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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语复习练习10 人教新目标版一、词组或短语

序号Chinese English


不但……而且……(谓语就近)not only…. but also…not just…. but also…

2 电影明星film star

3 预备;做好准备stand by

4 停止做白日梦stop daydreaming

5 更加现实一些be more realistic

6 宁愿当导演would rather be a director

7 哀悼失去/损失了一位明媛mourn the loss of a great beauty

8 开始上芭蕾舞课begin taking ballet lessons

9 把某人全部的努力投入到训练


put all one’s effort into training

10 进入电影业enter the film industry

11 吸引某人的注意力attract one’s attention

12 扮演年轻公主的主要角色play the lead role of a young princess

13 标志着她成功职业的开始mark the beginning of her successful career

14 不久以后(常用于过去时)shortly after

15 被选中去做某事be chosen to do sth.

16 在某人的一生中during/in one’s lifetime

17 最后一次在电影中露面make one’s final appearance in films

18 超过……;超越……go beyond…

19 将……奉献于(做)某事devote …… to (doing) sth.

20 把小说改编成剧本make a novel into a play 被改编成……be made into…

21 与……在一起密切工作work closely with…

22 空前优秀的女演员之一one of the all-time greatest actresses

23 赢得很多奖项earn a number of awards

24 (平静地)死去pass away (peacefully)

25 适合于(所有年龄的人)be suitable for (all ages)

26 与某人相爱(与某人坠入爱河)fall in love with sb.

27 对某人有坏的影响have a bad effect on sb.

28 以她的小说为原形的剧本 a play based on her novel

29 在(表演)方面有经验be experienced in (acting)

30 因……而出名be well-known for = be famous/known for

31 巨大成功 a big success

32 赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖win an Oscar for Best Actress

33 又获得四次奥斯卡提名earn four more /another four Oscar


34 把栩栩如生的恐龙搬上荧屏bring dinosaurs alive on screen

35 在她的整个演艺生涯中throughout her acting years

36 作为……而记住某人remember sb. as….

37 美国总统the President of the United States

38 授予某人某物present sb. with sth / honour sb with sth

39 患癌症have cancer

40 她最后一次散步take her last walk

41 十天后ten days later

42 在63岁时at the age of 63

43 持续四十年last for forty years

44 为某人赢得某物earn sb. sth.

45 自言自语think aloud

46 上气不接下气out of breath

47 拍得不错Good take. 重拍一次Take two.

48 最好(不)做某事had better (not) do sth.

49 担任主角的合适人选the perfect/right girl to play the lead


50. 表演技巧(演技)acting skills

51 全世界all over the world


1. Wh y don’t you stop daydreaming? 为什么你不停止做白日梦?

2. I should be in Hollywood instead.我应该改进好莱坞。

3. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world.她不仅在美国出名,而且在世界其它地区也很出名。

4. The world mourned the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.全世界为损失了一代名媛,一位杰出的女演员和一个伟大的人道主义者而哀悼。

5. She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age.她在很小的时候就开始上芭蕾舞课了。

6. She had put all her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.在成为好莱坞巨星之前,她把她所有的精力投入到芭蕾舞的训练中。

7. The novel was later made into a play. 那篇小说后来被改编成一部剧本。

8. That event marked the beginning of her successful career.那件事标志着她成功生涯的开始。

9. In 1989, Audrey made her final appearance in her last film.1989年她最后一次在演片中露面。

10. She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us

the beauty of nature. 她想要通过向我们展示自然界的美来提醒我们应该保护环境。

11. People remember her not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian

because she devoted much of her time to charity.人们不仅把她看作一位杰出的演员,而且看作是一位伟大的人道主义者,因为她的许多时间贡献给了慈善事业。

12. The President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal

Freedom for her work.美国的总统授予她总统自由勋章奖。

13. She had been a model before she became an actress.她成为演员之前做过模特。

14. Did you watch any action films during the holiday?假期中你看过动作片吗?

15. Action films have a bad effect on people, especially teenagers.动作片对人们特别是青少年有不良影响。

16. Love Ship is about a woman who falls in love with a man when she travels on

a ship. 《爱的小船》讲述了一个女人乘船旅行时爱上了一个男人的故事。

17 .She is an experienced actress and plays the role of strong Chinese women very



18. Tales of Old Beijing showing at Olympic Cinema is suitable for all ages.正在奥林匹克剧院上映的老北京的故事适合各个年龄的人看。

19. Since her first film, Red Sorghum, Gong Li has acted in many other successful


20.She won several international awards such as the Award for Best Actress.


21. Gong Li is considered as a talented actress.巩俐被看作是一位很有才能的演员。

22.I believe her acting skills will become even better in the future.我相信未来


23. He was very excited about watching the one-and –a-half-hour film.对于看这部

