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N: = Nurse (护士)

P: = Patient(病人)

F: = family member(家属)

Receiving the patient:

1.How do you do!This way,Please!你好,请这边走!

2.Welcome to our hospital(ward)!欢迎您到我们医院(病房)来。

3.What can I do for you?你有什么事情?

4.May I help you ?我能帮您什么忙吗?

5.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?您有什么不清楚


6.sorry to have kept you waiting so long time !对不起,让您久等了

7.I’ll take you to the ward .我送您到病房

8.This is NO.6ward of officer sickroom(Internal Medicine Department.)Your

bed is NO .10.这是干部病房第6个房间,你睡10床。

9.I’ll bring you to your bedside ,please follow me. This is your bed.我领您到床


10.P lease allow me to introduce myself. I’m your nurse. My name is zhoujunyun . 让我自我介绍,我是你的责任护士,我叫周峻云。

11.I f you have any question,please tell me . I can do best for you.您好,有事您


12.P lease keep the ward quiet!请保持病房安静。

13.P lease do not smoke.It will affect your health.请您不要吸烟,以免影响您的


14.D on’t worry ,let me help you 别急,让我来帮你

15.J ust a moment please,I’ll serve you right away .请稍等片刻,我马上为您治疗

16.T his is calling lamp,If you need any help, please press it.这是呼叫器,需要帮


17.P lease stay here for a while,your doctor will examine you soon.请不要离开,


18.M ay I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗?

19.W hat’s wrong with you ?请问你哪儿不舒服?

20.N ow ,we will clean up your bed.我们现在为您整理床铺。

21.D o you have any allergies? 你有什么过敏史吗?

22.H ow about your sleep at night?你夜间睡眠如何?

23.I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood

sugar我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指.

24.Y ou are welcome .I hope you feel better soon .不客气,我希望你尽快的康复.

25.K eep in touch, Please。保持联系

26.I hope you are satisfied with our service 希望我们的服务能让你满意。

27.A re you clear about it?你懂我的意思吗?

28.I’M afraid you should have a bed rest according to your condition.您的病情


29.H ave it happened before?这种情况以前发生过吗?

30.H ave you eaten yet?你吃饭了吗?

31.H ow do you feel after the operation/you take the pills?手术(服药)后怎么


32.Y ou have a good color today/you look fine.您今天气色不错。

33.P lease don’t eat and drink anything tomorrow morning.请你明早不要吃东


34.I’m going to change the sheets on your bed.我来给你换床单,被套。

35.D o you mind if I open the windows to air the room?我开一会窗户换换气,可

以吗?I’ll come back to close the windows for later .等会我把它关上。

36.P lease relax/Take it easy.请放松。

37.C an you tell me exactly what symptoms you have ?您能明确告诉我你有哪些


38.D id you run a fever or have a sore throat?您发烧吗?嗓子痛吗?

39.A re you feeling nausea[ˈnɔ:siə]?您感到恶心吗?

40.H ow about your appetite?您胃口如何?


N: hello. I am Nurse Wang. What’s your name ? 你好,我是王护士,您叫…?
