Text one1.At this height, the jungle looked like a gigantic green carpet, except for the red rivers snaking through it ...the plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mightly Angel Falls ------the longest waterfall in the world ----as it plummeted down into Devil’s Canyon.2.It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever beheld,but ,but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!3.Canaima ‗s remoteness is one reason; there is no road access so you must charter a flight from Puerto Ordaz, a one-hour jourey from the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.4.The tour operators at Angel eco-tours take an intesting approach in that they emphasize the park and its people more than Angel Falls. In the previous stays at indigenous village.I had often gotten significantly to the sense that tourists were well receivd primarily because they contribute significantly to the village’s income .5. My fondest memory is of spending an evening watching three generations of Pemon ,decked out in their traditional garb,perform a ceremonial dance ….Our inhibitions quickly disappeared and before we knew it ,we were dancing alongside the Pemon .6. Given the other –worldliness of the park,I was not surprised to hear that a large number of the flora,including several carnivorous plant varieties ,are endemic to the region .7. As much as I found the trip exhilarating ,I would not say it is for everyone .Eco-tourism means responsible ,low-impact travel,and generally involves some degree of “roughing-it”.Text two1.The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate with both sidesclaiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.2.And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greater force . ********3.Cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis are the most frequent subjects of euthanansia in Holland.st fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanansia for AIDS patientsin the advanced stages of their illness.5.Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing activevoluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety od abuse6.Even in the Netherlands ,the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases andwould surround ever those with elaborate safe guardsText Three1. a business transaction , even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy .2.To many of us , gambling is ,in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy ,and may well help preservegood temper ,patience and optimism .which will do us a world of good .3.As a matter of fact ,few of us have the right to condemn gambling as few of can say that they never gamble .4.If a man makes gambling an obsession ---almost a form of insanity-he will not only lose his property gained throughyears of toil.5.if one sticks to his limits , it is more a game of fun than the root of all evils.6.that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence .Text four1.No matter what we do,we are always involved with other people ,whether we want to be or not.2.We might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighborhood..We might getcross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.3.Someone else may look down upon us or deliberately hurt us by flinging mud at us in the public .Someone may evensteal an attack on us or hit us below the belt or speak evil of us.4.If you happen to have friction with someone around you ,try to have a heart-to-heart walk with him in a placid mood .5.…,you will find yourself in more trouble ,because evils bounce back.6.If ,on the other hand ,you stick to your guns and become contumacious,you are bound to suffer heavty losses or atleast make yourself unpopular, which will again bring you a lot of stress.Text five1.The search for an answer brings you face to face with problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood ofvirtually all reseach into human emotions.2.You may also set out with the belief that the emotion has evolved into something rather sophisticated,3.…most people cannot will themselves to laugh on command or suppress an unwanted attack of the giggles.4.Indeed studies have shown that people are thirty times more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone ,inthe absence of pseudo-social stimuli like television .5.To many researchers ,laughter is about strengthening social bonds.6.Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down barriers and forge a connectionswith their audience .7.By inviting the audience to join him in laughter ,Kennedy bridged much of the social gap between his wealthy , noblestatus and ordinary votes.8.But laughter can exclude as well as include ,as another American president learnt to his cost.9.Gruner believes that laughter originated from the cry of triumph and mock that a fighter might utter when he defeatshis foe.10.In the end ,though . a convincing explanation of why people laugh must wait for more and better dataText six1. A bit of wisdom and experience go a long way.2.…but I am convinced we should accompany our offsping to university open days because we can make difference totheir futures.3.Nothing beats seeing for yourself.4.Many universities did their utmost to separate students from their parents ,5.So ,masquerading as a mature student,I often sneaked in the back of the student sessions.6.…and the chap at University of London seemed to a bit out of touch .7.Armed with the answers to these questions ,applicants are better able to prepare.8.And ,of course ,they deserve (almost) all the credit when they get in .Text seven1.That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products,promote the commercial at theexpense of the authentic , and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction.2.Globalization not only increases individual freedom ,but also revitalizes cultures and culture artifacts through foreigninfluences ,technologies ,and markets .Thriving cultures are not set in stone.3.In some ways ,America is an outlier ,not a global leader .Most of the world has adopted the metric system born fromthe French Revlution ;America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.4.Local fare glues more eyeballs to TV screens than American programs.Although nearly three-quarters of televisiondrama exported worldwide comes from the United States ,most countries‘ favorite shows are homegrown .5.With one big excepetion :cinema .Yet Hollywood’s hegemony is not as worrisome as people think .Note first thatHollywood is less American than it seems .To some extent ,then Hollywood is a global industry that just happens to be in American ..Rather than exporting Americana,it servers up pap to appeal to a global audience.6.Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English ;now their soccer team is emblematic of nationalpride.7.English may be all-conquering outside American ,but in some parts of the United States ,it is now second to Spanish .8.Individuals are forming new communities ,linked by shared interests and passions ,that cut across nationalborders.Friendships with foreigners met on holiday.Scientists share ideas over the Internet.Environmentalists campaigning together using e-mail .House-music lovers swapping tracks online .Greater individualism does not spell the end of community.9.People may lament passing of old ways .Indeed , many of the worries about globalization echo age-old fears aboutdecline , a lost golden age ,and so on..Text eight1.Between the chaos of Regent Street and the opulent bustle of New Bond Street is a little region that is curiouslyhushed .It is made up of short streets that pretend to run parallel to one another ,but actually go off at all angles.2.The establishments there have a certain air of dignified secrecy ,not unlike that of servants of the old school ,thoseimpassive butlers who appeared to know nothing ,but really knew everything .3.The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed ,for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye,no gaudily dressedwindows to tempt the feet to loiter.4.In a new world in which anything will do so long as it arrives quickly and easily ,this region has fallen sadly behind theitems .It is still engaged in the old quest for perfection.5.That they are artists and not tradesmen is proved by the fact that ,unlike tradesmen , they do not labor to please theircustomers ,but to please themselves.6.By the time I have been inside one of those places ten minutes I have not shred of self-respect left .To stand like adummy ,to be simply a shape of flesh and bone ,is bad enough ,but what make it much worse are the mirrors and lighting .7.He has one of those tight ,healthy-looking ,clean-shaven faces ,like a brownish apple ;and looks something between apriest , a surgeon ,and a solicitor who occasionally rides to hounds.8.When he once condescended to tell me about his boy ( who is at a public school) I felt immensely flattered andrushed to agree with everything he said.Text nine1.Few understand the magnitude of the potential tragedy ;fewer still have a good idea of what to do about it .2.The Titanic‘s passengers were mainly innocent victims ,but the dilemma now facing society is large of our ownmaking ..And for us ,there is still hope .3.The 20 years since that meeting have seen the birth of a worldwide environmental movement,the emergence ofthousands of grass-roots environmental organizations , and the proliferation of environmental laws and regulations on nations around the world.4.These fundamental assaults on the atmosphere are caused almost entirely by rich nations that use most of the fossilfuels and ozone–depleting chemicals .Yet the long-term costs will be borne by humanity as whole .5.In many nations environmental degradating is now recognized as a key barrier to governments’ability to meet basicneeds and sustain living standards.6.Stabilizing the climate ,for example depends on restructuring national energy policies.Getting the brakes on populationgrown requires fundamental energy changes in social values and services .So far ,only a handful of countries have undertaken such initiatives .7.The growth in Third World jobs has fallen short of population growth,leaving tens of millions unemployed andhundred of millions underemployed .Even more people lack access to clean water ,adequate health care ,and a full and balance diet(食物).8.Once the self-reinforcing trends of environmental degradation and deepening poverty are too deeplyestabilished ,only a superhuman effort could break the cycle and reverse the trend .Text ten1.Abandoned in hash weather ,she huddled in a ball on the front steps of our building ,an elementary school for emotionallydisturbed children where I provided therapy three days a week.2.When they spotted the kitten , their faces suddenly brightened .Their reticence and tenseness seemed to melt away asthey petted the stray ,and our sessions were relaxed and open .3.My dog ,Holly ,was a gentle gregarious ,well-behaved sever-year-old of mixed parentage.Couldn‘t she have the samerelaxing effect on the children I counseled ?4.The project was approved ,but my supervisor clearly let me know that Holly and I were on trial .The responsibility for anyproblem with the ―dog experiment ‖ would land squarely on my shoulder.5.She neatly and gently took the treat ,swallowed it quickly and licked the boy‘s hand .The boy smiled . Holly‘s critical debuthad been a success.6.After the bell rang ,a succession of little visitors came to our door,vying(争着) to see Holly ,As they took turnshanding treats to Holly ,she wagged her tail and licked their hands ,showing her approval .7.As they relaxed with Holly , they let down their defenses . Our counseling session became smooth and productive.8.Even the teachers ducked in for some pet therapy throughout the day ,giving Holly a short pat and restoring their spiritsin her presence.9.I slide into the front seat of my car that afternoon ,I leaned back ,exhausted from the emotional trauma .10.…I felt a pang of guilt .Was a fair to ask my dog to take on the emotional responsibilities of troubled children.?Text eleven1.It is not long ago that the term makeover suggested little more than a new eye shadow or a dye job.2.That attaining such features often involves anesthesia ,injection ,incisions ,blood and professional with at least seven yearsof medical training is a distinction increasingly lost on the general population .3.But plastic surgery does mean going under the knife ,and lately there have been plenty of reminders of the risksinvolved .4.This is the same location where last month ,in a case that made the national headlines,the First Wivies Club author OliviaGoldsmith ,whose work often celebrated and satirized plastic surgery ,died after seeking a cosmetic procedure.5.The vast majority of cosmetic procedure –both surgical ,such as face-lift and liposuction ,and nonsurgical ,like Botox andcollagen injections-conclude with out incident.6.But many doctors don’t bother with the special training and practice the surgery anyway to supplement their income7.Patients often enjoy a doctor‘s office because it feels more personal ;many doctors prefer it because they exercisecomplete control over their surroundings and costs.8.It is uncommon for people to have multiple procedures performed at once ,and when the patient is in health ,it is notespecially perilous.9.Sometimes a patient can appear to do everything right but still end up paying the ultimate price .10.It did ,however .cause a momentary flutter in the plastic-surgery community .Doctors across Florida ,California and NewYork said they received a few concerned calls f rom patient that week .Text twelve1. When our founders boldly declared America's independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knewthat America, to endure, would have to change. Not change for change's sake, but change to preserve America's ideals;life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American.当我们的缔造者们大胆地向全世界宣布美国的独立,向上帝宣布我们的目的时,他们知道,美国要长久地存在下去,就必须改革。
Unit OneText AII. VocabularyA. 1. bear 2. haunt 3. bespeak4. approach5. trivial6. self-assertionB.1. A2. B3. B4. A5. C6. D7. B8. C9. D 10. CC.1. is afflicted with2. bearing3. press4. elusive5. abandon themselves to6. trivial7. descend8. at lengthIII. Grammar & StructureA.1.don’t leave; will be; get2.was drowning; dived; rescued3.exploded; climbed4.reached; realized; didn’t know5.will be; opens6.will start; return7.makes; has found8.was raining; played/were playing; was trying; didn’t get on/wasn’t getting on; keptB.1. A2. B3. D4. A5. C6. A7. D8. B9. D 10. AIV. Translation1. Research revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction. It’s every citizen’s obligation toprotect them.2. I felt approaching footsteps. Someone took my hand and I was caught up and held close in thearms of him.3. She had abandoned herself to grief since she heard the news that her husband was killed in the caraccident. Her sister strived to comfort her but in vain.4. According to laws, no one has the right to impose a private will upon others. As long as you followthe laws, you can do whatever you want.5. He opened the door to his parents’ importunities and descended the st airs slowly. Holding up hishead high, he carried himself like an arrogant knight.Text BKey to ExercisesComprehension & AppreciationA.1. B.2. C.3. A.4. D.5. B.6. A.B.1. 天气晴朗时,总有一位画家带着他的画架待在那儿。
1. inhibitions2. incredulous3. endemic4. eerie5. exhilarated6. lucid7. decked out8. awe-inspiring 9. plummeted 10. graciousUnit 21. elaborate2. prosecution3. controversial4. ammunition5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized 8. surged 9. moderately 10. zeal Unit 31. backwards2. a babe3. chance4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hasty Unit 41. involved2. touch3.. spoil4. boost5. get on6. get in Dutch7. flinging mud at8. heart-heart 9. profusion 10. bit her tongue offUnit 51. bane2. anecdotes3. mundane4. stimulus5. intriguing6.epidemic7. bout8. pathologicalUnit 6Unit 71. tyranny2. will fragment3. flock4. deem5. lament6. dissolve7. have a finger in every pie8. hark back to 9. be relevant to 10. be tailored to11. carve out niches 12. notch upUnit 8A. 1. audacity 2. opulent 3. loiter 4. in all sincerity 5. contrives6. enormity7. subservience8. condescend9. profile 10. deft1. undermining2. hinges on3. espouse4. inhabit5. paradox6. have stagnated7. predicament8. jeopardize 9. wake up to 10. inextricablyUnit 101. stray2. huddling3. traipsing4. reticent5. tense6. astounded7. gregarious8. counseling9. documentation 10. squarely 11. optimism 12. tentative13. succession 14. confide 15. tragedy 16. mustering 17. Console 18. traumas 19. figure out 20. melted awayUnit111.noxious2. Odor3. incisions4. cosmetic5. prompted6. complications7. socialites8. satirizes 9. certify 10. specialize11.supplement 12. precautions 13. accredited 14. inspection 15.hazards 16. confidential 17. premiere 18. phenomenal 19. flaw20.screened 21. momentarily 22. flutteringUnit 121、assume 2. steadfast 3. unrivaled 4. stagnant5. devastate 6、intrigued 7. engulfed 8. renewed9. conscience 10. testament 11. ennoble 12. infuses上文已完。
1.The country is heavily dependent on its oil exports.A. reliant onB. complaint withC. yielding toD.attached to2.An alternative approach is to define words according to the sentence contexts in which they occur.A. outlineB. explainC. specifyD. term3. A second hospital has been accused of mixing up a baby’s name tag , making the mother fear she had the wrong child.A. codeB. paperC. boardD. label4.The director will have to shift his roles and expectations when he’s asked by the rest of the board to answer criticism of company performance.A. moveB. stintC. alterD. transit5.Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers.A. heavilyB. immenselyC. solidlyD. ponderously6.There is also evidence that younger people expect to transfer the sourceof their main emotional support to their spouse when they marry.A. move ... toB. subtract ... fromC. distract ... fromD. deflect ... to7.Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students ’ ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA.A. arbitrateB. assessC. calculateD. reckon8.Consequently, the neighborhood they live in, the interests they have, the lifestyle of their friends and colleagues, will necessarily determine whatreality is for the child.A. residential pathB. residential streetC.residential districtD. residential part9.The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and then to suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge.A. affirmB. confirmC. assumeD. recognize10. As we shall see later, they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option.A. tiltB. inclineC. slideD. slant1.Don’t interrupt him. He is now working seriously on his dissertation that is due at the end of this semester.A. buckling down toB. buckling underC. buckling up withD. buckling to2.He has a bad temper and always falls into a fury for the slightest reason, which makes him extremely unwelcome among all the friends.A. sadnessB. depressionC. an extreme angerD. great disappointment3.Through reading the novel, the students realized that the hunchback’s hideous appearance could not conceal his noble characters.A. spectacularB. ugly and unpleasantC. impressiveD.striking and terrible4.When the World War II broke out and the area was bombed severely,many city dwellers had to move to the sticks and led a totally different life.A. small townsB. country areasC. surroundingsD. neighborhoods5.In the general conference, his coarse speaking tone irritated the delegate from the neighboring country and then everyone was involved in a fierce debate.A. ironicB. sarcasticC. angryD. rude6.The police had to keep track of all the actions of the suspects in order to identify the real criminal.A. be informed aboutB. be contacted withC. follow up withD.take notice about7.Confronted with all these evidences and the witnesses, the drunk driver conceded that it was he who caused the fatality of the 3victims in the traffic accident.A. surrenderB. grandC. admitD. yield8.When famine and drought became more severe, the president said he couldnot size up the whole situation and take any action unless he had receiveda complete report.A. bring upB. come up withC. make upD. make a judgment about9.Gaping at the TV screen and watching the fire and smoke,the whole world was startled and could not believe the World Trade Center turned into ruins.A. LookingB. StaringC. GlancingD. Watching10. When thousands of bodies, including those of women and children,were discovered in the forest,everyone and all the media took the same side, criticizing the monstrous mass murder with full bullets.A. tremendousB. incidentalC. famousD. evil读说写 1 第 3 单元1.With a(n) __________ network of committees, sports clubs and societies, each student is encouraged to play a full part in this aspect of student life.A. thrivingB. encouragingC. excitingD. succeeding2.They may pick up ideas almost at random from skimming journals,ideas that may __________ new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.A. steerB. pilotC. sparkD. lead3.Being a good listener is not only useful because you will hear what others miss, but you will find that people will tell you things that they __________ others.A. shield onB. shield fromC. shield inD. shield out4.What right did he have to come back into her life like this,trying to __________ it into small pieces that couldn ’t be put back together for a second time?A. crashB. crushC. shatterD. explode5.In many areas local services were provided by numerous different authorities, which often gave rise to __________ co-ordination problems.A. acuteB. accurateC. accusativeD. alternative6.The awful truth that he was suffering from lung cancer__________him, though his family members tried very hard to keep the secret.A. came uponB. dawned onC. fell toD. went for7.I suppose yoga enthusiasts would find it painless, but for most of us an hour spent in this position was a(n)__________.A. trialB. testC. examD. ordeal8.But rules that strengthen banks in good times can__________them in recessions.A. crippleB. reduceC. slashD. decrease9.There are few more __________ places on earth than the plains surroundinga volcano in the aftermath of its eruption.A. fertileB. unproblematicC. barrenD. unprofitable10. The minds of many of these young offenders appear to have been __________ by greed and indifference to violence.A. retardedB. numbedC. idledD. fooled读说写 1 第 4 单元1.Her reputation suffered a _________ blow as the result of the scandal.A. mortalB. shamefulC. humiliatingD. disgraceful2.In explaining this situation, it might be possible to point to sources _________ to the nation: its culture,mentality, religions, or geography.A. inheritedB. hereditaryC. inherentD. heritable3.His ________ difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his family.A. perceptualB. appreciableC. understandableD. recognizable4.He had never previously thought of himself as________or even as particularly materialistic.A. inquisitiveB. interactiveC. positiveD. acquisitive5.Like a dreamer, the young artist is absorbed in________of something outside himself and does not identify with it.A. illusionB. contemplationC. conceptionD. fantasy6.The club, where I am staying, releases forgotten gusts of memory,like those lilies which only________ their sweet perfume at night.A. exhaleB. inhaleC. relaxD. relieve7.If it is a technique which works for you then, use it ________.A. by all meansB. by no meansC. in one wayD. by the way8. You would ________ some responsibility immediately for particular areas and additional responsibilities are available to those with the ability andenthusiasm to undertake.A. bear onB. take onC. carry onD. hold on9. This raises the question whether the education of children in rural communities is prejudiced by the________ of a curriculum devised for urban conditions.A. publicationB. compulsionC. computationD. imposition10. The weak point in the school is due to the_________of parents who remove their sons from the school at too early an age.A. follyB. prudenceC. crazinessD. madness读说写 1 第 6 单元1.Even though the Duke was convicted of treason,most of the parliament members still supported him and his book was very popular among the publicA. betrayal of one’s countryB. surrender to the enemyC.hurt to people ’s feelingD. control of others2.This method may seem unorthodox , but it has been proved to be very efficient.A. fitfulB. accidentalC. irregularD. unconventional3.Many people settle down in urban areas instead of the countryside,since it is not time to take a sheer rest and they need to work in cities.A. comfortableB. completeC. relaxingD. permanent4.His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days.A. hesitateB. stutterC. decreaseD. shake5.Politically, Wisconsin is a bit of a maverick, and this nature was firmly established by 1848 when it became a state.A. dissenterB. proponentC. opponentD. extremist6.For over 30 years, Singapore has grown from a poor country with hardlyany resources to an affluent,modern and developed nation.A. abundantB. influentC. wealthyD. stimulant7.The doctor told the single father that his son needed to be coddled after the tuberculosis.A. isolated from othersB. treated with great careC. accompanied by othersD. cured with skill8.As a long-term fancier of the classical music, he spent a lot of money in watching live music concertsA. toastB. collaboratorC. shamblesD. zealot9. The architect said that his countrymen hadn’t learned to cherish the old, and they were too quick to tear old buildings down.A. preferB. treasureC. decorateD. renew10. The proud lady wondered how to lower her pride to approach the girl she had been so scornful of.A. hatefulB. convictedC. contemptuousD. doubtful。
一、A Working Community5、值得一提的是,我们没有谁一出生就属于这些社区,也不是后来我们搬了进来。
一.选词填空:1.The company has planned to strengthen its corporate identity2.The results of this survey demonstrate clearly the fact that younger people are the most mobile3.More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology, many of themattempting to update old designs to work with modern engines4.But to ignore the evidence of differences in performance between gender or ethnic groups can lead to unjusttreatment of individuals5.I am pleased with the progress to date and I believe that you are not finding the process too disruptive6.The markets are smart enough to guests when a realignment is coming7.You simply cannot assume that because the report has been well received that it will automatically produceaction or a decision.8.Academic qualifications cannot be the only criteria in judging a person9.If difficulties do arise during your time abroad, you may feel isolated and vulnerable to to pressure bothfrom local management and head office10.Many museums employ specialists to offer teachers sample worksheets.11.in the summer, I prefer roaming on the field with my friends and enjoying the sunshine to staying at homealone12.we felt sorry for his trouble ,He was hounded by many creditors, losing all his property and being discardedby his family.13.Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are todie for it14.,I was so shocked when I found that the vulgar imitation of the president and other officials did please thewell-educated audience and an understanding laugh broke out in the hall.15.Although many of us want to be perfect in all aspects , we need to admit that everyone has his\her defectsand no one is impeccable16.To take vengeance on Germany , at the end of World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsbombed Berlin severely17.To be a successful artist ,you need not only to have an exquisite sense of color but also to keep practicingas much as you can18.When we visited the famous hall, we found that the gaudy decorations revealed the vulgar taste of the houseowner, who was a tycoon of housing industry19.We all believe in the maxim that actions speak louder than words20.As a member from the conservative group ,this nominee was chosen since it had been widely known that hewould fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo and make no change to the current policies21.As house prices plummet the new breed of renters escape the danger of falling into debt traps and save theirspare cash for the future22.Nothing could daunt me and I talked to everyone with the same message:”cancer was absolutely greatbecause it put you in touch with yourself and the world :23.The 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little persuasion to appear in a harrowing film about racismand violence24.Carefree and full of youthful enthusiasm , his happy disposition attracted whites and Indians alike.25.In British political life of the previous twenty years , latent anti-Jewish feeling had been apt to surface in response to particular events26.With standards often being poor ,unregulated ,and uncontrolled ,disaster seems imminent27.After walking for an hour ,she wasn’t sweating , but there was a pleasurable sense of exertion28.Particularly worrisome were the fruit drinks , which projected a wholesome image while containing sugar in some form or another29.With the rising tide and bad conditions it was possible that the stranded man might not survive until the lifeboat arrived30.One study estimates that the headquarters and related functions of big American companies gobble up almost a fifth of their annual profits31.His way of staying sane was to compose poems in classical Chinese which he somehow kept with him32.The children’s insatiable curiosity will be satisfied one way or the other ,as there are plenty of museums libraries and children’s palaces in the city33.Examination of the theory which purports to provide an answer to this question is nonetheless important fora number of reasons34.It is impossible to forget the uplifting speech that the president gave at the commencement ceremony35.The athlete, a devou t Christian, like his parents ,died in 1945 in a Japanese internment camp inShangdong province36.The picture drawn is a static one , and it has been unable to provide a convincing account of how andwhy changes have occurred in the pattern of industrial relations37.The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary38.He listened in rapt concentration as Mr Mercer described how one soldier shot off his leg andthreatened to kill him until he shouted back at him39.Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law40.Building a home is a more demanding business compared with buying one41.This is a _foolproof_ camera and you can learn how to use it in a second.42.must be _insane_ to go out and have a picnicin this weather.43.When you use a computer, a _default_ is the setting or choice you get unless you deliberately choosesomething else.44.Because of the magic po wer, immediately the poor princess’ hair came off, and her nose and ears_likewise_.45.The information is _transmitted_ from one computer to another through a telephone line.46.He had loved that girl from _afar_ after that first incident.47.Most permanent pastures can be improved in both composition and _productivity_by goodmanagement and high techonology.48.The low payment at the store forced us to _identify_ any opportunity to make money.49.Fine hair tened to be _limp_ , looked flat, and thus was difficult to style.50. A good deal of _disability_ and grief could have been avoided if you had changed your attitude.51.Advances in therapy and diagnosis have raised complex legal and moral issues in areas such aabortion,and patients’ rights.52.The discovery of how bronze is made was probably accidental ,but it turned out to be an importanevent.53.Though Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister in 1940,he was taken as the most famous and obvioudissenter for a very long time.54.When you hear the melody, you will strongly feel that the same enlightenment that happened to thcomposer has befallen you.55.This is only a partial success, since we have to make a compromise.56.That exhilarating game, which the tennis star won by 4-3,attracted 20,000people to the Giant Stadiumeven though the official limit was some 5,000 fewer.57.After the vapid conversation with those conservative members of the organization, the newcomer felbored and determined never to join this group again.58.The dirty air and the crowd make the market not a safe place for those who swoon easily.59.The task is really mindless and anyone in the company can finish it without any problem.60.I enjoy my scholastic life, in which I am isolated from the complicated society and can devote myself tacademic research.Unit761.She was able to light fires in the hearts of the people she met and mobilize them to do something for the revolution.62. Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.63. Johnson was reputed to pay his employees handsomely, but in return he expected complete loyalty, total commitment and absolute respect.64. They carefully designed a special diet which contained all the known nutrients needed to sustain her life.65. He sounded very excited on the phone, but he wouldn’t reveal the exact contents of the videotape, except to say that it contained the evidence we needed.66. Finally he realized that money was not a substitute for health, happiness, companionship, or emotional security.67. He has realized the terrible mistake, and is trying his best to remedy it.68. Although everyone does it that way, he wants to change the prevailing practice.69. We asked the company how they would market the product and reverse its shrinking market share.70. Whether wolves merit so much protection is a much-debated point among farmers in the area where wolves are plentiful and do cause damage on farms.71.Slender and graceful in light furs, the model wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a _gorgeous hat.72. During these amazing years of _unprecedented_ expansion, Greater London grew at a much faster rate than th national population as a whole and faster than the suburbs of any provincial city.73. Complete your visit with a leisurely _stroll_ around Cardiff Bay and enjoy the remarkable historic buildings and th delightful specialty shops.74. As a judge who believed that there was either good or evil, with no gray area in between, he was _stern_ wit lawbreakers but generous to the poor.75. The new ruler was condemned for his introduction of a _repressive_ political system that allowed no freedom.76. The pressure of population growth within the _confines_of a small island of only 29 square miles led to th development of an innovatory, intensive system based on very effective soil conservation techniques.77. Then I pretended to notice him for the first time and engaged him in conversation in an_impromptu_ manner.78. Roughly one-hal f of the world’s population, including almost all of East and Southeast Asia, depends on rice as it principal _staple_ food.79. The bank planned to charge card holders a ten-yuan_annual_ fee from next year, which invited strong oppositio from its customers.80. Intrinsically_ motivating activities are those in which people will engage for no reward other than the interest an enjoyment that accompanies them.Unit981. She took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.82. The Foreign Minister held talks in Paris with his French counterpart on April283. It is very infuriate to read such a ridiculous novel.84. A woman with hardly any make-up and short haircuts is thought to be a stereotypical lesbian.85. My own solitude was as nothing compared with their constantly patrolled loneliness.86. His conception of humans is skewed and none of us can win his trust.87. After the dismissal of the cook, we had to make our meals ourselves.88. The professor has been a(n) advocate of changes to English teaching.89. This is variable, depending on how the two parties perceive the relationship.90. We can see both variety and uniformity in these Hollywood movies.Unit1091. To most women, diamond is an irresistible temptation.92.Don’t worry. Even if the road is cut off by snow, we have sufficient food to last a week.93. Much should be taken into consideration when one budgets for a research project.94. People doubt whether prison is the best sanction against a crime like this throughout the country.95. I don’t think he is qualified for the position. He panics easily and is therefore useless in an emergency.96. With a 30-year effort, the company has built a reputation of innovative designs, and quality manufacturing.97. A suspected kidnapper was caught after a rush-hour police chase along a London Underground tunnel yesterday.98. Intellectual property rights represent exclusive rights for intellectual wealth created in the field of science, technology, literature and arts.99. Since there is no better way to evaluate one’s intelligence, we have to place our reliance on IQ tests.100. I hereby affirm that all the information given in this form is true and correct.。
研究生英语读写佳境课文译文及答案(Units1-8)第一篇:研究生英语读写佳境课文译文及答案(Units 1-8)第一单元有安吉尔瀑布和德弗尔峡谷的Canaima生态之旅我把包扔进后座,来到旅客一排座位,滑进前面的座位。
Unit OneText AII. VocabularyA. 1. bear 2. haunt 3. bespeak4. approach5. trivial6. self-assertionB.1. A2. B3. B4. A5. C6. D7. B8. C9. D 10. CC.1. is afflicted with2. bearing3. press4. elusive5. abandon themselves to6. trivial7. descend8. at lengthIII. Grammar & StructureA.1.don’t leave; will be; get2.was drowning; dived; rescued3.exploded; climbed4.reached; realized; didn’t know5.will be; opens6.will start; return7.makes; has found8.was raining; played/were playing; was trying; didn’t get on/wasn’t getting on; keptB.1. A2. B3. D4. A5. C6. A7. D8. B9. D 10. AIV. Translation1. Research revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction. It’s every citizen’s obligation toprotect them.2. I felt approaching footsteps. Someone took my hand and I was caught up and held close in thearms of him.3. She had abandoned herself to grief since she heard the news that her husband was killed in the caraccident. Her sister strived to comfort her but in vain.4. According to laws, no one has the right to impose a private will upon others. As long as you followthe laws, you can do whatever you want.5. He opened the door to his parents’ importunities and descended the st airs slowly. Holding up hishead high, he carried himself like an arrogant knight.Text BKey to ExercisesComprehension & AppreciationA.1. B.2. C.3. A.4. D.5. B.6. A.B.1. 天气晴朗时,总有一位画家带着他的画架待在那儿。
1 Keys to New Perspective Graduate Series Unit Two V. V ocabulary Section A 1. roaming 2. was hounded 3. prosperous 4. vulgar 5. defects 6. vengeance 7. exquisite 8. gaudy 9. maxim 10. status quo Section B 1-5 ACBBD 6-10 ACDBD VI. Cloze 1. launched 2. with 3. however 4. on 5. hiding 6. exercise 7. varied 8. within 9. scores 10. average 11. quickest 12. received 13. problems 14. along 15. essential 16. through 17. perform 18. avoid 19. series 20. drop VIII. Translation 1. Although she has gone through numerous failures Katherine still believes that she could make a world champion of her son. 2. This training program is not really a bad experience. But I would have liked it better if the courses had been a bit more practical. 3. You should have known better than to open a suspicious attachment. 4. Unfortunately he died from a sudden traffic accident leaving the experiment half-done. 5. Wouldn’t it be better if the food market on the street corner could be turned into a garden 6. Much as I am eager to please everyone I seem never be able to speak out the right thing at the right time. 7. This little gadget makes a good present for the elderly for it can keep accurate track of one’s blood pressure.8. Jane is always working so hard to achieve the next thing and she never has time to sit back and pat herself on the back about the things that she has already done. 9. Tom sized up the situation and decided to downsize his business which turned out to be a wise decision. 10. It is not enough for our univedrsit5y to resign itself to the status quo it should speed up its development and make itself one of the best universities in China. Keys to New Perspective Graduate Series Unit Three V. V ocabulary Section A 1. plummet 2. daunt 3. harrowing 4. disposition 5. surface 6. imminent 7. exertion 8. wholesome 9. stranded 10. gobble Section B 2 1-5 ACBCA 6-10BDACB VI. Cloze 1. keys 2. divided 3. external 4. life 5. to 6. function 7. means 8. understanding 9. oneself 10. of 11. successful 12. internally 13. others 14. can 15. lies 16. teach 17. derived 18. conduct 19. find 20. apply VIII. Translation 1. When someone is in “desert experience”—a period of feeling barren of options even hope the most important thing is not to allow himself to be stranded in the desert. 2. With financial resources exhausted and the pressure of a big family to support Jimmy wanted to escape at first but finally his courage and good humor saw him through. 3. Someone believes that it is never too late to embark on a new career in any period of life. 4. What makes sense is to face the challenge rather than run away from the troubles after suffering a significant loss. 5. With the small income from her restaurant job Mary could barely make ends meet. 6. It dawns on people that failure is nothing to be afraid of. But it is a precious experience in life. 7. The president wishes every student to forge ahead on the career ladder at the commencement ceremony. 8. Scientists are studying smokers and the people with depression in an attempt to sort out their complicated physical and psychological problems. 9. Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or shielding their children from the knowledge that they have failed. 10. No one can be perfect so be easy on oneself. Unit Four V. V ocabulary Section A 1. sane 2. insatiable 3. purports 4. uplifting 5. devout 6. static 7. arbitrary 8. rapt 9. cardinal 10. demanding Section B 1-5 ACADB 1-10 AABDA VI. Cloze 1. more 2. by 3. mind 4. found 5. yourself 6. with 7. worrying 8. unnecessary 9. everything 10. lies 11. reason 12. focus 13. problems 14. right 15. regardless 16. around 17. happens 18. react 19. life 20. only VIII. Translation 1. In modern society advertising has become one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness. 2. Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that rightly values tradition for its own sake. 3 3. Short of having their own children the couple can never experience the pleasure of being p arents. 4. He takes other’s success as a kind of challenge and motivation. He keeps telling himself that he should do better than others. 5. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness then pain must be equated with unhappiness. The truth is that things that lead to happiness involve some pain. 6. In homes where money was tight no sacrifice was too great in orderthat the child has whatever he needed to learn to become a musician. 7. As long as we understand that fun does not bring happiness we can begin to lead our lives differently. 8. If we do get what we want we’ll keep thinking of all that we don’t possess—and we will remain dissatisfied. 9. The only way to truly balance your career with family life is to think long and hard about your life values and live by them. 10. Anyone who wants to have a both fruitful and cheerful life should deal well with the relationship between work and play. Unit Six V. V ocabulary Section A 1. therapy 2. accidental 3. dissenter 4. befallen 5. partial 6. exhilarating 7. vapid 8. swoon 9. mindless 10. scholastic Section B 1-5 ADBDA 6-10 CBDBC VI. Cloze 1. borrowed 2. download 3. required 4. simple 5. quit 6. started 7. overcome 8. mentally 9. permanent 10. charge 11. opposite 12. put 13. temporarily 14. habits 15. Maintain 16. off 17. discipline 18. deprivation 19. count 20. benefit VIII. Translation 1. The twin sisters always appeared together speaking in the same tone thus none of us could tell them from each other. 2. The professor put in a word for his favorite student in the recommendation letter although this student had quit college for two years. 3. The Russians both on land and in the air had then the upper hand of the Germans. 4. After being expelled from university for cheating in the exam he was up the creek now.5. At the request of the students’ parents the school allowed the students to study at home in the evening.6. They didn’t accept the report because it came out totally against the social standard.7. With many twists and turns the naive little girl finally became sophisticatedlearning how to deal with difficulties. 48. Although mavericks are condemned as eccentrics by the society they are deeply welcomed by the youth.9. Thanks to the help from that charity organization poor students who once dropped out f rom school can continue their education. 10. To celebrate the loyal family’s visit to the small town citizens strewed all the paths with flowers. Unit Seven V. V ocabulary Section A 1. mobilized 2. collective 3. commitment 4. sustain 5. reveal 6. substitute 7. remedy 8. prevailing 9. reverse 10. merit Section B 1-5 BDAAD 6-10 BACAC VI. Cloze 1. couple 2. sequence 3. rarely 4. increasingly 5. dramatic 6. rate 7. experience 8. marriage 9. likely 10. evidence 11. fact 12. break 13. rule 14. diversity 15. proportion 16. stepfamilies 17. family 18. biological 19. household 20. different VIII. Translation 1. Mike found that he couldnt remain seated any more while she was striding to and fro across the office. 2. His character is shaped less by his education at school than by his life experience. 3. As a mother she always shares the pride in what her children have accomplished. 4. It is a defining feature of the modern society that more women are in the workforce. 5. It is generally assumed that at postgraduate level the students can take better care of themselves and don’t need guidance anymore. 6. Never before had I noticed that there is such a variety of family structures in our society. 7. The healthy development of a child hinges largely on the love and care from both parents. 8. The sharp decline in the well-being of children put the new policy under siege. 9. This book gives you the distilled ideas of the ancient Greeks in a form that is easy to understand. 10. Usually the middle-aged don’t spend on their parent s as much as they do on their children. Unit Ten V. V ocabulary Section A 1. temptation 2. sufficient 3. budgets 4. sanction 5. panics 6. innovative 7. suspected 8. exclusive 9. reliance 10. affirm Section B 5 1-5 DACBD 6-10 ABDCB VI. Cloze 1. accused 2. since 3. property 4. technology 5. suspecting 6. acknowledged 7. opposite 8. instant 9. adapt 10. catch-up 11. sophisticated 12. advance 13. answers 14. options 15. decade 16. store 17. access 18. difficult 19. prevent 20. bridge VIII. Translation 1. We shall always look to the past experience for guidance so that we would not repeat the same mistakes. 2. Some educators believe that compared with strong sanctions proactive strategies serve as a better way to prevent students from cheating in exams. 3. The manager decided to subscribe to the management software to improve the efficiency of the office. 4. I tried to make sense of these English words in the test paper but in vain so I took a peep at my e-dictionary. 5. Ifthese new methods don’t work we’ll have to fall back on our old system. 6. administration 7. He didn’t break the rule on purpose. He made the wrong decision out of ignorance. 8. The school authority promised to implement a new system to fight against campus cheating. 9. In a last-minute effort to meet the deadline she downloaded a paper from internet and handed it in. 10. With the development of technology Computer has a more and more important role to play in our study. Nowadays even some tests are computer-based.。
Warming-upB. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers4. business travelers5. adventure travelers6. luxury travelersComprehensionB. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-bVocabulary & StructureA. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated6. lucid7. decked out8. awe-inspiring9. plummeted 10. graciousTranslationA.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。
B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, I saw laidout before me a spectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld;but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon.2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village, dinnering withthem and enjoying various dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of …roughing-it‟.Writing 1… Paragraph 1 introduces the trip by des cribing the author‟s initial venture into the park. Paragraph2 comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs. Paragraph 5 describes the hospitality of the traveler‟ hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6 reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture.Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare …energy meridia ns‟ of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone.Comprehension1. C2. C3. D4. C5. A6. DVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately 10. zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage5. given6. hidden, stealthy7. struggled with8. mild, not harshTranslationB.1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs to them tobe relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who ar e opposed to …Euthanasia‟ believe that it is no different from murder and that it isunethical, while the pro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients‟ final decision.3.The fear that …mercy killing‟ will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But with effectivemeasures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hastyB. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are taking against chance, against destiny,and in the course of it we may realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years oftoil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3.On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are in ourfavor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueA. 1. involved 2. touch 3.. spoil 4. boost 5. get on6. get in Dutch7. flinging mud at8. heart-heart9. profusion 10. bit her tongue offTranslationA.首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。
新视角研究生英语读说写1课文翻译以及课后习题答案一、A Workin g Commun i ty5、None of us, mind you, was born into thesecommun ities. Nor did we move into them, U-Haulin g our possessions alongw ith us. None has papers to provew e are card-carryin g members of one such groupo r another. Y et it seemst hat more and more of us are identi fiedb y work thesed ays, rather than by street.值得一提的是,我们没有谁一出生就属于这些社区,也不是后来我们搬了进来。
6、In the past, most Americ ans live in neighb o rhoo d s. We were member s of precin cts or parish es or school districts. My di ct io n arystill d efines commun tiy, first o f all in geographict erms, as “a body of people who live in one place.”过去大多数彼邻而居的美国人彼此是同一个街区、教区、校区的成员。
Warming-upB. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers4. business travelers5. adventure travelers6. luxury travelersComprehensionB. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-bVocabulary & StructureA. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated6. lucid7. decked out8. awe-inspiring9. plummeted 10. graciousTranslationA.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。
B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, I saw laid out before me aspectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld; but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon.2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village, dinnering with them and enjoyingvarious dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of ‘roughing-it’.Writing 1… Paragraph 1introduces the trip by describing the author’s initial venture into the park. Paragraph 2 comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3 provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs. Paragraph 5 describes the hospitality of the traveler’ hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6 reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture. Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare ‘energy meridians’ of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone.Unit TwoText AComprehension1. C2. C3. D4. C5. A6. DVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately 10. zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage5. given6. hidden, stealthy7. struggled with8. mild, not harsh1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs to them to be relieved of suffering;there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who are opposed to ‘Euthanasia’ believe that it is no different f rom murder and that it is unethical, while thepro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients’ fi nal decision.3.The fear that ‘mercy killing’ will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But with effective measures rigorouslytaken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hastyB. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are taking against chance, against destiny, and in the course of it wemay realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose hisdignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3.On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are in our favor, then gambling is nolonger a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueUnit 4 Text A Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. involved 2. touch 3.. spoil 4. boost 5. get on6. get in Dutch7. flinging mud at8. heart-heart9. profusion 10. bit her tongue offTranslationA.首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。
Unit 21.On the average of six times a day,a doctor in Holland practices“active”euthanasia:intentionally administering a lethal drug to a terminally ill patient who has asked to be relieved of suffering. Twenty times a day, life-prolonging treatment is withheld or withdrawn when there is no hope that it can effect an ultimate cure.荷兰的医生平均每天6次实施“主动”安乐死:即有意提供给要求从痛苦中得以解脱的晚期病人致命药物。
2.The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.争论了很久的“安乐死”问题最近时不时地演变成激烈的公众大争论,双方都声称自己的事业是最终的正义。
3.And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greaterforce.They argue that every human being should have the right to “die with dignity”, by which they usually meanthe right to escape the horrors of a painful or degrading hospitalization.因此,安乐死提倡者们已开始积极主张他们的观点。
Test OnePart Ⅰ VocabularySection ADirections: There are thirty incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. His career was not noticeably__________by the fact that he had never been to college.A) prevented B) restrained C) hindered D) refrained2. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be_______in deeper.A) absorbed B) pushed C) heaved D) sucked3. To_______for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.A) commence B) compromise C) compensate D) compliment4. All visitors are requested to_________with his regulations.A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent5. The captain__________the horizon for approaching ships.A) scanned B) scrutinized C) explored D) swept6. The vast majority of people in any given culture will________to the established standards of that culture.A) confine B) conform C) confront D) confirm7. Although he was on a diet, the food__________him enormously.A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged8. His argument doesn't suggest that mankind can_________to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.A) resort B) grant C) afford D) entitle9. If you want this painkiller, you will have to ask the doctor for a____________ .A) receipt B) recipe C) subscription D) prescription10. Some fish have a greater__________for acid water than others.A) tolerance B) resistance C) dependence D) persistence11. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in______with its surroundings.A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance12. The court considers a financial_________to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A) payment B) obligation C) option D)penalty13. It is true that_________a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.A) multiplying B) breeding C) magnifying D) generating14. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national_________to agriculture than most other countries.A) resources B) potential C) budget D) economy15. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is__________ .A) luxury B) accommodation C) entertainment D) refreshment16. The students showed ____________when solving the difficult math problem.A) ingenuity B) validity C) impurity D) infinity17. The document is__________unless it is officially stamped.A) valid B) deliberate C) confidential D) invalid18. She showed taste and _______________in furnishing her home.A) recognition B) discrimination C) realization D) normalization19. Do you have a ___________of ownership for this car?A) document B) label C) passport D) certificate20. The original canal was twice__________for the larger modern boats.A) broadened B) brightened C) flattened D) strengthened21. A building__________the idea of the architect.A) embodies B) embraces C) integrates D) deviates22. The boy __________up the room again by dropping bits of paper everywhere.A) messed B) threw C) confused D) upset23. People had been conscious of the problem before, but the new book made them aware of its________ .A) manuscript B) multitude C) masterpiece D) magnitude24. His________habits soon exhausted all the money he had inherited.A) significant B) extravagant C) exquisite D) fantastic25. The story was___________; it was complete untrue.A) facilitated B) fascinated C) fabricated D) formulated26. He_______several paragraphs from the newspaper article to read at the meeting.A) concentrated B) omitted C) distracted D) extracted27. The young man __________himself bitterly for his behavior that evening.A) approached B) reproached C) praised D) encouraged28. In the sentence ―She lives alone by himself‖, the word alone is___________ .A) artificial B) necessary C) suitable D) redundant29. At present, China has signed many_________trade agreements with other countries.A) comprehensive B) reciprocal C) favorable D) advantageous30. A country isn't respected if it__________an international agreement.A) simplifies B) cancels C)postpones D)violatesSection BDirections: For each of the italicized words or phrases, four choices are given. Choose the one that best explains or defines the italicized part.1. The plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mighty Angle Falls – the longest waterfall in the world – as it down into Devil‘s Canyon.A) ascended B) fell C) dropped D) plummeted2. It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever , but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!A) saw B) beheld C) looked at D) thought about3. But the Pemon are extremely hosts. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that they were genuinely excited to share their culture and learn about us.A) compassionate B) attractive C) gracious D) unfriendly4. Our quickly disappeared and before we knew it, we were dancing alongside the Pemon.A) embarrasment B) oppression C) suppression D) inhibitions5. As much as I found the trip , I would not say it is for everyone.A) cheerful B) exhilarating C) interesting D) charming6. Three of the five nights were spent in hammocks, which did not suit everyone‘s natural .A) outline B) inclinations C) tendency D) contours7. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the of ultimate righteousness.A) excuse B) mantle C) consideration D) protection8. Reasons for the latest of interest in euthanasia are not hard to find.A) uprising B) upgrading C) surge D) rolling9. He was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for providing poison to a lonely 83-year-old woman suffering from severe back pains, as well as deafness and blindness.A) surge B) serious C) deadly D) initiative10. Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuses.A) arguments B) reasons C) evidence D) ammunition11. The proposal produced a storm of in France.A) offense B) outrage C) criticism D) hatred12. Hitler's horrifying program of the weakest members of society regularly comes up in Europeandebates on euthanasia.A) exterminating B) destroying C) extinguishing D) expelling13. From the time when we first begin to make friends with the opposite sex, to when we start dating and , till we finally take the plunge and get married, few of us realize that we are gambling all along.A) going steady B) becoming regular C) getting absorbed D) getting normal14. To many of us, gambling is, in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and .A) indifference B) cynicism C) unfeeling D) apathy15. If a man makes gambling , he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience.A) an instinct B) an obsession C) a good idea D) an impulse16. Ever since then, he had developed an palm and got so addicted to gambling that nothing and nobody can stop him.A) irritating B) annoying C) restless D) itching17. We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an to a colorless and dreary existence.A) change B) remedy C) modification D) opiate18. This idea is more today than before.A) difficult to see B) actually legal C) favored D) appropriate19. The ice will fast on a warm day like this.A)freeze B) dissolve C)melt D) flow20. New duties were on wines and spirits.A) removed B) cut C) imposed D) checked21. But whenever a new and fast method of transport comes up, Americans are quick to the old.A) destroy B) improve C) discard D) decide22. All foreign troops must from the country.A) retire B) retain C) withdraw D) revise23. There was no of poison in the coffee the chemist analyzed.A) trace B) taste C) color D) smell24. You always follow your own instead of thinking of our feelings.A) conducts B) profits C) occupations D) inclinations25. The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxemburg in hopes of easing the worldwide mad cow .A) panic B) peril C) hazard D) alarmTest TwoPart ⅠVocabulary6. A washing machine of this type will certainly _____ up to normal domestic use.A) hold B) stand C) come D) take7. Passengers are_____ not to leave their cases and packages here.A) commanded B) informed C) notified D) ordered8. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?A) stand in for B) make up for C) fall back on D) keep in with9. Complete the form as _____ in the notes below.A) insisted B) specified C) implied D) devised10. We couldn't ______ the old lady to travel by air.A) initiate B) inquire C) induce D) indicate11. A promising executive should be ready to welcome tight ______ and hard work.A) deposit B) bid C) speed D) budget12. Guess whom I ______ into this morning.A) hit B) stepped C) bumped D) met13. The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.A) divide B) decide C) diversify D) divert14. The educational plan will fail because it has no______ .A) vacation B) version C) vision D) variation15. Mark offered to help me to learn English .A) on duty B) in vain C) on purpose D) in earnest16. The international community imposed ______ on that country for its terrorism.A) sanctions B) safeguards C) tariffs D) measures17. Don't be carried away by mere_____ in this matter.A) sentiment B) sensitivity C) session D) sensation18. Difficulties and hardships have ______ the best qualities of the young geologist.A) brought out B) brought aboutC) brought forth D) brought up19. The hall was very crowed with over fifty people ______ into it.A) pushed B) packed C) stuck D) stuffed20. If the land belongs to you, why don't you lay ______ to it?A) label B) demand C) right D) claimSection B1. Many laughs followed statements such as ―It was nice meeting you, too.‖A) special B) mundane C) sour D) funny2. The Chamber of Commerce local business.A) restrains B) controls C) boosts D) oversees3. In our life, it is likely for us to have some with others.A) conflict B) friction C) harmony D) connection4. as a mature student, I often sneaked in to the back of the student sessions.A) serving B) Masquerading C) escort D) dressing up5. The Irish people have a hatred toward the British government after the Irish famine.A) forged B) influence C) indulge D) inquiry6. Other experts that some laughter is indeed aggressive in nature.A) concede B) announce C) assert D) insist7. If these bad weather conditions , the game will be canceled.A) stay B) persist C) permit D) insist8. The doctor did not the possibility of food poisoning.A) foresee B) accept C) rule out D) foretell9. There are differences between these two words.statementaccurately that the two firms already work together.A) claimed B) issued C) predicted D) reported12. The simple plan into a complicated scheme.A) evolved B) summarized C) exaggerated D) transformed13. They give top to protecting endangered animals.A) favor B) assistance C) significance D) priority14. Most traditional folk songs are of anonymous origin.Test ThreePart I VocabularySection ADirections: There are twenty five sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.1. Fears that globalization is imposing a deadening cultural uniformity are as as Coca-Cola, McDonald‘s, and Mickey Mouse these days.A) troublesome B) enticing C) ubiquitous D) disgusting2. If critics of globalization were less obsessed with ―Coca-colonization,‖ they might notice a rich feast of cultural mixing that fears about Americanized uniformity.A) lies beneath B) belies C) disapproves D) strengthens3. The beauty of globalization is that it can free people from the of geography.A) restraint B) tyranny C) demoralization D) imposition4. For a start, many ―American‖ products are not as all-American as they seem.A) characteristic B) archetypal C) synthetic D) artificial5. Most of the world has adopted the metric system born from the French Revolution; America persists with measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.A) time-honored B) antique C) antiquated D) consistent6. The biggest publisher in the English-speaking world is Germany‘s Bertelsmann, whichAm erica‘s largest, Random House, in 1998.A) ate quickly B) eroded C) hammered D) gobbled up7. People‘s culture—in the sense of their shared ideas, beliefs, knowledge, inherited traditions, and art—may scarcely be eroded by mere commercial artifacts that, despite all the furious branding, embody at best values.A) unconvincing B) flimsy C) superficial D) commercial8. Most developed countries have become intensely , but many Americans burn with fundamentalist fervor—like Muslims in the Middle East.A) secular B) pious C) religious D) superstitious9. Latin American salsa, Brazilian lambada, and African music have all carved out globalfor themselves. In most countries, local artists still top the charts.A) fans B) enthusiasts C) musicians D) niches10. Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English; now their soccer team isof national pride.A) an embellishment B) the embodiment C) emblematic D) an embarrassment11. ―What's happening now is the trisection of world power,‖ he continued. ―nations on the bottom, smokestack countries in between, and knowledge-based economies on top.‖A) Agrarian B) uncivilized C) underdeveloped D) underprivileged12. The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter.A) arrest B) assault C) shield D) glisten13. If you have the (as I once had) actually to walk into one of these establishments wearing a ready-made suit, you will regret it.A) rashness B) audacity C) tenacity D) shrewdness14. Meanwhile, the tailors themselves, so neat, so clean, so , are busy with the pins and the chalk.A) gracious B) spruce C) deft D) polished15. My usual trouser man is smaller and livelier, more bustling, more cheerful gossip. A long and intimate acquaintance with trousers has made him far more democratic and earthy.A) hostile to B) sensitive to C) detached from D) given to16. When I was young, I lived much outside my own country. I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of prejudice.A) insular B) hypothetical C) irrational D) foolproof17. The first step—waking up to the of the world's environmental problems—has in a sense been under way for more than two decades.A) dimensions B) impacts C) urgency D) irreversibility18. Environmental concerns were viewed by many Third World leaders in 1972 as ―luxury problems‖ that onlyrich nations could afford to deal with. Although this view is still by some, it has a thoroughly unconvincing ring.A) loathed B) espoused C) rectified D) verified19. Meanwhile, foreign-aid donations have stagnated since the mid-1980s, and $ 1.2 trillion worth of foreign debt has accumulated, sapping financial earnings and the credit-worthiness of low-income countries.A) undermining B) illustrating C) underlying D) magnifying20. While the rich may on the upper decks and protect themselves for a while, they too are ultimately threatened.A) shelter B) congregate C) relax D) watch indifferently21. A sustainable society is one that satisfies its needs without the prospects of future generations.A) disturbing B) neglecting C) jeopardizing D) penalizing22. The Merrill Center the new wave of ―green architecture,‖ a catchall term for design and construction practices that take into account a whole checklist of environmental goals.A) revolutionizes B) quantifies C) epitomizes D) parallels23. In summer the garden helps keep the building cool by it under a layer of moist material. In winter it insulates against cold.A) shadowing B) relieving C) benefiting D) shielding24. Relying on an incomplete accounting system, one that does not measure the destruction of natural capital associated with gains in economic output, we our productive assets, satisfying our needs today at the expense of our children.A) reduce greatly B) drain C) deplete D) liquidate25. Boosters of Western culture can point to increased efforts to preserve and protect the environment. Yet they make no mention of some less aspects of Western culture, such as cigarettes and automobiles.A) civilized B) salubrious C) ostensible D) formidableSection BDirections: There are twenty five sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.26. In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeedbe__________.A. restlessB. skilledC. strongD. versatile27. It is a(n) ___________ that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease.A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D) illusion28. He said that ending the agreement would _________ the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.A) venture B) expose C) jeopardize D) legalize29. These continual ________ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.A) transformations B) relations C) fluctuations D) expeditions30. The conference discussed, ________, the possibility and measures of environmental pollution protection.A) all the same B) in the long runC) among other things D) to the point31. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.A) towed B) pressed C) tossed D) propelled32. Parents often faced the ________ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A) paradox B) junction C) dilemma D) premise33. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his________ as he developed his own technique.A) descendants B) predecessors C) successors D) ancestors34. A 1994 World Bank report concluded that ________ girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.A) assigning B) admitting C) involving D) enrolling35. It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20- minute meeting.A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique36. Professor Smith explained the movement of light___________ that of water.A) by analogy with B) by virtue of C)in line with D)in terms of37. The hands on my alarm clock are __________, so I can see what time it is in the dark.A) exotic B) gorgeous C) luminous D) spectacular38. The Government‘s policies will come under close ________ in the weeks before the election.A) appreciation B) specification C) scrutiny D) apprehension39. Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _________ to have withdrawn from the program.A) contemplated B) deemed C) acknowledged D) anticipated40. Police and villagers unanimously _________ the forest fire to thunder and lightning.A) ascribed B) approached C) confirmed D) confined41. You shouldn‘t _______ your father‘s instructions. Anyway he is an experienced teacher.A) deduce B) deliberate C) defy D) denounce42. The company management attempted to _______information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain.A) suppress B) supplement C) concentrate D) plug43. High grades are supposed to____________ academic ability, but John's actual performance did not confirmthis.A) certify B) clarify C) classify D) notify44. Millions of people around the world have some type of physical, mental, or emotional __________ that severely limits their abilities to manage their daily activities.A) scandal B) misfortune C) deficit D) handicap45. During the famine, many people were __________ to going without food for days.A. sunkB. reducedC. forcedD. declined46. The team‘s efforts to score were __________ by the opposing goalkeeper.A. frustratedB. preventedC. discouragedD. accomplished47. The software is a popular tool in business, where it ________ and simplifies such procedures as budgeting.A) puts on B) puts forward C) takes after D) speeds up48. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to __________ with some of her most treasured possessions.A. divideB. separateC. partD. abandon49. Years after the accident he was still _________ by images of death and destruction.A) twisted B) dipped D) submerged50. Tom is bankrupt now. He is desperate because all his efforts __________ failure.A) tumbled to B) hinged upon C) inflicted on D) culminated inTest FourPart ⅠVocabularySection ADirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence there are four words or phrases marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.1.We can‘t the suspect to be guilty simply because they have decided to remain silent.A) assume B) resumeC) consume D) agree the idea that2.The group remain in its support for the new system, even when it was criticized in thenewspapers.A) happy B) angry C) steadfast D) strange3.Among other things, the museum boasts an collection of French Porcelain.A) unlocked B) unrivaled C) unknown D) unsolved4.The closure of the factory could the lives of thousands of families in the area whose incomes depend on it.A) support B) decide C) dedicate D) devastate5.Throughout history, peopled have been by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.A) lead B) intrigued C) complicated D) explained6. Northern areas of the country were by/in a snowstorm last night.A) engulfed B) tested C) escaped D) discover7.The detail of her wildlife painting is a to her power of observation.A) test B) exam C) testament D) statement8.The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday new life into the weekends.A)take B) get C) throw D) infuses9.The new technique involves surgeons making small in the skin into which tubes are inserted.A) decision B) discussion C) incisions D) pot10.Seeing the children in the park thoughts of his own sons on the other side of the Atlantic.A) prompted B) promote C) protect D) throw to11.‗Spitting image‘ is a British television program which the political events of the past week.A) satirizes B) praises C) comments D) explain calmly12. The money he got from teaching evening classes provides a to his income of his job to pay the10-year housing loan.A) compliment B) supplement C) addition D) supervision13. He had a suspicion that the certificate was forgery, but on closer , it seemed OK.A) incision B) installation C) inflammation D) inspection14. It was snowing heavily in the mountain areas. The drivers were facing the dual of black ice andfrozen snow.A) decision B) donation C) provision D) hazards15. The Beatles‘ rise to fame was quite ---in less than two years it was a household name, for nobodyhad heard anything like that before.A) noticeable B) phenomenal C) complicated D) precautious16. After so many years of hard life experiences, he has formed a habit of keeping about his past,which makes his colleagues very suspicious of him.A) reticent B) talkative C) practical D) romantic17. She was very as she was waiting for the interview because she know there were a lot ofcandidates competing for the position in this big company.A) intelligent B) tense C) decisive D) confident18. Psychologists were to discover that volunteers in the experiment were often willing to inflictpain on others If they were told to.A) decided B) agreed C) astounded D) enjoyed19.For this venture to be really successful we must start by the enthusiasm of parent, teachers andpupils.A) throwing away B) leading to C) taking out D) mustering20.A statement issued by the t wo companies uses the phrase ―increased cooperation‖, thereby inferringquite accurately that the two firms already work together.A) claimed B) issued C) predicted D) reportedSection BDirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.1. The computer revolution may well change society as______ as did the Industrial Revolution.A) certainly B) insignificantlyC) fundamentally D) comparatively2. The moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less than that of the earth;_________, the force of gravity at the moon's surface is only one-sixth of that at the earth‘s surface.A) in consequence B) in nature C) in essence D) in practice3. One of the wildest and most ___________ parts of the United States is the Everglades where wild life is abundant and largely protected.A) unattainable B) unavailable C) inaccessible D) unobtainable4. The tourists __________ through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself.A) glanced B) glimpsed C) peered D) peeped5. Shaka _________ power and became the king of the Zulus upon the death of his father.A) presumed B) resumed C) consumed D) assumed6. Good lighting in factories leads to greater comfort, higher___________ and productivity, fewer mistakes and accidents.A) profusion B) proficiency C) efficiency D) efficacy7. It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial __________ will be conducted by computer.A) transactions B) transmissionsC) transitions D) transformations8. Just imagine the shock of the Prime Minister when three of his senior Cabinet colleagues______________ and resigned in protest on Friday night.A) revolved B) resolved C) revived D) revolted9. For Americans a friendship may be_________,casual, situational or deep and enduring. But to an European, who sees only the surface behavior, the differences are not clear.A) identical B) superficial C) compulsory D) beneficial10. What we mean by salesmanship often refers to the ability to __________ people to willingly buy products or support new ideas.A) deduce B) reduce C) induce D) seduce11. The means ________ the scientists transformed the invention into application came largely from their years of studies and experiments.A) wherein B) whereon C) whereof D) whereby12. Being introduced to someone may be a signal to bow in one country while in another it is a ____________ to shake hands.A) cure B) cue C) coup D) core13. If you push hard on the world, the world will push back on you;_____________, if you touch the world gently, the world will touch you gently .A) in return B) in the long run C) in turn D) in place14. We must cherish experience acquired__________ our own blood.A) by reason of B) at the mercy ofC) at the cost of D) by virtue of15. While machines have rescued farmers from a mainly labor-intensive existence, still the ______________ on weather plagues their days.A) availability B) changeability C) dependence D) relevance16. The successful hijacking _____________ a number of terrorist activities.A) triggered B) propelled C) upheld D) testified17. Workers in America are getting higher wages while turning out poor products that do not_________ the test of international competition.A) put up with B) stick up for C) stand up to D) face up to18. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly_______________ to another subject.A) committed B) favored C) switched D) transmitted19. In a _____________ between the management and the union, a 4% pay raise was agreed on in return for an increase in productivity.A) promise B) collaboration C) compromise D) cooperation20. The president's abuse of power and negligence of duty were ________________ in all the newspapers.A) renounced B) demonstrated C) protested D) denounced11。
Vocabulary & Structure(unit2)prosecute controversy respondent hospitalization moderatezealous surge compassionate ammunition elaboorate1. Green plants organic compounds from inorganic by means ofphotosynthesis.2. Many court cases in the past 15 years have shown that a competent physician whocarries out euthanasia will suffer no .3. Euthanasia has been a very issue in Europe since at least 1963.4. The facts he had collected through on-the-spot observation provided him with‘ for his argument.5. We will never take on snake-like scoundredls.6. 76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost the same .John’’s arthritis is getting so unbearable these days that he has to7. Johnbe .8. hatred against those spreading rumors about him within him.9. Despite some exceptions, compassionate killing are dealt with very inBritish courts.10. The advocates of euthanasia have been working with such great that theyare regarded as quite radical in some European countries.Vocabulary & Structure(unit3)hasty chance shine backwardsbabe smite odd splash1. V ery many of the things we bend over to do involve taking somerisk.2. Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like in thewood.3. Sometimes, even a remark may result in tragedy.4. The are usually in favor of those who are brave enough.5. Mind you: she always with her tongue.6. Dick is not the kind of person who likes to his money about.7. You can rest assured that the sun is not always on him.8. I asked him to beat a retreat but my words were like water off aduck’’s back.duck1Vocabulary & Structure(unit5)Anecdote bane epidemic stimulus pathologicalintriguing bout mundane1. This high tech is more of a than a boon for mankind.2. He listened to these small-town with contempt.3. George resented returning to this kind of routine.4. Light is a to growth in plants.5. All the school in the city were closed during the of scarlet fever.To me that’’s what is really about him.6. To me that7. mother was in the midst of a of house cleaning.8. His hatred of her was almost .Vocabulary & Structure(unit7)fragment tailor relevant to flock hark back tolament tyranny dissolve deem notch upcarve out niches have a finger in every pie1. All man recognize the right of revolution; that right to refuse allegiance to ,andresist, the government, when its or its inefficiency are great andunendurable.2. In an international conference UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that thefreshly minted plans for Irap as soon as they begin to take shape.3. Visitor soon began to in from county houses, villages and lonelyuplands to see the reception, or if not to see it, and any rate to be near it.4. It seems to me if I were young and in love I should never a man ofordinary caliber worthy of my devotion.5. And Mr.Brocke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to‘ her hard lot.6. I handled this amazing antiquity with the greatest possible tenderness, lest itshould in my hands.7. When it comes to trade in the underdeveloped parts of the world, most Westerncountries want to .8. Whilst the film does become somewhat over-indulgent in parts, its nostalgic feelis excellently used to make all of us want to the care-free days ofchildhood.9. Research projects should the requirement of the country and shouldhelp in improving the quality of life of the people.10. Legal advice needs to should specific circumstances, and youshoud therefore consult with an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.11. Because nomadic life style is often unstable and hostile, nomads are alwaysfighting their way through harsh elements and foreign territories in the effort to ‘ for themselves.12. We expect the group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic andSlovakia still to growth of almost 2% this year.Vocabulary & Structure(unit9)espouse inhabit wake up to predicament stagnateparadox jeopardize hinge on inextricably undermine1. The root cause of the grave historical error that is American image andinterest is the outcome of its misguided foreign policy which is designed to favor specific individuals and political groups at the expense of the will and aspirations of the general public.the government’’s ability to 2. AfghanistanAfghanistan’’s future as a democratic nation the governmentemancipate Afghan women in all spheres of society.3. Father Claude taught the boy to respect the rights of others, to the causeof the poor and wak and to revere God.4. Some of these lizards the high and damp parts of the islands, but they aremuch more numerous in the lower and sterile districts near the coast.Johnson’’s reputation as the chief English 5. It is an interesting that while Johnsonman of letters of his age seems secure for all time, his works, for the post part, have long ceased to be read.6. Our village life would have if it had not been for the unexplored forestsand meadows which surrounded it.7. Night was falling rapidly, and their wwa rendered doubly worse whenthey could not even find the trail which they had been following.8. The man is mad-quite mad-and we cannot longer our own throats merelyto humor his crazy and criminal whims.9. What I can say is that the uprising in Iraq will continue and the American publicmay well the deaths of thousands of its sons and daughters.10. He felt the good and had within himself mingled and overlapping.。
读说写1 Unit one[A]1. The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small businesses.2. His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist.3. We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions.4. Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others.5. No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone else’s approval, at someone else’s mercy.6. The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will.7. The government hopes that sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up for its loss.8. In modern society, people are more likely to be identified by their professions, rather than by their communities.9. Careers jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.10. We did have an investigation with regard to the issue, but we should not comment on it.[B]不是所有的住宅区都是空的,也不是所有的工作单位都是友好的.多数人在这里都曾有过复杂的经历.然而,最近一位女性朋友告诉我她对工作单位里的人的了解程度要胜于对同一街区人的了解程度.我们不仅把社区的概念从住宅区迁移到办公楼,上班时身上佩戴的标志也把我们和异国他乡的人们和公司员工联系在一起.我们假设自己和其他的教师、护士、城市规划者有某些共同点。
Unit Two (Text A)Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately10. zealTranslation B.1. Quite a few terminally ill patients ask their doctors to use deadly drugs to them to be relievedof suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is hopeless to cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who are opposed to ‘Euthanasia’ believe that it is no different from murder and that it isunethical, while the pro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients’ final decision.3.The fear that ‘mercy killing’ will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But witheffective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit Three (Text A)Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds 5. smites 6. splash 7. shinning8. hasty Translation B1.That we take the plunge to try is all to struggle against ourselves or our destiny, and thus realizing our values. The result is either to fail , to succeed after suffering hardships or some pride on himself due to constant care by the God..2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3. On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are in our favor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Unit 5 Text AVocabulary & structureA. 1. bane 2. anecdotes 3. mundane 4. stimulus 5. intriguing 6.epidemic 7. bout 8. pathologicalTranslation B.1.The role of laughter is more complex than people have imagined. People laugh for a variety of reasons. People laugh not only when they feel good, but in response to mundane statements and in uncomfortable situations as well. For example, when people are surprised at funny-looking things, their natural reaction is laughter. Something seems awkward for a moment and people don't know what to do, so people laugh. Even in a threatening situation, laughter may serve as a way of calming down the tense atmosphere.2. Why do we laugh? A convincing explanation waits for more confirmation. But people all over the world are convinced that it is pretty good to laugh. Laughter enables people to keep mentally healthy and laughter functions as some kind of social signal to strengthen a social bond because studies have shown that people are more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone. and it can break down barriers and forge a connection with each other.Unit 7 Text AVocabulary & structureA. 1. tyranny 2. will dissolve 3. flock 4. deem 5. lament 6. fragment 7. have a finger in every pie 8. hark back to 9. be relevant to10. be tailored to11. carve out niches 12. notch upTranslation B.nguages are vehicles of value systems and of cultural expressions and they constitute a determining factor in the identity of groups and individuals. Yet, it is reckoned, more than fifty per cent of the world’s 6000 languages are on the verge of becoming extinct. And, as a matter of fact, one language disappears on average every two weeks. Many factors contribute to language extinction. But the English language prevalent worldwide is certainly to blame and its hegemony is worrisome.2. There is overwhelming/compelling evidence that the United States is undoubtedly a global leader in many ways. While exporting its high-tech products and commercial artifacts, the United States is imposing American values on the world. Therefore, some people turn their noses up at globalization, fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization. Such fears are not over-blown.Unit 9Text A V & SA. 1. undermining 2. hinges on 3. espouse 4. inhabit 5. paradox6. have stagnated7. predicament8. jeopardize9. wake up to 10. inextricably Translation BB. 1. At the global level, the environmental movement has already been under way for decades and the public awareness of environment protection has been correspondingly enhanced. In spite of this, the health of Mother Earth is still deteriorating at an unprecedented rate. Many people can’t help wondering how long it will take for human beings to turn things around.2. Without abiding by the basic ecological principles, some underdeveloped countries have achieved rapid economic growth in the past decades but at the expense of the environment. To make matters worse, they have failed to put effective brakes on the overgrowth of their populations. As a result, environmental degradation and population expansion are driving anever-increasing number of people into poverty.。
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Text AWarming-upB. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers4. business travelers5. adventure travelers6. luxury travelers ComprehensionB. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-bVocabulary & StructureA. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated6. lucid7. decked out8. awe-inspiring9. plummeted 10. graciousTranslationA.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。
B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, Isaw laid out before me a spectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld; but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon.2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village,dinnering with them and enjoying various dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of …roughing-it‟.Writing 1… Paragraph 1 introduces the trip by d escribing the author‟s initial venture into the park.Paragraph 2comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3 provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs.Paragraph 5describes the hospitality of the traveler‟ hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture. Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare …energy meridians‟ of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone.Text AComprehension1. C2. C3. D4. C5. A6. DVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately 10. zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage5. given6. hidden, stealthy7. struggled with8. mild, not harshTranslationB.1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs tothem to be relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who are oppose d to …Euthanasia‟ believe that it is no different from murder and that it isunethical, while the pro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients‟ final decision.3.The fear that …mercy killing‟ will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But witheffective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hastyB. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are taking against chance, againstdestiny, and in the course of it we may realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained throughyears of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3.On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are inour favor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom andapathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueUnit 4 Text A Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. involved 2. touch 3.. spoil 4. boost 5. get on6. get in Dutch7. flinging mud at8. heart-heart9. profusion 10. bit her tongue off TranslationA.首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。