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workv操作小型物品Idon’tknownhow to workyour telephone.Work the camera. Work the psp.

Operator操作员a computer operator

Operate on sb给某人做手术The doctors are operating on thepatient

2.successful a hopeful满怀希望的;forgetful 健忘的;

A successfuloperation; a successful businessman;

Successfullyadv land successfully;unsuccessfully

Be Successful indoing =manage todo=succeedin doing;I am successful in breaking the record.

3.followinga下一个的,接着的;Answer thefollowing question;the followingday=the next day;

4.patient n 病人a耐心的impatient impoliteimpossible

Be angrywith sb; be patient with sb

5.alone ad 独自的walk alone; livealone;stay alone;leave me alone让我安静一会儿

6.exchang vt交换exchange gift;Exchange A for B; I exchange my homework foryour camera.

a交换的a exchange student; the exchangerate;

7.inquire询问ask sbaboutsth ;inquire sbabout sth

ShallIinquire about the priceof tickets?I inquire mymanageraboutmy salary.


8.certain ad (1)一定的it iscertain that ……=sb is certain to do

It is certain that you willregret buying thecamera=you will be certain toregret buying t hecamera (2)a某个 a certainMr.Browntelephoned while you were out.

You had better notvisit certain areasin Paris

9. caller打电话的人Receiver听筒cooker 厨具typewriter打字机

10.Relative亲戚家庭成员family member; 近亲a close relative;远亲a distantrelative

11.ask sb about sth Visitors ask theguideabout the history ofthe church. 问某人关于某事

ask sb for sth The teacheraskedme for thehomework向某人索取某物

ask sb to doThefatherasked John to mail thoseletters tomorrow要某人做某事

askfor sb 要求见某人ask for manage; ask fordoctor;

ask fortrouble自找麻烦;ask for help寻求帮助

12.whether与if (1)if不能在开头,开头表示如果(2)if不能喝介词相连(3)if后面不跟to do(4)if不能和ornot连接

Whether he will come is still a question.It dependsonwhetherthe letter arrives in time.

I am not sure whether to stay here. I will write to you whether or not I cancome.


WhileJohn Gilbert was in hospital, he asked hisdoctor to tellhim whether hisoperation hadbeensuccessful, butthe doctor refusedtodo so.The following day,th epatient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned thehospi tal exchange and asked for DoctorMillington. When the doctor answered the pho ne,Mr.Gilbertsaid hewas inquiring aboutacertain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr.Gilbert‘s operation hadbeen successful andthe doctortoldthatithad been. He then asked whenMr.Gilbert wouldbeallowedto gohome and the doctor told himthathe would haveto stayinhospitalforanothertwoweeks. Then Dr Millington asked the callerif he was a relative of the patient. ”No,” the patient answered,”IamMr.John Gilbert.”
