



Danko 单可个人护理 AG电器 YB按摩运动器械 Kingclean生活电器 柏瑞思(braves)生活电器 friday个人护理 DK电器
DAILY SMILE个人护理 Danko 单可个人护理 YB按摩运动器械 YB按摩运动器械 摩尔卡丹个人护理 必漫日化家居 AG电器 摩尔卡丹个人护理 DK电器 DK电器 YB按摩运动器械 多尔玛电器 AG电器 YB按摩运动器械 Danko 单可个人护理 多尔玛电器 DK电器 AG电器 约梵个人护理 AG电器 多尔玛电器 YB按摩运动器械 Danko 单可个人护理 多尔玛电器 DK电器 约梵个人护理 多尔玛电器 MEBOOR健康生活 YB按摩运动器械
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厨房集成水槽一体柜垃圾处理器 卡地诺电器
集成水槽洗碗机一体柜 厨房智能消毒柜一体式 厨房一体式抽拉式碗篮 眼部按摩器 开背按摩器 颈椎按摩仪 V脸护肤按摩仪 空气净化器
卡地诺电器 卡地诺电器 卡地诺电器 MASNANO个护健康 MASNANO个护健康 格兰迪个人健康护理电器 Oroncho数码电子 hyway海问旗舰店



• ★ 品种繁多,特色鲜明——多种机头随意调整,可生产出不同形状、 不同类型的产品:方面、长方面、韭叶面、烩面、龙须面、担担面、 实心面、带馅面、仿手擀面等,一机多用,可以满足南北不同人群, 老少皆宜,人人喜欢,满足不同口味。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ ★ 营养美味,健康时尚——几千年来,面条一直是实心的,打死你都不会相
• 全自动家用面条机特点: • ★ 专利设备,独家技术——他人的短处就是我们的长处,别人的弊端就是我
们的机会。酷思康多功能面条机,率先突出重围,告别手工作坊,打造面食 品牌,略小的机型,容入先进的生产技术,独家技术设计,在传统面条机基 础上,以噪音小、易清洗、安全系数高、出面速率高等技术优势独霸面食行 业。
• ★ 全自动化,程控设计——机电一体化设计,完全自动
化操作,傻瓜式操作,简洁方便,省时省力,从原料进机 到成品,仅需要10秒钟,方便快捷,占地面积小,安装简 便,工艺先进,省工,省时,省力,更省钱。
信,细细的面条可以带馅,然而科技改变世界,同理,科技改变面条。酷思康面 条机凭借科技创新,在面食行业掀起一场革命,引入带馅特色,让我们吃了多少 辈子的面条,突然改变内心,同时,外观也一改传统本色,变得“五彩缤纷、细 腻、筋道润滑、味鲜、营养又卫生。于是,将传统面条加工及经营模式彻底扫出 市场,从而成为特色主食的新霸主。



商品名称品牌商城价批发价简介125G无泵纯水机康富乐纯水机1600 元批发价康富乐纯水机300G无桶纯水机康富乐纯水机2600 元批发价康富乐纯水机8层次π水净水器8层次π水净水机1680 元批发价生命能量水,给您更强健体魄KJ-201型软水机可尔露2800 元批发价中央软水机WTD/RO-50B(UF)沃特德纯水机2023 元批发价WTD/RO-50C(UF) 沃特德高能量活化直饮机(水太子)2040 元批发价WTD/SZ-A 沃特德终端软水机(软水宝贝)1680 元批发价爱惠浦BH家用净水机爱惠浦2880 元批发价爱惠浦H100家用净水机爱惠普净水机1280 元批发价爱惠浦H100家用净水机爱惠浦QL2-4K家用净水机爱惠浦3080 元批发价爱惠浦QL2-4K家用净水机爱惠普净水机2680 元批发价爱惠浦QL2-4K家用净水机爱惠浦QL2-I2000商用净水机爱惠普净水机1900 元批发价爱惠浦QL2-I2000商用净水机爱惠浦QL2-MC商用净水机爱惠普净水机1800 元批发价爱惠浦QL2-MC商用净水机爱惠浦QL2-MH商用净水机爱惠普净水机2100 元批发价爱惠浦QL2-MH 商用净水机爱惠浦QL2-MH商用型净水机爱惠浦2480 元批发价爱惠浦净水机H-104型爱惠浦1200 元批发价爱惠普H104 爱惠普净水机1380 元批发价别墅型流量软水机可尔露7000 元批发价别墅型流量软水机(kj-401)滨特尔SFT-1-1016-5600/56SEM 滨特尔软水机7080 元批发价滨特尔SFT-1-1035-5600/56SEM 滨特尔软水机10000 元批发价电脑流量型分体软水机-进口罐体(PDY818) 舒尔4360 元批发价电脑流量型分体软水机-进口罐体(PDY818)电脑流量型整体软水机-进口罐体(PDY818) 舒尔4680 元批发价电脑流量型整体软水机-进口罐体(PDY818)恩美特NS19 恩美特软水机7300 元批发价恩美特NS39 恩美特软水机6100 元批发价恩美特NS59 恩美特软水机9900 元批发价恩美特NS79 恩美特软水机12000 元批发价恩美特NS99 恩美特软水机14190 元批发价恩美特软水机再生剂恩美特软水机68 元批发价恩美特软水机再生剂反冲洗澄清过滤器F74C 霍尼韦尔3180 元批发价反冲洗澄清过滤器FK74C 霍尼韦尔3500 元批发价公寓型流量软水机可尔露6300 元批发价公寓型流量软水机霍尼韦尔ALU-ROB8110 霍尼韦尔中央吸尘9200 元批发价霍尼韦尔EV400 霍尼韦尔中央新风2627 元批发价霍尼韦尔PW50-ACHN 霍尼韦尔14800 元批发价霍尼韦尔PW60 A 霍尼韦尔21000 元批发价霍尼韦尔PW60 B 霍尼韦尔22000 元批发价家用软水机专用盐家用软水机专用盐48 元批发价家用软水机专用盐金利源-净界系列(能量机) 金利源2980 元批发价净界康富乐CTF3U3-2B-2 康富乐纯水机850 元批发价康富乐ROB6-S1 康富乐纯水机1800 元批发价康富乐净水器CTF3U3-2B-2 康富乐净水机850 元批发价康富乐净水机可尔露KJ-101 可尔露2300 元批发价可尔露软水机可尔露KJ-301 可尔露5600 元批发价坤诺CFS8812X-S 坤诺净水机2200 元批发价淋浴过滤器HSF-1 百诺肯580 元批发价淋浴过滤器HSF-1淋浴过滤器SHF-1 百诺肯352 元批发价淋浴过滤器SHF-1六角高能量活水机六角高能量活水机3600 元批发价不是所有的水都化合细胞,相同地支援生命功能。


设备 型号 人工费 刀具费 电费 设备折旧 (元/小 (元/小时) (元/小 (元/小 时)(设备 时)(设 时)(平均 (平均月刀 购价/折旧 备总功率 工种工资/ 具消耗额/月 ¥0.94 ¥1.60 ¥8.62 ¥1.72 ¥1.39 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥1.15 ¥2.81 ¥1.60 ¥17.24 ¥3.45 ¥0.63 ¥1.60 ¥8.62 ¥1.72 ¥26.56 ¥2.45 ¥14.37 ¥8.62 ¥2.81 ¥1.28 ¥5.75 ¥0.00 ¥28.13 ¥2.10 ¥14.37 ¥0.00 ¥12.50 ¥1.60 ¥14.37 ¥11.49 ¥93.75 ¥1.60 ¥20.11 ¥28.74 ¥0.31 ¥0.16 ¥25.86 ¥0.00 ¥10.94 ¥5.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥15.00 ¥10.40 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥18.75 ¥10.40 ¥8.62 ¥0.00 ¥25.00 ¥11.20 ¥8.62 ¥0.00 ¥1.41 ¥5.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥2.19 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥2.50 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥3.44 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥5.31 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥5.94 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 ¥8.13 ¥1.60 ¥6.90 ¥0.00 其他费 管理费 辅助设备费 (元/小时) (元/小 (元/小时) (辅助工具 时)(部门 (油,气, 平均价格/月 分摊的管理 水,及劳保 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥2.87 ¥1.72 ¥2.87 ¥0.29 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥1.72 ¥4.60 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥2.87 ¥1.72 ¥1.72 ¥2.87 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.29 ¥1.72 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 ¥0.57 ¥1.72 ¥0.57 合计 (元/小 时) 市场价 (元/小 时)


























电器 2023/42023年4月线上市场部分家用电器畅销型号平均单价及零售量占有率数据来源:奥维云网(AVC)对电商监测系统(13家主流电商渠道)监测数据。

吸油烟机吸油烟机燃气灶套系畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)微波炉畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)空气净化器畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)燃气灶畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)热水器净水器电烤箱平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)畅销型号畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)志高 CXW-180-C01苏泊尔 CXW-238-Y-DJ13志高 CXW-300-T01美的 CXW-270-J25S 半球 CXW-180-SZ07志高 CXW-268-B01Q 创维 CXW-268-Y1H 美的 CXW-268-T201志高 CXW-258-A22美的 CXW-200-J30297699494128820344164813025329804.志高 GT208DF厅和好太太 JZT-A惠普好太太 JZT-A8半球 BS-9A苏泊尔 JZT/Y-Q5康佳 JZT/Y-B500Y苏泊尔 JZT/Y-S16万和 B6-B338XW苏泊尔 JZT/Y-MS29苏泊尔 JZT/Y-Z-DB072952642152595982985993994473994.老板 28D3S+57B2D 方太 JCD10TA+TH27B 海尔 TM10TU1+QE5B0方太 JCD10TB+TH29B 方太 EMC5A+TH26B 老板 5203+57B1K 老板 60D1S+57B2D 苏泊尔 DJ13+DB19华帝 I11169+I10075B 方太 F1+THF14477426824994497380262124353999339958542.海尔 EC6001-PD3(U1)海尔 JSQ22-12UTS 志高 DSZF-40LP美的 F60-A20MD1(HI)美的 JSQ22-12HWA 南极人 YX-50海尔 EC6001-B1美菱 MJR-DC5533美的 F6032-JE3(HE)海尔 EC8001-PD3(U1)99673339790273117899931993910901.美的 M1-211A(M1-L213B)格兰仕 G70F20CN1L-DG(B0)格兰仕 P70D20TL-D4美的 M1-L201B 格兰仕 P70F20CL-DG(B0)格兰仕 P70D20L-D7(W 0)美的 M1-L213C 格兰仕 P70J17L-V1(W0)格兰仕 P70F23P-G5(S0)格兰仕 P70F20L-DG(S0)34639531039436939834629139335320.小米 MR1082奥克斯 AU12华凌 MU151-4长虹 CUF-H502苏泊尔 YCZ-JB600-U501小米 MR642-B 苏泊尔 SJU-A1小米 MR842-C PRO 京东京造 JZ-JS600G 九阳 JYW-HC-1283WU2111422431478299121940917089642873.小米 小米4LITE 小米 小米4PRO 小米 小米PRO H 华为 KJ350F-C350小米 小米4海尔 KJ200F-M900A 华为 KJ500F-E500A 小米 小米4MAX 复旦申花 FDO-01美的 KJ500G-F115881121137560189639213642599431102320.713.美的 MG38CB-AA 美的 T1-L108B 美的 PT2531格兰仕 K13小熊 DKX-F10L5格兰仕 K42苏泊尔 K10FK810苏泊尔 K35FK602海氏 HO-C40格兰仕 K4024799189165130255106263704235清洁电器畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)洗碗机畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)消毒柜畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)挂烫机畅销型号平均单价(元)零售量占有率(%)苏泊尔 VCM16AUWANT M200SMART康佳 KCMY-2901-T美的 U2小米 米家吸尘器2小米 米家有线除螨仪美的 SC861A奥克斯 AXS-927奥克斯 XAC-02A添可芙万2.0 PRO(LED 版)1583971671871861911301301782714美的 RX600P海尔 EYW152286BK海尔 EYW131286BKDU1小米 QMDW0501M威力 JBS1Z-WL98X海尔 EYBW142286GGU1(W 30)美的 M10(WQP4-W2605-CN-G)海尔 EYBW152266BKU1美的 S52-X美的 GX1000S4437383136001442329847081395643146126330康宝 XDR53-TVC1美的 ZTD-110HQ2美的 MXV-ZLP90Q15S康宝 XDZ70-6B 康宝 XDR53-ZC3D 美的 80G05惠普好太太 ZTD120方太 ZTD100J-J51E 康佳 ZTP85K61志高 ZTD120L-F399299170799039932150546020653046304.荣事达 RS-YD1006奥克斯 AUX-YS3015米家 MJGTJ01LF 苏泊尔 GT70AX-12美的 YBJ10G2志高 HX-6168美的 YBJ10G1B 志高 ZG-688苏泊尔 YD05BT-18美的 YGJ15Q1908410280794299102811528. ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.电器 2023/42023年4月全国城市市场部分小家电品牌销售概况行榜80排LISTCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



1. 准备工作:将面粉和水按一定比例混合,揉成一块面团。

2. 将面团压扁,放入面条机的压面槽中,并用面条机压面功能将面团压成一定厚度。

3. 选择面条机中的切面功能,将面团切成不同类型的面条,如细面、宽面、刀削面等。

4. 选取所需的面条类型后,将面条机的启动按钮打开,面条机会自动将面条切下并排出面条口。

5. 将面条收集到碗或盆中,重复以上步骤制作所需的面条量。

6. 如果需要煮面,将水煮沸后将面条放入煮熟即可。

7. 制作完成后,关闭面条机的电源,并清洁面条机的压面槽、切面刀和面条口,以保证下次使用的卫生和安全。



供货方信息 名称: 地址: 联系人: 联系电话:
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采购方信息 单位名称: 地址: 联系人: 联系Байду номын сангаас话: 报价日期:
规格 数量 折扣价 金额
合计: ¥0.00
询价单 位 地址 联系人 电话
序号 1 2 3 4
品牌/货 号
报价单***有报价限单 公司
位 地址 联系人 电话
规格 (元) 数量 (元)
合计(元) 0
品牌 货号
***有限公司 报价单
询价单位: 地址: 联系人:
单位 数量
报价/元 合计/元
报价合计人民币(大写):***元整 (¥)000.00
单位盖 章:*** 有限公 报价日 期: 2020-3-
货期 备注
报价日期:2020-4-3 货期 备注
备注 个月。


3、安装底板 80元/套
产 品 描 述
包 装
单 价
160A 二极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
160A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
160A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
1250A 三极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 三极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
125A 四极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
160A 四极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
1250A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
2000A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
2500A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1250A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关



设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons8个其他信息other info :制造商—深圳中恒德成电气工业装备有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司PL-SKY-HP 100W(欧司朗)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片LED泛光灯50013状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄华源通商贸有限公司30000600*450*200mm(国产)2016.05荞麦脱壳车间生产部 张力欢600*450*200mm(国产)益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片不锈钢工具柜益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片不锈钢工具柜30000其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄华源通商贸有限公司2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons19个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons2个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—北京百信恒科技有限公司30097(100m)TC90 3*185+2*95(世德合金)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛冠方自动化技术有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆WA560037(Bals)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片按钮控制箱30001状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—江苏安恒工业电气有限公司50014CZ0876/2X28W-B+D621/304(创正)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片防爆荧光灯设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号30101(100m)其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆 ZR-YJVR 3*2.5(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30100(600m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司30099(5000m)ZR-YJVR 3*2.5+1*1.5(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆ZR-VVR3*12016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble电缆30098(5000m)Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and modelsZR-YJV 3*16+2*10(宝丰)益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30104(140m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司30103(350m)ZR-YJV 3*16+1*10(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆ZR-YJVR 3*4+1*2.5(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30102(1100m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司30101(100m)ZR-YJVR 3*6+1*4(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点30107(1600m)ZR-KVVR 6*1(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆ZR-KVVR 4*1(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30106(4000m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司30105(600m)ZR-KVVR 2*12016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In troubleStorage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible personsTC90 3*185+2*95(世德合金)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30110(200m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司30109(300m)ZR-KVVRP 2*1(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆 ZR-KVVR 36*1(宝丰)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电缆30108(200m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—宝胜科技创新股份有限公司荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons状 态 estate正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble300023V210(FINE)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—北京东方鼎晨科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片空气锤(配电磁阀)6XV1 830-0EH10(西门子)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片profibus电缆30112(400m)状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—北京百信恒科技有限公司30111(60m)TC903*70+2*35(天津加铝)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—北京百信恒科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片铝合金电缆状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble3个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons3个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons2个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄蓝博经贸有限公司KFR-722016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片空调 (格力)50002状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄蓝博经贸有限公司50001KFR-1202016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—无锡易纯净化设备有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片空调 (格力)1200*900*202016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片折叠式初效过滤器30003其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛星越科技有限公司设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons2个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—河北永威办公家具有限公司500051800*850*4502016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄蓝博经贸有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片4门文件柜KFR-352016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片空调 (格力)50004状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄蓝博经贸有限公司50003KFR-502016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片空调 (格力)设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons8个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons2个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets规格型号Specifications and models投用日期Commissioning date存放地点Storage location使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons1个其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛冠方自动化技术有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片FM9002016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片风幕机30004状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄欣和机电设备有限公司500072016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—河北永威办公家具有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片办公桌椅1800*900*4502016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing封存seal up 故障In troubleYihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片4门文件柜50006设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 2个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片操作台50011状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄凡拓贸易有限公司500082000*800*450mm2016.05荞麦高压室生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄凡拓贸易有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片安全工具柜2000*800*450mm2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片安全工具柜50008状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛冠方自动化技术有限公司30005CB80-3 3000W 220V(超宝)2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢工业吸尘器Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 60001泰勒斯101-2AB 其他信息other info :制造商—北京海森特科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片干燥箱2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片荞麦厂实验室试验台60000状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—深圳市铧创富贸易有限公司50012OPTIPLEX50402016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—上海玳启自动化设备有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片戴尔工控电脑KF-F/221-1700B*800D2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble50011投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点2016.05荞麦制粉车间益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片检修电源箱30008状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛星越科技有限公司300072016.05荞麦成品库房生产部 张力欢其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛星越科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片照明配电箱2016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片照明配电箱30006状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—石家庄金菱科教实验设备有限公司2016.05荞麦化验室(综合楼)品研部 张会钗Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 4个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 60004PL602E/022016.05荞麦化验室(综合楼)品研部 张会钗其他信息other info :制造商—梅特勒-托利多国际贸易(上海)有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电子天平ML204T/022016.05荞麦化验室(综合楼)品研部 张会钗状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片电子天平60003状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—北京中晟铭科技有限公司60002SX-8-109(泰斯特)2016.05荞麦化验室(综合楼)品研部 张会钗其他信息other info :制造商—秦皇岛星越科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片马弗炉荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In troubleCommissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 1个设备名称Equipment name 固定资产编号Number of fixed assets 规格型号Specifications and models 投用日期Commissioning date 存放地点Storage location 使用部门及负责人Departments and Responsible persons 3个其他信息other info :制造商—华信正能集团有限公司生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble防爆对讲机(数字)50010Hytera PD780EX2016.05荞麦制粉车间状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—邢台市海源电器有限公司50009SL-1060D4W2016.05荞麦化验室(综合楼)品研部 张会钗其他信息other info :制造商—北京中晟铭科技有限公司益海嘉里(石家庄)荞麦制品有限公司Yihai Kerry (ShiJiaZhuang ) buckwheat product co.Ltd资产卡片四门冷冻柜荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble其他信息other info :制造商—四川省资阳市自立粮油机械有限责任公司验粉筛300132016.05荞麦制粉车间生产部 张力欢状 态 estate 正常Inusing 封存seal up 故障In trouble2016.05estate usingestate usingestate using。


序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 项目 产品概念 产品报价 产品外型确定 新产品立项 3D结构设计 结构手板 结构手板检讨及设计修改 设计评审 3D结构设计修改 通知开模 开模 零件清单 产品规格书 产品2D图纸 外购件打样及样办确认 第一次试模零件及检讨 第一次样机及功能测试 排拉表 作业指导书 工装夹具制作 检验指导书及检具 第二次试模零件及检讨 第二次样机及功能测试 包装料打样及样办确认 包装及跌落测试 EB试产通知 EB试产资料下发 EB试产物料准备 EB试产 EB试产后检讨 EB试产后修改 EB试产后零件修改确认 EB试产修改后样机测试 寿命测试 认证样机提交及测试 第三次试模零件及检讨 第三次样机及功能测试 包装料打样及样办确认 包装及跌落测试 寿命测试 PP试产通知 PP试产资料下发 PP试产物料准备 PP试产 PP试产后检讨 PP试产后修改 PP试产后零件修改确认 PP试产修改后样机测试 模具移交 受控资料下发 量产确认 订单评审 量产 量产后改进与完善
产品规格书;产品明细表;(五金与塑胶)模具清单;产品图纸;产品爆炸图; 排拉表;工艺操作指引;工装夹具清项目工程师填写,每周更新一次;
实际完成时间 责任人
(生产,品质,工程部)试产报告,试产后评审记录 模具修改通知书 零部件检测报告 提供样机给品质部,测试申请单,品质测试报告 试模报告,模具验收单 产品明细表,产品技术规格书,2D图,排拉表,工艺操作指引 品质测试报告(外观,安全与性能,跌落)


项 目
技 术 参 数
3~ 380V /~ 220V
额定频率( Hz)
2 (用户可定制)
Y90S-4 1.1kW



单位沙发 组合厅柜(A+B+C) 组合厅柜(A+B+C+D) 餐边柜 三位沙发 双位沙发(带茶水柜)
975*840*775(0.348) 2795*442*1485(0.393) 2840*480*2100(0.427) 1310*432*890 (0.183) 2300*840*775(0.56)
爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具
家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部 家具部
居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场 居易乐卖场
爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具 爱蒂思家具
爱蒂思家具 奥伦沙发
ADS-M-EC20பைடு நூலகம் 968#A



海康威视合同范本甲方(采购方):名称:[甲方公司名称]地址:[甲方公司地址]联系人:[甲方联系人姓名]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方(供应方):名称:海康威视[具体供应商名称]地址:[供应商地址]联系人:[供应商联系人姓名]联系电话:[供应商联系电话]一、设备名称、型号、数量及价格设备名称型号数量单价(元)总价(元)[设备名称 1][设备型号 1][设备数量 1][设备单价 1][设备总价 1][设备名称 2][设备型号 2][设备数量 2][设备单价 2][设备总价 2]设备总价合计:人民币(大写)[大写总价金额]元整,小写:¥[小写总价金额]元。


二、质量标准及保证1. 乙方所提供的设备应符合国家相关标准及行业规范,且为全新、未使用过的产品。

2. 设备的质量保证期为自验收合格之日起[质保期时长]个月,在质保期内,如设备出现质量问题,乙方应负责免费维修或更换。

三、交货时间、地点及方式1. 交货时间:乙方应在[合同签订日期]后的[交货期时长]个工作日内将设备交付至甲方指定地点。

2. 交货地点:[甲方指定交货地点]3. 交货方式:乙方负责将设备运输至交货地点,并承担运输费用。

四、付款方式1. 甲方在合同签订后[预付款时长]个工作日内,向乙方支付合同总价的[预付款比例]%作为预付款,计人民币(大写)[大写预付款金额]元整,小写:¥[小写预付款金额]元。

2. 设备安装调试完毕并经甲方验收合格后[验收款时长]个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的[验收款比例]%,计人民币(大写)[大写验收款金额]元整,小写:¥[小写验收款金额]元。

3. 剩余合同总价的[尾款比例]%作为质量保证金,在质保期届满后[质保金时长]个工作日内,如设备无质量问题,甲方一次性无息支付给乙方,计人民币(大写)[大写质保金金额]元整,小写:¥[小写质保金金额]元。

五、验收1. 设备到达交货地点后,甲方应及时进行验收。














1. 外观尺寸,【尺寸参数】。

2. 重量,【重量参数】。

3. 颜色,【颜色参数】。

4. 工作温度,【温度参数】。

5. 输入电压,【电压参数】。

6. 输出功率,【功率参数】。

7. 包装方式,【包装参数】。


1. 单价,【单价】。

2. 起订量,【起订量】。

3. 价格有效期,【价格有效期】。

4. 交货周期,【交货周期】。


1. 以上价格为含税价,不含运费。

2. 本报价有效期为【报价有效期】,逾期作废。

3. 本报价仅供参考,最终价格以实际成交价为准。

4. 如有特殊要求,可与我司销售人员协商。








1. 产品图片,【产品图片】。

2. 产品认证,【产品认证】。

3. 其他附加信息,【其他信息】。

















酷斯纳 ViewPro 玻璃2片烤面包机CPT-3000INSTRUCTION BOOKLET说明书

酷斯纳 ViewPro 玻璃2片烤面包机CPT-3000INSTRUCTION BOOKLET说明书

INSTRUCTIONBOOKLETIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWhen using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always be taken, including the following:1. Read all instructions.2. A lways attach plug to appliance first, then plug cord into wall outlet.3. A lways unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning.Allow to cool before cleaning or handling.4. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or lever.5. To protect against electrical shock, do not place any part of thetoaster in water or other liquids. See instructions for cleaning.6. T his appliance should not be used by or near children, orindividuals with certain disabilities.7. D o not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, or afterthe appliance has malfunctioned or has been dropped or damaged in any way, or if it is not operating properly. Return the toaster to the store or retailer where purchased for examination or repair.8. T he use of accessory attachments not recommended by Cuisinartmay cause injury.9. Do not use outdoors.10. D o not let cord hang over the edge of the table or countertopor touch hot surfaces.11. D o not place toaster on or near a hot gas or electric burner orin a heated oven.12. Do not use this toaster for other than its intended use.13. O versize foods, metal foil packages or utensils must not be insertedin the toaster, as they may involve a risk of fire or electric shock.14. A fire may occur if the toaster is covered or touching flammablematerials, such as curtains, draperies or walls, when in operation.Do not operate under wall cabinets.15. D o not attempt to dislodge food when the toaster is plugged intoelectrical outlet.16. To avoid possibility of fire, do not leave toaster unattendedduring use.17. To disconnect, push the Cancel icon, then remove plugfrom wall.18. D o not operate your appliance in an appliance garage or under a wallcabinet. When storing in an appliance garage, always unplug the unit from the electrical outlet. Not doing so could create a risk of fire, especially if the appliance touches the walls of the garage or the door touches the unit as it closes.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSFOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY SPECIAL CORD SET INSTRUCTIONSA short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Longer extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use.If a long extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, and the longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over.NOTICE: This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). As a safety feature, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.CONTENTSImportant Safeguards (2)Features and Benefits (3)Use and Care (4)Cleaning and Maintenance (5)Warranty (6)FEATURES AND BENEFITS 1. D ual Toasting Slots1½-inch slots toast a wide variety ofbreads.2. Extra-Lift Carriage Control LeverB rings the toast close to the top of thetoaster, making it easy to remove thesmallest items.3. Touchscreen Browning ControlS ets desired toast color from light todark, with six browning levels.4. Touchscreen Single Slice FunctionEvenly toasts, side to side.LED lights when selected.5. Touchscreen Bagel FunctionR educes heat on uncut side of bagel.LED lights when selected.6. Touchscreen Defrost FunctionD efrosts and toasts frozen bread.LED lights when selected.7. Touchscreen Reheat FunctionR eheats without browning or toasting.LED lights when selected.8. Touchscreen Cancel FunctionInterrupts toasting process.9. S lide-out Crumb TrayPulls out to clean crumbs that collect inbottom of toaster.10. S lide-out Glass WindowsPull out for easy cleaning of inner glasspanels.11. C ord Storage (not shown)Takes up excess cord and keepscountertop neat.12. B PA Free (not shown)All materials that come in contact withfood are BPA free.14268791035USE AND CAREUnwind the power cord. Check that the crumb tray and the two inner glass panels are in place and that there is nothing in the toaster slot. Plug power cord into the wall outlet.NOTE: If the inner glass panels are not properly in place, theunit will not function.1. I nsert slice(s) of bread.Be sure that multiple slices do not overlap and that thecarriage is in the up position.2. S et the browning control.Slide finger to desired shade:Setting Color1–2 light3–4 medium5–6 dark3. T o begin toastingPress the carriage lever until it locks into the down position.4. T o stop toastingWhen the toasting cycle is finished, the toast will be raised. If you wish to stop the cycle before it is finished, simply touch the Cancel icon.Some notes on browning:Toasting is a combination of cooking and drying of the bread.Therefore, differences in moisture level from one bread to anothercan result in varying toasting times.• For slightly dry bread, use a lower setting than you normally would.• F or very fresh bread or whole wheat bread, use a higher settingthan normal.• B reads with very uneven surfaces (such as English muffins) willrequire a higher toast setting.• T hickly cut pieces of bread will take longer to toast, sometimessignificantly longer, since more moisture must be evaporated fromthe bread before toasting can occur. Very thick pieces may requiretwo cycles.• W hen toasting raisin or other fruit breads, remove any looseraisins, etc., from the surface of the bread before placing into thetoaster. This will help prevent fruit pieces from falling into thetoaster or sticking on the guide wires in the slot.• Before toasting bagels, slice each bagel into two equal halves.F rozen waffles, pancakes, French toast and bagelsThese items should be warmed before toasting, using the Defrostfunction. Select Defrost, and then your preferred browning shade.For example, when toasting a frozen bagel, select Defrost, thebrowning level, and then Bagel.Toaster pastriesExercise caution with toaster pastries; the filling can become quitehot, long before the surface of the pastry becomes browned. Never leave toaster pastries unattended while toasting or warming.Tips• Never force foods into the toasting slot. Foods should fit freely between the guide wires.• Do not place buttered breads in the toaster, as this could create afire hazard.• Uneven toasting is usually due to bread slices of uneven thickness.• After use, unplug your toaster from the electrical outlet.Single Slice FunctionThe Single Slice Function evenly toasts one slice of bread, side to side.1. I nsert slice of bread.2. Set browning control.3. Touch the Single Slice icon. Red LED indicates feature is active.4. Press the carriage control level until it locks into position.To Stop CycleW hen the Single Slice cycle is complete, the toaster will raise theb read. If you wish to stop the cycle before it is finished, simplytouch the cancel icon to interrupt.B agel functionThe bagel feature reduces heat on one side of the toasting slot.This toasts the cut side of the bagel slightly more than the other side.A n embossed icon (◗◗) located on the top of thetoaster shows you the right way to insert your bagel.(The cut side should always face away from the centerof the pair of toasting slots.)1. I nsert halved bagels.2. Set browning control.3. Touch the Bagel icon. Red LED indicates feature is activated.4. Press the carriage control lever until it locks into position.To stop cycleW hen the bagel cycle is complete, the toaster will raise the bread.If you wish to stop the cycle before it is finished, simply touch the Cancel icon to interrupt.Defrost functionThe Defrost icon is designed to first defrost and then toast the bread, which extends the toasting cycle slightly.1. I nsert slice(s) of bread.Be sure that the carriage is in the up position.2. Set the browning control.3. T ouch the Defrost icon on the touchscreen. Red LED indicatesfeature is activated.4. Press the carriage control lever until it locks into position.To stop cycleW hen the defrost cycle is complete, the toaster will raise the bread.If you wish to stop the cycle before it is finished, simply touch the Cancel icon to interrupt.Reheat functionThe reheat feature allows you to reheat bread without browning or toasting.1. I nsert slice(s) of bread.Be sure that the carriage is in the up position.2. T ouch the Reheat icon. Red LED indicates feature is activated.3. Press the carriage control lever until it locks into position.To stop cycleW hen the reheat cycle is complete, the toaster will raise thebread. If you wish to stop the cycle before it is finished, simplytouch the Cancel icon to interrupt.Sleep ModeIf not used within 5 minutes of being plugged in, the unit will go into sleep mode.CLEANING AND MAINTENANCEAlways allow the toaster to cool completely before cleaning.1. A lways unplug the toaster from the electrical outlet before cleaning.2. D o not use abrasive cleansers. Simply wipe the exterior with a clean,damp cloth and dry thoroughly.3. T o clean inner glass panels, turn toaster on side and press springloaded handle and pull to release. Wipe clean or clean in thedishwasher then replace. Repeat on other side if necessary.4. T o remove crumbs, slide out the crumb tray and discard crumbs.Wipe clean and replace. Never operate the toaster without the crumb tray in place.5. T o remove any pieces of bread remaining in the toaster, turn thetoaster upside down and gently shake. Never insert any hard or sharp instruments into the slot, as this could damage the toaster and causea safety hazard.6. N ever wrap the cord around the outside of the toaster.Use the cord storage cleats on the underside of the toaster.7. A ny other servicing should be performed by an authorized servicerepresentative.WARRANTYLIMITED THREE-YEAR WARRANTYThis warranty is available to consumers only. You are a consumer if you own a Cuisinart® ViewPro™ Glass 2-Slice Toaster that was purchased at retail for personal, family or household use. Except as otherwise required under applicable law, this warranty is not available to retailers or other commercial purchasers or owners.We warrant that your Cuisinart® ViewPro™ Glass 2-Slice Toaster will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal home use for3 years from the date of original purchase.We recommend that you visit our website, for a fast, efficient way to complete your product registration. However, product registration does not eliminate the need for the consumer to maintainthe original proof of purchase in order to obtain the warranty benefits.In the event that you do not have proof of purchase date, the purchase date for purposes of this warranty will be the date of manufacture.If your Cuisinart® ViewPro™ Glass 2-Slice Toaster should prove to be defective within the warranty period, we will repair it, or if we think necessary, replace it. To obtain warranty service, simply call our toll-free number 1-800-726-0190 for additional information from our Consumer Service Representatives, or send the defective product to Consumer Service at Cuisinart, 7475 North Glen Harbor Blvd., Glendale, AZ 85307.To facilitate the speed and accuracy of your return, please enclose $10.00 for shipping and handling of the product.Please pay by check or money order (California residents need only supply proof of purchase and should call 1-800-726-0190 for shipping instructions). NOTE: For added protection and secure handling of any Cuisinart product that is being returned, we recommend you use a traceable, insured delivery service. Cuisinart cannot be held responsible for in-transit damage or for packages that are not delivered to us. Lost and/or damaged products are not covered under warranty. Please be sure to include your return address, daytime phone number, description of the product defect, product model number (located on bottom of product), original date of purchase, and any other information pertinent to the product’s return.CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY:California law provides that for In-Warranty Service, California residents have the option of returning a nonconforming product (A) to the store where it was purchased or (B) to another retail store that sells Cuisinart products of the same type.The retail store shall then, at its discretion, either repair the product, refer the consumer to an independent repair facility, replace the product, or refund the purchase price less the amount directly attributable to the consumer’s prior usage of the product. If the above two options do not result in the appropriate relief to the consumer, the consumer may then take the product to an independent repair facility if service or repair can be economically accomplished. Cuisinart and not the consumer will be responsible for the reasonable cost of such service, repair, replacement, or refund for nonconforming products under warranty.California residents may also, according to their preference, return nonconforming products directly to Cuisinart for repair, or if necessary, replacement, by calling our Consumer Service Center toll-free at1-800-726-0190.Cuisinart will be responsible for the cost of the repair, replacement,and shipping and handling for such products under warranty.BEFORE RETURNING YOUR CUISINART PRODUCTIf you are experiencing problems with your Cuisinart product, we suggest that you call our Cuisinart Service Center at 1-800-726-0190 before returning the product for service. If servicing is needed, a Representative can confirm whether the product is under warranty and direct you to the nearest service location.Your Cuisinart® ViewPro™ Glass 2-Slice Toaster has been manufacturedto the strictest specifications and has been designed for use only in120-volt outlets and only with authorized accessories and replacement parts. This warranty expressly excludes any defects or damages caused by attempted use of this unit with a converter, as well as by use with accessories, replacement parts or repair service other than those authorized by Cuisinart. This warranty does not cover any damage caused by accident, misuse, shipment or other than ordinary household use. This warranty excludes all incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of these damages, so these exclusions may not apply to you. You may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Important: If the nonconforming product is to be serviced by someone other than Cuisinart’s Authorized Service Center, please remind the servicer to call our Consumer Service Center at 1-800-726-0190 to ensure that the problem is properly diagnosed, the product is serviced with the correct parts, and the product is still under warranty.©2015 Cuisinart150 Milford Road East Windsor, NJ 08520Printed in China。

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• 永康市富尼电器有限公司是专业生产家用电器的领导企业之一。企 业通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,秉着“生存下求发展, 发展பைடு நூலகம்求创新 ”的经营理念,以卓越品质、优异设计为目标,将产 品品质放在第一位,严把质量控制关,力求把最优异的产品展现给 客户。公司拥有一批专业的研究人员设计与开发新产品。简洁而专 业是本公司的主要特色,产品主要有无叶风扇 、全自动家用面条机、 厨房垃圾处理器等,各种产品均通过CE认证,达到专业质量标准, 远销欧美,受到了世界各地客户的一致好评。我们坚信专业就是我 们的优势,期待着与全世界的批发和零售公司建立起全新的商务合 作关系。
• 产品配置:产品配置:面条机壳,控制面 板,桶盖,混合搅拌桶,搅拌器,支撑架, 旋扭,紧固盘,模头,紧固螺杆,过载复 位开关。
告别手动做面条 5分钟自动出面 多种模头组合,可制作宽面、窄面、龙须面,意大利面,小馒头等。 可加入鸡蛋、蔬菜等制作出不同的美味。跟据个人口味,想怎么吃就怎么做。 操作简单,放入面料到出面,轻松搞定。 食品级材质、卫生、健康、环保、安心使用。 多余面团清理简单,方便。 多重安全保护装置,使用寿命更长久。 做面时间:1量杯面粉3分钟出面,2量杯面粉5分钟出面. 主要功能:小馒头、龙须面、意大利面、粗面、宽面、红薯汁面、黄瓜汁面、 洋葱汁面、鸡蛋面、西红柿面、菠菜汁面......
• 产品包装
• 在北方人们以面食为主。 面条机的研发更加方便了人们的生活。面 条机主做面,适合每家每户。吃自己做的 面更健康,更放心。
• • • • • • • • •
产品名称 :全自动多功能面条机 搅拌桶容量:600g 产品净重:8.5kg 额定电压:220V 额定功率:180W 装箱:3台/箱 产品尺寸:320*220*275mm 彩盒尺寸:41.5*27*31cm 外箱尺寸:81.5*42.5*33cm
机器问题 出来面条为什么会有毛刺? 回答:因为这个是新机器新模具刚开始是会有些毛刺的,等下锅煮以后就没有了,也并不 会混汤,多做几次毛刺就没有了。 机器不好清洗 回答:此款机器除了主机不可以清洗以外其它的都可以清洗,不好清洗的是出面模具,建 议使用完后,不要用水清洗,等自然晾干后,轻轻用一拍,面就出来了,或者用牙签或钢 针捅一下。