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Macao[mE5kau]n. 澳门:Macao is in the southeast of Chi na. 澳门位于中国的东南面。

machine[mE5FI:n]n. 机器:That machine is at work. 那台机器正在运转。/ Is it made by hand or by machine? 它是手工做的还是机器做的?

madam[5mAdEm]n. 女士,夫人,小姐:This way, please, madam. 夫人,请这边走。/ Can I help you, Madam?

夫人,我来帮你好吗?/ Excuse me, madam, can you tell me the time please? 对不起,太太,请问现在是几点钟?【说明】常大写第一个字母,主要用于呼语,用来对已婚或未婚女性的尊称。

magazine[7mAgE5zi:n]n. 杂志:He likes collecting old ma gazines. 他喜欢收集旧杂志。

mainland[5meinlEnd]n. 大陆;本土(对岛屿,半岛而言):T he ship left the island and headed for the mainland. 轮船离开小岛向大陆开去。

make[meik] (made, made)v. 制作,做:The boy made a f rame for his picture. 这孩子为他的画做了一个架子。/ Bi rds make their nests in spring. 鸟儿在春天筑巢。/ Don’t make any noise in the library. 不要在图书馆内大声喧哗。

【短语】be made in 在……生产或制造:Watches made in Switzerland are famous. 瑞士产的表很有名。be made of 由……制成:The chair is made of wood. 这椅子是用木头做的。make a decision 做出决定:They have made t

he final decision. 他们做出了最后的决定。/ Since you w eren’t at the meeting, we m ade the decision without you.

因为你没来开会,我们便自己决定了。make a mistake 犯错误:I made a mistake in the English test. 英语考试时我答错了一处。make a noise 吵闹:The plane made a loud noise when it landed. 飞机着陆时发出很大的噪

声。/ They made a noise when they played games. 他们玩游戏时很吵。make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸:Each stude nt dipped a finger into the mixture, sucked it and made a face. 每个学生都把一个手指伸进混合液里蘸了一下,舔

了舔,然后做了一个鬼脸。make money赚钱:In the old days he never made enough to feed his family. 在旧社会,他挣的钱从来不够养家。make room for给……腾出地方:Please make room for me. 请给我让出点地方。ma ke sure 确保,确认,查明:Make sure you get there in time. 一定要准时到达那里。make telephone (phone) calls 打电话:As soon as you got home, you’d better make phone calls to us at first. 你一到家最好先给我们打个电话。make up one’s mind 下决心:She made up her min d to catch up with her classmates. 她下决心要赶上她的


man[mAn]n. 男人;人:Don’t cry. Be a man! 不要哭,要像个男子汉!/ How long has man lived on the earth?



man-made[5mAn meid]adj. 人造的,人工的:China has se nt up lots of man-made satellites into the sky。中国向太空发送过许多人造卫星。

many[5meni]adj. 许多的,多的:There are many mistakes in his exercises. 他的练习里有许多错误。/ Many people think so. 许多人认为是这样的。

【注意】many, much 的比较级和最高级分别为more和mos t。

map[mAp]n. 地图:This is a map of China. 这是一幅中国地图。/ Do you see this point on the map? 你能看到地图上的这一点吗?

March[mB:tF]n. 3月:March 8th is the International Wor king Women’s D ay. 3月8日是国际劳动妇女节。

mark[mB:k]n. 记号,标记,痕迹:When you read, you’d better make a mark where you have any questions. 你读书时,最好在有问题的地方作个记号。/ You have left di rty marks on the floor. 你在地上留下了污迹。

market[5mB:kit]n. 市场,集市:Many different kinds of meat are sold in the market. 市场上出售各种肉。marry[5mAri]v. 结婚:She married a doctor. 她和一位医生结了婚。/ They have married for ten years. 他们已经结婚10年了。

match[mAtF]n. 比赛,竞赛:I like to watch tennis match es. 我喜欢看网球赛。/ Will you go to watch the basketb all match this afternoon? 今天下午你要去看篮球比赛

