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中华恐龙馆是中华恐龙园的核心和灵魂,是恐龙科普知识的海洋, 收藏展示中国系列恐龙化石最为集中的专题博物馆。它以古生物的 发生、演化和灭绝为线索,旨在宏扬人类与自然界和谐发展的新自 然观。馆体外形充分运用仿生建筑手法,远远望去仿佛三条恐龙高 昂着龙头在窃窃私语,一条丰盈巨硕的恐龙躯体呈现出大写意的造 型,由此勾勒出恐龙馆的博览、娱乐及科普空间,全馆总面积20000 平方米以上,龙首最高处达71米,馆体穹顶最高处达36米,已成为 常州旅游乃至沪宁沿线上旅游业的标志性建筑。 馆内运用多项现代技术和娱乐手段,力求营造科学启智与审美情趣 相融合的动感空间。是寓唯物史观教育于旅游体验之中的新型科学 殿堂。馆内主要设有影视特效厅、地球演化厅、海洋生物厅、廊厅、 丛林厅、溶洞厅、恐龙陈列厅、中华龙鸟厅、恐龙灭绝厅等十多个 主要参观游览场所。
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
“雷龙过山车”是疯 狂火龙钻和尖锋速递 两者之间的桥梁,是 鲁布拉的科学家们凭 借自己的智慧制造出 来的恐龙大吊车, 90多米曲折的轨道形 成一个倒置的“M”。 启动后不到一秒钟的 时间机车迅速速度提 升至40公里小时,15 米最高点处更是倾斜 倒转 。
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
扇叶的快速转动,带来座舱的无规则翻滚。旋转方式叠加,立体多 变的运动轨迹,仿佛进入波涛汹涌的海洋。
炫 彩 风

This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
在10米的高 空中像波浪 一样翻滚, 四周悬崖峭 壁间时不时 喷出一股股 激流,伴随 着火焰特效, 仿佛正在接 受水与火的 共同洗礼。
是为了满足旅游者多样化休闲娱乐需求和选择而建造的一种具有创 意性活动方式的现代旅游场所。它是根据特定的主题创意,主要以 文化复制、文化移植、文化陈列以及高新技术等手段、以虚拟环境 塑造与园林环境为载体来迎合消费者的好奇心、以主题情节贯穿整 个游乐项目的休闲娱乐活动空间。
中文名称:主题公园 英文名称:theme park 定义:以某一主题或综合几种主题于一体为内容,投资量大、高度 发达、收取入场费的独立的休闲娱乐场所。 应用学科:地理学(一级学科);旅游地理学(二级学科) 以上内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布
中华恐龙园位于江苏省常州新区的现 代旅游休闲区内,享有"东方侏罗纪" 美誉。占地面积600余亩,自2000年9 月正式开园以来,中华恐龙园在主题 公园经营上,创造性地提出了主题公 园“5+2”发展模式,最终形成了中 华恐龙园在汹涌的主题公园浪潮中傲 然屹立的核心竞争力:科普性极强的 旅游目的地和游乐性极强的科普教育 基地。中华恐龙园陆续获得了“国家 4a级景区”、“全国科普教育基地”、 “中国文化产业示范基地”等多项 “国”字号殊荣,并通过了iso9001、 iso14001质量环境一体化管理体系, 成为常州对外交流的一张闪亮的城市 名片。
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
东方侏罗纪—常州中 华恐龙园
• 简介 • 中华恐龙馆 • 恐龙园游玩项目 • 恐龙园的社区宣传 • 目前管理现状及存在问题 • 意见和建议
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
侏罗纪坚实、高大的 植物是小朋友们最好 的玩具。在茂密的树 枝间,垂下一张张彩 色的小椅子,等您坐 好,参天大树的树冠 竟然施展魔力,缓缓 转动起来,悬挂的椅 子渐渐飞扬,这场景, 是不是让你想起了儿 时的秋千?
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.