Chapter 8 Language and Society
sociolinguistics社会语言学 --- the study of the relation between language and society
Preliminaries: 1.Find out the differences between male and female languages. 2.Try to discover the distinctions between the language of the younger generation and that of the older generation in China. 3.Think of some examples of code-mixing in the speech of Cantonese.
nguage and age c.jargon: doctor’s language lawyer’s language computational language (Part of a conversation between a judge and a sailor) … The judge: You mean you came into this court as a witness and don’t know what plaintiff means? … The sailor: You mean you came into the court and don’t know where abaft the binnacle is?
speech community言语社区 --- a group of people who have the opportunity to interact with each other and who share not just a single language with its related varieties but also attitudes toward linguistic norms
1.1言语社区(speech community)言语社区可以定义为构成一个社团的一群人,他们具有相同的语言或具有同一语言中某一特定的变体。
1.2言语变体(speech variety)言语变体(speech variety),有称之为语言变体,是语言使用者所使用的具有一定区别性特征的变体。
言语变体作为一种中性词语可以指标准语(standard language)、方言(dialect)、洋径浜语(pidgin)、克里奥尔语(creole)等,可以指同一语言的地域性或民族性变体,如英语中的澳大利亚英语、黑人英语等,也可以指同属一种语言的功能性言语变体,如法律语体等。
1.3地域变异(regional variation)地理障碍如高山,海洋,空间的距离等是造成语言地域变异的主要原因,除此之外,对自己地方语的“忠诚”以及对语言变化的抵触情绪也是形成地域方言的原因。
由于地域变体的存在给跨地区的交际造成障碍,语言规划(language planning)应运而生。
Addition is generally realized through structural coordination(结构并列),adding to what has been said previously. E.g: also,further, in addition.
第二个概念 Discourse markers 语篇标记 Definition: A discourse marker is traditionally regarded as a word or phrase that is relatively syntax-independent. It does not have a particular syntactic function, and does not change the content meaning of the utterance. Examples are oh, well, you know and I mean in spoken discourse and in addition and in the following section in written text. Functions: relationships between the speaker and the message; eg.He was evidently too tired to go any further. relationships between the speaker and hearer: eg.In my opinion, life in the 21st century is much better than it used to be. relationships among utterances. eg.He had been washing cars all day. Yet he was hardly aware of being tired.
Chapter 8 Language in Use1. 语义学与语用学的区别1.1 语用学(Pragmatics)Pragmatics is the study of the use of language in communication, particularly the relationships between sentences and the contexts and situations in which they are used.(语用学是研究语言实际运用的学科,集中研究说话人意义、话语意义或语境意义。
)1.2 区别Pragmatics is sometimes contrasted with semantics, which deals with meaning without reference to the users and communicative functions of sentences.(语用学主要研究在特定的语境中说话人所想要表达的意义,语义学研究的句子的字面意义,通常不考虑语境。
)2. 合作原则及其准则(Herbert Paul Grice)2.1. 合作原则(Cooperative Principle)说话人经常在话语中传达着比话语表层更多的信息,听话人也能够明白说话人所要表达的意思。
2.2. 准则(maxims)数量准则(quantity)①使你的话语如(交谈的当前目的)所要求的那样信息充分。
①避免含糊不清②避免歧义③要简练(避免冗长)④要有序3. 言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory)---John Austin3.1. 施为句&叙事句(Performatives & Constatives)施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证真假;叙事句要么用于陈述,要么用于验证,可以验证真假。
语言学概论第八章 语言学和其他学科的关系
不过,中国文人历来十分关注语音。早在南北 朝开始,学士骚人就开始关注音韵问题。首先是周 隅对汉语语音的天然音调进行规范,沈约又将这些 研究成果运用到诗歌创作中去,提出“四声八病” 之说,开永明体之先,声韵之道大行。“声病”之 兴,固然在某种程度上束缚了当时的文章体格,对 后来律诗发展的影响却也不可低估。
他在柏拉图的词类两分法的基础上认为那些既 不属于主词又不属于述词的词自成一类(大约相当 于我们今天所说的连词)。他还注意到名词有格的 变化、动词有时态变化等这样一些结构上的特征, 并第一次给词下了定义。后来的“变则派”斯多葛 学派(The Stoic School)又在亚里士多德的词类 三分的基础上,进一步把词分为冠词、名词、动词 和连词。后来又把名词分为专有名词和普通名词。 他们还对动词的时态和名词的格等问题进行了细致 的研究,认为名词有主格、宾格、与格、所有格和 呼格之分。
语言学是一门多边缘、多层次的立体性学科 。它和文学、哲学、人类学、社会学、心理学等 社会科学以及计算机等自然科学都有着紧密的联 系。随着人类进入信息时代,语言学在整个信息 处理技术上占有重要地位。语言学问题已成为当 代哲学、心理学、数学、信息论、控制论、计算 机科学不可缺少的研究课题,语言学的进展已成 为心理学、人工智能、编译理论等取得突破的关 键。
语言和哲学的联系也由来已久。在中国古代的 哲学典籍中,不乏关于语言的讨论。有学者认为, 中国古代哲学一开始就采取蔑视和放弃语言的态度 ,具有明显的反语言学倾向。邓晓芒.论中国哲学 中的反语言学倾向[J].中州学刊,1992(2).比如 老子说“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名”(《 道德经》第一章),庄子说“言者所以在意,得意 而忘言。”
语言学概论第八章语言的发展和演变习题、真题集锦一、单选题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.下面各项中,属于汉语北方方言的是( C )p258A.广州话 B.福州话 C.重庆话 D.上海话2.与北京话同属于一个方言区的是( A )P258A.昆明话B.上海话C.长沙话D.客家话3.与兰州话同属于一个地区的是( A )P258A.长沙话B.昆明话C.厦门话D.梅县话4.与武汉话同属一个方言区的是( B )p258A.长沙话B.成都话C.南昌话D.广州话5.方言之间的差异主要体现在( D )(P258)A.语法方面B.语义方面C.语汇方面D.语音方面6.人们感觉到方言的不同首先是体现在( B )A.语法方面B.语音方面C.语汇方面D.语义方面7.彝族、羌族都来自于( B )P259-260A.古梵语B.原始汉藏语C.古粤语D.古斯拉夫语8.汉语、彝语、苗语、纳西语都来自于( B )p259A.古梵语B.原始汉藏语C.古日耳曼语D.古斯拉夫语9.不同行业有自己的“行话”,“行话”属于( B ) p260A.地域方言 B.社会方言 C.亲属语言 D.混合语言10.一种语言的共同语是在某—个方言的基础上形成的,这种方言叫( C )p262 A.母方言 B.底层方言 C.基础方言 D.原始方言12.吉普、狮子、琵琶”等词都是汉语里的( D )p131/263A.方言词B.常用词C.基本词D.外来词13.下面各词中属于仿译词的是( B )(P263)A.吉普B.热狗C.高尔夫D.尼龙14.用本族语言的语素逐个対译外语原词的语素而产生的词是( B )P263A.音译词B.仿译词C.意译词D.借词16.一个民族的全体或部分成员放弃使用本民族语言转而使用另一民族语言的现象叫( B )p265A.语言混合 B.语言转用 C.克里奥尔 D.双语现象17.语言的替换必然要经历( D )P266A.洋泾滨语阶段B.融合语阶段C.失语阶段D.双语阶段18.语言替换又被视为( B )P265A.语言混用B.语言转用C.语音混合D.语言渗透19.下列关于语言转用的表述,不正确的一项是( C )P265A.语言转用是语言统一的重要形式B.双语现象并非一定导致语言转用C.语言转用以民族融合为必要条件D.语言间的密切接触是语言转用的重要条件20.方言和亲属语言之间具有( A )P259A.语音对应关系B.语汇对应关系C.语义对应关系D.语音对应关系22.亲属语言产生的必要社会条件是(A)P259A.社会的完全地域分化B.社会的不完全地域分化C.社会的完全社群分化D.社会的不完全是社群分化23.语言间亲属关系的重要标志是( D ) P259A.语义对应B.词汇对应关系C.语法对应关系D.语音对应关系24.通常被看作语言亲属关系重要证据的是( B )P259A.语言类型相同 B.语音对应关系 C.地理位置相近 D.语言借用成25.克里奥耳语又叫做( C )P266-268A.皮琴语B.复综语C.混合语D.语言联盟26.洋泾浜语和克里奥耳语属于( C ) P266A.语言的借用B.语言的转用C.语言的混合D.双语现象。
语言学概论第8章 语言系统的演变
人民公社 赶美超英 斗私批修 实现四化 黑白电视
• 口、肤、肌、面、首 •↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ • 嘴、皮、肉、脸、头
• (一)词义的扩大 • 灾。《说文》:天火曰灾。 • 哭。《说文》:哀声也。 • 菜。蔬菜→一切可以送饭的食品
• (二)词义的缩小 • 金。金属→金子 • 瓦。土器已烧之总名→盖在屋顶之薄片 • 丈人。荷丈之人→妻子的父亲
道路、衣服 • 加词缀:桌子、椅子、耳朵、脑袋、砖头、
石头、老虎、老鼠 • 重叠:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、
妹妹 • 改造:师→军队 目→眼睛
• 土改 • 粮票 • 四清 • 面的 • 拨乱
富农 布票 工宣 倒爷 反正
总路线 解放鞋 造反派 大哥大 喇叭裤
大跃进 的确良 走资派 万元户 收录机
第八章 语言系统的演变
第一节 语音的演变
• z[ts]c[ts`]s[s]可以拼[i]也可以拼[ ] • 就叫做尖音团音分流,如果只能拼一种,
k` k`
t `奇
t `千 ts`
x x
鲜 s
第三节 词汇的演变
• 微博 • 愤青 • 熟女 • 公关 • 另类 • 学渣
裸婚 剩女 团购 潮人 给力 学霸
亚健康 哈证族 射手榜 廉租房 黄金周 发烧友
紧身服 偶像派 招牌菜 限价房 土豪金 女汉子
人肉搜索 时尚达人 面子工程 一线城市 热岛效应 橙色预警
• 单音节词变双音节词 • 合并同义词:牙齿、思想、语言、文字、
Chapter 8 Socio-linguistics 社会语言学1.What is socio-linguistics? 什么是社会语言学?Sociolinguistics is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies language in social contexts.社会语言学是语言学的一个分支,它研究社会环境中的语言。
nguage variation 语言变异a)Speech community 言语社区In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social group isolated for any given study is called speech community. A speech community thus defined as a group of people who form a community (which may have as few members as a family or as many member as a country), and share the same language or a particular variety of language. The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must, in some reasonable way, interact linguistically with other members of the community. They may share closely related language varieties, as well as attitudes toward linguistic norms.社会语言学研究中,说话者被当作是社会群体的成员。
第8章语言的使用I. Fill in the blanks.1. There has been a maxim in ______ which claims that “You are what you say”. 【答案】quantity【解析】格莱斯的数量准则指1.使你的话语如(交谈的当前目的)所要求的那样信息充分;2.不要使你的话语比要求的信息更充分。
2. The theory of conversational implicature was proposed by ______.【答案】Grice【解析】格赖斯认为一定存在一些管理话语产生和理解的机制。
3. ______ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable.【答案】Performatives【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。
4. In making conversation, the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the ______ principle proposed by J. Grice.【答案】Cooperative【解析】通常在对话中,所有的参与者都被希望能够遵守由格莱斯提出的合作原则,这样就不会有会话含义的产生。
5. In the light of the ______ principle, four maxims are specified.They are the maxim of quantity, maxim of ______, maxim of ______ and the maxim of _____.【答案】cooperative; quality; relation; manner【解析】考查合作原则及四条次则:数量准则、质量准则、关联准则、方式准则。
Google Translate
词法分析 句法分析 语义分析
词典 规则库 结构转换
形态生成 译词选择 句子生成
第二十四页,编辑于星期日:五点 五十四分。
信息检后裁制完毕,并呈送将军府中。 王府饭店的设施和服务是一流的。
NR 俄国
VV 希望
NR 伊朗
VE 没有
VV 制造
NN 核武器
PU 。
第十三页,编辑于星期日:五点 五十四分。
Dependency Grammar 由Tesniere于1959年提出。
第十四页,编辑于星期日:五点 五十四分。
▪ 这只会测水温的鸭子,挺有用的。 ▪ 这只会测水温的鸭子,没什么用。
第六页,编辑于星期日:五点 五十四分。
▪ 咬死了猎人的狗。 ▪ 三个大学的老师。
▪ 他说:“ 她这个人真有意思” 。她说:“ 他这个人真怪有意思 的” 。于是人们以为他们有了那种意思,并让他向她意思意思。 他火了:“ 我根本没有那个意思” !她也生气了:“ 你们这么 说是什么意思” ?事后有人说,“ 真有意思” 。也有人说: “ 真没意思” 。
语言学教程第二版第八章答案I. Read each of the following statements and questions carefully. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the statement or to answer the question. (2.5* 20= 50 Scores)1. Linguistics is the scientific study of______. [单选题] *A. a particular languageB. the English languageC. human languages in general(正确答案)D. the system of a particular language2. What function does the following dialogue have according to the functions of language?-- A nice day, isn’t it?--Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.[单选题] *A. Emotive.B. Phatic.(正确答案)C. Performative.D. Interpersonal.3. Language can be used to talk about language itself, to help listeners or readers to get clues about the logicial thoughts or attitudes etc of the speakers’ or the writers’. Such language function is called _____. [单选题] *A. phatic function.B. recreational function.C. emotive function.D. metalingual function.(正确答案)4. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be _______. [单选题] *A. prescriptiveB. analyticC. descriptive(正确答案)D. linguistic5. Saussure took a(n) _______ view of language, while Chomsky looks at language froma ________ point of view. [单选题] *A. sociological…psychological(正确答案)B. psychological…sociologicalC. applied…pragmaticD. semantic…linguistic6. Which is the branch of linguistics that studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription? [单选题] *A. Phonetics(正确答案)B. PhonologyC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics7. The core branch of linguistics excludes ______. [单选题] *A. semanticsB. morphologyC. phoneticsD. psycholinguistics(正确答案)8. Of all the speech organs, the _____ is/are the most flexible. [单选题] *A. mouthB. lipsC. tongue(正确答案)D. vocal cords9. A _____ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintaining the highest position. [单选题] *A. backB. centralC. front(正确答案)D. middle10. Open vowels don’t contain _______. [单选题] *A. [i](正确答案)B. [a]C. [a:]D. [ɔ]11. The naming theory was put forward by _______. [单选题] *A. Plato(正确答案)B. ChomskyC. Ogden RichardD. Firth12. “Male”and" female"are _________. [单选题] *A. stylistic antonymsB. relational antonymsC. gradable antonymsD. complementary antonyms(正确答案)13. “Can I borrow your bike?”_________“You have a bike”. [单选题] *A. is synonymous withB. presupposes(正确答案)C. entailsD. is inconsistent with14. Modern linguistics regards the written language as ________. [单选题] *A. primaryB. correctC. secondary(正确答案)D. stable15. The core branch of linguistics excludes ______. [单选题] *A. semanticsB. morphologyC. phoneticsD. psycholinguistics(正确答案)16. According to Chomsky, which is the ideal user’s internalized knowledge of his language? [单选题] *A. Competence(正确答案)B. ParoleC. PerformanceD. Langue17. Unlike animal communication systems, human languag is _____. [单选题] *A. stimulus-free(正确答案)B. stimulus-drivenC. under immediate stimulus controlD. simulated by some occurrence of communal interest18. Among the three metafunctions of languages proposed by Halliday (1994), _____, the participatory function of langauge, enacts social relationships and textual function creates relevance to context. [单选题] *A. ideational function.B. interpersonal function.(正确答案)C. textual function.D. perfomative function19. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. This feature is called _______. [单选题] *A. displacement(正确答案)B. dualityC. flexibilityD. cultural transmission20. The details of any language system is passed on from one generation to the next through _______, rather than by instinct. [单选题] *A. learningB. teachingC. booksD. both A and B(正确答案)II. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with a word or words, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. (2.5* 20= 50 Scores)21. D_____ is one of the design features of human language which refers to the phenomenon that langauge consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless individual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:uality)22. Language is p______ in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never heard before. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:roductive)23. T______ function of language creates relevance to context and enables us to construct texts out of our utterances and writings. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:extual)24. Chomsky defines “competence” as the ideal user’s k______of the rules of his language. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:nowledge)25. Langue refers to the a______ linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:bstract)26. P_______ refers to the realization of langue in actual use. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:arole)27. S_______ is the father of modern linguistics. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:aussure)28. S________ is the study of the meaning of words and sentences. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:emantics)29. Linguistic study in the 19th century was primarily about the d_______ studies. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:iachronic)30. IPA indicates International Phonetics A______. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:lphabet)31. A c_____ is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:onsonant)32. E_______ is a relation of inclusion. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:ntailment)33. "There"and"their" are h_______. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:omophones)34. "Light"and"heavy are g_______ antonyms. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:radable)35. I________ function of language enacts social relationships. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:nterpersonal)36. The d_____ theory sees that the origin of language is from people’s response to the things around them by sounds. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:ing-dong)37. Human capacity for language has a g________ basis, but the details of language have to be taught and learned. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:enetic)38. C_______ analysis is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:omponential)39. P______ function of language can be used to maintain comfortable social relationship between speakers. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:hatic)40. Lanauge is v________ as the primary medium for all languges is sound. [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:ocal)。
car 有卷舌
装饰n decor
英式 Can’t youdo any better than that?
美式 Is that all the better you can do?
什么是Regional variation 地域变异
• Regional variation is speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from. Regional variation of language is the most discernible可辨别的 and definable可定义的.
• 社会语言学(sociolinguistics)是一门语言学的分支 学科,把语言置于社会环境中来研究语言。
• 社会是怎样给人分组的?Social group(贴标签)
• Language use varies from one speech community to another, from one regional group to another, from one social group to anther,and even from one individual 个人 to anther.
• 生活在同一地区的人,虽然使用同一种地方方言,但是他们也会有
social dialect社会方言
• 社会方言(social dialect 或sociolect)指社会中属 于同一阶级、阶层、或社会群体所使用的语言 变体。社会方言通行于有着相同社会背景的群 体之中。社会群体的多样化决定了社会方言的 多样化。 Social dialects, or sociolects, are varieties of language used by people belonging to particular social classes. The speakers of a social dialect usually share a similar social background.
第8章 语 言
我们每天都要完成很多的语言活动,与朋友闲 谈、写作业或报告、看电视、看报纸,甚至自 言自语。每天我们中的绝大部分人都轻而易举 地进行着听、说、读、写的活动,从老人、儿 童、理发师、出租车司机到国家总理、公司总 裁,都可以完成这些使用语言的活动,并不觉 得这有什么困难和特别之处。但是实际上语言 是一个复杂的系统,而使用语言是一种高级的 能力。
在句子理解中,句法加工和语义加工的关系是一个重要的问题,一种观点认 为,句法加工一般发生在语义加工之前,另一种观点则认为语义加工发生在 句法分析之间,前者会影响后者,另一种观点是句法加工和语义义因素一般会影响句法结构。
句子语法结构的加工受到了句子意义的影响。还有研究者提出了内容指导加 工理论,即句子的意义有助于语法结构的形成。句子前面部分的意义会产生 对句子后面部分的预期,这种预期影响语法结构的建构。他们测量了句子最 后一个词的加工时间,语法结构更符合读者预期的句子,最后一个词的加工 更快。
①单词选择。 ②提取音位。 ③划分音节 。④准备发声方 式。
词汇产生研究中的一个重要问题就是单词选择与音位编码 之间的关系问题。
第三节 语言的获得
当代关于语言习得的思考已经融合了这 样的理解,即语言的习得事实上所涉及 的是受环境调节的先天禀赋。现在研究 语言习得的方法是围绕两个方面展开的, 即哪些是先天固有的能力,以及这些能 力如何受到孩子所在环境的调节。
动态性是指语言是不断演变着。语言的产生性很自然 地就会引发出语言本质上的动态性和演变性。某个语 言使用者创造出单词、短语并更改语言的用法,而更 大群体的语言使用者要么接受要么拒绝这些改动。
(一)音素 (二)词素 (三)词 (四)句法
《语言学教程》第 8 章 语用学
①But gradually linguists found that it would be
impossible to give an adequate description of meaning
if the context of language use was left unconsidered.
pragmatic study of language. ②It is generally
considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by
the speaker and the hearer. ③Various components of
shared knowledge have been identified, e.g. knowledge
study. ③Pragmatics is a comparatively a new branch
of study in the area of linguistics; its development and
establishment in the 1960s and 1970s resulted from the
being carried out in the area of pragmatics.
这是语句( utterance)。②某年某月某日某时,李四
也说“天在下雨”;这也是语句( utterance) 。③张
certain purpose, then we are treating it as an utterance.
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Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:1. Sociolinguistics is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies social contexts. F2. Language as a means of social communication is a homogeneous system with a homogeneous group of speakers. F3. Language use varies from one speech community to another, from one regional group to another, from one social group to another, and even from one individual to another. T4. The goal of sociolinguistics is to explore the nature of language variation and language use among a variety of speech communities and in different social situations. T5. The linguistic markers that characterize individual social groups may serve as social markers of group membership. T6. From the sociolinguistic perspective, the term “speech variety ” can not be used to refer to standard language, vernacular language, dialect or pidgin. F7.Functional speech varieties are known as regional dialects. F8. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its grammar and uses of vocabulary. F9.Geographical barriers are the only source of regional variation of language. F10. A person’s social backgrounds do not exert a shaping influence on his choice of linguistic features. F11.Two speakers of the same language or dialect use their language or dialect in the same way. F12. Every speaker of a language is, in a stricter sense, a speaker of a distinct idiolect. T13. The standard language is a better language than nonstandard languages. F14. A lingua franca can only be used within a particular country for communication among groups of people with different linguistic backgrounds. F15.Pidgins are linguistically inferior to standard languages. F16. A pidgin usually reflects the influence of the higher, or dominant, language in its lexicon and that of the lower language in their phonology and occasionally syntax. T17.The major difference between a pidgin and a creole is that the former usually has its native speakers while the latter doesn’t. F18.Bilingualism and diglossia mean the same thing. F19.The kind of name or term speakers use to call or refer to someone may indicate something of their social relationship to or personal feelings about that individual. T20.The use of euphemisms has the effect of removing derogatory overtones and the disassociative effect as such is usually long-lasting. FII. Fill in each of the blanks below with one word which begins with the letter given:21. The social group isolated for any given study is called the speech c___ community _____.22. Speech v_____ variety ____ refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or group of speakers.23. From the sociolinguistic perspective, a speech variety is no more than a d_____ dialectal _____ variety of a language.24. Language standardization is also called language p___ planning ____.25. Social variation gives rise to s__ sociolects _______ which are subdivisible into smaller speech categories that reflect their socioeconomic, educational, occupational background, etc. 26. S_____ Stylistic __ variation in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a continuumfrom casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation. 27. A regional dialect may gain status and become standardized as the national or o____ official ____ language of a country.28. The standard language is a s_____ superimposed ____, socially prestigious dialect of language.29. Language varieties other than the standard are called nonstandard, or v____ vernacular___ languages.30. A pidgin typically lacks in i_ inflectional __ Idiolect____ morphemes.31. Linguistic taboo reflects s___social______ taboo.32. The avoidance of using taboo language mirrors social attitudes, emotions and value judgments and has no l_____ linguistic____ basis.III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:33. _______ is concerned with the social significance of language variation and language use in different speech communities.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Historical linguisticsD. General linguistics34. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its _____.A. use of wordsB. use of structuresC. accentD. morphemes35. ____ is speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from.A. Regional variationB. Language variationC. Social variationD. Register variation36. _______ are the major source of regional variation of language.A. Geographical barriersB. Loyalty to and confidence in one’s native speechC. Physical discomfort and psychological resistance to changeD. Social barriers37. _________ means that certain authorities, such as the government choose, a particular speech variety, standardize it and spread the use of it across regional boundaries.A. Language interferenceB. Language changesC. Language planningD. Language transfer38. _________ in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a conti nuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.A. Regional variationB. Changes in emotionsC. Variation in connotationsD. Stylistic variation39. A ____ is a variety of language that serves as a medium of communication among groups of people for diverse linguistic backgrounds .A. lingua francaB. registerC. CreoleD. national language40. Although _______ are simplified languages with reduced grammatical features, they are rule-governed, like any human language.A. vernacular languagesB. creolesC. pidginsD. sociolects41. In normal situations, ____ speakers tend to use more prestigious forms than their ____ counterparts with the same social background.A. female; maleB. male; femaleC. old; youngD. young; old42. A linguistic ____ refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the "polite" society from general use.A. slangB. euphemismC. jargonD. tabooIV. Define the following terms:43. sociolinguistics 44. speech community45. speech variety 46. language planning47. idiolect 48. standard language49. nonstandard language 50. lingua franca51. pidgin 52. Creole53. diglossia 54. Bilingualism55. ethnic dialect 56. Sociolect57. register 58. slang59. taboo 60. euphemismIV. Define the following terms:36. sociolinguistics: Sociolinguistics is the study of language in social contexts.37. speech community: The social group isolated for any given study is called the speech community or a speech community is a group of people who form a community and share the same language or a particular variety of language. The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must, in some reasonable way, interact linguistically with other members of the community. They may share closely related language varieties, as well as attitudes toward linguistic norms.38. speech variety: Speech variety, also known as language variety, refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or group of speakers. The distinctive characteristics of a speech variety may be lexical, phonological, morphological, syntactic, or a combination of linguistic features.39. language planning: language standardization is known as language planning. This means that certain authorities, such as the government or government agency of a country, choose a particular speech variety and spread the use of it, including its pronunciation and spelling systems, across regional boundaries.40. Idiolect: An idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines aspects of all the elements regarding regional, social, and stylistic variation, in one form or another. In a narrower sense, what makes up one’s idiolect includes also such factors as voice q uality, pitch and speech rhythm, which all contribute to the identifying features in an individual' s speech.41.standard language: The standard language is a superposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by themass media, and taught in educational institutions, including school settings where the language is taught as a foreign or second language.42.pidgin: A pidgin is a variety of language that is generally used by native speakers of other languages as a medium of communication.43. Creole: A Creole language is originally a pidgin that has become established as a native language in some speech community.44.diglossia: Diglossia usually describes a situation in which two very different varieties of language co-exist in a speech community, each with a distinct range of purely social function and appropriate for certain situations.45. Bilingualism: Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers, such as the inhabitants of a particular region or a nation.46. ethnic dialect: Within a society, speech variation may come about because of different ethnic backgrounds . An ethnic language variety is a social dialect of a language, often cutting across regional differences. An ethnic dialect is spoken mainly by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation, such as racial discrimination or segregation.47. Sociolect: Social dialects, or sociolects, are varieties of language used by people belonging to particular social classes.48. register: Registers are language varieties which are appropriate for use in particular speech situations, in contrast to language varieties that are associated with the social or regional grouping of their customary users. Format reason, registers are also known as situational dialects .According to Ferguson's investigation, the high form of a language is used in all the following situations in a diglossic country EXCEPT ________.选择一项:a. caption on political cartoonb. news broadcastc. university lecturesd. sermon in churchWhen a pidgin has become the primary language of a speech community, and is acquired by the children of that speech community as their native language, it is said to have become a c____.答案:cr eol eWome in Western countries at least appear to be more status-conscious and sensitive to the socialsignificance of certain linguistic variables.选择一项:对错Linguistic repertoire refers to ________.选择一项:a. all the words of his native language an individual knowsb. all the speech acts an individual is capable of performingc. all the linguistic varieties an individual possessesd. all the regional dialects an individual speaksThe social group isolated for any given study is called the speech c回答com m u.正确答案是:communityA person's social backgrounds do not exert a shaping influence on his choice of linguistic features. 选择一项:对错In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, b____ inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.答案:bi l i ngual i sm正确答案是:bilingualism。