until a German company in the same business entered its home market.The German company started selling good quality products at prices much lower than M&M’s and affected its sales adversely. Which of the following elements in the marketing environment has affected the business of M&M in the above scenario?A. L evel of technologyB. S tructure of distributionC. C ompetition in the domestic marketD. C ultural forcesE. P romotion of the product52.Ralph Waite is a marketing manager at a video game console manufacturing firm. Ralph has beenasked to review the marketing opportunities of his company in a foreign market. Ralph is aware that he can modify certain elements of the marketing environment to suit the foreign marketneeds. He is primarily focusing his attention on the factors that are not under his control and might affect their business prospects. Which of the following uncontrollable elements is most likely to affect the company’s business prospects in the foreign market?A. T he pricing policies in the foreign market.B. T he trade policies in the home country.C. T he promotional activities required to market the product.D. T he level of technology in the targeted market.E. T he product distribution channels adopted by his company.53.The _____ issues faced by a company are often amplified by the “alien status” of the company,which increases the difficulty of properly assessing and forecasting the dynamic international business climate.A. p roduct researchB. p ricingC. p roduct specificationD. p olitical/legalE. p romotional54.Which of the following best illustrates the political and legal issues faced by companies because oftheir “alien status” when they attempt to do business in foreign countries?A. A company doing moderate business in international markets because of violent history of itshome country.B. A company being forced by the local government to share its core competencies in order tocontinue doing business.C. A product not being widely accepted in the foreign market because of its irrelevance to thecustomers.D. A company utilizing an identical promotional campaign it used in the domestic country.E. A company not succeeding in a foreign market because its product pricing is above thepurchasing power of the local customers.55._____ is the conscious effort on the part of the international marketer to anticipate the influences ofboth the foreign and domestic uncontrollable factors on a marketing mix and then to adjust the marketing mix to minimize the effects.A. S tandardizationB. A daptationC. S egregationD. S egmentationE. P rojection56.The primary obstacles to success in international marketing are a person’s _____ and anassociated ethnocentrism.A. r egionalismB. h olismC. s elf-reference criterionD. e ffort at adaptationE. e ffort at integration57._____ is an unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as abasis for decisions.A. N ativismB. H olismC. S elf-reference criterionD. S egregationE. X enophobia58.In the United States, unrelated individuals keep a certain physical distance between themselvesand others when talking or in groups. Americans do not consciously think about that distance; they just know what feels right without thinking. Someone from another culture would not necessarily understand this and would apply their rules for contact when speaking. The preceding is anillustration of what is called applying a _____ when reviewing the mentioned social custom of contact.A. s elf-space principleB. s egregation principleC. i ntegration criterionD. s pace command criterionE. s elf-reference criterion59.Which of the following is closely related to the self-reference criterion?A. D ifferentiationB. M arketing myopiaC. E thnocentrismD. M ulticulturalismE. P luralism60._____ impedes the ability of a person to assess a foreign market in its true light.A. N ativismB. P luralismC. X enocentrismD. E thnocentrismE. R elativism61.Which of the following is true of ethnocentrism?A. I t is the cultural binding force among a diverse employee population in an organization.B. I t is a problem that arises when managers from affluent countries work with managers andmarkets in less affluent countries.C. A merican managers have generally been uninfluenced by it, especially in the beginning of the21st century.D. I t is the cornerstone of effective adaptation in the field of international marketing.E. S elf-reference criterion is universally considered the technique to reduce or eliminateethnocentrism.62.The most effective way to control the influence of ethnocentrism and the SRC is to:A. r educe interaction with culturally diverse audience.B. a sk for feedback on every possible occasion.C. r ecognize their effects on our behavior.D. l earn at least two foreign languages to understand the cultural differences.E. a sk for second opinion in a decision-making scenario.63.To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis thatisolates the self-reference criterion influences. Which of the following should be the first-step to avoid the aforementioned errors?A. R edefining the problem without the SRC influence.B. S olving the problem for the optimum business goal situation.C. I solating the SRC influence in the problem and examining it carefully to see how it complicatesthe problem.D. D efining the business problem or goal in home-country cultural traits, habits, or norms.E. D efining the business problem or goal in foreign-country cultural traits, habits, or norms throughconsultation with natives of the target country.64.Understanding one’s own culture requires additional study as:A. s elf-criticism is not easy to build when studying one’s own culture.B. m uch of the cultural influence on market behavior is at the subconscious level.C. t he cultural traits in one’s own country are complex and not internalized.D. i nternational trade treaties mandate that managers have extensive cultural knowledge of theirown country.E. c ultural influence on one’s own market behavior is generally minimal and insignificant in thelong run.65.Which of the following types of nontariff barriers strictly falls under the category of specificlimitations on trade?A. I mport credit discriminationsB. E xport subsidiesC. V oluntary export restraintsD. E mbargoesE. P ackaging, labeling, or marking standards66.Which of the following characterizes a globally aware manager?A. U sing one’s home culture’s values alone to market one’s products in foreign countries.B. A ccepting the cultural ways of another individual as their own.C. A llowing others to be different and equal.D. D iscarding one’s home culture’s standards to adopt the global cultural standards.E. C ontrolling any influences that the global cultural standards may have on the marketingprocess.67.Which of the following will aid a manager in understanding the way people of different countriesthink and act?A. A better understanding of global economic trends.B. A deeper understanding of world market potential.C. A n understanding of foreign investment opportunities.D. A n understanding of microeconomics.E. A historical perspective.68.Which of the following is the most effective way to achieve organizational global awareness?A. H iring employees based on the sole criterion of global awareness.B. O rganizing employee trips to foreign cultures to increase their sensitivity.C. I ncreasing the diversity mix of the front-level employee profile.D. H aving a culturally diverse senior executive staff or board of directors.E. P romoting social networking as a means to improve inter-cultural communication.69.Which of the following organizations seems better equipped for internationalization?A. A firm that sells its products only to those foreign customers who directly contact the firm.B. A firm that has a production capacity that is much greater than home market demand.C. A firm that focuses its production activities on meeting the demands in the home market.D. A firm that has a culturally diverse employee profile but few competitive offerings at the globallevel.E. A firm that has little intention of maintaining a continuous market representation.70.Which of the following firms has a better chance of accelerating the internationalization process?A. I nternational regulatory bodies set export/import limits.B. T he importing country can levy heavier import tariffs to override the VERs.C. T he exporting country sets the limits on the quantity it will export.D. I t is a mandatory tax imposed by a government on goods entering at its borders.E. I t is an absolute restriction against the importation of certain goods.71.Which of the following is true regarding the stages of international marketing involvement?A. A firm essentially progresses through the stages in a linear order.B. T he international marketing stage represents the highest level of international involvement.C. A firm begins its international involvement at the second stage.D. A firm may be in more than one stage simultaneously.E. T he final stage of the process is involves no direct foreign marketing.72.Which of the following best describes the stage of development where the company’s productsreach a foreign market without any conscious effort on the part of the marketer?A. I nfrequent foreign marketingB. R egular foreign marketingC. N o direct foreign marketingD. I nternational marketingE. G lobal marketing73.Jefferson’s is a firm that specializes in dog food and grooming products. The company has a verywell-established domestic market. The company does not actively sell its products outside national borders but provides goods to customers who contact them directly or place orders with them through the Internet. Jefferson’s is currently in the _____ stage of international marketinginvolvement.A. f requent foreign marketingB. a ctive foreign marketingC. g lobal marketingD. r egular foreign marketingE. n o direct foreign marketing74.If a marketer is motivated to initiate an international marketing effort mainly because of temporarysurpluses in the domestic market, which of the following stages best characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for this marketer?A. I nfrequent foreign marketingB. R egular foreign marketingC. N o direct foreign marketingD. I nternational marketingE. G lobal marketing75.James Bright’s company seeks markets all over the world and attempts to sell products that are aresult of planned production for markets in various countries. Which of the following stages best characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for Mr. Bright’s company?A. I nfrequent foreign marketingB. R egular foreign marketingC. N o direct foreign marketingD. I nternational marketingE. I nternal marketing76.Maria Peron’s company treats the world, including the home market in Spain, as one market.Market segmentation decisions no longer focus on national borders. Instead, market segments are defined by income levels, usage patterns, and other factors that span countries and regions.Which of the following stages best characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for Ms. Peron’s company?A. I nfrequent foreign marketingB. T est marketingC. N o direct foreign marketingD. I nternal marketingE. G lobal marketing77.Ajax Corporation has decided to enter the international marketing arena by marketing its productson a country-by-country basis, with separate marketing strategies for each country. The company is using which of the following concepts to formulate its international policies and strategies?A. D omestic market extension conceptB. M ultidomestic market conceptC. M ass marketing conceptD. U niversal marketing conceptE. S tandardized marketing concept78.Regular foreign marketing stage differs from the international marketing stage as companies at theregular foreign marketing stage:A. f ail to actively seek customers in international markets.B. m arket their products in international markets only when there is a surplus in production.C. f ail to represent careful strategic thinking about international expansion.D. l ack permanent productive capacity that is devoted for production of goods and services to bemarketed in international markets.E. f ocus all their operations and production to service the domestic market needs even thoughthey are interested in foreign markets.79.Which of the following is true of firms in the first two stages of international marketinginvolvement—no direct foreign marketing and infrequent foreign marketing?A. T hey do not begin internationalization at these stages.B. T hey take a strategic approach to decision making regarding international expansion.C. T hey are more reactive in nature and embark on internationalization without planning.D. T hey intend to maintain a continuous market representation in foreign markets.E. T hey are a result of dedicated production capacity maintained for foreign markets.80.In which of the following stages of international marketing involvement, companies primarily focusall their operations and production to service domestic market needs, even though they have a permanent productive capacity devoted to the production of goods to be marketed in foreign markets?A. N o direct foreign marketingB. I nfrequent foreign marketingC. R egular foreign marketingD. I nternational marketingE. G lobal marketing81.The firms at the stage of regular foreign marketing of international marketing involvement:A. s ell products that are a result of planned production in markets in various countries.B. p rimarily focus all their operations and production to service domestic market needs.C. h ave a global perspective and view the entire world as one market devoid of any segmentsbased on nationality.D. h ave half their sales revenues coming from international markets.E. h ave no intention of maintaining continuous market representation in foreign markets.82.Which of the following is true of firms at the international marketing stage of marketinginvolvement?A. T he primary focus of operations and production is to service domestic market needs.B. A s domestic demand increases and absorbs surpluses, foreign sales activity is reduced or evenwithdrawn.C. P rofit expectations from foreign markets are seen primarily as a bonus in addition to regulardomestic profits.D. P lanning generally entails production of goods outside the home market.E. T he firm treats the world, including the home market, as one market.83.What is the most profound change for firms at the global marketing stage of internationalization?A. P lanning involves production of goods outside the home market.B. S ales to foreign markets are made as and when goods become available.C. T emporary surpluses marketed in foreign markets is the only element of internationalization.D. C ompanies treat the world, along with home market, as one market.E. P roduction capacity exceeds domestic demand.84.Which of the following firms/products reflects a global marketing orientation?A. A skin-lightening cream aimed at African American women.B. A company promoting Latino jazz musicals.C. A firm producing highly cost-effective and durable computers.D. A famous restaurant in Singapore that specializes in Oriental food.E. A Japanese to English translation software.。


2. Countries entering into regional free-trade agreements do not need to extend the preferences negotiated in this context on an MFN basis.
3. A country can invoke temporary 'safeguard' protection of one of its industries suffering serious injury due to a surge of imports.
4. Temporary quantitative restrictions can be invoked by a country with serious balance-of-payment problems.
(The latter two cases are temporary exceptions and a public investigation has to be undertaken for limited relief from GATT obligations.)
Market Groups • V. Marketing in a Developing Country
I. GATT 1. GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)
1947, Marrakech, Morocco Three basic elements: ▪Trade shall be conducted on a nondiscriminatory basis. ▪Protection shall be afforded to domestic industries through customs tariffs rather than quotas. ▪Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems



、素质、行为、制度、形象 。
• 狭义的文化是指社会的意识形态以及与之相适应的礼仪制 度、组织结构、行为方式等物化的精神。
4.1.3 文化的基本特征
• 1. 文化的中心 • 2. 文化管理的方式 • 3. 文化的首要任务
4.1.4 文化的要素
• 从组织的角度来看,美国学者彼得斯和沃特曼认为有7种 基本要素:战略(Strategy)、结构(Structure)、体制 (System)、人员(Staff)、技能(Skill)、行为方式 (Style)、共同价值观(Shared Value)。其中,前3个要素
• 文化的要素 • 文化的变迁 • 各国的商务习惯
4.1.1 文化的基础
• 作为一名营销者,若要了解一个社会的行为及其基 本态度,就必须掌握关于该社会的一些地理及历史 知识。
• 不同的地理环境和不同的历史背景就会形成特定的 亚文化,特定的亚文化必然会影响消费群体和商业 模式的形成。
4.1.6 各国的商务习惯
• 美国 ,“赚钱是这个国家的主要目标。美国人看重金钱 与其说是为了生存,不如说是作为一生成就的证明” 。
• 日本,商界是最注重谦恭的。 • 韩国,商人尊重其长辈可以获得其好感。
4.2 Social Environment of International Marketing
4.1.2 文化的涵义
• 广义的文化是指人类在社会历史实践过程中创造的物质财 富和精神财富的总和。

国际营销英文课件Chap (一)

国际营销英文课件Chap (一)

国际营销英文课件Chap (一) IntroductionChap is a comprehensive international marketing course that is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the global market. The course is divided into various modules that cover different aspects of international marketing, such as market research, pricing, distribution, and promotion. This article will explore the content and structure of the Chap course in detail.Module 1: Introduction to International MarketingThis module provides an overview of international marketing, including its scope, definition, and significance. Learners are introduced to the key concepts and principles of international marketing, such as cultural diversity, global competition, and international trade barriers.Module 2: Market Analysis and ResearchThis module focuses on the process of market analysis and research, which is a critical step in developing effective marketing strategies for international markets. Learners will gain an understanding of the importance of market research, the various methods of conducting market research, and how to analyze and interpret market data.Module 3: International Marketing EnvironmentThis module explores the different factors that influence international marketing, such as political, economic,cultural, and legal factors. Learners will also learn aboutthe impact of globalization and technological advancements on international marketing.Module 4: International Product and Service StrategiesThis module covers the various product and service strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets. Learners will gain an understanding of product development, branding, packaging, and pricing strategies.Module 5: International Distribution StrategiesThis module focuses on the distribution strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets, suchas direct export, licensing, franchising, and joint ventures. Learners will learn about the various channels ofdistribution, the role of intermediaries, and the challengesof managing global supply chains.Module 6: International Promotion StrategiesThis module covers the various promotion strategies that organizations can adopt when entering foreign markets, suchas advertising, personal selling, public relations, anddirect marketing. Learners will gain an understanding of the importance of cultural sensitivity in international promotion,and the need to adapt promotional messages to local markets. ConclusionThe Chap course is a comprehensive and well-structured international marketing course that covers all the key aspects of international marketing. Learners who complete the course will have a deep understanding of the global market and the skills and knowledge needed to develop effective international marketing strategies. The course is suitablefor anyone who wants to excel in the global market, whether they are students, professionals, or entrepreneurs.。



从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世 界造”
海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。1996年, 海尔在印尼设立了第一家海外工厂,到2002年海尔已在全球设立 了十余家工厂,这些工厂每年生产上百种产品,这些产品大部分 都在当时销售。 世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。当1999年海 尔在美国设厂时,有一家业界权威杂志驻美国记者立即对海尔的 做法提出质疑:传诵国内劳动力成本低的优势,到人力成本昂贵, 市场饱和的欧美投资建厂,海尔是否明智? 试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论:
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
Case analysis
2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部 所在地的波特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。但许多人不知道的 是,李宁的第一家海外直营店其实早于两年半前在荷兰开张了。
2007 年,李宁公司与一家荷兰经销商签署合同,在南部的马斯特里 赫特市开设了一家李宁旗舰店。这也是李宁的“海外第一店”。选择马 斯特里赫特,而非阿姆斯特丹,主要考虑到马城位于德国和比利时的边 境上,在那个区域又是最富裕的。李宁想通过马城特殊的地理位置来渗 入周边地区,以此作为跳板,间接深入欧洲的三大市场:英国、法国、 德国。李宁认为,荷兰市场与英、法、德市场有许多共通性,其规模又 小得恰到好处,正适合用来作为实验基地。



The International Marketing Task
Uncontrollable uncertainty
• Comprised of uncontrollable elements in business environments
• Each international market has own set of factors
Many foreign-controlled companies in U.S.
• Foreign direct investment in U.S. is above $3 trillion • Foreign-owned companies in almost all industries:
• Automobiles (Honda, BMW, Mercedes) • Appliances (LG Electronics, Frigidaire) • Convenience stores and restaurants (7-Eleven, Ben & Jerry’s) • News and entertainment (The Wall Street Journal, Pearle Vision, Universal
Global Commerce Causes Peace 3 of 3
Four Trends Affecting Global Business
1. Growth of the WTO and open trade agreements 2. Developing countries moving toward free trade 3. The Internet, cellular, and networked communication 4. A mandate to manage the global environment for the

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….


2.What International Marketing Is?
(1) International Marketing. The process of planning and conducting transactions across national borders to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of individuals and organizations. It much retains the basic marketing tenets of “satisfaction”and “exchange”;Also, it focuses on international transactions.
-- Independent of trade,currency flows set exchange rates, which are the values of currencies relative to each other. These exchange rates in turn have now begun to determine the level of trade. -- Policymakers have sought to restrict the impact of global trade and financial flows by erecting barriers, charging tariffs, designing quotas, and implementing other import regulations.
Business Institute, Jiang Han University



(二)国际市场营销与市场营销的区别 1. 市场营销环境和背景不同 Marketing environment and background are different, which is the main difference between international marketing and domestic marketing 2. 市场营销组合策略有区别 Marketing approach combined strategy is difference. 3.国际营销战略及营销管理过程更复杂 International marketing strategy and marketing management process are more complicated. 4.利用资源,获得比较优势的程度不同 Different level of use of resources and access to different degree of the comparative advantage 5. 市场营销过程的风险性程度不同 The marketing process’ degree of risk is different
1.1.1国际市场营销的概念 1.国际市场营销的概念 国际市场营销是国内市场营销的延伸与扩展,是指 企业在一国以上从事经营与销售活动。 International marketing is the extension of domestic marketing, and it refers to a marketing activity that enterprises deal with business and sales in more than one country.


▪ Privatization in countries where government monopolies had dominated for decades has made it possible for multinationals to compete for local energy, airline, railway, and telecommunications industries.
- The strategy is possible due to the emergence of uniform global consumer segments.
- The strategy entails an efficient global allocation of company resources.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2008
Levels of International Marketing Involvement (summarized)
Domestic Marketing
• International marketing helps companies reach their full potential and the maximum return for their stockholders.
• Many companies find that, to keep up with cor new international consumers.
▪ Many small businesses can attribute their success and even survival to international markets.
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Chapter 1 International Marketing in General
• Learning Objectives • 本章学习目标:
• 1. International marketing and its definition. • 国际市场营销及其定义。 • 2. Different company orientations toward international marketing. • 企业进入国际市场的不同的价值取向。 • 3. Driving forces direct companies going international. • 企业进入国际市场的驱动力。 • 4. Obstacles preventing companies from successful marketing. • 企业进入国际市场会面临的障碍。
• The process of planning and conducting transactions across national borders to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of individuals and organizations.
• Use annual planning (sales to forecast), profitability, and efficiency controls to monitor the plan’s successes and failures.
Stages of InternationalMarketing Involvement
International Marketing
Global Marketing
Strategic Orientation: EPRG
EPRG Schema
Domestic Marketing Extension
Multi-Domestic Marketing
(Ethnocentric) (Polycentric)
Domestic Policy Repercussions Considerations
• Lowering of interest rates, happy U.S. customers but what about impact of countries offering higher interest rate?
What marketing adjustments are or will be necessary?
What threats from global competition should I expect?
How can I work with these threats to turn them into opportunities?
2. Polycentric or Multi-Domestic Marketing Concept:
Opposite of ethnocentrism Management of these multinational firms place importance on international operations as a source for profits Management believes that each country is unique and allows each to develop own marketing strategies locally
Promotion Communication
Target Market
Price Pricing Policy
Place Distribution
The Process
Stages in the Marketing Process
• Collect data on the eight O’s from data sources- primary and secondary, internal and external, formal and informal. Screen data for opportunities to employ company resources for competitive advantage.
4. Geocentric:
Regiocentric and Geocentric are synonymous with a Global Marketing Orientation where a uniform, standardized marketing strategy is used for several countries, countries in a region, or the entire world
1. Ethnocentric or Domestic Marketing Extension Concept:
Home country marketing practices will succeed elsewhere without adaptation; however, international marketing is viewed as secondary to domestic operations
Target Market Selection
Occupants Opposition
Objects Target Market
Occasions Objectives
Marketing Management
Product Product Policy
In general, firms go through five different phases in going international:
No Direct Foreign Marketing
Infrequent Foreign Marketing
Regular Foreign Marketing
Strategic Orientation: EPRG Schema
Generally, four distinctive approaches dominate strategic thinking in international marketing:
3. Regiocentric:
Sees the world as one market and develops a standardized marketing strategy for the entire world
• 1、The Importance of International Marketing • 2、Driving Forces of International Expansion • 3、 Obstacles to Internationalization
What is International Marketing?
Trade and Domestic Growth Rates
Percentage of Growth
Domestirnational Financial Statistics Yearbook IMF 2000.
Marketing Manager’s Supporting Tasks
• Determine the specific target markets. • Manage the marketing mix in order to
best satisfy the needs of individual target markets.
• Firms invest on a global scale. • Increasingly more difficult to define
“where” products come from. • New trading blocs are emerging.
Global Linkages
• Global linkages bind countries, institutions, and individuals more closely than ever.
• World trade opens up entirely new business horizons.
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Selected U.S. Companies and Their International Sales
The International Marketing Task
International Marketing Questions
Should I obtain my supplies domestically or from abroad?
• Take actions to put the plan into action. Adjust implementation activities to account for environmental changes in market conditions.
World Trade Importance
• World trade has grown from $200 billion to more than $7 trillion in the past three decades.